Two types of possible causes of pink discharge in women. Pink discharge in women

Many girls and women look forward to the arrival of menstruation. This period always manifests itself in different ways. Although there are features that can be repeated, but even they are not completely similar. Discharge from the genital organs is individual. For some, the first days of menstruation are unpleasant and painful, with a huge amount of blood discharge. Others do not notice the bad at all and live without paying attention to menstruation. A change in the color of mucus during menstruation can be a sign of something bad. You always need to know what to do.

Menstruation - regular menstrual cycles of female mammals, which are characterized by flaking of the outer mucous layer of the uterus - the endometrium. Since there are blood vessels under the layer, the separation of the endometrium exposes them and menstruation becomes a period when the vessels are damaged and begin to bleed - hence the discharge.

Depending on the lifestyle, menstruation is normal or with deviations. If the lifestyle is healthy (sports, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle and the absence of bad habits), then menstruation is regular and is characterized by a certain type of mucus. But if in a woman's life there are excess weight, unhealthy food, bad habits, irregular rest and stress, then the menstrual period passes with problems - an irregular menstrual cycle and discharge that are not like those that should be normal. It is worth remembering that the nature of the discharge, as well as the characteristics of menstruation, may depend on heredity.

Reason or nothing serious?

Pink discharge instead of menstruation is an occasion to pay attention to the course of menstruation. Allocations can have different shades and density. Shades can range from light pink to deep rose red. There is a logical explanation for the process - from time to time the amount of blood in the secretions may change. Thus, the more blood, the brighter and more saturated color of the discharge. Individual predisposition and characteristics also affect the color of the liquid.

The so-called "pink periods" make women think - it's worth going to the doctor. However, the selection may be of other colors, which is also not normal:

  • brown mucus;
  • white highlights;
  • pink discharge;
  • curd masses.

“Pink periods” can cause panic in some women. They say that particles of blood are mixed with the mucous membrane of the vagina. This happens during periods and before they start, so before you worry, study the literature or consult your doctor about this problem. Pink discharge is not something dangerous, but sometimes it is a loud alarm, especially when it appears:

  • the day before the onset of menstruation;
  • while taking hormonal drugs;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • when the spiral is uncomfortable for the vagina;
  • during ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

The most common causes

If a woman is pregnant, then pink mucus may appear during the first time of pregnancy. This is a sign that the fetus has attached itself to the walls of the uterus. These symptoms indicate that there will be no menstruation, and the woman became pregnant. Such symptoms are not abnormal and are typical. Also called implantation bleeding. Bleeding is usually mild and may be light brown, pink, or light pink.

The so-called "false" menstruation during pregnancy is safe. False menstruation is menstruation that began at a specific time (coinciding with the period of menstruation), but during the onset of pregnancy. Most of the signs of menstruation (especially pain in the lower abdomen) are also present at this time. But remember that if you do not have false menstruation, this does not mean that problems have begun in the body. Each organism is individual.

The above symptoms during pregnancy do not last long and pass quickly. But if they are delayed or regularly repeated, then you still need to consult a doctor to eliminate the risks of miscarriage. They may also indicate that a foreign body is present in the vagina.

The presence of an intrauterine device (IUD) in the vagina can also cause pink discharge, but is safe. Contact of the coil with the mucous membrane of the vagina may cause some bleeding, but it is not dangerous. An alarm will be bleeding, which intensifies and does not stop. This suggests that the spiral harms the mucosa and it is necessary to remove it, or take action.

Taking hormonal drugs can cause the presence of pink vaginal discharge. Since scientists have not yet fully investigated the effect of hormonal drugs on the human body after prolonged use, pink masses after taking such drugs may indicate that the mucous membrane is changing its structure and it is necessary to keep the intake under control. You may have to stop taking these drugs, replacing them with others.

Discharge may appear during ovulation in the middle of menstruation. It is worth regularly checking the body temperature during this period and monitor changes. In the same simple way, you can determine the onset of pregnancy and its course in the first few weeks (6-8 weeks). Mucus usually appears a day before the onset of menstruation.


Allocations that indicate diseases can also be pink. It may be one of the following diseases:

  • infections;
  • inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • oncology;

Such symptoms do not go away on their own and there is no point in waiting for everything to end. Regular visits and consultations with a gynecologist will help maintain health for a long time and everything will be fine.

In order to feel confident, it is important for every girl or woman not only to look good, to be fashionably and beautifully dressed, but also to be healthy. Including the well-being of the sexual and hormonal spheres. A regular monthly cycle, normally passing menstruation speak of the body's ability to conceive and bear a healthy child. Any deviation from the usual picture can provoke stress. When suddenly instead of menstruation, you need to see a doctor for examination and advice.

A pink vaginal secret should be understood as the removal of bloody secretions from the uterine cavity. They are clots, fragments of the mucous membrane, rejected in the process of bleeding. Full bleeding occurs for three to seven days.

There are always individual characteristics: a daub in the first or last few hours of menstruation, a different nature of staining of the separated secret. The color may have a pinkish tint and change to brown in the later stages of the process. In many women who have regular bleeding - menstruation, that is, who are of childbearing age, the monthly cycle differs in some features:

  • a few days before bleeding, the so-called daub appears;
  • in the last hours or day, the discharge also has a pale color;
  • “Harbingers” of menstruation may have a smearing character;
  • the amount of pink discharge is abundant or, conversely, very small.

So, the normal menstrual cycle of a woman in duration should coincide with the lunar month and take an average of twenty-eight days. As a variant of the norm, a duration of twenty-three to thirty-five days can be considered. It should be remembered that the menstrual cycle includes one bleeding and one intermenstrual break.

The duration of bloody discharge should not be less than three and more than seven days. Allowed two to three days before the onset of the expected menstruation and for the same period after normal bleeding. Possible or having a light shade, but with streaks of blood or mucus.

Reasons for changing the nature of the discharge

The intermittent nature of the discharge during menstruation can be very young girls whose cycle is just being established. In other cases, the following factors can affect the hormonal regulation of women's health:

  • nervous stress;
  • physical overload;
  • emotional stress;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • surgical interventions;
  • change and power errors.

It is necessary to pay attention to another reason for various violations in the normal course of the monthly cycle - this is pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs, the cessation of menstruation is not always observed. If fertilization occurs at a time close to the next menstruation, then a certain amount of pinkish discharge may form. They look like daub, can be from pale pink to dark brown. Possible admixture of a large amount of mucus. If there is a lot of such a secret, then often women take such discharge for the next menstruation, and then they may incorrectly inform the doctor about the term of conception.

Neuro-emotional overload negatively affects women's health. Not only the nervous system, but also the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle falls under the first blow. The timing of the next bleeding begins to shift, or they occur at too short intervals. Allocations can become plentiful, debilitating, prolonged. The lack of adequate assistance in this case can lead to physical exhaustion, anemia, and neurasthenia.

Excessive physical activity inevitably leads to a decrease in body fat, which is so necessary for a woman to maintain a balance of hormones. If such exercises are also combined with diets, especially poor in carbohydrate composition, low in fat, then the consequences will be as follows:

  • a change in the nature of the discharge from full bleeding to a daub;
  • decrease in the intensity of bleeding up to their cessation;
  • lack of ovulation, therefore, of childbearing ability.

Sometimes fluctuations in the intensity of emissions occur under the influence of climatic factors, for example, a sharp change in the climatic zone or abnormal temperatures.

Hormonal means of both a contraceptive nature and those not related to sex hormones inevitably affect the overall metabolism in a woman's body. Any intervention with the use of such drugs can affect the nature and intensity of discharge during menstruation. The number and color of menstruation can also change when such therapy or contraceptives are canceled.

Changes in the composition and quantity of hormones circulating in the blood cannot but affect such a delicate process as the menstrual cycle.

Operations on organs with hormonal activity can also negatively, at least at first, affect the work of the female reproductive system. Here it is necessary to mention not only the ovaries, uterus, but also the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands. in due time may begin with the fact that the discharge will be smeared for several days. Such a daub will continue for two to three cycles, then everything should return to normal.


Any abnormal discharge, both in terms of the nature of the staining and the timing of the onset, the duration of bleeding, should always alert a woman or girl who is attentive to her health. Women need to listen to the signals of their body. We must not forget about proper and nutritious nutrition. Diets containing a minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates must be used very carefully and for a short time. It is much more effective to fully eat constantly, make up your diet according to adequate physical activity.

Physical and emotional activity is also needed in amounts that do not deplete the body's resources. Preventive, regular examinations by a gynecologist will help to suspect possible problems in the early stages, which will be the key to good women's health.


A woman's stable menstrual cycle is a sign of the health and normal functioning of her genitals. The arrival of a new menstruation speaks of stability, but sometimes upsets by the absence of a long-awaited event. These red discharges indicate a failed pregnancy. But what if you have not red, but pink leaks. What are they talking about?

In some cases, menstruation turns pink

Pink discharge: special signs

If you have pink periods on the first day of your period, then this is not a reason to sound the alarm. But why did this happen? Consider the most common reasons why you have a pink daub instead of menstruation.

  • Individual feature. Talk to your female relatives. After all, all the features of the menstrual cycle are transmitted through blood ties. If someone in the family had such an individual trait, then you will have pinkish periods. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the increased secretion of the vagina.
  • Youthful discharge. In adolescence, girls aged 14-17 years are developing a monthly cycle and their periods may differ in their color and abundance from discharge in mature women. Until a normal hormonal balance is established, the girl will have a pink daub.
  • Harbingers. Sometimes pink blood that appears before your period indicates that your period will begin soon. The same way they can end. This may be an individual feature.
  • Consequences of sexual intercourse. It happens that menstruation is a couple of days late, but instead you had sex with your loved one. In the case of pink discharge, you should think about how you went through this process. Maybe you chose a position that was too deep, or your partner's movements were too abrupt. This can provoke microcracks or damage to the walls of the vagina. The released blood will mix with the vaginal secretions and you will see a pink discharge.
  • Use of contraceptives. It happens that due to the intake of oral contraceptives in some women, the menstrual cycle may go astray. Sometimes periods don't come at all. But, most often, the discharge simply reduces its abundance and saturation. Contraceptives tend to suppress ovarian function, and some potent drugs can even cancel them altogether. In the first months of taking the drugs, such a daub is possible. But, this is not allowed in 100% of women. Such phenomena occur when using an intrauterine device. It also disrupts the normal hormonal background, like contraceptives. Sometimes it grows into the walls of the uterus, and the implantation process can cause spotting. At the exit you will have a pink daub. In this case, you need to take a test for the state of the hormonal background.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. If you notice that instead of menstruation you have a daub, then you should pay attention to a number of other health factors. Maybe you have been experiencing stabbing pains in the lower abdomen or pulling sensations for a long time. There may also be changes in the structure and abundance of secretions. For example, they became dark brown or curd. There may be an odor or itching. All these side symptoms indicate that a deviation is definitely occurring in the body or a pathological disease is occurring.

I would like to understand why a pink daub stands out instead of the usual menstruation. Due to microcracks or any other reason discussed above, blood is released. Naturally, it is naturally red in color, but as it passes through the vagina, it mixes with mucus. It turns out the substance is bright or pale pink. It all depends on the ratio of substances in the secretions.

Oral contraceptives may affect periods in unexpected ways

Delay in pink discharge

Sure, you might have pink discharge, but what if it's not your period? The time has come, but this does not mean that you will begin your period. What is this? Delay? If during the expected period you have a delay and scanty pink discharge, then you need to take a pregnancy test. Do not look for complex causes and pathologies. If the test result is negative, then it is worth looking for the cause elsewhere.

After passing the test and seeing two stripes, do not hesitate - you are pregnant. A positive test is often not wrong. But, if in doubt, consult a doctor or take an hCG test.

Such manipulations will help you verify the veracity of the test. Pregnancy is the most rational explanation for pink leaks. The condition and health of the unborn child is normal if such leaks appear after examination by a gynecologist. During pregnancy, pink discharge after a doctor's appointment is considered the norm. But, if they continue for a long time, then this indicates violations.

Pregnancy test is rarely wrong

Pathological changes in the body

If the test result is negative and all of the above reasons are not about you, then this negative result indicates the possible occurrence of serious diseases in the body. Think about additional symptoms you may have been experiencing lately.

  • Headaches and menstrual migraines.
  • Pain in the pelvic area.
  • The selection changes color to brown.
  • Change in the structure of secretions (curd, the presence of impurities of pus).
  • Clear discharge during menstruation.
  • Bad smell.

Pink discharge instead of menstruation, given these factors, indicates serious abnormalities in the body. Among the probable diseases may be cervical erosion, endometritis, vaginal candidiasis and others. In this case, it is better to immediately seek a diagnosis from a doctor and undergo an appropriate course of treatment.

By the nature of vaginal discharge, it can be determined whether a woman has any deviations in her reproductive health. There are significant differences between normal and pathological secretions, and by the shade of the discharge, their smell and appearance, one can more or less reliably assume what kind of violation is present in the genitals. The appearance of pink discharge before menstruation indicates damage to the smallest vessels and a small amount of blood entering the mucus. The reason for this may be not only a disease, but also a completely natural process.


When pink leucorrhea is the norm

Ordinary discharge from the genital tract is colorless or white. During the cycle, their consistency is unstable, which is associated with a change in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone. The discharge may appear slightly creamy, yellowish, or pinkish in color. This is due to the individual characteristics of the composition of the microflora of the vagina, the acidity of the mucus, and blood clotting. The shade also appears when a woman uses certain medications and even products. But the main signs of the norm are the absence of an unpleasant odor and heterogeneous consistency in the discharge (they should not have lumps, blood clots, foam).

Pinkish mucus at different periods of the cycle

To understand when pink whites are normal, you need to know in what period they appeared, whether they are related to menstruation or any physiological processes occurring in the body. The appearance of pink discharge is considered the norm in the following cases:

  1. If they occur 2-3 days before menstruation. At this time, the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) loosens and begins to flake off little by little. The color of the spotting secretions depends on how quickly the blood coagulates, how many vessels are damaged. Menstruation begins when the endometrium is completely shed.
  2. In adolescents during the formation of the menstrual cycle, it is quite possible for such whites to appear on the eve of menstruation (and even instead of them) within 2 years from the onset of puberty.
  3. Smearing pink discharge after menstruation appears due to the remnants of menstrual blood getting into the mucus. If a woman's uterine contractions during menstruation are strong enough, then there may not be such secretions.
  4. Before menstruation, approximately in the middle of the cycle, pink discharge may appear, the color of which is due to the ingress of blood droplets into them when the follicle shell breaks at the time of ovulation. The process is natural and painless, should not cause any anxiety.
  5. If a woman has a delay, and instead of the expected menstruation, scanty pink leucorrhoea suddenly appears, this may be a sign of pregnancy. Traces of blood appeared as a result of a slight damage to the endometrium at the time of the introduction of the embryo.
  6. After childbirth, the occurrence of pink whiteness before menstruation may be the norm, a consequence of the restructuring of the hormonal background, returning it to its normal state. But such staining often speaks of pathology: the presence of poorly healed tears in the cervix.
  7. The norm is the appearance of pink daub before and after menstruation, as well as in the middle of the cycle, if a woman takes birth control pills. They suppress ovulation by changing the hormonal levels. This restructuring affects the state of the endometrium, blood vessels. The body adapts to the action of hormones within 2-3 months. If the discharge does not disappear after this, becomes reddish, dark brown in color, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist about changing the contraceptive.
  8. If an intrauterine device is used as a contraceptive, then its hormonal effect on the body is similar, in addition, a mechanical effect on the mucous membrane is possible. If the pinkish daub turns into bleeding, then the spiral is removed.

Warning: The appearance of pink leucorrhoea after a delay in menstruation should not be ignored. If a woman plans to conceive, then she must definitely consult a doctor, since blood impurities in the secretions in such a situation can be a harbinger of the termination of a pregnancy that has just begun. Timely treatment will help to save it.

Physiological causes

Pink leucorrhoea may appear before menstruation if a woman lifts weights, overloads her body during sports training, or is very nervous. Stress affects the state of the hormonal background.

Pink leucorrhoea after intercourse often occurs due to vaginal dryness. But the reason is also more serious. The presence of contact bloody whites sometimes becomes a sign of diseases of the cervix, endometriosis, malignant tumors.

Vaginal dryness is one of the main symptoms of menopause. If a woman does not use a special gel, then damage to the superficial vessels and the formation of pinkish mucus during sexual contact is possible.

Addition: Women aged 45 years and older should be especially attentive to the appearance of any unusual (especially bloody) discharge, since menopausal hormonal shift significantly increases the risk of exacerbation of previously appeared gynecological diseases, prolapse of the uterus, and the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Video: Causes of blood after sex

When to see a doctor

The appearance of pathological pink discharge before menstruation, as well as on other days of the cycle, should alert the woman. In this case, only a doctor, by examining various laboratory and instrumental methods, will be able to say exactly what the cause of the pathology is and how to treat it.

An unusually thick color of pink discharge, turning into brown, the presence of bloody streaks in them, dark clots indicates diseases of the uterus.

An increase in the intensity of whiteness, a transition from pink to scarlet or bright red are signs of uterine bleeding, which cannot be the norm in any case.

A bad smell, a greenish tint of pink whites, indicate the presence of an infection in the genitals. Unlike normal, pathological discharge irritates the skin of the external genital organs, causes itching and burning in the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen. With uterine bleeding, acute pain, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Video: Causes of bloody whites in the middle of the cycle

Pink discharge as a sign of pathology

Pinkish-brown discharge before menstruation, as well as between them, may indicate diseases of the uterus or ovaries (inflammatory processes, hyperplasia, polycystosis, polyposis, papillomatosis, and others). Endometrial diseases are directly related to the processes of the cycle and menstruation.

Endometritis. The inflammatory process occurs when bacteria and viruses enter the uterine cavity from the external genitalia. This is facilitated by a weakening of the immune system, a violation of the microflora of the vagina, and non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. The appearance in pinkish secretions of impurities of pus, foam indicates the development of sexually transmitted infections (gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas).

Endometriosis. With this disease, a pathological proliferation of the functional layer of the mucous membrane occurs. Damage to the vessels causes pinkish-brown spotting before and after menstruation, as well as bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

Myoma of the uterus. If its nodes grow in the cavity or in the wall of the uterus, then damage to small vessels inevitably leads to staining of the whites, their transition to uterine bleeding.

Diseases of the cervix(erosion, leukoplakia, mucosal dysplasia, cancer) are the cause of tissue damage and vascular bleeding.

With a careful attitude to her health, a woman can notice signs of such pathologies in time, start treatment and avoid the appearance of many complications.

The slightly acidic environment of the vagina and its natural microflora prevent the development of pathogens that enter from outside. Protection against penetration of the infection further into the uterus and ovaries is the mucus in the cervix. In a healthy woman, the removal of mucus to the outside is a normal physiological phenomenon. Its appearance only changes in different phases of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, the appearance of watery discharge in a woman is the norm. But sometimes they are caused by serious diseases, the success of treatment of which depends on timely diagnosis.


What can cause natural liquid discharge in women

The consistency and volume of secretions vary depending on the stage of the cycle. The density of the mucus produced by the glands of the cervix depends on the ratio of female sex hormones that ensure the production and maturation of eggs. Immediately after the end of menstruation, a “dry” period begins. The content of estrogen is minimal, the mucous plug is the most dense, there are almost no discharges.

As estrogen levels rise and the egg matures, the discharge becomes more watery, and by the time of ovulation, the discharge has the consistency of egg white. The lowest density is observed within a few days after ovulation (the release of a mature egg from a protective bladder). The liquid consistency of the medium ensures the free passage of sperm towards the egg, as well as its further movement into the uterus. In this phase, the estrogen content decreases, the main role is played by progesterone, whose function is to provide conditions for the further development of the embryo.

For better fixation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, its epithelial layer swells and loosens. At the same time, the fluid content in the tissues increases. All this leads to the appearance of a transparent liquid discharge from the genitals in a woman. At the end of the menstrual cycle, the mucus begins to thicken. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium (epithelial layer) is rejected, menstruation occurs, and a new cycle begins.

Thus, the appearance of liquid, like water, odorless secretions closer to the middle and in the second half of the cycle is a physiological norm. At the same time, the woman does not experience any discomfort.

Liquid, like water, discharge can also appear in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during sexual intercourse (due to an increase in the volume of natural lubrication during sexual arousal);
  • as a result of frequent change of sexual partners (due to changes in the microflora of the vagina);
  • with hormonal changes, the cause of which may be the lack of a regular sexual life, protection from pregnancy, as well as the use of hormone-containing drugs and antibiotics;
  • due to stress, climate change, affecting the biochemical processes in a woman's body, including the production of hormones.

Video: What role do transparent discharges play before menstruation

Watery discharge during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, progesterone levels remain high. This prevents the maturation of new eggs, and the embryo is firmly held in the uterus. Therefore, watery discharge usually does not occur.

At 12-13 weeks, an increase in the concentration of estrogens begins, which ensures the creation of new fetal cells and prepares the woman's body for childbirth (the state of the tissues of the cervix changes, the mucous plug liquefies). The appearance of watery discharge in women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is natural if they are colorless, odorless, not accompanied by burning, itching.

At the end of pregnancy, liquid, like water, discharge appears due to the mixing of mucus with urine. The uterus and fetus put pressure on the bladder, as a result of which it does not close completely.

When watery discharge during pregnancy is a sign of pathology

Dangerous symptoms in women are:

  • the appearance of watery discharge from the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor (putrid, sour or fishy);
  • green, yellow, gray color (indicates the presence of bacteria);
  • brown or red discharge (signs of internal bleeding);
  • irritation and itching of the skin in the perineum, burning in the vagina;
  • foamy or other unusual structure of secretions;
  • temperature rise;

These signs may indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes, infection with sexually transmitted infections. There is a threat of miscarriage or complications during childbirth, there is a high probability of infection of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.

Addition: If a woman does not have all these formidable signs, but the discharge, like water, is yellow and has a sweet smell, this may indicate fluid leakage from the fetal bladder. This condition is dangerous in the middle of pregnancy, it causes premature birth, fetal death. At the very end of pregnancy, leakage indicates the onset of labor.

What diseases in women cause liquid discharge

The cause of watery discharge can be inflammation and infection of the genital tract, uterus and appendages.

Salpingoophoritis- inflammation in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result, damage, engorgement and scarring of the mucous membrane occurs, and tissue edema occurs. There is a narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes, a violation of their patency. It is difficult to capture the eggs and move them through the tubes to the uterus. The fluid released in the areas of inflammation accumulates in the uterine cavity and comes out in the form of abundant mucous secretions.

If the inflammation is not treated, then it becomes chronic, while the discharge thickens, acquires a green-yellow color due to the admixture of pus.

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis). This disease is associated with the reproduction of pathogenic gardnerella microbes in the vagina due to a violation of the natural microflora. The cause of the violation can be improper douching, change of sexual partners (unprotected sex), use of unsuitable contraceptives, use of antibiotics.

Inflammation further spreads to the uterus and appendages. A characteristic sign of gardnerellosis is watery, often yellow discharge with a fish smell.

Note: Gardnerella in moderate amounts is normally always present in a woman. Dysbacteriosis contributes to their enhanced reproduction.

Candidiasis (thrush)- fungal infection of the vagina. The reproduction of fungi present in the microflora occurs due to dysbacteriosis. This causes vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) or vulvovaginitis (simultaneous damage to the external part of the genital organs). At the same time, the discharge from a woman is of a curdled appearance, has a sour smell. There is a strong burning sensation, swelling of the genital organs, general weakness. It becomes painful and frequent urination.

Video: Symptoms and treatment of thrush

Cervical erosion. The causes of erosion are diverse: inflammatory and infectious diseases, trauma to the cervix during abortion and childbirth. Mucous fluid discharge may have blood impurities. In the advanced stage, they become mucopurulent.

Cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervix, often accompanying erosion. There is a great danger of infection spreading along the ascending path to the uterus and appendages.

Cervical cancer. Abundant secretions, liquid, like water, appear due to the fact that lymph seeps through damaged tissues.

endometritis- a pathology associated with excessive growth of the inner lining of the uterus, its spread into the tubes and even into the abdominal cavity. This disrupts the processes associated with the work of the ovaries, and the production of hormones. Watery discharge has streaks of blood, an unpleasant odor. They intensify before menstruation, appear immediately after them.

Venereal diseases(causative agents are sexually transmitted). These include: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and others. The discharge in the initial stage is profuse, watery, with an unpleasant odor. The consequences in women are extensive inflammatory processes with severe complications. Both sexual partners should be treated at the same time.

Video: Diseases in which pathological vaginal discharge occurs

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