How to get rid of sweaty palms: simple and effective methods just for you. How to get rid of sweaty hands using various methods How to get rid of sweat on the palms

Sweating is normal for a person, it helps protect against overheating of the body in conditions of elevated temperature.

Sweating of the face, armpits, hands or feet brings a lot of discomfort, so the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of drugs to get rid of them.

In any pharmacy, it is easy to find a cream, powder, tablets and other means in order to completely or remove its main symptoms.

Medical cosmetics

Wet stains on clothing are easily prevented with aluminum chloride antiperspirants (spray or cream) or conventional deodorants, most of which keep you feeling dry throughout the day and eliminate odor. Their action is to block and redistribute the accumulated fluid throughout the body. They are designed to eliminate the effects of sweating: a large amount of moisture and repulsive amber. Sweating itself cannot be cured in this way.

In cases of increased sweating, otherwise called hyperhidrosis, such remedies are ineffective, which encourages people suffering from this disease to resort to more effective drugs that any pharmacy offers. What can be purchased at a pharmacy to eliminate excessive sweating of the armpits, face, hands or feet? What remedies for sweating does modern pharmaceuticals offer?

Pharmacy remedies for excessive sweating

Drug therapy with consists in the use of drugs, the action of which is aimed at reducing the release of sweat. Sweating remedies can be sold in a pharmacy in the form of a cream, tablets, powders, powders.

Most of them have in their composition such an active substance as formaldehyde and are dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription.


The components of this antiseptic are the following ingredients:

  1. formaldehyde,
  2. ethanol,
  3. water and cologne.

Cream with formidron should be applied to the places of greatest accumulation (armpits, hands, face, feet). The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks, if necessary, it can be extended. This tool has lost its popularity due to the presence of a number of disadvantages:

  1. pungent odor;
  2. inconvenience of use;
  3. potential for skin irritation.

It is currently the most effective formaldehyde-containing product for removing hands and other parts of the body. The drug, which is a colorless and odorless gel, has a prolonged action. It is non-toxic and hypoallergenic.

A decrease in perspiration is observed after the first application of Formagel and continues for 2-3 weeks. This product is applied to clean, dry skin of problem areas and forms a film that must be washed off after 30 minutes with running water.

The advantage of Formagel, as a cure for, lies in its long-term therapeutic effect. Reapplying the gel is required no earlier than 2 weeks later.

Teymur paste

It is a proven remedy for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the legs, arms, armpits or face. This one has practically lost its popularity in our time due to the need for frequent application and the inability to remove it from clothes. However, "remains one of the cheapest and most affordable, it can be easily bought at any pharmacy. The cream has been used to combat sweating for decades and is perhaps the most famous remedy sold in a pharmacy.

They are tablets that prevent the stimulation of activity and reduce the release of sweat. These include:

  1. clonidine,
  2. oxybutin,
  3. beta blockers,
  4. benzotropine.

Long-term use of these drugs can harm the body, as they have the following side effects:

  • violation of speech function;
  • change in taste sensations
  • difficulty in chewing and swallowing;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • violation of the process of urination, constipation.

On the basis of belladonna are produced:

  • bellataminal,
  • bellaspone,
  • belloid.

They allow you to eliminate excessive sweating of the face, armpits, legs, arms and other parts of the body. Their action can last for a long time, as they do not cause addiction and are completely safe for the body.

Sedative drugs

The development of hyperhidrosis can be provoked by factors related to the mental status of a person, which consists in his excessive emotionality, stressful situations or psychological problems. This is the reason for the increased sweating. In these cases, it is recommended to take sedatives and tranquilizers for two to four weeks.

Longer use of sedatives can cause addiction, so you can turn to herbal medicine. Separate herbs, ready-made collections, tablets from plant elements in a large assortment are offered at any pharmacy.
The following medicinal herbs can help with nervous sweating:

Tablets and powders

Along with the above-described means of treating excessive sweating of the hands, feet, face or armpits, tablets are also used, the components of which are:

  1. sodium bromide,
  2. calcium lactate,
  3. chloral hydrate.

Use these funds from sweating should be no more than 3 times a day. They have a number of contraindications, which should be noted in the annotation.

For the treatment of a pronounced form of sweating on the arms, legs, and armpits, it is recommended to take atropine in the form of a powder or solution three times a day for 14 days.

This remedy for sweating is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

As medical practice shows, the isolated use of drugs aimed at eliminating excessive, creams, powders and other things is ineffective.

To get rid of hyperhidrosis of the hands, feet, face, head, body, it is necessary to apply complex therapy, which is aimed, first of all, not at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but at the causes leading to its development.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms is such an unpleasant name for a disease in which increased sweating of the palms is manifested. Wet palms do not make it possible to live a full life - you must constantly keep them dry, wash your hands regularly in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor. In addition, a person with wet hands becomes unpleasant for society - it is always nice to say hello and shake a dry, warm hand, and not a wet and cold one. However, hyperhidrosis of the palms can bring not only moral discomfort, but also provoke the development of numerous microbial diseases, since a humid environment is the best for the reproduction and habitation of microbes.

Why do hands sweat

Such a symptom as excessive sweating of the palms is familiar to many, but not everyone knows the true cause of this disease. In a normal, healthy body, sweating is a normal and even beneficial function. Together with sweat, a large amount of toxins, harmful substances and other unnecessary compounds are excreted through the skin. It is also necessary to maintain optimal body temperature - during sweating, the temperature regime is regulated, which allows all organs to work in an optimal environment. Increased sweating, at best, occurs in a stressful situation, at worst, indicates the onset of a disease.

There are a large number of diseases where excessive sweating of the palms is a mandatory symptom. Here are just a few of the most common diseases:

  1. Diabetes. During this unpleasant disease, water is quickly excreted from the body, in connection with these, not only the moisture of the palms, but also of the whole body is noted.
  2. Deviations in the work of the adrenal glands. Such a human organ as the adrenal glands is responsible for the release of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. If for some reason their dysfunction occurs, a person develops dry mouth and palms begin to sweat heavily.
  3. Diseases of the pituitary gland. Since all the processes of our body occur under the direct control of the brain, for any health problems, it is necessary to pay attention to the pituitary gland. It has been noticed that in case of violations in the work of this organ, deviations of the whole organism occur, including excessive sweating of the palms.
  4. Constant stress, neuroses. During stressful situations, there is an increased release of the hormone adrenaline, the excess of which in the body leads to dry mouth and sweating of the palms.
  5. Diseases of the thyroid gland. With a lack or excess of iodine in the body, an imbalance of metabolic processes occurs, which provoke the occurrence of sweating of the hands.

It is worth noting that these are only the most “terrible” diseases in which excessive sweating of the hands is noticed. However, your palms can still be wet if you are not dressed for the weather - this is how your body struggles to maintain the desired body temperature. Another case in which sweating of the palms is a normal phenomenon is an experience or any small stress.

It should also be added that hand sweating can occur as a side effect of taking medications such as aspirin, insulin, or other pills that delay urination. Remember, you can stop the course of treatment because of this only after consulting with your doctor.

Note! If sweating of the palms has been bothering you periodically for several days, seek help from a specialist. Perhaps this is the first sign of a more complex disease that needs to be cured as soon as possible.

Folk methods to help deal with sweaty palms

If you don’t have time to see a doctor yet, and there is a big meeting with work colleagues or a meeting with old friends ahead, you can use emergency methods - turn to traditional medicine.

It is noteworthy that all folk recipes consist of the simplest ingredients that cost very little, and some can be found in your home. Another advantage of traditional medicine is that all the methods that have survived to this day have been tested for several generations, so you will definitely come across the most effective medicine for sweaty palms, which also has no side effects.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. In order to reduce the work of the sweat glands and prevent the development of bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor, it is recommended to dilute hydrogen peroxide in a glass of boiled water and periodically wipe your hands with this solution.
  2. Ammonia. This method, like the previous one, is aimed at destroying bacteria and normalizing the functions of the sweat glands. To do this, mix ammonia and boiled water in equal amounts. Wipe your hands with cotton pads throughout the day.
  3. Oak bark. Oak bark is known to have tannic properties - it does a good job of killing bacteria and reducing the production of sweat on the treated area of ​​the skin. In order to completely forget about your problem for several hours, you need to pour two tablespoons of crushed oak bark with boiling water. Let's insist. Then pour into a large basin, add cool water and lower your hands to the most comfortable level. Keep your hands in this position for 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to carry out such baths with a frequency of once a week.
  4. Laundry soap. This antique hygiene item will never lose its popularity. Laundry soap perfectly narrows pores, dries the skin, because of this effect, sweating will appear in moderation or stop altogether. It is recommended to replace ordinary soap (especially liquid soap!) with a piece of ordinary household soap.
  5. Decoctions of herbs. Sage, calendula, medicinal chamomile and dandelion root have porosine effects. In order to get rid of excessive sweating, it is necessary to prepare a decoction. Take two tablespoons of one herb or mixture and pour boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and let it steep. Wipe your hands with cotton pads 3-4 times a day.
  6. Walnut leaves. If your hands began to sweat in the summer, but you are afraid that the same situation will happen in the winter, prepare in advance. There is one very good method to help get rid of excessive sweating - alcohol tincture on hazelnut leaves. Pour the leaves of this shrub with alcohol in an amount of 1:10 and let it brew for 2 months in a dark, cool place. After the tincture is ready, wipe her palms with a cotton pad every day in the morning and evening.
  7. Skumpia. This southern herb is also effective in dealing with sweaty hands. Boil the bark of a shrub, about 50 g, in one liter of water, then reduce the fire and leave to languish for another 10 minutes. Cool the resulting solution and wipe the palms of the hands, feet and other heavily sweating areas with it.
  8. Vinegar. You can try to use the following improvised tool: dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar in one glass of water. Rinse your hands with this solution several times a day.
  9. Crystal Alunite. The mineral alunite, which is found in nature in its natural state, exhibits very useful properties. Many attribute to it the properties of an antiperspirant, as it effectively copes with sweating of the hands, narrowing the pores and reducing the work of the sweat glands. To use this tool, you just need to moisten the stone and wipe the problem areas on the skin - the effect will exceed all your expectations. Alunite is odorless, does not cause allergies, unlike chemical antiperspirants, and is a 100% natural product. Its positive properties have already been noticed more than once with excessive sweating of the legs and armpits, so it will cope with the palms of the hands without problems.
  10. Baby powder or talc. If there's an important meeting coming up in a few minutes and you're worried about sweaty palms, use regular body talcum powder. It quickly dehydrates the palms of the hands, making them dry. This procedure can be performed several times a day.
  11. Absorbent wipes. This cosmetic item can be used not only for matting the face of the skin, but also as a drain for sweaty palms. One napkin must be used on one hand, it cannot be reused, since in this case harmful microbes multiply.

If no methods have brought you a positive result and your palms continue to sweat a lot, the doctor may suggest performing a surgical operation to remove the sweat glands - curettage or endoscopic sympathectomy.

It is worth adding that the effect of such a procedure is not long-lasting, after some time the palms will begin to sweat again.

If you care about your health, but you are worried about excessive sweating of your hands, you need to be examined by a doctor in order to avoid complications. Also, the doctor will help to find out the cause of sweating, since traditional medicine recipes relieve you only of external symptoms, keeping the disease at the same level. Never be shy or afraid to seek advice from doctors! Remember, counseling patients is their responsibility, for which they receive money. Take care of yourself and your precious health!

Video: treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms

Excessive sweating of the hands is quite treatable. The main thing is to know how to deal with the problem. There are recipes of traditional and folk medicine. They can be combined - they will complement and enhance each other's action.

Causes of sweaty palms

There are many reasons why palm sweating can be increased. More often it is:

  • genetic factor. This tendency is hereditary.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome, constant stress, strong emotions.
  • Disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system and other diseases that lead to a violation of the human hormonal background.
  • Wrong lifestyle and poor nutrition.

Lifestyle of a sick person

To get rid of hyperhidrosis of the palms, you need to pay close attention to your lifestyle.

Daily regime

First of all, streamline your daily routine. An adult should sleep at least 8 hours a day, and at night. Normalization of sleep will positively affect the state of the whole organism.

chronic fatigue syndrome

If there is chronic fatigue, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe treatment. Very often people dismiss this condition, not believing that it deserves attention. And very in vain - chronic fatigue can lead to the development of serious pathologies.


In most cases, it is stress that causes profuse sweating of the palms. Therefore, try to minimize all possible shocks and negative emotions - and your nervous system will not be slow to say “thank you” to you.


Try to minimize the consumption of spicy, spicy foods and all kinds of seasonings. These substances, once in the body, can lead not only to increased sweating, but also to inflammation of the sweat glands.

Medical solutions to the problem

Ointments, injections, solutions will help get rid of severe sweating of the hands.

Zinc ointment

The tool helps well in the initial stages, when the sweating of the palms is not yet too strong. In any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, purchase zinc ointment. Every evening for a month, apply a thin layer of zinc ointment to the entire surface of the palms. After 15 minutes, wash off the ointment with warm water and dry your hands thoroughly.

Pasta Teymurova

The tool helps in more difficult cases, when sweating is strong. In the evening, wash your hands thoroughly, dry them and apply a thick layer of paste liberally. Leave it on for at least 40 minutes and then wash it off. Then dry your hands again. Ideally, the procedure should be carried out every evening. Treatment lasts a week, not longer. But if you notice reddening of the palms, itching and other signs of irritation, reduce the number of procedures - do them every other day.

Formalin solution

If Teimurov's paste does not help you, you can try formalin solution - one tablespoon per liter of water. Soak your hands in the warm solution every day for 10 minutes. At the first sign of irritation, stop treatment - it means that it does not suit you.


Sometimes getting rid of sweating is very simple - just wipe your palms with ammonia twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Do not be afraid of a strong smell - it will disappear in a few minutes. The only disadvantage of this treatment is the likelihood of developing dry skin. However, this trouble can be prevented - it is enough to use hand cream every evening.

Botox injection

The principle is simple - a substance is injected under the skin that blocks the exchange of impulses between the nervous system and sweat glands. So the production of sweat becomes impossible. The effect of the procedure lasts for about 6 months. But there is one thing - this procedure is expensive.


If the previous remedies were ineffective, you can contact a beauty salon that offers iontophoresis treatment. The essence of the procedure is that medicines are injected under the skin with the help of electrical impulses, which eliminate the sweating of the palms.

Folk remedies for sweaty hands

Do not ignore the treatment of folk remedies - they are also very effective in eliminating sweating of the hands. Ingredients in recipes can cause allergies. Pre-test - apply a small amount of the finished product on your wrist. Rinse after 15 minutes and evaluate the results. If there are no signs of allergy, treatment can begin.

soda baths

The simplest remedy that helps in mild cases is soda baths. They are effective when the problem is not very pronounced. Preparing a bath is simple - dissolve three tablespoons of ordinary baking soda in a liter of warm water. Dip the brushes into the solution and hold until the water has cooled. Then rinse your hands and dry. The bath must be done every day in the evening. Treatment should continue for at least 7 days.

Lemon soda paste

If the sweating of the hands is very increased, you can try treatment with soda-lemon paste. Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with freshly squeezed lemon juice - you should get a creamy mass. Apply it on washed hands and leave for 5 minutes. The paste will bubble up - this is the result of a chemical reaction. Continue treatment until excessive sweating disappears, but no longer than 10 days.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very good at helping to reduce sweating - including saving from sweaty palms. Dissolve five tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one liter of water and soak your hands for 10 minutes. Then rinse your hands with water. Be sure to apply a moisturizer to your palms to avoid overdrying your skin.

oak bark

Oak bark is one of the oldest remedies for eliminating excessive sweating. To prepare the bath, you need five tablespoons of oak bark. Place it in a medium-sized saucepan, pour 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and boil until a third of the total volume of water boils away.

Then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid, wrap it with a terry towel and leave to infuse for about three hours. In the evening, heat the solution to a temperature of about 28 degrees, pour into a small container and place your hands. The duration of the bath should be at least ten minutes, then dry your hands without rinsing them. If you do these baths every day for two weeks, you will surely forget about sweating for a long time.

Black tea

The simplest, but no less effective way to get rid of sweaty palms is regular black tea. Moreover, the cheaper the welding will be, the more effective it will act. Just brew one liter of very strong tea, cool it to room temperature and put your hands in it.

The duration of such a tea procedure should be at least 30 minutes. Yes, and it must be done at least twice a day for one month. If that doesn't scare you, go for it. With a high degree of probability, increased sweating will be defeated. But only if the treatment is systematic.

medicinal sage

Sage can eliminate even fairly heavy sweating. First, prepare the infusion - place three tablespoons of sage in a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water over it. Leave for at least three hours. In the evening before going to bed, take a bath - mix water and infusion in a one-to-one ratio, heat it up and place your hands for 30 minutes. After that, dry your hands and grease them with cream. It is enough to do one procedure a day for two weeks. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days.

walnut leaves

If a walnut grows next to you, consider yourself very lucky - it eliminates the sweating of the palms. For the treatment, you will need cotton mittens, a saucepan, water, and ten tablespoons of crushed walnut leaves. Place the leaves in an enamel saucepan, add one liter of water and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Cool, if you want - you can strain.

When the broth has cooled to room temperature, pour it into a bowl and place your hands. The duration of the bath is at least 15 minutes. Then be sure to wash your hands and apply moisturizer. Otherwise, the skin of the hands will dry, peel off, you will feel a strong feeling of tightness. The bath must be done once a day for at least a week in a row.

Laundry soap

You may be surprised, but in some cases it is really possible to cope with the problem with the help of ordinary laundry soap - the same as our mothers used. Of course, you will have to look for it properly, but you can still find it in stores.

Grate laundry soap on a coarse grater - you will need two tablespoons, pour in a little water and leave to soak - you should get liquid soap. Then add a little potato starch to it - just enough so that the mass acquires a creamy consistency.

Wash and steam your palms, then apply the resulting mass to the skin, cover with plastic wrap and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse your hands under running water and dry thoroughly. Follow up with a moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out.

Healing ointment based on glycerin

If the sweating of the palms is very strong and you can’t get rid of it, you can try a more radical remedy - a healing ointment. To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of glycerin, the juice of one fresh lemon, one tablespoon of alcohol. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly - you should get a homogeneous mass. Place it in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

The ointment must be applied to wiped hands after each wash and at least 4 times a day. Most often, a person notices significant improvements within a week. But to consolidate the result, it is necessary to continue treatment for at least one month. If necessary, after a week break, the course can be repeated.

Healing cream based on medicinal herbs

Another very effective remedy for hyperhidrosis of the palms is a healing cream based on medicinal herbs. To prepare it, you will need plantain, chamomile, calendula and dandelion in equal proportions. Place one tablespoon of the herbal mixture in a thermos, pour one glass of boiling water over it and leave for a day. After that, strain the infusion with gauze.

Melt 50 g of any fat in a water bath - for example, pork or chicken, add one tablespoon of castor oil and honey to it. After that, carefully mix the resulting mixture with herbal infusion - you should get a homogeneous mass. Place it in a glass jar with a lid. It is necessary to store the cream in the refrigerator so that it does not lose its healing properties.

Apply the cream to cleanly washed and dry hands, at least twice a day. The duration of treatment is at least 10 days. If necessary, after a week break, the course of treatment can be repeated. Please note - this remedy is contraindicated for those people who suffer from allergic reactions to honey and other bee products.

Hand lotion

If sweating is very strong, mix in a glass container 5 g of boric acid, 15 g of salicylic acid and borax, 60 g of glycerin and 70 g of medical alcohol. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, close the lid tightly, refrigerate. Three times a day, you need to wipe your palms with a cotton pad moistened with this lotion. Do not wash your hands for about an hour after this - this will enhance the healing effect of the lotion. After about three days, you will notice obvious improvements, but do not stop treatment for about two weeks.

Honey ointment

Honey is a good remedy for sweaty palms. And if you add more soda, the result will surely please you. Mix one tablespoon of natural honey with one teaspoon of baking soda, let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, then apply to your palms. Be sure to cover them with plastic wrap, put on cotton mittens on top and leave the ointment for 40 minutes. Then rinse the mixture off with cool water and apply your regular hand cream.

Lemon juice

If you need to get rid of sweating now - for example, before a date or business negotiations - you can resort to at least. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and rub it into your palms, do not rinse. There will be no sweating for about four hours. But do not abuse this tool - use it only in emergency situations!

The procedure must be done once a day - the treatment lasts at least a month. The first week and a half or two tangible results you will not notice. But do not rush to get upset - if you treat hyperhidrosis in this way, then in about a month the problem will recede. Moreover, the effect lasts for a very long time: about six months.

Talk 4

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Of course, "sticky hands" is a well-known occasion for humorists' jokes and a common "stamp" in books and TV shows. That's just in life, "lucky" suffering from hyperhidrosis of the palms, you will not envy. But this does not mean that it is impossible to get rid of sweaty palms! There are many simple yet effective methods. We invite you to read this material and decide which method of combating sweating is right for you.

Powders - cheap and cheerful!

Use baby powder or other hygroscopic powder. Oddly enough, this is often forgotten, but still cheap and accessible to everyone, powders can be a good option for people whose palms are constantly flowing and getting wet. The main thing - do not forget to use them regularly, and not occasionally.

Approximately a pinch of the product is used at a time. And further. For powder to really help you deal with sweating, it needs to be applied to clean and well (dry) wiped skin of the hands. If for some reason you cannot buy a “factory” product, you can equally well use one of the components described below:

  • Chalk. Of course, it must be peeled and finely ground (to a state of powder), since roughly “ground” pieces of chalk will in no way help you cope with sweating palms.
  • In general, pharmacies are full of cheap powders based on it, and therefore it is hardly necessary to look for pure talc in other places. Experts warn that when using this substance, it is highly undesirable to inhale talc dust.
  • Corn starch. And it's corn! Potato or rice starch is not the same. The fact is that the corn variety compares favorably with its counterparts in that it does not fall into lumps even when it gets very wet. In a word, it is an ideal natural powder. Maya Indians used it long before the discovery of Columbus.
  • Yes, and this component can be used to stop excessive sweating. Soda is good for several reasons at once: it is cheap, it helps to normalize the pH of the skin, it prevents the development of pathogenic microflora.

Thus, powder is a good and inexpensive option for anti-perspiration, but for its effective use, you need to follow a few simple rules. Firstly, as we have already emphasized, the hands must be clean before applying it. You need to wash them with soap, preferably with baby soap. Secondly, the skin after this procedure must be thoroughly wiped, achieving complete dryness.

About deodorants

Simple deodorants in case of sweating palms are also often forgotten, which is a pity. After all, they can also help to cope with hyperhidrosis with minimal amounts of effort and cost. But only under certain important conditions. We will describe how to properly apply deodorants to sweaty people.

As in the previous case, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and wipe dry. Secondly, you need to use not just a deodorant, but a product that actually contains substances that prevent sweating. It is advisable to consult with a cosmetologist about the varieties of such drugs in advance. However, in almost any store with goods for Sport you can find something suitable. Specialized deodorants of this type have only one drawback - the cost. It, however, is completely leveled by the fact that at one time you are unlikely to spend the entire cylinder. It will last (with moderate sweating) for at least a month. Much worse is that not everywhere you can get hold of specialized tools.

Therefore, if you are seriously disturbed by excessive sweating of your palms, we advise you to consult a doctor and use medical deodorants, which include aluminum chloride. The latter, by the way, is one of the most powerful "chemicals" designed to stop hyperhidrosis. But it is strongly not recommended to use such remedies on their own: they have a lot of side effects and contraindications, you can simply get poisoned or get a severe chemical burn of the skin. To prevent this from happening, you must immediately and in detail consult a doctor.

Wet wipes

Again, a common remedy that, if used correctly, can make life much easier for all people with perpetually sweaty palms. The packaging of such wipes is inexpensive, it can be constantly carried in a purse, it can easily fit in the glove compartment of a car. It must be noted, however, that this simple remedy helps only in mild cases of palmar hyperhidrosis. If sweat literally rolls off your hands, this is not the best option.

However, if you haven’t found products with a high alcohol content on sale, you don’t need to despair: just buy an alcohol-containing lotion or antiseptic composition (in fact, a pure 95% ethyl alcohol solution) and paper handkerchiefs. From time to time, simply moisten a handkerchief with alcohol and wipe your palms with it. The effect is the same. But you should not get too carried away: firstly, at work, an employee who is constantly fragrant with alcohol is unlikely to cause approval. Secondly, you can dry out the skin of your hands, which is no better than their sweating.

About the dangers of lotions

Often, with sweating hands, it is advised to wipe them with lotions more often. This is partly true, and an alcohol-containing composition of this kind can actually help to cope with hyperhidrosis. But not in all cases. Sometimes these funds can only contribute to the deterioration of the process, but not to stop it.

In particular, with hyperhidrosis of the palms, it is strongly Moisturizing lotions are not recommended. With frequent use of them, your hands will not only not become dry, but will also become chronically sticky. Unfortunately, most of the beauty salons sold in pharmacies and perfume stores behave in this way. They are simply not designed to dry the skin, their purpose is just the opposite. In addition, after washing their hands (if they are dry from soap), some people use Vaseline-based creams. It shouldn't be done that way either. Strange as it may seem, the simplest lotions often work great against sweating. There is no secret here - they just contain a lot of alcohol, which has (as already mentioned) a drying effect.

About the frequency of hand washing

Take the time to wash your hands with soap and running water whenever possible. In general, it is difficult to give exact recommendations on the frequency of washing: it is advisable to choose the optimal interval between trips to the washbasin yourself, since all people have different skin, and it can react completely differently to frequent hygiene procedures.

Too much soap and water can deprive your hands of the natural protective film. In the short term, this really provides the long-awaited dryness of the hands, but in the future, this approach is fraught with excessive dryness, the appearance of cracks and wounds on the skin. It is known when, in the recent past, professional surgeons could be recognized by their dry and cracked hands (a consequence of constant and thorough washing).

Be careful with the usual cosmetic soap from simple stores - there are a lot of detergents (synthetic detergents). Washing your hands often can make them look very sad. If your hands are covered with hot spots and areas of noticeably dry and flaky skin because of this, switch to a soap with a moisturizing effect. It can be found at any pharmacy or beauty supply store. In addition, in such cases, after washing, it does not hurt to apply something like baby cream and moisturizing lotion to the skin of the hands.

Bad habits and gloves

If your hands are sweaty, get rid of the habit of keeping them in your pockets, and also try to wear gloves less (except, of course, being outside in the cold season). Gloves, pockets, that is, any items of clothing that impede the natural gas exchange of the skin, very often cause increased sweating. It turns out a vicious circle: when a person's palms begin to sweat, he is embarrassed and instinctively tries to hide them. Being in pockets, hands end up sweating even more, which makes the unfortunate person even more embarrassed ... So if hyperhidrosis of the palms bothers you, then use wet wipes more often, wash them regularly with soap, etc.

If the weather is no longer summer, it’s still worth wearing gloves ... But only those that allow air to pass through. That is leather models, as well as leatherette gloves are not the best choice. Good clothing of this type retains the warmth of the hands, but at the same time does not interfere with the gradual flow of fresh air.

In this case, weak currents are passed through the skin of the palms (which is in a special solution). The technique contributes to a significant narrowing of the ducts of the sweat glands, and also causes a decrease in the intensity of their work. The strength of the current used during the procedure is so small that the patient does not experience any discomfort at all, with the exception of a slight tingling or itching. It is believed that at least three or four procedures are required to achieve a visible effect. As for side effects, the rarest cases of irritation and dryness of the skin of the palms are described.


In certain situations, when nothing helps a person at all, injections will certainly help. In this case, microscopic volumes of this drug are injected directly into the skin of the palms. In tiny doses, this toxin shrinks the skin and conserves the sweat glands, causing them to become temporarily inoperable. Although it is believed that several treatments may be required, most people stop sweating completely after a single injection of Botox.


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Hyperhidrosis of the palms is the name of the condition in which the palms of the hands begin to sweat. According to scientists, this condition can be observed for several reasons. And this is stress or an attempt by the body to normalize its own body temperature.

You have probably observed such a paradox - when you start to get nervous, worry about some important event or experience fear of something, your hands sweat. This phenomenon is completely natural, due to its appearance by a strong excitation of the central nervous system, which activates the production of special sweat glands. Why is this happening? And is it possible to get rid of this disease once and for all, which always “gives us away” to others? Let's try to figure this out.

In particular, properly selected cosmetics, namely hand cream, can help in eliminating sweating of the palms. However, before making a purchase, you should contact a dermatologist to determine your skin type and help with choosing the best cream. Experts recommend using only natural cosmetic products, which do not contain harmful parabens, animal fats and mineral oils. You can find such products on the Mulsan Cosmetic website - The company is a leader in the production of safe, natural cosmetics, and its products have all the necessary certificates confirming their highest quality and safety.

The human body is a complex mechanism, the work of which is not given to everyone to understand. Each of its organs is responsible for a specific function. However, everything is interconnected. This also applies to the sweat glands.

In humans, they are of three types:

  • eccrine;
  • apocrine;
  • apoeccrine.

Even though all these types perform the same function (produce sweat), there is a difference between them, and this should be understood. After all, only a certain group affects the fact that palms sweat during emotional stress.

The main part of the sweat glands in the human body are the eccrine glands. They perform their specific role - they control the internal temperature of the body.

They are mainly located on the palms, forehead and soles. It is this group of sweat glands that leads to the fact that your hands begin to sweat when you are excited. When their activity is activated, we can observe a transparent liquid on the surface of the skin, which does not have the smell characteristic of sweat. It quickly evaporates in the air, thereby cooling the body from the inside and maintaining the optimum temperature in it.

Apocrine glands are located in the armpits and genitals. They also produce a colorless liquid, but only of a thicker consistency. It is odorless and comes out from the inside of the body through the hair follicles.

But how then does the smell appear in this area? Everything is very simple. It is not formed by the sweat glands themselves, but by the bacteria that are on the skin at that moment and contribute to the decomposition of this very fluid. This results in an unpleasant odor.

Apocrine glands are located next to the apocrine glands. Their peculiarity is that they can produce sweat in very large quantities. What function these glands perform, scientists have not yet fully established. But they were able to identify a link between the work of the apoeccrine glands and a disease such as axillary hyperhidrosis.

The work of all types of sweat glands directly depends on the state of the central nervous system. Nerve tissue is located next to them. When it is excited, the work of the sweat glands is activated and we begin to sweat.

And the palms begin to sweat as a result of the sweat glands receiving a signal from the sympathetic nervous system, which is activated as a result of the flow of information from the hypothalamus brain that it is time to work.

When a person experiences stress (no matter what, whether it be excitement or fear), the sympathetic system is immediately activated in the body. This also leads to the fact that the eccrine glands begin to actively produce sweat.

It is worth noting that sweating, which occurs as a result of increased body temperature and its emotional state, is interconnected. However, there is a difference between them.
Sweating that occurs against the background of emotional excitability does not depend on the temperature regime of the body. When stressed, you experience excitement, but in order to overcome it, you do not need to cool your body at all. As a result, sweat appears on the palms and soles.

Such a complex mechanism of the sweat glands greatly helped people who previously obtained their food by hunting animals. The sweat on their palms helped them reduce friction on their weapons, thereby reducing the likelihood of injury of various kinds. Therefore, we can say that the sweating of the palms simply rescued our ancestors.

And besides, through our sweat glands, the accumulation of which can lead to severe intoxication of internal organs. So if you notice that your palms are sweating from time to time, remember, this means only one thing - your body is working properly.

It is very difficult to determine the cause of the development of this disease, because the human nervous system is complex. Therefore, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is better to invent remedies that give temporary results than to try to find a "needle in a haystack."

Most often, the development of hyperhidrosis is associated with a violation of the functionality of the autonomic system. And they can be caused by a variety of factors. For example:

  • acute and chronic pathologies;
  • frequent nervous strain;
  • hormonal disorders caused by puberty and menopause;
  • misalignment of certain groups of neurons.

The development of all these conditions occurs due to frequent stress, poor ecology, malnutrition, and the presence of bad habits.

In addition, increased sweating can be observed with the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood and taking certain medications. And it will be good if you manage to still establish the cause of the appearance of this ailment. After all, in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to eliminate not the symptoms themselves, but the cause that led to their appearance.

How to get rid of sweaty palms?

Sweating palms today are treated in a variety of ways. And for this, drugs are often used.

The most common of these are solutions for external use such as aluminum hexachloride and glutaraldehyde. You can also use solutions containing tannin and formalin, which are known for their toxicity and can quickly get rid of sweating, but, unfortunately, only for a short time.

It is worth using such funds very carefully, because they can lead to the destruction of the upper layers of the epidermis, as well as cause itching, burning and other symptoms of an allergic reaction.

According to doctors, at the moment there is not a single drug that could once and for all save a person from sweating hands. And this is quite justified, since in order to eliminate the effect, you must first get rid of the root cause. And unfortunately, it is not possible to determine it.

If your hands sweat a lot, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants and anticholinergics, which have a blocking effect on the nerve endings, as a result of which this ailment disappears. Do not forget that all these drugs have side effects. And you will be very lucky if in your case only drowsiness or dry mouth will appear.

Botox is not only a means to combat wrinkles. It is quite often used by dermatologists to block the sweat glands. If this drug is injected into the palms of the hands, they will stop sweating as long as it works.

At the same time, the effect of the use of Botox can last up to six months, and its cost is only a few thousand rubles. But do not forget that any intervention in the human body can lead to various complications. At least with the introduction of Botox, this is observed in 5% of cases.

Using the drone

Another modern way to get rid of excessive sweating. The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus, into which a special solution is poured and hands are immersed in it. The effect is achieved due to the impact on the body of an electric current.

As a result of this, the charged ions weaken the work of the sweat glands and sweat stops.

Surgical treatment for excessive sweating

Yes Yes. This method of getting rid of sweaty palms also exists. This operation is called sympathectomy. It is done on the chest area, where the nerve endings are located, activating the work of the sebaceous glands.

During the operation, elements of the sympathetic nervous system, which belongs to the autonomic system, are removed. Naturally, there are many consequences of such an intervention, and it is up to you to decide whether to resort to such a cardinal method.

If you have increased sweating of the palms, then you can get rid of this ailment with the help of traditional medicine.

In this case, hand baths with the addition of sea salt help well. At the same time, you need to take them in such a way that direct sunlight falls on your hands. Therefore, it is better to do them in the summer on the street.

Baths with lemon juice are also considered effective. They are prepared as follows - for 1 liter of warm water you need to add 1 tbsp. lemon juice. You can dip your hands in this solution and hold them in it for about 10 minutes, or you can simply soak a towel in it and wipe your palms with it. After passing this procedure, hands should be treated with camphor alcohol.

It is worth noting that instead of lemon juice, you can also use infusions of oak bark, birch buds or sage leaves.

From excessive sweating of the hands, contrast baths help well. Prepare two containers. Pour hot water into one and cold water into the other. Then lower your hands first into one bath, then into another, holding them in each for 1-2 minutes.

If your skin is not too sensitive, then you can try the salt water rinse on yourself. In one glass of hot water, you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. salt, and then rinse your hands with this solution 2 times a day. After the procedure, do not dry your hands with a towel. They must dry naturally.

In addition, at home, you can use creams and ointments that you will need to prepare yourself. To prepare the ointment, you will need to mix 1 tbsp. lemon juice and medical alcohol with 2 tbsp. glycerin. Mix the resulting mixture well and use it every time after washing your hands.

You can also prepare a cream that will not only save you from excessive sweating, but also have a beneficial effect on your skin. To prepare it, you will need to make an infusion of any herbs in advance.

Take 2 tbsp. herbal infusion and mix it with lard twisted in a meat grinder (50 g will be enough). You will also need 2 tsp. castor oil and 1 tbsp. natural honey.

Thoroughly mix all these ingredients, put them in a clean container that closes tightly with a lid, and place it in the refrigerator. Once the cream has reached the desired consistency, use it every night before bed.

It is worth noting that the use of folk remedies for getting rid of excessive sweating is slow, and therefore you should not expect a miracle from them after the first use. They should be used regularly for 4-6 weeks. You can evaluate the first results after a week of applying creams or ointments.

Excessive sweating of the hands is not a pathology, but may indicate various disorders in the body, in particular the autonomic system. Therefore, do not leave this symptom unattended.

Despite the fact that it is very difficult to identify the cause of palm sweating, it is still worth getting an examination and making sure that you have no pathologies. If they are still found, immediately begin their treatment. And soon you will notice that the sweat on the palms has stopped.

Video on how to treat hyperhidrosis

Vitamins for the nervous system

In the case when excessive sweating is caused by stress and nervous tension, sedative (sedative) drugs or precursors of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters can help to cope with this trouble.

It can be complex or monopreparations. Complexes, for example, such as usually contain 5-HTP, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), taurine and plant extracts - valerian, motherwort, and others. May also contain vitamins and minerals for complex support of the body. For example, one of the most important minerals for the nervous system is.

GABA (GABA) can also be purchased in a solo form. This is an amino acid that is a neurotransmitter in the human brain, that is, it is responsible for our good mood, restful sleep and balance.

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