The basis of the cause of pain during urination in women. Herbal bath treatment. Causes of a non-infectious nature

The condition, when the lower abdomen hurts when urinating, causes physical and psychological discomfort in women and men. Pathological signs significantly reduce the quality of life, limit freedom of movement, and make adjustments to vacation plans.

Such negative symptoms are characteristic of many diseases of the human urinary system and should not be ignored. To establish why the pain in the lower abdomen when urinating appears every time you go to the toilet, you should visit a doctor for a thorough diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment. Pain in the lower abdomen after urination is a symptom of many diseases.

Characteristic differences in pathology in men and women

In a normal state of health, all urination is carried out by a person without any problems. But if at one of the stages of emptying the bladder, pulling or cutting pains are felt in the lower abdomen, it means that one or more inflammatory foci have formed in the body. Dysuria - a disorder in the process of separating urine (sometimes with blood impurities) refers to pathologies that need differential diagnosis.

There are many causes of painful spasms:

  • inflammation in one of the sections of the urinary system;
  • mechanical damage and violation of the integrity of the ureters;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the urinary tract in the formation of malignant or benign tumors;
  • imbalance of the main components of urine.

Despite the commonality of symptoms, the causes of cutting pains are different in men and women due to the difference in the anatomical structure of the urethra. Urine formed in the kidney structures travels through the ureters to the bladder. The stretching of its walls signals readiness for emptying. A person is able to restrain urination with the help of impulses sent to the central nervous system. The reverse response leads to sphincter tension - bladder emptying is delayed.

The abdominal muscles are able to regulate the process by tensing or relaxing during urination. The occurrence of pain in this area directly indicates a malfunction of the organs located behind the abdominal wall. The urethra in girls is somewhat shorter and wider than in men, so the fair sex is more likely to suffer from infectious diseases.

Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate their vaginas into the urethra, and then into the kidneys. Actively multiplying, they release toxic substances in the course of their life, which become a source of inflammation and pain during urination in women.

Cystitis is a common cause of cutting pains in the lower abdomen

The male urethra is longer and narrower than the female, and is an insurmountable barrier to most bacteria and viruses. In addition, the prostate gland produces a special secret with antimicrobial properties, which enters the urethra through the ducts. Pain during emptying of the bladder due to inflammation in the urethra is rarely diagnosed. Much more often, cutting spasms in men occur when microbes infect the prostate, epididymis and seminal vesicles.

Why do pains appear in the lower abdomen

During the initial examination, the doctor will ask you to tell in detail at what stage of urination appear cutting or pulling pains. This will help to establish the cause of the pathological condition already at the initial stage of diagnosis. To do this, the doctor uses the classification of uncomfortable sensations at various stages of emptying the bladder:

  • pain after urination. A characteristic sign of progressive cystitis, including hemorrhagic. The disease develops against the background of frequent urge to separate urine, which may be false. Cystitis is dangerous by the transition to a chronic form, which causes kidney failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • pain before urination. The main symptom of the formation of foci of infection in the urethra. Pathology often appears in people who neglect the rules of personal hygiene, as well as with a decrease in the body's resistance to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

The feeling of pulling spasms in the lower abdomen, even with the urge to urinate, is one of the signs of damage to the structural elements of the kidneys (calyces, tubules, pelvis). You should not postpone visiting a doctor if there is fresh blood in the urine or its dark clots. This means that the painful inflammatory process has sharply aggravated under the influence of one of the following factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • acute poisoning or relapse of chronic;
  • overwork, increased physical activity;
  • exacerbation of endocrine diseases,
  • pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the prostate.

One of the causes of pain during difficult urination is emotional instability. As a rule, this condition occurs with depression or severe stress. The ability of the immune system to respond when viruses and bacteria enter the human body is reduced.

The causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases provoke the development of pain during urination

Burning and pain in the urethra

Discomfort causes a violation of the integrity of the urethral epithelial layer. The main provoking factors of pathology include infections that are sexually transmitted:

  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis.

Pathogenic microbes damage the epithelial cells of the urethra, destroying their membrane with toxic products of their vital activity. At the same time, a huge number of leukocytes are released, after death they form a favorable environment for the further spread of infection, the emergence of new foci of inflammation.

The middle wall of the urethra consists of smooth muscle fibers with sensitive nerve endings. After the destruction of epithelial cells, toxins begin to directly affect this layer, causing severe pain in the lower abdomen. A burning sensation in the urethra is a signal of infection.

Sexually transmitted diseases, in addition to thinning of the epithelial layer, are always accompanied by an abundant discharge of pus (dead white blood cells). Here are the typical symptoms of such pathologies:

  • the genitals swell;
  • mucus appears with an unpleasant odor, sometimes interspersed with blood, pus;
  • there is a feeling of dryness and severe itching of the mucous membranes.

The simplest yeast fungus causes candidal urethritis. With each urination, a person experiences cutting pain, spasm, heaviness in the lower abdomen, itching of the genitals. The venous circulation in the inner wall of the hollow organ decreases, inflammation, pain and swelling develop. The integrity of the epithelial layer is violated in the following cases:

  • with increased formation of oxalic acid crystals;
  • excessive production of glucose by the endocrine glands;
  • taking pharmacological drugs with irritating mucous action;
  • poisoning with caustic alkalis, acids, heavy metals, poisons of plant or animal origin;
  • after taking spicy food along with alcohol-containing drinks.

All these substances can damage, deform a thin layer of the epithelium in the urethra. An increased concentration of glucose in the urine of a person with diabetes mellitus is not in itself capable of provoking the chemical destruction of cell membranes.

But excess sugar content greatly dehydrates the body, violating the integrity of the epithelium, creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. Another cause of pain during frequent urination can be mechanical injuries of the urethra:

  • surgical intervention;
  • improper catheterization of the patient by medical personnel;
  • prolonged squeezing or severe bruising of the organs of the urinary system.

At risk are people with urolithiasis or acute and chronic renal failure. These pathologies increase the risk of formation of stones in the bladder or kidney structures. If a large stone passes through the ureters, then a person has unbearable cutting pains in the lower abdomen. The sharp edges of the stones injure the mucous walls of the urinary tract and even violate their integrity.

Pain in the lower abdomen and pus in the urine signal the pathology of the urethra

Why does my stomach hurt after urinating

In men, negative symptoms provoke developing urethritis with simultaneous inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis is characterized by frequent urge to empty, in which urine is separated in small portions. During urination for several minutes, a person feels cramps that radiate to the anus. Pain can also occur between emptying the bladder, most often they are localized near the pubis.

Hemorrhagic cystitis occurs against the background of hyperthermia (elevated body temperature), fatigue and the release of blood clots.

Stagnation of urine in the bladder causes irritation of the internal mucosa, and then its deformation. The disease is provoked by such factors:

  • viral and bacterial pathologies;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  • mechanical compression of the organs of the urinary system;
  • infectious foci in the seminal vesicles in men;
  • abnormal structure and (or) location of the uterus;
  • edema of renal or cardiac etiology;
  • endocrine disorders.

Bedridden patients often experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen due to the peculiarities of their position. An incorrectly installed catheter can provoke mechanical damage to tissues, where a secondary bacterial infection rapidly joins. In such people, due to lack of physical activity, urine stagnates, the functional activity of the bladder decreases.

Severe pain in the abdomen

If the source of pain is outside the urethra and accompanies inflammation of the urethra, then this indicates damage to the kidneys, ureters, and genital organs. Sharp abdominal cramps with cystitis during urination can spread not only to the anus, but also to the pubic area. For a person with such a disease, a constant change in body position is characteristic. So he tries to take a comfortable position so that the pain is not felt too sharply.

Pains similar to labor pains occur in people who have been diagnosed with renal colic. No matter how a person changes the position of his body, spasms do not become less pronounced. They are especially strong:

  • on the right in the lumbar region, spreading to the sides;
  • pulls the lower abdomen;
  • when urinating, pain occurs in the labia majora and scrotum.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen occurs with urolithiasis

A distinctive feature of renal colic is fresh blood in the urine. The very first symptoms of the pathology serve as a signal to see a doctor, and in case of cramps and spasms, it is necessary to call an ambulance team for hospitalization and further treatment in a hospital setting. Reception of antispasmodics only briefly dulls the pain, without eliminating the cause of the disease.

Many people make the mistake of postponing a visit to the doctor after the pain subsides. A large calculus continues to move along the urinary tract, damaging their membranes. Violation of the integrity of the ureters will lead to the release of blood into the body, which often causes sepsis (general blood poisoning). It also increases the likelihood of blockage of the channels with a stone - an obstacle is created for the discharge of urine. As a result, the accumulated urine begins to put pressure on the structural elements of the kidney, damaging the parenchyma, tubules, calyces and pelvis.

If the ureter does not burst under such pressure, then the kidney is severely injured, up to its complete necrosis. That is why, after diagnosing and treating renal colic, the patient undergoes instrumental studies of the state of the urinary system organs. Thus, its integrity and ability to continue to actively function is determined.

Pain in diseases that are sexually transmitted is periodically exacerbated by provoking factors (hypothermia, improperly selected drugs). Spasms are especially strongly felt on the left and right in the lumbar region, and then are given to the groin and thighs. When, in the absence of treatment, venereal pathologies take a chronic course, the pains are not pronounced. They appear as:

  • burning sensation;

Pathology is accompanied by unpleasant discharge of greenish or yellow color from the genitals. Pain in the lower abdomen during urination cannot be eliminated with antibiotics, antispasmodics and drugs with a diuretic effect. Self-medication will only give impetus to the spread of the disease in all parts of the genitourinary system. And with the transition of these pathologies into a chronic form, all systems of human life, including the nervous one, will suffer.

As you know, pain during urination in women is the most common symptom of diseases of the urogenital excretory system:

  • sexually transmitted infections (,);
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammatory diseases.

It is worth noting that burning during urination in women in this case is often accompanied by frequent urge to go to the toilet. Pain after urination in women is also an alarming symptom that is in no way related to the norm.

If there is pain during urination in women, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of urinary pain in women

Many patients who are faced with similar symptoms are wondering: how to treat pain when urinating in women? Let's figure it out.

In order for the treatment of pain during urination in women to be adequate, it is necessary to determine their nature and the presence of concomitant pathological signs.

So, for example, pain during urination, accompanied by itching and burning in the genitals, as well as frequent urination, may indicate an infectious or inflammatory process in the body that requires immediate medical attention. There can be no question of treating burning sensation during urination in women at home.

Endometritis, vaginitis and salpingitis involve the treatment of pain when urinating in women with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, selected on an individual basis. The basis of the treatment of gonorrhea is the rational use of penicillin drugs, immunotherapy and local treatment. Naturally, only a doctor can prescribe such treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to medical care, there are simple and effective traditional medicines that help relieve pain when urinating. In this case, the treatment of folk remedies for pain during urination in women involves the use of herbs:

  • Bear ears. To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of herbs is taken, poured with a glass of boiling water, infused in a water bath for half an hour, filtered, cooled, topped up with boiled water until the initial volume is obtained. The decoction is consumed in half a glass three times a day.
  • Lingonberry leaves. The decoction is prepared as follows. A tablespoon of lingonberry leaves is poured with half a liter of warm water and left for 30-40 minutes. Then the infusion is brought to a boil and boiled for at least 15 minutes. Moreover, the volume of liquid in this case should decrease by at least half. The finished broth is left to cool at room temperature and filtered. The remedy is used three times a day, one tablespoon for cystitis.
  • Dill seeds. To prepare the infusion, a tablespoon of dill seeds is taken, poured into a thermos, poured with a glass of hot water and left for 15 minutes. It is used 100 grams three times a day to reduce pain at the end of urination.

Causes of pain

As a rule, the causes of pain during urination in women lie in the inflammatory or infectious processes of the genitourinary system, due to the presence of the following diseases:

  • bladder stones resulting from the crystallization of minerals in the urine;
  • vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • chlamydia (a sexually transmitted infection);
  • vulvovaginitis (a yeast infection of the vagina and vulva);
  • herpetic infections (also called as causes of pain when urinating in women);
  • irritation of the vaginal tissue caused by personal hygiene products, bathing, tight synthetic underwear.

Pain with blood

The appearance of blood in the urine is called hematuria. Despite the fact that the causes of the aforementioned pathology are different and can indicate many diseases, in most cases, pain when urinating with blood in women indicates the presence of cystitis.

In addition, the causes of blood in the urine may be:

  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • damage to the urinary organs (may cause pain and blood when urinating in women);
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • circulatory disorders in the genitourinary system (may cause pain when urinating and blood in women);
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • kidney stones (their movement can provoke pain when urinating with blood in women);
  • bladder cancer.

Pain at the end

In most cases, pain during urination in women at the end of bladder emptying is caused by its inflammation associated with:

  • colds;
  • infections;
  • neoplasms in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • errors in personal hygiene.

Also, the reason why it hurts to write to a woman at the end of urination can be eating excessively acidic foods, indulging in energy drinks and other carbonated drinks that irritate the urethral mucosa.

As a rule, pain during urination in women at the beginning of emptying the bladder is characterized by a burning, sharp character and causes discomfort to everyone who experiences it.

The reasons why it hurts to write at the end of urination in women are:

  • sexually transmitted infections, for example;
  • gynecological diseases - cystitis, vaginitis, colpitis, urethritis, cervicitis;
  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the uterus.

In most cases, burning in the vagina during urination is an alarming symptom that requires clarification of the etiology and adequate treatment. Pain at the end of urination in women can occur both during and after urination, and is associated with the irritating effect of urine on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The frequency and intensity of pain depends on the degree of damage and the etiology of the disease.

Pain at the beginning

Pain when urinating in women at the beginning of emptying the bladder is often accompanied by other symptoms:

  • vaginal discharge;
  • itching;
  • redness and swelling of the external genital organs;
  • frequent urination;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • painful intercourse.

Burning in the vagina when urinating

Basically, burning in the vagina during urination indicates an exacerbated inflammatory process, for example, adnexitis or endometritis, associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora due to hormonal failure. Also, pain in the vagina during urination can occur as a result of hypothermia, a decrease in general or local immunity, prolonged use of antibacterial agents, and prolonged depression.

In addition, burning in the vagina after urination can give, the causative agent of which is Candida yeast.

In addition, pain in the vagina during urination may be associated with vulvitis, which is an inflammatory process caused by opportunistic microorganisms or sexually transmitted diseases.

Pain after childbirth and caesarean section

The main reason for the pain during urination after childbirth is the illiterate installation of the catheter by the medical staff. This condition does not require treatment and resolves on its own within a few days.

In addition, pain during urination after a cesarean section may indicate inflammation of the urinary streams. It is accompanied by the following manifestations, because of which it is painful for a woman to write after childbirth:

  • strong specific smell and turbidity of urine;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • discomfort in the lumbar region.

Pain after a catheter

Complaints of patients about severe pain when urinating after a catheter are not uncommon. Such symptoms are caused by both insufficient professionalism of the doctor and the wrong selection of this instrument. The pain caused by the installation of the catheter does not require any treatment, lasts only a few days and soon disappears without a trace.

If it is so painful to write after the catheter that it is impossible to endure, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

Pain in the uterus

Constant or periodic pain in the uterus during urination may indicate the presence of inflammatory diseases - endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis. In addition to painful urination, these processes may be accompanied by:

  • abundant watery or;
  • burning sensation;
  • itching;
  • bad smell;
  • frequent urination.

Pain in the ovaries

As a rule, pain in the ovaries during urination is associated with an inflammatory process - adnexitis. In most cases, it is intermittent and worsens with urination.

The occurrence of pain syndrome is provoked by a general decrease in immunity against the background of colds, hypothermia, stress, physical and mental overwork.

And adnexitis itself, as a rule, is a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases, and in the absence of adequate treatment, it can even lead to infertility. Therefore, it is so important to visit a gynecologist in time if there are complaints.


Cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder, is the most common cause of urinary pain in women. It is pain that is an obligatory sign of an inflammatory reaction.

In addition to cystitis, inflammatory diseases of the following organs can be accompanied by pain: urethra, kidneys, vagina.

Causes of pathological conditions of these organs:

  • decreased immune defense;
  • hypothermia;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • penetration into the tissues of microorganisms.

Considering the last reason in more detail, we note that the ways of introducing microorganisms are usually the following:

  • ascending path (the infection "rises" from the genital organs along the urethra to the higher organs);
  • descending path (the infection "descends" from higher organs, such as the kidneys);
  • hematogenous (or lymphogenous) path (the infection enters through the vessels from nearby or distant organs).

Identifying causes of painful urination in women

Let us consider in detail the symptoms of pathological conditions that are accompanied by pain during urination.

  • Cystitis

With cystitis, you often want to go to the toilet. During the act of urination, a burning sensation is felt. Pain in the lower abdomen during urination in women is clearly manifested, which indicates a pathology in the bladder area. Urine may have an unpleasant odor.

Cystitis can be acute and chronic. The second form of the disease proceeds with alternation of two periods: exacerbation and remission. Characteristic symptoms appear precisely during the period of exacerbation or at the height of the acute period.

Often, cystitis can occur in women who begin sexual relations, which is associated with a change in the microflora of the external genital organs.

  • Urethritis

Urethritis is an inflammatory disease of the channel, which is necessary for the excretion of urine into the environment. In a woman, the urethra is much shorter than in men and reaches a length of 3-7 cm. In addition, it is located next to the vagina, diseases of which can lead to urethritis.

The characteristic signs of inflammation of the urethra include: cutting pains at the end of the act of urination, burning and the presence of a slight itching, very rarely there may be a discharge.

  • Inflammation

Inflammation of the genital organs can occur for various reasons. In addition to microorganisms, they predispose to the disease: prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, changes in hormonal levels, pathological conditions accompanied by metabolic disorders, mechanical injuries of the genital organs, and allergic reactions.

Symptoms accompanying the disease:

  1. unusual (pathological) discharge;
  2. hyperemia (redness) of the vaginal mucosa;
  3. not always, but possible pain at the time of urination;
  4. violation of general well-being, which is accompanied by hyperthermia;
  5. pain in side when urinating.

If there is pain in the side when urinating in women, then this symptom may indicate a disease of the internal genital organs or urolithiasis. Often pathological changes occur on one side.

  • infections

Infections that are transmitted during sexual intercourse cause inflammation of the genitals and sometimes the urethra.

Similar signs characteristic of most sexually transmitted diseases include: redness, burning, irritation of the labia and vagina.

If the urethra is involved in the pathological process, there is pain during urination.

  • Allergy

Allergy to personal care products or the material from which the underwear is made.

Pain at the end of urination with blood indicates any pathology in the genitourinary system. Most often, a small discharge of blood and pain when urinating in women at the end indicate acute cystitis. There should be no blood in the urine.

On microscopic examination of urine, erythrocytes should be absent in the field of view, not to mention visible blood. Blood can also be excreted in the urine with glomerulonephritis, that is, with damage to the renal tubules.

In this case, urine resembles the color of meat slops. Blood in the urine may also be due to the presence of stones and / or sand in the renal pelvis or bladder. When they move, the walls of the ureters and bladder are damaged, which leads to the appearance of visible blood.

Normally, blood can be present in the urine only during menstrual flow.

Diagnosis of pain during urination in women

Diagnosis of pain during urination in women should begin with a survey. The patient, as a rule, complains not only of pain during urination and discharge, but also of a number of other local symptoms (frequent urination, excretion of urine in small portions, sometimes drop by drop) and, in severe cases, general symptoms.

The last group of signs of cystitis includes general malaise, weakness, fever, decreased performance.

Another pathology from which cystitis should be distinguished is an attack of renal colic. It occurs with urolithiasis at the time of the movement of sand along the urinary tract. The pain is clearly felt at the beginning and throughout the act of urination.

If blood is released during urination in women with pain, the doctor may prescribe additional research methods in order to exclude other diseases, evaluate the neglect of the pathological process, as well as the involvement of other organs in it.

Of the instrumental methods, ultrasound is the most common. From laboratory research methods - blood and urine tests are prescribed.

To treat pain during urination in women should be a doctor - a urologist or therapist. As an etiotropic therapy (aimed at the cause of the disease), antibacterial drugs are prescribed by a specialist.

One of the most common drugs prescribed by urologists is Uroprofit. It has good antimicrobial properties. The complex of substances that make up its composition normalize urination, improve kidney function, and reduce the risk of relapses of exacerbation.

The following antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the treatment: Furagin, Nitroxoline, Liprokhin, Proxacin, etc. The dosage of drugs is selected by the doctor, taking into account age, neglect of the pathological process, concomitant diseases.

Folk methods of treatment

An excellent addition to the traditional therapeutic course are traditional medicine. In addition to the herbs from which decoctions are made, infusions are used to warm the bladder area.

4 effective folk recipes:

  1. chop the parsley seeds. Add 2 cups (350 - 400 ml) of boiled water to 30g of the mixture. During the day, the resulting infusion should be drunk;
  2. take in the same ratio the flowers of chamomile and horsetail. The resulting mixture is well mixed and brewed like tea (a tablespoon of 200 - 300 ml of boiling water). Drink 1 glass per day. This tool helps well during the period of exacerbation with a feeling of acute pain;
  3. grind 2 tablespoons of yarrow herb and pour boiling water in a volume of 250 ml. The infusion is ready after 30 minutes. It should be consumed at 30 ml (approximately 1 tablespoon) several times a day;
  4. lingonberry leaf, lingonberries and cranberries help to eliminate the infection well. A traditional infusion is prepared from a lingonberry leaf (1 tablespoon per glass of water), and compotes are made from berries, fruit drinks are made. They should be drunk as often as possible.

Herbal treatment will be effective if they are used for a long time, alternating different compositions.

Prevention of painful urination

It is possible to prevent this symptom, as a manifestation of one of any inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, if hypothermia is avoided.

Prevention of painful urination is to prevent relapses of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urethra, vagina. In addition, you should:

  • wear cotton underwear;
  • do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene;
  • use suitable, non-allergic personal hygiene products;
  • lead an "orderly" sex life.

It is possible to avoid the resumption of symptoms of diseases of the urinary system if you take courses of antibiotic therapy as prescribed by a doctor in a timely manner, avoid stressful conditions, and follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by treatment in a health facility of a sanatorium type.

Pain during urination in women during pregnancy

During gestation, a feeling of pain in the bladder area may occur in the following cases:

  • bladder infection;
  • the movement of stones and sand along the urinary tract with urolithiasis;
  • compression of the organ by the uterus in the later stages of gestation.

If there is pain during urination in women during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the infection may spread higher to the kidneys.

Self-treatment proven medicines

The appearance of pain during urination is an obvious signal of problems with the genitourinary system. In this case, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms in order to understand what kind of ailment caused painful urination.

Causes of pain when urinating in women

Many women have to deal with diseases of the genitourinary system throughout their lives. These diseases are often accompanied by painful urination.

The following pathological conditions lead to the appearance of pain during urination:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the urethra, bladder;
  2. Sexual infections;
  3. Tumors of the urinary organs.

Inflammatory diseases

Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms live on the skin of the perineum. These bacteria can enter the urethra if basic personal hygiene is not observed during sex. With inflammation of the urethra, an acute one develops, which can be specific and nonspecific. Specific urethritis provoked by microorganisms that cause, this, etc. non-specific develops when conditionally pathogenic bacteria enter the urethra:,.

A woman may suspect about the onset of acute urethritis by the occurrence of cutting pains in the urethra during urination. Pain is especially pronounced at the beginning of urination. With urethritis, purulent discharge in the urine can also be detected. The rest of the time, a woman may feel discomfort due to itching of the perineum.

It is worth noting that urethritis in women very rarely occurs in isolation. Often, the inflammatory process passes from the urethra to the bladder with the formation of an acute one. This feature is due to the structure of the urethra. The urethra in women is short and wide, and therefore pathogens very quickly, almost unhindered, penetrate from here into the bladder. In fact, very often the cause of painful urination in the fairer sex is precisely cystitis. However, this is not the only possible cause of such a symptom.

A woman can suspect cystitis by signs such as:

  • During urination occur, as well as in the urethra. The pain is especially intensified at the end of urination;
  • (a woman has to run to the toilet a little literally every hour);
  • Constant pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in the perineum;
  • No feeling of relief after urination, as if the bladder were not completely emptied;
  • Turbidity of urine, sometimes you can even notice impurities of blood in it;
  • Temperature rise;
  • Malaise, weakness.

Unfortunately, when painful urination occurs, many women do not go to the doctor, but to the pharmacy, where they buy advertised ones. Such drugs do eliminate the symptoms of cystitis, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease. As a result, the disease imperceptibly transforms into a chronic form, which will be much more difficult to deal with.

Sexual infections

Large stones cause a different clinical picture. As long as they are in the kidneys, nothing bothers the woman. But when a large stone moves along the ureter and clogs its lumen, it occurs. Pain occurs suddenly, often when drinking a large amount of liquid or after strong shaking in transport. The pain is very intense, often intermittent. It is able to radiate to the lower back, groin, stomach. When the stone is localized at the bottom of the ureter, frequent, painful urination occurs.

When the stone enters the bladder, the woman begins to periodically experience pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the perineum. Urination is accompanied by a distinct pain in the bladder. In this case, the jet may suddenly interrupt and then resume.

Neoplasms of the urinary organs

Pain during urination in the fairer sex can also signal neoplasms of the urinary tract. Often among women, a benign neoplasm of the mucous membrane of the urethra, called a polyp, is found.

With urethral polyps, a woman is concerned about difficulty urinating, feeling a foreign body in the urethra, and even pain when urinating. In the urine, it is sometimes possible to detect blood impurities. There are many reasons for polyp formation, but chronic sexual infections play the most important role.

The urinary organs can also be affected by a malignant process. With cancer of the urethra, a woman is worried about burning pain during urination and after sexual contact. In the urine, with all this, blood impurities can be seen. Another typical symptom is urinary incontinence, which brings a lot of inconvenience to a woman's life.

Tumors of the bladder are benign and malignant. The first signs of the disease can be considered constant pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the perineum and groin. During urination, the pain increases significantly. Also an important sign is the detection of blood in the urine, sometimes this symptom may occur before other signs. Therefore, when blood appears in the urine and there are no other complaints, it makes sense to undergo an examination of the genitourinary organs.

Grigorova Valeria, medical commentator

Pain during urination occurs in many diseases of the lower urinary tract. The most common ones are:
  • urethritis (gonorrheal, chlamydia, etc.);
  • stones in the urethra;
  • polyps in the urethra;
  • cystitis;
  • cystalgia;
  • bladder stones;
  • bladder tumors;
  • prostatitis;
  • prostate tumors.
Thus, the cause of pain during urination can be:
  • sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea), in which they turn to a venereologist;
  • tumors requiring consultation with an oncologist;
  • pathologies in which you should contact the surgeon (bladder stones);
  • gynecological problems in women;
  • urological diseases (nonspecific urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis).
In order to correctly assess the situation and know which doctor to turn to for help, you need to have a general idea of ​​the main signs of diseases accompanied by such a common symptom like pain when urinating.

For an adequate assessment of the severity of the pathology, first of all, the pain syndrome should be as detailed as possible. Sharp, sudden pain when urinating indicates an acute inflammatory process, or any acute surgical pathology (stone in the urethra, trauma). Therefore, in such cases, you should immediately seek help. Chronic processes are manifested by moderate pain, burning, a feeling of heaviness in the pubic area.

It should be noted that the severity of the pain syndrome does not always coincide with the severity of the pathology. So, for example, prostate cancer in the early stages often proceeds almost asymptomatically, and for the first time it is manifested by difficulty in passing urine and pain of moderate intensity.

Treatment is surgical. The attending physician is a urologist-surgeon.

Pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination as symptoms of inflammation

Cystitis as a cause of pain in the lower abdomen when urinating with blood

Pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination, often with blood, are characteristic of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder - cystitis. This pathology occurs in women 3-4 times more often than in men. People of all ages get sick. In children, the disease is usually more acute.

In the vast majority of cases, cystitis has an infectious origin. In this case, the infection can spread through the genitourinary tract, from neighboring organs lymphogenously (along the lymph), or from distant tissues of the body hematogenously (along the blood). Less common are cystitis of non-infectious origin (allergic, neurogenic, radiation, postoperative, etc.).

In accordance with the conditions of occurrence, all cystitis is divided into primary and secondary. In this case, primary cystitis occurs with an initially healthy genitourinary system. The development of secondary cystitis is promoted by local pathology (congenital anomalies in the development of the genitourinary tract, bladder stones, prostate tumors, etc.).

It should be noted that normally the bladder has a natural defense against infectious and inflammatory processes, so primary cystitis occurs, as a rule, with the combined effect of several factors.

Thus, the more frequent occurrence of inflammatory processes in the bladder in women is due to less frequent urination. Any congestion in the small pelvis has a bad effect on the organ's resistance to infections.

The starting impetus for the development of cystitis can be a general weakening of the body, hypothermia, nervous stress.

Pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis is permanent. It increases before urination due to overstretching of the inflamed mucosa. It accompanies the act of urination, and is especially strong after urination, as the inflamed tissue subsides.

The pain subsides somewhat some time after the passage of urine, when a sufficient amount of urine enters the bladder from the kidneys through the ureters to give the inflamed mucosa the most comfortable position.

Due to irritation of the inflamed tissue, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, so frequent urination is a characteristic sign of cystitis.

At the age of 2.5 - 4 years, in response to severe pain irritation, spasm of the sphincters of the lower urinary tract and urinary retention may occur.

It is possible to suspect the presence of such a symptom as pain when urinating in young children with the appropriate behavior of the child (children become restless before urinating, crying, kicking their legs).

As in adults, secondary cystitis occurs in children, which occurs as a complication of congenital anomalies of the bladder and / or urinary tract, as well as with the spread of infection from other parts of the urinary system. Therefore, if cystitis is suspected, a thorough additional examination is necessary.

Attending doctor: pediatrician, pediatric urologist.

Distinctive signs of cystalgia: pain when urinating during
menstruation in girls, pain after sex when urinating in women

Cystalgia is a functional disorder of the bladder, manifested by frequent imperative urge to urinate and pain when passing urine. In this case, the pain syndrome is in many ways similar to the pain of cystitis.

However, inflammatory processes in the bladder with cystalgia are not observed, as clearly evidenced by urine tests, which must be done in such cases.

The clinical symptom that distinguishes cystalgia from cystitis is an increase in pain during urination during menstruation in girls (this disease most often develops at a young age). Sexually active women complain of pain when urinating after sex.

In addition, with cystalgia, as a rule, there is no noticeable increase in the pain syndrome characteristic of cystitis immediately before urination and immediately after emptying the bladder.

Often exacerbations of cystalgia are associated with nervous stress, while exacerbations of cystitis are usually caused by hypothermia.

It should be noted that the pain syndrome with cystalgia, even during exacerbations, is not particularly intense. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen when urinating, girls and women, as a rule, experience discomfort in the perineum and external genital organs, which may not be associated with the process of urination.

The disease can last for years, poisoning the lives of patients. Frequent imperative urge to urinate, disturbing patients day and night, in many cases leads to disability.

If cystalgia is suspected, a complete examination should be performed to rule out acute or chronic cystitis. In addition, the so-called secondary cystalgia is distinguished, when functional disorders of the bladder are associated with hypofunction of the ovaries or congestion in the small pelvis. In such cases, therapy or correction of the primary pathology will lead to a cure for cystalgia.

Sometimes, under the mask of cystalgia, sexually transmitted diseases are hidden that require appropriate treatment. Especially often such a clinical picture occurs in chronic chlamydia.

Treating physicians: therapist, urologist, neuropathologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist.

Pain in the lower abdomen after urination in men and women with tumors

Pain in the lower abdomen after urination in women and men with tumors of the bladder is in many ways reminiscent of pain in cystitis: it subsides as the bladder fills, in which the walls affected by the tumor take the most comfortable position, and then again increases with overstretching of the walls, and reaches a maximum directly before urinating.

A characteristic pain syndrome may be the first sign of a malignant tumor of the bladder. The early stages are usually asymptomatic. Sometimes the appearance of pain is preceded by episodes of hematuria, so the detection of blood in the urine in the absence of other symptoms of pathology should always be alarming. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo a complete urological examination.

As tumor growth progresses, additional symptoms appear: frequent urination, imperative urges, and increased hematuria. In this case, the pain loses its characteristic connection with urination, and becomes permanent.

In the future, complications (ascending infection, metastatic growth) may develop, which are manifested by such signs as pain in the side when urinating (with damage to the ureter) or pain in the lower back with frequent urination (with kidney damage).

Due to the constant loss of blood, chronic anemia develops. It is joined by manifestations of cancer intoxication, which leads to exhaustion of the patient (cancerous cachexia).

Unlike cystitis, which is the most common cause of pain after urination in women, bladder cancer is more common in men. Moreover, people aged 50-70 years are most susceptible to this pathology. This feature can also provide some assistance in the diagnosis of the disease.

Benign tumors of the bladder are extremely rare and are usually asymptomatic.

If you suspect a tumor of the bladder seek help from an oncologist.

Pain in the abdomen when urinating in men and women with a foreign body
or a stone in the bladder

Pain in the abdomen when urinating with a foreign body or stone in the bladder can occur in both men and women.

Foreign bodies in the bladder are most often found in children. In such cases, they enter the organ cavity during games. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genitourinary system, this pathology occurs mainly in girls and women (short, straight and wide urethra).

Urinary stones - on the contrary, are more often formed in males. Moreover, the age of the diseased is mainly in the range of 50-60 years. This is due to prostate tumors, which are most common at this age. Tumors of the prostate gland lead to stagnation of urine, which contributes to stone formation.

The clinical picture of a foreign body and a large stone in the bladder is almost the same. Characterized by pain in the projection of the bladder, aggravated by urination, radiating to the glans penis in men, or to the clitoris and labia in women.

Sometimes the pain syndrome in the irradiation zone is stronger than the pain in the bladder area, and can be perceived as the only symptom. This is especially true for children - boys vigorously massage the head of the penis during urination in order to ease the pain syndrome.

Another feature of pain with a stone or a foreign body of the bladder: the pain syndrome increases with sudden movements or with a change in body position.

Sometimes a stone blocks the neck of the bladder so that urine comes out in a thin stream or drops when urinating. You can restore the normal discharge of urine by taking a horizontal position for a while. In extremely severe cases, patients lose the ability to urinate while standing or sitting on the toilet, and are forced to lie down in bed and substitute a duck.

If you suspect a stone or a foreign body in the bladder, contact a urologist surgeon. Lack of adequate treatment will inevitably lead to complications: the development of cystitis, ascending infection (pyelonephritis), acute urinary retention, bleeding, etc.

Pain after urination in men with prostate diseases

Pain after urination and other symptoms of prostate damage

Such a symptom as pain after urination, in men, is most often found in various diseases of the prostate. This symptom is due to the fact that the empty bladder presses on the pathologically altered prostate gland, causing discomfort of varying severity.

The general characteristic of the pain syndrome in the pathology of the prostate is constancy. After some time after emptying the bladder, the pain subsides, but does not completely disappear. It is enhanced by any processes accompanied by venous congestion in the tissues of the gland (coitus interruptus, masturbation, prolonged sitting).

Pain in case of damage to the prostate gland is localized in the perineum, radiates to the iliac, inguinal and suprapubic regions, to the urethra and rectum, spreads along the spermatic cord to the testicle.

In this case, the pain can be acute or dull, sometimes the pain syndrome is transformed into a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, and is accompanied by itching and general discomfort in the external genital area. The intensity of the pain syndrome increases with exacerbations of the process, and in the event of the formation of an abscess, the pain becomes unbearable.

Another characteristic symptom of prostate diseases is frequent urination, which may be due to the mechanical effect of the enlarged prostate gland on the bladder, or the spread of the inflammatory process with the development of secondary cystitis. A specific feature of chronic lesions of the prostate is frequent nocturnal urge to urinate.

Enlargement of the prostate gland with inflammation or oncopathology leads to squeezing of the urethra. Hence, another symptom of prostate disease is difficulty urinating. This feature is especially characteristic of prostate tumors. Urine is excreted in a thin stream without pressure, or drops. Often the patient is forced to push during deurination. In this case, there is often a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder at the end of urination.

Pain with frequent urination and fever as symptoms of acute prostatitis

Acute prostatitis is characterized by a rapid onset with a sharp rise in temperature. In this case, chills indicate the severity of the lesion. In such cases, the symptoms of intoxication are especially pronounced, and may resemble a septic state: the respiratory rate and heart rate increase, nausea and dizziness appear. However, in the vast majority of cases, the chills pass within 20-30 minutes, and are replaced by weakness.

Pain in acute prostatitis is usually very intense. The pain is accompanied by frequent urination. Patients complain of passing urine in small portions, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Difficulty urinating can lead to acute urinary retention.

The severity of symptoms varies depending on the degree of inflammation of the prostate. Therefore, in some cases, the only clinical manifestation may be pain in the rectum during a long stay in a sitting position, or during defecation. Comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, or drug addiction may mask the severity of the disease.

The most common complications of acute prostatitis are acute urinary retention and abscess formation, which are indications for emergency medical care (catheterization for acute urinary retention, surgical opening and drainage of an abscess).

Acute prostatitis develops, as a rule, in young men (up to 30-40 years). Most often, the infection spreads through the genitourinary tract, so that prostatitis becomes a complication of acute or chronic urethritis. However, it is possible to spread the infection with blood flow from distant organs, or with lymph flow from neighboring areas (with inflammation of the rectum or hemorrhoids).

Contribute to the development of prostatitis sedentary lifestyle, sexual excess or prolonged abstinence, general weakening of the body. Often the impetus for the development of the disease is hypothermia.

Pain after sex when urinating as one of the symptoms of chronic prostatitis

Pain after sex during urination is one of the symptoms of chronic prostatitis. In this case, the pain syndrome is localized in the perineal region, however, it can manifest itself as a feeling of discomfort in the anus, suprapubic or inguinal region. In addition, pain can be given to the genitals and the inner thighs.

The pain syndrome in chronic prostatitis is of a constant nature of severity, or discomfort in the perineum. In most cases, the pain is not associated with urination, but often increases during ejaculation, and in this case can be especially intense when urinating or defecation after intercourse.

Chronic prostatitis, as a rule, occurs as a result of inadequate acute treatment, and is characterized by blurred clinical symptoms, a persistent course and a tendency to complications.

The characteristic symptoms of chronic prostatitis can also include itching in the genital area, the outlet of the urethra and anus. Often patients complain of spontaneous discharge of urine droplets. Signs such as frequent urination and difficulty passing urine are mild or absent.

With a long course of the disease, common symptoms develop: sleep disturbance, decreased performance, irritability. Chronic prostatitis is characterized by complications such as impaired potency and infertility.

Pain during urination in men with prostate tumors

The most common male urological disease, benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma), is characterized by frequent urination without pain. The occurrence of pain after urination with prostate adenoma is possible in the later stages, with the development of complications such as secondary cystitis or inflammation of the prostate.

Pain when urinating can be one of the symptoms of prostate cancer. In such cases, the pain syndrome increases after urination due to pressure on the prostate, and weakens as the bladder fills. At the same time, it almost never disappears completely, and worries the patient day and night. Pain syndrome in prostate cancer can have different intensity: from excruciating unbearable pain to a feeling of heaviness in the perineum.

Sometimes pain during urination accompanies the first signs of oncopathology, but often joins later. It should be noted that prostate cancer is a rather insidious disease, and for a long time it is asymptomatic. In this case, the first symptom of the pathology is most often frequent urination at night. Then, as the tumor grows, difficulty in urination of varying severity develops.

Violation of the normal outflow of urine, in turn, can lead to the development of cystitis and / or pyelonephritis, and cause such deadly complications as acute urinary retention or chronic renal failure.

Quite often, the first symptoms of prostate cancer are signs of metastatic lesions. Prostate cancer metastasizes very early, mainly hematogenous - in the pelvis, sacrum, femoral neck, lumbar spine, ribs. Pain in prostate cancer metastases often resembles pain in sciatica.

It should be noted that prostate cancer is one of the most common malignant oncological diseases in middle-aged and elderly men. Therefore, if a man aged 50 years and older without traditional causes (hypothermia, physical work) begins to have sciatica that cannot be treated by conventional methods, then before prescribing thermal physiotherapy procedures, you should check the prostate gland.

Pain while urinating during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which may be accompanied by some urinary symptoms. First of all, this is difficulty urinating: urine leaves in a thin and weak stream, so that sometimes a woman has to push to completely empty her bladder. Often there are symptoms such as increased urination and urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing, laughing. All these phenomena are temporary and do not require special medical care.

Pain during urination during pregnancy, as a rule, indicates a pathology. A common cause is candidiasis (thrush). Activation of opportunistic microflora during pregnancy is associated with complex hormonal changes in the body.

However, the most common cause of pain when urinating during pregnancy is cystitis. The cramped position of the bladder creates conditions for the development of inflammatory processes, so expectant mothers should be especially careful and avoid hypothermia. Cystitis during pregnancy occurs with the same symptoms as in non-pregnant women.

If frequent painful urination is accompanied by pain in the side or lower back, you should immediately seek medical help. Such signs indicate damage to the upper urinary tract, and warn of the threat of complications from the kidneys. Such complications can extremely adversely affect the further course of pregnancy and childbirth.

How to treat pain when urinating?

Treatment for pain when urinating depends on the cause of the symptom. In some cases, surgical intervention is recommended (urethral polyps, stone or foreign body in the bladder, tumors of the bladder and prostate). In others, conservative treatment (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, cystalgia).

However, the general provisions in the treatment of all diseases without exception, accompanied by pain during urination, are a strict diet with the exception of spicy, salty and smoked foods, a sparing daily routine and consistent personal hygiene.

Hypothermia, nervous stress, heavy physical labor, as well as prolonged sitting in a sitting position should be avoided in order to avoid congestion in the small pelvis.

If pain during urination occurs during pregnancy, when prescribing drugs, it is necessary to take into account their possible harm to the fetus. So, with thrush in pregnant women, mainly local drugs are prescribed, and with antibiotic therapy for cystitis, proven drugs are chosen, the safety of which has already been proven.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.
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