The most effective and safe liposuction. Non-surgical liposuction: technique, complications, reviews. Features of the operation for the abdominal area without surgical intervention

When traditional methods of losing weight fail, people decide to try various methods of liposuction on themselves, dreaming of a quick and effective removal of fat deposits. Plastic surgeons call the fat removal procedure "liposculpture", emphasizing the high efficiency of the operation with low invasiveness. The traditional principle of the operation is from the problem area.

Liposuction is a local correction of the figure, aimed at removing fat deposits from problem areas, but not at all fighting.

Liposuction does not cure obesity. Weight loss is a long and complex process, based on proper nutrition and exercise. A competent specialist will recommend to his client to look for another way to lose weight if there is a problem of obesity. Or, as an option, he will direct him to lipomodeling of the whole body, which implies a long process in several stages, to correct more than 20 problem areas.

The result of the operation directly depends on the chosen method of liposuction. There are a number of indications for the use of all methods. Consult with several specialists about the appropriate method for performing lipoplasty so that the operation is safe, easy, effective and least uncomfortable.

Surgical method

Liposuction (Lipo - fat, suction - suck) is a surgical intervention to remove accumulations of fat in a certain area using a vacuum, by introducing a long tube (cannula).

Vacuum (classic)

Vacuum liposuction is the most popular and frequently used method of fat removal. The procedure is performed when the volume of pumped fat does not exceed 2-3 liters. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of a special tube (cannula) under the skin through incisions, the size of which is not more than 1.5 cm. Depending on how much fat is planned to be removed, the size of the incision, the shape and diameter of the cannula are determined.

Due to the fan-shaped introduction of the tube and characteristic movements (forward - backward), a special vacuum device destroys and removes adipose tissue.

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is performed according to the principle of the classical vacuum method, but it is more safe for the client. To avoid the risk of hemorrhage and injury, the problem area is first chipped with a special solution of adrenaline, saline and anesthetic. The duration of exposure to such a mixture is about 30 - 40 minutes, due to which fat deposits are liquefied and easier to remove.

non-surgical method

Non-surgical liposuction is a type of fat removal without surgery. The procedure is indicated for patients who, due to health reasons or lack of time for rehabilitation, cannot resort to the surgical method.

water jet

Cons - the healing of the treated area occurs within 2 weeks and the age limit, since the most pronounced result is obtained by clients from 20 to 35 years old.



When adipose tissue accumulates on the hands, a violation of harmonious proportions occurs, as a result of which the hands appear too full in comparison with other parts of the body. The indications for surgery are a young age of the patient with little fat and good skin elasticity.

Before the procedure, each client undergoes a test to determine the cause of hand fat. The advantages of the procedure are the improvement of the shape of the hands and the long-term consolidation of the result (about 5 to 8 years). Cons - swelling and multiple contraindications.


cervical hump

The cervical hump is also known as the climacteric widow. Some doctors claim that

Modern norms of the human body are based on the sophistication of forms. This encourages people to constantly take action to eliminate extra pounds. One of the means of such confrontation is liposuction. This procedure is endowed with pluses, has negative points, is diverse in practicing methods, and is not always approved by patients.

Invasive or surgical types of liposuction - advantages and disadvantages when applied?

A considerable number of people opt for non-surgical methods of dealing with excess fat. One of the possible reasons is the lack of awareness of the population about what equipment is used during the operation, what algorithm of the procedure itself, what are the positive aspects and disadvantages in the extensive list of subtypes of liposuction.

Surgical liposuction consists in the fact that incisions are made on the patient's body, through which fat is extracted using aspiration equipment. The fundamental point of this cure is the fragmentation of fat cells into molecules. The considered type of liposuction is divided into several subspecies, which were created on the basis of the historical component:

  • dry– the traditional option of liposuction. Excess fatty matter is removed mechanically. For these purposes, cannulas with a large diameter are used, which are associated with an aspirator. Impregnation of body materials with saline is not carried out. This subtype of classical liposuction is relevant if you need to work with scanty areas of the body, where the amount of excess fat is not so large; to neutralize the mistakes of the previous liposuction. Negative factors are a large loss of blood by the patient, severe injuries. The fundamental points of the procedure under consideration are accuracy, complexity, which eliminates the inexperience, lack of professionalism of the operator. This subtype of liposuction is not so popular among those who have problems with fat deposits, but on average its price ranges from 300-400 dollars for 1 zone;
  • wet- practiced often, has a low trauma. Before the introduction of the cannula into the area with which they plan to work, a certain amount of a substance is launched, which includes an anesthetic, adrenaline. The first favors the liquefaction of fatty matter - the process of extracting the fat emulsion is greatly facilitated. Through adrenaline, blood vessels decrease in diameter, which means that blood loss will be minimal. The scanty presence of blood in the equipment used helps to extract a larger amount of fatty matter from the body (maximum 5 thousand ml of emulsion). This procedure will be more fruitful if combined with non-surgical liposuction;
  • tumescent- possible with a special solution, which will include an anesthetic, soda, saline, adrenaline. After the introduction of a large volume of this solution into the patient's body, the vessels regress in their diameter, which provides them with protection from ruptures. Fat cells are fixed in the solution - their removal is greatly facilitated. This subtype of surgical liposuction allows you to eliminate up to 10 thousand ml. emulsions.

If a person decides on this type of liposuction, then one must be prepared for prolonged pain in the areas that have been treated. You can forget about the smoothness of the skin in these places, therefore cosmetic manipulations are additionally shown. It is important to perform maneuvers during surgical liposuction in the forearms, on the inner side of the thighs.

It is impossible to answer the question of how much surgical liposuction costs, since it will depend on how many problem areas the patient has, which clinic and in which country was chosen for treatment. The average price for 1 zone (palm size) within the Russian Federation starts from 400-500 dollars.

Comment by Sukhodolov Yaroslav Igorevich, plastic surgeon:

You need to understand that liposuction is not a method of losing weight.

Chemical liposuction is used by cosmetologists, it works on very small amounts of fat (such as the chin, the knee area) - it is extremely ineffective.

Dry liposuction is generally not used.

Tumescent is the most popular and working option (a regular liposuction cannula is performed).

Laser and ultrasound is the same tumescent, only special devices are used (pluses - the skin contracts more strongly than after classical liposuction).

After any liposuction, you need to wear compression underwear for 1-2 months.

Non-invasive or non-surgical liposuction methods – pros and cons, how do they work?

By definition, it would be wrong to initiate liposuction as a non-surgical intervention, since the surgical aspect is an immediate component of the procedure in question. It would be more adequate to call this phenomenon lipolysis: the elimination of fat cells is carried out thanks to the circulatory and lymphatic systems. There are several subspecies of this procedure:

  • radiofrequency liposuction. The elimination of the integrity of the minimum fat particle is carried out thanks to 2 electrodes, a generator. The electric current injected in this way collides with the cell and destroys it. At the start of this procedure, one of the electrodes must be connected to fatty tissue, which involves piercing the skin. The second electrode should be fixed outside the skin opposite the first. The destruction is carried out in a balanced way, problems with skin irregularities are excluded, but it is probable. The procedure under consideration is fraught with malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs, impaired blood flow.

The cost of radio wave liposuction varies depending on the problem.
area, clinics. On average, you need to have 1200-1500 dollars to make 1 session on 1 zone. But there is no 100% guarantee of the success of radiofrequency liposuction, so it is advisable to consider alternative options;

  • chemical- elimination of fat deposits with the assistance of a specific chemical preparation. Suitable for small areas: chin, knees, etc. The negative point is the likelihood of allergies, a weak visual effect. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with 1 injection, but even in this case, the procedure will have to be updated regularly. The price for 1 injection will depend on the substance used, on average it will be 50-150 dollars.

Since outwardly the skin does not look attractive, the effect is minimal, and the need for duplication is obvious, chemical liposuction cannot boast of a mass of positive reviews;

  • ultrasonic liposuction. Among all the subspecies of non-surgical liposuction, this one has gained the greatest popularity. To eliminate extra kilos, special equipment “tube in tube” is practiced here, when the problem area is influenced by ultrasonic waves. Fat cells are divided into microparticles, converted into a liquid state, and removed from the body. Such treatment will cost about $ 600 / 1 problem area.

The advantages of the considered liposuction include:

  • balanced division of fat cells;
  • lack of need for rehabilitation after surgery;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • problem solving in terms of excess weight;
  • pain during the procedure is not ascertained;
  • the ability to correct hard-to-reach areas.

There are many negative effects in this procedure:

  • dehydration of matter;
  • the likelihood of inflammation of the gastric mucosa / pancreas. This is explained by the destructive effect of low-frequency ultrasound waves on the pancreas. May be limited to loose stools;
  • it is problematic to maintain the unity of the skin. Often an external / internal burn is fixed.

Only a professional should carry out this procedure. Otherwise, dysfunction of internal organs/systems may occur.

Minimally invasive laser liposuction method - advantages and disadvantages, possible side effects

It is feasible by influencing fat cells, which are divided into microparticles and excreted from the body. Through this procedure, you can get rid of excess fat, make the skin more toned. Those wishing to try this procedure on themselves need to have at least $ 700 in their wallet. This is exactly the average amount for working with 1 problem area.

There are many advantages to this procedure:

  • minimal injury. It is explained by the characteristics of the laser device that is used during the procedure. The radius of the cannulas is 0.25 mm, the disintegration of fatty particles is carried out due to thermal effects;
  • skin tightening is achieved by the ability to control the force of thermal exposure. If there is a need for a strong tightening, the doctor can change the wavelength of the laser, which will provoke a more thorough heating of the tissue;
  • the ability to eliminate errors in hard-to-reach areas. This can include the armpits, the area above the knees, the chin, etc. During surgical liposuction, the patient will be in pain for a long time - the consequences of the laser procedure are fleeting;

There are several negative points:

after the end of the procedure, there is a need to use compression underwear. At first, it must be worn regularly (up to 21 days), after - as prescribed by the doctor;
for inelastic skin, duplication of the procedure is required, since a one-time laser therapy will not be fruitful;
The peak of the effectiveness of the procedure will come only after 3 months. It is then that the processes of skin contraction will be completed.

Real reviews about liposuction

Six months ago I had vacuum liposuction. At that time, I knew only superficially about this procedure, I learned about all the nuances later, including from personal experience. The procedure itself is very complicated, my recovery period lasted a month and a half. During this time, it was such that she lost consciousness. The skin at the suction site looks terrible: uneven, inelastic. You have to watch what you eat, when you eat, exercise. If this is not done, then the most unexpected parts of the body will become overgrown with fat. The paradox of the situation is that only 400 grams of fat was removed. I heard that very obese people can remove up to 5 liters. To avoid incidents, consult with normal doctors, find out all the details, the errors of the procedure.

If you need to solve the problem of a bulging belly + tighten the skin, then I advise you to perform radio wave liposuction using the BodyTite device. Expensive of course: I paid $ 1,200 (person), but I do not regret

For as long as I know myself, I regularly practiced sports dancing. The figurine is beautiful. But the “ears” on the sides spoil the whole picture, especially if I put on trousers with a low waist! I tried to get rid of them by various methods: gymnastics, massages, saunas - I just spent money in vain. I decided to take a more serious step - radio wave liposuction. I liked that local anesthesia was included here, that it didn’t take much time to recover, they did a lift on my “ears”. Did a lot of analysis. The procedure took me an hour. I wore compression underwear for a little over a month, the result was worth it!

Not very long ago I did ultrasonic liposuction of the thighs (outer side) using the OMNIKA device. The doctor prescribed me to undergo 7 procedures, I followed his recommendations. This device is good because it comes with nozzles in the set, thanks to which you can tighten the skin in the problem area. Between each procedure, I paused for 7 days so that the melted cells could be completely removed from my body. There was no pain during liposuction, but the whistle of the working apparatus was present. After the procedure was completed, I did not have to stay in the clinic - in a matter of minutes I left the building. As a result, she decreased in the hips by 6 cm.

I really liked radiofrequency liposuction with the participation of a special device (BodyTite, if I'm not mistaken). Before the treatment, my waist was 74 cm, after - 69 cm. Nothing happens for the first 6-7 days after the procedure, but then the result is amazing.

I did tumescent liposuction a year and a half ago in Moscow, it cost me $ 800. They gave me general anesthesia and I fell asleep. When I came to, the doctors sewed me up. There is no need to be afraid - the sensitivity of the body is at zero due to painkillers, and you will not see this process. Elastic bandages on the wounds, underwear worn over it and that's it. A friend came for me, we went together to a sushi bar, then to a supermarket and home. While I was under the influence of painkillers, I felt better than satisfactory. As soon as the drugs stopped working, the pain overtook me. Saved by ketanov. Three days later she began to work, but every day she came to the clinic to do dressings. I thought that these terrible bruises would stay with me forever, but they disappeared within a few days. I also want to do laser liposuction - I'm looking for a normal clinic.

Two years ago I did laser liposuction in Minsk. I had to correct the waist, drive the sides, reduce the hips. I paid crazy money, and the effect is noticeable only under a microscope. I regret that I didn’t do a regular liposuction, and I would have saved money and enjoyed the result.

I am 54 years old, I decided to get rid of my stomach, correct the figure in the area of ​​​​the hips, knees, waist. Especially my stomach bothered me: after menopause it increased even more. I went around many clinics, talked with many surgeons, until I finally found an adequate specialist. Initially, I was set up for laser liposuction, but the doctor dissuaded me. As he said, the laser procedure will cost twice as much as the usual (tuniscent) liposuction, and it is unlikely that laser lipo will help me with anything. I decided to have a regular liposuction, spent 1 day in the clinic, they eliminated 870 ml of pure fat, and I paid a little more than 1 thousand dollars for all this.

In my configuration, I have always been thin, but with age, a stomach appeared. The hoop, the swing of the press, the hunger strike were not crowned with success, so I decided to do liposuction. Since I am terribly afraid of pain, I stopped at laser correction. Its essence lies in the fact that the stomach is pierced with small cannulas. The trace remained, but within a year everything disappeared. It is imperative to follow your diet and lifestyle after this procedure, otherwise the eliminated fat will return very quickly.

About two weeks ago I had wet liposuction on my stomach and flanks. I do not complain about the result. I'm especially happy with my sides. But during the procedure, the pain felt strong. It was real to endure, but I would not risk going through it again. They used local anesthesia, and on the same day they were allowed to go home. A day later it was already working. Bruises, puffiness decrease every day, and the result is visible.

Four months ago I did laser liposuction on my chin in Kyiv. I can’t say that it was too distinct for me, but it still spoiled the mood. I paid $650 for this procedure. The effect made itself felt after 2 months. There is no sagging skin on the chin. In general, I am satisfied with the result, despite the fact that the price is hefty.

I had wet liposuction last summer. I turned to a trusted specialist (a friend advised), he prescribed this procedure for me. I wished to remove the excess from the hips - the outer side. The operation was done under anesthesia, so I slept sweetly while the fat was removed. When I woke up, I went to the toilet, got dressed and went home. Hematomas remained, but did not last long. Edema also subsided quickly. You can’t go sunbathing for more than a month, but you can start working - at least the next day. I was pleased with the result, but now half a year has passed, undulating irregularities on the legs began to appear. As the doctor explained to me over the phone, this is due to an unbalanced diet. Liposuction was done to me, but I didn’t eat less, which caused such an effect. Now I am on a kefir diet, it seems that my legs are returning to normal.

As such, the concept of non-surgical liposuction does not exist., since liposuction is characterized as an operation to artificially pump out fat. It cannot be carried out without punctures and incisions.

A non-surgical (non-surgical) method would be more correctly called lipolysis. Which in turn means the metabolic breakdown of fats into fatty acids under the action of lipase.

This type of procedure is resorted to by people who do not want or for some reason are not able to get rid of body fat on their own with the help of sports or dietary adjustments. Procedures can be applied by both women and men from the age of majority.

The younger the body, the more effective the result will be.. The variety of methods of non-surgical liposuction allows you to get rid of fat cells in almost any part of the body.

Types of liposuction without surgery

The choice of non-surgical methods of dealing with problem areas of our body is quite wide. In order to make the right choice, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the features, pros and cons of each of the procedures.

Correctly selected method of "liposuction" will help to get the maximum result from the procedure.


This method is the most popular and in demand. The removal of fat in this way occurs with the help of low atmospheric pressure. Under the action of ultrasound, fat cells burst, acquiring the consistency of an emulsion. Destroyed cells are removed through tubes inserted into the patient's body or through the venous / lymphatic system (with non-invasive liposuction).


  1. allows you to quickly model the contours of the body;
  2. does not require hospitalization;
  3. accessible to most people;
  4. reduces cellulite.


  • oncological diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • herpes in active form;
  • colds;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Possible negative consequences:

  1. blood clots in blood vessels;
  2. risk of damage to the peripheral nervous system;
  3. tissue dehydration;
  4. tissue destruction (burn).

The prices for the procedure are quite low. The number of procedures depends on the "initial data" of the patient. On average, 6-8 treatments may be needed.. The duration of the event is from 1 to 3 hours.

Learn more about ultrasonic liposuction in this video:

Shock wave (hardware)

It occurs with the help of a special apparatus that acts on the "problem" areas of the body with acoustic waves and promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue, as well as improving metabolism. Initially, the procedure was used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, varicose veins and other serious diseases. Today it is actively used for:

  • elimination of cellulite;
  • increasing skin turgor;
  • body contouring;
  • improve blood circulation.

It is worth noting that this technique is not suitable for correcting the oval of the face and getting rid of the second chin.


The disadvantages include only the fact that 5-6 procedures will be required to obtain a significant effect.

The use of shock wave therapy is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin damage in the area of ​​the necessary impact;
  • active viral infections;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

You can learn more about shock wave non-surgical liposuction from this video:

Non-surgical injection (chemical)

It is a type of plastic surgery in which special injectable preparations are introduced into the “problem areas” to combat fatty deposits. This technique is not suitable for weight loss.. Its main goal is body contouring.

The injected liquid destroys the fat cells and turns them into an emulsion. The resulting substance is excreted through the liver without any side effects. The average time for the procedure is 20 minutes. To obtain a positive effect, it is recommended to carry out 8-10 procedures with an interval of 10 days.

Benefits of injectable "liposuction":


  • age up to 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • infectious diseases;
  • HIV, hepatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • SARS, fever.

The procedure is suitable for the treatment of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, shoulders and arms, face and neck.

Possible side effects include slight inflammation at the injection site. After a few days, it passes without a trace. If the inflammation progresses, this indicates an infectious complication resulting from a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards.

Cryolipolysis (cold)

The method consists in exposure to cold on "problem areas". Fat cells do not tolerate low temperatures and are forced to undergo splitting. The indication for this procedure is obesity resulting from a violation of food conduction.

Among contraindications:

The pluses include:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. the possibility of using the method for obesity.


  1. available only in major cities;
  2. discomfort during the procedure;
  3. for 1 session only 1 zone is processed;
  4. high price.

The duration of the first procedure is 30-40 minutes. Subsequent increases to an hour. The number of procedures depends on the initial data.

Learn more about cryolipolysis in this video:

Radiofrequency or electrolipolysis Body tite

This the procedure is carried out using special equipment Body tite (Body Tite) emitting radio frequency. On the nozzle of the device there is a needle that is inserted into the place of fatty deposits and, when heated, breaks and brings out the fat cells.

Electrolipolysis is great for the correction of the neck, decollete and face, because. does not leave scars and has a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening it and relieving the first signs of aging.

The procedure has practically no contraindications due to the absence of injury risk and excellent tolerability.

The advantages include the following features:

  1. skin tightening effect;
  2. high efficiency (for 1 session you can get rid of 5 liters of fat);
  3. minimal trauma.

The duration of radiofrequency non-surgical "liposuction" is about 1.5 hours and may vary depending on the characteristics of the area to be worked out.


The procedure is performed using an ozone-oxygen mixture.. In addition to the breakdown of body fat, it helps to eliminate toxins, and also improves skin elasticity.

Due to the simultaneous injection of several needles, the process takes a small amount of time, is evenly distributed over the required area of ​​influence and does not cause pain to the patient.

Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • presence of acute/chronic diseases.

The procedure is effective at any stage of cellulite.. In total, 10-12 sessions are prescribed with an interval of 5-7 days. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes or more (depending on the amount of body fat).

The prices for a session of non-surgical "liposuction" in St. Petersburg and Moscow are approximately the same, but there is a rather large variation. So, cryolipolysis in one clinic can be done for 2.5 tr., while the other will take from 30 tr. and higher.

A photo

The photo shows how the figure looks, including in the abdomen, before and after liposuction.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

The advantages of the non-surgical method are:

  • the absence of abdominal incisions and punctures on the patient's body for pumping fat;
  • anesthesia is not used;
  • fat breakdown occurs naturally;
  • the procedure can be performed in a beauty parlor;
  • a small percentage of complications;
  • high efficiency.

The main disadvantages are:

  • The load on the liver, as there is a neutralization of apocytes. It is recommended to stick to the diet during this period.
  • Problems from the lymphatic system. When removing the emulsion that breaks down fats, intoxication of the body is possible. To minimize the occurrence of such complications, lymphatic drainage massage should be performed.
  • The risk of allergic reactions to drugs used for non-surgical liposuction (lipolysis).


The main permanent contraindications to the "operation" are:

  1. oncology;
  2. blood diseases;
  3. diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  4. serious diseases of other internal organs.

Temporary ones include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation period;
  3. menstruation;
  4. menopause;
  5. colds.

Features of the operation for the abdominal area without surgical intervention

Non-surgical liposuction of the abdominal area is indicated in the presence of fatty deposits, lipomas and cellulite bumps in this area. The rehabilitation period will be 3 days.

The following methods are suitable for the procedure:

  • laser (you can find out more about how to deal with fat with laser liposuction);
  • multi-injector;
  • shock wave;
  • ultrasonic (for more information about what ultrasonic liposuction is, you can find out in);
  • radio frequency;
  • injection.

2-3 days before and after the non-surgical "liposuction" of the abdomen, you should refuse to visit the pool, avoid sunbathing and drinking alcohol, improve nutrition, eliminating fried, fatty and spicy foods. Drink 1-2 liters of clean drinking water.

The result of the procedure will be noticeable after the first session.. The amount of body fat will be noticeably reduced. However, the greatest result will appear after 3-4 procedures.

After the procedure, it is desirable to observe the daily regimen, lead an active lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition. Otherwise, extra pounds can quickly return.

Of the side effects, small burns on the body are possible due to increased skin sensitivity or exceeding the session time. Also in some cases dehydration occurs. You can prevent such a complication by drinking at least 2 liters of still water on the day of the procedure.

The doctor of the clinic where the procedure is planned will help with the choice of the appropriate method of getting rid of excess fat deposits, as well as determine the possibility of non-surgical liposuction, based on the results of preliminary studies and analysis of the patient's health.

Liposuction is a widespread cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to reduce the volume and change the nature (shape) of fat deposits in various areas of the body.

Liposuction is also classified as a bariatric technique, i.e. procedures used to treat obesity. Strictly speaking, this is not entirely true, since liposuction does not affect the causes and pathogenesis of the disease. However, the cosmetic effect of it may be more significant than when trying to get rid of extra pounds in other more conservative ways.

We recommend reading:

Liposuction Methods

Important:during the manipulation, it is possible to pump out up to 2 liters of body fat.

Women most often resort to liposuction of the thighs (to eliminate the so-called "riding breeches"), and also ask cosmetic surgeons to remove unwanted deposits in the buttocks, abdomen, waist and forearm. Chin liposuction is a very popular procedure among clinic patients.

Men, as a rule, want to eliminate excess fat in the neck, chest, as well as on the abdomen and buttocks.

Currently, several methods of fat removal are used in clinics.

The following types of liposuction are among the modern techniques:

  • ultrasonic liposuction (traditional and non-invasive);
  • laser liposuction;
  • radiofrequency liposuction (RF).

Indications for liposuction

The indications for the procedure are the presence of noticeable local deposits of lipid tissue, which cannot be removed by conservative methods such as regular exercise and restrictive diet.

It is desirable that the patient was in good general health and sufficiently elastic skin. Under such conditions, the cosmetic effect will be maximum, and the likelihood of complications will be reduced to zero.

If the skin is flabby, then after the cosmetic procedure it may sag; to eliminate such consequences, additional surgical intervention is often required.

Note:The best results of liposuction can be achieved in patients whose height is average or slightly above average.

Preparation for liposuction

An objective assessment of the volume of excess lipid tissue is carried out by a qualified plastic surgeon. The main task of the specialist in the preoperative period is the preliminary modeling of the patient's figure, the selection of the area with the greatest accumulation of fat.

Before liposuction, the patient must undergo a complete examination and pass a series of tests.

It is mandatory to get a consultation with a therapist, do an ECG and undergo a fluorography.

Tests that need to be taken in preparation for a cosmetic procedure:

  • and (B and C);

10 days before the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to take drugs that affect blood clotting, and it is not recommended to smoke. It is also advisable to carry out bowel cleansing in the clinic.

The duration of manipulations directly depends on the technique and volume of intervention. Liposuction lasts from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours.

Contraindications for liposuction

Liposuction, like most other medical manipulations, has a number of contraindications.

The procedure is not performed for patients diagnosed with:

  • serious chronic diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • other pathologies from the cardiovascular system,
  • blood clotting disorders (for invasive techniques);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • active form;
  • acute infectious diseases (including SARS);
  • mental illness;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • decreased immunity against the background of hormonal therapy.

Liposuction is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Until relatively recently, to pump out fat, surgeons had to perform rather large incisions, which increased the risk of bleeding. In addition, a rather traumatic operation was performed only under general anesthesia, and anesthesia not only lengthens the rehabilitation period, but can also cause complications in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Currently, the tumescent technique is widely used. During the operation, one or more small incisions are made through which microcannulas are inserted under the skin to pump out lipid deposits. The relatively small invasiveness of the manipulation made it possible to carry it out under local anesthesia, sometimes supplemented by intravenous administration of sedatives. This not only shortened the postoperative period, but also allowed patients to be conscious during the operation and, if necessary, to comply with the doctor's requests.

The widespread use of the technique was facilitated by the development of a special composition consisting of saline, lidocaine, an antibiotic and adrenaline. Before the operation, this pressure solution is injected into the subcutaneous adipose tissue directly in the area where the fat will be pumped out. In this case, the volume of fluid injected should be approximately equal to the volume of fat that is supposed to be pumped out.

The composition of the drug used makes it possible to achieve high-quality anesthesia, minimize the risk of bleeding and prevent the development of infectious complications. Moreover, interacting with fat, this mixture turns adipose tissue into an emulsion, which makes it easy to pump out unwanted deposits using a vacuum method. To pump out fat, low-traumatic thin cannulas are used, which ensure the accuracy of the procedure and the absence of bruises, seroma and large scars after it.

Note: an important point in carrying out tumescent liposuction is the complete removal of emulsified adipose tissue. Failure to comply with this condition entails the appearance of significant depressions on the patient's body.

In most cases, a few hours after the end of the procedure, the patient can leave the clinic. Full recovery usually takes only 3-4 days, after which the person returns to his usual active life.

The technique of ultrasonic liposuction involves the impact on lipid deposits with high-frequency sound vibrations. Under their influence, the cells of the fat layer (adipocytes) are destroyed, turning into an emulsion.

The undoubted advantage of the ultrasound technique is the ability to prevent blood loss, scarring, as well as the formation of irregularities in the form of pits and bumps. The most commonly performed ultrasound liposuction of the thighs, abdomen and facial area (chin). During the procedure, the effect of tightening the skin is achieved.

During traditional ultrasonic liposuction, the emulsified fat (lysate) is pumped out by means of a device that creates reduced pressure (vacuum suction). To do this, thin titanium cannulas are inserted into small incisions in the skin. Up to 1.5 liters of fat is removed in one session.

There is an innovative non-invasive technique that involves the removal of destroyed lipid tissue through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. It does not require incisions, which eliminates the possibility of complications such as inflammation, suppuration and the formation of postoperative scars.

Note:a non-invasive method is used to eliminate small deposits (for example, with liposuction of the chin). A large amount of fat requires its removal in several stages, since during one session when using this ultrasonic liposuction technique, no more than 500 ml is pumped out.

The best effect is achieved by combining non-invasive ultrasonic liposuction with massage procedures and lymphatic drainage regularly performed after the procedure. Positive changes are fully manifested after a month, when the lipids decomposed to simpler chemical compounds are finally removed from the patient's body.

Important:with a general increase in body weight (in particular, with a tendency to obesity), the positive effect quickly reduces to zero. In this regard, patients are advised to comply with a minimum intake of fatty foods and the so-called. "fast" carbohydrates.

A number of leading clinics currently practice non-invasive liposuction using the Ultrashape device. This device generates a powerful directional stream of ultrasonic vibrations. The unique scanning system optimally distributes energy, eliminating the negative impact on surrounding tissues. Impact zones (from 125 to 315 sq. cm) are determined by interchangeable devices included in the device. In the presence of significant fat deposits, cosmetologists advise the patient to undergo from 3 to 8 sessions, the interval between which should be 3-4 weeks. The procedure is absolutely painless, so even local anesthesia is not required in this case.

After non-invasive ultrasound liposuction, you should follow the drinking regime with the consumption of at least 2 liters of fluid during the day. This will allow the body to quickly get rid of the destroyed fat cells.

Important:ultrasonic liposuction is not performed if the patient has endoprostheses or a pacemaker is installed. Also contraindications are , skin diseases in the area of ​​intended exposureand decompensated form of diabetes mellitus.

Laser liposuction is the most innovative and promising method of getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat deposits. It is based on the ability of laser radiation to selectively and very delicately affect the cell membranes of adipocytes. The diameter of the tube for removing fat is only 1 mm, so during the procedure, not an incision is made, but a puncture.

Since the beam is able to instantly “solder” damaged blood vessels, complications in the form of postoperative hematomas also do not develop. The radiation stimulates the synthesis of collagen, therefore, a lifting effect (skin tightening) is achieved in parallel.

With non-surgical lipolysis, which is performed on small areas of the body, there is no need to pump out the lysate. The content of the destroyed adipocytes enters the bloodstream, undergoes splitting in the liver to simple compounds and is excreted naturally. Laser lipolysis leaves no traces in the form of scars

This technique allows you to eliminate deposits in such difficult areas for the doctor as the upper abdomen, neck and forearms. Provides an excellent cosmetic effect and laser liposuction of the chin.

Radiofrequency liposuction

This technique involves burning fat through radio waves. It warms up adipocytes, turning them into a homogeneous substance that is easily sucked off. The advantage of the technique is the parallel achievement of a lifting effect due to the stimulation of collagen synthesis.

  1. Within a month, avoid significant physical exertion and refrain from visiting baths, saunas and solariums.
  2. Get a massage and lymphatic drainage session.
  3. Organize a balanced diet, eliminating from the diet products that contribute to the set of extra pounds.
  4. For 1-2 months, wear special compression underwear, which will allow you to complete the process of forming new body contours.

Myths and truth about liposuction: experts talk about them in this video review:

Plisov Vladimir, medical commentator

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