What to use for the prevention of lice. Prevention of lice in children, causes of infection with pediculosis. Sanitation for head lice infestation

Like any other disease, pediculosis is easier to prevent than to cure. Prevention of pediculosis is a set of measures, the main purpose of which is to limit direct contact with a potentially infected person.

Causes of infection with pediculosis:

  • close contact with an already infected person;
  • violation of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • using someone else's bedding or underwear.

Note, the risk of catching pediculosis increases many times in crowded places, trains, kindergartens and schools, railway stations, military units. Read more about where lice come from, how you can get infected with them, read on our website.

Prevention measures

By following the simple rules of prevention, you can protect yourself from infection with pediculosis:

How to save a child

Preventing the development of pediculosis in a child is simple - just teach him to follow certain rules.

Only if you regularly follow all of the above recommendations, you can protect your child from infection with pediculosis.


You can protect yourself from lice infection by periodically treating your hair with special insecticidal agents. The retail network of pharmacies offers a wide selection of shampoos, lotions and sprays designed for the prevention of head lice.

When choosing a drug, it is necessary to pay attention to the active ingredient, as well as its concentration. It is important to distinguish between drugs for adults and children, they differ significantly in composition.

Important! In order to prevent pediculosis, the same drug is used as for treatment, only at a lower dosage.

  • Veda-2- inexpensive, but very effective and popular drug for the prevention of pediculosis. The main ingredient is permethrin. The duration of exposure to the scalp is thirty minutes. To achieve maximum effect, the manufacturer recommends re-treatment after ten days. The average cost of the drug is 150 rubles.

  • Paranit- Shampoo and spray from a Belgian manufacturer, which includes natural oils of anise, coconut, ylang-ylang. The drug is absolutely harmless to human health. Used with caution by pregnant women. The average price in the country's pharmacies is 500 rubles.


Compared to shampoos sprays - non-toxic, absolutely safe for human health means of preventing pediculosis. Sprays are conveniently applied to the hair by spraying. When choosing sprays, you should pay attention not only to the composition and price, but also to the reviews of those who have already used them.

  • Full Marks Spray- a drug containing highly toxic substances: cyclomethicone, isopropyl myristate. In this regard, the use of the spray is prohibited for patients with bronchial asthma and children under five years of age. The average price in the country's pharmacies is 600 rubles.

  • Lavinal. The release form of the drug is an oily liquid in a bottle with a dispenser. Of the advantages, it is worth noting the presence of natural components in the composition of the drug (mint, lavender, ylang-ylang oils). Application restrictions are: an individual allergic reaction to any component of the spray and age up to two years. The average cost in the retail network of pharmacies is 300 rubles.

  • Pediculen Ultra- spray of the Russian producer. Active ingredient: anise oil. Alcohol and capric acid make it possible to prevent the development of pediculosis without a negative impact on human health. Contraindications for use: pregnancy, age up to five years, the presence of skin diseases in the acute phase of development. The average price is 450 rubles.

The active lifestyle of a modern person does not allow 100% to exclude the possibility of infection with pediculosis. But it is possible to minimize the risks of developing the disease by observing simple rules of prevention and carefully monitoring the condition of the skin.

Useful videos

Pediculosis treatment and prevention.

Prevention of pediculosis.

This disease is characterized by an extremely high rate of infection among children. For example, a healthy child might wear someone else's hat or take a friend's towel in the pool. And in a few days, he himself will become a source of infection.

It should not be thought that lice infest only socially disadvantaged children. Children from wealthy families also get sick with pediculosis, often bringing unwanted "guests" from school or kindergarten.



Most often, infection occurs in children's groups: schools, kindergartens, summer camps, sections, sanatoriums, hospitals.

In rare cases, infection occurs when visiting public places - baths, a hairdresser, locker rooms.

Further symptoms of pediculosis in children:

  • Increased itching, most often itches behind the ears and in the lower part of the neck;
  • skin irritation, scratching;
  • The appearance of reddish bite spots that turn blue over time;
  • Allergic reactions, swelling;
  • Irritability, poor sleep, difficulty concentrating.

In advanced cases, the hair begins to stick together, tangles form, and the smell of rot comes from the hair. Clothes lice can be identified by bite marks in areas hidden by clothing.

In addition to unpleasant sensations - itching and irritation, pediculosis can have consequences in the form of dangerous ailments.

So, lice carry pathogens of typhus, which can be fatal. And through the wounds from scratching, an infection can enter and cause serious damage to the skin.

In children's groups, examinations of children for scabies and lice are mandatory. All data are entered in a special journal of examination of children and a medical record.

When to check children:

  • In boarding schools and orphanages, as well as in health camps - weekly;
  • Upon admission to a preschool institution or after a long absence;
  • Before leaving for the camp and after arrival;
  • After school holidays, before the end of the school year and every month selectively in different classes;
  • On admission to the hospital.

If lice are found in one of the examined children, the baby is sent home for sanitation. After that, he can return to kindergarten or school only with a certificate of the absence of pediculosis.

How to get rid of dangerous insects?

Pharmacy remedies for pediculosis for children

In children, treatment for pediculosis is carried out with pharmaceutical preparations with the following active ingredients:

  • benzyl benzoate;
  • Boric ointment;
  • Dimethicone biphasic;
  • Malathion;
  • Tincture of hellebore;
  • Permethrin;
  • Fenotrin;
  • Essential oils of anise, lavender and ylang-ylang.

Those formulations where permethrin is present are not suitable for hypersensitive children and babies under three years of age. Preparations with phenothrin are not recommended for children under five years of age. Benzyl benzoate and cheremic water can cause irritation, so they should only be used by older students.

How to treat pediculosis in young children? Suitable cream "Nyx", boric ointment, soap "Anti-bit". Be sure to purchase a good shampoo for pediculosis: Pediculen (herbal preparation), Chigia, Itax, Parasidosis, Medilis Super, Nittafor, Medifoks.

Before using the tool, carefully read the instructions. Do not use pharmaceuticals if the child has severely inflamed or scratched skin. Make sure that the composition does not get into the eyes. A week later, it is worth repeating the treatment for preventive purposes.

Treatment of pediculosis in children should be thoughtful, when choosing a drug for pediculosis, it is necessary to evaluate not only the speed of its action, but also the potential risks for the child

Sometimes the reaction of the body to the medicinal composition can be negative. Only the attending physician will help here. When should you contact him:

  • If severe itching does not disappear within a few days after the start of treatment;
  • If an inflammatory process occurs;
  • If red rays went from the bite site;
  • If the temperature rises more than 37.9 degrees;
  • If there are symptoms of an allergic reaction - swelling, tearing, runny nose.

Before treating pediculosis in children prone to allergies, in addition to the main funds, you need to pick up antihistamines.

Many parents are concerned about the question: will they give sick leave for this ailment.
With pediculosis in children, parents are not given a sick leave. It is believed that modern drugs cure the disease in one evening. However, in case of complications or allergies to medications, especially with fever, they should be sent to the hospital.

Treatment of pediculosis in a child with folk remedies

Not all parents go to the pharmacy for a remedy for pediculosis, most often, this is dictated by the desire to choose the least dangerous remedy for the child, for his health.

Essential oil

Foreign studies of the effectiveness of essential oils for the destruction of nits and lice showed the following results:

  1. Oregano, anise and cinnamon - kills 100% of adults and nits;
  2. Tea tree (Melaleuca) - 83% nits, 93% adults.

The most effective method of application is the use of a high concentration of essential oil in alcohol (alcohol makes the chitinous cover of insects more permeable to the properties of essential oil insecticides):

50 ml of alcohol (vodka) 10 drops of essential oil (eg anise) rubbed into the scalp and hair, put on a shower cap and leave overnight. Then the solution must be washed off with shampoo, then rinse the hair with the following solution: 2 ml of essential oil, 50 ml of apple cider vinegar (9% table vinegar can be used) and 50 ml of water. After rinsing, it is necessary to comb out strand by strand with a comb. The treatment should be repeated after 7 days, between treatments it is necessary to comb the hair daily.

Salt (sea, iodized or regular table salt)

One of the simplest, but no less effective solutions for the treatment, as well as for the prevention of pediculosis in children, is ordinary salt. It can be used both separately and in combination with vinegar (apple or table vinegar 9%). Salt and vinegar work great together to dehydrate and kill lice and nits.

Salt can be rubbed into the hair and scalp for 1-2 minutes (carefully, do not injure the baby's skin), put on a shower cap and leave for 3-4 hours, then rinse with water, comb the hair thoroughly, repeat the procedure for 2-3 days in a row. To consolidate the result, the procedure is repeated after 5-7 days.

Salt can also be sprayed or poured onto clean, damp hair and scalp (1/4 cup salt dissolved in 1/4 cup warm apple cider vinegar), do not rinse, wait until hair is dry and apply coconut oil to scalp and hair or vaseline. Leave the oil on overnight to suffocate any remaining live lice. Rinse your hair in the morning and comb through.

Other effective and effective folk remedies

There are many other ways to get rid of lice at home.

A drug Mode of application
Table vinegar (9%) Dilute 1:2 with water and apply to hair overnight. Not recommended for severe scratching and sensitive skin.
Coconut oil or Vaseline At night, apply to the hair roots and put on a shower cap.
Freshly squeezed pomegranate or cranberry juice Apply at night under a cap and a towel.
Mint and pomegranate decoction Pour a couple of large spoons of mint into 220 ml of pomegranate juice. Heat to a boil and simmer on a low flame for ten minutes. Cool the composition and rub into the hair roots. Leave for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo. This procedure must be repeated every five days.
Ointment from angelica and bird cherry Combine a mixture of powders from plant roots with any oil in equal proportions. Apply to the scalp, keep for half an hour under a cap, then rinse.

Tar soap helps well against lice. But it dries out the scalp and makes the hair more brittle.

There are folk remedies based on dichlorvos and kerosene. Despite their relative effectiveness, they are very toxic, so such treatment is not recommended for children, the risk of burns, an allergic reaction is very high.

Home treatment is widely available and, if done correctly, is not harmful to health, but it will take more time than the use of pharmaceuticals.

Combs from lice and nits

What preventive measures are needed?

Prevention of pediculosis in children is based on a careful attitude to the child and includes:

It is useful to add a little essential oil of geranium, anise, bergamot, wormwood or tea tree to shampoos and hair balms. You can apply diluted oil to the area behind the ears. This is a good remedy for the prevention of pediculosis. Thanks to the pleasant smell, it is very popular with children, especially girls.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!

Proper prevention of head lice in children is a serious issue for many parents. Pediculosis is a fairly common disease in children, usually the result of a mass disease and infection from peers.

The disease involves infection with small head lice in children's institutions or in public places. Prevention of lice in children is carried out regardless of status with possible contact with infected persons, when visiting camps, schools where children from different segments of the population study.

Pediculosis is more common in children, while adults are also not immune from the disease. Head lice often affect children because of unformed immunity, and infection can occur in almost any children's institution, so prevention of pediculosis is now extremely important in every family with children.

Unfortunately, due to inadequate prevention, pediculosis has returned to kindergartens and schools. The lack of regular effective checks among children and adults for the presence of head lice has led to fairly frequent mass diseases in children's institutions. Now the prevention of this disease, regardless of status and income, has become the prerogative of parents who must monitor their child - not only for his cleanliness, but also to protect him as much as possible from the accidents of contracting this disease.

It should be clearly understood that no child is immune from infection, as many doctors, educators and parents ignore the danger, do not look after small children well, which can lead to an unnoticed infection.

Even before a pediculosis lesion is detected, an infected baby can become a source of infection for other children. The first symptoms of the disease may not be noticed in time, in which case the treatment will have to be given a lot of time, including the disinfection of the living quarters and the prevention of the disease in adults.

Features of infection with pediculosis

You can become infected with head lice through close contact with the patient and the use of personal items and clothing. Infection is possible in the following situations:

  • with close contacts, joint games or study, for example, with children at the same desk;
  • when using one comb, hairpins, bows, hats and scarves;
  • when visiting sections and gyms;
  • in children's camps with poor sanitary conditions.

Pediatricians are also familiar with spontaneous infestation with lice or "children's lice" against the background of strong feelings and stress. The source and specificity of such infection has not yet been studied.

Preventive examination is best done with a magnifying glass. The child's hair is examined mainly at the roots. There may be clear blisters with accumulations of nits. At the time of the development of the disease, the child begins to have severe itching of the skin, due to the scratching of the scalp by the child, wounds and crusts form.

Please note that it usually takes 2-3 weeks before the first symptoms from the moment of infection. The female, after getting to a new host, adapts for several days, then lays eggs, which will take another 7-10 days to mature. After that, the child will begin to feel itchy. Lice bothers the child quite a lot, so treatment should be started immediately after detection.

By the way! With primary signs can be very similar. That is why a careful differential is required. diagnostics.

The specificity of the infection makes it quite clear that prevention in the fight against pediculosis is the most reliable option. Even if something gets on the hair, timely treatment with special compounds will help solve the problem.

Existing myths about pediculosis

Pediculosis is an unpleasant disease that is considered characteristic of socially unprotected segments of the population.

In practice, even a clean baby with very attentive parents can get sick.

What myths should be eliminated so as not to be sprayed in vain:

Hellebore and lavender water

Prevention against lice should be carried out comprehensively. To prevent infection with pediculosis include the use of natural remedies. The area behind the ears and whiskey is smeared with hellebore or lavender water. These drugs are sold in pharmacies and are inexpensive.

Essential oils

Also for these purposes, you can use the essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, bergamot and geranium. Geranium oil is not recommended for children up to school, the safest esters include lavender absolute, it can be used from 2 weeks, and tea tree oil - not earlier than 6 months of age.

Apply oils in the same way as lavender water, lubricating behind the ears and near the temples. In its pure form, only lavender oil can be used, but it is also better to dilute it with the base oil. Other oils are used only in mixtures. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of base oil (burdock, apricot, grape) and add a few drops of essential oil:

  • children under 5 years old - 2-3 drops;
  • 5-7 years - 3-5 drops;
  • from 7 years and older - 5-7 drops.

The prepared mixture is poured into a glass jar and stored for several months. First check if the child has an allergic reaction. To do this, lubricate the bend of the elbow with the mixture and observe the place of application for 12 hours. If there is no redness or other negative reactions, the prepared oil can be successfully used to protect against lice and nits.

Use hair balms

As a prevention of lice infection, you can use hair balms and a special shampoo for the prevention of lice. The fact is that the hair after their application becomes smoother, so it is difficult for insects to catch on their surface. Products with silicones enveloping the hair are better suited for these purposes.

The right choice of hairstyle

It is very important to choose the right hairstyle for the child. Girls need to pick up their hair, it is better to braid them in pigtails. Boys should choose a short haircut.

Tar soap

Ordinary tar soap can act as an effective prevention of head lice infection. The fact is that the birch tar contains substances that the louse does not tolerate and more often dies. Do not forget to thoroughly comb your hair with a special comb after washing.

Hair dye

If your baby is constantly infected with lice, then you can use a not very useful, but radical and effective way to protect yourself from lice and nits. It is enough to dye your hair with ordinary hair dye, this will reliably protect the child from infection.

Cranberries with honey

From lice and nits, fresh cranberry juice mixed with honey helps very well, such a mask should be applied to the head for 30-40 minutes.

Prevention of pediculosis disease

If your child has been in a zone of mass disease with pediculosis, it is imperative, without waiting for the first symptoms, to carry out preventive treatment that will help to protect yourself from this unpleasant disease. For the prevention of pediculosis, various means are used, but only a specialized shampoo and a number of pharmacy anti-pediculosis products will give a guaranteed result, pay attention to the features of each individual drug.

Please note that all anti-pediculosis shampoos kill adults, but not all nits, but if hellebore water is applied to the hair for 2-3 hours, it is effective against adult insects and larvae. The fact is that it all depends on the amount of Permethrin added to the shampoo, but with a large dose, the remedy can cause allergies in children. In this regard, hellebore water wins, which does not have such a side effect.

On sale are safe preparations for the treatment and prevention of lice and nits based on Malathion. The funds are available in the form of an emulsion or cream, which are applied with a cotton swab on the head. With its help, prevention is carried out for all family members, please note that this must be done at the same time.

To prevent your child from getting head lice, you need to convince him to always follow the following rules:

  • use only your own clothes, your own towels, combs and hairpins and do not give them to other children;
  • try to keep some distance from peers, avoiding close contact;
  • always notify parents if a case of head lice is found at school.

A few simple rules for the prevention of head lice for parents are presented below.

  • if your child is studying at a school where there are cases of pediculosis, you need to prevent infection for the whole family, this can be done with shampoo and hellebore water;
  • wash bed linen at the maximum temperature, and then iron the clothes well;
  • if necessary, invite a sanitation station to the school and home to disinfect and check the source of infection.

Please note that it makes sense to pick up the child from the school where there are cases of head lice infection. If the rules of hygiene are not followed, the absence of prophylaxis after treatment, a relapse of the disease can be observed.

Also, in neglected forms, you can encounter body lice, it does not differ from the head lice and eventually multiplies on clothes. To prevent problems at school, give your child a disinfectant spray for times when clothing or personal items need to be treated urgently.

You need to get rid of lice as quickly as possible, but it is better to follow the rules of hygiene and constantly carry out prevention to avoid infection.

With prolonged damage, the child develops disorders of the nervous system, insomnia appears, and psychoses often occur.

Now you know what preventive measures against lice in children should be. After all, prevention is much better than cure!

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Pediculosis is a socially significant disease that is a serious problem for both developing and economically developed countries. The disease is most common among children and persons aged 14-24 years. Preventive and with pediculosis are aimed at preventing the development of the disease, reducing the incidence and complete elimination among certain population groups.

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the spread of an infectious disease. Prevention of pediculosis is divided into public and individual. for the purpose of their localization and elimination.

Head lice is more common in young children, schoolchildren and youth. The peak incidence is observed in autumn, when children and adults return from vacation. Pubic pediculosis is more often recorded in young people who lead a promiscuous sexual lifestyle. Clothes pediculosis is now rare, mainly in people living in unsanitary conditions. Babies become infected through the bed and from a sick mother.

Rice. 1. Lice are a constant companion of unsanitary conditions. The photo shows a neglected form of head lice.

Female lice lay 3 to 6 eggs daily. In her entire life (the louse lives for about 46 days), the female manages to lay up to 140 eggs. Lice lay their eggs on the hair (head and pubic lice), in the folds and seam areas of clothing and underwear (body lice). Each egg is wrapped in a sticky secret, which contributes to its long-term retention on hair and fabric. The formed cocoon is called a nit.

Climate mitigation, frequent infection associated with the lack of simultaneous treatment of contact persons from the focus of the disease, lack of awareness of preventive measures and incorrect (incomplete) treatment of the patient are the main causes of pediculosis outbreaks.

Rice. 2. Nits on the hair.

Rice. 3. Body lice.

Rice. 4. Pubic louse (photo on the left) and nits with pubic pediculosis (photo on the right).

Measures to prevent pediculosis

To prevent the spread of infection in our country, a whole complex has been developed and is being applied. preventive and anti-epidemic measures, including sanitary-hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and administrative measures.

  • Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the spread of an infectious disease.
  • Anti-epidemic measures are carried out in the focus of infection. They are aimed at its localization and elimination.

Measures for the primary prevention of pediculosis:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene.
  • Compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in organized groups and medical institutions.

Measures for secondary prevention of pediculosis:

  • Early identification of the patient (when applying for medical care and conducting primary and periodic planned medical examinations of organized population groups).

Measures for the tertiary prevention of pediculosis:

  • Isolation of the patient.
  • Timely initiated, adequate treatment of the patient with the obligatory monitoring of the cure.
  • Identification, examination and treatment (processing) of contact persons.

Rice. 5. The photo shows pubic lice and nits.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the first step in the fight against head lice

Overcrowding, unsanitary living conditions, irregular use of the shower or bath, a rare change of linen create conditions for the development of pediculosis. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the main component of individual prevention of pediculosis. To this end, it is recommended:

  • keeping the body and hair clean,
  • regular haircut,
  • change of underwear and bed linen (at least once a week or 10 days),
  • regular cleaning of outerwear,
  • do not use other people's combs, hairpins, scarves, hats and clothes,
  • in crowded places, do not walk with loose hair,
  • thoroughly and regularly clean the apartment,
  • conduct regular examinations of children and other family members for pediculosis, especially after a long absence,
  • if necessary, carry out preventive sanitization - washing and disinsection (destruction of arthropods).

A complex of hygienic measures is also carried out in organized groups in order to prevent the occurrence of an outbreak of pediculosis.

Rice. 6. The photo shows head lice.

Public prevention of pediculosis

Public prevention of head lice includes:

  • Compliance with sanitary and technical rules in production.
  • Strict observance of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in organized groups and medical institutions.
  • Early identification of the patient (when applying for medical care and conducting primary and periodic planned medical examinations of organized groups of the population).
  • Proper implementation of disinfection measures in hairdressing, laundries, beauty parlors.
  • Provision of institutions with the necessary amount of personal hygiene products, replaceable bed linen, detergents and disinfectants.
  • Provision of medical institutions with the necessary disinfection equipment.

Rice. 7. Body lice fed on blood.

Preventive medical examinations - a measure for the prevention of pediculosis in children and adults

Active identification of patients plays an important role in the fight against pediculosis. Patients with pediculosis are detected both when seeking medical help, and during primary and periodic medical examinations.

Primary medical examinations are carried out in the following cases:

  • upon admission of patients for inpatient treatment, upon referral to sanatorium treatment, in rest homes and children's institutions, in hostels, nursing homes and disabled people, upon admission to pre-trial detention centers and overnight stays;
  • in crowded and public places.

Primary medical examinations in children are carried out in the following cases:

  • upon admission to preschool institutions, schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages;
  • when returning from holidays and vacations;
  • with directions to pioneer camps, for inpatient and sanatorium treatment.

Scheduled medical examinations are subject to:

  • children attending kindergartens and schools,
  • collectives of orphanages and boarding schools,
  • students of vocational schools,
  • people living in hostels
  • persons of social security institutions,
  • employees of a number of industrial enterprises.

The frequency of scheduled inspections:

  • children from orphanages, orphanages and boarding schools are examined weekly for pediculosis,
  • school and college students, as well as children after returning from vacation, are examined quarterly,
  • children who are in pioneer camps are examined weekly,
  • Persons from social security institutions are examined twice a month,
  • employees of a number of enterprises during medical examinations,
  • patients who are on inpatient treatment are examined once every ten days.

Responsibility for the detection of pediculosis rests with medical workers of institutions and enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership.

Rice. 8. The photo shows head lice.

Sanitary education is an important element in the prevention of pediculosis

Among the factors increasing the incidence of pediculosis, in addition to the growth of migration processes, insufficient sanitary and educational work plays an important role. Instilling in the population a sanitary culture and hygienic education is the main goal of sanitary and educational work. Its high level makes it possible to acquire useful skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle among the population.

Every adult must know how pediculosis manifests itself in order to seek medical help in a timely manner. Particular attention should be paid to parents, as children are especially susceptible to this disease. Compliance with elementary hygiene measures can stop the spread of this rather unpleasant disease.

Rice. 9. In the photo, bites of linen lice.

Anti-epidemic measures for pediculosis

When a patient with pediculosis is identified, an epidemiological examination of the focus is carried out. Based on its results, a plan is drawn up for anti-epidemic measures that are aimed at neutralizing the source of pathogens, breaking the infection transmission mechanisms and the susceptible contingent.


When a patient with pediculosis is detected, the patient is immediately sanitized, followed by washing. In parallel with this, the patient's linen, bedding are subject to processing, wet cleaning of the room is carried out using disinfectants.

  • Activities in the detection of head or pubic pediculosis with a low degree of lice from the home are carried out independently by the sick and caring staff.
  • If combined pediculosis (head and body lice), a sick child from a closed institution, a lonely, disabled person, a person living in hostels, a member of a large family, a migrant, a person without a fixed place of residence, is detected, the processing is carried out by a specialized organization using chamber processing of bed and underwear .
  • When a patient is identified upon admission to inpatient treatment, sanitization is carried out in the admissions department. The patient's belongings and the clothes of medical personnel are sent for chamber treatment for disinfection.


A patient with pediculosis is exempted from visiting the team. The focus is monitored for a period of 1 month. In the outbreak, once every ten days, examinations for pediculosis are carried out. Admission to the team is carried out after a complete and effective treatment with a certificate from a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Rice. 10. Body lice (left photo) and nits (left photo).

Sanitary treatment for pediculosis

In case of detection of lice in the focus of pediculosis, disinsection is carried out. Lice are destroyed simultaneously on the patient's body, his clothes, underwear, bedding and, in some cases, on furnishings.

In case of detection of body lice, with severe lice or a mixed form of the disease, disinfection is carried out by disinfection institutions. During the sanitization of the patient and work with his linen and things, medical personnel dress in special clothes. After hospitalization of the patient or after his recovery, final disinfection. The patient's belongings, care items, dishes, furniture, floors and walls are subject to processing. Bedding and clothes of the patient are subject to chamber processing.

You can get rid of head lice by combing out the nits and the insects themselves with a special comb. This method is indicated for patients who have contraindications to the use of pediculicides - pregnant and lactating mothers, children under 5 years old, people with allergies. Using a good comb will allow the patient to completely abandon insecticides. Only clean hair should be combed. To facilitate the procedure, the hair washing field should be rinsed with a 5-10% solution of acetic acid, which weakens the attachment of nits to the hair. Combing is done every three days for 2 weeks.

The use of a mechanical method of removing head lice and nits makes it possible to avoid in 95% of cases the re-treatment of hair with an insecticidal preparation.

For the destruction of lice, physical methods of destruction are used. Hot water, dry hot and humid air, freezing are methods used to combat body lice.

The most popular today are Medifox, Medifox Super, Avicin, Hygia, Nittifor, Nix, NOK, Veda-2, Reed, A-Par, Pax, Anti-Bit, Pedilin, Para Plus, Medilis Super, Para Plus, Full Marx, Paranit , Nyuda, Pedicullin, Ultra, Benzyl benzoate.

Rice. 13. There are more than 20 lice remedies for sale in pharmacies. About 70% of them are based on synthetic pyrethrins, which are poisonous chemicals (insecticides) used to kill insects.

Sanitation for head lice infestation

If patients with head lice are identified from home foci, provided they live in comfortable apartments, treatment can be carried out by the patient and caring staff. Instructs and gives advice on getting rid of head lice by medical personnel. The patient should know that in the family it is necessary to conduct a mutual examination of family members, the method of using the remedy for lice and the technique of conducting the current disinfection.

When examining a patient and members of his family, special attention is paid to the places of the greatest resettlement of lice - more often the temple area, behind the ears, the back of the head, on the beard and mustache in men.

The main methods of getting rid of head lice:

  1. Hair after cutting or shaving is collected on paper or oilcloth and burned, and tools are disinfected with 70% alcohol.
  2. Head lice are treated with a variety of products in the form of concentrates, emulsions, gels, lotions, creams, shampoos and aerosols. Most pediculicides require re-treatment, as they do not affect eggs. Preparations of the group of pyrethrins and synthetic pyrethroids (Medifox, Medifox Super and the analogue of Medifox Avicin) and the group of organophosphorus compounds (aerosol Para Plus) destroy lice and eggs, therefore, do not require re-treatment.
  3. Sanitization for infestation with pubic lice

    In case of damage by pubic lice, the patient is sent to the dermatovenerologic dispensary, where an examination for other sexual infections will be carried out.

    Pubic lice live in the pubis, scrotum, perineum, perianal folds, sometimes along the edge of hair growth on the head, on eyelashes, eyebrows and in the axillary region.

    Shaving your hair is best for head lice. In areas where there is no hair, pubic lice do not survive. Lice from eyelashes and eyebrows are removed with tweezers.

    Of the pediculicides used:

  • Preparations containing permethrin: Medifox and Medifox Super, Avicin, Hygia gel-based liquid, Nitifor, Pax, NOC and Veda-2.
  • Preparation of the group of organophosphorus compounds Medilis Super solution.
  • A drug that has a physical effect on lice - shampoo, spray and lotion Pediculen Ultra.

Lice remedies Medifox, Medifox Super, Avicin and Medilis Super are 100% ovicidal - they destroy lice and nits in one application.

After treatment, you must take a shower with soap. At the same time, linen and clothing are changed and disinfected.

When infected with pubic lice, all family members are examined, including for head and body lice.

Rice. 15. The photo shows pubic pediculosis.

Sanitary treatment for body lice infestation

Clothes (linen) lice settle, live and lay their eggs in the folds of linen, folds and seams on clothes in the collar, belt, sleeves and cuffs. Despite their inactivity, insects quickly spread among people. Especially often, outbreaks of body lice are recorded among the homeless and in places of long-term stay of adults and children.

If single lice and nits are found, treatment can be carried out at home. With severe lice and mixed pediculosis (head and underwear), the treatment is carried out by the disinfection departments of the sanitary and epidemiological stations or disinfection stations. Things of the patient, linen and bedding are subject to chamber processing. The patient himself is sanitized.

  • Linen and clothes are soaked in chemical solutions followed by rinsing. In the absence of such, the linen is boiled in a 2% solution of soda ash for 20-30 minutes.
  • The patient's clothes are ironed with a hot steam iron. Particular attention should be paid to the pleats, seams, cuffs, collar and waistband.
  • Outerwear, bedding and objects that the patient has come into contact with are irrigated with emulsion solutions or aerosols.

Rice. 16. Linen lice in the folds of fabric.

In all cases, after sanitization, it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken by inspecting for the detection of live individuals and nits.

Read more about the drugs used to treat pediculosis in the article.

Detailed information on the use of remedies for lice and nits is presented in the article.

Like 100 years ago, it remains a very common disease, especially in childcare facilities. To protect your child from such a misfortune, it is easier to prevent it than to treat it later. Therefore, the prevention of pediculosis in children remains an important event for parents and employees of kindergartens, schools and other organizations.

Ways and causes of infection with pediculosis

In order to know exactly how prophylaxis against lice can help against infection, you must first understand the causes and ways of transmission of lice, and also determine what lice and nits are afraid of, what can scare them away.

On a note!

The most favorable conditions for the appearance of pediculosis are unsanitary, existing in military camps, places of migrants during natural disasters, because people living there rarely change clothes and do not have the opportunity to wash regularly and monitor personal hygiene.

Symptoms of pediculosis

Protection against lice and nits can be carried out by both pharmacy and home remedies. When choosing any of them, it must be remembered that many contain insecticides and are toxic not only for insects: they can be harmful to health in the form of an allergic reaction, etc. Therefore, choosing for prevention between more effective chemicals and herbal and folk remedies that have fewer contraindications, you should pay attention to the age and health of the sick person.

According to statistics, children most often become infected with lice in the period from 4 to 11 years old, when visiting various groups, through personal belongings. In children, the disease manifests itself more acutely and vividly: they begin to actively itch, quickly acquiring wounds, where abscesses and inflammatory processes can occur during a secondary infection.

  1. Comb children's hair thoroughly every day and inspect for the presence of insects and their larvae.
  2. Long hair in girls is best tied in a high ponytail or braided.
  3. Get your hair cut and washed regularly.
  4. Replace bedding and personal items promptly.
  5. Ensure that children are regularly examined at school by medical workers for the detection of pediculosis, and if sick are found, isolate them from healthy ones, avoid possible contacts.
  6. If pediculosis patients are found in the children's team, carefully examine the child's head: if lice or nits are found, then treatment should be carried out not only for the infected, but for all family members.

On a note!

From an early age, parents should conduct conversations with their children explaining and warning about the dangers of pediculosis for health, about the rules of personal hygiene, the inadmissibility of wearing someone else's clothes and using combs and other items that come into contact with hair.

According to sanitary rules, for the purpose of prevention in kindergartens and schools, all children should be regularly examined by a doctor from lice with a certain frequency. If cases of pediculosis are detected, the room is sanitized, and the group or class is quarantined for 2 weeks, after which children are allowed to visit this institution only upon presentation of a certificate from the local doctor about the absence of lice.

Parents of infected children, on their own or after consultation with a pediatrician, use medications for lice, carry out their destruction and.

Protective measures "for all occasions"

The main rule that applies to pediculosis, as well as to any other diseases, is that it is much easier to prevent it than to treat it later.

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