What is dangerous streptococcal infection in the throat: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention. Streptococcus in the throat - causes, symptoms, treatment

From birth, a person constantly interacts with the microcosm surrounding him. Bacteria are the main inhabitants of this world. And we have no choice but to put up with their existence. Sometimes it can cause a lot of problems.

Streptococcus in the throat is a common thing for all people. What kind of streptococci does not exist: green, pyogenes, viridans, mitis, hemolytic and non-hemolytic. What does not happen is streptococcus aureus: it can only be golden.

In contact with

What is streptococcus?

Streptococcus is the most common group of bacteria. Presented:

  • on household items;
  • on the skin;
  • on mucous membranes;
  • in the digestive system.

There are many types of streptococci. Some of them may not yet be open at all. The most pathogenic for the human respiratory tract are:

  • Streptococcus hemolytic (pyogenic);
  • streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus).

Hemolytic streptococcus is able to destroy blood cells (carry out hemolysis). As a rule, when they talk about streptococcus, they mean exactly this variant of it. Can cause a wide range of purulent-inflammatory diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases;
  • abscesses and boils;
  • inflammation of internal organs;
  • sepsis.

Pneumococcus is the main causative agent,.

Streptococci, in contrast, are less stable to temperature and disinfection effects, and also respond better to antibiotic therapy.

There are also non-hemolytic streptococci. For example, the greening species "mitis" lives in our mouth and, according to some sources, is responsible for the development of dental caries. Another green streptococcus - "viridans" - is a normal inhabitant of the mucous membranes, is not a pathogen.

Causes of streptococcus in the throat

There is no particular reason why these bacteria appear in the throat. We get them in a variety of ways:

  • With inhaled air;
  • with thermally unprocessed food;
  • because of unwashed hands;
  • playing with pets (bacteria are present on their fur);
  • with kisses (bacteria live in our mouths), etc.
It is impossible to protect yourself from streptococcus. Along with other microorganisms, they are invisibly present in our world and certainly live in our upper respiratory tract. Even if we assume that we get rid of him for good, then by the end of the day he will again begin to “colonize” us.

Despite the constant presence of streptococcal bacteria in our airways, most of the time we feel healthy. This suggests that the bacteria are not pathogenic, or that they are in a conditionally pathogenic state. Their development and spread is restrained by the power of the immune system, which invisibly protects us.

Is it possible to get a streptococcal infection?

Streptococcal throat infection can be contracted if the balance of power between microbial attack and immune defense is disturbed.

The imbalance can be caused by:

  • Spraying large amounts of pathogenic bacterial particles by another person;
  • neglect of hand washing;
  • use of other people's personal hygiene items;
  • the use of food products not subjected to heat treatment (including ready-made store salads);
  • any ;
  • recurrent;
  • hypothermia;
  • immunodeficiency states.

In isolation, each of the above factors cannot lead to the development of a staph infection in the throat. Otherwise, all the doctors who deal with infected patients (and there is no vaccine for streptococcus) would often get sick. However, this does not happen.

Conversely, children whose immunity is not yet perfect can get a strep throat infection without coming into close contact with a carrier.

Thus, it is possible to become infected with streptococcal infection. But this requires the simultaneous layering of several factors. For example, a person infected with the herpes virus, having become cold, having come into contact with a carrier of a streptococcal infection in the throat, is more likely to get sick.

The norm of streptococcus in the throat

Doctors believe that it makes no sense to talk about the quantitative norm of streptococcus in the throat. The development of the infectious process depends not so much on the number of bacteria in the throat, but on the ability of the immune system to restrain their spread.

The norm of streptococcus in the throat is a relative indicator. For each person, in accordance with his individual immunity and the balance of the microflora of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the value of the norm can fluctuate by orders of magnitude.

On average, it is believed that from 10 to 3 degrees to 10 to 5 degrees of CFU / ml, most people have on their mucous membranes. But even 10 to 6 CFU of staphylococci per ml may not lead to the development of an infectious process.

On the other hand, a throat swab is taken when an abnormal bacterial environment is suspected, the patient complains about his condition, and an inflammatory process in the throat is obvious. In this case, receiving in the analysis 10 to the 6th degree CFU / ml, such an amount is considered to be an excess of the norm (if the amount of any other microbe is not significantly exceeded).

Types of streptococcus

Hemolytic streptococcus is conditionally subdivided according to the ability to cause the destruction of blood cells:

  • Alpha - partially destructive;
  • Beta - completely destructive;
  • Gamma is non-destructive.

Beta-hemolytic streptococcus causes the most harm.

Symptoms of streptococcus in the throat

Streptococcus is a bacterial purulent infection that can cause numerous diseases and their corresponding symptoms.

Streptococcal diseases related directly to the throat:

  • Pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • scarlet fever.

Streptococcus symptoms

  • Inflammation of the throat, palatine arches and tongue;
  • perspiration, abrasion, pain;
  • cough;
  • slight rise in temperature.

Signs of streptococcus

  • Sore throat;
  • inflammation (enlargement) of the tonsils;
  • pustules appeared, necrotic foci on the tonsils;
  • fever (may be very high);
  • general intoxication (weakness, headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue).

Streptococcus with scarlet fever

  • All signs of angina;
  • a typical scarlatina rash on the body - on the sides, in the groin, on the face;
  • the appearance of specific "grains" in the tongue, the raspberry of the tongue.

Diagnostic methods

A throat swab is required to determine the nature of the infection. The medium obtained with the smear is subjected to laboratory cultivation. After that, bacterial colonies are studied, their number is counted, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is performed. Standard analysis is done within 5 days.

But, since streptococcal bacteria are sensitive to all antibiotics, and the acute process does not allow waiting several days, in most cases external signs of the disease are sufficient to prescribe treatment.

How and how to treat streptococcus in the throat?

The main treatment for streptococcus in the throat is antibiotic (systemic, local). Additionally, local immunomodulators are prescribed.

The type of bacterium for treatment does not matter. Both alpha and beta hemolytic streptococcus in the throat are treated in the same way.

Treatment at home

How to treat streptococcus:

  • local antibiotics;
  • systemic antibiotics;
  • both local and systemic at the same time.

A topical antibiotic traditionally used for bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. It is sprayed into the throat 4 times 4 times a day. The standard course of treatment for streptococcus in the throat is 7 days. With positive dynamics, it can be increased.

Recently, a lot of negative noise has been raised around this drug, in particular, about its insecurity and the possibility of complications due to the suppression of the entire microflora of the throat. Despite the fact that Bioparox has been used for more than 50 years, in some countries it has been decided to abandon its use. In Russia, Bioparox is attributed, as Aspirin was once attributed. In our country, this remedy continues to be the gold standard in the treatment of bacterial respiratory diseases.

With a streptococcal infection in the throat, accompanied by a significant fever, systemic antibiotics are indicated. Streptococcal bacteria are sensitive to a simple and long-used antibiotic - penicillin. To cure streptococcus, penicillin agents are used, for example:

  • Ampicillin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Amosin;
  • Hyconcil;
  • Amoxiclav.

As a rule, penicillin preparations are prescribed 500 mg three times a day for 7-10 days.

Penicillins are toxic not only for streptococcus, but also for the entire intestinal microflora. After a course of penicillin, you need to consume more fermented milk products. An additional intake of eubiotics and probiotics that normalize the intestinal microflora (eg, Lineks) is possible.

We should not forget that, in addition to suppressing the bacterial microflora, in order to get rid of streptococcus in the throat, it is necessary to stimulate the immune response system. Local immunomodulators are shown:

  • Imudon;
  • IRS-19.

If the development of streptococcal infection in the throat occurred against the background of a viral disease, systemic immunomodulators are indicated:

  • Ingavirin;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Cycloferon and others.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can be used as an additional to the standard medical treatment of streptococcus in the throat.

Antiseptic gargling with alcohol tinctures

  • eucalyptus,
  • marigold,
  • chamomile.

In addition to the antiseptic effect, these tinctures contribute to the physical washing out of bacteria from the mouth, from the tonsils, and the palatine uvula. They can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made in a pharmacy.

Immunostimulating decoctions and infusions

  • Dog-rose fruit;
  • roots and leaves of Eleutherococcus;
  • echinacea roots.

A good tonic and restorative effect is provided by herbal preparations of Altai and the Caucasus.

How to treat streptococcus in children?

Treatment of streptococcus in the throat in children has no fundamental differences from the treatment of an adult infection. Antibiotic dosages should be reduced. Immunomodulating agents for the treatment of children are not used. It also proved to be safe in complex treatment.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

Pregnant women are traditionally a difficult group of patients when it comes to infectious diseases. In general, all are undesirable. Macrolides are considered the safest for the treatment of streptococcus in the throat of a pregnant woman:


What should not be done when sick?

It does not follow:

  • Overheating or hypothermia;
  • leaving the house for a long time;
  • self-treatment in severe cases.

Prevention of strep throat infection

  1. Proper treatment of colds.
  2. Timely treatment of infectious foci in the nose.
  3. Prophylactic intake of immunomodulators 2 times a year.
  4. People predisposed to respiratory diseases should avoid hypothermia.

Streptococcal infection is dangerous for its complications. Dr. Komarovsky talks about the features of its distribution, treatment and prevention.


Streptococcus most of the time quite peacefully coexists with people. A person can get sick if his immunity is reduced or after contact with a streptococcal patient.
The most common throat diseases caused by streptococcal bacteria are pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
Streptococcus can descend into the lower respiratory tract - cause laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
Treatment for a strep throat infection is always antibiotics.
The prognosis of treatment is favorable.

Each of us from birth interacts with different microflora. One of the most unpredictable is streptococcus. It comes in different forms, depending on which our well-being depends. Very often, people experience a sore throat that is caused by this bacterium.

Streptococcus in the throat: etiology

They are bacteria of a spherical shape, arranged in the form of chains.

They are an integral part of the microflora, but with a decrease in immunity, they can lead to serious health problems.

Good bacteria die under the influence of sunlight, antibiotics and various disinfectant solutions.

Streptococci make up 30-60% of the bacteria found in the throat. They enter the body along with food, feed on the epithelium and food debris. genetic information is contained in the nucleus. Reproduction occurs by division. They belong to the type of gram-positive bacteria. Streptococci can survive in dried sputum and pus for many months and tolerate freezing well.

Reasons for the appearance

Streptococcus enters the throat:

  • with exhaled air
  • with poorly processed high-temperature foods,
  • due to violation of sanitary standards,
  • through play with pets,
  • with kisses.

Despite the fact that streptococci are almost always in our throat, most of the time a person feels fine. This means that the cells are in a conditionally pathogenic state. Their development and spread is restrained by the proper functioning of the immune system. Any infection, hypothermia and immunodeficiency states can lead to a violation of the normal balance.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about the causes of streptococcal infection in our video:

What diseases does it cause?

The most common is tonsillitis or. affects the region of the tonsils. When the protective properties of the body are weakened, bacteria actively multiply, which is why pus is formed, which is typical for, (),. Toxins enter the bloodstream, which leads to.

No less popular disease is. When the disease affects the palatine arches,. The disease has a descending character, therefore, in the absence of proper treatment, bacteria enter the trachea and bronchi. With pharyngitis, the general condition of a person does not suffer much, but if left untreated, it leads to development.

Streptococci cause:

  • Scarlet fever. This is an acute infectious disease caused by a beta-hemolytic species of bacteria. In childhood, the symptoms are pronounced. In adults, the picture is often blurred.
  • Periodontitis. Inflammation develops in the periodontium, which is located around the affected tooth.
  • Pneumonia. If the throat disease is not treated, the infection spreads to the lungs. As a result, there is a lack of oxygen and a violation of gas exchange.

How to distinguish streptococcal tonsillitis, says Dr. Komarovsky:


They may vary depending on what type of streptococcus caused the disease. Febrile states usually appear. Toxins lead to the body. In adults, the indicators may be insignificant, but children are always difficult to tolerate the infection. The waste products of bacteria poison the body. This results in:

Babies may experience a lack of appetite.

Pictured is a throat affected by a streptococcal infection


If the symptoms described above appear, you need to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible for a more accurate diagnosis.


Used to treat the throat. It easily removes microorganisms, protects the mucous membrane for several hours. In the acute period of the disease, it should be done every 30 minutes. After 3-4 days follows every 5-6 hours. This method allows you to clear the throat, prevent the spread of pathogenic microflora throughout the body. Throat sprays can be used.

Treatment includes admission,. The latter are aimed at improving local blood circulation, which leads to an acceleration of the patient's recovery. Often a streptococcal infection leads to. Therefore, doctors often prescribe antihistamines.

folk recipes

Many herbs have antibacterial properties. Popular is blackcurrant, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. It also contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for. Every day you need to eat 250 g of berries. The duration is 3 days.

Rosehip decoction has a good effect. It is drunk twice a day for 150 ml. The thermos holds 1 tbsp. l fruit and pour 250 ml of hot water. You need to insist 12 hours. This drink has an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect.

Helps to cope with the infection and tincture of burdock. Vodka is poured into 1 glass of burdock and left for 7 days in a dark place. Take should be 0.5 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

To speed up the removal of toxins from the body, drink plenty of fluids, and also eat foods high in vitamin C. If folk methods do not help after a couple of days, call a doctor.

Several recipes for the treatment of streptococcal infection in our video:

Surgical method

Such methods are used only in extreme cases. If streptococcus has become the cause of development, then an operation can be performed on. But the method is used only in cases where the tonsils are greatly enlarged, interfere with full breathing, and become the cause for constant exacerbations.

What not to do when sick

To prevent the occurrence of complications, it is prohibited:

  1. Ignore antibiotics.
  2. Eat foods that are too cold or hot.
  3. smoke.
  4. Visit the sauna and bath.
  5. to remove .

You can not violate the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. This is especially true when taking antibiotics. An independent reduction in the duration of treatment or a decrease in dose can lead to the development of streptococcus resistance to drugs. This will lead to a longer course of treatment and increase the risk of complications. not fully understood, but cross-immunity is often the culprit. At such a time, antibodies developed to fight streptococcus are sent to the cells of the body that have been changed under the influence of the pathogen.

In 10% of patients, autoimmune inflammation of the kidneys develops in the absence of adequate treatment. Children are especially affected by the disease. Diseases are also dangerous for the heart, joints and connective tissues.

How not to get infected

Streptococcal. The source is almost always a sick person and his household items. But from an asymptomatic carrier, the risk of transmission of the infection is minimal. The disease is transmitted by contact, airborne droplets. If the following factors are present, the risk of infection increases:

  • pathology of the endocrine system,
  • immune diseases,
  • related ,
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Streptococcal infections are seasonal. Therefore, the possibility of infection increases in late autumn and early winter. You can reduce the risk of infection if you follow basic sanitary rules. If there is a person at home with a disease caused by streptococci, then it is best to isolate him, provide him with a separate towel, bedding and dishes.

How not to get streptococcal infection


It is possible to prevent the development of the disease if the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx is carried out in a timely and correct manner. Immunomodulators can be taken every 6 months, especially for immunocompromised individuals.

Common ones include elimination of foci of bacterial infection and early hospitalization of patients with moderate to severe disease. Patients should be followed up for 3 months. Return to normal life should occur no earlier than 12 days after recovery.


With adequate treatment, the prognosis for life is favorable. It is more difficult to cure an ailment in a newborn child. Streptococcus in him can cause deadly diseases: pneumonia.

Streptococcal throat infection is a group of pathologies that develop under the influence. From birth, a person interacts with the world around him, so streptococcus in the throat is considered a common thing.

When creating optimal conditions and a combination of certain circumstances, such bacteria provoke the progression of inflammatory processes in the human body. Pathologies of this group differ from each other in the type of localization and may be accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms.

Streptococci can provoke the development in humans of such dangerous pathologies as pharyngitis and tonsillitis. The main cause of diseases in childhood is the primary infection in the body or a strong decrease in protective functions as a consequence of an acute respiratory viral infection. The consequence of this is an increase in the number of bacteria that live on the mucous membrane of the throat.

In adults, the main cause of streptococcal infection can be bad habits that severely injure the oral mucosa and make it susceptible to the disease.

There are some factors that increase the likelihood of strep throat:

  1. penetration of juice from the stomach into the esophagus and pharynx, that is, heartburn
  2. long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids
  3. undergoing chemotherapy
  4. immunodeficiency states

Group B hemolytic streptococcus is a component of the organs of the reproductive system of the female body, and its number can increase significantly during pregnancy.It is for this reason that bacteria can appear in a newborn immediately after birth, because they will receive infections when passing through the genital tract.

From the video you can learn how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one:

The risk of infection increases with prolonged childbirth, with premature rupture of the membranes, and when the female body is exposed to other adverse factors.Medical practice shows that if a streptococcal infection is present in the mother's body, then in half the cases it is transmitted to the baby.

In childhood, the infection can enter the body through contact with the mucous membranes of adults who are carriers of bacteria. In most cases, streptococcal infection affects children born prematurely, in which the mechanism for obtaining mother's antibodies is disrupted. Infection of children at any age can occur by airborne droplets when coughing or sneezing, as well as during prolonged contact with a sick person.


The incubation period of streptococcal infection is several days, and the severity of symptoms is determined by the age of the patient. In childhood, the progression of pathology occurs much more rapidly and is accompanied by the appearance of clear signs of the disease.

At an early age, you can notice the appearance of the following symptoms in a child:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • mucus from the nasal cavity is yellow-green in color;
  • rise in body temperature;
  • loss of appetite or its complete absence;
  • irritability and moodiness;
  • constant crying.

An older child can already answer what hurts him and what discomforts bother him. The patient becomes lethargic, sleeps constantly and refuses to eat, and lymph nodes noticeably increase in the neck. The child has such signs of illness as headache, pain, perspiration and increased dryness in the throat. With a streptococcal infection, the body temperature rises greatly and can reach 40 degrees.

When examining a patient, the doctor notices strongly reddened tonsils and the appearance of pustules on the mucosa.

With further progression of inflammatory processes, there is an even greater deterioration in the patient's well-being and the manifestation of symptoms of intoxication of the whole organism. With streptococcal pharyngitis, the patient complains of a dry cough, which, in the absence of the necessary treatment, turns into tracheitis. If a rash occurs on the body, experts say that the child has developed scarlet fever.

In adults, streptococcal tonsillitis can be severe and be accompanied by the appearance of the listed symptoms. The main complaints of patients are nausea, weakness and subfebrile temperature. In addition, pain in the throat on both sides, swelling of the face and swollen lymph nodes are of concern.

Possible Complications

Predominantly, complications develop with streptococcal tonsillitis and, especially, in people with reduced immunity.

Early complications that appear a few days after the onset of infection are:

  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis
  • sinusitis
  • otitis media
  • lymphadenitis

A few weeks after the imaginary recovery, late complications may develop, which are associated with the lack of antibiotic therapy or non-compliance with the course of prescribed treatment. Patients may develop:

  • meningitis
  • osteomyelitis
  • endocarditis
  • myocarditis
  • acute rheumatism

With the development of streptococcal bronchopneumonia in childhood, foci of inflammation grow and merge with each other. The consequence of this pathology may be the development of pleurisy, severe necrotic lesions of the lungs and pleural empyema. The most severe complication of streptococcal infection, the progression of which can be supplemented, is its generalization with the development of sepsis.

Diagnosis and methods of elimination of infection

It is easiest to diagnose the presence of streptococcus in the throat when conducting a special bacteriological culture. To detect bacteria in a person, a swab is taken from the throat, which is applied to a special nutrient medium. When conducting such a study, the grown colony of microorganisms can be immediately tested for sensitivity to various antibiotics, which will subsequently allow you to choose the most effective treatment.

Another way to determine a streptococcal infection is to identify it in a person's blood. Such a study is resorted to only if the streptococcal infection did not affect the symptoms, but it is necessary to determine the carriage and select an effective treatment.

The treatment of streptococcal infection is carried out by the doctor in whose area of ​​​​responsibility the focus of the inflammatory process is located.

Medical practice shows that in most cases, treatment is carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins. In the event that the patient is allergic to them, then they resort to taking macrolides, lincosamides and cephalosporins.

Streptococcal infections can be treated with the following antibiotics:

  • Ceftazidime
  • Cefotaxime
  • Augmentin
  • Amoxicillin
  • Erythromycin
  • Josamycin

Usually, the course of drug treatment of streptococcal infection with antibiotics is 7-10 days, and it is not allowed to stop taking them when the patient's condition improves. In addition to the selected antibacterial treatment, the use of topical preparations in the form of aerosols, sucking tablets and solutions for rinsing the mouth is prescribed.

The most effective topical drugs are:

  • Ingalipt
  • Bioparox
  • Tonsilgon N
  • Chlorhexidine
  • Hexoral
  • Lizobakt

In the event that the treatment of streptococcal infection was carried out with the help of antibiotics, then it is necessary to take medications that help restore the normal microflora of the internal organs. The most effective drug among all their diversity is considered:

  • Bifiform
  • Acipol
  • Linex

Treatment of streptococcal infection in childhood is carried out using antihistamines such as Zodak, Cetrin and Claritin. In addition, prophylactic intake of vitamin C is prescribed, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and improves immunity.

It is important to stay in bed during illness and rest in bed as much as possible. With acute pharyngitis or tonsillitis, it is not allowed to eat too hot and rough food. To remove toxins from the body, you should consume up to 3 liters of fluid per day in the form of tea, juices, fruit drinks or water.

Folk methods of treatment

For a speedy recovery, the patient is recommended to combine the main therapy of streptococcal infection with traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Propolis is considered an effective drug, which is recommended to be cut into small pieces and chewed for several minutes several times a day.
  2. With streptococcal infection, you should gargle with decoctions prepared from string and willow bark. In addition, beetroot porridge with the addition of apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy for gargling a sore throat.
  3. It is possible to alleviate the patient's condition with the help of a drink made from cranberries, raspberries and rose hips. You can crush the pulp of apricot and take it in the morning and evening, which will speed up the recovery of the patient.

It is important to remember that it is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate a streptococcal infection with the help of traditional medicine alone, so you should not refuse the prescribed antibacterial treatment. You can get rid of pathology only with an integrated approach to treatment and with the obligatory observance of all the recommendations of a specialist.

The appearance of streptococci in the throat means the occurrence of an infectious inflammatory process. Such a malaise can be caused by streptococci of various types, and affects the body of both an adult and a child. Streptococcal infection has extensive symptoms, is treated with the main traditional method and auxiliary folk methods. In the article, we will consider the features of the disease: find out its types and symptoms, find out how and what to treat.


It will also be interesting to learn about how to get rid of snot in the throat:

But why mucus accumulates in the throat and by what means, including medicinal ones, to do it most quickly, this will help to understand


Consider which types of streptococci most often affect the throat.


This type of bacteria settles on the mucous membranes of a person and his skin. If such bacteria are wound up in the throat, then they may not manifest themselves for a long time, but cause a disease only when the immune system is weakened.

Hemolytic streptococcus causes:

  • scarlet fever;
  • angina (described in detail by link);
  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis and other diseases.

Often this type of bacteria is found in pregnant women. In this case, the infection also threatens the baby, who can pick up the infection while passing through the birth canal.

Non-hemolytic or greenish

This variety of harmful microbes settles in the oral cavity, and sometimes makes up to 60% of its microflora.

In addition to the throat, the green streptococcus also settles in the intestines, getting into it with the food mass.

This type of microbe causes bacterial endocarditis, tooth decay, and other diseases.


Streptococci of this species are “based” in the throat, from where they can get to the skin, intestines, and other organs. This is the most dangerous type of microbes. The mortality rate, if the disease has become severe, as a result of infection with pyogenic streptococcus is 25%.

This bacterium causes:

  • sore throat;
  • pharyngitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • erysipelas and other skin lesions.

The incubation period for infection with this type of streptococcus is the shortest - 1-3 days.

Adult Treatment

Traditional Therapy

Danger of infection

Find out what threatens a running streptococcal infection.

The appearance of otitis media is possible (but which are the most effective are described in detail in this article). Sinusitis with sinusitis is also a common complication of the course of the disease. Sometimes a purulent abscess in the throat can even develop.

Pneumonia or bronchitis are the result of improper or delayed treatment of a strep throat infection.

If at the stage of the appearance of these complications of the "first level" treatment did not start or went the wrong way, the following complications may develop:

  • glomerulonephritis (severe kidney disease);
  • myocarditis (heart damage);
  • acute rheumatism;
  • osteomyelitis (bone disease);
  • meningitis.

In addition to the above, the development of necrotic lung disease, pleurisy, even sepsis is possible. If a newborn is born with a lack of weight, complications due to streptococcal infection sometimes end in death.

What useful tips will help in the treatment of this infection.

Be sure to take antibiotics even if you don't have a disease, if you have diabetes, or if your body's immune defenses are weakened. If the age is over 65, this requirement is also mandatory.

Oral hygiene will reduce the risk of disease. Do not overcool, drink cold liquids in winter. If ARVI occurs, it is best to observe bed rest, and complete the course of treatment to the end in order to avoid complications.

If you experience symptoms of streptococcal infection in the throat, immediately consult a doctor, and then follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

We examined the features of a streptococcal infection in the throat. Be sure to visit a doctor if you notice any of the warning signs listed above in yourself or your child. Only a qualified specialist will tell you pain, inflammation and other symptoms. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will help to cope with the disease faster and prevent its complications.

The microflora of the human body is inhabited by a huge number of bacteria, microorganisms, viruses. One of them is called streptococcus. About 60% of streptococcus colonies live in the throat, not manifesting themselves in any way. However, as a result of a decrease in immunity, streptococcus will begin to multiply actively. It causes dangerous inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, on the skin, in the organs of the urinary system. The timely start of treatment saves a person from serious complications, the main thing is to correctly identify the causative agent of the disease.

Causes of Streptococcus Infection

To date, doctors have studied 27 types of streptococcus. The greatest danger to humans is hemolytic streptococcus. The bacterium survives well under conditions of high humidity and low temperatures. In sputum, dust, microorganisms can exist for several months.

Streptococcus dies under the influence of high temperature, sunlight and disinfectants. The infection caused by streptococcus is easy to cure side by side (erythromycin and penicillin). It is almost impossible to develop immunity to streptococcus, the bacteria simply infect another internal organ.

There are several ways of infection with a pathogenic microorganism:

  • airborne - the main cause of infection; drops with streptococcus are sprayed during a conversation, coughing, sneezing;
  • food - most often streptococcus settles on expired dairy, meat, it is more likely to meet it in salads with mayonnaise, products with protein cream, sandwiches;
  • sexual - streptococcus easily penetrates through unprotected sexual contact; more prone to infection is a partner who has inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • household - outbreaks of streptococcal infection are not uncommon in children's groups, where the bacterium is transmitted through toys, towels, dishes;
  • from mother to newborn.

Since streptococcus is part of the normal microflora, a person can infect himself. Children often become infected after an exacerbation of tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. It is very difficult to get rid of streptococcus, which lives in medical institutions.

Bacteria living in hospitals are more resistant to antibiotics, making them harder to treat.

The most dangerous type of streptococcus: pyogenic, which provokes most infections of ENT diseases.

Learn about streptococcal skin infections from the Live Healthy video program.

Proper diagnosis of infection

In most cases, it is difficult to diagnose the causative agent of the disease in the case of streptococcal infection. Sometimes the disease has clear symptoms (scarlet fever or erysipelas) and does not require additional bacteriological examination.

For maximum rapid cure, it is necessary to take swabs from the foci of infection:

  • if streptococcal tonsillitis or pharyngitis is suspected, particles of mucus are removed from the back of the throat and tonsils;
  • to determine the causative agent of cervicitis or urethritis, a standard swab is taken from the vagina, mucus is collected from the urethra;
  • to clarify streptoderma or erysipelas, absorb pus with a sterile swab or gently scrape off the top layer of skin with a surgical scalpel dipped in a special oil solution;
  • to determine the culprit of nephritis, a urine test is needed;
  • sputum examination allows you to determine the cause of bronchitis or pneumonia.

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A qualified health worker can guess the type of streptococcus based on the location of the infection. Pyogenic streptococcus, living on the mucous membranes, in the oral cavity, with a decrease in the protective function of the body, actively multiplies and can spread to the intestines, to the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems. This streptococcus has a short incubation period: from 1 to 3 days.

Green non-hemolytic streptococcus is able to settle on the heart, provoking bacterial endocarditis. This type of microorganism includes bacteria that cause caries.

An ideal diagnosis of an infection should include an antibiogram to identify the substance most likely to kill the bacterium. But the sensitivity test takes several days, and the infection progresses during this time. There are express tests in 30 minutes, but their cost is not affordable for everyone.

Doctors usually prescribe medication based on their experience and also on the basis of the streptococci that predominate in their area.

Streptococcus symptoms

throat infection

At risk of persons susceptible to infection with streptococcus are people with unstable or reduced immunity. These include children, the elderly, pregnant women, individuals with autoimmune diseases.

Intensive growth of colonies of pathogens in the throat is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • temperature indicators reach 39-40;
  • there is severe pain in the throat, which is aggravated by swallowing;
  • cervical increase;
  • the disease begins abruptly with concomitant severe weakness in the body;
  • tonsils swell strongly, protrude from their physiological boundaries;
  • a purulent white coating appears on the tonsils, either in the form of a cobweb (tonsillitis) or pointwise (tonsillitis);
  • the patient has temperature fluctuations from fever to chills;
  • there is pain when opening the mouth;
  • the occipital muscles become inactive.

Streptococcal infection is dangerous with a rapidly progressive course of the disease. With pharyngitis, if left untreated, a wet cough instantly degenerates into tracheitis. If treatment measures are not taken, then on the 4th day, the development of complications in the form of otitis media, sinusitis, and lymphadenitis is likely. A week later, there is a risk of developing pneumonia.

Additional signs of infection include loss of appetite, nausea, and headache.

Strep infection on the skin

The second favorite place of streptococcus is the skin. The infection can penetrate deep through an insect bite, from an infected person through an abrasion, a scratch. The most famous skin diseases caused by streptococcus: erysipelas, impetigo.

Classic signs of erysipelas:

  • the affected area of ​​the skin has a bright red color;
  • there is a clear distinction between healthy and diseased skin;
  • the skin is extremely painful, it hurts to touch it;
  • the place of inflammation swells, the skin slightly shines;
  • fever is often observed.

More often, erysipelas affects the legs, less often appears on the hands and face, sometimes bubbles form on the skin, which subsequently burst and become covered with a crust. The appearance of purulent vesicles is also associated with impetigo, it is more often diagnosed near the sinuses and near the mouth. Impetigo affects preschoolers, often in children's groups.

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This type is called streptoderma. The infection is not accompanied by fever, swelling, but the blisters are very itchy, which provokes scratching and further spread of a purulent rash.

Erysipelas, unlike streptoderma, is extremely rare in children.

Other diseases

In addition to the mucous membrane of the throat and skin, streptococcus can multiply on other organs.

Streptococcal infection leads to various diseases

An active increase in bacterial colonies leads to other types of streptococcal infections:

  • osteomyelitis - the death of the bone substance in one of the sections of the skeleton, as a result, the affected area fester and the contents spill out;
  • rheumatism - streptococci destroy the structure of connective tissue in various organs: joints, small vessels of the brain, kidneys, pleura, liver, heart membranes;
  • furunculosis - purulent inflammation of the hair follicles located in the sweat and sebaceous glands; after a breakthrough, the abscess is scarred;
  • sepsis - purulent formation in the internal organs (lungs, liver, brain, kidneys), often fatal due to blood poisoning after the breakthrough of the abscess;
  • glomerulonephritis - a violation of the excretory function of the kidneys due to inflammation of the renal glomeruli.

On the internal organs of the small pelvis of a woman, streptococcus forms an inflamed layer of skin, which transforms into a tumor.

Signs of infection are similar to gonorrhea: painful urination, yellow discharge with blood, severe pain in the lower spine.

Early diagnosis of the disease will quickly get rid of streptococcus and its complications.

Treatment of infection in children

Streptococcal infections are treated with antibiotics only. The bacterium often becomes the culprit of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, scarlet fever in children. The duration of treatment depends on the severity and stage of the disease.

The course of antibiotics is usually 5 to 10 days.

A wide range of activities are used:

  • Cefalex, Cefazolin, Cefalexin;
  • Amoxiclav, Flemoklav or Flemoxin, Panklav;
  • Azithromycin (Summamed, Azimed), Erythromycin).

The rate of recovery is affected by the amount of purulent plaque in the larynx. Usually, the elevated temperature lasts until the tonsils are covered with pustules. To get rid of them, local means for irrigating the throat are used: Ingalipt, Cameton, Angilex, Oracept, Tantum Verde, Geksoral. But up to 3 years, it is forbidden to use sprays because of the risk of spasm of the larynx.

For the treatment of childhood streptoderma, solutions based on fucorcin, resorcinol are used. They wipe the affected areas several times a day. Antihistamines are recommended to relieve itching. Sometimes immunostimulating agents are prescribed to stimulate the body's own defenses.

If competent therapy is started on time according to the doctor's recommendations, the child will recover by the end of the 5th day of the course of antibiotics.

How to cure streptococcus on the skin in adults?

But adults often have to think about how to treat a streptococcal infection on the skin. Only antibacterial drugs can stop the reproduction of streptococcus. Bacteria quickly die under the influence of penicillins: ampicillin, phenoxymethylpenicillin, benzylpenicillin.

Comprehensive use of antibiotics and topical agents speed up the healing process.

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