Ways to prevent vascular atherosclerosis. Prevention of atherosclerosis for a long and active life Diseases that cause changes in the inner surface of the vascular wall

Dear readers, today we will talk about the most common modern pathology of the human body - damage to blood vessels - atherosclerosis. We will discuss how this disease is formed, what most often leads to it and how to eliminate the main cause of its occurrence.

What is atherosclerosis?

The Greek word athere means gruel, and sklerosis (sclerosis) is a seal, hardening. Atherosclerosis is a widespread chronic disease. It occurs in the arteries, blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood to all organs, tissues, to every (!) cell of the body. For various reasons, these arteries are affected:

  1. focal growths in the walls connective tissue and
  2. fatty impregnation of the inner walls of the arteries- deposition of mushy masses of fat-like substances (lipids) in the walls of blood vessels.

These combinations and lead to circulatory disorders in the organs and even to a general circulatory disorder. Because these things happen throughout the body, then the clinical picture gives not only painful symptoms and syndromes (combinations of symptoms), but also whole diseases, such as, for example, IHD (ischemic heart disease), pre-stroke and pre-infarction conditions in organs (in the brain, heart, liver, kidneys ...) and often ending strokes and heart attacks.

Atherosclerosis, therefore, is a combination of sclerotic phenomena (growth of connective tissue) and lipid (fatty) vascular lesions.

How was atherosclerosis discovered?

In fact, this disease was studied as early as the 18th century:
- in 1755, A. Haller (Haller), studying focal deposits of fatty masses in the walls of arteries, proposed the term "atheroma" for these foci.
- in 1761 (Margagni) and in 1829 (Cruvelle) described pathological changes in the arteries in the form of thickening of their walls.
- in 1833 (Lubstein) introduced the name "arteriosclerosis" for the processes of sclerotic changes - thickening and disturbance, disorder of the vascular wall (its disorganization), and Virchow in 1892 described the inflammatory picture of the disease.

Finally, in 1904, Marchand introduced the modern term - atherosclerosis for a combination of pathological changes in the walls of the arteries of mushy fat-like masses with the growth of connective tissue, as well as the involvement of the inner membranes of the arteries in the painful process and subsequent deformation of the walls, the nodal (focal) nature of the process.

All these painful changes in the arteries lead to the loss of muscle tone and elastic properties of the vessels, and then to an increasingly complicated picture of pathologies, following one after another in waves, up to disability and death.

Atherosclerosis from within. How is this disease formed?

In order to understand the causes of atherosclerosis, it is necessary to take a closer look at the main components of this process. Namely, the pathology of the connective tissue and the violation of fat metabolism.

Let's talk about connective tissue, quite concisely. We will consider only the connective tissue itself (CT), these are its 2 types - loose CT and dense CT. it is these 2 types of ST that grow during sclerosis. Their distinctive (fundamental!) feature: between ST cells (and connective tissues, like all structures and parts of the physical body, consist of cells) there is an intercellular substance that is produced by these same cells. Connective tissue cells produce 2 components of the intercellular substance - amorphous, on which the consistency of this ST depends, it will be more or less hard and fibrous - this component is represented by collagen fibers (long, twisted up to 10 microns, and the hair section, for example, 50 microns) and elastic fibers (more straight and thin, up to 1 micron). Collagen fibers (their cells are called collagen) give ST strength and allow it to stretch, and elastic fibers, consisting of elastin cells, help the tissue return to its original position after it has been stretched.

Elastic and collagen fibers are immersed in the amorphous component of loose ST, as well as cells called fibroblasts (lat. fibra, fiber + Greek blastos - sprout, germ), those that produce fibers. that is, it is these amazing fibroblasts that synthesize the intercellular substance of loose ST. In its cytoplasm, the fibroblast cell synthesizes collagen and elastin. Also, loose ST consists of histiocytes that eat (phagocytize) microbes and other foreign inclusions in the intercellular substance. This environment also contains mast cells that store cells that prevent blood clotting and are involved in allergic and inflammatory tissue reactions (skin redness, burning, itching of the skin, blistering, urticaria up to anaphylactic shock).

Loose ST accompanies (all!) vessels. This tissue protects and strengthens blood vessels. They rely on this loose ST. Even the smallest capillaries are braided with a cobweb of fibers and cells of loose ST. She is everywhere!

Dense connective tissue (CT) contains more fibers, it has much less amorphous component and cellular elements. That is why it is dense. Dense ST 2 options - unformed dense ST (fibers are intertwined in different directions, fibroblasts are oriented in all directions) and formed dense ST (consists of strictly ordered and definitely directed collagen and / or elastic fibers).

Dense unformed ST builds the subcutaneous layer and participates in the construction of the skin itself, giving it softness, extensibility, elasticity and strength. Much needed fabric! A dense, well-shaped ST is the basis of tendons, ligaments, fascia and the so-called aponeuroses (plates with which the broad muscles are attached to the bones or other tissues of the body). The dura mater, the protein of the eyeball (its shell), etc., consist of the same St.

Thus, we see that dense STs can interfere with the normal functioning of arteries only from the outside, growing and squeezing them. But loose ST from the outside penetrates into the vessel (infiltrates) and grows already in the inner wall of the artery.

Let's take a quick look at vessels. What are they made of? In our case, these are arteries, blood vessels that carry blood enriched in the lungs with oxygen to the heart through the pulmonary circulation, and then from the heart to all parts and organs of the body. The exception is the pulmonary trunk, which carries venous blood from the heart to the lungs.

Arteries are something like cylindrical pipes, tubes, tubules, the walls of which are very complex formations. Arteries sequentially branch, their lumen gradually decreases, reaching the smallest arterioles. Arteries are large, medium and small.

There are 3 membranes in the wall of the arteries: the inner one (the inner cell layer of the endothelium, thin plates in contact with each other), then comes the middle membrane, formed mainly by smooth muscle tissue (cells - myocytes, intercellular fibrils, elastic membranes and a network of elastic fibers), and, finally, the outer shell, built from loose connective tissue with a high content of elastic and collagen fibers, rich in blood vessels and nerves.

The walls of all arteries have their own blood and lymph vessels that feed the walls of blood vessels, especially the inner lining of the artery. In the smallest arteries, only a network of thin fibrils and the main intermediate substance remain. When arterioles pass into precapillary arterioles and capillaries, only a delicate network of the inner cell layer (inner shell) remains, formed only by the endothelium and the thinnest basal layer.

Now let's slightly touch on the muscle tissue, which is striated skeletal muscle tissue, it consists of muscles, as the name implies (a very complex structure!) And, what is important for us now, is smooth muscle tissue, consisting of cells, myocytes, having an elongated spindle-shaped shape. The nuclei in cells, myocytes, are also elongated.

Myocytes, cells of smooth muscle tissue, tend to contract all the time, and their nuclei, together with myocytes, shrink, shorten, and even twist springily around their axis. In the cells of muscle tissue there are also protein strips arranged randomly - myofibrils, thinner actin and myosin filaments! Both actin and myosin are proteins that refract light in a special way (Greek aktinos, actinos, beam) and make up a muscle (Greek myos, mios, muscle), they mutually penetrate each other and form something resembling a web that promotes relaxation (relaxation ) muscle cell (and hence the entire muscle) after its contraction (shortening and thickening).

The contraction of a smooth myocyte occurs in the vessels (both the arterial and venous branches) relatively slowly and completely involuntarily. The vessels, contracting and relaxing, help with their movements the passage of blood in the right direction.

Now it remains to clarify the picture with lipids and we will be ready to understand (“on the fingers”, without details) what atherosclerosis is. Well, actually, the Greek word lipos (lypos), lipos, means fat, hence lipoids are fat-like substances, and lipoma is just a wen, a benign tumor of adipose tissue. But lipids are called a whole class, an extensive group of substances that are completely different in structure and chemical composition, which perform heterogeneous functions in living organisms, but all of them, for example, are insoluble in water, but dissolve in fat-soluble ether, chloroform, benzene; their molecules contain higher (alkyl) radicals. Lipids are both higher hydrocarbons and higher alcohols, these are fat-soluble vitamins (A and D) and their derivatives, these are triglycerides of adipose tissue (the main energy reserve of the body) and triglycerides of subcutaneous tissue and organs (performing a thermal protective role and protecting organs and tissues from mechanical damage); these are lipoids, fat-like organic substances (phospholipids, carriers of phosphorus, nitrogen, sometimes sulfur), sterols (including the famous cholesterol, which is necessary for the formation of bile acids, steroid and sex hormones). All lipids, like proteins, are involved in the formation of cell lipid membranes and intracellular formations. The role of lipids in oxidative processes is indispensable - they burn, combining with oxygen and releasing vital energy. Phospholipids and sphingolipids (especially cerebrosides for the brain) play a special role in the functioning of the nervous tissue.

Essential fatty acids (especially polyunsaturated ones - the famous Omega3, Omega6 and Omega9) and fat-soluble vitamins (A and D) - are not synthesized in living organisms. These are also lipids that come from outside with food.

A lipid metabolism disorder called lipidosis (lipoidosis) is accompanied by defects in individual enzymes or the cumulative effect of a disorder of the enzymatic system, often of a hereditary nature. Human immunity suffers if complexes of lipids and proteins - lipoproteins - perform their functions with failures and delays. And these are very important functions - transport and storage of lipids.

Why is atherosclerosis dangerous? World statistics.

Is atherosclerosis so terrible as it is painted? Judge for yourself. Here are the medical statistics. In the scientific monograph "Atherosclerosis" for 1978, the article "Epidemiology of Atherosclerosis" provides very detailed and detailed data on the spread of this terrible modern disaster since the beginning of the 20th century and in different countries. From the title of the article it follows that this is an epidemic that has engulfed the entire Western world, and is spreading to Eastern Europe, including Russia, and, much less, to other countries.

According to the materials of the World Health Organization (WHO), already in 1964, mortality from coronary atherosclerosis (aorta and coronary vessels of the heart) per 1000 deaths by country was: USA - 654, England and Wales (567.4), Denmark (590.8), Australia (501.6), Germany (486.6), Canada (468.1), Austria (465.1), Finland (423.3), Czechoslovakia (358.8), France (231), Japan (92 ).

In 1958, in the United States, out of 1 million 647 thousand people who died from cardiovascular pathologies, 907,870 (55%) died, and 743,000 of them died from atherosclerosis, that is, 81%.

Thus, 55% are accounted for by cardiovascular pathologies, and of these 55%, more than 80% died from atherosclerotic lesions of the cardiovascular system. In 1925, mortality from coronary atherosclerosis was 20.2% of total mortality, in 1958 - 45%, in 1966 - more than 60%. In Western Europe, England ranks second: men - 964.7 thousand in 1955 and 995.8 thousand in 1961, women - 501.6 thousand (1955) and 461.1 thousand. (1961). In Scotland, the figures are even higher (1st). Next come Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, France, then a decrease of 20-25% from the level of England - Norway and the Netherlands. This is the mid to late 1950s. In 1966, WHO notes an increase (over 5-6 years) in England by 12%, in Scotland by 18%, in Denmark by 19%, in France by 30%, in Norway by 45%, etc.

In the USSR of the same period, mortality from cardiovascular diseases is 3-4 times lower than the average in Western countries, but it is growing rapidly, reaching 291.5 people per 1000 dead by 1965, and by 1971 already 355.6 people also per 1000 deaths, with 70% of them dying from atherosclerosis and its complications.

At the same time, in Asia, Africa and the Balkan Peninsula, the situation is radically different. In China, cardiovascular lesions as the main cause of death were noted in 18.6%, and myocardial infarction - in 1.9% of the total (for 8 years from 1947 to 1955, only 8 deaths from a heart attack accounted for 2250 autopsies myocardium). By the way, in the United States, the frequency of myocardial infarction from 1910-1920 to 1945-1955 increased. In third world countries, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases are generally not relevant: the problems of hunger and malnutrition, the lack of comfortable living conditions - these are their problems. In Mongolia in 1962, out of 8656 patients, there was not a single case of myocardial infarction and only 2 patients suffered from angina pectoris (angina pectoris), in Ethiopia, thousands of people die of starvation and malnutrition, but in 1966 there was not a single case for 7657 patients myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris and myocardial infarction were extremely rare (probably among high-ranking officials who adopted a "civilized" lifestyle). And so on in all countries little affected by Western influence.

Let us pay attention once again: in the United States, the leader of world progress, at the beginning of the 20th century, dozens thousand people, and in 2014, out of 5,550,000 deaths, 843,410 were from cardiovascular diseases, of which 425,800 were from sclerosis of the coronary arteries and 179,110 from sclerosis of the cerebral vessels (data from the US Department of Health). But they want to spread this way of life to the whole world!

Risk factors - who is more likely to get atherosclerosis?

What are the risk factors for atherosclerosis? The order of enumeration is not important:

  • genetic inheritance, predisposition to a provocative lifestyle;
  • permanent psycho-emotional stress and overstrain (stress);
  • malnutrition(wide use in the diet of food with high cholesterol content: lard, eggs, fatty pork meat, poultry, fatty fish (red fish, herring), fried foods);
  • already available: overweight, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hormonal disorder;
  • bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol.

With age, the risk of atherosclerosis increases. In recent decades, there has been a "rejuvenation" of atherosclerosis. The sea of ​​information on atherosclerosis is boundless, but all this information does not give the patient an answer to one single question: What is the main reason for the development of atherosclerosis? Only by eliminating the main cause can the disease be defeated. Everything else can only temporarily delay its symptoms.

The main cause of atherosclerosis. How to overcome the disease?

From the point of view of the theory of the outstanding Soviet physiologist Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko Atherosclerosis is not a disease, but a pathological process that occurs in the body as a result of long-existing deep breathing. In itself, deep breathing occurs as a response of the regulatory systems of the body to strong (intense) or prolonged exposure to external or internal stress factors. Such influences lead to irritation of the cortical centers of the brain, strong emotional outbursts, strong tensions of the entire nervous system. These reactions to stress factors are necessary to mobilize all the physiological functions of the body to organize a fight, attack, defense, flight from persecution, or vice versa for active self-defense. All these physiological processes are accompanied deepening of breathing, That is protective, compensatory reaction of a living organism. This is accompanied by an increase in the production and release of carbon dioxide (CO2), an increase in energy, an increase in muscle tone and an increase in metabolism (metabolic processes in the body).

Every athlete observes these phenomena in every workout. That is, in itself, deep breathing is a natural physiological phenomenon. But now the stressful situation is gone, the sports training is over, therefore, deep breathing and excitation of the nervous system should be replaced normal breathing and inhibition, relaxation of nerve centers.

But ... modern man has gone too far from natural, natural life. The human body can no longer adequately respond to stress and emotional outbursts with physical movement or relaxation (relaxation of muscle structures and the psyche). The human body requires constant physical movement, in which carbon dioxide accumulates in the body. CO2 is a regulator of regulators of all biochemical and biophysical processes in the body. The human body is not designed for 10-hour sitting in front of a computer or TV, many hours of standing in front of the machine and sitting at the cash register.

Therefore, in order to save the body from inevitable illness and even premature death special, volitional efforts are needed to reduce deep breathing to normal. Special, reasonable adjustments to an unhealthy lifestyle, work and rest shifts, special, scientifically verified technologies of behavior in the workplace. There is almost none of this. There are, of course, a huge number of tips and recommendations that are mutually contradictory.

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko found (discovered) the main lever of influence on the pathological processes that develop in the human body under various adverse conditions.

This lever is respiratory function through the harmonization of the two most important constants of homeostasis (the constancy of the composition of all substances involved in metabolism). This ratio oxygen - carbon dioxide.

The most important thing to understand: oxygen always(under normal conditions) is enough, but carbon dioxide is almost always in short supply- in the atmosphere it is only 0.03%, and in the cells it should be 6.5-7% in order to ensure the activity of the cell itself, and, through the venous blood flow, the activity of all fluid media and tissues of the body.

Lack, deficiency, CO2 leads to the fact that both arterial and venous vessels are deformed: the connective tissues in the vessels are compacted to reduce the unauthorized outflow of oxygen and CO2 into the tissues surrounding the vessel.

But the main pathological process of deep breathing continues. As a protective reaction, vascular permeability increases, as the next protective reaction - cholesterol gruel "glues" cracks in the layers of vessel walls, the next protective reaction already becomes pathological - cholesterol plaques appear, then blood clots, etc.

What to do? Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko proposes, first of all, to bring the fatal deep breathing of the patient to the physiological norm. For this, the legendary was developed. And then learn a strong-willed, reasonable way to "not breathe" in any circumstances and, of course, after a period of deep breathing (and what can you do - life is like that, we breathe all the time), be sure to consciously return it to normal. Just all this is taught to patients by a Buteyko breathing methodologist.

Certified methodologist Buteyko,
Lyudmila Valerievna Sokolskaya.

The basis for the prevention of atherosclerosis is a rational lifestyle: the exclusion of physical inactivity, health-improving physical education, proper nutrition, and the rejection of bad habits.

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that can affect any system of the body. Being deposited on the walls of large arteries, the fatty plaque grows into a protein tissue, and lime salts accumulate in it. Depending on the location of the plaque, atherosclerosis can provoke coronary heart disease, stroke, myocardial infarction. To avoid serious consequences, it is important to know how to prevent atherosclerosis.

It is a mistake to think that atherosclerosis is the fate of the elderly. Atherosclerosis can occur in middle and adulthood, residents of large cities are especially susceptible to the disease, whose life is associated with stress and a limited motor regimen. It is worth paying attention to your health to people with overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure, especially men over 40 years old. The risk group for atherosclerosis includes people with diseases of the digestive system, hormonal disorders.

Primary prevention of atherosclerosis includes the following measures:

  • organization of sufficient physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • prevention of stress, nervous fatigue;
  • a healthy 8-hour sleep;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • vitamins and microelements in preventive doses;
  • alternating modes of work and rest.

The basis of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels is cholesterol. Regular exercise helps lower cholesterol levels, normalizes the blood coagulation system. Long walks, jogging, swimming, outdoor games are useful. Breathing exercises at an average pace reduce pressure, increase the vital capacity of the lungs. In addition, exercise is a good prevention of stress.

The nutrition of people with a predisposition to atherosclerosis should include a sufficient amount of complete proteins, but is limited in fats. It is impossible to completely exclude fats, preference is given to vegetable oils. Useful food rich in Omega-3 fatty acids: fresh sea fish, seafood, nuts, flax seeds.

From carbohydrate foods, preference is given to whole grain cereals (buckwheat, oats). Sweets, pastries, white bread, fast food and fried foods should be limited. The food should contain the necessary vitamins, especially C, A, E, B vitamins, so the emphasis is on vegetables and fruits.

If the disease has already

When fatty plaques began to be deposited on the vessels, secondary prevention of atherosclerosis is activated. Its main task is to prevent the further development of the disease, to prevent dangerous complications. The main methods of prevention:

  • proper nutrition;
  • therapeutic physical exercises (LFK);
  • steam procedures (bath);
  • massage;
  • therapy for comorbidities.


Tips for therapeutic nutrition in atherosclerosis are the same as in primary prevention. Apply unloading days on which the diet limits the amount of liquid, salt and increases the proportion of fruits and vegetable dishes.

With atherosclerosis, under the supervision of a doctor, a potassium and magnesium diet can be prescribed for 2-3 days. At the same time, boiled meat, potatoes, cereals, bran, vegetables (especially green ones) are eaten. Magnesium and potassium help reduce blood pressure, improve blood circulation.

Physical activity

Loads during exercise therapy should be sufficient, regular, they need to be gradually increased, depending on the patient's condition. Physical exercises have the best effect on the body in the first half of the day, as well as in the period from 15.00 to 17.00. At lunchtime, it is advisable to go for walks.

Introductory period

A person suffering from atherosclerosis should start exercise therapy in a gentle mode. The duration of the introductory period for atherosclerosis is 1-2 weeks. Unacceptable overload, feeling of constant fatigue. In the morning you need to do hygienic gymnastics - it will give vivacity for the whole day. For exercise therapy, simple physical exercises are selected that cover the main joints and muscle groups:

  • walking at a calm pace;
  • tilts and turns of the body;
  • head turns;
  • swing your arms and legs.

It is important to accompany physical exercises with measured deep breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing is useful: when inhaling, the stomach protrudes, and when exhaling, on the contrary, it retracts.

Medium loads

If there are no angina attacks, then gradually increase the load. They continue to do morning physical exercises, and in the daytime (from 15.00 to 17.00) they conduct an additional lesson lasting 20-30 minutes. The exercise therapy complex includes exercises with dumbbells weighing up to 1.5 kg:

  • springy squats;
  • alternate lunges with the foot forward;
  • torso turns to the sides, hands are held at chest level;
  • transitions to the swallow position.

As an exercise for relaxation, jogging with the transition to walking is suitable. In group exercise therapy, it is useful to use elements of sports games: throwing and catching the ball, badminton. This improves the coordination of movement.

Training loads

If the condition of the patient with atherosclerosis allows, the duration of exercise therapy is increased to 45-60 minutes, and the weight of dumbbells is up to 3 kg. It is useful to alternate starting positions from horizontal to vertical. This is an additional vascular training. With atherosclerosis, classes include physical exercises for small muscles and joints, especially for the wrist, for example, rotation of the hand, rhythmic flexion and extension of the fingers.

Jogging can be assigned at a distance of up to 2 km. Reduce vascular tone in atherosclerosis physical stretching exercises followed by relaxation. At the final stage of training, walking is used in combination with breathing exercises to gradually reduce the load on the body.

healing steam

Bath - a powerful remedy for stress and depression, it increases the ability to work and gives good spirits. The steam bath acts on the cardiovascular system in the following ways:

  • stimulates lymph and blood circulation;
  • increases the ejection of blood from the heart;
  • dilates peripheral vessels;
  • reduces blood stasis;
  • reserve portions of blood (from the liver, spleen) are included in the bloodstream.

Bath helps to get rid of excess weight. Purified sweat and sebaceous glands actively secrete fat, toxins, metabolic products. The use of a birch or maple broom increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Despite all the benefits, a bath for atherosclerosis should be used very carefully. The bath is contraindicated in cases of severe atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart and brain, with high blood pressure, immediately after a heart attack or stroke, and for the elderly.

The bath is used as an effective method of hardening in atherosclerosis, based on the alternation of heat and cold. They stay in the steam room for 15-20 minutes until profuse sweating appears. After that, you need to douse yourself with cold water, rub yourself well with a towel and get dressed.

There is an alternate expansion and narrowing of blood vessels, their tone and blood supply improve. It is not necessary to use very contrasting procedures; warm and cool douches are quite suitable.

Massage treatments

Massage for atherosclerosis allows you to accelerate blood circulation in large vessels, expands capillaries, increases blood flow to the massaged area. Segmental massage works well for atherosclerosis, the effect is on a specific affected area (segment). The massage session begins and ends with a superficial stroking. Massage movements are performed towards the lymph nodes. Massage techniques are used:

  • embracing stroking;
  • circular rubbing with fingertips;
  • superficial and deep kneading of muscles;
  • sawing movements with the edge of the palm;
  • shaking, slapping.

Massage therapy, bath and exercise therapy are well combined. You can not use massage with severe atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, pathological expansion of the arteries (aneurysm), inflammation of the veins.

medical control

The public health system plays a special role in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Doctors should timely identify people at risk, explain to them the importance of a rational lifestyle. Timely therapy of chronic diseases, elimination of sluggish inflammatory processes is important.

With atherosclerosis, vitamins are prescribed for prophylactic purposes. Reduces the level of harmful lipids in the blood, promotes the expansion of peripheral vessels nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Ascorbic acid stimulates the immune system, affects the permeability of the vascular wall. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system, regulate endocrine functions, and protect the liver. Vitamins A and E are useful for nourishing the skin in atherosclerosis.

Competently and regularly applying preventive measures, you can live a long and active life, even with a tendency to atherosclerosis.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, based on world statistics, rank first in terms of mortality.

This list of diseases and pathologies includes heart attacks, strokes, arterial occlusions, gangrenes, ischemias and necrosis. Often they all have one cause, hidden in an elevated level of blood lipids. Atherosclerosis, which occurs against the background of an increased content of lipids in the blood plasma, is the pathology that provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Atherosclerosis is a disease that slowly progresses over many years, leading to a gradual narrowing of the vascular lumen due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

It is worth noting that it is often impossible to identify the disease clinically before the stage of developed manifestations or complications, since at the initial stages no symptoms may be observed. It can only be detected through a blood test done randomly during a medical examination. That is why it is necessary to regularly undergo consultations and examinations of the body with a doctor.

Types of cholesterol and stages of development of cholesterol deposits

The development of atherosclerosis leads to a violation of cholesterol metabolism in the body. The lipids of the human body are divided into two groups - the so-called "good", which are good for the arteries and "bad", which clog the vessels, causing atherosclerosis.

Low-density lipoproteins, referred to as “bad”, tend to attach to the vascular wall and accumulate in it, forming atherosclerotic masses.

High-density lipoproteins act in opposition to them, binding pathological cholesterol and transporting it to the liver for disposal. There, bile acids necessary for digestion are synthesized from it by transformations. Normally, there should be more high-density lipoproteins than low-density lipoproteins. However, at present this is more rare than commonplace, and the situation is usually reversed.

With an increase in the amount of bad cholesterol, a gradual formation of a plaque begins, which occurs in several stages of development:

  1. Dolipid. It is characterized by the onset of damage to the walls of blood vessels and an increase in the concentration of lipids in its composition. Clinically and on ultrasound of the vessels, this does not manifest itself in any way; with a biochemical blood test, an increase in the amount of LDL can be observed.
  2. Lipoidosis. This stage is characterized by the appearance of various spotted formations on the intima, which do not go into the lumen of the vessel. Morphologically, they look like yellowish stripes inside the artery. At this stage, the changes are reversible - these fat deposits disappear as easily as they appear.
  3. Liposclerosis is characterized by an increase in the number of fibroblasts that settle on fatty spots and lead to the growth of connective tissue. This formation is called a fibroid plaque, which prevents normal blood flow by closing the lumen of the vessel;
  4. Atheromatosis. The stage at which the plaque loses its structure due to a decrease in elasticity. Atherosclerotic masses disintegrate, which leads to increased formation of blood clots on the damaged surface of the artery;
  5. Atherocalcinosis is the final stage. At the same time, deposits of calcium salts are noted on the plaque, which make the masses hard and even more brittle, provoking their separation.

The last stage of atherosclerosis is very dangerous, since during this period the detached plaque clogs many small arterioles, which leads to reflex cerebral circulation arrest, ischemia and necrosis of the lower extremities. The most dangerous is the blockage of small vessels of the brain, which ends in disability or even death.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The therapist or cardiologist should talk about how to prevent atherosclerosis when the patient contacts them.

Each person who has the prerequisites for the development of the disease should know how to avoid atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Principles of prevention of vascular diseases

Sugar level

As a rule, to avoid atherosclerosis, there is no need to radically change the way of life.

It is enough to make small adjustments in lifestyle and eating habits and make such changes the norm.

One of the risk factors is an unhealthy lifestyle.

However, not only this contributes to the disease.

The main reasons contributing to the appearance and progression of the disease are:

  • malnutrition - eating foods rich in cholesterol.
  • hypodynamia, or a decrease in physical activity;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol in large quantities;
  • frequent occurrence of stresses affecting the body;
  • hypertension and diabetes mellitus, often these diseases develop in parallel with atherosclerosis in people over 50 years old;
  • age and gender;
  • burdened heredity in families where many have atherosclerosis.

Proper nutrition reduces the risk of atherosclerosis by 10%.

A properly selected diet will not cause torment due to the deprivation of your favorite foods and will contribute not only to the cleansing of blood vessels, but also to weight loss, which will certainly affect your overall well-being and mood.

To reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, it is necessary to exclude fatty meat, high-fat dairy products and margarine from the diet. They contain the highest amount of low density lipoproteins. In addition to them, there are foods that should be limited in consumption, but it is not recommended to completely exclude them.

These products are:

  1. Liver - beef liver contains many substances useful for hematopoiesis - this is iron, which stimulates the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow, and B vitamins, which are useful for the formation of myelin, the main substance of the nerve sheath.
  2. Egg yolks - despite the widespread belief that chicken eggs are a source of cholesterol, they are very beneficial for the body. They contain vitamins A and D, trace elements and amino acids. All this contributes to the normal functioning of all body systems, so it is impossible to exclude eggs from the diet. It is better to just limit their number to 2-3 per week, preferably boiled.
  3. Chocolate. Sweet with atherosclerosis and for its prevention should be limited to a minimum, but dark chocolate can sometimes be allowed. It promotes the production of endorphins, hormones of happiness. It helps to cope with depression and improves mood. You just have to use it in moderation.

This list includes alcohol, which is a risk factor, but in moderation it is not contraindicated.

A glass of red dry wine once a week will not do any harm.

Plant foods should be the basis of the diet, especially those that have not been heat-treated. This includes vegetables and fruits.

Scientists have proven, for example, that ordinary onions have an anti-atherosclerotic effect, destroying plaques.

In addition, vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on digestion and has a positive effect on peristalsis.

From fruits, vitamins and antioxidants enter the body, which reduce inflammation and irritation of the vascular wall, preventing the deposition of lipids on it.

  • From dairy products, preference should be given to low-fat ones. Kefir, milk and cottage cheese easily replace sour cream and cream, and bring much more benefits. In addition, calcium is better absorbed from fat-free foods.
  • Lean meats are great as an alternative to pork and lamb. The only caveat in cooking is that instead of the usual frying, you should give preference to steaming and baking. It is this cooking method that retains all the beneficial properties in meat.
  • It is better to replace sugar with honey, it contains useful antioxidants and many trace elements to maintain normal metabolism. It is also a good alternative to sugar.
  • Fish can also replace fatty meats, especially since it contains phosphorus, which is essential for the cell membrane of tissues. In addition, fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which control lipid composition, reducing the amount of low density lipoproteins and increasing the concentration of high density lipoproteins.
  • Olive oil is a great alternative to sunflower oil, as it can be used as a dressing for salads and side dishes, and it is also a source of healthy lipids.
  • Spices, especially ginger and garlic, affect the cholesterol content in the blood, ensuring the reverse development of cholesterol plaques.
  • Bran - help rapid saturation, improve peristalsis and reduce acid formation in the stomach.
  • Cereals, especially buckwheat and pearl barley, are sources of complex carbohydrates necessary for cellular nutrition.

In addition, you need to drink several glasses of pure water per day, because the water balance helps maintain a sufficient level of blood flow, keeping tissues and muscles in good shape.

Help with proper nutrition

They must be calculated individually for each patient so that there is no overload of the body. Beginners can try small sets of exercises, walks in the fresh air, swimming in the pool or in open water. For more advanced people, you can start by jogging at a slow or medium pace. It is also recommended to conduct classes in the gym on simulators.

So that classes do not get bored too quickly, you can turn them into a game form - go in for team sports, such as basketball or football.

Martial arts are very good at training endurance and physical strength.

Yoga and fitness classes are ideal for girls and women.

Alcohol and smoking adversely affect the state of blood vessels, destroying the cell wall of intimal cells, which contributes to the saturation of the wall with lipids.

Tobacco is an aggressive carcinogen and can cause cancer by being deposited in the vessels and circulating in the blood.

Also incompatible concepts, since alcohol thins the wall of blood vessels, making it subject to various external influences.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes that prevent the development of atherosclerosis:

  1. hawthorn fruits in the form of tincture are antioxidants that remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels;
  2. rose hips are a source of ascorbic acid, which is responsible for the binding and transport of cholesterol to the liver;
  3. tea from thyme with honey not only reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, but also has general strengthening properties that are indispensable in the cold season, and drinking this drink is good for headaches.

If, after all the preventive measures taken, there are signs of high cholesterol, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of other, more dangerous diseases, such as kidney failure, pancreatic damage, gout, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and anemia.

About the prevention of atherosclerosis is described in the video in this article.

Sugar level

Recent discussions.

Most often, atherosclerosis of the vessels occurs in those people whose blood cholesterol exceeds the norm. This disease is also dangerous with complications such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure. Cholesterol is able to accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, because of which the normal blood flow throughout the body is disturbed, and because of this, metabolism begins to suffer.

A large number of girls think that atherosclerosis occurs only in older people, but this is not true, this disease can also occur in a young man who leads an unhealthy lifestyle and eats improperly. In order to lower cholesterol, you must start to follow a diet. Maybe this word will scare someone, but in fact, if you wish, it is quite possible to create a tasty and interesting menu.

Sausage, milk, eggs, meat - these are all animal fats that contribute to the formation of atherosclerosis of blood vessels. A person should minimize the use of these products, if not completely eliminate them from their diet.

As for milk, you can drink skim milk. Instead of ordinary beef, it is best to give preference to dietary meat, for example, veal, chicken, lamb. Fish should be selected according to the same principle: the fatter the fish, the more useful it is for humans. So that plaques do not form on the vessels, a person must consume iodine. This trace element is found in seaweed.

There is a slightly erroneous opinion that atherosclerosis of the vessels does not tolerate oil. However, soy, olive, sunflower oil is simply necessary for the body, since they contain unsaturated fats in their composition. The human body should receive those foods that contain a lot of dietary fiber. Such products include: nuts, legumes, bran, vegetables, fruits.

However, these products should not be confused with supplements. Each person should have a diet, especially if he already has problems with blood vessels. The main thing is to learn how to properly organize yourself and avoid constant snacking on the run, even if very useful products are used for this.

To cure vascular atherosclerosis, you need to resort to a very simple, but at the same time tasty and incredibly healthy recipe, which contains acorns and chestnuts.

Don't be skeptical right away, it really needs to be tried. In order to cook porridge from acorns. It is necessary to take four or five pre-soaked and crushed acorns, as well as half a glass of rice cereal. Acorns must be boiled in milk, then mixed with rice and butter. On this porridge is ready. It has a nice creamy finish. This dish cleanses the stomach very well, besides, it is the prevention of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. However, such a porridge should not be consumed constantly, once a month is enough.

Chestnut is an indispensable friend for the human vascular system. It is especially useful when fried with the addition of honey. Chestnuts are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. To make a tincture of chestnuts, you need to pour green chestnuts into a liter jar, pour them with cognac, close the lid well and tidy up in a cool place for twenty-two days.

Such a tincture will subsequently become the basis for rubbing, but for this you will need to add sophora, mistletoe, and Adam's root to it. Ripe chestnuts are good for rubbing. A person can prepare a mixture of chestnuts, honey, nuts and eat such a mixture before eating one small spoon.

Prevention of atherosclerosis is a mandatory measure for everyone, especially the elderly. In today's world, where an unbalanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle, often sedentary work for many, bad habits, atherosclerosis is a serious danger. According to statistics, 57% of Russians die from cardiovascular diseases, in other countries this figure ranges from 30 to 60%. And the main provocateur of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels is just atherosclerosis.

Prevention of cerebral atherosclerosis minimizes the risk of stroke throughout life. The same goes for heart attacks, a cause of death and serious consequences for an increasing number of older people. Over time, the age indicators of patients who have had a heart attack grow. For those who already have atherosclerosis in their family, prevention is especially relevant.

OASNK (obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities), manifesting at first with mild numbness and slight lameness, can cause gangrene and loss of legs. This is because in the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, the tissues of the legs do not receive the required amount of oxygen and die.

More about pathology

Atherosclerosis causes blood vessels to age prematurely. Their walls, like other tissues, lose their elasticity during aging, and the inner layer lining the vascular walls becomes thin and fragile. Atherosclerotic plaques are formed on the walls of blood vessels - small fatty growths that grow and grow into connective tissue. Plaques close the lumen of the vessel, which causes difficulty in its throughput. This factor provokes the development of pathologies of both blood vessels and the heart, which is becoming increasingly difficult to pump blood.

Doctors agree that the prevention of sclerosis of the vessels of the brain and other areas of the body should combine physiotherapy exercises, taking dietary supplements and statins. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, without a diet, no other method will help. From what a person eats, the intake of fats and other elements into his body depends.

By balancing your own menu, you can also normalize the influx of nutrients, minimizing the harmful effects of unwanted components.

Specialists in the field of herbal medicine also recommend to revise your diet and exercise to prevent this pathology. To combine diet and exercise for the prevention of atherosclerosis, in their opinion, should be with herbal remedies: teas, decoctions, infusions and even syrups. The most popular herbs in this regard are: Ginkgo biloba, Baikal skullcap, hawthorn flowers, currant leaf.

Foods that cause atherosclerosis

The need to stick to a diet does not mean that you have to starve yourself. On the contrary, a healthy diet is more varied than unhealthy, and with a rational approach, it is also more economical.

The first step is to think about limiting a number of products. It is harmful to consume animal fats daily: butter, fatty cottage cheese and sour cream, lard and pork. Margarine should always be avoided. The fact is that, although it is made from vegetable oils, a chemical treatment method is used to convert them into a solid state. The final product has a much worse effect on the human body than the above fats of natural animal origin.

Sweets and lemonade should be replaced with dried fruits, unsweetened green tea and mineral water. Refined beet sugar in excess amounts slows down carbohydrate and then lipid metabolism. Another unhealthy product is eggs, or rather egg yolk. You can eat proteins every day, but the yolk increases the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Avoid black tea and coffee. They do not cause an increase in cholesterol, but under the influence of caffeine contained in these drinks in large quantities, the vessels quickly lose their elasticity. This makes them a favorable environment for the growth of atherosclerotic plaques.

It should immediately be noted that if the goal of the diet is only prevention, and not treatment, the complete exclusion of these products is not required. You can afford them on holidays. On ordinary days it is better to do without them.

How to prevent atherosclerosis with food

Animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats. Instead of sugar from the usual beets, it is better to add honey or cane sugar to tea and sweets. As for dairy products, you need to choose low-fat types from them.

It is good to eat fish instead of meat. It contains useful omega-3 fatty acids, is well absorbed and does not affect the state of blood vessels. At the same time, almost all varieties of fish, especially marine and oceanic, contain a whole complex of fat-soluble vitamins.

Fish has a beneficial effect on the balance of lipoproteins and blood clotting.

It is better not to completely refuse meat, since the body needs animal proteins, proteins. But you need to eat it little by little, and choose only low-fat varieties. Especially useful is lean red beef, which contains a minimum of fat and a maximum of substances that improve blood composition. The same can be said about beef liver.

Fiber is the foundation of any healthy diet. It is found in abundance in fresh vegetables and fruits. Slightly less in boiled and baked vegetable dishes. Separately, dry fiber is sold in health food stores. You can add it to fat-free yogurts, cereals and even pastries.

Vegetable oils, which are very useful for blood vessels, can be used any. Dozens of types of oils are sold in modern stores: traditional sunflower, corn, cottonseed, linseed, olive, and even nut. The last 2 are ideal for salads and porridge dressings; it is better not to use them for frying.

You can not deny yourself spices, both quite familiar and exotic. For example, onion, garlic and turmeric directly affect lipid metabolism. At the same time, dietary food with them is fragrant and tasty. The main condition is to add spices in moderation so as not to subject the stomach to a severe test. Other aromatic condiments made from herbs, vegetables, and seeds are also desirable. Everyone's favorite pepper perfectly disperses the blood. Cinnamon tones, nutmeg soothes and even promotes healthy sleep.

Another essential component of proper nutrition is cereals. This is bread, without which it is difficult to imagine human life, and a variety of cereals. Flour and cereals for their preparation are best taken from whole grains. They taste better and contain more vitamins, minerals and fiber than carefully processed ones. Porridges should be boiled in water, seasoned with vegetable oils, mixed with fruits.

Bran from corn and oats help fight bad cholesterol. Only 2 tbsp. l. of this product reduce the level of bad cholesterol by 30% in 1 month. After 3-4 months of regular use of bran, cholesterol is completely normal.

What do you need besides food?

To prevent atherosclerosis, prevention should consist of several directed actions. Experts from all over the world, regardless of the method that will be chosen as a preventive measure, advise:

  • keep the heart and vascular system in good shape;
  • normalize and maintain fat metabolism;
  • keep the body young and active.

Prevention of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities and the brain is not a one-time event. Only a change in lifestyle can change the state of health and give positive results. Although these measures may seem difficult, some people manage to switch to a new regimen quite quickly. Over time, when positive changes are already noticeable, a healthy lifestyle simply becomes a pleasant habit.

Folk remedies for the prevention of atherosclerosis

In the old days, people knew well how to avoid diseases. Doctors also recommend some traditional medicine today, so they should be treated with due attention. However, this does not eliminate the need to visit a doctor for advice before using them.

When using non-traditional recipes, you should not expect an instant effect. Changes in the state of health will come only 3-6 months after the start of the course.

The most popular recipes are:

  1. Crushed hawthorn berries, filled with water, heated. Let it brew for 1 hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  2. Rose hips infused in hot water. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of thyme (thyme) in boiling water. Drink ¼ cup 2-3 times a day.

Oriental products against cholesterol plaques

The widely known and very popular green tea, which has already been mentioned, is consumed in China and Japan in large quantities. Among the inhabitants of these countries, there are fewer people suffering from cardiovascular diseases than in other states. In Europe and America, it is not customary to drink this drink every day, and the inhabitants of these continents more often than Asians suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Asians know how to prevent disease with this simple and delicious drink.

In Southeast Asia, especially in coastal areas, seaweed is added to many dishes. This is a real storehouse of substances that allows you to push back the aging of the whole organism, including blood vessels. So that atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels never disturbs, you need to eat seaweed and spirulina as often as possible, which are easily available in Russia.

Sports on guard of vascular health

Regular physical activity helps to normalize the vascular system. Of course, in training you need to observe the measure, this applies especially to the elderly. Adequate activity is the prevention of not only atherosclerosis of the vessels of the head and the whole body, but also:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • stress.

Loads can be obtained not only in the gym, doing fitness. Excellent types of sports training - calm yoga, running through the beautiful places of the city and even walking.

Running is great for people with a healthy heart and normal weight. If the state of health is unsatisfactory, and the body weight is critical, this type of training will only bring harm, like other dynamic sports.

Walking is a great alternative to running. A 15-minute exercise in the morning and a half-hour walk in the evening are enough to significantly reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. If there is no time for walking, you can simply walk to and from work, or if the office is far from home, walk only part of the way. The main thing is that walking should be fast with a slight increase in breathing and heartbeat.

The exercise will help cleanse stagnant blood and saturate it with oxygen.

Yoga is a rather fashionable and interesting type of training to prevent atherosclerosis and other pathologies. Yoga asanas relieve tension, strengthen muscles, align the spine. In addition, regular yoga classes help to strengthen the immune system.

You should never stop there, be lazy and give up. And then the simple rules of a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid diseases and become a happy person.

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