Blepharoplasty during menstruation. When can blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids be done? It is true that severe swelling and bruising occurs after such an operation.

Eyelid surgery should be performed according to indications. Age in this case is not of key importance. If there is a genetic predisposition to hernias (fat "bags" under the eyes - ed.), overhanging eyelids, then this operation can be performed at the age of 25. As for blepharoplasty for, then mostly patients over 35 years old come to it. Plastic surgery on the eyelids can be performed several times in a lifetime, everything is individual here. Each operation takes place with the formation of scars, both external and subcutaneous. An experienced doctor will always be able to determine whether the condition of the skin allows for a second operation or it is better to refuse it.

In which case, which types of blepharoplasty are recommended?

Upper eyelid surgery performed with excision of the upper overhanging skin flap and removal of hernias. There is a special technique for suturing and different types of incisions. This is a very serious procedure from an aesthetic point of view. it is important to make such a cut so as not to “round” the shape of the eyes, not to make it too elongated, not to make a “sad look” with lowered corners, and so on. Lower eyelid surgery performed in two ways. In one case, an incision is made along the lower edge of the eyelash growth, which allows you to tighten the skin or remove a hernia. In the second, the incision is made transconjunctival, i.e. the hernia is removed through the conjunctiva. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty more suitable for young patients whose skin has not lost tone and elasticity. Sometimes blepharoplasty is performed by a combined method - the hernia is surgically removed, then the skin around the orbit of the eye is resurfaced with a laser.

How long does the operation take, under what anesthesia is it performed?

Blepharoplasty is performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia. It is calmer for the surgeon when general anesthesia is done and the patient sleeps peacefully. I do the upper and lower eyelids for about 40 minutes.

How is the recovery period after eyelid surgery?

One day the patient walks with special bandages. On the second or third day after plastic surgery on the eyelids, we remove the sutures and apply special glues to relieve the load on the seam formed during the operation. Further, we recommend the use of masks that relieve swelling and reduce the likelihood of bruising in the eyelid area. Within a week after blepharoplasty, all visible traces of the recent operation finally disappear and you can safely go to work or “go out”.

Microcurrents are very effective. They can be performed the day after eyelid surgery. Cosmetic procedures with the use of lymphatic drainage and improving skin elasticity have also proven themselves very well.

Below you can read chapters from Elena Sukhoparova's book about plastic surgery, eyelid surgery. You can also make an appointment with a plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Elena Petrovna Sukhoparova.

Women's eyes are not a mirror, but an optical sight

What is blepharoplasty?

This is a plastic surgery, the purpose of which is the rejuvenation of the periorbital region. It is accepted to allocate upper and lower blepharoplasty, respectively, to the upper and lower eyelids.

What are the indications for blepharoplasty?

What type of anesthesia is used for blepharoplasty?

Most often, this operation is performed under local anesthesia, but in some cases it is necessary to use general anesthesia.

At what age is eyelid surgery usually done?

This is strictly individual and does not depend on age, but on the availability of evidence. For example, there are people who have a hereditary predisposition, and "bags" under the eyes appear already at a young age. In this case, it is possible to perform the so-called sutureless (transconjunctival) blepharoplasty. Its meaning is to remove fatty hernias of the lower eyelid without external incisions. The incision is made from the inside, through the conjunctiva, and the skin, after removal of fatty hernias, should shrink by itself.

How many times can upper blepharoplasty be done?

This question can be heard quite often. But, here the main thing is to figure out what exactly caused the changes in the periorbital region. Often, the contour of the upper eyelid is influenced by the tissues of the forehead and eyebrows, so it is enough to eliminate the ptosis of the eyebrows and everything will return to normal. Obviously, with this option, isolated upper blepharoplasty will not solve the problem no matter how many times it is performed. There are indications for any operation, and sometimes operations that seem quite “simple” turn out to be more complex. Do not try to determine the indications for surgery on your own, it is better to listen to the opinion of the surgeon.

Is it worth doing lower blepharoplasty if there is only a network of small wrinkles on the lower eyelids, and there are no bags under the eyes and skin folds?

It is quite possible that the operation can wait and modern cosmetology methods are more suitable for you, allowing you to improve skin quality and reduce the number of fine wrinkles, which we call crow's feet, and Americans call crow's feet.

Is it possible to correct the Mongoloid incision of the eyes?

Yes, it is quite possible. In Asian countries, this is the most common operation, by the way, Jackie Chan did it at the very beginning of his career.

Are there any contraindications for this operation?

Such contraindications can be those diseases that affect the skin of the face (for more details, see the chapter face), as well as severe pathology of the cardiac system, respiratory system, blood coagulation system, oncological diseases, acute inflammatory diseases. In any case, you should consult with your surgeon and tell in detail about your diseases and the drugs that you take constantly.

How to prepare for blepharoplasty?

The patient is asked to do: CBC, including platelet count, bleeding time, urinalysis, chest x-ray, hepatitis B and C markers, blood tests for HIV and syphilis, electrocardiogram, biochemical blood test and grouping blood and Rh factor. 7 days before the operation, stop taking medications that affect blood clotting containing aspirin, lecithin, vitamin E. It is not recommended to perform the operation during menstruation.

Is it true that severe swelling and bruising occurs after such an operation?

Of course, everything is individual here, but at the current level of development of plastic surgery, this is rather untrue.

When are stitches removed after blepharoplasty?

As a rule, the stitches after this operation, the stitches are removed on the 3rd day.

When can I use decorative cosmetics after such an operation?

It is better to use decorative cosmetics 7 days after the operation, and care products - the very next day.

When is the best time of year for eyelid correction?

Immediately after the operation, you can put a cold compress on the eyelid area for 40 minutes.

It is not advisable to read and watch TV for the first twenty-four hours after the operation.

Decorative cosmetics can be used a week after the operation.

Light physical activity is possible after 10 days, and you can return to your usual regimen after 1 month.

It is also better to postpone a visit to the bathhouse and pool for a month.

Sun exposure should be avoided for 3-6 months after surgery.

Are scars noticeable after blepharoplasty?

Hardly ever. Since the scars are located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnatural folds.

In the East, more than 30 types of eyes are distinguished. Traditionally, human eyes are compared to animal eyes.

For example, large, wide open, shiny eyes are the eyes of a dragon. People with such eyes are empowered, honest and generous.

Wide-set, almond-shaped eyes with a veil are considered the eyes of a sphinx. They belong to artistic, mysterious, refined natures.

Small, deep-set eyes surrounded by soft eyelids are called elephant eyes. Such eyes are found in people who are calm, slow and wise.

The eyes of a pig are strikingly different from the eyes of an elephant. Such eyes are small, bulging, the eyelids are soft and heavy. People with the eyes of a pig are homely, stingy, cunning, and can be selfish.

The narrow and small eyes are the eyes of a sheep. It is believed that people with such eyes are ideal performers.

Moderately wide, well-defined eyebrows are considered ideal. The head of the eyebrow is wide, then the eyebrow rises upward, gradually narrowing towards the tail.

Arched eyebrows speak of a light romantic character.

Eyebrows "house" give out natures critical, sharp on the tongue.

Thick, fused eyebrows are characteristic of a decisive, stubborn, domineering and even insidious person.

Naturally rare eyebrows indicate indecision and softness.

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery to correct the shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids.

The essence of the operation is to remove excess fat and skin around the eyes.

Blepharoplasty allows you to hide or minimize the age-related transformation of the skin, improve the appearance of the eyes.

However, there are certain factors in which blepharoplasty is contraindicated.

  • diseases of internal organs, primarily with problems of the cardiovascular system, liver, stomach, kidneys.
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pathological changes in the endocrine system;
  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases.

There are certain physiological features in the presence of which such surgical intervention will not give the desired result. For example, when a person has permanent swelling, blepharoplasty will not help, as bags under the eyes will return over time.

In addition to the listed contraindications, there are several other temporary circumstances of a different nature, in which it is necessary to wait a little with blepharoplasty. Let's consider these reasons in more detail.

Is it possible to do blepharoplasty with a cold?

If a viral infection is detected, the patient is advised to postpone blepharoplasty until complete recovery. Otherwise, postoperative complications are possible.

At what age is blepharoplasty performed?

First of all, it will depend on the type of blepharoplasty - classical or transconjunctival. In the first case, the operation involves the correction of age-related changes in the skin around the eyes. It can be carried out only after 35 years.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is a somewhat mild surgical procedure that eliminates excess subcutaneous formations. This operation can be performed at any age. As you can see, there are no strict age restrictions. Surgery is possible both at the age of 30 and at 70.

It is worth noting that, regardless of age, before blepharoplasty, tests are given, according to the results of which appropriate preparation for the operation is carried out. For example, at an older age, the use of local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia is justified. This will help minimize the burden on the kidneys and liver. However, only experts can make the final decision.

Blepharoplasty after Botox

Many are interested in the question - how long after Botox can blepharoplasty be done?

It is necessary to look at the result of Botox injections.

  • In the case of brow lift, you should wait with plastic surgery until the drug stops working.
  • If the eyebrows do not rise after Botox injections, then blepharoplasty is allowed.

Blepharoplasty during menstruation

Most doctors do not recommend surgery before the end of menstruation. This is due to physiological changes in the body, which will cause increased bleeding, the formation of additional edema and bruising, and longer rehabilitation.

Can blepharoplasty be done during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should not have blepharoplasty. Any operation, including blepharoplasty, means the presence of anesthesia, incisions, stitches and stress. All these factors can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to correct the eyes after childbirth.

Blepharoplasty during lactation

Is it possible to do blepharoplasty for a nursing mother? No, blepharoplasty cannot be performed in this case. The fact is that the stress that the female body undergoes during the operation, and the medications taken during the rehabilitation period, can be transmitted to the child through milk. This can seriously harm his health.

Blepharoplasty in summer

A lot of controversy occurs about the optimal time of year for blepharoplasty. Summer is often mentioned. Some argue that the hot season does not have the best effect on the postoperative period. Others believe otherwise. So is it possible to do blepharoplasty in the summer?

There are no specific prerequisites for a ban on blepharoplasty in the summer. For the most part, it all depends on the state of health of the patient, his tolerance for high temperatures.

By the way, in Brazil, which is considered the birthplace of plastic surgery, the number of operations, in particular for eye correction, is regularly growing. And in this country most of the year is dominated by a hot climate.

Let's look at the positive aspects of blepharoplasty in the summer.

  1. The sun has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  2. The warm season improves blood flow in the operated areas. Due to this, hematomas and edema will disappear faster.
  3. In summer, metabolic processes are accelerated. This will have a positive effect, including on the skin around the eyes, which shortens the rehabilitation period.
  4. In summer, there are practically no sharp temperature differences between the street and the room. In winter, such fluctuations have a negative impact on the general condition of a person.
  5. After blepharoplasty, to protect the eyelids from the sun's rays, you will have to wear glasses for some time, and in the summer they will not surprise others.

In addition, summer is the season of mass holidays. So the patient will be protected from annoying looks or questions from work colleagues, acquaintances, etc.

Eye correction surgery can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on the degree of complexity. The duration of the rehabilitation period is about 10-14 days (on average). For two weeks after the operation, you can not be active, drink alcoholic beverages, visit the solarium and sauna. You can use makeup for 10-11 days. The plastic effect will last approximately 7-10 years.

In order to thoroughly prepare for future surgery and not get a refusal to perform the operation at the very last moment, you should know whether plastic surgery can be done during menstruation. There is disagreement between plastic surgeons and general surgeons on this issue. Evaluate the arguments of both sides and make your own choice.

Is it worth it to rush with plastic surgery during menstruation?

There are many types of urgent surgical interventions, when the doctor does not have the opportunity to take into account the moment that the patient has her period. However, plastic surgery is not an option in which haste helps or it is not possible to delay the appearance correction for several days.

If there is such a possibility, is there a need for it? Studies show that during menstruation, some women experience significant blood loss, and if you add losses during surgery, the body can cause significant damage.

In addition, on critical days, the ability of tissues to heal significantly deteriorates. That is why many plastic surgeons discuss this nuance during an interview with a potential client. Often they work according to the scheme: the deadlines for plastic surgery are five days before menstruation and three after it.

But not all doctors follow these principles. Many do not consider the presence of menstruation as a reason for postponing the operation. How to proceed in your particular case, it is better to discuss this with a plastic surgeon. He, as a person with extensive experience, will advise the best option. If you need to undergo surgery, you should not be upset, this is not appendicitis, three days will not play a special role.

Correction of appearance does not tolerate haste, so a deliberate approach is only to the benefit of a successful result.

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery on the eyelids, the purpose of which is to change the shape of the eyelids, the shape of the eyes.

The operation can be performed both in women of age to correct age-related changes, and in young women in cases where the folds of the eyelid do not allow the application of makeup or lead to the development of vision problems. A separate category of patients are people with the consequences of eyelid injuries or with congenital eyelid defects.

Operation types

Classic blepharoplasty

  1. Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids;
  2. Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids;
  3. Circular blepharoplasty (at the same time, the lower eyelid is also operated on);
  4. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty (the incision goes along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid);
  5. Singapura (ethnic blepharoplasty);
  6. Laser transconjunctival blepharoplasty;
  7. Canthopexy (surgery whose purpose is to lift the outer corners of the eyes);
  8. Fat-saving blepharoplasty is a way not only to tighten and smooth the skin around the eyes, but to restore its youthfulness, while maintaining the individual features of the appearance of the eyelids.

Indications for surgery

  1. Overhang of the skin of the upper eyelid;
  2. Excess skin in the lower eyelids;
  3. Correction of the unsuccessful shape of the eyes, changing the natural shape of the eyes;
  4. The presence of deep wrinkles in the lower eyelids;
  5. Omission of the outer corners of the eyes;
  6. Fat bags in the lower and upper eyelids, which create the illusion of a "heavy look";
  7. The presence of congenital or acquired defects of the eyelids.


  1. Infectious diseases, chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  2. Thyroid diseases;
  3. Increased intraocular pressure;
  4. Severe and complicated forms of diabetes mellitus;
  5. Oncology;
  6. Blood diseases;
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, severe arterial hypertension;
  8. Skin diseases;
  9. Frequent relapses of conjunctivitis;
  10. Persistent dry eyes.


  1. General blood analysis;
  2. General urine analysis;
  3. Biochemical blood test: ALT, AST, glucose, bilirubin, creatinine, amylase, urea;
  4. Blood type, Rh factor;
  5. Blood test for HIV, viral hepatitis, syphilis;
  6. ECG with interpretation;
  7. Fluorography;
  8. Coagulogram.

Video: Description of blepharoplasty

Preparation for the procedure

  1. The last meal and liquid intake no later than 8 hours before the start of the operation;
  2. The operation is not carried out during menstruation, it must be scheduled at least 4 days before the start of menstruation or after their end;
  3. It is imperative to accompany the patient after the operation, so you need to agree in advance with one of your relatives or friends;
  4. It is forbidden to smoke before the operation;
  5. A few days before the operation, it is necessary to stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting;
  6. Buy ointment after blepharoplasty or Traumeel-S gel, Vizin eye drops.

Rehabilitation and recovery

After blepharoplasty surgery, the patient stays in the hospital for 2 to 12 hours. Then he can go home and visit a doctor who monitors the progress of healing and tissue repair, first every other day, and then according to indications. In cases where the operation was performed under general anesthesia, the patient spends a day in the clinic.

Immediately after surgery, cold compresses, ice or chilled gel pads are applied to the eye area. You can open your eyes immediately after the end of blepharoplasty.

The first time you need to visit a doctor two days after the operation to remove the stitches, unless a self-absorbable suture was used. The doctor can prescribe special eyewashes and will definitely show you how to use them. Care after blepharoplasty must be carried out in such a way as not to disturb the postoperative wound. Two weeks after the operation, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Use antiseptic eye drops for 3 days;
  2. Spend the first three days at home and limit physical activity as much as possible;
  3. Be sure to wear sunglasses;
  4. Sleep with your head elevated, do not lie face down in the pillow;
  5. Perform exercises to accelerate tissue recovery from the second day after surgery;
  6. Before removing the stitches, take a shower and wash your face in such a way as not to affect the operated eyelids;
  7. Do not wear contact lenses;
  8. Do not work on an incline;
  9. Refuse to use decorative cosmetics for 7-10 days;
  10. Do not watch TV and do not work at the computer, do not read.
Photo: lymphatic drainage facial massage

Cosmetic procedures such as lymphatic drainage facial massage, soft peels, procedures aimed at moisturizing and lifting the skin can speed up recovery and facilitate the rehabilitation period. Injections of hyaluronic acid preparations are allowed no earlier than three weeks after the operation. The tissues around the eyes are completely restored in 3-6 weeks. Repeated blepharoplasty is usually needed no earlier than in 10-12 years.

Few resort to a second operation, because even a few years after the intervention they look younger and better than their peers. In general, repeated operations are performed only for medical reasons.

Exercises and gymnastics for the eyes after surgery

A special set of exercises, which plastic surgeons advise all clients to perform without exception, allows you to activate the work of the eye muscles, and through the work of the muscles, accelerate blood flow and eliminate lymph stagnation. Regular exercises for the eyes for 2 weeks will allow you to eliminate swelling much faster and create optimal conditions for the speedy resorption of hematomas.

Do you know that Asian eye surgery (Mongoloid or Oriental incision) is performed under local anesthesia with light sedation? Read more in the article. Find out how the laser can eliminate the presence of fatty hernias in the eyelid area, and how laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids works at this link.

Complications and side effects

  1. Swelling of the eyelids, which causes a feeling of discomfort, heavy eyelids;
  2. dry eyes;
  3. Hematomas in the area of ​​the operated eyelids;
  4. Hypersensitivity to light, blurred vision, which disappears within a month;
  5. Scars at the site of skin incisions, which usually resolve within 2-3 months;
  6. Bruising on the whites of the eyes may occur during or after surgery and usually resolves on its own;
  7. Bleeding from the wound may occur both during the operation and within a few days after it;
  8. Divergence of seams after surgery;
  9. Infection of the postoperative wound with the development of purulent-inflammatory processes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  10. Violation of the healing of a postoperative wound with the formation of a rough scar;
  11. Unsuccessful blepharoplasty with the development of eyelid prolapse (blepharoptosis);
  12. Development of glaucoma and blindness in the late postoperative period;
  13. Violation of the symmetry of the eyes.

It is worth noting that bruises, swelling and hematomas after blepharoplasty are the fate of all patients. You should be prepared for this. These complications pass on their own, if you follow the restrictions that are mandatory in the postoperative period.

Video: Eyelid surgery

Reasons for possible dissatisfaction with the result of the operation


  1. Exaggerated expectations of the patient from blepharoplasty without taking into account the possibilities and limitations of this type of surgical intervention. Sometimes, in order to get the desired result for the patient, blepharoplasty is not enough, it needs to be supplemented with either frontal-temporal lifting or liposuction of the chin area, or other types of plastic surgery on the face.
  2. Underestimation by the patient of the contribution of other age-related changes to the creation of an unaesthetic appearance of the face, such as skin color, the presence of a double chin, “bulldog” cheeks, pronounced wrinkles in the nasolabial region, etc.


Unpredictable tissue reaction in the form of delayed healing or vice versa, excessive development of connective tissue with the formation of a dense whitish scar.


  1. The effect of sunken eyes;
  2. eye asymmetry;
  3. Ectropion of the lower eyelid;
  4. Blepharoptosis.

Failed blepharoplasty is the result of an incorrect technique or an abnormal tissue response to injury.

Defects can be corrected:
  • Cosmetological procedures aimed at increasing the tone and elasticity of the skin or accelerating the resorption of excess connective tissue at the site of healing;
  • Repeated corrective surgery, which is performed no earlier than 6 months after blepharoplasty and is performed under local anesthesia.

Eyelid care after surgery

  • It is better to entrust the selection of care procedures to a cosmetologist;
  • Cheap makeup for the eye area is not recommended;
  • It is necessary to cleanse the skin and remove makeup daily, preferably with a special cosmetic milk, selected according to skin type;
  • It is mandatory to use special serums for the skin of the eyelids under the cream for the skin around the eyes;
  • It is necessary to apply funds to the skin around the eyes along the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the inner, along the upper eyelid from the inner to the outer with soft movements, trying not to move the skin;
  • Alcohol intake, rich salty foods should be avoided, as swelling in the area around the eyes quickly stretches the skin.

Prices in Moscow for surgery

The cost of blepharoplasty is determined by the qualifications of the surgeon and the complexity of the method of operation used by him, the quality of anesthesia, the number of dressings, the number of days the patient spends in the hospital.

Frequently asked Questions

How many times can blepharoplasty be done? Blepharoplasty of the eyes, done once, does not mean at all that you will have to repeat it. A second operation may be required 10-12 years after the first.

How long does it live? The recovery period after surgery usually takes 3-6 weeks. Usually, during this time, swelling subsides, hematomas disappear, scars may remain at the site of healed incisions, which disappear over time.

Is the operation painful? What method of anesthesia is used? Depending on the mood of the patient and what kind of blepharoplasty will be performed, anesthesia can be used at the discretion of the anesthesiologist. In most cases, cosmetic surgeries are performed under local anesthesia and are completely painless.

Will scars or scars be visible? Stitches and scars after blepharoplasty completely dissolve in about 2-3 months after the operation.

At what age can the operation be performed? For blepharoplasty, age is not important, it is important to have indications and contraindications for eyelid surgery.

Is there an alternative? There is. This is laser non-surgical blepharoplasty, in which excess adipose tissue is removed under the action of laser radiation without damaging the skin. I have formed a seal after blepharoplasty in the area of ​​the postoperative scar. What to do? After an examination, the surgeon who performed your operation can determine the cause of the lump. The most common cause of compaction is the overdevelopment of connective tissue at the site of the former incision. Usually the scar becomes softer over time and gradually resolves. In such cases, physiotherapy helps to speed up the elimination of compaction.

How often does surgery cause visual complications? Rarely. Some patients may experience a short-term decrease in visual acuity and photophobia, which disappear without treatment within a few weeks.

How soon can I start working after the operation? It depends on what your job is, since the performed blepharoplasty imposes restrictions on the rehabilitation period. According to your well-being, you can start working within 2-3 days after the operation, but heavy physical labor, work on an incline or work at a computer will be available to you at least 2 weeks after the intervention.

How is the operation carried out and how long does it take? General anesthesia, local anesthesia, or intravenous sedation may be used for pain relief. After the anesthesia takes effect, incisions are made on the skin of the eyelids so that they are then in the natural folds of the skin around the eyes. The operation on the upper eyelid lasts about half an hour, on the lower eyelids 40-60 minutes. Circular blepharoplasty usually takes one and a half to two hours. Skin incisions can be closed with non-absorbable or absorbable suture material (threads), special medical skin glue, or surgical tape. Some clinics leave the patient after surgery for a day in the hospital to monitor the course of the early postoperative period. Most often, such observation is indicated after the operation is performed under general anesthesia. What clinical examination should be done before the operation?

  1. Consultation of a doctor who:
    • collect a complete history (what diseases, injuries, surgeries were in the past, what chronic diseases are there at the moment, visual acuity, allergic reactions, drug intolerance);
    • will determine the condition of the skin of the eyelids, the presence of a fatty layer, indications and contraindications for surgery;
    • explain the possible outcomes of the operation and what result can be expected after blepharoplasty.
  2. Blood tests, urine tests, ECG, fluorography.

Wrinkles under the eyes give women a lot of annoying sensations. Read more about what exists. I wonder what is the difference between Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads and the well-known method of rejuvenation with gold threads? Follow this link. Did you know that when using decorative cosmetics, allergic swelling under the eyes can occur, which can cause serious harm? .

Photos before and after blepharoplasty

Made by Maxim Osin

Made by Maxim Osin

Made by Maxim Osin
Made by Maxim Osin

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