Itchy palms and feet. Diseases leading to unpleasant symptoms. How to get rid of itching

If your palm itches, then in order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you must understand nature and know the reasons for its appearance.

Itching of the skin is an unpleasant sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch and in some cases tear the affected skin areas.

Itchy skin is of two types:

Acute or chronic;

Local or generalized.

Frequent scratching leads to inflammation of the skin, its redness and suppuration (infection can penetrate into damaged areas). Your palm itches - this is especially true, since hands are often injured, and infection easily penetrates into microcracks and scratches.

The reasons

Itching appears as a result of cascading neuro-reflex and humoral reactions. It occurs as a result of various factors. The most common causes of local itching are:

Frequent drying of the skin (senile itching);

Infections that affect the upper layers of the skin;

Allergic reactions to a certain type of exposure (from digestive intolerance (spicy dishes, mushrooms, smoked meats, pork, etc.) to medicines (sulfonamides and antibiotics)), to changes in ambient temperature (thermal itching and cold), to insect bites, touching plants and so on);

In children, itching is accompanied by a rash on the skin;

Often, when your palm itches, other parts of the body appear along with it. This phenomenon is called generalized itching.

Causes of generalized itching:

Liver diseases, which result in diseases such as hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis;

Diseases of the endocrine system;


Itching of pregnant women;

Senile itching;

Reaction to perfumes and deodorants;

Blood diseases (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis);

Some oncological diseases (malignant neoplasms);

Xeroderma (a type of ichthyosis, which is characterized by roughness and dryness of the skin with the presence of patches on the surfaces of the limbs and buttocks);

Mental disorders (a consequence of neurosis, diencephalosis, manic-depressive psychosis).

Feet and palms can also itch due to biliary cirrhosis of the liver, as well as problems with the kidneys. Unfortunately, the nature of itching can be different, so only a doctor can tell the true cause.

Skin itching treatment

Itching is not a disease, it is just a symptom of the disease. Therefore, only after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor can choose an individual treatment for you. Well, to relieve itching, there are the following methods:

Cold shower, compress, wet towel. In general, it is recommended to act on itching with cold. Do not just forget that prolonged exposure to moisture can adversely affect the skin with allergic diseases;

Lotions based on menthol and camphor (since they have anesthetic effects, cool and soothe the skin);

- (creams and ointments);

Most importantly: avoid exposure to heat, sunlight and physical overload during treatment;

Wear clothes only from natural fabrics that do not fit snugly to the body (good advice if the feet and palms itch constantly).

Prevention of pruritus

The following remedies are used to prevent itching of the skin:

Ointments and tinctures;


Ointment from calendula;

Avocado and almond oil (rubbing into the skin);

Aloe juice (gives a calming effect).

Itching of the palms can be reduced by taking sedatives (if it is caused by neurogenic causes). If your palm itches a lot, try to give up gloves for a while, perhaps the reason is in them.

Why there is a simultaneous itching of the palms and feet. What diseases cause severe itching and dryness on the palms and feet. What to do if itchy hands, palms and feet.

Among different age groups, itching of the palms and feet is one of the most common problems. This may be a situational skin reaction to an external irritant, which will quickly pass and will not cause concern. Prolonged discomfort or its frequent repetition, on the contrary, is an occasion to look for causes that may be associated with a serious illness.

The nature of irritation

Itching is a form of irritation of the skin, caused by an internal or external pathogen, giving rise to a desire to eliminate it by intensive scratching. The nature of the phenomenon is not fully understood, the prevailing opinion is that this is a kind of pain. Since there are a large number of nerve endings on the feet and palms, they are most susceptible to various infections.

Etiology of irritation

When disturbing symptoms are localized in certain parts of the body, their causes are more often due to local factors. Another thing is the simultaneous itching of the feet with similar problems on the palms. The reasons for this coincidence may be hidden in diseases of a more complex type, where external irritation is only one of the symptoms. The most frequently mentioned in this regard are:

  • cholestasis,
  • endocrine pathology,
  • dyshidrosis,
  • stress itch.

cholestatic irritation

This disease is the first to be suspected with simultaneous irritation of both pairs of limbs. This symptom indicates that the disease is moving into a generalized stage. The occurrence is associated with an imbalance of bile acid in the blood, which is provoked by a decrease in bile flow. The latter, in turn, can be called:

  • liver infection;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • taking medications;
  • as a side effect of pregnancy;
  • as a manifestation of cirrhosis;
  • pathologies of the bile excretion pathways and the digestive system.

Especially dangerous in the third stage of pregnancy. The hormonal background becomes maximum and reduces the release of bile acid from the mother and child. As a result, the load on the liver of the fetus increases, which is fraught with the occurrence of congenital pathologies or premature birth.

Endocrine pathologies

These include thyroid pathology, diabetes mellitus and other similar problems. When metabolism is disturbed, dryness of the skin occurs, which becomes vulnerable to fungal and viral infections. At this point, there is itching of the feet and similar problems on the palms. The maximum discomfort occurs at night, when the skin begins to itch unbearably due to blood flow to the limbs.

Eczema dyshidrotic

It is more often formed on the palms, only in a fifth of cases the leg in the foot area suffers. On the skin, small blisters are formed, filled with purulent fluid. The skin in the affected areas is very itchy, which leads to the opening of the bubbles. During infiltration, a yellow crust forms. There are options in which there are no bubbles, in places affected by eczema, dry skin begins to peel off. The factors causing the disease are:

  • disturbed metabolism;
  • action of allergens;
  • stressful state.

Nervous excitement

In a stressful situation or in a state of overwork, the content of bile acids, histamines, and serotonin increases in the circulatory system. There is an inexplicable, at first glance, strong itching effect. Accompanying symptoms may include:

  • eczema,
  • hives,
  • neurodermatitis.

In the process of diagnosis, the symptoms are divided into primary and systemic disorders of the skin, for which complex treatment is prescribed.

allergic reactions

In rare cases, simultaneous restlessness on the limbs may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction. More often, such symptoms are characteristic of hands that are more sensitive to allergens. The latter can be:

  • washing powder;
  • detergents (gels, shampoos, soaps);
  • household chemicals;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen and household dust.

The very first way to alleviate disturbing symptoms is to stop contact with the pathogen. If these measures do not work or the pathogen is difficult to determine, it is necessary to contact the clinic.

Additional factors

These reasons can be supplemented by other circumstances that provoke discomfort. Like an allergic reaction, they rarely manifest themselves simultaneously in the legs and arms, more often it is a selective localization on the palms. These include:

Itching in a child

Such problems are typical not only for adults, the characteristic symptoms are observed in a child. However, the etiology of the problems may be different. The list of systemic factors may include:

  • enterovirus infection,
  • allergy,
  • fungus,
  • avitaminosis,
  • eczema.

In any of these cases, when itching appears on the palms and feet of a child, it is urgent to go to the hospital or invite a pediatrician for a home examination. Children are more difficult to tolerate such diseases, it is more difficult for them to resist the desire to comb the place of irritation, which causes complications if their parents are inattentive.

How to relieve discomfort

It is possible to completely get rid of disturbing symptoms and eliminate their causes only under the condition of systematic treatment, the options for which are determined by the doctor after appropriate diagnostic procedures. However, you can alleviate the patient's condition on your own, using known harmless methods. These include:

  • cold compresses;
  • compresses from decoctions and tinctures of herbal preparations (chamomile, sage, celandine, plantain and others);
  • wiping with methanol and camphor lotions;
  • antihistamine ointments and spray.

In addition to traditional and medical antipruritic drugs, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations that reduce the likelihood of irritation:

  • limit sun exposure;
  • avoid excessive physical exertion;
  • Avoid synthetic and tight clothing.

If the described signs occur, especially in children, one should be guided by one basic rule: only treatment as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor can be as effective and safe as possible. Any self-medication options increase the risk of complications, which will only delay the healing process.

The appearance of itching on the feet is a very delicate problem. Moreover, it is quite often manifested by other unpleasant symptoms - peeling, burning, redness, etc. In no case should such symptoms be tolerated, since they often indicate pathological processes that require immediate treatment. If your feet itch, do not hesitate and do not look for traditional medicine to make your owl feel better, but rather immediately seek help from a doctor.

Only a doctor can tell you exactly why your feet itch. He will conduct a thorough examination of the skin and prescribe a series of tests and studies that can establish the exact cause of the appearance of this ailment.

It is worth noting that the most common cause of itching on the feet is, from which about 40% of the population of our planet suffers. In the initial stages of the development of the disease, you may notice that your legs itch from time to time. But as pathogenic microorganisms grow, the itching will intensify, and at the same time, cracks will appear on the feet.

After that, defeat is possible, as a result of which they begin to change their color, shape, and ultimately completely collapse. All this contributes to the accumulation of a large amount of toxic substances in the body, which lead to intoxication of internal organs and the development of other pathological processes.

In this case, the use of special drugs, both external and oral, is required. Self-medication will not help you here. You can only achieve a decrease in the manifestation of the disease, but you will not get rid of the fungus itself, as a result of which it will soon begin to manifest itself again.

In addition, itching on the feet can also appear due to infection with scabies. The tick that lives on the human body provokes the appearance of this disease. It lays eggs under the skin, perceived by the body as a foreign body. The appearance of itching in this case is the body's response to intervention.

In this case, the sensation of itching can greatly increase at a time when a person is in a state of complete rest (usually at night). With such a disease on the skin, "itchy" moves can be observed in the form of thin stripes on the skin. In some cases, the tick can cause fluid-filled blisters to form on the soles of the feet. When walking, they can burst, causing unbearable pain to a person.

In this situation, again, only a qualified doctor can help you. You will not be able to get rid of the arc on your own.

If the feet and palms of the hands itch at the same time

In the event that not only your feet itch, but also your palms, while small bubbles appear on the skin, then most likely you have a skin disease such as dyshidrotic eczema.

Treatment of such a disease includes the use of various drugs inside and out. The former are necessary to destroy the tick itself and its eggs, and the latter to eliminate the external manifestations of the disease.

Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. It also determines the scheme of their application. You can get rid of scabies only by following all the recommendations that a specialist will give you. In this case, amateur performance is unacceptable, as it can lead to serious health complications.

Another fairly common reason why the feet itch is an allergic reaction of the body to an irritant. In this case, the material from which shoes or socks are made, laundry detergent, soap, the use of exotic products, drugs, etc. can act as an irritant.

To be 100% sure that itching is associated with an allergic reaction, and not with pathologies, it is necessary to pass a series of tests that will help identify the irritant that causes these symptoms.

It is impossible to delay with this, since with the constant exposure of the allergen to the body, symptoms such as headache, nausea, skin rash, etc. may appear. But the most dangerous consequence of the development of an allergic reaction is angioedema, which leads to swelling of the tissues of the upper respiratory tract. As a result, the person begins to experience difficulty breathing and may suffocate.

Damage to the skin of the feet

The appearance of itching on the feet may be associated with damage to the skin. Burns, cuts, abrasions, bruises - all this contributes to the activation of the process of skin renewal, as a result of which dead cells begin to exfoliate, and new ones form in their place. That is why people say "it itches, it means it heals."

In this case, you may not even notice these damages. They can occur when wearing tight shoes, walking barefoot on the sand, etc. In this case, the itching disappears on its own, as soon as the skin is completely restored. And to speed up this process, you can use special ointments and creams at home that are designed specifically for treating wounds.

Pregnant women also often complain of itching on the soles of their feet. Moreover, such a symptom can be both temporary and permanent.

A future mother should think carefully about her health and pass all the necessary tests to identify pathologies. After all, the appearance of itching during pregnancy often indicates liver disease. With such pathologies, a change in the color of urine and feces occurs. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor about them.

As a rule, treatment in such an interesting "position" with the help of strong medicines is not carried out, as this can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, most often in such cases, maintenance therapy is carried out. But after childbirth, in the absence of lactation, they are already beginning to carry out therapeutic measures to eliminate the problem.


To prevent such a problem as itching of the skin of the foot from bothering you, you need to take some preventive measures. After all, it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it.

Try to avoid contact with people who suffer from itchy feet. Perhaps the appearance of this disease in them is associated with the development of infectious diseases that tend to be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person during communication or handshakes.

In addition, always observe the rules of personal hygiene. This will help you avoid many health problems. And be sure to consult a doctor if itching occurs on the feet.

Remember that self-medication can lead to serious complications. You will not only not eliminate the disease, but give it time to firmly strengthen its position in the body. After that, the treatment of pathology can be delayed for many months.

Video about why heels itch

Comfort is important for every person, especially health. A common complaint of itchy feet literally interferes with life and leaves a negative psychological imprint. The ill person involuntarily thinks about the obsessive problem all the time and loses peace. This symptom can have a variety of causes, so as soon as a person notices that the itching does not go away on its own in a short time, it is important to seek help from a doctor.

When a person notes for a long time that his feet itch, this often indicates a wide variety of, sometimes unpredictable, physical or mental ailments. In addition to the feet, any other part of the body can itch: palms, fingers, back and stomach, face, neck, groin. Information about the prevalence, intensity, time of occurrence and intensification of itching contributes to an accurate diagnosis. Here are some examples of diseases:

Itching of the palms and feet seems at first to be such an insignificant symptom, but as it turned out, it can indicate serious illnesses.

In some cases, itching of the palms can indicate a serious illness.

Differential Diagnosis

The reasons why the legs itch require detailed consideration. First of all, because their treatment is specific.

Mycosis outwardly represents areas of reddened skin, often close to the nails. Gradually, the patient begins to complain of bouts of burning, which eventually becomes permanent. Prone to rapid spread to the nail beds. The latter change their color to yellow, thicken, and are prone to self-destruction. Characterized by an unpleasant odor.

Scabies is symptomatically represented by unbearable itching, especially in the evening and at night. The reason for this is the vital activity of the pathogen. In addition, there is a rash. The palms and feet itch the most, peculiar stripes appear on them, passages along which the tick moves.

Allergic dermatitis is characterized by itching, tissue swelling, and is almost always accompanied by a rash. After elimination of the allergen, the condition improves dramatically.

An insufficient amount of vitamins leads to thinning of the skin, a tendency to crack and maceration. Turgor weakens, often with the addition of a pustular rash. Secondarily reduced immunity.

With injuries as a result of burns or frostbite, dead tissues are rejected, in the amount to which the depth of the lesion has spread. Itching is especially strong during the period when spontaneous healing occurs, after cleansing the injured areas. It is important to ensure that no infection has joined.

Neurological or mental changes, so-called paresthesias. These are false sensations, not based on skin disease. The patient constantly wants to scratch or cool the palms and feet, depending on what specific sensations he experiences. Such a person is assisted by a neurologist or psychiatrist.

Dyshidrosis is a blockage of the sweat glands, in which the outflow of their secret becomes impossible. Blisters with clear or slightly cloudy contents form on the surface of the skin. The desire to scratch is not so strong.

Parasthesia is a disease in which the patient cannot do without the help of a qualified specialist.

Itching problem in childhood

The reasons why the feet itch in children are based initially on the characteristics of young skin. In the smallest, itching is possible with allergies to children's cosmetics, fabrics and care items. Rash, burning and constant anxiety of the baby lead to a decrease in appetite and weight.

If a child has stripes on the feet or in another part of the body, and anxiety and crying increase at night, it is possible to talk about scabies with a high degree of probability.

Weak immune systems, especially in those who are bottle-fed, can make it easy to contract viruses. In particular, enterovirus or Coxsackie. They negatively affect the digestive system, have a tendency to massive rashes.

Childhood infections are accompanied by rash, itching and fever. Each of them has its own pathognomonic symptoms, in any case, it is urgent to contact a pediatrician, self-medication can lead to the death of a child.

With a lack of vitamins, especially group B, the skin becomes thin, fragile, pale, the baby is lethargic, refuses to play and active movements, the general condition suffers. The mucous membranes are also pale and prone to dryness.

Fundamentals of diagnosis

The appearance of the skin may not give absolutely no clear signs of a particular disease, even if the patient constantly complains that the sole itches.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor must collect an anamnesis, special attention is paid to the places in which the person has been in the last month.

It is specified whether there were contacts with infectious patients or antisocial personalities. Were new hygiene items introduced into everyday life? Having bypassed all these points, you need to turn to the general condition of the body.

In the case of allergies, special tests are prescribed for the determination of immunoglobulin E, as well as skin tests to search for the allergen.

Skin tests are assigned to the patient to determine the allergen.

Having clearly found out the reasons, you can begin individual treatment.

Therapeutic and preventive measures

The main specialist, to whom first of all go those who have itchy feet, is a dermatologist. He is responsible for rational diagnosis and treatment.

Medical therapy:

  • antihistamine tablets;
  • ointments based on glucocorticoids;
  • antiseptics with healing effect;
  • sedatives and antidepressants.

Antihistamines are divided into three generations. Each of them has its pros and cons. The first contributes to drowsiness, the second and third cause a cardiotoxic effect. Despite everything, these drugs are necessary in the treatment of itching, even if it is not always of an allergic origin. Names of medicines:

  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Diazolin;
  • Zodak;
  • Erius;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Loratadine.

For external use, there are creams and ointments, their basis is the hormones of the adrenal cortex - glucocorticoids. Examples of drugs:

  • Locoid;
  • Celederm;
  • Akriderm;
  • Flucinar.

The use is limited in time, a side effect is manifested in the form of skin atrophy.

With severe inflammation and initial signs of infection, it is advisable to use Advantan, Elokom, Rescuer, D-Panthenol, Bepanten.

Antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist and only by prescription.

As for sedative drugs, they are indicated for everyone who is tormented by itchy feet. This is a great addition to the treatment.

In addition to traditional methods, after establishing an accurate diagnosis, you can try to treat itching with traditional medicine.

Celandine-based home remedies help relieve itching.

So that the legs do not itch, they make compositions based on celandine. It is poured with hot water, insisted for 15 minutes, filtered. The affected areas are wiped with the resulting liquid.

Treatment with propolis, lemon balm tea, mumiyo, and soda is also popular.

For the purpose of prevention, the following measures must be observed:

  • shoes should be made of natural materials and not constrain the foot;
  • personal hygiene products are strictly individual;
  • for every foot injury, even a minor one, it is necessary to treat the skin with an antiseptic solution;
  • feet should be washed with soap daily, wiped thoroughly;
  • Socks must be made from natural fabrics, synthetics are unacceptable.
  • it is important to treat hypovitaminosis in a timely manner.

Such troubles often follow from a small symptom. Complications should not be allowed, it is important to observe preventive measures and carry out timely treatment of each disease.

Among the reasons why palms itch are skin diseases, allergies, vitamin deficiency and a number of external factors that also lead to itching. It may be accompanied by other symptoms that allow you to more accurately identify the problem. If itching in the palms torments constantly, then it is simply necessary to establish its cause. Only the elimination of the irritating factor will help to cope not only with the symptoms, but also with the disease itself. The reasons why the palms itch are discussed in detail below.

What is itchy palms

Unpleasant sensations that are caused by internal non-specific or external irritants of the outer skin. This is the definition of itching. As a result, there is a desire to comb or rub a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin or mucous membrane. Many nerve endings come to the surface of the epidermis, which is why such sensations can occur as a result of a variety of reasons - external and internal. The nature of itching is not fully understood. It is believed that this is a modified pain syndrome that provokes nerve endings.

Why do the palms of the hands itch

The reasons why the palms itch can be very diverse. In some cases, itching is caused by serious diseases, the treatment of which is prescribed only by a doctor. Among the more common reasons for the appearance of such sensations, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Allergy. This may be a negative reaction to the food eaten or the substances that the hands have come into contact with. Among the latter stand out powder, soap, cream, dishwashing detergent. If the palm, fingers and other parts of the body itch, then such an allergy can be caused by animal hair, cold, dust or food.
  2. Psycho-emotional stress. Itching here is the body's reaction to external irritating factors.
  3. Increased sweating. For some, it is hereditary, for others it occurs against the background of excitement. This also leads to itching and even redness on the skin.
  4. Dry skin. The lack of water in the body also leads to the fact that the palms begin to itch, because the skin dries up and cracks, which can even hurt.

Among the more serious causes of itching, a number of skin diseases are distinguished. They may also be characterized by other additional symptoms, such as burning or burning of foci of inflammation. These pathologies include:

  • scabies (here the spaces between the fingers begin to itch);
  • eczema (complemented by a burning sensation and a small rash);
  • dermatitis (redness of the skin of backgammon with itching is noted);
  • lichen (there are redness and peeling);
  • hives (accompanied by redness, and then blisters that burst);
  • fungal diseases (the skin becomes thickened, nails and hair are additionally affected).
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • syphilis;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis.

Itchy palms, red spots

The presence of red spots on the palms, which are accompanied by itching, often indicates allergies or skin diseases. They are characterized by rashes. Common in this case are dermatitis. They are caused by contact with irritating substances, such as household cleaning chemicals. An allergy can manifest itself in the form of pimples or more voluminous spots. They itch and sometimes burn.

The combination of rash and itching is characteristic of hyperhidrosis, i.e. increased sweating. In this case, itching and spots are also noted on the feet. The palms often itch with metal poisoning. The appearance of red spots on the palms is also accompanied by some diseases caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. These include:

  • meningitis;
  • chicken pox;
  • hepatitis;
  • leukemia;
  • cirrhosis;
  • rubella;
  • measles.

Burning and itchy

  • liver disease, stones in the bile ducts (worried about dry skin);
  • excessive alcohol consumption (palms itch and burn);
  • diabetes mellitus (burning of the hands and feet is observed along with thirst, increased appetite and headaches);
  • vitamin B deficiency (accompanied by burning feet and hands, hair loss, brittle nails);
  • polyarthritis (along with burning palms, morning stiffness of the joints is noted);
  • carpal tunnel syndrome (sweating and burning of the palms).

Itching with peeling

When peeling appears along with itching, we can talk about a skin disease, for example, eczema. It is accompanied by dryness, cracks, and sometimes large blisters. The skin may be weepy or dry. Another skin disease that is characterized by flaking is psoriasis. On the palms with it, red spots of different sizes may appear. Peeling will be observed in their center. The itching can be so intense that you want to rub the skin until it bleeds.

The degree of peeling is slightly lower in atopic dermatitis, a chronic hereditary disease characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. Other causes of itching and flaking of the skin:

  • age features;
  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • non-compliance with the drinking regimen or strict hygiene rules;
  • low indoor humidity.

Itchy in a child

In children, itching of the palms is not often associated with too serious diseases, but they cannot be ruled out either. It is better to seek help from a doctor who will determine the cause of such pain. The child may complain that the palms itch when:

  • enterovirus infection (accompanied by a rash on the arms and chest);
  • allergies (to animals, food, drugs or cosmetics);
  • fungal infection (complemented by peeling and dryness);
  • scabies (especially the spaces between the fingers itch);
  • lack of vitamins (irritation, dryness of the palms);
  • dyshidrosis (itchy blisters appear on the palms, feet, between the fingers);
  • bites of ticks, bedbugs, often living in old furniture, toys, carpets;
  • burns from certain plants;
  • severe stress or hormonal imbalance.


To determine the specific cause of such sensations, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the palms. He is interested in the prescription of the onset of symptoms, studies their severity. If a serious illness is suspected, blood and urine tests may be ordered. If the cause is a skin pathology, then to confirm it, the delivery of material is required, more often it is a smear from the focus of inflammation on the palms.


Therapy depends on the disease that has been diagnosed. In case of allergies, it is recommended to limit contact with the allergen. To improve the condition, the doctor prescribes special histamine blocking drugs. They neutralize the effect of the allergen. In other cases, treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. If itching is psychogenic, then antidepressants are prescribed.
  2. Skin diseases are treated with creams or ointments, for example, antimycotic agents are effective for fungus, and corticosteroid or even more severe hormonal agents are effective for psoriasis.
  3. More serious diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or cirrhosis, are treated in a complex only under the supervision of a doctor.


The appointment of medications is directly related to the reason why the palms itch. In general, the patient can be prescribed anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antihistamines. They are presented as medicines for internal use, and for external use. Some of them may be sold by prescription. Among the most effective external agents are:

  • Bepanthen;
  • Elocom;
  • Locoid;
  • Fenistil;
  • Radevit;
  • Advantan;
  • Nizoral;
  • Ketoconazole.

Alternative treatment

Some folk recipes can significantly alleviate the condition. More often they are represented by masks or baths. Among the most effective folk procedures are the following:

  1. About 3 tablespoons of chamomile, string and oak bark pour a glass of water, boil, then leave for a couple of minutes. Keep hands in the resulting broth until it cools completely.
  2. Lotion based on menthol, camphor alcohol, coconut or almond oil, you need to wipe your palms with a moistened cotton swab.
  3. Oatmeal with honey. Mix these ingredients in equal parts, then apply to the skin, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, then lubricate with a moisturizer.

First aid

With very severe itching up to numbness of the hands, it is imperative to take action. The first help here may be washing under a contrasting stream of water, preferably with antibacterial soap, or a bath based on calendula with chamomile and string. This method is especially effective after contact with nettles or poison ivy. With itching from an insect bite or an allergy, you need to take an antihistamine, for example, Suprastin. A cold compress quickly relieves discomfort. To do this, a wet napkin with ice is applied to the palms for several minutes.

Video: itchy palms of the hands

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