How to treat axillary lymphadenitis. Diagnosis and treatment. Acute right-sided lymphadenitis of the armpit. Lymphadenitis axillary

/ 03.11.2017

Acute right-sided lymphadenitis armpit. Lymphadenitis axillary

Axillary lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits. In this case, the subclavian and supraclavicular nodes collect lymph from the face, neck, anterior surface of the chest and shoulder girdle. This leads to the spread of metastases of the tumor of the breast, internal organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities to the lymph nodes at the base of the neck.

The reasons

The main causes of axillary lymphadenitis include the following sources of infections in the body:

  • infected wounds and abrasions;
  • boils;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • phlegmon;
  • erysipelas;
  • osteomyelitis.

The cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes can also be an inflammatory process in the lymphatic vessels. In this case, the causative agents of axillary lymphadenitis are:

  • staphylococci and their toxins;
  • enterococci and their toxins;
  • streptococci and their toxins;
  • coli;
  • Proteus;
  • tissue breakdown products primary focus inflammation.


Symptoms of axillary lymphadenitis can vary depending on the severity of the disease.

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, the patient, as a rule, does not even notice any severe symptoms ailment. The only thing that can bother him is slight discomfort armpit and a slight increase in lymph nodes, which can be seen with self-palpation of the armpits. There is no redness of the skin, no pain, no temperature. But such apparent well-being should not lull your vigilance. If you do not turn to a specialist already at this stage of the disease, the inflammatory process can very quickly develop first into a serous, and then into a purulent form.

With the serous form of axillary lymphadenitis, discomfort in the affected area becomes constant and annoying. It comes to the point that you want to take your hand over the sore armpit to the side and hold it without lowering it. In this case, the lymph nodes are enlarged, and touching them is accompanied by pain, reminiscent of pain from a boil. The skin over the lymph nodes becomes red and hot to the touch. AT advanced stages lymph nodes and axillary tissues merge with each other, forming a dense, hot and very painful lump, which in medicine is called a "package". General state the patient may not be harmed in any way.

If proper treatment of serous lymphadenitis is not provided, it develops into a purulent form. In this case, symptoms such as fever and general weakness join the clinical picture described above. Lymph nodes suppurate and become like a large bunch of grapes. In particular advanced cases, in the absence of treatment of axillary lymphadenitis, suppuration damages the skin, forming fistulas at this site.

The chronic form of the disease is accompanied only by an increase and cohesion of the lymph nodes.


After confirming the diagnosis and determining the cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes, the doctor determines the stage of the disease and selects the optimal treatment program.

Treatment of the initial stage of axillary lymphadenitis should be conservative and accompanied by antibiotics. a wide range actions, restorative procedures and physiotherapy, and cold compresses must be applied to the inflamed lymph nodes.

In the treatment of axillary lymphadenitis with the development of purulent inflammation, mandatory surgical intervention is required. The operation consists of several stages: opening the inflamed lymph node, removal of purulent masses from it and drainage. After surgical intervention therapeutic treatment is carried out, which is based on the principles of the treatment of purulent wounds.

When choosing tactics, the doctor must take into account the presence or absence of foci of inflammation in other organs, as well as trace the overall inflammatory process. Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis of this type can last for several months and, in addition to antibiotic therapy, include chipping the affected lymph node and applying ointment dressings. If there is an association purulent infection the doctor prescribes additional reception broad spectrum antibiotics.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes armpit caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus is axillary lymphadenitis. Underarm lymph nodes are a specific filter for microorganisms. Lymph nodes are actively involved in the process of cleaning the body, so the introduction of foreign agents into them is the cause of not only a decrease in the barrier function, but also inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Axillary lymphadenitis exists in two forms: serous axillary lymphadenitis and purulent axillary lymphadenitis. Underarm lymph nodes increase if the infectious process progresses.

Serous lymphadenitis of the armpit

Acute serous lymphadenitis occurs spontaneously: the lymph nodes increase, pain is felt when palpated. With the progression of the infectious process, edema increases and the lymph nodes acquire a dense texture.

The general condition of the patient worsens: appears heat, nausea, weakness, sleep disturbance.

If not carried out medical measures, the symptoms increase: the pain intensifies, the skin acquires a bright pink hue, the mobility of the lymph node is limited. Similar symptoms indicate the onset of periadenitis.

Periadenitis is inflammation of the tissues that surround the lymph node. Lack of therapy leads to purulent form diseases (purulent lymphadenitis of the armpit).

Purulent lymphadenitis of the armpit

Assume axillary lymphadenitis with the formation of pus allows unbearable pain pulsating character. On palpation, the fusion of the capsule of the lymph node with neighboring tissues is felt. The color of the skin changes: redness forms at the site of inflammation. When the capsule is destroyed, pus comes out into soft tissues, an adenophlegmon is formed.

At purulent inflammation lymph nodes, there is a possibility of fistula formation in the lymphatic vessels. This increases the risk of a breakthrough of pus.

Axillary lymphadenitis. The reasons

Lymphadenitis in the armpit occurs due to the active spread of infection by lymph or blood flow. There is also the possibility of penetration pathogenic flora by contact through damage to the skin of the armpits. An increase in lymph nodes occurs due to infection during a purulent-inflammatory process, general illness. It has been proven that the lymph nodes reflect the state of the organs. If the body develops pathological process, then the lymph nodes will respond first. Axillary lymphadenitis requires urgent treatment, since the causes that provoked inflammation of the lymphatic organs may not be harmless. Often oncological diseases, such as breast cancer, leukemia, cause changes in the lymph nodes.

However, the main causes of axillary lymphadenitis are:

  • Infection of the wound surface.
  • Furuncle.
  • Phlegmon.
  • Erysipelas.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Purulent infections of the bone tissue.

A disease such as axillary lymphadenitis can be acute, as well as take a chronic course.

Axillary lymphadenitis in children

In children, inflammation of the lymph nodes is reactive and almost never becomes chronic. Thanks to bright signs treatment of lymphadenitis in children begins on time.

The causes of lymphadenitis in children are acute infectious or viral diseases(diphtheria, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, influenza, chicken pox). Great chance the introduction of infectious bacteria is with damage to the lymph nodes in the armpit. In this case, axillary lymphadenitis occurs.

Diagnosing armpit lymphadenitis in children is easy. Often doubts arise in determining the etiology of the disease.

If axillary lymphadenitis is not caused neoplastic diseases, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. After adequate therapy the size of the lymph nodes returns to normal, the functions of the lymph nodes are restored.

The duration of therapy depends on the extent of the infection.

If there are malignant formations, then without surgical operation not enough. In the postoperative period, chemotherapeutic treatment and maintenance therapy are carried out.

Axillary lymphadenitis occurs as a result of inflammatory processes in the lymph node. As a rule, the disease develops as a complication against the background of inflammatory (nonspecific lymphadenitis) or purulent processes that occur in the body. Only in some cases, infection occurs after a direct injury to the lymph node.

Axillary lymphadenitis is caused by microorganisms or toxic products from the primary site of infection. The axillary lymph nodes collect lymph from upper limbs. After injury, inflammatory pathogens (E. coli, Enterococcus, Proteus, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus) penetrate through skin into the lymphatic vessels, and from there to the lymph nodes. Secondary infection of the lymph nodes occurs against the background of such diseases:

  • inflammation lymphatic vessels(lymphangitis);
  • phlegmon of the skin or other soft tissues of the hand;
  • furunculosis of the upper limb;
  • osteomyelitis of the radius, ulna, humerus;
  • purulent arthritis of the wrist or elbow joint;
  • severe panaritium.

Isolate specific inflammation axillary lymph nodes, which causes such diseases:

  1. Tuberculosis.
  2. Actinomycosis.
  3. AIDS.
  4. Tumors (benign and malignant).
  5. Brucellosis.
  6. Mononucleosis.

The infection can penetrate into the axillary lymph node through the blood vessels (hematogenous route) from sore muscles, joints, skin of the upper extremities. The most common are lymphogenous and hematogenous routes of infection. The contact route of infection occurs less frequently.

Clinical picture

The severity of the symptoms of the disease depends on the form and nature of the pathological process. Nonspecific axillary lymphadenitis is manifested by pain. In the axillary region, a mobile and enlarged lymph node of a dense consistency is probed. Usually, with nonspecific lymphadenitis, there is no adhesion of the inflamed nodes.

With a catarrhal or serous nature of inflammation, the patient complains only of soreness in the axillary region. Signs of intoxication of the body are usually absent in the patient. On examination, the patient's skin is not changed, the lymph nodes are not soldered. At protracted course diseases, several lymph nodes are affected. With such inflammation, soldered formations (“packages” of inflamed nodes) are palpated.

The patient complains of periods of exacerbation of pain, during which he feels general malaise. If, with a long course of the disease, you do not seek help from a doctor, swelling and tissue infiltration develop. Inflamed lymph nodes enlarge and fill the entire armpit.

For a purulent form of inflammation, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • swelling and hyperemia in the armpit;
  • intense pain;
  • fused lymph nodes;
  • diffuse inflammation;
  • intoxication (temperature 39 C, chills, weakness, headache).

Severe pain forces the patient to keep his hand in forced position. If the patient acute inflammation treatment was not prescribed, lymphadenitis may be complicated by thrombophlebitis, purulent fusion of the lymph node, phlegmon. As a result, purulent inflammation leads to sepsis.

In childhood, axillary lymphadenitis often occurs as a result of infectious diseases (tonsillitis, scarlet fever, measles). The disease develops very quickly with a predominance of signs of intoxication. The child loses his appetite, sleep is disturbed, severe pain appears in the armpit. After a few days, the pathological process passes to the surrounding tissues.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and patient complaints. In complicated chronic forms of inflammation, a biopsy is used to exclude oncological processes. To establish a diagnosis, they may prescribe computed tomography, lymphography, consultation with a venereologist and an infectious disease specialist.

After establishing the diagnosis and the phase of development of inflammation, treatment is prescribed. At an early stage of the inflammatory process, conservative therapy is prescribed. To eliminate inflammation, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics are used. With purulent lymphadenitis, surgical intervention is indicated. sick under local anesthesia open the abscess, drain the cavity. After opening the abscess, the following are shown:

  • treatment of the wound surface;
  • dressings with ointments (Levomekol).

If lymphadenitis is secondary, treatment begins with the identification of the primary focus of infection. Depending on the pathology, drugs are prescribed. In case of tuberculosis, a phthisiatrician consults and prescribes anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Patients are prescribed vitamins, drugs that stimulate the immune system, during the period of extinction of acute inflammation, physiotherapeutic methods are indicated. Proper Treatment leads to positive dynamics. The patient has an improvement in the general condition, a decrease in the size of the lymph node, a decrease in inflammation and pain. After an acute inflammatory process, lymphoid tissue is replaced by connective tissue. The scarring process usually occurs on the fifth day of treatment. Then there is a full recovery.

Axillary lymphadenitis is a disease accompanied by inflammation located in the axillary region. It is worth noting that such a disease requires medical attention, since otherwise suppuration of both the node itself and the tissues surrounding it is possible.

Axillary lymphadenitis: causes

It's no secret that it is primarily responsible for protection from pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. Therefore, most often axillary lymphadenitis is the result of the activity of one or another type of infection.

As a rule, it appears on the background of diseases respiratory system, including tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis. By the way, carious teeth can also be a source of infection.

Much less often pathogenic microorganisms get directly into the infection often occurs in the presence of scratches, wounds and abrasions on the skin of the armpits. Sometimes the inflammatory process appears after severe injury lymph node.

Axillary lymphadenitis: photos and symptoms

On the early stages disease, the clinical picture may not be too clear. Sick people notice only mild discomfort during hand movements. An enlarged one can be felt independently - it is slightly enlarged and firm to the touch.

In the absence of therapy, the disease passes into a serous form, which is accompanied by further development inflammatory process and accumulation inside the affected node serous fluid. At the same time, the skin in the armpit swells and acquires a reddish tint, and it is no longer possible to feel the lymph node. The surface of the skin is hot to the touch, and every movement gives off severe pain.

In the future, the appearance of a purulent process is possible. At similar condition the inflammatory process extends to neighboring tissues, affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Often, large abscesses can be seen under the patient's skin. Axillary lymphadenitis is accompanied by severe pain, fever, general weakness, lack of appetite.

The accumulation of pus is fraught dangerous complications, in particular, the formation of fistulas. That is why it is so important to seek medical help in time.

Axillary lymphadenitis: methods of treatment

Certainly, the treatment regimen this case depends on the severity of the disease. mild inflammation is usually treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. In addition, it is extremely important to detect the primary source of infection, since its elimination will help get rid of lymphadenitis faster and prevent further complications.

The serous form also involves taking antibiotics. In addition, special anti-inflammatory drugs are used during the treatment. For example, experts recommend regular cold compresses with herbal decoctions or Vishnevsky ointment.

Sometimes axillary lymphadenitis requires surgical intervention. In particular, the operation is performed in the presence of large abscesses and is reduced to cleansing the tissues from purulent masses.

Axillary lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph node under the armpits. As a rule, this type of lymphadenitis appears as a complication after any transferred infections and inflammation. Most often, axillary lymphadenitis occurs in women, since their lymph nodes in this area are much more sensitive.

Causes of lymphadenitis

Lymphadenitis under the arm most often occurs due to tissue infection pathogenic bacteria. These are streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pneumococcus, Escherichia coli and many other species. There are three routes of infection:

  • Lymphogenic. Lymphadenitis in the armpit occurs due to bacteria brought in with the lymph flow.
  • Hematogenous. The infection was spread throughout the body with blood. In this case, the inflammatory process could begin anywhere, for example, in the ovaries.
  • Contact. It is extremely rare. With such infection, direct contact of the body and the infected surface is necessary.

What causes lymphadenitis in the armpits? We list them below:

  • Open wounds.
  • Furunculosis.
  • Inflammation of hair follicles.
  • AIDS and HIV.
  • The presence of silicone implants in the breast.
  • Inflammation of the tissue of the lymph node.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Oncological diseases of any organ.
  • Mononucleosis.

Lymph nodes under the armpits have a very good location. They are easy to feel, and pain appear almost immediately. It is important to know all the signs of the disease. What are the symptoms of lymphadenitis under the arm?

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Symptoms of the disease

Lymphadenitis in the armpit can be divided into 2 types - and acute. The second, in turn, is divided into serous and purulent.

Concerning chronic type illness, then sharp deterioration the patient does not feel well. However, the lymph nodes are somewhat firm and swollen. There is no pain on palpation. Chronic lymphadenitis underarms, however, needs a full examination and treatment.

But the acute form can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes:

  • At serous inflammation you can see a pronounced swelling in the region of the lymph node. When palpated, pain is felt. In this case, there is no change in the general state in general.
  • Purulent lymphadenitis is rather difficult to tolerate. The patient may experience a sharp rise in body temperature, chills and nausea. The area above the affected lymph node itself becomes red and swollen. You can clearly see the purulent content inside. In this case, the lymph node under the arm is very sore. Absence adequate treatment can lead to a sad outcome, for example, sepsis, that is common infection blood. In this case, even a lethal outcome is possible.

Proper treatment of a disease such as lymphadenitis under the arm is very important. However, first you need to put accurate diagnosis and exclude the possibility of cancer.

Diagnosis of lymphadenitis

As a rule, doctors do not have difficulties in determining the disease. All tests for lymphadenitis are mainly aimed at establishing the primary source of infection, as well as eliminating the possibility cancer. So what methods are used to correct setting diagnosis?

  • General analysis of blood and urine.
  • X-ray.

The doctor may also refer you for a consultation with a more specialized specialist. For example, bilateral axillary lymphadenitis in a woman gives reason to suspect she has some kind of ovarian disease. The fact is that the lymph nodes in the armpits and in inguinal zone connected most closely in the weaker sex. Therefore, often with diseases of the chest and lymph nodes, an examination of the ovaries is carried out and vice versa.

Treatment of the disease

The question of how to treat lymphadenitis under the armpits has not been faced by doctors for a long time. The impact algorithm has been developed and perfected.

With purulent inflammation, it is extremely important to open the cavity of the affected node and remove all the pus. This is done exclusively in a hospital setting. The wound is then washed and drained daily. In this case, the patient necessarily receives a course of antibiotics either orally or intramuscularly.

In general, antibiotics are always prescribed for axillary lymphadenitis. Since it is often difficult to understand where the insidious source of the disease has hidden, it is necessary to kill the entire pathogenic flora. In addition to medicines, the doctor will prescribe local treatment. These are ointments and special solutions that kill the infection, reduce inflammation and pain.

Disease prevention

Of course, lymphadenitis in the armpit is easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, you need to know a few rules:

  • Colds should always be treated and viral infections. It is not necessary to immediately drink antibiotics, in the initial stages it is quite possible to get by with folk methods and bed rest. If suddenly the disease is delayed, consult your doctor about taking medications.
  • In autumn and spring, be sure to drink a course of vitamins.
  • Don't overcool. And if this suddenly happened, be sure to warm up well in a bath, sauna, or in an ordinary bath.
  • Any armpit wounds require treatment. For example, shaving cut. Immediately wipe the skin with peroxide, alcohol or chlorhexidine.
  • An enlarged lymph node under the arm is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Lymphadenitis in a child

Axillary lymphadenitis in children is a fairly common phenomenon. What causes can be? The fact is that it is the lymph nodes that can react to any infection in the body in a child. For example, when teething. Such a short-term increase is not dangerous if it passes by itself and does not worsen the baby's well-being. Here are a few more reasons why a child may have lymphadenitis.

Lymphadenitis in children is an inflammatory process that attacks the lymph nodes in the child's body. Recovery occurs quickly at the beginning of the disease, as the inflammation spreads, it becomes more difficult to cure.

The most common cause of lymphadenitis in the neck, groin, under the arm, behind the ear or other area is a disease of the body. In young children, lymph nodes are palpated near the ear, groin, and on the back of the head. Lymph nodes under the ear are often inflamed and infectious processes acute or chronic.

When an infection enters a lymph node, it enlarges and becomes inflamed due to the large concentration of cells that respond to the inflammatory response exactly where the bacterium ended up. Several nodes can become inflamed, or one even in infants in the first year of life.



Submandibular lymphadenitis occurs in oral cavity due to diseases such as caries, or gum disease. Therefore, in order to avoid submandibular lymphadenitis it is necessary to carefully monitor the oral cavity.


Inguinal lymphadenitis is also common in children, but it is much less common than in adults due to infection sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, the nodes located in the groin become inflamed. The child has inguinal lymphadenitis occurs in case of injury or if the immune system is weakened.


disease under the arm occurs as a result of inflammation of the tonsils or caries. AT axillary node, bacteria that are carried by lymph enter from the chest, shoulder, and those on the neck, under the ear, eventually forming lymphadenitis in children under the arm.


Near the ear, parotid lymphadenitis may form. The disease can be caused by trauma to the ear, which subsequently turns into a purulent process. Also, the cause of enlarged knots under the ear can be the extrusion of an eel on the neck or on the face with dirt entering the wound. Lymphadenitis under the ear is considered the most dangerous, as it leads to meningitis.


Mesenteric lymphadenitis is formed in the mesenteric nodes. This disease is common in children in the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, the tonsils become inflamed, as with lymphadenitis in the area under the arm.


Before starting the treatment of lymphadenitis in children, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, take a blood test and determine the stage of the disease, as well as its type. The level of intoxication is also determined. Based on this, treatment is aimed at stopping infectious and inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes eliminated the primary foci of infectious disease.

Usually, with lymphadenitis in a child, the lymph nodes in the neck, near the ear and in the face area suffer. Most often, the submandibular region is affected and rarely the inguinal region.

In the process of acute lymphadenitis, a chronic form of the disease can form if the cause is weakly virulent microorganisms. Symptoms chronic illness- enlarged lymph nodes, dense to the touch, inactive, elastic, pain symptoms missing. Purulent process does not develop. If the patient has a focus chronic infection which supports for a long time sluggish disease, lymph nodes gradually disintegrate and are replaced by granulation tissue.

Symptoms associated with tuberculous lymphadenitis are marked by inflamed lymph nodes in the neck. As a rule, the lymph nodes are collected in one bag, which is dense and painless, similar to a collar. Such symptoms are complicated by caseous decay, the formation of fistulas, scars appear on the skin.

Reactive lymphadenitis associated with TB vaccination has symptoms in the form of enlarged lymph nodes under the arms.

1-3 days after illness

On the third day after the disease, lymphadenitis is very painful, and the lymph nodes increase in size and become dense to the touch. General well-being is not disturbed.

3-5 days after illness

On the 3-5th day of the disease, acute lymphadenitis turns into purulent. The main signs of this stage are the deterioration of the general condition of the child, intoxication is noticed, the body is shivering, the temperature rises to 40 ° C, the head hurts, general malaise, weakness. There may also be symptoms of loss of appetite, insomnia. At the site of the affected nodes, there is a pulling and shooting pain, the skin swells. In this case, adenophlegmons can develop and a purulent process begins outside the lymph node. Adenophlegmons in the submandibular zone or ear area are complicated by thrombosis of the cavernous sinus and sepsis.


It is necessary to treat acute and chronic lymphadenitis using conservative therapy, which includes antibiotics, including Sumamed, semi-synthetic penicillins and cephalosporins. Vishnevsky ointment, various compresses, dry heat are also prescribed. Intended for use and vitamins, medicines strengthening immune system sick.

Ointment Vishnevsky

Vishnevsky's ointment contains in its composition special components that have antiseptic properties, as a result of which they are destroyed harmful microorganisms. Treatment can provide irritant effect on receptors, the regeneration process will be quick and efficient.

Ointment is used together with other medical events, how additional treatment inflamed lymph nodes. As a rule, Vishnevsky's ointment is used for long non-healing wounds if there are abrasions or ulcers, as well as with bedsores.

Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the inflamed skin surface with visible wounds and lesions.

Antibiotics Sumamed

Sumamed is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Usually, the drug is used for infection in the body of a child, which was caused by pathogenic microflora. Apply sumamed once a day one hour before eating. In addition, Vishnevsky's ointment is used. Sumamed should be used daily at the same time. Treatment takes place in for three days, but the ointment must be used longer.

Sumamed should be used with caution in those patients who are susceptible to or have either hepatic impairment.

Before treating inguinal lymphadenitis, enlarged nodes on the neck, behind the ear or in another area of ​​the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor, take a blood test. It should also be taken into account side effects that may occur after taking the drug Sumamed: punctate rash body, abdominal pain or dyspeptic disorders.


Properly prescribed treatment after a blood test has been taken and a thorough diagnosis of lymph nodes near the ear or on another part of the body has been completed leads to a complete recovery. The patient will recover completely and the body will not feel any further negative consequences.

  • Recommended reading:

If you start treating a child out of time, the disease can lead to the appearance of purulent foci in individual tissues and organs. You may even need surgery.

In addition, if the disease is strongly started and the lymph nodes near the ear, groin or under the back of the head begin to increase, then thrombophlebitis with pus may develop, in which the veins in the affected area of ​​​​the body become inflamed. Disease complicated by clogging of the pulmonary vessels with parts of blood clots and pus, which entered through the blood stream.

Lymph nodes in the armpit healthy person are not palpable on palpation. Their size in normal condition no more than a pea. Some people are unaware of the existence of these nodes until inflammation causes them to enlarge. If axillary lymphadenitis occurs, treatment is prescribed, taking into account the causes that provoked the disease.

Axillary nodes protect organs from the development of various pathological processes. Certain diseases cause their inflammation and deformation, change the consistency.

Lymph nodes are located in the middle of the armpit. They are divided into five types:

  • central;
  • chest;
  • subscapular;
  • apical;
  • lateral.

The bump formed in the armpit cannot be ignored. It sticks out strongly, is painful on palpation. Lymphadenitis usually develops against the background of colds and hypothermia.. But there are other reasons that lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the armpits.

Inflammatory processes in the nodes flare up if the body penetrates:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • coli;
  • other pathogens.

The infection is spread by blood and lymph flow through contact harmful microbes with skin lesions. Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm indicates that the body is actively fighting infectious agents.

Inflammation often leads to the development of lymphadenitis. hair follicle. In this case, the skin under the arm turns red, there are joint pains, nausea. The person feels bad, gets tired quickly.

The lymph node can become inflamed with the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • furunculosis;
  • erysipelas;
  • trophic ulcerations;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity (caries, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • profuse sweating;
  • intoxication;
  • weak immunity;
  • injuries;
  • cystic formations;
  • allergies.

Enlarged axillary lymph nodes in women indicate the development dangerous pathologies mammary glands. To exclude the malignant nature of the formations, they visit a mammologist.


Although the bumps make themselves felt immediately, the pathological process develops rather slowly. When the node grows, characteristic symptoms appear:

  • pain, aggravated by palpation;
  • the skin in the lesion turns red;
  • if lymphadenitis is not treated, the growth of nodes continues;
  • nausea-vomiting syndrome occurs;
  • muscles weaken;
  • the temperature jumps to critical values;
  • the pain becomes throbbing.

Medication treatment

Target therapeutic methods- suppress the source of infection. For this use traditional way treatment:

  • prescribe tests;
  • do an ultrasound;
  • formulate a treatment plan.
  • moderate physical activity;
  • accept medications prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis is carried out using:

With purulent lymphadenitis, an operation is performed. The abscess is opened, pathogenic exudate is released from it. The wound is being cleaned antiseptic solutions. Drainage is introduced into the affected lymph node, it brings the purulent substance out.

The patient is prescribed painkillers. AT severe cases transfuse blood. In the postoperative period, a diet is prescribed: they reduce the amount of carbohydrates, increase the intake of food enriched with vitamins.

Traditional medicine

An inflamed lymph node under the arm can be treated with home remedies. They are used simultaneously with official medicine by consulting a physician. At the same time, remember that folk recipes effective on early stage the development of the disease.

Preparations to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the lymph

If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, you need to strengthen defense mechanisms organism. To do this, prepare drugs that raise the immune system, freeing the lymph from pathogens. They are made according to the following recipes:

Anti-inflammatory drugs

For the treatment of lymph nodes under the arm, drugs are made that can suppress the development of inflammatory processes. The following recipes are suitable for their preparation:

Inflammatory processes that flare up in the lymph nodes signal the development of serious diseases in the body. Lymphadenitis cannot be ignored. With an early visit to the doctor, it will be possible to avoid life-threatening diseases (for example, cancer), quickly get rid of the disease, and restore health. It is necessary to be treated with the means prescribed by the doctor.

Axillary lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph node under the armpits. As a rule, this type of lymphadenitis appears as a complication after any past infections and inflammations. Most often, axillary lymphadenitis occurs in women, since their lymph nodes in this area are much more sensitive.

Causes of lymphadenitis

Lymphadenitis under the arm most often occurs due to tissue infection with pathogenic bacteria. These are streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pneumococcus, Escherichia coli and many other species. There are three routes of infection:

  • Lymphogenic. Lymphadenitis in the armpit occurs due to bacteria brought in with the lymph flow.
  • Hematogenous. The infection was spread throughout the body with blood. In this case, the inflammatory process could begin anywhere, for example, in the ovaries.
  • Contact. It is extremely rare. With such infection, direct contact of the body and the infected surface is necessary.

Causes of lymphadenitis in the armpits:

  • Open wounds.
  • Furunculosis.
  • Inflammation of hair follicles.
  • AIDS and HIV.
  • The presence of silicone implants in the breast.
  • Inflammation of the tissue of the lymph node.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Oncological diseases of any organ
  • Mononucleosis.

Lymph nodes under the armpits have a very good location. They are easy to feel, and painful sensations appear almost immediately. It is important to know all the signs of the disease.

What are the symptoms of lymphadenitis under the arm?

Lymphadenitis in the armpit can be divided into 2 types - and acute. The second, in turn, is divided into serous and purulent.

As for the chronic type of the disease, the patient does not have a sharp deterioration in well-being. However, the lymph nodes are somewhat firm and swollen. There is no pain on palpation. Chronic lymphadenitis of the armpits, however, needs full examination and treatment.

But acute form can deliver a lot of unpleasant moments:

  • With serous inflammation, you can see a pronounced swelling in the region of the lymph node. When palpated, pain is felt. In this case, there is no change in the general state in general.
  • Purulent lymphadenitis is rather difficult to tolerate. The patient may experience a sharp rise in body temperature, chills and nausea. The area above the affected lymph node itself becomes red and swollen. You can clearly see the purulent content inside. In this case, the lymph node under the arm is very sore. Lack of adequate treatment can lead to a sad outcome, for example, sepsis, that is, a general infection of the blood. In this case, even a lethal outcome is possible.

Proper treatment of a disease such as lymphadenitis under the arm is very important. However, first you need to make an accurate diagnosis and exclude the possibility of oncology.

Diagnosis of lymphadenitis

As a rule, doctors do not have difficulties in determining the disease. All tests for lymphadenitis are mainly aimed at establishing the primary source of infection, as well as eliminating the possibility of cancer.

  • General analysis of blood and urine.
  • X-ray.

The doctor may also refer you for a consultation with a more specialized specialist. For example, bilateral axillary lymphadenitis in a woman gives reason to suspect she has some kind of ovarian disease. The fact is that the lymph nodes in the armpits and in the inguinal zone are most closely connected in the weaker sex. Therefore, often with diseases of the chest and lymph nodes, an examination of the ovaries is carried out and vice versa.

Treatment of the disease

The question of how to treat lymphadenitis under the armpits has not been faced by doctors for a long time. The impact algorithm has been developed and perfected.

With purulent inflammation, it is extremely important to open the cavity of the affected node and remove all the pus. This is done exclusively in a hospital setting. The wound is then washed and drained daily. In this case, the patient necessarily receives a course of antibiotics either orally or intramuscularly.

In general, antibiotics are always prescribed for axillary lymphadenitis. Since it is often difficult to understand where the insidious source of the disease has hidden, it is necessary to kill the entire pathogenic flora. In addition to medicines, the doctor will prescribe local treatment. These are ointments and special solutions that kill the infection, reduce inflammation and pain.

Disease prevention

Of course, lymphadenitis in the armpit is easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, you need to know a few rules:

  • Colds and viral infections should always be treated. You don't have to take antibiotics right away. initial stages quite manageable folk methods and bed rest. If suddenly the disease is delayed, consult your doctor about taking medications.
  • In autumn and spring, be sure to drink a course of vitamins.
  • Don't overcool. And if this suddenly happened, be sure to warm up well in a bath, sauna, or in an ordinary bath.
  • Any armpit wounds require treatment. For example, shaving cut. Immediately wipe the skin with peroxide, alcohol or chlorhexidine.
  • An enlarged lymph node under the arm is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Axillary lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the armpit. This type lymphadenitis, as a rule, acts as a complication of various pyoinflammatory diseases.

Most often, inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes is due to the presence of infection in the upper limbs, shoulder girdle, chest, upper abdomen.

The acute form of the disease is manifested by an increase in lymph nodes, pulling pains in the armpit; chronic can occur without characteristic symptoms.

Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis depends on the stage of the inflammatory process in the node and the causes that caused it.

Causes of axillary lymphadenitis

Axillary lymphadenitis is usually caused by infection of the nodes with microorganisms such as streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, various types diplococci and pneumococci.

Infection can occur: lymphogenous, hematogenous and contact.

With the lymphatic method of damage, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the lymph nodes with the flow of lymph from the focus of chronic or acute purulent inflammation.

The hematogenous route of infection is associated with the spread of infection through the bloodstream from foci of infection located in internal organs(at inflammatory diseases ovaries, liver, intestines).

More rarely, the contact route of infection is encountered, which involves contact between the tissues of the lymph nodes and the infected surface.

The immediate causes of axillary lymphadenitis can be:

  • Infected open wounds;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • Erysipelas;
  • Lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels);
  • Tumors (benign and malignant);
  • Brucellosis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • actinomycosis;
  • AIDS;
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Availability in mammary glands silicone implants.

Symptoms of axillary lymphadenitis

Axillary lymphadenitis can occur in acute and chronic forms.

At acute lymphadenitis occurs in the armpit strong pain pulling nature. In this case, painful sensations are combined with fever, weakness, headache, malaise, swelling. Hyperemia appears on the surface of the skin.

Axillary lymphadenitis can be: catarrhal (serous) or purulent.

Serous inflammation of the lymph nodes manifests itself in the form of their increase, increased sensitivity and soreness. In this case, the general condition of the patient almost does not change. If the disease lasts for a long time, then the patient may show inflamed areas of the nodes in the form of "packages".

With a purulent form of axillary lymphadenitis, pain is pronounced, the skin over the inflamed nodes becomes red and swollen. In this case, the lymph nodes have a fuzzy outline and are soldered to the surrounding tissues and to each other. The general condition of the patient worsens and is characterized by malaise, fever, headache, tachycardia, chills. If no measures are taken to treat axillary lymphadenitis, which occurs in a purulent form, this can lead to the development of an abscess, thrombophlebitis, adenophlegmon, sepsis.

If lymphadenitis is not purulent, then general well-being the patient does not worsen. At the same time, the enlarged lymph nodes are dense to the touch, mobile, painful on palpation, the skin over them is not changed.

Diagnosis of axillary lymphadenitis

There are no special difficulties in diagnosing axillary lymphadenitis among specialists. Diagnosis is based on data visual inspection, studying the patient's history and, if necessary, using methods of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Difficulties in making a diagnosis can occur with complicated forms of lymphadenitis. But in any case, the doctor must establish the location of the primary focus of infection.

A patient with axillary lymphadenitis may be prescribed:

  • Needle biopsy of the lymph node or excision of the lymph node, followed by histological examination. This procedure is carried out to establish chronic form lymphadenitis and diagnosis of leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, metastatic lesions of the lymph nodes;
  • Computed tomography of lymph nodes;
  • X-ray contrast lymphography;
  • Lymphoscintigraphy.
  • Ultrasound procedure;
  • Consultations of specialists of various profiles.

Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis

The choice of a method for treating axillary lymphadenitis is determined by the stage of the inflammatory process, as well as the condition of the nodes.

Conservative treatment of axillary lymphadenitis is used at the initial stages of the development of the disease and its goal is to eliminate the primary focus of infection. For this, abscesses, phlegmons, purulent streaks are opened, and abscesses are drained.

An obligatory element of the treatment of axillary lymphadenitis is antibiotic therapy. In acute inflammation, drugs such as tubazid, streptomycin, ethambutol, prothionamide, ethionamide are used. On the inflamed lymph node dressings with streptomycin are applied, the sites of inflammation are treated with tubazid or tibon ointment, and lymph nodes can also be chipped with streptomycin. Sometimes the treatment of axillary lymphadenitis can take several months.

For more late stages inflammation resort to surgical intervention. The operation consists in opening the lymph node with the subsequent removal of purulent masses from its cavity and drainage. After surgery, the patient is prescribed drug therapy used in the treatment of purulent wounds.

Prevention of axillary lymphadenitis

Prevention measures this disease come down to the following:

  • Protection against infection;
  • Timely localization of any inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Minimizing the possibility of injury to the axillary region;
  • High-quality and timely treatment with antiseptics of wounds and skin injuries in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits;
  • Treatment infectious diseases under the supervision of a doctor with the use, if necessary, of general antibiotic therapy;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Thus, axillary lymphadenitis with timely treatment has a favorable prognosis for the patient, although his treatment may take long time. Otherwise, the disease can lead to serious complications.

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