Evgeny Kuyvashev's five-year development program. Ecologically balanced region. New economic reality

"Five Years of Development - Five Years of Good Deeds". Under this name, a forum of medical workers of the Northern Administrative District was held in Krasnoturinsk, initiated by the Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region Andrey Tsvetkov. The forum was attended by representatives of trade union organizations, the Medical Chamber of the region, the Association of paramedical workers of the region, public councils and councils of veterans of healthcare institutions, as well as the best representatives of the medical community from all over the Northern Administrative District, including from Serov. There are many goals and objectives of this forum, but first of all, the organizers strive to bring to the attention of healthcare workers information about the priority regional projects that are collected in the program of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region "Five Years of Development". The first forum, we note, was held in Pervouralsk. In general, such meetings will be held in all administrative districts of the region.

“This is a unique format. It is aimed at ensuring that every healthcare worker, from the head doctor to the junior medical staff who are closer to the patient, understands how healthcare is developing today, what successes there are, Sverdlovsk healthcare has breakthrough achievements, so that everyone feels not just a cog in a huge health care machine, but a contributor to change.”

A key place in the work to improve healthcare is occupied by the personnel issue and the support of specialists, especially those who work in rural areas. According to Irina Levina, today the work is being built on the formation of employment, as they say, in practical health care already from the second year of study. In addition, this year the Zemsky Doctor. According to this program, specialists who, in addition to getting a job, also receive the so-called rural million. In general, a lot of work is being done in the employment of graduates.

Irina Levina, Director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College:

“This is also an individual selection for work in FAPs, in general medical practice. Selection of students from among residents of rural and nearby areas. Moreover, today both the governor - Evgeny Vladimirovich Kuyvashev and the minister - Andrey Igorevich Tsvetkov are ready to support such students in providing housing. It is very important".

In addition, special attention is paid to the dynasties of doctors. Parents-doctors attract their children to the profession, who successfully work in healthcare institutions.

Irina Levina named the main expected result of this forum - a dialogue, an opportunity to ask questions and get answers to them firsthand, to make some important proposals.

Before the official start of the forum, all those present listened to a video message from Andrey Tsvetkov, Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Andrey Tsvetkov, Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region:

“We kindly named this forum “Five Years of Development – ​​Five Years of Good Deeds”. We have achieved a lot, but we know that we have many tasks that we have not implemented. I hope that during these five years our health care will move forward with confidence. When forming the Five-Year Plan for Development, the wishes were taken into account. Suggestions and thoughts expressed by medical workers in our region. I thank the entire medical community for their active participation in the formation of the Five Year Plan of Development program. I am sure that in the near future the Sverdlovsk Region will become a leader in healthcare in the Russian Federation, a territory of health and well-being. I thank everyone for their participation, I wish you success in your work, good mood, and family happiness.”

The forum participants were also greeted by the head of the Northern Administrative District, Yevgeny Prein.

Evgeny Prein, manager of the Northern administrative district:

“I hope that this platform will become a serious platform for discussing sensitive topics. And at the same time, on this site there would always be solutions that would be a worthy response to the aspirations of the population.”

The forum honored healthcare workers - the best of the best in their profession. Serov's specialists were among them - a pediatric dentist, employees of an ambulance station, an anti-tuberculosis dispensary, and a city hospital. They received awards for conscientious long-term work at various levels - from municipal to regional. Among those who were honored on this day were representatives of the dynasties of doctors - among them Serov's - Tatarovs and Sharapovs.

For all forum participants, the main point of the whole program was the opportunity to ask questions. Elena Chadova, Deputy Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, answered them. First of all, she voiced a question that had been repeatedly asked before, and gave an answer to it.

Elena Chadova, Deputy Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region:

“A question was asked about the release of the doctor's time to work with the patient. I will answer this question this way - among the many forms that are currently being used, there is an emergency room, where the patient can apply without making an appointment through the registry. In addition, each polyclinic has a prescription office, which, of course, relieves the work of the district police officer. In addition, I hope you actively use information systems where a preliminary template for examining a patient works, where the doctor must enter the data, it can be printed and entered into the card.

Specialists from various institutions of the Northern Administrative District asked a few more questions regarding the settlement of disputes between the doctor and the patient, and the work of some medical organizations. Each received a qualified answer.

In addition, the forum participants were presented with the results of the work of volunteer associations at medical universities and public organizations.

As for the overall outcome of the forum, the participants, having discussed the problems of the medical community, noted that the further development of healthcare is one of the priorities of state policy in the Sverdlovsk region. They decided to accept as the main tool for fulfilling the tasks for the development of healthcare in the Sverdlovsk region for the period from 2018 to 2021, the basic directions set out in the program of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region "Five Years of Development". Namely, improving the quality and accessibility of medical care through the use of promising information and telecommunication technologies, modernizing the economic mechanisms for the functioning of healthcare and developing the material and technical base of the industry, providing healthcare with qualified specialists.

We add that at the regional level, additional incentives are also provided for obtaining specialized education and training for targeted programs. There are prospects for creating a mentoring system for future graduates and young medical professionals. Also in the plans is the development of interactive educational modules to improve the skills of medical workers as part of continuous additional professional education.


The Five Year Plan of Development is a plan for the development of the Sverdlovsk Region for the coming years. This program is aimed at the growth of the economy of the Sverdlovsk region and improving the quality of life of the Urals. The project should combine the possibilities of regional and local budgets in order to solve the problems of Sverdlovsk cities as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The "Five Year Plan of Development" should bring the Sverdlovsk region to a leading position among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which will ultimately have a positive impact on the well-being of the inhabitants of the region.

Even in winter, Evgeny Kuyvashev instructed to develop and implement a program that should become truly popular: proposals were made to it not only by government officials, but also by entrepreneurs, social activists and residents of the Sverdlovsk region with an active civic position. All initiatives were analyzed and summarized.

The goal of the program is to consolidate the positive trends in the development of the Sverdlovsk region, increase our competitive advantages, create conditions for the growth of social well-being and prosperity of the Urals, explains Evgeny Kuyvashev.

On May 15, a meeting was held to discuss the concept of the Five Year Plan. At it, the interim governor noted that today it is necessary to have a clear picture: how, with what resources and in what time frame the regional authorities will ensure the advancement of the Sverdlovsk region. Particular attention should be paid to the development of human potential and the creation of comfortable living conditions in the region for Sverdlovsk residents.

The structure of the concept of the "Five Years of Development" consists of five main areas. This is the preservation and development of human potential, the development of the region's economy, a comfortable living environment, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the development of civil society and local government.

It is assumed that each of these areas will consist of five main steps and be assessed against five indicators. When implementing the program, it is proposed to focus attention on the five largest priority projects supervised by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region: "The Sverdlovsk region is the center of international congress and exhibition activities", the World Cup - 2018, the development of territories, "Five breakthrough industrial projects" (including - development of small aircraft, production of consumer goods) and the Ural Engineering School.

As for the Ural Engineering School, it has already reached the federal level. She was praised by President Vladimir Putin.

For decades, we have lacked such people in the labor market, high-class specialists who are in demand today. And the fact that you are doing such work in one of the centers of our industrial potential in the Sverdlovsk region is very cool, very good, - the head of state noted at a meeting with Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev.


All stages of the development and implementation of the Five Year Plan for Development will take place with the direct participation of the expert community and residents of the Sverdlovsk region. Evgeny Kuyvashev noted that in the near future he has planned a number of trips around the Sverdlovsk region, where he will be able to quickly get feedback from them at meetings with residents.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Lyudmila Babushkina, approached Yevgeny Kuyvashev with a proposal to meet with the deputy corps. According to her, parliamentarians will continue to work on specific legislative mechanisms for the implementation of the Five Year Plan for Development, and they need to get firsthand information about the concept of the future program. The head of the region accepted this proposal, considering it appropriate.

The Five Year Plan was based on more than 300 proposals received from representatives of various spheres of life and activity in the region. As a result, the “framework” of the program was formed.

The concept of the program looks very modern and necessary, - experts from the Urals say. - It is aimed not just at achieving target figures, but at improving the life of every citizen. Most of those tasks and goals are realistic.

Member of the Federation Council Arkady Chernetsky expressed readiness for further cooperation in the development of a new program and has already voiced several of his proposals. They are connected with the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated and dilapidated housing, as well as with the development of small industrial enterprises. According to the senator, it is necessary to reflect in the program plans to create a network of small enterprises around big business - this is the path that all developed countries of the world are following.

The head of the administration of Yekaterinburg, Alexander Yakob, noted the continuity of the best planning traditions in the presented concept. This, according to him, allows to build effective work on the development of territories.

There were five-year plans in the history of our state, and the population is well aware of them. Authorities need to apply medium-term planning, so the "Five Years of Development" is a good, timely and competent step, - Alexander Yakob is sure.

The head of the regional executive committee of the ONF in the Sverdlovsk region, Zhanna Ryabtseva, raised the topic of continuing the construction of the metro in Yekaterinburg. After all, this issue is of great concern not only to residents of the capital of the Urals, but also to all Sverdlovsk residents.

A keynote article titled "Tipping Point". In the election year, the head of the region began by thinking that the Middle Urals is at a crossroads and it is impossible to make a mistake in choosing the right path.

In this article, Evgeny Kuyvashev paid great attention to the history of the region, starting from the 20s of the XX century. and ending with the beginning of the zero. Discussing the path of development of the Sverdlovsk region and its economic problems, the head of the region comes to the conclusion that the Urals are now going through a turning point. According to the politician, there are two ways of development: the maximum reduction of costs and the production of products that are in demand in the foreign and domestic markets.

Evgeny Kuyvashev, Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region:

Five years ago, the Sverdlovsk region chose a combination of these strategies. First of all, we refused to save on social costs. On the other hand, all these years we have been working to support the industry, we have invested heavily in the infrastructure of the region. In many ways, these five years were a continuation of the model of development of the Sverdlovsk region, which was formed by the teams of Eduard Ergartovich Rossel and Alexander Sergeevich Misharin. In fact, this is the implementation of the “Scheme for the placement of the productive forces of the Sverdlovsk region” of the late 90s. with minor adjustments due to political and external economic factors. The main thing was to survive, to maintain production, not to lose personnel, not to fall out of the ranks of strong, stable regions. The turning point of today is that the prerequisites for a qualitative breakthrough in the development of the Sverdlovsk region have been created.

Evgeny Kuyvashev is confident that the region should leave the position of one of the top ten regions and return to the top three - Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Sverdlovsk region.

"Five Years of Development"

To regain leadership, the governor announced the development of the "Five Years of Development". This program for the next five years began to be created in the fall. The development team included "regional specialists and Russian scientists." The development plan will be completed by April, after which Evgeny Kuyvashev promises to discuss the document with the residents of the region.

Our people are experienced, wise in life, and I have no doubt that practical proposals, comments, additions to the draft program will be made. This will be a truly nationwide discussion of our plans, as a result of which the program will receive the status of a people's program. Everyone will find a place in the common work for the benefit of their native Urals.

Evgeny Kuyvashev

The new document will be based on 11 federal and regional priority areas. The main directions of action for the implementation of the Five-Year Plan will be spelled out in the action plan. Based on the plan, changes will be made to the existing regulatory framework and municipal acts. This plan will be updated once a year, and once every five years, a set of strategic documents will be adjusted or updated.

Tight control over municipalities

The governor emphasizes several times in his program article: we must strive for more, strive for the development of the entire region. And for this you need to join forces. In order for municipalities and local officials to work more efficiently, Yevgeny Kuyvashev intends to "react harshly if he sees poor-quality work of municipal leaders." The head of the region considers chairmen and deputies of local dumas to be his assistants.

Control over the work of municipalities will be strengthened. I have such a right. Indeed, often residents of cities and villages draw a conclusion about the work of the governor by whether the yard was cleaned after a snowfall. My job is to make sure that not only the region develops as a whole, but that not a single smallest settlement is forgotten.

Development of small towns

Residents of large municipalities, the governor assures, see progress and development, while city-forming enterprises are closed in small towns. The “Five-Year Plan of Development”, invented by the governor, involves not only the construction of new and modernization of existing plants, but also the revival of extinct Ural enterprises.

As an example of the positive development of small towns, Kuyvashev cites Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Karpinsk and Berezovsky, where large holdings operate, and good managers who know how to work with business manage the settlements.

Problems of the region

As a problem of a systemic nature, the governor calls the decline in real incomes of the population. One solution to this problem is increased consumption. While people are saving and spending less, working capital is declining, budget revenues are declining, and as a result, salaries are being frozen. “Our task is to break this vicious circle, to resume the growth of consumption in the Sverdlovsk Region,” Evgeny Kuyvashev believes.

Ways of development

To make a turn in the development of the Sverdlovsk region, it is necessary, according to Evgeny Kuyvashev, several things: to develop the industrial base and the existing reserves of raw materials; to develop science-intensive enterprises of the machine-building complex; meet the needs of the region in fuel and energy capacities; abandon unjustified expectations of integration with the Western economy.

For this, the region has all the necessary opportunities: minerals, the presence of large mining enterprises, developed metallurgical and machine-building complexes, and its own sources of electricity.

One of the most important theses of the Five-Year Plan of Development is the growth of private initiative and the strengthening of the position of the commercial sector. This will increase the number of jobs and help Ural residents become competitive in the labor market by investing in training, participating in advanced training programs and training professionals for dynamically developing industries. We plan that the number of small and medium-sized businesses will grow by more than one and a half times with an increase in the average number of employees up to 40% of the total employed population.

What awaits the Sverdlovsk region in five years

In the next five years, the plans of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region:

  • The level of housing provision - 32.6 square meters. m per person. The share of families with the opportunity to buy their own housing will grow to 60%.
  • The population of the region will grow by 3.4% and amount to about 4.5 million people.
  • Child and maternal mortality will decrease by a third, life expectancy will increase from 69.8 years to 77.5 years.
  • By 2030, increase GRP to 4.2 trillion rubles, retail trade turnover to 2.1 trillion rubles.
  • The volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources will decrease to 920 thousand tons, the volume of accumulated waste - to 7.5 billion tons. The share of areas of specially protected natural areas will increase to 8.24% in the total area of ​​the region.

Recall that Evgeny Kuyvashev made his debut as a columnist for Regional Newspaper in 2014. In his first programmatic article, the Sverdlovsk governor reflected on how the region would look like in 20 years, and outlined key areas of development.

At the beginning of 2016, Evgeny Kuyvashev was no longer talking about decades, but was setting plans for 2016 and summing up the results of 2015. The governor promised to continue the modernization of the power industry and the gasification of the region; build 2.4 million square meters of housing; repair 2.3 thousand apartment buildings and increase milk yield. The governor did not forget about schools, hospitals and kindergartens, which need to be built and optimized.

In last year's article, the governor also talked about elections - to the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly. In addition to words of support for "United Russia", the governor spoke about the representatives of crime, rushing into power.

I am neither an idealist nor a skeptic. I am a practitioner, head of one of the largest regions of the country, and I am responsible for its well-being to the people of the Urals and to the President of Russia.

What is the well-being of the Sverdlovsk region?

Everyone has their own opinion. Someone thinks that first of all it is necessary to build new roads, and someone - new schools and hospitals. Some expect toughness and consistency from the authorities, others demand not to interfere with business. Everyone has their own truth.

My task is to find the optimal solution to ensure the further development of the region, the growth of well-being and the quality of life of people.

Key article by Yevgeny Kuyvashev "A turning point" in the printed version of the "Regional newspaper"

To do this, you need to consult with ordinary residents of the Urals, with businessmen, heads of enterprises, deputies, heads of municipalities. The well-being of the Sverdlovsk region is a common task, and we must work on its solution together.

And for this it is important to understand the situation we are in and see the prospects.

Five years ago - in May 2012 - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin entrusted me with the administration of the Sverdlovsk region. I considered the preservation of the industrial complex of the Urals and the protection of people as my main goal. Now, five years later, we can say that the goal has been largely achieved: all these years, output has been growing, equipment has been modernized, new enterprises have been built, jobs have been saved and increased, and the necessary prerequisites for construction and wage growth have been created.

Today I feel like we are at a turning point. This is the time when the region is at a crossroads, when there are real alternative development trajectories. And we cannot make a mistake in choosing the right path.

On September 19, 2016, Krasnoturinsk was the first among the Sverdlovsk single-industry towns to receive the status of a territory of advanced socio-economic development (TOR). More than two thousand jobs will be created in the city that are not associated with the city-forming enterprise (the Bogoslovsky aluminum plant - in the photo), and tax preferences will be provided to residents who enter the territory of the ASEZ. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

Ural crossroads

The main thing was done - qualified personnel were saved, the pace of development was not lost, the infrastructure was kept from complete collapse. I will say more - the strength of the Urals, the Ural character, faith in one's own strength were preserved.

In the context of a massive decline in production and a sharp narrowing of the domestic market, the right decision was made - to create our own strategy for overcoming the crisis, based on the development of the export sector.

As a result, the Sverdlovsk region became open to the world, dozens of diplomatic and foreign trade missions appeared in Yekaterinburg. The “safety net” worked - jobs were saved, the market began to work, supplying goods to the population, large corporations began to take shape, pulling out the modernization of hopelessly outdated equipment and providing orders for enterprises.

In the early 2000s, we found ourselves at a new crossroads. The liberal economic course of Russia in the 1990s, aimed at ensuring the openness of the Russian economy to the outside world and integration with the Western economy, did not bring the expected results to many people. The belief that the "market" itself will solve the issues of employment and earnings turned out to be a utopia. A terrible thing happened - the number of poor became more and more, the middle class turned out to be not numerous, there was a wild stratification of society. The country literally suffered through the decision to move from a “consumption model” to an “economic growth model” based on self-reliance and on the basis of planning the economy and life in general. Order and law have returned to Russia.

The question of choosing a strategy is quite complicated. I remember very well the debate five years ago about choosing the path of development. It is clear that the basis is always the economy, the money that needs to be earned before sharing. To put it simply, there are two roads under the current conditions.

The first way: the maximum reduction of costs - from administrative and social to production. Then it turns out that our economic complex has low costs and relatively high incomes, low production costs.

The second way: the region focuses on the production of products that are in great demand in the foreign and domestic markets at the highest price.

Five years ago, the Sverdlovsk region chose a combination of these strategies. First of all, we refused to save on social costs. Today, 71 percent of the region's budget goes to medicine, education, culture, and social policy. Significant funds are allocated to ensure the development of the region's territories. In the past five years, we have been building roads, kindergartens, schools, social institutions, new housing at such a pace and volume that the Urals have not seen for thirty years.

On the other hand, all these years we have been working to support the industry, we have invested heavily in the infrastructure of the region.

In many ways, these five years were a continuation of the development model of the Sverdlovsk Region, which was formed by the teams Eduard Ergartovich Rossel and Alexander Sergeevich Misharin. In fact, this is the implementation of the “Scheme for the placement of the productive forces of the Sverdlovsk region” of the late 90s with minor adjustments due to political and foreign economic factors.

The turning point of today is that the prerequisites for a qualitative breakthrough in the development of the Sverdlovsk region have been created.

The region's economy has proved that it is able to withstand any market stresses, the necessary infrastructure has been created, and there are energy and human resources. What is fundamentally important is that political stability has been ensured in the region for the first time in twenty years. Such conditions favorable for the development of the Sverdlovsk region have not been since the beginning of the 90s.

At the same time, problems related primarily to the lack of "development money" - both in the industrial sphere and in the private life of ordinary people - clearly emerged.

We are not satisfied with the position of the Urals in the top ten Russian leaders. It's time to return to the top three leaders of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk region.

Only in this way can we achieve a fundamental change in the situation. Money will not fall from heaven like manna from heaven. We have to earn them. This is the task of the future Five-Year Plan of Development. Let's talk about this in more detail.

In early March last year, the head of the region personally came to Rezh to resolve the conflict caused by the inoperability of the local Duma. In the same spring, the system of power in the city was restored: the new convocation of the Duma and the head appointed by it, Vladimir Shlegel, began to implement a comprehensive program for the development of the municipality, developed at the initiative of Evgeny Kuyvashev. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

Problems we know, they will be overcome

More than once I have heard from some politicians that the authorities are inclined to gloss over reality. I can honestly say that it is not.

Yes, speaking about the development of the region, we focus on housing construction, work with large enterprises, promotion of the region outside of Russia, and many other positive factors. But at the same time, we do not lose sight of the existing problems and challenges.

Therefore, I set the task of developing a "Five-Year Plan for Development" in order to combine the possibilities of regional and local budgets and jointly solve the problems of territorial development.

You see, the budgets of the Sverdlovsk Region and the municipalities are enough to keep the situation in its current form. But we must strive for more - for the dynamic, purposeful development of all territories in the region.

Sometimes I, as the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, would like to have more powers to solve the pressing problems of the Urals. First of all, we are talking about the impact on negligent owners of enterprises or weak leaders of municipalities. But we find ways to influence the situation. I will cite as an example Rezh, where I had to personally intervene in a conflict that was tearing apart the municipality. As a result, the city has a new head, a new composition of the Duma and, most importantly, a new program for the development of Rezh.

And henceforth I intend to react in the same way, and maybe even more harshly, if I see the poor quality work of municipal leaders. I consider chairmen and deputies of local dumas to be assistants in this work.

Control over the work of municipalities will be strengthened. I have such a right. Indeed, often residents of cities and villages draw a conclusion about the work of the governor by whether the yard was cleaned after a snowfall.

My job is to make sure that not only the region develops as a whole, but not a single smallest settlement is forgotten. And the most important consequence of the future Five-Year Plan of Development will be that each city and village has an appropriate development program discussed with the residents.

Speaking about the problems, it was not by chance that I started with the quality of life in settlements, with the improvement of our cities and villages. Residents of large cities such as Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil note that the situation is changing for the better. Not as fast as we would like, but progress is evident.

The problem is that there are small towns where, as a result of the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, city-forming enterprises, on whose work the well-being of residents directly depends, have closed or seriously weakened. And if the breadwinning plant is barely getting by, who is interested in the news that large holdings are successfully developing somewhere in the neighborhood?

People care about their locality, their once flourishing enterprise. The "Five-Year Plan of Development" and programs for the development of small towns include not only the construction of new and modernization of existing factories, but also the revival of extinct Ural enterprises. As well as the introduction of vacant agricultural land into crop rotation, the launch of idle agricultural organizations. This is our "gold reserve", which is time to put into action.

We have examples of the growth of small towns - such as Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Karpinsk or Berezovsky. Why is the situation positive there? Because large holdings operate there, such as UMMC, whose arrival in the municipality means the revival of economic life. And besides, there the heads of cities know how to work with business, with investors, create order and comfort in the territory.

That is why we attach such great importance to agreements with UMMC, TMK, RMK, EVRAZ-Holding, Renova, Russian Railways, Rosatom and other large associations.

That is why I consider it necessary to constantly meet with the heads of municipalities. For the same reason, we pay great attention to the training of municipal leaders, which is served by the “school of mayors” and quarterly meetings-seminars with the heads of cities and villages of the Sverdlovsk region.

Team work of the entire management system is the most important part of the Five Year Plan of Development, which we can only lift together. There can be no economy at all, the economy is always specific - it is the result of the work of specific people - production captains, heads, public opinion leaders, entrepreneurs.

Among the problems of a systemic nature, I would single out the decline in real incomes of the population. There are several reasons for the decline in income - not all of them depend on the region. But without the growth of consumption, there will be no growth of small and medium-sized businesses, services, food production and many other things that are involved in the money circulation. People are starting to save, respectively, to spend less. This leads to a decrease in working capital, to a decrease in revenues to the budgets of all levels. As a result, salaries are forced to freeze. The circle closes. Our task is to break this vicious circle, to resume the growth of consumption in the Sverdlovsk region.

I am often asked the question: why does the federal center help us so little financially? This is the wrong wording.

It is impossible to measure assistance to the region only by the allocation of funds for roads or for the overhaul of housing - and all this is there! In addition, significant financial injections that directly affect the economy of the region come from sectoral orders, for example, in the military-industrial sphere. Let me remind you that mechanical engineering is the second largest branch of industry in the Sverdlovsk region after metallurgy. An essential part of the Ural mechanical engineering is the defense industry. The people of Urals are grateful to President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Chairman of the Government of Russia Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev and other federal leaders, deputies of the State Duma for the active inclusion of the Sverdlovsk Region in federal programs.

Yesterday I met with Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. We discussed the most important issues of socio-economic development of the region. Once again I was convinced of the great importance the President attaches to the Urals, to strengthening its potential in the development of the country.

We can and must do more. And I would put the following question - are we doing everything to ensure that the federal center sees in the Sverdlovsk region a promising territory for development, a point of growth?

We have a good foundation for attracting international investors and experience in creating federal sites in the form of Innoprom, the International Arms Exhibition, and the Yeltsin Center. There should be an order of magnitude more such objects in the region. And this is another important task for the Five Year Plan of Development. It is impossible to enter the leading three regions of Russia without active participation in the all-Russian life.

I have listed some of the existing problems. There are others. I agree that people are afraid of unaffordable housing, the poor quality of housing and communal services, and environmental problems. And always the key to solving each specific problem is the availability of the necessary funds. After all, housing seems excessively expensive just because you can’t get a mortgage loan for the salary of most Urals residents. Does it follow from this that we should refuse a new apartment? No, it follows from this that we must earn decently.

In July last year, Yekaterinburg hosted the Russian-Chinese EXPO for the first time. About 250 Russian and Chinese enterprises were presented at the exhibition, which was held simultaneously with Innoprom. 24 agreements worth more than 54 billion rubles were signed. The exhibition was visited by 48,000 people, including Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

"Five Years of Development"

The plan for the development of the Sverdlovsk Region for the next five years, the Five-Year Plans of Development program, is already being prepared on my instructions. Work began last fall. The development team, which includes both our regional specialists and Russian scientists, was tasked to submit a draft program by April this year, after which we will discuss it with the residents of the region. Our people are experienced, wise in life, and I have no doubt that practical proposals, comments, additions to the draft program will be made. This will be a truly nationwide discussion of our plans, as a result of which the program will receive the status of a people's program. Everyone will find a place in the common work for the benefit of their native Urals.

The Five-Year Development Program will be based on priority areas. Both federal, and there are eleven of them today, and regional. It is the project approach that makes it possible to concentrate resources on key areas of economic and social development. At one time, the largest breakthrough projects in the country were Tselina, Atomic Weapons, Man in Space and others. Of course, the implementation of projects requires full dedication. There is no place for incompetence, red tape, administrative barriers, paperwork. The priority is the result, not the process of achieving it. In the implementation of any projects and undertakings, I will strictly demand just such an approach from everyone.

And we have enough people, including managers, who are ready to work this way.

The main directions of action for the implementation of the Five-Year Plan of Development will be detailed in the Action Plan, indicating the responsible executors and expected results. Based on this Plan, changes will be made to the existing regulatory framework and municipal acts. If necessary, new state programs of the Sverdlovsk region will be developed.

Once a year, the state authorities of the Sverdlovsk region will update the Action Plan and state programs. Once every five years - adjust or update a set of strategic documents based on an analysis of the causes and factors that led to the discrepancy with the planned indicators.

This is how management will be organized. I repeat once again, our task is to make the Sverdlovsk Region one of the top three regions - the leaders of Russia.

All this activity is impossible without one important component - trust. We all need to trust and help each other more. The authorities know what needs to be done to achieve success, but only the combined efforts of all the inhabitants of Sverdlovskaya will ensure the necessary result.

On September 18, 2016 - on a single voting day - elections to the regional Legislative Assembly were held in the Sverdlovsk region. United Russia, whose list was headed by Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, received 36 out of 50 deputy mandates in the regional parliament. Photo: Alexander Zaitsev

Ural development vectors

Let's ask ourselves a question - should the Urals develop according to the principle of self-sufficiency, or should it include other regions of Russia in the orbit of its development?

The answer lies at the heart of our optimism.

The northern regions of Russia are the natural raw material base of our industry and the market for our products. The zone of our interest in the northern direction: oil fields in the north of the Komi Republic, offshore fields of the Arkhangelsk region, oil and gas fields of the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, coals of the Pechora coal basin, deposits of bauxite, manganese, chromite and titanium ores of the Komi Republic.

Purposeful forcing of interregional cooperation of the Sverdlovsk region with the Republic of Komi, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs in the near future is able to create prerequisites for large-scale integrated development.

No less promising is the active inclusion in the economic processes of the southern and eastern agrarian regions of the Trans-Urals - from Shadrinsk and Kurgan to Tyumen and Ishim - which can strengthen the food security of the Sverdlovsk region.

We will certainly build up interregional economic ties. The leading role of the Sverdlovsk region in this activity is predetermined by the entire history of our region, the basic production and life decisions of the last century.

A turning point in the development of the Sverdlovsk region can take place under the following conditions: if we strengthen the achievements created by previous generations in the development of the industrial base and the existing reserves of raw materials, we develop high-tech enterprises of the machine-building complex, we fully meet the needs of the region in fuel and energy capacities, we eliminate the gap in the state of individual territories, give up unjustified expectations of integration with the Western economy and win competition with other strong regions of the country.

To do this, we have all the necessary opportunities. Judge for yourself.

The mineral resource base of the Sverdlovsk region provides a significant part of the extraction in Russia of vanadium, bauxite, chrysotile-asbestos, iron ores, refractory clays. Significant reserves of nickel ores, precious metals, mining and chemical raw materials, non-metallic raw materials for metallurgy, gemstone raw materials, mineral and fresh underground waters, and virtually unlimited reserves of building materials. There are deposits of black and brown coals, chromites, manganese, as well as certain prospects for discovering oil and gas deposits.

The state balance of mineral reserves on the territory of the region takes into account about 1,700 mineral deposits, of which about 200 are being developed. Thus, the reserve of natural raw materials is far from being exhausted.

Most of the mining enterprises are part of the world's largest metallurgical vertically integrated holdings, including EVRAZ Group, RUSAL, UMMC.

Metallurgical enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region occupy a significant sector in the total volume of Russian production. The share in the all-Russian production for ferrous metallurgy enterprises is: pig iron - 10.5 percent, steel - 12.5 percent, rolled ferrous metals - 11.7 percent, production of pipes - 23.3 percent, transformer steel - 40.0 percent. Non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises achieved the following figures in the share of all-Russian deliveries of products: alumina - 60.7 percent, blister copper - 33.3 percent, titanium alloys - 100.0 percent.

The machine-building complex of the Sverdlovsk region includes more than 3.5 thousand organizations, including 40 enterprises of the military-industrial complex, which develops and produces the widest range of weapons and military equipment for the Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force and Space Forces.

The internal energy consumption of the region is fully satisfied by its own sources of electricity.

The main principles of the regional economic and social systems of the Sverdlovsk region for the next five years and beyond: sustainable development, balance of interests, self-sufficiency, resistance to external influences.

UMMC is actively involved in the implementation of significant projects in the Sverdlovsk region. For example, on July 26, 2016, in Revda, at the Sredneuralsk copper smelter (part of the UMMC), a new oxygen plant was put into operation, which will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the main smelting units of the enterprise (in the photo - Evgeny Kuyvashev and UMMC CEO Andrey Kozitsyn at the opening of the facility). Investments in the project amounted to 780 million rubles. Photo: Alexander Isakov

The region is the leader of the innovative way

One of the most important theses of the Five-Year Plan of Development is the growth of private initiative and the strengthening of the position of the commercial sector. This will increase the number of jobs and help Ural residents become competitive in the labor market by investing in training, participating in advanced training programs and training professionals for dynamically developing industries. We plan that the number of small and medium-sized businesses will grow by more than one and a half times, with an increase in the average number of employees up to 40 percent of the total employed population.

The goal of the Five Year Plan of Development and our further work until 2030 is to support the emerging innovative economy, create new high-speed telecommunications lines, and invest in transport infrastructure.

In the next five years, the Sverdlovsk Region will implement the most ambitious program in Russia to create affordable housing and social infrastructure, and will strengthen its position as the largest transport hub in Eurasia.

For the third year in a row, the Middle Urals has broken the Soviet record for housing construction. According to the results of last year, more than two million residential square meters were re-introduced in the region.

In general, our breakthrough target by 2030 is to increase the level of housing provision to 32.6 sq. m / person. (+24.6 percent compared to 2015); the share of families with the opportunity to purchase housing will grow to 60 percent.

We plan that the population of the region will grow by 3.4 percent to about 4.5 million people. Due to the fact that all residents of the Sverdlovsk Region will have full and timely access to inpatient, outpatient and emergency care, child and maternal mortality will decrease by a third, life expectancy will increase from 69.8 years to 77.5 years (+11 percent to 2015 level).

The key task in the economy is to ensure a 2.6-fold increase in labor productivity in the long term by 2030. Along with a decrease in the unemployment rate, this will ensure an increase in the gross regional product to 4.2 trillion rubles; the increase in equity capital and, as a result, an increase in the volume of investments in fixed assets by more than 16 times, will become an incentive for an increase in the volume of consumption, an increase in retail trade turnover up to 2.1 trillion rubles.

Working to ensure food security, we focus on growing products using protected soil technologies, building modern vegetable stores, and further developing dairy farming.

Since 2009, milk production has been continuously growing in the Sverdlovsk region. The sale of milk is the main source of income for our farmers. In terms of its gross production, as well as in terms of milk productivity of cows, the Sverdlovsk Region is among the top ten subjects of the Russian Federation. New farms are constantly being built and old farms are being reconstructed in the region. In 2016, 21 dairy farming facilities for 3,800 cattle places were built or modernized. Thanks to this work, almost a third of the cows in the large farms of the region are kept in new or renovated buildings, where the most advanced technologies have been introduced. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

Ecologically balanced region

The accumulated production and consumption waste is one of the most serious environmental challenges in our region.

Now the Sverdlovsk region ranks fourth in the country in terms of waste generation.

The development of renewable energy sources, the growth of investments in the development of environmentally efficient technologies, the introduction of economic incentives to reduce emissions and discharges, modern waste disposal mechanisms will create conditions for the ecological balance of the region.

The measures of the Five Year Plan of Development are aimed at reducing the volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources to 920 thousand tons (-8 percent compared to 2015), reducing the volume of accumulated production waste to 7.5 billion tons (-17 percent compared to 2015), an increase in the share of specially protected natural areas to 8.24 percent in the total area of ​​the region.

I set the task for the deputies of the State Duma of Russia from the Sverdlovsk region - to achieve changes in the federal legislation that regulates the processing of man-made waste. Over three centuries of industrial activity, we have accumulated billions of tons of man-made dumps, the processing of which allows us not only to create thousands of jobs - in fact, a new industry, but also to seriously change the ecological situation in the region.

In August, as part of the implementation of the May decrees of Vladimir Putin, the first stage of school No. 23 was opened in the Akademichesky district of Yekaterinburg. This is the first object under the federal target program for the construction of new schools and one of the largest and most modern educational institutions in Russia. The school accepted the first thousand students, another 875 will take the second stage of the school, which is currently under construction. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

kind word

There is a lot of work ahead. In the spring we will discuss the draft program of the Five-Year Plans of Development. I am convinced that proper planning and well-placed priorities will lead the Sverdlovsk Region to success. The Urals deserve to be the leading region of Russia.

What else is needed? A positive attitude, a kind word, the unity of society. And, of course, faith.

The other day, according to a long tradition, I, together with members of my team, plunged into the baptismal font - in the icy Ural water. I believe that it gives strength not only for the whole year, but for the whole life.

Bishop Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye blessed us with good deeds. He blessed all the Uralians for accomplishments and success. Thank him for this!

We conceived the “Five Years of Development” as a comprehensive, strong and understandable growth program for people that can inspire the people of the Urals, unite everyone with a good and life-affirming goal - to make the Sverdlovsk region one of the richest, prosperous, successful regions of Russia, to raise the quality of life of the people of the Urals to a decent level.

I am sure that we will succeed!


Political scientists, public figures and deputies evaluate Yevgeny Kuyvashev's program article.

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