How to use an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine bigluconate: instructions for use for aqueous and alcoholic solutions. Application of an aqueous solution

Disinfectant "Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%" is a ready-to-use agent in the form of a colorless transparent or slightly opalescent liquid, odorless or with a slight odor. The product contains chlorhexidine bigluconate and purified water.The shelf life of the product, provided it is stored in unopened packaging from the manufacturer, is 2 years from the date of manufacture.The agent exhibits bactericidal (including against pathogens of nosocomial infections), tuberculocidal, virucidal (including viruses of parenteral hepatitis, poliomyelitis, HIV) and fungicidal (against fungi of the genera Candida and trichophyton) action.According to the parameters of acute toxicity, the agent belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard substances according to GOST 12.1.007-76 when applied to the skin, injected into the stomach and inhaled. According to the classification of Sidorov K.K. when administered parenterally, the agent belongs to the 5th class of practically non-toxic compounds. Skin-irritating, skin-resorptive and sensitizing properties in the recommended regimens of use of the agent were not detected. The agent has a moderate irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes.

The agent "Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%" is intended for usein medical institutions:

For hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel, including personnel of ambulances

For the treatment of the hands of surgeons

For disinfection and degreasing of the skin of the operating and injection fields

For treatment of donor elbows

For treatment of the skin before the introduction of catheters and puncture of the joints;

For disinfection of small tools;

As a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in the form of irrigations, rinses and applications

on the affected surface of the skin or mucous membranes

For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases,

Complex treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis,

as well as

For hygienic treatment of the hands of students of educational institutions, staff of preschool and school institutions, social security institutions (nursing homes, hospices, etc.), employees of perfumery and cosmetic enterprises (including hairdressers, beauty salons, etc.), public food, communal facilities, enterprises of the food and chemical-pharmaceutical industries;

For hygienic treatment of hands and injection field by the population in everyday life.

Chlorhexidine solution is an antiseptic that is specifically designed for topical use. This drug has pronounced bactericidal (destruction of bacteria) and disinfecting properties. This antiseptic is most active against vegetative forms of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as lipophilic viruses, dermatophytes that cause skin diseases, and yeast. In addition, chlorhexidine solution has a good ability to stop the division and growth of fungi. This agent acts on spores of bacteria only at elevated temperatures. This antiseptic preparation shows fungistatic activity well in relation to trichophytes, which are the causative agents of ringworm, and fungi of the genus Candida.

Features of the composition of the drug

One hundred milliliters of such a bactericidal agent as a solution of chlorhexidine, as an active ingredient, contains 0.05 grams of 0.05% chlorhexidine bigluconate. Distilled water acts as an auxiliary ingredient.

The main indications for the use of an antiseptic

The instruction recommends using a solution of chlorhexidine mainly for disinfecting the operating field and treating the hands of surgeons, as well as for carrying out the so-called cold sterilization of the necessary surgical instruments. In addition, quite often this antiseptic is prescribed for the treatment of cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. In this case, a solution of chlorhexidine is used for washing, and it is administered using a special catheter. In addition, this bactericidal drug can be used in obstetric and gynecological practice, for example, during the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and colpitis of various etiologies, to eliminate itching of the vulva. Also, this solution can be prescribed for the prevention of infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted (including chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis and gonorrhea). This antiseptic is also actively used to prevent the development of various inflammatory complications before abortions, intrauterine examinations, childbirth, surgical interventions, the installation of an intrauterine device, and the procedure for diathermocoagulation of cervical erosion.

For topical application, a bactericidal solution of chlorhexidine is also prescribed for conditions such as stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, aphthae (superficial ulceration of mucous membranes), alveolitis (inflammatory lesions of some parts of the respiratory tract) and tonsillitis. In addition, it is actively used to disinfect removable dentures and various work surfaces, equipment and instruments (for example, thermometers), the heat treatment of which is highly undesirable. And finally, this antiseptic is excellent for disinfecting the patient's skin, burn and incised wounds, as well as for the necessary postoperative care for patients in the departments of dentistry and ENT.

List of the most common contraindications

Experts categorically do not recommend using an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine if a person has an increased individual sensitivity to chlorhexidine bigluconate, as well as in an acute form of inflammatory skin lesions - dermatitis. In addition, according to the instructions, this bactericidal agent is used with great care during childbearing, during the lactation period and in childhood.

List of adverse reactions

The manufacturing company notes that the use of an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine in some groups of patients can provoke the development of dermatitis or the appearance of a slight edema. In addition, as a result of the use of this antiseptic drug, conditions such as dry skin, transient itching and hyperemia (reddening of the skin) may occur.

Chlorhexidine refers to drugs with antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is widely used in medical institutions for the disinfection of various instruments.

Its popularity is due not only to the ability to effectively destroy bacteria, but also to the ability to retain its properties for a long time after application.

Chlorhexidine is produced in various forms: tablets, solution, gel, aerosol. But for rinsing the mouth, it is a liquid agent (0.05% aqueous solution) that is used. Let's talk about how to use the drug in dentistry further.

Chlorhexidine used in dentistry (0.05% solution) consists of the active substance, namely chlorhexidine bigluconate in the amount of 0.05 g and water to a total volume of 100 ml.

Indications for use in dentistry

This antiseptic is often included in the composition for the oral cavity. Their main purpose is to prevent and eliminate diseases such as.

Pictured is gingivitis

By its nature, this disease is inflammatory in nature. It occurs due to the accumulation and rapid reproduction of a large number of pathogens on the teeth and gums.

Without timely and proper treatment, the disease can worsen and lead to more serious complications.

How to use an antiseptic in this case? Rinsing your mouth with a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate allows you to cope with gingivitis in the early stages.

The solution is used for rinsing with some other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (,).

How to apply the solution for prevention?

Chlorhexidine is an excellent remedy for preventing the formation of plaque and tartar.

Due to its antibacterial properties, it protects well from these unpleasant phenomena. It is used for the treatment of removable dentures.

Instructions for use of the drug

To achieve maximum effect, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution immediately after your teeth have been brushed.

By analogy with brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth should be done 2 times a day. To do this, 10 ml of a 0.05% aqueous solution should be taken into the mouth and rinsed for about 30 seconds.

After that, it is not recommended to eat or drink liquid for 15-20 minutes. This will wash the chlorhexidine digluconate off the teeth and gums.

Although chlorhexidine solution is considered safe, swallowing it is still best avoided.

Mechanism of action

The tool has an effective ability to modify the properties of the cell membrane of bacteria and microorganisms.

When it is used in most bacteria, the cytoplasmic membrane is destroyed. They lose osmotic balance, which leads to inevitable death.

When treated with a solution of the oral cavity, it has only a local effect, not being absorbed into the tissues and not entering the blood. After rinsing, part of the product remains on the mucous membranes of the mouth for up to 24 hours. During this period, they have an antiseptic effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The widespread use of the drug, including in dentistry, is due to the following points:

Among the shortcomings of the drug can be called:

  • unpleasant taste with a hint of bitterness;
  • low efficiency in the fight against viruses;
  • the presence of side effects.

Contraindications and side effects

The tool is contraindicated for people with high sensitivity to the main active substance - chlorhexidine bigluconate.

When applied, an allergic reaction may occur. Slightly more than 50% of patients using the drug for rinsing the mouth will notice a pronounced change in the color of the tongue, gums, teeth. At the same time, they acquire a light or dark brown color. In some cases, up to black.

Rarer but possible side effects include:

Feedback on the use of Chlorhexidine mouthwash for aphthous stomatitis:

Release form and storage conditions

In dentistry, chlorhexidine is used in the form of a 0.05% aqueous solution that is colorless and odorless. For rinsing the teeth, an undiluted solution is used.

The drug should be stored in the packaging in which it is produced. Transfusion into another container is not desirable. The product must be protected from direct sunlight and overheating above 25 ° C.

Keep out of reach of children. Valid for 3 years from date of manufacture.

Ointment Sibicort with chlorhexidine

Chlorhexidine in an amount of 1% is part of Sibicort ointment. In addition to it, the drug contains hydrocortisone (1%) and excipients.

The ointment is intended to alleviate and treat such diseases and skin lesions as eczema in acute or chronic form, dermatitis (skin inflammation), neurodermatitis, concomitant infections of bacterial origin.

Only external application of Sibicort is allowed to eliminate dermatological problems. In dentistry, the drug is not used. Treatment of the oral cavity is not allowed.

The high effectiveness of the product has been proven for years and does not cause controversy. Widely used in dentistry and other areas of medicine. He deservedly occupies a leading position among other antiseptic drugs not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic primarily intended for external use. Its effectiveness has been proven by many years of research. Chlorhexidine has been used as a disinfectant for over 60 years. What is the secret of his popularity? Are there any contraindications to the use of this drug? Are there side effects? More on this below.

Composition, release form, packaging

The active ingredient of this drug is chlorhexidine bigluconate. The drug is a solution for local as well as external use. It is completely transparent, has no specific smell.

A solution of chlorhexidine is available in polyethylene bottles of various capacities from 50 to 200 ml (see photo) or in the form of aerosol cans. They are placed in cardboard boxes.

Also for medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies offer chlorhexidine in polyethylene canisters from 1 to 10 liters.

Modern pharmacology widely uses chlorhexidine. It is available not only in the form of conventional aqueous solutions, but also in the form of gels, suppositories, creams. Vaginal suppositories are available in two forms of 8 or 16 mg. Packed in plastic blisters of 5 pieces and placed 1-2 blisters in a cardboard box. Gel 0.5% is produced in tubes of 15-30 grams or cream 1% in tubes of 50 g, used only externally.

In medicine, chlorhexidine solutions based on alcohol 0.5 or 0.8% are also used. It is sold in bottles from 100 to 500 ml.


On the territory of Russia, several pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the production of chlorhexidine: OJSC Medsintez, LLC Lekar, SPC Biogen, LLC Rosbio. The drug is also produced by Polfa-Lodz in Poland and Farmaks Group LLC in Ukraine.


The use of aqueous solutions in which the concentration of the active active substance is less than 0.2% is indicated for:

  • prevention of STDs (sexually transmitted infections);
  • disinfection of scratches and scuffs;
  • treatment or purulent wounds;
  • elimination of fungal or mucous membranes (, tonsillitis,);
  • oral treatment.

0.5-1% aqueous, alcoholic solutions can be used to disinfect medical instruments, treat the hands of surgeons before operations, to treat cracks or wounds on the skin.

Vaginal suppositories are used in gynecological and obstetric practice for the prevention of STDs, the treatment of complications after the installation of the spiral, childbirth. Suppositories are also used in the treatment of colpitis, vaginosis, endometritis.

Gels and creams are used to treat vulvovaginitis, balanitis. In dental practice, they are used as a disinfectant, wound healing agent for periodontitis, gingivitis or.


The use of the drug is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine,. With caution, the drug is used during pregnancy, lactation, in childhood. It is strictly forbidden to use this antiseptic for washing cavities and eyes.

Mechanism of action

Chlorhexidine is able to disrupt the integrity of the cell walls of microorganisms. It blocks the transport of ions through the membranes of pathogenic bacteria, resulting in a bacteriostatic effect. With an increase in the concentration of chlorhexidine, cell walls rupture and, as a result, the rapid death of microbes occurs.

The best conditions for interaction with pathogenic cells are at pH values ​​of 5-8. With or blood, the effectiveness of the drug is slightly reduced, but not significantly


How to dilute the drug correctly:

Instructions for use

A solution of chlorhexidine is applied to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity or genitourinary organs by irrigation, rinsing, inhalation or with cotton swabs for 1-2 minutes.

For the prevention of STDs, an aqueous solution is administered using a special nozzle. Women in the vagina for a few minutes, men in the urethra. In parallel, the skin is processed: genitals, pubis, inner thighs.

For the treatment of uroprostatitis or urethritis, the solution is poured into the urethra 2 times a day. The course of such therapy lasts at least 7 days.

Suppositories are administered intravaginally in the supine position. For the prevention of STDs, 1 suppository is used no later than 2 hours after the end of sexual intercourse. For diseases of the genitourinary system, 1 suppository is administered 2 times a day for a course of at least a week.

Gels and creams of chlorhexidine are applied to areas damaged or affected by pathogenic microflora up to 3 times a day. The duration of such treatment directly depends on the clinical picture, as well as the complexity of the disease.

Annotation on the use of Chlorhexidine in our video:

Side effects

The use of chlorhexidine preparations may be associated with some side effects. These include:

  • , dry skin;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation;
  • taste disturbance, discoloration of tooth enamel (in the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis);
  • in the case of using suppositories, itching and.


In the instructions, there is no data on an overdose of this drug. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug inside, it is necessary to wash the stomach and give the patient activated charcoal. In severe cases, standard symptomatic therapy is carried out.

special instructions

It is necessary to avoid contact of the drug with the mucous membrane of the eyes, the auditory nerve, the meninges.

In the presence of open TBI (), rupture of the spinal cord, strictly avoid getting chlorhexidine on the surface of the brain, its membranes, as well as in. In case of accidental contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water.

The drug must not be mixed with other disinfectants, antiseptics. If clothing has come into contact with chlorhexidine, it should not be exposed to substances that produce active chlorine.

The use of chlorhexidine is allowed for pregnant women, as well as lactating women for skin use. Intravaginal forms may be prescribed by a doctor after evaluating the benefits to the mother, as well as the possible risks to the fetus or baby.

drug interaction

Chlorhexidine is well combined with drugs that contain benzalkonium chloride, centrimonium bromide. The activity of the agent is significantly reduced in the presence of iodine, while at the same time it is enhanced in combination with ethyl alcohol. Under the influence of alkaline drugs or when heated, chlorhexidine decomposes, subsequently forming 4-chloranil, which has carcinogenic properties.

You should be aware that chlorhexidine is not compatible with ordinary soap, therefore, before using it for surface treatment, detergent residues must be thoroughly washed off. Hard water can reduce the antiseptic properties of the medicine.

Chlorhexidine is a widely used antiseptic that is intended for topical external use.

The drug has an effect on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, eliminating the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the body. Differs in stable properties. After application, it retains activity and provides a bactericidal effect for a long time. This is one of the most common and safe means. The solution is able to stop the activity of many gramplus and gramminus pathogens.

Approved for use during pregnancy, children can be treated for wounds, used in gynecology, dentistry for rinsing the mouth and throat, and venereal practice.

Clinical and pharmacological group


Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Chlorhexidine bigluconate cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of 20 rubles.

Composition and form of release

The name is Chlorhexidine (Chlorhexidine). Available in the form of a solution for external use of 0.05% and 20%. And also in the form of candles, gels, sprays and ointments.

  • A solution of 0.05% Chlorhexidine is provided in a polymer bottle with a nozzle or glass bottles of 100 ml. Packaging for the drug is used cardboard type. In such a carton there is 1 bottle.

A solution of 20% Chlorhexidine is available in polymer bottles with a cap, containing 100 or 500 ml.

Pharmacological effect

On microorganisms Chlorhexidine bigluconate - it is this salt that is used as an antiseptic - acts in different ways, and this depends on the type of microbes.

  1. Mushrooms. The effect of the drug on pathogenic and opportunistic fungi is very similar to the effect on bacteria. Destroying the cell wall, the antiseptic penetrates into the cytoplasmic membrane of the fungus and irrevocably destroys the cell.
  2. bacteria. The positively charged Chlorhexidine molecule binds to the bacterial cell wall, which has a negative charge. The result is destabilization and damage to the cell wall. Interestingly, this process only takes about 20 seconds. However, the role of the antiseptic does not end there. The drug penetrates into the cell and attacks the inner cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterium, as a result of which the contents simply flow into the cytoplasm. The cell is dying. High concentrations of chlorhexidine bigluconate can cause hardening or freezing of the cytoplasm.
  3. Biofilm. This is a complex collection of microorganisms growing on a solid organic (for example, plaque) or inorganic surface. Biofilms are characterized by structural heterogeneity, genetic diversity, and complex interactions within the conglomerate. The matrix protects the cells inside it, which causes a special resistance of biofilm microorganisms to antibacterial drugs. Most antiseptics are unable to act within the complex structure of the biofilm. Chlorhexidine got out of the orderly row of powerless relatives and in which he proved his exceptional abilities. The drug can prevent the adhesion (sticking) of microorganisms to a solid surface, as a result of which the growth and development of a biofilm is stopped.
  4. Other microorganisms. Unlike many antiseptics, Chlorhexidine solution is highly effective against other microbes, such as bacterial spores and protozoa. It is also supposed to act against additionally coated viruses: herpes simplex virus, HIV, cytomegalovirus, influenza virus. Non-enveloped viruses are resistant to Chlorhexidine. These include the causative agents of SARS rotavirus, adenovirus and enteroviruses.

Indications for use

Chlorhexidine bigluconate is intended for therapeutic measures in the fight against pathologies caused by pathogens susceptible to its action:

Solution 0.1% (0.05 and 0.2):

  • is prescribed for prophylactic purposes after surgical interventions and injuries in dentistry, laryngo-otorhinological organs.
  • when disinfecting damaged mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.
  • treatment of covers to prevent infection after manipulations in surgical, obstetric practice and gynecology.
  • as an antiseptic for wounds, scratches, abrasions, cuts and burns.
  • to protect against viruses penetrating through the urethrogenital system.
  • for gargling.

Solution 0.5%:

  • for the treatment of surfaces, devices and instruments for medical purposes in a state heated to 75 0 С.

Solution 1%:

  • preventive measures for burn injuries of the epidermis.
  • for disinfection and cleaning of the hands of doctors and staff before surgery.

There is also a solution with a concentration of 5 and 20% for the preparation of the composition using alcohol, glycerin or water.


Chlorhexidine 0.05% must not be used:

  • for the treatment of patients with dermatitis;
  • for disinfection after operations on the central nervous system and auditory canal;
  • for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases;
  • along with other antiseptics.

With caution, the drug is used in childhood.

Appointment during pregnancy and lactation

The drug Chlorhexidine, if necessary, can be used to treat pregnant women. In the course of clinical trials, no teratogenic or embryotoxic effect of the drug on the child's body was detected, even if the solution was used in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Chlorhexidine solution can be used by pregnant women immediately 1-2 weeks before childbirth to sanitize the birth canal and treat colpitis, vaginitis, thrush.

The drug Chlorhexidine Biglucont can be used externally and topically for nursing mothers. To do this, it is not necessary to interrupt lactation.

Dosage and method of application

As indicated in the instructions for use, Chlorhexidine bigluconate solution is used externally, topically.

Solution for local and external use 0.2%, solution for external use 0.05%

On the affected surface of the skin or mucous membranes of the oral cavity, urinary organs, 5-10 ml of the drug is applied by irrigation or with a swab and left for 1-3 minutes. Multiplicity of application - 2-3 times a day.

For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, the contents of the vial are injected through the nozzle into the vagina for women (5-10 ml) or into the urethra for men (2-3 ml), women (1-2 ml) for 2-3 minutes. It is recommended not to urinate for 2 hours after the procedure. Also, the skin of the genitals, pubis, inner thighs should be treated with the drug.

Solution for local and external use 0.5%

5-10 ml of the drug in the form of rinses, applications or irrigations is applied to the affected surface of the skin or mucous membranes and left for 1-3 minutes. Multiplicity of application - 2-3 times a day.

Medical equipment and work surfaces are treated with a clean sponge moistened with a solution or by soaking.

Solution for local and external use 1%

The skin of postoperative wounds is treated with a solution using a clean swab.

Before treatment with the drug, the surgeon's hands are thoroughly washed with soap and dry, after which they are washed with 20–30 ml of the solution. Postoperative wounds are treated with a clean swab.

Work surfaces and medical instruments are treated with a clean sponge moistened with a solution or by soaking.

Solution for local and external use 5%

The dilution of the concentrate is carried out based on the calculation of the concentration of the prepared solution.

Adverse reactions

When using Chlorhexidine Bigluconate in the treatment process, some patients experienced the following side effects:

  • dry skin;
  • skin itching;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • dermatitis;
  • photosensitivity.

With prolonged use of the mouth rinse and irrigation, taste sensations may change, tartar appears, and a change in the color of the teeth is noted.


If the instructions are followed, an overdose of chlorhexidine is excluded. If a person accidentally swallows the drug, they should immediately wash the stomach using milk, raw egg, gelatin or soap.

special instructions

Retains activity in the presence of impurities of blood and organic matter. Chlorhexidine should not be allowed to get into the eyes (with the exception of a special dosage form intended for washing the eyes), as well as contact with the meninges and the auditory nerve.

Compatibility with other drugs

When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account the interaction with other drugs:

  1. Ethyl alcohol enhances the bactericidal effect.
  2. Not compatible with anionic compounds, in particular soap.
  3. Not compatible with chlorides, carbonates, phosphates, sulfates, borates, citrates.
  4. Under the influence of the agent, the sensitivity of microorganisms to the influence of neomycin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, cephalosporin increases.
  5. If the pH of the medium exceeds 8, a precipitate will form. If hard water was used in the preparation of the solution, its bactericidal effect is reduced.
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