Carious wisdom tooth. What is characteristic of caries on the wisdom tooth and how to treat it? Wisdom tooth caries is a complex dental disease.

The wisdom tooth is ordinary tooth, which in its structure is absolutely no different from others. Dentists call them "eights" - if the entire dental arch is divided vertically into two halves, then the wisdom tooth is the eighth in a row. Normally, a person has 4 wisdoms - above and below, one on each side. However, it is not at all necessary that all 4 erupt, despite the fact that the rudiments of these teeth are present. Like all others, eights are prone to diseases - pulpitis and caries - that's what will be discussed further. Location of wisdom teeth

Pulpitis and caries

The pulp is a bundle of nerves and blood vessels that is located inside the tooth. In the people it is simply called the nerve. Pulpitis is inflammatory process that occurs in the pulp. This disease is quite common, and among all the most common problems with which people go to the dentist, pulpitis is about 20%. ,

The pulp is the last barrier between pathological bacteria and the periodontium, therefore, after the dental nerve dies, pathogens penetrate both the mucous membranes and the bone tissues teeth, provoking various complications.

Regardless of the reasons that caused the disease, the development of pulpitis occurs in three stages:

  • alteration - a primary change occurs in the dental nerve;
  • exudation - blood flow is disturbed;
  • proliferation - reproduction of cellular elements.

Moreover, exudation is more pronounced in the crown part of the tooth, and proliferation - in the root.

As for caries, it is the leader of dental diseases, it occurs in people of all age groups. This disease starts as a tiny spot and can lead to the loss of an entire tooth.

The structure of the teeth

At its core, caries is the destruction of hard dental tissue, which occurs with the participation of microorganisms and the presence of oral cavity food leftovers. The disease develops in 4 stages:

  • spot stage (white or dark) - the surface of the enamel remains shiny and smooth, there are no signs of destruction or defects in the enamel;
  • superficial form - destruction of the surface layer is observed, while the dentin remains intact;
  • medium form - the upper layers of dentin are involved in pathological process;
  • deep caries- complete destruction of dentin, including deep layers.

wisdom tooth pulpitis

The main role in the development of pulpitis is played by pathological microflora, which penetrates into the pulp through the dentinal tubules. For a long time, this process can penetrate without much bright symptoms and then under the influence external stimuli a neglected form of the disease may be found - chronic.

Important! The sooner the patient turns to the dentist for advice, the more likely save the tooth.


The most common cause, as a result of which pulpitis develops - this is deep caries. The deeper the carious process progresses, the greater the likelihood of penetration of the pathological flora into the pulp.

Dentists highlight the following ways penetration of infection into the pulp:

  • complication of the carious process - through the dental crown;
  • through the top of the root.

In some cases, pulpitis develops as a result of incorrect and unskilled actions of the dentist. As a rule, this is due to overheating, improper grinding of the tooth, accidental opening of the pulp, and so on.

Reference! Rarely, pulpitis can develop with trauma, this is more typical for the front teeth. As a result of the impact, calcified calculi compress the pulp, which provokes the development of pulpitis.


The acute form of pulpitis is divided into focal and diffuse. In the first case, inflammation is localized in close proximity to carious cavity. The patient complains of pain that occurs intermittently, mainly under the influence of various stimuli. In nighttime pain become more intense. Pain sensations are exact location localization, so the patient himself can point to the place of the pathological process.

What is pulpitis.

If this symptomatology is ignored and the person does not go to the dentist, then in a day, the focal form becomes diffuse - that is, the root pulp becomes infected. In this case, the pain does not subside, and becomes stronger. In addition, it can give to whiskey, to the ears, to the entire jaw, to the eye sockets. When pressing on the figure eight, the pain can be very sharp and severe. If in this case the patient does not go to the doctor, pulpitis becomes chronic. This form is subdivided into fibrous, hypertrophic and gangrenous.

In this case, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • prolonged aching pain;
  • tooth reaction to cold and hot;
  • response to pressure changes - sudden jumps atmospheric pressure or when flying in an airplane;
  • the patient cannot chew on the side where the damaged tooth is located.


The initial method of diagnosing the disease is a visual examination, then, if necessary, are prescribed additional methods research:

  • sounding;
  • percussion;
  • EDI - electrodiagnostics;
  • tests for temperature changes;
  • x-ray.

Important! At purulent form pulpitis tooth strongly react to hot water, and cold, on the contrary, brings relief to the patient. Chronic and focal pulpitis reacts with pain to cold, and heat has a calming effect.


Therapy for pulpitis of the wisdom tooth is as follows:

  • pulp anesthesia;
  • cavity opening;
  • removal of dead particles of dentin;
  • extirpation or removal of soft tissues;
  • antiseptic procedures;
  • filling of dental roots and tooth.

Important! For emergency care you can take Efferalgan, Aspirin, Analgin.

Treatment chronic form is to remove the pulp (complete or partial). In some cases, laser treatment is possible.

When is it necessary to remove a wisdom tooth?

To remove a wisdom tooth with pulpitis, there are the following indications:

  • it is located horizontally to the dental axis;
  • grown into the maxillary sinus;
  • eruption has occurred, but there is no growth;
  • complicated forms of pulpitis.

In all other cases, dentists try to save the tooth.

Wisdom tooth extraction


With absence correct therapy, complications of pulpitis can be as follows:

  • flux;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • abscesses;
  • phlegmon.

Important! It is absolutely impossible to postpone the treatment of pulpitis, because if you delay, you can not only lose a tooth, but also wait for serious and rather dangerous complications.

wisdom tooth caries

Wisdom teeth cause a lot of problems for a person - they can hurt during eruption, grow incorrectly, be located outside the arch, not erupt at all, and so on. And besides this, they are more prone to caries than other teeth.


The causes of wisdom tooth caries are no different from the causes of other caries:

  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • too much carbohydrate food;
  • genetic predisposition.

But there is one factor that can greatly worsen the situation - the wrong position of the tooth in the arch.

Reference! The main factor in the development of caries of the figure eight is the accumulation of plaque - an ideal place for the development of pathogenic flora.


On the early stages caries symptoms are not observed, however, when a large carious cavity is formed, the patient develops pain under the influence of sweet, cold or hot. Once the stimulus is removed, pain pass. Visually, you can see white or dark spot which gradually increases in size. When the pathological process progresses, dead parts of the tooth can flake off, forming a carious cavity.

stages of caries.


It is important to distinguish caries from periodontitis and pulpitis. For this, it is carried out differential diagnosis. With pulpitis, discomfort and pain are longer, the carious cavity is deeper, and when zoning, pain is felt at a specific point. As for periodontitis, in this case, percussion is longer, and obvious changes are visible on the x-ray in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apexes.


Therapy of a carious tooth depends on a large number of accompanying factors.

Important! There are much more indications for the removal of carious eights than for the removal of other teeth.

Caries treatment consists of the following:

  • professional tooth cleaning;
  • preparation - removal of all altered tissues;
  • treatment antiseptics;
  • drying;
  • filling.

In what cases is it necessary to remove a wisdom tooth.

A wisdom tooth with caries is removed in the following cases:

  • no opposite tooth;
  • too deep pathological process;
  • caries has developed on an already treated tooth;
  • the inability to reach the tooth for a full treatment.

Caries treatment.


As already mentioned, wisdom tooth decay spreads very quickly, which can lead to the following consequences:

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periostitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • abscess;
  • phlegmon.

Prevention of pulpitis and caries

There is nothing new in the prevention of caries and pulpitis:

  • meticulous oral hygiene;
  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • timely treatment of dental diseases;
  • regular preventive visits to the dentist;
  • timely professional cleaning of teeth from plaque and calculus.

Assess the situation and accept the right decision about the treatment of wisdom teeth can only qualified specialist. In some cases, it is more appropriate to extract a tooth than to treat it, but of course this depends on the individual case. In order not to provoke various complications, it is necessary to contact the dentist in a timely manner.

Wisdom teeth are the last to erupt, but the first to deteriorate and cause many problems. This situation is due to the fact that before they appear, other molars grow and there is no room left for their full cutting. The most common problem is caries. With the development of this disease, a person cannot lead full image life.

Molar caries is difficult to treat due to difficult accessibility

What is caries

For the process of softening the hard tissues of the molars, it is customary in dentistry to use the term caries. Initially, caries was called a disease of the bone marrow, but due to the similarity clinical picture the term began to be used to refer to the process of tooth decay.

Caries of the tooth root is invisible until the onset of pain


The main reasons for the development of caries include: fermentable carbohydrates, caries susceptibility of the surface of the painters and the lack of proper oral hygiene. "Eight" is the last molar in the row, which is difficult to reach even with a brush. As a result hygiene procedures oral cavity cannot be fully performed. Lack of proper hygiene leads to the accumulation of bacterial plaque with great content cariogenic microbes. Under the coating, fermentation processes and the formation organic acids. Bacteria destroy enamel and dentin. Often with this disease appears bad smell out of the mouth and it becomes more difficult for a person to adapt in society.

Causes of caries - infographic

Eating a lot of sweet, acidic foods contributes to tooth decay. And also caries on the wisdom tooth can provoke a diet, vitamin deficiency and nutrients, quality and quantity of saliva, change functional state organism, adverse effect external factors and bad environment. The most dangerous for enamel are the first twenty minutes after eating. Therefore, it is necessary to rinse your mouth if it is not possible to brush your teeth. It is recommended to carry a special dental floss so that it can be used at any time and remove food particles between the molars.

Sometimes the molar erupted partially and this interferes with its full cleaning. Particles of food get under the gum, plaque appears, and the processes of decay start. That is why even a molar that has not erupted is already affected by caries.

Clinical picture

In the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic. The patient feels well and has nothing to worry about. When a cavity forms in a molar upon contact with hot, cold, and sweet food, sharp pain. The pain disappears as soon as the irritant is removed. May appear It's a dull pain which does not pass even at night. The sensitivity of the incisor increases, and the person experiences discomfort in the oral cavity. It becomes more difficult for him to perform hygiene procedures. The surface of the incisor darkens in places of accumulation of softened dead dentin, the color of the enamel may change.

Stages of development of caries on molars


During diagnosis, it is important to distinguish caries from other diseases (periodontitis and chronic pulpitis). You can determine periodontitis by changes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apexes and positive percussion. The sensation of pain with pulpitis is longer than with caries. The carious cavity is deeper, and the pain is concentrated in one place. By these signs, caries can be distinguished from pulpitis. Only a dentist can diagnose. After establishing accurate diagnosis the doctor will decide on the treatment. Caries can only be treated in a hospital.

X-ray diagnosis of caries on molars

In case of absence necessary treatment the infection will spread throughout the oral cavity, affecting and destroying healthy incisors.

That is why, if a wisdom tooth is struck by caries, it needs to be treated. A timely visit to the dentist will effectively solve the problem of caries and prevent the problem from worsening. Rinse your mouth before visiting a specialist antiseptic solutions. In the event that it is no longer possible to endure pain before a visit to the dentist, the patient can take an analgesic: Nurofen, Ketanov and Analgin.

caries treatment

With the development of caries, the infection penetrates deep into the molar and affects the pulp. Pulpitis develops, accompanied by constant aching pain. If you continue to continue not to treat caries, then more serious illness such as: granuloma and periodontitis.

Therefore, do not delay a visit to the dentist and treatment should be started as early as possible. Wisdom tooth treatment depends on many factors.

Incorrect molar growth - the need to remove it

Often, in the presence of caries, a decision is made to remove the incisor. The indications for its removal are:

  • Uneven arrangement of the eight in the dental arch.
  • Chronic pericoronitis. If the gum becomes regularly inflamed during the cutting of the molar, a decision is made to remove the incisor to prevent complications.
  • The incisor injures the cheek or tongue.
  • Absence of the opposite molar. In this case, the incisor does not perform its functions and therefore it is more expedient to remove it. Because there is no point in treating him.
  • The inability to treat the incisor.
  • Orthodontic pathologies. There are situations when an erupting wisdom tooth leads to crowding of the remaining molars. The only way out of this situation is to remove the "eights".

Fissure caries is treated with filling

The doctor makes a decision on the need for treatment only if the molar erupted evenly in the dentition. Treatment of the "eight" is a rather difficult task due to limited access to it. Sometimes it is even impossible to reach the carious cavity.

Treatment of molars is a complex and lengthy process.

AT modern dentistry Two methods are used to treat caries:

  1. Conservative. Caries is treated without removing hard tissues with a drill. The doctor will clean the enamel with a special tool and restore it with varnish or mineral solutions.
  2. Excision of hard tissues affected by caries, disinfection and restoration anatomically shaped molar.

Removal of a molar tooth is done in parts

At advanced disease when there is nothing to fix the filling, the specialist will put a crown. But for molars this method is used extremely rarely.

Prevention of caries

In order not to have to long time eliminate the effects of caries, it is recommended Special attention give preventive measures of this disease.

It is enough to observe simple rules in order to prevent the development of caries:

  • Use toothpastes with a high content of fluoride, and brush your teeth regularly. To clean the gaps between the teeth with special threads. Perform mouth rinses with antiseptic solutions or herbal decoctions.
  • Consult a specialist and ask him to show you how to properly care for your oral cavity. As practice shows, most people do not know the technique proper brushing teeth.
  • Minimize carbohydrate intake. To refuse from bad habits. Visit the dentist every six months for an examination and professional cleaning of stones and plaque.

By following these simple rules, a person will be able to save good health molars and snow-white smile, and on long years relieve yourself of the need to treat caries.

Not only do wisdom teeth bring a lot of problems to patients due to improper placement, they are also more prone to caries than others.

Wisdom teeth (they are also called eighth teeth, "eights", third molars) appear at 18-25 years old, but in some patients they may not erupt at all. It is extremely rare to meet lucky people who do not have "eights" at all, even the rudiments.

The reasons for the development of caries in wisdom teeth are the same as in the rest: poor hygiene(microorganisms in plaque), abundance of carbohydrates in the food taken, heredity. However, there is one factor here that sharply aggravates the situation - this is the location of the eighth tooth in the dental arch.

Often the third molars do not erupt completely, they are inclined buccally or medially (towards the seventh tooth). Under the gum, which covers part of the crown (such a gum is called a “hood”), food constantly accumulates, and cleaning the tooth is difficult due to its distant location and inclination in any direction.

Permanent accumulation of plaque, in which cariogenic microorganisms live, - main factor the development of caries in the wisdom teeth and their further destruction.

Clinical picture

The course of caries of the eighth tooth may be asymptomatic, nothing bothers the patient (especially in the early stages). With a deep carious cavity, sensitivity to cold, hot and sweet food, however, the pain quickly passes (immediately after the elimination of the stimulus).

When viewed in the third molar, a carious cavity is determined, the probing of which can be sensitive in the region of the enamel-dentin border. Dentin is either softened and light brown or hard and dark. Tapping on the tooth is painless.

Differential Diagnosis

G-8 caries must be distinguished from chronic pulpitis and periodontitis.

With pulpitis, pain from stimuli is longer than with carious process. At the same time, the carious cavity is deeper, its probing is sharply painful at one point.

Apical periodontitis is characterized by positive percussion as well as changes in the area of ​​the apex on the radiograph.


The tactics of treating caries of the eighth tooth (both upper and mandible) depends on many factors. In itself, the presence of a carious cavity is not yet a reason for setting a seal. It is worth noting that the indications for the removal of wisdom teeth are significantly expanded compared to ordinary teeth.

So, what you need to pay attention to:

  • The location of the third molar in the dental arch - if the tooth erupted unevenly (out of the arch, with a buccal or lingual slope), in most cases it must be removed.
  • Chronic pericoronitis with periodic exacerbations - if, as the G8 erupts, the gum around it repeatedly becomes inflamed, such a tooth must be removed to avoid subsequent exacerbations (which can lead to severe purulent complications- abscesses and phlegmons).
  • Biting the cheek with a wisdom tooth is an indication for its removal.
  • The absence of the opposite tooth (antagonist) - in this case, the eighth tooth does not perform its function (chewing food), so its treatment is meaningless. More often, doctors tend to remove such teeth.
  • impossibility therapeutic treatment- there are a number of factors that make treatment difficult last tooth eg poor mouth opening by the patient. If treatment is technically impossible, the carious "eight" must be removed.
  • Presence or absence neighboring teeth(first and second molar) - this factor matters in prosthetics: if the sixth or seventh tooth is missing, then doctors try to save the carious wisdom tooth if possible, as it can be useful as a support for a bridge prosthesis.
  • Orthodontic pathologies - very often the eruption of the lower "eights" leads to the appearance of crowding of the anterior incisors and canines. In this case, orthodontists recommend removing all wisdom teeth, after which orthodontic treatment about teeth straightening.

As you can see, in most cases, dentists do not stand on ceremony with the eighth teeth, more often referring patients to their removal. Only if the wisdom tooth erupted exactly in the arc, they can try to heal it (put a filling).

Eights or wisdom teeth appear in the oral cavity later than the other ones. Their eruption occurs approximately in the twentieth - twenty-first year of the patient. These dental organs often cause a lot of problems: sometimes they erupt incorrectly, sometimes it is very painful, sometimes because of their proximity to rear wall jaw inflamed gums. Wisdom tooth decay is also common. The eighth teeth are difficult to clean because of their distant location, which means they are most susceptible to this disease. In this article, we will consider what to do when the eight is affected by caries, and the features of these dental organs.

What is caries?

In dentistry, caries is characterized as a process of softening of the hard tissues of the teeth. Initially this term denoted a disease of the bone marrow, but due to the similarity of the clinical picture, it began to be used in relation to the process of tooth decay.

You can find out more about caries.

Clinical picture

With the appearance of caries on 8 teeth, there may be no symptoms at all. Especially it concerns initial stage diseases. And already when caries corrodes deep cavity, the patient feels acute pain on temperature and chemical irritants, which stop as soon as the effect of the stimulus is completed.

The disease can be diagnosed by visual inspection using dental instruments. Probing is accompanied high sensitivity where enamel meets dentin. The bottom of the cavity is filled with substance Brown color, which is formed from the dead dentin. If you tap on the tooth enamel, the patient will not feel pain.

Types of cavities from caries

With caries of eights, cavities, as with diseases of other teeth, can be of the following types:

  • relative to the depth of the disease - , and ;
  • regarding the anatomical location - caries of enamel, dentin, cement;
  • by location - , .

Caries of the third molar is unique in that it can occur without symptoms, and the hard-to-reach location of such teeth often leaves them unattended until the disease reaches a deep site.

Reasons for the defeat of eights by caries

Wisdom teeth are located at the very end of the dentition, so cleaning them is quite difficult. It is not always possible to clean them well with a brush. This leads to the accumulation of plaque on the surface containing harmful cariogenic bacteria. In the process of their vital activity, the destruction of enamel occurs, and caries is formed. Dietary carbohydrates in the diet also contribute to tooth decay. in large numbers(sweets and sour foods), lack of vitamins, poor ecology, external adverse factors, quantity and quality of saliva and poor heredity.

Bad breath can accompany wisdom tooth caries, giving the patient an incredible inconvenience when in society.

The third molars may also not erupt completely, that is, the tooth may be half hidden under the hood. This further contributes to the occurrence of caries. After all, it is more difficult to clean such a tooth, and pieces of food can get stuck under the hood. So a wisdom tooth that has not been cut through to the end can already be affected by caries.

What to do if caries appears on the third molar?

It's important to know: Caries on any dental organ and at any stage is very important to cure, otherwise the entire oral cavity can become infected, which can cause infection of healthy organs.

And even the inconspicuous eighth tooth needs timely treatment this disease.

It is important to get to the doctor as soon as possible if caries is found in the wisdom tooth. And before the visit, when you may be waiting for the day of the appointment, you need to rinse your mouth with antiseptics such as chamomile decoction, a solution of salt and soda or chlorhexidine. If the pain is very disturbing, you can take an anesthetic (Ketanov, Analgin, etc.).

When you already get to the dentist, he will carry out treatment approximately according to the following scheme:

  1. Getting rid of the affected tissues through a drill.
  2. Disinfection of the cavity with an antiseptic.
  3. Laying a special insulating gasket on the bottom of the cavity.
  4. The imposition of a filling composite in layers.
  5. Giving a tooth desired shape. Work on tubercles and cavities, which should correspond to a healthy tooth.

Such treatment takes about half an hour, it is performed under anesthesia in order to avoid discomfort.

What is more correct: cure or remove?

Wisdom teeth are difficult to treat due to their deep location in the mouth. Yes, and not always in their treatment makes sense. The most frequent cases are when specialists remove the third molar affected by caries. They do this for three reasons:

  1. This dental organ is considered to be of little functional in the oral cavity.
  2. Its high-quality treatment is almost impossible, due to its inconvenient location, which can lead to.
  3. The treatment is tiring for the patient himself, who will have to sit with his mouth wide open for a long time during the procedure.

Consider the cases when it is better to remove the eighth tooth:

  1. The tooth is located unevenly in the dental arch.
  2. There is no opposite unit, which makes this molar unnecessary and contributes to its rapid destruction due to lack of load.
  3. Constant inflammation of the gums during teething.
  4. Injury to the third incisor of the cheeks and tongue.
  5. The presence of orthodontic pathologies, when the figure eight causes twisting of other molars during cutting.
  6. Launched caries, if the dental organ is severely destroyed.
  7. The occurrence of retention or dystopia, when the dental organ appears horizontally, at an angle, or remains in a semi-perforated state.
  8. The presence of a strong gag reflex in the patient, or the absence of the ability to forcefully open the mouth.

The advantages of removing the figure eight are as follows: neighboring dental organs will not be subject to shifting and twisting, the infectious focus is removed with the removed organ, the patient gets rid of pain, and no re-treatment is required.

There are also disadvantages in removal: with a large absence of teeth, there will be no support for prosthetics, complications may arise after removal.

But in some cases it is advisable to treat a wisdom tooth. Indications for treatment are as follows:

  1. Eruption in the right place without slopes and deviations.
  2. The need for an eighth tooth for prosthetics.
  3. Early stage of the disease.
  4. The presence of the opposite organ, which will allow them to chew food.
  5. Pregnancy, when tooth extraction is contraindicated, and it is important to get rid of the infection.

Disadvantages in the treatment of wisdom teeth are: the possibility of secondary caries, the infection can be spread to other organs of the oral cavity, the occurrence of relapses leads to repeated spending of finances.

If the doctor has decided to cure caries of the eight, he can use one of two methods:

  1. Conservative treatment when a drill is not used to remove affected tissues. Enamel is cleaned with special tools and restored with varnish or mineral solutions.
  2. Excision of carious tissues, disinfection and restoration work regarding the anatomy of the dental organ.

Complication of the disease

If caries is not treated for a long time, the infection enters the deep tissues with damage to the pulp. So the pulp becomes inflamed, formed. With this disease, there is aching pain that occurs spontaneously. With pulpitis, it is required, and for wisdom teeth it is extremely difficult, since the roots of such dental units are rarely even, most often they are curved or twisted.

If you leave the treatment of pulpitis or ignore this disease, it will develop into more serious illness or granuloma. For this reason, caries should be treated immediately, without delaying a visit to the dental clinic.

How to diagnose caries?

For the ruling correct diagnosis, it is important to be able to distinguish between caries and other dental diseases.

Periodontitis is characterized by a change in the tops of the dental organ and positive percussion. And the pulpitis goes away with more prolonged pain as opposed to caries. At the same time, the cavity with pulpitis is much deeper, and the pain is concentrated at one point.

Only a specialist can correctly diagnose. After correct diagnosis the most suitable treatment which can only be done in a clinical setting.

Eight, affected by caries, must be urgently treated. Indeed, if left untreated, the infection can spread throughout the oral cavity and affect healthy dental organs. If you visit a doctor in a timely manner, you will be able to protect yourself from many problems. Before a visit to a specialist, rinsing the mouth with antiseptic agents will help, and severe pain can be numbed with painkillers.

How to prevent caries?

In order to protect yourself from this disease, it is important to observe preventive measures.

Consider the basic rules, the implementation of which will protect against the onset of the disease:

  • regularly brush your teeth with a toothpaste with a high content of fluoride;
  • use dental floss to clean the interdental spaces;
  • rinse your mouth with herbal infusions or antiseptics;
  • follow all the recommendations of the dentist for the care of the oral cavity;
  • eat less foods high in carbohydrates;
  • eradicate bad habits if available;
  • regularly visit a dentist who, in addition to examination, if necessary, will professional cleaning removing plaque and calculus from teeth.

Subject to the above rules, it is possible to keep your teeth healthy and your smile snow-white, protecting yourself from the treatment of diseases for a long time.


Treatment of the eight will cost almost twice as much simple tooth. The price varies from 2 to 6 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the work.

A simple wisdom tooth treatment costs from 3,000 to 3,500 rubles. It will be cheaper to remove it - from 1500 to 1800 rubles. And in difficult cases, with retention and dystopia, the cost of removal will be from 5 to 6 thousand rubles.

The treatment of eights is carried out both in private dentistry and in public clinics.

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Caries of the wisdom tooth, as evidenced by statistics, is a massive phenomenon. Similar problems are also faced by those who ignore the rules of hygiene and people who fanatically monitor the state of their own oral cavity and regularly go to preventive examinations to the dentist.

Whether to remove the molar or still try to cure? This question is often asked by patients. Experts are sure that it is much easier to get rid of the G8 and not waste time or resources on it.

The reasons

The development of caries on the wisdom tooth is primarily due to the specifics of its location. It is because of this that normal cleaning of it turns into a practically unsolvable task. Lack of care leads to the accumulation of streptococcal bacteria on the last molar, which actively produce acid, leading to the destruction of enamel.

Also, often the “eight” is not completely cut through and remains partially under the hood. And this, in a similar way, prevents high-quality sanitation, but does not prevent infection and food particles from penetrating into the “pocket”.

Ultimately, a person notices that his gums have become inflamed and its swelling does not allow him to eat normally. In this state, the tooth collapses in just a matter of months.


As in common cases, the disease of the last molar in the row in the first stages develops without any signs. It is almost never possible to identify the problem on its own due to the difficulty of accessing the tooth.

However, after the appearance of a carious hole, pain begins during use:

  • sweets;
  • hot meals;
  • cold foods;
  • too sour.

For some time discomfort disappear as soon as the action of the stimulus ends, but later the whining becomes constant.

The dentist can easily detect caries (even cervical) with a probe and tapping. Based on the condition of the 3rd molar, he will offer to remove it or still try to save it.


The disease in question never goes away on its own. It is not advisable to leave the focus of infection in the mouth, since over time the disease will most likely spread to healthy adjacent teeth.

Before going to the doctor, relieve the pain with rinses room temperature. Suitable for them:

  • soda solution;
  • Chlorhexidine diluted in water;
  • chamomile decoction.

It is permissible to take one tablet:

  • Nurofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Ketanov, etc.

Therapy in clinical setting consists of the following stages:

  • drilling of caries;
  • treatment of the hole with an antiseptic;
  • laying insulation;
  • filling the cavity with cement;
  • giving a natural shape to the tooth.

As a rule, it takes about half an hour for the doctor to fix the problem. Now everything is invasive dental procedures held under local anesthetic so you don't have to worry about pain.

When a wisdom tooth is removed

You will have to get rid of it if the disease is detected on late stages and there is actually nothing to restore.

They pull out the "eight" when the opposing tooth, called the antagonist, is already missing. Otherwise, it will begin to move forward over time and put pressure on soft tissues, causing discomfort and hurting them.

Another indication for removal is wrong height 3rd molar or its defective eruption. Finally, the wisdom tooth is removed due to the fact that the patient is not able to open his mouth wide for any reason or his manipulation provokes an acute gag reflex.

However, you should not get rid of a completely healthy 8-ki. Subsequently, it may be needed for the installation of a bridge prosthesis.

As a rule, the specialist prefers not to take risks and either proceeds to instrumental therapy or simply postpones the extraction of the "eight" for postpartum period. However, even in this case, it is recommended to definitely eliminate the focus of infection from the oral cavity, since in the future it can harm both the expectant mother and her unborn child.


If a person practically does not engage in teeth or devotes insufficient time to cleaning them, then caries develops unhindered for many years. As a result, the lesion extends to the tissues located deep in the molar, affecting the pulp. Then inflammation of the nerves begins, which leads to ongoing and often very severe pain.

AT advanced stage treatment is not limited to caries drilling. For a full-fledged cleaning, sanitation of the nerve channels will also be required. In the case of the “eight”, the task is often complicated by the irregularity of its shape (the roots of these teeth are almost always curved and grow at random).

If the patient and the resulting pulpitis does not want to be treated, then he is threatened with more dangerous complications:

  • granuloma;
  • periodontitis.

To eliminate any of these pathologies will require a lot of time, effort and money. In addition, the procedures in this situation are much more painful and traumatic than in general cases.

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