What are the signs of cystitis how to treat. Cystitis - symptoms in women, the first signs of the disease. Non-infectious forms of the disease

Pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by urination, frequent urge to urinate, blood in the urine and its unusual color - all these signs, of course, alarm any person. In most cases, behind these manifestations lies such an unpleasant disease as cystitis.

Cystitis is an inflammatory process in the lining of the bladder. It most often occurs due to a bacterial infection. Despite a favorable prognosis in most cases, the disease can be severe, usually accompanied by painful symptoms.

Who is affected?

Studies have shown that 50% of women have had cystitis at least once in their lifetime. The fact that this disease often affects women, however, does not mean that men are immune from it. Also, the disease can develop in children, including infants.

cystitis in adults

The disease is much more common in females. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the female body. The main ones are a shorter and wider urethra, and the fact that the opening of the canal in women is closer to the anus, which makes it easier for bacteria of intestinal origin from the feces to enter the urethra.

The clinical picture of cystitis in women and men also differs. With the disease in men, frequent urination is characteristic. In addition, acute cystitis in the representatives of the stronger sex is accompanied by pain, which also extends to the external genitalia, hyperthermia of the febrile range and signs of general intoxication. At the same time, men are much more likely than women to suffer from chronic cystitis, which is not accompanied by severe symptoms.

cystitis in childhood

The disease occurs with almost equal frequency in boys and girls, although it is most common in girls aged 4 to 12 years.

Among the common causes of cystitis in children are the following:

  • anatomical pathologies and anomalies in the structure of the external genital organs, for example, narrowing of the foreskin in boys;
  • pathology of the structure of the internal organs of the genitourinary system;
  • insufficient hygiene of the genital organs, in infants - untimely replacement of diapers;
  • beriberi and other conditions and diseases that provoke a sharp decrease in immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • drug therapy with the use of certain groups of drugs, in particular, sulfonamides;
  • genetic predisposition.

Primary diagnosis in young children is difficult due to the lack of speech and the difficulty in controlling the frequency of urination. Among the signs of cystitis, dark urine, the presence of sediment in it, and involuntary urination during the day can be noted.
In case of illness in children under one year old, treatment is carried out in a hospital. The scheme of therapy in childhood is built taking into account the sensitivity of the body to drugs, it is recommended to avoid antibiotic therapy if possible.

Signs of cystitis

In most cases, when cystitis occurs, symptoms include the following:

  • frequent, strong urge to urinate with a small amount of fluid released;
  • burning in the urethra during the excretion of urine;
  • discomfort, pain in the pelvis, pubis, lower abdomen, genitals (in men);
  • subfebrile or febrile hyperthermia (depending on how acute the disease is), general malaise, symptoms of intoxication of the body.

Signs of cystitis also include a phenomenon such as a change in the color of urine. The liquid darkens, turbidity, the presence of sediment, and clots of pus can be visually detected in it. In the severe stage, hematuria is noted, the presence of blood in the urine.

Sometimes the pathological process passes to the kidneys. In this case, symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys are characteristic: pain in the lower back, high fever, nausea, vomiting.

Classification of cystitis

Depending on the severity of symptoms, the disease is divided into chronic and acute cystitis. The chronic form of cystitis may be asymptomatic, however, periodically with this form, periods of exacerbation are observed. Acute cystitis usually develops when the infection first enters the urinary tract.

Acute cystitis

According to the results of the analysis of the nature and degree of damage to the walls of the bladder, several forms of cystitis are classified. The most common are catarrhal, hemorrhagic and ulcerative forms.

Acute cystitis is more common in the catarrhal form, in which the upper layers of the bladder mucosa are affected, which leads to its swelling and hyperthermia. The first stage of this form is serous, the second, which develops with a rapid infectious lesion or no treatment, is purulent, characterized by increased inflammation of the mucosa and the presence of purulent inclusions in the urine.

With hemorrhagic acute cystitis, the process of blood penetration into the urine is observed. This form occurs due to the spread of the inflammatory process to the location of the blood vessels.

Signs of ulcerative cystitis are ulceration of the membranes of the bladder, the penetration of inflammation into the muscle tissues of the organ and their necrosis.

Symptoms of acute cystitis

In acute cystitis, pain, burning, cramps during the act of urination reach a pronounced character.

The general condition of the patient is unsatisfactory: symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed against the background of an increase in body temperature (headaches, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, weakness).

In the excreted urine, purulent inclusions are noticeable, with a hemorrhagic form, the presence of blood is visually determined by a change in color: from a pink hue to burgundy-brown.

Chronic inflammation of the bladder

A common reason for the development of the chronic form is the incompleteness of the course of treatment for acute cystitis. If the patient stops taking the drugs as soon as severe symptoms pass, not only does the infectious agent remain in the body, it develops resistance to the antibiotic used, and the bladder lining does not recover to its original state.

Such negligence leads to the development of a chronic, difficult-to-treat form of cystitis. Exacerbations of chronic cystitis occur against the background of minor provoking factors, which leads to an increase in the symptoms of an unpleasant disease. To avoid such consequences and cure cystitis, with the diagnosis of acute cystitis, it is necessary to continue the course of antibiotic therapy until clinical signs of recovery are detected, regardless of the absence of unpleasant symptoms.

The second most common cause of the development of an inflammatory process in the walls of the bladder is the presence of undiagnosed or untreated diseases of the urogenital area. Vulvovaginitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, infections of the organs of the reproductive and urinary system, sexually transmitted diseases are a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, involving the surrounding organs and tissues in the inflammatory process.

Immune disorders and deficiencies, pathologies of the structure of the genital organs, due to a violation of the outflow of urine or a decrease in the body's resistance, can also provoke the development of a chronic form of cystitis.

In some cases, specialists diagnose the interstitial form, which at the moment it has an unexplained etiology.

Symptoms of chronic cystitis

In the chronic form, the clinical picture of the disease may be characterized by the absence of any symptoms (more often in men) and appear only in laboratory tests and instrumental examination of the patient.

There is a chronic form of the disease with frequent episodes of acute cystitis (from 2 times a year), with rare (1 or less exacerbations per year) and a stage of remission.

The interstitial form is marked by the instability of the alternation of exacerbation and remissions, the unpredictability of the course, the reaction of the body.

The general symptoms of the chronic form are not expressed outside periods of exacerbations, in which the clinical picture corresponds to the acute stages of cystitis.

Reasons for the development of cystitis

So, we figured out how cystitis manifests itself. But what causes this disease? The most common cause of cystitis is infection. The causative agents can be bacteria, less often viruses or other microorganisms. However, there are also cases of non-infectious inflammation. According to these criteria, all cases are divided into two main groups.

Ways of infection with bacterial cystitis

If a person develops bacterial cystitis, then the reasons always lie in the infection of the membranes of the bladder. This circumstance is the most common cause of cystitis. The most common infectious agents that cause inflammation in the bladder are E. coli (Escherichia coli, E. coli), staphylococci (Staphylococcus) and the streptococcal group (Streptococcus).

Among other pathogens of the bacterial form, there are:

  • Klebsiella (Klebsiella);
  • proteas (Proteus);
  • Koch's bacillus, mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis);
  • pale treponema (Treponema pallidum);
  • gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae);
  • Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vaginalis);
  • mycoplasma (Mycoplasma), etc.

The development of an inflammatory process of bacterial etiology occurs against the background of the presence of appropriate conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms, in which local immunity cannot cope with the number or growth rate of a bacterial colony. This occurs with a decrease in protective forces (for example, with hypothermia of the body) or an increased number of infectious agents, the introduction of varieties that violate the local flora (with frequent sexual intercourse, changing partners, poor hygiene, catheterization of the urinary canal, etc.). In such cases, the infection is considered ascending, penetrating into the bladder through the urethra.

An increased likelihood of inflammatory processes in the membranes exists in patients with diabetes mellitus, since an increased amount of sugar in the urine creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of most pathogenic organisms.

However, the bacterial form can also have a descending character, so, during infectious processes in the kidneys, bacteria can descend into the bladder through the ureters.

The penetration of bacteria into the cavity of the bladder is also possible from the foci of inflammation in the lymph nodes. The hematogenous route of infection is noted when the pathogen enters the cavity of the bladder through the blood, which happens in the presence of septic processes in the body.

Viral form of the disease

The viral form is a consequence of a decrease in general immunity. Damage to the membranes of the bladder can occur against the background of a current disease of viral etiology or be provoked by latent viruses that were in the body in an inactive stage.

Viral diseases such as influenza, parainfluenza, herpes, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus infection often cause inflammation of the bladder. Acute viral cystitis is characterized by the presence of blood in the urine. There is also a change in the blood supply to the walls of the bladder under the influence of viruses. Often, with cystitis of viral etiology, a secondary bacterial form develops due to a weakening of local immunity.

fungal form

The most common causative agent of this form is the fungus Candida. Most often, the infection process is ascending, the fungus enters the bladder through the urethra, but a descending form can be observed: with oral candidiasis, the infection enters the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system, as well as direct infection when using a contaminated catheter.

Non-infectious forms of the disease

Not in all cases, the pathology is caused by some kind of infection. Non-infectious cystitis usually proceed no less severely than infectious ones and have their own characteristics of treatment. The most common of non-infectious cystitis are drug-induced, allergic and interstitial.

Pharmaceutical form

The drug form occurs after the treatment of some other diseases with certain types of drugs that have an irritating effect on the walls of the bladder. These can be cytostatic drugs (cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide), some groups of antibiotics, sulfonamides.

allergic form

Allergic reactions can affect not only the external mucous membranes and skin, but also many internal organs, such as the bladder. The allergic form develops due to the body's reaction to the allergens that have entered it. As a result, eosinophilic infiltrates may form on the inner lining of the bladder, which is expressed in the appearance of symptoms of allergic cystitis.

Interstitial cystitis

The pathogenesis of this form has not been identified, there are suggestions about the influence of autoimmune, neurogenic factors, neuropathies, inflammatory processes in other organs, metabolic disorders of nitric oxide, etc. In this form, the symptoms of cystitis are not accompanied by an inflammatory process in the membranes, which complicates the diagnosis and treatment of the disease .

Other non-infectious forms

Other non-infectious forms include:

  • radiation,
  • chemical,
  • traumatic,
  • thermal.

The radiation form can develop as a result of irradiation of the pelvic area, usually in cancer therapy. The chemical form is a bladder burn when caustic substances enter its cavity.

The traumatic form occurs after trauma to the organs of the genitourinary system. If surgical intervention leads to this form, then it is specified as a postoperative form of cystitis. The thermal form appears due to prolonged exposure to high or low temperatures on the pelvic region.


If you suspect a disease, you should contact a urologist. The diagnosis is made by collecting anamnesis, clinical picture, laboratory tests of the patient's blood and urine. Instrumental research methods can be used: ultrasound, cystoscopy, endoscopy.

Treatment of cystitis

What to do with cystitis? Like any other disease, it must be treated. It should be remembered that effective treatment is impossible without an accurate diagnosis of the cause of cystitis.

It is known that with cystitis the main method of treatment is drug therapy. Within its framework, the patient is prescribed effective drugs, the type of which depends on the nature of the disease. With a bacterial pathogen, antibiotics are prescribed, with a fungal process - fungicides, with an allergic process - antihistamines. Also, in acute cystitis, antispasmodics, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If necessary, additional therapy is carried out to improve the immune status. Herbal preparations, such as Kanefron, also showed high efficiency in chronic cystitis. Folk remedies and decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are also popular.

Part of the therapy for cystitis is a diet that limits foods that irritate the bladder mucosa (spicy, salty, pickled, smoked foods). A plentiful warm drink is prescribed: fruit drinks, herbal teas, compotes.

In acute cystitis, it is important not to limit the course of antibiotic therapy to the moment the signs of the disease disappear. Untreated acute cystitis with a high frequency turn into a chronic form, expressed by frequent relapses and threatening the general health of a person.

It is manifested by painful frequent urge to urinate. The disease is most common among women, regardless of age. The main reason for this is the anatomical features of the structure of the urethra.

Acute cystitis: what is it

The anatomy of the female urinary system is different in that the urethra is much shorter and wider than the male. This makes it vulnerable to the penetration of various kinds of infections, and the location between the vagina and the anus is a favorable environment for the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.

The occurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes lead to cystitis. The disease is characterized by both acute and chronic forms of the course. The disease affects mainly the urinary tract. Acute cystitis responds well to treatment, but it often flows into a chronic form, with periodic relapses.

Signs of the development of acute cystitis are associated mainly with pain in the lower abdomen and painful frequent urination.

If cystitis is observed with blood in the urine, then acute can be diagnosed. This type of disease often leads to serious complications in the form of blockage of the urinary tract with blood clots, as well as hypochromic or iron deficiency anemia.

The reasons

The development of cystitis is caused by the following infectious pathogens:

  • bacteria;
  • fungus;
  • virus;

In addition, non-bacterial causes of occurrence are possible - an allergic reaction, a side effect of taking medications, toxic, chemical, radiation.

Contributes to its appearance:

  • weakened immunity against the background of a previously transferred infectious and inflammatory disease;
  • hypothermia;
  • clothing that impairs normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • long periods of emptying the bladder;
  • wearing specific underwear - thong-type panties, which increase the risk of infection;
  • non-use of contraceptives;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
  • pregnancy;
  • surgical intervention and trauma to the mucous surface;
  • diabetes;
  • menopause.

Important! Both individual factors and their combination can provoke cystitis in women.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Acute cystitis develops rapidly and is accompanied by a number of characteristic specific symptoms. Therefore, its diagnosis at an early stage of the course is not difficult.

who accompany him:

  • frequent painful urination, a woman has to make an effort to empty her bladder;
  • pain, burning and pain in the urethra at the end of the emptying process;
  • urge to go to the toilet occurs with a frequency of every 15 minutes;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and in the urethra;
  • nighttime urge to go to the toilet;
  • urine becomes cloudy, in some cases there is an admixture of blood;
  • in acute cystitis, body temperature often rises, general well-being worsens, nausea, bouts of vomiting, chills.

Acute pain in cystitis can be observed with a complicated nature of the course of the disease.

Diagnosis includes examining the patient, taking an anamnesis, a general blood and urine test, and also to identify the causative agent of the disease - passing an analysis for microflora sowing.

If acute cystitis with blood is observed, treatment requires additional diagnostic procedures to determine the causes of blood in the urine.

Important! If there are signs of acute cystitis, you should contact. How to treat the disease will tell the urologist.

Treatment of acute cystitis: what to do

In most cases it is possible. If symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact a urologist for appropriate appointments. With the diagnosis of "acute cystitis" treatment includes taking several groups of drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - nimesulide;
  • antispasmodics and painkillers - no-shpa, papaverine;
  • antibacterial drugs - furadonin, amoxiclav, ampicillin.

Etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis includes treatment with drugs that are prescribed by a doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and, in particular, establishing the cause of its development, that is, determining the pathogen. However, experts recommend that at the initial stage, start taking broad-spectrum antibiotics in order to prevent the progression of the disease, since determining the type of infection takes up to 10 days when testing for sowing.

If there is a permanent sexual partner, he may also be recommended to take tests for sowing, since a man can be a carrier of the infection (you can read more in our article). With positive results, a course of treatment is prescribed. Most often, this situation occurs when the disease recurs after successful treatment.

In addition to taking medication for the treatment of cystitis, it is necessary:

  • observe bed rest, limiting physical activity;
  • adhere to dietary restrictions. The diet for acute cystitis involves the exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods;
  • drink more fluids, up to 2 liters per day;
  • refrain from sexual activity for the duration of treatment.

In cases where blood appears in the urine - hematuria, this may indicate a complicated nature of the course of the disease or an exacerbation of concomitant diseases. Needs hospital treatment.

Given the etiology of the disease, home treatment of cystitis without drugs, especially quickly, is not possible. It is necessary to take medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Without drug treatment, as a rule, only relieves the symptoms of acute cystitis.

Important! It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment with prescribed drugs, since the relief of pain in the first few days can create a false impression that the disease has passed. This may lead to development. In this case, acute cystitis periodically occurs.

During pregnancy, the female body experiences an increased load, so chronic diseases often worsen, and diseases of the urogenital area develop. Acute cystitis during pregnancy often appears at any time. The cause of its occurrence is a violation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs due to the vessels squeezed by the fetus, as well as squeezing the urethra, hormonal changes. Treatment in pregnant women should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to taking medications, it can be supplemented with folk remedies in the form of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Collection of herbs

An anti-inflammatory effect has a decoction based on leaves, and lingonberries. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused until cool, then filtered and drunk 2-3 times a day for half a glass. Also, these herbs can be purchased in pharmacy chains in the form of herbal tea.

Important! In addition, the inclusion of fruit drinks and cranberry juice in the diet reduces the amount of mucus in the bladder. They also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

horsetail and chamomile

During painful urination, a decoction of horsetail and is taken. It is prepared from a mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions, poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Drink throughout the day in small portions.


A useful technique that has useful unique properties and is indicated for diseases of the urogenital area. It reduces inflammation, promotes a speedy recovery, strengthens the immune system. It can be taken as part of other medicinal fees, or on its own. Prepared as an infusion or decoction.

  1. For infusion, pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs with boiling water, leave to cool, strain and drink half a glass 2 times a day.
  2. The broth must be prepared in a water bath: 1 tbsp. l. Yarrow is poured with 1 glass of water at room temperature and brought to a boil, left for 2-3 hours, then also strain and drain. If necessary, bring the resulting volume to 1 cup.

Widely used water baths and hot baths for cystitis are controversial. On the one hand, they alleviate the symptoms of the disease, on the other hand, exposure to heat can become a provoking factor for the development of infection.


The appearance of cystitis can be prevented by preventive measures. These include:

  • the use of neutral means for intimate care, regular change of linen and compliance with other rules of personal hygiene;
  • regular emptying of the bladder, prolonged constipation should be avoided;
  • use of contraceptive methods during sexual intercourse;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • wearing comfortable clothing made from natural materials that does not compress the pelvic area.

The prevention of cystitis is based on two principles: timely treatment of the acute form of the disease and prevention. Failure to follow these simple rules can be the reason why cystitis worsens.

Cystitis is an inflammatory process of the urinary tract. It occurs mainly in women, only 20% of men suffer from this disease, you can read in detail in our article. The female bladder is more often attacked by pathogens that cause bacterial cystitis.

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, the treatment regimen depends on a number of factors:

  • localization of the focus of inflammation - the disease can affect the mucous, muscle tissue of the bladder;
  • type of cystitis and morphological changes;
  • type of causative agent of cystitis - bacteria, viruses, fungal infections, chlamydia can provoke inflammation. The disease can be allergic, toxic, radiation, develop against the background of taking medications.

Important! Women need to empty their bladder in a timely manner to avoid the development of pathogenic microbes. Do not endure, go to the toilet on time - this should be taught to the girl from an early age.

Types of cystitis:

  • - inflammation in the bladder with painful urination;
  • - purulent-inflammatory processes affect the mucous membrane of the bladder, patients lose their working capacity for several days;
  • - with this disease, urine appears with blood, an unpleasant odor, blood clots can be observed;
  • postcoital cystitis - called the honeymoon disease, symptoms appear within a few days. The clinical picture is not as bright as in acute inflammation. Symptoms may disappear on their own after 10 days at the initial manifestation of the disease.

Important! Prolonged cystitis with blood can lead to iron deficiency. Against this background, there is shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness.


Cystitis begins suddenly after injuries, colds, unprotected sexual contact, infectious diseases.

The main indicator of the disease is pain at the beginning and end of urination. The rest of the time, discomfort is localized in the pubic area and perineum. The intensity of the pain syndrome is different - from mild discomfort to unbearable pain.

Signs of illness:

  • frequent urge to urinate (dysuria) - while in the urethra there is pain, burning, there is a constant feeling of a filled bladder;
  • each urination is difficult, the woman has to push, urinary incontinence may begin;
  • a woman often wakes up at night to go to the toilet (nocturia);
  • urine loses transparency, sometimes impurities of pus and blood appear;
  • the disease may be accompanied by various secretions (purulent, brownish, mixed with blood) with a pungent odor. The nature of the secretions depends on the prevailing pathogens;
  • there is an intolerable itch.

Acute cystitis is accompanied by high fever, weakness. The disease has frequent relapses, develops into a chronic stage. In the chronic form of the disease, the symptoms are not so pronounced, remission may be accompanied by a complete absence of the manifestation of the inflammatory process.

Important! Often cystitis develops after the first sexual experience.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main cause of the disease is various kinds of infections that come from the nearby vagina, anus. The urethra is quite wide, which allows pathogenic microorganisms to freely penetrate the ascending path.

The infection can penetrate from the urethra, upper urinary tract, from other organs. Less commonly, bacteria enter the urinary system from distant organs.

Why does cystitis happen? In most cases, the disease is caused by E. coli. In second place among pathogens are staphylococci. Less commonly, the disease is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus.

The main causes of cystitis:

  • foci of inflammation in the vagina, diseases of the genital organs - thrush, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, tuberculosis of the female organs;
  • kidney disease - pyelonephritis, stagnation of urine, bladder stones;
  • , radiation therapy, frequent allergic reactions;
  • due to damage to the mucosa - this can occur during surgery, endoscopic examination.

With menopause, cystitis often occurs, since irreversible changes occur in the body, estrogen is not produced enough. All this is reflected in the urogenital tract.

Cystitis may indicate the presence of a sluggish infection in the body, chronic inflammatory processes, prolapse of the uterus or vagina.

Additional factors causing cystitis may be poor hygiene, frequent colds, irregular bowel movements. Spicy food, alcohol, frequent change of partners can also lead to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! Most often, the disease is diagnosed in lovers of thong panties.

Can cystitis be passed from woman to man? No, this disease is not dangerous for men. A man can also be a carrier of infection, which from the vagina will enter the urethra and bladder. Especially high is the likelihood of infection immediately before menstruation or immediately after their end.


The first signs of the disease in a woman are very painful. Therefore, the question immediately arises, which doctor to contact, what tests will need to be taken.

To diagnose and prescribe a treatment regimen, you should visit a urologist. It will be necessary to pass a clinical urine test, and an analysis according to Nechiporenko.

Additionally, cytoscopic examination and ultrasound of the bladder will be required. Analyzes show an increased content of leukocytes and erythrocytes. If the disease is of infectious origin, clinical studies show the presence of pathogens.

Cystitis can be caused not only by bacteria, but also accompany sexually transmitted diseases. You can determine this after visiting a gynecologist. He will take a smear from the vagina, send it to the study of microflora.

Before starting the complex, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen, to determine the sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, medications for cystitis, physiotherapy, bladder instillation are prescribed (injection of drugs directly into the site of inflammation).

First aid for exacerbation of cystitis

Every woman had to deal with the symptoms of cystitis, even schoolgirls are susceptible to the disease.

At the first signs of cystitis, the help of a urologist is necessary. If this is not possible, it is necessary to provide adequate first aid, alleviate the patient's condition. (For more details, read our article).

  1. To eliminate the pain syndrome, you can take painkillers that eliminate spasms (no-shpa, nurofen, ketanol).
  2. Drink plenty of fluids, more than 2 liters per day. This will help flush out the infection. You can use not only water, but also berry fruit drinks. Coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks, juice from tomatoes and citrus fruits should be excluded.
  3. You can make a decoction of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory herbs. Can be used , . The medicine is prepared from 230 ml of boiling water and 12 g of raw materials.
  4. Rest and bed rest. Eliminate all fatty, salty, spicy.

Medical treatment

How much to be treated? Adequate therapy will get rid of the disease within a week. The main question is how quickly you can relieve pain. For this, antispasmodics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (papaverine, diclofenac, nemisil) are used.

When confirming the infectious origin of the disease, the medicines are designed to destroy the pathogenic microflora. For this, antibiotics and antimicrobial agents are used.

If a specific microflora is detected, antiviral and antifungal drugs are included in the therapy. With prolonged therapy, it is necessary to change uroseptics every 7-10 days.

Many bacteria adapt to antimicrobials, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy. Therefore, it is important to know not only how to treat cystitis, but also what remedies are not very effective:

  • furagin, furadonin - more suitable for preventive purposes;
  • ampicillin - in 30% of cases there is insensitivity of Escherichia coli to this antibiotic;
  • biseptol - ineffective, bacteria have developed a strong defense against this drug;
  • cephradine, cephalexin - medicines belong to the 1st generation of cephalosporins, have many side effects.


How to quickly cure cystitis? For this, there is a broad-spectrum antibiotic - monural. The remedy belongs to uroantiseptics, for a cure it is enough to take the drug once.

  1. Nitroxoline (5NOK) - an antibiotic used to treat infectious diseases of the urinary tract. Tablets are inexpensive, but they help with many diseases - pyelonephritis, urethritis.
  2. Papin is an antibiotic, an antimicrobial drug. Tablets are effectively used to destroy infections whose pathogens are sensitive to pipemidic acid.
  3. Metronidazole (Trichopolum) is a broad profile antibiotic in the form of tablets, suppositories, solution for intravenous injections.

Fluoroquinol antibiotics are often used for treatment:

  • ciproflaxin - tsifran;
  • norfloxacin - nolicin;
  • fosfomycin - monural.

All these drugs have pronounced side effects and a number of contraindications, so only a specialist can prescribe them. To quickly eliminate symptoms, antibiotics can be prescribed in the form of injections. The most effective remedy that is used even for is chloramphenicol.

For children and pregnant women, antibacterial drugs with a minimum number of adverse reactions are intended - amoxicillin clavulanate.

Candles (suppositories) allow you to stop the acute manifestation of cystitis, inhibit the development of pathogenic microbes. May be for rectal and vaginal use.

candles name:

  • polygynax - vaginal suppositories with a wide spectrum of action, destroy almost all types of pathogenic microflora;
  • hexicon (pimafucin, diflucan) - antiseptic, effective at the initial stage of the disease, protects against genital infections;
  • betedin - suppositories with antiseptic, disinfectant, antibacterial action, used to treat cystitis in the acute stage;
  • methyluracil - contribute to the production of erythrocytes, leukocytes, promote tissue regeneration, are effective in bacterial cystitis.

What to take with uncomplicated forms of cystitis? Phytopreparations are used in the absence of temperature, pain and complications.

  1. Cyston is a drug based on extracts of many diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial plants. Helps the body absorb antibiotics faster, reduces inflammation, dissolves kidney stones.
  2. Monurel is a highly concentrated cranberry extract.
  3. Kanefron - tablets for the treatment of cystitis based on rosemary, lovage, centaury. Helps reduce pain and pain. Has no side effects, can be combined with antimicrobial drugs.

Important! Cranberry is the most important remedy in the treatment of cystitis. Drinking 300 ml of cranberry juice a day can reduce the number of relapses and speed up the healing process.

How to treat cystitis quickly? Combination therapy of antibacterial and natural remedies allows to achieve a noticeable result, long-term remission.

Even with an acute course of the disease, it is possible. The best remedy for a speedy recovery is bed rest, proper nutrition, and compliance with the doctor's prescriptions.

There is an erroneous assertion that a heating pad should be applied to a sore spot. It is absolutely impossible to heat. Cystitis is a bacterial disease. Any heat will contribute to the rapid growth of pathological microorganisms, the infection will begin to spread to other organs.

Important! If you follow the diet, you can speed up the healing process several times.

In the kidneys, active work occurs in the morning and afternoon, therefore, during the treatment of cystitis, all high-calorie meals should be consumed in the morning. Dinner should be light.

The essence of the diet is the use of a large number of products with a diuretic and antimicrobial effect.

  1. Exclude products that irritate the walls of the inflamed organ. In the chronic stage, you should abandon spicy, smoked foods, do not eat canned food, spicy sauces and seasonings.
  2. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, coffee, tea to a minimum. Alcohol, pickled, spicy, smoked foods are completely excluded.
  3. During treatment, you should avoid eating sour berries, onions, garlic, sorrel, radishes, cauliflower.

Such abstinence alleviates the patient's condition, the composition of the urine does not provoke irritation. Therapeutic nutrition includes vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. This helps the body to overcome bacteria, activates the kidneys, compensates for the deficiency of vitamins and useful microelements.

What to drink with cystitis? The best drinks are pure water without gas, juice (fruit drink) from cranberries, honey water, herbal teas, natural juices, except for tomato.

  1. Honey should be included in the diet more often, it perfectly eliminates inflammation.
  2. Watermelons, melons, grapes, pears have healing properties. From vegetables - asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini, parsley, celery, pumpkin.
  3. Kashi - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.

Alternative treatments

Folk remedies help strengthen the body, eliminate foci of inflammation, and prevent pathogenic microorganisms from developing. Healers claim that there are natural recipes that help get rid of cystitis quickly and permanently.

Important! For a quick cure, you need to eat 800 g of lingonberries at a time. After that, the disease recedes for a long time.

This method has been used by women to treat cystitis for many years.

  1. Pour millet (120 g) with cold water (230 ml). Mix, knead the grain with your hands. The liquid should acquire a milky hue.
  2. The resulting liquid should be drunk throughout the day in 3 divided doses. In acute cystitis, you can increase the daily intake of the drink by 2-3 times.

The duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

The best remedy

The disease recedes after one procedure.

  1. Pour boiling water (320 ml) 35 g of dry cornflowers. Leave the infusion for half an hour, divide into two servings.
  2. Drink one part in small sips throughout the evening. The second is after waking up.

Soda solution will help to quickly eliminate the pain. 15 g of soda should be dissolved in 250 ml of warm water. Drink the medicine should be within a quarter of an hour.


Chamomile and - the best herbs for the treatment of female ailments.

  1. Boil 950 ml of water.
  2. Pour 40 g of chamomile and 10 g of coltsfoot in boiling water.
  3. Boil the decoction under the lid over low heat for an hour.
  4. Filter the received medicine.

Drink every half an hour, 50 ml, add 10 ml of honey. The duration of treatment is 3 days.

The plant contains ascorbic acid in large quantities. The infusion eliminates inflammation, has a hemostatic, diuretic effect.

Mix 45 g of St. John's wort and 15 g of chamomile, brew 900 ml of water. After an hour, filter the medicine. Consume 120 ml after each meal.

Due to the presence in the composition of essential oils, vitamins, products from have a powerful antibacterial effect.

  1. Pour 10 fresh leaves with 240 ml of boiling water, boil on a low flame for 30 minutes.
  2. The medicine should be consumed in a chilled, filtered form, 55 ml three times a day.
  3. Continue treatment for at least 14 days.

Cystitis in pregnant women is not uncommon. The disease causes changes in the microflora of the vagina due to endocrine changes in the body.

Cystitis in a pregnant woman, how to treat:

  1. Beta-lactam antibiotics are used to treat cystitis in expectant mothers. Penicillins and cephalosporins are highly safe. They destroy the shells of bacteria, but are absolutely harmless to the human body.
  2. Augementin, quick tab is used to treat acute cystitis with safe therapy. To reduce the irritating effect on the intestines, the tablets must be taken with food, additionally include probiotics in the treatment.
  3. III generation cephalosporins (Suprax, Solutab) act quickly, but do not affect all pathogens.

Of the side effects in some cases, allergic reactions are noted.


Frequent cystitis in women occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, untimely emptying of the bladder. For hygiene procedures of intimate organs, it is necessary to use products that have a neutral acid-base balance.

For prevention, it is necessary to avoid drafts, hypothermia, feet should always be dry. Every day you need to drink more than 2 liters of water, compotes without sugar, cranberry juice. Constipation leads to relapses of the disease. To avoid this, you should include dried apricots, prunes, fresh cabbage in the menu.

  1. With chronic cystitis, you do not need to wear tight-fitting clothes, tight jeans - this leads to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area.
  2. Do not stay in a sitting position for a long time.
  3. Cystitis in a woman after intimacy can be triggered by non-observance of the hygiene rules of a man, the lack of a condom.

Cystitis is a female disease. But every sane woman who is attentive to herself and her own health can avoid it.

It usually appears along with urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). The bladder is a sac-shaped organ that stores urine produced by the kidneys. Two ureters flow into it, through which urine enters from the kidneys, and through the urethra, urine from the bladder is excreted from the body to the outside.

For an accurate diagnosis, your doctor will need to analyze your urine. This analysis is done to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the type of pathogen bacteria (in order to prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic).

Rinse the tip of the penis or vagina with warm water (or you may be asked to wipe the area with a disinfectant).

Women should wash first from the front and then from behind.

Pour a small amount of urine into the toilet, break off, then fill the test jar with a small amount of urine (about four teaspoons), break again, and then drain the rest into the toilet. You must collect a medium portion of urine. Do not touch the inside of the assay jar.

Causes of cystitis

Usually the cause of cystitis are bacteria that enter the bladder through the urethra. The most common causative agent is Escherichia coli (E. coli), normally found in the rectum, although other bacteria or diseases can also cause cystitis.

Based on the anatomical structure of the body, women and girls are more susceptible to cystitis than men. In women, the urethra is shorter and located closer to the anus, respectively, it is easier for infections to enter the bladder.

another reason cystitis there may be inflammation of the urethra after intercourse. This is caused by prolonged rubbing of the urethral opening, which can occur during intercourse. Symptoms usually develop within 12 hours after intercourse.

Symptoms cystitis can also be caused by irritation of the external opening of the urethra. For some people, for example, there are vaginal deodorants, perfume soaps and talcum powder, even colored toilet paper.

Sometimes children get sick with cystitis. In some cases, this is caused by anatomical abnormalities where urine is thrown back into the ureters and the flow of urine through the excretory system is disrupted. child with symptoms cystitis a medical examination is required.

Elderly or disabled people who have difficulty moving around may also suffer cystitis. The reason for this is not fully emptying the bladder or infrequent urination.

Children and adults who wait too long before urinating are most prone to cystitis. In rare cases cystitis may be due to a tumor.

Symptoms of cystitis

In adults, cystitis usually causes frequent and painful urination. The nature of the pain is described as a burning sensation. Urine may smell strongly, be cloudy and bloody. In this case, the state of health may worsen and constant pain in the lumbar region may be felt.
In the elderly and children, the symptoms are often not so obvious. The only symptoms may well be fever, nausea.

What can you do

Drink at least 10-14 glasses of fluid per day. Drink less tea, completely eliminate coffee and alcoholic beverages. These drinks irritate the bladder.

Limit your intake of foods high in calcium (during treatment only). These foods include milk, cheese, and yogurt.

To relieve pain, place a warm object between your legs, on your stomach, or on your back, such as a bottle of warm water or a bag of warm millet.

Every three hours, drink a glass of water in which a spoonful of soda is dissolved. This lowers the acidity of urine and relieves burning sensation.

Unfortunately, cystitis can cause very serious complications, the infection can spread upward to the kidneys.

You need to see a doctor urgently if:

What can a doctor do

You may need tests to check the condition of your bladder, urethra, and kidneys. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, surgery may be needed.

Preventive measures

Empty your bladder as often as you need to. This is especially important because urinary retention is one of the main causes cystitis.

Drink at least 8 glasses of fluid a day.

Wash at least once a day. After urinating, women should wash first from the front and then from behind to reduce the chance of bacteria from entering the anus into the urethra.

Prefer cotton underwear over synthetics and try not to wear tight pants.

If a cystitis repeats (recurs), you should replace the bath with a shower. A regular shower or bidet makes cleaning much easier.

After intercourse, urinate. In this case, the bacteria that have fallen on the opening of the urethra will be washed out before they begin to multiply.

Every second woman faces cystitis, which is associated with the structural features of the reproductive system of the fairer sex. Infections in the female urethra penetrate much more easily and therefore more often than in men. This disease brings not only discomfort, but also extremely unpleasant sensations even in the earliest stages. On the other hand, due to the fact that cystitis in women has bright, pronounced symptoms, treatment is prescribed quickly, which means that the disease can be defeated within a few days. Most importantly, having found signs of this disease in yourself, you do not need to self-medicate, because it can lead to serious consequences, up to the point that you will have to be treated in a hospital.

This article discusses the main causes and symptoms of cystitis in women, knowing which, you can avoid this rather serious disease, and noticing the first signs, immediately contact a specialist.

So what is cystitis? This is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lining of the bladder. This disease is characterized not only by inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane, but also by dysfunction of the bladder and certain changes in the urine sediment.

Mostly women are ill. According to statistics, 25% of women suffer from inflammation of the bladder, and 10% of them - from the chronic form of this disease. Men suffer from this disease 8 times less often due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the genitourinary sphere.

Cystitis is a very dangerous disease, because it can lead to infection of the kidneys in an ascending way - to pyelonephritis.

Types and forms of cystitis

Cystitis can be in the form of primary and secondary.

Primary is an independent disease that occurs in an intact bladder as a result of one of the above factors.

Secondary cystitis is a consequence of another pathology in the bladder, for example, incomplete emptying, urinary stones, tumors, foreign bodies introduced into the organ through the urethra, etc.

According to the course of the disease, such types of cystitis as acute and chronic are distinguished.

Acute most often are primary cystitis, and chronic - secondary.

Speaking of acute cystitis, you should know that it is not always acute. More precisely, it does not necessarily develop so sharply. Often the patient may not even suspect about it for a long time. And only because he never had an acute stage, or she passed with symptoms expressed so mildly that it was really not easy to notice it.

In addition, in the ever-accelerating pace of modern life, its turmoil and information overload, we are generally not inclined to notice that something is wrong with us.

Once the symptoms have arisen, they soon recur, and each time the interval between repetitions becomes shorter and shorter. But taking into account how much we manage to do in the same time, the segment we have covered seems to be longer than it actually is. Therefore, our surprise at the end of the process (when it has already gone too far to be reversed or completely cured) is completely sincere.

Signs and symptoms of cystitis in women who need treatment

If such a disease occurs in women as cystitis, the symptoms at home are recognized quite easily, as the body quickly and sharply begins to react.

The general condition, as a rule, does not suffer - the body temperature does not rise, the head does not hurt, and there are no other symptoms of intoxication. The most characteristic sign of cystitis is dysuria - urination disorder - known to almost every sexually mature girl as "often and painful." I often want to urinate and it hurts. Cramps during urination can be very intense. There may also be pain in the bladder area. In the case of hemorrhagic cystitis, there may be terminal hematuria. In medical terms, this means that there is blood (hematuria) in the urine, which is released at the end of the act of urination (terminal). With the further development of cystitis, pyuria (pus in the urine) may appear. The very first sign of acute primary cystitis is imperative urges - that is, those when you want, but there seems to be nothing.

Of course, some incomprehensible phenomena should also alert us. For example, if during the night the urges are simply unstoppable - up to the possibility of pissing when trying to postpone the next "hike". Or if the vague discomfort in the pelvis intensifies, just when we go to bed, we eliminate all the causes for pain associated with pathologies of the bones and joints. By the way, cystitis often has manifestations that make it related to prostate adenoma. In particular, the almost complete absence of urine in the bladder with constant urge, as well as clearly difficult urination.

The latter phenomenon is especially characteristic of chronic cystitis, since inflammation of the walls of the urethra leads to the formation of their multiple strictures. That is, over time, the urethra narrows and, potentially, is able to grow completely. In the acute stage, the narrowing that prevents the outflow of urine is explained by spasm due to pain in inflamed tissues. Of course, for men, such symptoms should refer to an adenoma (although in our case it may not be her at all), and women - only to cystitis. A rarer option, which nevertheless requires immediate treatment to the hospital, is the likelihood of the growth of a benign or malignant tumor of the urethra itself or tissues in its vicinity.

Symptoms of acute cystitis in women, which are detected at home

It is necessary to highlight the signs of acute cystitis in women especially, because this disease at this stage is easy to recognize. However, we have to admit that of all its possible signs, only one usually causes real inconvenience to patients. Others are recognized as tolerable - especially if the patient has long suffered from some other disease and, so to speak, is accustomed to daily discomfort in the organs of the body.

Acute cystitis is manifested by pulling, aching pains, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and in the pelvis as a whole. It is also possible irradiation of these pains in the sacro-lumbar spine. Therefore, acute cystitis in self-diagnosis is often confused with sciatica, impaired renal function. In order not to repeat this mistake, it is necessary to remember the following differences:

  • pain in osteochondrosis and sciatica is always aggravated by movement and subsides somewhat at rest. With sciatica, they are burning, always clearly localized, arising from careless movement and completely disappearing in immobility. Pain in cystitis does not show such a dependence, but it can increase significantly as the bladder fills and changes in the position of the pelvis. For example, when we lie down, sit down or get up, we turn over on our side;
  • pathologies of the kidneys are certainly accompanied by the appearance of edema, the accumulation of an abnormally large amount of fluid in the tissues. Even if they are of a periodic nature, during periods of exacerbation, we must certainly notice swelling of the eyelids in the morning or of the legs and arms in the middle of the day. All this is accompanied by increased sweating and a relatively small separation of the urine itself. The more liquid we drink with kidney pathology, the more clearly the edema will appear. But cystitis, while it does not affect the kidneys, does not cause edema - as well as sweating. In the same way, it does not affect the amount of urine separated, although it leads to an increase in urge.

In addition to such signs of cystitis in women as dull aching pains, a burning symptom will also be present with every urination. This is a sign of inflammation spreading to or from the urethra. In addition, the urges themselves will become more frequent with us quite noticeably. If normally “nature calls” a person up to a maximum of 10 times a day, then with cystitis this number can “pass” far beyond a hundred. The constant urge to void is the most uncomfortable of the symptoms of acute cystitis, which we mentioned above. An increase in the temperature of the whole body with cystitis is observed, but even in a pronounced acute stage, it is usually insignificant.

In addition to all that has already been said, remember: inflammation in the muscular sac, where urine remains for some time, cannot but affect its composition. With inflammation, it will become cloudy, and opacity will remain behind it throughout the entire period of the disease. In acute cystitis, in the morning portion, whitish, translucent flakes will certainly be noticeable - the remains of the mucosa, the cells of which are now massively dying, causing it to peel off in visible pieces. Blood in the urine is usually impossible to distinguish with the naked eye - as a rule, dyes of red and similar colors are mistaken for it.

But with cystitis, we will not see blood in the urine itself, although it is probably there. But we can see a small amount of blood that is released immediately after urination. Or instead, if the urge turned out to be false, but we continue to make efforts, not realizing that the bladder is simply empty. Also, the acute stage is characterized by the appearance of a putrid odor in the urine - not too strong, but noticeable. It is explained by the breakdown of proteins washed away by urine from the walls of the bladder and urethra - proteins from the membrane cells, as well as leukocytes that die in them, trying to stop inflammation

It remains to add that an acute lesion of the urethra often causes the release of a small amount of pus from it - possibly with an admixture of blood. As well as a focus of inflammation localized around her opening - even with careful personal hygiene. But, firstly, these same signs are characteristic of gonorrhea, and secondly, they may not be. After all, the defeat of the urethra accompanies cystitis in most cases, but not always.

It is important to know and correctly recognize the symptoms of cystitis in women, then the drugs will be used exactly those that can prevent the disease. In case of an error, that is, a misinterpretation of the symptoms, you can start treatment for a completely different disease, then the consequences for the body will be extremely sad.

The most common causes of cystitis in women

The causes of cystitis in women can be bacterial infections or microorganisms that have entered the bladder, the main of which are E. coli, chlamydia, ureaplasma, Trichomonas, Candida fungi and some others. Cystitis may occur due to harmful radiation and as an allergic reaction.

Hypothermia, eating food that irritates the mucous membrane of the bladder (spicy, smoked, salty foods, alcohol), circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs due to a sedentary lifestyle have a provoking effect. The risk of the disease increases with urological operations, pregnancy, constipation, the presence of pathologies of the urethra and prostate gland (in men), diabetes mellitus, menopause.

The cause of cystitis in women cannot be only the presence of any pathogen, predisposing factors from the bladder, the whole organism as a whole and the environment are needed. The traditional cause of the disease is general hypothermia. The resulting decrease in local immunity and a decrease in the body's resistance lead to the active reproduction of microbes and their entry into the bladder. Other contributing factors include general fatigue, beriberi, and frequent viral infections.

Common female diseases include the so-called "honeymoon cystitis". It implies the development of signs of cystitis after defloration, that is, after the first sexual intercourse. This happens if the girl's vaginal microflora is disturbed, which during intercourse leads to the entry of the vaginal microflora into the urethra and bladder. On a honeymoon, rarely anyone refuses sexual activity, even knowing about the possibility of illness, so the disease progresses.

Fast treatment of cystitis in women with folk remedies and herbal medicines

Before treating cystitis in women, it is necessary to see a doctor who will prescribe an examination and select the most effective treatment.

Diagnosis of cystitis is quite easy - symptoms plus general urine and blood tests, a urine culture test, a PCR test for sexually transmitted infections. Additionally, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, cystoscopy, and in some cases an X-ray examination of the urinary system are performed.

Bacterioscopic and bacteriological studies are extremely important not only for diagnosis, but for choosing the only correct treatment regimen for a particular cystitis. Because “healing” cystitis is easy, and curing is simple. Just cure primary acute cystitis. To cure "healed" cystitis is no longer an easy task.

Treatment at home involves bed rest, dry heat on the lower abdomen (a bottle of warm water or a bag of warm millet). To reduce the acidity of urine and get rid of burning sensation, dissolve a spoonful of soda in a glass of boiled water - drink every 3 hours. Plentiful drinking and a diet are necessary with the exception of spicy and salty foods, alcoholic beverages. It is useful to use a decoction of herbs that have a diuretic effect.

Cystitis is easily eliminated by oxidizing the body with enzymes and kvass from bearberry, knotweed, field horsetail, club-shaped quicksand, watermelon peels, adonis, pomegranate, lemon, orange, cranberry, stone fruit. In addition, effective remedies for cystitis in women are enzymes from adonis and gray jaundice to increase diuresis.

It is useful to use herbal medicines for cystitis in women or herbal preparations that you can prepare yourself. Some of them are described below.

  1. Pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons marshmallow roots with 2 cups boiling water and cover. Insist 6-8 hours and strain. Drink ½-2/3 cup of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.
  2. Pour 1 teaspoon of herb orthosiphon staminate (kidney tea) with a glass of boiling water, cover and infuse for 1-2 hours. Drink ½ cup of warm infusion 2-3 times a day before meals.
  3. Collect the flowering grass of the field bark. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of freshly picked grass 2 cups boiling water. Insist, tightly wrapped, 1-2 hours and filter. Drink ½ cup of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.
  4. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves or roots of mullein scepter with 2 cups of boiling water and cover. Infuse for 2 hours and filter. Drink ½ cup of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals. Helps with chronic cystitis as a diuretic.
  5. Take 1 part white acacia flowers and 2 parts couch grass rhizomes. Pour 2 tbsp. collection spoons 2 cups boiling water. Infuse for 2-3 hours or overnight, filter. Drink without dosage 3-4 times a day before meals.
  6. Take in equal parts birch leaves, corn stigmas, couch grass rhizomes, licorice rhizomes and bearberry leaves. Pour 1 tbsp. collection spoon with a glass of cold water and leave for 6 hours. Boil the infusion for 15 minutes and filter. Drink 0.5 tbsp. spoons of decoction per day.
  7. Make a collection: 2 tbsp. spoons of horsetail herb and rhizomes of erect cinquefoil, 8 teaspoons of plantain leaves. Pour 2 tbsp. collection spoons 2 cups boiling water. Infuse for 2-3 hours and filter. Drink the infusion in a warm form, one glass at night. Helps with hemorrhagic cystitis.
  8. In acute cystitis, it is recommended to prepare such a collection: dill seed - 1 tbsp. spoon, bear ears - 2 tbsp. spoons, birch buds - 1 tbsp. spoon, currant leaves - 2 tbsp. spoons, dandelion root - 1 tbsp. spoon, chamomile - 1 tbsp. a spoon. Mix everything, 3 tbsp. spoon collection pour 1/2 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 1/2 hour. Drink the resulting infusion throughout the day.

If you drink this infusion even once, then in just an hour the pain will begin to subside. After the second intake of infusion, the urge to urinate will no longer be so frequent and painful. After the third dose, the patient will no longer detect blood in the urine. Usually on the second day the patient feels well. But you should not stop the treatment you have started. It is necessary to consolidate the results obtained, since untreated acute cystitis then becomes chronic.

How to quickly treat cystitis in women at home: effective remedies

And even if the ways to alleviate acute symptoms below will help us for a while, we must understand that the relief that has come is far from victory and not the end of all our troubles. On the contrary, it is quite likely that this is only the beginning with a far-reaching continuation. But if we now well understand what responsibility this postponement assumes, its organization will hardly harm us in the long run. But now, when we can’t get to the doctor and we also don’t find peace until a visit to him, she can be very useful to us. So, it is not recommended to treat cystitis in women at home on their own, but some measures can be taken to reduce pain and inflammation.

  1. To relieve spasm of the urethra and part of the pain, an ordinary no-shpa is suitable. It must be taken according to the instructions - no more than 4 tablets per day, at regular intervals. As we know, an infusion of valerian root also has a pronounced antispasmodic effect. In this case, it will have to be taken twice, with a difference of half an hour.
  2. Unfortunately, there is no remedy for quick treatment of cystitis in women, but phytolysin and cystone are considered safe, fairly effective and versatile drugs. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions, avoiding independent adjustments. In combination with other drugs and herbal medicine, they give an excellent result in a few days.
  3. Paracetamol and any drug with its addition will help reduce body temperature. Including the famous citramone. You should not choose one of the citramones that contains caffeine. Now the option with the addition of acetylsalicylic acid is more suitable for us.
  4. It must be remembered that the intake of an aqueous solution of food acids is strictly contraindicated in certain types of stones. For example, this should never be done if our cystitis is caused by oxalate stones. However, their reception is even indicated for phosphate and urate stones. At the same time, we take into account that urates are the result of gout - a separate metabolic disease, which is not so easy to deal with.

Phosphates are usually formed as a result of inflammation in one of the sections of the urinary system. But oxalates and organic stones are formed for reasons completely independent of the urinary organs. Oxalates are also the result of a metabolic disorder, a pathology of the absorption of oxalic acid by the body.

As for organic stones, their core is formed by proteins, bilirubin, and other inclusions that are somewhat unexpected for urine. Usually we are talking about a deep, irreversible pathology of the kidneys - organic stones mean that one or both of these organs are on the verge of failure. The appearance of oxalates and organic stones itself provokes the development of inflammation of the urinary tract. And it provokes very quickly - as a rule, within the next six months after the appearance of a stone or sand. Plus, experiments with food acids in a fairly large amount and concentration are prohibited in case of stomach or intestinal ulcers.

Rapid treatment of folk remedies for cystitis in women

Treatment of cystitis in women can also be carried out with folk remedies, for example, in order to provide a quick, relatively safe and effective sanitation of the urinary tract. Ordinary table vinegar or any drinks with a high content of food acids will help with this. From among those, fresh from apples or any citrus fruits, wine, as well as many so-called reconstituted (sold in packaging) juices. Namely, both what is commonly called fruit juice (a drink reconstituted from a dry powder or puree), and some carbonated drinks with a pronounced sour taste and sour fruit / berry aroma. Among them, lemonade and all its variants, fruit drink, "soda" with the taste of cranberries, lingonberries, grapefruit, orange, lemon, echinacea, apple, etc.

A traditional remedy will help reduce inflammation somewhat - a heat source applied to the area from the navel to the pubic bone for at least 15 minutes. In this capacity, a heating pad, a dough heated in a water bath, an ointment with a warming effect, any other option that we deem appropriate will serve us. Including a compress from a decoction or gruel of anti-inflammatory plants (plantain, nettle, chamomile, celandine). It should be borne in mind that the skin on this part of the body is delicate, because it is easy to burn and cause irritation. For example, products containing red and black pepper, mustard, alcohol, etc. Such compresses should be applied only through a layer of tissue or for a very short time - until a clear burning sensation appears.

A relatively quick remedy for cystitis in women is the usual 9% table vinegar from any raw material, which should be diluted with drinking water in a proportion of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar to 1 cup of water. Citric acid is also among the substances suitable for this application. In most cases, 1 teaspoon is enough for 1 glass of water. But at will and taste, the concentration can be increased.

List of drugs for cystitis in women: the most effective remedies

If a woman has symptoms of acute cystitis, treatment for several days is observed with a strict home regimen using medications (antibiotics, sulfonamides, nitrofurans and other antibacterial agents) prescribed by a doctor.

Antibacterial treatment leads to a significant improvement in the condition within 3-4 days.

Since cystitis can cause very serious complications (the infection can spread upward to the kidneys), it is necessary to see a doctor.

With severe pain and painful urge to urinate for the treatment of cystitis in women, No-shpa, Drotaverine or Papaverine, Spazgan, rectal suppositories with belladonna will help. To destroy the infection Co-trimoxazole (Biseptol) for 3 days, 400 mg or 1600 mg once; nitrofurantoin 100-150 mg 3-4 times a day for a week; ciprofloxacin at a dose of 250 mg 2 times a day or floxacin 400 mg / day for 3 days; monural 3 g once; if not working - Fluoroquinolones for 3 days.

Treatment of cystitis in women is carried out with tablets that have a wide spectrum of action and high efficiency, for example, biseptol (2 tablets can be prescribed 2 times a day). After obtaining data from the study of the microflora of urine and its sensitivity, the drug can be replaced. For the treatment of cystitis, nevigramon is used 0.5 g 4 times a day, furagin - 0.1 g 3 times a day. Treatment continues for 5-10 days. If the disease lasts longer and bacteriuria is detected (more than 100,000 microbial bodies in 1 ml of urine), antibiotics should be prescribed.

Such effective medicines for cystitis in women are also prescribed, such as nitrofuran, sulfonamides (etazol 0.5 g 6 times a day), urosulfan 0.5 g 4 times a day, sulfadimethoxine 0.5 g 2 times a day , 5-NOC or nitroxoline 0.1 g 4 times a day, gramurin 0.5 g 3 times a day, antibiotics (levomycetin 0.5 g 4 times a day, oletethrin 0.25 g 4 times a day , ampicillin, ampioks 0.5 g 4 times a day). To eliminate dysuria, oral methylene blue is used in the form of capsules (0.1 g 3-4 times a day) in combination with antispasmodics (no-shpa and papaverine) and painkillers (analgin, baralgin). However, to prevent relapse, anti-inflammatory treatment should be continued for at least 3 weeks.

Nitroxoline tablets are suitable for those who are looking for budget drugs aimed at the effective treatment of urinary tract infections. They are also used to prevent complications during complex treatment or in the postoperative period.

The list of drugs for cystitis in women will be incomplete if it does not include the very popular due to its effectiveness, and at the same time, the inexpensive drug Furadonin. This is an antibacterial drug, the main substance of which is nitrofuran. It copes well with diseases of the genitourinary tract, if you follow the instructions clearly. Reception must be carried out for at least 7 days. Upon completion of treatment with this drug, you need to pass urine for sterility. Furadonin is not suitable for everyone, as it has a number of contraindications, so it should be used only as directed by a doctor.

In addition to drug treatment, the doctor, according to indications, may prescribe a local treatment, in which special solutions are introduced into the bladder that have the ability to inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, for example, furatsilin 1: 5000 for 10-14 days, as well as instillations of sea buckthorn oil, seeds into the bladder wild rose, antibiotic emulsions, as well as physiotherapy: UHF, thermal procedures, inductothermy, mud applications, iontophoresis.

What antibiotics are prescribed for cystitis in women: a list of drugs

What antibiotics for cystitis in women are prescribed by doctors most often, this will be discussed further.

One of the proven, effective and safe in terms of side effects is the drug Monural, which is suitable even in emergency cases of treatment of this disease. Once in the circulatory system, it is immediately absorbed and enters the kidneys unchanged. That is why the effect after taking it should be immediate.

If cystitis is severe, you will need to use this antibiotic twice.

The next good remedy is Ciforal, which acts at the level of the bladder mucosa. The tablets themselves are produced in the form of granules with medicinal components. They quickly dissolve in water, and when they enter the body, they kill E. coli that provoked the appearance of cystitis.

The list of antibiotics used for cystitis in women should also include Ciforal Solutab, which has a bactericidal effect. It inhibits the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, regardless of how the drug is used - before or after a meal.

Such pills for cystitis in women, like Augmentin, are also antibiotics with a wide range of actions, that is, in addition to cystitis, they treat other diseases, so they are often prescribed by doctors. This drug has proven its effectiveness in various inflammatory and infectious diseases, but only a doctor can prescribe it based on tests and symptoms of the disease.

Candles for the rapid treatment of cystitis in women

Can help with cystitis in women and suppositories with belladonna extract or papaverine, introduced into the rectum. Popular suppositories Hexicon, Betadine, Genferon, which are very often prescribed for the treatment of this disease. They relieve the pain associated with the infection and eliminate it. But they need to be used in complex treatment, otherwise they may not have the desired effect, especially with delayed treatment.

Candles Macmirror have a wide range of actions, they relieve inflammation, destroy microbes, are non-toxic and with a minimum set of side effects. They are very popular with physicians and are among the most prescribed.

For quick treatment of cystitis in women, Bifidumbacterin suppositories can be used to increase immunity, replenish the body with vitamin B, and stimulate the strengthening of the mucous layer in the bladder and intestines.

No matter how effective pills for cystitis in women are, quick treatment may not be in all cases, because each organism is individual. Take prescribed medications exactly as directed by your doctor. Do not interrupt the course of treatment.

What to take to treat acute cystitis in women at home

Diet is given great attention in acute cystitis. Food should not irritate the stomach: it is necessary to exclude from the diet everything spicy and spicy, alcohol, foods that can cause constipation, and include vegetables, fruits, a large amount of fermented milk products rich in lactobacilli, which prevent the recurrence of inflammatory reactions. A plentiful warm drink is recommended, which helps to remove bacteria and inflammation products from the bladder. Kidney tea, decoctions of bearberry and corn stigmas are very helpful in this. It is useful to drink compotes, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, slightly alkaline mineral waters. These drinks contain biologically active substances that contribute to the formation of the right amount of mucus that covers the membrane of the bladder and prevents the recurrence of cystitis.

Rosehip infusion, cranberry juice, compotes, weak tea with milk or lemon, kissels, juices are useful. Liquids should not be very sweet. The introduction of a large amount of liquids dilutes the urine and thereby reduces its irritating effect on the inflamed wall of the bladder, promotes the washing out of bacteria, pus, and mucus. What can not be taken for acute cystitis in women, unlike chronic, is mineral water, because they have increased mineralization and irritate the edematous bladder wall.

Of course, it is good if you are treated with herbal remedies, you can use bearberry (bear ears), horsetail, lingonberry leaf, knotweed, kidney tea, etc.

During the treatment of cystitis in women at home, thermal procedures are shown, for example, it can be heating pads on the bladder area or sitz baths using St. John's wort, chamomile, oak bark, etc. To prepare a bath, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials, pour a glass of hot water, insist on a water bath for 20 minutes, strain and pour into a bowl of warm water. It is important to remember that such procedures should be exactly warm, not hot, that is, the temperature that affects the diseased organ should not exceed 37.5 ° C. Failure to comply with this condition leads to an additional violation of microcirculation in the inflamed bladder. Thermal procedures are prescribed only after establishing the cause of difficulty urinating.

Your doctor may prescribe UHF, inductothermy, iontophoresis with silver ions and nitrofurans.

But it is impossible to inject drugs directly into the bladder in any case!

Treatment of acute cystitis usually lasts 6-10 days, and after the end of the course of treatment, you need to follow a diet and drink herbs for another 2-3 weeks.

When it is necessary that home treatment of cystitis in women quickly help, and the disease recedes, making it possible to fully enjoy life, it is recommended to resort to washing the bladder with warm solutions of 2% boric acid, ethacridine furacilin, introducing 1–2% collargol, sterile vaseline oil, fish oil, antibacterial drugs. With a pronounced difficulty in urination, in addition to antispasmodics, the patient is prescribed microclysters with a 2% warm solution of novocaine. In severe cases, presacral novocaine blockade is done. With severe pain that does not stop, the use of narcotic drugs is permissible.

Medicines for cystitis in women are often made on the basis of herbal ingredients, in addition, the effectiveness of herbal preparations has been proven.

Fast treatment for symptoms of chronic cystitis in women with pills and more

If chronic cystitis occurs frequently in women, its roots must be sought in the liver and the state of the nervous system. Chronic cystitis is much more difficult to treat.

The method of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, its cause and the nature of the course. Patients with chronic cystitis do not need to be referred to a medical hospital.

In chronic cystitis, the doctor selects the treatment individually for each patient, there can be no general recommendations here. If the disease is detected at an early stage and treatment is started on time, then in most cases cystitis completely disappears within 2-3 weeks.

Treatment in women of chronic cystitis in advanced cases lasts longer - from six to nine months, while the one who gets sick must be persistent and consistent in treatment. Moreover, having started treatment, you will now have to spend most of your free time on the elimination of this disease.

With secondary cystitis, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the cause of inflammation - to remove a tumor, a foreign body, a stone from the bladder, to eliminate the narrowing of the urethra, etc.

If a woman has symptoms of chronic cystitis and this is confirmed by the appropriate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics, sulfonamides, chemical preparations, but first of all, washing the bladder and infusing medicinal substances into it, as well as physiotherapy procedures. Of the physiotherapeutic agents, the doctor can offer you ultrasound treatment, phonophoresis of drugs, inductothermia, electrophoresis of antibiotics and antiseptics, iontophoresis with silver ions, mud applications on the bladder area.

In chronic cystitis, antibacterial treatment is prescribed only after bacteriological examination and determination of the sensitivity of the microflora to antibacterial drugs. For adults and older children, the bladder is washed with a solution of furacilin at a concentration of 1: 5000 and solutions of silver nitrate at increasing concentrations of 1: 20,000; 1:10000; 1:1000. Procedures are done within 10-15 days. Lavage is especially useful for patients with impaired bladder emptying.

Instillations are also used - infusions into the bladder of rosehip seed oil, sea buckthorn, emulsions of antibiotics. The duration of the course of treatment is 8-10 procedures performed daily or every other day. The choice of medication, as well as the course time, depend on the severity of the inflammatory process and the condition of the bladder mucosa, determined during cystoscopy.

Antibacterial therapy for chronic cystitis is carried out for 3-4 weeks. Then, for a long time (from 3 to 6 months), nitrofurans or bactrim are prescribed. When positive results are achieved, the medication is stopped. In the first 6 months, it is necessary to do a monthly bacteriological examination of urine in order to detect infection, in order to repeat the course of anti-inflammatory therapy if necessary. In children, urine cultures with sterile urine should be done every 6 to 12 months until puberty (the time of puberty).

In women with symptoms of chronic, especially interstitial cystitis, treatment is difficult and therefore it is recommended to use antihistamines and hormonal drugs, such as hydrocortisone and prednisolone.

In the treatment of chronic cystitis, the patient's food should be complete in terms of protein and vitamins. This suggests that there are practically no restrictions on the diet. You can eat boiled meat and fish, cottage cheese, cheese, wholemeal bread (which contains a lot of vitamin B1, useful in the treatment of chronic cystitis). You can eat vegetable soups (shchi, borscht), buckwheat porridge. Vegetables, fruits, berries, especially cranberries, lemons, oranges should be your friends during the treatment. All freshly made juices are very useful. A good diuretic is tea with milk, green tea, rosehip infusion. Boiled milk, which causes constipation, is better not to drink yet. In general, it is best to avoid all foods and drinks that irritate the urinary tract and can cause them to swell. Such dishes and drinks include alcohol, sauces, seasonings, smoked meats, canned food. You don't need to over-consume salt.

Treatment of chronic cystitis in women lasts quite a long time, the symptoms disappear more slowly than in the acute form of this disease. The prognosis for the recovery of the patient is less favorable than in acute, and depends on the course and outcome of the underlying disease. First of all, the treatment of chronic cystitis is to eliminate the causes that caused chronic inflammation. In addition, it is aimed at restoring disturbed urodynamics, eliminating foci of re-infection, removing stones, etc. Positive results can be obtained only with long-term complex treatment and the complete elimination of factors predisposing to the disease. In the case of complications of acute cystitis with vesicoureteral reflux, the infection may spread upward with the development of cystopyelonephritis.

Physiotherapy is prescribed to patients to improve the blood supply to the bladder wall. These are procedures such as:

  • UHF procedures,
  • inductorermia,
  • iontophoresis with nitrofurans,
  • antiseptics,
  • electrophoresis of various medicinal solutions,
  • mud applications.

It is recommended to repeat physiotherapy every 3-4 months together with 3-4 instillation procedures. After them, a control cystoscopy is mandatory. If chronic cystitis is accompanied by a persistent alkaline reaction of urine, then the patient can be recommended sanatorium treatment in Truskavets, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Borjomi.

In addition to the above methods, infusion therapy, diathermy are possible, and vaseline oil, fish oil, silver preparations, hydrocortisone, methyluracil should be used as enveloping agents.

Also prescribed for interstitial cystitis are pre-vesical, presacral and intra-vesical novocaine blockades, stretching of the wrinkled bladder under anesthesia. With cicatricial wrinkling of this organ, surgical operations are performed: uretero-ureteroanastomosis, unilateral nephrostomy, ureterosigmoid anastomosis, ileocystoplasty.

Antibacterial therapy in the case of trigonitis is ineffective. With an accompanying cicatricial sclerotic process in the urethra, which often occurs in older women with low levels of estrogen in the blood, bougienage (mechanical expansion and stretching of the urethral opening) allows you to open a large number of ducts of the periurethral glands, contributing to a better outflow of their contents and easing the symptoms of trigonitis. The antiseptic agents collargol and protargol are injected into the urethra, estrogens are prescribed.

Treatment of chronic cystitis in pregnant women is somewhat different from traditional therapy. If a woman suffers from chronic cystitis, then it is very likely that it will worsen during pregnancy. During this period, a woman's hormonal background changes, the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, and the body's immunity decreases. All this creates conditions for exacerbation of cystitis. It is not recommended throughout pregnancy, and in the first trimester you simply cannot take any medications, with the exception of vitamins and herbal preparations.

Why is it dangerous to quickly perform home treatment of cystitis in women

When wondering how to treat cystitis in a woman, it is highly not recommended to prescribe medications on your own, especially without knowing the cause of cystitis, you should not buy antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. Why is it dangerous? First, the imaginary patient may not have an infection as such. Secondly, most antibiotics (even a broad spectrum) are rather narrowly specialized. And they may not affect the desired process at all. Thirdly, whether or not they will affect the existing symptoms remains a question. But the fact that they will form resistance in the pathogen (if there is one) is not a question, but a fact.

In no case should you arbitrarily, without a doctor's prescription, buy and use drugs administered by douching. After all, if an infection has become the cause of our cystitis, its path is probably ascending. And when flushing the bladder, we will only help the fluid to spread higher - it is likely that to the ureters and kidneys.

That is why, in order not to harm your health, it is best to resort to the help of a specialist and not engage in amateur activities, because this is fraught with unforeseen consequences and health complications.

Prevention of cystitis in women

With information about the causes and symptoms of cystitis in women, treatment can be avoided in general due to the absence of the disease itself.

Early detection and elimination of all diseases that violate the emptying of the bladder is very important. To prevent cystitis, it is necessary to empty the bladder as often as necessary, drink at least 8 glasses of fluid per day. You need to shower at least once a day. Women should wash first from the front and then from the back to reduce the chance of bacteria getting from the anus to the urethra. In daily wear, preferably cotton underwear and no tight trousers. Clothing should be warm and comfortable.

If a woman’s work is sedentary, you need to take a break every hour and a half and just stand or walk at a slow pace for 5 minutes. With constipation, it is necessary to include more vegetables, fruits and rough fibrous foods in the diet, take laxatives. If you have to eat something very spicy, a lot of fried, pickled or sour, it is better to drink such food with a good portion of water or juice. In general, you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, so that the bladder is emptied and washed more often.

Take a shower instead of a bath. After sexual intercourse, it is necessary to urinate (to wash out the bacteria that have fallen on the opening of the urethra before they begin to multiply).

It is necessary to prevent prolonged cooling and hypothermia of both the whole organism and its individual parts. You can’t sit on stones and other cold objects, wash yourself with cold water, swim in cold water, wear out-of-season clothes, etc. vaginal infection, thereby preventing it from entering the urinary tract.

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