Gastroenterocolitis ICD code 10. Drug treatment of colitis. The role of diet in the treatment of acute gastroenteritis

  • monitor the incidence of a specific pathology, as well as any other medical problems;
  • easy to differentiate developing disease;
  • eliminate inaccuracies in the diagnosis and name of diseases;
  • to exchange experience between physicians from different countries peace.


According to ICD 10, gastroenteritis has the code K52, which has absorbed all types and phases of inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive canal.

Gastroenteritis is a fairly common pathology, especially in countries with an undeveloped system medical care and sharp social problems. In the past, its sharp form claimed millions of human lives. Modern approaches treatment improved the situation, and now the mortality from gastroenteritis has decreased by almost 3 times.

The disease can be acute or chronic. Most often it is caused by viruses, therefore, in common people it is also called "stomach flu".

Etiology of the disease

According to the ICD, acute gastroenteritis is listed in the same category. The infectious agent of the acute form is a virus from the Reoviridae family. It has several varieties. Some affect people, others animals. In 25% of cases, symptoms acute poisoning and intestinal disorder, characteristic of travelers' illnesses, are caused precisely by the acute gastroenteritis virus.

Rotaviruses perfectly tolerate any adverse factors habitat. In excrement, they remain viable for 7 months, on vegetables up to 30 days, in water heated to a temperature above 20 ° C, up to 60 days.

Man is the source of the company viral infection, especially at the initial stage of infection (the first 7 days). In the future, the likelihood of infection decreases. Viruses can be isolated by a person even several months after the illness, when symptoms are practically absent, but this happens extremely rarely.

Asymptomatic gastroenteritis can occur in adults, which cannot be said about children. In young patients, as a rule, there is an acute form of the disease. This is due to the immaturity of their immune system. Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to rotaviruses.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis

Rotavirus incubation lasts 1-5 days. This period is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

The mild form is characterized by a single vomiting, while diarrhea (up to 6 times a day) can bother you for a week. Patients may complain of headaches, heaviness in the abdomen, causeless weakness, pain in the epigastric region, poor appetite.

Severe gastroenteritis is characterized by frothy stools (up to 12-15 times per knock) with mucus.

Diagnosis of gastroenteritis

During an internal examination, the doctor already states the following signs of the disease:

  • body temperature from 37.1 to 37.3 ° C;
  • muffled heart tone;
  • white-gray coating on the tongue;
  • swelling of the pharynx;
  • rumbling in the intestines;
  • weakness.

Severe forms of stomach flu are characterized by heat and dehydration. Gastroenteritis is often accompanied by: rhinitis, pharyngitis and other complications of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of gastroenteritis

Modern gastroenterology does not have tactics capable of conducting etiotropic therapy for acute gastroenteritis in order to exclude the cause of the disease.

With early symptoms, first aid is given by appointment:

  • bed rest;
  • smoking cessation;
  • easily digestible diet, but only at the end of the acute phase of the disease;
  • plentiful drink;
  • fasting for 1-2 days.

With the defeat of newborns with rotavirus infection, breastfeeding continues.

Of the medicines, the doctor may prescribe:

  • astringent preparations;
  • adsorbents;
  • polyenzymatic formulations, for example, Festal.

With the help of rehydrants, it is possible to avoid dehydration of the body.

Alimentary gastroenteritis

A patient with a diagnosis of "alimentary gastroenteritis" has an ICD code 10 K52.2 in his medical history. It can be provoked by: the use of strong alcoholic drinks, spicy or rough food, overeating. In such cases, the physician needs to receive additional information about the irritating factors that provoked the disease.

With the alimentary form of the "stomach flu", the patient has a fever, pain in the navel, nausea. The vomit contains undigested food and smells like acetone.

Vivid symptoms require urgent hospitalization, where in a hospital the patient receives laxatives, he is given a gastric lavage. The patient is forbidden to eat. So that the digestive system can recover, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. In case of severe intoxication, administration of glucose is possible.

From medicines, the patient receives preparations containing beneficial enzymes, as well as compounds that normalize the intestinal microflora. In the treatment of the disease, a single therapeutic tactic is used, regardless of the country of residence of the patient and the doctor.

Untreated gastroenteritis can lead to complications such as:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic gastroenteritis;
  • poisoning of the most important organ systems;
  • bleeding in the alimentary canal;
  • collapse;
  • toxic or hypovolemic shock.

Preventive measures consist of:

  • in personal hygiene;
  • in careful heat treatment food;
  • in the exclusion of dishes containing a large amount of fiber and animal fats;
  • in the rejection of alcohol abuse;
  • to avoid taking drugs without the approval of the attending physician;
  • in the exclusion from the diet of unknown species of mushrooms and raw eggs.

Compliance preventive measures can not always protect a person from stomach flu. Therefore, nausea and vomiting should be the reason for an immediate appeal to the gastroenterologist's office.

Features of the diet for pancreatitis and gastritis

Pancreatitis and gastritis are common diseases gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas malfunctions. Diseases of the gallbladder lead to the development of this pathology, duodenum, all kinds of poisoning chemicals, including alcohol, increased blood pressure, diabetes, allergic reactions and all kinds of infectious diseases.

Gastritis is a disease in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed and its functions are disturbed. There are many types of gastritis. This disease can occur both in acute and chronic form, and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Diet Features

Constant stress, bad habits, unbalanced diet with excessive consumption of spicy, smoked, fried foods irritate the gastric mucosa and lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. And quite often both diseases - gastritis and pancreatitis - cover a person at the same time. In addition to medical treatment and use folk ways Treatment is important to adhere to the diet and diet.

Properly selected diet for pancreatitis and gastritis contributes to the normalization of the digestive process.

In addition to following the diet, you must be guided by some rules for eating. These include the following:

  1. It is necessary to drink as much water as possible throughout the day (about 8 glasses a day in small sips).
  2. During the day, you need to eat in small portions, but more often. The stomach should not be empty, while there should be plenty of time for the digestion of food.
  3. You should take fewer foods that increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract and have negative impact on the pancreas (exclude fatty, fried, smoked foods from the diet).
  4. It is important to stop eating two hours before bedtime.
  5. It is recommended to minimize the consumption of pastries, cheeses, cucumbers, radishes and mushrooms.
  6. Do not consume too hot or excessive cold food and choose the optimum temperature.

It is important to follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. After all, in each case it is different. Diet, as well as treatment, is prescribed depending on the level of acidity in the stomach, the severity of the disease. With gastritis with high acidity, the same dietary requirements are imposed, with gastritis with low acidity– other requirements. In the first case, it is forbidden to use rich meat, fish and mushroom broths, as well as semi-finished products. If there is not enough hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, it is important to consume foods that stimulate the secretion of the digestive organs in the human body. In this case, it is important to give preference to rich broths, pickled and salty foods that increase acid formation.

Chronic pancreatitis requires proper nutrition with a strict diet for several years. The main principle of the diet for pancreatitis is not to overload the pancreas, the normal functioning of which contributes to the full breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the normalization of metabolic processes in cells and tissues located in the duodenal region, and ensuring the proper functioning of the body as a whole. In the acute form of the course of pancreatitis in the first days, it is not recommended to use any products, it is enough to drink a decoction of wild rose or mineral water. Then gradually move to light meals giving preference to low-calorie foods.

Product List

Nutrition for gastritis and pancreatitis should be balanced, based on foods that are easily digestible. Together with the attending physician, it is necessary to draw up sample menu based on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. It is important throughout the course of treatment of the disease and recovery of the body to be guided by the principle of dietary nutrition with the inclusion of all permitted foods in the diet and follow the recommendations for cooking.

Consider the main list - a list of foods that should be included in the diet during the diet for pancreatitis and gastritis:

  • chicken eggs;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • liquid cereals and soups;
  • cereals - buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy and sour-milk products, in particular fatty cottage cheese;
  • yesterday's bread


Depending on the nutritional value of food, the diet is divided into two types:

  1. Basic with content required amount food energy. It includes a breakfast of vegetables or cereals, an afternoon snack of hearty but doctor-recommended meals, and a dinner of easily digestible foods.
  2. Low-calorie with the inclusion of low-calorie ingredients in the diet, in particular vegetables, fruits and berries.

Features of the use of products during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are as follows:

  • Bread products should be made from premium flour and be sure to be slightly dried.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be steamed or baked in the oven. You can gradually introduce fresh tomatoes but not more than 2-3 times a week. What fruits can you have with gastritis, the doctor will tell you. Basically, they allow apples, bananas, baked pears or compotes, jelly based on them. Vegetables must also be included in the diet. With pancreatitis, abandon those vegetables that contain large amounts of fiber.
  • Be sure to include boiled lean fish in the diet. You should also know which fish can be included in the diet - only low-fat species (cod, tuna, and others). With gastritis with low acidity, the use of herring is allowed.
  • Soups should be prepared with vegetable broths or milk.
  • Kashi is best cooked from buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. It is allowed to add a little oil - butter or vegetable.
  • Meat should be taken dietary with minimum percentage fat content. It is recommended to give preference to chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal or beef, as well as lean duck breeds. From meat dishes you can cook steam cutlets.
  • From fermented milk products, low-fat kefir or cottage cheese is allowed. But you should abandon fermented milk products if a diagnosis is made - gastritis with high acidity.
  • It is allowed to consume honey, homemade jam or dry cookies in a minimum amount.
  • You should drink compotes from dried fruits, decoctions of rose hips without sugar, weak black tea or green tea.
  • Pasta is allowed in small quantities.
  • As a dessert, you can use jelly from non-acidic berries or fruits.
  • Bouillons from lean meat, vegetables and fish are allowed.

If you eat right in compliance with the diet, temperature regime products, cooking features, then a positive result will be quickly achieved.


  • fish and meat containing a high percentage of fat content (pork, goose and fatty duck);
  • first courses, namely borscht, hodgepodge, pickle, fatty broths;
  • cereals from corn, eggs, pearl barley, beans, peas and others that cause bloating;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, spinach, cabbage, which irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • all types of hard cheeses;
  • raw fruits;
  • fresh or rye bread;
  • sweets, including chocolate, ice cream, sweet bakery products, especially fresh;
  • all types of sausage products;
  • preservation, smoked products, spices;
  • carbonated drinks, strong coffee, alcohol;
  • fresh milk;
  • mushrooms in various forms;
  • seeds and nuts.

Basically, all products from the presented list are forbidden to be consumed, but depending on the degree of the disease and the level of acidity in the stomach, when compiling the diet, the gastroenterologist may allow them to be used in small quantities when preparing certain dishes.

Menu for the week

Proper diet for pancreatitis and gastritis allows you to normalize the work internal organs. It is important not only to make a menu for every day, but also to strictly follow its rules.

Sample menu for the week:

  • On the first day: for breakfast they recommend tea and bread with butter, a snack - a light vegetable salad, for lunch - boiled dietary meat, pasta soup, any vegetable dish, afternoon snack - cottage cheese casserole, before going to bed - a glass of kefir.
  • On the second day, you can have an omelette for breakfast, a snack - baked fruits, compote, for lunch - rice or buckwheat porridge with fish, for dinner - light steamed meatballs, rosehip broth, before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.
  • On the third day: 1st meal - cheesecakes, snack - kefir with biscuit cookies, lunch - any soup from zucchini or carrots, for dinner - fish casserole, before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

In the following days, the diet is about the same, only it should be diversified by introducing cottage cheese for a snack, you can add vegetable stew for lunch or soup with meatballs, baked vegetables.

Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis (K52)

Drug-induced gastroenteritis and colitis

If necessary, identify medicinal product, with drug origin, or a toxic substance use an additional code external causes(class XX).

Hypersensitivity food enteritis and colitis

Excludes: colitis of uncertain origin (A09.9)

Eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis

Microscopic colitis (collagenous colitis or lymphocytic colitis)


  • colitis, diarrhea, enteritis, gastroenteritis:
    • infectious (A09.0)
    • unspecified origin (A09.9)
  • functional diarrhea (K59.1)
  • neonatal diarrhea (noninfectious) (P78.3)
  • psychogenic diarrhea (F45.3)

In Russia International classification diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10) is adopted as a single regulatory document for accounting for morbidity, reasons for the population to apply to medical institutions of all departments, and causes of death.

ICD-10 was introduced into healthcare practice throughout the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated May 27, 1997. №170

The publication of a new revision (ICD-11) is planned by WHO in 2017 2018.

With amendments and additions by WHO.

Processing and translation of changes ©

Acute gastroenteritis

To shorten long descriptions of diseases, special ciphers are used in medicine. The main code for acute gastroenteritis according to ICD 10 is K52. At the same time, various types of the disease, including colitis, are classified in sections K50-K52.

For infectious infection has its own designation. Clarification A09 is added to the main code. There are also subsections that determine the nature of the disease.

What do ICD 10 codes define?

Since diseases of the digestive system can be chronic, appear in the course of malnutrition or infection, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis for the patient. This will allow you to choose the right course of treatment and reduce the number of entries in the medical history. ICD 10 code for gastroenteritis non-infectious nature designated as K52. At the same time, a clarification is added through the dot, for example, "K52.2 - allergic or alimentary gastroenteritis and colitis."

Symptoms of acute gastroenteritis

Non-infectious enteritis occurs for various reasons, but the development of the disease manifests itself in the same way in most cases.

Patients experience:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating and gas formation in the intestines;
  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • temperature rise by 1-3 degrees;
  • mucus impurities and so on appear in the feces.

Also, patients experience a decrease in appetite, chills, weakness, and other deterioration in activity.

Causes of gastroenteritis

Despite the prevalence of the disease, it does not occur in all circumstances. Acute gastroenterocolitis according to ICD 10 refers to non-communicable diseases, however, the causes of its occurrence are:

  • Viruses and bacteria. There are a large number of them. The main ones are: company viruses, campylobacter, noraviruses, salmonella and others.
  • Prolonged use of antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis, as well as other organs associated with the digestive and urinary system. During the use of drugs, the balance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed.

It is also worth noting the influence external factors contributing to the rapid development of the disease. These include:

  • the use of thermally unprocessed foods in food;
  • close contact with a carrier of the infection;
  • consumption of expired products.

Also, the cause may be the development of gastritis. The intestine interacts directly with the stomach, so complications are transmitted to the interacting organs.

Prevention of acute gastroenteritis

To avoid problems with the intestines, it is necessary to prevent the possibility of the occurrence of the disease.

The main forms of prevention are:

  • periodic examinations of the intestine;
  • refusal to eat raw foods;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene after contact with an infected person;
  • thorough washing of fruits and vegetables.

Treatment of gastroenteritis is more complex. To properly get rid of the disease, you will need to undergo a diagnosis and strictly follow the treatment methods indicated by the doctor. It is not recommended to purchase medicines on your own, since they can cause the development of gastroenteritis.

Thanks for posting, it's very well written!

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  • Scottped on Acute gastroenteritis

Self-medication can be hazardous to your health. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Characteristics of the disease of acute gastroenteritis and the disease code according to ICD-10

Each form of inflammation according to the international classification of various diseases has its own separate code. So here is the ICD 10 code for acute gastroenteritis - A09. However, some countries consider this disease as non-infectious, in which case acute gastroenteritis ICD 10 is classified under K52.

1 Pathology according to the international classification

Thanks to the international classification of diseases used to predict many pathological conditions and diseases, doctors already without much difficulty can identify any disease, which does not allow errors in the diagnosis. For many doctors in the world, this is a great chance to share their experience.

Acute gastroenteritis is an infectious disease caused by various bacteria and viruses that enter the human body. The small intestine and stomach, or rather their walls, experience the pathological effects of these microorganisms, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins. In addition to infectious, the disease can be allergic or physiological in nature. The main manifestation of the disease is a sharp deterioration in the patient's health and very unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

Acute gastroenteritis originates from ancient times, when it had a different name - catarrh of the stomach and intestines. When an infection became the cause of the disease, the patient was diagnosed with gastric fever. But already at the end of the 19th century, the disease received its final name - gastroenteritis, which in ancient Greek means "stomach and intestines."

2 Varieties of the disease and the causes of their occurrence

It should be noted that acute gastroenteritis has several varieties:

  • viral gastroenteritis;
  • alimentary gastroenteritis;
  • allergic.

As for infectious gastroenteritis, microorganisms such as typhus, salmonellosis and even influenza are the causes of its appearance.

A person who abuses spicy and coarse food, alcoholic beverages has every chance of catching alimentary gastroenteritis. The same kind of disease occurs in people who often overeat and do not follow the correct regimen.

But allergic gastroenteritis is caused, respectively, by products - allergens. In some cases, allergens are some drugs, in particular antibiotics, leading to dysbacteriosis. The development of the disease can also lead food poisoning fish or mushrooms.

  • severe nausea;
  • vomit;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • diarrhea in which the stool is disgusting smell and strongly foams;
  • increased flatulence;
  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • pain is often manifested, which is of a short-term nature, the main localization of pain is in the navel or throughout the abdomen.

In addition, all of the above symptoms may be accompanied by additional features, such as:

  • cold sweat;
  • constant feeling of weakness and loss of strength;
  • occasionally, body temperature may rise.

Due to the resulting diarrhea, the amount of which can vary from 5 to 20 times a day, the patient often shows dehydration, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • feeling of dryness on the lips and in the oral cavity;
  • dryness of the skin;
  • rare and very little urination;
  • low blood pressure;
  • slow spreading of folds on the body.

If you do not seek help in time, acute gastroenteritis develops into a very severe stage, characterized by sharp onset of severe headaches, dizziness attacks and even fainting. In the absence of adequate prompt treatment, a fatal outcome is possible.

If a similar signs occur in children or an adult, you should respond immediately.

4 Diagnostic measures

When the initial signs appear, it is very important to make an accurate diagnosis, and it depends on a correctly collected anamnesis. The patient needs to tell the doctor in detail about his eating habits and preferences, about his diet. Important is the presence chronic diseases. It is very important for a doctor to identify the true cause of infection in order to exclude the possibility of developing other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the main route of transmission of the disease is contact, it is necessary to establish whether family members and relatives have similar symptoms.

The patient's oral cavity is also carefully examined. During examination, palpation of the abdomen is also performed. Requires deployed general analysis blood, urine and feces.

But in order to correctly diagnose the disease and choose an effective, competent method of treating a patient, anamnesis and collected laboratory tests will not be enough. The correctness of the diagnosis fully depends on the applied instrumental research methods. inner surface small intestine, and this is a colonoscopy, ultrasound of the entire abdominal cavity.

Only after a thorough diagnostic work with the patient, the doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis, and therefore prescribe treatment, thanks to which the patient will soon feel relief.

5 Medical therapy

After the diagnosis of "acute gastroenteritis" is made, the patient is placed in the infectious diseases department for further treatment. Using sodium bicarbonate, without fail gastric lavage is carried out.

The first symptoms of acute gastroenteritis are a signal to the patient that they need to stop eating.

Drink more fluids. And in general, when making such a diagnosis, for the speedy recovery of the patient, it is necessary to follow a diet in strict order. Acute gastroenteritis is a disease in which nutrition must be rational. It is safe to say that the main part of the therapeutic effective treatment is a diet that will help speed up the path to recovery.

As already mentioned, acute gastroenteritis is a disease, at the first sign of which the patient must refuse to take any food. Thus, the load on the entire digestive tract is reduced and thereby the inflammatory process that has begun is damped and weakened. The patient's condition is improving. The patient will have to starve for a day or two, after which you can switch to very light food, such as cereals cooked in water, crackers and low-fat broths. With the improvement of the patient's health, you can gradually switch to other types of food.

In addition to dietary treatment, therapy includes:

  • taking antiviral drugs and a number of antibiotics;
  • reception of fixing funds;
  • the use of probiotics, their main action is aimed at fast recovery intestinal microflora disturbed by bacteria, enzyme agents will also be useful.

If a person does not receive timely treatment, he becomes a carrier of the infection. Pathogenic microorganisms spread to other people. Ignoring treatment leads to the fact that the infection spreads very quickly through the blood, which leads to an early death.

Compliance with preventive measures is very important in order not to get sick with acute gastroenteritis. One of the main vital important rules personal hygiene, that is, every time you come after the street, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Avoid undercooked or undercooked foods. Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating them.

  • Causes and treatment of chronic gastritis in adults

Diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis

Acute gastroenteritis is mostly infectious. The microorganisms that cause this disease have a pathological effect on the walls small intestine and stomach, and as a result, these organs become inflamed. But it can also be of unspecified etiology. The onset of the disease can be recognized by certain symptoms corresponding to its form, the type of infectious agent that caused the pathology, the etiology and severity of the course. Gastroenteritis medium degree severity is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Acute gastroenteritis is always manifested by stool disorder and nausea, often turning into vomiting;
  • Fecal masses change color to greenish or orange with inclusions of mucous or blood inclusions;
  • The consistency of the stool becomes liquid, having an unpleasant odor, and a large amount of gas accumulates in the intestines;
  • In the epigastric region, severe pain is localized, which can be overflowing, or can be concentrated around the navel.

These symptoms of acute gastroenteritis are frequent and worse during meals. With an exacerbation of the pathology, the presence of intoxication in the body is also strongly pronounced, which can be determined by a sharp decrease in appetite and an increase in temperature to critical and febrile units, malaise, weakness, lethargy.

In severe exacerbation of gastroenteritis, dehydration of the body is added to the listed signs, which is very dangerous and, in the absence of immediate adequate treatment, can be fatal. Dehydration is recognized both in adult patients and in children with an acute form of pathology according to the following signs:

  • Skin turgor decreases;
  • The tongue and mucous membranes become dry;
  • It also dries out the skin and hair.

All these signs usually accompany an exacerbation of moderate gastroenteritis and its transition to the next, practically incurable form.

Causes and diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis

The culprits for the development of the disease acute gastroenteritis in an adult patient can be both various bacteria and viruses, as well as food poisoning, alcohol abuse or long-term use of antibiotics. Each of these factors can upset the balance of microflora in the intestines and stomach and cause an attack that develops against the background of nutritional errors or a decrease in immunity. Since the main factors that cause the development of this disease are quite diverse, very often the diagnosis is initially made of acute gastroenteritis of unspecified etiology of mild or moderate severity.

But due to the fact that the correct diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis, as well as the choice of treatment method, depends on the pathogen that provoked the onset of the development of pathology, the most accurate diagnosis, which consists not only in the careful collection of anamnesis and biological material for laboratory research, but also in the use of instrumental methods (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy). An abdominal ultrasound is also required. The algorithm for making a diagnosis is something like this:

  • Required full collection medical history (time and exemplary reason the appearance of symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting);
  • In adults, a life history is also collected, which indicates the culture of nutrition, the presence of chronic diseases and bad habits;
  • A family history is also required, which will indicate the presence of gastrointestinal diseases in close relatives and the frequency of exacerbations.

In addition to elucidating these factors in the patient's life, the diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis involves a primary examination of the abdomen, skin and tongue, laboratory tests of feces, blood and vomit, as well as an instrumental method for visual inspection inner surface of the small intestine. Only after conducting such thorough studies does the specialist have the opportunity to make a more accurate diagnosis and choose the right treatment method, which should be based on the patient's adherence to a strict diet.

How is acute gastroenteritis transmitted?

When a person has symptoms of this pathology, the first thought that arises will be: “How is it transmitted, where did I pick it up”? Any specialist will answer this question of the patient that the disease is very easily transmitted in case of non-compliance with elementary hygiene rules from one person to another, and in the absence of adequate therapy or self-medication, it ends with dehydration, collapse and death.

Infection when communicating with a patient suffering from this disease occurs both through close contact, kissing, and when using common dishes. In addition, the question of how acute gastroenteritis is transmitted can be answered that it is very easy to catch it when eating foods that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment or poorly washed vegetables and fruits, as well as through dirty hands. The incubation period for this disease can last from 1 to 4 days, after which all the symptoms that accompany this disease appear.

Acute gastroenteritis code according to ICD 10

To make it easier to classify this pathology, which has several varieties and select the appropriate treatment in the international classification of diseases (ICD 10), it was assigned the code K52. Underneath are all possible types gastroenteritis, as well as phases of its exacerbation.

Thanks to this handbook, which is used to monitor morbidity and all other health-related problems, specialists have been able to easily identify developing pathology, which makes it possible to avoid inaccuracies in the name of the disease when making a diagnosis, as well as doctors from different countries to exchange professional experience.

For example, in the case when a gastroenterologist marks the ICD code 10 K-52.1 in the patient's medical history, this means that he is classified as toxic gastroenteritis. If you need more information on the substance that caused sharp shape of this disease, an additional code of external causes is used. Thanks to this classification, doctors from all over the world can apply a single tactic in the treatment of this disease.

The role of diet in the treatment of acute gastroenteritis

To achieve a speedy recovery of patients with this disease, all types of therapy should be carried out only against the background of an appropriate diet. Acute gastroenteritis occurring against the background of inflammatory processes requires attention to the organization of rational nutrition.

Diet in the acute form of the disease becomes an integral part of therapy and allows you to speed up the healing process. At the very first signs of illness that appear, it is necessary to completely refuse to take any food. This will allow reducing the load on the digestive organs to reduce the inflammatory process and alleviate the general condition of the patient. In the same case, if adequate treatment of the disease is absent, the prognosis for the patient may well be collapse or death.

Hypersensitivity food enteritis and colitis

Excludes: colitis of uncertain origin (A09.9)

Eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis

Microscopic colitis (collagenous colitis or lymphocytic colitis)


  • colitis, diarrhea, enteritis, gastroenteritis:
    • infectious (A09.0)
    • unspecified origin (A09.9)
  • functional diarrhea (K59.1)
  • neonatal diarrhea (noninfectious) (P78.3)
  • psychogenic diarrhea (F45.3)

In Russia, the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10) is adopted as a single regulatory document for accounting for morbidity, reasons for the population to apply to medical institutions of all departments, and causes of death.

ICD-10 was introduced into healthcare practice throughout the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated May 27, 1997. №170

The publication of a new revision (ICD-11) is planned by WHO in 2017 2018.

With amendments and additions by WHO.

Processing and translation of changes ©

Features of the diet for pancreatitis and gastritis

Pancreatitis and gastritis are common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas malfunctions. The development of this pathology is caused by diseases of the gallbladder, duodenum, poisoning with all kinds of chemicals, including alcohol, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, allergic reactions and all kinds of infectious diseases.

Gastritis is a disease in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed and its functions are disturbed. There are many types of gastritis. This disease can occur both in acute and chronic form, and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Diet Features

Constant stress, bad habits, unbalanced diet with excessive consumption of spicy, smoked, fried foods irritate the gastric mucosa and lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. And quite often both diseases - gastritis and pancreatitis - cover a person at the same time. In addition to drug treatment and the use of alternative methods of treatment, it is important to follow a diet and diet.

Properly selected diet for pancreatitis and gastritis contributes to the normalization of the digestive process.

In addition to following the diet, you must be guided by some rules for eating. These include the following:

  1. It is necessary to drink as much water as possible throughout the day (about 8 glasses a day in small sips).
  2. During the day, you need to eat in small portions, but more often. The stomach should not be empty, while there should be plenty of time for the digestion of food.
  3. You should take fewer foods that increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and have a negative effect on the pancreas (exclude fatty, fried, smoked foods from the diet).
  4. It is important to stop eating two hours before bedtime.
  5. It is recommended to minimize the consumption of pastries, cheeses, cucumbers, radishes and mushrooms.
  6. Do not eat too hot or too cold food, but choose the optimal temperature.

It is important to follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. After all, in each case it is different. Diet, as well as treatment, is prescribed depending on the level of acidity in the stomach, the severity of the disease. With gastritis with high acidity, there are some requirements for the diet, with gastritis with low acidity, other requirements. In the first case, it is forbidden to use rich meat, fish and mushroom broths, as well as semi-finished products. If there is not enough hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, it is important to consume foods that stimulate the secretion of the digestive organs in the human body. In this case, it is important to give preference to rich broths, pickled and salty foods that increase acid formation.

Chronic pancreatitis requires proper nutrition with a strict diet for several years. The main principle of the diet for pancreatitis is not to overload the pancreas, the normal functioning of which contributes to the full breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the normalization of metabolic processes in cells and tissues located in the duodenal region, and ensuring the proper functioning of the body as a whole. In the acute form of pancreatitis in the first days, it is not recommended to consume any products, it is enough to drink a rosehip decoction or mineral water. Then gradually switch to light meals, giving preference to low-calorie foods.

Product List

Nutrition for gastritis and pancreatitis should be balanced, based on foods that are easily digestible. Together with the attending physician, it is necessary to draw up an approximate menu based on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. It is important throughout the course of treatment of the disease and recovery of the body to be guided by the principle of dietary nutrition with the inclusion of all permitted foods in the diet and follow the recommendations for cooking.

Consider the main list - a list of foods that should be included in the diet during the diet for pancreatitis and gastritis:

  • chicken eggs;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • liquid cereals and soups;
  • cereals - buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy and sour-milk products, in particular fatty cottage cheese;
  • yesterday's bread


Depending on the nutritional value of food, the diet is divided into two types:

  1. Basic with the content of the required amount of food energy. It includes a breakfast of vegetables or cereals, an afternoon snack of hearty but doctor-recommended meals, and a dinner of easily digestible foods.
  2. Low-calorie with the inclusion of low-calorie ingredients in the diet, in particular vegetables, fruits and berries.

Features of the use of products during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are as follows:

  • Bread products should be made from premium flour and be sure to be slightly dried.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be steamed or baked in the oven. You can gradually introduce fresh tomatoes, but not more than 2-3 times a week. What fruits can you have with gastritis, the doctor will tell you. Basically, they allow apples, bananas, baked pears or compotes, jelly based on them. Vegetables must also be included in the diet. With pancreatitis, abandon those vegetables that contain large amounts of fiber.
  • Be sure to include boiled lean fish in the diet. You should also know which fish can be included in the diet - only low-fat species (cod, tuna, and others). With gastritis with low acidity, the use of herring is allowed.
  • Soups should be prepared with vegetable broths or milk.
  • Kashi is best cooked from buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. It is allowed to add a little oil - butter or vegetable.
  • Meat should be taken dietary with a minimum percentage of fat. It is recommended to give preference to chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal or beef, as well as lean duck breeds. From meat dishes you can cook steam cutlets.
  • From fermented milk products, low-fat kefir or cottage cheese is allowed. But you should abandon fermented milk products if a diagnosis is made - gastritis with high acidity.
  • It is allowed to consume honey, homemade jam or dry cookies in a minimum amount.
  • You should drink compotes from dried fruits, decoctions of rose hips without sugar, weak black tea or green tea.
  • Pasta is allowed in small quantities.
  • As a dessert, you can use jelly from non-acidic berries or fruits.
  • Bouillons from lean meat, vegetables and fish are allowed.

If you eat right in compliance with the diet, temperature regime of products, cooking features, then a positive result will be quickly achieved.


  • fish and meat containing a high percentage of fat content (pork, goose and fatty duck);
  • first courses, namely borscht, hodgepodge, pickle, fatty broths;
  • cereals from corn, eggs, pearl barley, beans, peas and others that cause bloating;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, spinach, cabbage, which irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • all types of hard cheeses;
  • raw fruits;
  • fresh or rye bread;
  • sweets, including chocolate, ice cream, sweet baked goods, especially fresh;
  • all types of sausage products;
  • preservation, smoked products, spices;
  • carbonated drinks, strong coffee, alcohol;
  • fresh milk;
  • mushrooms in various forms;
  • seeds and nuts.

Basically, all products from the presented list are forbidden to be consumed, but depending on the degree of the disease and the level of acidity in the stomach, when compiling the diet, the gastroenterologist may allow them to be used in small quantities when preparing certain dishes.

Menu for the week

Proper diet for pancreatitis and gastritis allows you to normalize the work of internal organs. It is important not only to make a menu for every day, but also to strictly follow its rules.

Sample menu for the week:

  • On the first day: tea and bread with butter are recommended for breakfast, a snack is a light vegetable salad, for lunch - boiled dietary meat, pasta soup, any vegetable dish, an afternoon snack - cottage cheese casserole, before going to bed - a glass of kefir.
  • On the second day, you can have an omelette for breakfast, a snack - baked fruits, compote, for lunch - rice or buckwheat porridge with fish, for dinner - light steamed meatballs, rosehip broth, before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.
  • On the third day: 1st meal - cheesecakes, snack - kefir with biscuit cookies, lunch - any soup from zucchini or carrots, for dinner - fish casserole, before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

In the following days, the diet is about the same, only it should be diversified by introducing cottage cheese for a snack, you can add vegetable stew for lunch or soup with meatballs, baked vegetables.

Gastroenteritis according to ICD 10

International Classification of Diseases 10 revision (ICD 10), according to which each medical diagnosis assigned its own code, was created at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO).

  • monitor the incidence of a specific pathology, as well as any other medical problems;
  • easy to differentiate developing disease;
  • eliminate inaccuracies in the diagnosis and name of diseases;
  • to exchange experience between doctors from different countries of the world.


According to ICD 10, gastroenteritis has the code K52, which has absorbed all types and phases of inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive canal.

Gastroenteritis is a fairly common pathology, especially in countries with an underdeveloped health care system and acute social problems. In the past, its sharp form claimed millions of human lives. Modern approaches to treatment have improved the situation, and at present, mortality from gastroenteritis has decreased by almost 3 times.

The disease can be acute or chronic. Most often it is caused by viruses, therefore, in common people it is also called "stomach flu".

Etiology of the disease

According to the ICD, acute gastroenteritis is listed in the same category. The infectious agent of the acute form is a virus from the Reoviridae family. It has several varieties. Some affect people, others animals. In 25% of cases, the signs of acute poisoning and intestinal upset, characteristic of travelers' illness, are caused by the acute gastroenteritis virus.

Rotaviruses perfectly tolerate any adverse environmental factors. In excrement, they remain viable for 7 months, on vegetables up to 30 days, in water heated to a temperature above 20 ° C, up to 60 days.

A person is a source of rotavirus infection, especially at the initial stage of infection (the first 7 days). In the future, the likelihood of infection decreases. Viruses can be isolated by a person even several months after the illness, when symptoms are practically absent, but this happens extremely rarely.

Asymptomatic gastroenteritis can occur in adults, which cannot be said about children. In young patients, as a rule, there is an acute form of the disease. This is due to the immaturity of their immune system. Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to rotaviruses.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis

Rotavirus incubation lasts 1-5 days. This period is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

The mild form is characterized by a single vomiting, while diarrhea (up to 6 times a day) can bother you for a week. Patients may complain of headaches, heaviness in the abdomen, causeless weakness, pain in the epigastric region, poor appetite.

Severe gastroenteritis is characterized by frothy stools (up to 12-15 times per knock) with mucus.

Diagnosis of gastroenteritis

During an internal examination, the doctor already states the following signs of the disease:

  • body temperature from 37.1 to 37.3 ° C;
  • muffled heart tone;
  • white-gray coating on the tongue;
  • swelling of the pharynx;
  • rumbling in the intestines;
  • weakness.

Severe forms of the stomach flu are characterized by high fever and dehydration. Gastroenteritis is often accompanied by: rhinitis, pharyngitis and other complications of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of gastroenteritis

Modern gastroenterology does not have tactics capable of conducting etiotropic therapy for acute gastroenteritis in order to exclude the cause of the disease.

With early symptoms, first aid is given by appointment:

  • bed rest;
  • smoking cessation;
  • easily digestible diet, but only at the end of the acute phase of the disease;
  • plentiful drink;
  • fasting for 1-2 days.

With the defeat of newborns with rotavirus infection, breastfeeding continues.

Of the medicines, the doctor may prescribe:

  • astringent preparations;
  • adsorbents;
  • polyenzymatic formulations, for example, Festal.

With the help of rehydrants, it is possible to avoid dehydration of the body.

Alimentary gastroenteritis

A patient with a diagnosis of "alimentary gastroenteritis" has an ICD code 10 K52.2 in his medical history. It can be provoked by: the use of strong alcoholic drinks, spicy or rough food, overeating. In such cases, the doctor needs to obtain additional information about the irritating factors that provoked the disease.

With the alimentary form of the "stomach flu", the patient has a fever, pain in the navel, nausea. The vomit contains undigested food and smells like acetone.

Vivid symptoms require urgent hospitalization, where in a hospital the patient receives laxatives, he is given a gastric lavage. The patient is forbidden to eat. So that the digestive system can recover, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. In case of severe intoxication, administration of glucose is possible.

From medicines, the patient receives preparations containing beneficial enzymes, as well as compounds that normalize the intestinal microflora. In the treatment of the disease, a single therapeutic tactic is used, regardless of the country of residence of the patient and the doctor.

Untreated gastroenteritis can lead to complications such as:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic gastroenteritis;
  • poisoning of the most important organ systems;
  • bleeding in the alimentary canal;
  • collapse;
  • toxic or hypovolemic shock.

Preventive measures consist of:

Compliance with preventive measures can not always protect a person from gastric flu. Therefore, nausea and vomiting should be the reason for an immediate appeal to the gastroenterologist's office.

ICD code: A09

Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of suspected infectious origin


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  • Acute gastroenteritis

    To shorten long descriptions of diseases, special ciphers are used in medicine. The main code for acute gastroenteritis according to ICD 10 is K52. At the same time, various types of the disease, including colitis, are classified in sections K50-K52.

    For infectious infection has its own designation. Clarification A09 is added to the main code. There are also subsections that determine the nature of the disease.

    What do ICD 10 codes define?

    Since diseases of the digestive system can be chronic, appear in the course of malnutrition or infection, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis for the patient. This will allow you to choose the right course of treatment and reduce the number of entries in the medical history. In ICD 10, the code for non-infectious gastroenteritis is designated as K52. At the same time, a clarification is added through the dot, for example, "K52.2 - allergic or alimentary gastroenteritis and colitis."

    Symptoms of acute gastroenteritis

    Non-infectious enteritis occurs for various reasons, but the development of the disease manifests itself in the same way in most cases.

    Patients experience:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • diarrhea;
    • bloating and gas formation in the intestines;
    • pain in the upper abdomen;
    • temperature rise by 1-3 degrees;
    • mucus impurities and so on appear in the feces.

    Also, patients experience a decrease in appetite, chills, weakness, and other deterioration in activity.

    Causes of gastroenteritis

    Despite the prevalence of the disease, it does not occur in all circumstances. Acute gastroenterocolitis according to ICD 10 refers to non-communicable diseases, however, the causes of its occurrence are:

    • Viruses and bacteria. There are a large number of them. The main ones are: company viruses, campylobacter, noraviruses, salmonella and others.
    • Prolonged use of antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis, as well as other organs associated with the digestive and urinary system. During the use of drugs, the balance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed.

    It is also worth noting the influence of external factors that contribute to the rapid development of the disease. These include:

    • the use of thermally unprocessed foods in food;
    • close contact with a carrier of the infection;
    • consumption of expired products.

    Also, the cause may be the development of gastritis. The intestine interacts directly with the stomach, so complications are transmitted to the interacting organs.

    Prevention of acute gastroenteritis

    To avoid problems with the intestines, it is necessary to prevent the possibility of the occurrence of the disease.

    The main forms of prevention are:

    • periodic examinations of the intestine;
    • refusal to eat raw foods;
    • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene after contact with an infected person;
    • thorough washing of fruits and vegetables.

    Treatment of gastroenteritis is more complex. To properly get rid of the disease, you will need to undergo a diagnosis and strictly follow the treatment methods indicated by the doctor. It is not recommended to purchase medicines on your own, since they can cause the development of gastroenteritis.

    Thanks for posting, it's very well written!

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    • Scottped on Acute gastroenteritis

    Self-medication can be hazardous to your health. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

    Symptoms and treatment of gastroenteritis in children

    Inflammatory disease of the stomach and small intestine is gastroenteritis. Most typical manifestation diseases - diarrhea with or without vomiting. In older children, one of characteristic features disease is abdominal pain. The disease is especially common in childhood. Usually proceeds easily, but sometimes takes a severe form and can even lead to death. In this article, we will talk in detail about the symptoms of the onset of the disease, and how to treat gastroenteritis in a young child.

    ICD code 10

    Gastroenteritis in children - K52.

    The reasons

    Gastroenteritis in children is an infectious disease that can be caused by bacteria (Salmonella, Shigella), protozoa or yeast-like fungi. However, the most common pathogen is a virus, in particular rotavirus. It accounts for about 60% of all serious illnesses accompanied by diarrhea. After an incubation period of one to three days, it causes a self-limiting diarrheal illness lasting up to six days.

    Outbreaks of a viral disease can occur anywhere and at any time, if conditions are right for this. The aggravation often occurs in kindergarten or at school, hospital, tourist camp and sanatorium. The manifested disease must be treated immediately, this indicates that either there was contact with an infected person or the rules of personal hygiene were violated. Outbreaks of gastroenteritis in a group of people united common resources, indicate a high activity of the virus that caused the infection. After a diagnosis of a disease is made, only a doctor prescribes its treatment, after conducting an examination before that and determining which virus caused the disease.

    Sources of infection with gastroenteritis can be both pets and food, especially dairy products that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment, or tap water, which is sometimes drunk raw instead of boiled. And after 1-2 days, if the virus enters the body, a clear picture of gastroenteritis develops, accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

    Infants under 6 months of age usually have some natural protection against rotavirus gastroenteritis, but maternity hospitals may harbor virulent strains that can overcome this. natural immunity. Gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus is common throughout the world.

    The virus is detected in feces using electron microscopy or immunological procedures such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or latex agglutination. There is currently no vaccine for rotavirus infection.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The main symptoms of gastroenteritis in children: the temperature rises, a runny nose and headache may appear, and the next stage is abdominal pain of a cramping nature, nausea, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, or diarrhea, with frequent urges and mucous secretions. These symptoms are characteristic of viral gastroenteritis, and if medical care and treatment of gastroenteritis is not provided in time, the body becomes intoxicated and dehydrated, and this is especially dangerous for young children.

    What is unpleasant about gastroenteritis is that it is difficult to eat. Immediately after eating, cramping pain attacks appear, and in some cases even during eating. The main symptoms of gastroenteritis in babies:

    • migraine,
    • muscle pain,
    • fainting caused by general weakness and other very unpleasant symptoms,
    • suffering from insomnia
    • sweating,
    • feeling tired and exhausted, all this against the background of dehydration caused by frequent stools and vomiting.

    With such symptoms, it immediately becomes clear that the child needs medical attention.

    Signs of acute gastroenterocolitis

    The acute type of the disease is more common than others. It accounts for about 80% of diseases. The symptoms are very acute, the body temperature rises up to °C, periodic headache, malaise, insomnia, loss of appetite, fever. Simultaneously with the intoxication syndrome, there are pains in the lower abdomen, diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. With gastroenterocolitis, the child's stool is very liquid with a pungent odor, sometimes with an admixture of mucus and blood. The frequency of diarrhea varies from 3 to 15 times within a few days. Such severe symptoms, indicative of gastroenteritis in children, are very rare. Usually, the body temperature is subfebrile or normal, the intoxication syndrome is usually mild, stullase lasts for several days, abdominal pain is minor. Such patients are actively detected in the group of acute gastroenterocolitis. This form can take the form of enterocolitis, enteritis. The longevity of this form of yersiniosis is from 2 days to 2 weeks.


    With gastroenteritis in a child, all parts of the gastrointestinal tract are affected. In the small intestine, the epithelium is destroyed under the influence of viruses and its absorption functions are impaired, thereby depriving the body of many useful substances and carbohydrates. The body can cope with viral gastroenteritis on its own, but, in order to avoid complications and harmful effects, the disease must begin to be treated in a timely manner, without delay.

    After the examination, the doctor prescribes comprehensive course treatment of gastroenteritis in order to restore the water-salt balance as soon as possible and remove signs of intoxication. Compliance with the rules of hygiene and proper diet will help the fastest recovery.

    Babies are at risk for artificial feeding when they develop symptoms of gastroenteritis, such as lethargy, diarrhea, they should immediately exclude fruit juices and the usual milk mixture, replacing them with special milk, which can be bought at a pharmacy on the recommendation of a doctor. To prevent vomiting, diet and nutrition in gastroenteritis should be made more fractional, with smaller portions, giving them more often. If there is carrot soup in the complementary foods and diet, then rice water or a little rice flour, about a teaspoon, should be added to the bottle. Pharmacies have special solutions that restore the water-salt balance. After consulting with your doctor, you can use them during the treatment of the disease. Carrot puree soup with mineral water will cleanse the intestines of your child from toxins without disturbing digestive processes. Carrot puree in pure form and excessive amounts can cause constipation, so you should be careful and strictly follow the instructions for a diet for gastroenteritis. Rice broth has proven itself in the treatment. It is used in several versions.

    Diet for acute gastroenteritis

    You can simply boil the rice for about twenty minutes, then strain and give the resulting liquid to the baby. Or mix rice water with carrot puree, as mentioned above, such a mixture is more beneficial than both of these products separately. Carrots have a cleansing effect on the intestines, and rice water, included in the menu, adds calories. Kids tolerate ripe bananas well, it turns out that banana puree (mix a peeled banana in a mixer with mineral water) not only gently cleanses the intestines, but also nourishes it and removes toxins very well. Those who have used bananas to prevent diarrhea testify to the positive results of using this exotic fruit.

    Nowadays, in the treatment of gastroenteritis, the diet is becoming increasingly popular among young mothers. Hydroelectrolytic solutions for diets, which are sold in the pharmacy chain, have also become popular. They have a unique composition and are able to provide the child with nutrition and therapeutic effect for a day.

    Menu for gastroenteritis

    Abundant and frequent drinking helps to quickly flush out toxins and replenish body fluids lost due to vomiting and diarrhea.

    Then comes the expansion of the diet. Those products are added to the menu that do not irritate the digestive system and do not cause increased secretion and peristalsis.

    1. These can be slimy cereal decoctions (oatmeal, rice), berry decoctions from blackcurrant, rose hips and others that have an astringent effect.
    2. Then in therapeutic diet with gastroenteritis, products that have a delicate texture are included, unable to cause irritation of the mucous membranes. These are mashed cottage cheese, steam cutlets, meat broths, boiled fish, puddings and the like.

    Prevention of gastroenteritis

    First of all, it includes compliance with hygiene standards and rules. Many people forget to just wash their hands, after visiting public places, buying products on the market, it is also worth remembering that they can become a source of virus infection.

    Now you know the main symptoms and ways in which gastroenteritis is treated in children. Health to your child!

    Each form of inflammation according to the international classification of various diseases has its own separate code. So here is the ICD 10 code for acute gastroenteritis - A09. However, some countries consider this disease as non-infectious, in which case acute gastroenteritis ICD 10 is classified under K52.

    1 Pathology according to the international classification

    Thanks to the international classification of diseases used to predict many pathological conditions and diseases, doctors can already easily identify any disease, which does not allow errors in the diagnosis. For many doctors in the world, this is a great chance to share their experience.

    Acute gastroenteritis is an infectious disease caused by various bacteria and viruses that enter the human body. The small intestine and stomach, or rather their walls, experience the pathological effects of these microorganisms, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins. In addition to infectious, the disease can be allergic or physiological in nature. The main manifestation of the disease is a sharp deterioration in the patient's health and very unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

    Acute gastroenteritis originates from ancient times, when it had a different name - catarrh of the stomach and intestines. When an infection became the cause of the disease, the patient was diagnosed with gastric fever. But already at the end of the 19th century, the disease received its final name - gastroenteritis, which in ancient Greek means "stomach and intestines."

    2 Varieties of the disease and the causes of their occurrence

    It should be noted that acute gastroenteritis has several varieties:

    • viral gastroenteritis;
    • alimentary gastroenteritis;
    • allergic.

    As for infectious gastroenteritis, microorganisms such as typhus, salmonellosis and even influenza are the causes of its appearance.

    A person who abuses spicy and coarse food, alcoholic beverages has every chance of catching alimentary gastroenteritis. The same kind of disease occurs in people who often overeat and do not follow the correct regimen.

    But allergic gastroenteritis is caused, respectively, by products - allergens. In some cases, allergens are some drugs, in particular antibiotics, leading to dysbacteriosis. Food poisoning from fish or mushrooms can also lead to the development of the disease.

    • severe nausea;
    • vomit;
    • rumbling in the stomach;
    • diarrhea, in which the stool has a disgusting smell and foams a lot;
    • increased flatulence;
    • a sharp decrease in appetite;
    • pain is often manifested, which is of a short-term nature, the main localization of pain is in the navel or throughout the abdomen.

    In addition, all of the above symptoms may be accompanied by additional signs, such as:

    • cold sweat;
    • constant feeling of weakness and loss of strength;
    • occasionally, body temperature may rise.

    Due to the resulting diarrhea, the amount of which can vary from 5 to 20 times a day, the patient often shows dehydration, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

    • feeling of dryness on the lips and in the oral cavity;
    • dryness of the skin;
    • rare and very little urination;
    • low blood pressure;
    • slow spreading of folds on the body.

    If you do not seek help in time, acute gastroenteritis develops into a very severe stage, characterized by sharp onset of severe headaches, dizziness attacks and even fainting. In the absence of adequate prompt treatment, a fatal outcome is possible.

    If such signs occur in children or an adult, you should respond immediately.

    4 Diagnostic measures

    When the initial signs appear, it is very important to make an accurate diagnosis, and it depends on a correctly collected anamnesis. The patient needs to tell the doctor in detail about his eating habits and preferences, about his diet. Important is the presence of chronic diseases. It is very important for a doctor to identify the true cause of infection in order to exclude the possibility of developing other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Since the main route of transmission of the disease is contact, it is necessary to establish whether family members and relatives have similar symptoms.

    The patient's oral cavity is also carefully examined. During examination, palpation of the abdomen is also performed. A detailed general analysis of blood, urine and feces is required.

    But in order to correctly diagnose the disease and choose an effective, competent method of treating a patient, anamnesis and collected laboratory tests will not be enough. The correctness of the diagnosis fully depends on the instrumental methods used to study the inner surface of the small intestine, and this is colonoscopy, ultrasound of the entire abdominal cavity.

    Only after a thorough diagnostic work with the patient, the doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis, and therefore prescribe treatment, thanks to which the patient will soon feel relief.

    5 Medical therapy

    After the diagnosis of "acute gastroenteritis" is made, the patient is placed in the infectious diseases department for further treatment. Using sodium bicarbonate, gastric lavage is mandatory.

    The first symptoms of acute gastroenteritis are a signal to the patient that they need to stop eating.

    You should drink more fluids. And in general, when making such a diagnosis, for the speedy recovery of the patient, it is necessary to follow a diet in strict order. Acute gastroenteritis is a disease in which nutrition must be rational. It is safe to say that the main part of the therapeutic effective treatment is a diet that will help speed up the path to recovery.

    As already mentioned, acute gastroenteritis is a disease, at the first sign of which the patient must refuse to take any food. Thus, the load on the entire digestive tract is reduced and thereby the inflammatory process that has begun is damped and weakened. The patient's condition is improving. The patient will have to starve for a day or two, after which you can switch to very light food, such as cereals cooked in water, crackers and low-fat broths. With the improvement of the patient's health, you can gradually switch to other types of food.

    In addition to dietary treatment, therapy includes:

    • taking antiviral drugs and a number of antibiotics;
    • reception of fixing funds;
    • the use of probiotics, their main action is aimed at the rapid restoration of intestinal microflora disturbed by bacteria, enzyme agents will also be useful.

    If a person does not receive timely treatment, he becomes a carrier of the infection. Pathogenic microorganisms spread to other people. Ignoring treatment leads to the fact that the infection spreads very quickly through the blood, which leads to an early death.

    Compliance with preventive measures is very important in order not to get sick with acute gastroenteritis. One of the main vital rules is personal hygiene, that is, every time you come after the street, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Avoid undercooked or undercooked foods. Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating them.

    Acute enteritis can be treated on an outpatient basis; hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is carried out with significant dehydration, neurological disorders (convulsions, lethargy, etc.), shock, indomitable vomiting, at the age of up to 3 months, with the impossibility of oral rehydration, as well as severe pain and suspicion of surgical pathology.
    The main directions of treatment of acute enteritis are adequate rehydration, diet therapy and antibiotic therapy (if necessary). From the first days of the disease, the amount of food should be reduced by 30% compared to the usual. All products that cause an increased osmotic load on the intestines are excluded.
    The first priority for acute enteritis of any etiology is rehydration therapy. Its early start is the main criterion successful treatment. With dehydration of 1-2 degrees, oral rehydration is performed; salt preparations are used for this purpose. At the first stage, the water-salt deficiency is compensated (the water and electrolytes lost during the period of illness are restored). Intensive rehydration is carried out within 5-6 hours. After elimination of dehydration symptoms, maintenance rehydration therapy is continued. Even in the absence of signs of dehydration in the patient, oral saline preparations are used to prevent it.
    Antibacterial therapy of acute enteritis is indicated in the case of bacterial etiology in the presence of such indications: the patient's age is up to three months, immunodeficiency states (HIV infection, immunosuppressive therapy, long-term use corticosteroids), severe invasive diarrhea (this form is evidenced by the presence of blood in the stool, detection of neutrophils in the coprogram), verified cholera or shigellosis, as well as suspicion of these etiological factors. Nitrofuran derivatives are used as empirical antibiotic therapy for acute enteritis; after receiving the results of a bacteriological study with an analysis of sensitivity to antibiotics, the most suitable drug is prescribed (cefixime, azithromycin, trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, ceftriaxone, nifuroxazide and others).
    In most cases, adequate rehydration and antibiotic therapy (for bacterial etiology) ensure complete recovery. In addition to these treatments, there are aids. The appointment of probiotics can improve the results of treatment, and in some cases with secretory diarrhea, this group of drugs acts as the main method of treatment. In order to reduce fluid losses, as well as to accelerate the removal of microorganisms and enterotoxins, enterosorbents are used (silicic preparations are the most effective).

    Dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea in gastroenterocolitis are caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and, in particular, to the villi of the ciliated intestinal epithelium, which are responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water into the bloodstream. Infectious gastroenterocolitis is accompanied by intoxication of the body with products of microbial activity.

    The acute form of gastroenterocolitis is closely associated with food poisoning. Among the pathogens, enteropathogenic and opportunistic bacteria predominate - Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria, Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris. Several viruses are also known to cause acute gastroenterocolitis: echovirus, rotavirus (the causative agent of the so-called intestinal flu), Norwalk virus, etc.

    Infection occurs in the alimentary way - with the use of unboiled water and poor-quality products contaminated with bacteria, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary and hygienic standards adopted in cooking. With sepsis and the presence of chronic infectious foci, hematogenous infection can be observed - pathogenic agents migrate into the gastrointestinal tract through circulatory system from other organs and systems.

    Gastroenterocolitis of non-infectious etiology is associated with food and drug allergy, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, alcohols, alkalis and acids or radiation injury.

    Chronic gastroenterocolitis develops due to lingering current acute inflammatory process or against the background of primary diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammation extends to the submucosal layer, blood vessels, nerve endings and serous membranes, which leads to impaired blood supply, trophism and motility of the digestive tract.

    The likelihood of developing gastroenterocolitis is slightly increased in conditions that lead to an increase in the permeability of the mucous membranes and suppression of local immunity:

    • vitamin B deficiency;
    • anemia;
    • hypothermia, frequent cold drinking;
    • prolonged stress;
    • akhiliya - the absence of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in gastric juice;
    • irritation of the intestines due to an excess of coarse fiber in the diet.


    According to the nature of changes in the tissues of the stomach and intestines, several forms of gastroenterocolitis are distinguished:

    • catarrhal - manifestations of the inflammatory process are limited by hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes along with intensive production of exudate;
    • fibrous - a plaque of fibrin appears on the inner surface of the stomach and intestines, which is formed during the interaction of tissue thromboplastin with fibrinogen secreted along with exudate;
    • phlegmonous - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by suppuration;
    • ulcerative - characterized by the presence of ulcerations on the surface of the mucous membranes;
    • hemorrhagic - the inflammatory process is accompanied by impaired capillary circulation in the submucosal layer, which leads to hemorrhages and the formation of extensive foci of erosion.

    Symptoms of gastroenterocolitis

    As a rule, gastroenterocolitis begins with a sudden deterioration in well-being - nausea and vomiting appear, pulling or cramping pains in the navel or upper abdomen, flatulence, belching and heartburn. Diarrhea can be observed both from the first day of the disease, and on the third or fourth day after a short-term constipation. The stools often contain mucus and streaks of blood. At the same time, signs of intoxication are observed: a feeling of weakness and malaise, fever, headaches and bouts of dizziness. In the most severe cases fainting, confusion and delirium join the described symptoms. In the chronic course of the inflammatory process, dyspeptic disorders are moderately expressed or absent at all, and the symptoms of gastroenterocolitis are limited to manifestations of intoxication. Chronic gastroenterocolitis can also occur in the form of recurrent dyspeptic disorders.

    Features of the course of gastroenterocolitis in children

    Due to the underdevelopment of the immune system, children younger age especially susceptible to gastroenterocolitis. The clinical picture of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract in a preschooler may appear due to a spontaneous increase in virulence conditionally pathogenic microflora intestines and reduce the body's resistance to respiratory infections, allergic and atopic conditions, prolonged stress, unbalanced diet or a sudden change in diet.

    Infectious gastroenterocolitis in children under three years of age in most cases is caused by a dysentery bacillus, as a result of which a characteristic clinical picture of profuse diarrhea, fever and severe intoxication develops. A large amount of mucus mixed with blood is found in the stools. Due to the oxidation of iron in the composition of hemoglobin, feces acquire a characteristic dark green color. The child's body temperature reaches peak values ​​in the first three days of illness, after which it lasts for a week, and then declines. In the most severe cases, children develop tenesmus and spasms. sigmoid colon characteristic of dysentery colitis. In the absence of adequate treatment, acute dysentery gastroenterocolitis in children often becomes chronic.

    Also in children, viral gastroenterocolitis is often observed - intestinal form influenza, accompanied by severe gastroenterocolitis and persistent fever. The disease can be complicated by otitis, pyuria or pneumonia. Gastroenterocolitis is especially dangerous for infants and children of younger preschool age due to the rapidly onset of dehydration and severe intoxication of the body.


    Gastroenterocolitis in adults and older children is diagnosed by a general practitioner or gastroenterologist based on the clinical picture and anamnestic data. Particular attention is paid to the products that the patient consumed shortly before the onset of symptoms of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. To clarify the diagnosis, you will need to consult an infectious disease specialist and laboratory tests of feces - a coprogram and bakposev with the isolation of the pathogen and the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. To assess the general condition of the patient and identify the degree of dehydration, general and biochemical analysis blood. In children under three years of age, acute gastroenterocolitis is differentiated from typhoid fever by staging the Vidal reaction.

    To assess the degree of damage to the gastrointestinal tract and identify comorbidities in chronic gastroenterocolitis, instrumental studies of the stomach and intestines are indicated: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, gastroduodenoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy. Conducted if necessary histological examination biopsy of affected tissues.

    Treatment of gastroenterocolitis

    Alimentary gastroenterocolitis, provoked by toxic infection, in adults and older children usually proceeds easily. There is no need for hospitalization - it is enough to abstain from food and drink as much liquid as possible on the first day. In the next two to three days, follow a sparing diet, adhering to a fractional diet - eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

    The restoration of the damaged epithelium of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated by the use of decoctions of cereals, oatmeal in water and boiled rice, low-fat cottage cheese and chicken broth. At the end of the acute period, you can gradually introduce low-fat steamed meat and fish products, vegetable purees, soft-boiled eggs and casseroles into the diet. For two to three weeks after suffering gastroenterocolitis, it is worth abstaining from fatty, spicy and fried foods and smoked meats, as well as fresh bread, pastries, milk, legumes and products containing a large amount of fiber.

    When signs of severe intoxication and dehydration appear, treatment of gastroenterocolitis is carried out in a hospital. First of all, detoxification therapy is carried out - gastric lavage with a solution of bicarbonate and potassium permanganate and a course of enterosorbents, with constipation, deep enemas and saline laxatives are prescribed. To replenish the loss of fluid resort to infusion therapy. In milder forms, oral water and electrolytes can be dispensed with. With some toxic infections, etiotropic therapy with the use of antibiotics is possible. Stomach and intestinal pains are eliminated with antispasmodics. To normalize digestion recovery period apply enzyme preparations, multivitamins, prebiotics and probiotics.


    For the prevention of alimentary gastroenterocolitis, it is enough to observe elementary rules hygiene and sanitization products: wash hands before eating and preparing food, as well as after using the toilet, use clean dishes, towels and kitchen utensils. Vegetables and fruits should be washed under running water, and milk and drinking water should be boiled. You should not visit street cafes and canteens with unfavorable sanitary conditions. In the summer, it is important to refrain from eating perishable foods of unknown origin, and while bathing, avoid getting water in your mouth.

    To prevent reactive gastroenterocolitis, do not take strong medications without consulting a doctor. With a tendency to allergic reactions, new and unusual products are introduced into the menu gradually, starting with small portions. Prevention of chronic gastroenterocolitis is reduced to the prevention of diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders - control of the diet and compliance with the optimal diet.

    Consequences and complications

    The most dangerous complication of gastroenterocolitis is dehydration due to constant vomiting and profuse diarrhea, which can be fatal in young children and debilitated patients. With a long chronic course of gastroenterocolitis, the appearance of periventricular adhesions and intestinal polyps, prone to malignant degeneration, is possible.

    Acute gastroenteritis

    To shorten long descriptions of diseases, special ciphers are used in medicine. The main code for acute gastroenteritis according to ICD 10 is K52. At the same time, various types of the disease, including colitis, are classified in sections K50-K52.

    For infectious infection has its own designation. Clarification A09 is added to the main code. There are also subsections that determine the nature of the disease.

    What do ICD 10 codes define?

    Since diseases of the digestive system can be chronic, appear in the course of malnutrition or infection, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis for the patient. This will allow you to choose the right course of treatment and reduce the number of entries in the medical history. In ICD 10, the code for non-infectious gastroenteritis is designated as K52. At the same time, a clarification is added through the dot, for example, "K52.2 - allergic or alimentary gastroenteritis and colitis."

    Symptoms of acute gastroenteritis

    Non-infectious enteritis occurs for various reasons, but the development of the disease manifests itself in the same way in most cases.

    Patients experience:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • diarrhea;
    • bloating and gas formation in the intestines;
    • pain in the upper abdomen;
    • temperature rise by 1-3 degrees;
    • mucus impurities and so on appear in the feces.

    Also, patients experience a decrease in appetite, chills, weakness, and other deterioration in activity.

    Causes of gastroenteritis

    Despite the prevalence of the disease, it does not occur in all circumstances. Acute gastroenterocolitis according to ICD 10 refers to non-communicable diseases, however, the causes of its occurrence are:

    • Viruses and bacteria. There are a large number of them. The main ones are: company viruses, campylobacter, noraviruses, salmonella and others.
    • Prolonged use of antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis, as well as other organs associated with the digestive and urinary system. During the use of drugs, the balance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed.

    It is also worth noting the influence of external factors that contribute to the rapid development of the disease. These include:

    • the use of thermally unprocessed foods in food;
    • close contact with a carrier of the infection;
    • consumption of expired products.

    Also, the cause may be the development of gastritis. The intestine interacts directly with the stomach, so complications are transmitted to the interacting organs.

    Prevention of acute gastroenteritis

    To avoid problems with the intestines, it is necessary to prevent the possibility of the occurrence of the disease.

    The main forms of prevention are:

    • periodic examinations of the intestine;
    • refusal to eat raw foods;
    • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene after contact with an infected person;
    • thorough washing of fruits and vegetables.

    Treatment of gastroenteritis is more complex. To properly get rid of the disease, you will need to undergo a diagnosis and strictly follow the treatment methods indicated by the doctor. It is not recommended to purchase medicines on your own, since they can cause the development of gastroenteritis.

    Gastroenterocolitis code for mcb 10

    Gastroenterocolitis has a microbial code of 10 and is an ailment belonging to the category of toxoinfections. With the development of this pathology, patients experience varying degrees of damage to the digestive tract. In this case, the place of localization of foci is the large or small intestine. The danger of this disease lies in its rapid development, which is why people seek medical care not in initial stage, but in the acute phase.

    Classification and pathogens

    The acute form of gastroenterocolitis has an ICD code of 10, which includes the following pathologies:

    • colitis;
    • gastroenteritis;
    • diseases, the nature of which remains unknown.

    According to the microbial code 10, gastroenteritis belongs to the category of toxoinfections. After penetration into the human body, the pathogens of this pathology begin active life. As a result, the toxins they release are distributed throughout the body along with the bloodstream, as well as through the digestive system.

    Modern medicine classifies infectious gastroenterocolitis as follows:

    Acute gastroenterocolitis: infectious and non-infectious forms

    Acute gastroenterocolitis, or food poisoning, is an inflammatory process that spreads to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

    According to the international classification of diseases (ICD 10), acute gastroenterocolitis belongs to the group of gastroenteritis and colitis and has the code K-52.

    The causative agents of this disease, as well as their metabolic products, spread throughout the body either with the bloodstream or through the digestive system and have a toxic effect.

    Depending on the cause of development, infectious and non-infectious gastroenterocolitis are distinguished.

    In the first case, the pathology occurs due to the penetration of bacteria into the body (for example, coli), in the second - as a result of malnutrition with a predominance of fatty, spicy and low-fiber foods in the diet.

    Causes of the disease

    Development mechanism pathological process consists in the fact that the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and the villi of the intestinal epithelium, which are responsible for the absorption of fluid and nutrients into the bloodstream, are affected.

    Acute gastroenterocolitis of infectious origin develops as a result of:

    • bacterial damage. In this case, the causative agents of the disease are various intestinal infections, salmonella, shigella;
    • penetration of fungal microorganisms. The defeat of the stomach develops due to the activity of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida;
    • ingestion of viral particles (in most cases, these are rotavirus and echovirus);
    • pathogenic activity of the simplest unicellular organisms (giardia, amoeba).

    The defeat of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract of an infectious nature occurs due to the consumption of low-quality food products, drinking unboiled water, and non-observance of personal hygiene rules.

    Another way of intoxication of the body and the subsequent development of acute gastroenterocolitis is the migration of infectious agents into the intestine through the blood from other systems and organs. This happens if there are chronic infectious foci in the body, as well as with sepsis. A variant of transmission of infection from an infected person or animal through direct contact is possible.

    Diseases develop not only as a result of infection with infections. The causes of acute enterocolitis of non-infectious origin are:

    • an allergic reaction of the body to irritants. Often, pathology occurs with alcohol intoxication;
    • malnutrition. With the abuse of spicy, fatty, too hard food or with irregular nutrition, an acute inflammatory process of the intestine also develops;
    • drug abuse. If you do not follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor, a non-infectious form of gastroenterocolitis develops;
    • poisoning of the body with chemical compounds - salts of heavy metals, acids.

    Also, the causes of acute gastroenterocolitis can be hypothermia, prolonged nervous tension, deficiency of B vitamins, blood diseases (in particular, anemia).

    Symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms and treatment of acute enterocolitis in adults is an important aspect of the issue under consideration.

    The characteristic signs of acute gastroenterocolitis of any type are:

    • severe pain in the upper abdomen and navel;
    • bloating;
    • gray coating on the surface of the tongue;
    • belching;
    • burning sensation in the esophagus;
    • loss of appetite;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • bouts of dizziness;
    • feeling of weakness in the muscles;
    • diarrhea. In some cases, diarrhea can be observed from the first day of the disease, but it is possible that it will appear on the third or fourth day. With diarrhea, the stool is repeated, while in the process of defecation, pain in the rectum may occur;
    • the presence of traces of blood and mucus in the feces;
    • headache;
    • lowering blood pressure;
    • feeling of dry mouth, intense thirst, twitches calf muscles. This group of symptoms indicates dehydration.

    In severe cases, along with vomiting and headaches, blanching of the skin, confusion, and fainting are observed.

    Non-infectious acute gastroenterocolitis is milder than infectious. Its symptoms, subject to proper treatment and diet, disappear after 3-5 days.


    Diagnosis and treatment of the disease are within the competence of a specialist gastroenterologist.

    Specific studies are carried out depending on the general condition of the patient. To detect acute gastroenterocolitis, the following measures are taken:

    • palpation of the abdomen;
    • laboratory studies of fecal masses (bakposev and coprogram);
    • blood tests (general and biochemical);
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
    • colonoscopy.

    Also, differential diagnosis of acute gastroenterocolitis with other intestinal infections - salmonellosis, botulism is carried out.

    Also, gastroenterocolitis is differentiated from dysentery, which can occur in the form of gastroenteritis, colitis.

    In addition, it is necessary to distinguish pathology from acute cholecystitis, appendicitis, meningitis and myocardial infarction.

    Treatment approaches

    Treatment of acute enterocolitis of infectious origin should be carried out in a medical institution, in the infectious diseases department, under the supervision of a physician. In this case, the patient is primarily prescribed washing the intestines and stomach. Next, a course of enterosorbents is prescribed.

    The disease is accompanied by a significant loss of fluid, so the patient is shown to drink plenty of water, and in severe cases - infusion therapy.

    In severe bacterial lesions, the patient is shown taking antibiotics.

    Diet is important in the treatment of acute gastroenterocolitis. The patient should eat food in a liquid or puree state.

    Bread, raw fruits and vegetables, smoked meats, fatty foods, milk, salt, and spices are completely excluded from the diet.

    First aid for acute gastroenterocolitis is to immediately contact a medical facility. Before the arrival of specialists, the victim should do a gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    Forecast and prevention

    The most dangerous complication of gastroenterocolitis is severe dehydration, which is caused by profuse vomiting and diarrhea.

    With timely and adequate treatment the pathological process of complications does not occur, but in the chronic course of the disease, the risk of the formation of intestinal polyps increases, which tend to degenerate into malignant tumors.

    Prevention of the disease consists in observing the norms of personal hygiene and the rules of sanitary processing of products, refusing to bathe in unknown water bodies, refusing to take medicines without a doctor's prescription.

    Another way to protect yourself is to make a complete menu, which contains foods rich in vitamins and fiber.

    With timely treatment, acute gastroenterocolitis does not entail negative consequences, but if it is absent, it can cause death in case of severe dehydration, especially if the patient's body is weakened due to low immunity.

    Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis (K52)

    Drug-induced gastroenteritis and colitis

    If it is necessary to identify the medicinal product, drug origin, or toxic substance, use an additional external cause code (class XX).

    Hypersensitivity food enteritis and colitis

    Excludes: colitis of uncertain origin (A09.9)

    Eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis

    Microscopic colitis (collagenous colitis or lymphocytic colitis)


    • colitis, diarrhea, enteritis, gastroenteritis:
      • infectious (A09.0)
      • unspecified origin (A09.9)
    • functional diarrhea (K59.1)
    • neonatal diarrhea (noninfectious) (P78.3)
    • psychogenic diarrhea (F45.3)

    In Russia, the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10) is adopted as a single regulatory document for accounting for morbidity, reasons for the population to apply to medical institutions of all departments, and causes of death.

    ICD-10 was introduced into healthcare practice throughout the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated May 27, 1997. №170

    The publication of a new revision (ICD-11) is planned by WHO in 2017 2018.

    With amendments and additions by WHO.

    Processing and translation of changes ©

    Gastroenterocolitis in adults and children: infectious, acute, chronic

    Gastroenterocolitis is a form of damage to the digestive tract, in which the mucous membrane of the stomach, as well as the small and large intestines, becomes inflamed. Another name is toxicoinfection. This name reflects the main cause of the disease - infection, and its metabolic products, toxic substances. Forms and types of manifestation of the disease are different. It can be in acute, subacute, chronic form.

    ICD-10 code


    Gastroenterocolitis is a fairly common disease. Infectious gastroenterocolitis is a major health problem, which is much more common in cities and developed countries than in towns and villages. In terms of frequency of occurrence, it is second only to respiratory diseases. Children get intestinal infections more often than adults. Every year, at least episodes of childhood morbidity are recorded in the world. As for the adult part of the population, this figure is approximately.

    According to Rosgosstat, the highest incidence is observed in cities such as St. Petersburg (26.7%), Novosibirsk (16.4%), Arkhangelsk (13.7%).

    The causative agents are the following microorganisms:

    • Salmonella - 9%
    • Shigella - 8.1%
    • Compylobacter - 7.9%
    • Viruses - 13%
    • Mixed infection (several types of bacteria in the complex) - 21%
    • Non-infectious etiology - 7%
    • Allergic nature - 3.4%.

    Causes of gastroenterocolitis

    The main cause of gastroenterocolitis is food poisoning. This implies the development of pathogenic microflora and the reduction of normal and conditionally pathogenic flora. Representatives of such genera as Proteus, Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Staphylococcus predominate.

    Also, the causes of infection can be intestinal viruses, toxic and poisonous substances. The most dangerous virus is Rotavirus, or intestinal flu. In the body, products of the functioning of bacteria and viruses can accumulate, which contribute to the development of the inflammatory process, intoxication.

    Gastroenterocolitis can be a consequence of the accumulation in the body of heavy metals, caustic substances, alkalis, acids. Even detergent residues that accumulate on dishes can be the cause. They are especially dangerous for children. In addition, children, with insufficient supervision, often drink dishwashing liquid and other liquids. This can cause acute poisoning, inflammation and even burns of the mucosa.

    Often a person already has some kind of gastrointestinal disease, and the infection can provoke its spread to other departments. It is possible to go from chronic to acute under the influence of factors such as malnutrition. Especially dangerous is the frequent consumption of foods containing fiber. The use of cold drinks has a negative effect. Increased acidity can cause disease. You can't overcool.

    Often gastroenteritis is a disease that affects the whole family. This is due to the fact that the infection can be transmitted by contact, by household contact, when using one dish. Also, family diseases are explained by the fact that the family prepares food from some products that may be contaminated. When organizing public catering, there are often cases of poisoning when people are fed in one institution.

    Risk factors

    Gastroenterocolitis provokes smoking, alcohol abuse, taking medications, especially for a long time. Taking antibiotics, salicylic acid and its derivatives is especially negative. These are the main risk factors.

    Diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid, sepsis, syphilis can provoke gastroenteritis.

    Allergic diseases can also be the cause of gastroenterocolitis.

    The development of gastroenterocolitis is promoted by such diseases as akhiliya, beriberi, anemia.

    People suffering from these diseases are at risk and require special monitoring and medical examination.


    Features of pathogenesis depend on the type of pathogen that provokes the disease. Microorganisms enter through the oral cavity. Then the microorganisms penetrate inside, begin to multiply intensively in the intestine. After the death of microorganisms, endo- and exotoxins are released, which provide various reactions.

    Toxins irritate the receptors, causing an inflammatory process, the formation of histamine and immunoglobulin, which, in turn, increase the inflammatory process. Then they penetrate bloodstream, which contributes to the development of general intoxication of the body. Neurotoxins are especially dangerous. They not only violate intestinal function but also affect the nervous and endocrine systems.

    No less dangerous are toxins that cause necrosis of intestinal tissues. This pathology occurs with amoebiasis. In some cases, epithelial cells may be affected by toxins, which are observed in cholera. With salmonellosis, first the intestinal mucosa is affected, then the blood becomes infected.

    The pathogenesis also depends on the type of disease.

    Pi development non-infectious form gastroenteritis develop dystrophic processes. Dystrophy exposed parenchymal organs, focal changes occur in them. In most cases, the changes remain at the level of the mucous membrane, less often the deep layers are affected.

    Symptoms of gastroenterocolitis

    Gastroenterocolitis is characterized by an acute onset, a sudden development of the disease. First of all, dyspeptic disorders make themselves felt, which manifest themselves in the form of abdominal pain, belching, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. In this case, there may be no appetite. If the condition is severe, fainting, loss of consciousness are observed.

    Nausea becomes stable, vomiting is repeated many times, the remnants of undigested food come out.

    A symptom of gastroenterocolitis can be loose stools, which is observed quite often. The chair is determined by the localization and degree of the pathological process. If a person is affected by the small intestine, the feces are yellow-green in color. Sometimes diarrhea may be preceded by constipation for 1-2 days.

    If a person is affected by the large intestine, the feces are poor in nature, there are blood impurities. Defecation is increasing. False urges become more frequent. You can detect a violation of the basic functions of the intestine, such as: digesting, absorption, motor. Frequent vomiting is observed, which leads to a violation of the water and electrolyte balance, dehydration, demineralization of the body. As a result, a person can lose a lot of weight.

    There is a spasm, especially in the large intestine, pain. The pain is especially intense during palpation, pressure. The main pains are localized in the navel.

    Infectious gastroenteritis is accompanied by signs of toxicosis. This can lead to a violation of the liver, resulting in yellowness of the sclera.

    At non-infectious gastroenteritis there are no signs of toxicity. A small amount of mucus may be observed. No blood is found.

    In allergic gastroenterocolitis, pain occurs suddenly, accompanied by elevated temperature manifestation of allergy.

    First signs

    The incubation period is quite short, and averages 1-3 days. The acute form appears unexpectedly, abruptly. The first signs are pain in the intestinal area, bloating, flatulence. Gastroenterocolitis may be indicated by a violation of the stool, nausea, vomiting. Pain can be blurry, or located in a strictly defined area. An increase in temperature above 38.0 - 39 ° C may indicate that the infection is progressing.

    Gastroenterocolitis in adults

    Adults carry diseases much easier than children. This is due to the fact that children have a much lower state of immunity. Dehydration in children occurs faster than in adults. This is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body.

    Gastroenterocolitis in children

    Children are more likely than adults to be susceptible to food poisoning. This is due to the insufficient level of development of the immune system, with the immaturity of the digestive organs. This provides an insufficient level of protection of the body against negative impact. The disease develops rapidly, becomes more severe.

    The symptoms of gastroenteritis in children are different from those in adults. First of all, they have stool disorders. Stools may be accompanied by the presence of red blood inclusions and mucus. The stool may turn dark green, which may indicate a bacterial infection.

    Typical signs also appear that may indicate poisoning, intoxication. The temperature may rise, especially in the first 72 hours. Then it remains at a consistently high level. There is also persistent vomiting.

    If gastroenterocolitis occurs in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that children's gastroenterocolitis is dangerous with complications, such as: pneumonia, pyuria, otitis media. In the acute form of the disease, the intestines and stomach require complete rest. To do this, you need to provide the child with plenty of fluids. It is important to give boiled, heated water.

    You also need to ensure the use of enveloping foods and dishes. You need to use kissels, jelly. You need to follow a therapeutic diet number 4. Dairy products, spices, snacks, sweets and cakes should be avoided. Usually the child recovers within a week with the correct observance of all the necessary recommendations, diets. After this, the child is transferred to a normal diet.

    Gastroenterocolitis in the baby

    The disease is especially difficult. Enough great danger represents vomiting, diarrhea, and especially their combination. They greatly dehydrate the child's body, which is already not yet fully adapted to environmental conditions. The immunity of the baby is weak, which means that he cannot fight the disease on his own. Therefore, the exhaustion of the body, its dehydration quickly sets in. Diarrhea does not stop, lasts more than a week. During this time, the body loses not only water, but also salts, their ratio is disturbed.

    The child is rapidly losing weight. Almost all microorganisms are dangerous for a child. Most often, gastroenterocolitis in newborns occurs as a result of seeding with staphylococcus aureus. The danger of the disease for the child is that the incubation period is relatively short. In children, disorders become permanent. There may be persistent diarrhea that will accompany the child throughout childhood.


    The disease proceeds in several stages. The first stage is acute. It begins suddenly, accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, sharp deterioration malaise, profuse vomiting and diarrhea.

    In the absence of treatment, the second stage may occur - subacute, moderate. In this case, there is profuse vomiting, diarrhea.

    The third stage is the stage of complications, in which dehydration occurs. With a favorable set of circumstances, the second stage can move into the stage of recovery, in which there is a gradual recovery, restoration of the body.

    moderate gastroenterocolitis

    For the moderate severity of the disease, persistent vomiting and diarrhea are characteristic. There may be pain, spasm. Appetite is usually absent. Can be treated at home. Important rehydration, antibiotic therapy, detoxification therapy.


    Gastroenterocolitis is of various types. It all depends on the nature of the pathological process, the type of pathogen. The disease can be hemorrhagic, phlegmonous, catarrhal, ulcerative, fibrinous.

    According to such a sign as the increase and severity of symptoms, the disease is divided into acute and chronic forms.

    Acute gastroenterocolitis

    It can occur as an independent disease, which is the body's response to the invasion of pathogens. It can also be a consequence of other infectious and not infectious diseases such as influenza, allergies. In addition, the disease may be accompanied by sepsis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis.

    Acute gastroenterocolitis is distinguished by the fact that it has an acute, sudden onset, rapid development, and rapid course. The digestive organs undergo serious damage, there may be an increase in temperature.

    Chronic gastroenterocolitis

    It is distinguished by an inexpressive, sluggish course, which may not be noticed immediately. Relapses are often observed. The disease can occur in humans long years, periodically disturbing him with their manifestations. Most often, dyspeptic manifestations can be observed, such as nausea, vomiting, flatulence, bloating. The temperature may be normal. Intoxication is long-term. Chronic dysbacteriosis develops. Against this background, there is a sharp decrease in immunity.

    Infectious gastroenterocolitis

    Infectious gastroenteritis is characterized by an inflammatory reaction. The intestines and stomach are affected primarily. Inflammation occurs against the background of hyperemia, edema, cell infiltration. There is also increased exudate formation. There are dystrophic changes in the surface epithelium.

    Alimentary gastroenterocolitis

    It is manifested by a violation of the entire digestive system. The main parts of the digestive system are subject to functional insufficiency. The result is intestinal dyskinesia, a violation of bile secretion.

    Hemorrhagic gastroenterocolitis

    The disease manifests itself in the form of hemorrhages, which mainly affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Erosions are also observed on the mucous membranes. The small intestine is also affected, it is affected in the first place.

    Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastroenterocolitis

    With this form of gastroenteritis, inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive tract is observed, which is accompanied by the release and accumulation of pus, mucus. As a result, a purulent exudate, which includes dead leukocytes, blood plasma.

    Eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis

    It implies the development of an inflammatory process, irritation of the intestinal walls. Most often it is a disease of allergic etiology.

    Complications and consequences

    Modern diagnostic tools and methods of treatment significantly expand the possibilities of modern medicine. The disease is cured in a relatively short time. As for the acute form, it usually passes without a trace, leaving no complications. The danger arises only if the disease is not completely cured. In its advanced form, it entails serious consequences. It can easily become chronic. In this case, relapses are common.

    In both forms, a direct consequence of the disease is dehydration, which occurs as a result of severe vomiting, diarrhea. The body loses not only water, but also salts, which is an even more dangerous phenomenon.

    Dehydration is manifested by shortness of breath, fainting, loss of consciousness. If the coma lasts for a long time, the disease can even end in a coma. Inflammatory processes occur in the mucous membrane. The result is edema, hyperemia. In severe form, the mucous membrane begins to bleed, which can lead to bleeding. The easiest way to eliminate dehydration is to drink plenty of water.

    Diagnosis of gastroenterocolitis

    The diagnosis can be confirmed using various methods. It is possible to confirm the diagnosis based on objective and subjective data, clinical symptoms, results of laboratory and diagnostic studies.


    Diagnosis is based on the results of the analysis. They can provide reliable data in order to draw further conclusions. First of all, laboratory research is carried out. These include serological blood tests, bacteriological examination feces, vomit, other biological fluids.

    If a viral disease is suspected, appropriate virological studies should be carried out. This is done using the polymerase chain reaction method. linked immunosorbent assay, agglutination method. Additionally use various methods, which make it possible to diagnose allergic reactions. The main method is the determination of immunoglobulin E, as well as scarification screening.

    Sometimes toxicological methods can be used, with the help of which they examine not only biological fluids, but also food. The content of food toxins, as well as endo- and exotoxins of a bacterial and viral nature, is determined.

    With the help of a serological study, the titer of antibodies is determined, less often - the titer of antigens. By the titer of antibodies, one can indirectly judge the amount of antigen (an infectious agent that is the causative agent of the disease). According to the antigen titer, you can get direct information about the number of microorganisms in the blood. By the amount of antigen, one can judge the severity of the disease, the degree of bacterial intoxication.

    Bacteriological examination makes it possible to clearly determine (identify) the causative agent of the disease, the degree of contamination and select the appropriate treatment.

    Instrumental diagnostics

    Instrumental examination, if necessary, includes sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy. Using these methods, it is possible to identify the pathology of the internal organs, in particular, to determine the anomalies of the sigmoid and rectum, which can occur with gastroenterocolitis.

    An additional research method is ultrasound therapy, with the help of which the picture of the pathology is visualized. It is clearly possible to determine the localization of the pathology, its size, shape, and other features.

    In some cases, a biopsy may be required, with the help of which tissue is taken from the internal organs. Most often, the material of the study is the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, microvilli. A biopsy is performed during endoscopic procedures.

    Differential Diagnosis

    Gastroenterocolitis is one of the most complex diseases, which has many similar manifestations with other diseases. Often it is a consequence or complication of any disease, concomitant pathology.

    Gastroenterocolitis must first be differentiated from enteritis and colitis. These diseases have a similar set of symptoms. The main difference between enteritis is that it manifests itself in the form of diffuse catarrhal changes, which are localized mainly in the proximal intestine. Spot hemorrhages are also observed.

    Colitis is characterized by moderate inflammation. This inflammation is of various etiologies. The main forms are catarrhal, fibrinous. Also, the disease is accompanied by hemorrhages, erosions, ulcerative lesions.

    Gastroenterocolitis must be differentiated from a secondary manifestation of other diseases. For example, tuberculosis may present with symptoms similar to those of gastroenterocolitis. Also, this disease can accompany such diseases as cholecystitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis, and be one of the complications of the postoperative period in these diseases.

    Gastroenterocolitis almost completely coincides in manifestations with symptoms of a bacterial and viral infection. In this, bacteriological methods are the most effective, in which biological material is taken, then it is sown and incubated. The resulting cultures are identified, that is, the species and genus of the microorganism that is the causative agent of the disease are determined, its main properties are determined.

    It is important to differentiate the disease from the main infectious and epidemiological diseases. Most often, gastroenterocolitis is confused with salmonellosis, dysentery. These diseases are distinguished by the fact that they occur as outbreaks, form foci of infection (epidemics), spread rapidly and acquire drug resistance. The incubation period for these diseases is 8-24 hours. Manifestations are the same as in gastroenterocolitis: chills, vomiting, diarrhea. But the main difference between these infectious diseases and gastroenterocolitis is the combination of diarrhea with fever and high fever.

    It is important to identify the pathogen that provokes the disease, as this makes it possible to choose the right treatment and achieve a speedy recovery. Therapy must be targeted.

    For example, gastroenteritis may be of a staphylococcal origin. A sign of staphylococcus are cutting pains. There are signs of intoxication. Feces may contain impurities of yellow-green mucus. The temperature may rise.

    Indicates a clostridial disease Blunt pain, whining character. Pain is localized in the navel. The temperature remains normal. Since the disease is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration and hypovolemia quickly set in.

    Also, the disease must be differentiated from such dangerous epidemic diseases as cholera, botulism, rotavirus infection. It must be understood that with botulism, the nervous system and muscles are primarily affected. Muscles are sharply weakened, vision is disturbed.

    Gastroenterocolitis may resemble acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, meningitis. Appendicitis is characterized by pain on palpation. The mucous membrane may be irritated.

    Cholecystitis is characterized by a high degree of irradiation of pain. It is difficult to determine the exact localization, the focus of inflammation is also not determined. Cholecystitis differs from gastroenterocolitis in that it is characterized by hepatic colic and manifestations of jaundice.

    Meningitis is characterized by severe vomiting and nausea, which manifests itself against the background of a sharp headache, which is not observed with gastroenterocolitis. During the examination, inflammation of the meningeal membranes can be diagnosed.

    Sometimes it is necessary to differentiate the disease even from myocardial infarction.

    The clinical picture only indirectly indicates the disease. The only means that can reliably confirm the diagnosis is bacteriological examination. Only it makes it possible to isolate the microorganism that is the causative agent of the disease from the patient's biological fluids or from the food that he ate.

    Who to contact?

    Treatment of gastroenterocolitis

    Treatment depends on the form of the disease, and the pathogen that provoked the disease. Also, the nature of treatment is significantly affected by the degree of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the severity of the disease, and concomitant human diseases. As a rule, when mild form hospitalization is not required. In severe cases, a person must be hospitalized, treatment takes place in the infectious diseases department. Stages of therapy:

    1. Rehydration
    2. Antibacterial therapy
    3. Detoxification
    4. Symptomatic therapy.

    Rehydration is a complex medical measures aimed at eliminating dehydration and its consequences. The body is saturated with water, salts, and other compounds that are excreted from the body during the period of the disease. With a mild form of dehydration, complex therapeutic solutions, such as Regidron, Oralit, will help restore the balance of water and salts in the body. If dehydration is pronounced and becomes severe, drugs such as Disol, Trosol, Chlosol can be used.

    Antibacterial therapy is also needed, which involves a course of antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics should only be used as a last resort. They are effective in preventing inflammation, especially if it is persistent and progressive. It also indicates the need for antibiotics infectious process. The most popular are drugs such as chloramphenicol, ampicillin, erythromycin.

    The main goal of detoxification therapy is to remove toxins from the blood. For this, gastric lavage is most often used. The main purpose of gastric lavage is to remove salts and food debris from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to remove toxins. The advantage of gastric lavage is that pathogenic microorganisms and toxins are also removed along with the lavage fluids. For washing, sodium or potassium permanganate is added to the water.

    Also, treatment consists of symptomatic therapy. It depends on the symptoms that prevail in a person. For example, if a person has constipation, it is necessary to prescribe antidiarrheal agents, with a predominance of constipation, laxatives are the leading drugs in therapy. For pain, painkillers are used, for spasms - antispasmodics.

    You may also need specific drugs, such as enzyme preparations that help normalize digestion and improve motor skills. To improve the condition of the body as a whole, multivitamins are used. To normalize the microflora, probiotic and prebiotic preparations are used. If a person has allergic reactions, antihistamines will be required.

    Modern treatment of chronic gastroenterocolitis

    The treatment is based on the elimination of the inflammatory process, as well as sluggish pathologies. The main task is to fight the infection, its spread, as well as the prevention of intoxication. It is important to follow a diet. If chronic gastroenterocolitis is a consequence of other diseases, which is observed quite often, it is necessary to carry out treatment and prevention. concomitant diseases. During an exacerbation, you should consult a doctor.


    Treatment for gastroenterocolitis should be comprehensive, carefully planned. You can not engage in self-medication, because it will definitely be useless. Moreover, self-medication can be dangerous. This is due to the fact that in most cases etiological treatment is used, that is, treatment that acts purposefully against a certain factor that provoked the disease. To determine this factor, a thorough diagnosis is required. It is impossible to conduct it at home, as it requires specific equipment, reagents. If the treatment is initially chosen incorrectly, this can have serious negative consequences.

    If there is severe vomiting and diarrhea, you must first normalize the amount and ratio of water and salts in the body.

    Regidron will help with this. This drug should be taken strictly according to the instructions. It is important to choose the right concentration, dosage of the drug. If the dosage is chosen incorrectly, the imbalance of water and salts can only get worse. As a result, the disease will only get worse.

    One of the most dangerous complications of the disease is hyperkalemia, which develops as a result of improper and uncontrolled administration of the drug. The essence of this disease is that the level of potassium in the body rises sharply. This entails severe damage to the liver, kidneys, various types of insufficiency develop, including heart failure. The danger is that the basic properties of the blood also undergo changes, and hypertension develops. Even death is possible.

    Children under three years old - 1st day: 50 mg / kg of body weight, subsequent - up to 10 mg / kg.

    Children 3-9 years old - no more than 60 mg / kg, subsequent ones - up to 50 mg / kg. Duration of therapy - no more than 14 days.

    With diarrhea - in portions, up to 100 ml.

    Antibiotics are also taken strictly in accordance with the treatment regimen. Need to take correct dosage and complete the course. Failure to follow the rules is dangerous because bacteria can develop resistance, and they will cease to be effective, and dysbacteriosis may also develop. The following drugs and methods of administration are recommended:

    Tetracycline 250 mg/2 daily (adults). Children to look at indications. Exclusively after examination by a doctor.

    Cephalosporins - 1 g every 6-12 hours (adults). Children - taking into account weight, no more than 2 times a day.

    Biseptol: children 240 mg / 2 times a day. Adults - no more than 2 g per day - for short treatment, for long-term - no more than 1 g per day. Duration of therapy - no more than 14 days.

    Antibiotics for gastroenterocolitis

    Treatment of gastroenterocolitis requires anti-infective therapy. For this purpose, antibiotics are used. Antibiotics can only be used after they have been prescribed by a doctor. First, a bacteriological study is carried out, the pathogen that caused the disease is determined. After that, a laboratory determination of the sensitivity of the microorganism to the antibiotic should be carried out. It also determines the minimum concentration of the antibiotic, which has the desired effect.

    It is not always possible to conduct such a laboratory study, so many specialists prescribe an antibiotic based on the results of other tests, as well as taking into account the clinical picture of the disease.

    In emergency cases, when there is not enough time to isolate the microorganism and determine its sensitivity to the drug, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. They do not have a selective effect against a specific microorganism, but act against a large number of bacteria that can be potential pathogens. The effect of such drugs is significantly lower than those that have a selective effect. However, they make it possible to prevent the spread of infection, allow you to stop inflammation.

    All this indicates that antibiotics are quite serious drugs, their choice requires the right approach. There are cases when the irrational choice of antibiotics, on the contrary, contributed to the deterioration and progression of the disease.

    The main drugs of choice that are prescribed for gastroenterocolitis are cephalosporin, tetracycline, streptomycin. Synthetic drugs are also used, such as oxacillin, ampicillin, streptocid, biseptol.

    Antibiotics have different action. Some of them are bacteriostatic, others are bacteriolytic. The former only reduce the population of bacteria, reduce their number, and stop growth. The second - completely kill, destroy bacteria. Depending on the form and severity of the disease, one or another type of drug may be required. It is possible to accurately select the drug only on the basis of the results of bacteriological culture.

    When treating with antibiotics, you must strictly follow the rules for taking them. You need to drink the full course, even if you feel better. Otherwise, resistance may develop, and the drugs will cease to have an effect on the body. The drugs must be taken in the required dosage. More or less of the drug can also adversely affect the effectiveness of treatment.

    Moreover, there are cases when the causative agent of the disease is a virus, then antibiotics will not have any effect at all. This is due to the fact that viruses are not treated with antibacterial drugs, they require special antiviral therapy.


    Gastroenterocolitis requires various vitamins. Essential vitamins:

    Physiotherapy treatment

    Physiotherapy treatment is an important component of complex treatment against gastroenteritis. In acute form, it does not apply. But it can help speedy recovery to prevent relapses at the chronic stage, as well as at the recovery stage.

    Has a positive impact visceral massage abdomen, acupuncture, reflexology, drug electrophoresis.

    Alternative treatment

    Along with traditional therapy, the composition of complex treatment may also include traditional medicine, which has been used for a long time.

    Perga is a highly effective tool in the fight against various types of infection, including the fight against intestinal infection. It provides both preventive and therapeutic effect. Bee pollen is represented by plant pollen collected by bees. It has a particularly intense effect on children, senile and elderly people. The action of bee bread is based on stimulating, restorative properties. It stimulates growth processes, promotes the regeneration of cells and tissues. For the elderly - slows down the aging process, supports normal activity immune, endocrine systems.

    Sea buckthorn has proven itself well for use as part of enemas. The oil extracted from the seeds is used. Approximate ml of oil is used for each enema. A full course of treatment is required, which includes an enema. Additionally, the fruits can be consumed orally, in the form of juice, infusion, aqueous solution, syrup. Methods of application are usually indicated on the packaging.

    Often in folk medicine, sowing carrots are used, mainly juice from root crops. For treatment, a ml of juice is used. 2 doses per day are enough, preferably on an empty stomach.

    Herbal treatment

    Decoctions, infusions of silver cinquefoil are widely used. To prepare the solution, you need to take about 15 g of grass, grind it, pour a glass of boiling water. Then the plant is infused in a thermos. After the decoction has acquired a dark shade, it is necessary to strain it, and take approximately 75 ml orally, approximately three times a day.

    Medicinal lemon balm is also useful. It is mainly used as a decoction. It is necessary to take the leaves and tops of the shoots. Flowers do not need to be separated. To prepare a decoction, it is enough to take 4 tbsp. plants, pour a glass of boiling water. The solution is infused in a thermos, after acquiring a stable shade, it is filtered. Taken as a tea or tea supplement, do not get sick a day.

    An infusion of carrot seeds is also used. To do this, take about 15 g of seeds, brew them in boiling water. The infusion is made in a thermos, it takes about 5-6 hours to prepare it. Drink one glass a day.


    Homeopathic remedies are no less effective than conventional medicine. However maximum effect can be achieved only with complex treatment, and the competent inclusion of homeopathy in the composition of general therapy. To do this, you need to consult a doctor. Self-treatment, even with such harmless, at first glance, means is dangerous. In addition, homeopathic remedies make it possible to consolidate the effects of therapy, to avoid further relapses.

    When used correctly, these products are safe. The effect of them is observed for quite a long time. They act gently, in a sparing mode, protect the walls of internal organs from negative impact, irritation. They also have a systemic effect, thereby improving the general condition of the body, well-being.

    When treating with homeopathic remedies, precautions must be taken. Firstly, before taking it, you need to consult a doctor. It will help you decide on the choice of funds, tell you which combination will be most effective and safe. It must be borne in mind that the effect of some funds does not occur immediately, but after a while. This is the so-called cumulative effect. Their action is strong enough.

    Also, some tools may not be compatible with each other. In combination, they can reduce the effectiveness of each other, completely neutralize the effect, or have a completely opposite effect. A similar picture can be observed when combined with other drugs.

    Side effects are rare. In case of intolerance or overdose, dizziness, drowsiness may occur. In some cases, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may increase. The following remedies can be recommended:

    To prepare the collection, you need to take 3 parts of chamomile flowers, mix them with 1 part of calamus rhizome. To this mixture add 1 part fennel fruit and root medicinal chamomile. About 2-3 tablespoons are taken from the resulting mixture, they are poured with about 500 ml of water. Drink the infusion in a warm form, about 2-3 times a day.

    • Collection number 2. For diarrhea with blood
    • Collection number 3. With chronic gastroenterocolitis, accompanied by constipation

    Take alder buckthorn herb, fennel fruit, black elderberry flowers, common flax seeds in a ratio of 5:2:2:3, make a decoction, take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

    • Complex powder with licorice root

    A powder is prepared from the leaves of the hay, from the roots of bare licorice, fennel fruits. Purified sulfur powder and sugar are added to this mixture. Each of the substances is taken in a ratio of 20:20:10:10:40. The powders are mixed with each other, take 10 g per day with water.


    Treatment is predominantly medical. But there are times when surgery is indispensable. For example, part of the stomach or intestines may need to be removed. Such operations are carried out with a neglected form of pathology. The main indication is bleeding of mucous membranes, ulcerative lesions of the walls of the intestines, stomach. Also, surgical intervention may be required with the development of necrosis, the spread of infection. This avoids the spread of infection, extended necrosis, sepsis, bacteremia.

    Nutrition and diet for gastroenterocolitis

    Diet has an important preventive, supportive, therapeutic effect. If the disease is at an early stage, it is necessary to provide plenty of fluids. It is not only a diet, but also a therapeutic agent. In addition to water, you can drink cereal decoctions, preferably enveloping.

    Starting from 2-3 days, light foods are used in food, which have a softening effect, relieve irritation. It is necessary to eat in parts, in small quantities, but often. Fatty, smoked, spicy dishes, spicy or pickled snacks, coarse meat products, hard vegetables and fruits are excluded.

    To constantly maintain the body of such a diet must be adhered to constantly. In the absence of exacerbation, you can take steam cutlets, schnitzels, meatballs, lean fish, casseroles, boiled eggs. In limited quantities, semolina, rice, oatmeal are used. Porridges are boiled in water, with a little oil and breadcrumbs. You can also tea with lemon, juice.


    Features of prevention are that it is carried out not only individually. Prevention is taking on a nationwide character. It manifests itself in the form of a complex of public and state measures aimed at ensuring constant sanitary and hygienic, veterinary control. These measures are carefully developed and become permanent. Food, products and products of animal and vegetable origin are subject to control. Additionally, the state of spontaneous markets, meat processing plants is checked.

    The state also provides educational work, introductory lectures, preventive medical examinations. Citizens are warned about the danger of food poisoning, about the first signs, and the procedure to follow when these signs are detected. The state also calls for adherence to the rules of individual safety, which makes it possible not only to protect oneself, but also to prevent the mass spread of infection.

    The basis of personal prevention is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene. It is also necessary to know and follow the rules for the preparation of meat and fish products. Products should be purchased exclusively in verified places that are subject to scheduled inspections and state supervision.

    A complete and comprehensive prevention of infection has not yet been developed. In any case, it is aimed at protecting against infection, preventing the further spread of infection. It is also important to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system. It is important to take multivitamins, diet.


    If a person has acute gastroenterocolitis, then the prognosis can be favorable only if timely treatment is provided, with proper nutrition and plentiful drink. The acute form in most cases does not last long. It usually ends with a full recovery. Symptoms completely cease to bother a person already for 5-7 days. Full recovery happens around 3-6 weeks.

    If you do not follow the doctor's recommendations, proper therapy, the acute form can flow into a chronic one. The chronic form is characterized by more poor prognosis. Usually the disease proceeds for a long time, relapses are often observed. The disease can have a long, sluggish character. Therapy should also be long-term. A constant diet is required. This makes it possible to avoid exacerbations. If proper care is not provided, the disease can again turn into an acute form. Also, the chronic form is dangerous for its complications and consequences. Dehydration is especially common.

    Medical Expert Editor

    Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

    Education: Kyiv National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "Medicine"

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