Looks like a sigmoid colon. Symptoms and drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon. Among other causes of diseases of the sigmoid colon

But, like other organs, the sigmoid colon is prone to a variety of diseases. Taking into account the importance of this section of the intestine, it is important to be able to detect a dangerous disease in time. To do this, it is important to know where the sigmoid colon is located and how it hurts.


The location of the sigmoid colon is the same in all people, although there may be minor anatomical differences. This section of the intestine is connected at different ends with other parts this body. The colon begins at one end of the sigmoid colon, and the rectum at the other.

Its location is the left side of the retroperitoneal space (typical location). In women, this section is located directly behind the uterus. In men, it is located in the area behind the bladder. This is a fairly large section of the intestine. Its length in humans sometimes exceeds sixty-eight centimeters, that is, more than half a meter. Its diameter is normally up to four centimeters.

In this section, the absorption of nutrients occurs. Most of the vitamins and water entering the body are absorbed here. Further, these substances are distributed to other human tissues and organs. Fecal masses are also formed here, which then fall into the region of the rectum.

It should be noted that in some diseases there may be an abnormal expansion of the sigmoid colon and an increase in its diameter.

Above are the dimensions of this section of the intestine, characteristic of the anatomy of healthy people.

Pain and its causes

Pain in the sigmoid colon is a sign that the organ has failed. It never occurs without a reason. In most cases, pain is the first sign of inflammation of the sigmoid colon. They may also indicate that a person has begun to develop a serious illness or pathology. Therefore, pain plays the role of a kind of signal that notifies a person that it is time to turn to a specialist. Only he will be able to examine the intestines and put accurate diagnosis.

Among the most common causes of the spread of pain in this area, the following can be distinguished:

  • Sigmoiditis. What it is? This is one type of colitis. Sigmoiditis is characterized by severe pain in the abdomen. Pain can subside and intensify;
  • diverticulosis. Diverticulosis refers to a violation of the process of peristalsis of this part of the intestine. With the weakening / strengthening of the wave-like contractions of the walls of the sigmoid colon (this process is called peristalsis), the passage of feces to other parts of the intestine is difficult. As a result, the department cannot perform its functions normally, which causes pain, colic, increased gas formation;
  • crayfish. Due to the occurrence of tumors in the sigmoid colon, feces cannot pass further through the organ, which leads to intestinal obstruction, accompanied by strong painful sensations and nausea. Metastases occur slowly, so the symptoms of a problem do not appear immediately;
  • dolichosigma. Pathology, which consists in an increase in the size of the sigmoid colon. It may be congenital, although an increase is possible in the process of life. If a pathology is detected, conservative treatment is carried out. Surgical intervention is rarely used.


Most often, problems with the sigmoid colon manifest themselves as inflammation. Symptoms and treatment of sigmoiditis depend on the form of the disease, of which there are two:

The acute form of inflammation appears suddenly and is accompanied by a large number of symptoms. The main one is acute pain. And sometimes they reach such intensity that the patient needs to be differential diagnosis in order to check all the organs located near the epicenter of pain and establish its source. In addition to acute pain in the left side of the abdomen, the acute form of sigmoiditis is accompanied by:

  • liquid stool;
  • the presence of pus in the feces and blood;
  • tenzems;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting, which does not lead to relief of the condition;
  • fever.

Not all of the above symptoms of the disease appear at the same time. Some of them may be completely absent or be mild. Chronic sigmoiditis causes the following symptoms:

  • pain during and after defecation;
  • diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • bloating;
  • frequent belching;
  • vomit.

In the case of a prolonged course of the disease (due to the absence or ineffective treatment), the fusion process may begin, during which the sigmoid colon will gradually fuse with the organs surrounding it.

As a result, the patient may feel weak, lose weight, and his quality of life will deteriorate significantly. Besides, advanced disease causes ulcers.

For the treatment of catarrhal sigmoiditis, antispasmodic, sedative and antibacterial drugs are used. Enveloping agents are widely used. There are also drugs that local action on the disease (candles). The patient is prescribed a special diet and bed rest.

Today there are many good modern drugs for the treatment of sigmoiditis. Specific means and schemes of therapy depend on the condition of the patient, his body, the neglect of the disease and the type of inflammation. In chronic ulcerative sigmoiditis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed ("Salofalk", "Sulfasalazine"). In the absence of ulcers, the goal of therapy is to restore normal microflora organ. For this, apply antibacterial agents("Biseptol") and antiseptics ("Intetrix").

You can improve the patient's condition with the help of folk remedies. For this, infusions based on mint, sage, cumin, alder, wild rose and other plants are used.


The causes of the development of the disease most often lie in age-related changes organism. More than thirty percent of the population over fifty suffer from peristalsis disorders. Among young people, this disease is rare. Due to violations of peristalsis, areas appear in the sigmoid intestine, which are subjected to strong intraluminal pressure. This process is accompanied by hypertrophy of the longitudinal and transverse muscles. As a result, the blood circulation of the tissues is disturbed and it is difficult to push the feces through the intestines.

Therapy for diverticulosis should be started immediately after the first signs of the presence of the disease are detected. But, since it is often asymptomatic for a long time, this is not easy to do. Often the disease is discovered during third-party research. But as the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced. The symptoms of the disease include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen. After a bowel movement, they can disappear, which is why patients often do not go to a specialist with a problem;
  • frequent constipation lasting for a long period of time;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating (observed on the left side);
  • feeling of heaviness in the left side of the abdomen. It usually goes away after a bowel movement.

Prolonged lack of treatment for an advanced form of diverticulosis can lead to the following complications:

  • bleeding in the intestines;
  • peritonitis;
  • abscess
  • intestinal obstruction.

How to treat the disease will determine the doctor. Usually, antibiotics (penicillin, cephalosporin), antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Drotaverin), laxatives (Duphalac), enzymes that improve digestion (for example, Mezim) and agents that promote recovery are used to treat the disease. intestinal microflora ("Linex").

If the disease is in early stage development, it can be cured at home. To do this, it is enough to eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Cancer of the sigmoid colon

The defeat of the sigmoid colon with cancer in most cases occurs between the ages of forty and fifty years. As mentioned earlier, the disease proceeds slowly, so for a long time the patient may not be aware of the presence of a problem. The presence of pain in the abdomen, involuntary tension of the muscles related to the press, bloating in the right abdomen are symptoms that indicate the development of cancer that is not amenable to drug treatment.

If a tumor is found, which is located in the sigmoid colon, surgery is performed. Surgical method is the only effective way to treat this disease.

Chemotherapy is rarely performed due to the large number of contraindications. In addition, after the discovery of cancer, the patient should immediately stop taking painkillers, antibiotics and thermal procedures. View surgical intervention depends on the number and size of formations:

  1. a minimally invasive operation involves the introduction of a sigmoidoscope into the anus. It is used for a small number of tumors in distal intestines;
  2. The classic operation is to remove part of the sigmoid colon. In particular severe cases surgeons have to cut out the entire intestine.

Thus, the sigmoid colon is quite large and easily palpable. Serious diseases often cause pain in the sigmoid colon. Where this gut is located is described above. It is important not to confuse pain in the sigmoid region with pain in other organs. Often, pain is a sign of the development of the disease. The most common disease associated with the sigmoid colon is sigmoiditis. Diverticulosis is less common. Lack of therapy can lead to the appearance of tumors in this organ.

Treatment of diseases associated with the sigmoid colon is to take antibiotics, antiseptics, antispasmodics. If symptoms of one of the above diseases are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. He examines the patient and makes an accurate diagnosis. Segmental colon cancer is treated exclusively by surgery. Chemotherapy is rarely used.

Intestinal spasm - treatment, symptoms and causes

What is intestinal spasm

Intestinal spasm is a rapid and prolonged muscle contraction, characterized by a delay in the relaxation phase. Intestinal spasm is a symptom of many diseases. gastro- intestinal tract. It can occur due to colitis, enterocolitis, irritable bowel syndrome, neurosis, overeating, poisoning, dysentery, rotovirus infection, intestinal obstruction, etc.

Intestinal spasm is accompanied by unstable stools, when, after diarrhea, difficulties with bowel movements, abdominal pain, more often in its lower part, flatulence, etc., suddenly begin.

Causes of intestinal spasm

Intestinal spasm occurs in cases of excessive intestinal irritation, which can be caused by the following agents:

In some cases, intestinal spasm can be caused by neuropsychiatric disorders, often leading to loose stools.

Symptoms of intestinal spasm

The spasm may also be accompanied by diarrhea or lead to constipation. It is also characterized by the presence of flatulence, strong burps and nausea. Not good at all when it comes to vomiting.

It is undesirable to bring the process to a chronic state. But if suddenly this has already happened, then all these symptoms will be supplemented by a severe headache, chills and cold, unpleasant sweating.

Intestinal obstruction or thrombosis can aggravate symptoms small vessels. At this stage of the disease, the spasm will no longer be indicated by pain in a clearly defined area, but the pain will expand over the entire peritoneal area. The abdomen will become very hard, and palpation will only increase the pain. Patients also complain of a feeling of fullness in the intestines, which does not leave even after going to the toilet. More often there is a desire to visit the restroom, which does not result in a bowel movement.

Treatment of intestinal spasm

The following methods will help relieve pain during intestinal spasm:

  1. Prescribe antispasmodic and painkillers:
    • No-shpa;
    • Papaverine;
    • Baralgin;
    • Spazmalgon.
  2. Physiotherapy method:
    • physiotherapy;
    • cold rubdowns;
    • cold shower, dousing the abdomen;
    • massage.
  3. Psychotherapeutic method: conduct conversational therapy or hypnotherapy.
  4. Diet method: in daily diet The following foods should be included in the diet:
    • black bread;
    • buckwheat;
    • vegetable soups;
    • peas;
    • mushrooms;
    • mashed potatoes;
    • White bread;
    • lean meat and fish;
    • plums, prunes, figs, apples, cucumbers, turnips, beets, cabbage;
    • kefir, koumiss, curdled milk.
  5. Surgical method: if all of the above methods do not help, then surgery is possible.

How to relieve intestinal spasm

You can relieve spasm with antispasmodics (drotaverine, no-shpa, etc.). Helps herbal collection- decoction (valerian, mint, calamus, chamomile with honey). Do cleansing enema, you can with herbs. Drink a mixture of carrot and spinach juices every day. Gives a good effect breathing exercises for the stomach.

Folk remedies for intestinal spasm

Lighten and Eliminate intestinal spasms you can use the following traditional medicine:

  • drink a decoction of blueberries, gooseberries, plums and blackcurrant leaves brewed in equal proportions;
  • soak birch mushroom for 4 hours, then crush it, pour the resulting mass with warm water and leave for 2 days, then filter and drink 6 times a day before meals;
  • once every 2 hours drink 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and immediately after that - a few sips of mint or chamomile decoction;
  • pour wormwood (70 g) with spring water and leave for a day, then boil the mixture and filter; pour the resulting broth with sugar (350 g) - you can replace it with honey, boil; take the remedy 4 times a day for a teaspoon;
  • take in equal proportions the crushed grass of the meadowsweet, St. John's wort, walnut and nettle partitions, bring to a boil and leave to cool under the lid until room temperature. Consume 1/2 cup every hour.

Intestinal spasm in children

Intestinal spasm in children happens more often or less often if they suffer from certain diseases or the body is in a pathological condition.

Question: Hello! This morning there were sharp cramps in the lower abdomen in the intestines and rectum, accompanied by severe flatulence. Even bending over was painful. After the toilet (painful due to spasms, but the stool is absolutely normal), 2 tablets of espumizan and 1 no-shpy lay down, the spasms disappeared, the abdominal muscles more or less relaxed. Is it normal for cramps to remain sore for a few days?

The sigmoid colon and its diseases

The sigmoid colon is a section of the large intestine that begins at the upper pelvic inlet and passes into the rectum. The department was named that way because of its unusual shape, similar to sigma - a Greek letter. In general, the intestine is usually located in the left region of the abdomen, but it happens that its bends reach the midline or right hypochondrium.

An important role in the process of digestion of food is played by the sigmoid colon. It is in this department that a significant amount of water is absorbed, which then spreads along different systems organism. In addition, stool masses continue to harden here, which subsequently pass into the rectum and are already excreted from the body through it. If the sigmoid colon is exposed to any diseases, serious violations occur in the functioning of the entire intestine and even neighboring organs.

This pathology is one of the varieties of colitis, characterized by inflammation of the intestine, which can be acute or chronic. In the first case, the symptoms include sharp pains in iliac region, perceptible changes in stool intensity and color. In the second case, signs of inflammation are manifested by painful sensations during defecation, alternating constipation and diarrhea, bloating, loud rumbling in it, nausea, and belching. Ultimately, if left untreated, the sigmoid colon begins to fuse with neighboring organs, which causes a person to lose weight, weakness, and, in general, a decrease in the quality of life. Treatment is based on adherence to the strictest diet and drug therapy, which involves taking antibacterial, sedative, antispasmodic drugs.

At the heart of this pathology are the processes that occur as a result of impaired peristalsis. As a result, areas with increased intraluminal pressure are formed in the intestine. In this case, the transverse and longitudinal muscles of the sigmoid colon are deformed, and this leads to disturbances in the tissues of the blood circulation and pushing the chyme through the intestines. Diverticulosis at a young age a rare event, but by the age of fifty, the frequency of its development greatly increases. As symptoms, a spasm of the sigmoid colon, flatulence, stool disorders, a feeling of abdominal distention, and colic are distinguished. If left untreated, the disease can lead to purulent peritonitis, bleeding, fistulas. Therapy includes antibiotics, diet.

It also happens that the sigmoid colon undergoes the development of a malignant formation. Abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, involuntary muscle spasms are the main signs of such a lesion. It is worth noting that the neoplasm develops slowly and is often removed surgically. Before choosing a method of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination aimed at identifying the size of the tumor and determining exact location its localization. The sigmoid colon may be subject to some other diseases, but this happens quite rarely.

Diverticula of the sigmoid colon

Diverticula of the sigmoid colon are pathological protrusions of its wall, which are formed as a result of degenerative processes in the tissues. The disease can be asymptomatic or manifest as abdominal pain, stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea), flatulence, bleeding, signs of inflammation. Diagnosis is carried out using colonoscopy and barium enema, laboratory tests are of secondary importance. motor function bowels are assessed by manometry. The therapy is conservative, aimed at regulating the stool and combating complications. If it is ineffective, surgical treatment is indicated.

Diverticula of the sigmoid colon

Diverticula of the sigmoid colon is one of the manifestations of diverticulosis of the large intestine, which is characterized by the presence of pathological protrusions in the walls of the sigmoid colon, resulting from degenerative processes, dysmotility and chronic constipation. This is one of the most common diseases of the large intestine. Diverticulosis is diagnosed in almost every tenth inhabitant of developed countries. Approximately one third of cases occur in sigmoid diverticula. Another 10-13% is occupied by combined pathology, when the process extends to both the sigmoid and descending colon. It should be noted that only 20% of patients eventually develop symptoms; in all the rest, sigmoid diverticula are found by chance or are not diagnosed in vivo. The problem is relevant for those countries where there are very few foods with high content fiber, and is less relevant for countries in Africa, Asia and South America. Diverticulosis is treated by proctologists.

Causes of sigmoid diverticula

There are three main pathophysiological causes of sigmoid diverticula: dystrophic changes in the walls of the intestines, violation of peristalsis, vascular pathologies. Also, an increase in pressure inside the intestines due to stagnation of feces plays a significant role. In most cases, all these factors act in combination.

Tissue dystrophy (muscle apparatus, mucous and submucosal layer) occurs in old age or due to congenital weakness of the connective tissue due to impaired collagen synthesis. In middle-aged people, changes in peristalsis come to the fore, which are manifested by discoordination of movements. smooth muscle in the walls of the intestines, spasms. This leads to an increase in pressure inside the intestines, stagnation of feces. As a result, the muscle fibers are stratified, and diverticula of the sigmoid colon are formed.

Added to the above factors vascular disorders. Constant spasm of the muscles leads to a slowdown in blood circulation, stagnation of blood in the capillaries and veins of the intestinal wall. In addition, the arteries can be affected by atherosclerosis. The trophism is disturbed, which further exacerbates the degenerative processes in the tissues and ultimately leads to the formation of diverticula of the sigmoid colon.

Important in the development of diverticula of the sigmoid colon is the structure of this section of the intestine. The muscular layer of the large intestine is uneven, it runs along its entire length in the form of three stripes (shadows). Veins and arteries pass through it in many places, which leads to the formation of zones in the intestinal walls that are most susceptible to negative influences and high blood pressure inside his cavity. Protrusions also occur due to the numerous haustras in the sigmoid colon. Improper nutrition provokes constipation and stagnation of feces, which is an additional factor in the stretching and weakening of the walls and the formation of diverticula of the sigmoid colon.

According to the clinical course, the diverticula of the sigmoid colon are divided into those without symptoms, with severe clinical symptoms and with complications (diverticulitis, intestinal infiltrates and abscesses, bleeding, intestinal fistulas and perforations, peritonitis). According to the morphological structure, the diverticula of the sigmoid colon are divided into true and false. True diverticula are protrusions that involve all layers of the intestinal wall (muscular, mucosal, and submucosal). With a false diverticulum, only the mucous membrane protrudes.

Symptoms of sigmoid diverticula

In most patients, sigmoid diverticula do not manifest themselves in any way. A person may not know about his problem for years until a complication occurs, or he turns to a proctologist in connection with another pathology. One-fifth of patients complain of recurrent abdominal pain in the form of colic. The pain is blurred or localized in the left iliac region; on palpation, the abdominal wall is not tense. Pain syndrome may pass on its own, sometimes relief occurs after a bowel movement. In addition, there is bloating, constant constipation, which are periodically replaced by diarrhea. All of these symptoms are in clinical picture irritable bowel syndrome, which greatly complicates the diagnosis.

Symptoms change and become more pronounced when complications occur. The most common of these is diverticulitis, or inflammation of the diverticula of the sigmoid colon. It arises due to the stagnation of fecal masses in the intestinal lumen and in the diverticulum itself, the action of the intestinal flora and the increased permeability of the weakened walls of the sigmoid colon. Abdominal pain increases, its localization is often uncertain. On palpation, there is some tension in the anterior abdominal wall, increased pain in the left iliac region. The patient's temperature rises, symptoms of intoxication appear.

The further course of the disease can lead to the formation of an infiltrate. Inflammation extends to the mesentery, omentum, and surrounding tissues. On palpation in the left lower abdomen is felt painful induration with limited mobility. An abscess may form at the site of the infiltrate. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply, the temperature rises to high numbers, the fever is hectic in nature with large daily fluctuations. On palpation, there is a strong local tension of the abdominal wall, a sharp pain.

Perforation, or perforation of the diverticula of the sigmoid colon is the most severe complication. The process can develop against the background of diverculitis or without its signs. Patients complain of severe pain, weakness, fever. The consequence of perforation is always peritonitis or retroperitoneal phlegmon (if the perforation of the diverticulum of the sigmoid colon occurred in its mesentery). The patient's condition is severe, weakness, fever, symptoms of an acute abdomen are observed. If the perforation hole has opened into a hollow organ or on the surface of the skin of the abdomen, a fistula is formed. Most often, fistulas open into the lumen small intestine, bladder, less often in the lumen of the vagina.

Violation of the integrity of the vessels of the intestinal wall leads to open bleeding. It may be the first and only symptom of sigmoid diverticula. Blood appears in the feces, it almost does not mix with the feces, does not change its color. Bleeding is rarely profuse, but can be repeated, as lumps of feces constantly injure the intestinal wall. Frequent bleeding eventually lead to anemia.

Diagnosis of diverticula of the sigmoid colon

It is possible to identify diverticula of the sigmoid colon with the help of endoscopic studies. First of all, irrigoscopy is performed - an X-ray examination of the large intestine after a barium enema. In proctology, this technique is considered one of the most informative for the diagnosis of sigmoid diverticula, since it allows you to see the protrusions of the intestinal wall, measure their size, assess the mobility of the sigmoid colon, the tone of the walls and the size of the lumen. To improve the result, the study is done in several projections.

Colonoscopy is carried out after receiving the results of barium enema, since in this study there is a risk of damage and perforation of the diverticula of the sigmoid colon. The method allows you to assess the condition of the walls of the intestine and diverticula, to clarify the size of the protrusion, to identify inflammatory changes and foci of bleeding. If necessary, a biopsy can be done. If the patient has expressed motor disorders of the intestine, perform manometry.

Laboratory methods are of secondary importance, they are used to diagnose complications. With diverticulitis in the general blood test, leukocytosis can be detected with a shift in the blood formula to the left, increase in ESR. Bleeding leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells, a decrease in hemoglobin levels. It is possible to detect insignificant blood loss in case of damage to the vessels of the diverticula of the sigmoid colon by analyzing feces for occult blood.

Diverticula of the sigmoid colon are differentiated from a number of diseases. It is necessary to exclude cancer, in which bleeding is often observed ( malignant process leads to severe anemia, weight loss). Diverticula of the sigmoid colon and Crohn's disease should also be distinguished - this disease is characterized by diarrhea with blood and mucus, the process extends to the entire intestine, including the rectum. Ischemic colitis occurs suddenly and proceeds with more severe and severe symptoms.

Treatment of diverticula of the sigmoid colon

The main therapeutic measure for uncomplicated diverticula of the sigmoid colon is the normalization of stool and intestinal activity. Patients are prescribed a diet high in fiber. If the diet does not work, add drugs with fiber, laxatives. To regulate peristalsis, antispasmodics (drotaverine) and prokinetics (dommperidone, itopridium hydrochloride) are used. If necessary, it is recommended to take enzyme preparations.

Diverticulitis requires therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics: fluoroquinolones, derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinolone. Additionally, detoxification therapy is carried out. When bleeding, drugs that increase blood clotting are prescribed. Surgical intervention is necessary for perforation of the diverticula of the sigmoid colon, the formation of fistulas, abscesses, peritonitis. Elective operations are performed with multiple diverticula of the sigmoid colon. The essence of the intervention is the excision of the affected area - resection of the sigmoid colon.

Forecast and prevention of diverticula of the sigmoid colon

You can avoid the formation of diverticula of the sigmoid colon by adhering to proper nutrition: This disease practically does not occur in those countries where people mainly eat vegetables, fruits and cereals. The diet should consist of foods rich in fiber. First of all, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat), fruits, raw and boiled vegetables. You should also pay more attention to moderate exercise.

Due to the fact that 80% of patients with sigmoid diverticula are asymptomatic, the prognosis for this disease is quite favorable. It worsens with age as they begin to progress atrophic changes in the walls of the intestine. A less favorable prognosis for complications such as abscess, peritonitis, perforation of the diverticula of the sigmoid colon.

Digestive problems - intestinal spasm

The word "spasm" in translation from the Greek language means: "contraction, spasm." From the point of view of physiology, this is a rapid, but prolonged contraction of muscle tissue, in which the relaxation phase is delayed. A spasm of striated muscles is called a spasm, and smooth muscle, in particular the intestinal tube, is called colic.

Intestinal colic or intestinal spasm develops more often in the small intestine, then convulsive muscle contraction is transmitted throughout digestive tract. Intestinal colic acquires a diffuse, so-called generalized character.

Intestinal spasm, causes

Normally, bowel contraction occurs in peristaltic waves: ebb and flow. The muscles of different departments work alternately: from the duodenum to the sigmoid colon. The rectum is not involved in the act of peristalsis, and the contraction of the sphincter is not a manifestation of intestinal colic. An intestinal spasm develops with transcendental irritation of the walls of the intestinal tract, which is caused by the following harmful substances:

With stress reactions, in extremely rare cases, intestinal spasms develop, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the form of profuse loose stools. Basically, such a reaction is characteristic of animals. Only in humans creative professions suffering from neurasthenia, manifestations of "bear disease" are possible.

Intestinal spasms, symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of pain around the navel;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Flatulence;
  • Belching of air, nausea and vomiting.

In severe cases, there is headache chills and cold sweats. If intestinal spasm is provoked by acute intestinal obstruction or thrombosis of the vessels of the mesentery, the symptoms increase instantly. Pain spreads throughout the abdomen, anterior abdominal wall tense. With such a development of the disease, the “calm period” is especially dangerous, during which the pain disappears. Loss of sensitivity of the intestinal mucosa indicates the death of receptors due to the onset of necrosis.

Intestinal spasm, treatment

With intestinal colic, it is necessary to relieve pain, and then undergo an examination to identify the cause of intestinal irritation. In acute pain, you need to act differently. On the contrary, it is forbidden to take all painkillers that smooth the clinical picture. You can determine whether an intestinal spasm has occurred or a surgical pathology that requires immediate surgery begins, you can do it yourself. If the symptoms are smoothed out, the appearance of pain is clearly associated with food intake, one should think that the cause is intestinal spasm, the treatment of which is carried out without surgical intervention.

How to relieve intestinal spasm at home

In the order of self-help, but not self-treatment (!), The following activities are recommended:

  • Warm enema, if possible, with a decoction of lemon balm or mint;
  • Candle in the rectum with belladonna;
  • No-shpy tablet.

As a rule, if the spasm of the small intestine is not provoked by an infection or toxins, the pain disappears after a single loose stool or flatus. If there is no effect, do not increase the dosage. You need to call an ambulance. Medical specialists know how to relieve intestinal spasm without smoothing the clinical picture.

In no case should you apply a heating pad to your stomach. This will not solve the problem, but will aggravate the course of the disease.

Despite the fact that intestinal colic is defined throughout the abdomen, there are some differences between the small and large intestines.

Spasm of the small intestine

When the mucous membrane of the small intestine is irritated, the absorption of fluid is disturbed, as a result of which diarrhea develops. How defensive reaction the body vomits.

The developing spasm of the small intestine is characterized by bloating, uterine rumbling, headache, and a decrease in blood pressure.

As a result of uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses fluid and important electrolytes, including calcium. Spasms of striated muscles are added to intestinal colic. First of all, the calf muscles react. General weakness develops rapidly. For viral and bacterial infections body temperature rises.

Pain medications are used to relieve spasm of the small intestine, and intravenous infusions of saline solutions are used to treat dehydration.

Spasm of the large intestine

Involvement in the process of the large intestine is accompanied by an increase in the urge to defecate, which are interspersed with constipation. With irritation of the large intestine, in which the formation of feces occurs, after defecation, patients feel incomplete emptying.

When the spasm of the large intestine acquires a chronic course, anemia develops in the human body, blood clotting is disturbed. This is due to a lack of vitamins that are synthesized in the colon cavity.

Prevention of intestinal spasm

In order to prevent intestinal colic, it is recommended to establish a diet and diversify the diet. Products necessary for normal peristalsis contain an increased amount of fiber. Moreover, eating rich in fiber, reduces the load on the digestive organs. Also, the digestion of plant foods does not require a large amount of enzymes and bile acids.

To exclude the appearance of intestinal spasms, you should eat 4-5 times a day, in such quantity that you leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger. At the same time, there is no need to give up meat dishes at all. Diversity food products stimulates normal peristalsis, excluding convulsive contractions of the intestine.

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There is a pattern with menstruation. cycle (usually this occurs between 3-8 days). Neither the gastroenterologist, nor the gynecologist has established the reason.

Internal consultation at the gastroenterologist, treatment, a diet is necessary.

Internal consultation at the gastroenterologist, treatment, a diet is necessary.

Thanks for the answer. I have been treated by a gastroenterologist for 2 weeks. Prior to that, she had been in gastroenterology for 10 days. Result - everything is returned. Already it seems that the diagnosis should be specified. Every day I look for new sores. Now I'm thinking: maybe I have some kind of intestinal infection, which is difficult to cure, because I took alpha-normix in the hospital for 6 days.

For several years now, I have been suffering from pain like with an inflamed appendix, but it was removed and it got even worse. Terrible pain in the stomach, not in the stomach.

At first it all starts with heaviness and with pain from which you can’t touch your stomach at all. Then he twists sharply from pain, it is impossible to straighten up, he throws it into heat or cold, ringing in his ears, more and more fainting from pain. immediately starts vomiting.

The doctor really did not understand anything, sent to check the stomach. But the gastroscopy is normal, the ultrasound doctor said that it was dysbacteriosis. I drank the course. Zero sense.

The pain comes in attacks, from which you just want to die and not suffer .. During this year, the attacks are often, then subsided, now they have started again. I went to another therapist and said that maybe it was because of nerves, I drank Tenoten, for a while there was silence. but everything is back. It is possible to relieve pain only with an injection of ketorol, but I understand that this is not an option. Maybe you can clarify the situation?

You should find a good gastroenterologist and check the pancreas - such severe pain may be a sign of pancreatitis. If the doctor tells you that acute attacks of pain are from dysbacteriosis, you do not need to contact this doctor anymore.

Hello, Anisa, I read about your problems, as if everything was described about me. I would like to know if anything has changed since then. I would like to chat with you

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Almost every disease is accompanied by some disturbance of well-being and even the occurrence of pain. different localization. To make a correct diagnosis, doctors need not only to examine the patient well and collect an anamnesis, but also to carry out a number of diagnostic manipulations, ranging from general analyzes and providing complex special studies. After all, even ordinary pain in the abdomen can be observed with the development of a variety of conditions. One of them is sigmoiditis. We will discuss the symptoms of sigmoiditis and treatment, and also clarify what to do if the abdomen hurts at the bottom left.

Sigmoiditis is a rather specific inflammatory process, it is localized exclusively in the sigmoid colon, which is the penultimate section of the large intestine. Such an ailment can occur on its own, or it can be provoked by others. pathological conditions. There are a number of factors that can cause the development of sigmoiditis. They are mainly associated with the peculiarities of the sigmoid colon - its role in the formation of fecal masses and a special curved shape. Inflammation can develop due to intestinal infections (dysentery, etc.), against the background of dysbacteriosis and nonspecific ulcerative lesions intestines. It can also be caused by violations of full blood circulation and the pathological effect of ionizing radiation. The disease can be acute or chronic.


Sigmoiditis may present various violations well-being, since this disease has many forms and is caused by various reasons. However, doctors distinguish three main symptoms of this pathology. One of them is pain in the lower left corner of the abdomen.
The pains are quite pronounced and can radiate to the leg or lower back area. Unpleasant symptoms may change localization somewhat due to the high mobility of the sigmoid colon.

Inflammation of the sigmoid colon contributes to a change in the frequency of stools, and feces also change their character. Diarrhea occurs quite often, constipation appears a little less often. For the development of sigmoiditis, the occurrence of frequent urge to defecate due to constant irritation of the intestine is typical. As for the feces, they become liquid, begin to smell sharply and unpleasantly. Sometimes you can see blood, particles of mucus or pus in them.

Third salient feature sigmoiditis - a change in the patient's well-being for a noticeably worse side. If the disease proceeds for a long time, the human body becomes emaciated, there is weight loss, deterioration in performance and problems with night rest.

When the symptoms described above appear, readers of “Popular about Health” should not hesitate and quickly look for an appointment with a gastroenterologist or even call a doctor at home.

Features of the treatment of sigmoiditis

Therapy for inflammation of the sigmoid colon depends on what factors caused this disease. Yes, at bacterial nature ailments use agents that can destroy bacteria. The drugs of choice are usually tetracycline, ampicillin, and tsifran. Parallel to without fail use drugs that prevent and correct dysbacteriosis, represented by Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, etc.

The chronic course of the disease requires the use of intestinal antiseptics, for example, Intetrix or Smecta.

Therapy of sigmoiditis, which developed against the background of nonspecific inflammatory bowel lesions, involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that can cope with the underlying diseases. Doctors may prescribe Salazoperidazine, Prednisolone, Sulfasalazine, etc.

To eliminate the general intoxication of the body, resort to infusion therapy glucose solutions. Infusions of blood plasma and, if necessary, iron preparations are also carried out. In addition, the means already mentioned above are used to correct dysbacteriosis.

When correcting the ischemic form of sigmoiditis, the same treatment regimen is used as for eliminating the disease that developed against the background of nonspecific diseases. With absence desired effect, surgical intervention is carried out on the plasticity of the vessels responsible for intestinal nutrition.

Among other things, patients with sigmoiditis are shown a special diet food on table number 4, which implies the consumption of especially gentle food, and contributes to the speedy elimination of inflammation and normalization of the condition.

Therapy for sigmoiditis is quite lengthy, and in most cases ends in complete recovery.

Pain in lower abdomen on the left. What's this? And what to do?

Unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen on the left can be provoked not only by inflammation of the sigmoid colon, but also by other factors

So, sometimes such a symptom indicates left-sided renal colic. In this case, the pains are particularly pronounced, are stabbing or cramping, and do not reduce their intensity at rest. It is possible to cope with unpleasant symptoms by taking analgesics or antispasmodics. Consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left can occur in women, becoming a symptom of various gynecological pathologies including life-threatening ones. If you experience severe pain, you should contact the medical institution.

Each section of the intestine performs a specific function. For the proper functioning of the intestines and digestive system in general, it is necessary that all departments work properly. The sigmoid colon is so named because of its S-shape (Latin "sigma"). Each person has its own anatomical features, but in one way or another, the sigmoid colon has a curve and resembles the letter S.

Description and functions of the sigmoid colon. Possible causes of pain

Intestine: schematic representation

The sigmoid colon is part of the large intestine. At one end it connects to the lower colon, at the other end to the rectum. Most often, the sigmoid colon is located on the left side of the retroperitoneal space. It is quite large and easily detected by palpation.

In length, the sigmoid colon can be more than half a meter, and in width - about 4 cm. In women, the sigmoid colon is located directly behind the uterus, in men - behind the bladder. If for one reason or another the sigmoid colon becomes inflamed, the pain will increase with palpation.

The main task of the sigmoid colon is the absorption of nutrients. It's sucked in here most of vitamins and water entering the body. The water is then distributed to other tissues and body systems. In the sigmoid colon, the formation of feces continues, after which they enter the rectum.

Pain in the sigmoid colon is always an indicator of failure. The most common cause of pain is an inflammatory process, but other diseases and pathological processes are also not excluded. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of pain after an examination. The most common options are:

Sigmoiditis. This is inflammation of the sigmoid colon. Sigmoiditis is one of the varieties of colitis. This disease is always accompanied by pain in the abdomen of varying intensity. In the acute form of the disease, the pain can be severe, sharp and accompanied by diarrhea. Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon. Diverticulosis is a violation of the peristalsis of the sigmoid colon. If the peristalsis is weakened or vice versa, it becomes too strong, the feces do not pass further through the intestines, which causes many problems. All this is accompanied by pain, colic, increased gas formation. Cancer of the sigmoid colon. Malignant tumors in the sigmoid colon lead to intestinal obstruction, severe pain, and nausea. Cancer of the sigmoid colon proceeds slowly and is not characterized by the rapid appearance of metastases. Treatment is surgical only.

Sigmoiditis: causes and symptoms

The sigmoid colon gets its name from its shape.

Sigmoiditis is the most common inflammatory bowel disease. This is due to the structural features of this section of the intestine. The sigmoid colon is curved and lies directly in front of the rectum. Most often, fecal retention occurs precisely in the sigmoid colon, from which it becomes inflamed.

Apart from long delay feces, there are several main causes of sigmoiditis:

Intestinal infections. Various bacteria, getting into the intestines, begin to multiply and release toxins. They destroy the intestinal mucosa, provoke the development of dysbacteriosis, the appearance of ulcers and erosions. The sigmoid colon is the most vulnerable in this regard. Dysbacteriosis. With dysbacteriosis, many parts of the intestine, including the sigmoid colon, suffer. Pathogenic flora begins to prevail over beneficial bacteria, which provokes an inflammatory process. intestinal ischemia. With ischemia, the process of blood circulation is disturbed. Plaques form in the vessels, which prevent the blood from flowing freely to the tissues. Part of the intestinal tissue dies. Necrotic areas cause inflammation of all parts of the intestine. Radiation sickness. At radiation sickness all tissues and organs are affected. healthy cells destroyed by the action of free radicals.

Isolated inflammation of the sigmoid colon can be found infrequently. Usually there is a simultaneous inflammation of neighboring sections of the intestine.

Sigmoiditis does not have a well-defined list of symptoms, as it has many forms and varieties. But some signs appear invariably with any form of sigmoiditis. The disease is accompanied by pain in the abdomen. They usually occur on the left, but may spread further and radiate into the leg.

An irritated bowel causes disordered stools. More often it is diarrhea, less often - constipation. The patient usually suffers frequent urges to defecation and loose stools. Sometimes you can see streaks of blood or mucus in the stool. Pain may occur before and after a bowel movement. Patients also noted nausea, flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, and unpleasant belching.

If the disease is not treated, the patient's condition will worsen. body weight will decrease due to chronic diarrhea there will be dehydration, vitamin deficiency. The inflamed sigmoid colon can even fuse with nearby organs, which is fraught with various complications.

Treatment of pain in the sigmoid colon

Pain in the sigmoid colon occurs with various pathologies

To eliminate pain, it is not enough to take an anesthetic drug. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause. If the inflammation is caused by an intestinal infection, antibiotics and probiotics are prescribed at the same time to prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

Sometimes with an intestinal infection, vitamin therapy and diet are enough. The intestines will recover on their own, washing out pathogenic bacteria. In the treatment of such sigmoiditis, fixing drugs should not be taken, since toxins and bacteria must leave the body naturally.

Also at intestinal infections Smekta-type adsorbents are appointed. They absorb toxic substances and bring them out. Bacterial therapy to restore microflora continues for some time after the end of drug treatment. With inflammation of several sections of the intestine, a course of anti-inflammatory drugs such as Prednisolone is prescribed.

Treatment of ischemic sigmoiditis is carried out in the same way as any inflammatory process, but does not always lead to the desired result. Sometimes the only possibility there is an operation that restores the plasticity of the intestinal vessels. Ulcerative sigmoiditis requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as the use of various local funds to relieve pain and inflammation (suppositories, ointments, enemas).

Ulcerative sigmoiditis can cause bleeding and anemia. In this case, it is necessary to additionally take iron supplements or administer them intravenously. If sigmoiditis is severe, the patient is given a plasma transfusion or intravenous administration glucose solution to improve his overall well-being.

Severe unbearable pain may be a sign of ulcer perforation. This condition is very life-threatening and requires immediate surgical intervention. The operation is also prescribed for intestinal obstruction as a result of sigmoiditis, which is also accompanied by severe pain, with the formation of fistulas and malignant tumors. In chronic sigmoiditis, therapeutic microclysters with a decoction of chamomile are often prescribed. They relieve inflammation and reduce pain. The course of microclysters can last up to one and a half months.

Treatment of the sigmoid colon is always long. Often it requires a repetition of the course and lasts up to 3 months. Drug treatment must be combined with a sparing diet.

diet for pain

Sigmoid colon: the pain is intolerable

Any intestinal disease requires a diet. Without dietary adjustments, drug treatment will not bring the desired effect. When treating sigmoiditis, it is important not to overload the intestines so as not to cause a new attack of pain. speedy recovery and pain relief is promoted by a diet that prevents constipation.

With inflammation of the sigmoid colon, it is recommended to eat fresh and boiled vegetables(beets, carrots, pumpkin), dried fruits, green salad, drink vegetable and fruit juices (not powdered), you can eat biscuits and bran bread. Coarse fiber will stimulate the bowels, not allowing feces to linger in the sigmoid colon, increasing its inflammation.

Not all vegetables will be good for sigmoiditis. So, for example, all foods that cause increased gas formation should be excluded from the diet. These include cabbage, radish, radish, as well as mushrooms, canned food and spicy sauces. If there is no severe pain, but constipation is bothering you, it is recommended to eat bran. They need to be poured with boiling water for half an hour, and then added to cereals and soups. Bran increases peristalsis, therefore, with sharp pains and diarrhea, it is undesirable to eat them.

When remission occurs, the need for a strict diet will disappear. However, you should not immediately completely return to the usual table, this can provoke a relapse of the disease. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty meat, fried foods, spicy, salty and smoked. If possible, it is better to exclude all these dishes from the diet altogether. It is also advisable to give up alcohol and carbonated drinks.

You need to not only eat right, but also drink water regularly.

A sufficient amount of liquid will help get rid of constipation, restore water balance with diarrhea and speed up recovery. You need to drink 8-10 glasses of pure unboiled water per day, not counting the use of other liquids (soups, yogurts, coffee). During exacerbations, it is necessary to sit down again strict diet. If the disease is so severe that normal nutrition is impossible, resort to the introduction of nutrients through the subclavian vein.

In this video you will see how the inner surface of a healthy sigmoid colon and the surface affected by cancer should look like:

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Diseases of the sigmoid colon are characterized by similar symptoms such as stool disturbances, localized pain, fluid malabsorption and intoxication.

The sigmoid colon (colon sigmoideum) is part of the large intestine. In it, the formation and accumulation of feces, the absorption of water and electrolytes take place. Violations in the work of the organ negatively affect the functioning of the entire intestine, and some diseases threaten life.


Sigmoiditis is a type of colitis. The disease itself is rare. With dysentery, ingestion of irritating substances into the intestines, inflammation occurs in an acute form. It is characterized by sudden onset cramping pains in the left iliac region, extending into left leg or anus; frequent stool with an unpleasant smell, mucus and blood. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever may be present.

The chronic form of the disease can occur with prolonged intestinal dysbacteriosis. Patients have pain before defecation and during physical stress; diarrhea alternating with constipation; nausea; rumbling in the stomach; weakness. Sigmoiditis worsens with acute infectious diseases, violation of the diet, physical overstrain.

The development of the disease is accompanied by the following reasons.

Stagnation of feces. Experts note that content retention occurs more often with a large number of bowel bends. Cracks and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum. Hemorrhoids, expansion of the mesenteric veins. Decreased intestinal motility. Uterine pressure during pregnancy. In the chronic course of inflammation, the deep layers of the intestinal walls are affected. Colon sigmoideum loses mobility, there is a danger of fusion with neighboring organs.

Depending on the damage to the organ, four types of sigmoiditis are distinguished.

catarrhal. The top layer of the epithelium is damaged. Erosive. If the inflammation is not treated, erosions form on the intestine. Ulcerative. As a result of erosion irritation, deep mucosal defects appear. Perisigmoiditis. The peritoneum covering the intestine becomes inflamed. Its mobility decreases, the loops are connected.

How quickly the disease is diagnosed depends on the result of treatment. Diagnosis is difficult due to similarity with symptoms acute appendicitis, diseases of the genitourinary system. The patient is prescribed a blood and feces test, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. In some cases, a colonoscopy is performed for diagnosis.

Treatment of sigmoiditis is prescribed depending on the causes of its occurrence. If the inflammation is infectious, antibiotics are prescribed.

With dysbacteriosis, treatment is carried out with biological products containing strains of normal microflora. Normal stools are restored with drugs with absorbent properties.
At ulcerative formations in the sigmoid colon, suppositories with solcoseryl, actovegin are prescribed, sea ​​buckthorn oil.

During an exacerbation and in the treatment of sigmoiditis, salt, fats and carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum. A high protein diet is recommended. With persistent remission, you can use regular products except for salty, smoked, spicy and fried foods.

If you follow all the prescriptions, the prognosis of sigmoiditis is favorable, when the disease is started, the inflammation can go to the nearby sections of the intestine.

Organ Diverticulosis

The disease is more common in the elderly. Saccular protrusions (diverticula) form on the walls of the intestine. anxiety symptoms do not appear for a long time. In the later stages, there are pains in the iliac region, stool disorders.

Diverticulosis is caused by:

weakening of the muscles of the intestinal wall, which is typical for elderly patients; cavities on the surface of the intestine, in which increased intra-intestinal pressure can be created; underdeveloped connective tissue; insufficient intake of fiber, which contributes to the excretion of food; violation of microcirculation as a result of compression blood vessels; genetic predisposition.

As a result of stagnation of feces, diverticula (diverticulitis) become inflamed. Complications are evidenced by constant pain and fever. If the inflammatory process passes to the tissues surrounding the diverticulum, peritonitis may occur.

X-ray examination is used for diagnosis contrast agent, ultrasound, irrigoscopy.

In cases where patients do not have bright clinical manifestations recommended a special diet that includes foods containing fiber. With pronounced symptoms, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Antibiotics are used to treat diverticulitis.

The patient should be tuned in to long-term drug therapy. Usually it gives a lasting effect. With frequent exacerbations of diverticulosis and the formation of fistulas, surgical intervention is recommended.

Perforation of the diverticulum threatens the life of the patient, so the removal of the affected area of ​​the sigmoid colon is urgently performed.


Polyps are formed from glandular epithelium. Their formation is facilitated by inflammation of the mucous membrane, hereditary factors, chronic inflammatory diseases, viral infections.
Usually neoplasms do not manifest themselves. With large growths, patients complain of pain in the left lower abdomen, stool disorder. In rare cases, polyps provoke bleeding and intestinal obstruction.

The most dangerous are villous polyps. Approximately 40% of them form malignant tumors.

Pathological growths can be detected by colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. During the examination, polyps are removed. Small formations are cauterized with a coagulating instrument. If cancer cells are found, the outgrowth is removed along with the intestine. Relapses of the disease are rare.

But, strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. After a polypectomy, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, as they contribute to the formation of polyps. It is advisable to eat more seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables.


Insufficient peristalsis leads to retention of feces. It presses on the walls of the colon sigmoideum, blood circulation is disturbed. This contributes to the growth of the epithelium and the formation of adenomatous polyps, which turn into a precancerous state, and later into adenocarcinoma.

Cancer of the sigmoid colon in the initial stages goes unnoticed. Pain appears at a later stage. Violation of the stool, fatigue, loss of appetite are inherent in many diseases and do not immediately alarm anyone. Be careful! These symptoms are a reason to get tested.

Later, nausea, belching, pain, bloating, red blood in the stool appear. If the tumor grows into the lumen of the intestine, the exit of feces and gases is disturbed, severe pains in the abdomen begin to disturb.

The main cause of sigmoid colon cancer is prolonged contact of feces with the mucous membrane as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or weakened peristalsis. Absorbed from feces into colon sigmoideum a large number of toxins.

To additional factors risk can include:

ulcerative colitis; Crohn's disease; polyps and papillomas; atrophy of the intestinal mucosa; genetic predisposition.

If close relatives are diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer, undergo regular examinations. This will help diagnose the disease at an early stage. The elderly are also at risk.

Treatment of adenocarcinoma depends on its size, depth of germination, and the presence of metastases. To determine the method of treatment, a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy is prescribed. During the study, a piece of tissue is taken for histological examination.

MRI allows you to determine the shape, size, localization of the neoplasm and detect metastases. Experts believe that the most best method treatment is removal of the tumor.

For small adenocarcinoma, minimally invasive surgery is possible. Access to the tumor is provided using a sigmoidoscope.

The classical method is the resection of a part of the large intestine. In severe cases, it is necessary to remove the sigmoid and rectum. In combination with surgical treatment radiation and chemotherapy are given.

Adenocarcinoma rarely metastasizes to adjacent organs. In the first and second stages of the disease, the survival rate is about 95% within five years. The survival rate for stages 3 and 4 is 40%.


The normal length of the colon sigmoideum is 24-46 cm. Pathological increase in the length of the sigmoid colon leads to impaired intestinal evacuation. The thickness of the walls and the diameter of the lumen of the organ do not change with this anomaly.

Congenital deformity of the organ is due to the adverse impact on the fetus of environmental factors, the intake of certain medications by the expectant mother, and heredity.

The cause of acquired dolichosigma is the processes of fermentation and putrefaction that occur due to the prolonged presence of feces in the intestinal lumen. This condition leads to stretching of the body.

The main symptoms of the disease are frequent constipation, bloating, pain during bowel movements. In some cases, pain radiates to the spine and chest.

With this pathology, dangerous complications arise. Fecal stones, torsion, kinks of the colon sigmoideum can cause intestinal obstruction. From rotting dense formations, toxic substances are absorbed into the intestines and poison the entire body. Therefore, with dolichosigma, symptoms of chronic intoxication, dysbacteriosis are often observed. The disease is diagnosed by irrigography.

In most cases, to regulate the work of the body, it is enough conservative treatment and diets. The diet includes foods high in fiber.

Probiotics, B vitamins, herbal laxatives are prescribed. Good results are given by electrical stimulation of the intestine and hydrocolonotherapy. With intestinal obstruction, kinks, excision of excess loops is performed.

As you can see, any diseases of the colon sigmoideum are easier to cure on initial stage. Even with minor symptoms, try to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

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Features of its location and structure determine the main functions of the sigmoid colon and what diseases this section of the intestine is most susceptible to.

The sigmoid colon is long, and its size varies depending on individual characteristics. Normally, its length is 15–67 cm. In shape, it looks like latin letter S, and its position is not constant. The sigmoid colon begins at the level of the pelvic aperture. Due to the long mesentery, the kink can rise up, pass into the right half of the abdomen and reach the diaphragm. The transition of the sigmoid colon to the straight line is at the level of the 3rd sacral vertebra.

The sigmoid colon is a hollow organ. Its wall consists of 4 shells:

The sigmoid colon is the narrowest section of the intestine: its diameter is 2.5 cm. It is covered with peritoneum and is very mobile.


The sigmoid colon performs important functions for the body:

Violation of the sigmoid colon leads to diseases. In violation of the suction function, there is a violation of hemostasis, vitamin deficiency. And if the sigmoid colon inhibits the movement of feces, constipation occurs. The cessation of the inhibitory influence leads to diarrhea.

Diseases of the sigmoid colon

In addition to inflammatory diseases of various origins in the sigmoid colon, the following pathologies most often occur:

The sigmoid colon, especially in the left bend, more often than other parts of the intestine suffers from a lack of blood circulation. This area is involved in pathological process in 80% of cases. This is due to the fact that the marginal branches of the mesenteric arteries in this place are poorly developed.

This section of the intestine is characterized by mechanical intestinal obstruction. A torsion occurs due to the long mesentery. In this place, blood circulation is disturbed, a hemorrhagic infarction of the intestine develops, and it occurs in the twisted area.

Invaginations for this department are not so characteristic. They occur in 10% of cases, but if a large segment is introduced, the vessels of the mesentery are compressed, venous congestion, bleeding and necrosis. Then it develops.

In 70% of cases, diverticula are found in the sigmoid colon in the form of multiple formations. Often they become inflamed.

Dolichocolon and Hirschsprung's disease are developmental anomalies.

Villous adenoma often occurs in the rectum and distal sigmoid. They secrete large amounts of water and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen. This leads to violation water-salt balance, diarrhea. These tumors are dangerous because they often become malignant.

Sigmoid colon cancer often metastasizes to the peritoneum, liver, and ovaries. malignant tumor may grow into the peritoneum.

Even a slight inflammatory process in the colon leads to metabolic disorders. Most pathologies of the sigmoid colon are complicated by obstruction and bleeding. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the less likely the consequences will be.

Diagnosis of pathologies of the sigmoid colon

With manifestations of intestinal dyspepsia (constipation, diarrhea), pain in the abdomen, rectum, the appearance of blood in the feces, you should urgently visit a gastroenterologist, proctologist. Since these symptoms are common to various, the specialist will determine the cause of the disease by conducting:

For a complete diagnosis, laboratory tests of blood, urine, and feces are also necessary.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of a particular part of the intestine is called colitis. However, such processes rarely cover the multiple surface of this entire section of the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often it is localized in one of its departments, depending on the causes. Such states have their own names, which in most cases are determined precisely by their location.

Sigmoiditis is a pathology characterized by the development of inflammation in the sigmoid region of the large intestine.

What are the features of inflammation of the sigmoid colon, symptoms and treatment of this disease?

The reasons

The name of this section of the large intestine is due to its similarity with the letter of the Latin alphabet "sigma". The length of the sigmoid colon depends on the size of the person, reaching in some cases 60 cm.

The main task of the sigmoid area is to help digest food, separate moisture from the digested masses and saturate the rest of the body with it.

AT this department In the intestines, fecal masses are formed and compacted, and already formed feces enter the rectum from it.

Among the reasons for the development inflammatory processes on the mucosa of the sigmoid colon includes various conditions.

The main ones make up the following list:

  • stagnation of fecal masses, due to natural curvature or other reasons;
  • infectious infection of the intestine;
  • mechanical damage to the mucosa, due to the use of indigestible food or hard stool with systematic constipation.

In addition, there are a number of factors predisposing to the appearance of the disease:

  • disturbed blood flow in the pelvic area and, as a result, varicose veins (hemorrhoids), the formation of blood clots in weak blood vessels;
  • various pathologies of the rectum (paraproctitis, fissures in the anus, Crohn's disease);
  • persistent or chronic dysbacteriosis;
  • malnutrition - a lack of vegetable fiber in the diet;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • decreased peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, due to various diseases, as well as systematic constipation;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system - diseases of the prostate gland in men, pathologies of a gynecological nature in women, characterized by a chronic course;
  • increased stress on the pelvic area during pregnancy;
  • the consequences of surgery in the abdominal cavity, or a number of injuries in this area.

Inflammation of the sigmoid colon is extremely rarely an independent pathology. That is, in most situations, this is a consequence of the development of other intestinal diseases.

Those rare cases in which inflammation of the sigmoid colon develops independently are caused by physiological abnormalities in the development of this section of the gastrointestinal tract - its elongation and / or the presence of extra bends and loops.


The course of the disease allows us to distinguish its two forms - acute and chronic. The first (acute sigmoiditis) is characterized by pronounced symptoms, most often it is preceded by an infectious infection of the gastrointestinal tract.

The second - chronic sigmoiditis - is expressed by less intense manifestations, which tend to alternate with periods of remission. Basically, it occurs with persistent dysbacteriosis.

The severity of the symptoms and the nature of the damage caused by the pathology make it possible to distinguish several stages of the disease.

The stages of the disease include:

  1. Catarrhal. It is considered the least traumatic stage of the course of the disease. Damage affects only the upper layers of the epithelium. Treatment of sigmoiditis at this stage is not difficult, the main problem is diagnosis.
  2. Erosive. The progression of the previous stage leads to the development of erosive. It is characterized by damage to the deeper layers of the epithelium, so erosive sigmoiditis is often accompanied by bleeding, albeit low intensity.
  3. Ulcerative. This stage refers to the severe form of the course of the disease. As the name implies, ulcers (both one and several) form on the mucosa of the sigmoid portion of the intestine. The onset of such a stage as ulcerative sigmoiditis is possible with the neglect of the disease or incorrect treatment of the previous one.
  4. Perisigmoiditis (paralytic or spastic sigmoiditis). This stage of the disease is considered the most dangerous. In addition to the symptoms of the above stages of the course of the disease, a decrease in the motor function of this section of the intestine and the appearance of so-called adhesions (the fusion of bends or loops of the sigmoid intestine between themselves) are added. Such sigmoiditis and treatment implies something different from the usual (most often surgical).


The manifestations of the disease directly depend on the form of its course.

Thus, the acute form of inflammation of the sigmoid region of the intestine has the following characteristic features:

  • intense pain in the left side of the abdominal cavity (in some cases, pain tends to radiate to the left leg);
  • increased gas formation with all the ensuing consequences (flatulence, bloating);
  • systematic diarrhea, accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor of stools, as well as the presence of mucous, blood or purulent fragments in them (in some cases);
  • feverish state (blanching skin, general weakness);
  • nausea, sometimes with bouts of vomiting.

In the chronic form of the disease (chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis), the symptoms are not intense and include the following conditions:

  • violation of the stool, and attacks of diarrhea and constipation alternate;
  • pain during the act of defecation;
  • constant discomfort in the abdominal region.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon is characterized by a violation of the processes of digestion, and hence the ability of this and adjacent sections to absorb the contents.

All this, of course, negatively affects the saturation of the body with the necessary substances, which often leads to a sharp decrease in body weight. And a long stay of fecal matter in the intestine leads to a gradual poisoning of the body with toxins and the appearance, as a result, skin reactions allergic in nature.

The chronic form is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission, during which the symptoms of sigmoiditis are almost or completely absent.

Pathology can worsen in the presence of favorable conditions for this, these include:

  • non-compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor;
  • serious physical activity;
  • serious stressful situations;
  • infectious infection;
  • various kinds of injuries (especially the abdominal cavity).


Problems in identifying pathology lie in the fact that in most cases it acts as a secondary disease. Its symptoms are confused either with signs of a primary disease, or a completely different one.

So, often attacks of acute sigmoiditis are mistaken for inflammation of appendicitis, also in an acute form.

At the first suspicion of inflammatory processes in the lower part of the intestine, it is necessary to contact a specialized specialist to undergo a full examination.

It begins with a primary examination, during which the doctor collects an anamnesis, he visually and with the help of fingers (palpation) assesses the condition of the abdomen. A competent specialist, based on the results of these procedures, will be able to determine, with a high degree of probability, the localization of inflammation.

After that, the type of pathology and the degree of damage that arose as a result of its course are determined. At this stage, information is obtained from the results of blood tests and, of course, feces.

In addition, to clarify the diagnosis or in case of doubt regarding the preliminary diagnosis, studies of the following nature are prescribed:

  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • radiography.

In some cases, it is advisable to use an ultrasound examination.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance and value of diagnostics. Establishing the cause of the discomfort early stages- this is an opportunity to start treatment of sigmoiditis earlier, which will naturally affect its prognosis and timing.

Otherwise, the decrease in efficiency and functionality of the sigmoid intestine will only increase. The consequence of this may be the appearance of adhesions (fusion of loops between themselves or with other organs) or (perforation), followed by peritonitis.

Considering such negative dynamics, it is necessary to choose a medical institution and a specialist for diagnostic procedures with special care.


Relief of inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the sigmoid colon takes quite a long time. And the success of treatment directly depends on the patient's ability to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

How to treat sigmoiditis? The main points of treatment are drug therapy and strict adherence to the diet.

Medical therapy

In the presence of acute course pathology, the patient is prescribed compliance bed rest. Action medicines prescribed for diagnosed sigmoiditis, is aimed at stopping the causes of the disease, inflammation on the mucosa, as well as symptomatic manifestations diseases.

Thus, the number of drugs that form the basis of treatment includes:

  • painkillers (depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the tolerance of certain components);
  • antispasmodics;
  • absorbent preparations - Neosmectin, Smecta (if there are contraindications - activated charcoal);
  • antibiotics - Doxycycline, Tetracycline (for more serious or extensive infections - Ampiox, Ftalazol);
  • antacids - Almagel and others;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Salofalk and others;
  • probiotics -, Hilak-forte (mandatory intake after a course of antibiotics or after relief of symptoms);
  • rectal suppositories (suppositories) - suppositories for sigmoiditis are prescribed as an additional measure. Depending on the goals pursued, drugs with mitiluracil, sea buckthorn oil and others can be prescribed.

In some cases, in particular, if catarrhal sigmoiditis is diagnosed (that is, the least dangerous and unexpressed), microclysters with drugs are prescribed.


The main objectives of the diet, compiled in the treatment of sigmoiditis, are:

  • prevention of irritation of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon;
  • contributing to the relief of inflammation in this area;
  • restoration of the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

A diet for sigmoiditis, or rather, with antisigmoid therapy, involves a serious reduction in fat and carbohydrate intake.

The result is the almost complete absence of fermentation and decay of the intestinal contents. There is an improvement in peristalsis, as well as the production of only the digestive juice necessary for normal digestion.

The minimum period for following this type of diet is 7 days. It also provides for the principle of fractional nutrition, that is, eating food often, but in small portions (the average number of snacks per day should be 6-7 times).

One of the recommendations will be accustoming the digestive system to a regular diet - eating food every day at the same time, this helps to improve peristalsis and normal digestion of the foods consumed.

Another feature is the type of food served - it must be grated, in liquid form or in the form of mashed potatoes. Solid large pieces are strongly discouraged.

The main thing is diet for inflammation, which implies exclusion from the diet:

  • freshly baked bread and confectionery;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • products of smoking and canning (especially industrial);
  • rich broths and soups from milk;
  • whole milk and its derivatives;
  • dairy products with a high fat content;
  • fresh vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs;
  • hot spices and spices, marinades;
  • carbonated drinks (including home-made ones, such as kvass), coffee, strong tea;
  • alcoholic products.

Conversely, the basis of nutrition should be products from the following list:

  • meat, fish and poultry low-fat varieties(passed through a grater or blender);
  • meat soufflé, steamed cutlets;
  • vegetable puree;
  • dried bread (white);
  • steamed omelettes and soft-boiled eggs;
  • cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat), exclusively cooked in water and passed through a blender;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • weak green tea and compotes from fruits and berries;
  • apples (passed through a grater in small quantities).

In the acute form of the pathology, accompanied by pain sensations of increased intensity, it is necessary to limit the consumption of food within 1-2 days, that is, to starve.


Inflammation of the sigmoid colon is dangerous not only for its consequences, but also because its symptoms are often confused with manifestations of other diseases.

Therefore, at the first suspicion or the presence of symptoms, you need to urgently contact a competent specialist. Timely diagnosis is half the success of treatment.

After prescribing the necessary therapy, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. In this case, the treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon will take the most minimal possible dates, and the disease in the future will not bother.

Otherwise, serious complications may occur, including such dangerous conditions as peritonitis and the appearance of intestinal adhesions with other abdominal organs.

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