Interferon. Indications, contraindications, side effects. Prices and feedback on use. The value of interferon drops for children with respiratory infections

Interferon instructions for babies

In today's world, poor ecology, stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle often lead to the birth of children with weak immunity. Children under one year old are often prescribed interferon to strengthen the body, and increase the ability of the child's body to resist various viral diseases.

Interferon protects babies like an antiviral; improves the general state of immunity, as an immunomodulator, and also counteracts the development of a tumor, as an antitumor agent.

The drug is used both for prevention and for the treatment of the initial stages of viral diseases (influenza, SARS and others) and for more severe stages of diseases.

The essence of the action of interferon is to help in the production of interferon proteins necessary for the body to resist viruses. In childhood, these proteins are produced with great difficulty, and even worse in winter. That is why the drug is popular among doctors, pediatricians often prescribe it for prevention during epidemics and treatment.

There are several dosage forms of interferon: ointment, powder ampoules, suppositories.

For very young and premature babies, candles are prescribed (150,000 IU). It is required to take them 2 times a day at intervals of 12 hours for 5 days. Usually, one course is enough to completely cure SARS.

Ointment for prevention should be lubricated nose 2 times a day at intervals of 12 hours. For treatment, the ointment is used at 0.5 g twice a day for 2 weeks. And the next 2-4 weeks, the ointment should be applied less frequently - 3 times a week.

Against stomatitis, in the treatment of inflammation of the tonsils, the ointment is also effective.

Side effects of interferon include: fever, chills, migraine, dizziness, shortness of breath, convulsions, palpitations, insomnia, nausea, changes in the nature of the stool, allergies.

Long-term use of the drug by infants is not recommended, as addiction occurs and, accordingly, the expected effect does not occur.

Interferon is contraindicated if the child has various diseases of the heart and central nervous system, liver, kidneys and individual intolerance to the components.

You should not prescribe the drug yourself, only an experienced specialist will take into account all possible complications.

Interferon for babies drops

The most optimal option for taking interferon for children are drops. With parenteral (in the nose) use, the substances do not penetrate the gastrointestinal tract.

Interferon for nasal instillation is sold in ampoules, which should be diluted with water and used immediately for its intended purpose. The solution is prepared from 2 ml of water and the contents of one ampoule.

If the drug is used for the purpose of prevention, then a single dose will be 5 drops in each nasal passage at intervals of 6 hours. Procedures should be continued during the entire period when there is a risk of getting sick. However, do not overdo it and take the drug only with a really serious threat.

In a situation where the baby is already sick, the intervals between procedures should be reduced to 2 hours. The drug is taken for 3 days.

Using the contents of the ampoules, you can prepare a solution for inhalation. This method of taking the medicine is considered the most effective. The solution is prepared from 10 ml of warm water (about 37°C) and the contents of 3 ampoules. Then use the resulting medicine as with conventional inhalation. This form of administration is not recommended more than 2 times a day and at intervals of at least 1-2 hours.

In ophthalmic diseases caused by a virus, an interferon solution can be instilled into the eyes.

Interferon for babies price

The region of sale, manufacturer, place of sale, dosage form, volume of the drug, and other factors greatly affect the price of interferon. Currently, in pharmacies, the price ranges from 23.3 to 140.04 hryvnia.

Interferon for babies reviews

+ Ermakova Liana

Hello! I am with a 1 month old baby. I was in the hospital, treated for anemia. And just the treatment coincided with the flu epidemic. It's just terrible, there were so many sick children in the hospital, who sneezed, who coughed, and who just had a temperature. I was terribly worried that Maksim would also get infected. Our doctor advised to buy interferon in suppositories, it is more convenient to give to newborns. I bought, put 1 candle a day at the same time, until they were discharged. Thank God, they didn’t get sick then, and there were no problems at home during that epidemic. Good product, I advise everyone.

+ Bunny

The sister's baby had a temperature of 38, called an ambulance. Several types of drugs were prescribed, among them interferon drops for 5 days. There was a suspicion of teeth and SARS. I think that in both cases it will not be superfluous to support immunity. And the temperature in a day has passed and did not rise any more.

Interferon for babies (video)

Although the video seems to be called "Interferon for Babies", you will not find anything specific for your babies in it. It shows how interferon works (in cartoon form) and how to make interferon nasal spray at home.

Interferon nose drops are prescribed for colds. Interferons themselves are endogenous proteins. Such proteins are produced by blood cells, which in turn are affected by viral infections. Nose drops with interferon are good for acute respiratory diseases. As soon as the main substance penetrates the body, it is its own interferons that begin to be actively produced. Such substances already help to fight viruses.

Spray or drops of interferon have almost the same composition. As for the drops, they are produced in the form of a solution in liquid form. The drug has several spectra of action, namely antiviral, as well as immunomodulatory. Instructions for use suggests that the agent may have an antitumor effect, as it helps to stimulate macrophages.

Interferon drops in the nose help to significantly increase the resistance of the human body, directly to the penetration of harmful viruses. In addition, if used correctly, the drug helps to block the reproduction of viruses.

Instructions for use: main indications

The drug is prescribed as a treatment for viral diseases, which in turn affect the respiratory tract.

Doctors can pee in the complex treatment to drip drops of Interferon for chronic hepatitis B or C. In addition, the drug is prescribed for such diseases. For example:

  • Fungal mycoses.
  • Chronic myeloid leukemia.
  • As a complex treatment for reticulosarcoma.
  • It is prescribed for kidney cancer, as well as for hairy cell leukemia.
  • Most often, a nasal solution or spray is prescribed as a treatment for the common cold. But, a runny nose with such a remedy can be cured only if it has a viral etiology.

What is the difference between drops and spray?

There is practically no difference between spray and drops. The composition of the drug is the same. But, the release form is different. Drops are prescribed most often for adults. For young children, it is more convenient to use the drug in the form of a spray. The dispenser helps to quickly distribute the drug over the nasal mucosa.

Interferon in drops: the main contraindications for use

The drug can not be used by everyone. In the main instructions that are attached to the package for the drug, you can read who should not take the drops.
Of the main contraindications, the patient's increased sensitivity to the composition of the drug is noted.
In addition, you can not use the drug in the treatment of severe mental disorders, as well as with prolonged depression.

Important! Before using drops or spray, you should consult your doctor. If you use the drug in complex therapy in conjunction with the antiviral drug Ribavirin, complications may occur. Of the complications, violations in the work of the kidneys are noted. Epilepsy is also considered a reason not to use the drug.

Instructions for use

The dosage is prescribed only by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease, as well as on the age of the patient. The standard dosage regimen for eye infections is 2 drops every 2 hours. Hen treatment lasts for 6 days.

With a runny nose, the drug is prescribed 2 potassium in each nasal cavity. Drip 2-3 times a day, depending on the nature of the rhinitis. The course of admission is individual, but does not exceed 10 days. If the drops or spray did not bring a positive result, they can prescribe the same drug only in the form of an ointment. It contains additional components that help to quickly fight viruses.

The tool can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a preventive measure. For the prevention of acute respiratory infections, it is enough to drip 1 drop into each nasal cavity 2 times a day.

Side effects

Use the drug only after consulting a doctor. If you do not follow the correct intake, or there are contraindications for use, side effects may occur.

Most often there is fever, severe headache, loss of appetite, nausea.
In rare cases, side effects in a patient may include disturbances in consciousness, diarrhea, dryness in the nasal cavity, as well as hypotension or arrhythmia.

additional information

The drug is dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years.

Important! It is necessary to store drops in a hard-to-reach place from children, and from direct sunlight.

Cost: from 90-130 rubles.

Analogues of the drug Interferon

The most common analogues of this tool, directly according to the ATX level 4 code:

  • Roferon A;
  • Lipoferon;
  • Intron-A;
  • Interferon alpha-2b human recombinant;
  • Intrek;
  • Viferon.

Remember, analogues of any of the above remedies may have additional spectra of action, have a larger list of contraindications and side effects, as well as a different course and dosage of medication.

Before buying an analogue, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to avoid complications, and also not to aggravate the general condition.

Many people suffering from seasonal viral diseases have long known the drug Interferon (nasal drops or spray). This drug is recommended by doctors as an additional drug in the treatment of colds and SARS. This medicine comes in the form of a spray or powder used to make drops.

Interferon contains a protein that is produced by the cells of the human body when viruses attack. Of course, he himself does not destroy viruses, but activates the body's forces to fight them. The protein contained in the drug is perceived by the body as natural, which is designed to stimulate the natural defense against viruses. Its action is effective for the prevention of not only respiratory diseases, but also diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS.

There are 2 ways to get protein:

  • from blood that is infected with a virus;
  • genetic engineering.

If we talk about, then genetic engineering is used here. However, among doctors such a drug causes controversy. Some believe that the remedy is able to enhance the protective mechanisms of the human body, others question this fact and believe that the uncontrolled use of such a remedy can weaken a person’s own immune system and the production of their own interferon. It is not recommended to use such drugs more than 2 times a year.. When using Interferon for children (nasal drops or spray), a similar principle must be followed.

When is the medicine used?

Interferon, the instructions for use of which indicate preventive use, is best taken at the first sign of a viral disease. It is useful to use the drug in the midst of seasonal viruses, after visiting crowded places or direct contact with a patient with acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, without even having time to get infected.

The instruction says that the drug begins to act from the first days of the disease, suppressing the virus even before the onset of the clinical stage. All this shows that Interferon can be used by healthy people who want to avoid unpleasant symptoms. This remedy will be especially effective for those who often suffer from colds.

Forms of drug release

The interferon protein is obtained in two ways to produce several types of such a drug. The first type is a powder, which is the most affordable and budget tool. It is sold in special glass capsules and has the appearance of a porous granular substance. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to dilute the powder with water and inject a few drops directly into each nostril. It is necessary to apply the medicine every hour, otherwise it will not have the proper effect. Drops in the nose are used for about 3 days.

The name of the drug itself, which is indicated on the package, should be explained - “human leukocyte liquid”. This means that the protein was obtained from donated blood, but you should not be afraid of this. The drug is fully tested for the presence of diseases such as HIV, syphilis and hepatitis. This must be indicated in the instructions. You should not believe various rumors that a medicine can transmit one of the listed diseases to a person.

There is not a single recorded case of infection with one or another type of disease through Interferon powder in the world.

As for small patients up to a year old, this powder for a child can be safely used, since during this period of life a small organism has not yet formed its own strong immunity and needs help.

The second type of drug is obtained by genetic engineering, i.e., the human gene is introduced into the bacteria contained in the DNA, as a result of which the interferon protein begins to be produced. In this way, geneticists get a pure protein that does not need to be tested for diseases. It is used in the production of Gripferon, Nazoferon, Genferon (nosal spray) and Laferon.

Use of leukocyte and recombinant agent

Such a drug needs to be diluted with water to obtain nasal drops. You should act strictly in accordance with the instructions, which indicate the required amount of water. The water should be around 37°C and boiled. You should get a reddish liquid, it must be regularly injected into the nose. The remaining drug must be placed in the refrigerator and used completely after 24 hours, otherwise it will have to be disposed of. Overdue nose drops will not have the desired effect.

Drops should be used frequently. For the first 3 days, it is recommended to instill 5 drops into each nostril every hour. To spray the agent into the throat, 3 full ampoules of the powder are required, they are diluted in 10 ml of water. For inhalation, you will need a special device - an ultrasonic inhaler that acts like a spray. To achieve the desired result, they will have to use at least 2 times a day. For the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to inject 5 drops into the nose 2 times a day. There is no difference between pediatric and adult dosage. It is forbidden to use the drug by pregnant women.

Genferon and other recombinant drugs are obtained by removing pure interferon protein, so they are much more common. You can consider such drugs on the example of Genferon. Recombinant preparations are more convenient on their own, when using them, you do not need to constantly be at home or prepare a solution. The drug Genferon is intended for the prophylactic treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children over 14 years of age. When in contact with a sick person or during an influenza epidemic, it is necessary to apply Genferon nasal drops or spray 2 times a day throughout the entire dangerous period. If the infection has already occurred, then the dose must be increased by 2 times, and it should be treated for 5 days.

A similar drug is prescribed in combination with other antiviral drugs. The list of exceptions includes pregnant women who are prohibited from using Genferon and other drugs based on interferon.

Side effects

Despite their high efficiency, preparations containing interferon protein cannot be prescribed to absolutely all people, since in some cases they cause adverse reactions. It is forbidden to use such a drug not only during pregnancy, but also in the following cases:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • kidney disease;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • various cardiac pathologies;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Many patients may experience headache, nausea, decreased visual acuity, and sleep disturbance. In some cases, pulmonary edema may occur, so a doctor's advice is required before using Interferon. During pregnancy, nasal drops or spray can be prescribed only in extreme cases, when there are no other methods of therapy.

Interferon is an effective tool that can protect a person from ARVI viruses, but its use is permissible only on the recommendation of the attending physician and in the absence of contraindications.

The latter refers to a group of proteins produced by human blood leukocytes. They help our body fight a large number of diseases of a viral, fungal, infectious and other nature.

Indications for use

What helps to cure leukocyte interferon? With proper and timely use, it accelerates recovery in the case of such ailments:

  • respiratory system infections;
  • bacterial infections;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • viruses;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • fungal infections;
  • pathology of the mucous membranes and eyes.

Leukocyte interferon is used to prevent these health problems and strengthen immunity in general.

The drug is included in the complex therapy of many pathologies, and its dosage is prescribed only on an individual basis.

Interferon is available in ampoules, in the form of suppositories, ointments and as a dry powder - a lyophilized substance. The latter must be diluted with saline, while the substance in ampoules is already ready for use.

pharmachologic effect

The human protein, which is interferon, is able to exert its healing effect immediately after entering the body. It inhibits the activity of pathological microorganisms and increases the protective abilities of the organism as a whole.

Due to the latter property, a person who has used the powder may experience an insignificant rise in temperature, which is considered an adequate response to an increase in the concentration of interferon in the blood. As you already know, the vast majority of bacteria and viruses die already at 37 degrees.

Instructions for use for children

  • Interferon ampoules

Inhalations based on human protein are quite effective. For them, you need to dissolve the contents of three ampoules in 10 ml of boiled water and do the procedures for irrigating the oral (nasal) cavity twice a day.

Having bought the dry form of the drug, the powder in a glass pharmacy container must be diluted with two milliliters of warm boiled water. The interval between instillations is 6 hours, while the general course lasts until the threat of infection with the virus passes.

If human interferon is involved for intensive healing, it must be diluted in a similar way (for powdered form), but drip after a couple of hours, again, five drops in each nostril of the child.

Interferon in the form of an ointment is a convenient everyday remedy against viruses. She can treat not only the nostrils, but also the tonsils.

As for suppositories, they are often recommended for use in newborns or when the therapeutic effect needs to be achieved as quickly as possible. Once in the rectum, human interferon instantly penetrates into the bloodstream and begins its healing effect. It is customary to administer rectally every 12 hours, but not more than five days in a row.

Instructions for use for adults

The instructions for preparing the medicine remain the same as in the previous case, only recommendations for its further use change.

  1. Eye pathologies: the powder is diluted with one milliliter of boiled water and instilled under the lower eyelid. The procedure must be repeated 10 times a day, while the general course can take both two days and a couple of weeks;
  2. Viral, bacterial and colds of the respiratory tract: the powder is diluted in 2 ml of warm boiled water and on the first day of the disease, 1-3 drops are injected into each nostril with a frequency of 2 hours. The interferon is then divided into 5 doses maximum;
  3. Immunodeficiency, as well as the condition with benign and malignant neoplasms, is corrected according to the following scheme: Interferon powder is diluted with saline and injected intramuscularly. If you need to make an intravenous injection, sodium chloride is used for dilution.

Contraindications for use

Instructions for the use of protein categorically do not recommend including the drug in treatment regimens if the following deviations are present:

  • Personal intolerance to the substance in its pure form;
  • Increased susceptibility to chicken protein;
  • Antibiotic intolerance;
  • Complex organic pathologies;
  • CNS dysfunction;
  • Malfunctions of the liver, thyroid gland or kidneys;
  • Chronic form of hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Taking sedative medications or immunosuppressants;
  • Use of strong sleeping pills or opioid analgesics.

Interferon and alcohol

Dry powder is unacceptable for use in company with alcohol.

Alcohol greatly detracts from the positive properties that drugs based on it carry with them, and provokes a large number of side effects in the form of:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • depression;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • appetite suppression;
  • suicidal states;
  • changes in liver function, etc.

The most interesting thing is that the effect of synthetically produced protein on the human body has not yet been fully studied, and doctors are finding new indications for its use. A logical conclusion follows from this: the consequences of taking the drug in tablets or intramuscularly, supplemented with alcohol, can be completely unpredictable, and it’s good if everything ends with an allergy or one-time vomiting.


Given all the healing abilities of the drug and the extensive list of indications for its use, it is not surprising that people have high hopes for it. In principle, this is fully justified, since the protein is recognized as a universal medicine, indicated for use in the field of ophthalmology, pediatrics, otolaryngology, and even general therapy.

The speed of the onset of a positive healing effect depends entirely on the current state of immunity, but remember that interferon is not an ordinary synthetic medicine, to which each body reacts in its own way.


Prices in online pharmacies:

Interferon is a drug that enhances the body's immune defenses.

Available in the form of a lyophilized powder for injection, liquid solution and rectal suppositories.

Pharmacological action of Interferon

In accordance with the instructions for Interferon, 1 ampoule of dry lyophilized powder contains a mixture of various types of natural alpha-interferon of human blood leukocytes 1000 IU.

The composition of 1 ml of liquid solution of Interferon Alpha includes a mixture of subtypes of natural alpha-interferon from human donor blood 1000 IU.

1 Interferon suppository contains a mixture of various types of natural alpha-interferon of human blood leukocytes 40000 IU.

The instructions for Interferon indicate that the drug is one of the factors (protein) produced by the body that prevents the body from being affected by viral infections.

Human interferon is a group of endogenous proteins that are produced by human leukocytes under the influence of various viruses.

Interferon Alpha is a highly purified sterile protein, which consists of 165 amino acids. The drug is created by genetic engineering, using recombinant DNA. The drug has an antitumor effect. When using Interferon, fluctuations in the concentration of the active substance of the drug in the blood serum are observed.

This drug has antiviral, immunostimulating and antiproliferative activity.

The antiviral effect is due to an increase in the resistance of body cells free from viral infections to possible effects. By binding to specific receptors located on the cell surface, the active substance of the drug changes the properties of the cell membrane, while stimulating specific enzymes; affects the RNA of the virus, due to which it blunts its replication.

The immunostimulatory effect of human Interferon of all forms of release is due to the stimulation of the activity of NK cells and macrophages, which are involved in the response of the body's immunity to tumor cells.

The drug is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Interferon is effectively used for children and adults.

Indications for use

Interferon Alpha is prescribed for the treatment of Kalosh's sarcoma (a disease of the vascular bed of the skin, which is accompanied by neoplasm of blood vessels, their swelling and growth) in patients with AIDS, as well as for the treatment of leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, cancer of the kidneys and bladder, melanoma, herpes zoster.

Human interferon is used to treat chronic and acute viral hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue caused by a virus). Effective use of Interferon in the form of suppositories in the treatment of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.

Topical application (in the nose or eyes) of Interferon solution for children and adults is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza, SARS, conjunctivitis, keratouveitis and keratitis.

Method of application and dosage

Interferon is used in the form of a solution prepared on the basis of boiled or distilled water at room temperature. To do this, pour water into the opened ampoule up to the mark, which corresponds to 2 ml. After that, the ampoule must be shaken until the powder is completely dissolved. The solution after dilution becomes red, it should be stored in a cool place for no more than 48 hours. In each nasal passage, 5 drops of the solution should be injected 2 times a day. The interval between applications is at least 6 hours.

The most effective is the inhalation method of using Interferon. To do this, the contents of 3 ampoules should be dissolved in 10 ml of water and heated to a temperature not exceeding 37 degrees. The frequency of procedures - 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2-3 days.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, according to the instructions, Interferon must be used when the first signs of the disease appear.

Before starting treatment with Interferon Alpha, the susceptibility of the microflora that caused the disease should be determined. For the treatment of leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, an initial dose of VME is prescribed for daily subcutaneous or intramuscular administration for 4-6 months. The maintenance dose is equal to IU for intramuscular injection 3 times a week. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

For the treatment of Kaloshi's sarcoma in patients with AIDS, an initial dose of IU intramuscularly is prescribed. The duration of therapy is 2-3 months. The maintenance dose of IU is administered daily 3 times a week.

The course of therapy with interferon rectal suppositories should not exceed 15 days. The dose of the drug is prescribed individually and adjusted by the attending physician.

Side effects of Interferon

During the use of the drug, side effects such as headache and muscle pain, lethargy, fever, sweating, vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight, flatulence, constipation, nausea, heartburn, impaired liver function, hepatitis may occur.

The active substance that is part of Interferon in all forms of release can cause visual disturbances, sleep disturbances, depression, increased peristalsis, itching, skin rash, ischemic retinopathy, dizziness, nervousness, joint pain.

Contraindications for use

Interferon of all forms of release is not prescribed to patients who have:

  • severe heart disease;
  • Violations of the functions of the kidneys, liver and central nervous system;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Chronic and autoimmune hepatitis;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


In case of an overdose of Interferon on the part of the body, allergic reactions may occur, accompanied by a skin rash, urticaria, itching, peeling of the skin, redness.

Additional Information

With caution, it is necessary to take the drug simultaneously with opioid analgesics, sedatives and hypnotics.

The instructions for Interferon indicate that the drug must be stored in a dark, cool, dry and out of the reach of children place. The shelf life of the powder for the preparation of the solution is 1 year, the liquid solution is 2 years, the candles are 2 years.

It is dispensed from pharmacies by prescription of the attending physician.

Interferon human leukocyte 1000ME №10 ampoules

Interferon leukocyte human N10

Interferon human leukocyte liquid 1000IU/ml 5ml №1 vial

Interferon human leukocyte liquid solution 1000 IU/ml 5 ml

Leukocyte interferon liquid 1000 IU/ml 5 ml N1 vial with dropper

Every person at least a few times in his life faced with such an unpleasant disease as a runny nose. Most often stuffy nose with p.

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A smear for oncocytology (Papanicolaou analysis, Pap test) is a method of microscopic examination of cells that are taken from the surface of the sh.

Each person can prevent the penetration and development of various infections, the main thing is to know the main dangers that lie in wait on the island.

When using materials from the site, the active reference is obligatory.

Instructions for use of the drug Interferon for children

In every family first aid kit, especially if there are small children, there should be interferon and detailed instructions for its use. This medicine is an ambulance in the event of diseases or for their prevention. In addition to being able to shorten the time of illness, it also prevents it if there is contact with a sick person.

Description of the active ingredient

Interferon stimulates the protective functions of the body of children during infectious diseases. If all the recommendations that are included in the instructions for this drug are taken into account, then it is allowed and safe even for babies.

The medicine has an effective effect during the onset of the disease, its complications and for prevention. It does not fight viruses directly, but warns the cells of the body about the danger and activates them to fight it.

The following functions of interferon are distinguished:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. It can cope with hidden inflammatory processes in the body that lead to various symptoms.
  2. Antiviral. A universal remedy for combating viruses such as adenoviruses, herpes and influenza.
  3. Immunomodulating. Normalizes the natural immunity of a person.
  4. Immunostimulating. Promotes an increase in antibodies that fight infections.
  5. Antitumor.
  6. Bacteriostatic. Contributes to the fact that mixed infections die.

While taking the drug for colds in children, you can observe an even greater increase in temperature and the appearance of chills. This is a normal reaction, as the body began to fight harder against pathogenic microbes.

Solution for inhalation and ointment should be stored in a cool, dry place. Candles and liquid solution are stored for 2 years, dry solution - 1 year.

Any dosage form (ointment, solution for inhalation, suppositories) is used as prescribed by a doctor.

Areas of use

The drug is effective against many viruses and bacteria, from which its scope is huge (ophthalmology, gastroenterology, gynecology, pediatrics).

  1. Viral diseases affecting the respiratory system - influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. In this case, solutions for inhalation, nasal ointment are subject to use.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane (stomatitis). You can apply ointment.
  3. With systemic diseases (multiple sclerosis, herpes zoster).
  4. Viral diseases affecting the internal organs (hepatitis).
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. Treatment of eye diseases (conjunctivitis). The active substance is used in drops.

Only the doctor will select the most appropriate dosage and form of release of the drug.

Characteristics of the main forms of the drug

The health of children in the modern world is under threat - poor environmental conditions, a hereditary factor, malnutrition. Children are more likely to get colds and viral diseases. The human body itself produces interferon (a protein that protects the body from infections). But during epidemics or acute illness, they become insufficient, so various dosage forms based on interferon come to the rescue.

Children's interferon has the following forms of release: ointment, drops, suppositories, medicine is released in ampoules, and a solution for inhalation is also used.

Each dosage form is accompanied by an instruction that details in what dosage and how long to take the drug. It is approved for use even for newborns.

Nasal drops

The medicine in ampoules is intended for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. It must be instilled into the nose.

Before instillation into the nose, the solution should be diluted with water to the mark that is available on all ampoules (equal to 2 ml). If the drops have been diluted correctly, the color of the resulting liquid will be transparent or have a slight shade of yellow.

Drops for children for preventive purposes are used in the nose twice a day, after 6 hours, 5 drops each. The duration of the course depends on the general situation in the area where the child lives. For the treatment of the disease in the acute period, it is supposed to instill 5 drops every two hours, no more than three days.

You can not take the medicine with other drops and in the presence of allergies. Drops are used exclusively in the nose.

Once in the stomach and interacting with gastric juice, the drug ceases to act due to decay. Drops begin to act immediately, but the visible result in children will be noticeable after two days of use.

Babies should apply 2-3 drops of medication on a cotton swab and place in the nasal passage for a few minutes. First, the nose should be cleaned and rinsed with salt water.


The effectiveness of inhalations with interferon is much higher than all other forms. For one inhalation, three ampoules are required, the contents of which are dissolved in water (10 ml).

Inhalation is possible through the nose or mouth twice a day. It is better to use modern nebulizers.

If the nose is swollen and there is a runny nose, a vasoconstrictor should be instilled. After such a procedure, the benefits of inhalation will be greater.


Interferon in candles can be placed even in infants. Enter rectally, one suppository twice a day (morning and evening), for 5 days.

Candles do not cause allergies and side effects from the digestive organs, they are immediately absorbed into the blood, so their effect is noticeable quickly.

Various dosages are available for different ages of children. In rare cases, local irritation may occur. If after five days there is no improvement in the condition, then after a few days the course can be repeated.

Interferon ointment is indispensable in conditions when the child needs to be protected from the effects of viruses and bacteria.

The ointment is applied to the nose, twice a day (after 12 hours). It is advisable to apply it in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. The course of treatment can be up to two weeks. Usually during this period there is a complete recovery of children.

Also, the ointment is used for preventive purposes. For a month, three times a week, babies are smeared with nasal passages.

In addition, the ointment can be used for inflammatory formations of the oral cavity (tonsils, stomatitis).

Side effects

The instruction of the medicinal product warns of possible side effects that may appear, but in very rare cases:

  • allergic reaction (itching, rash);
  • changes in the work of the heart (arrhythmia, lowering of pressure);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pain in the head and muscles;
  • violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation).

Side effects may occur during an overdose of the drug. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor.


Interferon is a safe and effective drug, provided that the instructions for use are followed. It should be used with caution in the following diseases:

  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the central nervous system (epilepsy);
  • pathologies in the liver and kidneys;
  • individual intolerance to individual components that make up the drug;
  • acute phase of allergy;
  • thyroid disease.

You should never self-medicate, especially when it comes to children under two years old. Only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate form of interferon and its dosage.


Description current as of 11/11/2014

  • Latin name: Interferon
  • ATX code: L03AB
  • Active ingredient: In interferon preparations, the following can be used as an active ingredient: human α, β or γ interferon (IFN)
  • Manufacturer: Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland; Schering-Plough, USA; InterMune, USA, etc.


The composition of interferon preparations depends on their form of release.

Release form

Interferon preparations have the following release forms:

  • lyophilized powder for the preparation of eye and nasal drops, injection solution;
  • injection solution;
  • eye drops;
  • eye films;
  • nasal drops and spray;
  • ointment;
  • dermatological gel;
  • liposomes;
  • spray can;
  • oral solution;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • implants;
  • microclysters;
  • tablets (in tablets, interferon is produced under the brand name Entalferon).

pharmachologic effect

IFN preparations belong to the group of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs.

All IFNs have antiviral and antitumor activity. No less important is their ability to stimulate macrophages - cells that play an important role in the initiation of cellular immunity.

IFNs help to increase the body's resistance to the penetration of viruses, and also block the reproduction of viruses when they enter the cell. The latter is due to the ability of IFN to suppress the translation of the messenger (messenger) RNA of the virus.

At the same time, the antiviral effect of IFN is not directed against certain viruses, that is, IFNs are not characterized by virus specificity. This explains their versatility and a wide range of antiviral activity.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main biological effect of α-IFN is the inhibition of viral protein synthesis. The antiviral state of the cell develops within a few hours after the application of the drug or the induction of IFN production in the body.

At the same time, IFN does not affect the early stages of the replication cycle, that is, at the stage of adsorption, penetration of the virus into the cell (penetration) and release of the internal component of the virus during its “undressing”.

The antiviral effect of α-IFN is manifested even in the case of infection of cells with infectious RNA. IFN does not enter the cell, but only interacts with specific receptors on cell membranes (gangliosides or similar structures that contain oligosaccharides).

The mechanism of activity of IFN alpha resembles the action of individual glycopeptide hormones. It stimulates the activity of genes, some of which are involved in coding for the formation of products with a direct antiviral effect.

β interferons also have an antiviral effect, which is associated with several mechanisms of action at once. Beta interferon activates NO-synthetase, which in turn increases the concentration of nitric oxide inside the cell. The latter plays a key role in suppressing the reproduction of viruses.

β-IFN activates the secondary, effector functions of natural killers, B-type lymphocytes, blood monocytes, tissue macrophages (mononuclear phagocytes) and neutrophilic leukocytes, which are characterized by antibody-dependent and antibody-independent cytotoxicity.

In addition, β-IFN blocks the release of the internal component of the virus and disrupts the processes of viral RNA methylation.

γ-IFN is involved in the regulation of the immune response and regulates the severity of inflammatory reactions. Despite the fact that it has an independent antiviral and antitumor effect, gamma interferon is very weak. At the same time, it significantly enhances the activity of α- and β-IFN.

After parenteral administration, the maximum concentration of IFN in the blood plasma is observed after 3-12 hours. The bioavailability index is 100% (both after injection under the skin and after injection into the muscle).

The duration of the half-life T½ is from 2 to 7 hours. Trace concentrations of IFN in plasma are not detected after 16-24 hours.

Indications for use

IFN is indicated for the treatment of viral diseases that affect the respiratory tract.

In addition, interferon preparations are prescribed for patients with chronic forms of hepatitis B, C and Delta.

For the treatment of viral diseases and, in particular, hepatitis C, IFN-α is predominantly used (both of which are IFN-alpha 2b and IFN-alpha 2a). The “gold standard” for the treatment of hepatitis C is considered to be pegylated interferons alpha-2b and alpha-2a. In comparison with them, conventional interferons are less effective.

The genetic polymorphism noted in the IL28B gene, which is responsible for encoding IFN lambda-3, causes significant differences in the effect of treatment.

Patients with hepatitis C genotype 1 with common alleles of this gene are more likely to achieve longer and more pronounced treatment results compared to other patients.


Interferon is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to it, as well as to children and adolescents suffering from severe mental disorders and disorders of the nervous system, which are accompanied by thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts, severe and prolonged depression.

In combination with the antiviral drug Ribavirin, IFN is contraindicated in patients who have been diagnosed with severe renal impairment (conditions in which CC is less than 50 ml / min).

Interferon preparations are contraindicated in epilepsy (in cases where the appropriate therapy does not give the expected clinical effect).

Side effects

Interferon belongs to the category of drugs that can cause a large number of adverse reactions from various systems and organs. In most cases, they are the result of the introduction of interferon in / in, s / c or / m, but other pharmaceutical forms of the drug can also provoke them.

The most common adverse reactions to taking IFN are:

Vomiting, increased drowsiness, a feeling of dry mouth, hair loss (alopecia), asthenia are somewhat less common; non-specific flu-like symptoms; back pain, depression, musculoskeletal pain, thoughts of suicide and suicide attempt, general malaise, impaired taste and concentration, irritability, sleep disorders (often insomnia), arterial hypotension, confusion.

Rare side effects include: pain on the right in the upper abdomen, rashes on the body (erythematous and maculopapular), increased nervousness, soreness and severe inflammation at the injection site, secondary viral infection (including infection with the herpes simplex virus), increased dryness of the skin, itching, pain in the eyes, conjunctivitis, blurred vision, dysfunction of the lacrimal glands, anxiety, mood lability; psychotic disorders, including hallucinations, increased aggression, etc.; hyperthermia, dyspeptic symptoms, respiratory disorders, weight loss, tachycardia, unformed stools, myositis, hyper- or hypothyroidism, hearing impairment (up to its complete loss), the formation of infiltrates in the lungs, increased appetite, bleeding gums, cramps in the extremities, dyspnea, impaired renal function and the development of renal failure, peripheral ischemia, hyperuricemia, neuropathy, etc.

Treatment with IFN preparations can provoke a violation of reproductive function. Studies in primates have shown that interferon disrupts the menstrual cycle in women. In addition, in women treated with IFN-α drugs, the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the blood serum decreased.

For this reason, in the case of the appointment of interferon, women of childbearing age should use barrier contraceptives. Men of reproductive age are also advised to be informed of potential side effects.

In rare cases, treatment with interferon may be accompanied by ophthalmic disorders, which are expressed in the form of retinal hemorrhages, retinopathy (including macular edema), focal retinal changes, decreased visual acuity and / or visual field limitations, swelling of the optic discs, ocular neuritis (second cranial) nerve, obstruction of the arteries or veins of the retina.

Sometimes, while taking interferon, hyperglycemia, symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, diabetes, and renal failure may develop. In patients with diabetes, the clinical picture of the disease may worsen.

The use of interferon in monotherapy or in combination with Ribavirin in isolated cases can provoke aplastic anemia (AA) or even PACCM (complete aplasia of the red bone marrow).

There have also been cases when, during treatment with interferon preparations, the patient developed various autoimmune and immune-mediated disorders (including Werlhof's disease and Moshkowitz's disease).

Interferon, instructions for use

Instructions for the use of interferons alpha, beta and gamma indicate that before prescribing a drug to a patient, it is recommended to determine how sensitive the microflora that caused the disease is to it.

The method of administration of human leukocyte interferon is determined depending on the diagnosis made to the patient. In most cases, it is prescribed in the form of subcutaneous injections, but in some cases the drug can be injected into a muscle or vein.

The dose for treatment, the maintenance dose and the duration of treatment are determined depending on the clinical situation and the response of the patient's body to the therapy prescribed to him.

“Children's” interferon is suppositories, drops and ointment.

Instructions for the use of interferon for children recommends the use of this drug as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. The dose for infants and older children is selected by the attending physician.

For prophylactic purposes, INF is used in the form of a solution, for the preparation of which distilled or boiled water at room temperature is used. The finished solution is colored red and opalescent. It should be stored in the cold for no more than an hour. The drug is instilled into the nose of children and adults.

In viral ophthalmic diseases, the drug is prescribed in the form of eye drops.

As soon as the severity of the symptoms of the disease decreases, the volume of instillations should be reduced to one drop. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

For the treatment of lesions caused by herpes viruses, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes twice a day, maintaining 12-hour intervals. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days (until the integrity of the damaged skin and mucous membranes is completely restored).

For the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal passages with ointment. The frequency of procedures during the 1st and 3rd week of the course - 2 times a day. During the 2nd week, it is recommended to take a break. For prophylactic purposes, interferon should be used during the entire period of the epidemic of respiratory diseases.

The duration of the rehabilitation course in children who often have recurrent viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, recurrent infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, is two months.

How to breed and how to use interferon in ampoules?

Instructions for the use of interferon in ampoules indicate that before use, the ampoule must be opened, poured into it with water (distilled or boiled) at room temperature up to the mark on the ampoule corresponding to 2 ml.

The contents are gently shaken until completely dissolved. The solution is injected into each nasal passage twice a day, five drops, maintaining intervals of at least six hours between injections.

For therapeutic purposes, IFN is started when the first symptoms of influenza appear. The effectiveness of the drug is higher, the sooner the patient starts taking it.

The most effective is the inhalation method (through the nose or mouth). For one inhalation, it is recommended to take the contents of three ampoules of the drug, dissolved in 10 ml of water.

Water is preheated to a temperature not exceeding +37 °C. Inhalation procedures are carried out twice a day, maintaining an interval of at least one to two hours between them.

When spraying or instillation, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in two milliliters of water and 0.25 ml (or five drops) are injected into each nasal passage three to six times a day. Duration of treatment.

For preventive purposes, nose drops for children are instilled (5 drops) twice a day, at the initial stage of the development of the disease, the frequency of instillations is increased: the drug should be administered at least five to six times a day every hour or two.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to drip a solution of interferon into the eyes. The answer to this question is in the affirmative.


Cases of overdose with interferon are not described.


β-IFN is compatible with corticosteroid drugs and ACTH. It should not be taken during treatment with myelosuppressive drugs, incl. cytostatics (this can provoke an additive effect).

With caution, β-IFN is prescribed with agents whose clearance largely depends on the cytochrome P450 system (antiepileptic drugs, some antidepressants, etc.).

Do not take IFN-α and Telbivudine at the same time. The simultaneous use of α-IFN provokes a mutual enhancement of action against HIV. When used together with phosphazide, the myelotoxicity of both drugs may mutually increase (it is recommended to carefully monitor changes in the number of granulocytes and hemoglobin levels).

Terms of sale

A prescription is required to dispense the drug.

Storage conditions

Interferon is stored in a cool place protected from sunlight at a temperature of +2 to +8°C. List B.

Best before date

24 months. The prepared solution of interferon at room temperature remains stable for 3 days.

special instructions

Interferons are a class of glycoproteins with similar properties that are produced by vertebrate cells in response to exposure to various types of inducers, both viral and non-viral in nature.

According to Wikipedia, in order for a biologically active substance to be qualified as an interferon, it must be of a protein nature, have a pronounced antiviral activity against various viruses, at least in homologous (similar) cells, “mediated by cellular metabolic processes, including RNA and protein synthesis ".

The classification of IFNs proposed by the WHO and the Interferon Committee is based on differences in their antigenic, physical, chemical and biological properties. In addition, it takes into account their species and cellular origin.

According to antigenicity (antigenic specificity), IFN is usually divided into acid-resistant and acid-labile. Alpha and beta interferons (also called type I IFNs) are acid-fast. Interferon gamma (γ-IFN) is acid-labile.

α-IFN is produced by peripheral blood leukocytes (B- and T-type leukocytes), so it was previously designated as leukocyte interferon. Currently, there are at least 14 of its varieties.

β-IFN is produced by fibroblasts, which is why it is also called fibroblastic.

The former designation of γ-IFN is immune interferon, but it is produced by stimulated T-type lymphocytes, NK cells (normal (natural) killers; from the English “natural killer”) and (presumably) macrophages.

Main properties and mechanism of action of IFN

Without exception, all IFNs are characterized by polyfunctional activity against target cells. Their most common property is the ability to induce an antiviral state in them.

Interferon is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various viral infections. A feature of IFN preparations is that their effect weakens with repeated injections.

The mechanism of action of IFN is related to its ability to contain viral infections. As a result of treatment with interferon preparations in the patient's body around the focus of infection, a kind of barrier is formed from virus-resistant uninfected cells, which prevents the further spread of the infection.

Interacting with still intact (intact) cells, it prevents the implementation of the reproductive cycle of viruses due to the activation of certain cellular enzymes (protein kinases).

The most important functions of interferons are the ability to suppress hematopoiesis; modulate the body's immune response and inflammatory response; regulate the processes of cell proliferation and differentiation; inhibit growth and prevent the reproduction of viral cells; stimulate the expression of surface antigens; suppress individual functions of B- and T-type leukocytes, stimulate the activity of NK cells, etc.

Use of IFN in biotechnology

The development of methods for the synthesis and highly efficient purification of leukocyte and recombinant interferons in quantities sufficient for the production of drugs made it possible to open the possibility of using IFN preparations for the treatment of patients diagnosed with viral hepatitis.

A distinctive feature of recombinant IFNs is that they are produced outside the human body.

For example, recombinant interferon beta-1a (IFN β-1a) is obtained from mammalian cells (in particular, from Chinese hamster ovary cells), and interferon beta-1b (IFN β-1b), similar in its properties, is produced by coli (Escherichia coli) family of Enterobacteriaceae.

Interferon inducing drugs - what is it?

IFN inducers are drugs that do not themselves contain interferon, but at the same time stimulate its production.


Each type of interferon has analogues. Interferon alpha-2a preparations - Reaferon, Roferon. Recombinant human interferon alpha 2b is produced under the trademarks Intron-A, Intrek, Viferon.

Interferon for children

According to the instructions, interferon preparations are shown to children:

Also, IFN is used in therapy, the purpose of which is the rehabilitation of children with frequent respiratory infections.

The most optimal intake option for children is nose drops: interferon does not penetrate the gastrointestinal tract with this use (before diluting the drug for the nose, the water should be heated to a temperature of 37 ° C).

For infants, interferon is prescribed in the form of suppositories (150 thousand IU). Candles for children should be administered one at a time, 2 times a day, maintaining 12-hour intervals between injections. The course of treatment is 5 days. To completely cure ARVI in a child, as a rule, one course is enough.

For treatment, take 0.5 g of ointment twice a day. Treatment lasts an average of 2 weeks. Over the next 2-4 weeks, the ointment is applied 3 times a week.

Numerous positive reviews about the drug indicate that in this dosage form it has also established itself as an effective treatment for stomatitis and inflamed tonsils. No less effective are inhalations with interferon for children.

The effect of using the drug increases significantly if a nebulizer is used for its administration (it is necessary to use a device that sprays particles with a diameter of more than 5 microns). Inhalations through a nebulizer have their own specifics.

First, interferon must be inhaled through the nose. Secondly, before using the device, it is necessary to turn off the heating function in it (IFN is a protein, it is destroyed at a temperature of more than 37 ° C).

For inhalation in a nebulizer, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in 2-3 ml of distilled or mineral water (you can also use saline for this purpose). The resulting volume is enough for one procedure. The frequency of procedures during the day - from 2 to 4.

It is important to remember that long-term treatment of children with interferon is not recommended, because addiction develops to it and, therefore, the expected effect does not develop.

Interferon during pregnancy

An exception may be cases where the expected benefit of therapy for the expectant mother will outweigh the risk of adverse reactions and adverse effects on fetal development.

The possibility of isolating the components of recombinant IFN with breast milk is not ruled out. Due to the fact that the possibility of exposure to the fetus through milk cannot be excluded, IFN is not prescribed for lactating women.

In extreme cases, when it is impossible to avoid the appointment of IFN, it is recommended that a woman refuse to breastfeed during therapy. To mitigate the side effect of the drug (the occurrence of symptoms similar to those of influenza), it is recommended that paracetamol be administered simultaneously with IFN.

Preparations containing interferon for children are used for any viral infections and colds. The drugs are available in various forms and have a wide range of uses, from nasal irrigation to the treatment of hepatitis. For example, Viferon is found in the form of ointments, gels and suppositories, and Grippferon is sold as a nasal spray.

Instructions for use of alpha interferon says that it is found in the form of a lyophilized powder for the preparation of drops from the common cold, conjunctivitis, or an injection solution.

As ready-made eye drops and films, oral solution. There is an ointment and a gel, and for a cold, a dry substance is used for inhalation through a nebulizer and spray. There are rectal and vaginal suppositories, microenemas and tablets on the market. Each medication has analogues, just like Viferon and Grippferon, these drugs are presented in different forms.

The drug interferon for children is made from recombinant human interferon alpha-2b. The drug is a protein compound with similar properties, it is produced by the human body as a result of the invasion of viruses into the cells and has the following actions:

  • Antimicrobial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiviral;
  • Immunostimulating.

Distinguish substances alpha, beta and gamma. All of them stop the spread of viruses and prevent the reproduction of already infected cells. For children of the first year of life, an indispensable tool for maintaining immunity is a leukocyte medication (nasal spray for a cold and candles). They are represented by Viferon preparations and, the enclosed instructions for use will tell in detail about the correct use, so that when treating a child, do not harm him.

The Latin letters alpha, beta, gamma added to the name indicate the molecular weight of the substance used. The rate of excretion of the drug from the body depends on this indicator. Gamma particles are quickly removed. Gamma medications are indicated for the treatment of chronic granulomatosis in the form of subcutaneous injections. For an antiviral effect, a gamma agent is used in ingaron.

Means inductor

There are substances that can enhance the body's production of its own leukocyte interferon. Distinguish:

  • Inductor in the form of synthetic compounds (amiksin,);
  • Inductor as polymers (poludan, polishacil, amplimen);
  • Inductor in natural compounds ();
  • An inductor released as an official drug (dibazol, chimes, no-shpa, etc.).

The inductor stimulates the production of its own protective agents, which are not capable of causing harm and have greater viral activity. In addition, the inductor is combined with other drugs. In diseases requiring long-term therapy, the prescribed inductor can reduce the cost of the interferonization process.

Release form

Interferon for children is available in several types: nasal drops or spray, ointment and suppositories, ampoules.

Drops and spray

As drops and spray from the common cold, interferon is used from the first days of life. In this form, it will not harm even a newborn and pregnant women. The leukocyte drug is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Alpha substance nasal spray is also suitable as a preventive measure during seasonal epidemics. In pharmacies, nasal spray is sold under the brands Grippferon Light and Viferon ointment.


Candles alpha substances are prescribed for young children for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. The instruction says that they are practically incapable of causing harm. Already at the first sign of a cold, a runny nose or a sore throat, suppositories should be used to prevent the development of the disease. Pediatricians prescribe candles containing trade names and Viferon.


The agent can be used as an ointment or gel for skin diseases (skin and herpes zoster, dermatitis, fistulas, ulcers), as well as for the treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis. The ointment in the pharmacy is found under the names: Genferon, Viferon, Grippferon, Altevir and other analogues.

In ampoules

The substance is produced in ampoules, which contain either a powder for the preparation of a nasal, ophthalmic or injection solution, or a ready-made suspension for injections. To get drops for the nose no worse than Grippferon or the eye, you will need to dilute the contents of the ampoule in water. Instructions for use describe in detail the amount of fluid needed and what dosage is used depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse.

Inhalation through a nebulizer

If the house has a nebulizer, then use dry powder for inhalation. They are able to quickly cure a child's nose from a runny nose. Inhalations through a nebulizer are carried out at a low temperature, its increase above 37 ° will destroy the drug.

The nebulizer used must be able to produce particles of at least 5 microns, preferably up to 10 microns.

They are more effective than drops of Grippferon or Viferon in the form of an ointment. This is achieved due to the fact that inhalations through a nebulizer have a moisturizing and thinning effect on the child, in addition to the antiviral effect. For inhalation during the day, the nebulizer is used from 2 to 4 times.

In order not to cause harm, it must be borne in mind that inhalations through a nebulizer cannot be done less than an hour before and after meals. And the dosage of the medicine cannot exceed that recommended by the instructions for use.

Contraindications and complications

The leukocyte composition is produced by the cells of the body, it has few contraindications. His drugs are prohibited if there are:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Renal or liver failure.

Such medications are not prescribed to patients of childhood and adolescence with severe nervous and mental disorders, which are accompanied by suicidal thoughts and prolonged depression. Side effects are extremely rare and are expressed in the form of nausea, headaches, chills or skin rashes. Drowsiness, irritability and insomnia are even less pronounced.

With prolonged use of antiviral drugs based on interferon, the blood composition of the liver function is necessarily monitored.

Analogues and prices

Considering how much the leukocyte alpha and gamma composition is in demand, it is not surprising that they have analogues. Spray or nasal drops, suppositories and ointment are offered by different manufacturers. Instead of alpha interferon, drugs are used: Ultron A, roferon, nasoferon, wellveron, human leukocyte interferon, etc. All analogues must be used as the instructions for use advise, so that improper use does not cause harm.

Gamma molecules contain preparations: ingaron and interferon gamma human recombinant.

Prices for analogues depend on the country and method of production. Pricing takes into account both the form of release and the scope of the drug. Even medicines that are similar in composition differ in cost. The well-known "" has both cheap and expensive substitutes. This also applies to other drugs.

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