The impact of water on human health. Information function of water. General characteristics of the balneological resources of Belarus

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of drinking water for disease prevention?
  • What are the benefits of water for skin and beauty
  • Is water good for weight loss?
  • What water is useful
  • How strong is the benefit of spring water for the human body

A person can live much longer without food than without water. But the liquid not only supports our life, it has a huge healing power which was well known in ancient times. But what is the benefit of water for humans? It does not contain vitamins and many minerals, but often has an effect on the body. beneficial action. What is the secret here? Let's try to figure it out.

Useful functions of water

Water in the human body performs the following functions:

  1. Dissolves minerals and nutrients- vitamins, amino acids, etc.
  2. Carries electrons around the body.
  3. It is directly involved in the process of thermoregulation of the body.
  4. Promotes muscle work.
  5. plays leading role in digestive system person.
  6. Without water, it is impossible to safely remove the body's waste products, including toxins.

This list is endless. Basically, every single system human body to varying degrees dependent on the liquid. It is in some way the fuel that our body runs on. Scientists and doctors are well aware of this, and therefore they do not get tired of repeating the benefits of drinking water for human health.

Benefits of water for disease prevention

  • hardening.

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent trouble than to deal with its consequences later. The same applies to disease prevention. A strong immune system protects a person from many ailments. Swimming, dousing and cold and hot shower. Short-term cooling followed by rapid heating - better way hardening has not yet been invented. That is why going to the bathhouse or sauna is so good for strengthening health. If you prefer a contrast shower, do not forget to rub yourself with a damp washcloth or rough towel after it.

Everyone who tried to pour cold water, knows: the body then literally begins to burn. This is the warm-up, which strengthens the immune system. If you quickly alternate heat and cold, you can achieve a much greater effect. It is worth plunging into the hole after a hot bath, and then running into the steam room again - and you get the feeling that you were born again. No wonder our ancestors considered the bath a remedy for any ailments and even old age.

  • Drink.

The benefits of pure water for the human body are undeniable. Scientists have long proven that people regularly water drinkers in small sips, have very strong immunity. Moreover, their skin looks better, and their weight is almost always normal. If you drink water in small portions throughout the day, the condition will improve. internal organs, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and the risk of stroke or heart attack is significantly reduced.

Thanks to the water spinal cord starts working as efficiently as possible. It is also useful for hematopoietic systems bone marrow, because it does not allow to develop serious illnesses blood.

Some people don't take it well abrupt change climatic conditions, for example, during business trips, vacations, etc. The immune system fails, and a person can get sick. To avoid similar troubles Again, water helps, drinking which well stimulates the immune system.

With the help of water, dead cells of foreign infections are removed from the body. That is why doctors strongly advise drinking warm water with acute respiratory infections and others infectious diseases. Body poisoning level dead cells decreases, the remainder medicinal substances washed out - and the person recovers much faster.

Water fills the lungs with oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

Without fluid, body heat exchange is impossible. The human body cools down in extreme heat through perspiration.

However, the benefits of drinking water for the human body do not end there. It is a source of vivacity and energy, as it contributes to a deep healthy sleep, starts rejuvenation processes in the body, accelerates recovery reactions, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic and circulatory system, cleanses and strengthens the bronchi and lungs.

Benefits of water for skin and beauty

Cosmetic skin care without the use of liquid is unimaginable. However, water not only cleanses the skin, it trains the body and has a good effect on the nervous system - which is most beneficial for the appearance. Hygiene rules have long been part of our everyday life. Today it is difficult to find a person who would not perform daily water procedures.

For the skin to be healthy and look young, its stratum corneum should be approximately 20% water. As soon as this figure is halved, the skin becomes dry and rough.

Previously, scientists believed that the skin was moisturized exclusively by sweat and sebaceous glands. And if they do not work at full capacity, this immediately affects appearance person. Then it turned out that even if dry skin is regularly treated with oily cream, it will not become normal. Moreover, even oily skin may well be dehydrated. And for its proper hydration, many different substances are required.

It is necessary to start fighting the aging process in time and carry out appropriate procedures on a regular basis. To keep your skin healthy, you need to:

  • sleep well;
  • lead active image life;
  • protect the skin from the sun;
  • eat properly;
  • devote time to physiotherapy, which affects the biochemical processes of the skin;
  • use quality cosmetics.

The health benefits of water are undeniable. But no less obvious is the fact that this is not always the case. For example, a tap liquid saturated with calcium, magnesium and some other elements only harms the skin of the face, drying it out, making it rough, flaky and causing inflammation. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to use tap water for facial care - especially for people with dry, thin and sensitive skin.

To prevent premature aging dermis, use pre-boiled water for washing. If you let it settle, it will become much less rigid. And melt or rain water will give the skin a velvety texture.

And, most importantly, learn how to wash. The following statement may sound somewhat paradoxical, but not all people do it right. The meaning of washing is that the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin swell and are rejected along with the remnants of sweat, dust and dirt that have settled on them. If during water procedures patting and stroking the skin, the cleansing effect of the water is enhanced. In addition, the blood begins to run faster through the veins, the metabolism accelerates, and the skin tone improves.

Best to wash with water room temperature: in this case, the blood rushes to the skin, which improves the nutrition of the latter.

The benefits of water for the human body lies primarily in the fact that it is irreplaceable source nutrients and energy. Fluid flowing through cell membranes, can be compared with water masses that make the turbines of a power plant rotate. without her enough our body simply will not be able to "work" in full force. That is why you need to drink more. Moreover, preference is given not to tea or coffee, juices or lemonades, but to purified water. Only she is able to supply the body with the amount of fluid it needs.

The beauty of our skin largely depends on this. Cells that do not receive enough water stop producing new energy and begin to use previously accumulated reserves.

Elasticity and smoothness skin, his healthy look are also directly dependent on water, which supplies the cells with the necessary useful substances. Consuming a small amount of liquid, you make your skin starve, which most negatively affects its health.

If you want to look young, have a beautiful and smooth skin- drink regularly clean water. Believe me, no cosmetics will help improve complexion if the body does not receive enough fluid.

Benefits of water for weight loss

The benefits of water for the human body also lies in the fact that its reasonable consumption helps to get rid of excess weight. But dehydration significantly reduces the rate of fat burning. In addition, a person whose body does not have enough fluid (and, therefore, oxygen) gets tired much faster.

What is the purpose of drinking water?

  • By burning fat, the end products of metabolism are released. They need to be removed from the body, which is what water does.
  • Liquid dissolves food and stimulates work digestive enzymes. If the body has enough water, it absorbs nutrients better.
  • Adequate hydration ensures the transport of nutrients to the tissues and cells of the body.
  • The benefits of water for the human body lies in the fact that a sufficient amount of it stimulates the burning of calories and reduces the feeling of hunger. Those who drink enough, want to eat less, and this contributes to weight loss.

Scientists have found that if the body is low on fluid, it often interprets thirst as a lack of food and sends signals to the brain that coincide with hunger impulses. As a result, a person, instead of just drinking a glass of water, begins to "jam" thirst, which leads to the deposition of fat in problem areas. But it is necessary in such a situation to satisfy the body's need for fluid - and the feeling of hunger will disappear by itself.

  • If a person who wants to lose weight drinks cold water, he will thereby force the body to spend energy on maintaining normal temperature body. According to research results, two liters cold water cause an additional burning of 123 kcal per day.
  • The body, adequately provided with water, better tolerates physical activity. Tone muscle tissue in this case, it is easier to support, training is more successful, muscle pain after strength exercises almost not felt.

To prove the benefits of water for the human body, scientists conducted an experiment. It was attended by 48 people who were divided into two groups. People from the first category observed healthy regimen meals and 20–30 minutes before each meal, they drank two glasses of water. Participants of the second group adhered only to the diet.

Three months later, it turned out that each of the members of the first team managed to lose about 7 kg, while the successes of people from the second group were somewhat more modest, and they lost about 5 kg in weight.

The scientists also found that optimal amount liquids for a healthy person - 1.5-2 liters per day. Moreover, it is not recommended to drink water during a meal - just like within an hour after a meal. This can lead to disruption of the digestive process.

What water is useful

Natural water cannot be absolutely pure. It necessarily contains certain impurities: gases, bacteria and fungi, organic compounds and simple microorganisms. Such a liquid can be fresh, mineral and salty - depending on its saturation with salts. Drink only fresh and mineral water. Salty not only does not benefit the human body, but also causes direct harm to it.

Without fresh water entering the body, dehydration begins - which is deadly for human health. Fluid is vital for us. A person needs about 2-3 liters of clean water per day, or 30-40 ml per 1 kg of body weight. If it is hot outside or we are experiencing increased physical activity, its amount should be increased by 1–1.5 liters.

Fresh water can be obtained by us from the tap or from natural sources. AT recent times special bottled water is sold in stores. Everyone decides for himself which liquid and for what needs he will use.

There are the following types of water, in varying degrees, useful to humans:

  • spring;
  • thawed;
  • boiled;
  • mineral;
  • distilled.

Sea and lemon water deserve special mention. Let's talk about each type of water in more detail.

The benefits of spring water for the human body

The advantages of spring water are as follows:

  • It has a properly balanced chemical and physical composition of the elements.
  • Gives people who drink it strength and energy.
  • Contains a large number of oxygen.
  • Has natural qualities.
  • Does not need boiling or chlorination.

Some believe that spring water has some magical properties. Of course, this is not so, but it brings great benefits to a person, scientists have a common opinion on this matter.

In order for the use of spring water to have a beneficial effect on the body, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations. The main thing is to take water from trusted sources. Approach the spring carefully so as not to accidentally pollute it. Some keys hit rather weakly, and it may take a considerable amount of time to fill a container with water. The benefits of spring water for humans are undeniable, but it should be remembered that it quickly loses its healing properties and cannot be stored for a long time. You need to drink it for a maximum of several days.

Really, really useful sources do not meet very often. If you mistakenly take the most ordinary reservoir for a spring and draw water there, it is easy to harm your health. Such fluid may be contaminated coli or harmful bacteria, contain pesticides or radionuclides, contain arsenic, lead, mercury or other hazardous chemical compounds. In order not to take risks in vain, you need to carefully study the surrounding area. The presence of industrial enterprises nearby is unlikely to make even spring water useful for humans. On the contrary, with big share likely to cause irreparable harm to health.

The benefits of melt water for humans

The peculiarity of melt water is that it penetrates the cells and tissues of the body much faster than ordinary water, thereby providing a more active water-salt exchange. Why is this happening? The fact is that freezing cleanses the liquid of heavy impurities, making it not only safer for human health, but also extremely useful. Melt water is a source of vigor, its use significantly improves general well-being person.

Thanks to this drink, metabolism is enhanced, and excess adipose tissue starts to break down. This is due not only to the very structure of the water, but also to its low temperature, because the body spends excess energy on heating the liquid. In addition, melt water is quite soft, which has a good effect on the work of the heart muscle, brain activity and blood composition.

Melt water, due to its special structure, affects the process of cleansing the body, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The drink removes excess cholesterol from the blood, and this good prevention diseases of blood vessels and veins: the walls of capillaries become much stronger and more elastic, blood clots gradually dissolve.

Also, the benefits of melt water for humans lies in its rejuvenating effect and general strengthening immune system.

Melt water has the following beneficial properties:

  • immunostimulating;
  • protective;
  • cleansing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • strengthening.

Thanks to melt water, the nervous and endocrine systems of the body begin to work better. People who use such water every day sleep well, become more attentive, even after a stressful labor day capable of vigorous activity. Doctors recommend drinking melt water at any age - it helps to stop the aging process. In place of dead cells, quickly leaving the body, new ones begin to form.

Melt water brings great benefit digestive system, and is also able to eliminate dermatological problems and allergy symptoms.

However, melt water can bring not only benefits to the human body, but also harm. To prevent this from happening, the core, which accumulates heavy compounds in itself, must be drained. In addition, it is better not to prepare melt water from ice or snow collected on the territory of industrial cities. In this case, the liquid will contain soot and different kinds toxic substances.

The benefits of sea water for humans

Sea water not only has a general strengthening effect on the human body, but also has other exceptionally useful qualities:

  1. She strengthens endocrine system person. Stimulation of the latter occurs when swimming in the sea and even just when a person is in the appropriate climate. Also, sea water activates the work of the center of regulation of the neuroendocrine system (hypothalamus).
  2. Useful in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Sea water (like sea ​​air) rich in iodine and salts, useful in the treatment of throat diseases and restoration of work vocal cords. Gargling with such a throat liquid has the most beneficial effect on the ligaments, relieves the body of different kind pathogenic microbes. Doctors especially recommend such procedures for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and others. similar diseases. AT this case plays the role of a natural local antiseptic.
  4. In her in large quantities contain calcium, bromine and iodine, which help strengthen gum tissue and tooth enamel. To get the appropriate effect, you just need to regularly rinse your mouth with warm sea ​​water. The only thing is that it is recommended to purchase it in a pharmacy, and not take it directly from the sea. Water taken from the shore is not suitable for such purposes, as it may contain a large amount of dirt. The duration of the procedure also matters: it should be at least two minutes.
  5. Also, the benefit of sea water is that, acting as an antibiotic, it accelerates the healing of cuts, abrasions and insect bites. Due to the presence of salts and trace elements in it, small wounds are well cleaned and heal much faster.

Benefits of boiled water

If you boil water, you can solve several problems at once, namely:

  • reduce its rigidity ;
  • disinfect;
  • reduce its chlorine content.

Thanks to boiled water, food in the stomach is broken down better, without using a lot of energy. It has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical condition person. In addition, the use hot water helps to speed up the process of splitting fats.

The benefits of boiled water for the body are not limited to this. After drinking hot tea, the body temperature rises, a person begins to sweat, and this helps to cleanse the bloodstream and quickly remove toxins. In addition, drinking warm boiled water and tea is very useful for people who have a sore throat or stuffy nose.

When water is boiled, hard salts precipitate to the bottom of the kettle, and most of pathogenic bacteria dies. This is especially true for the hot season, when even chlorinated liquid contains great amount microbes.

The benefits of lemon water for the human body

Lemon water contains ascorbic acid, contributing to the strengthening of the immune system, and therefore very beneficial for health. But lemon drink It also has other healing properties:

  1. Thanks to him, the content of sugar in the blood decreases, the body is filled with energy. Also, lemon water has a tonic and antipyretic effect.
  2. Doctors recommend drinking this drink for diseases of cardio-vascular system. Lemon contains vitamin P, which is very useful for the body, which is present only in a few vegetables and fruits. It gives elasticity to blood vessels and capillaries and is absolutely indispensable in the prevention of thrombosis.
  3. Lemon water is good for people with disabilities to drink mineral metabolism who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Such a drink helps with hypertension, rheumatism and common sore throat.
  4. Drinking water with lemon is recommended for those who want to lose weight.

Thus, the benefit lemon water for the human body is beyond doubt. But it is worth remembering that the effect of lemon on gastrointestinal tract not always safe. Therefore, before drinking water with lemon, you should consult your doctor.

Benefits of mineral water

Water with a unique mineral composition energizes the human body, helps it fight various infections.

Mineral water has the following extremely useful qualities:

  • Provides the body with essential trace elements.
  • Activates enzymes.
  • Strengthens body cells.
  • Strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Regulates acid-base balance.
  • Improves a person's well-being.
  • Strengthens his immunity.

Also, the benefit of mineral water for a person is that it very effectively cleanses the body, quickly removing toxins and toxins from it. Mineral water normalizes metabolism, which is very useful for people who want to lose weight.

Such water increases the tone of the body during increased mental and physical stress.

If you regularly use mineral water, it will normalize arterial pressure and strengthens the nervous system. Heated mineral water is good for inflammation, pain and spasms in the stomach.

Thanks to mineral water, the contents of the gallbladder are liquefied and bile is drained.

But it should be remembered: for this drink to bring health benefits, it should be consumed on a regular basis.

Distilled water and its benefits for humans

Purified water can also be very beneficial for the body. It has the following medicinal properties:

  • Completely cleanses the body of harmful substances.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Helps in the fight against excess weight.
  • Reduces the amount of allergens in the blood.
  • Normalizes the work of the kidneys.
  • Facilitates the condition of the body after a person has consumed a significant amount of alcohol.
  • Reduces the risk of dehydration of organs and joints.
  • Promotes the deposition of salts in the liver and kidneys.

True, some believe that drinking distilled water can not only benefit the human body, but also cause harm. Moreover, if some arguments are absolutely based on nothing, then others have a certain basis.

What happens if you don't drink water

Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon water - otherwise it is inevitable fatal outcome within a few days. AT real life it is very difficult to die from dehydration, because the liquid is present in the composition of many products. But if you refuse to drink water and start trying to get it indirectly, this threatens with the following very unpleasant consequences:

  • Problems with the respiratory system.
  • Infections of the genitourinary system.
  • disorder nervous system.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Constipation.
  • Eczema.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Gaining excess weight.
  • General weakness of the body.

How to drink water to be healthy

The amount of water that you need to drink per day should be at least four liters. And better - more. Adequate hydration cleanses the body of accumulated harmful substances and helps to strengthen the immune system. True, such a practice of drinking is completely unacceptable if a person has diseased kidneys, has a tendency to edema, or has other health problems. In addition, we should not forget that the liquid in large quantities washes out useful minerals from the cells and in some cases thins the blood.

As recommended by the World Health Organization, healthy man should consume per day the amount of water equal to 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. That is, those who weigh about 70 kg should drink at least 2 liters daily. If your body weight is less, then the amount of water consumed can be reduced. But those who live in a hot climate, play sports or just lead an active lifestyle, need to drink more.

How do you know if you are drinking enough water? The easiest way is to pay attention to the color of urine. Too dark urine is a sign that there is not enough fluid in the body. Another method is to place your hand on the table with your palm down and pinch it with outside. Instant skin return normal condition indicates that the level of hydration of the cells is satisfactory. If the skin is smoothed out slowly, the body needs more fluid.

In order for water to benefit the human body, you need to drink it correctly. Try to follow these tips:

  1. Drink 1-2 glasses of water as soon as you wake up. Thus, you will cleanse the intestines of toxins accumulated overnight and start metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Drink water warm or at room temperature. From cold organism may experience shock, cramps are likely. According to Chinese experts traditional medicine, ice water contributes to a sharp slowdown in metabolism, which often leads to a set of extra pounds.
  3. Drink water in small sips - so you do not impede the work of the kidneys.
  4. If you go to gym You should not drink large amounts of water at once between exercises. First, restore your breath, then fill your mouth with water, hold it there for a while, and only then swallow it. If the sip seems small, take another one. Wait 15-20 seconds, and only then resume classes.
  5. Juices and compotes, even tea or coffee, have a diuretic effect, and therefore are not able to replace ordinary clean water.

If the water quality leaves much to be desired…

problem dirty water in the house can be partially solved by installing a high-quality filter, but in such systems it is periodically necessary to replace components, because it directly depends on how well the drinking liquid will be cleaned.

At the same time remains unresolved issue: how to ensure that our workplace or a child at school has water best quality? The best solution- buy it with delivery.

The Iceberg company offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

  • free delivery of water to your home or office: buyers pay only the cost of the goods;
  • wells from which our water is drawn have registration documents in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation;
  • for the extraction and bottling of water, advanced technologies are used, which helps to preserve and increase its quality and natural purity;
  • we also sell modern water coolers and other equipment manufactured by well-known European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The sizes of pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install devices even in small rooms;
  • delivery of drinking water to your home or office is carried out at the lowest price, thanks to constant promotions from our company;
  • along with water, you can purchase disposable tableware, tea, coffee and other auxiliary products.

Clean water is valuable, but it should not be worth its weight in gold. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace quality drinking water Therefore, we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.

Water is the main constituent of any organism. It is needed everywhere without exception - in everyday life, industry, etc. It is also worth noting that drinking water is needed to a greater extent by our body. As an example, we can consider that without food a person can exist for 4 weeks, and without water - only a few days. Based on this fact, it can be said with certainty that human health is inextricably linked with water.

Drinking water acts as a so-called temperature regulator. She is essential element in the construction of tissues of the whole body.

Drinking water and human health. How is this related?

If you reduce the usual rate of consumption of drinking water, then a person can simply get sick, and the body will not be able to function properly. Of course, water is necessary for a person not only for drinking. It also acts as a hygiene product.

The world we live in is quite polluted. That is why we should use only purified drinking water with a clear balanced composition mineral. It transports body waste and acts as the main component of the cell.

All metabolic processes in the body cannot proceed properly without a sufficient amount of water. It is directly involved in the absorption of all nutrients. It should be noted that the process of digestion of food is possible only thanks to water.

Tiny particles of food dissolve in water and enter our body. More than 85% of all metabolic processes in the body occurs precisely in the aquatic environment. Based on this, it is safe to say that without water, human blood simply cannot circulate normally. All this can lead to rapid aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Drinking water and human health photo

Clean water is essential for normal functioning milestone bodies internal system person. It is responsible for maintaining the flexibility of your body, lubricates all joints for improved flow of all nutrients. Also one interesting fact is that clean drinking water acts as excellent remedy from being overweight. This is all due not only to some decrease in appetite, but also to the rapid processing of accumulated fat. Only due to good water balance fat cells able to leave our body.

Water acts as both a heat carrier and a thermostat. Thus, it takes away excess heat and simply releases it.

Timely use of clean water protects the body from possible overheating. If you do any of the daily physical exercises, then to maintain health you need to drink approximately one liter of water per hour.

Even without exercise, you must constantly monitor your water supply and replenish it if necessary. Today, almost all buildings have superheated air. As a result of this factor, the body can become dehydrated. The same can be said about trains and planes.

Drinking water and human health

Water renders huge influence on the health human...

Water is the source of life on earth. Man is a part of this life, and it is not surprising that our body also consists of water.

There is no exact figure, as it depends on many factors. For example, depending on the age of a person - an embryo consists of 97% of water, a middle-aged person - 65-70%, and the older the person, the less percentage of water in his body.

The amount of fluid depends on the physique of a person - the fuller it is, the less fluid.

Literally every organ of ours contains water, somewhere more than it, somewhere less. For example, in the blood - 83%, in the bones - 15-20%, brain, heart, muscles - 76%.

This means that not one process in the body can do without water. Water helps convert food into energy, delivers nutrients to all cells of our body, participates in the cleansing of blood vessels, joints, dissolves mineral salts and removes toxins, toxins, and regulates body temperature.

Scientists, examining the blood, proved that the cause of many modern diseases is dehydration .

For example, thrombosis is the cause of stroke, heart attack, sudden stop hearts. So here is one of the factors in the formation of thrombosis - increased clotting blood, which is provoked, including dehydration of the body. Or, osteochondrosis of the spine - a lack of fluid turns a jelly-like mass intervertebral disc into a thin bone plate.

What other impact does water have on human health? The list is quite impressive - the work of the nervous system and the work of the heart suffer from a lack of fluid. Overweight, migraine attacks, fatigue, exfoliating nails, dry hair and skin, high blood pressure, poor kidney function, dry cough, back and joint pain, dry mouth, tongue and bad smell from the mouth - these problems can also be caused by dehydration. Constant shortage water leads to constipation and the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

There are some very interesting numbers:

  • if the water level in the body has decreased by only 2%, the state of health worsens, nausea, drowsiness appear;
  • reduction by 6-10% - headache, shortness of breath, impaired thinking, loss of concentration;
  • loss of 11-20% - causes deterioration in hearing and vision, there may be muscle spasm;
  • with a loss of 25% - death occurs.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that water, and most importantly, its percentage in organs and tissues is important condition for normal human life.

How much water should you drink per day

Throughout the day, we lose about 2 - 2.5 liters of fluid - through the kidneys, skin, even during breathing. And it's important to keep water balance, namely - how much fluid you have lost, make up as much.

But often a person does not feel the need for water. Since our body consists of liquid, can this liquid be replenished in it somehow on its own?

It turns out that only 3% of water is formed in the body itself as a result of biochemical processes.

About 30 - 40% we satisfy our body with water through food, and then, depending on what foods we eat, because different products contain different amount water.

And the rest of the missing percentages - gotta drink water!!! , and, interestingly, we should not be guided by such a feeling given to us by nature as thirst. It turns out that thirst is already an alarm signal of our body, and not just a desire to drink water. By the way, it is necessary to drink water, since tea, coffee, juices, as doctors say, are food.

So, as a result of simple calculations, it becomes clear how much water you need to drink per day - minimum amount of water , which we must use if we want our body to be healthy - this is 1.5 liters per day .

But this is the minimum amount, and if there are factors in which the loss of fluid from the body increases, then the amount of water consumed should be greater.

- Older people are highly susceptible to dehydration, as kidney function deteriorates with age, the thirst signal weakens, and frequently used medications contribute to dehydration.

- the body also needs more water on hot days, at low humidity, during the heating season, on airplanes, in a bath, during elevated temperature body, with increased physical activity, at breastfeeding, coffee, alcohol and smoking cause dehydration, with active weight loss, with elevated content protein in the diet.

What is the best water to drink

It is often thought that boiling water kills all microbes and that such water is safe for humans. Yes, microorganisms die, but salts heavy metals remain, and the useful calcium and magnesium salts are destroyed and deposited on the walls of the dishes in the form of scale. That's why boiled water should be used immediately after boiling when preparing tea or coffee.

Water and its importance in the human body

The pH of unboiled water is almost the same as the pH of the blood, so it is recommended to drink plain water. raw water . Of course, you don’t need to drink it from the tap, but use filters to purify water or buy bottled water.

Drink spring water , if you are not sure of its quality, the same is not recommended. After all, it is not known what path this water went through before it ended up in your glass.

Don't drink all the time mineral water , especially with high content mineral salts because it can lead to imbalance minerals in the body.

Sparkling water - it is better to exclude it from the diet, it does not replenish the body with moisture, but dehydrates it.

Of course, you can drink water randomly, but if we want water to bring benefits to our body, then it is advisable to follow some recommendations:

  • do not drink water quickly, preferably in small sips;
  • first glass of water should be immediately after sleep on an empty stomach;
  • If you exercise in the morning, drink a glass of water after your workout. If your workouts take place at other times of the day, it is recommended to drink water before and after physical activities, it is not forbidden to drink during training;
  • do not drink water during meals, doctors recommend drinking at least half an hour before a meal and not earlier than an hour after a meal;
  • it is advised to drink a glass of water after each trip to the toilet;
  • do not drink too cold and too hot water.

And further: If you were inspired by this article and decided to get into this useful habit, but in the hustle and bustle of the day you forgot to drink water, in no case do not turn on the “guilt” in the evening and do not catch up. This will not bring benefits, but edema, both internal and external, will help to earn. Release the past day with gratitude, and the next day do not forget what you now have new good habit- drink more water.

Water is essential for human health. Scientists have found that reducing the water content in the body by 2% reduces the mental and physical performance of a person by 20%. This is due to the fact that in the absence of required amount fluid, the blood becomes more viscous, while it supplies tissues with oxygen worse, which leads to a decrease in both mental activity, and muscular. People who drink more water a day are more successful in life, emotionally balanced and positive.

Water helps reduce the likelihood heart attack. Scientists have found that people who drink about six glasses of water a day are less prone to acute cardiovascular diseases than people who drink only two glasses a day.

According to doctors, for 1 kg of adult weight, there should be approximately 30-40 g of water. For example, for a woman weighing 60 kg daily rate liquid is 1.5-2.5 liters. About 70% of the required norm, our body receives with food. In addition, some biochemical processes occur in the body, as a result of which another 3-5% of the liquid is produced. For correct operation of the whole organism, it is necessary to supplement the missing amount of liquid, not only in the form of kissels and drinks, but also necessarily in the form of clean drinking water.

An effective way to disinfect tap water- chlorination. However, a number of studies have established a relationship between the use of chlorinated water and the development of urolithiasis, malignant formations, respiratory problems. Therefore, tap water intended for drinking or cooking should either be boiled or settled in glassware, or special filters should be used to purify water. It is best to take a bath 10-15 minutes after filling it to allow the chlorine to evaporate.

It's believed that plentiful drink promotes weight loss, but this is not entirely true. Despite the fact that water does not contain calories, it does not contribute to weight loss, as it does not dissolve the fats and sugars in the body. At the same time, water is an ideal filler for the stomach, effectively reducing the feeling of hunger.

Water is a very weak electrolyte. If you pass it through an ionizer, you can get alkaline and acidic water. The scientists came to the conclusion that acidic water has the properties of a mild natural antiseptic and the name "dead water", known to us from childhood from fairy tales, is quite applicable to it. alkaline water promotes cell regeneration and, perhaps, it was she who was called "living water" in fairy tales.

In a number of countries, with supportive therapeutic treatment some diseases of the kidneys, heart, stomach and intestines use alkaline ionized water. In the treatment of burns and skin diseases, antiseptic acidic "dead" water is used.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that silver water, that is, water that was stored in a silver vessel or with the addition of silver, does not deteriorate for a long time even in intense heat. The concentration of silver 0.1-0.2 mg/l is quite sufficient to completely disinfect the liquid within an hour, destroying the causing acute intestinal infections microorganisms.

Sometimes such an "Antiseptic" is recommended and now with colds. However, you should not constantly use this "medicine", as silver ions accumulate in the body. An excess of silver ions can cause metabolic disorders, cause lethargy or depression.

Water is a unique solvent of substances, both useful and harmful to humans. It is known that 70% of our planet is covered with water. However fresh water makes up only 3% of its amount, and suitable for drinking - only 1%. One person needs an average of 35 tons of drinking water during his life.

In the human body, a very large part belongs to water. On average, a person weighing 70 kg accounts for 50 liters of water. Water makes up over 97% of the weight of an unborn baby. For middle-aged people, water makes up 60-70% of body weight. One of the causes of aging of the body is a decrease in the water content in the body.. That's why it's so important drink clean water daily and not just tea and coffee. Water is the basis of our body and carries everything necessary elements body cells.
In our age, when it became obvious that everything Natural resources exhaustible, humanity needs to realize that water is also an exhaustible resource, which means that it is necessary to think about how to save it on the planet.

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