How to recognize radiculitis. Why does sciatica occur and how is it treated? Inflammatory and infectious processes

Radiculitis is one of the diseases of the nervous system of the human body, resulting from inflammation of the spinal roots. Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, upper cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic and lumbosacral sciatica are distinguished. The most common is sciatica, since the lumbar region always experiences the greatest stress, in this department, deformations of the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae themselves most often occur. In this article, we will look at the symptoms and treatment of sciatica, the causes of its occurrence and measures to prevent this disease.

The main causes of radiculitis

Often the cause of sciatica is a violation of the structure of the intervertebral discs.
  • hernias and injuries of the intervertebral discs, degenerative changes in their structure;
  • stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal;
  • narrowing of the canal through which the root of the spinal cord itself passes;
  • tumors, osteophytes.

Symptoms of radiculitis

The disease begins acutely. Radiculitis is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome that appears suddenly, usually as a result of heavy physical exertion. The pain is localized along the affected roots of the spinal cord, there may be a violation of sensitivity over the affected area, less often motor disorders occur.
In most cases, an acute disease develops into a chronic form.


Lumbosacral sciatica, also called sciatica, is characterized by severe pain in the lumbar region. Pain can be given to the buttock, the back of the thigh and lower leg, to the heel. Patients note the feeling of the skin, "crawling".

Cervical-shoulder and thoracic sciatica

Cervical-shoulder sciatica is characterized by pain in the occipital region, shoulder, shoulder blade. The pain is aggravated by movements of the head, hand, coughing and sneezing. In more severe cases, patients note numbness and impaired sensitivity of the skin of the hand.
Thoracic sciatica is characterized by pain in the intercostal spaces, aggravated by movement. This form of the disease is quite rare.

Diagnosis of radiculitis

This disease is diagnosed by a neurologist. In addition to collecting an anamnesis of the disease and a general examination, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental studies.
X-ray examination is the main method for verifying the diagnosis of sciatica. If this method is not enough, then the neurologist may prescribe a computer or magnetic resonance imaging. Urine and blood tests are mandatory. In addition to the study of the bone structures of the body for the purpose of differential diagnosis, ultrasound examinations of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, ECG, and radiography of the lungs can be prescribed.

Treatment of radiculitis

Treatment of the disease should be carried out in conditions that are gentle for the patient. The patient needs rest. Attention should be paid to the patient's bed, the bed should not sag under the weight of a person; for this, a rigid shield is placed under the mattress (just under the mattress, and not on it). If possible, it is necessary to limit movement in that part of the spine in which the spinal root was damaged. For these purposes, rigid fixing corsets are suitable, but it is advisable to wear them for no more than 3 hours a day, putting them on during physical exertion.

To reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, analgesics are used, in this case, these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With intense pain, the introduction of painkillers is carried out intramuscularly, with a less pronounced pain syndrome, you can limit yourself to the use of suppositories or tablet dosage forms. In a medical institution, a novocaine blockade of the damaged nerve can be performed to relieve pain.

Local treatments are also effective. The use of warming and anti-inflammatory ointments (finalgon, capsitrin, traumel C), ointments with essential oils, snake and bee venoms (viprosal, menovazin, apizartron), pepper patch helps to significantly alleviate the condition of patients. On an outpatient or inpatient basis, physiotherapy procedures, acupuncture are prescribed.

Diuretics may be given to reduce swelling in the damaged spinal cord. Vitamins of group B, which are administered intramuscularly for radiculitis, will help improve metabolic and regenerative processes in the nervous tissue.

After relief of acute pain, traction of the spine can be performed. This procedure is performed only in a hospital, by a qualified specialist. In no case should you try to do it yourself with the help of a horizontal bar or any other means. Also during this period, massage and physiotherapy exercises are prescribed.

I would like to pay special attention to the issue of manual therapy, which is very effective in the treatment of radiculitis. Before the appointment of manual therapy, a consultation with a neurologist and an x-ray examination are mandatory. Treatment with manual methods is categorically contraindicated in the presence of a large herniated intervertebral disc, since during the procedure it is possible to tear it off.

Prevention of radiculitis

Swimming will help strengthen the muscular corset of the spine.

Prevention of acute radiculitis, as well as chronic exacerbations, is as follows:

  • limitation of heavy physical exertion, especially weight lifting, if there is still a need to perform heavy work, then a corset should be worn;
  • avoidance of a long stay in an inclined position;
  • avoidance of hypothermia, especially in the lumbar region;
  • the fight against excess weight, due to which the load on the spine increases;
  • development of a natural muscular corset (swimming, performing a special set of exercises).

Which doctor to contact

Radiculitis is treated by a neurologist. In cases requiring differential diagnosis with diseases of the spine and other organs, it may be necessary to consult a vertebrologist, neurosurgeon, cardiologist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist and other specialists. A physiotherapist, masseur or chiropractor, reflexologist, osteopath participate in the treatment of the disease. An orthopedic surgeon will help you choose a corset.

About gymnastics and exercises (Dr. Popov conducts a class at the Moscow Theological Academy):

An inflammatory process in the nerve root can be caused by such processes as mechanical compression, infection, metabolic disorders, and overload.

The disease can develop against the background of various problems in the body, which include:

  1. narrowed canals of the vertebrae;
  2. spinal injuries;
  3. destructuring of intervertebral discs;
  4. hernia;
  5. tumor.

All these factors can affect the dysfunction of the brain root and provoke the appearance of sciatica, both in women and men.

Radiculitis of the lumbosacral region (ICD code -10 - M54. 1) occurs more often than other forms of pathology.

Most of the patients are men and women over 35 years of age. The main category is people who, by the nature of their work, are forced to sit for a long time, stand with a hunched back or lift weights: loaders, drivers, builders, agricultural workers, welders.

The peak incidence is between 40 and 50 years of age.

Radiculitis in the lumbar region appears in a person when the spinal root is infringed by the vertebrae or becomes inflamed due to pinching.

Symptoms of lumbar sciatica in women

Outwardly, the symptoms of lumbar sciatica in women are manifested by the so-called forced posture in medicine. From the outside, it looks like when moving, a person tries to spare his back when changing the position of the body and limbs.

With radiculitis of the lumbar region, a pulling pain appears in this area, radiating to the leg

The nature of pain in sciatica can be pulling, aching, shooting in the lumbar region, radiating to the lower abdomen, hip joint, buttock and leg from the hip joint to the foot.

External signs of sciatica in the lumbar region

Radiculitis has specific signs: basic and additional. The main symptom is a sharp, sharp pain that develops when making movements. Along the path of distribution, one can understand the zone of pinching of the nerve root in the vertebral structure.

During the reception, a neurologist or vertebrologist draws attention to the following symptoms:

  • side pressure on the spinous processes provokes acute pain radiating to the buttock;
  • the long muscles of the back are tense, the touch causes discomfort;
  • the patient suffers from excessive sweating;
  • arteries passing through the foot area reduce the strength of the pulsation;
  • along the pinched nerve, you can feel the cooling of the tissues, notice the blanching of the epidermis;
  • the patient complains of decreased sensitivity or numbness of areas along the affected nerve.

The first stage - symptoms:

  • the patient is looking for his own, "anti-pain" tense position, in which he freezes for a long period until the discomfort decreases;
  • when turning, bending, walking, climbing stairs, the pain syndrome intensifies, painful backaches radiate to the legs;
  • lower back pain increases sharply with an active tilt of the head - this is a symptom of Nerl;
  • when getting out of bed, the leg on the affected side bends reflexively - Bekhterev's symptom;
  • if the patient in the “lying on his back” position raises his leg, then pain appears in the lower back, back of the thigh and buttock - a symptom of Legas;
  • in the lumbar region, the pain intensifies with attempts, strong coughing and sneezing - Degerian's symptom;
  • on the side of the lesion, the gluteal fold is smoothed out - Bonnet's symptom.

The second stage - additional symptoms:

  • in the absence of therapy, an increase in pain is added to the characteristic signs of radiculitis;
  • motor activity decreases, the patient cannot perform simple actions, you have to take a sick leave at work;
  • discomfort does not let go in the “sitting” and “standing” positions, movements intensify negative sensations;
  • palpation of the midline of the abdomen in the area below the navel causes pain;
  • a chronic form of pathology develops with periods of exacerbation. The more damaged the vertebral structures, the more often painful attacks disturb (up to three times a year). The duration of the exacerbation is two to three weeks.

First signs and symptoms

Signs of sciatica are quite diverse, but for an experienced doctor they have a fairly characteristic picture.

Are there gender differences in the course of the disease? The mechanism, and, therefore, the symptoms of sciatica, in men and women do not differ. However, the disease affects the lumbar region mainly in the stronger sex due to intense physical exertion.

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Women usually complain of cervical sciatica, this is due to monotonous, static loads on the neck.

Another name for lumbar sciatica is “lumbago”, which means the place where the problem appears is the lower back (“lumbus”). The lumbosacral type of sciatica is more common than other varieties.

This form of the disease is manifested due to mechanical destructuring of the joints, intervertebral discs, ligaments, muscles, fibers in the back. Such dystrophic changes are called discogenic sciatica and sciatica.

In the first case, the roots of the spinal cord are affected, and in the second, the ischial. Symptoms of lumbosacral sciatica are similar pain sensations inherent in other types of this disease.

Only these pain attacks are localized, and sensations in the lower abdomen, back and body. In addition, the buttocks, lower back, hips and sides suffer.

Pain in sciatica is the main symptom of this pathology. Often, she appears suddenly, and by strength she is even able to squeeze tears into her eyes.

Sometimes the pain dulls, for example, when bending the legs at the knees, when the body is in a supine position, but after a short period of time it can aggravate again, and not go away until the person drinks an anesthetic.

The manifestation of pain occurs mainly with a certain movement, and the localization and character - from the place where the pathological process occurs. We will talk about the nature of pain in different types of sciatica a little later, in the classification of radiculopathy, but now let's look at other signs of sciatica.

Signs of sciatica

  • Stiffness of movements, violation of normal gait;
  • Reflex (unauthorized) bending of the leg at the knees when a person sits down or lies down;
  • Numbness (loss of sensation) at the site of the inflammatory process;
  • Burning and tingling sensation in soft tissues near inflammation;
  • increased sweating;
  • Paleness of the skin of the face;
  • Weakening of muscle tissue;
  • Increased pain at night.

Other signs of sciatica include

  • Vertigo ;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Deterioration of visual function;
  • Violations of the activity of the organs of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems.

Complications of sciatica

Complications of sciatica should be considered more as a complication of the disease that is the cause of sciatica.

Complications of sciatica include:

  • Chronic back pain;
  • Strokes of parts of the spinal cord;
  • ischemia;
  • Atrophy of the limbs;
  • Paralysis of the lower extremities;
  • Disability.

Symptoms of radiculitis pain are the same in nature for all types of radiculitis. They differ in localization and violation of the innervation of precisely those organs and parts of the body for which the pinched nerves are responsible.

Common symptoms of sciatica are:

  1. Pain, sharp, sharp, burning, girdle.
  2. The pain may worsen at night or from physical exertion.
  3. The pain may not be directly related to the back, give to the internal organs or limbs.
  4. Difficulty moving the back.
  5. Tingling sensation in limbs.
  6. Feeling of numbness along the paths of the affected nerve.


Vertebrologist or neurologist prescribes:

  • x-ray of the lumbosacral zone to assess the degree of damage to solid structures;
  • electromagnetography to determine the condition of the nerve roots;
  • conducting an MRI to assess the degree of compression of the nerve endings, lesions of the discs and ligamentous apparatus.

Additionally assigned:

  • examination of urine and blood;
  • densitometry;
  • performing ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of sciatica

Treatment of sciatica is carried out exclusively in two stages. On the first one, it is necessary to eliminate all pain sensations that may disturb a person, and on the second, through the use of drug therapy, recovery is accelerated. If a person is worried about severe pain in the lumbar region, then it is necessary to carry out the so-called chipping of this place with painkillers.

For the treatment of radiculitis, first of all, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which are aimed at effectively eliminating pain and relieving swelling in the affected area. At the same time, you should take into account that such drugs must be taken for a limited period of time due to the fact that they negatively affect the liver and the work of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

That is why, the treatment should be under the supervision of a doctor to monitor your health status.

How to treat sciatica? This question has been discussed by medical specialists for many years. Everyone agrees that it is necessary to apply several methods of influence at once:

  • Treat with medication.
  • Conduct physical therapy.
  • Assign physical therapy and massage.
  • If necessary, resort to surgery.

Treatment can be medical and non-traditional. Doctors prescribe non-steroidal drugs with an analgesic effect.

In addition, topical agents can be used - ointments, gels, rubbing. Radiculitis is also treated with hirudotherapy, acupuncture, a visit to the Russian bath, massages, manual therapy, and surgical intervention.

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Medications for treatment are used non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory group, analgesics, glucocorticoids, vascular drugs and antihypoxants, antibiotics, chondroprotectors, neuroprotectors, blockades.

When a lumbago occurs, you should drink Ibuprofen or Ortafen, Diclofenac tablets. If these drugs are not at hand, with a low intensity of pain, analgesics can be taken: Paracetamol, Metamizol, Piraminal, Butadion and Indomethacin.

After that, the patient should take a comfortable position and lie down in a warm bed. Preparations of the glucocorticoid group are prescribed when the long-awaited effect is not obtained.

They are able to relieve inflammation and decompress. These are Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, Lemod, Medrol, which will need to be drunk as directed.

If damage and regeneration of the roots are found, stimulants of the biological sphere are prescribed - Plasmol, aloe extract and FiBS. Rubbing is also used in the affected area:

  • Camphor alcohol;
  • Formic alcohol;
  • Chloroethyl;
  • ointments based on snake or bee venom;
  • Novocain.

A plaster (pepper or Nanoplast) can also be used.

How to treat sciatica? Treatment of sciatica How to treat sciatica? Treatment of sciatica begins with a thorough diagnosis and precise determination of the causes and localization of the pathological process. Next, the doctor prescribes all the necessary funds and drugs.

1. Restriction of movement; 2. Medical treatment; 3. Physiotherapy;4. Manual therapy;5. Therapeutic physical education (LFK); 6. Surgical treatment (if necessary).

Important! Before using drugs, be sure to consult your doctor!

1. Restriction of movement

Important! Before using folk remedies against sciatica, be sure to consult your doctor!

Birch juice. Birch helps cleanse the blood and normalize metabolic processes in the body, so this gift of nature is great for treating arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and other pathological processes.

To use birch sap for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to drink it daily, 3 times a day, one glass at a time, 30 minutes before meals, for 10-14 days.

After the course, you need to interrupt for a week, and repeat.

Applications. Attach any of the following plants to the sore spot - leaves of burdock, birch, linden, chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, black elderberry or hop cones.

Tape them to you with polyethylene, and tie them on top with a woolen scarf or bandage. Do this procedure before going to bed, and keep the tapes tied up throughout the night.

How to treat sciatica, the doctor will best explain. However, traditional medicine methods are also used in this matter.

Thus, sciatica lumbar treatment requires complex. Therapy should include drug treatment and physiotherapy, traditional medicine.

Do not forget about the observance of a special therapeutic diet.

Medical treatment

Medication is prescribed by a doctor. The course of treatment and drugs, the regimen of administration depend on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

For intramuscular injections, Dicloberl, Dolobene or their analogues are prescribed. Medicines such as Mydocalm, Neurobion, Mukosat, Tolperil are often prescribed. All of these drugs also have the form of release in tablets, but then the scheme and duration of their administration changes.

For rubbing, Ketoprofen gel is used. This drug is rubbed for several days before going to bed. You can stick a special drug-filled patch before going to bed, usually Diclofenac.


There are some of the most effective ways to treat lumbar sciatica through physiotherapy. All actions are carried out only in a special room under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

  1. One of the first ways to deal with lumbar sciatica is massage. It is done on the lower back, repeated 10-20 sessions.
  2. Acupuncture helps a lot. Like massage, 10 to 20 sessions are performed.
  3. An important method of treatment is exercise therapy. Gymnastic exercises should be done for at least 3 months. And it is best to continue to do it throughout life, even after recovery.
  4. Electrophoresis treatment is still used today. The treatment regimen is simple - in the first 5 days, Hydrocortisone is applied to the electrodes, the next 5 days - Lidocaine.
  5. Magnetic field therapy is also a popular method. True, in this case, the pain syndrome will persist a little longer.

Radiculitis is a disease of the nervous system characterized by damage to the roots of the spinal cord.

The spinal roots form nerve fibers that regulate the functioning of all body systems. The symptomatology of the disease is determined by the level of damage to these same fibers.

According to statistical studies, sciatica affects every eighth inhabitant of the planet over the age of 40 years. The risk group for developing the disease also includes professional athletes and mental workers whose work is associated with prolonged sitting.

Types of sciatica

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • Cervical sciatica, which occurs as a result of pinching of the spinal cord in the cervical spine. In most cases, its lower part is affected. This type of disease is characterized by pain or numbness of any side of the back of the head and neck. Loss of sensation or pain may radiate to the shoulders and arms. In advanced stages, cervical sciatica causes weakness and atrophy of the upper limbs. Patients sometimes complain of severe discomfort behind the sternum and in the upper abdomen, which is aggravated by turning the head, coughing, or moving the body. Hiccups, dizziness and hearing loss are possible;
  • Thoracic sciatica, which develops as a result of degenerative changes in the costovertebral joints against the background of the destruction of the intervertebral discs. Pain in the chest are acute and are perceived by patients as a "lumbago". Thoracic sciatica often manifests itself in the form of intercostal neuralgia. In this case, pain sensations are localized in the anterior part of the chest and between the shoulder blades, they are given to the head, face and hands. Such sciatica, together with intercostal neuralgia, may have signs of lung pathology or an angina attack;
  • Lumbar sciatica (lumbago), which is provoked by heavy physical labor and hypothermia. Sometimes "backaches" occur even with careless body movements and are accompanied by sharp pains in the lower back, radiating to the buttocks and spreading along the outer edge of the leg, resulting in numbness. The first attacks of lumbar sciatica usually last a few minutes and go away on their own. In the future, they can be aggravated and repeated much more often. Lumbar sciatica provokes muscle hypertonicity, the consequence of which can be a curvature of the spine;
  • Sciatica (sciatica), which occurs with lumbar radicular syndrome and is characterized by pinching of the roots that form the sciatic nerve. The disease is accompanied by severe and prolonged pain, spreading from the lower back and sacrum along the back of the leg. At the same time, the patient cannot fully bend the limb and experiences discomfort when walking.

Causes of sciatica

The most common cause of radiculitis is osteochondrosis, in which certain degenerative changes occur in the tissues of the spine in the following sequence:

  • First, the intervertebral cartilage discs become less elastic;
  • Secondly, muscle spasms increase pressure, thereby reducing the gap between the two vertebrae;
  • Thirdly, salts are deposited at the junctions of altered intervertebral discs with vertebrae;
  • Fourthly, the resulting protrusions exert strong pressure on the nerve roots.

As a rule, sciatica develops acutely when lifting weights, sudden or awkward movements, back injuries, hypothermia, stress, infections, intoxication, or metabolic disorders.

Symptoms of sciatica

The main symptom of radiculitis is acute pain, which increases with any movement. Patients complain of complete or partial loss of sensation in the area of ​​the affected nerve.

Symptoms of sciatica also include dizziness, hearing loss, muscle weakness, loss of balance when walking, which is due to a violation of the blood supply to the brain.

The disease may be accompanied by dysfunction of the bladder and gastrointestinal tract (most often observed with sacral sciatica).

Diagnosis of sciatica

Only a neurologist can diagnose this disease. To confirm the diagnosis, he can refer the patient to additional studies:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • densitometry;
  • ultrasound examination of the organs of the retroperitoneal space, small pelvis and abdominal cavity;
  • scanning of the bones of the spine;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • radiography of the spine in lateral and direct projections of the pelvis and hip joint, as well as other parts of the skeleton (if indicated).

Treatment of sciatica

Treatment of sciatica is a complex of medical and physiotherapeutic procedures aimed not only at eliminating pain, but also at restoring the normal functioning of the vertebrae.

Therapy of the disease should be carried out in conditions that are gentle for the patient. In the treatment of sciatica, he needs to ensure peace. The place on which he lies should not sag, so a hard shield is placed under him. The patient should limit the movement of the place of the spine where the inflammation of the spinal root has occurred. To do this, the doctor may recommend a rigid fixing corset, but you can wear it for no more than 3 hours a day.

To reduce pain, patients are prescribed a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the pain is characterized by increased intensity, painkillers are administered intramuscularly, if weak, suppositories or tablet forms of drugs are used. In the hospital, to relieve pain, the doctor can perform a novocaine blockade of the damaged nerve.

Effective in the treatment of sciatica and local methods, which include the use of pepper plaster, anti-inflammatory and warming ointments with essential oils, bee and snake venom.

In inpatient or outpatient settings, the patient may be prescribed acupuncture and physiotherapy. After the relief of pain, traction of the spine is sometimes required. This procedure is performed exclusively in a hospital by a qualified specialist.

To eliminate radiculitis, physiotherapy exercises and massage, as well as manual therapy, are effectively used. However, before starting classes, the patient needs to consult a neurologist and undergo an X-ray examination to exclude a herniated disc, since manual therapy can provoke its separation.

Prevention of sciatica

  • regularly perform sets of physical exercises aimed at developing the muscular corset;
  • avoid hypothermia and prolonged stay in an inclined position;
  • limit the load on the spine and lower back;
  • get rid of excess weight.

What is sciatica and how to treat it is a common question in the neurologist's office. Radiculitis is a consequence of osteochondrosis, much less often it is the result of various injuries, hernia, spinal deformities. Lumbar sciatica is the most common, because it is this part of the spine, which is the center of gravity of the body, that accounts for a large number of loads.

It is believed that sciatica affects older people, but in recent years it has been diagnosed in people of the middle age category. Most often, symptoms of sacral sciatica are seen in women after 30 years, in men after 35 years. The causes of sciatica are varied. The disease occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, various kinds of stress, sedentary work.

Sciatica is defined as a set of symptoms that occur when the roots of the spinal cord are damaged. This process is pathological, back pain is secondary. Belt sciatica is a consequence of damage to the tissues of the spine. At that moment, when the intervertebral discs cannot receive sufficient nutrition, among their tissues, changes of a dystrophic type - protrusions - gradually occur. In this process, the connective tissue strands are significantly weakened.

To prevent displacement of the vertebrae, the edges are overgrown with bone growths - osteophytes. Displaced discs, together with tissues irritated by osteophytes, put pressure on the nerve endings. So there is a pain syndrome that radiates to different limbs of the body.

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Very often, radiculitis of the lumbosacral region is confused with diseases of a different kind - varicose veins, flat feet, diseases of internal organs. Characteristic signs of radiculitis:

  • Sudden onset of pain, its spontaneous cessation. In subsequent times, the sensation of pain is aggravated;
  • Intensive increase in pain when lifting straightened legs, while lying on your back;
  • Instinctive bending of the legs when the patient tries to rise and sit down;
  • Sharp pains when bending the head forward;
  • Inability to stay in one position all the time.


To understand how to cure sciatica, you should also find out its causes. Since sacral sciatica is a set of symptoms, therefore, there are many reasons for its appearance:

  • Vertebral injury;
  • Disease, for example,;
  • Osteochondrosis. In 95 cases out of 100, the causes of the appearance of the disease are its manifestations;
  • Osteophytes are bony protrusions resulting from pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  • A large load in the lumbar region, as well as hypothermia;
  • Hypodynamia, as a result of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Pregnancy - significant manifestations can be in the third trimester, when there is a shift in the center of gravity due to a sharp weight gain;
  • Sciatica;
  • Stress, malnutrition, colds.

Persistent attacks of sciatica are most often caused by:

  • chills;
  • Excessive physical training;
  • hypothermia;
  • The sharpness of the movements of the lumbar vertebrae.


Symptoms of radiculitis are very diverse. Pain in the sacral region can radiate to the leg, there is a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs, burning, numbness. Doctors divide symptoms into groups.

  • pain symptom

The pain symptom is differentiated. The pain is: both dull and acute; both local and affecting various particles of the body; continuous or temporary. The mere presence of pain already means that damaging actions are taking place in relation to the tissues of the intervertebral discs. An important indicator is the exacerbation of pain symptoms at night, with coughing, sharp head tilts, and the cessation of pain in an immovable state.

  • Symptom of impaired sensitivity

Hypersensitivity, provoked by a violation of the nerve impulse wiring, resulting in numbness, tingling, and burning.

  • symptom of muscle weakness

Violation of the natural work of muscles, most often, is caused by interruptions in nerve impulses. With a long-term violation, atrophy of the gluteal muscles, thigh, and even lower leg occurs. With sciatica, the symptoms are such that the person suffers from excessive sweating and the face becomes pale. If you have the same symptoms and treatment as those of sacral sciatica, then you need to start the appropriate one.

How to treat sciatica

To restore the range of motion of the spine, the human body needs moderate physical activity. This method not only stops the process of vertebral degeneration, but also improves muscle elasticity. Patients often feel relief as a result of gymnastic exercises. If gymnastics does not help, then it is recommended to treat sciatica by choosing a different approach. Is it possible to treat lumbar sciatica in several ways?

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Doctors do not prohibit the combination of therapies if they benefit the patient. No matter how many methods exist, they all give an answer to the question of how to quickly cure sciatica.

Non-surgical methods

There is a multivariate therapy for pain relief in this disease, which helps to forget forever about the question of what to do with sciatica. For example, if you have acute sciatica, then in its initial phase it is recommended to use a warm heating pad or ice packs. They need to be applied to the sore spot for about 20 minutes. Some people benefit more from cold, others from heat. To achieve the effect, it is better to alternate them. But remember - this is just a distraction therapy to relieve acute pain. The source of the disease cannot be cured in this way.


Treatment of lumbar sciatica is carried out using non-steroidal antiphlogistic drugs. They provide relief from swelling and localization of inflammation. But such drugs are characterized by side effects that do not have the best effect on the patient's body with long-term use. If, it is recommended to take Ibuprofen, Ortofen, Diclofenac faster. After getting rid of the pain, subsequently use therapeutic ointments, creams applied to the places of its relief. One of the best medicines with positive reviews are Finalgon, Nise, Indomethacin, Viprosal.

If the patient is in severe pain, injections should be prescribed. As an anesthetic, give preference to Novocaine, Lidocaine.


In combination with taking medications, it is recommended to irradiate the lumbar sciatica and treat the legs with ultraviolet light. The first 5 days hydrocortisone is applied, and then lidocaine is used.

During the acute stage of sciatica, treatment is carried out using ultrasound treatment of sciatica with an impulsive mode. If sciatica appeared as a result of osteochondrosis, then an important aspect is stretching on an oblique plane. Stretching is done even on an ordinary bed, with a slightly elevated headboard by 15-20 cm. The body should be fixed at the level of the headboard.

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There is short-term (twice a day for 10 minutes) and long-term stretching (2 weeks). Some of the most useful procedures are massage of the sacral spine (recommended 15-20 sessions), needle reflexology (10-20 sessions), multifaceted gymnastic exercises (2-3 months).

Surgical treatment

If within 3-4 months the patient's health condition does not improve, then the attending physician will suggest the treatment of sciatica with the help of surgical intervention. The operation is performed if:

  • Manifested neurological signs;
  • Degenerative changes in the discs;
  • Obvious disorders of the locomotor apparatus.

There are several types of surgery. In a minor open surgery, one intervertebral disc that is pressing on the sciatic nerve is removed. If it is found, and the patient has a difficult tolerance for the most simplified physical exertion, then a laminectomy is prescribed. During this operation, the bone in which the nerve is pinched is removed.

Patients avoid surgical involvement, hoping that sciatica will heal on its own. But at the moment when the patient loses control over urination or it is difficult for him to move, a forced operation is performed.

Therapeutic diet

To reduce the load on the spine, the patient should get rid of excess kilograms, if any, and carefully monitor proper nutrition. For this you need:

  • Limit your intake of salt;
  • Add fortified foods (fruits, vegetables, fresh juices) to proper nutrition;
  • Eat a lot of dairy products (in the evenings, add kefir to the diet);
  • Refuse sauces, canned foods; exclude from the use of smoked meats, fried, spicy, fatty;
  • Add lean meats to the diet, and eat fresh fish;
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea.

  • Be sure to read:

It is useful in this disease to use:

  • Dried fruit compotes. If you add honey to it instead of sugar, it will doubly benefit. Let this drink brew in the evening. And in the morning during breakfast, you will enjoy this drink;
  • Nectar from apples and celery. It is done in equal proportions, it is recommended to drink twice a day;
  • Lemon juice. Dilute with water, and season with honey. To prepare the tincture, you will need 11 lemons, which are ground through a meat grinder, and 1 liter of honey. At the end of cooking, the mixture is placed in the refrigerator, and eaten before meals three times a day, one tablespoon.

More information about the consequences of sciatica, symptoms and treatment will be given by specialists: a therapist, a neurologist.

Patients with sciatica (or radiculopathy) experience various manifestations depending on the location, type and level of damage to the nerve roots extending from the spinal cord.

These can be pains of varying intensity, sensory disturbances, atrophy and muscle weakness.

In terms of symptoms, radiculopathy is often similar to other diseases of the internal organs or oncological diseases, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis of radiculitis, it is important to distinguish and take into account all the available signs.

They can be grouped into 3 main groups:

  • Feelings associated with pain. With sciatica, pain can be constant and temporary, occurring periodically; sharp and dull, aching; local and giving to various organs and parts of the body. The presence of pain is a signal that a damaging effect has been exerted on the nerve fibers. It can be mechanical compression and inflammatory processes. When making movements that cause stretching of the affected roots, the pain may increase.
  • Violation and partial loss of sensitivity. Sensations of burning, tingling and numbness of the extremities indicate that the conduction of nerve impulses is impaired due to compression of the roots of the spinal cord and nerve processes, and the nerve connection between the muscles and the brain is interrupted in some area.
  • Muscle weakness. The presence of this symptom is associated with the stopping of impulses from the brain to the muscles, which, due to lack of work, begin to atrophy. Sometimes there is a flaccid paresis.

The cause of the development of sciatica can be degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and injuries.

Due to a violation of the activity of one or more roots of the spinal cord, certain symptoms of sciatica occur.

Types of radiculopathy

Radiculitis can be classified according to several criteria.

According to the type of development of the pain syndrome, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic sciatica.

A sharp view is also called a "lumbago".

Because of the sharp and acute pain, the person cannot even move and freezes in the position in which the attack occurred.

The development of chronic sciatica is usually preceded by solitary attacks of pain, alternating with the complete absence of pain.

According to the localization of the affected nerve roots relative to the sections of the spine, they conditionally distinguish:

If the affected area covers several neighboring areas, then they speak of cervicothoracic, cervico-brachial, or lumbosacral sciatica.

Each of them can be acute or chronic and differs in features of manifestation.


Cervical radiculitis is slightly less common than other forms of radiculopathy, but the symptoms are more painful and brighter than those of the thoracic and lumbar.

It develops as a result of damage to the roots that extend from the spinal cord in the region of the upper cervical vertebrae.

Disturbs pain in the neck and neck. When coughing and turning the head, the pain symptom intensifies. The patient reflexively assumes a protective posture, throwing his head back.

Any careless sudden movement greatly increases the pain.

The pain syndrome can spread to the muscles of the left or right hand and fingers if the root through which the innervation pathways of the upper limbs pass is pinched.

During sleep, it is difficult to find a comfortable position, all the time there is a tingling sensation in the muscles of the neck and arms, numbness. It may even decrease the strength of the muscles of the hand and lose its sensitivity.

Sometimes, due to severe pain, the patient assumes a certain position in which individual muscles experience prolonged tension.

If this happens reflexively, and the muscle does not rest, then a local increase in temperature may be observed.

If cervical radiculopathy occurs against the background of spondylosis or osteochondrosis, then dizziness, unsteady gait and hearing impairment may also be observed.

All these symptoms indicate a lack of blood supply to the brain.

The causes of cervical sciatica can also be:

  • inflammation of the ligaments and muscles located near the nerve root;
  • development of a herniated disc;
  • changes in the shape of the vertebral bodies associated with age.

When both the lower and upper cervical roots are affected, cervicobrachial sciatica develops.

In this form, severe shooting pain extends to the neck, shoulder girdle and arms. Due to the movements made by the hands, tilts and turns of the head, as well as during coughing and with a deep breath, the pain increases sharply.

If the arm is bent at the elbow joint and pressed against the body, then the pain can be slightly reduced. Heat also helps reduce it.

Often with cervicobrachial sciatica, pain in the arm is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • tension in the chest and neck muscles;
  • pain in the scapula;
  • pain in the upper chest;
  • decreased sensitivity of the occipital region with a shift towards pinched roots;
  • ear pain;
  • visual impairment.

To diagnose radiculopathy of the cervical, cervico-shoulder section, an examination by a neurologist is necessary, which assesses the condition of the muscles, the preservation of reflexes and the level of pinching of the roots.

Additionally, x-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are performed.

Other research methods can be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor and depending on the patient's condition.

Acute sciatica

Acute sciatica is manifested by an attack of sudden and vivid pain. This significantly limits mobility.

The slightest sudden movement causes acute pain in the cervical spine, which can radiate to the shoulder blades, collarbones, arms and sternum. If the cause of pinched nerve roots is not eliminated, then the forced restriction of mobility leads to muscle atrophy.

At night, attacks of pain, as a rule, increase.

Spasm of cerebral vessels causes migraine-like headaches, bouts of nausea.

The performance of the brain may decrease, attention and memory deteriorate.

Cervical sciatica can occur due to infectious and viral diseases, flu, colds, tuberculosis.

With proper and timely treatment of the acute form of relapse does not occur.

Chronic sciatica

In the chronic form, all the symptoms of cervical sciatica seem to be slightly smoothed and stretched over time.

Chronic sciatica of the cervical spine occurs with periodic increases in pain and its recessions. Over time, the cervical curve smoothes out. Due to violations of posture, the depreciation function of the spine is reduced, and its condition is further aggravated.

That is why when sharp pains appear in the spine, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

It is much easier to cope with an acute primary attack and prevent the development of unpleasant consequences.

Thoracic sciatica

With thoracic sciatica, the nerve roots extending from the spinal cord in the region of the thoracic spine are pinched.

During the neurological examination, various symptoms of sciatica of the thoracic spine are revealed. They depend on the degree of damage to the roots.

The pain is localized along the intercostal nerve pathways, with a deep breath, sneezing and coughing, walking and other movement, it increases significantly.

Despite the fact that this form of sciatica is much less common in the lumbar and cervical, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of its development.

In the presence of characteristic pain in the region of the ribs, trauma of this spine in the past, or other degenerative and inflammatory processes in the thoracic region, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination in order to confirm or exclude such a diagnosis.

This requires an examination by a neurologist, CT and MRI.

The thoracic region is less susceptible to pathological changes than others, but there are a number of reasons that can contribute to the development of sciatica in this area:

  • age-related changes in the structure of bone tissue;
  • inflammation and degenerative changes in the ligaments and joints of the spine;
  • trauma;
  • excessive physical activity associated with lifting weights;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • disc herniation;
  • herpetic infection;
  • hypothermia;
  • diseases of the internal organs.

The term "intercostal neuralgia" is synonymous with thoracic sciatica.

This is due to the fact that the main symptom of this form of radiculopathy is severe girdle pain that extends to the midline of the abdomen or to the sternum from the spine, that is, where the intercostal nerves pass.

Since the intercostal nerves run from the spine to the chest along the ribs, pain can be felt in both the lateral and in front of the chest.

When the left roots are pinched, the pain spreads to the region of the heart, may be accompanied by increased feelings of anxiety and palpitations.

Often this causes the patient to start taking heart medications unnecessarily, having misdiagnosed himself.

Right-sided thoracic sciatica may suggest the development of diseases in the lungs.

Acute sciatica

Acute thoracic sciatica is manifested by a sharp attack.

The symptoms are vivid and persistent. With palpation and light pressure on the skin along the ribs and in the region of the thoracic vertebrae, the pain intensifies even more. With strong compression of the nerve root, numbness of the hands and a violation of their sensitivity may occur.

The cause of the development of an acute form of thoracic radiculitis is more often infectious diseases and inflammatory processes.

Chronic sciatica

If the signs of intercostal neuralgia are paroxysmal in nature, and new attacks appear, albeit not always brightly, but their regularity can be traced, then we can talk about the development of a chronic form of thoracic radiculopathy.

The patient is forced to bend the spine towards the affected and compressed root in order to somehow control the pain.

As a result, a violation of posture is formed.

Radiculitis in the lower back

Lumbar and sciatica are the most common types of radiculopathy.

Symptoms are similar to those of upper spinal sciatica: pain, loss of sensation, and muscle weakness. But they are localized in the lower body and spread to the stomach and legs.

Depending on which part of the body the strangulated root innervates, pain may occur in the lower abdomen, gluteal and lumbar regions, side, back and front, on the hips, lower leg or foot.

The causes of lumbar radiculopathy are very diverse:

  • hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • compression fracture;
  • dystrophic and degenerative processes in the spine;
  • tuberculosis;
  • flu;
  • meningitis (cerebrospinal form);
  • syphilis and other diseases.

A characteristic symptom of sciatica is pain that limits movement in the lumbar region.

It is customary to distinguish 3 types of pain syndromes in lumbar sciatica:

  • or shot. The occurrence of acute low back pain resulting from exercise, overheating or cooling of the muscles can persist from several hours or minutes to several days.
  • Ischialgia. The intensity of pain can be different: from tolerable to very intense, making it difficult to sleep, sit, move. Due to the defeat of the largest nerve in the body - the sciatic nerve, there is a shooting, similar to an electrical discharge, pain in the buttock, muscles located on the back of the leg, in the big toe, heel, back of the foot.
  • Sciatica. From the name it is clear that this type of pain is a cross between sciatica and lumbago. The pain symptom begins in the lumbar region and spreads along the buttock to the posterior and external muscles of the leg, not reaching the foot. The pain in the leg is growing and burning.

Acute sciatica

Acute lumbar sciatica is characterized by sharp pain in the lower back, which occurs unexpectedly at the time of movement or heavy lifting.

During an attack, a person helplessly freezes in a certain position.

It is impossible to solve this problem only by restricting movement and performing daily activities. You need treatment and specialist advice.

Chronic sciatica

After several single attacks of pain in the lumbar region and if left untreated, chronic sciatica develops.

It is characterized by alternating attacks of pain with periods of remission. Depending on which nerve root is damaged and how much it is involved in the pathological process, the symptoms spread further along the nerve pathways from the lumbosacral paravertebral region to the buttocks, thighs, legs and feet.

Over time, the flexibility and mobility of the spine in the area where the nerves are pinched decreases.

The ability to easily make turns and tilts also disappears. Muscles weaken. When pressing on the vertebrae, the pain is felt with greater force.

Discogenic sciatica

If the cause of lower back pain was a prolapsed disc, then they talk about the development of discogenic sciatica.

This pathology occurs quite often in people whose work is associated with stress on the lumbar spine and poor working conditions: high humidity, frequent temperature fluctuations in the room, uncomfortable working posture.

The mechanism of this type of radiculitis is based on secondary compression of the nerve root due to rupture or stretching of the fibrous ring.

Manifestations may occur after a mechanical impact or an infectious disease.

Symptoms of discogenic radiculitis of the lumbar spine are:

  • pain;
  • muscle sensitivity disorders;
  • movement disorders;
  • on the legs there is a change in tendon reflexes;
  • vegetative disorders occur;
  • emotional mood changes, this can affect behavior.

Pain occurs suddenly and acutely, or a few days after exposure to provoking factors. Often gives to the groin, one or both legs.

Depending on the location of the rupture or protrusion, it can be one- or two-sided. With a strong manifestation of the pain syndrome, the patient is forced to observe bed rest for several days.

Pressing the bent leg against the stomach slightly relieves the attack. Coughing, trying to push, even talking, on the contrary, intensify it.

How to recognize the disease during pregnancy?

Often pregnant women confuse back pain with symptoms of sciatica.

But in the later stages of pregnancy, when the fetus has significantly increased its mass, the center of gravity shifts and the load on the lumbar spine increases significantly.

In addition, hormonal changes that occur during this period in a woman's body affect the composition of bone tissue and the condition of the vertebrae.

All this can cause the development of sciatica during pregnancy.

The reasons can be hidden much deeper and are associated with dystrophic processes and degenerative changes that occurred in a woman long before pregnancy.

Do not forget also that abdominal pain, even if it is accompanied by a pain symptom and spreads to the buttocks and legs, can be not only a symptom of sciatica during pregnancy, but also a sign of another pathology.

Therefore, you need to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist and neurologist.

It is much easier to diagnose radiculopathy during pregnancy if a woman has previously had attacks of sciatica and had concomitant and concomitant diseases of the spine that contribute to its development.

If the doctors confirmed the diagnosis - sciatica, then they recommend rest and restriction of motor activity, since the use of many drugs during this period is contraindicated.

Statistics show that almost all women during pregnancy experience various pains in the lumbar region, compression of the sciatic nerve occurs, from which the pain radiates to the abdomen and to one or both legs, but only 25–30% of them have a diagnosis - radiculopathy.

The symptoms of sciatica are varied and similar to those of other diseases of the spine.

Therefore, having felt the first signs of radiculitis, you need to consult a doctor, conduct a complete examination for an accurate diagnosis and identify the true cause of the disease, and begin treatment.

By doing this in a timely manner, you will prevent the possibility of a single acute attack of this disease developing into a long and difficult to treat chronic form.

Video: what to do with back pain?

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