Why does a kitten have snot and sneezes. The cat sneezes: causes and treatment at home. A cold or viral infection

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Sneezing is a reflex that occurs when the receptors of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract are irritated. The cat's body uses it to free the airways from foreign objects. Sneezing is usually caused by irritation of sensitive nerve endings located on the mucous membrane.

When your cat is snotty, sneezing, has a runny nose and you don't know what to do, if you are looking for advice on the Internet in the forums, we recommend that you do not self-medicate and experiment on your beloved cat. After all, the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.

Runny nose and snot from the nose of a cat are a sign of a nose disease. Although normal cats may occasionally sneeze or have nasal discharge (similar to humans), severe, chronic or recurrent episodes of sneezing and nasal discharge are considered a sign of a serious problem. Sneezing and runny nose in cats often occur in tandem.

Nasal discharge can be classified as follows: serous (clear), mucous (cloudy), tinged with blood, bloody (nosebleeds), or a combination. They are also classified by location: unilateral (one nostril), bilateral (both nostrils); with synchronization (acute and chronic). There are also signs of the disease associated with them, for example, when a cat has nosebleeds. In this case, the presence of an injury, a tumor, a bleeding disorder, or a tick infestation (transmission) can be suspected.

Sneezing and nasal discharge can be caused by dozens of things, although you might think that a cat has rhinitis. Some causes are not very serious and resolve themselves: for example, acute viral infections. Other problems are associated with occasional seasonal allergies. Still others, such as tumors or foreign bodies in the nose, are ongoing and chronic symptoms that occur until the problem is resolved.

Pets of any age can get sick with a runny nose or constant sneezing. Young animals are more likely to be affected by infectious respiratory diseases (mostly viruses) or birth defects (eg, cleft palate, ciliary dyskinesia, or imperforated posterior choanae).

Older cats who sneeze/runny nose are more likely to suffer from chronic dental disease or swelling. Outdoor cats are more prone to inhaling foreign bodies, which can lead to acute and chronic upper respiratory disease. Some fungal infections (eg, Cryptococcus) occur in cats with rhinitis.

What other symptoms with a runny nose, snot and sneezing can be?
Other signs may include:

  • scratching of the nose and face;
  • Vomiting movements;
  • excessive swallowing;
  • Bleeding from one or both nostrils;
  • Bad breath or nose;
  • Pain;
  • Swelling over the bridge of the nose;
  • Noisy breathing;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Weight loss;
  • Lethargy (lack of energy)

How to diagnose a disease with a runny nose and sneezing?
Veterinary care in this case is the collection of tests to determine the cause of the sneezing or nasal discharge and its subsequent treatment.

  • Physical examination and medical history: Examination for tumors, type of nasal discharge, airflow through the nostrils, your pet's ability to breathe with its mouth closed, size and shape of lymph nodes, examination of the mouth and eyes. It is usually difficult to examine the upper respiratory tract without anesthesia. Causes of acute nasal discharge or sneezing, especially if caused by a respiratory viral infection, can be diagnosed from a medical history;
  • General blood tests rarely determine the cause of nasal discharge. However, blood tests are recommended as an aid in the search for secondary diseases and concurrent possible problems associated with anesthetic risks;
  • Analysis for the number of platelets and blood clotting to evaluate possible causes of bleeding;
  • Cell microscopy (cytology);
  • Specialized blood test for fungal infections;
  • Examination of the nasal cavity and posterior choana (back of the nose) using endoscopes;
  • Washing and cytology of the nasal cavity;
  • X-ray;
  • Computed tomography (CT);
  • Biopsy of nasal tissue (mucous membrane)

What treatment is prescribed?
Treatment depends on the cause of nasal discharge and sneezing. There are no "general" treatments for these symptoms.

Main reasons:

The following list contains the most common causes of nasal discharge:

  • Infectious diseases- viral and bacterial: rickettsial infections (also lead to nosebleeds), bacterial infections (usually secondary to the underlying disease);
  • Fungal diseases (fungal infections): Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhinosporidium, Sporothrix;
  • nasal mites (tiny insects);
  • Dental diseases with infection of the roots of the teeth;
  • Inflammatory diseases nasal cavities such as: lymphocytic rhinitis, idiopathic rhinitis (without a known cause) and "allergic" rhinitis;
  • Neoplasias, tumors or cancer, including adenocarcinoma, chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma;
  • Polyps are benign;
  • Congenital diseases - ciliary dyskinesia (absence of normal microscopic hairs, "cleft palate");
  • foreign body;
  • Injury;
  • Blood clotting disorders: Manifested as "bleeding from the nose" (ehrlichiosis, hyperglobulinemia, polycythemia, hyperviscosity syndrome and arterial hypertension);
  • Other diseases symptoms of which are nasal discharge: pneumonia, swallowing disorders, deficiency of local immunity (IgA).

Nasal discharge may not be noticeable because cat licks nasal discharge. The clinic becomes brighter when, for example, their volume increases, the nature of the discharge has changed, or other physical abnormalities occur. It happens that the secretions accumulate in the nostril or nasopharynx (cause vomiting or sneezing "back").
Veterinarians know that some types of nasal discharge in cats are likely to be associated with other conditions, but there are exceptions. They are not specific and in fact can be associated with a number of different diseases or disorders.
Unfortunately, in older cats, nasal growths (cancer) are a common cause of relapse and its progression (they become more severe over time).

What treatment (care) is prescribed at home?
Home care recommendations will depend on the underlying cause of the discharge and sneezing.
Monitor your pet for any abnormalities so you can discuss them with your veterinarian. If general treatment does not control symptoms, the diagnosis should be re-diagnosed with additional tests.
Carry out procedures as recommended by the veterinarian, such as cleaning the nose. Many cats eat based on their sense of smell and often if your pet can't smell the food, he won't eat. You can warm food in the microwave or feed your cat canned food that has a strong flavor and thus stimulates the pet's appetite.

A runny nose in a cat (the scientific name is rhinitis) can be both a sign of a mild ailment and a symptom of a serious illness. If you notice that your cat is sneezing, rubbing its eyes and nose with its paws, there is noticeable difficulty in breathing and it has a discharge from the nose, then you should not think that this is a mild cold, and just wait for it to pass by itself. Discharge from the nose can be both signs of mild rhinitis (runny nose), and symptoms of quite serious, and sometimes extremely dangerous diseases, such as calicivirus, panleukopenia, or rhinotracheitis. What causes rhinitis and how to cure a runny nose in a cat?

What are the reasons why a cat may have a runny nose? Let's take a look at the most likely cases.


The simplest reason. The pet could pass through or he was frozen. Well, are there many opportunities to forgive? But usually lacrimation, conjunctivitis, and lethargy are added to rhinitis.


Yes, if the immune system is sensitive to any allergen, then when a cat “meets” it, the nose gets blocked, the mucous membrane swells, which can lead to rhinitis. Because of this, the lumen of the nasal passages narrows very much. Breathing becomes difficult. There may be highlights. But as soon as the cause is eliminated, the condition improves almost immediately. Usually, allergies are manifested not only by a runny nose, but also by lacrimation, itching, swelling and redness.

Weak immunity

Probably this What is the main cause of rhinitis in cats?. And already because of it, any other may appear (infections “cling”, the pet catches a cold quickly). Therefore, having noticed a runny nose in a cat, you should not drip baby drops from a runny nose, or try to warm up your nose with something. You don't know what caused a cat's runny nose. Therefore, before starting the necessary treatment, we take her to the veterinarian. And we carry it as soon as possible, because if it's not just a runny nose, then in a few days no veterinarian will help.

Foreign object in nose

Yes, a cat is not a child, it won’t stuff anything up its nose. However, cases are sometimes recorded when a foreign body gets stuck in the nasal passage. From here, a runny nose appears in a cat, because the body tries to “remove” a foreign object from the nose with the help of mucus.

In some cases, everything is solved safely, the problem resolves itself without the help of a specialist. But there are also such cases when you can’t do without the help of a veterinarian, because the object is very large or the mucous membrane is too swollen, so the nasal passage has become too narrow.

Bacteria and fungi

There are many types of fungi and bacteria in the world, ready, on occasion, to hit the mucous membrane of an animal. It can be a pathogenic pest or a conditionally dangerous neighbor, which is activated in case of a violation of the cat's immune defenses. Depending on the number of fungi, bacteria, the degree of sensitivity of the pet to them and the general condition of the animal, the clinical manifestations of the common cold are expressed in different ways.

For example, a chronic runny nose in a cat with a mild fungal infection manifests itself in the form of rare transparent outflows that appear periodically. An acute bacterial infection provokes a thick exudate that forms crusts. The flow can be continuous, clog the cat's nose.

To combat fungi and bacteria, special drugs of directed action are used. Ordinary drops from the common cold will not help here, with them you can achieve only a temporary improvement in the condition, but then it will be even worse. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a bacterial, fungal runny nose in a cat, you should go to the clinic and take tests to identify the culprit of the disease.

Other possible causes

In addition, there are many other possible causes of a runny nose in cats:


How to cure a runny nose in a cat? Having determined the cause of rhinitis, the veterinarian prescribes therapy. But remember that the recovery of a cat largely depends not only on what drugs you give her (or drip). Treatment of a runny nose in a cat at home should be comprehensive.

Runny nose from hypothermia

If the runny nose is caused by hypothermia of the animal, then during the illness you will need to be especially careful to ensure that your mustache is warm.

Try to choose your food as carefully as possible, as a pet does not smell during a runny nose and may refuse food altogether. You can help the baby by choosing food with a pronounced smell. If there are no contraindications, add vitamins to the feed. If a cat's runny nose is caused by an infection, then it must be isolated from other animals. And be sure to contact your veterinarian! Without specific treatment (hyperimmune sera, antibiotics, antiviral and others), there will be no recovery.

allergic rhinitis

In the case of an allergic rhinitis in a cat, before starting treatment, it will be necessary to abandon what causes allergies in a cat. You may have to exclude some product from her diet, or perhaps give up her favorite washing powder, or a houseplant. But the well-being of a pet is certainly worth it.

If the doctor has decided that the cat needs antibiotics, then you will need to pay special attention to ensuring that she regularly receives the prescribed medicine, as well as other injections, tablets, or nose drops.

How to treat a runny nose in a cat at home

Unfortunately, not everyone and not always can treat their pets in a veterinary clinic, some owners have to do this at home. Therefore, experienced breeders recommend using proven remedies for the treatment of the common cold:

  1. It helps to get rid of secretions from the sinuses by warming up by applying a bag filled with warm sand or salt to the pet's nose.
  2. Just like people, cats, to eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis, a drop of beet juice or aloe is instilled into each nostril.
  3. Using boric acid and zinc sulfate, the nose is washed with animals.
  4. Against dryness, the nose is irrigated with a one percent solution of soda.
  5. Streptocide in the form of a powder, blown into each nostril by a cat, relieves inflammation.
  6. You can relieve a slight nasal congestion by administering saline.

The chronic form of a runny nose in a cat is treated according to a similar principle. The only thing to keep in mind is that constant heavy discharge leads to irritation of the skin of the nose. To prevent this, the skin is dried. For these purposes, streptocide powder is well suited. Frequency of application - several times a day.

Cold drops for cats

If a runny nose is associated with a cold and is not accompanied by other symptoms that indicate its allergic or infectious nature, then the following drugs can be administered to the cat during home treatment:

  1. "Maxidin" - immunostimulating drops.
  2. "Anandin" - has antiviral and immunostimulating properties.
  3. "Naphthyzin", diluted in half with "Dioxidin" - is used to wash the nose.
  4. "Galazolin" - children's drops that help with severe difficulty breathing.

The medicine, according to the instructions, is injected into each nostril 1 (less often - 2) drop for 5 (in advanced cases - 7 days).

How a cold can harm a cat

Rhinitis is preceded by a compensatory reaction. But prolonged exposure to cold increasingly disrupts the mechanisms of thermoregulation. As a result, the cat becomes supercooled, its body temperature drops, which leads to malfunctions in the functions of various body systems.

At first glance, a cold is a slight ailment, but if the animal does not come to the rescue, rhinitis can provoke the development of much more serious diseases, such as:

  • inflammatory diseases of the joints;
  • inflammation of the lungs and bronchi;
  • kidney disease, etc.

Among other things, a cold reduces the cat's immune defenses, lowering the body's natural resistance to infections. And if a pet with a healthy immune system, coming into contact with a virus or microbe, avoids illness, a weak animal can suffer serious health problems.

Prevention of the common cold

  • The best prevention of a runny nose in a cat is timely vaccination. Although, unfortunately, even it does not give a 100% guarantee of health, but it increases the chances.
  • Do not let the animal get cold. There should be no drafts in the house, and the pet bed should not be located in a cold place.
  • Monitor your cat's immune system. Feed properly (balanced), do not forget about fortification. However, remember that an excess of vitamins also has a bad effect on the condition of the animal.
  • Eliminate possible allergens (hypoallergenic food, a minimum of chemistry when caring for animals, keep houseplants away).

Regular use of a special vaccine significantly reduces the threat of a cold in a cat. Do not think that if the animal is always at home, this is a guarantee of safety. Bacteria and viruses are almost everywhere, and you can bring them even to the cleanest house on the soles of your shoes. Therefore, if you are concerned about the safety of the animal, do not forget about preventive measures. First of all, this refers to the improvement of the living environment.

Treatment of rhinitis in cats does not always go smoothly, so if you have any questions on the topic, then write them in the comments - we will definitely answer you!

    Hello, the cat did not tolerate rhinoscopy well - the polyp could not be removed due to respiratory arrest. It took me a long time to recover from anesthesia. The problem of discharge remains, leukocytes are increased by 82 percent, are there any other means besides rhinoscopy, an alternative to remove a neoplasm in the nose if it interferes? Rhino can't be done

  • Hello. Tell me, pzhl, a runny nose began in cats. Two cats 6.5 and 3 years old (one is overexposure, a friend left for a while) and a cat 3 years old. All are sterile. Five days ago, a friend's cat began to sneeze, then mine, and then the cat. Active and eating well. But they sneeze often. There is no strong discharge from the nose, only when sneezing - splashes in all directions, eyes are clean. Noses cold and wet. What to do? They live in an apartment, go out to the balcony periodically. This is the first time. It's warm outside, and they jump out onto the balcony in winter.

  • We'll excuse me, but I'm very surprised at the advice to drip beetroot juice into my nose (when I was dripped 1 time in my childhood, I climbed the wall). And how can you “wash” with naphthyzine, the dosage should be very limited there. And also the recommendation to blow in streptomycin powder is somehow suspicious to me.

  • Hello, tell me please. I have Canadian sphinxes. One cat has a runny nose, there is no snot, all the mucus is normal, there is no discharge from the eyes, there is no tempo, the rest do not have a runny nose. There is not much nasal congestion (sniffling), vaccinated, does not leave the house. Analyzes were recently handed over for PCR and bio, everything is normal. Maybe a cold. Kupala, began to sneeze in the evening, today is the 3rd day. Tell me what you can give or drip? I don’t see the point in going to the branch yet, it’s stress for him. The cat is 9 and a half years old.

    • Hello! Did you take the temperature? If you suspect that you have caught a cold (after all, hairless animals, their body temperature will be higher than that of their meowing brothers covered with wool, they catch a cold much faster in a draft), then nothing needs to be pricked. If he eats straight, then feed warm. You can dress (many have clothes for sphinxes). You can include vitamins in your diet. But if there is no snot, no elevated body temperature, no discharge from the eyes (for example), then antibiotics are not worth it yet. As with a common cold: rest, warmth, warm drink and food, vitamins.

      No temperature, I wrote) everything is normal. I put on clothes for everyone when it's cold, I just didn't put it on that day. Of course, I won’t give antibiotics, I’m just worried about the third day of sneezing (not frequent) and not much sniffing. I thought maybe anandine dripped? It's just that he is everything for me ... As my child) I know the temperature of the sphinxes) I have had them for a long time) for love.

      I clarify, because by the evening the situation could have changed. Once there is clothes - dress the animal now, let it warm up. You can anandine, but it is more often prescribed for viral diseases. But try, but remember that all immunostimulants must be given for at least 5 days in a row to have a visible effect. If you want to inject, you can cathosal (there is vitamin B12, so the injection is painful, but it works pretty well).

      Hello! Catosal is administered to cats at a dose of 0.5-2.5 ml, but I somehow got used to the dosage of 1 ml. Your cat does not have hypo- or beriberi, so you do not need to inject every day. Enter intramuscularly, it's easier. Due to subcutaneous injections, bumps often remain (the drug is rather painful, sometimes seals remain after intramuscular injection during the first day). Prick once and watch

  • Hello helpttag please the cat from the street went yellow-green snot under his eyes, he also lost his orientation and began to shit where he sits very sluggish and does not eat. What to do and what could it be? The cat was very sadly picked up 1.5 years ago as a kitten in the cold

  • Yuri 16:17 | 05 Sep. 2018

    Hello. Maine Coon kitten, 6 months old, during the last month - a slight but persistent runny nose, a little shortness of breath (when running), occasionally sneezes. At the same time, there is no discharge from the eyes, redness, soreness, other symptoms, too, he is very active, he eats well. I only use chlorhexidine wipes near the nose, he does not mind. I don’t want to take it to the vet for nothing, for him it’s extra stress. Anyway, in two months we will go to the castration, I think there and consult at the same time. Perhaps - an allergy to building dust, because. the apartment is new, but it is not yet possible to influence it significantly.

    What would you advise: wait, or somehow treat, or still drag it to the tests right now?

  • Good afternoon! Help cure a runny nose in Maine Coon. Age 1.2 years. In the spring of 2017, I was diagnosed with calcevirosis and rhinotracheitis. There was a severe runny nose, sores in the mouth, swollen and red gums, and watery eyes. Ceftriaxone treatment was prescribed for 10 days, forvet for 7 days, gammavit 3 cu. 7 days, immunofan 5 days. After treatment, everything went exactly 3 weeks. After that, the runny nose appeared again, one eye began to water - they did maksidin and fosprin injections. In the eyes of Ciprovet. It got better. A month later, the symptoms reappeared. We re-analyzed. Calcevirosis was confirmed. They treated with Amoxicillin, Roncoleukin, the nose was washed with farmaksidin and anandine was dripped into the nose and eyes. In the mouth on the sores - streptacid. It got better, but not for long. Analysis after treatment is negative. But there was a runny nose, a dry nose and a watery one eye. They suggested that it was an allergy, Zodak gave it for 5 days, but there was no improvement.
    The kitten was taken from the cattery at 3 months. and we can’t vaccinate because of the disease.

Runny nose is the most common disease in cats. It is about him that the article will be discussed today, as well as about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease..

Symptoms of a runny nose in a kitten

It is very important to closely monitor the behavior of the kitten. After all, based on it, it is possible to identify symptoms in time, which are important for an accurate diagnosis. They can be different, imperceptible at first glance. But for attentive people who love their pet, a number of the following should be highlighted. signs of a runny nose in a kitten:

Lethargy and immobility;

Constant friction of the spout;

poor appetite;

Noticeable deterioration of the sense of smell;

Elevated temperature.

So, the first sign. Most often, a runny nose is observed in young kittens. They are known to be very active. But if fatigue is noticed, this is the first bell for the owner.

When a cat scratches or rubs his nose, it means that in this way he is trying to remove excess mucus from his nose. After all, it significantly affects the performance of the sense of smell.

If the cat began to eat badly, this does not mean at all that he is in a bad mood or that he is simply not hungry. This means that at the moment his immunity is going through a difficult situation and requires immediate treatment.

The whole life depends on the sense of smell in cats. It helps them navigate in space. Therefore, if the cat began to walk strangely or make unsuccessful jumps, then you need to pay attention to this.

A high temperature has always been a sign of various diseases. That is why, having discovered it, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Causes of snot in a cat

Many people often have a stereotype that cats are very persistent and able to control their own health. But they, like people, are prone to various diseases.

There can be many reasons for this, namely:

1. Hypothermia or drafts;

2. Poisoning;

3. Infections;

4. Chemical household products;

5. Allergy

Despite the fact that cats have a fairly warm coat, they are prone to hypothermia. Often this is due to being outside for a long time during frost or rainy weather.

Many owners are unaware that by feeding a cat raw fish from the market, they can cause illness. Very often, cats are poisoned by poor-quality or expired dry and wet food.

Infections most often enter the body of a cat on the street. It can be calcivirosis, pneumonia or other ailments. Therefore, they can easily cause a runny nose in a cat.

Cats react very badly to chemicals. They are only able to interact with them, and in cats, chemistry causes only irritation and resistance of the body.

Allergies are also the cause of a runny nose in a kitten. It can be caused by the above chemistry or even by natural phenomena. This is not to be insured and it is not worth worrying about.

Do not forget that young kittens are still weak and undeveloped immunity. That is why they are so prone to various diseases, and all these reasons can easily spoil their young body.

Treatment of snot in a young kitten

The first correct step in the fight against a runny nose in a kitten is to contact a specialist - a veterinarian. It is he who will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

It is very important to trace and record all the symptoms in a kitten. Why is it necessary? The veterinarian will not be able to determine the disease in a cat, based only on the fact of snot. He needs to clearly know about the behavior, activity and nutrition of the cat. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, even a chair will need to be studied, this will significantly open your eyes to the cause of a runny nose in a cat.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the causes of the disease. And now in order. If it is an allergy, then special preparations are prescribed, and, most importantly, the object that caused the allergy is eliminated. For example, the same chemistry. You can put it in an inaccessible place for the cat or replace it with more natural substances.

The situation is more serious with infections. In such cases, treatment occurs with the use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Perhaps, not to do without injections. The main thing to know is that viruses are strong today, so you should take treatment seriously.

If the runny nose is caused by hypothermia, then it is necessary to create more comfortable and warm conditions for the cat's life. What does it mean? You should warm the place where the cat sleeps with blankets or put a heater nearby. Cats love warmth, especially in winter. Also, the veterinarian prescribes a number of vitamins to fight colds and increase immunity.

Prevention of a runny nose in a cat or kitten

Prevention is most often dependent on the host. There are responsible people and vice versa. But if a person loves a pet, then it is worth keeping an eye on and preventing the appearance of a runny nose in a kitten. How to do it?

First of all, it is necessary to study the many reasons that cause a runny nose. Based on them, it is worth building a prevention plan.

The right decision would be a constant examination for the purpose of prevention. This will not bring harm, and you can be sure of the health of the kitten.

To prevent a kitten from catching a cold, you should protect it from drafts and try not to let it out in the cold. Although this is difficult, because cats love to walk, but it’s right. You should often create warm conditions at home and try not to give cold food.

There are various preventive drugs to strengthen the immune system. They can also be given to a kitten, like all kinds of other vitamins. After all, a young body needs them so that in the future it can cope with ailments.

It is very important to protect the kitten from possible allergy triggers. Especially chemicals should be stored in closed places. Dust can also cause an allergic reaction, so constant wet cleaning will not be superfluous.

It is important to remember that the whole life of a kitten depends on the owner. After all, he is not able to talk about his problems. Therefore, it is often difficult to determine a runny nose in a kitten. The main thing is to constantly monitor the behavior, nutrition and even the stool of a pet. It is necessary to pay attention to him and then he will become happy.

One of the most common causes of sneezing is a runny nose. For animals that, unlike us, do not know how to blow their nose, this reflex is the only way to get rid of accumulated mucus.

When a cat sneezes, the discharge from the nose becomes clearly visible to the owner, and he may notice that the clear mucus has changed to yellow or green snot in the cat. What determines the appearance of the secret? We will touch on such an unappetizing, but urgent topic as various types of discharge during a runny nose.

Causes of a runny nose in cats

Mucus in the nose plays an important role:

  • delays foreign particles entering the nasal passages, including dust, bacteria and viruses;
  • moisturizes the air entering the lungs;
  • has a slight antiseptic effect, due to the mucin that is part of the protein.

At its core, snot is a mixture of proteins, salts and liquid. When the mucosa is irritated, the cells begin to intensively produce a secret, which leads to the development of a runny nose. As a result, the cat's nose flows, part of the discharge comes out during sneezing, and part flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx.

Unlike humans, a cat is not prone to rhinitis, and the more attentive it is to their appearance. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs as a result of some general process, most often infectious diseases. You can read about why the pet has snot in the article “The cat has a runny nose and she sneezes: how to treat it?” .

What are nasal discharge

The appearance of snot and their properties depend on many factors, including:

  • type of inflammation;
  • the presence of bacteria in the secretion;
  • mucus viscosity.

Ordinary mucus in a healthy animal flows out of the nasal passages due to the work of the cilia of the epithelium lining the mucosa. Normally, liquid, during illness, the discharge thickens, while their normal outflow is disturbed.

In such a rich nutrient medium, bacteria begin to multiply. And then the root cause - a virus or any other factor - is complicated by a secondary microflora and is characterized by the development of purulent inflammation.

Consider what types of inflammation are in the common cold:

  • catarrhal - characterized by the release of a large amount of transparent mucus (the cat constantly sneezes with snot, liquid and colorless);
  • purulent - accompanied by the release of a thick, opaque secret of white, yellow or green color, its saturation depends on how strong the stagnation has occurred in the nasal cavity and how many bacteria there are.

What is pus?

A small amount of blood streaks in secret is not scary: they appear due to vasodilation in the inflamed tissue.

Drying up, the pus becomes more viscous, turning into crusts and a semi-solid mass that clogs the nasal passages. All these processes prevent the cat from breathing normally and increase the recovery time.

How to help a cat if he sneezes with snot?

From the foregoing, we can make a logical conclusion that the density and stagnation of mucus lead to an increase in the inflammatory process. Whatever the animal got sick initially, with a runny nose, our task is to help the cat restore normal breathing and reduce inflammation in the nose.

If the cat is snotty and sneezes, the procedure will help remove accumulations of pus, soothe the mucous membrane and help restore breathing.

Of course, local treatment will be meaningless without treating the underlying cause of a runny nose, so it is imperative to visit a veterinarian - often the appearance of "ordinary" snot is a manifestation of serious illness.

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In the article I will talk about rhinitis in cats, the reasons, what to do and how to cure at home. The same goes for preventive measures. I will briefly describe the diseases in a cat, accompanied by a runny nose. Let me know when to call the veterinarian.

Rhinitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa with increased mucus production. Increased secretion is a protective mechanism to remove germs and foreign particles. If the process proceeds in an acute form and the bacteria multiply in large numbers, the discharge becomes purulent. At the same time, the tissues of the nasal passages swell, breathing becomes difficult.

At risk are pets with reduced immunity, sick adult cats and very small, newly born kittens.

Reasons why a cat or a cat sneezes

Runny nose and sneezing invariably accompany each other. There are two main reasons for these reactions.

Non-infectious causes:

  1. Various diseases of the oral cavity: inflammation of the gums and teeth; neoplasms and polyps in the nasal passages and sinuses; irritation and injury of the nasal passages when foreign objects enter (inhalation of small particles).
  2. Autoimmune diseases.
  3. Allergic reactions (often occur when inhaling allergens).

infectious causes:

During infectious diseases, the runny nose develops quickly and is accompanied by other symptoms.

By the presence of characteristic symptoms, the veterinarian will determine the cause of the common cold in the pet and prescribe treatment.

Can an animal get a cold?

All animals are susceptible to colds. The main reason why a cat or kitten has a stuffy nose is hypothermia. This condition can arise from the stay of the animal in a draft. After swimming or active play in a cool room. When walking in the rain or snow, in frost and strong wind. From swimming in cold water.

A weakened, emaciated, immune-compromised cat is more prone to colds than a healthy cat.

Signs and symptoms

The main symptoms of a cold:

  • runny nose, snot flowing or clear liquid;
  • pet sneezes;
  • eyes may water or fester;
  • cough;
  • temperature rise;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the pet is breathing heavily.

These cold symptoms are also characteristic of many other more serious diseases. Only a veterinarian can diagnose them.

In order to prevent complications of the disease, it is impossible to engage in self-treatment of a pet!

Treatment at home

Only an experienced specialist can prescribe the correct treatment after collecting an anamnesis and laboratory tests. The choice of drug therapy depends on the underlying disease that caused the runny nose.

The main non-drug treatments for a cold in a pet:

  1. It is necessary to provide a warm bed, protected from drafts.
  2. Feed easily digestible food (patés and wet food are suitable) at room temperature. Offer to drink more water.
  3. Strengthen the immune system with vitamin and mineral supplements. According to the recommendations of the veterinarian, give immunostimulating drugs.
  4. Treat the nose and eyes with a clean cotton swab dipped in boiled water.

Thoroughbred cats, including the British breed, especially for breeding, are recommended to be vaccinated against dangerous viruses.

If you start treating a runny nose in a timely manner - at its first signs, then your pet will have a better chance of a speedy recovery.

When to See a Doctor

In the event that the animal sneezes several times, possibly due to dust particles, you do not need to go to the veterinary clinic. But if the pet shows different symptoms listed above, indicating a deterioration in well-being, a trip to the veterinarian should not be postponed.

Many diseases that pose a threat to the life of an animal occur with symptoms similar to colds.

Delaying the visit to the veterinary clinic, self-treatment or lack of it can lead to the death of the cat.

Is a cat cold dangerous for humans?

Many owners, especially if there are children in the family, are interested in whether a runny nose in cats is contagious to humans? Catarrhal diseases caused by hypothermia of a cat are not at all dangerous for humans.

Another thing is the infection that caused the disease. Many viruses, fungi, protozoa and bacteria are transmitted from animal to human.

A specialist in a veterinary clinic will help assess the degree of danger of a cat's malaise.

Prevention of snot from the nose of a kitten and a cat

The main preventive methods are:

  1. Strengthening the immune system of the cat. Timely vaccination, proper nutrition and sanitary standards in the place of residence of the cat will make it healthy and immune to many diseases.
  2. Caring for your pet. Do not let your cat get cold. After bathing, it is necessary to dry the coat well. No need to create drafts at home and let your pet go outside in cold or rainy weather.

In the article I described a runny nose in cats. She talked about the causes, prevention and methods of treatment at home. She described colds, in which rhinitis is possible. Explained when to seek veterinary care.

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