Digestion aids are ideal stomach aids. enzyme preparations. All about enzymes

The essence of nutrition is not high- or low-calorie food, but the usefulness of food, that is, the presence in it of the basic, "building elements" of a living cell - amino acids (from which the body itself will build the proteins or proteins it needs), fatty acids (of which the body will also create fats characteristic of him alone), carbohydrates, microelements, vitamins, hormones, enzymes (enzymes), fiber and other components.

How do enzymes (enzymes) support the body's defense responses?

The whole life force of man is in enzymes or enzymes. however, already at a temperature of 49 ° C, the enzymes become inert, and at 54 ° C they die, although freezing food in the refrigerator preserves them.

It is now known that cancer cells are protected by a protein coat that prevents the immune system from recognizing them. Only enzymes can remove this shell, thus exposing malignant cells. That is why cancer patients in their diet limit meat or exclude it altogether: this saves the enzymes that go to the breakdown of meat, give them the opportunity to participate in the exposure of cancer cells.

So, if you eat something boiled, and the meat is always subjected to heat or other processing, then be sure to eat 3 times more raw vegetables with the boiled product.
Where to get enzymes. Where do enzymes come from in our body?

The body receives enzymes mainly from two sources:
1) from plants - food enzymes;
2) from the body itself, its metabolic processes (from the liver, digesting enzymes from the pancreas) and from metabolism - from every cell of the body.

Unfortunately, the number of enzymes that each cell can produce is limited! The potential of enzymes can be used for a long time if they are constantly supplemented in the form of raw vegetables. With a good supply of plant enzymes to the body and the right combination of products, you can eat everything and not get sick.

We need to learn:
The life force of food is in enzymes, they are the key to health. Without enzymes, neither minerals, nor vitamins, nor hormones can work. It is the enzymes that guide the formation of our body. You can have everything - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, but without working enzymes, your body will not be able to start the process of renewal, restoration, purification, creation. Enzymes are special proteins formed by specific amino acids, they are called biological catalysts for biochemical reactions, they work in a certain mode. You can swallow kilos of vitamins, but without enzymes they will not do you any good, you are just wasting your energy and food, because all this will not be absorbed and excreted in the urine.

What is bad fermentation?
- undigested or poorly digested fats lead to cardiovascular disease and overweight;
- undigested proteins - to an increase in body temperature, to depression and cancer;
Undigested carbohydrates are the cause of allergies, asthma and arthritis.
Why do we lack enzymes?

1. Many of us are born with a small bank. This sin lies not only on the mother, but even on great-great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather.
2. The products that we get from plants are grown on soils that are poor in enzymes.
3. The human body needs raw food, and our diets consist predominantly of cooked, often overcooked, processed, chemically modified, or, worse, irradiated foods that lack enzymes at all, and if they are preserved, they are in ruined state.
4. Stress and stressful situations, colds, temperature reactions, any illnesses, pregnancy deplete enzymes: we lose them daily with urine and feces.
Why are enzymes important for the human body?

Enzymes are constantly working in the body: without them, not a single process is performed. They break down food at the cellular level, create muscles from proteins, release carbon dioxide from the lungs, support the immune system in its fight against infection, increase the body's stamina level, and help the digestive system to function properly. In addition to all of the above, enzymes:
- destroy and remove various fats from the body;
- prevent the chronic course of the disease;
- keep us young and help to look good;
- increase energy and endurance;
- prevent hormonal imbalance in the body.
How can we replenish the supply of enzymes?

There is one way to replenish the supply of enzymes: the consumption of raw food. Only "live", natural, natural food is rich in enzymes, prepared from plants grown on organic soils without any chemical fertilizers. Raw vegetables must be present in our diet, because they supply us with this elixir of Life - enzymes that help to assimilate, assimilate everything it needs and excrete everything harmful. Raw vegetable enzymes are the key to health.

There are many enzymes that work in the body. Each of them has its own purpose. Protease - protein digestion enzyme, lipase digests fats; amylase digests carbohydrates and cellulase digests fiber.

There are 22 digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas. They continue the process of digestion in the duodenum, but only on condition that there is an alkaline environment.

Thousands of metabolic enzymes also work in the body. They are involved in breathing, movement, speech, behavior and the functioning of the immune system. In addition, the human body contains a special type of oxidant metabolic enzymes - they convert free radicals (toxic oxygen) into harmless products: water and oxygen.

But enzymes have their own characteristics. With a lack of enzymes, the body redistributes them, thus depleting the enzymatic bank with which we were born, thereby weakening its vital functions and the coordinated work of all organs. Food that does not meet the needs of the human body (animal, boiled, refined) is absorbed only partially. Everything that is not assimilated rots, ferments, generates toxemia.

The immune system begins to fight poorly digested, absorbed food in the same way as it fights an infection or other dangerous foreign agents. It exhausts and weakens the body.

Every year there is a decrease in the percentage of healthy people.

Enzymes are the magic key to health. After oxygen and water, enzymes are in third place in the relationship in which all the elements that ensure the smooth functioning of our body function. Dietary enzymes are the most important factor in our diet. And only raw food includes those that are most active.

The effect of poor and unhealthy nutrition affects later, many, many years later, and a change of 3-4 generations is required to change this negative effect in a natural and correct direction.

What should we know about enzymes.

1. Our body does not produce food enzymes. We get them only when we eat raw food or when we take enzymes in the form of dietary supplements. Our body produces digestive enzymes in the pancreas, but they do not work in the stomach. They work only in the duodenum, provided that a slightly alkaline reaction is maintained there. Therefore, if you have an acid-base imbalance, your pancreatic enzymes will not work.

2. It is believed that hydrochloric acid of gastric juice breaks down protein. This is not true. Hydrochloric acid does not break down protein, it only converts the enzyme pepsinogen into its active form, called pepsin, a protein-breaking enzyme that starts in the stomach.

3. Dietary enzymes work in the stomach and pancreatic enzymes work in the duodenum. Dietary enzymes differ from other plant enzymes in that they work at a wide range, that is, they remain active both in the stomach and in the duodenum. But pancreatin, a pancreatic enzyme, works in a narrow alkaline environment of pH (7.8-8.3) and is destroyed in the acidic environment of the stomach.

4. Usually, if the acidity is reduced, doctors give the patient hydrochloric acid to increase the acidic environment and improve protein digestion. Is it correct? No, it's not. This "acidification" primarily changes the pH of the blood. The buffer system for neutralizing acid with alkali works. Hydrochloric acid deprives the activity of pancreatic enzymes, impairing digestion. Optimal results can be achieved with food enzymes rather than acid or hydrochloric acid supplements. In addition, this indiscriminate swallowing is a burden on the kidneys, which need to excrete excess acids. Therefore, when urine analysis reveals its acid reaction, it is necessary to find out whether this reaction is connected with the intake of supplements containing hydrochloric acid, or the abuse of acidic foods (meat, protein drinks, sugar, fats), or (alas!) already developing diabetes.

5. If the acidity is too high, dietary supplements in the form of calcium salts are usually recommended. At the same time, they believe that this at the same time will prevent the development of such a disease as softening of the bones (osteoporosis). But this is by no means the case! Calcium salts have the opposite effect of hydrochloric acid. It has already been proven that it would be more correct to do the opposite - in no case should you drink this calcium. It is against the background of an alkaline reaction that inorganic calcium will only turn into a salt of oxalic acid and will contribute to the development of arthritis and other diseases of bones and joints, as well as the formation of cataracts. At the same time, the digestion process can be easily corrected by eating more raw food, which contains all the food enzymes.

6. They mistakenly believe that it is impossible to establish a lack of enzymes in the body. Meanwhile, the lack of enzymes in the body is manifested by certain symptoms of enzyme starvation: fever, fever; enlargement of the pancreas (most common in patients who eat overcooked food, where all the enzymes have died); an increase in the number of white blood cells after eating cooked, canned food, in contrast to raw food rich in enzymes, which never gives such a negative effect; the appearance in the urine of products indicating that not everything is fine in the intestines as a result of poor protein digestion due to the lack of the necessary enzymes.

The enzymes that we get with raw food are important not only for digestion, but also for maintaining health and preventing diseases. If we eat fresh raw foods on an empty stomach, they enter the bloodstream and do the following work: they destroy the protein structures of viruses and bacteria, as well as any other harmful substances that appear during inflammation. Therefore, enzymes (especially fresh juices rich in enzymes) are very effective: during inflammatory processes, like cold, they control swelling, redness, heat, acute pain.

Enzymes that digest proteins have a significant therapeutic effect in diseases of the eyes, ears and kidneys. It is the immune system's first line of defense.

Amylase is an enzyme that digests carbohydrates. But it also eliminates pus, which, as you know, consists of dead white blood cells. For example, with an abscess of the teeth, gums, when antibiotics do not help well, improvement can occur if appropriate doses of amylase, which fights pus, are taken: the abscess disappears in a short time.

Amylase and lipase also help to treat skin diseases: urticaria, psoriasis and contact dermatitis; clear the lungs and bronchi of mucus; a combination of enzymes is used today in the treatment of asthma to eliminate attacks. However, the effect in all cases depends on the adequate amount of enzymes used.

The lipase enzyme digests fats, including fats in food and flora, consisting of cells surrounded by a fatty membrane, also destroys the fatty membrane of some viruses, increases cell permeability: the virus becomes available and digested by food enzymes.

Is it better to eat food high in lipase or to take the same lipase in the form of dietary supplements? Of course, it is better to eat foods high in enzymes than to consume pharmaceutically prepared enzymes.

You just need to know their sources:
1. Cereals, vegetables and fruits, nuts grown in natural organic conditions, and not on artificial soils, and even with an abundance of various chemical additives - these are the main suppliers of enzymes. It is necessary to consume daily raw salads from home-made vegetables, fresh juice from vegetables and fruits. You can, of course, eat steamed vegetables, but they should already be 3 times less than raw ones.
2. Modern science has not yet learned how to produce complete enzymes synthetically. Therefore, only raw food preserves enzymes, since these springs are very sensitive to temperature in living life. Eating raw food helps to maintain a supply of its own enzymes, which is important for their mobilization by the body at any time.
What plants are rich in enzymes?

Particularly rich in enzymes: sprouts of seeds and grains, their shoots; horseradish, garlic, avocado, kiwi, papaya, pineapple, banana, mango, soy sauce. It was learned to cook more than a thousand years ago. It is a natural fermentation product of soybeans with sea salt, used as an additive in soup, cereals, vegetables. Cereals such as pearl barley and vegetables - broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, wheat grass containing chlorophyll, and most green vegetables contain a natural, natural form of the enzyme necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But if you do not have any opportunity to eat raw food even in limited quantities, then drink vegetable juices, only 5 types at once (in one glass), you can take enzymes 1-3 times a day with meals in the form of dietary supplements. Food enzymes help to save energy to our organs, muscles, tissues. They convert dietary phosphorus into bone tissue; remove toxic substances from the intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin; concentrate iron in the blood; protect the blood from unwanted products, turning them into substances that are easily excreted from the body.

Digestive Enzymes:

* amylase - it begins to break down carbohydrates already in the oral cavity, being released along with saliva;
* protease of gastric juice, digesting proteins;
* lipase, splitting fats.

All three of these enzymes are found in the pancreatic juice that enters the intestines. A healthy body also produces enzymes and catalase that help scavenge free radicals that increase with age. To produce these enzymes, the body needs minerals such as zinc and manganese.

* pancreatin - a pancreatic enzyme that works in the alkaline environment of the small intestine;
* enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin - are involved in the breakdown of proteins;
* Aspergillus enzymes - fungal origin - getting into the bloodstream, can have a beneficial therapeutic effect, splitting fibrin, helping in the resorption of blood clots. Aspergillus enzymes, together with the animal enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, have been shown to be effective in treating cancer.

Poor digestion, reduced absorption, weak pancreas, fatty stools, bowel disease, milk lactose intolerance, vascular thrombosis - all this requires the intake of aspergillus enzymes together with the enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin.

When losing weight, it is necessary to exclude foods containing purine substances from food, since acidic gastric juice in most cases destroys them: especially lipase. This leads to poor digestion of fat.

Pancreatitis is a consequence of high amounts of purine, and this can harm the kidneys.

The comparative action of enzymes indicates the high activity of all groups of food enzymes that work both in acidic and alkaline environments. That is why raw vegetables, rich in food enzymes, are so effective and so needed, which, by the way, never have any contraindications.


The process of digestion is complex and multi-stage. When food enters the oral cavity, a whole chain of processes is launched aimed at its mechanical grinding and chemical breakdown into substances that the body is able to assimilate. For the chemical processing of food, the digestive tract secretes digestive juices containing enzymes. If the secretion of enzymes is insufficient, a person develops various dyspeptic disorders, he feels heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, he has belching, problems with stool, flatulence. Enzyme deficiency can be eliminated by tablets for digestion. About what drugs are most often prescribed by doctors and what effect they have, read the article.

Why take enzymes?

Enzyme deficiency is usually an acquired condition. It develops when the enzymes produced by the body are not enough for efficient digestion. This condition is observed when eating too heavy food, overeating, with a decrease in the activity of enzymes in the body.

When digestion is inefficient, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are not fully digested, leading to stomach discomfort and problems with bowel movements. By the way, with enzyme deficiency, diarrhea is more common.

If the lack of enzymes is observed for a long time, other symptoms related to non-specific appear. Due to the lack of nutrients, a person loses weight. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements leads to pallor of the skin, its peeling, hair loss, brittle nails, increased irritability, and general weakness. With a tendency to diarrhea in a person, the water balance can be disturbed. All this leads to a general deterioration in well-being, a decrease in mental activity, and neuroses.

The most effective enzyme preparations

The main goal of enzyme deficiency therapy is to improve the digestive process. To do this, the doctor may prescribe the patient enzymes for digestion in tablets. We list the most effective of them below.


The main component is pancreatin, it compensates for the insufficient work of the pancreas. The amylase, protease and lipase included in it increase the efficiency of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and improve their absorption. The drug also contains bile components, which facilitate the breakdown of fats, and hemicellulase, which improves the process of fiber breakdown. Thanks to this composition, Festal tablets have proven to be effective, quickly improving digestion.

It is recommended to take the drug during meals or immediately after the meal. Dragee washed down with plenty of water. The daily dose can be 3-6 tablets, this amount is distributed between 3 meals. The course of therapy can last from several days to months. Duration of admission depends on the improvement of the patient's well-being.

Festal has an affordable price. A package with 40 dragees will cost about 250 rubles.

Unlike Festal, Mezim contains only pancreatin as an active substance. Amylase, lipase and protease in its composition improve the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins from food. These are effective tablets that help digestion. They can be prescribed both for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract caused by chronic diseases of the pancreas, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, with dyspeptic symptoms associated with overeating and malnutrition.

Important! A contraindication to taking the drug is acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.

The cost of Mezim is about 80 rubles for a pack of 20 tablets.


The drug is produced in the form of gelatin capsules containing pancreatin microgranules, the dissolution of which starts in the intestine. The enteric coating does not allow gastric juice to reduce the effectiveness of the drug. After the food enters the intestines from the stomach, the process of exposure to it of pancreatic enzymes, which are contained in Micrasim, begins. Due to the fact that the components of the drug act exactly where they are needed (in the intestine), the effectiveness of therapy will be higher.

The advantage of the drug is the possibility of therapy in newborns and people who have difficulty swallowing tablets. The cost of Micrasim is about 180 rubles for 20 capsules.

Creon is an effective medicine, available in the form of capsules. Its active substance is pancreatin. When taking capsules, a more complete absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats from food is achieved, and the process of secreting the body's own digestive enzymes in the body is also improved. Like the above Micrasim, Creon is an enteric drug, that is, the release of the active ingredient from the capsule occurs in the intestine. Due to this, the action of Creon is much more pronounced than the effect of taking enzyme preparations in the form of tablets.

Important! The capsule should be swallowed whole, without opening. Only in this case, the microgranules will reach the intestines unchanged and will have the desired effect.

Creon is available in several varieties with different content of the active substance. The price of the drug depends on this, for example, 20 capsules of Creon 10,000 costs about 250 rubles, and 20 capsules of Creon 25,000 costs 550 rubles. The dosage is set by the doctor individually for each patient.

Ermital is similar in action, composition and form of release to Creon, but it is less popular and less often prescribed by doctors. Ermital is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Nordmark. Ermital, like Creon, is produced in the form of enteric capsules.

The drug contains pancreatin, which compensates for the lack of pancreatic enzymes, improves the digestion process, and eliminates various symptoms of dyspepsia. The cost of Ermital is almost 2 times lower than the price of Creon, in terms of action and dosage, the drugs are analogues.

The most affordable pills to speed up digestion are Pancreatin. Tablets under this trade name are produced by several Russian pharmaceutical companies at once: Biosintez, Pharmstandardleksredstvo, Pharmproekt, Aveksima, Valenta, ABBA Rus. The cost of the drug starts from 20 rubles for the minimum number of tablets.

Due to the fact that the tablets have an enteric coating, it is impossible to bite them when taken. They are swallowed whole with water. It is recommended to take the medicine with meals or right before meals. The dosage is selected by the doctor depending on the degree of enzyme deficiency and the age of the patient.

Enzistal is a drug with a combined composition. According to the components included in it, Enzistal is an analogue of Festal. In addition to pancreatin, it contains hemicellulase and bile extract. These components provide improved digestion, free the intestines from gases and prevent their formation due to the breakdown of fiber.

As a rule, adults are prescribed 3 to 6 tablets per day. This amount is divided into 3 doses. Like other enzyme preparations, Enzistal should be taken with meals or before a meal.

The cost of Enzistal starts from 130 rubles per pack of 20 tablets. The drug is produced by the Indian company Torrent.


Somilase is produced in tablets, the shell of which ensures the release of active substances in the intestine. Somilase contains the enzymes amylase and lipase as active ingredients. With their participation, the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats occurs and their more efficient absorption in the intestine is achieved. The drug is prescribed for mild enzyme deficiency. You need to take the tablets with meals.

Despite the fact that enzyme products are classified as over-the-counter, it is not safe to take them without a doctor's prescription, especially for a long time. They, although rare, have side effects in the form of allergies and indigestion. With prolonged use, enzyme agents can lead to the "lazy pancreas" syndrome, which is characterized by a decrease in the activity of the organ due to addiction to drugs.

For the normal digestion of food, biological catalysts are needed - enzymes. These are complex protein molecules, in the presence of which all chemical reactions proceed tens and hundreds of times faster! Without them, the digestion process would take years.

Each enzyme has its own specification: amylase breaks down carbohydrates into monomers, lipase - fats, proteases - proteins. There are separate types of enzymes for nucleic acids (nucleases) and some other substances. But they all follow certain rules:

  • Each enzyme has an active site suitable for only one type of digestible product;
  • Each enzyme is active at a specific pH;
  • Each enzyme is secreted in an inactive form, otherwise it will digest its own tissues;
  • All enzymes, having performed their functions, are absorbed back into the blood or are destroyed to amino acids, thus their circulation occurs.

The process of enzymatic digestion of food begins already in the oral cavity, here amylase destroys starch. Gastric juice contains pepsin - an enzyme that breaks down protein into smaller fragments - peptides.

The pancreatic duct (PJ) enters the duodenum, and it is she who synthesizes the main amount of the necessary digestive enzymes - amylase, protease and lipase. Moreover, lipase is predominantly of pancreatic origin, while amylase and proteases are secreted in sufficient quantities by the cells of the small intestine. That is why, in diseases of the pancreas, the digestion of fats is the first to suffer, a person is forced to go on a lean diet, since eating fatty foods causes nausea, epigastric pain and diarrhea (fatty foamy stools).

The spectrum of pancreatic enzymes is highly variable and adapts to the normal human diet. Vegetarians have almost no proteases in pancreatic juice, people who do not consume fats have lipases. That is why in violation of the diet, digestive disorders can occur.

Pancreatic enzymes are active in the alkaline environment of the duodenum, where there is a lot of bile and bicarbonate. Bile also emulsifies fats, aiding in their digestion.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency occurs with pancreatitis, prolonged strict diet, tumors and general malnutrition, protein starvation. Often hepatitis and gastritis are accompanied by a violation of the secretion of enzymes. First of all, this condition is manifested by a lack of lipase, and only then - all other components of pancreatic juice. Vomiting, nausea, weakness, weight loss, signs of vitamin deficiency, decreased appetite, unstable stools are signs of pancreatic enzyme deficiency and, as a result, impaired digestion of essential nutrients.

Enzyme preparations

For more than 100 years, the pharmaceutical industry has been producing pancreatic enzymes in the form of pancreatin, a powder from the pancreas of pigs. The activity of all drugs is standardized precisely with respect to pancreatin by lipase, and ranges from 15 to 45 units.

Classification of enzyme preparations

  1. extracts of the gastric mucosa containing pepsin (abomin, acidinpepsin, pepsin, acidin). They are used for atrophic gastritis with reduced acidity, contraindicated in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
  2. pancreatic containing enzymes amylase, lipase and trypsin (pancreatin, pancitrate, mezim-forte, creon)
  3. pancreatic enzymes with the addition of bile (digestal, festal), cellulose and other components (panzinorm-forte, enzistal). Hemicellulose in the composition of festal contributes to the normalization of stool and microflora, bile stimulates bile secretion, motility and secretion, and fights constipation. This group of drugs is used for combined pathology of the liver and pancreas, constipation, physical inactivity, short-term errors in the diet. They cannot be used for a long time and with spastic type of biliary dyskinesia and IBS.

Preparations containing bile should not be used for:

  • pancreatitis
  • hepatitis
  • ulcers of any localization
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • diarrhea

4. plant enzymes - papain, etc. (pepfiz, oraza)

The group of plant enzymes includes:

  • nigedase - contains only vegetable lipase, is used together with pancreatin;
  • orase - a complex of enzymes of fungal origin (lipase, amylase, maltase, protease from the fungus aspergillus);
  • pepfiz - fungal diastase (amylase), papain and simethicone;
  • solizim - lipase from a penicillin fungus;
  • somilase - salt and fungal amylase;
  • Unienzyme - fungal amylase, papain, simethicone, activated charcoal, nicotinamide;
  • wobenzym - pancreatin, papain, bromelain, trypsin, chymotrypsin, rutoside;
  • merkenzim - pancreatin, bromelain, bile;
  • phlogenzym - bromelain, trypsin, rutoside.

They are prescribed for allergies to animal proteins. However, plant enzymes cannot be used for bronchial asthma and allergies to fungi and to antibiotics of the penicillin series. Plant enzymes have not found wide application, tk. 75 times less effective than animals.

5. pancreatic and plant enzymes (wobenzym, phlogenzym)

Separately, there is a combined preparation Panzinorm. It contains pancreatic enzymes, pepsin and amino acids and can be used in patients with low acidity, pancreatic dysfunction and bile secretion.

How to choose an enzyme preparation

  • depending on the acidity of gastric juice: with reduced acidity, panzinorm forte is indicated, in other cases other drugs can be used;
  • with insufficient bile secretion, complexes of enzymes and bile are used;
  • preparations containing simethicone or dimethicone are well suited for patients with flatulence and IBS (Pepfiz, Unienzyme);
  • in children, with mild pancreatitis, episodic overeating, chronic gastritis and enterocolitis, functional dyspepsia, gallbladder dysfunction, plant enzymes can be used.

It must be remembered that in the first 7-10 days of acute pancreatitis (and 3-5 days of exacerbation of chronic), as well as allergies to animal protein, you should refrain from prescribing and taking enzymes!

If enzymes are effective...

... the stool is normalized, fats, starch and undigested muscle fibers (creatorrhoea) disappear from it, body weight is normalized.

The dose is selected individually during the week, you can start with 1000 IU of lipase per 1 kg of body weight per day, that is, 60,000-70,000 IU, divided into 3-4 meals. In case of severe violations, the dose is increased to 4000-5000 IU. The drug is stopped after the disappearance of symptoms and violations in the coprogram.

If Enzymes Are Ineffective...

…so there are several reasons for this:

  • insufficient dosage, improper storage with loss of enzyme activity, improper intake;
  • inactivation of enzymes in the acidic contents of the stomach or duodenum;
  • dysbacteriosis.

When is diarrhea and steatorrhea slow to go away?

With IBS and organic pathology of the intestine, the absorption of fats during normal digestion may be impaired, while the fat in the stool remains. In this case, it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug.

With high acidity of gastric and intestinal contents, bile does not emulsify fats well, and enzymes are inactive, which also causes steatorrhea. Antacids and proton pump inhibitors help here.

And finally, if the enzyme leaves the stomach at the same time as food, this can also cause problems that can be solved by proper intake (on an empty stomach or during meals, by no means after, because this nullifies their effect) and the use of microencapsulated forms. Creon and similar preparations contain particles less than 2 mm in diameter, which allows for parietal digestion and simultaneous release of the enzyme from the stomach - along with portions of food).

Enzymes (enzymes) are special substances that break down large particles into components. The body has a powerful enzyme system involved in metabolism and starts its digestive enzymes, which are produced by the pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract to carry out the processes of splitting fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

With a lack of enzymes, the breakdown and absorption of useful elements is disrupted, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract also slows down. In this case, special enzyme preparations will help to improve digestion and metabolism. However, they should be selected according to the problem. This article is not a guide to action, but will give you information about how, when and for what these drugs can be used.

Common enzyme preparations of animal origin

Indications for use

Enzymes are secreted by the glands of external secretion. Enzymes are involved in each of the stages of digestion, which begins already in the oral cavity. The main indication for the appointment of these drugs is. This happens with the following diseases:

  • Inflammatory pathologies of the digestive tract:, hepatitis, cholangitis,.
  • Autoimmune bowel diseases: Crohn's disease, .
  • , functional .
  • Congenital fermentopathy: lactase deficiency, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease.
  • Diseases of the teeth, leading to poor chewing of food.
  • For patients after surgery with general anesthesia, enzymes can be prescribed for the period of restoration of bowel function.
  • Enzymes are needed as a replacement therapy for people after resection of the stomach, pancreas, removal of the gallbladder.

Also, drugs may be needed by people who take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs for a long time, as well as hormones and cytostatics.

Recommended: To avoid the development of enzyme deficiency, eat only well-cooked foods, eat often and in small portions, diversify your diet with dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals.

How is enzyme deficiency manifested?

The lack of enzymes begins to manifest itself as symptoms of indigestion: heartburn, heaviness in the stomach,. Due to impaired absorption and assimilation of nutrients, problems with the skin, nails and hair appear, the general condition is disturbed. A person lacks vitamins and minerals, fatigue, drowsiness appear, and efficiency decreases.

Interesting: Enzyme preparations can be prescribed as part of complex therapy in dermatology, gastroenterology, allergology and other areas of medicine.

Some patients, knowing about digestive problems, use these drugs periodically, before a feast. This is not correct, since overeating in conjunction with the uncontrolled use of enzymes disrupts the function of the digestive tract and leads to its consequences. Therefore, enzyme preparations should be prescribed by a specialist and taken reasonably, and not in cases where a person cannot control his appetite.

Varieties of medicines with enzymes

Enzyme preparations are obtained from the pancreas of pigs, the pancreas of cattle and plants. Preparations can be either purely animal or vegetable origin, or combined. When prescribing a particular remedy, the doctor is guided by its main enzyme components:

  • Pepsin is an enzyme of the gastric mucosa;
  • Pancreatic enzymes - lipase, amylase and trypsin - obtained from the pancreas of pigs or cattle;
  • Means with bile acids;
  • Enzymes of plant origin;
  • Enzyme preparations that break down lactose (used for lactase deficiency);
  • Combined drugs.

Important: All enzyme preparations begin to act no earlier than 20 minutes after ingestion, so it is recommended to use them immediately before meals.

Medications with pepsin

Pepsin is an enzyme secreted by the stomach lining. It is essential for the breakdown of proteins. Preparations with pepsin, namely the drugs Pepsin, Abomin and Pepsidal are used in people with diseases of the stomach, most often with atrophic gastritis.

Proteins are important components of energy metabolism, and with insufficient production of pepsin, weakness and anemia develop. In addition, food from the stomach enters the intestines insufficiently processed, which requires increased work from the gastrointestinal tract and can cause disorders of intestinal function. Enzyme preparations containing pepsin are prescribed to patients as lifelong replacement therapy after gastric resection.

pancreatic enzymes

Creon, Mezim-forte - all these are digestive tablets with the same active ingredient - pancreatin. The active ingredient of the drug is enclosed in granules, which are covered with a protective shell. Pancreatin is a substance that acts in the small intestine, so the protective shell allows you to deliver the active substance exactly to the target.

There are many indications for the use of the remedy, but since pancreatin replaces the natural enzymes of the pancreas, the medicine is prescribed mainly for pathologies of this organ. Pancreatic enzymes are safe and can be used long-term if needed. For example, in chronic pancreatitis and after resection (removal of part) of the pancreas, Creon, Pancreatin or Mezim-forte can be recommended before each meal as replacement therapy.

Bile acid products

Bile acids are involved in the breakdown of fats and stimulate the secretory activity of the pancreas. Also, the composition of these drugs includes vegetable fiber, which stimulates peristalsis, and defoamers, which relieve flatulence. Indications for use are diseases of the liver and gallbladder, in which bile production is impaired. Bile acid preparations include Festal, Digestal and Enzistal.

In addition to bile acids, these drugs also contain a pancreatic enzyme - pancreatin. Therefore, they can be taken with pathologies of the pancreas. However, bile acid products are not always interchangeable with pancreatin (Mezim), because patients are often allergic to bile components. Therefore, these medicines are only used in people with impaired liver function.

Enzymes of plant origin

Enzymes to improve digestion of plant origin have a complex effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They improve the motility of the stomach and intestines, reduce flatulence, improve the absorption of useful elements, stimulate metabolism and normalize the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Medicines can be used for diseases of the liver, pancreas, small and large intestines, as well as to normalize digestion in the postoperative period.

Despite the diverse effects, these drugs are rarely prescribed, as more effective herbal enzyme preparations are available. Most often, enzyme preparations of plant origin are prescribed before preparing for the study of the gastrointestinal tract.

These funds include Pepfiz, Unienzym, Solizim, Oraza, Sestal. Many enzyme preparations of plant origin, in particular, Pepfiz, are contraindicated in children and pregnant women.

Enzyme preparations that break down lactose

Lactase deficiency is not uncommon today. Patients suffer from digestive problems, treat skin and hair diseases, not knowing that the cause of everything is a lack of lactose. This problem can be solved simply - to exclude milk, cream, cheeses from the diet. However, when lactase deficiency is detected in infants who are breastfed, finding a way out is not so easy.

Lactose-free formulas are expensive and do not allow the child to receive the nutrients that are in mother's milk. For this, preparations with enzymes for children that break down lactose were created. It is enough for a woman to express milk, add a few drops of medicine to it and the child will be safe. These drugs include the drugs Lactraz, Lakteid, Kerulak. These medicines can also be used by adults.

Lactraz is a lactose-breaking drug added to milk.

Interesting: With lactase deficiency, sour-milk products are not contraindicated, therefore, people with this fermentopathy can receive all the beneficial substances from kefir, cottage cheese and other sour-milk products.

Combined drugs

Wobenzym is the main representative. Contains plant and animal enzymes. The drug not only replaces enzyme deficiency, but also has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, fibrinolytic and analgesic effects. Because of this, Wobenzym is an excellent tool in the treatment of autoimmune diseases of the intestine (and ulcerative colitis).

The tool is actively used in rheumatology, traumatology, endocrinology, dermatology and other areas of medicine. Despite the absence of a specific effect, the drug has excellent results, has practically no side effects and can be used for a long time, for 1 month or more.

Medicines for children and pregnant women

Enzyme preparations to improve digestion have practically no contraindications, with the exception of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, so many of them are approved for use by children. However, it is impossible to give medicine to a child on your own, since the dose and course of taking the drug varies depending on age and body weight. Especially carefully, drugs are prescribed for children under 3 years of age.

Children are most often prescribed drugs Abomin, Mezim-forte, Pancreatin and Creon, selected depending on the condition.

Important: Pancreatic preparations (containing pancreatin) should not be used in acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic inflammation.

See also vigeratin, cholenzim.

ABOMIN (Abominum)

A preparation obtained from the gastric mucosa of calves and lambs of milk age; contains a sum of proteolytic (protein-splitting) enzymes.

Pharmachologic effect. It has proteolytic activity.

Indications for use. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a violation of the digestive capacity and a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice: gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membranes

membranes of the stomach and small intestine), enterocolitis (combined inflammation of the small and large intestine), etc.

Method of application and dose. Inside during meals, 1 tablet 3 times a day for 1-2 months; with insufficient effectiveness, a single dose is increased to 3 tablets, and the course of treatment is extended to 3 months. In acute gastritis, gastroenteritis, colitis, 1 tablet is prescribed 3 times a day for 2-3 days.

Side effect. In some cases, mild nausea, heartburn.

Contraindications. Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract,

Release form. Tablets of 50,000 units, in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a cool, dry, dark place.

ALPHA-AMILASE (Alpha-amylase)

Pharmachologic effect. Alhalolytic (breaking down starch, glycogen and related compounds) enzyme. Optimizes the digestion of carbohydrates.

Indications for use. Pancreatic insufficiency, indigestion; operations on the pancreas, intestines, liver and stomach.

Method of application and dose. The dose is selected individually. Used in conjunction with other enzymes orally during or after meals.

Release form. Powder.

Storage conditions. In a dry place at temperatures from 0 to +5 "C.

VESTAL (Vestalum)

Pharmachologic effect. A complex enzyme preparation that stimulates digestion.

Indications for use. Insufficient secretory (insufficient secretion of digestive juices) and digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders associated with diet or overeating, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), cholecystitis (inflammation of the bile bubbles), etc.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-3 tablets during meals or immediately after meals 3 times a day.

Release form. Film-coated tablets in a pack of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a cool place.

GASTRIC JUICE NATURAL (Succus gastricus naturalis)

The secret of the gastric glands (gastric juice) of healthy dogs and other pets, preserved with 0.03-0.04% salicylic acid.

Indications for use. With insufficient function of the gastric glands, achilia (lack of secretion of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach), hypoanacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach, accompanied by a decrease in the level or absence of hydrochloric acid), dyspepsia (digestive disorders).

Method of application and dose. Assign inside during or after meals 2-3 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons (children depending on age from "/2 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon).

Release form. Natural juice from dogs in bottles of 100 ml. Juice natural from konshekvin - in bottles of 100 ml.

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light at a temperature of +2 to +10 °C.

LACTRASE (Lactrase)

Synonyms: Trilactase.

Pharmachologic effect. A digestive enzyme, which is lactase (disaccharidase), which is located in the alkaline border of the mucous membrane of the jejunum and the proximal (initial) ileum (small intestine). During digestion, it breaks down lactose into simple sugars (galactose and glucose), which are absorbed in the intestines.

Indications for use. Lactase deficiency of varying severity (hypolactasia, analactasia).

Method of application and dose. Assign inside 250-500 mg before drinking milk or dairy products. If necessary, increase the dose. In patients with diabetes, the need to use lactase will be determined by the doctor. It should be taken into account that from 2 liters of milk, when lactose is broken down, 25 g of glucose and 25 g of galactose are formed.

The drug can be added to food containing lactose. To do this, the contents of the capsule should be poured into the finished dish. The drug can be added to milk in advance, for this you should dissolve the contents of 1-2 capsules in 1 liter of milk, mix and refrigerate for 24 hours.

Side effect. Rarely - a feeling of discomfort in the epigastrium (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, located directly under the convergence of the costal tubes and the sternum).

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Release form. Capsules of 250 mg in a package of 10 and 30 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place.

NIGEDASA (Nigedasa)

The drug is isolated from the seeds of Nigella Damascus (Nigelladamascena).

Pharmachologic effect. An enzyme of lipolytic action (decomposing fats), causes hydrolytic cleavage (decomposition with the participation of water) of fats of vegetable and animal origin.

Indications for use. To compensate for the missing or absent lipolytic activity of duodenal juice (digestive juices secreted by the duodenum), caused by pathology (disease) of the digestive organs (pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, cholecystopancreatitis - combined inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas, chronic hepatitis - inflammation of the liver tissue, chronic gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa enterocolitis - inflammation of the small and large intestine, etc.).

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-2 tablets for 10-30 minutes. before meals, drinking water, with achilia (lack of secretion of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach), hypo- and anacid conditions (decrease in the level or absence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach) - 1-2 tablespoons of natural gastric juice. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, if necessary, can be longer.

Side effect. Patients with chronic colitis (inflammation of the colon) may experience abdominal pain, which disappears with a decrease in dose.

Release form. Tablets of 0.15 g, soluble in the intestine, in a package of 30 pieces.

Storage conditions. At a temperature not higher than +10 °C,

ORAZA (Orazum)

Pharmachologic effect. An acid-resistant complex of amylolytic (polysaccharide-degrading) and proteolytic (protein-degrading) enzymes that promote the digestion of essential nutrients.

Indications for use. Gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa) with low acidity, chronic hepatocholecystitis (combined inflammation of the tissues of the liver and biliary tract), gastric ulcer with reduced secretion (with reduced formation of gastric juice), subacute and chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

chronic spastic colitis (inflammation of the colon, characterized by sharp painful contractions) with a tendency to constipation.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1/2-1 teaspoon during or immediately after meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Side effect. In patients suffering from diarrhea (diarrhea), diarrhea may increase.

Release form. Granules in jars of 100 g.

Storage conditions. In a cool dry place.

PANCREATIN (Pancreatinum)

Synonyms: Pantsitrat.

Pharmachologic effect. The pancreatic enzymes (pancreatic enzymes) included in the preparation - amylase, lipase and protease facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which contributes to their more complete absorption in the small intestine. In diseases of the pancreas, the drug compensates for the insufficiency of its secretory function (secretion of digestive juice) and helps to improve the digestion process.

Indications for use. Insufficiency of the secretory function of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, cystic fibrosis - a hereditary disease characterized by blockage of the output ducts of the pancreas, glands of the respiratory tract and intestines, viscous secretion, etc.). Chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder; conditions after resection (removal of part of an organ) or irradiation of these organs, accompanied by impaired digestion of food, flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines), diarrhea (diarrhea) - as part of combination therapy. Condition after pancreatectomy (removal of the pancreas). Obstruction (impaired patency) of the pancreatic ducts or bile ducts. To improve digestion, write in patients with normal function of the gastrointestinal tract in case of diet violations, as well as in violation of chewing function, forced long-term immobilization (immobilization), sedentary lifestyle. Preparation for x-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

Method of application and dose. The dose of the drug (in terms of lipase) depends on the age and degree of pancreatic insufficiency. The average dose for adults is 150,000 IU / day. With complete insufficiency of the secretory function of the pancreas - 400,000 U / day, which corresponds to the daily requirement of an adult in lipase. The maximum daily dose is 15 GOO-20,000 IU/kg of body weight.

Children under the age of 1.5 years are prescribed 50,000 IU / day; older than 1.5 years - 100,000 IU / day.

In cystic fibrosis, the dose of the drug is selected individually. The dose should be adequate to the amount of enzymes required for fat absorption, taking into account the quality and quantity of food consumed.

Tablets, capsules or dragees are taken with meals, swallowed whole with plenty of non-alkaline fluids (water, fruit juices). To facilitate swallowing and improve absorption of the drug used in capsules, especially in patients after gastric resection, you can open the capsule and swallow its contents without chewing.

The duration of treatment can vary from several days (in case of indigestion due to errors in the diet) to several months and even years (if permanent replacement therapy is necessary).

Side effect. Acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). With prolonged use, hypersensitivity reactions are very rarely possible. In some cases, allergic reactions of the immediate type are observed, as well as allergic reactions from the digestive tract. With prolonged use of high doses of the drug, hyperuricosuria (increased uric acid in the urine) may develop. In cystic fibrosis, after taking large doses, the formation of strictures (narrowings) is sometimes observed in the ileocecal region (the junction of the large and small intestines) and in the colon (department of the large intestine).

Contraindications. Acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Release form. Tablets. Capsules. Dragee. Gelatin capsules containing enteric-coated microtablets containing 10,000, 20,000 or 25,000 units of lipase; amylase at 9000, 18,000 or 22,500 IU; protease 500, 1000 or 1250 IU.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place.

WOBENZIM (Vobenzmuin)

Pharmachologic effect. A complex enzyme preparation that improves digestion.

Indications for use. Digestive disorders, insufficiency of the secretory function (excretion of digestive juices) of the pancreas, gallbladder, liver, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), etc.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals with a little water.

Side effects and contraindications are the same as for the drug pangrol 400 (see page 346).

Release form. Film-coated tablets in a pack of 20 or 50 pieces. 1 tablet contains: pancreatin - 0.1 g, papain - 0.06 g, bromelain - 0.045 g, lipase - 0.01 g, trypsin - 0.024 g, chymotrypsin - 0.0001 g, rutin - 0.05 g.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place.

MEZIM-FORTE (Mezym-forte)

Pharmachologic effect. Provides good digestibility of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Indications for use. With insufficient secretory (insufficient formation of digestive juices) and digestive capacity of the stomach and intestines (with chronic gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa, enterocolitis - a combination of inflammation of the small and large intestine, etc.), with chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), hepatitis (inflammation liver tissue), cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).

Method of application and dose. Assign adults to 1-3 tablets per day (before taking write).

Release form. Coated dragees in a pack of 20 pieces. Composition: 140 mg of pancreatin, 4200 IU of amylase, 3500 IU of lipase and 250 IU of proteases.

Storage conditions. Ordinary.

PANGROL 400 (Pangrolum400)

Pharmachologic effect. enzyme preparation. Normalizes digestion.

Indications for use. Digestive disorders with pancreatic insufficiency (chronic pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, fibrosis - proliferation of connective tissue

pancreas), resection (removal of part of an organ) of the stomach or small intestine, accelerated passage of food through the intestines, flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines).

Method of application and dose. Inside before or during meals, 1-2 tablets.

Side effect. In rare cases, diarrhea (diarrhea) is possible.

Contraindications. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), obstructive jaundice (jaundice associated with a mechanical obstruction to the outflow of bile through the biliary tract), intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Release form. Coated tablets containing pancreatin with an activity of amylase 12,000 IU, lipase 16,000 IU and proteinases 720 IU, 0.4 g each.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place.

PANZINORMFORT (Panzinorm forte)

Pharmachologic effect. Replaces the enzymes of the stomach and pancreas and stimulates their release.

Indications for use. Digestive disorders of various origins, hypofunction (decreased function) of the pancreas, atrophic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach with thinning of the mucous membrane), gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the stomach and duodenum), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), after operations on gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1 tablet during meals 3 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications are the same as for the drug pangrol 400.

Release form. Tablets in a package of 30 pieces. Composition of 1 tablet: extract of the gastric mucosa - 200 mg (corresponding to 200 mg of pepsin), dry extract of cattle bile - 30 mg, pancreatin - 200 mg. The outer shell of the tablet contains an extract of the gastric mucosa, which is released in the stomach; the core of the tablet containing pancreatin and bile disintegrates in the duodenum.

Storage conditions. In a cool place.

PANKURMEN (Pancurmen)

Pharmachologic effect. Combined drug. The digestive enzymes included in its composition facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, which contributes to their more complete absorption in the small intestine. Turmeric extract, which is part of the drug, has a choleretic (increasing the formation of bile) and a weak cholekinetic (facilitating the release of bile into the intestines) action. Bile promotes the emulsification of fats, increases the activity of lipase, improves the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K. The use of the drug leads to an improvement in the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of digestion.

Indications for use. Insufficiency of exocrine function (secretion of digestive enzymes) of the pancreas: chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), cystic fibrosis (a congenital disease manifested by chronic pneumonia and digestive disorders), etc. Chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder; conditions after resection (removal of a part of an organ) or irradiation of these organs, accompanied by impaired digestion of food, flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines), diarrhea (as part of combination therapy) To improve the digestion of food in patients with normal function of the gastrointestinal tract in case of errors in nutrition, as well as in violation of chewing function, forced prolonged immobilization (immobilization), sedentary lifestyle.Preparation for X-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

Method of application and dose. Assign 2-4 tablets 3 times a day before meals or during meals. The dragee should be swallowed whole, without chewing and with a small amount of liquid. The duration of treatment can vary from several days (in case of indigestion due to nutritional errors) to several months and even years (if permanent replacement therapy is necessary).

Side effect. In rare cases, diarrhea (diarrhea), nausea is possible.

Contraindications. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), obstructive jaundice (jaundice associated with a mechanical obstruction to the outflow of bile through the biliary tract), intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Release form. Film-coated tablets, 20 pieces per pack. 1 tablet contains 0.035 g of pancreatin (amylase 1050 IU FIP, lipase 875 IU FIP, protease 63 IU FIP) and 0.0085 g of turmeric extract.

Storage conditions. In a dry place protected from light.

Panstal (Panstalum)

Pharmachologic effect. Complex enzyme preparation that promotes digestion.

Indications for use. Digestive disorders associated with diseases of the duodenum and gallbladder, gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine), flatulence (gas accumulation in the intestines) after cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder), taking fatty food, during the period of adaptation after dental prosthetics.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day during or immediately after meals.

Contraindications. Acute liver diseases, hepatic coma, obstruction (blockage) of the bile duct, emphysema of the gallbladder (stretching of the gallbladder by gases formed in it), intestinal obstruction.

Release form. Tablets, soluble in the intestine, and containing 0.192 g of pancreatin, 0.05 g of hemicillulase and 0.025 g of ox bile extract, in a package of 100 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry place.

PROLIPASE (Prolipase)

Pharmachologic effect. The drug contains pancreatic (secreted by the pancreas) enzymes. Normalizes digestion.

Indications for use. Exocrine insufficiency (insufficient secretion of digestive juices) of the pancreas, stomach, liver, gallbladder; flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines); diarrhea (diarrhea) of a non-infectious nature; chewing dysfunction.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-2 capsules (without chewing) during a meal and 1 capsule in between meals, write.

Side effect. Allergic reactions, diarrhea, hyperuricosuria (increased excretion of uric acid in the urine).

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Release form. Capsules in a package of 100 pieces. 1 capsule contains pancreatic enzymes with the activity of lipase 4000 IU, amylase 2000 IU and protease 25 000 IU.

Storage conditions. In a cool dry place.

TAGESTAL (Tagestalum)

Pharmachologic effect. A complex preparation containing pancreatin, hemicellulase and bovine bile extract. Normalizes digestion.

Indications for use. Digestive disorders associated with diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, liver, abundant consumption of fatty foods, gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine), to remove gases before radiological and ultrasound examinations.

Method of application and dose. Inside during or immediately after meals, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day; before X-ray radiological procedures take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days.

Side effect. Allergic reactions.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug, severe liver dysfunction, high levels of bilirubin (bile pigment).

Release form. Dragees containing 0.192 mg of pancreatin, 0.05 g of hemicellulase and 0.025 g of ox bile extract, in a package of 100 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a cool dry place.

TRIFERMENT (Trifermentum)

Pharmachologic effect. A preparation containing the enzymes trypsin, lipase and amylase. Replenishes the deficiency of digestive enzymes in the body.

Indications for use. Lack of secretory (excretion of digestive juices) and digestive capacity of the stomach and intestines (chronic gastritis - inflammation of the stomach, colitis - inflammation of the colon), chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).

Method of application and dose. Inside before meals for adults, 1-3 tablets per day; children 1-2 tablets a day.

Side effects and contraindications are the same as for the drug pangrol 400.

Release form. Coated dragees, pack of 30 pieces. 1 dragee contains trypsin 18 U, lipase 6 U, amylase (1:10).

Storage conditions. In a dry place protected from light.

FESTAL (Festal)

Synonyms: Digestal.

Pharmachologic effect. Preparation of standardized pancreatic (secreted by the pancreas) enzymes (lipase, amylase, protease), hemicellulase and dried ox bile. Promotes the breakdown and absorption of products containing fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable ballast substances (hemicellulase).

Indications for use. Relative or absolute secretory insufficiency of the pancreas (insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes by the pancreas) of various etiologies (causes); flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines) due to cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder); bowel aeration (cleansing) before x-ray; gastrointestinal disorders (gastrointestinal disorders) as a result of treatment with para-aminosalicylic acid and broad-spectrum antibiotics

actions, damage to the chewing apparatus; indigestion in old age.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-2 tablets during or after meals 3 times a day.

Contraindications. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), obstructive jaundice (jaundice caused by blockage of the bile ducts).

Release form. Dragees containing pancreatin 0.02 g, bovine bile extract 0.025 g and hemicellulase 0.05 mg, in a package of 30 pieces and 100 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool, dark place.

ENZISTAL (Enzystalum)

Pharmachologic effect. An enzyme preparation containing pancreatin, hemicellulase and bile components. Normalizes digestion.

Indications for use. Insufficiency of exocrine function (secretion of digestive juices) of the pancreas, stomach, intestines, liver; flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines); diarrhea (diarrhea) of a non-infectious nature; to improve digestion in persons with normal function of the gastrointestinal tract with violations of the chewing apparatus, a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged immobilization (immobilization); preparation for X-ray and ultrasound examinations of the abdominal organs.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day during or after meals for weeks, months and even years.

Side effect. Nausea, diarrhea.

Contraindications. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), obstructive jaundice (jaundice caused by blockage of the bile ducts), intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Release form. Dragees containing 0.192 g of pancreatin, 0.05 g of hemicellulase and 0.025 g of bile components, in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry place protected from light.

Pancreatin is also part of vigeratin, mexase, pancreoflat preparations.

PEPSIN (Pepsinum)

Indications for use. With digestive disorders (achilia, lack of secretion of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach, hypo- and anacid gastritis - inflammation of the stomach, accompanied by a decrease in the level or absence of hydrochloric acid, dyspepsia - digestive disorders, etc.).

Method of application and dose. Inside before or during meals, 0.2-0.5 g (children from 0.05 to 0.3 g) 2-3 times a day in powder or in a 1-3% solution of diluted hydrochloric acid.

Release form. Powder.

Storage conditions. In a cool, dark place.

ACIDIN-PEPSIN (Acidin-pepsinum)

Synonyms: Betacid, Acipepsol, Pepsamin.

Pharmachologic effect. Combined drug. Helps digest food in the stomach.

Indications for use. With hypo- and anacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach, accompanied by a decrease in the level or absence of hydrochloric acid), achilia (lack of secretion of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach), dyspepsia (digestive disorders).

Method of application and dose. Inside during or after meals in "/4-"/2 glasses of water, 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day; children (depending on age) from 1/4 tablet to 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

Release form. Tablets of 0.25 g in a package of 50 pieces. Ingredients: pepsin - 1 part, betaine hydrochloride - 4 parts.

Storage conditions. Ordinary.

PEPSIDIL (Pepsidilum)

A solution in hydrochloric acid of the products of enzymatic hydrolysis (decomposition with the participation of water, catalyzed / accelerated / by the enzyme) of the tissue of the mucous membrane of the stomach of pigs, containing all the components of the secretion of the gastric glands (gastric juice).

Pharmachologic effect. Pepsin - the main therapeutic factor of the drug - determines the digestion of proteins in the stomach.

Indications for use. Hypacid and anacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach, accompanied by a decrease in the level or absence of hydrochloric acid).

Method of application and dose. Inside during meals, 1-2 tablespoons (preferably through a tube) 3 times a day.

Release form. In vials of 450 ml.

Storage conditions. At a temperature of +4 "C.

PLANTEKS (Plantex)

Pharmachologic effect. A preparation containing plant components for the correction of digestive disorders in children. The fruits and essential oil of fennel, which are part of the plantex, have a stimulating digestion and carminative effect. Stimulate digestion by increasing the secretion of gastric juice and peristalsis (wave-like bowel movements). The drug prevents gas formation in the intestines and increases the excretion of gases and, thus, relieves spasms caused by intestinal flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines).

Indications for use. Correction of digestive disorders in children, including infancy.

Method of application and dose. For infants, the contents of the sachet (5 g) are poured into a baby bottle for feeding, topped up with 100 ml of freshly boiled water or milk and shaken until the tea is dissolved. Cool to room temperature before use.

For children older than 1 year, pour 1-2 bags (5-10 g) of tea into a cup containing 100-150 ml of boiled warm or cold water and stir to dissolve. Tea is not sweetened.

Side effect. In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions are possible.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Release form. Dry matter for making tea in bags of 5 g. 1 sachet contains: fennel fruit extract - 2.75 g, fennel flavor with 16% essential oil - 0.015 g, glucose - 2.5 g, lactose - 2.235 g. Calorie content of tea ( prepared from one sachet) is 19 kcal.

Storage conditions. In a dry place.

SOLIZIM (Solizymum)

Lipolytic (decomposing fats) enzyme preparation obtained from the culture of Penicillium solitum.

Pharmachologic effect. Hydrolyzes (decomposes with the participation of water) vegetable and animal fats; promotes digestion and absorption of fats.

Indications for use. Chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) with a decrease in lipolytic activity; chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine), enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine); after operations on the pancreas, intestines, gallbladder.

Method of application and dose. Inside during or immediately after a meal, 40,000 LE (lipolytic units) 3 times a day. The daily dose is 120,000 LE. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Release form. Tablets of 20,000 LE, soluble in the intestine, in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding +4 °C.

SOMILAZA (Somilasum)

Combined preparation, which includes solizim (lipolytic / decomposing fats / enzyme obtained from the culture fluid of Peniciliumsolutum) and alpha-amylase obtained from aminosubtilin.

Pharmachologic effect. Hydrolyzes (decomposes with the participation of water) vegetable and animal fats and breaks down polysaccharides, resulting in compensation for enzymatic insufficiency of digestion.

Indications for use. Pancreatic insufficiency, leading to a decrease in lipolytic and amylalytic activity (the ability to decompose fats and polysaccharides) of duodenal contents (duodenal contents) in chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas); digestive insufficiency: gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine), enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue), cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder); after operations on the pancreas, intestines, liver, stomach; with functional disorders associated with diet.

Method of application and dose. Inside during meals or immediately after meals, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day (the tablet is swallowed whole without chewing) daily.

Side effects and contraindications have not been identified.

Release form. Tablets, soluble in the intestines, containing 20,000 LE (0.0286 g) of solisim and 300 IU (0.1363 g) of alphamylase, 50 pieces in a package.

Storage conditions. In a dry, dark place at a temperature not higher than +5 °C, not lower than 0 °C.

UNIENZYM (Unienzymum)

Pharmachologic effect. Normalizes digestion. It has an adsorbing (absorbing) effect.

Indications for use. Digestive disorders, flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines).

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-2 tablets, without chewing, during or immediately after a meal.

Side effects and contraindications have not been identified.

Release form. Film-coated tablets in packs of 30 and 100 pieces. 1 tablet contains: diastase - 0.02 g, papain - 0.03 g, simethicone - 0.05 g, nicotinamide (vit. PP) - 0.025 g and activated carbon - 0.075 g.

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light.

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