Why is there excessive sweating in men? Excessive sweating of the whole body in men - causes and treatment

The formation and release of sweat is a completely normal and natural process. But what to do if profuse sweating in men makes them change their lifestyle? Stiffness, self-doubt and professional difficulties are an unpleasant consequence of this disease. What causes profuse sweat in men?

Signs of increased sweating

Unusually heavy sweating is called hyperhidrosis. This diagnosis is made in patients who produce more than 100 ml of sweat per hour. Under comfortable conditions, healthy men excrete up to 700 ml of sweat per day. With nervous strain, in hot weather or when playing sports, these numbers increase. This is the so-called physiological hyperhidrosis, aimed at maintaining normal body temperature.

A pathological increase in sweating in men is said to be when the amount of sweat released is much greater than is required for the process of thermoregulation.

Men who suffer from sweating have constantly wet palms, armpits and feet, sometimes they sweat all over the body. Another sign of trouble is profuse sweat during sleep. After all, this is a time of rest, when external stimuli do not disturb the brain, and sweating should be lower than usual.

Varieties of hyperhidrosis

By origin, hyperhidrosis can be primary and secondary. Both that, and another can be local (local) and general (generalized).

General sweating

Hyperhidrosis can cover large areas, when a person is literally "drenched in sweat." In this case, it is a generalized form of the disease. It is necessary to distinguish between physiological primary general hyperhidrosis - this is a natural state of increased sweating during sports or in overweight patients.

If a man sweats profusely during sleep - this is a reason to seriously think - is everything in order with a sleeping place? Synthetic bedding and stuffiness, a heavy dinner before bed, and watching horror and thriller movies are common causes of night sweats.

Local sweating

With a local form of the disease, the following areas are affected:

  • armpits
  • palms;
  • feet;
  • inguinal folds;
  • nasolabial region;
  • anus area;
  • chin;
  • head (mainly in bald men).

In young men, an axillary form of local sweating has been described. One of the varieties described in the literature is “naked sweating”. In naked patients, sweat is released from the armpits in trickles. Causes - hyperplasia (enlargement) of the sweat glands of the armpits.

Primary hyperhidrosis

Correctly diagnosing - primary or secondary hyperhidrosis - is an important point that will determine the entire tactics of treating this disease.

Primary hyperhidrosis is not uncommon. It affects 1% of people aged 15 to 35 years. It can occur in a perfectly healthy person.

Its other name is idiopathic, that is, arising without a specific pathology.


  • normal sweating during sleep;
  • increased sweating during the day;
  • adequate response to changes in air temperature;
  • a clear emotional dependence - the stronger the stress, the more abundantly the patient sweats.

Secondary hyperhidrosis

Always acts as one of the symptoms of a disease. Diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease leads to a decrease in the symptoms of sweating, and even to its complete disappearance.

Causes of Primary Hyperhidrosis

Doctors name two internal causes underlying primary hyperhidrosis:

  1. Increase in the number of sweat glands.
  2. A normal number of sweat glands produce an excess amount of sweat. This is an over-reaction to common stimuli - physical activity and heat can cause sweat to be produced in excess of the norm.

Neurosis, food allergy and environmental factors are external causes of idiopathic sweating.

Neurological cause

Why do some men sweat during times of emotional upheaval? The process of sweating in this case triggers an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood. Nervousness, irritability, dissatisfaction and depression are the companions of such patients.

What to do if you suspect that you have this particular form of sweating? Address to the neurologist. Since nervous sweat manifests itself during outbursts of irritability, getting rid of neurosis will make you forget about sweating.

food reaction

Appears while eating. Unpleasant droplets of sweat cover the patient's face, which causes serious psychological discomfort. This is a purely individual reaction occurs to certain types of products. Therefore, the solution to the problem may be to refuse them, at least in the presence of other people.

External factors

Reasons such as wearing "badly breathable" shoes made of artificial leather, synthetic clothing, intense sports activities and hot climates often provoke sweating attacks. Especially in obese men.

Causes of secondary hyperhidrosis in men

What problems in the body can cause secondary hyperhidrosis in men?

  1. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland causes a malfunction in the thermoregulation system and sweating.
  2. Diabetes and low blood sugar.
  3. CNS diseases. If the central nervous system is disturbed, a person sweats asymmetrically. For example, only one armpit may sweat.
  4. Alcohol and drug addiction affects all systems and organs. This is why excessive sweating occurs during the “withdrawal syndrome” of a drug.
  5. Excess weight is often accompanied by profuse sweat. The reasons are a violation of thermoregulation, basal metabolism and increased energy consumption to perform even the simplest actions.
  6. Heart disease. Profuse cold sweat and pain in the left side of the body are heralds of a pre-infarction state.
  7. Tuberculosis. Companions of this disease are general weakness, weight loss and night sweats with a specific smell of stale beer.
  8. Tumors of the lymphoid tissue. Excessive sweating during sleep is often associated with neoplasms in the intestines and adrenal glands.

Night sweats are not always a sign of a serious illness. Severe sweating during sleep may be associated with a fever in SARS. During the period of illness, men often sweat heavily in their sleep, and this is a good sign of recovery.

Which specialist should I go to

Don't have time to see a doctor? But in vain! After all, the presence of constant sweat provokes the development of bacterial and fungal flora. The skin of problem areas becomes irritated and inflamed. Moreover, over time, sweat acquires a stable unpleasant odor for others.

Therefore, the first specialist to contact is a therapist. If he decides that your sweating is primary hyperhidrosis, then you will go to a dermatologist. However, this is preceded by a whole set of tests - KLA, OAM, biochemistry, blood sugar analysis, etc.

Physicians who may be involved in your recovery from secondary hyperhidrosis include:

  1. Neurologist.
  2. Oncologist.
  3. Cardiologist.
  4. Endocrinologist.
  5. Surgeon.

Be healthy! And do not forget that a normal sleep and rest regimen, daily showers and moderate physical activity are a good way to prevent hyperhidrosis.

Sweat glands perform an important regulatory role - they do not allow the body to overheat. Normally, an adult male excretes up to 700 ml of fluid daily. But a number of factors can trigger increased sweating in men. On the other hand, profuse sweat is also a sign of pathological processes occurring in the body of a man. Despite the fact that men suffer from severe sweating less often than women, the amount of sweat they emit is much larger.

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by several factors.

What causes heavy sweat?

Excessive sweating in men is rarely generalized and associated with diseases caused by the penetration of pathogenic viruses and microorganisms into the body, which are manifested by fever, fever. This affects women more. In the stronger sex, hyperhidrosis is mostly local in nature and manifests itself in the following areas:

  • armpits
  • back;
  • feet (soles);
  • head.

The causes of excessive sweating in men and testosterone levels are closely related. High levels of androgen during stressful situations, physical activity stimulates the sweat glands so that they release more fluid to cool the body.

According to one version of doctors, the causes of increased sweating in men are associated with a large number of sweat glands, compared with the average norm. This reason applies to hereditary.

In men in their 40s, heavy sweating may be due to a hormonal imbalance known as male or andropause. At this age, the synthesis of testosterone gradually decreases, to which the body reacts with profuse sweat.

Possible increased sweating after age 40

External triggers

Causes of heavy sweating in men can be as follows:

  • Increased physical activity.
  • Humid and warm environmental conditions.
  • Inclusion in the diet of foods prepared using hot seasonings and spices. Drinking alcohol, caffeinated drinks. Smoking addiction.
  • Violation of hygiene, if sweating occurs at night.
  • Wearing synthetic clothing that prevents sweat from evaporating from the surface of the skin.
  • Severe sweating in men can be manifested from excess weight. A layer of fat disrupts heat transfer, and the body overheats. The body has to secrete more fluid for cooling. Excess weight is a burden on the heart, which means there is another provoking factor for hyperhidrosis.
  • Neglect of hygiene procedures.

One of the main causes of hyperhidrosis is being overweight.

To normalize the condition and eliminate the feeling of discomfort from excessive sweating, it is enough to remove the provoking factors, and then the external secretion glands will work as usual.

Male hyperhidrosis can be a sign or consequence of a number of serious illnesses. In this case, we speak of secondary hyperhidrosis.

But with increased sweating in men, there may be no reasons, and then it is approached as an independent disease, for which a separate treatment is provided.


It is important to eliminate the cause due to which increased sweating

Of course, if the causes of sweating in men are associated with diseases, then treatment begins with the elimination of pathologies. With the disease, the symptoms will also go away.

Sweating without a reason does not pose a threat to health, but is a factor that reduces the quality of life. A heavily sweating person experiences problems in communication, in intimate life, difficulties with public speaking. With strong sweating, it is imperative to follow the rules of hygiene and, first of all, taking a shower - 2 times a day is mandatory.

You should reconsider the diet, excluding from it products that activate the sweat glands.


Can use antiperspirants

Sweating can be stopped by using antiperspirants. In their composition, they contain substances that block, clog the sweat ducts. But at the same time, the glands continue to function, and the fluid is redistributed throughout the body, finding a way out in other places. The choice of antiperspirants is very large, but in order to prevent heavy sweating in men, powerful tools are needed. The choice should be stopped on antiperspirants with prolonged action:

  • "DryDry";
  • "Lavilin";
  • "Kristall Sensitive", etc.

With proper use, one application is enough to forget about excessive sweat in the armpits for 3 and 5 days. They produce the same products for men experiencing a problem. They are characterized by a more intense action, as they contain active substances in a higher concentration.

The remedy is applied at bedtime to dry skin, and taking a shower the next day does not reduce its effectiveness. The antiperspirants described above are not suitable for daily use.

Medical solution to the problem

There is currently no universal method to fix the problem. Treatment of hyperhidrosis is carried out in various ways, but all of them are criticized in turn by doctors.

Botox injections

Botox shots help reduce sweating

Botulinum toxin has long been used to treat excessive sweating. The area where the sweat glands are most active, primarily the armpits and palms, is injected with Botox injections, which blocks the sweat ducts. The effect of the procedure is quite long - up to 8 months, but then a second cosmetic operation will be required.


Curettage - a procedure for removing sweat glands

The procedure for removing sweat glands or curettage is performed using various techniques. This type of surgical intervention is performed in the axillary zone:

  • The area of ​​increased sweating is determined using a special Minor test.
  • A puncture is made in the skin.
  • With a special tool, the subcutaneous tissue is exfoliated, thereby breaking the connection of the sweat glands with the branches of the sympathetic nerve, they stop receiving impulses.
  • The glands are removed.

The operation gives a lasting effect. Since it is impossible to remove all the glands, after a certain time, perspiration is restored, but in a much smaller volume.


Sympathectomy - removal of subcutaneous tissue along with sweat glands

Today, they try to treat hyperhidrosis either by removing the subcutaneous tissue along with the sweat glands, or by influencing the sympathetic nerve. Sympathectomy is performed to eliminate the problem in the armpits, palms, less often in the groin.

The essence of the procedure is as follows:

  • Two punctures or incisions are made in the armpit area.
  • A camera is introduced into one to control the situation and direct the activities of a specialist.
  • In the second device, with which a clamping clip is applied to the sympathetic nerve responsible for the release of sweat.

All manipulations are performed under general anesthesia. The patient is discharged the very next day.

In most patients, the effect remains stable all the time. But in 5% of men who have undergone this operation, compensatory hyperhidrosis occurs - the sweat glands stop working in the armpits, on the palms, but the body needs to compensate for insufficient secretion in these areas, so other parts of the body begin to sweat. If at the same time a person begins to sweat very much, then it is possible to remove the clip, then in 80% of cases the reversibility of the process is possible, but at the same time, hyperhidrosis on the palms and armpits will return.

If the destruction of the nerve was carried out during sympathectomy, then when compensatory hyperhidrosis occurs, it will no longer be possible to return to the previous state.

There are other more cardinal methods for the treatment of severe sweating in men, requiring preliminary differential diagnosis.

Excessive sweating appears as a result of exposure to the body of various factors. It can be a symptom of a common cold or it can indicate a very serious illness.

Therefore, it is impossible to ignore it and it is best to consult a doctor.

The main causes of severe sweating of the whole body in men at night, due to external influences, are as follows:

  • too high air temperature in the bedroom;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • binge eating;
  • spicy dishes - even if there is no discomfort during lunch, then in the process of digestion the temperature inside the body rises significantly and you sweat;
  • drinks containing caffeine;
  • taking herbal decoctions and infusions - linden, elderberry, willow bark, raspberry fruits;
  • medicines - taking, first of all, antipyretics, which activate sweating. Drugs of the antidepersant group (tricyclic, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), venlafaxine, bupropion, steroids, Viagra, nitroglycerin can provoke sweating of the whole body.

Stress is a common cause. Nervous strain negatively affects every organ of a person. Stress increases the amount of adrenaline in the blood, increases blood pressure and activates the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands. Those. the body at this time is in a state ready for flight or self-defense. All this increases the likelihood of severe sweating.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis may occur, ie. sweating for no apparent reason. This is an individual feature of a person, transmitted most often by inheritance.

Symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection

The reason for heavy sweating of the whole body in men at night can be an infection. During a common cold, body temperature often rises. This is especially pronounced in the evening, and the body reacts by increased sweating. Fever is often accompanied by chills and a feeling of intense cold.

A similar situation applies to more serious viral and bacterial infectious and inflammatory processes:

  • tuberculosis;
  • endocarditis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • syphilis;
  • boils, etc.

Infection with some viruses, in particular HIV, is manifested by night sweats.

A sign of a serious illness - listen to your body

There are more than 170 diseases that are accompanied by night sweats.

I would like to highlight some of them:

  • hyperthyroidism- Hand trembling, palpitations, nervousness, weight loss are observed. For diagnosis, it is imperative to do a laboratory analysis of thyroid hormones and other studies of the thyroid gland;
  • hypoglycemia - low blood glucose may be accompanied by excessive sweating;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome- If you snore and you have long breath holdings, then you should consult a doctor. It is apnea that causes sweating, high blood pressure, heart problems, chronic fatigue, etc .;
  • neurological diseases:
    • autonomic dysreflexia is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, which results in a sudden increase in blood pressure to high numbers. Observed in spinal cord injuries;
    • post-traumatic syringomyelia;
    • stroke;
    • Parkinson's disease and syndrome;
  • tumors - night sweats are often an early symptom of neoplasms:
    • Hodgkin's lymphoma;
    • leukemia;
    • carcinoid syndrome;
    • pheochromocytoma, etc.

If, in addition to sweating, you experience weakness, increased fatigue, causeless fever, frequent infections and a tendency to bleed, consult a doctor without delay.

Is there a relationship between sweating and hormones?

Lack of testosterone can cause night sweats. This reason is more relevant for men over 50 years of age.

As we age, testosterone production decreases. But andropause does not occur as quickly as menopause in women. This process in men is slower, gradual and gradual. Only 5% of them experience hot flashes and sweats.

What does testosterone deficiency syndrome include:

  • decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, weakening of sexual activity;
  • enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands (gynecomastia);
  • decrease in hair growth, some men begin to shave less often;
  • reduction in the size of the testicles;
  • a decrease in mass, muscle strength and bone density (i.e. osteoporosis and a tendency to fractures appear);
  • the appearance of excess adipose tissue, especially in the abdomen;
  • feeling of heat;
  • sudden sweating.

Psychiatric symptoms are also observed:

  • fading of vital energy, loss of self-confidence, lack of desire for activity;
  • irritability, decreased mood, impaired memory and concentration;
  • sleep disturbances or insomnia;
  • weakening of physical strength.

The appearance of a strange smell - what does it mean?

The smell of sweat changes due to diet (eating a lot of onions, garlic, spices), smoking or drugs.

Most often, the appearance of an unusual aroma indicates a disease.

This is due to violations of chemical reactions in the body, as a result of which sweat acquires a characteristic odor:

  • acetone or rotten fruit means diabetes. With an increased amount of sugar in the blood (due to a lack of insulin, it cannot enter the cells), ketone bodies are formed - acetoacetic and beta-hydroxybutyric acids, acetone. This is what causes the bad smell. Such a symptom indicates serious disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and requires emergency medical care;
  • cause of heavy sweating of the whole body in men with a sour smell are violations of the autonomic nervous system, a lack of trace elements important for health. With heavy physical exertion, when the body does not have time to recover, with frequent stress, this may well be;
  • urine or ammonia- indicates poor kidney function. In this case, the amount of urine excreted changes (at first it will be a lot, and then a little), weakness, lethargy, problems with the skeletal system, dryness and an earthy skin tone are observed;
  • fresh liver - speaks of problems with the liver. There are pains in the abdomen, especially in the right side, belching after eating, poor appetite, bloating. In the future, the clinical picture is complicated by jaundice and liver enlargement;
  • stale beer - sometimes indicates tuberculosis. Characteristic features are persistent cough (first dry and then wet), chest pain and weight loss;
  • fresh bread - usually a symptom of typhoid fever. Most often, this disease is observed in Africa, Southwest Asia and the Far East. Initially, flu-like symptoms are noticeable - fever, headaches, feeling unwell, weakness and loss of appetite. Later, a rash appears on the chest and abdomen in the form of light pink spots.

Causes of heavy sweating all over the body in men with a hangover

A hangover is a complex of symptoms that appear some time after drinking too much alcohol.

It occurs as a result of the narcotic effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system.

The manifestations are as follows:

  • bad feeling;
  • increased sensitivity to various stimuli - sounds, smells, light;
  • low mood;
  • feeling of being broken;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • decreased appetite or its absence;
  • hand trembling;
  • excessive sweating.

The causes of severe sweating of the whole body in men after alcohol, and the hangover in general, are several factors:

  • exposure to acetaldehyde- the body is forced to somehow get rid of alcohol and the responsibility for this lies with the liver. In it, ethanol is processed to a state in which it is excreted in the urine without causing harm. This chemical reaction is carried out by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase and occurs in two steps. Initially, acetaldehyde is formed, which is 20-30 times more toxic than alcohol. It also causes unpleasant symptoms of a hangover;
  • cytokines - it has been proven that during a hangover the level of these substances increases. They are secreted by cells of the immune system and are involved in the inflammatory process, fever, etc. Taking a large amount of alcohol provokes the release of cytokines and the appearance of cold symptoms - muscle pain, headache, fatigue, nausea, sweating, irritability, etc.;
  • heredity The predisposition to a hangover is due to DNA. Certain people's genes are programmed to produce more alcohol dehydrogenase, which means they are better at metabolizing alcohol. Usually, men have more of this enzyme than women. Also, women, on average, have a lower body weight, so the same dose of alcohol is processed for them longer.

What to do to solve the problem

It is best to start by eliminating external factors. There is a chance that you will get rid of sweating already at this stage.

What to do:

  • control the temperature in the bedroom at 20-23ºС, the humidity in the room should also not be too high;
  • take a shower daily, keep your body clean;
  • wear comfortable, breathable fabrics;
  • exclude spicy seasonings, garlic, onions and other spices from the diet, do not drink coffee and strong tea;
  • say "no" to alcohol and cigarettes;
  • If you are taking any medication, please read the instructions carefully. Perhaps sweating is a side effect of your treatment;
  • try not to be nervous and control your emotions, master relaxation techniques;
  • pay attention to your physical activity - it should be of medium intensity, do not allow severe overexertion.

If the above measures do not help, then most likely you need qualified help.

Doctors of various specialties — therapists, neuropathologists, oncologists, endocrinologists, andrologists, etc. — are engaged in identifying the causes and treating severe sweating of the whole body in men.

Sweating is a natural process of thermoregulation of the body. At the same time, it proceeds in each person with different intensity. However, a fairly significant number of men have excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis, which is a pathology. It occurs for various reasons.

Sweating in men appears most often due to stress. When the emotional state returns to normal, hyperhidrosis ceases to manifest itself.

Household causes of hyperhidrosis in men

The causes of increased sweating in the stronger sex are divided into two main groups: domestic and medical. Each of them should be considered in detail.

Domestic causes of excessive sweating in men are as follows:

  • ill-fitting clothes. If a man wears things out of season or they are made of materials that do not allow air to pass through, then profuse sweating is normal. In this case, you need to change clothes to one that is not too warm and made of natural fabrics, since then excellent ventilation will be provided. Moreover, if a man also has night sweats, it is recommended to replace bed linen with cotton. You can use linen sheets and pillowcases;
  • excess weight. It is noticed that excessive sweating is observed quite often in those men who have a significant body weight. It usually occurs due to improper metabolism or lack of physical activity. Here it is necessary first of all to revise your diet. You should make a choice in favor of those products that speed up metabolism. You should also go in for sports. But it is better to run in open shoes or well-breathable shoes to reduce hyperhidrosis of the legs;
  • bad hygiene. If a man neglects water procedures, then sweating will only increase. Therefore, with such a pathology, it is important to take a shower regularly. Special care must be given to the feet. After all, if there is a lack of hygiene, then the smell from them will come out very sharp and strong, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it. Along with this, you need to watch your shoes. After all, when sweating of the legs is observed, it suffers in the first place. Shoes are required not only to be washed from the inside, but also to be dried afterwards;
  • wrong diet. If a man neglects a healthy lifestyle, regularly consumes sweets, coffee, alcoholic and highly carbonated drinks, spicy and fatty foods, then excessive sweating can be observed precisely because of this. Moreover, if there is an uncontrolled introduction of all these products into the body for a long time, then hyperhidrosis can become chronic. There is only one way out - to stop drinking alcohol and sugary drinks, to introduce more vegetables, fruits, lean dishes into the diet.

Medical causes of hyperhidrosis in men

Severe sweating of the body and legs can be provoked by certain ailments, that is, the causes of the medical group. They are as follows:

  • diseases of the endocrine system. These include: diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemia, carcinoid syndrome;
  • kidney disease. They are responsible for removing fluid from the body. When the work of these organs is disturbed, then there is a strong sweating at night, as well as in the daytime. It only gets stronger with time;
  • neurological diseases. General sweating occurs in the presence of Riley-Day syndrome, Parkinson's disease, tumors of the nervous system, syphilis (this disease leads to damage to nerve fibers, resulting in hyperhidrosis);
  • tumor diseases. Excessive sweating, which is observed even at night, may occur due to lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, metastatic lesions of the spinal cord;
  • heart problems. Sweating at night and during the daytime can occur after a stroke, because it disrupts blood circulation in the areas of the brain responsible for the proper release of fluid from the body;
  • infectious diseases. Sweating in men can be observed due to malaria, lung abscess, fungal infection (strong foot odor), HIV, septicemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis. In this case, hyperhidrosis manifests itself not only at night, but also during the day. It usually proceeds in a chronic form.

Other causes of hyperhidrosis

Heavy sweating in men may be due to heredity. Usually it is local. So, in a person, only the legs, arms, armpits or forehead can sweat. In this case, it may be necessary for surgical intervention to reduce the work of the sweat glands.

Day or night sweats can be caused by taking certain medications. Typically, such a reaction of the body occurs to drugs containing pilocarpine, acetylsalicylic acid, insulin and some other substances. They provoke the release of a large amount of fluid from the body. There may even be increased sweating of the head when taking such medications. But it passes with time - after the drug intake ends, and their derivatives are removed from the body.

How to get rid of sweat?

As you can see, the causes of profuse sweating are very different. At the same time, to combat those that belong to the household group, recommendations are given to help neutralize hyperhidrosis. Medical reasons for excessive sweating are quite serious. Here it is necessary to correctly establish why hyperhidrosis arose, then begin to treat the disease. Only after you get rid of it, profuse sweating will pass.

Of course, only a doctor should diagnose diseases. He will also establish whether sweating has a domestic cause. Of course, the specialist will conduct a competent treatment that will provide the best results.

One of the unpleasant diseases is the so-called axillary hyperhidrosis.

This is a phenomenon when, for a reason not related to physical activity, extreme heat or excitement, a person sweats a lot in the armpits - this happens especially often in men and can be a signal of the body.

Letters from our readers

Topic: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: site administration

Moscow city

I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov's ointment - nothing helped.

The phenomenon when axillary hyperhidrosis occurs in a teenager is not rare. It is also possible that this pathology will intensify in the future.

The state of nervousness and even the smallest deviations from the norm of nutrition can provoke the phenomenon. As the disease progresses, there is an unpleasant smell from clothes that have absorbed sweat from the body.

This is due to the active reproduction of fungi and bacteria, which are usually present in sweat. Some specific sweat odors are associated with comorbidities. So with liver diseases, the smell of chlorine may appear, and with diabetes mellitus - acetone.

When wearing wet clothes for a long time, the skin of the armpits can be irritated and this is fraught with the development of dermatitis in this area of ​​the skin.

Also, the prolonged existence of hyperhidrosis is associated with an increase in the number of sweat glands per unit area of ​​the skin. In addition, the chemical composition of the sweat that these glands secrete can change.

Why do armpits sweat

The decisive reason why armpits sweat heavily in men is the greater intensity of the male metabolism compared to the female. Also, the causes of armpit sweating may not be associated with pathologies. They may be:

  • relatively high temperature in the environment;
  • excitement;
  • strong physical activity.

In these cases, there is no reason to worry about the state of your own body. This sweating is normal.

Pathological, axillary, hyperhidrosis is very often associated with such a phenomenon as general hyperhidrosis, in addition, in some cases it is present with localized hyperhidrosis of the legs and palms.

Causes of axillary hyperhidrosis can be as follows:

  • violation of the activity of the endocrine glands (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology);
  • stress, pathology of the nervous system, including the brain, neurocircular dystonia;
  • acute stages of diseases of an infectious nature, processes in the body associated with its intoxication;
  • menopause, lactation, pregnancy;
  • changes in hormone levels during adolescent puberty;
  • illiterate choice of deodorants, cosmetics;
  • the effect of a number of medications;
  • a large amount of salt in the diet;
  • a person wears clothes made of synthetics.

An even greater increase in the already increased sweating under the armpits in men is usually due to the fact that infectious processes develop on the skin, based on the activity of fungi or bacteria. The causes of the smell of sweat under the arms are due to the activity of the usual skin microflora, which in men has its own differences.


According to the severity of symptoms, hyperhidrosis under the arms is divided into 3 types:

  • Mild severity. Severe sweating can be observed when it is initiated by provoking factors. Surrounding people may not notice that a person is sweating more than usual. Sweat spots formed on clothes have a diameter of 10-15 centimeters.
  • With an average degree of pathology, it is difficult for a person to visit public places, especially in the summer. The person experiences depression and awkwardness and is forced to change clothes for clean clothes several times a day. The diameter of the resulting sweat spots reaches 20-30 centimeters.
  • A severe degree of the disease is often fraught with the development of a general type of disease; others can significantly limit contact with the sick person - the reason for this is the presence of a sharp bad smell, consistently wet clothes, on which spots of colossal size can often be observed. Sweat flows down the body in trickles.

All cases of axillary hyperhidrosis are cause for concern. That is, increased sweating under the armpits during sports and other physical activities should not cause a person to worry.

Also, if a person is worried or just in the heat, and at the same time there is hyperhidrosis in the armpits, then this should be treated as a common occurrence.

You should always pay attention to the smell of sweat. The appearance of specific odors, characteristic, for example, of chlorine (liver disease) and acetone (diabetes mellitus) may indicate pathologies more serious than hyperhidrosis.

Thus, the level of intensity of perspiration and its odor require special attention in underarm perspiration.

For effective treatment of armpit sweating at home, experts advise complex "Dry Control". This is a unique tool:

  • Normalizes the psycho-emotional state
  • Stabilizes perspiration
  • Completely suppresses odor
  • Eliminates the causes of excessive sweating
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications
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If a problem is found, the first thing to do on your own even before seeing a doctor is to carefully analyze the following aspects of life for the presence of factors initiating increased sweating:

  • daily regimen (the presence or absence of behavioral and external factors in it that increase sweating and are not the initiators of axillary hyperhidrosis);
  • drugs used;
  • diet;
  • the material and amount of clothing you wear (synthetic clothing, just very warm or a large amount of it - sweat-causing factors).

Even before seeing a doctor, a person can make an attempt to remove all the factors involved in increasing the sweating function, and observe the intensity of sweating already without interference. Such a kind of experiment will help someone who has a problem to better deal with its causes himself.

In the case when the sweat has an unusual smell, then you can’t do without medical help and the first thing you need to do is visit the hospital. But in order to make the diagnosis of the patient more successful, you should definitely take the instructions for the medications you take with you to the hospital, if any, and study them if possible. After all, the intensity of sweating, the composition and smell of sweat may depend on the pharmacological preparations taken.

Diagnosis of the disease

The main task of the therapist who conducts the initial examination is to establish the correct causes of the phenomenon by eliminating all possible factors of such an impact on the patient's physiology.

To do this, the specialist prescribes an examination for those diseases that are usually associated with excessive sweating of the armpits in men. This includes consulting a number of narrower specialists, such as a neurologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.

One of the doctor's tasks is to diagnose the presence or absence of signs of axillary hidradenitis (inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpits, sometimes accompanied by accumulation of pus). When axillary hyperhidrosis becomes general, the patient has to take urine and blood tests, as well as a chest x-ray.

Situations where the pathological process is aggravated by an infection caused by a fungus or a bacterium force doctors to take a smear in the area prone to infection in order to identify the pathogen.


The doctor chooses the method of treatment. He is guided by the degree to which the symptoms of the disease are expressed, as well as individual contraindications to certain prescribed drugs. If it is already clear why a man’s armpits sweat a lot, then what to do if this reason is pathological?

The most important goal in this case should be to comply with the general recommendations. The importance of observing each of their points separately should also be mentioned. This need is due to the requirement: to exclude all provoking factors from the patient's life.

  • adherence to a diet in which there is a dietary restriction regarding salty and spicy foods, while spices should be excluded altogether, the same measure should befall coffee - this item is paramount for all forms of axillary hyperhidrosis;
  • hypnosis, psychotherapeutic methods of treatment, psychological counseling - can greatly simplify the task of treating the described pathology.

The use of medications in this case can be aimed both at blocking the sweat-excretory functioning of the sweat glands, and at eliminating the activity of the microflora of the armpits in order to get rid of the smell of sweat that causes discomfort. Here are a number of medications used for this:

  • calcium channel blockers;
  • local funds aimed at reducing sweating (formidon, Teymur paste);
  • systemic anticholiergics - are effective in reducing sweating function, but have a considerable number of side effects, and do not recommend their use for a long time;
  • sedative therapy;
  • ointments and creams, antiperspirants containing aluminum salts;
  • locally acting bactericidal preparations.

Agents are injected into the armpit area that work as blockers of nerve impulses to the sweat glands. Examples of such drugs are Botox and Dysport. Their action lasts from 6 to 8 months.

This method for the specified period significantly reduces the intensity of sweating in the armpit and is the most effective at the present stage.

Physiotherapy treatment

In some cases, it is possible to use physiotherapy:

  • Electrophoresis. It is used in courses. The influence of pulses of low-voltage electric current can effectively reduce the amount of sweating, but can cause a large number of side effects.
  • Radiation therapy. Local irradiation of the armpit area leads to a decrease in perspiration in it for 2-3 months. Since such therapy is fraught with threatening consequences, it is rarely used.
  • Iontophoresis. Gauze tampons are soaked with water, applied to the armpit area, then the area with tampons is affected by discharges of a weak electric current, which is generated by a special apparatus. Treatment course with the duration of one course of 5 to 10 procedures.

Surgical intervention

The last resort in the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis is surgical methods.

  • Endoscopic sympathectomy. An electric current destroys the integrity of the nerve trunk or imposes a metal clip on it, thereby limiting its function. It is carried out endoscopically, using a previously done minor puncture in the chest area.
  • Curettage. A skin incision is also made in the axillary zone and the sweat glands are “scraped out” through it. Along with this, the destruction of small nerve endings that adjoined to them occurs.
  • An open adenotomy consists in excising the sweat glands in the area that causes problems. The method usually leaves behind traumatic consequences in the form of scars and scars. Long-term rehabilitation is needed.
  • Liposuction. Using an endoscope, some part of the tissue related to the armpit area is removed. This is accompanied by destruction of the sympathetic nerves, which leads to a decrease in hyperhidrosis.
  • laser therapy. A medical laser affects the sweat glands in the armpit, which leads to their destruction.

The use of folk remedies

There are many folk remedies that can be used in the practice of treating axillary hyperhidrosis. Their use is relevant before a visit to the doctor. Also, their use is possible at the discretion of the doctor, who decides on further treatment of the problem.

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