Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases

The skin is one of the most accessible organs for research. Although it seems that the diagnosis of skin diseases in this case will be simple, this is a misleading impression, especially if we take into account the staging of a number of dermatoses, which is why the dermatologist is forced to recognize hundreds and thousands of variants of skin pathologies.

One of the most commonly used diagnostic methods in dermatology is a visual examination, so a dermatologist must have a good knowledge of the external signs of skin diseases. However, this is not enough, because like any doctor, in order to properly process the results of the examination, a dermatologist must have the ability to think logically and critically. Any attempt to establish a diagnosis based on a cursory superficial examination most often leads to error and should be excluded. Therefore, diagnosing diseases of the skin is quite difficult and requires considerable experience.

A general examination in most cases makes it possible to establish a correct diagnosis, based on a combination of symptoms observed on the skin and which the patients themselves often do not pay attention to. These are most often symptoms such as peeling, scarring, dry skin, etc.

When diagnosing, attention should be paid to the nature of the rash, what constituent elements it consists of, the color of these elements, their localization and location relative to each other, the condition of the skin appendages, etc. During examination, it is usually necessary to palpate the affected area in order to check their density. This allows you to identify some elements of diseases that can be masked by hyperemia from inflammation of the surrounding skin areas.

In addition, the dermatologist gets acquainted with the elasticity of the skin, studies their color and the state of sebum secretion and sweating. Find out the condition of the skin appendages. In many cases, scraping of the affected areas of the skin is used, which makes it possible to determine a number of pathologies, such as elongation of the papillae of the skin, the form of peeling, etc.

After these procedures, a patient history is compiled. Compilation is based on finding out the severity of the disease and its onset, duration, localization, symptoms, prevalence of the process, family history, previous treatment, etc.

The main goal of taking anamnesis is to study the etiological factors that could contribute to the appearance of dermatosis. In this case, it is necessary to take into account both endogenous factors (that is, pathologies in metabolism, a- and hypovitaminosis, vascular disorders, hereditary factors, endocrine disorders, intoxication of the body caused by disturbances in the functioning of individual organs), and exogenous (chemical, physical, mechanical, infectious agents, etc.), as well as the likelihood of a combined effect of endogenous and exogenous factors. For example, many chronic dermatoses, which are accompanied by morphological granulomatous manifestations, such as leprosy, lupus vulgaris, and others, persist and develop over a long period of time, often over many years. Diseases of the skin that were initiated by exogenous factors: chemical-physical (chemical burns, sunburn), infectious (viruses, bacteria) or allergic, as a rule, occur in an acute form.

In some cases, laboratory tests may be necessary. These include those studies with which you can find the causative agent of the disease, as well as find out the etiology of the disease, for example, find a scabies mite, detect a fungus when diagnosing diseases of the scalp, etc.

Also, in isolated cases, it is required to resort to laboratory tests of a different type - bacteriological. In this case, the sowing of the material taken from the patient occurs. Histopathological and biochemical studies can also be used.

In this case, the diagnosis is established based on the results of processing a set of data from the results of studies, visual examination and information from the anamnesis.

Dermatology- a branch of medicine that studies the functioning and structure of the skin, as well as mucous membranes, hair, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands; solves the problems of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of skin diseases.

A specialist who identifies skin diseases and prescribes treatment when dermatological diseases are detected is called a dermatologist.

History of dermatology

For the first time, mention of skin diseases is found in the manuscripts of ancient healers in China and Egypt. The great scientists Avicenna and Hippocrates were engaged in the development of methods for the treatment and diagnosis of such pathologies, but such a branch of medicine stood out as an independent direction only by the beginning of the 17th century, which was associated with a thorough study of the functioning and structure of the skin, and, of course, the invention of the first microscopic devices.

As a result of scientific justification and similar studies, a classification of skin diseases was first developed in 1776. This direction of medicine in Russia received scientific development at the end of the 18th century. A significant contribution to world and domestic science was made by such scientists as A.I. Pospelov, N.P. Mansurov, I.F. Zelenov and others.

Modern dermatology has been able to achieve significant development in the treatment and diagnosis of various pathologies due to the development of innovative technologies and accumulated experience. Today, this industry has close ties with phlebology, venereology, endocrinology, surgery and other medical areas, which is fully due to the need for a detailed study of various dermatological problems. This approach to a greater extent allows improving the already acquired knowledge, as well as developing new methods in the field of laser treatment, plastic surgery, immunotherapy and creating new, more effective drugs.

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Directions and tasks of dermatology

Despite numerous connections with different sciences, the closest area for dermatology is venereology. In dermatology, there are more and more new areas that are engaged in a detailed study of certain pathologies and diseases:

    Dermatocosmetology is a medical science that deals with the diagnosis of the causes of occurrence and the creation of methods for eliminating any cosmetic skin defects.

    Mycology is a branch of dermatology that studies fungal diseases.

    Trichology is a science that specializes in hair diseases.

    Pediatric dermatology is a science that studies the characteristics of children's skin diseases.

    Dermato-oncology - studies skin neoplasms for their good quality.

    Gerontodermatology is a branch of dermatology that deals with skin diseases in the elderly.

Causes and symptoms of skin diseases

Leather- the largest organ of the human body, which is visible to the eye. It, like a litmus test, demonstrates the state of all organs and systems, protects them from mechanical influences and infections.

Through the nervous, lymphatic, endocrine and circulatory systems, the skin is connected to almost the entire body. No wonder the diseases of most organs in a certain way affect the condition of the skin, nails, hair, mucous membranes.

For example, everyone is well aware that the skin with liver diseases acquires a yellowish tint; with scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, the body becomes covered with a rash; persistent furunculosis can talk about the development of diabetes, problems in gynecology manifest themselves as acne on the neck, cheeks, chin.

The functional diversity of the skin, its structure and the impact on it of many internal and external factors characterizes the variety of dermatological diseases - dermatoses. Exogenous (external) factors that affect the appearance of skin diseases include:

  1. Biological factors causing:

    fungal skin lesions - mycoses: epidermophytosis, microsporia;

    pustular diseases - pyoderma: furunculosis, hidradenitis, impetigo;

    viral lesions - herpes, warts;

  1. Physical and chemical factors that cause the formation of inflammatory skin diseases - dermatitis: abrasions, diaper rash, burns.

Endogenous (internal) factors have a strong influence on the appearance of many skin diseases:

    diseases of the nervous system;

    metabolic disease;


    internal diseases of the systems;

    chronic foci of infection.

All of the above factors can act as a source of various deviations in the functionality of the skin and mucous membranes. Among the most common signs of skin diseases, the appearance of which you need to urgently consult a dermatologist, there are:

    changes in skin color and texture;

    skin rashes;

    itching, burning, soreness of the skin.

Dermatological diseases

Among the diseases that dermatology studies:

    occupational dermatological diseases;

    diseases that depend on changes in the reactivity of the body;

    skin diseases accompanied by intense itching (they talk about diseases of the internal organs) and neurotic disorders;

    hereditary skin lesions that are chronic in nature;

    pathological condition of the skin caused by changes in the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands and deviations in the chemical. composition of sebum.

It's no secret that most dermatoses are difficult to treat and are characterized by a chronic relapsing nature of the course.

The most common skin diseases:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • lichen;
  • demodicosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • various mycoses and allergies;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • vitiligo;
  • streptoderma;
  • scleroderma;
  • erythema;
  • hives;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • acne (acne disease).

Such skin diseases cause a lot of aesthetic inconvenience to people, they destroy the skin and its appendages (nails, hair and sweat glands), disrupting its natural functions - immune, protective, thermoregulatory, receptor and metabolic.

Modern dermatology

In our time, the development of dermatology does not stop. The emergence of new methods for the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases allows modern dermatology to make a breakthrough into the future. New techniques provide an opportunity to accurately and quickly determine the cause of a particular skin disease and establish an effective treatment. Often, when conducting skin examinations, dermatologists advise visiting other doctors, since a skin disease is only an external manifestation of a malfunction in a certain body system.

Now modern diagnostic methods for examining the skin, nails, mucous membranes, hair are used: instrumental, laboratory, radiological, skin tests are carried out.

Treatment of skin diseases will require patience and compliance with all doctor's prescriptions. The main role in successful treatment is played by the exact observance of the regimen of diets and drug therapy, the correct regular hygiene of the diseased skin area. In the treatment of skin diseases, physiotherapy and apparatus procedures, psychotherapy, spa treatment, herbal medicine are widely used.

Thanks to more advanced therapeutic and diagnostic methods, it is possible to achieve a cure for many skin diseases that until recently were considered incurable.

Dermatology on the site portal

Skin diseases of various etiologies are very diverse and widespread, so our medical portal introduces all visitors to various signs, advanced methods of treatment and methods for diagnosing dermatological diseases.

Few people know that the human skin is the largest organ in the body. The skin area on the body is about two square meters. Based on this, it is quite logical to assume that the number of skin diseases includes a considerable list.

In addition to the fact that the human skin performs a protective and immune function of the body, it also regulates temperature, water balance and many sensations. That is why it is so important to protect the skin from the effects of various diseases. This task is the most important in terms of prevention.

Below you can find out which of the most common skin diseases can occur in a person and see their photos. Here you can get acquainted with the description of diseases, as well as with the symptoms and causes of the disease. You should immediately pay attention to the fact that many skin diseases can be cured without much difficulty.

What are skin diseases in humans?

Skin diseases can be of various origins. All of them differ in their appearance, symptoms and cause of formation.

Dermatitis is a rash in the form of bubbles, peeling, discomfort, itching, burning, and so on. The reasons may be different, depending on which several varieties of dermatitis are distinguished, for example, infectious, allergic, atopic, food, etc.

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Photos and names of skin diseases in humans

Now it’s worth considering a photo of the main diseases of the skin, and below get acquainted with their symptoms, causes and description.

The most common skin diseases:

  1. Papilloma

The disease of the sebaceous glands is called, which is characterized by clogging and the formation of inflammation of the follicles. People often call this skin disease acne.

The main causes of acne:

Acne symptoms:

  • The formation of comedones in the form of black or white acne.
  • Formation of deep acne: papules and pustules.
  • The defeat of the chest, face, back and shoulders.
  • The formation of redness and tuberosity.
  • The appearance of purulent acne.

Dermatitis is any inflammation of the skin. There are several types of dermatitis. The most common types of dermatitis are: contact, diaper, seborrheic, atopic.

Despite this, dermatitis has some main causes:

Symptoms of skin dermatitis:

  • The appearance of burning and itching.
  • Formation of blisters on the skin.
  • The presence of swelling.
  • The formation of redness at the site of inflammation.
  • Formation of scales and dry crusts.

Here you can learn in detail about the features and treatment of inflammation, as well as see.

Such a skin disease as lichen includes a number of several varieties. Each of these species is distinguished by its pathogen, type of rash, localization and infectivity.

Detailed information about the types of this disease can be found on the website.

The main causes of lichen on the human skin:

Symptoms of lichen disease:

  • The formation of colored and flaky spots.
  • The formation of spots on any part of the body, depending on the type of disease.
  • Some species are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Herpes is a very common skin disease. Most of the world's population at least once faced with this disease.

This disease is accompanied by thickening and keratinization of human skin. With the development of keratosis, pain and bleeding wounds may appear.

The main causes of keratosis:

Symptoms of the manifestation of keratosis:

  • Roughness and unevenness of the skin in the first stage of the disease.
  • The formation of hard brown or red spots.
  • Peeling of the skin around the formations.
  • The presence of itching.

Carcinoma is considered one of the signs of the development of skin cancer.

The disease can form on any part of the skin. A sharp increase in the number of moles on the body should already be alarming.

The main symptoms of carcinoma:

  • The formation of pearly or shiny cones.
  • Ulcer formation.
  • Formation of pink convex spots.

hemangioma called a benign formation on the skin due to a vascular defect, which is most often manifested in children. Outwardly, the disease is a bumpy spots of a red hue.

Causes of hemangioma:

Symptoms of a hemangioma:

  • At the initial stage, the formation is a faint spot in the face or neck of the child.
  • Spot redness.
  • The stain becomes burgundy.

Melanoma is another sign of skin cancer. At the first sign of melanoma, you should consult a doctor.

The main symptoms of melanoma:


papilloma A benign tumor is called, which appears on the surface of the skin in the form of a small growth.

Causes of papilloma:

The main symptoms of papilloma:

  • The formation of a pink or bodily growth.
  • The size of the formation can reach several centimeters.
  • The formation of a common wart.

It is customary to call a group of fungal diseases of the skin. As a rule, this disease occurs in 20% of the inhabitants of the planet. The main cause of dermatomycosis in humans is the ingress of fungi on the skin or mucous area of ​​a person.

Symptoms of ringworm:

  • The formation of red spots, which are covered with scales.
  • The presence of itching.
  • Hair loss and breakage.
  • Delamination of nails.


As a rule, skin diseases are treated in the following ways:

  • Compliance with the diet and proper diet, the use of the necessary vitamins.
  • Treatment with drugs to boost the immune system.
  • The use of antibiotics if the skin disease has become severe.
  • External treatment with ointments and creams.

It is important to note that any treatment should begin only after the establishment of the disease itself and its causes by a specialist. So do not neglect to visit a doctor at the first symptoms of a skin disease.


You should also not forget that The best treatment for skin diseases is prevention. Elementary preventive methods are: personal hygiene, diet and precautions during outdoor recreation.

Before treatment of a dermatological disease is started, it is necessary to diagnose and make an accurate diagnosis. Each patient has the right to count on increased attention to himself and the provision of truly worthy medical care. It is mandatory to conduct a thorough examination, because skin diseases are caused by internal disorders in the human body.

Due to the fact that the causes of the development of diseases turn out to be truly different, a complete examination is required, which is the basis for a correct, reliable diagnosis. Modern medical centers can use state-of-the-art equipment, which is sure to be truly useful for carrying out diagnostic measures and determining further actions.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to use various diagnostic methods: laboratory, general clinical, hardware, histological, microbiological, biochemical. It is important to note that it is customary to use dermatoscopy to diagnose skin cancer.

What should be included in a full screening program?

1. Examination of the patient by a dermatologist.

2. Collecting an anamnesis, which involves conducting a survey that allows you to find out about past diseases, medications taken. At this stage, the features of the life of a sick person and his state of health, including mental health, are taken into account.

3. Blood and urine analysis.

4. Scrapings that are required for histological as well as histochemical analysis.

5. Blood test for HIV and syphilis.

7. Dermoscopy of moles and neoplasms. This technique also allows timely detection of melanoma.

9. Endoscopic examination, which involves the use of optical instruments.

10. Consultations. In some cases, a neurologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and allergist may be involved.

Modern methods of treatment of dermatological diseases

Modern dermatology has managed to please the emergence of numerous techniques that can successfully treat even complex dermatological diseases. After a correctly established diagnosis and the correct method of treatment, it becomes possible to note worthy dynamics and achieve recovery.

For acne, you can use EHF-therapy, for the treatment of skin cancer - photochemotherapy, which immediately implies the possibility of successful treatment of even the most complex diseases. To remove skin lesions, a special procedure based on liquid nitrogen, called cryodestruction, is often used. Immunotherapy can be used to strengthen a person's immunity.

For the treatment of complex pathologies, the treatment with own stem cells is successfully used. So, as you have already understood, modern medicine allows you to successfully treat serious dermatological diseases.

At first glance, it seems that diagnosing a skin disease is as easy as shelling pears, because it is the most accessible organ for research. But in fact, this is absolutely not the case. The thing is that there are so many different dermatoses that a dermatologist sometimes has to make a lot of attempts to recognize skin changes.

Due to the fact that all problems associated with the skin, first of all, the diagnosis of skin diseases is examined by the eyes, first of all, it is based on the examination of the skin and mucous membranes. Well, of course, in addition to the examination, the doctor must have logical thinking. If the doctor will be based on only one examination, then this is unlikely to lead to the correct diagnosis.

The first step in making a diagnosis is the history taking. The doctor must thoroughly ask the patient about how the disease began, what symptoms are inherent in it, etc. through the collection of anamnesis, the doctor will be able to find out what causes this or that disease. Well, for example, one skin disease can be caused by a violation of the immune system, and the other due to the fact that a person often comes into contact with harmful substances.

In most cases, anamnesis is taken before the start of the examination.

What should be included in the anamnesis?

  • All complaints related to the disease that the patient only has.
  • The dermatologist must necessarily clarify such information as:
  • Has the patient had previous cases of this disease?
  • How does the disease develop? Have there been relapses?
  • How exactly does the skin cover change and for how long does this happen?

In addition to all of the above, the doctor must establish whether the patient is worried about his existing disease. Often, skin diseases occur with such unpleasant symptoms as itching, burning, redness of the skin, etc. that is why the patient should be asked about his worries. Very often, patients with skin diseases complain of severe itching. But sometimes it happens that rashes do not bother a person at all. For example, with syphilis, a rash appears on the skin, which is just there and that's it.

If the doctor has suspicions about the allergic nature of the disease (yes, if not, too), he should ask the patient about what medications he has been taking lately. In most cases, that the patient once took this or that drug, he remembers only when he is asked about it by a dermatologist.

It is very important that the diagnosis of skin diseases is also based on a very important point - as an anamnesis of the patient's life. Well, for example, a person who comes to the doctor with a problem with a skin disease can work as a painter at a construction site. This information is extremely important. the cause of dermatosis may lie precisely in the profession of the patient. This means that a person with a skin disease due to prolonged contact with paints has earned himself a skin disease.

After the dermatologist receives all the necessary information, he can begin to examine the skin.

  • Inspection should begin with the affected area, but, nevertheless, the entire body of the patient should be examined.
  • Inspection must be carried out in diffused daylight. It will also be just great if the doctor has a magnifying glass and an additional side light source.

In conclusion, I also want to say that if you find any rashes in yourself and whether they interfere with you or not, go through it without fail. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose and prescribe the right treatment.

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