Folk expectorant for cough for children. Expectorant folk remedies for children: recipes for treatment. Room temperature and air humidity

Rules for the preparation and use of expectorant folk remedies.

Almost any, even chronic cough, can be cured by selecting the right expectorants.

Despite the abundance of medicines that can be found in pharmacies, they do not always help better than completely natural ones. folk remedies from quite accessible to everyone and very inexpensive components.

It is worth noting that most drugs that stimulate sputum discharge or thin it are also prepared on plant-based.

Classification of expectorant natural remedies

Products that stimulate expectoration differ in the principle of action

Reflex expectorants

The principle of action of this group of drugs is a moderate irritating effect of alkaloids or saponins on the receptors of the stomach, stimulating the reflex excitation of the center vagus nerve in the medulla oblongata. As a result, the secretion of the mucous glands in the bronchi increases and liquefies, and the contraction of the peristalsis of the bronchial muscles is stimulated. The viscosity of sputum decreases, it easily comes out and passes inflammation.

Expectorant herbs of reflex action

  • the most effective expectorant reflex action consider an extract or infusion of thermopsis. It is very effective in emphysema and chronic bronchitis;
  • source root is used when meager allocation thick mucus associated with inflammation of the bronchi (contraindicated in inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract);
  • marshmallow root, elecampane and cyanosis - in chronic bronchitis or tracheobronchitis, have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the intensity of coughing.
  • licorice root - with shortness of breath and bronchospasm, severe bronchitis, "smoker's cough";
  • sage officinalis is used in the fight against "wet" cough;
  • coltsfoot leaves.

Any of the above means is quick and easy to use. In the people, an expectorant is prepared in this way: per liter hot water(not boiling water) take two tablespoons of any of the above dry plants and insist for several hours (preferably in a thermos or wrapped in a thick towel), optimally - during the night. accept herbal infusion between main meals, one glass three times a day.

Separately, it must be said about licorice root- it can also be used for inhalation (together with chamomile flowers), or by regularly chewing dried roots.

Note: reflex expectorant herbs have one significant feature: by stimulating the vomiting center medulla oblongata may cause nausea and vomiting.

Resorptive expectorants

Means of this group are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and, being released through the mucous membrane of the bronchi, liquefy the masses of secretion in the bronchi. The mechanism of action of iodine-containing agents is the breakdown of sputum proteins, due to this - its liquefaction.

Eucalyptus oil and other essential oils, thyme herb, anise fruits and iodides act directly in the respiratory tract, causing coughing, and remove phlegm from the body.

pine buds treat acute bronchitis with increased formation of thick sputum, as they do not increase the amount of sputum, but thin it and increase immunity in the bronchi.

Thyme used in cases with dry cough and difficult sputum discharge, as thyme herb has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect.

Universal expectorant folk remedy - eucalyptus

Generally, essential oils are used in the form of inhalation, in some cases - inside. One of the ingested plants is eucalyptus. A decoction is prepared from its leaves in the above proportions and used according to the same principle. In addition to expectorant action, eucalyptus leaves alleviate the condition of the patient during the flu.

Essential oil eucalyptus is added to the mass for inhalation. It also helps with wet (in combination with oil) tea tree), and with a dry cough (in combination with chamomile).

It is possible to carry out inhalations both with the use of an inhaler and without it. To do this, pour a decoction of chamomile or calendula into a saucepan and add expectorant oil. But people think that better than potatoes there is no means for inhalation. It is on boiled potatoes that it is recommended to drip eucalyptus, rosemary, pine or fir oil.

Expectorant folk remedies from improvised products

The above herbal remedies used both in the people and in medicinal medical preparations("Gedelix", "Gerbion", "Tussin"). However, herbs are not always available, what to do in this case?! There is a solution: there are edible expectorants that can be easily found and prepared at home.

Onion Cough Relief

To give the bow maximum effect for expectoration and cleansing respiratory tract, people are advised to prepare remedies with onions for coughing with the addition of honey. To prepare the remedy, you need to finely chop 500 grams of peeled onion, put it in a saucepan, add 400 grams of sugar there and pour a liter of water. Boil for three hours on the smallest fire, let it cool and put 50 grams of honey into the resulting product. Honey must be added only to the chilled mixture, otherwise it loses medicinal properties.

Apply onion remedy for coughs, five tablespoons a day after meals at regular intervals. You can use it for five days.

Banana: " Ambulance» with annoying cough

Yes, you read that right: even overseas sweet treats have such an important expectorant property. A folk remedy is prepared as follows: two medium bananas are ground through a sieve, a homogeneous puree should be obtained. Dissolve two tablespoons of sugar in 150 ml warm water, and pour sweet water bananas. Take after meals.

Kalina - excellent tool when coughing

Cough resulting from colds is successfully treated with medicinal decoction from viburnum with the addition of honey. The proportions are as follows: 1 liter hot boiled water, 1 tablespoon chopped ripe berries viburnum. Pour viburnum with water and boil for no more than 10 minutes on the smallest fire. Stir and strain through a sieve, while all the pulp does not need to strive to remove. Add 3 tablespoons of honey to the decoction, mix and drink three times a day at regular intervals.

You need to be very careful with viburnum for people with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with reduced blood pressure.

Black radish - expectorant for adults and children

Since ancient times, black radish has been used in folk medicine to thin and stimulate sputum discharge. white radish does not fit.

How to prepare the remedy

Remove the top from a thoroughly washed, but not peeled radish, remove a third of the contents from the root crop, and put three teaspoons of honey into the resulting “cup”. Put in a glass, and put it in a warm place for three hours. The juice that is released from the radish is an effective expectorant, which, moreover, is sweet and rather pleasant in taste. Thanks to the taste and mild action of the radish, it can be given even to small children. The doctor prescribes the dosage for children, and for adults it is usually enough three times a day for 1 tablespoon of juice.

These were the most common expectorant folk remedies, time-tested.

On the initial stage diseases at correct reception These funds help very quickly. But in advanced cases cough, with a viral or bacterial attack, they may not be enough.

Almost anyone, even chronic cough, can be cured by the selection of the right expectorants.

Despite the abundance of medicines that can be found in a pharmacy, they do not always help better than completely natural folk remedies from completely affordable and very inexpensive components.

It is worth noting that most drugs that stimulate sputum discharge or thin it are also prepared on a plant basis.

Classification of expectorant natural remedies

Products that stimulate expectoration differ in the principle of action

Reflex expectorants

The principle of action of this group of drugs is a moderate irritating effect of alkaloids or saponins on the receptors of the stomach, stimulating the reflex excitation of the center of the vagus nerve in the medulla oblongata. As a result, the secretion of the mucous glands in the bronchi increases and liquefies, and the contraction of the peristalsis of the bronchial muscles is stimulated. The viscosity of sputum decreases, it easily comes out and passes inflammation.

Expectorant herbs of reflex action

The most effective expectorant of reflex action is an extract or infusion of thermopsis. It is very effective in emphysema and chronic bronchitis;

The root of the source is used for poor secretion of thick mucus associated with inflammation of the bronchi (contraindicated in inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract);

Marshmallow root, elecampane and cyanosis - in chronic bronchitis or tracheobronchitis, have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the intensity of coughing.

Licorice root - with shortness of breath and bronchospasm, severe bronchitis, "smoker's cough";

Salvia officinalis is used in the fight against "wet" cough;

Leaves coltsfoot.

Any of the above means is quick and easy to use. Among the people, an expectorant is prepared in this way: two tablespoons of any of the above dry plants are taken per liter of hot water (not boiling water) and infused for several hours (preferably in a thermos or wrapped in a thick towel), optimally - during the night. Take herbal infusion between main meals, one glass three times a day.

Separately, it must be said about licorice root- it can also be used for inhalation (together with chamomile flowers), or by regularly chewing dried roots.

Note: reflex expectorant herbs have one significant feature: by stimulating the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata, they can provoke nausea and vomiting.

Resorptive expectorants

Means of this group are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and, being released through the mucous membrane of the bronchi, liquefy the masses of secretion in the bronchi. The mechanism of action of iodine-containing agents is the breakdown of sputum proteins, due to this - its liquefaction.

Eucalyptus oil and other essential oils, thyme herb, anise fruits and iodides act directly in the respiratory tract, causing coughing, and remove phlegm from the body.

pine buds treat acute bronchitis with increased formation of thick sputum, as they do not increase the amount of sputum, but thin it and increase immunity in the bronchi.

Thyme used in cases with dry cough and difficult sputum discharge, as thyme herb has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect.

Universal expectorant folk remedy - eucalyptus

Generally, essential oils are used in the form of inhalation, in some cases - inside. One of the ingested plants is eucalyptus. A decoction is prepared from its leaves in the above proportions and used according to the same principle. In addition to expectorant action, eucalyptus leaves alleviate the condition of the patient during the flu.

Eucalyptus essential oil is added to the mass for inhalation. It helps with both wet (combined with tea tree oil) and dry coughs (combined with chamomile).

It is possible to carry out inhalations both with the use of an inhaler and without it. To do this, pour a decoction of chamomile or calendula into a saucepan and add expectorant oil. But people believe that there is no better remedy for inhalation than potatoes. It is on boiled potatoes that it is recommended to drip eucalyptus, rosemary, pine or fir oil.

Expectorant folk remedies from improvised products

The above herbal remedies are used both among the people and in medicinal medicines ("Gedelix", "Gerbion", "Tussin"). However, herbs are not always available, what to do in this case?! There is a solution: there are edible expectorants that can be easily found and prepared at home.

Onion Cough Relief

In order for onions to give the maximum effect for expectoration and cleansing of the respiratory tract, people are advised to prepare cough remedies with onions with the addition of honey. To prepare the remedy, you need to finely chop 500 grams of peeled onion, put it in a saucepan, add 400 grams of sugar there and pour a liter of water. Boil for three hours on the smallest fire, let it cool and put 50 grams of honey into the resulting product. Honey must be added only to the chilled mixture, otherwise it loses its medicinal properties.

Use an onion cough remedy five tablespoons a day after meals at regular intervals. You can use it for five days.

Banana: "ambulance" with annoying cough

Yes, you read that right: even overseas sweet treats have such an important expectorant property. A folk remedy is prepared as follows: two medium bananas are ground through a sieve, a homogeneous puree should be obtained. Dissolve two tablespoons of sugar in 150 ml of warm water, and pour bananas with sweet water. Take after meals.

Kalina is an excellent cough remedy

A cough resulting from colds is successfully treated with a medicinal decoction of viburnum with the addition of honey. The proportions are as follows: 1 liter of hot boiled water, 1 tablespoon of crushed ripe viburnum berries. Pour viburnum with water and boil for no more than 10 minutes on the smallest fire. Stir and strain through a sieve, while all the pulp does not need to strive to remove. Add 3 tablespoons of honey to the decoction, mix and drink three times a day at regular intervals.

You need to be very careful with viburnum for people with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with low blood pressure.

Black radish - expectorant for adults and children

Since ancient times, black radish has been used in folk medicine to thin and stimulate sputum discharge. White radish is not suitable.

How to prepare the remedy

Remove the top from a thoroughly washed, but not peeled radish, remove a third of the contents from the root crop, and put three teaspoons of honey into the resulting “cup”. Put in a glass, and put it in a warm place for three hours. The juice that is released from the radish is an effective expectorant, which, moreover, is sweet and rather pleasant in taste. Thanks to the taste and mild action of the radish, it can be given even to small children. The doctor prescribes the dosage for children, and for adults it is usually enough three times a day for 1 tablespoon of juice.

These were the most common expectorant folk remedies, time-tested.

At the initial stage of the disease, with the correct intake of these funds, they help very quickly. But in advanced cases of cough, with a viral or bacterial attack, they may not be enough. If the cough does not go away within three days, be sure to consult a doctor.

Take advantage of the unique information on how to remove mucus and phlegm from the bronchi and lungs to cleanse the body with folk remedies at home.

Phlegm in our lungs accumulates with mucus, which is not needed by the body. And it understands this. Therefore, he tries to clear himself through a cough. But not every cough is considered a disease. So the body is protected from dust that gets into the air, and foreign bodies. Oh, how much dirt we draw into ourselves, if, for example, up to 15,000 liters of air enters us per day! Now calculate how much more soot, soot, microorganisms and gaseous substances settle on the airways. And then the cough appears, ready to protect them and cleanse them, from the depths respiratory system pick up mucus and expel it.

100 ml of liquid is allowed in the respiratory tract - this is the norm. When the walls of the bronchi become inflamed, the secretion of fluid (mucus) not only increases, but also becomes viscous, viscous. That's why he coughs heavily, with laziness.

What is needed for this? Herbs that will thin this mucus. So that, as doctors say today,. And we say that when you cough it is good to expectorate. Okay, it's not that important. The main thing is the effectiveness of the funds that are offered.

Folk recipes for expectoration of sputum (mucus)

For example, in the East, already in antiquity, they knew how to remove mucus from the bronchi and sputum from the lungs, using herbs that are now used in the manufacture of Pertussin, Mukaltin, Bromhexin, Potassium Iodide, etc. And we have a healing wealth in the form of medicinal plants from the land where we live. This is a plantain healer, a coltsfoot healer, a thyme fighter against colds, an intercessor for ailments of various licorice and a magical, elecampane that gives strength. You can buy the fees at the pharmacy or collect them yourself in bunches, and then mix them, and make teas from them. When the cough is dry, you creak with it. It breaks the chest, but does not remove sputum. Then we turn to the wisdom of the people in search of an expectorant.

Recipe 1 Elecampane

Be sure to keep dry elecampane roots at home, which help to remove sputum and mucus from the lungs and bronchi. Take one, with a little finger, and fill it with half liters of hot water (not boiling water). You can also add a slice of lemon to it. And how warm it will become, and a honey spoon (to taste). Drink for a few days every time you enter the kitchen, instead of coffee and tea.

Recipe 2 Thyme

Pour a handful of thyme cold water and let it boil. Lower the heat slightly and let it simmer for another five minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and, covering yourself with a towel, carefully inhale the steam. Then, when it decreases, the broth can be drunk like a light tea, diluted with boiled water. After such an “internal steam room”, immediately go to bed and cover yourself well. Thyme is generally unique.

Recipe 3 Expectorant collection

To prepare this infusion, you need to buy herbs in the market.

  1. Liquorice root. Grind and take from it 2 tablespoons.
  2. Thyme. It is sold in bundles. Grind with your hands and take 1 tablespoon.
  3. Plantain. Chop the leaves and take 3 tablespoons to collect.
  4. Altey. Chop the roots. Add 1 tablespoon to the collection.

We take from the collection 2 tablespoons and pour a liter of boiling water. Wrap up to cool down gradually. You need to drink a glass three times a day. Phlegm liquefies under the onslaught of such an infusion and is easily coughed out. Effective Recipes " ".

Recipe 4 Onions and garlic will get rid of phlegm

Don't forget about the onion and garlic:

  • peel the onion and mix with honey, eating a spoonful immediately after eating;
  • rub the garlic (3 cloves) and mix with warm milk (1 tbsp), and then boil and drink a third of a glass at the end of each meal.

Recipe 5 The drink will bring out the mucus - hold on to it

A delicious drink, in the form of an expectorant, helping to get rid of phlegm and mucus. It is also recommended for tuberculosis:

  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • cocoa (1 tablespoon).

We grind these two products to a homogeneous consistency. Pour in milk (1 tbsp) and boil. Allow to cool slightly and then add good oil(1 tablespoon). You need to drink this drink every day. He is very efficient.

Recipe 6 Vegetables in compresses to remove mucus and sputum

Good expectorant compresses, which are required for dry coughs.

  1. Grate the radish. Place a clean white cotton napkin on the chest, spread the radish on top. Then cover with oilcloth and insulate. It will become warm, then the oven will start. Keep no more than 15 minutes to avoid burns. Remove the compress and wipe the skin with a dry towel. After this procedure, it is better to lie in bed under a warm blanket.
  2. Spread cabbage leaves with honey and apply to the chest. On top of a white cotton rag. Then dodge the oilcloth and a warm handkerchief.

Information you need to know "".

Recipe 7 Goat fat and honey will remove sputum

A prescription will help remove sputum and mucus from the lungs. Buy goat fat at the market. Melt it and lubricate the chest well, then insulate. Drink hot milk at the same time goat fat and honey. After this procedure, you need to stay in bed, so it is better to do it at night. Not everyone will like it, but health is worth a lot. Tell all those in need how to remove mucus and phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. Expectorants should also be used for prevention.

Choose your methods and recipes for treatment. Just don't forget to ask your doctor for a diagnosis. And the doors of the Centennial will always be open for you! Health and happiness!

According to statistics, every inhabitant of the planet gets sick more than once a year and most often overtake colds, runny nose, cough. During a cough, it is important that phlegm is removed to clear the airways, so let's look at what traditional medicine methods exist to help prevent the problem. There are many folk expectorants, which are most often used in the form of decoctions and infusions and contain collections of various medicinal herbs.

Expectorant folk remedies: what they can be

There is currently great amount traditional medicine recipes that can help clear a person's respiratory tract from sputum. At the same time, financial costs are minimal, and the effect often exceeds advertised medications.

Usually, infusions are used to prevent coughing. various herbs, rubbing, inhalation, other treatment options, in the preparation of which are used natural ingredients. It should be noted that during the course of the disease in acute form it is strongly recommended to combine traditional medicine recipes with the use of traditional medicines.

When complimenting traditional medicines and traditional medicines, it is imperative to consult your doctor to avoid an increase (decrease) in the effect of drugs.

  • Traditionally recipes with dry or wet cough contain herbs (licorice root, coltsfoot, oregano, thyme, etc.) and are used as decoctions. Also, natural expectorant components are onions, which have a wide range actions, including anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.
  • Honey is widely used in folk medicine. Due to its composition, honey has an excellent bactericidal effect and does not allow bacteria to multiply. With a disease of the respiratory tract, honey can also be used orally and inhaled on its basis.
  • Honey syrup with the addition of horseradish (in a ratio of one to one) is an excellent expectorant medicine, including during pregnancy. At the same time, it is worth noting that this recipe should not be used by people who are allergic to honey. It is also worth consuming foods that contain in large numbers vitamin C (viburnum, lemon).
  • Helps get rid of sputum and inhalation based on iodine, with the addition of soda and ethereal eucalyptus oil. You can use rubbing based on alcohol and turpentine. The rubbing process is best done before going to bed, after which it is immediately warm to hide and sweat.

Onion Remedy: Powerful Medicine for Adults, Children and Pregnant Women

For achievement good effect onions as a means to clear the respiratory tract ethnoscience recommends using with honey. To prepare the recipe you will need:

  • Onion (0.5 kg);
  • Sugar (400 grams);
  • Honey (50 grams);
  • Water (1 liter).

For cooking, you need to finely chop the onion, place it in a saucepan, add sugar, water. Boil this mixture for 3 hours over low heat. Then cool and add honey. Consume only after meals, 5 tablespoons for several days.

How Bananas Cure Coughs and Bronchitis: A Simple Good Recipe

Currently, traditional medicine offers recipes based on bananas. For cooking you will need:

  • 2 bananas (medium size);
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 cup water (150 grams).

Rub bananas through a sieve until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Dissolve the sugar in the water in a saucepan. After cooling the mixture, add bananas to it and drink the resulting composition after meals for several days.

An effective remedy with radish and honey to thin sputum

Radish is a recognized remedy for phlegm that has been used for generations of people. Radish is used only black. The upper part is cut off from the fruit, about a third of the inside is removed and 2-3 teaspoons of honey are placed in the resulting space.

For convenience, the radish is placed in a glass and placed in a warm place (for example, on a windowsill). After about 3-4 hours, juice begins to stand out, which should be used as an expectorant. it strong medicine with a mild taste, children will like it, because the resulting juice is sweet and smells good.

Herbal expectorants at home

Currently, in folk medicine, a huge number of herbs are used that do an excellent job of removing sputum from respiratory organs. Herbal recipes are used mainly in the form of decoctions and infusions.

  • As a herb, you can use licorice root, coltsfoot, thyme, oregano, Altai. We take 2 tablespoons of any herb (dry), pour it with a liter of hot water (at the same time, the water should not be boiling) and insist the resulting mixture for several hours (usually 1.5-2 hours is enough). You need to drink an infusion of herbs in the amount of one glass at a time, no more than 3 times a day. You need to use the infusion between the main meals.
  • An excellent option for getting rid of phlegm in the upper respiratory tract is the use of eucalyptus. It has a pronounced antiseptic, analgesic quality. To prepare a tincture (decoction) from eucalyptus leaves, you must use the same proportions as with other herbs (about 2 tablespoons per liter of water). It is noteworthy that eucalyptus leaves can bring relief from the flu.

Video about the fight against phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tract using folk recipes

Listed folk medicines can be added for a long time. The most important thing is that they help you put your health in order and strengthen your immunity so that no cough prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest.

Unfortunately, colds are frequent companions our life. It is worth spending quite a bit of time in the cold wind, as a cough immediately begins. A dry type of cough causes particular discomfort. It is accompanied by a feeling of tightness of the mucous membrane of the throat and its irritation. In order to get rid of this disease, it is necessary to free the airways from sputum accumulated in them. For this, traditional medicine offers many recipes based on safe natural remedies. But remember that you can start treatment only after visiting your doctor.

In what cases is it necessary to resort to the use of expectorants?

In the respiratory tract of a person, sputum is constantly formed, even if in this moment he is absolutely healthy. She performs protective function and necessary for normal functioning organism. During the course of the disease, the amount of sputum increases many times over. It becomes more viscous and can be dangerous. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of it.

The use of specialized expectorant formulations helps to speed up the excretion of such a secret from the body. Such agents are especially effective in the treatment of bronchitis in acute or chronic form, sinusitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, as well as bronchial asthma.

Only if you promptly remove sputum that accumulates in the respiratory tract, you can quickly get rid of pathogenic bacteria and improve bronchial patency. And this means that the disease will recede in the shortest possible time.

Herbal expectorant recipes

From ancient times medicinal herbs helped a person cope with many diseases. But in our time, their benefits are invaluable. There are many proven recipes for safe and fairly effective expectorants:

  • 1. Licorice. This plant of the legume family is excellent at helping to cope with various inflammatory, as well as infectious diseases upper respiratory tract. In addition, licorice root contains substances that help lower blood cholesterol levels. It is worth remembering that the use of this plant is contraindicated in people suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as with a pronounced deficiency of potassium in the body. It is strictly forbidden to use licorice during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

In order to prepare an effective expectorant, it is necessary to pour 10 grams of chopped dried licorice root with a glass of boiling water. Put the resulting mixture on water bath and heat for 20 minutes. Then the remedy must be infused for at least two hours. Then it remains only to strain it and dilute the resulting liquid with clean warm water up to one glass. It should be taken one tablespoon four times a day.

  • 2. Mother and stepmother. In addition to an excellent expectorant effect, this plant also has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. A contraindication to taking funds based on coltsfoot is individual intolerance. In addition, you should not use this plant during pregnancy, as this can provoke a miscarriage.

For the preparation of an expectorant, pre-crushed leaves of the plant are used. A tablespoon of prepared raw materials must be poured with one glass of boiling water. The resulting composition should be heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. In this case, you need to constantly stir the product. After that, the composition can be removed from the heat and insisted for 45 minutes. The resulting product will only have to cool and dilute a small amount boiled water. The decoction should be taken one hour before the next meal, at least twice a day.

  • 3. Elecampane. To cure diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a decoction from the rhizome of this medicinal plant. In addition, it has a choleretic, antiseptic, hemostatic and diuretic effect. It is not recommended to use this plant for people suffering from diseases. of cardio-vascular system or kidneys, as well as during pregnancy.

For cooking healing agent you will need to pour one tablespoon of the crushed rhizome of the plant with two glasses clean water. The resulting mixture should be put on a slow fire and heated for 15 minutes. After this, the product can be cooled and carefully filtered. It is necessary to take such a medicine every hour for a couple of tablespoons.

  • 4. Altey. This plant has been used since ancient times to treat bronchitis, tracheitis and other respiratory diseases. It has an expectorant and analgesic effect. Contraindications include only individual intolerance, pregnancy and chronic constipation. In addition, one should not get carried away with such treatment for people suffering from diabetes. It is also not recommended to use marshmallow long time as this can lead to nausea and vomiting.

To prepare an expectorant, you will need marshmallow root. Half a tablespoon of chopped root should be poured with 500 milliliters of clean boiled water. This mixture must be infused for a day. After that, it can be filtered and taken in a dessert spoon at least 4 times a day.

Effective expectorants based on vegetables and fruits

The simplest vegetables and fruits that every housewife has in the house can also help get rid of a hated cough.

  • 1. Bow. In order to cook effective medicine you need to grate one onion medium size. Add a tablespoon to the prepared slurry bee honey. After you thoroughly mix the components, the tool will be ready for use. It should be taken one teaspoon after meals.

There is one more no less effective recipe onion based. Chop up one small onion. Mix it with a little sugar. Pour the resulting mixture with water and put on a slow fire. You need to boil such a remedy for three hours. After that, it can be cooled and mixed with honey. This medicine should be taken after meals.

  • 2. Garlic. Chop three large cloves of fresh garlic. Fill the resulting slurry with a glass cow's milk. Put the prepared mixture on a slow fire and heat to a boil. The resulting remedy must be divided into three doses and drunk throughout the day. It is best to consume it after meals.
  • 3. Fuck. To prepare an expectorant, you will need to squeeze the juice from one horseradish root. Then mix it with an equal amount natural honey. The resulting composition should be consumed three times a day in a small amount.
  • 4. Radish. A product prepared on the basis of radish has long been famous for its healing properties. It is great for getting rid of mucus. But only black radish is suitable for these purposes. It must first be peeled and cut off. upper part. Carefully take out about a third of the pulp so that it looks like a cup. Fill the resulting cavity with honey. So that the radish does not turn over, you can put it in a glass. Put it away for a while in a dark, warm place. Within four hours, juice will begin to secrete from it, which will be the medicine.
  • 5. Banana. This fruit is not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy. Based on it, you can prepare an effective expectorant. To do this, grind two medium-sized ripe bananas into gruel. At the same time, mix half a glass of clean water with two tablespoons of sugar. Heat the resulting mixture over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the composition has cooled, you can add banana puree to it. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. This medicine must be taken after meals.
  • 6. Raisins. A decoction of raisins will help get rid of a dry, annoying cough. In order to prepare it, you need to grind 150 grams of dried fruit and pour it with a glass of boiling water. The prepared mixture should be put on medium heat and heated for half an hour. After that, the remedy can be filtered. It should be consumed one glass before meals.
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