Social protection of the population. Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Labor of Russia)

April 26, 2019 , A set of actions was approved to encourage employers and employees to improve working conditions and maintain health Order dated April 26, 2019 No. 833-r. In particular, it is envisaged to disseminate the best practices to reduce industrial injuries, encourage employers to improve working conditions and preserve the health of workers, and introduce a healthy lifestyle in work collectives. The complex will be implemented jointly with the All-Russian Association of Employers "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia.

April 23, 2019 , General issues of industrial policy On the decisions following the meeting with Dmitry Kozak on the terms of the purchase of competitive Russian equipment and technologies for the implementation of national projects On determining the lists of competitive Russian machinery, technologies, equipment and production solutions necessary for the implementation of national projects and a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure.

April 22, 2019 , Disabled. Barrier-free environment Reduced terms for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation Decree of April 13, 2019 No. 443. In order to minimize the time for providing disabled people in need of palliative care with technical rehabilitation equipment (TCP) of mass production, the time for considering the application of a disabled person and providing his TMR has been reduced to seven days. Previously, these terms were 15 and 30 days, respectively.

April 20, 2019 , Development of Crimea The government submitted to the State Duma a draft law on the specifics of assessing the pension rights of residents of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol Order dated April 20, 2019 No. 790-r. In order to comply with the pension rights of citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, the draft law defines the specifics of assessing their pension rights prior to registration in the Russian system of compulsory pension insurance. It is envisaged that employers will be required to submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund information on the periods of work of citizens permanently residing in Crimea as of March 18, 2014. Citizens who independently provide themselves with work will have to submit information about their work to the territorial body of the Pension Fund before registration in the Russian system of compulsory pension insurance. Such information must be submitted no later than December 31, 2021 to be included in the individual personal accounts of the insured persons. As a result, the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund will be able to establish citizens' right to an insurance pension and its amount based on the information contained in their personal accounts, without other documentary evidence of the periods of work included in the insurance period. Similar work with respect to insured persons living in other regions of Russia was carried out before January 1, 2013.

April 15, 2019 The Commission for Legislative Activities approved a draft law on the specifics of assessing the pension rights of residents of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol In order to comply with the pension rights of citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, the draft law defines the specifics of assessing their pension rights prior to registration in the Russian system of compulsory pension insurance. It is envisaged that employers will be required to submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund information on the periods of work of citizens permanently residing in Crimea as of March 18, 2014. Citizens who independently provide themselves with work will have to submit information about their work to the territorial body of the Pension Fund before registration in the Russian system of compulsory pension insurance. Such information must be submitted no later than December 31, 2021 to be included in the individual personal accounts of the insured persons. As a result, the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund will be able to establish citizens' right to an insurance pension and its amount based on the information contained in their personal accounts, without other documentary evidence of the periods of work included in the insurance period. Similar work with respect to insured persons living in other regions of Russia was carried out before January 1, 2013.

April 13, 2019 , National politics On expanding the list of indigenous peoples of the North to establish a social old-age pension Decree of April 13, 2019 No. 448. In order to establish a social old-age pension, the lists of the small peoples of the North and their areas of residence have been supplemented by the Veps people and their areas of residence in the Prionezhsky District of the Republic of Karelia.

April 11, 2019 , Professional qualifications The government submitted to the State Duma a draft law on the peculiarities of attracting foreign citizens in connection with the WorldSkills championships in professional skills Order dated April 11, 2019 No. 695-r. From August 22 to August 27, 2019, Kazan will host the world championship in professional skills according to WorldSkills standards. In 2022, the European championship in professional skills according to WorldSkills standards is planned in St. Petersburg. The preparation and holding of such championships is entrusted to the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)””. As part of these events, it is required to attract foreign specialists. The bill proposes to give the Agency the right to attract foreign citizens in a simplified manner without obtaining a work permit or a patent and without taking into account the migration quota approved by the Russian Government.

April 10, 2019 , Disabled. Barrier-free environment The All-Russian Public Organization of the Disabled "All-Russian Society of the Deaf" has been appointed as the provider of sign language translation services Order dated April 9, 2019 No. 664-r. The decision was made in accordance with the instructions of Dmitry Medvedev following a meeting with representatives of all-Russian public organizations of the disabled, which took place on November 21, 2018. This will ensure the quality and accessibility of services for the disabled and provide additional support to the All-Russian Society of the Deaf.

April 8, 2019 About the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Order dated April 6, 2019 No. 644-r

April 1, 2019 The Commission for Legislative Activities approved, taking into account the discussion that took place, a draft law on the specifics of attracting foreign citizens in connection with the WorldSkills championships in professional skills From August 22 to August 27, 2019, Kazan will host the world championship in professional skills according to WorldSkills standards. In 2022, the European championship in professional skills according to WorldSkills standards is planned in St. Petersburg. The preparation and holding of such championships is entrusted to the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)””. As part of these events, it is required to attract foreign specialists. The bill proposes to give the Agency the right to attract foreign citizens in a simplified manner without obtaining a work permit or a patent and without taking into account the migration quota approved by the Russian Government.

March 29, 2019 , Labor relations. Social partnership in the sphere of labor The government submitted to the State Duma draft laws on the exercise of the right of an employee to choose a credit institution to which his salary should be transferred Orders dated March 27, 2019 No. 539-r, No. 540-r. The bills, in particular, propose establishing administrative liability for preventing an employer from exercising an employee's right to change the credit institution to which his wages should be transferred. At the same time, the period during which the employee must inform the employer about the change in the credit institution is proposed to be increased from 5 working days to 15 calendar days before the day of payment of wages. The proposed changes will eliminate the risks of non-compliance by the employer with the norms of labor legislation, will contribute to the prevention of labor disputes and offenses in this area, and the development of competition in the banking services market in the field of labor relations.

March 22, 2019 , Trade regulation. Consumer rights Protection The government submitted to the State Duma a draft law aimed at protecting the rights of socially vulnerable categories of consumers Order dated March 21, 2019 No. 490-r. The current norms of consumer protection legislation are of a general nature and apply to all consumers of goods, works, services. In order to protect the rights of socially vulnerable categories of consumers, the bill proposes to establish administrative liability for offenses related to the denial of access to goods, works or services to the consumer for reasons caused by disability, health status, age.

March 20, 2019 , Issues of labor productivity and employment support On the distribution of interbudgetary transfers for retraining and advanced training of employees of enterprises in order to support employment and improve the efficiency of the labor market Order dated March 19, 2019 No. 463-r. Interbudgetary transfers in the amount of 1.525 billion rubles were distributed to 31 constituent entities of the Federation. In 2019, state support will allow 18,443 employees to undergo advanced vocational training and receive additional vocational education that meets the needs of employers participating in the national project and meets the goals of increasing labor productivity.

Dear Vladimir Arshakovich!!! I am again forced to turn to your help, since the subordinate officials of the Lyublino district rule everything, to the fact that the current legislation does not provide for keeping a record (queue) of citizens in need of sanatorium treatment, separately for each preferential category, with registration of citizens for receiving sanatorium-and-spa treatment, a general order is formed among those included in the Federal Register of persons entitled to receive state social assistance. The result is I, Zelenin V.I. veteran of the database, awarded with government and departmental awards of the USSR and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a disabled person of the 3rd year of military service, a father of many children (4 daughters 6,9,12,18 years old) by decision of the commission of the South-Eastern District of Moscow of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Lyublino District, he is forced to either be treated in winter, autumn, early spring, or (from a letter to I.Yu. Stolyarova) not to rest at all. THOUGH THE MONEY FOR THE TOUR IS NOT RETURNING TO ME. HOW TO UNDERSTAND WHERE IS LOGIC AND SOCIAL JUSTICE? To specific questions to the employees of the social protection of Lublino, SEAD, Moscow, answers like: “... we don’t have anything to do with this, nothing is written in the documents, the order is not defined. WRITTEN—-
6.1. The right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services. In accordance with this chapter, the following categories of citizens have the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services:
1) war invalids;
2) participants in the Great Patriotic War;
3) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Veterans” (as amended by Federal Law No. 40-FZ of January 2, 2000); and. e. According to employees: “this is a simple transfer”
A picture is being created - both with the EU and the doping control commission and with the Russian people. ALSO OFFICIALS FROM SOCIAL PROTECTION DO NOT SEE THE CLEAR AND EQUALIZE ALL DISABLED PEOPLE AND VETERANS. So it turns out that disabled people who have been injured due to drinking, in the zone, etc., rest in the summer at sea, and those who deserved before the FATHERLAND, only in the off-season or without any treatment at all (from the response of officials from the OSZN Lyublino: “we are not obliged to allocate a ticket every year - as it is indicated in the handbook - no more than 1 time per year ....) BUT no one is going to return the money for an unused ticket. I consider these answers, at best, ugliness and heartlessness, in the other, hatred and disrespect for merit, for database veterans or CORRUPTION. I ask you to understand, adopt laws and restore justice in relation to the honored citizens of RUSSIA. And also to force social protection officials to ANSWER THE POSTED QUESTIONS, and not to write replies “ABOUT FOMA WITH EREMOY.” The best way to love the Motherland is not to talk about it, but to try to make it better. To do this, you often have to pay attention to the shortcomings of the Motherland, otherwise how can you get rid of them? PLEASE HELP! Sincerely, Zelenin V.I.

Social protection of the population- this is one of the most important directions of the social policy of the state, which consists in establishing and maintaining the socially necessary material and social position of all members of society.

Sometimes social protection is interpreted more narrowly: as providing a certain level of income for those segments of the population who, for whatever reason, cannot independently provide for their existence: the unemployed, the disabled, the sick, orphans, the elderly, single mothers, families with many children. Basic principles of social protection:

  • humanity;
  • targeting;
  • complexity;
  • ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual.

The system of social protection of the population and its structure

Social security system is a set of legislative acts, measures, as well as organizations that ensure the implementation of social protection measures for the population, support for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

It includes:

1. Social Security originated in Russia in the 1920s. and meant the creation of a state system of material support and services for the elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. This category is essentially identical to the category of social protection, but the latter applies to a market economy.

In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.), social security included benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, for caring for a child under the age of one, assistance to families in the maintenance and upbringing of children (free or on preferential terms, nurseries, kindergartens, boarding schools , pioneer camps, etc.), family allowances, maintenance of the disabled in special organizations (nursing homes, etc.), free or concessional prosthetic care, provision of vehicles for the disabled, vocational training for the disabled, and various benefits for the families of the disabled. During the transition to the market, the social security system largely ceased to fulfill its functions, but some of its elements entered the modern system of social protection of the population.

2. - the provision of social benefits and services to citizens without taking into account the labor contribution and means test based on the principle of distributing these benefits according to the needs of the available public resources. In our country, social guarantees include:

  • guaranteed free medical care;
  • general accessibility and free education;
  • the minimum wage;
  • the minimum amount of pensions, scholarships;
  • social pensions (disabled since childhood; disabled children; disabled people without work experience; children who have lost one or both parents; persons over 65 (men) and 60 (women) years who do not have work experience);
  • allowances at the birth of a child, for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, up to 16 years;
  • ritual allowance for burial and some others.

Since January 1, 2002, the amount of benefits related to the birth of a child has been increased. Thus, the amount of a one-time allowance for the birth of a child increased from 1.5 thousand rubles to 4.5 thousand rubles and in 2006 - up to 8000 rubles, the monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years from 200 up to 500 rubles, and in 2006 - up to 700 rubles. This allowance provided 25% of the living wage for an able-bodied person. The amount of the monthly allowance for a child under 16 years of age has not been revised and amounts to 70 rubles. Its ratio with the subsistence minimum for a child was 3.0% in 2004. In Moscow and some other regions, this allowance in 2006 increased to 150 rubles.

A variety of social guarantees are social benefits. They represent a system of public guarantees provided to certain groups of the population (disabled people, war veterans, labor veterans, etc.). In 2005, benefits in kind were replaced by monetary compensations for these categories of the population. Since January 1, 2005, the preferential category of citizens has the right to use the social package and the right to receive monthly cash payments. The cost of the social package is set at 450 rubles. It includes travel in suburban transport, free drug provision, sanatorium treatment and travel to the place of sanatorium treatment. The law provides that from January 2006 beneficiaries will be able to choose between a social package and receiving the appropriate amount of money.

From January 1, 2006, monthly cash payments in accordance with the law were established in the following amounts: invalids of the Great Patriotic War - 2000 rubles; participants of the Second World War - 1500 rubles; combat veterans and a number of other categories of beneficiaries - 1,100 rubles.

Persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, the construction of fortifications, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities, family members of those who died or died war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, will receive 600 rubles a month.

Disabled persons with a third degree of restriction of labor activity are paid 1,400 rubles a month; second degree - 1000 rubles; first degree - 800 rubles; disabled children will be paid 1000 rubles. Disabled people who do not have a degree of restriction on labor activity, with the exception of disabled children, receive 500 rubles a month.

Social insurance— protection of the economically active population from social risks on the basis of collective solidarity in compensation for damage. The main social risks associated with the loss of ability to work, work and, accordingly, income, are illness, old age, unemployment, motherhood, accident, work injury, occupational disease, death of the breadwinner. The social insurance system is financed from special extra-budgetary funds formed at the expense of contributions from employers and employees, as well as state subsidies. There are two forms of social insurance - compulsory (supported by the state of its funds) and voluntary (in the absence of state assistance). Citizens are supported primarily through cash payments (pensions and benefits for sickness, old age, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), as well as through financing of health services, vocational training, etc. related to the restoration of working capacity.

Social support(assistance) is provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to secure an income for themselves. Assistance is provided through both cash and in-kind payments (free meals, clothing) and is funded by general tax revenues. Means testing is usually required to receive social assistance. Assistance is provided to those people whose incomes are below the minimum living standards, and is an essential element of the anti-poverty policy, ensuring a minimum guaranteed income, as a realization of the right to life.

Social support is not limited to material assistance. It also includes measures in the form of assistance and services provided to individuals or groups of the population by social services to overcome life's difficulties, maintain social status, and adapt in society.

The activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, medical, pedagogical, legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations has formed into a separate branch of the social sphere - social services.

The system of social service institutions in Russia is developing at a very rapid pace. During the period 1998-2004, the total number of social service institutions increased by one third. At the same time, the number of institutions for the elderly and the disabled increased by more than 1.5 times compared with 1985, and by 18% compared with 1998. Number of centers for social assistance to families and children in 1998-2004 increased by 2 times, social rehabilitation centers - by 2.5 times. There are 25 rehabilitation centers for young people with disabilities, 17 geriatric centers. New types of social service institutions have appeared: crisis centers for women, so far the only crisis center for men, crisis departments for girls.

Work aimed at helping, supporting and protecting people, and, above all, socially weak sections of society, is called social work.

The object of social work are people in need of outside help: the elderly, pensioners, the disabled, the seriously ill, children; people who got into
I wish for a life situation: the unemployed, drug addicts, teenagers who have fallen into bad company, single-parent families, convicts and those who have served their sentences, refugees and migrants, etc.

Subjects of social work- those organizations and people who carry out this work. This is the state as a whole, carrying out social policy through state bodies of social protection. These are public organizations: the Russian Association of Social Services, the Association of Social Educators and Social Workers, etc. These are charitable organizations and charity societies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The main subject of social work are people engaged in it professionally or on a voluntary basis. There are about half a million professional social workers (that is, people with the appropriate education and diploma) all over the world (in Russia there are several tens of thousands). The main part of social work is performed by non-professionals, either as a result of circumstances or because of convictions and a sense of duty.

Society is interested in increasing effectiveness of social work. However, it is difficult to define and measure it. Efficiency is understood as the ratio of the results of activities and the costs necessary to achieve this result. Efficiency in the social sphere is a complex category that consists of the goals, results, costs and conditions of social activity. The result is the final result of any activity in relation to its purpose. It can be positive or negative. In social work, the result is the satisfaction of the needs of its objects, clients of social services, and on this basis the general improvement of the social situation in society. The criteria for the effectiveness of social work at the macro level can be indicators of the financial situation of the family (person), life expectancy, the level and structure of morbidity, homelessness, drug addiction, crime, etc.

The problem of the limits of social assistance to citizens is closely related to the criterion of effectiveness. As in the implementation of the income policy, it is necessary to take into account the possible negative consequences of massive social support: the appearance of dependency, passivity, unwillingness to make decisions and solve one's own problems. There may be negative developments in the social sphere (for example, active support for single mothers may result in a decrease in the marriage rate and, ultimately, the birth rate).

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