Old Slavic massage of internal organs - visceral therapy - visceral chiropractic - manual therapy of the abdomen - massage of the abdomen. What is visceral massage

Forerunner Visceral Practice

Venous and lymphatic congestion, spasm, prolapse internal organs relative to each other are the most common cause occurrence pathological conditions organism. Suggested methodology external influence on the internal organs of the abdomen, the method of Ogulov A.T., makes it possible to effectively eliminate these pathologies.

In the process of visceral practice, a specialist performs dosed pressure on the diseased organ with his hands, at the required angle, according to certain laws.

As a result, the functions of organs are restored and normalized, and this, in turn, affects the state of the body as a whole, life expectancy, working capacity, psycho-emotional state. Since time immemorial, massage of the internal organs has been used in traditional medicine as a means of helping to survive in extreme conditions. Heavy physical work, household injuries, as well as wars were the main reason for this.

Various injuries and injuries accompanying the life of a person of that time forced people to look for ways to eliminate such phenomena. And of course, the most basic indication that forced people to deal with the stomach is pain. Relief of the condition of the victim at the first moment of injury or illness through massage of internal organs made people engaged in such activities think about finding additional funds, which would later help in his rehabilitation. Herbs, leeches, bees, pots, charms, etc. were such means that enhance the recovery process.

For example, pots were placed in order to organize hematomas on the body. Hematoma, as we can now say, considering this topic from a scientific standpoint, solved the problem of local immunity, activated metabolic processes at the place of their placement on the patient's body.

Leeches were used to improve the blood supply to organs and blood extraction.

Conspiracies for the psychological and mental support of the suffering, etc.

Today, such healing techniques are called visceral practice.

Gentle method of self-massage of internal organs

This text describes a simple and gentle massage technique, part of the abdominal massage, which you can safely do to yourself and loved ones (observing three rules). Let the experts do more complex manipulations. Doing only the first circle of massage (described below), you will still achieve results, just not so “quickly”, for example, with serious illness, instead of two weeks with a specialist, you will heal yourself in 1-2-3 months. Are you in a hurry somewhere? Diseases we earn by years of "hard work".

Rules for self-massage of internal organs:

1. To a slight pain! severe pain it is not necessary to endure, loosen the pressure to a slight pain!

2. One press for no more than three minutes! This is very important so as not to cause ischemia ( oxygen starvation in tissues). Ischemia is most often manifested by increasing acute pain in the area where you cut off the blood supply (not always at hand, but below).
If the pain has passed, we rearrange the hand without waiting three minutes.
If the pain does not go away in three minutes, we still rearrange the hand. After we can once again return to this point to work with it some more.

3. Gently press, gently remove your hand. Soft does not mean weak.

The order of massage of internal organs:

1. We are looking for the first point like this: from the navel to the bottom of the sternum, set aside 1/3, two fingers to the right (not the length, but the width of the fingers). it reflex point gallbladder. We press on it vertically (a description taking into account that the person lies on his back, legs partially bent at the knees). To mild pain. Sometimes a brook murmurs at hand, it pours bile from the bladder into the intestine.

The main signs of a full gallbladder: dizziness, nausea, pain in the temples and, often, in the front of the head, crunching in the knees when squatting, pain in the knees (often in the right). As well as digestive disorders, chronic diseases nasopharynx (including rhinitis, sinusitis), hemorrhoids and varicose veins, pain in the neck, right shoulder and under the shoulder blade, joint diseases. Removing the gallbladder causes digestion to stop and joints to collapse. In this case, it is necessary to do a daily massage of the liver, which, increasing, takes on the function of the gallbladder. Possible endocrine disorders (dysfunction thyroid gland), decreased libido, menstrual disorders.

By pressing this point, the symptoms disappear, for example, headache in the temples or front of the head, or no longer "sicks" in transport, the joints are again lubricated, and the risk of injury is reduced significantly (in sports).

2. From the first point, we press along the 1/3 line right up to the left edges. Projection of the pancreas.

The gland itself is quite deep, and during massage it is often possible to reach it only after a considerable time (a week of daily massages), until all the overlying tissues relax. If problems in the gland are caused by stretching of its ligaments with the stomach and omentum of the small intestine, then abdominal massage is the only effective method treatment.

We push each point vertically.
characteristic pathology pancreas - diabetes (high or low blood sugar), allergies, skin rashes, tendency to infectious diseases, growth retardation in children.

You will do a stomach massage - you will have a result; if you don’t, then there will be no result, there will be no one to be offended by.

3. Right hypochondrium. Liver area. We start two fingers below the angle of the costal arches. We press not vertically along the ribs and not under the very ribs, but at an angle of 45º, as if deep into. We pass twice the entire hypochondrium from top to bottom. If, when pressed, nausea, lightheadedness appear, press the first point and hold until the pain and symptoms of an overflowing gallbladder disappear. Then we continue to massage the liver.

Symptoms redundant function liver: pain in the right hypochondrium, headaches, yellowness of the skin, dry throat, as well as sore eyes, irritability, insomnia.

Symptoms of liver failure: bowel disorder, pelvic pain, pale color skin, as well as weakness and fast fatiguability, depression, decreased vision and twilight blindness. In women, prolapse of the uterus, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids are possible.

4. Left hypochondrium. Also press inward at an angle of 45º, passing each point from top to bottom. Reflex zone of the spleen.
In case of violations in the spleen, nasal and other bleedings (including uterine), hemorrhagic manifestations are possible.
Dryness and pallor of the lips, a change in taste sensations.

All of the above massage together forms the "roof of the house."

5. Next point: from right corner pelvic bone 1/3 to the navel. The region of the ileocecal valve, the transition point between the small intestine and the large intestine. Here is the caecum, appendix, the beginning of the ascending colon. Valve edema is often manifested by bloating (bacteria penetrate through a non-functioning valve from the large intestine into the small intestine, where they should not be), and it is enough to remove the edema by pressing and taking two teaspoons of dill seed inside with water, then bloating disappears.

AT oriental medicine The small intestine has a strong connection with the heart. When the abdomen is bloated, the diaphragm and the heart lying behind it are compressed, which leads to various diseases heart, heart attacks and syndrome sudden death(I fell asleep and didn’t wake up - my heart stopped, but, it turns out, I just ate something wrong in the evening).

6. Further in a spiral. Big turn. Pressing each point, we rise to the right ribs; from the left ribs we go down,
along the lower abdomen. We push it gently enough, somewhere 30º to the horizontal plane, so as not to put pressure on the perirenal space. And one more turn around the navel, somewhere 5-6 cm from the navel we press at a steeper angle, about 60º to the horizontal plane, a small turn. If you mentally carry out vertical axis through the navel, then all pressing will be deeper, in the direction of this axis. This is important so as not to displace the organ (intestine) in an unnatural direction. Here I would like to mention that the gynecology of women begins under the stomach and small intestine. Edema in these organs impairs the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which leads to various problems. The gynecologist treats below, working only with the consequences insufficient blood supply without removing the cause. Why trips to the gynecologist become regular, complicating life for the whole organism side effects drugs and manipulations, the consequences of operations, etc.

7. Navel. Push it vertically. Through it, we can remove swelling from the vessels, improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs, kidneys, and lower extremities.

Items 5, 6, and 7 are combined into a "spiral".

A few general words. By massaging the abdomen, we do not heal ourselves or loved one we're just helping the body heal itself.

This massage should be done to yourself every day once at night, lying in bed, when you are not in a hurry anywhere. Lie down, bend your knees and massage your abdomen. Preferably in a Reiki/Alive state. For independent work a plastic half-liter bottle is perfect, you will press the cork. When the pains from the abdomen are completely gone, then it is enough to do a massage as a preventive measure, once every two to three weeks, or with some kind of discomfort. For example, you are at a holiday today and poison your body with excess food for your own pleasure, I advise you to get a massage the next day so that the consequences of poisoning go away faster. Or they ate something.

Self-monitoring of the state in visceral therapy

After several sessions of visceral therapy, the patient himself can learn to control his condition and timely eliminate violations that occur in the work of his internal organs. For example, self-help or visceral self-therapy for disorders in gallbladder consists in the fact that a person, using his fist and fingers, performs pressure in the area of ​​​​the gallbladder until appearance of mild pain (Fig. 1).

Against the background of this slight pain, which manifests itself at the beginning of the process of stimulation of the gallbladder, without changing the force of pressure, a pause is made with a time delay. When the level of pain perception decreases or completely disappears, the fist moves down the hypochondrium in search of pain. Having found the next pain zone, a new punching is performed according to the same principle - also with a time delay in the pain zone, after which the fist again moves down the hypochondrium.

This is done until the entire area along the right hypochondrium (pericholic space) is anesthetized. The number of pushes per day is determined individually according to well-being, but should not exceed three - in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before bedtime. It is advisable to stimulate the gallbladder on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before meals, first in the supine position, then in a sitting or standing position.

In Old Slavonic visceral therapy, such improvised means as clay pots, glass jars, tightly rolled paper or rag tubes with special impregnation. In the next post, we will look at some self-help techniques using some available tools.

2439 02/14/2019 5 min.

In ancient times, there was neither high technology medicine nor strong drugs, no innovative equipment. Patients were treated only with herbs, bloodletting and massage.

Hand healing methods are popular in modern world, because they are really effective and do not require large sacrifices from the patient.


Naturally, like all types, visceral massage also has a number of contraindications.
You can not expose people to such a technique:

  • with suspected internal bleeding;
  • with myelopathy;
  • with sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • With perforated ulcer stomach;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with venereal diseases;
  • with thrombosis;
  • with gangrene;
  • during treatment for acute infectious inflammation;
  • with elevated temperature;
  • with diseases of the brain;
  • With open form tuberculosis;
  • with severe cardiovascular pathologies;
  • under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Massage technique according to Ogulov

Alexander Ogulov used Old Slavonic massage as part of complex treatment.

It is impossible to conduct sessions without preliminary diagnosing the body, because it is necessary to exclude all contraindications.

After laboratory diagnostics palpation is carried out through abdominal wall all organs. This makes it possible to determine the state of internal organs.

directly myself visceral massage start from the area below lower rib. During the exhalation of the patient, the specialist presses on the abdomen, helping to eliminate spasms in the gallbladder and cleanse the liver. In addition, with the help of this technique, the intestines turn in the right direction, and each organ takes its natural position.

In the old Russian massage, only fingers are used, the force of which changes in the process of performing movements.

On the video: Ogulov's belly massage or old Russian visceral belly massage

Self massage

A lightweight and uncomplicated version of visceral massage can be performed by yourself or your loved ones.

True, with self-massage, it will take a little more time to heal: instead of 2 weeks with a professional, you can improve your health in 1 to 3 months.

When performing a massage three simple rules must be observed:

  1. Do not cause yourself severe pain and loosen the pressure if the sensations are unbearable.
  2. One press should last no more than 3 minutes, so that oxygen starvation of tissues does not occur. And if the pain when pressed has passed before 3 minutes, then the hand can be rearranged.
  3. The pressure should not be weak, but soft.

To find first point, move a third of the distance from the navel to the lower ribs, then 2 finger widths to the right. The reflex point of the gallbladder is pressed vertically to a slight pain.

After impact on the first point move on to the second. From the first point to the left ribs, move a third of the distance and find yourself on the projection of the pancreas. This organ is located very deep, so it is possible to reach it only after daily sessions for a week.

Feel the dot, which is placed two fingers below the corner costal arches. This is the area of ​​the liver. You need to press on it not vertically, but at an angle of 45 degrees, going a little deeper under the ribs. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to go through the entire hypochondrium twice.

Fourth zone is located in the left hypochondrium. This is the region of the spleen.

To find fifth point, set aside from the corner of the right pelvic bone to the navel 1/3. Here the small intestine passes into the large intestine, and the appendix is ​​also placed.

On the video: visceral massage of the abdomen self-massage

The best recipes for strengthening nails at home.


Visceral massage of the abdomen, Ogulov's internal organs, Slavic chiropractic - benefits and harms, sensations during massage.

We continue the dialogues about massage between masseurs and their clients. This time we’ll talk about what Ogulov’s visceral massage is, Slavic chiropractic, what sensations, indications, contraindications, and the technique of performing this massage.

Dear colleagues, I would like to know about visceral abdominal massage - what kind of technique is it, is such a deep body massage painful for clients, indications and contraindications.

Visceral massage according to Ogulov, I would say - the impact of hands or other methods through the abdominal wall on all structures of the abdominal cavity and not only, causing general reaction for the whole organism. As far as I know, there are several types of massage.

1. Classical 2. Segmental 3. Old Church Slavonic. 4. Visceral manipulations that belong to osteopathic techniques Dr. Barrel 5. Chi Nei Tsang Oriental approach to massage of the internal organs. - Mantak Chia 6. Shiatsu - Hara (stomach) massage, a slightly different variation in Thai traditional massage. I want to note that when using Chi Nei Zang, the impact is made on all three levels - physical, structural and emotional-psychological.

Extremely useful technique massage. As for the pain that accompanies visceral massage, which, again, is not a fact, as the client reviews say, we can talk here, in particular, about ischemic compression of trigger points in the case of the myofascial nature of pain in the abdomen, or about the effect on mu points or hara zones, which, according to oriental medicine, have a close connection with the corresponding internal organs.

Regarding the fact that the impact should be painless, many experts will not agree with this opinion. For example, here is a quote from the book of the main chiropractor Moscow d.m.s. Professor Anatoly Boleslavovich Sitel "Gymnastics for internal organs", section " Therapeutic posture-movement for pain in the left upper section stomach and a tendency to increase blood sugar levels":

Feeling the pads of four fingers right hand tissue compaction and focusing on pain, exercise pressure for 60-90 seconds until they disappear.

By the way, the technique of ischemic compression of trigger points, as far as I know, is always painful. And it is used when visceral massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov is performed.

When practicing Chi Nei Tsang, I should note that there are always pain zones or points in the abdominal region, but one of the rules of our school is to find without painful places moving towards more painful ones expanding the comfort zone, thus often those zones that were tense often disappear. Excessive pain always gives defensive reflex in the form of defense (tension) and not only on the physical, but also psychological level CNS. At right rhythm breathing, which is regulated by the massage therapist with the help of speech commands or special meditative music, the patient should always feel comfort and your support. I must say that much depends on the method of application.

For example, osteopathic or manual techniques are more rigid than Chi Nei Tsang. Another factor will correct execution techniques and experience of the massage therapist, the school's style of teaching. In any case, I am for comfort and gradual impact. Main principles: from superficial to deep, from soft to hard, Breath, Chi-energy, Rhythm, without haste. After all, what often happens is that the massage therapist, in pursuit of a quick result, tries to put pressure on the patient to “fly sparks from the eyes”, that’s the class “it’s already dark in the eyes”, and the result is zilch. When working, for example, on points around the navel, I always wait until the tension subsides, and adjust the depth of pressure, so that the patient can always breathe rhythmically without excessive pain and the tension gradually disappears.

Old Russian massage abdomen, visceral massage abdominal cavity, as it is called, is the editing of organs. Remember anatomy - organs can be spasmodic. And a sharp pain during a massage can be caused precisely by the fact that the spasm is just removed.

I agree with my colleague above - old Russian massages are aimed at relieving spasms, clamps, putting organs in place. BUT wrong position, circulatory disorders, organ clamping - these are pains. And when the massage therapist releases these clamps, that's where the pain comes from.

I'll try to more clearly answer the link about the pain. When finding painful zones or points, this place is already painful and contacting or pressing, I always maintain a comfort zone, control the patient's response and facial expression. I should note that the pain is also different. For example, while massaging the area, the patient notes "pleasant pain" "aaaa" in contrast to the "not pleasant" "oh". None" physical strength"We do not use massage, on the contrary, working near or on tense places, we try to relieve tension, painlessly working rhythmically, plastically, slowly, almost in a meditative rhythm. Another nuance, the stronger the tension, the softer our pressure or touch. I must say that not always visceral massage goes through the whole session nicely, if available painful areas this is already discomfort, and therefore, working and removing painful places, it does not always bring pleasure, but in any case it lasts for a very short time. If the discomfort continues, then we work elsewhere, returning to the previous one after a while. Again, I want to repeat myself, I don’t rush to the epicenter of pain, but I start from less painless areas, and often, when I come to the place of pain, I don’t find it anymore.

It's hard to disagree with this. But I would not call this procedure painless, in the strict sense of the word. Old Russian massage of the abdomen can be both painless and cause lingering pain, or acute, sharp pain during removal of pinching or setting the body in place. It all depends on the problem of the client.

Yes, you are right, dear colleague! Old Russian massage of the abdomen, visceral massage, and even the usual anti-cellulite massage, they can be both painful and without pain. In my practice, the same client, the same massage techniques, caused either pleasant sensations or pain. What is the reason? Namely, in the state of the massaged area in this particular period.

Dear colleagues! Yes, the old Slavic visceral massage of the abdomen can be painful, painless. And it depends not only on the specific state of the client on this moment but also from the professionalism of the massage therapist. I know an ace of massage who does it, even where the pain could be very strong.

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Prepared specifically for the site

Dear friends, today we will get acquainted with another method of helping ourselves at home - visceral chiropractic, Old Russian massage of the abdomen. The article was prepared by my wonderful colleague - Svetoyar Vakhnin, a competent person in this matter, I met him and his master class in Slavic massage during my trip to Ukraine in April 2013.

It has now been proven that almost every disease begins with vasospasm and impaired blood flow. Displacement of organs, tissue tension is very common, starting with childhood. If these stresses are not eliminated, they accumulate and lead to various diseases. Medical treatment often aimed at eliminating the symptoms, rather than at the cause of the disease.

Old Slavonic massage of the abdomen is aimed at eliminating the CAUSES of diseases: displacement of organs, tension in tissues.

Contraindications: acute inflammation and infectious diseases, tissue necrosis, tumors, thrombosis, bleeding, abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Indications: most of the currently known diseases.

But first you need to clarify the understanding of the disease (illness).

To do this, let's turn to the knowledge of the laws (KONs) of the existence of the World. Let's consider the basic diagram, on which it is easiest to understand figuratively where the disease comes from. According to it, all Existing and Bearing is formed from the Primordial Light - the Spirit of the Most High, current form which is Zhiva. The Primordial Light includes all possible spectra and energy levels, just as white light contains the entire visible spectrum. And from it, coming from the Center of the World - the Stone of Alatyr, all other forms of energies and matters appear through transformation and compaction. Jiva - an individual, self-luminous particle of the Primordial Light, is the true "I" of Man. It is the Jiva that fills with energies the Images located on different shells our Soul. Transforming through images, as through a lampshade, the Primordial Light creates our physical shell and the whole the world in all its diversity. Our illnesses and problems are manifestations of some images of our Soul.

My experience as a healer shows that working with one physical body is not enough. Moreover, working with images of the soul is much more efficient and faster, and gives more lasting results. Therefore, I deeply respect different forms mastery, and without them I can no longer imagine my practice.

Just let's start simple, let's start with the physical body.

This text describes a simple and gentle massage technique, part of the abdominal massage, which you can safely do to yourself and loved ones (observing three rules). Let the experts do more complex manipulations. Doing only the first circle of massage (described below), you will still achieve results, just not so “quickly”, for example, in case of a serious illness, instead of two weeks with a specialist, you will heal yourself in 1-2-3 months. Are you in a hurry somewhere? Diseases we earn by years of "hard work".

Massage rules:

1. To a slight pain! It is not necessary to endure severe pain, weaken the pressure to a slight pain!

2. One click no more than three minutes! This is very important so as not to cause ischemia (oxygen starvation in the tissues). Ischemia is manifested most often by increasing acute pain in the area where you cut off the blood supply (not always at hand, but below).

If the pain has passed, we rearrange the hand without waiting three minutes.

If the pain does not go away in three minutes, we still rearrange the hand. After we can return to this point again to work with it some more.

3. Gently press, gently remove your hand. Soft does not mean weak.

Massage procedure:

1. We are looking for the first point like this: from the navel to the bottom of the sternum set aside 1/3, two fingers to the right (not length, butfinger width). This is the reflex point of the gallbladder. We press on it vertically (a description taking into account that the person lies on his back, legs partially bent at the knees). To mild pain. Sometimes a brook murmurs at hand, it pours bile from the bladder into the intestine.

The main signs of a full gallbladder: dizziness, nausea, pain in the temples and, often, in the front of the head, crunching in the knees when squatting, pain in the knees (often in the right). As well as digestive disorders, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (including rhinitis, sinusitis), hemorrhoids and varicose veins, pain in the neck, right shoulder and under the shoulder blade, joint diseases. Removing the gallbladder causes digestion to stop and joints to collapse. In this case, it is necessary to do a daily massage of the liver, which, increasing, takes on the function of the gallbladder. Possible endocrine disorders (thyroid dysfunction), decreased libido, menstrual disorders.

When this point is pressed, the symptoms disappear, for example, a headache in the temples or anteriorparts of the head, or no longer "sicks" in transport, the joints are again lubricated, and the risk of injury is reducedat times (in sports).

2. From the first point, press along the 1/3 line right up to the left edges. Projection of the pancreas.

The gland itself is quite deep, and during massage it is often possible to reach it only after a considerable time (a week of daily massages), until all the overlying tissues relax. If problems in the gland are caused by stretching of its ligaments with the stomach and omentum of the small intestine, then abdominal massage is the only effective method of treatment.

We push each point vertically.

A characteristic pathology of the pancreas is diabetes (increase or decrease in blood sugar), allergies, skin rashes, a tendency to infectious diseases, growth retardation in children.

3. Right hypochondrium. Liver area. We start two fingers below the angle of the costal arches. We press not vertically along the ribs and not under the very ribs, but at an angle of 45º, as if deep into. We pass twice the entire hypochondrium from top to bottom. If, when pressed, nausea, lightheadedness appear, press the first point and hold until the pain and symptoms of an overflowing gallbladder disappear. Then we continue to massage the liver.

Symptoms of excessive liver function: pain in the right hypochondrium, headaches, yellowness of the skin, dry throat, as well as sore eyes, irritability, insomnia.

Symptoms of liver failure: intestinal upset, pelvic pain, pale skin color, as well as weakness and fatigue, depression, decreased vision and twilight blindness. In women, prolapse of the uterus, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids are possible.

4. Left hypochondrium. Also press inward at an angle of 45º, passing each point from top to bottom. Reflex zone of the spleen. In case of violations in the spleen, nasal and other bleedings (including uterine), hemorrhagic manifestations are possible. Dryness and pallor of the lips, a change in taste sensations.

All of the above massage together forms the "roof of the house."

5. Next point: from the angle of the right pelvic bone to the navel by 1/3 . The region of the ileocecal valve, the transition point between the small intestine and the large intestine. Here is the caecum, appendix, the beginning of the ascending colon. Valve edema is often manifested by bloating (bacteria penetrate through a non-functioning valve from the large intestine into the small intestine, where they should not be), and it is enough to remove the edema by pressing and taking two teaspoons of dill seed inside with water, then bloating disappears. In Eastern medicine, the small intestine has a strong connection with the heart. When the abdomen is bloated, the diaphragm and the heart lying behind it are compressed, which leads to various heart diseases, heart attacks and sudden death syndrome (he fell asleep and did not wake up - the heart stopped, but, it turns out, he just ate something wrong in the evening).

6. Further in a spiral. Big turn. Pressing each point, we rise to the right ribs; from the left ribs we go down, along the lower abdomen. We push it gently enough, somewhere 30º to the horizontal plane, so as not to put pressure on the perirenal space. And one more turn around the navel, somewhere 5-6 cm from the navel we press at a steeper angle, about 60º to the horizontal plane, a small turn. If you mentally draw a vertical axis through the navel, then all the pressures will be inward, in the direction of this axis. This is important so as not to displace the organ (intestine) in an unnatural direction. Here I would like to mention that the gynecology of women begins under the stomach and small intestine. Edema in these organs impairs the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which leads to various problems. The gynecologist treats below, working only with the consequences of insufficient blood supply, without eliminating the cause. Why visits to the gynecologist become regular, complicating life for the whole body with side effects of drugs and manipulations, the consequences of operations, etc.

7. Navel. Push it vertically. Through it, we can remove swelling from the vessels, improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs, kidneys, and lower extremities.

Points 5,6, and 7 are combined into a "spiral".

This massage should be done to yourself every day once at night, lying in bed, when you are not in a hurry anywhere. Lie down, bend your knees and massage your abdomen. Preferably in a Reiki/Alive state. For independent work, a plastic half-liter bottle is great, you will press the cork . When the pains from the abdomen are completely gone, then it is enough to do a massage as a preventive measure, once every two to three weeks, or with some kind of discomfort. For example, you are at a holiday today and poison your body with excess food for your own pleasure, I advise you to get a massage the next day so that the consequences of poisoning go away faster. Or they ate something.

You will do a stomach massage - you will have a result; if you don’t, then there will be no result, there is no one to be offended by. It's good to massage each other. And support, and exchange, and results faster.

As I wrote above, well-being is the result of the state of our soul. What programs (images) are imprinted on it, such is our life. The psychological component is very important. As an example, I propose to close your eyes and intentionally cause feelings of resentment and anger. And stay in this state for at least a minute. Remember the responses in the body at this moment, tension, pressure, pain. And remember your health problems. The connection is there.

Happiness, joy, health and new knowledge to you!!!

Svetoyar Vakhnin, correction of the Vedan text

Literature: 1. Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov. All books and videos.

2. Victoria Butenko "Green for life".

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