Therapeutic nutrition in cardiovascular diseases. Therapeutic nutrition for coronary heart disease

Doctors say that diseases The cardiovascular system is the #1 global health problem. The situation in Ukraine is no exception in this matter. The number of people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system in our country has reached 25 million people. That's more than half of the country's population!

“In Ukraine, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) annually cause the death of 450-470 thousand people, which is comparable to the population of a large regional

Center," writes Khanyukov Aleksey Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Department of Hospital Therapy No. 2 of the DSEA.

Why does the cardiovascular system suffer?

One of the main reasons for the wide spread of diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the benefits of civilization. Humanity began to live more calmly and satiety. A sedentary lifestyle and an abundance of fatty, refined foods leads to obesity and problems with blood vessels. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases are closely related to the correction of lifestyle and dietary control.

“There are far fewer problems that impede our “healthy” life than people think. It’s just that sometimes it’s convenient to find excuses that justify the unwillingness to strain. It's easier to butter a piece of bread than to make a whole bowl of salad. Meanwhile, the benefits of fresh vegetables and fruits are confirmed by serious scientific research. It has been found that eating at least seven servings daily (a serving is a medium-sized apple) of such food prevents a heart attack, ”says cardiologist Ekaterina Amosova.

Proper nutrition can help fight disease

A lot depends on nutrition. Proper nutrition will help stop the development of the disease, and improper nutrition will aggravate it and lead to complications.

Therefore, diet control in cardiovascular diseases is one of the most important parts of the treatment process. Following nutritional recommendations developed by doctors will help you reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, improve its functioning and normalize metabolism.

Nutrition rules

For people with diseases of cardio-vascular system doctors recommend diet number 10. Depending on the specific disease, the diet may be more or less strict. But general recommendations are suitable for all people with heart and vascular problems.

  • Reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet. These fats contain a lot of "bad" cholesterol, which is deposited in the vessels and contributes to problems with the cardiovascular system. Animal fats on your menu are not only lard and fatty meat, but also sausages, sausages, store minced meat.
  • Reduce your salt intake. Sodium, which is contained in salt, contributes to the retention of fluid in the body. This creates an additional load on the heart and blood vessels, leads to edema and increased blood pressure.
  • Add omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids to your menu. With the help of these substances, cholesterol deposition and thrombosis can be reduced. These necessary substances are found mainly in fish oils and vegetable oils.
  • Reduce the calorie content of food. Excess calories lead to extra pounds. And this, in turn, negatively affects the cardiovascular system.
  • Eat little and often. An overly full stomach can put pressure on the autonomic nerves that are responsible for the work of the heart. Therefore, doctors recommend eating 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Control the amount of fluid you drink. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are often accompanied by edema. To avoid this, it is recommended to reduce the amount of liquid to 1.5 liters. But this should be done only for those who are at risk of edema.
  • Eat more foods containing dietary fiber. You need to eat 300 g of vegetables and fruits per day. You can use them both raw and boiled or stewed. Dietary fiber will help you get rid of excess cholesterol, will absorb toxic substances and remove them from the body.
  • Limit the use of foods that excite the nervous system: strong tea, coffee, mushroom broths, spicy dishes

What diet is best for weight loss

According to The Los Angeles Times journalist Shari Roan, two decades after the start of a wide discussion about which diet is best for losing weight - low in fat, carbohydrates or proteins, scientists have found that

You can not eat:
  • fatty pork and beef, waterfowl meat, sausages, very fatty fish
  • smoked meats and pickles
  • legumes
  • fried food
  • cooking oils, margarine, lard

Depending on what specific disease you have, it may vary slightly. For example, in atherosclerosis, the emphasis is on limiting cholesterol-rich foods. And with hypertension, salt intake is maximally reduced.

To determine your personal menu, you need to consult a doctor. He will analyze your state of health and give advice on your diet.

Pay attention to nutrition. Arm yourself with new knowledge and optimism, and defeat the disease!

Indications: diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory failure.

Purpose: not to aggravate impaired functions of the cardiovascular system.

General characteristics: a slight reduction in calories due to fats and partly carbohydrates. Significant restriction of the amount of sodium chloride, reduced fluid intake. The content of excitatory substances is limited. Increased content of potassium, magnesium, lipotropic substances, products that have an alkalizing effect (dairy, vegetables, fruits). Culinary processing with moderate mechanical sparing. Meat and fish are boiled. Avoid indigestible foods. Food is prepared without salt. Food temperature is normal.

Composition: proteins - 90 g (55-60% animals), fats - 70 g (25-30% vegetable), carbohydrates - 350-400 g, sodium chloride - 6-7 g, liquid - 1.2 l.

Calorie content: 2500-2600 kcal.

Diet: 5 times a day in relatively uniform portions.

Excluded foods and dishes:

  • fresh bread, pastry and puff pastry products, pancakes, pancakes;
  • legume soups, meat, fish, mushroom broths;
  • fatty meats, goose, duck, liver, kidneys, brains, smoked meats, sausages, canned meat;
  • fatty fish, salted, smoked, caviar, canned food;
  • salty and fatty cheeses;
  • hard boiled eggs, fried;
  • legumes;
  • salted, pickled, pickled vegetables; spinach, sorrel, radish, radish, garlic, onion, mushrooms;
  • spicy, fatty and salty snacks, smoked meats, fish roe;
  • fruits with coarse fiber;
  • chocolate, cakes;
  • sauces on meat, fish, mushroom broth, mustard, pepper, horseradish;
  • natural coffee, cocoa;
  • meat and cooking fats.
  • bread and flour products: wheat bread from flour of the 1st and 2nd grade, yesterday's baking or slightly dried; dietary salt-free bread, lean cookies and biscuits;
  • soups: 250-400 g per reception, vegetarian with various cereals, potatoes, vegetables (preferably chopped), dairy, fruit, cold beetroot. Soups are flavored with sour cream, citric acid, herbs;
  • meat and poultry: lean beef, veal, meat and trimmed pork, rabbit, chicken, turkey. After stripping from the tendons and fascia, the meat is boiled, and then baked or fried. Dishes from minced or lumpy boiled meat. Jellied boiled meat. Limited - doctoral and dietary sausages;
  • fish: low-fat types - boiled or followed by frying, a piece and chopped. Dishes from boiled seafood;
  • milk - if tolerated, sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese and dishes from it with cereals, carrots, fruits. Sour cream and cream (only in dishes), cheese are limited;
  • eggs: 1 egg per day, soft-boiled, steamed and baked omelettes, protein omelettes, in meals;
  • dishes from various cereals cooked in water or milk (cereals, baked puddings, etc.), boiled pasta;
  • vegetables boiled, baked, less often raw. Potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers. White cabbage and green peas - limited. Green onions, dill, parsley - in dishes;
  • appetizers: fresh vegetable salads (grated carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers), vinaigrettes with vegetable oil, vegetable caviar, fruit salads, with seafood, boiled aspic fish;
  • soft ripe fruits and berries fresh. Dried fruits, compotes, jelly, mousses, sambuki, jelly, milk jelly and creams, honey, jam, non-chocolate sweets;
  • sauces and spices on vegetable broth, sour cream, dairy, tomato, onion from boiled and fried onions, fruit sauces. Bay leaf, vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid;
  • drinks: weak tea, coffee drinks with milk, fruit and vegetable juices, rosehip broth, limited grape juice;
  • fats: unsalted butter and ghee, natural vegetable oils.

Sample diet menu number 10:
1st breakfast: soft-boiled egg, oatmeal milk porridge, tea.
2nd breakfast: baked apples with sugar.
Dinner: pearl barley soup with vegetables in vegetable oil (1/2 portion), boiled meat with carrot puree, dried fruit compote.
Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.
Dinner: cottage cheese pudding (1/2 portion), boiled fish with boiled potatoes, tea.
For the night: kefir.

Diet number 10A

Indications: diseases of the cardiovascular system with severe circulatory failure.

Purpose: normalization of the functions of the cardiovascular system.

General characteristics: calorie reduction due to proteins, carbohydrates and especially fats. The amount of sodium chloride and liquid is sharply limited. Food is cooked without salt, bread is salt-free. Exciting and tonic products and substances are sharply limited. Sufficient content of potassium, lipotropic substances, alkalizing the body of products (dairy, fruits, vegetables). Dishes are cooked in boiled and mashed form, they are given a sour or sweet taste, flavored. Fried foods are prohibited. Hot and cold dishes are excluded.

Composition: proteins - 60 g (70% animals), fats - 50 g (20-25% vegetable), carbohydrates - 300 g (70-80 g of sugar and other sweets), sodium chloride is excluded, liquid - 0.6-0 .7 l.

Calories: 1900 kcal.

Diet: 6 times a day in small portions.

Excluded foods and dishes:

  • fresh and other types of bread, pastries;
  • fatty, sinewy meat, pork, lamb, duck, goose, sausages, smoked meats, canned food;
  • fatty species, salted, smoked fish, canned food, caviar;
  • cheeses;
  • hard boiled eggs, fried;
  • millet, barley, pearl barley, legumes, pasta;
  • snacks;
  • fruits with coarse fiber, hard skin, grapes;
  • chocolate, cream products;
  • sauces on meat, fish, mushroom broths, fatty sauces, horseradish, pepper, mustard;
  • natural coffee, cocoa, grape juice, carbonated drinks, kvass.
  • bread and flour products: salt-free wheat bread of the 1st and 2nd grade, dried, croutons from it; bad cookies. For the day - 150 g;
  • soups: exclude or prescribe 200 g of milk or vegetable broth soup with the addition of mashed cereals and vegetables;
  • meat and poultry: lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey. Boiled, mashed and chopped;
  • fish: low-fat species, boiled in pieces or chopped;
  • dairy products: milk, if it does not cause flatulence. Fresh grated cottage cheese, soufflé, cream, pasta from it; kefir, acidophilus, curdled milk; sour cream - in dishes;
  • eggs: 1 per day, soft-boiled, steam omelette, in meals;
  • cereals: cereals on water with milk, semolina soufflé, mashed rice, hercules and buckwheat, boiled vermicelli;
  • vegetables: boiled and mashed carrots, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini (mashed potatoes, soufflé, baked meatballs, etc.), limited potatoes (boiled, mashed potatoes), ripe raw tomatoes, dill and parsley (in dishes);
  • ripe soft fruits and berries in raw form, soaked dried apricots, dried apricots, prunes and compotes from them, baked or mashed fresh apples. Compote, jelly, mousse, jelly, sambuki, milk jelly and jelly. Honey, jam, sugar, marmalade, marshmallows;
  • sauces on water, vegetable broth, milk, with the addition of tomato, fruit juices, citric acid - white sauce, sweet and sour fruit and vegetable. Vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf;
  • drinks: weak tea with lemon, milk, coffee drinks, freshly prepared juices from vegetables and fruits, rosehip broth;
  • fats: butter and, if tolerated, refined vegetable oils, 5-10 g per dish.

Sample diet menu No. 10A:
1st breakfast: pureed milk oatmeal porridge, milk - 100 g.
2nd breakfast: baked apples with sugar.
Dinner: steam meat patties, mashed potatoes, jelly.
Afternoon snack: soaked dried apricots.
Dinner: baked carrot-apple meatballs, milk - 100 g.
For the night: rosehip decoction.

Diet number 10C

Indications: atherosclerosis, hypertension.

Purpose: to provide nutrition without overloading the cardiovascular system.

General characteristics: the content of animal fat and easily digestible carbohydrates is reduced in the diet. Proteins correspond to the physiological norm. The degree of reduction of fats and carbohydrates depends on body weight (see two diet options below). Salt, free liquid, extractives, cholesterol are limited. The content of vitamins C and group B, linoleic acid, lipotropic substances, dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, microelements (vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits, seafood, cottage cheese) has been increased. Dishes are prepared without salt, food is salted at the table. Meat and fish are boiled, vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber are crushed and boiled. Food temperature is normal.

Compound: I option: proteins - 90-100 g (50-55% animals), fats - 80 g (40% vegetable), carbohydrates - 350-400 g (50 g sugar); II option(with concomitant obesity): proteins - 90 g, fats - 70 g, carbohydrates - 300 g, liquid - 1.2 l. Table salt - 8-10 g, cholesterol - 0.3 g.

Calories: I option- 2600-2700 kcal; II option- 2200 kcal.

Diet: 5 times a day in small portions.

Excluded foods and dishes:

  • sweet and puff pastry products;
  • meat, fish, mushroom broths, from legumes;
  • fatty meats, duck, goose, liver, kidneys, brains, sausages, smoked meats, canned food;
  • fatty species, salted and smoked fish, canned food, caviar;
  • salty and fatty cheese, heavy cream, sour cream and cottage cheese;
  • radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms;
  • fatty, spicy and salty foods, caviar, canned snack foods;
  • chocolate, cream products, ice cream;
  • meat, fish, mushroom sauces, pepper, mustard;
  • strong tea and coffee, cocoa;
  • meat and cooking fats.
  • bread and flour products: wheat from flour of the 1st-2nd grade, rye from seeded flour, peeled; grain, doctor's bread. Dry non-bread cookies, baked goods without salt with cottage cheese, fish, meat, ground wheat bran, soy flour;
  • soups: vegetable (shchi, borscht, beetroot), vegetarian with potatoes and cereals, fruit, dairy;
  • meat and poultry: only low-fat varieties, boiled and baked, in pieces and chopped;
  • fish: low-fat types, boiled, baked, in pieces and chopped. Seafood dishes (scallop, mussels, seaweed, etc.);
  • low-fat milk and sour-milk drinks, 9% fat and low-fat cottage cheese, dishes from it, low-fat, low-salted cheese; sour cream - in dishes;
  • eggs: up to 3 per week, protein omelettes, soft-boiled eggs. Limit egg yolks;
  • cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, barley, etc. - crumbly cereals, casseroles, cereals. Limit: rice, semolina, pasta;
  • various dishes from cabbage of all kinds, beets, carrots - finely chopped, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, potatoes; green peas in the form of mashed potatoes. Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce. Greens - in dishes;
  • snacks: vinaigrettes and salads with vegetable oil, the inclusion of seaweed, salads with seafood, boiled fish and meat, soaked herring, low-fat, low-salted cheese, diet sausage, low-fat ham;
  • raw fruits and berries, dried fruits, compotes, jellies, mousses, sambuki (semi-sweet or on xylitol). Limited or excluded (for obesity): grapes, raisins, sugar, honey (instead of sugar), jam;
  • sauces and spices on vegetable broth, seasoned with sour cream, milk, tomato, fruit and berry sauces. Vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid. Limited - mayonnaise, horseradish;
  • drinks: weak tea with lemon, milk; weak natural coffee, coffee drinks, vegetable, fruit, berry juices, rosehip broth and wheat bran;
  • fats: butter and vegetable oils - for cooking, vegetable - in dishes. Diet oil.

Approximate diet menu number 10C:
1st breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese pudding, loose buckwheat porridge, tea.
2nd breakfast: fresh apple.
Dinner: pearl barley soup with vegetables in vegetable oil, steamed meat chops, stewed carrots, compote.
Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.
Dinner: vegetable salad with seaweed and vegetable oil, fish baked with milk sauce, boiled potatoes, tea.
For the night: kefir.

Diet number 10I

Indications: myocardial infarction.

Purpose: to promote recovery processes in the heart muscle.

General characteristics: a diet with a significant reduction in caloric content due to proteins, carbohydrates and especially fats, a decrease in the volume of food, restriction of sodium chloride and free fluid. Exclude indigestible, causing fermentation in the intestines and flatulence, rich in cholesterol, animal fats and sugar products, extractives of meat and fish. The inclusion of foods rich in lipotropic substances, vitamins C and P, potassium, as well as gently stimulating intestinal motility (to combat constipation) foods.

Diet No. 10I consists of three sequentially prescribed diets:
I diet is given in the acute period (1st week) - mashed dishes;
II - in the subacute period (2-3rd week) - mostly crushed;
III - during the scarring period (4th week) - crushed and in pieces.
Food is cooked without salt, boiled. Avoid cold (below 15°C) food and drinks.

Composition and calorie content:

I diet: proteins - 50 g, fats - 30-40 g, carbohydrates - 150-200 g, liquid - 0.7-0.8 l; diet weight - 1.6-1.7 kg. Calorie content: 1100-1300 kcal.

II diet: proteins - 60-70 g, fats - 50-60 g, carbohydrates - 230-250 g, liquid - 0.9-1.0 l; diet weight - 2 kg, 3 g of sodium chloride. Calorie content: 1600-1800 kcal.

III ration: proteins - 85-90 g, fats - 70 g, carbohydrates - 300-350 g, liquid - 1-1.1 l; diet weight - 2.2-2.3 kg, 5-6 g of sodium chloride. Calorie content: 2200-2400 kcal.

Diet: I-II diets - 6 times; III - 5 times a day in small portions.

Excluded foods and dishes:

  • fresh bread, muffin, flour baked goods;
  • fatty types and varieties of meat, poultry, fish, liver and other meat by-products, sausages; canned food, caviar;
  • whole milk and cream;
  • egg yolks;
  • millet, barley, barley groats;
  • legumes, white cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, onions, garlic, spices;
  • animal and cooking fats;
  • chocolate and other confectionery products, natural coffee and cocoa;
  • grape juice.
  • bread and flour products: I diet - 50 g of crackers or dried bread without wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade; II - 150 g of yesterday's wheat bread: III - 250 g of yesterday's wheat bread, replacing 50 g of it with rye bread made from pure flour (if tolerated);
  • soups: I diet - 150-200 g on a vegetable broth with pureed allowed cereals and vegetables, egg flakes. II-III diets - 250 g with well-boiled cereals and vegetables (borscht, beetroot, pureed carrots, etc.); let's say a low-fat meat broth;
  • meat, poultry, fish: only low-fat species and varieties. The meat is freed from fascia, tendons, skin (poultry), fat. I diet - steam cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, soufflé, etc., boiled fish (50 g net). II-III diets - boiled pieces, products from cutlet mass;
  • dairy: milk - in dishes and tea, low-fat kefir and other sour-milk drinks, mashed cottage cheese, pasta, soufflé (I diet), as well as puddings with cereals, carrots, fruits (II-III diets). Sour cream - for dressing soups, low-fat, unsalted cheese - II-III diets;
  • eggs: I-III diets - protein omelettes, egg flakes for vegetable broths;
  • cereals: I diet - 100-150 g of semolina, mashed buckwheat, oatmeal in milk; II - 150-200 g of liquid, viscous, non-mashed cereals, 100 g of friable buckwheat, semolina casseroles; III - 200 g of cereals, boiled vermicelli with cottage cheese, semolina casseroles with apples, buckwheat-curd pudding;
  • vegetables: I diet - 100 g of mashed potatoes, carrots, beets (separate dishes and side dishes), pureed carrot-curd pudding; II diet is supplemented with cauliflower, grated raw carrots; III - stewed carrots and beets. Mass of dishes - 150 g;
  • snacks: I-II diets - excluded; III - soaked herring, low-fat ham, boiled aspic meat and fish, ripe tomatoes;
  • fruits, sweet dishes, sweets: I diet - applesauce, jelly, mousses; prunes, dried apricots - soaked, mashed; 30 g of sugar or honey; II-III diets are supplemented with raw soft fruits and berries, baked apples, compote, milk jelly and jelly, jam, meringues; up to 50 g of sugar, 10-20 g of xylitol instead of sugar;
  • sauces and spices: II-III diets. To improve the taste of unsalted food - sweet and sour fruit, lemon and tomato juices, citric acid, vanillin, 3% table vinegar, vegetable broth and milk sauces, boiled and lightly fried onions;
  • drinks: I diet - 100-150 g of weak tea with lemon, milk, coffee drinks with milk, rosehip broth, infusion of prunes, carrot, beetroot, fruit juices; II-III diets - the same for 150-200 g;
  • fats: butter and refined vegetable oils - in dishes. On diet III, 10 g of butter per hand.

Approximate menu I, II and III rations of diet No. 10I.

I diet:
1st breakfast: cottage cheese paste - 50 g, grated milk oatmeal porridge - 100 g, tea with milk - 150 g.
2nd breakfast: applesauce - 100 g.
Dinner: semolina soup with vegetable broth - 150 g, meat soufflé - 50 g, carrot puree with vegetable oil - 100 g, fruit jelly - 100 g.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese paste - 50 g, rosehip broth - 100 g.
Dinner: fish dumplings - 50 g, grated buckwheat porridge - 100 g, tea with lemon - 150 g.
For the night: decoction of prunes - 100 g.

II diet:
1st breakfast: protein omelette - 50 g, semolina porridge with fruit puree - 200 g, tea with milk - 180 g.
2nd breakfast: curd paste - 100 g, rosehip broth - 100 g.
Dinner: Vegetarian borscht with vegetable oil - 250 g, boiled meat - 55 g, mashed potatoes - 150 g, fruit jelly - 100 g.
Afternoon snack: baked apples - 100 g.
Dinner: boiled fish - 50 g, carrot puree - 100 g, tea with lemon - 180 g.
For the night: low-fat kefir - 180 g.

III ration:
1st breakfast: butter - 10 g, cheese - 30 g, buckwheat porridge - 150 g, tea with milk - 180 g.
2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with milk - 150 g, rosehip broth - 180 g.
Dinner: oatmeal soup with vegetables - 250 g, boiled chicken - 100 g, stewed beets in sour cream sauce - 150 g, fresh apples - 100 g.
Dinner: boiled fish with mashed potatoes - 85/150 g, tea with lemon - 180 g.
For the night: kefir - 180 g.

The heart is the only muscle in the body that works continuously and pumps blood that supplies nutrients and oxygen to the entire body.

How effective it will work also depends on what we eat.

Doctors are sure that the nutrition system developed a long time ago called "diet No. 10" can improve blood circulation and cope with the first signs of heart disease.

Basic principles of nutrition in cardiovascular diseases:

1. Eliminate foods that excite the nervous system from the diet. First, it's caffeinated and caffeinated drinks: shakes, energy drinks, and even all sorts of colas. They increase the heart rate, additionally loading the heart muscle.

To the same stimulating products, doctors include strong tea, rich broths and dishes containing a large amount of spices.

2.Reduce your intake of animal fat. Fatty foods of animal origin - canned meat, pork, fatty poultry, all types of offal, sausages, smoked meats and lard - are rich in harmful cholesterol, which is deposited in the vessels in the form of plaques. They can disrupt blood flow, including in the vessels that feed the heart itself.

But there is room on the menu for lean veal, rabbit, chicken and turkey. Boil, steam, or bake—any cooking method will work as long as you don't add extra fat.

3.Reduce the amount of salt in your diet. This will reduce the amount of fluid that is retained in the body and reduce the workload on the heart that has to pump the increased volume of blood. High blood pressure, in particular, develops due to fluid retention as well.

Try to give up pickles and marinades, do not buy ready-made sauces, smoked meats and sausages. For the same reason, it is better to refuse fast food, snacks and semi-finished products, in which the salt content is often increased.

4. Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. These beneficial substances help reduce cholesterol levels in the body, prevent the process of thrombosis and lower blood pressure.

Most Omega-3s are found in vegetable oils and fish oils. Experts recommend choosing not too fatty varieties of fish and seafood. It is best to boil them, but you can also fry them without fat. But salted, smoked and canned fish are harmful for the heart - due to the excess salt content.

5. Eat fractionally. In heart disease, a full stomach and bloating lead to irritation of the autonomic nerves responsible for the work of the heart. And this, in turn, to interruptions in his work.

Doctors believe that 4-5 small meals during the day will be easily digested and will not create additional stress on the nervous, and hence the cardiovascular system.

Diet number 10 - do's and don'ts

Can It is forbidden
Dietary salt-free bread, toast, white bread croutonsFresh bread, pancake, pancakes, muffin
Vegetable soups with cereals, milk soupsBroths from meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms. Soups with beans
Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey. Boiled or baked without fatFatty meat, geese, ducks, offal, sausages, smoked meats, lard and corned beef, canned meat
Lean fish and seafood - boiled or steamedFatty fish, salted, smoked fish, caviar, canned fish
Milk, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefirSalty and fatty cheese, sour cream, cream
Soft-boiled eggs, omelets. No more than 1 egg per dayFried eggs, hard boiled eggs
Dishes from cereals, pasta from durum flourLegumes
Vegetables boiled and baked. Raw vegetables rarely and carefullyPickled, salted vegetables. Radish, onion, garlic, mushrooms, radish, green peas, cabbage
Fresh ripe fruits and berries, honey, jam, dried fruitsCoarse fiber fruits, chocolate, cakes
Weak tea, fruit and vegetable juicesNatural coffee, cocoa, strong tea, alcohol
Vegetable oils, occasionally unsalted butterCooking fats and margarines, lard

Diet number 10 (for diseases of the cardiovascular system))

Indications for diet No. 10: the presence of heart defects, cardiosclerosis, hypertension with mild signs of circulatory failure.

The goal of diet number 10: improving blood circulation while fully meeting the body's needs for nutrients and energy.

General characteristics of the diet 10 table

This diet is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney disease.

The diet limits the use of salt, liquids, foods that stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, foods that irritate the kidneys (alcoholic beverages, strong tea, coffee, spicy, salty, seasonings).

You need to eat regularly, in small portions.

Diet - five meals a day. The last time we eat is three hours before bedtime.

The chemical composition of the diet 10 table:

Main substances: ninety grams of protein (fifty grams of animal protein), eighty grams of fat (twenty-five grams of vegetable fat), four hundred grams of carbohydrates.

The daily calorie content of diet No. 10 is 2500-2700 kcal.

We cook food without the use of salt (we use salt no more than five grams per day).

We use no more than one and a half liters of liquid.

Diet ration table 10

Allowed diet foods table 10:

- Bread: wheat bread, made from flour of the first and second grade, pastries of the previous day, dried bread, crackers - up to one hundred and fifty grams per day, dry lean cookies and other lean flour products;

- Soups: vegetable soups with the addition of cereals, vegetables, milk, fruit, cold beetroot - half a portion each (if you have pronounced edema, soups should not be consumed);

- Lean meat, poultry (lean beef, pork, veal, chicken, turkey - boiled in pieces or chopped (meatballs, meatballs, meatballs), baked after boiling);

- Low-fat fish (zander, pike, carp, navaga, cod) - boiled, fried after boiling, chopped (meatballs, meatballs, meatballs).

- Dairy products (milk, sour-milk drinks, low-fat cottage cheese and dishes from it - cheesecakes, lazy dumplings, casserole. We use sour cream for dressing.

- chicken egg - one per day (cooked soft-boiled or steam omelet from proteins (no more than four eggs per week).

- Animal fat (twenty grams of butter per day, thirty grams of vegetable oil per day). The amount of fat in the diet should not be more than seventy grams.

- cereals, pasta. Kashi (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal), pudding, cereal casserole, pasta casserole.

- vegetable dishes - vinaigrette, salads with the addition of vegetable oil with potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin. Vegetable preserves.

- leafy greens

Snacks: Doctor's sausage, unsalted cheese,

- fresh fruits and berries (compote, jelly, mousse, jelly, juice), dried fruits,

- Sauces prepared on vegetable broth, milk broth, sour cream sauce, sweet fruit sauces,

- allowed drinks: weakly brewed tea and coffee, coffee with chicory (four grams per glass of water), rosehip broth, mineral water without gas (if the doctor allows).

We limit the use

    beans, peas, beans and dishes from them;

    vegetables: radish, cabbage, radish, spinach, sorrel, mushrooms (since they cause bloating);

    grape juice causing bloating;

    sweet - sugar (no more than fifty grams per day), replace part of it with honey, jam, jam (in the absence of excess weight).

Forbidden foods of diet number 10

  • bread: fresh, muffin,

    Soup with the addition of legumes, cooked in meat, fish, mushroom broth,

    Fatty meat, fish, poultry (goose, duck),

  • smoked,

  • salty fish,

    salty and fatty cheese,

    vegetables: legumes, radish, salted, pickled, pickled vegetables,

  • forbidden drinks: strong tea, coffee, cocoa.

Sample diet menu table 10 per day

With hypertension

For a day: one hundred and fifty grams of wheat bread, one hundred and fifty grams of rye bread; fifty grams of sugar; ten grams of butter. We cook food without adding salt.

We have breakfast: fifty grams of boiled meat, one hundred and fifty grams of vinaigrette with vegetable oil; a glass of tea with milk;

2nd breakfast: boiled chicken, boiled rice, vegetable salad, a glass of tea, bread;

We have lunch: five hundred milligrams of cabbage soup, fifty grams of beef stroganoff from boiled meat, one hundred grams of boiled potatoes, one hundred and twenty grams of jelly;

We have dinner: eighty grams of baked fish, one hundred and fifty grams of fruit pilaf, a glass of tea with milk;

At night: a glass of low-fat yogurt.

With cardiovascular insufficiency

For the day: two hundred and fifty grams of wheat bread, thirty grams of sugar, ten grams of butter, three grams of salt, a liter of liquid (including the first course and drinks). We prepare dishes without adding salt.

Breakfast: Rice milk porridge with butter (for its preparation we need: fifty grams of rice, one hundred grams of milk, five grams of sugar); a soft-boiled egg or a steamed chicken egg omelet, or seventy grams of cottage cheese with the addition of twenty grams of sour cream; half a glass of tea with milk;

2nd breakfast: one hundred and fifty grams of stew with unsalted boiled meat, one hundred grams of grated carrots with the addition of ten grams of sour cream, one apple or thirty grams of soaked dried apricots;

Lunch: 1/2 plate of vegetarian borscht or fruit soup, or soup with barley groats, potatoes, sour cream (thirty grams of barley groats, fifty grams of potatoes, ten grams of boiled onions, twenty grams of sour cream), one hundred grams of boiled meat (or beef stroganoff) , one hundred and fifty grams of stewed carrots; milk jelly (for its preparation we need: one hundred and fifty grams of milk, seven grams of potato flour, fifteen grams of sugar, vanillin) or one hundred grams of applesauce, or an apple, or fifty grams of soaked prunes.

Snack: one hundred grams of rosehip broth, one apple or fifty grams of soaked prunes.

We have dinner: seventy grams of cottage cheese with the addition of fifty grams of milk, boiled noodles with the addition of butter (either potato cutlets with prunes, or beets with apples stewed in sour cream, or carrot cutlets with breadcrumbs); a glass of tea with milk.

At night: a glass of tea with milk.

Diet options 10 table

There are the following options for diet number 10:

diet No. 10 a, diet No. 10 b, diet No. 10 c, diet No. 10 p, diet No. 10 g, diet No. 10 i.

Diet table 10 a

Indications for diet No. 10 a: the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, which is accompanied by circulatory failure stage 2-3.

The purpose of diet No. 10 a: to relieve the cardiovascular system in its diseases (decompensation state).

General characteristics of the diet table 10a

Similar to table 10, but the calorie content of the diet is reduced by reducing the amount of bread (crackers), it is also forbidden to eat the first course, the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, extractives, salt is reduced, but the amount of foods containing potassium and calcium in the diet increases .

Cooking without salt.

Food is consumed mashed.

The diet is six times a day.

The chemical composition of the diet table 10 a:

- basic substances: seventy grams of protein, seventy grams of fat, three hundred grams of carbohydrates;

- vitamins and minerals: retinol - 0.3 milligrams, carotene - 14 milligrams, thiamine - 0.9 milligrams, riboflavin - 1.4 milligrams, nicotinic acid - 10.7 milligrams, ascorbic acid - two hundred milligrams.

Daily calorie content - 2000 kcal.

Free liquid - 600 - 800 milliliters.

Allowed and prohibited dishes of diet number 10 are the same as in diet number 10.

Forbidden foods (with a lack of blood circulation)

    fatty meat and fish

  • brains, liver, kidneys, lungs,

    fish caviar,

  • canned food,

    prohibited drinks: alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea, cocoa, chocolate.

Sample diet menu table 10 a

We prepare dishes without adding salt, in crushed form.

We have breakfast: rice milk porridge with butter, or semolina porridge, or buckwheat, or millet porridge with raisins;

2nd breakfast: to choose from - either a soft-boiled egg, or a steam omelet from a chicken egg, or fifty grams of cottage cheese with the addition of twenty grams of sour cream. One hundred grams of rosehip broth (with the addition of ten grams of sugar) or one hundred grams of an apple, or one hundred grams of carrot juice;

Lunch: finely chopped meat, or steamed meat soufflé, or steamed meat meatballs, or steamed meat cutlets; one hundred grams of mashed potatoes, or mashed vegetables, or pumpkin porridge; one hundred grams of milk jelly (for its preparation we need: one hundred grams of milk, five grams of potato starch, ten grams of sugar), or cranberry jelly, or blackcurrant jelly, or one hundred grams of apple puree.

Snack: thirty grams of prunes with fifteen grams of sugar.

We have dinner: grated carrot cutlets (one hundred grams of carrots, fifteen grams of dried fruit, twenty-five grams of milk, five grams of butter, eight grams of semolina, five grams of sugar, three grams of crackers), seventy grams of cottage cheese, grated with ten grams of sugar or boiled chicken egg, 1/2 cup hot milk.

At night: one hundred grams of rosehip broth or fruit juice.

For the whole day: one hundred grams of unsalted wheat bread, 600 milliliters of free liquid, thirty grams of sugar, ten grams of butter.

Diet table 10 b

Indications for diet 10b: mildly active rheumatism, which proceeds without disturbance of blood circulation, rheumatism in the stage of attenuation.

Characteristics of the diet table 10 b

We do not salt the prepared dishes.

Cooking method: boiling, boiling followed by baking, frying. We eat fresh vegetables.

Diet: six times a day, fractional, in small portions.

Chemical composition table 10 b:

- basic substances: one hundred and twenty grams of protein (half of them are animals), one hundred grams of fat, three hundred grams of carbohydrates.

Only four grams of salt can be consumed per day.

Drinking regimen: up to one and a half liters of fluid per day.

Daily calorie content - up to 2600 kcal.

Diet table 10 s

Indications for diet table 10c: the presence of atherosclerosis of the coronary, cerebral, peripheral vessels, aortic atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease (ischemic heart disease), arterial hypertension.

The purpose of diet No. 10 s: to reduce the rate of development of the atherosclerotic process, restore lipid metabolism, and accelerate metabolism.

General characteristics table 10 s

The diet contains a normal amount of proteins, limits the content of animal fat in the diet, reduces the amount of simple carbohydrates, salt (up to four grams per day).

Also, the diet contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, lipotropic substances (methionine, choline, lecithin).

The diet has a limited amount of free liquid, there are no drinks containing substances that excite the cardiovascular and nervous system (alcoholic drinks, coffee, strong tea, cocoa).

The diet contains a lot of plant foods, vitamins, mineral salts, foods containing fiber (dietary fiber) and iodine (seaweed, mussels, squid, shrimp).

We prepare dishes without adding salt.

We cook meat and fish, bake.

Vegetables and fruits are eaten fresh and boiled.

Diet Tips

    the first and second courses are often prepared from fish, chicken, turkey, lean beef (very rarely from lean lamb, lean pork);

    we remove visible fat from meat, as well as fat rendered during cooking, skin.

    Method of cooking: stewing, boiling, steaming, baking in the oven.

    Meals - five times a day, in small portions, excluding very hot and cold dishes.

    The last time we eat is two hours before bedtime.

    Between the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) you can eat fruit, or drink fruit juice, milk, kefir.

Chemical composition table 10s

There are 2 diet options table 10 s: for people with normal body weight (1) and overweight (2).

1 - basic substances: one hundred grams of protein, eighty grams of fat, three hundred and fifty grams of carbohydrates (fifty grams of sugar per day); the amount of free liquid is one liter, the amount of salt in the diet is five grams. Daily calorie content 2500 kcal.

2 - basic substances: ninety grams of protein, seventy grams of fat, three hundred grams of carbohydrates (of which no more than fifty grams of sugar); the amount of free liquid is one liter, the amount of salt in the diet is up to five grams. Daily calorie content 2200 kcal.

The amount of vitamins: retinol - 0.3 milligrams, carotene - 12.7 milligrams, thiamine - 1.5 milligrams, riboflavin - 2.3 milligrams, nicotinic acid - 18 milligrams, ascorbic acid - two hundred milligrams; sodium - 2.8 grams, potassium - 4.7 grams, calcium - one gram, magnesium - 0.5 grams, phosphorus - 1.7 grams, iron - 0.04 grams.

Diet ration table 10 s

Allowed products table 10 s

  • Bread: wheat, made from second grade flour, grain, with bran, peeled, rye
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soup: vegetable, cabbage soup, beetroot, milk, fruit, with the addition of cereals
  • lean meat, poultry - beef, pork, chicken, turkey (cooking method: boiling, baking after boiling, in pieces, chopped)
  • low-fat fish (cooking method: boiling, baking after boiling)
  • dairy products (boiled milk, fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes, sour cream as a dressing)
  • chicken eggs - one per day in the form of a protein omelet
  • cereals, pasta (porridge cooked in water, milk, crumbly and viscous), pudding, krupenik, pasta casserole
  • Vegetables: fresh, boiled, baked (exception: sorrel, spinach, beans, mushrooms)
  • fruits and berries (ripe and sweet), from which you can make: jelly, mousse, compote, juice (exception: grape juice)
  • a few nuts - walnuts, almonds, etc.
  • allowed drinks: weakly brewed tea, coffee, rosehip broth, fruit juice diluted 1: 1.

Forbidden food diet table 10 with:

  • smoked,

    vegetables: cabbage, radish, radish, legumes, sorrel, spinach, onion, garlic,

  • sweet (of which thirty grams of sugar per day),

    salted fish, canned fish,

  • fried (meat, fish),

    milk (since it causes flatulence),

    refractory fat.

Sample diet menu table 10 per day

For the whole day: two hundred and fifty grams of bread (one hundred and fifty grams of black bread, one hundred grams of white bread), fifty grams of sugar, twenty grams of butter,

We have breakfast: one hundred grams of cottage cheese, one hundred and fifty grams of oatmeal, a glass of weakly brewed tea,

2nd breakfast: one apple or a glass of fruit juice,

Lunch: half a bowl of vegetable soup, sixty grams of boiled meat, 150 grams of vegetables, a glass of apple compote or one fresh fruit,

Snack: a glass of rosehip broth or a couple of fresh fruits,

We have dinner: 85 grams of boiled fish, one hundred and fifty grams of boiled potatoes with the addition of vegetable oil, two hundred grams of pilaf with fruit, a glass of tea with milk,

At night: drink a glass of yogurt Mechnikovskaya or fifty grams of soaked prunes.

Diet table 10 r

Indications for diet table 10 r: having rheumatoid arthritis.

This is a complete diet, it provides the body's need for nutrients and energy, the diet contains the daily norm of protein, the diet is balanced in amino acid composition.

In the diet, the amount of animal fats, easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sweets), salt (up to three grams per day) is limited.

Extractive substances (strong meat, fish broth), smoked meat were removed from the diet.

We cook dishes without salt (cook, bake).

The temperature of the food should be no more than sixty degrees (we exclude very cold and very hot dishes).

The meal regimen is five times a day. We eat little. We take food at strictly fixed hours.

The distribution of caloric content of food throughout the day: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 40%, snack - 10%, dinner - 20%.

The chemical composition of the table 10 r:

basic substances: one hundred grams of protein, seventy grams of fat, two hundred and fifty grams of carbohydrates.

Daily calorie content - 2400 kcal (if body weight is increased, we reduce calorie content by twenty percent).

The amount of free liquid is up to a liter.

The amount of table salt in the diet is up to five grams.

Diet ration table 10 r

Allowed diet products table 10 r:

- Bread: wheat, made from flour of the first and second grade, rye, yesterday's pastries (two hundred grams), crispbread, unbread cookies;

- Soup: vegetable, with the addition of cereals (barley, rice) - half a serving. You can add greens to the soup (dill, parsley, green onions);

- Lean meat, poultry (beef, chicken, rabbit). Cooking method: boiling, steaming, baking;

- Low-fat fish: sea fish, river fish. Cooking method: boiling, steaming, baking;

- chicken eggs in the form of a protein omelet;

- cereals (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, oatmeal), pasta (vermicelli, homemade noodles);

- fresh and boiled vegetables (vinaigrette, salads, side dishes);

- Dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese - pudding, casserole, kefir);

- Fats (no more than seventy grams): unsalted butter (for adding to dishes), olive oil, sunflower oil;

- fresh and baked fruits, berries - apple, lemon, dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes.

- allowed drinks: weakly brewed tea, coffee drink, fruit juice without sugar, berry juice without sugar, dried fruit compote, unsweetened rosehip broth.

Forbidden foods diet table 10 r:

    Vegetables: legumes (peas, beans, beans), vegetables containing coarse fiber (radish, radish), sorrel, spinach;

    Broth: meat, fish, mushroom;

    Fat meat,

    oily fish,

    fat: beef, lamb,


  • canned food,

  • marinades,

    sweets, pies,

    ice cream,

    strong brewed tea and coffee,


Sample menu for a patient with normal body weight per day

Summer menu options:

We have breakfast: salad (tomato, cucumber), a protein omelet from a pair of steamed chicken eggs, two hundred and fifty grams of buckwheat cooked in water, a glass of coffee drink;

2nd breakfast: one apple;

We have lunch: half a serving of vegetable soup, sixty grams of boiled meat, 150 grams of stewed zucchini with the addition of sunflower oil, a glass of unsweetened fruit compote;

Snack: a glass of fruit juice without sugar;

We have dinner: one hundred grams of boiled fish, one hundred and fifty grams of boiled potatoes with the addition of sunflower oil, a glass of tea with 2 tsp. Sahara;

For the whole day: one hundred and fifty grams of wheat bread, one hundred grams of rye bread, thirty grams of sugar.

Menu option for the winter:

Breakfast: sauerkraut salad with a little salt, sixty grams of boiled meat, two hundred and fifty grams of oatmeal cooked in water, a glass of coffee drink;

2nd breakfast: one apple;

We have lunch: half a serving of soup with the addition of pearl barley, one hundred grams of boiled chicken, one hundred and fifty grams of boiled rice, a glass of unsweetened dried fruit compote;

Snack: fifty grams of soaked prunes, a glass of unsweetened rosehip broth;

We have dinner: one hundred grams of low-fat steamed cottage cheese pudding, 150 grams of buckwheat cooked in water, a glass of weakly brewed tea;

At night: a glass of low-fat yogurt;

For the whole day: one hundred and fifty grams of wheat bread, one hundred grams of rye bread, thirty grams of sugar.

With an excess of body weight, we replace cereals and pasta with fresh and boiled vegetables, reduce the amount of bread to one hundred grams per day, and remove sugar from the diet.

Diet table 10g

Indication for compliance table 10g: .

Characteristics of the diet table 10 g

    The diet contains a small amount of table salt (up to two grams),

    The diet has an increased content of vitamins (there is vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin PP and others), potassium salts, magnesium salts,

    The diet includes: vegetable products, seafood,

    Daily caloric content of the diet: 2700 kcal,

    The chemical composition of diet No. 10 g: the main substances are one hundred grams of protein, eighty grams of fat, four hundred grams of carbohydrates.

Diet table 10 and

Indications for compliance with table 10 and acute myocardial infarction.

The purpose of the diet table 10 and: increase the speed of reparative processes in the myocardium, improve the functioning of the circulatory system, normalize the motor function of the intestine.

Characteristics of the diet table 10 and

    Reduced calorie diet

    semi-liquid diet

    Eliminate salt from the diet

    Restricted: the amount of liquid, the number of products that cause flatulence.

During the first two days of dieting, the patient only drinks fifty milligrams (low-brewed, warm, sweetened tea, unsweetened decoction of dried fruits) seven times a day.

From the 3rd day to the week - the mass of the diet is 1700 grams, the amount of free fluid is six hundred milliliters, the main substances are: sixty grams of protein, thirty grams of fat, one hundred and eighty grams of carbohydrates, the daily calorie content of the diet is 1200 kcal.

We eat food up to eight times a day, in small portions, mashed.

Then, the dietary ration expands, and at the end of the second week of following the diet, her daily ration contains: seventy grams of protein, sixty grams of fat, two hundred grams of carbohydrates, and the daily calorie content of the diet is 1600 kcal. Food can already be consumed unmashed, increase the portion of bread, bring the amount of free liquid to 1 liter per day.

Then the patient is transferred to diet No. 10 s.

Diet rules table 10 and

Diet principles table 10 and (for those who have previously had a myocardial infarction)

And women require strict adherence to the following rules:

    Be sure to eat foods that contain iodine (seaweed, mussels, squid, shrimp),

    We cook dishes without adding salt,

    Boil meat and fish

    Vegetables and fruits are eaten fresh, boiled.

Forbidden food diet table 10 and

    grilled meat,

    Fried fish,

    meat broth,

    fish broth,

    vegetables: onion, garlic, radish, radish.

A healthy and well-chosen diet is an important factor in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce your risk of:

Heart disease - such as heart attacks and strokes;
- conditions or symptoms that lead to heart disease, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity;
- other chronic health problems, such as type 2 diabetes. .

- Fruits and vegetables. Most fruits and vegetables are an important part of a heart-healthy diet. They are good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Most of them are low in fat, calories, sodium (salt) and cholesterol (or cholesterol - this is an organic compound, a natural fatty alcohol found in the cell membranes of most living organisms. Cholesterol is insoluble in water, it dissolves in fats and organic solvents. About 80% of cholesterol is produced by the body itself - the liver, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands, gonads), the remaining 20% ​​comes from food. Cholesterol is necessary for the production of vitamin D and the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands - cortisol, aldosterone, female and male sex hormones estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. Plays an important role in the activity of brain synapses and the immune system, including protection against cancer). We recommend eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

- grains and cereals.Dietitians recommend eating lean foods such as bread, cereals, crackers, rice, pasta, and starchy vegetables (eg, peas, potatoes, corn, beans). These foods are high in vitamins, iron, fiber, minerals, complex carbohydrates, and low in fat and bad cholesterol.

Eat six or more servings of grains a day, including and especially whole grains. However, be careful not to consume too many grains: this will contribute to rapid weight gain.
Avoid the consumption of baked goods - such as loaves, rolls, cheese crackers, croissants, as well as cream sauces for pasta and pureed soups.

- Consuming healthy protein. Meat, poultry, seafood, peas, lentils, nuts, and eggs are good sources of protein, B vitamins, iron, and other vitamins and minerals.

If the patient suffers from cardiovascular diseases, he should avoid the consumption of duck, goose, beef steak, cuts of meat with a high fat content, organ meats - such as kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, heart and meat products - such as sausage, hot- Great Danes and all high-fat meats.

Eat no more than 150-200 g of cooked meat, poultry and fish daily. One serving of these foods should be on a plate about the size of a plastic card.
Eat two servings of fish per week.

- Separation of all visible fat from meat before cooking. Baking the meat, lightly browning it, steaming it, boiling it, or cooking it in the microwave is much better than frying it.

For the main first course, use less meat or let the meat be lean, in portions, several times a week. Use less meat to reduce the overall fat content of the food.
Use turkey, skinless chicken or fish, or lean red meat to reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet. Sometimes you can eat 85 grams of lean red meat.

Try to use no more than three or four egg yolks per week, including eggs used in cooking.

Minimize or avoid organ meats (including beef, pork, or lamb liver) and shellfish (such as shrimp and lobster).

Milk and other dairy products are a good source of protein, calcium, vitamins: niacin, riboflavin, A and D. It is useful to use skimmed or 1% milk. Cheese, yogurt, buttermilk (a by-product of milk processing obtained from the production of butter from cow's milk; a concentrate of biologically active and deficient substances) should be low in fat or fat free.

- Fats, oils, and cholesterol. A diet high in saturated fat causes bad cholesterol to build up in the arteries (blood vessels). Cholesterol can cause clogged or blocked arteries. This puts the patient at risk of heart attack, stroke and other serious health problems. We strongly recommend avoiding or limiting foods high in saturated fat in your diet.

Foods high in saturated fat are animal products such as butter, cheese, whole cow's milk, ice cream, sour cream, lard, and fatty meats such as bacon or many parts of lamb.
Some vegetable oils (coconut, palm, etc.) also contain saturated fats. These fats remain solid at room temperature.

Use no more than 5-8 teaspoons of fats or oils per day for salads, hot meals, and baked goods. You need to eat no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day (one egg yolk contains an average of 213 mg of cholesterol). Some fats are better than others, but you should still use them in moderation.

- Margarine and butter. It is better to choose soft or liquid margarine (from liquid vegetable oil as the first ingredient). Better yet, choose "light" margarines that list water as the first ingredient. This margarine is better than saturated fats.
Avoid hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats (you need to read the ingredients on the label and do not take products containing such fats).

Trans fatty acids are unhealthy fats that cause vegetable oil to harden. They are often used to keep food fresh for a long time and for cooking in cafes and fast food restaurants.

Trans fats can raise the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Trans fats can also lower your “good” cholesterol levels.
We strongly recommend avoiding fried foods, store-bought baked goods (donuts, cookies, crackers), processed foods, and hard margarines.

It is helpful to consult a nutritionist. We recommend cores to maintain their "ideal" body weight and try to balance the number of calories that are consumed every day. The patient can ask the nutritionist questions about what kind of food would be most acceptable and healthy for him. We advise all people suffering from cardiovascular disease to limit their intake of foods that are high in calories or low in nutrients, including sugary drinks, jams and sweets that contain a lot of sugar.
You should eat no more than 2400 mg of sodium (edible salt) per day. You can cut back on salt by reducing the amount of salt you add to food at the table. It's also good to limit the amount of salt added to cooked foods - for example, canned vegetables, fish and soups, cured meats, and some frozen meals. Always check food labels for sodium (salt) content per serving.

Hearts need to eliminate alcohol from the diet or at least significantly reduce its consumption.

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