Kalachik flower medicinal properties. Fresh herbs for otitis, hemorrhoids, to relieve toothache. Application in cosmetology

Geranium is the most famous plant among indoor and garden crops, which is familiar to everyone since childhood. But few people know that South Africa is the birthplace of this unpretentious plant. Many varieties have been known for their medicinal and beneficial properties since ancient Greece. Oil was extracted from flowers, leaves and roots, decoctions were prepared and insects were fought, but there are also contraindications.

The fruits are similar to the beak of a crane, so the translation of the name from Greek means "crane". There are about 400 types of geraniums in the world.

A huge amount of active substances concentrated in the rhizome and the green aerial part consists of compounds such as:

  • vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and K (antihemorrhagic). Vitamins C and K are necessary for blood clotting and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • carotene. This hydrocarbon is indispensable for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • tannins. Such compounds have an anti-inflammatory effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • alkaloids. Medical significance can be very diverse: hemostatic, analgesic and treatment of neurological diseases;
  • anthocyanins. These substances have a bactericidal effect;
  • catechins. Such antioxidants are useful for boosting immunity and treating tumors;
  • flavonoids. These elements are responsible for strengthening, tone and elasticity of blood vessels;
  • saponins. Substances improve the secretion of glands;
  • fructose and glucose. These carbohydrates contribute to the normal functioning of the metabolism.

In addition, it is used to treat radiculitis and osteochondrosis, it will help to improve sleep and get rid of migraines. May relieve frostbite and burns.

Recipes and use of plant leaves at home


  • pour boiling water (1 cup) chopped leaves (1 tablespoon);
  • strain and rinse eyes.

Blackheads and acne

  • finely cut the leaves with a knife (3 pcs.) And add sour cream (1 tbsp.);
  • apply the mask for 15 minutes.


Fragrant leaf decoction Helps strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.
Oil ideal for facial cleansing and cellulite treatment.
frozen juice help get rid of wrinkles.


  • pour water (1 cup) crushed pelargonium root (1 tablespoon);
  • boil for 10 minutes and insist;
  • use two tablespoons.

Aseptic and antiseptic purposes

Geranium leaves, like plantain, have the ability to heal and sanitize wounds.

Helps with boils, if you apply a napkin moistened with an infusion of leaves.
In addition, the decoction will help neutralize E. coli.

For heart activity

If you put a piece of paper on your wrist, then blood pressure will drop.

  • pour boiling water (1 liter) dried meadow geranium (5 tablespoons) and leave for two hours. Take during an acute attack of angina pectoris.


  • pour boiling water (250 ml) leaves (50 g), put in a water bath for 15 minutes and strain. Apply a cloth moistened with infusion to hemorrhoidal bumps for 5 minutes.


  • dilute crushed leaves (2 tsp) in two glasses of water and leave for eight hours. Take during the day.


For acute pain you can put a geranium leaf on your tooth.


  • mix crushed fresh leaves (10 g) with oatmeal (50 g) and camphor alcohol (1 tbsp.);
  • drip a few drops of geranium juice into the ear and apply a compress to the ear all night.


Rhizome has an anti-inflammatory effect in various chronic diseases.

From flies and mosquitoes

Insects can't stand the smell, so it's a good idea to keep the plants indoors or plant them in the garden.

The benefits of geraniums in the home

There is an opinion that a patient can recover faster if flowerpots with geraniums are placed near the bed. It perfectly removes negative energy and creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Pink geranium helps in love and family relationships, white is protection from evil forces and bad influences, and red radiates vitality and positive energy.

The plant purifies the air by absorbing toxins and poisons. Allows you to relieve fatigue and relieve headaches.


Geranium tinctures and decoctions do not recommend taking during pregnancy, children and older people and individual intolerance. Pay close attention to contraindications and do not take home-made medicines - this may not be beneficial, but it may harm your health.

Types of medical forms

  1. Tincture. Most often they are prepared on the basis of alcohol and taken in the form of drops.
  2. Decoction of roots and leaves. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and cooked over low heat or a water bath. The decoction must be infused and filtered before use.
  3. Oil. For cooking, in addition to grated gruel from fresh flowers and leaves, you will need olive oil. After two weeks, geranium oil will be ready.
  4. Juice. To prepare, you will need to crush and crush the leaves, flowers and stems of geraniums. The mass must be filtered through gauze.

Geranium juice is prohibited for internal use.


Geranium is used in the preparation of ice cream, jam, marshmallows and sherbets. It is also added to bread and rolls.
There are geranium syrup and sugar.

Eye drops

It will help with cataracts if you mix the juice with the same amount of water. Bury 2 drops in each eye, but not more than a month.

Drops will help relieve inflammation and normalize eye pressure.

Face masks

  • chop peach (1 pc.), add cream (25 ml) and butter (20 drops);
  • mix and apply for 30 minutes.

The mask will help restore skin elasticity and get rid of mimic wrinkles.

  • grind baked pumpkin (15 g), add yogurt (10 g) and ether (12 drops);
  • apply and wash off after 15 minutes.

The mask will fit for dry skin and helps protect against pigmentation.

  • mix rice flour (15 g) with sour cream (30 g);
  • add ether to the mass (25 drops);
  • apply to the skin for 20 minutes.

mask fit for sensitive skin prone to allergies.

Geranium is a unique plant with a huge number of medicinal properties, which is used in modern medicine and in non-traditional treatment.

Do not forget that people with chronic diseases should consult a doctor about treatment.

Be healthy and remember that treatment is possible not only in the form of drugs, but also folk remedies.

The Geranium family, which includes numerous species of geraniums from Europe and Asia and pelargoniums from southern Africa, has attracted human attention since ancient times. In honor was not only decorative geranium, the beneficial properties of plants with curly or lacy dissected foliage and flowers of all shapes and colors were well known in ancient Greece.

The history of the use of the medicinal properties of geraniums

Botanists know about 400 species of wild geraniums, whose range extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, from northern Europe to India. In folk medicine, several native varieties of geranium are used. The richness of the biochemical composition affects almost all members of the family, including indoor pelargoniums and hybrid varieties.

The systematic study of the medicinal properties of geranium began only in the second half of the 19th century. Attention to the culture was attracted by its popularity among the poor, and the plant was used so widely that the leaves, roots, and geranium flowers were used.

Today, traditional medicine and homeopaths confirm the experience of their ancestors and highly value geranium for its beneficial properties, activity against pathogenic flora, anti-inflammatory and regenerating qualities.

Active ingredients in geranium

Geranium rhizomes and its green aerial part are harvested as medicinal raw materials. It is here that the maximum amount of biologically active substances and compounds is concentrated.

The main treasure of plants from the genus of geraniums is geraniol, a valuable aromatic alcohol, which is part of the famous geranium oil. And besides it, the composition of plant materials contains:

  • glucose and fructose;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • catechins;
  • a huge amount of tannins, the content of which in some cases reaches 4%;
  • compounds with antibacterial and antiviral properties;
  • carotene, vitamins K and C;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • alkaloids;
  • anthocyanins.

Most often used for medical purposes, meadow and blood red. But not only wild plants are rich in useful substances, the fragrant room geranium has almost less healing properties than its relative from the forest edge.

Medicinal properties of geranium and their application

Geranium has pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antiviral properties. Preparations based on plant materials can actively soothe, have a beneficial effect on working capacity, resistance to stressful situations, and insomnia.

Among the medicinal properties of geranium include the ability to:

  • prevent the occurrence of edema;
  • relieve pain and fever;
  • fight pathogenic microflora and inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • reduce blood pressure.

The plant has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, digestive tract and liver, urinary tract, genital area and kidneys. In folk medicine, geranium is used to treat osteochondrosis and.

Geranium is an effective antidepressant that calms, stabilizes the mental and psychological state, has a beneficial effect on working capacity and sleep quality.

Geranium oil properties and uses

The tool has pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, which were appreciated by cosmetologists and dermatologists. Thanks to these properties of geranium oil, it is used in the treatment of acne, pustular skin lesions, cellulite and other cosmetic problems.

The ability of the plant to influence the processes of cell regeneration and the mild disinfecting effect determined the benefits of geranium for the treatment of psoriasis. Today, vegetable raw materials and oil are used in therapy:

  • difficult-to-treat eczema;
  • consequences of frostbite;
  • severe burns.

In addition, geranium oil is an effective remedy for migraines, insomnia, and irregular menstruation.

The use of useful properties of geranium in everyday life

Sometimes the activity of a plant causes a reasonable question among amateur flower growers: “Is it possible to keep geraniums at home? Will it have a negative impact on the atmosphere in the room?

Such fears are completely unfounded. Geranium plants really actively spread aromatic substances and phytoncides around them. This improves the air quality in the house, and the ability to neutralize toxic impurities and odors makes the flower indispensable in both big cities and rural areas.

A houseplant will not only decorate the interior, it will help to cope with annoying insects. For example, the smell of geranium is poorly tolerated by mosquitoes and flies.

And people in the presence of fragrant geraniums:

  • become calmer;
  • sleep better;
  • suffer less headaches and migraines.

The beneficial properties of geranium are also manifested in the garden. Garden species can be used as a means of controlling insect pests and weeds. Geranium phytoncides inhibit the activity of both. As a result, time and effort are saved for processing the garden and garden.

Harvesting of plant raw materials of geranium and its storage

The aerial part of the plant and geranium rhizomes can be collected and stored for future use. Greens are cut during flowering and carefully dried in the shade or in special dryers at temperatures up to 45 ° C.

It is better to dig up the roots in autumn, when they accumulate the maximum amount of active and nutrients. After cleaning from the soil, washing and drying, the rhizomes are cut into small fragments and dried at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

The beneficial properties of geraniums in dried roots last for two years, and in greenery - only up to a year.

Geranium Contraindications

With a mass of medicinal properties of geranium, contraindications to its use for medical purposes may seem insignificant. And yet, they are worth taking into account, especially if family members have a tendency to allergies, or we are talking about the treatment of young children.

Some people experience an allergic reaction to the aroma of geranium and its oil, which manifests itself in respiratory symptoms: pain in the eyes, runny nose, cough and sore throat. Even the most beneficial properties of geranium will not bring health if your health worsens due to allergies.

For children, all geranium-based preparations intended for internal use should only be used with the permission of the attending physician. External use is limited only by individual intolerance. These requirements apply in full:

  • to pregnant and lactating women;
  • to persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.

Do not abuse the treatment of folk remedies based on geranium and its oil for older people, as well as in the presence of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Video about the beneficial properties of geranium

The beneficial properties of geraniums are not known to all lovers of this flowering plant. Many flower growers grow pelargonium because they like this flower for its high decorativeness and pleasant aroma of flowers.

Official medicine is skeptical about the fact that geraniums are classified as medicinal plants, and does not recognize its medicinal properties. However, in folk medicine, this plant has long been considered very useful for the human body. The benefits of fragrant pelargonium, its medicinal properties will be discussed below.

How does the smell of fragrant pelargonium affect the human body

But many people believe that such floral aromas are harmful to the human body, that they can cause headaches. But such statements are unfair in relation to fragrant pelargonium.

Any varieties of geraniums actively emit a large amount of aromatic substances, as well as phytoncides, into the surrounding atmosphere. These substances improve the atmosphere in rooms where pelargoniums are located. Besides, such aromas are able to neutralize toxins and unpleasant odors, therefore, it is these flowers that you need to keep in your home, both in the city and in the countryside.

Fragrant geranium is not only a beautiful ornamental plant, its aroma repels many insects that may appear at home with the onset of the warm season. So, blood-sucking flying insects (mosquitoes, horseflies), as well as flies, do not tolerate the aroma of fragrant pelargonium. Therefore, these flowers should definitely be kept in all rooms so that such insects do not bother.

Fragrant geranium should also be kept in the bedroom because it:

  • relieves nervous tension;
  • relieves the symptoms of insomnia in humans and normalizes sleep;
  • relieves headaches and helps to cope with migraines.

It is also useful to plant garden varieties of pelargonium in the garden. These plants help gardeners in the fight against "harmful" bugs, as well as weeds. The active substances secreted by pelargonium repel pests from cultivated plants, and also prevent weeds from actively growing.

Various infusions of foliage and flowers of room geranium are used as cosmetic products of pulp. After applying such decoctions, the skin of the face becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, and its composition improves.

The healing properties of geranium (video)

Geranium: chemical composition and collection rules

The chemical composition of different types of pelargonium varies both in the number of useful substances included in it, and in their names.

The main substances that make up geraniums:

  • various vitamins;
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils.

These compounds are synthesized in pelargonium. And in its wild-growing varieties, foliage has the ability to accumulate a large amount of mineral elements (Ni, Zn, Mg, Cu and a number of others). These trace elements enter the foliage from the soil, and their amount depends on the chemical composition of the soil in the places where this flowering plant grows.

All components that make up pelargonium are used in various industries, and some components of the essential oils of this plant have been used in perfumery.

In order for the harvested raw material to have all of the above active substances, it must be collected at a certain time and properly dried. Pelargoniums growing in natural conditions usually collect foliage and flowers. Much less often, the roots of this flower are used as medicinal raw materials. Usually the underground part is collected only from blood-red geraniums.

The aerial part of the wild-growing pelargonium is harvested at the time of flowering - usually from the second decade of June to the beginning of autumn. The roots are dug up in early autumn, washed off the ground and dried in special dryers, the temperature in which should be about 55 - 60 ° C. Geranium rhizomes are usually kept in cloth bags made of natural fabrics for no more than 24 months.

Geranium flowers and foliage can be dried under a canopy, in an attic, or in a dryer, but not in direct sunlight. After the raw material has dried, it is put in glass jars or in wooden utensils. Usually, medicinal raw materials prepared from the aerial parts of pelargonium are not stored for more than 12 months.

But it is not necessary to harvest raw materials from domestic varieties of geraniums for future use. Since these plants bloom almost all year round, it is enough to pick a few fresh leaves directly from the flower to prepare an infusion or decoction.

Useful and healing properties of room geranium

Thanks to the active substances that make up the pelargonium, preparations based on it can:

  • fight germs and viruses;
  • remove inflammatory processes;
  • stop the blood;
  • relieve stress;
  • normalize sleep;
  • beneficial effect on the human nervous system;
  • improve performance.

Medicinal properties of room pelargonium:

  • does not allow edema to develop;
  • relieves pain, relieves fever;
  • fights pathogenic microbes that multiply on the skin or mucous membranes, and also relieves inflammation arising from these microbes;
  • help fight high blood pressure.

Preparations based on this flowering plant have a positive effect on the performance of the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, the genitourinary system, and improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Traditional medicine widely uses geranium raw materials for the treatment of diseases such as osteochondrosis and sciatica. Preparations based on pelargonium are good antidepressants that have a calming effect, stabilize the human psyche.

An oil is prepared from pelargonium, which actively fights bacteria, relieves inflammation and regenerates the skin. That's why Geranium oil is actively used in cosmetology and dermatology.

Useful properties of geranium (video)

This remedy is used in the treatment of:

  • acne
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • manifestations of cellulite;
  • with other cosmetic problems of the skin;
  • with migraines;
  • irregular menstruation.

Since preparations based on geranium have a positive effect on cell regeneration, gently disinfect the skin, so they are actively used in the treatment of psoriasis.

Various preparations based on geranium and oil are used in the treatment of:

  • poorly treatable eczema;
  • people who are severely frostbitten;
  • consequences of severe burns.

When is geranium contraindicated?

They should be remembered in the following cases:
  • if one of the family members is allergic to flowering plants;
  • in the treatment of children under 10 years of age.

Some people may experience the following allergy to the smell of flowering geranium or oil based on it: a feeling of pain in the eyes, a runny nose that did not occur against the background of a cold or SARS, a strong cough, a feeling of sore throat. And if a similar manifestation of allergy occurs in one of the family members, then you should not keep pelargonium in the house.

Toddlers and children under 10 years old can be given any products prepared from geraniums only after consulting with their doctor. But it is impossible to use geranium preparations externally only if a person has an intolerance to such drugs. Also, you can not use such funds in the following cases:

  • if the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • if a person has exacerbated any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such drugs should not be used to treat the elderly. Also, you can not use preparations based on pelargonium in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

The use of pelargonium in cooking

Fragrant geranium is used in cooking to give a pleasant smell and unusual taste to pastries, as well as dessert dishes. Most often, geraniums with the smells of lemon, mint or rose are used for this.

The leaves of such pelargoniums can be added to iced tea, butter or ice cream. Candied geranium leaves with rose or mint scents can be used to decorate cakes, pies or any kind of dessert. Leaves with pronounced flavors of dime or mint are frozen in ice cubes and added to drinks, fruit salads.

Properties of geranium oil (video)

Pelargonium fragrant is widely used in folk medicine. Its useful and medicinal qualities are well known. Therefore, this flower is increasingly appearing in apartments not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a plant with medicinal properties.

Initially, geranium was known only as a wild plant, but several centuries ago this flower became widespread among wealthy people. Geranium bushes began to be grown in gardens and greenhouses, and in the second half of the 19th century, when geranium breeding began, a large number of different varieties appeared.

So geranium became a houseplant, and today there are more than a hundred of its various species.

The spectrum of action of this plant is very wide. Prepared in various ways, geranium is an excellent bactericidal agent, which makes it possible to use it for diseases of the oral cavity and various infectious conditions of the throat and upper respiratory tract. The effectiveness of the use of geranium to stop nasal and intestinal bleeding has been proven, and its astringent properties allow you to fight diseases of the digestive tract, in particular, diarrhea. In ancient times, it was believed that geranium was able to defeat cancer, however, of course, experimenting in such a situation is not worth it. Geranium preparations are effectively used for splicing complex fractures.

Pelargonium home(geranium) - a plant that was previously considered a flower of aristocrats. Its delightful lush flowers and bright color will decorate any home.

But geranium is not just a beautiful flower. Its medicinal properties are difficult to overestimate.

Geranium treatment

  1. For cough treatment per liter of water, take 25 g of pelargonium leaves and boil them for 10 minutes. Rinse your throat with this liquid, and the symptoms of a cold will be removed as if by hand. Geranium leaf juice can be instilled into the nose to get rid of a runny nose.
  2. Put a geranium leaf on your wrist if you want to normalize your blood pressure.
  3. For otitis, lightly mash a geranium leaf to release the juice. Roll the leaflet into a tube and place it in your ear at night.
  4. To relieve a toothache, apply a leaf of the plant to the tooth.
  5. Geranium secretes bactericidal substances that destroy staphylococcus, which provokes inflammatory diseases.
  6. The spectrum of action of this plant is very wide. Prepared in various ways, geranium is an excellent bactericidal agent, which makes it possible to use it for diseases of the oral cavity and various infectious conditions of the throat and upper respiratory tract. The effectiveness of the use of geranium to stop nasal and intestinal bleeding has been proven, and its astringent properties allow you to fight diseases of the digestive tract, in particular, diarrhea. In ancient times, it was believed that geranium was able to defeat cancer, however, of course, experimenting in such a situation is not worth it. Geranium preparations are effectively used for splicing complex fractures.
  7. Geranium essential oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, treats rashes and eczema.
  8. Geranium juice can treat cataracts in the early stages. Drip the juice of the plant in the eyes, and vision will improve.
  9. A compress of geranium leaves will relieve pain in osteochondrosis and sciatica.
  10. Geranium is also used in cosmetics. Wash your hair with a decoction of geranium leaves. This will save you from the problem of hair loss.

People say that this houseplant is able to respond to the illness of its owner. When a person is seriously ill, all types of geraniums in the house die, except for the red one ...

Ways to use geranium

    • The easiest way is to simply attach a geranium leaf to the body. In particular, it helps to relieve pain and heal wounds, as well as stabilize blood pressure (for this, you should attach a sheet to your wrist);
    • Compress. To prepare it, you should take one and a half to two dozen fresh leaves of the plant and knead until smooth. 50 g of rye flour, 50 ml of camphor alcohol are added to the resulting slurry, after which everything is mixed well. The use of a geranium compress requires mandatory warming. Effective for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, otitis media and, if necessary, relieve pain;
    • Juice. Grind geranium leaves, place in cheesecloth and squeeze. Geranium juice is an excellent remedy for the common cold, and is also able to stop bleeding of any etiology (nasal, uterine, hemorrhoids);
    • Infusion. 20 grams of geranium leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 8 hours (it is advisable to use a thermos, and if it is not available, it is good to close and insulate the container). Then strain and use for gargling, washing the nose and other needs;

Geranium treatment

For women's health (hormone balance)

Red geranium treatment

Essential little, which is contained in geraniums in sufficient quantities, normalizes the balance of hormones. With more and more women complaining about hormonal imbalances, I think a Revitalizing Tea recipe would come in handy. Choose geraniums with red openwork petals that look like small roses. It is better not to dry these petals, but to let them lie down a little. This way you will retain more of the essential oil in each petal. Then put it in a thermos or thermo mug and, pouring boiling water, let it brew. You can add other herbs. Thus, you will also enhance their properties. You can drink separately. Boost the bioavailability of Red Geranium Petal Herbal Tea with milk, dried fruit, or honey.

However, avoid taking on critical days, as well as during ovulation. That is, it is necessary to take tea with geranium in the 2nd phase of the cycle. This is due to the fact that geranium stimulates the adrenal cortex. They produce androgens, which are the precursors of estrogen. In the 1st phase of the cycle, the amount of estrogen in the woman's blood is increased.

Delicate petals with increased excitability

white geranium treatment

Soothe, reduce heart palpitations, eliminate the symptoms of hypertension geranium, blooming with white or pink petals. It is desirable to steam the petals in the same way as in the previous recipe. But do not get carried away with such tea! Reception, lasting more than 5-7 days, can harm your health!

Geranium oil is an excellent antidepressant (like most flower oils). The practice of using the oil showed that many people, even with a slight use of geranium oil, could not fall asleep for a long time and were in an excited state. It sort of takes you out of the “stopper” state. Since the effect on the emotional state of a woman is quite strong, be careful when using it.

Lifting procedures with geranium oil

Any expensive lifting cream pales in comparison to geranium oil. This oil can be bought, or you can make your own. To do this, pour gruel from fresh geranium leaves and petals with base oil in a ratio of 1: 1 (10 ml of base oil - 10 grams of leaves and petals). Keep the oil infusion for about 10 days and strain into a glass container for storage. I have tried combining geranium oil with face shaping for facial contouring. I felt results at the end of the first week!

We will tell you about how to grow geraniums at home, about the beneficial properties of geraniums, and also about the magical properties of this amazing indoor plant.

Geranium (pelargonium). Home care

"Pelargonium" - some people hear this name for the well-known room geranium for the first time, but we constantly meet pelargonium itself in the apartments of Friends and relatives. Most often in our apartments there is a species with an umbrella of scarlet-red flowers, this is the most common species called "Meteor", although various hybrids have long appeared that have a more spectacular appearance. Take, for example, the Royal geranium. This is the most luxurious hybrid, although its flowering period is shorter than the standard one, from early spring to mid-summer - but how it blooms!

Geranium a fairly unpretentious plant, it needs a light content, but it should be shaded from the hottest midday rays to avoid burns. The plant develops well and blooms at room temperature. The flower does not need spraying and tolerates drought better than waterlogging. Watering is required moderate all year round (the earth between waterings should dry out). Fertilizers should be applied regularly from spring to autumn for flowering houseplants.

In order for your geranium to look like a charming fluffy low bush, and not sticks sticking out of a pot, with flowers at the ends, it is necessary to pinch and trim annually. Pinch out shoots that are trying to grow too long regularly, and prune the entire plant every spring, leaving 3-4 eyes per stem. After flowering, wilted flower stalks should be removed, and wilted leaves and shoots should also be removed in a timely manner so that rot does not start.

With good care, geranium can please you for ten years, but over time, the plant loses its decorative effect, so it must be periodically propagated by cuttings, that is, re-propagated using cuttings.

To prepare a suitable soil, mix peat, sand, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions, you can, of course, buy a ready-made mixture in a store. The cutting is easiest to put on rooting in a jar of water (preferably dark glass), after 2-3 weeks roots will appear, after which it can be planted in a small container with prepared soil. The container should not be too large; geraniums bloom better in cramped pots.

It is believed that a person will recover faster if there is a pot of blooming bright red geraniums next to him. Geranium serves as a "fire extinguisher" for negative energies, aggressive attacks, emotions of anger and irritation. Vibrations of anger are one of the most dangerous and destroy the favorable atmosphere in the house; the longer the aggressive emotion persists in space, the more actively it affects people. Geranium softens the energy of anger; its protective ability extends mostly to the owners of the house. But a prerequisite is that the patient must from time to time talk with the flower and ask him in his own words to help in healing. Be sure to get a geranium. It perfectly collects energy dirt, makes the air fresh and fragrant.

If you have scandals in your house, a tense atmosphere reigns, then you simply need geranium.

Firstly, this plant softens the energy of anger and extinguishes rage.

Secondly, the aroma of geranium is conducive to tenderness, calms children well, making them less capricious and aggressive.

And finally, thirdly, geranium develops a sense of humor and helps to see the funny in the most mundane things, thus uplifting.

Geranium eliminates the mechanisms of self-destruction: an inferiority complex and dependence on someone else's opinion. Helps to recover from unpleasant communication or a small loss. It restores a healthy assessment of actions and motivations, helps to return the aura to its standard form.

In order to enhance the magical properties of this plant, after sunset on the growing moon, slander it 3 times for three days in a row: “Healing geranium, pure geranium. Mother geranium, become my protection. I'll take your twig, I'll take the power. Let it be!” Then you can carefully break off a geranium flower and carry it in a small bag made of natural fabric.

The bright red geranium is believed to radiate vitality and strength. Pink geranium helps in love affairs, and white geranium protects from evil forces and promotes the birth of children.

Geranium essential oil is a very valuable medicinal product that is obtained from the green part of the plant. It is widely used in medicine, aromatherapy, cosmetology, perfumery. Geranium oil is a light green-olive liquid with a warm, oily, bitter aroma.

Perhaps many people know that if a fragrant geranium is planted in the place where there are already too many insects, then all harmful bugs and butterflies will disappear completely. In addition, the air will be enriched with a pleasant aroma.

Recent scientific studies have proven that some plants, such as the familiar "grandmother's" pelargonium, have an interesting property. It is able to enrich room air with negatively charged oxygen ions. But it is these ions that supply energy to the human body, and it is they that are abundant in the mountains, where it is so easy to breathe. Get a few pelargoniums on your windowsill and you won't need the widely advertised air ionizers.

Even in the Middle Ages, geraniums were placed on windowsills to protect themselves from flies, mosquitoes and other insects, as well as ... from terrible witches and sorcerers. For almost all peoples, geranium is considered the strongest bioenergetic stimulant. So, for example, the druids knew that the geranium plant absorbs all poisons and toxins, purifies the air, relieves headaches, relieves fatigue, and normalizes sleep.

Geranium oil. Beneficial features

Aromatic geranium oil is especially useful for the elderly, as it increases physical and mental activity, adds vigor. Perfectly cheers up, inspires sensuality and dreaminess. Geranium oil is an excellent antidepressant. It helps with nervous exhaustion and overwork.

Geranium has long been considered a home otolaryngologist. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating pain and inflammation of the middle ear, sinuses, tonsils, and throat. It is not for nothing that geraniums are nicknamed the “ear-nose-throat doctor”:

- helps with headaches and migraines;

- normalizes the work of the heart muscle;

- eliminates signs of tachycardia, ischemia;

- normalizes blood pressure;

- lowers blood sugar levels;

- has a diuretic effect;

- helps with varicose veins;

- has the ability to quickly heal wounds, cuts, burns ...

Geranium oil is good for women's health: normalizes the flow of the monthly cycle; helps to improve the condition with menopause; restores hormonal balance, and also eliminates depressive tension.

In cosmetology, aromatic geranium oil has an antiseptic, rejuvenating effect, improves the general condition of the skin, promotes rapid regeneration of skin cells. Eliminates inflammatory reactions, rashes, peeling of dry skin. Suitable for all skin types and daily use. It can be used to combat cellulite, as it has a smoothing effect. Ideal for daily care of dry hair.

You can do a little trial test: apply a small amount of geranium aromatic oil to the inside of your wrist. If there is no redness on the skin and you have not found any allergic reactions, then you can safely use this therapeutic drug afterwards. Geranium oil should not be used in conjunction with birth control pills. And also its use is contraindicated in small children, during pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components.

If you don't have money for a therapist and really want to talk it out, talk to a geranium. She knows how to listen well, and will also give new strength. Geranium releases essential oils, purifies the air, calms the nerves, improves sleep and reduces blood pressure. Fragrant geranium leaves can be filled into small sachets, they are placed in linen to add fragrance. In addition, the smell of fragrant pelargonium species repels moths. But it should be borne in mind that its smell can cause allergies in some.

Phytotherapists also argue that a person's attitude to the smell of geraniums can be judged on the health of his nervous system. It turns out that people with shattered nerves tend to like the smell of geraniums. And vice versa: it is unpleasant for a healthy person and can even cause prolonged headaches.

However, do not be afraid of your home geraniums. Do not disturb the plant without special need: do not pluck the leaves, do not rub them with your fingers, do not inhale its aroma for too long, and then it will not cause you any trouble, on the contrary, it can, on occasion, come in handy as a wonderful cure for many diseases. In addition, it is quite possible that the wrong geranium grows in your house! Most varieties of medicinal geraniums do not bloom, or they bloom relatively poorly and rarely, and therefore are not very common in everyday life and are not popular with flower growers. Of the "domestic", cultivated geraniums, pink or fragrant geraniums are mainly used for medicinal purposes.

Scientists conducted the following experiments with geraniums. Drops of liquid with millions of staphylococcus bacteria were applied to the surface of the leaves. After three hours, most of the bacteria were dead. Research began to deepen. They put the geranium in the box. Plates were placed at a distance of 0.5 cm from the leaves, on which there were drops of liquid with microbes. The environment for microbes was created nutritious. After six hours of neighborhood with geraniums, all microbes were killed. It turned out that geranium releases bactericidal substances into the air that are harmful to microbes. The conclusion of Italian scientists is curious, who believe that geranium neutralizes energy pathogenic zones in the house.

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