Inflammation of the sweat glands under the armpit treatment. Hidradenitis under the armpit: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention. Conservative and surgical treatment of armpit hidradenitis

Hidradenitis under the arm (code L73.2) - inflammation in the channels of apocrine sweat centers, which looks like an abscess. Main features - acute inflammation and a growth with pus in the armpit. The disease can spread to one of the zones - in the groin, inframammary folds. The disease most often affects women aged 15-60 years. Children and elderly people do not get sick because of the inertia of the apocrine centers.

Clinical picture

Hydradenitis under the arm (code L73.2 according to International classification diseases) is symptomatic and the nature of the course is similar to furunculosis manifestations (when the sebaceous gland is clogged). The provocateur of inflammation is an infection. In the area of ​​its entry into the apocrine center, one or more painful clogged infiltrates are formed. The main difference between hidradenitis and furunculosis is the absence of necrotic rods.

The development of purulent inflammation occurs when the sweat channels in the fatty subcutaneous tissue. This may be due to exacerbations of the underlying disease. A clogged sweat gland can form without the impact of internal pathologies.

There are several degrees of severity of hidradenitis, which occurs with different intensity in terms of symptoms. surface forms characterized by hyperemia and swelling of the skin, sharp deterioration the patient's condition with a jump in temperature up to 40°C. Dangerous are phlegmons of an odontogenic nature, which form on the neck, and foci caused by caries of tooth enamel.

Localization of hidradenitis under the armpits is one-sided, but an abscess can also appear on both sides. Often the disease is localized in the groin, on the neck or under the breast. Average duration disease with adequate treatment - 14 days. But at weak immunity possible relapse.

The reasons

Hidradenitis under the arm (ICD code L73.2) is a subspecies of pyoderma - skin disease with severe purulent inflammation that arose against the background of infection of the epithelium with pyogenic cocci. This category includes inguinal, inframammary, cervical hydradenitis.

Apocrine glands suffer as a result of infection with staphylococcal bacteria. Microbes can clog all sweat centers in problem area and penetrate into the deep layers of the skin through microcracks, hair follicles or through lymphatic system from other internal organs.

A team of StarLik professionals (single medical portal created by international standards evidence-based medicine on diagnosis and treatment) clarified the main provocateurs of inflammation sebaceous glands.

The main reason why hydradenitis occurs is a constantly humid environment caused by profuse sweating. biological fluids are an ideal breeding ground for any viral, fungal, bacterial infection. As it develops, the sweat centers become clogged. This leads to the fact that the clogged gland is not able to release fluid in full, so inflammation occurs.

Main risk factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal changes or failure in the body;
  • diseases endocrine system;
  • itchy dermatoses on the skin;
  • dystrophic disorders in sweat glands Oh;
  • obesity:
  • streptoderma of the skin;
  • diseases that provoke disruption of the central and autonomic nervous system;
  • malnutrition or illiterate diets for weight loss;
  • regular fasting;
  • exposure;
  • long-term use hormonal drugs and immunosuppressants.

The clinical picture is exacerbated by pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract associated with digestive dysfunction and malabsorption. useful substances. Also, the causes of hydradenitis lie in the inaccurate removal of the hairline, which causes microcracks and injuries on the skin. Dust, bacteria penetrate into apocrine centers, seal them. As a result, the clogged centers are irritated, which leads to inflammation. Not the last role in the provocation of purulent inflammation is played by non-compliance elementary rules personal hygiene.


Inflammation of the sweat glands is characterized by the gradual development of symptoms:

  • At the first stage, a small, pea-sized, painful nodule is formed - this is the main sign of the onset of inflammation.
  • On the second day, the formation increases to 20 mm in diameter, acquiring a purple-red hue.
  • Gradually, new nodules form around the main focus of inflammation. They quickly merge, forming a conglomerate.
  • With an increase in infiltration, swelling in the axillary zone increases with the transformation of the nodule into a large blue-purple growth filled with pus. Nearby, growing tubercles increase along with the main focus. At the same time, even a small hand gesture causes severe pain.

The main symptoms of hydradenitis:

  • growing bump in armpit, which gradually fills with pus and begins to hurt badly;
  • swelling, swelling and redness of the skin around the focus of inflammation;
  • a jump in temperature reaching 38-40 ° C, when the nodes are very inflamed;
  • itching around the problem area;
  • frequent discomfort and constant pain in the damaged area.


Due to the lack of treatment, the infection spreads through the blood.

The consequence is the spread of infection into the blood when blocked hair follicle or sweat channel, in the absence adequate treatment due to the proximity to the focus of inflammation in the armpits of large blood vessels. Purulent hidradenitis (code L73.2) of a recurrent form may develop, which requires long-term treatment and may move to nearby tissues and sweat centers.

Main adverse factors that increase the risk of consequences:

  • inadequate therapy;
  • untimely treatment;
  • neglect of personal hygiene, especially in the armpit area;
  • the presence of background diseases that adversely affect immunity.

If not cured and run axillary inflammatory disease, such complications arise:

  1. Inflammation is gradually localized in other parts of the body, spreading to the groin, under the chest, occurs on the labia and other parts of the body.
  2. Extensive soft tissue abscesses.
  3. The formation of putrefactive phlegmon.
  4. The development of lymphadenitis in a chronic form.
  5. Sepsis on provocation pathological processes in the main vascular bed and the spread of infection into the blood.
The main cause of the disease during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body.

The main cause of the onset of the disease during pregnancy is hormonal changes in female body. At the same time, the endocrine system is being rebuilt. Such changes are fraught with the development of skin dysbacteriosis, which will provoke the progression of hidradenitis. The mother's body becomes susceptible to different kind infections. As a result, the existing chronic process or provoke the emergence of new pathologies. This state of immunity does not contribute to adequate protection against exposure to pathogens.

If a pregnant woman notices that the armpit has become inflamed, small pathological nodules (even non-painful ones) have appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor. You can’t hesitate, because as the pathology develops, the risk of harming the child will increase.


Which doctor diagnoses the pathology of the sweat centers? Diagnosis of hydradenitis is carried out by visual inspection dermatologist based on specificity appearance pathology. Used to confirm the diagnosis laboratory methods. Additionally assigned:

  • general blood tests, the results of which indicate purulent inflammation an increase in the level of leukocytes and a decrease in erythrocytes;
  • specific tests with the collection of pus from the focus of inflammation to determine the pathogen and its resistance to antibiotics, which is especially necessary for the treatment of recurrent hidradenitis;
  • differential diagnosis in order to exclude such pathologies as lymphadenitis, lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis, furunculosis, tuberculosis.


Which doctor should I contact to treat hydradenitis? Problems with the skin and sweat centers are dealt with by a dermatologist and a surgeon. It is possible to cure pathology using the following methods:

  • a conservative approach based on taking medications, treatment with folk remedies, physiotherapy;
  • a radical approach in the elimination of severe or complicated forms of pathology.

Hidradenitis is not able to go away on its own, so medical intervention is necessary. It is forbidden to squeeze pus out of the knots yourself. This will allow the infection to spread and cause severe complications. First aid for detecting inflammation of the armpits, which is provided at home:

  1. Needs to be carefully removed hairline from neighboring places.
  2. Do not allow moisture to enter, so taking a bath is excluded. It is better to take a shower after sealing trouble spot adhesive plaster.
  3. Warm the knots with a warm towel every hour.
  4. Warm up the foci of inflammation with a blue lamp for 5 minutes. 3 rubles / day
  5. In summer, solar heating is allowed for 30 minutes. 2 rubles / day
  6. Wipe the nodules and the skin around with camphor alcohol several times a day.

These measures and correct handling painful depressions accelerate the healing and will not allow the infection with pus to pass deep into the body. Hidradenitis is not contagious, but an infection can be transmitted, which comes out with purulent contents when the lump has broken through. That is, the patient's clothes and personal hygiene items (towels, napkins) will be contagious.


Treatment of hidradenitis with drugs is based on taking:

  1. Antibiotics:
    1. "Erythromycin";
    2. macrolides - to block the synthesis of pathogenic protein and inhibition of microbes;
    3. "Tetracycline".
  2. Glucocorticosteroids, such as "Triamcinolone" - to fight against inflammation and possible allergies.
  3. Antipyretic drugs - "Paracetamol".
    Acute inflammatory process is treated with the following schemes:
    1. injection of Triamcinolone mixed with Lidocaine into the painful node;
    2. the introduction of "Triamcinolone" into the abscess, after which the hydradenitis is opened and drained to prevent relapse.

Treatment of hydradenitis in a protracted form is performed:

  • "Erythromycin", "Tetracycline", "Minocycline";
  • "Prednisone" with a particularly severe course.
    Ichthyol cream and Levomekol lubrication are widely used to relieve local symptoms.
    Treatment of hidradenitis in the first stages is performed by Isotretinoin.

Hydradenitis(popularly disease " bitch udder"or" wolf's udder") is an acute purulent inflammation of the sweat glands. The cause of the disease is staphylococcus aureus. Most often, this inflammation occurs under the arm, less often around the nipples, navel and in the perineum.

Causes of hydradenitis:
1) synthetic tight clothing;
2) increased sweating;
3) decreased immunity;
4) injury to the armpit during shaving
5) allergic reaction skin for deodorants.
6) heredity
7) violation hormonal balance(or rather hypersensitivity skin cells to androgens)
8) smoking
9) overweight

How to treat hydradenitis at home?

Medications against hydradenitis (bitch's udder).
As soon as you feel painful discomfort, wipe the problem areas with antiseptics - salicylic or boric alcohol, chlorhexidine, octenisept, alcohol tincture calendula, diluted boiled water 1:1.
After treating inflammation under the arm, apply ointment to the skin: ichthyol, Vishnevsky or levomekol. Ointment should not be spared: apply it liberally on a napkin with a slide and apply to the abscess. Secure the napkin with a bandage or plaster. If the inflammation is strong, then it is better to wear this bandage on the abscess for several days without removing it, only changing it. In mild cases, apply at night, during the day, lubricate abscesses with iodine or brilliant green. Water procedures exclude.
For 3-5 days of such treatment, the bitch udder completely disappears.

How to treat a bitch udder under the arm with folk remedies?

Treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies is very effective. These remedies allow you to draw out pus and relieve inflammation under the armpit very quickly. Below are reviews of how it was possible to cure hydradenitis (“bitch udder”) and avoid surgery. The recipes of the cured are taken from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle".

If the pharmacy is far away, and the disease caught you in field conditions, then folk remedies for hydradenitis will help: attach the leaves of plantain, blackberry, lilac, aloe, kalanchoe, cabbage to the inflamed area. A baked onion or a compress with grated potatoes helps well. Inside it is useful to take an infusion of calendula flowers. (Folk remedies from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" from healthy lifestyle 2013, No. 13, pp. 12-13)

Treatment of hydradenitis (bough udder) at home with a curd compress.
The woman developed hydradenitis under her arm, she was offered an operation, but the disease was cured with folk remedies. A familiar grandmother helped her, who cured her daughter's bitch udder with the same method.
Mix 1 part sour cream, 1 part butter and 1 part cottage cheese. Apply this mixture in the form of a compress to the inflammation under the armpit and fix it tightly. Prepare the mixture fresh every evening. By morning it dries up. The bumps that had already begun to burrow were getting smaller every day. The woman did compresses until she completely disappeared painful seals. The operation was not needed. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2001, No. 3, pp. 18-19).

Helps to cure hydradenitis and simple cottage cheese, it must be mixed with hot water so that the cottage cheese warms up, squeeze it out and apply it on gauze to the abscess under the arm. (Folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2007, No. 4, p. 33).

Honey cake helped get rid of hydradenitis. Effective remedy against inflammation of the sweat glands.
A woman had an abscess under her arm, unbearable pains began, she turned to a surgeon. The boil was cut, and she lost consciousness from the pain. After a while, hidradenitis returned again, but the woman was afraid to go to the hospital. In addition, a friend told her how to treat a bitch udder with folk remedies.
1 st. l. heat honey in a water bath, mix with flour, knead the cake and apply at night to the abscess under the arm in the form of a compress, covered with polyethylene. Make fresh bread every night. Hidradenitis was cured without surgery, the disease never returned. ( Folk way from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2003, No. 3, p. 19)

Onion is an effective folk remedy for the treatment of bough udders.

Treatment of hydradenitis (bough udder) at home with onion ointment.
50 gr laundry soap, grated on a fine grater, 50 g grated onion, 150 g melted interior pork fat. Combine everything and heat slightly, rubbing to get a homogeneous mass. Cool down. Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.
Apply an ointment 2-3 cm thick on a small piece of gauze, apply to the abscess under the arm. Top polyethylene and plaster. Change 2 times a day, but if the pus comes out intensively, then change every 2 hours. Inflammation under the arm quickly passes, the bitch udder heals without a trace. ( home treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2004, No. 2, p. 25-26)

Alternative treatment of hydradenitis (bough udder) with a bulb.
A baked onion is the simplest and most effective folk remedy for "bitch udders", boils and any abscesses. Bake the onion, cut off the bottom, and, without cooling, attach the cut to the abscess under the arm. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 2, p. 11)

How to treat bitch udder (hydradenitis) with herbs. Review.

A woman has a furuncle under her arm. Despite the treatment, hidradenitis progressed, there were more and more abscesses. The surgeon was far away, so the woman decided to treat the bitch udder with herbal ointment.
First you need to prepare calendula oil: pour 1.5 cups of calendula flowers into a glass vegetable oil temperature 80-100 degrees, mix. Insist in the dark for 40 days, strain.
Ointment preparation. fresh flowers calendula 2 parts, yarrow - 2 parts, sweet clover - 1 part, dandelion roots - 2 parts, roots horse sorrel- 1 part, tansy inflorescences - 1 part. Wash all these herbs and pass through a meat grinder. Add to the herbal gruel 1 part of Vishnevsky's ointment and 1 part ichthyol ointment. Dilute this whole mixture with calendula oil prepared in advance to get a homogeneous elastic mass.
When treating a bough udder, a woman wiped alcohol solution(or tincture of herbs, or cologne, or alcohol) the affected area. Then she applied the ointment for the whole day, and repeated the procedure in the evening. The result was visible in a day: abscesses under the arm increased, white heads appeared. On the 3-4th day, all the pus began to come out. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 18, p. 31)

Alternative treatment of hydradenitis with a wax compress.
The girl was in the hospital with a fracture of the spine, and in addition, she developed hydradenitis. The neighbors in the ward advised such a folk remedy: take rosin in equal shares, beeswax and butter. Melt everything in an enamel bowl and stir well, but do not boil. Get a homogeneous mass. When it cools down, fold the bandage in several layers, apply this ointment on it and attach it to the abscess under the arm, securing it with adhesive tape. As the pus is drawn out, change the compresses until everything passes. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 24, p. 33)

Purification of blood with hydradenitis.
To cure the disease "bitch's udder", it is necessary to clean the blood with nettles - 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, insist and drink throughout the day. do this for 2-3 weeks. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2006, No. 24, p. 4)

How to quickly cure a bitch udder with a golden mustache.
The girl had an abscess under her arm. At night, she applied 2 leaves of a golden mustache plant to it. Did the same on the second night. And that's it, on the third night nothing began to heal, and a week later there was no trace of hydradenitis. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 4, p. 31).

Tibetan black patch for abscesses and inflammation under the armpit.
This folk remedy will allow you to quickly remove any abscesses, boils, "bitch's udder". Here is the prescription:
Mix 50 g of grated laundry soap, 50 g of rye flour, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Dilute all this with 150 grams of boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, add 1 church candle without a wick. Stir, the ointment is ready. Apply this ointment to a napkin and attach to the abscess, secure with adhesive tape. Change the bandage with ointment daily. not excluded at first pain. Complete recovery occurs after 2 weeks. (Folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2007, No. 7, p. 30, 2013, No. 1, p. 27)

How to get rid of hydradenitis in succession.
An 8-year-old girl developed inflammation under her armpit, an abscess formed, red, painful, the size of Walnut. The doctor prescribed an operation, but the biology teacher gave such a popular recipe for hydradenitis: make a strong infusion of string, moisten a rag in a hot infusion and apply to the abscess. Apply a warm wet compress 6-8 times a day. For 2 days, the child's bough udder was completely removed. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 7, p. 3)

Hidradenitis under the arm (ICD code - L73.2) is an inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands. The people nicknamed the disease "bitch's udder." This disease is more female gender, more common in adults, the disease affects children less often. At the first suspicion of the development of inflammation of the sweat glands, you should consult a surgeon for a consultation to decide how to cure the pathology. The disease is serious, intolerant of self-treatment due to the possibility of complications. Antibiotic treatment should be started on time therapeutic regimen selected by a specialist.

causative agents of the disease

With hydradenitis under the arm, the causes of the disease are important to establish and eliminate, this will the best prevention relapse. The most common pathogens are Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) abounding in environment. Pathological microorganism can get to sweat gland in three ways:

  • migrating along the excretory duct;
  • using the lymphatic system;
  • penetrate through the smallest wounds on the skin.

The triggers for the development of the disease often include a general decrease defensive forces body, marked emaciation or obesity. Irregular hygiene procedures, excessive function of the sweat glands, occupational hazards is another list possible causes. Experienced surgeons make a connection between burdened heredity and the ability to "catch" hydradenitis. Many diseases of the endocrine system become provoking factors that can cause disease.

Interesting fact! It has already been officially proven that many depilatory products and deodorants actively provoke the development of hydradenitis, as they contain aggressive components. Be careful when choosing products for the care of the armpit. After the depilation procedure, be sure to treat the unwanted hair removal area with an antiseptic several times.

Symptomatic picture

Symptoms of hidradenitis under the arm increase gradually. First, itching appears, aggravated by sweating, then a compaction the size of a small pea appears. Every day the node increases its size, becomes denser. Similar "peas" gradually form, quickly merging into a soldered conglomerate (the photo illustrates the clinic of the disease). Limb movement is limited.

Then low-intensity pain joins. Since the formation of purulent contents begins, the well-known symptoms of intoxication appear: the state of health worsens, efficiency decreases, general weakness appears and headache. The symptomatic picture becomes pronounced over time, the list of signs of the disease gradually increases.

In just a few days, the sweat glands, as it were, become soldered to the skin, lose their mobility. The necrotic core is absent, the inflammatory process is diffuse, the infiltrate has a dense consistency. Fluctuation is often palpable in the center. The skin over the abscess changes its usual color, becoming red or bluish-purple.

Live healthy! Hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat gland. (05/10/2016)

Live healthy! Hydradenitis

Forms and stages of hydradenitis. Relapse of hydradenitis. Suppurative hydradenitis

The results of the treatment of Lyudmila Gusak (hydradenitis)

Sometimes there is a self-dissection of hidradenitis, but another outcome is also possible - a chronic process. Chronic axillary hydradenitis proceeds according to a wave-like scenario, when periods of remission are replaced by another inflammation of the sweat glands. This is an unfavorable outcome that can lead to complications. Hidradenitis under the arm often occurs in individuals with increased sweating.

Hidradenitis during pregnancy: features of the course of the disease

Inflammation in the armpit in pregnant women proceeds in a aggravated form. Rapidly growing toxicity symptomatic picture aggravated in a matter of days, or even hours. During pregnancy, only approved drugs are used. Many antibiotics do not penetrate into breast milk and through the placental barrier to the fetus, therefore they are allowed during the period breastfeeding and at any stage of pregnancy.

Carefully select solutions for washing the wound (sanation). More suitable Furacilin, hypertonic solution. Ointments are applied by Ehtiol, Vishnevsky. Dressings are changed more often, preferably immediately after the cotton-gauze pad gets wet. upper limb give physical rest. It is better for a woman to lie more.

Medical therapy

Treatment of hidradenitis under the arm often begins with medication prescribed by the surgeon. At the first signs of inflammation in the armpit, you should consult a doctor for a consultation, and not buy it yourself medical preparations. Self-medication with purulent diseases unacceptable!

For local therapy, ointments are prescribed: Echthyol, Neomycin. You can use a solution for lotions Kandamycin. For prevention reinfection, I treat the epidermis around the opened hydradenitis with Boron, Camphor alcohol that are purchased at the pharmacy. In case of a recurrent course of the disease, additionally prescribe vitamin complexes, immunostimulants, general tonic.

Antibacterial therapy

Treatment of hidradenitis in the armpit is carried out with antibiotics. If the degree of neglect of the disease allows, the internal contents of the affected gland should be cultured for sensitivity to antibiotics. This will allow you to more accurately verify the diagnosis and not confuse the disease with a boil, carbuncle, phenelosis, donovanosis, scrofulodermosis or actinomycosis.

Sowing on antibiotics will accurately indicate the drug, "killer" for the pathogen. If we wait for results from bacteriological laboratory there is no time, then penicillin preparations are prescribed:

  • Sinukol;
  • Klamoksil;
  • Amoxicillin.

Effective treatment of the disease takes place against the background of the use of cephalosparin antibiotics. These include:

  • Zinnat;
  • Ceftazidime;
  • Cefpodoxime;
  • Cefotaxime;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cefoperazone;
  • Cefpyramide.

Antibiotics are taken strictly in accordance with the prescribed doses, observing the time intervals. During the massive antibiotic therapy in food significantly increase the proportion fermented milk products, yogurt. Exclude spicy, salty, fried foods. It is advisable to start taking medications aimed at protecting the cells of the hepatic parenchyma.


Hydradenitis is often treated surgically. Scalpel surgery is performed under conditions of absolute sterility. Hospitalization is less often required, outpatient monitoring and regular dressings are usually sufficient. Today's medicine is able to completely protect the patient from the risk of contracting infections transmitted through the blood. This is due to disposable tools used on an individual basis.

The surgeon excised the nodes of hidradenitis (you can see the video, photo), beforehand, triamcinolone mixed with lidocaine is injected into the bump. If necessary, drains are applied to improve the outflow of internal contents. At advanced stage The disease requires skin plastic surgery, because a significant area of ​​the epidermis has to be removed. Then the treatment takes place in a surgical hospital, and the rehabilitation period is significantly lengthened.

Treatment for hidradenitis requires quitting smoking. This applies to all smokers. Be sure to enrich the diet with foods rich in iron and phosphorus. These include:

  • spinach greens;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • milk products, especially low-fat cottage cheese;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • olive or sunflower oil.

Experts advise to give up alcohol, even beer. Sweet foods should not be taken until the disease has completely subsided. Should be involved hygiene procedures, more to be on fresh air, get busy breathing exercises. Then treatment will go faster. You can avoid the chronization of the process if you follow the above recommendations.

Alternative treatment

At home, hydradenitis is quite dangerous to treat. You can start therapy only after consultation with the surgeon. Folk remedies practice with little inflammatory focus and on the most early stages illness. Many "grandmother's" recipes can be safely used during pregnancy and lactation. They are safe for both mother and fetus.

Recipe #1

Cabbage leaves or plantain leaves are applied to the inflamed area in the armpit. They will help cure the disease. Fix the bandage with medical plaster. The leaves are thoroughly washed under running water and scalded once with boiling water. They can be replaced with an onion baked in the oven. This treatment is safe, allows you to get rid of the disease without drug therapy.

Recipe #2

We prepare the ointment "Tibetan patch". We take 100 gr. laundry soap and rye men, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and vegetable oil. In a small glass container, mix all the ingredients, boil in a water bath for several minutes. As soon as the mass boiled, we additionally introduce wax from a church (thin) candle. Once the ointment has cooled to room temperature, its thick layer is applied to the infiltrate area.

Recipe #3

At home, you can treat hydradenitis with a blue lamp. it safe method to achieve tangible therapeutic results. The armpit is heated 4 times a day for no more than 5.5 minutes. Heat treatment is carried out at the earliest stages of the disease, then it is prohibited.

Recipe #4

egg, honey, Rye flour- the worst "enemies" of hydradenitis. From the listed components knead the uncooked dough. Rolled into a cake, applied at night to the affected area. In the morning prepare a new portion and repeat the procedure.

Recipe number 5

Rye flour is mixed in equal amounts with thick sour cream or cream. Prepare the "dough" and use it as indicated in recipe No. 4.

Hidradenitis is a purulent disease that most often develops. If treatment is not started on time, the infection can spread throughout the body and even lead to blood poisoning. What causes inflammation of the sweat gland under the arm? What factors contribute to the onset of the disease? What should be reasonable treatment?

Inflammation of the sweat gland under the armpit is most common in women under the age of 50 years. In many ways, the development of the disease contributes to unstable hormonal background and weakened immunity. Staphylococcus bacteria that got there during depilation or shaving can cause inflammation in the sweat gland.

However, there are factors that may contribute to the formation inflammatory process. Among them are:

  • overvoltage;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • nutrient-deficient diets;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • diseases of the stomach associated with impaired absorption of nutrients;
  • x-ray examinations;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

Sweat gland problems can occur due to poor hygiene and the use of chemical deodorants. Weakened immunity is not able to fight so actively with bacteria penetrating the body, so the risk of hidradenitis increases.

Do not wear too tight clothing. Rubbing under the armpit can lead to the formation of small microcracks, which in turn creates an open path for infections.

Least of all, the glands under the arm become inflamed in children and the elderly. This is due to the fact that these glands in children are not yet fully formed. In older people, the activity of the ducts is significantly reduced, which serves as a protection against this disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Hydradenitis develops gradually. slowly increase the intensity. Initially, a slight burning sensation and itching begin under the armpit. Man experiencing general weakness, decreased performance. Soon, on palpation, a small compacted ball can be found.

  • soreness when touched;
  • redness of the inflamed area;
  • the nodule moves closer to the surface of the skin and increases in size;
  • the color of the nodule becomes bluish, even purple.

In some cases, additional nodules may appear near the sweat glands, which eventually combine into one. The skin under the arm becomes red. Body temperature can rise up to 38.5 degrees.

If treatment is not started, the skin over the nodule begins to die. A purulent infiltrate is formed inside the nodule. When pressed, a yellowish liquid comes out through the micro-hole - pus.

In almost all cases, on about the fifth day of the disease, the abscesses erupt on their own. Pus and blood come out of the resulting wound. Only over time, the wound heals, and a small scar remains in its place.

When treatment is started on time, the period of complete recovery does not take more than 10 days. If the disease is not treated, it can develop into chronic form, and then the treatment will be much more difficult.

Features of hydradenitis therapy

AT advanced cases for elimination purulent formation surgical intervention is required. To avoid this, it is important to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of the disease and begin competent treatment.

First of all, with such a diagnosis, the attending physician will prescribe to take antibacterial agents, which will directly fight the causative agent of inflammation. It would also be appropriate to use anti-inflammatory drugs in a complex way, which in parallel will reduce pain and swelling in the affected area.

Under no circumstances should you try to speed up the process of maturation of the abscess or squeeze it out yourself. This can only lead to an aggravation of the problem and the spread of infection. If you ignore this warning, you can even get blood poisoning and die.

When it is not possible to urgently apply for a qualified medical care, as the first action, it is allowed to apply a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment. Can also be bred ethanol in a 1:1 ratio with water and apply to the sore spot.

If a hole has appeared in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bformation of the nodule, from which pus flows, this process should not be accelerated. It is enough just to disinfect this place with alcohol or other antibacterial composition.

In cases where the use of drugs does not work, doctors may decide to perform an operation. In the process of removing the abscess, tissues that have undergone necrosis and infection are excised. However, after surgical intervention You can't stop taking antibiotics. It's important to pass full course, otherwise the disease may recur.

Postoperative care includes regular dressing changes with medicinal ointments. As a rule, the dressing should be changed at least once every two days.

Folk methods

There is a category of people who, despite all the danger non-drug treatment do not want to go to the hospital. Of course, folk recipes can be effective, but subject to their right combination With conservative methods either on early stage diseases.

under the arm with folk methods may consist in the use of various infusions, lotions and decoctions. It is often recommended to use a recipe with cabbage leaf. To do this, it is washed and applied to the inflamed area for several hours. The tool is effective for initial stage hydradenitis.

Aloe leaves show no less effectiveness. To do this, the washed plants are cut and applied to the site with the juice side. This remedy perfectly draws out pus and stops the inflammatory process.

Plantain has similar properties for the treatment of the sweat gland under the arms. This herb has been widely used since ancient times. folk medicine. To achieve the effect, plantain gruel must be applied to the affected area for several days. Each session should last at least half an hour. Procedures should be carried out 4-5 times a day.

The inflamed nodule can be washed with infusion of chamomile, sage, calendula and eucalyptus. The procedures are carried out several times a day, in some cases it is possible to apply a lotion for a short time. Can't leave medicinal composition all night.

In the event that when using alternative methods the patient's condition worsened, additional nodules appeared under the armpit, or after 2-3 days there was no improvement, you should immediately go to the hospital, describe the symptoms and start drug treatment.

Blockage sebaceous gland often causes serious problems with health. Human skin is covered with many sweat glands. Main function is thermoregulation. Largest part located in the armpits.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland looks like dense bump which is located under the armpits. Initially motionless and does not cause pain. Has the correct round shape. It occurs as a result of improper functioning of the sebaceous ducts. They narrow and sebum cannot be excreted properly.

At first, blockage of the sebaceous glands does not cause any inconvenience to a person. But if the rules of personal hygiene are not observed and under the influence of other factors, it can cause a deterioration in the quality of life. The bump enlarges and becomes painful. The situation worsens if the inflammatory process begins to develop.

The blockage is usually treated with surgery. After removal of the sebaceous gland, the patient must undergo a course of antibiotic therapy.

Clinical picture

The disease is easy to diagnose. To finally make a diagnosis, there is no need to carry out a number of additional procedures. Experienced Specialist it is enough just to examine the patient. There are the following symptoms:

  • Itching in the affected area. Man notices discomfort. Patients report itching, the intensity of which may vary. The skin begins to itch more if it gets wet. This happens when profuse sweating or after taking a shower or bath.
  • appearance of nodes. Blockage of the sebaceous glands begins with the appearance of nodes. At an early stage of the disease, a small bump appears on the skin. Neoplasm is different high density, so it is very easy to feel it. There is no pain on palpation.
  • Pain. With an increase in the omentum comes soreness. This symptom indicates that the disease is progressing. The pain is paroxysmal in nature. Patients note short-term sharp pain during a change in body position. It becomes difficult for a person to jerky movements hands.
  • An increase in the temperature of the affected areas. In those places where nodes appear, patients note an increase in temperature. It's like a burning sensation. Skin turn bright red, appear unhealthy oily sheen. At the same time, sweating is disturbed, which increases the area of ​​​​inflammation.

The above are the main symptoms that are observed when the sebaceous gland is blocked. But they are not the same in all cases. Clinical picture may differ. The body of each person is individual, so the symptoms may manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the stage of the disease.

How to get rid of the disease?

Treatment of the disease begins with the reception medications. If during therapy there is no positive results, it turns out to be ineffective. This suggests that the disease is last stage. In that case, use surgical method treatment.

Treatment with surgery is usually very fast. The inflamed abscess is opened. Its contents are completely deleted. After surgical procedures, a number of procedures are carried out, the purpose of which is to promote healing. damaged tissue.

The patient is forbidden to independently open neoplasms. He does not know all the intricacies of the procedure. In this case, there is a possibility of infection and further spread of the disease. The operation is performed only by a doctor using sterile instruments.


Refusal of treatment can lead to the development of complications. Blockage of the sweat gland turns into inflammation under the arm, which is called hidradenitis. Gives a lot of inconvenience to the patient. It is customary to share several forms of hydradenitis:

  • acute purulent;
  • nodal;
  • chronic.

Acute hydradenitis

The cause of the development of pathology is a blockage of the sweat and sebaceous glands. The disease threatens those people who poorly care for armpits. Due to the fact that the omentum has become inflamed, the patient has typical symptoms for this. The patient complains of discomfort and malaise, which gradually develops into pain in the armpits.

The body temperature rises. As a rule, it remains subfebrile, but may increase. acute form hidradenitis is considered dangerous to human life, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Nodal shape

In the armpit area, the skin is delicate, so it is easy to injure it. Careless shaving leaves cuts behind. Microorganisms enter the wounds that have formed, forming pathogenic microflora. As a result, nodules are formed. If they are not treated in time, inflammatory disease develops into a purulent form.

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