Gastroenteritis symptoms and treatment in adults is non-infectious. Gastroenteritis in adults: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. What is chronic gastroenteritis

Both an adult and a child can hear such a diagnosis, but most often this disease affects the stomach of preschool children.

1 Types of this disease

The causes of this disease are viral and infectious agents, which are transmitted household way. A little contact with infected person, and the likelihood of getting sick will be quite high.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic forms of gastroenteritis. In the acute form, the disease develops rapidly, within 5-7 days.

Main types acute form:

  1. Infectious gastroenteritis. The causes of development are various infectious diseases such as salmonellosis, typhoid fever, cholera. The picture of such diseases is quite severe. If you don't start right and timely treatment, then deaths may occur.
  2. Viral gastroenteritis. The causes are viruses of various etymologies. Basically it's the flu.
  3. Alimentary. This type is a consequence malnutrition- frequent consumption of rough food, alcoholic beverages.
  4. Toxic. This form is caused by poisoning with various chemicals, mushrooms, fish.
  5. Allergic. Inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine may occur due to allergic reactions on certain foods or medicines.

2 Clinical picture

Symptoms of gastroenteritis will depend on the type and number of pathogens in the body. The first signs of the disease appear unexpectedly for the patient and proceed very rapidly. The main symptoms of gastroenteritis are:

  • persistent nausea and severe vomiting;
  • diarrhea, which manifests itself more than 10 times a day;
  • there is pain in the form of cramps in the abdomen;
  • the stomach swells, and a constant rumbling is heard;
  • body temperature rises sharply to critical levels;
  • dizziness, headaches can be observed;
  • the skin becomes pale.

All of these symptoms do not appear at the same time. Basically, the disease develops in the following sequence: first, vomiting and nausea appear, then diarrhea joins. , there may be blood clots, mucus.

3 Occurring forms

In order to choose correct method treatment, the doctor necessarily diagnoses a form of gastroenteritis. This disease can occur in three forms:

  1. Light. The patient appears, there may be vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, such manifestations occur no more than 3 times a day. The patient's body temperature is within normal limits. This form does not require hospitalization, it is enough to organize proper treatment at home, and the disease will recede. It is extremely important to consult a doctor at this stage, as mild form If left untreated, it can progress further.
  2. Average. Body temperature can vary within 38.5 °C. Nausea, vomiting and liquid stool up to 10 times a day. There is mild dehydration, the patient feels dry mouth, thirst.
  3. Heavy. Body temperature rises to 40 °C. The patient may lose consciousness, vomiting and diarrhea more than 15 times a day. Patients may refuse to drink, flabbiness appears skin, convulsions may begin.

Very often this disease is fixed in children under 3 years of age. The source of infection is either the parents themselves or employees kindergarten. Special attention should be given to children who have congenital diseases immunodeficiency. They are primarily exposed to viruses and infections that provoke the development of this disease.

The very course of the disease is always bright, the symptoms are severe. Sick children are always hospitalized, as there is severe dehydration.

4 Diagnostics

Symptoms and treatment will be interconnected. The doctor will choose a scheme for influencing the disease, depending on its clinical manifestations.

It is also very important to correctly diagnose. The doctor pays attention to such reactions of the body:

  • general weakness sick;
  • strength ;
  • the formation of swelling in the throat;
  • Availability white plaque in the language;
  • the strength of the heartbeat;
  • Body temperature.

If the patient arrives with severe forms of the disease, then there may be dehydration, cessation of urine production. Severe form may occur against the background of complications respiratory tract. It will be rhinitis, pharyngitis.

Mandatory appointment laboratory research the feces of the patient. It contains viruses that caused acute gastroenteritis. During the examination, all this is revealed, already in accordance with the results of the tests, a diagnosis is made and the correct treatment is prescribed.

By the way, with gastroenteritis, treatment takes place in the infectious diseases department. AT rare cases doctors allow you to treat the disease at home, there is always a risk of rapid dehydration, a sharp rise in temperature to critical levels.

Treatment consists of several stages, which include:

  • compliance with the rules of eating, a balanced diet;
  • drug treatment;
  • complete rejection of bad habits.

In the first days of admission to the department, the patient is prescribed a starvation diet, and only on the third day food is introduced in small portions and very often. With gastroenteritis, symptoms should be treated first, so treatment will focus on relieving nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. All these measures make it possible to normalize the work of digestive activity and remove the small intestine. Also in the first days it is not allowed to get out of bed, physical activity is completely prohibited.

Be sure to wash the stomach with a weak saline solution.

If severe intoxication is recorded, then intravenous infusions are carried out. isotonic solution sodium chloride, glucose, caffeine.

Appointed enzyme preparations, which should normalize the intestinal microflora. On the second or third day, the patient is allowed to use liquid cereals on water, crackers. On day 5-6, normal food is gradually introduced, which will allow the stomach and intestines to work in the correct mode.

Particular attention is paid to the treatment of children. First of all, drugs are prescribed that affect the causes that caused the disease. Fasting in children occurs no more than a day. Some doctors allow 5-6 hours on the first day to give unsweetened vegetable and fruit purees. From the second day, the child is transferred to boiled chicken broths.

FROM fourth day steamed food, bread is offered. From the fifth day, the child's usual diet is introduced. It is advisable to cook food for a while for a couple, do not use fatty, fried, smoked. Dairy products remain the only ban. It should not be consumed within 15 days.

5 Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has a number of recipes that will great solution for removal symptomatic manifestations. But it is worth remembering that each of the proposed options can be used only after consulting a doctor:

  1. As plentiful drink it is necessary to use decoctions of mint and rose hips. They help to remove toxins from the body and fill it with the necessary fluid.
  2. As an antiseptic, you can use a decoction of cranberries. 20 grams of berries are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. This tool helps to neutralize infectious and small intestine.
  3. To strengthen immunity, you can make jelly from orchis. He contributes natural fight organisms with pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Excellent means to stop diarrhea can be decoctions of oak bark, tansy flowers, bird cherry fruits. You can stop frequent emptying with the help of skin from chicken navels. The dried skin must be ground in a coffee grinder and consumed in a teaspoon with water. Children of this remedy should be given half as much.
  5. Tea with honey also helps to saturate the body with the necessary fluid and relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

6 Preventive measures

Since the disease itself is a fad, it will not be difficult for it to spread quickly. If case infectious disease fixed in the children's team, then the entire group of children is sent to quarantine. In order to protect yourself and your child from such diseases, you must follow some rules:

  1. Eat food only in approved places. If you like to eat in various summer cafes, canteens, restaurants, then you need to be sure of the complete sterility of the cooking conditions. Each employee who works in public catering must have a sanitary book and pass inspection. This issue is especially acute in the canteens of kindergartens. Very often, gastroenteritis in adults is asymptomatic, and they are carriers of a dangerous disease.
  2. Do not eat eggs, meat and fish products that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment.
  3. If a patient with such a disease appears in the family, then it is necessary to ensure hand washing and cleaning using antiseptics. Do not eat from the same dishes, do not use the same things, towels.
  4. Tell children not to take food from the floor into their mouths.

This disease is very serious, so the first signs should immediately alert and make you see a doctor. If you do not start the right treatment or ignore the doctor's recommendations, the consequences can be unpredictable:

  1. Dehydration. The body loses a large number of fluids due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Death. Dehydration can lead to death. This issue is especially acute in children. Their body weight is small, so heavy liquid stools during the day and vomiting can be critical for life.
  3. If you don't provide qualified assistance, then a person may develop a chronic form. In such cases, a person will be a constant carrier of infection and provoke a disease in others.
  4. Septicemia. This disease can be caused by the entry of the virus into the bloodstream and lead to complete infection of all organs. This is the first step towards death.

Acute gastroenteritis is enough serious illness. Its symptoms are very similar to. Do not self-medicate, as the consequences can be unpredictable, up to lethal outcome. Remember only timely appeal to a specialist will help to avoid disastrous consequences.

The defeat of two organs of the same system is not uncommon. If the infection enters one organ, then it can easily penetrate into the next organ of the same system. In medicine, such diseases have double names. .

What is it - gastroenteritis?

What is it - gastroenteritis? This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of two organs at once. digestive system- and the small intestine. It is also called "ventricular flu", which has nothing to do with the flu. This disease is caused various factors not only infectious. Often they get sick with children who go to kindergarten or school, men passing the army, boarding school children, students living in a hostel, as well as people attending various exhibitions.

  1. Spicy;
  2. Chronic.
  1. Viral (intestinal flu) - defeat by viruses. The small intestine ceases to absorb useful microelements, a large amount of fluid enters, diarrhea begins;
  2. Rotavirus - affects children from six months to 5 years.

The reasons

The causes of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine are various unsanitary measures that are used in the preparation and consumption of food:

  • Dirty food;
  • Undercooked, undercooked, contaminated food;
  • Unwashed hands;
  • contaminated water;
  • expired products;
  • Cooking in dirty dishes, etc.

Gastroenteritis is caused by:

Among non-infectious causes allocate:

  • Side effects from medication;
  • Chemical and toxic substances ingested with food;
  • Individual intolerance to certain products;
  • A negative reaction of the body to the appearance of new products on the menu (more common in children).

Rotavirus infection is transmitted by faecal by oral route through water, household items, food. The first days are dangerous for those who are close to a sick person. He is a carrier of a virus that can infect others. We are talking about protecting the sick from the healthy: a separate towel, plate, spoons, cups, etc.

The causes of the viral form are the ingestion of caliciviruses (in adults) and rotaviruses (in children) into the stomach through food and water.

Symptoms and signs

Let's look at the common symptoms and signs of gastroenteritis of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine:

  1. As the body tries to get rid of unwanted irritants, it causes vomiting and nausea;
  2. Diarrhea, which can be very severe. For an adult and strong person, this symptom may not have a negative impact. But for a weakened, elderly person or small child this symptom can be fatal. There is profuse dehydration of the body;
  3. There are spasms in the intestines, which leads to pain;
  4. Bloating occurs as a result of gas formation. This can cause pain with excessive swelling;
  5. Not obligatory symptom the temperature rises. If illness infectious nature, then there is a fever and general intoxication. If the nature of the disease is non-infectious, then these symptoms are not observed;
  6. Decreased appetite, which is caused by the body's natural reaction to not bothering the stomach with additional work;
  7. Dehydration - thirst, dark urine, poor urination, sunken eyes and cheeks, dry mouth;
  8. Muscle and headache.

Signs of the chronic form are expressed in the pain that accompanies any food intake.

With rotavirus gastroenteritis, there are:

  • Acute manifestations of vomiting (may stop on the day of occurrence), nausea and diarrhea (lasts up to a week);
  • Weakness;
  • Headache;
  • Fever;
  • Cramp-like attacks in the abdomen;
  • Stomach ache.

Gastroenteritis in children

Gastroenteritis is often found in newborns, as well as those attending kindergarten and school. Children are affected through food by rotavirus, as well as through the mother during childbirth. It often proceeds in an acute form.

Gastroenteritis in adults

Gastroenteritis in adults is manifested in both men and women, often in an asymptomatic form. The disease goes away on its own or briefly worsens the condition.


Diagnosis of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine begins with a survey of the patient about what worries him and how he eats, about bad habits and diseases that he has recently suffered from. The diet is carefully studied to determine the cause of the disease. Additionally, a laboratory examination is carried out:

  1. Analysis of feces, urine, blood and vomit;
  2. Ultrasound of the stomach and intestines.

Treatment of gastroenteritis of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine

Treatment of gastroenteritis of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine begins with the prevention of dehydration by drinking plenty of water and taking special solutions. For example, such a solution: dilute salt (3.5 g), soda (2.5 g), potassium chloride (1.5 g) and sugar (40 g) in a liter of water. Of the drugs, Regidron is used. Antibiotics are considered prohibited because they disrupt the microflora of the stomach and intestines, further exacerbating the situation. It is necessary to drink non-carbonated mineral water and follow a liquid diet.

Treatment at home can be only when the first signs of the disease appear. It should be noted that if the measures taken do not help, then you should seek qualified medical help. So, how to treat gastroenteritis at home?

  1. Start a fast for several hours to help your body cope with the disease. After the time has elapsed, you can try to eat easily digestible food: crackers, banana, cereals, potatoes, cookies, chicken, rice. If after that you feel nausea again, then you should stop eating and continue the hunger strike;
  2. Refuse for a while from strong tea, coffee, smoked meats, dairy products (which, with gastroenteritis, only harm the general condition), alcohol and cigarettes;
  3. When dehydrated, you should drink plenty of fluids: juices, teas, compotes, herbal decoctions (which will give an additional therapeutic effect). At given symptom be sure to contact medical assistance.

Treating a child at home:

  1. Do not feed until vomiting has passed. Give electrolytes and drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Plain water should not be drunk, because it comes out with diarrhea, not having time to be absorbed by the body.
  2. Nutrition is the same as in adults, only after the cessation of nausea.
  3. Exclude ice cream, soda, glazed curds, confectionery, yogurt.
  4. Give paracetamol in the absence of liver disease.

Diet for gastroenteritis is becoming the most basic treatment. What a person consumes during the treatment period directly affects his recovery:

  • In the early days, it is better to refuse food;
  • At the same time, consume a large amount of liquid in the form of juices from fruits and berries, non-carbonated mineral water, weak tea, decoctions from dried berries, rose hips;
  • After some improvement, food can be introduced. In this case, portions should be small, in a warm form.

How to treat severe forms of the disease? You can not do without medical help:

  • Inside is introduced saline to prevent intoxication.
  • Vitamin therapy is carried out for renewal normal level vitamins.
  • Enveloping and astringent preparations are prescribed.
  • Physiotherapy includes warming up, ozocerite, warming compresses, inductothermy, paraffin baths.
  • Eubiotics are prescribed to normalize the microflora.


How many live with gastroenteritis? Life expectancy depends on the severity of the disease, as well as the measures taken. If the disease develops, the patient is not treated, then atrophy of the tissues of the stomach and small intestine may occur, urine production will stop and blood circulation will be disturbed. Dehydration becomes one of the causes of death of patients with this disease.

Mild forms of the disease may resolve on their own or require home treatment, which was described above. In severe forms of the disease, you should seek medical help.

Here, the most important thing is to comply preventive measures, which are effective both during treatment and after recovery:

  • Thoroughly wash all food;
  • Prepare meals only in clean dishes;
  • Wash hands both before preparing food and before eating;
  • Do not use expired products;
  • Drink alcohol in moderation. It is better to give up alcoholic beverages and tobacco;
  • consume more vitamin products- vegetables and fruits;
  • Moderately consume flour, fatty, fried and spicy foods.

Such simple measures can not only help in the cure, but also prevent subsequent infections.

The word "fad" is long outdated. It is now only possible to hear it from grandmothers. This disease is not included in the International Classification of Diseases X.

And you can understand a lot of things by this "disease", even epidemics that spread quickly, as if carried by the wind. It seems to me that the Russian writer Mikhail Zagoskin expressed very figuratively what a "fad" is:

And the "new fad" depends on what pathogen a child or an adult has picked up when communicating with other people, what kind of water he could drink, what kind of food to eat. Each person's body reacts differently to the invasion of pathogens. Someone does not notice them, because they have strong immunity. And someone whose immune system is weakened gets sick.

And the diagnosis can be very different - from a banal acute respiratory viral disease to influenza, enterovirus, rotavirus and other types of infection.

Symptoms and treatment of gastroenteritis

A disease such as acute gastroenteritis can occur due to the intake of substandard food products or water. They may contain microorganisms or toxins. The disease is viral when it occurs as a result of infection with a virus. Treatment must be comprehensive. The disease is most often diagnosed in children. Regardless of the type, the symptoms of diseases are similar to each other.


After infection, the disease is very fast development and is diagnosed with the following symptoms:

increase in body temperature,

headache and muscle pain.

The disease affects the processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The patient changes the cellular synthesis of enzymes, which leads to a deterioration in absorption nutrients from food. As a result, it may violate metabolic processes throughout the body. At chronic disease pain and other symptoms of gastroenteritis can be observed even when taking absolutely benign products, especially if the diet is disturbed.

Signs of viral gastroenteritis

Intestinal flu, as the people call this disease. Viral gastroenteritis is caused by various viruses, is characterized by a moderate deterioration in the general condition, and mainly affects the organs gastrointestinal tract. Viral gastroenteritis accounts for the lion's share of diagnosed intestinal diseases.

The viral form of the disease has a direct effect on the small intestine, disrupting the structure of the mucous membrane. As a result of such a violation, the absorption of carbohydrates and other substances decreases, and also increases osmotic pressure in the intestine. As a result, water with viral gastroenteritis enters from the tissues into the intestinal lumen in excess, and diarrhea begins.

Children from 6 to 63 months of age are most often susceptible to rotavirus infections. They have incubation period, which lasts 1-5 days, in most cases this figure is 2-3 days. Symptoms of gastroenteritis are acute and begin with nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. As for vomiting, it may stop after the first day of illness, and in some, mild cases, be absent altogether. Diarrhea without proper treatment lasts for 5-7 days.

Also, the main symptoms of this type are:

Very often, the presence of cramping or constant pain in a stomach.

Symptoms and treatment of acute gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis must be clearly distinguished from other similar acute viral infections. The most difficult are diarrheal diseases that are caused by other types of viruses. There are a number of differences that make it possible to distinguish the symptoms of gastroenteritis from other infections. For example:

adenovirus intestinal infection with gastroenteritis has a longer incubation period. It is 8-10 days, despite the fact that rotavirus has it maximum duration 5 days. This virus is characterized by diarrhea lasting 2 or more weeks.

for infections with rotavirus gastroenteritis, which are caused by a virus such as Norfolk and the like, distribution among children and adults is almost equally characteristic. With a virus, vomiting and diarrhea in the diagnosis of rotavirus gastroenteritis have more pronounced symptoms of intoxication of the body.


With symptoms of gastroenteritis, it is first necessary for the body to restore fluid loss. For this, it is necessary to use special solutions that are absorbed in the intestines even in the presence of diarrhea. To prepare such a solution for the treatment of viral gastroenteritis at home, you will need to dilute 3.5 g of table salt, 2.5 g of baking soda, 1.5 g of potassium chloride, 40 g of sugar per 1 liter of water.

To treat gastroenteritis, you can and should drink mineral water (not carbonated)

Treatment of gastroenteritis Regidron. For children with such infections, it is good to prepare the drug Regidron, which is widely distributed in pharmacies. It must be prepared immediately before use according to the instructions.

Until the diarrhea stops, it is best to stick to a liquid diet - fruit juice, grated apples, rice porrige, boiled on water, various broths, crackers or salty biscuits. Avoid tea and coffee, especially strong ones.

Treatment of gastroenteritis with antibiotics. Antibiotics and the like antibacterial drugs are not recommended for use, since by disturbing the microflora they can only prolong and complicate the course of the disease.

How to treat gastroenteritis with diet?

Symptoms and treatment of chronic gastroenteritis. One of the factors successful treatment is proper nutrition. This statement is especially important when it comes to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroenteritis. Nutrition, organized correctly, will help you get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

The treatment of gastroenteritis is not meant to be the diet that people who are trying to lose weight suffer from, but the diet in the sense of the right one, balanced diet, suitable for the digestive system during this period of time when you are sick.

If you feel unwell and gastroenteritis begins to appear, then on the first day of the disease it is advisable to refuse to eat at all. This will allow you to remove extra load from the stomach, which will slightly alleviate the symptoms of the inflammatory process in gastroenteritis and the general condition. It is necessary to drink fluids as much as possible during treatment. The liquid must be necessarily warm and can be presented in the following form:

divorced warm boiled water Fresh Juice from fruits and berries;

directly boiled warm water or mineral water, but always non-carbonated;

different kinds of teas, not strong and not sweet;

decoctions of dried berries, such as rose hips.

By using large quantity liquids on the first day of the diet for gastroenteritis, you will ensure that the fluid lost during diarrhea or vomiting is restored, which will positive influence on the water balance body and overall well-being.

After the symptoms have improved a little, you can start introducing small portions of food into the diet. It should always be remembered that a diet for gastroenteritis obliges the patient to eat food in small portions, but somewhat more often than with a normal diet. By eating in this mode, you avoid overloading the stomach, which is already inflamed, while most of all essential substances absorbed into the body and processed for its intended purpose.

Food during the treatment of gastroenteritis should be only warm. You can eat low-fat broths, soups on such broths, vegetables and fruits (except those that contain retina with coarse fibers), dietary meat, cereals. The main characteristics of the food that enters the stomach during the treatment of gastroenteritis is the presence in it of not only animal proteins, but also carbohydrates.

The reasons

It's spicy viral disease, which has a fecal-oral transmission mechanism that affects the mucous membranes of the small intestine and oropharynx.

The main source of rotavirus gastroenteritis is a person who is already sick. He is a virus carrier. From the point of view of epidemiology, such people pose a danger during the first week. In the subsequent time, his ability to infect another person decreases. However, in some cases, the period during which there is an active release of the virus into the environment, may last days since the first symptoms of gastroenteritis appeared.

The virus is based on the fecal-oral mode of transmission, in which water, food and household items act. At the same time, the water way of transmission of the virus remains especially dangerous, while mass infection of the population is possible.

Why does viral gastroenteritis occur?

Caliciviruses are the main cause of viral gastroenteritis in adults. For children, rotaviruses are especially dangerous in this regard. Both some and others are quite resistant to environmental influences, which allows them to tolerate even a frozen state and be dangerous after thawing.

The virus mainly enters the human body through food. Viral gastroenteritis contaminated vegetables and fruits. Water is a special risk factor, it can be infected not only by drinking, but just by swimming in water bodies.

Video: Oksana Bozheva about the symptoms and treatment of gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis: symptoms, treatment

Symptoms of gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis rarely develops as an independent disease, very often it is a syndrome of any disease.

Viral gastroenteritis usually develops suddenly, patients develop crampy abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Perhaps an increase in body temperature, weakness, muscle pain. Patients complain of bloating, strong rumbling, while gas discharge is minimal. In some cases, abdominal pain may not be accompanied by diarrhea. There is usually no blood or mucus in the stool.

Gastroenteritis often develops as a syndrome of bacterial diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis). In such cases, the stool in patients is watery, may be mixed with blood and mucus, its frequency is up to 30 times a day.

Diagnosis of gastroenteritis

A doctor can diagnose gastroenteritis based on the patient's complaints and anamnesis of the disease. But to identify the nature of the disease, additional laboratory tests of feces, vomit, and blood are needed. If symptoms of gastroenteritis appear, you should consult a doctor, as this may signal a serious illness.

Treatment of gastroenteritis

At the first symptoms of gastroenteritis, food intake should be limited. Due to the loss of fluid with vomit and frequent loose stools, dehydration of the body may develop, so you should drink more fluids. At home, you can prepare a saline solution. To do this, in 1 liter of boiled water you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. table salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Also, to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes, you can use pharmaceutical powders for the preparation of solutions for rehydration, such as rehydron or oralit. It is also useful to drink sweet tea, rosehip broth and jelly. You need to take the liquid often, but in small portions (no more than 50 ml at a time), so as not to provoke an attack of vomiting.

If the symptoms of gastroenteritis persist for more than a day or the patient's condition worsens, you should consult a doctor, as hospital treatment may be necessary.

In severe dehydration, when oral rehydration is not enough, it is possible intravenous administration solutions (physiological saline, 5% glucose solution, reopoliglyukin). Infusion therapy is also indicated for severe intoxication syndrome, which can be observed in gastroenteritis.

Quite often, patients with gastroenteritis show signs of beriberi, so treatment includes vitamin therapy. Patients are prescribed vitamins of group B, which in stationary conditions can be administered intramuscularly. AT outpatient settings patients are recommended to take multivitamin complexes (biomax, complivit, alphabet, etc.)

To restore the affected mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, patients are prescribed astringents and enveloping agents (de-nol, tanalbin). For these purposes, it is also possible to prescribe drugs based on plant materials (St. John's wort, tansy, serpentine grass).

Physiotherapy is very effective in the treatment of gastroenteritis. Patients are prescribed warming compresses, paraffin baths, ozocerite, inductothermy.

With gastroenteritis, the composition of the normal intestinal microflora is often disrupted, so it is advisable to take eubiotics (bifidumbacterin, linex, acipol).

It should be noted that the appointment of antibiotic therapy is possible only by a doctor. Do not try to self-treat gastroenteritis with antibiotics. If the disease was caused by a virus, this group of drugs will be completely ineffective. Wherein Negative influence antibiotics on the intestinal microflora can only aggravate the condition.

diet therapy

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of patients with symptoms of gastroenteritis. For patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a special therapeutic diet has been developed - table No. 4.

In the acute stage of the disease, food intake should be limited. If the patient can eat, then it is possible to eat crackers from white bread, rice porridge and bananas. Food should be fractional, in small portions, food must be warm.

After the exacerbation symptoms subside, the diet can be expanded. It is allowed to eat cereals cooked in water, sour-milk products, boiled vegetables that do not contain coarse fiber (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower etc.), fruits, not fatty varieties meat and fish, dried white bread. You should drink kissels, fruit juices, compotes, tea.

Excluded from the diet are fatty meats, poultry and fish, legumes, fatty dairy products, confectionery with fatty creams, muffins, coffee, carbonated drinks. You should also remove smoked meats, marinades, fried, fatty, spicy and salty dishes, convenience foods, canned food and fast food from the table.

After the symptoms of gastroenteritis subside, such a regimen and diet should be followed for at least a month, and for people suffering from a chronic form of the disease, such a diet must be followed constantly.

Which doctor to contact

If the symptoms are moderate, you can call a therapist / pediatrician at home or contact a gastroenterologist and continue treatment on an outpatient basis. If the condition worsens, you need to call an ambulance, which will take the patient to the infectious diseases hospital.

Symptoms of infectious gastroenteritis

Infectious gastroenteritis can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Common symptoms of gastroenteritis of any etiology include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Depending on the cause, there are some features of the clinical picture.

Routes of transmission in infectious gastroenteritis

The transmission mechanism for most intestinal infections is fecal-oral. It can be carried out by alimentary, water, as well as contact-household ways. Special meaning in epidemiology have some viral gastroenteritis as transmissible by airborne droplets(aerogenic mechanism).

Important: if you experience repeated vomiting, diarrhea and other signs of gastroenteritis, you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms of viral gastroenteritis

Viral gastroenteritis can be caused by enterovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, and some others. common feature viral diarrhea is their short-term course. Usually the disease lasts 1-2 days. The incubation period can be from 2 hours. The first symptom of the disease is nausea and subsequent vomiting. Diarrhea appears a little later. Body temperature rises to 37.5 - 38 degrees.

Coronavirus gastroenteritis

It's pretty rare disease. Coronavirus most often affects the respiratory tract in the form of rhinitis and pneumonia. This virus can be transmitted from pets.

Rotavirus infection

The incubation period can vary from 15 hours to 4-5 days. The disease begins acutely, sometimes violently. The first symptom is vomiting. It is usually single, rarely repeated, stops by the end of the first day. Diarrhea appears somewhat later, but sometimes simultaneously with vomiting.

The stool is thin, watery, sometimes frothy, yellowish or yellow-green in color. Sometimes there is an admixture of mucus. At mild form diarrhea is repeated up to 2 times a day, with severe - up to 20 or more times a day.

With rotavirus infectious gastroenteritis pain in the abdomen is localized in the epigastric region or near the navel. They have a aching cramping character. General weakness is expressed, which does not correspond to the severity of dyspeptic disorders.

Fever occurs only in 20% of patients and rarely exceeds 37.5 degrees. Important feature rotavirus gastroenteritis - a frequent combination of dyspeptic symptoms with signs of rhinitis, pharyngitis or nasopharyngitis.

Infectious gastroenteritis in children caused by rotavirus often occurs as an outbreak in kindergartens or schools, since rotavirus can be transmitted by airborne droplets.

Parvovirus gastroenteritis

The incubation period of the disease is on average 2-3 days. The main manifestations are nausea, vomiting, general weakness. There may be muscle pain, dizziness. Diarrhea is rare. Abdominal pains are slight, aching, there is bloating.

Picornaviral gastroenteritis

This form of gastroenteritis is more common in children. The onset of the disease is associated with sudden fever (up to degrees), chills. The stool is watery, greenish, fetid, with a frequency of up to 4-7 times a day.

Other viral diarrheas do not have any clinical features. With viral gastroenteritis, vomiting is more common in children, and diarrhea is more common in adults.

Attention: if signs of illness appear in a child, it is necessary to call a doctor or an ambulance without delay, since signs of dehydration in children develop very quickly.

Symptoms of bacterial gastroenteritis

Gastrointestinal form of dysentery

The causative agent is Shigella. The incubation period is 2-7 days. Body temperature can rise up to 39 degrees. In the stool, there is often an admixture of blood and mucus, which indicates a simultaneous lesion of the colon. Vomiting is not very frequent, abdominal pains are cramping, stools are not abundant, tenesmus (painful urge to defecate) is sometimes observed. Symptoms of dehydration rarely develop.

Salmonella gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is the most common manifestation of salmonellosis. With salmonella gastroenteritis, the incubation period is an hour after the consumption of infected foods (eggs, milk, meat, etc.). Characteristic sharp rise fever, malaise, headaches. A little later, nausea and pain in the epigastrium join, then vomiting of undigested food remnants mixed with bile. After a while, rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea begin.

Tenesmus and cramping pains are not characteristic, there is usually no mucus and blood impurities in the feces, since colon rarely involved in the process. A common symptom of Salmonella gastroenteritis is severe dehydration.


The differences between cholera and other diseases that occur with vomiting and diarrhea are as follows:

  • no rise in temperature;
  • absence of abdominal pain;
  • profuse diarrhea (fluid loss is measured in liters), the stool looks like rice water with a fishy smell;
  • first there is diarrhea, and then vomiting;
  • sharp severe symptoms dehydration.

Cholera itself is not a bacterial gastroenteritis, but often occurs with a gastroenteritis syndrome, so it must be differentiated from other diarrheas.


With botulism, vomiting and diarrhea are not the main symptoms of the disease. In the first place comes the defeat of the nervous system in the form of:

  • visual disturbances (double vision, veil, different pupil sizes, etc.);
  • mask-like face (violations of facial expressions due to paresis of the facial muscles);
  • violations of swallowing and speech ("lump in the throat", aphonia - with paresis of the muscles of the larynx and pharynx);
  • paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the limbs, respiratory failure.

Sometimes the onset of botulism is very similar to viral gastroenteritis - symptoms in adults disappear after 1-2 days. There may even be a temporary improvement in the condition, and only then do signs of damage to the cranial nerves appear.

Staphylococcal toxic infection

This type of gastroenteritis is characterized by sharp, cutting pains in the epigastrium (in the stomach), repeated vomiting. Diarrhea is infrequent. By the end of the first day, patients feel a significant improvement.

Viral gastroenteritis differs from bacterial gastroenteritis in that it can be transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, in outbreaks, it is difficult to identify the product that was the contaminant. Viral diarrhea people often call it "fancies" when all family members get sick at different times.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

Symptoms and treatments for gastroenteritis in adults

Gastroenteritis refers to those disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which are quite easy to get infected. In another way, this disease is called intestinal flu. Gastroenteritis in adults and children is treated quickly and easily, but has a very unpleasant symptoms. In order to exclude the occurrence of this disease in oneself, it is necessary to properly carry out its prevention.

What it is

Gastroenteritis is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in which internal surfaces inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. The disease is accompanied frequent diarrhea and vomiting, pain in the abdomen. A syndrome such as intestinal flu can occur as a result of human infection with various types of viruses, as well as harmful microorganisms.

The disease may cover the oropharyngeal region (in case of oral transmission). If in the intestine inflammation passes to the large intestine, in this case, a diagnosis is made - gastroentercolitis.

Exist different kinds gastroenteritis, which are different different reasons occurrence of the disorder. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are almost the same.

Classification and reasons

A non-infectious type of disease occurs as a result of poisoning the body with poor-quality or spoiled products. It can also develop with intoxication as a result of chemicals entering the body. It can also be after long-term medication.

People who often travel to countries with disadvantaged regions (Africa, Egypt, etc.) are at risk of contracting infectious gastroenteritis. Causes of the syndrome intestinal flu, in this case, consist in the penetration into the body of roto- and noroviruses, as well as intestinal giardia and cryptosporidium.

The bacterial type of the disease is more severe than the viral one, although the latter is more common. Although most people tolerate the stomach flu relatively easily, it can lead to complications. It mostly happens in patients with a weakened immune system.

Bacterial gastroenteritis can also occur against the background of past gastrointestinal disorders (for example, salmonellosis). You can become infected with an infectious type of disease by eating unwashed fruits and vegetables, poorly processed foods. In the event that the disease is particularly severe, the patient may be hospitalized.

Depending on how severe the disease is, it is divided into the following groups:

  • mild illness. With a relatively normal state of health, there is slight nausea, sometimes diarrhea occurs;
  • medium severity. There is an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees. Nausea is more pronounced, frequent vomiting and diarrhea. There is a general weakness of the body;
  • severe disorder. On the background high temperature regular manifestations of vomiting and diarrhea. Clear signs dehydration, dry skin. The patient is in a weakened state, up to loss of consciousness.
  • Rotavirus type of infection (occurs due to the appearance in the body of the virus of the same name).
  • Coronavirus. Infection occurs by airborne droplets.
  • Parvovirus. In humans, this disease is not observed, but a person can be a carrier of the infection and pass it on to animals.
  • Viral, in which the causative agent of the disease has not been identified.
  • bacterial type. The disorder occurs against the background of dysentery or salmonellosis.

Non-infectious can be divided into the following types:

No matter what reasons caused this disorder the main symptoms are the same. These include:

  • pain syndrome in the abdomen;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • bloating;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness.

Specific signs of gastroenteritis are manifested in loose stools that occur more than three times during the day. In the early stages, it may contain undigested food particles. As the disease progresses, it may become more and more liquid. Subsequently, mucus, blood components can be found in the stool.

For more late stage As the disease progresses, symptoms such as fever, headache, and dehydration may occur. Dehydration is dangerous for the human body, especially for elderly patients. The symptoms of this condition are:

  • increased fatigue;
  • apathetic state;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • muscle cramps;
  • there is a lack of urination for a long time;
  • paleness and dryness of the skin.

The incubation period of the disease can be several days (from 1 to 5). Mild gastroenteritis does not last long and resolves in about 5-7 days.

In the event that diarrhea does not stop within three days, and symptoms of dehydration are present, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of intestinal flu syndrome is carried out in stages. First, the doctor examines and identifies symptoms, based on the patient's complaints and prescribes tests. How many and which tests will be prescribed depends on the form of the disease and its severity. When diagnosing, the state of the sanitary situation in the given region (presence of epidemics, etc.) is taken into account.

The patient must pass an analysis of feces, for the presence of mucous secretions in it, bloody patches. Urine and vomit are also analyzed for the presence of pathological changes. A patient's blood test shows the presence of pathogens.

The patient may be prescribed endoscopy, in order to examine the gastric mucosa. If the doctor noticed in her degenerative changes, then an analysis such as a biopsy may be prescribed. A biopsy involves examining cells and tissues to determine if there is an infection in the body.

If chronic gastroenteritis occurs or complications arise, the doctor may prescribe an analysis to determine the acidic environment in the stomach, a study of intestinal motility.

Treatment of the intestinal flu syndrome has its own specifics. It is always carried out in a complex manner, depending on the type of disorder. In this case, it may apply various medicines, diet and motor mode is assigned.

Regardless of the degree of the disease, the patient needs to replenish the water balance in the body. Therefore, he is advised to drink plenty of water. You can also take other liquids, in the form of tea, juices, decoctions of medicinal herbs, fruit drinks, etc.

When the disease progresses in a severe form, the patient is prescribed bed rest. At acute stages it is recommended to move less, bend over, move quickly and perform physical activity.

A very important point in the treatment of gastroenteritis is diet.

Only soft foods that are easy to digest should be taken. In addition, the diet involves fractional nutrition, i.e., eating several times a day (5-6) in small portions.

It is allowed to use liquid cereals, boiled vegetables, lean fish and meat cooked by boiling or steaming. It is possible to use fermented milk products, bananas. You need to drink jelly, compotes, herbal infusions.

The doctor prescribes pills for the treatment of the disorder after exact definition type of gastroenteritis. Toxic type of disease at home is treated activated carbon and other similar drugs.

When there is an increase or low acidity, the patient is prescribed antacids that neutralize the acidic environment. Drugs such as enzymes, astringents and coating agents that restore the gastric mucosa may also be used.

Prevention of gastroenteritis includes such measures as careful personal hygiene, the use of high-quality and healthy food. It is also necessary to adhere to the correct diet (eat regularly, several times a day).

When treating gastroenteritis, be sure to follow a diet and drink plenty of fluids. These are important aspects of the healing process. Take preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of this disease.

Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Most often, gastroenteritis is a symptom, not an independent pathology. Doctors identify several of its forms and offer various techniques treatment. About them - further.

Reasons for the development of gastroenteritis

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach in medicine is classified as gastroenteritis. This pathology can develop for various reasons:

Note: a person with developing gastroenteritis is dangerous to others - he is a distributor of infection.

Signs of gastroenteritis

Extremely rarely considered pathology, doctors consider it as an independent disease - more often gastroenteritis is a symptom. If viral gastroenteritis develops, then the onset of the disease will be sudden, and the symptoms will develop into a specific clinical picture:

  • patients complain of intense pain in the abdomen of a spastic nature, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • in some cases, fever, weak muscle pain and general weakness are added;
  • there is a strong rumbling in the abdomen, a feeling of bloating and increased gas formation, but at the same time, gas discharge from the intestines is not observed.

Note: with the development of gastroenteritis viral etiology there is no blood and mucus in the stool, and sometimes abdominal pain is not accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea).

Doctors often diagnose gastroenteritis as a symptom bacterial disease intestines. And in this case, the patient will have watery stools, feces mixed with blood and mucus in small quantities, the frequency of bowel movements per day can reach 30 times.

How is gastroenteritis diagnosed?

Difficulties in diagnosing the disease in question do not arise for doctors - it is possible to determine the development of gastroenteritis only according to the patient's complaints and on the basis of the results of collecting information about the onset of the disease. But for a full-fledged treatment, you will need to find out what exactly was the impetus for the development of gastroenteritis - the patient is assigned a laboratory study of biomaterials (feces, blood, urine, vomit).

How to treat gastroenteritis

As soon as the first signs of gastroenteritis appear, you should immediately limit the patient in food, but he needs to consume as much liquid as possible - repeated vomiting and loose stools can lead to dehydration. You can limit yourself to the usual drinking water(necessarily boiled), but the best option would be to prepare a saline solution - put 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of warm boiled water. If possible, then in the pharmacy you can buy ready-made powders for the preparation of rehydration solutions - for example, Regidron or Oralit. Doctors say that it is useful for patients with signs of gastroenteritis to drink rosehip broth, tea with sugar and jelly. But you should know - you need to take any liquid no more than 50 ml at a time and only in small sips, since another regimen can cause another bout of vomiting.

Note: if the above symptoms of the disease in question do not go away during home treatment, then it is necessary to seek professional medical help.

What can a specialist do if a patient with a diagnosis of gastroenteritis is admitted to inpatient treatment:

  1. If there is a severe degree of dehydration and oral rehydration does not give the desired results, then intravenous administration of solutions is prescribed - for example, physiological, glucose 5% or rheopolyglucin. The same solutions are administered intravenously with a pronounced intoxication syndrome.
  2. Vitamin therapy is mandatory - vitamin B preparations are administered intramuscularly to the patient, in parallel it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes orally (inside) - for example, Complivit or Alfavit.
  3. Doctors select enveloping and astringent preparations for the patient - they help restore the intestinal and stomach mucosa. These drugs include De-nol and Tanalbin.
  4. As part of complex therapy for gastroenteritis, preparations made on the basis of vegetable raw materials (tansy, St. John's wort, serpentine grass) are also used - they also have an astringent and enveloping effect.
  5. Be sure to carry out physiotherapy procedures - warming compresses, inductothermy, paraffin applications will be effective for the disease in question.
  6. If there is a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora, then experts recommend taking eubiotics - Linex, Acipol or Bifidumbacterin.

Note: the appointment of antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) should only be done by a doctor after examining the patient. If gastroenteritis was caused by viruses, then such drugs will not have any effect, but they will negatively affect the state of the intestinal microflora.

Diet for gastroenteritis

As part of the treatment of gastroenteritis, dietary nutrition is mandatory - the duration of treatment depends on how accurately the patient adheres to the recommended diet. When diagnosed gastrointestinal diseases non-ulcerative nature is assigned food according to table No. 4:

  1. The acute form of the course of gastroenteritis implies a restriction in food intake - it is allowed to enter crackers from white bread, bananas and rice porridge (viscous) into the menu.
  2. Meals should be frequent, but in small doses, the patient should refuse too hot or very cold food.
  3. If the first symptoms have subsided, then the patient can introduce porridge on the water, boiled potatoes, fruits, boiled vegetables, meat and fish into the daily diet. low-fat varieties and in very limited quantities (no more than 200 g per day), compotes, kissels and tea with sugar - thus the menu begins to expand.
  4. It is absolutely necessary to exclude from the menu carbonated drinks (even ordinary mineral water), coffee, dairy products, cakes and pastries, marinades, fast foods, fried and smoked foods, too fatty foods.

Note: even if all the symptoms of the disease in question have disappeared, the patient's health has returned to normal, and the doctor allows the treatment to be transferred to an outpatient regime, it is impossible to violate these principles of nutrition. The patient must adhere to certain restrictions for another month.

Gastroenteritis may indicate the development of quite complex and even dangerous diseases- doctors do not recommend self-medication and, at the first sign, turn to specialists.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Gastroenteritis: symptoms and treatment

Gastroenteritis - main symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Elevated temperature
  • Nausea
  • Heaviness in the stomach
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomit
  • Pain in the navel
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle pain
  • Dehydration
  • Intestinal disorders

Almost every person had to experience such unpleasant symptoms as vomiting, indigestion, dizziness and general weakness. And the appearance of cold sweat or fever complements the overall clinical picture of a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, most often it is rotavirus gastroenteritis. In general, the digestive system is physiologically designed to be one of the first and most powerful defenses against various infections, the pathogens of which enter our body with water and food. And then it takes active treatment gastroenteritis.

Description of the disease

Acute gastroenteritis is a disease advanced level danger. The most widespread diagnosis of gastroenteritis is observed in pediatrics. Gastroenteritis in children is due to the fact that pathology refers to infectious lesions stomach and small intestines. Rather, this pathology can be classified as inflammatory process mucous membranes of these organs of the digestive system. Small children have insufficient personal hygiene skills, they crawl on the floor, touch the most various items, take unwashed fruits and berries, household items and toys into their mouths.

According to international medical statistics, inflammatory intestinal pathologies are the main problem in countries with low level life, located mainly in regions of the planet with a hot climate, lack of drinking water and food. Thanks to the efforts modern medicine, the last mass epidemic of rotavirus gastroenteritis was in Europe more than one hundred and thirty years ago. Today, the diagnosis of intestinal flu is made here in isolated situations.

The reasons

Most often, when patients complain of signs of an intestinal infection, a rotavirus of a high level of virulence is determined during the culture of secretions. The cause of gastroenteritis is the Reoviridae family of viruses, which is a large variety of highly pathogenic microorganisms. The most common types are:

  • Viruses that cause an acute inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine of adults, gastroenteritis in children.
  • Typical causative agents of acute gastroenteritis in cattle and other animals do not pose an epidemiological danger to humans.
  • group of viruses that cause acute poisoning and severe bowel disorder - traveler's disease or rotavirus gastroenteritis.

The reasons for the wide spread of gastroenteritis is the high survival rate of the virus in natural conditions. Therefore, it is able to survive more than two months in the plumbing system at room temperature, on root crops and the surface of vegetables for more than a month, in fecal effluents for about eight months.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis

Symptoms of all diseases gastric tract infectious etiology has many similar features. Against this background, gastroenteritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The incubation period of the latent development of the disease can last from one to five days, depending on the level of immunity of the body.
  • The onset is violent with severe nausea, bouts of vomiting, marked diarrhea, and significant dehydration. Need emergency treatment gastroenteritis.
  • The acute period ends after the first twenty-four hours.
  • Acute diarrhea can last another week, with up to six stools per day.
  • severe weakness, general malaise, headaches, no appetite. Acute gastroenteritis in children occurs with characteristic signs - stench, frothiness interspersed with lumps of mucus.
  • Such a noticeable feeling of heaviness in the stomach, spasmodic pains around the navel.
  • An increase in temperature at the onset of the disease, during the passage acute period decrease below physiological norms, loss of strength.
  • The development of pharyngitis, acute rhinitis or mixed forms of the disease.


The complex of diagnostic procedures includes a classic examination, the study of external data and patient complaints.

  1. Doctor palpation determines muscle weakness, noisy intestinal peristalsis, swelling of the palate and pharynx.
  2. credible diagnostic features are the detection of white plaque on the tongue, listening to muffled tones of the heartbeat, subfebrile temperature.
  3. Laboratory analyzes of swabs fecal matter and determination of the type of virus - the pathogen using the methods of RLA, RKA, RSK, ELISA.
  4. Gel immunoprecipitation or immunofluorescence.


Modern medicine still does not have effective drugs affecting etiology. The main principles on which the treatment of gastroenteritis is based are:

  • Refusal of food in the first day of an acute course.
  • Plentiful drink.
  • At the end of the acute period, the appointment of a light diet.
  • Daily routine with mandatory bed rest.
  • The use of polyenzymatic drugs, including Abomin, Polyzyme, Pancreatin, Festal.
  • The use of powerful adsorbents and astringents.
  • Rehydrants in the form of intravenous droppers.
  • Plasma-substituting and detoxifying solutions - Regidron, Refortan are recommended to drink.

Treatment will only bring success when all the doctor's prescriptions are accurately fulfilled.

If you think that you have Gastroenteritis and the symptoms characteristic of this disease, then a gastroenterologist can help you.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which, based on the symptoms entered, selects probable diseases.

Symptoms and treatment of acute gastroenteritis in adults

Acute gastroenteritis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the stomach and small intestine. Both an adult and a child can hear such a diagnosis, but most often this disease affects the stomach of preschool children.

1 Types of this disease

The causes of the development of such a disease are viral and infectious pathogens that are transmitted by household means. A small contact with an infected person is enough, and the likelihood of getting sick will be quite high.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic forms of gastroenteritis. In the acute form, the disease develops rapidly, within 5-7 days.

The main types of acute form:

  1. Infectious gastroenteritis. The causes of development are various infectious diseases such as salmonellosis, typhoid fever, cholera. The picture of such diseases is quite severe. If you do not start the correct and timely treatment, then deaths can occur.
  2. Viral gastroenteritis. The causes are viruses of various etymologies. Basically it's the flu.
  3. Alimentary. This type is a consequence of malnutrition - frequent consumption of coarse food, alcoholic beverages.
  4. Toxic. This form is caused by poisoning with various chemicals, mushrooms, fish.
  5. Allergic. Inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine may occur due to allergic reactions to certain foods or medications.

2 Clinical picture

Symptoms of gastroenteritis will depend on the type and number of pathogens in the body. The first signs of the disease appear unexpectedly for the patient and proceed very rapidly. The main symptoms of gastroenteritis are:

  • persistent nausea and severe vomiting;
  • diarrhea, which manifests itself more than 10 times a day;
  • there is pain in the form of cramps in the abdomen;
  • the stomach swells, and a constant rumbling is heard;
  • body temperature rises sharply to critical levels;
  • dizziness, headaches can be observed;
  • the skin becomes pale.

All of these symptoms do not appear at the same time. Basically, the disease develops in the following sequence: first, vomiting and nausea appear, then diarrhea joins. The stool is greenish in color, there may be blood clots, mucus.

3 Occurring forms

In order to choose the right method of treatment, the doctor will definitely diagnose the form of gastroenteritis. This disease can occur in three forms:

  1. Light. The patient has mild nausea may be vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, such manifestations occur no more than 3 times a day. The patient's body temperature is within normal limits. This form does not require hospitalization, it is enough to organize the correct treatment at home, and the disease will recede. It is extremely important to consult a doctor at this stage, since a mild form, if left untreated, can progress further.
  2. Average. Body temperature can vary within 38.5 °C. Nausea, vomiting and loose stools up to 10 times a day. There is mild dehydration, the patient feels dry mouth, thirst.
  3. Heavy. Body temperature rises to 40 °C. The patient may lose consciousness, vomiting and diarrhea more than 15 times a day. Patients may refuse to drink, flabbiness of the skin appears, convulsions may begin.

Very often this disease is fixed in children under 3 years of age. The source of infection is either the parents themselves or the employees of the kindergarten. Particular attention should be paid to children who have congenital immunodeficiency diseases. They are primarily exposed to viruses and infections that provoke the development of this disease.

The very course of the disease is always bright, the symptoms are severe. Sick children are always hospitalized, as there is severe dehydration.

4 Diagnostics

Symptoms and treatment will be interconnected. The doctor will choose a scheme for influencing the disease, depending on its clinical manifestations.

It is also very important to correctly diagnose. The doctor pays attention to such reactions of the body:

  • general weakness of the patient;
  • strength of rumbling in the stomach;
  • the formation of swelling in the throat;
  • the presence of a white coating on the tongue;
  • the strength of the heartbeat;
  • Body temperature.

If the patient arrives with severe forms of the disease, then there may be dehydration, cessation of urine production. A severe form can occur against the background of complications of the respiratory tract. It will be rhinitis, pharyngitis.

A laboratory study of the patient's feces is mandatory. It contains viruses that caused acute gastroenteritis. During the examination, all this is revealed, already in accordance with the results of the tests, a diagnosis is made and the correct treatment is prescribed.

By the way, with gastroenteritis, treatment takes place in the infectious diseases department. In rare cases, doctors allow you to treat the disease at home, there is always a risk of rapid dehydration, a sharp rise in temperature to critical levels.

Treatment consists of several stages, which include:

  • compliance with the rules of eating, a balanced diet;
  • drug treatment;
  • complete rejection of bad habits.

In the first days of admission to the department, the patient is prescribed a starvation diet, and only on the third day food is introduced in small portions and very often. With gastroenteritis, symptoms should be treated first, so treatment will focus on relieving nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. All these measures make it possible to normalize the work of digestive activity and relieve inflammation on the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine. Also in the first days it is not allowed to get out of bed, physical activity is completely prohibited.

Be sure to wash the stomach with a weak saline solution.

If severe intoxication is recorded, then intravenous infusions of an isotonic solution of sodium chloride, glucose, caffeine are carried out.

Enzyme preparations are prescribed, which should normalize the intestinal microflora. On the second or third day, the patient is allowed to use liquid cereals on water, crackers. On day 5-6, normal food is gradually introduced, which will allow the stomach and intestines to work in the correct mode.

Particular attention is paid to the treatment of children. First of all, drugs are prescribed that affect the causes that caused the disease. Fasting in children occurs no more than a day. Some doctors allow 5-6 hours on the first day to give unsweetened vegetable and fruit purees. From the second day, the child is transferred to boiled chicken broths.

From the fourth day, steamed food and bread are offered. From the fifth day, the child's usual diet is introduced. It is advisable to cook food for a while for a couple, do not use fatty, fried, smoked. Dairy products remain the only ban. It should not be consumed within 15 days.

5 Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has a number of recipes that will be an excellent solution for relieving symptomatic manifestations. But it is worth remembering that each of the proposed options can be used only after consulting a doctor:

  1. As a plentiful drink, it is necessary to use decoctions of mint and rose hips. They help to remove toxins from the body and fill it with the necessary fluid.
  2. As food in the early days, you can use oatmeal, hard-boiled flakes.
  3. As an antiseptic, you can use a decoction of cranberries. 20 grams of berries are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. This tool helps to neutralize infectious bacteria in the stomach and small intestine.
  4. To strengthen immunity, you can make jelly from orchis. It promotes the body's natural fight against pathogenic bacteria.
  5. Excellent means to stop diarrhea can be decoctions of oak bark, tansy flowers, bird cherry fruits. You can stop frequent emptying with the help of skin from chicken navels. The dried skin must be ground in a coffee grinder and consumed in a teaspoon with water. Children of this remedy should be given half as much.
  6. Tea with honey also helps to saturate the body with the necessary fluid and relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

6 Preventive measures

Since the disease itself is a fad, it will not be difficult for it to spread quickly. If a case of an infectious disease is recorded in a children's group, then the entire group of children is sent to quarantine. In order to protect yourself and your child from such diseases, you must follow some rules:

  1. Eat food only in approved places. If you like to eat in various summer cafes, canteens, restaurants, then you need to be sure of the complete sterility of the cooking conditions. Each employee who works in public catering must have a sanitary book and pass inspection. This issue is especially acute in the canteens of kindergartens. Very often, gastroenteritis in adults is asymptomatic, and they are carriers of a dangerous disease.
  2. Do not eat eggs, meat and fish products that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment.
  3. If a patient with such a disease appears in the family, then it is necessary to ensure hand washing and cleaning using antiseptics. Do not eat from the same dishes, do not use the same things, towels.
  4. Tell children not to take food from the floor into their mouths.

This disease is very serious, so the first signs should immediately alert and make you see a doctor. If you do not start the right treatment or ignore the doctor's recommendations, the consequences can be unpredictable:

  1. Dehydration. The body loses large amounts of fluid due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Death. Dehydration can lead to death. This issue is especially acute in children. Their body weight is small, so heavy liquid stools during the day and vomiting can be critical for life.
  3. If you do not provide qualified assistance, then a person may develop a chronic form. In such cases, a person will be a constant carrier of infection and provoke a disease in others.
  4. Septicemia. This disease can be caused by the entry of the virus into the bloodstream and lead to complete infection of all organs. This is the first step towards death.

Acute gastroenteritis is a rather serious disease. Its symptoms are very similar to those food poisoning. Do not self-medicate, as the consequences can be unpredictable, up to death. Remember, only a timely appeal to a specialist will help to avoid disastrous consequences.

A disease such as acute gastroenteritis can result from the ingestion of poor-quality food or water, which may contain microorganisms or toxins. The disease is viral when it occurs as a result of infection with a virus. Treatment must be comprehensive. The disease is most often diagnosed in children. Regardless of the type, the symptoms of diseases are similar to each other.


After infection, the disease has a very rapid development and is diagnosed with the following symptoms:

increase in body temperature,

bowel disorder,

general malaise,

headache and muscle pain.

Chronic gastroenteritis

The disease affects the processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The patient changes the cellular synthesis of enzymes, which leads to a deterioration in the absorption of nutrients from food. As a result, metabolic processes throughout the body can be disrupted. In a chronic disease, pain and other symptoms of gastroenteritis can be observed even when taking absolutely benign products, especially if the diet is disturbed.

Signs of viral gastroenteritis

Intestinal flu, as the people call this disease. Viral gastroenteritis is caused by various viruses, is characterized by a moderate deterioration in the general condition, and mainly affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Viral gastroenteritis accounts for the lion's share of diagnosed intestinal diseases.

The viral form of the disease has a direct effect on the small intestine, disrupting the structure of the mucous membrane. As a result of such a violation, the absorption of carbohydrates and other substances decreases, and the osmotic pressure in the intestine increases. As a result, water with viral gastroenteritis enters from the tissues into the intestinal lumen in excess, and diarrhea begins.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis

Children from 6 to 63 months of age are most often susceptible to rotavirus infections. They have an incubation period that lasts 1-5 days, in the vast majority of cases this figure is 2-3 days. Symptoms of gastroenteritis are acute and begin with nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. As for vomiting, it may stop after the first day of illness, and in some, mild cases, be absent altogether. Diarrhea without proper treatment lasts for 5-7 days.

Also, the main symptoms of this type are:

  • general weakness,
  • fever,
  • and headaches.

Very often, the presence of cramping or persistent pain in the abdomen is noted.


Symptoms and treatment of acute gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis must be clearly distinguished from other similar acute viral infections. The most difficult are diarrheal diseases that are caused by other types of viruses. There are a number of differences that make it possible to distinguish the symptoms of gastroenteritis from other infections. For example:

adenovirus intestinal infection with gastroenteritis has a longer incubation period. It is 8-10 days, while rotavirus has a maximum duration of 5 days. This virus is characterized by diarrhea lasting 2 or more weeks.

for infections with rotavirus gastroenteritis, which are caused by a virus such as Norfolk and the like, distribution among children and adults is almost equally characteristic. With a virus, vomiting and diarrhea in the diagnosis of rotavirus gastroenteritis have more pronounced symptoms of intoxication of the body.


With symptoms of gastroenteritis, it is first necessary for the body to restore fluid loss. For this, it is necessary to use special solutions that are absorbed in the intestines even in the presence of diarrhea. To prepare such a solution for the treatment of viral gastroenteritis at home, you will need to dilute 3.5 g of table salt, 2.5 g of baking soda, 1.5 g of potassium chloride, 40 g of sugar per 1 liter of water.

To treat gastroenteritis, you can and should drink mineral water (not carbonated)

Treatment of gastroenteritis Regidron. For children with such infections, it is good to prepare the drug Regidron, which is widely distributed in pharmacies. It must be prepared immediately before use according to the instructions.

Until the diarrhea stops, it is best to stick to a liquid diet - fruit juice, grated apples, rice porridge boiled in water, various broths, crackers or salty biscuits. Avoid tea and coffee, especially strong ones.

Treatment of gastroenteritis with antibiotics. Antibiotics and similar antibacterial drugs are not recommended for use, since by disturbing the microflora they can only delay and complicate the course of the disease.

How to treat gastroenteritis with diet?

Symptoms and treatment of chronic gastroenteritis. One of the factors for successful treatment is proper nutrition. This statement is especially important when it comes to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroenteritis. Nutrition, organized correctly, will help you get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

The treatment of gastroenteritis is not the diet that people who are trying to lose weight suffer from, but the diet in the sense of proper, balanced nutrition, suitable for the digestive system during this particular period of time when you are sick.

If you feel unwell and gastroenteritis begins to appear, then on the first day of the disease it is advisable to refuse to eat at all. This will remove the extra load from the stomach, which will slightly alleviate the symptoms of the inflammatory process in gastroenteritis and the general condition. It is necessary to drink fluids as much as possible during treatment. The liquid must be necessarily warm and can be presented in the following form:

diluted with warm boiled water, fresh juice from fruits and berries;

directly boiled warm water itself or mineral water, but always non-carbonated;

different kinds of teas, not strong and not sweet;

decoctions of dried berries, such as rose hips.

By drinking more fluid on the first day of the gastroenteritis diet, you will ensure that the fluid lost during diarrhea or vomiting is restored, which will have a positive effect on the body's water balance and well-being in general.

After the symptoms have improved a little, you can start introducing small portions of food into the diet. It should always be remembered that a diet for gastroenteritis obliges the patient to eat food in small portions, but somewhat more often than with a normal diet. By eating in this mode, you avoid overloading the stomach, which is already inflamed, while most of all the necessary substances are absorbed into the body and processed for their intended purpose.

Food during the treatment of gastroenteritis should be only warm. You can eat low-fat broths, soups on such broths, vegetables and fruits (except those that contain retina with coarse fibers), dietary meat, cereals. The main characteristics of the food that enters the stomach during the treatment of gastroenteritis is the presence in it of not only animal proteins, but also carbohydrates.

The reasons

This is an acute viral disease that has a fecal-oral transmission mechanism that affects the mucous membranes of the small intestine and oropharynx.

The main source of rotavirus gastroenteritis is a person who is already sick. He is a virus carrier. From the point of view of epidemiology, such people pose a danger during the first week. In the subsequent time, his ability to infect another person decreases. However, in some cases, the period during which the virus is actively released into the environment can last 20-30 days since the first symptoms of gastroenteritis appeared.

The virus is based on the fecal-oral mode of transmission, in which water, food and household items act. At the same time, the water way of transmission of the virus remains especially dangerous, while mass infection of the population is possible.

Why does viral gastroenteritis occur?

Caliciviruses are the main cause of viral gastroenteritis in adults. For children, rotaviruses are especially dangerous in this regard. Both some and others are quite resistant to environmental influences, which allows them to tolerate even a frozen state and be dangerous after thawing.

The virus mainly enters the human body through food. Viral gastroenteritis contaminated vegetables and fruits. Water is a special risk factor, it can be infected not only by drinking, but just by swimming in water bodies.

Video: Oksana Bozheva about the symptoms and treatment of gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is a disease that occurs suddenly, sometimes for no apparent reason, which is an inflammatory process on the walls of the stomach and small intestine. It is equally often diagnosed in adults and children, men and women, but it has become more widespread in regions with a low hygienic culture. Treatment of gastroenteritis in most cases lasts about a week, but this does not mean that the disease is easily treatable. Moreover, inflammation of this kind can be fraught with complications.

Gastroenteritis is inflammation in the stomach and small intestine.

With gastroenteritis, the inflammatory process extends to the gastric mucosa and thin department intestines. The essence of the pathological process in this case is the hematogenous or mechanical introduction of pathogens into blood vessels that nourish the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

The cause of gastroenteritis may be various kinds infections

The pathological process itself can be caused by:

  • viral infections and bacterial origin, including cholera, typhoid fever, salmonella and influenza;
  • foods that cause excessive irritation of the mucous membranes - hot spices, alcohol, roughage;
  • toxic compounds, including components household chemicals, acids and alkalis, compounds that make up poisonous mushrooms, caviar, fruit seeds;
  • allergens, including those contained in berries, seafood, drugs.

Based on these factors, gastroenteritis in adults can be infectious, alimentary, allergic or toxic.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis manifests itself in the form of a complex change in the functions of the digestive system, occurring against the background of other signs typical of diseases caused by a specific pathogen.

gastroenteritis produces gas

With any type of gastroenteritis is accompanied by:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdominal region of a pulling nature;
  • diarrhea.

At the same time, the symptoms of gastroenteritis from this list can be combined and differ in intensity and sequence of appearance, depending on the etiology of the disease. Yes, at viral origin The inflammatory process first causes nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea appears much later, after 1-3 days.

Along with a change in the nature of the stool, the body temperature rises. And if the coronovirus became the causative agent of the disease, the patient develops symptoms of broncho-pulmonary diseases in the form of cough and runny nose, as well as an increase in temperature to 39 degrees.

As with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea is observed with gastroenteritis

If the causative agent of gastroenteritis is a rotovirus, vomiting is often accompanied by diarrhea, which from the very beginning becomes watery, sometimes frothy, yellow or greenish color. Mucous fragments are observed in the feces, and the process of defecation is accompanied by cramping pains near the navel. Body temperature in this form of gastroenteritis rarely rises above 37.5 degrees. In the presence of a parovirus infection, severe muscle weakness, dizziness and general malaise are added to the symptoms described above.

When infected with salmonella, the symptomatic picture is somewhat different from that described earlier. The first sign of the disease is fever, accompanied by severe malaise and headache. Later, they are joined by profuse vomiting with an admixture of bile and fragments of undigested food. This form of gastroenteritis is dangerous because it causes dehydration of the body almost instantly. In contrast, staphylococcal gastroenteritis leads to dehydration gradually, and the main symptom of the disease is vomiting and severe pain in the abdomen.

The initial diagnosis is to interview the patient


The main goal of diagnostics is to find out the source of inflammation, that is, the causative agent of infection, as well as the detection of all functional and pathogenetic changes in the digestive organs. This information is necessary in order to correctly plan the treatment of gastroenteritis in adult patients.

The basis of therapeutic measures is:

  • collection of anamnesis, which helps to identify concomitant diseases of the disease and possible ways infection;
  • a laboratory study of feces, blood and urine, which allows to identify the source of the problem - a virus, bacterium or allergen;
  • instrumental examination (ultrasound, FGDS and others) to identify possible changes in the state of internal organs.

Urinalysis is performed to identify the causes of the disease

In addition, the doctor conducts an external examination of the patient, during which you can find out the severity of the disease and the severity of its course.


The treatment of gastroenteritis is a consistent effect on the digestive system, which helps prevent the occurrence possible complications. At the same time, on initial stage the emphasis is on fluid replenishment and the elimination of water-electrolyte imbalances. This can be achieved by frequent use of rehydrating drugs (Regidron) or saline solution (no more than a teaspoon of table salt per liter of water).

On the initial stage diseases, it is necessary to take Regidron

The therapeutic plan includes drugs with bifidus and lactobacilli, the action of which is aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora. It is recommended to take them after the end of the course of treatment with antibiotics and other drugs.

Symptomatic remedies also help to effectively eliminate the disorder:

  • antidiarrheal medicines;
  • antiemetic drugs;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics.

As for antidiarrheal drugs, it is recommended to take them no earlier than 3 days after the start of therapeutic measures. This will help to free the intestines as much as possible from the contents in which there are pathogens.

Taking antidiarrheal drugs will help get rid of indigestion and intestines

Folk remedies in the form of astringent and anti-inflammatory decoctions can also help reduce symptoms. For their preparation, oak bark, chamomile, bird cherry bark and calendula are used.

Therapeutic diet

In gastroenterology, treat the inflammatory process without compliance special diet almost impossible. Patients with gastroenteritis on the first day are recommended to minimize the intake of solid food, leaving only water or saline on the menu. On the second and third days, liquid foods, such as broth or rice water, can be included in the diet.

An important rule is the obligatory observance of hygiene

It is recommended to gradually introduce familiar foods into the diet. You need to start expanding the diet with cereals, preferably mucous, light soups on chicken broth. It is allowed to eat dried bread, boiled or stewed vegetables. Meat and fish are recommended to be steamed.

An important part of successful treatment is compliance hygiene standards especially if the cause of gastroenteritis is an infection. It is recommended to do daily wet cleaning, not to use common toilet items and utensils with a sick person.

From the video you will learn what a rotavirus infection is:

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