The method of therapeutic starvation at home. Therapeutic starvation - the essence, rules, preparation. Exit from long-term therapeutic starvation according to Yuri Nikolaev

Therapeutic fasting - popular and enough effective method self-purification of the body by refusing food, and in some cases water. After leaving it, it is necessary to adhere to a light diet, which stabilizes the results achieved. Is a constantly evolving area alternative medicine, but is criticized by the official. The goal is to improve, rejuvenate, cleanse the body and, as a result of all this, lose weight.


During a pre-selected period (from 1 day to 9 weeks), a person abstains from food and drinks. Exist different techniques. According to one, you can drink water, juices, decoctions of herbs, a small amount of honey is allowed. According to others, everything is forbidden, even water.

The goal is to give the digestive tract a rest so that it can cleanse itself. The longer the fast, the more organs are involved in this process: after the stomach - blood, lymph, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin. This leads to a general improvement of the body. Then comes ketoacidosis (cleansing at the cellular level), autolysis starts (self-destruction of pathogenic, unhealthy areas), tissue regeneration and renewal.

At the same time, it is necessary to healthy lifestyle life (not to be nervous, get enough sleep, play sports, give up bad habits), and after the exit, adhere to the principles of vegetarian or proper nutrition. Moreover, the treatment is carried out on a regular basis.

Action on the body

Depending on the duration of fasting, the following changes occur in the body (according to the statements of the supporters and authors of the method).

1-2 days

Stage of food arousal and apoptosis. In the absence of food, the body finds other sources of energy: fat, connective and muscle tissue and glycogen in the liver. The intestines are freed from unnecessary debris. Damaged cells are destroyed.

3-4 days

Progressive acidosis. The rate of tissue splitting increases several times. Autolysis starts - they are destroyed pathogenic microorganisms, cancer cells, free radicals, "dead" water. Homotoxicosis caused by hunger (accumulation of poisonous decay products in the blood) may begin. High risk of being hospital bed especially for those who don't even drink water.

7-10 days

Stage of compensation (adaptation). The body gets used to such conditions of existence. Dry fasting usually ends at this stage. Water on the background of good health can be continued. The processes of cellular rejuvenation are launched.

14-21 days

The stage of recovery from the most severe pathologies. Adherents promise complete deliverance from tumors, stones and visceral fat.

However, all these processes, which are emphasized by the authors and fans of therapeutic fasting, are only theoretical hypotheses that have not been scientifically confirmed.

Therapeutic starvation is carried out to cleanse the body, lose weight, rejuvenate and improve overall health. However, the results are often contradictory. Someone gets rid of chronic diseases, extra pounds and acquires new meaning life - becomes a vegetarian (oh this current we told in) or a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. However, the opposite consequences intestinal disorders, new sores, a quick return of even more weight) is also not uncommon, which should give thought to those who decide on such an experiment.


Many doctors oppose not only the term, arguing that fasting is rarely curative, but also against the technique itself, which can be dangerous to health and life. What official medicine warns about:

  • hunger treatment should be prescribed by a qualified doctor and carried out in specialized departments of a hospital or sanatorium;
  • the risk of death is too high as a result of latent diabetes mellitus (hypoglycemic coma), cardiac arrest, inability of the gastrointestinal tract to get out of fasting;
  • possible irreversible consequences in the form of disturbances in the cerebral cortex and liver cells, almost always after fasting, there is a breakdown, stress, discomfort throughout the body, weakened immunity, painful phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys;
  • starvation of any kind refers to extreme methods of healing;
  • recent studies on the work of the gastrointestinal tract have revealed that 2 days of fasting do not affect the intestinal epithelium in any way (supporters of the technique claim that it is updated), but they reduce the activity of enzymes and contribute to the development of mucosal atrophy.

The popularity of this technique was especially affected after the publication of the book by the well-known nutritionist Minvaleev R.S. “Weight Correction”. He wrote what actually happens in the body when it does not receive food and water:

  • first of all, it is not fats that are broken down, but proteins and amino acids that are part of the muscle and connective tissues;
  • nerve cells without glucose die en masse;
  • ketoacidosis is not at all the beginning of cleansing, but a consequence of a hungry shock;
  • stones do not come out, but on the contrary, they are formed (the author confirms this postulate with the results of scientific research).

Minvaleev especially upset everyone who hoped to lose weight:

  • a third of the weight lost is muscle;
  • after fasting, the body begins to stock up on fat in a hurry in case of the next such test - the weight quickly returns to another large quantities;
  • exhaustion connective tissue and muscles leads to the destruction of the corset, which previously supported body fat;
  • without it, adipocytes begin to grow chaotically - the appearance is inevitable.

All statements of supporters of therapeutic fasting about ketoacidosis, autolysis, self-purification and other processes occurring in the body under its influence do not have scientific confirmation and are only hypotheses.


  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • blood diseases, thrombophlebitis;
  • exhaustion, anorexia, underweight;
  • oncological diseases;
  • open tuberculosis, bronchiectasis;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • heart failure, arrhythmia, recovery from myocardial infarction.

Benefit and harm


Therapeutic starvation can be useful if all the recommendations are followed and against the background of a good adaptation of the body. It is capable of:

  • cleanse the body of debris, including toxins and pathogens;
  • cure some diseases, and starting with a runny nose and ending cancerous tumors(such cases are known);
  • get rid of chronic pain;
  • eliminate puffiness, salt and fat deposits;
  • give a feeling of lightness - not only as a result of losing weight, but also improving well-being;
  • reduce physical addiction from nicotine, alcohol, drugs;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • strengthen willpower;
  • be the beginning of a new life path(vegetarianism, healthy lifestyle).


However, according to doctors, from any "therapeutic" starvation more harm than good, since it:

  • causes exacerbation of previously undiscovered or new diseases;
  • it is morally and physically hard to bear, both the person himself and his body are in a state of stress;
  • reduces the standard of living, because during this period it is difficult to work, communicate, rejoice;
  • relaxes the gastrointestinal tract, which then finds it difficult to enter the usual track;
  • contributes not so much to the burning of fats as to the breakdown of useful tissues (muscle or connective);
  • can result in death or diabetic ketoacidosis.

Considering the last factor, we can conclude that only the most daring can decide on such therapeutic fasting!


Depending on the diet, fasting happens:

  • complete (on water) - refusal of food and drinks with the ability to quench thirst with ordinary water;
  • absolute (dry) - refusal of food and water, it can be partial (water procedures are allowed) and complete (a ban on them);
  • combined - alternation of "dry" and "water" options.

Depending on duration:

  • short-term - 1-2 days;
  • "golden mean" - from 3 days to 1 week;
  • long - more than 7 days (10, 14, 21, 40 days, 9 weeks).

Depending on the organization scheme:

  • Fractional. Assumes 3 fractions of fasting for 14 days. Between them - the recovery period for the body from 1 to 2 months. The course is six months.
  • Stepped. One step - a week of hunger strike, 3 days of recovery. 3-4 stages are organized.

There is also intermittent fasting, but it has nothing to do with therapeutic, since its effect on the body is scientifically justified and has slightly different goals. You can read about it at.

How to do it right

Decided to starve in order to lose weight and improve? Then do it right:

  1. Choose one of the author's methods.
  2. Study the material in great detail: the rules of conduct, the scheme of entry and exit, reviews.
  3. Find followers of this technique, try to communicate with them. Even better, make an appointment with a naturopath who promotes and oversees this direction and will be able to control the entire process.
  4. Pass medical examination. In the presence of serious illnesses heal first.
  5. Prepare mentally and physically.
  6. Do everything in strict accordance with the recommendations of the methodology, without introducing anything new.


If you do not prepare the body, it is fraught with a quick breakdown, complications and lack of results. Each author prescribes in detail the rules of the preparatory stage to his methodology. Someone takes 2 weeks for it, someone a week. The longer it lasts, the better. So how do you get started?

  1. Refuse the most harmful products: fast food, snacks, soda, alcohol, semi-finished products.
  2. Remove from the diet all fatty, sweet, pickled, smoked.
  3. Avoid frying as a way of cooking.
  4. For a week, gradually eliminate meat, fish, eggs and dairy products from the menu.
  5. Increase your daily intake of clean water.

The process itself

The rules of therapeutic fasting are prescribed in the daily routine. It is recommended in most methods in this form with minor adjustments:

  1. Early awakening. If this is not dry fasting, then a glass of water on an empty stomach (possibly with the simultaneous use of a laxative), an enema ( Paul Bragg* excluded them).
  2. Morning work-out. Walk on fresh air. Yoga. Breathing exercises.
  3. Warm shower or bath.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of the underlying disease (if you are fasting in a hospital).
  5. Salon procedures for weight loss (wraps, masks, spa and other relaxation).
  6. Walk in the fresh air.
  7. Favorite activity (reading, watching a movie, socializing).
  8. Work with the motivational sphere: auto-trainings, affirmations.
  9. Physical activity: outdoor work, house cleaning open windows, a set of lightweight exercises.
  10. Favourite hobby.
  11. Warm shower or bath.
  12. Any relaxation before bed, except for the TV and gadgets (reading, repeating affirmations, pleasant conversation).

* Paul Bragg - American representative of naturopathy and alternative medicine, invented his own method of fasting. We are about her.

With water therapeutic starvation, you must not forget to constantly drink water. Better distilled, although you can thaw, non-carbonated mineral or boiled chilled. It should be at room temperature (warm is also allowed). To satisfy hunger, it must be drunk in small sips. The scheme can be different: every hour or at will.

Most naturopaths strongly recommend leaving for the entire fasting period in the countryside, in nature. A good option is to relax in a sanatorium if the doctors allow you to practice such non-traditional methods. There you can sign up for physiotherapy procedures for the general improvement of the body. You can go to the cottage. Relaxation and fresh air will enhance the healing effect.

The use of gadgets and TV is not welcome due to the blue glow of the screens, which is harmful to health. The first ones are allowed only for work purposes, the second one is for watching your favorite movie in order to get positive emotions.


Getting out of therapeutic fasting is no less important than entering it. If at the preparation stage you can break loose and enjoy something forbidden, and there will be no obvious harm from this, then everything is different here. The desire to eat is so strong that most people, having endured fasting, break down the next day after it ends and ... end up in a hospital bed. digestive tract, who has been resting all this time and being in a relaxed state, cannot digest a large amount of food that has fallen on him. This leads to toxicity.

There was such a case. Nikolaev in his book cites as an example an elderly woman who, in order to get rid of pain (with a diagnosis of arthrosis of the knee and ankle joints), independently carried out a 12-day fast. She withstood it to the end, but the next day she ignored the recommendations for the correct exit. The professor advised to start with a glass of diluted vegetable juice (without spices and pulp). She decided to enjoy the chicken broth. The result - I ended up in the hospital with protein poisoning. Resuscitation had no effect, a lethal outcome was recorded.

It is more difficult to get out of dry fasting: the next day you can only drink water. It’s a little easier from water: diluted with water and strained juices from raw vegetables. Paul Bragg allowed a little carrot salad for breakfast right away (after 1 and 3 days of fasting). And then every day you need to introduce 1-2 products into the diet:

  • 1st day - drinking (water, vegetable juices, weakly brewed green tea);
  • 2nd - salads from fresh vegetables seasoned with a little olive oil;
  • 3rd - fruits, berries, nuts;
  • 4th - cereals, seeds, sunflower seeds.

As for meat, eggs and dairy products, some alternative medicine representatives suggest abandoning them altogether in the direction of a vegetarian diet. It will provide good training body for further fasting. Others advise to use them in limited quantity(for example, a couple of times a week). For others, their quality is important: if meat, then chicken breast or beef; if dairy products, then natural and with minimal fat content.

The results will be much more effective if, in the intervals between medical "marathons" adhere to vegetarian diet or at least .

Organization of long-term therapeutic starvation (more than 3 days) at home - dangerous event with unpredictable consequences. They are carried out under constant control either doctors who do not reject this direction of alternative medicine, or naturopaths, authors of similar methods, in private health centers. When side effects, life-threatening (hungry shock, dehydration, etc.) in a hospital, they are quickly stopped and help further recovery of the body.

Important information! When independently conducting a long hunger strike at home, there were cases of death. Therefore, deciding on this, you will have to take full responsibility for the consequences.


Most of the author's methods recommend acting in the summer. First, it is easier to organize entry and exit with fresh fruits and vegetables. Secondly, in winter, this procedure is more difficult to tolerate, since the body does not have enough energy to heat the body when the temperature drops. environment. This is fraught with weakened immunity and infections.

How to endure?

Fans claim that this kind of hunger strike is much easier to bear than many mono-diets and fasting days. However, don't take their word for it. This applies primarily to those who have repeatedly conducted such tests. Their bodies are used to stressful situations and can coordinate to block hunger. In fact, even one-day abstinence from food is constant struggle with the temptation to eat something.

To withstand, you need to correctly distribute the use of water - for example, a glass per hour. To forget about bouts of hunger and not think about food, you need to load the whole day with pleasant things. Go shopping, just walk around, go to a museum that you didn't have time for before. You can read or watch a fascinating series, after which time will pass unnoticed. Warn your family not to tempt you with goodies and support you.

If it becomes completely unbearable, and dizziness is added to bouts of hunger, up to fainting and unbearable heartburn, take half a teaspoon of honey and lick it off slowly. The main thing is that the brain receives a signal about the arrival of at least some food. An alternative is to hold a crust of black bread in your mouth. Swallowed saliva will be filled with its taste and smell, blocking hunger.

Are there concessions?

Each author has his own view on the severity of observance of medical fasting. Paul Bragg, for example, allows you to eat 1 tsp per day. lemon juice and honey, Marva Oganyan offers juices, Nikolaev - rosehip broth. In any case, the first time you are unlikely to be able to sit on the same water (or even without it). Start with more gentle methods.

What to do if it becomes bad?

The best option is to immediately stop the fasting treatment, organize the correct exit and go to the hospital as soon as possible to normalize the condition.

Is it possible to drink medicines?

Most methods prohibit doing this, which causes criticism and dissatisfaction from official medicine. In the presence of chronic diseases, which involve the constant use of drugs that support life and normal well-being, you can not stop drinking them.

Do you need to play sports?

And for healing the body, and for weight loss, any physical activity is useful with a few reservations. Running and intense power training prohibited. But recommended morning exercises, yoga, swimming, hiking, breathing practices and uncomplicated.

Review of author's methods

Paul Bragg

Paul Chappius Bragg

Book: The Miracle of Fasting.

Type of fasting: on the water.

Features of the technique

According to Bragg, you can only drink distilled water. The volume is not limited. You can also add honey or lemon juice(no more than 10 g per day). Terms - 24 and 36 hours, 3, 7 and 10 days. A three-week fast is not recommended. He argued that medical control over this process is not required. Was an opponent of laxatives and enemas, as well as all refined products. His technique was especially popular at the end of the 20th century. Called for a healthy lifestyle, calling sunlight, Fresh air, motor activity and his other principles by "Doctors".


Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Books: Fasting for Medicinal Purposes, Big Encyclopedia therapeutic fasting.

Types: to choose from - full dry, cascade or interrupted.

Features of the technique

You can interrupt at any time, and then continue from the moment the breakdown occurred. According to Malakhov, this provides emotional support to the one who decided on it, and reduces the risk of premature termination of the experiment. Gennady Petrovich paints in his books different models, starting with complete dry fasting and ending with interval. It is difficult to call them copyright. He kind of makes an overview of them, along the way giving recommendations, according to his experience. From water it offers ordinary drinking, distilled, magnetized. Like Bragg, he allows honey and lemon juice. Duration - from 24 hours to 30 days.


Alexander Andreevich Barvinsky

Books: No separate works.

Types: classic (on water), dry, uric (on water and urine).

Features of the technique

The advantages of Barvinsky's technique are that he personally controls the process that takes place in stationary conditions at the SpaGolod clinic. Pleasure is not cheap, but rave reviews about young specialist make it incredibly popular. Alexander Andreevich takes on treatment patients with such diagnoses as infertility, chronic allergies, stress, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, ODA (musculoskeletal system), gastrointestinal tract. And, of course, his author's innovation is the inclusion of urine in the diet of a starving person.


Marva Vagarshakivna Oganyan

Books: A Practical Physician's Handbook, Golden Rules of Natural Medicine.

Type: on herbs and on juices.

Features of the technique

Cleansing the body and losing weight according to Marve Oganyan is considered one of the easiest and most safe techniques. At the first stage, an Armenian biochemist proposes to cleanse the body with decoctions from medicinal herbs(the list of which she herself limits), and at the second stage, support strength with freshly squeezed juices. On the one hand, official medicine does not criticize such a scheme, since it provides nutrients. On the other hand, this system can be called starvation only conditionally, since juices are a complete product. Marwa also offers cleansing enemas and water treatments. Course - 21 days.


Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin

Books: Apostle of Health, Bioenergetic Essence of Man. Myths and reality.

Type: structured water.

Features of the technique

According to Neumyvakin, during therapeutic hunger strikes, you need to drink not ordinary water, but structured water. His recipe:

  1. In the evening, pour into a 2-liter jar of tap water.
  2. Leave uncovered on the table overnight. All harmful impurities during this time will settle to the bottom.
  3. In the morning, without stirring, carefully drain the water, leaving the lower layer in the bath.
  4. Bring some of it to a boil.
  5. Cool down.
  6. Drink.

The main rule is to drink water within 3 hours after boiling.


Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev

Book: Fasting for Health.

Type: on the water.

Features of the technique

According to Nikolaev, training should be carried out at the psycho-emotional level (a person must convince himself that he needs it) and physical. For the latter, he ordered his patients a detailed medical examination (starting with weight measurement and ending with ultrasound).

According to the Nikolaev system, every day of fasting should begin with enemas. And a rather large volume - up to 2 liters. Much attention was paid to water and physiotherapy procedures. The daily volume of water is 2 liters (mineral alkaline, distilled) + a glass of rosehip broth before going to bed to improve the cleansing effect. Sleep - exclusively with open windows or in the fresh air (on the veranda, terrace). The recommended period is 21 days.

Books on curative fasting

  1. Brazhko I., Kalyuzhnaya G. Proper fasting from a professional nutritionist.
  2. Bragg P. The Miracle of Fasting.
  3. Voytovich G. A. Heal yourself.
  4. Hamilton A. Effective therapeutic fasting, cleansing and weight loss in 5 days.
  5. Leomer M. 21 days of curative fasting. What Paul Bragg kept silent about.
  6. Makarova N. Recovery through fasting.
  7. Malakhov G.P. Big encyclopedia of therapeutic starvation.
  8. Malakhov G.P. Starvation for therapeutic purposes.
  9. Nikolaev Yu. S. Starvation for the sake of health.
  10. Siryur P. Three-day energy starvation.
  11. Firsov L.F. Therapeutic starvation. Unloading and dietary therapy.
  12. Khrushchev V.L. To starve in order to live without getting sick. Medical fasting.
  13. Shelton G. Fasting will save your life.
  14. Shertz G. Starvation, cleansing and weight loss in 7 days.
  15. Yakuba A. School of curative starvation and raw food diet.

Despite all the warnings of official medicine about the failure and even the danger of curative fasting, thousands of people resort to its help. Someone thus gets rid of chronic sores and the need to drink packs of pills. Others use it as effective method weight loss.

From the history of starvation

People have often gone hungry throughout history, though more by circumstance than voluntarily. Elementary, there was nothing to kill the worm. And I still had to run to get food. Then, in the era of the formation of religions, complete abstinence from food was part of the rituals. Now, in an era of food abundance, people rarely go hungry.

There are temptations everywhere, tantalizing smells… Solid on TV… Free tastings in stores…

And there are excuses in my head - I can’t stand the pangs of hunger, because it’s so scary - to starve! And yet, terrible pictures of past generations are deeply seated in us - people are dying of hunger, besieged Leningrad, cards, war ...

Yes, and parents, grandmothers have been talking since childhood: “Eat everything that is on the plate!”, “You should eat more, look how thin”, “Don’t eat - there will be no strength” ...

And how, with all this unconscious baggage, to starve? Tru-u-udno .. Difficult! But you can! Especially if you know why...

Benefits of therapeutic fasting for the body

During fasting, the body is freed from waste products, toxic substances, and toxins accumulated over the years.

Many diseases are cured, weight returns to normal, perception by all senses is sharpened, a healthy appetite returns, memory and thinking processes improve, pulse, blood pressure and temperature indicators normalize.

Therapeutic fasting at home

Hunger- the fastest and most powerful way to improve health. And it is also the easiest and least expensive. Even tangible savings are obtained. The main thing is to do everything right, without fuss, fear.

A diseased organism can be compared to a spoiled mechanism. And while he puffs, knocks and trembles, not a single repairman will get to him.

It is the same with a sick body. All work that is not necessary for the restoration of the body must be stopped.

And the process of digestion is still work. stomach, intestines, salivary glands, gallbladder, liver - that's far from complete list organs involved in digestion. They have not finished breakfast yet, as they are already loaded with lunch.

But if we temporarily set up this food processing machine, how much energy will be released ... It is this energy that will go to restore the body, improve all organs and systems.

What are fasting?

More is already at your own peril and risk, although naturally longer fasting gives a more impressive effect. But there is more risk here. You are not able to predict how much decay products will be released from your body.

Start with daily fasting, according to the principle " the quieter you go, the further you'll get". After all, if you carry it out regularly, then in the end you will achieve the same effect as with prolonged fasting. It will just take more time.

How does a person feel during therapeutic fasting?

AT first day characterized by an increasing feeling of hunger, weakness. On the second day, slight dizziness, weakness, plaque on the tongue, bad breath are possible. Ideally, fasting should be done during rest. But I can tell you from my own experience that this is not necessary.

Weight loss varies from 200 g to 1 kilogram per day. More stress on the excretory organs (urine may become more cloudy, sediment may occur, on hunger strike days it is advisable to carry out cleansing enemas, take a shower 2 times a day and brush your teeth thoroughly).

Consequences of therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting for weight loss at home

Possible harm from curative fasting

The method of therapeutic fasting is simple and effective, there is only one rule - at home, you can’t immediately aim for long periods of hunger strike, usually long-term treatment hunger is practiced in sanatoriums and medical clinics or after many small episodes - daily, three-day, weekly.

To eliminate the harm to health from curative fasting without the supervision of a specialist, it is not recommended to fast for more than a week(something can always go wrong, for example, an acidotic crisis will begin with severe toxic manifestations - nausea, intense headaches, heart palpitations, plaque on the tongue, dark urine, severe weakness and a disgusting mood).

Especially strong and effective of the above types of curative fasting is considered fasting dry, but it is also the most stressful, not every organism can adequately withstand it, therefore, despite its speed and strength, I still do not recommend using it at home, especially for an unprepared person.

Exit from therapeutic starvation

You also need to competently exit from therapeutic fasting at home. As long as the hunger strike itself lasted. Starved for 3 days, 3 days and get out of hunger.

How many excellent results of therapeutic fasting were ruined precisely the wrong way out of hunger.

People start to eat whatever is horrible, and the absorption and assimilation of nutrients after treatment with hunger become much better, so you and some one will get a bunch of toxic substances, which, thanks to improved assimilation, will poison you qualitatively .

So we start with salads, it’s better at first mono - cabbage salad, then after a couple of hours - salad from, grated apple, herbal infusions, vegetable and fruit juices of our own preparation, the next day it is possible to eat mashed potatoes, vegetarian soup, lean porridge ...

And a little, a little! Your stomach volume has decreased somewhat (how much depends on the time of fasting), and you are ready to aim at the previous portion ...

When leaving, at first you don’t feel like eating at all, but after two to three meals, your appetite worsens, and may begin uniform zhor. This is what you must restrain in order not to let it go to the wind.

In traditional medicine, a number of diseases are recognized as incurable. There are also diseases that require lifelong medical support - diabetes, gout, hypertension, arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, asthma, allergies, epilepsy ... But at the same time, there are many clinical studies proving that there is a simple and cheap method of getting rid of any disease, up to cancer. This is therapeutic fasting.

Proper fasting under the supervision of specialists allows you to lose weight and rejuvenate, to refuse drugs for people with chronic diseases and even fully recover. Surprisingly - many years of practical experience in psychiatry has shown that with the help of fasting, you can even completely get rid of mental illness! Is it so?

How to fast for health benefits? How many days? Is it possible to eat, drink, exercise at this time?

Only in the 20th century did the situation change dramatically: civilization found ways of cheap production and long-term storage of food, thanks to which food is now available to almost everyone at any time of the day.

This has turned into our scourge - we are not genetically adapted to constantly eating. How did our ancestors live? They starved for days on end, after a successful hunt, the whole tribe ate, and when the meat ran out, the period of hunger began again. So, we are programmed to starve for several days without harm to health.

Have you noticed that sick animals refuse food? Yes, and we are not particularly drawn to food during illness. This signals that fasting can indeed be a method of getting rid of diseases.

Pros and cons of therapeutic fasting

The results of therapeutic fasting can be seen with the naked eye. People who have completed a course of fasting look more fit, healthy, refreshed. They note a feeling of euphoria and lightness in the body, and even a change in outlook.

Conducted in the USA clinical researches showed that cancer patients who starved before chemotherapy tolerated it much more easily.

Fasting changes the acidity of the blood, making it more alkaline - good news for those who have hyperacidity blood (for example, gout).

Scientists have discovered that hunger affects our cells at the DNA level. They start a defense mechanism, old immune cells are replaced by new ones. In people with various diseases there is an improvement in the state of health, periods of remission become longer, often there is a complete recovery.

The patient before and after therapeutic fasting is like two different person. It is difficult to describe all the effects of this method in one article, so at the end I will post a video that talks about the changes that happen to us thanks to complete abstinence from food.

But it can't be that perfect, can it?

Indeed, proper therapeutic starvation can significantly improve our health. But it is not in vain that I use the word “correct” and insist on medical supervision. Fasting is an extreme reboot of all body systems, and it can be carried out only by relying on the knowledge and experience of specialists. There are cases when fanatics of curative fasting died of exhaustion or because of the wrong way out of hunger.

You also need to know about the crisis that occurs approximately on the third day of fasting: a person feels very bad, feels weak, dizzy, nauseous, sadness and despondency appear. This is how we experience detoxification of the body. To understand how hard the body reacts to this process and whether it needs help, a doctor should be nearby.

Scared? No need. The lion's share of negative consequences applies only to a long period of fasting. Short periods easily tolerated by the body undeniable benefit and shown to all healthy people as a disease prevention.

The need for consultation and control of a doctor is determined by several factors - this is the time of therapeutic fasting, general state patient health, goal (weight loss, treatment, prevention).

There are three fasting periods:

  • short period (1-3 days)
  • medium (up to 10-14 days)
  • long (up to 40 days)

Given the specifics of the effect of hunger on the body, it should be understood that this technique is not useful for all diseases.

Fasting treatment is indicated for obesity, broncho-pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, skin diseases, pathologies. endocrine system, musculoskeletal system, mental disorders(depression, schizophrenia). Contraindications to fasting are tuberculosis, type 1 diabetes, thrombophlebitis, chronic hepatitis, anorexia, hyperthyroidism.

Short periods of fasting are recognized as beneficial to health even by traditional medicine. The practice of short-term refusal of food can be found in all the world's leading religions - Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam.

Fasting at home is most often used for weight loss. But do not think that you can eat everything in a row, then sit on some water for three days and take up the old again. In any case, you will have to change the diet and exercise. Hungry periods will make weight loss faster and more comfortable, but cannot be used as the only method.

Water fasting and dry fasting

Of these two types, therapeutic fasting on water is considered safer and more gentle for the body. The principle is quite simple: do not eat anything, but only drink water in large quantities. This helps to saturate the body with moisture, cleanse it of toxins, improve the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems. The main thing is that the water is clean. Juices, herbs, teas are also on the list of prohibited foods for the period of water fasting.

In order to reboot your body without harm, it is enough to abstain from food for 16-24 hours. You can practice such days a maximum of 3-4 times a month (once a week).

Dry fasting is a refusal not only from food, but also from water. A one-day waterless fast once a month is enough to invigorate the body. Dry fasting for 3, 7 and 11 days is also practiced, but this is quite extreme, so you should be careful with such experiments.

Starting to fast, you should know that the last hungry day is only the middle of the road. It is also important to correctly organize the so-called "exit".

If after complete starvation drastically load your body with heavy food, you can get serious complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases. During the exit from fasting, it is allowed to eat only light food - soups, grated boiled vegetables, porridge. One meal should be limited to a weight of 250 grams.

The exit period in duration should not be less than the fasting period. Those who have been on a dry fast should also limit their drinking, resisting the temptation to drink plenty.

It just sounds like a simple thing to do. Those who have practiced fasting say that the way out is much harder than the fast itself. Moreover, the diet at the exit from starvation has a decisive influence on the well-being of a person in the future.

The longer the period of abstinence, the more carefully you need to pay attention to every detail of the process. Therefore, further we will turn to the issue of therapeutic fasting in specialized clinics.

It would seem - well, why starve in the clinic, if you can just stop eating at home? And what can provide in this case medical institution besides a bunk and clean water?

And here is wrong. Clinical hunger treatment is whole complex events. It all starts with a consultation and testing to determine the patient's physical and moral readiness for fasting. Before you start taking the course, you need to follow a diet at home: abrupt rejection from eating after prolonged overeating is undesirable.

In the clinic, patients do exercises, work out on simulators, visit a sauna, therapeutic baths, and massage. All this is aimed at accelerating the metabolism so that the body can quickly remove toxins and more easily endure the period of crisis. And to maintain the mental health of patients, there are psychotherapist consultations and a cultural program.

Typically, clinics offer courses of medium fasting duration (7, 10, 14 days), since long fasting requires serious preparation and good reasons.

Fasting clinics are now spread all over the world, there are especially many of them in Russia and Europe.

The fasting system of Dr. Otto Buchinger is one of the most famous abroad. Many clinics operate under this system in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Spain - you can count a dozen centers called the Buchinger Clinic.

But the very first is the Otto Buchinger clinic in Bad Pyrmont (Germany), founded by the creator of the system himself. It was opened in 1920 and today it is run by doctors of the third generation of Buchingers.

The most famous Russian fasting clinic is the Clinic of Professor Yuri Nikolaev in Moscow, which operates at the Institute of Psychiatry. In the 1940s, he began research into the effects of starvation on psychiatric patients and saw extraordinary results from this method. Yuri Nikolaev was one of the pioneers of curative fasting in traditional medicine, wrote a series scientific papers on this topic. Today except mental disorders in his clinic they treat asthma, lesions of the musculoskeletal system, and obesity by starvation.

The oldest operating sanatorium where therapeutic starvation is practiced is Goryachinsk. He is 200 years old. The sanatorium is located in the village of the same name in the Republic of Buryatia, on the shores of Lake Baikal.

Of course, you cannot list all the sanatoriums, medical centers and clinics where you can take a course of curative fasting. When choosing a clinic, it is important to remember that it should be medical Center licensed and certified physicians.

When experimenting with your body, be extremely careful - we have only one body, and, unfortunately, there is no “reset the game” function in our lives.

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Fasting is a method of alternative medicine, which consists in the voluntary refusal of food, and sometimes water, with further light meals for a specific period of time. The method is based on the idea of ​​the existence of toxins in the body. According to him, and as a result of the lack of food coming from outside, the digestive organs and other systems associated with them go into the so-called recovery (cleansing) mode.

The method is complete with unlimited use of water, absolute, combined. In the absolute variant, a person abstains from both food and water. There is also cascade fasting, in which abstinence from food is carried out in certain cycles. Some methods involve the use medicinal decoctions herbs. According to the timing of the "water" abstinence from food can be divided into:

  • small: 1-2 days;
  • medium: 3-7 days;
  • long: 8-40 days.

On the water

Considerable distribution has become therapeutic starvation at home for weight loss, which is based on the use of water. It implies a complete rejection of any products. It is advisable to drink filtered or distilled water - this is necessary both for weight loss and for recovery. The duration is different, the final effect largely depends on it. Proper fasting on water is often recommended by doctors and nutritionists, with its help you can achieve the following goals:

  • strengthen the defense system (immunity);
  • due to psychological (mental) unloading, the human body will begin to better cleanse and recover;
  • slow down the aging process by activating the pituitary gland.

Dry medicinal

With the dry method, not only food is excluded, but the use of water also stops. This method implies complete abstinence from any products, moisture. It is used, as a rule, for a short time, because. prolonged dry fasting will lead to dehydration. Water loss that causes a 10-20% weight loss is life threatening. There are two types of this method:

  • Soft. With this technique, drinking water is completely stopped, but procedures in the form of warm baths, washing, bathing, cleansing enemas are not prohibited.
  • Hard (absolute). With this type, not only drinking water is excluded, but also any contact with it, i.e. shower, bathing, mouthwash, etc.

Benefit and harm to the body

Before you find out the answer to the question of how to start fasting for weight loss, which is aimed at cleansing the body at the same time, check out the available advantages and disadvantages of the technique. This will warn you against possible exhaustion of the body. The benefits of this kind of diet:

  • The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is resting. If a before people to get food, you had to constantly hunt, farm (all this was associated with physical labor), then today the situation has changed radically - everything you need is available in the store. A large proportion of people experience problems with overeating, which is why the digestive system is experiencing excessive load. It is useful to give the digestive tract a rest for a while. Sometimes this technique is used for chronic and acute pancreatitis.
  • During fasting internal processes(exchange) begin to rebuild. The human body switches to its own energy resources. Thanks to this, with the help of such a therapeutic technique, body fat will decrease, which will help fight against overweight, cellulite.
  • Therapeutic fasting prolongs life. This is due to the fact that this technique promotes cleansing at the cellular and molecular levels, so you can achieve the effect of rejuvenation. A striking example is Paul Bragg, who died at the age of 81, although doctors from his youth made him unfavorable forecasts regarding his state of health. A set of measures, including therapeutic abstinence from food, helped him live a long and active life.
  • The technique helps to heal various diseases. It contributes to the treatment of allergies, neuroses, disorders in the hormonal system, cardiovascular diseases. There have been cases when the therapeutic refusal of food has been productive in the fight against cancer and inflammatory cells. With a cold and SARS, the technique helps to reduce the manifestation of symptoms and speedy recovery.
  • The practice of fasting strongly stimulates creativity and mental capacity person. Yu. Nikolaev was the first in the world to use the method of dosed fasting for the treatment of mental illness.

It turns out that the technique is useful in terms of cleansing the body of toxins and not only, partial weight loss and cure for a number of diseases. True, she has the so-called reverse side of the medal. More about the dangers of the technique:

  • Possibility of losing muscle mass. Fat for the human body is considered valuable energy resource. Experiencing a calorie deficit, the body does not immediately begin to maintain its performance with energy from fat reserves. First of all, glucose is used, and then proteins. Prolonged abstinence from eating leads to muscular dystrophy- Intensive breakdown of proteins begins on the second day of the hunger strike.
  • There is a risk of intoxication with ketone bodies - a product of incomplete breakdown of fats. In the absence of food, a decrease in glucose levels is manifested, leading to insulin deficiency. The fat is not completely oxidized. As a result, there is such a symptom as the smell of acetone from the mouth (as in diabetes). This condition is called acidosis, it can be used to find out that the process of intoxication has begun.
  • After exiting the process, especially the wrong one, there is an increase in appetite. Deprivation of food for the body - stress. The body, after returning a person to the usual diet, seeks to make up for the lost, and even with a margin. During a starvation diet (especially a long one), the production of the hormone leptin, whose function is to control appetite, stops. This further leads to excessive appetite which is hard to resist.
  • The fact that when using the named technique slags are removed is point of contention. traditional medicine tends to think that slags as such do not exist. lymphatic, digestive and excretory system they do a good job of removing everything superfluous.

Benefits of fasting for weight loss

This method of losing weight is useful only with a competent approach - it is desirable to starve under the guidance of medical professionals. Remember that a sudden change in eating habits leads to changes in the psychological state, some may even experience depression. Benefits of therapeutic fasting for weight loss:

  • fast and safe weight loss;
  • with weight loss, neither flabbiness nor sagging of tissues and skin is observed (the rule does not apply to very elderly patients);
  • weight loss is accompanied by an improvement in the body, improvement general well-being, breathing becomes freer.

How to fast properly

Some experts recommend that before starting a therapeutic refusal of food, give the body a rest, which is expressed in light meals. The menu should become balanced and moderate. It is better to exclude animal proteins, flour and sweet products, dairy products from the diet, focusing on vegetables, fruits - do not overeat them. Can do cleansing enema- the temperature of the water for bowel cleansing should not be cold and exceed optimum temperature body. To lose weight and improve your health, consider the following tips:

  • It is not recommended to refuse food for a long time. Healthy people who just want to rest the digestive system should practice periodically one day method. During this time, no critical changes or disturbances occur in the work of the body.
  • If the technique is used to treat any disease, consult with your doctor. Starve in this case, as a rule, no more than 3, and sometimes 7-10 days.
  • The so-called dry fasting is unacceptable. With the refusal of food, the need for water increases. The body must have enough of this component is the main condition for the effective splitting of substances. You will need to drink more than usual.
  • Pick the right time to stop eating. Any mental and physical work consumes glucose. If its reserves are exhausted, then unfavorable processes for the human body will begin. You should be able to devote time in such a diet to rest, eliminating the load.
  • Before you refuse food, properly prepare for the procedure. It is important to follow the rules for entering and exiting a hunger strike.

How long can you starve without harm to health

Fasting for more than 3 days, you can apply serious harm to your health. When the process of glucose synthesis from proteins is organized and carried out, muscles suffer first of all - they contain the most proteins. In addition to this, when you refuse food, the cells cease to receive the necessary set of useful trace elements, vitamins. Against this background, there is a disruption internal organs weakening of the immune system. Therapeutic fasting is really wellness procedure but it must be used wisely.

How to prepare

The basic rule for preparing for a process is as follows: the entry period in time must be equal to the process or at least half of it. Start preparing by reducing food, you need to reduce not the receptions themselves, but the volume of servings. It is advisable to switch to plant foods, bitches, let's say low-fat kefir. Avoid animal products, protein and fatty foods. If everything is done correctly, then the process will be easier, without disruption. There will be no problems with the digestive system and appetite after the exit.

Therapeutic fasting at home

To begin with, it is recommended to practice a 24-hour food refusal, which is carried out no more than once a week. A systematic approach will increase the period to 3 days a week, for example, on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. Weight at first goes away intensively, sometimes its loss reaches 2 kg per day. Over time, the effectiveness will decrease to 300 g per day, but these will already be stable numbers. During hunger, several physiological processes one of which is body rejuvenation. It is believed that the technique speeds up the metabolism. Recommendations:

  • In the first day, a growing feeling of hunger, weakness, irritability is characteristic. On the second day, the appearance mild dizziness, weakness, plaque on the tongue, bad breath. It is ideal to fast during the holidays.
  • More load falls on the excretory organs. Urine with refusal of food may become more cloudy, precipitation may occur. During a hunger strike, it is advisable to do cleansing enemas, thoroughly brush your teeth, take a shower 2 times a day.
  • Process is important proper completion hunger strikes, especially if you have chosen a 3-day or longer method.


Deciding to throw excess weight, pay attention to medical technique refusal of food lasting 1 day. This option is considered the most useful, because. it does not pose a risk to human health. 1 day is enough for the digestive organs (stomach, pancreas, etc.) to rest, and the intestinal microflora to improve. During the day, the entire putrefactive component dies. With proper fasting, you need to adhere to following recommendations:

  • Avoid heavy meals in advance, do not overeat, drink more water. Plan this process for the weekend.
  • Try to spend more time outdoors. Water procedures are shown.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the form of light dizziness, weakness, headache, etc. may decrease or disappear if fasting is practiced regularly.
  • The recommended duration is 24-27 hours.
  • The output of a one-day process can only consist of taking a cleansing salad "Brush". For him, carrots, cabbage are finely chopped, if desired, a pinch of raisins, a small apple, turnip is added. Salad flavored with freshly squeezed lemon juice.


With proper fasting, designed for three days, the process becomes more stressful for the body compared to one day. Careful preparation and compliance with the recommendations for entry and exit is required. If you have not tried several one-day hunger strikes, then it is better not to start the three-day method.. Slow down in three days digestive processes, the process of splitting fat reserves starts, the body prepares for the transition to "internal nutrition". Scroll binding rules:

  • Preparation is very important. A week before the procedure, it is recommended to abandon severe and junk food, alcohol. 1.5-3 days before the transition, focus on plant foods, reduce portions. Do a cleansing enema the day you start.
  • Drink more water, take a shower more often than usual.
  • Possible appearance unpleasant symptoms in the form of headache, dizziness, short-term bouts of hunger. If proper fasting is difficult, then it is recommended to get out of it earlier, so listen to your feelings.
  • A symptom that indicates that it is necessary to immediately stop the refusal of food is very dark-colored or very cloudy urine.
  • In three days, weight loss will be several kg, but about half will return the next day after exit. To maintain the effect, it is worth leaving smoothly without overeating.


Proper fasting, designed for a week, is widely used for medicinal purposes. During this period of time, the body's ability to regenerate increases, and diseased tissues are destroyed. For 7 days of refusing food, the body switches to internal nutrition, as a result, a person is faced with an acidotic crisis. characteristic symptom- the smell of acetone from the mouth. More about the rules:

  • Preparations begin at least 2 weeks in advance. Reduce the amount of animal products on the menu, exclude semi-finished products, alcohol, preservatives, harmful nutritional supplements. Don't overeat.
  • The day before the start, give up meat, animal products.
  • In addition to cleansing the intestines before a hunger strike, it is recommended to clean the liver with an enema ( blind probing).
  • Plan proper fasting for a vacation - preferably in the summer or autumn.
  • The first 5 days are characterized by nausea, headaches, mood swings, dizziness. All practitioners after the onset of an acidotic crisis observe an improvement in mood, well-being, a surge of strength and energy.
  • For some, the acidotic crisis occurs only on the 7th day or later. Immediately stop the hunger strike in this case is not recommended. Extend it by 2-3 days.

How not to be hungry

When refusing food, many experience not only hunger, but also weakness, a decrease in physical strength etc. In this regard, there is a great risk of breaking off from proper fasting and completing the procedure ahead of time. To prevent this, remember the motivation that led you to use this technique. Drinking plenty of water will help prevent extreme hunger. Walking, reading, music will help to switch from thinking about food - it should be frequent change activities. Some practitioners do breathing exercises. Don't overwork yourself.

Way out of fasting

With a one-day technique, it is better to plan an exit for the evening. At the first meal, eat some vegetables or fruits, stewed vegetables, or a vegetable salad with oil (linseed or olive oil). Until the evening, give up meat, dairy products, drink plenty of clean water. With a three-day proper fasting, the principles are the same, but do not leave it, starting with meat, fish, nuts, dairy products - only juices, vegetables (can be stewed), fruits. With the seven-day method:

  • during the first day only juices are shown;
  • on the second day, you can eat grated fruits, vegetables;
  • on the third or fourth day, the menu is supplemented with bread, soups, cereals;
  • a week after completion, you can eat protein foods, nuts;
  • then another week you need to adhere to a dairy-vegetarian diet, the principles of fractional nutrition (small portions).

Divided food and small portions

Proper fasting implies such a moment: when you exit this process, try to eat in fractional portions 5-6 times a day. The intervals between meals should be 3 hours. It is forbidden to use fats and salt, portions are only small. Especially compliance with the fragmentation of nutrition is important when leaving long-term diets that imply a complete rejection of food - do not neglect it.

Plant and dairy foods

When exiting from proper long-term fasting, it is important to adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet for some time. Dairy products it is advisable to add to the menu on the 5th day - this is kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. May be used in small quantities butter. On the 6th day, sour cream is introduced, and on the 7th - cottage cheese. Vegetables with fruits can be eaten already on the 2nd day.

Compliance with time intervals

This principle is very important. A competent exit should not be one-time, it is necessary to meet certain deadlines. The longer you have been without food, the longer it will take to get out of the procedure. Even after a one-day fast, it is important to follow a certain diet for a few more days. In addition, do not overeat, otherwise all the work will go down the drain, and the weight will quickly return to its place.


  • muscle atrophy;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • renal and heart failure;
  • severe deficiency of body weight;
  • malignant tumor;
  • diabetes mellitus type I;
  • systemic diseases blood;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • active tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs;
  • thyrotoxicosis, etc.


People who have been wrestling with their weight for years are trying different methods weight loss. It is easier for many to go on a strict diet, some prefer proper nutrition, and there are those who decide to starve, but do not always do it correctly. What should be the correct fasting for weight loss? Let's find out the main points.

How to fast to lose weight

There is no way to lose weight based on dietary restrictions, which would not have contraindications. Our vital activity and well-being are due to food, because food is a kind of fuel for a well-coordinated mechanism called " human body". Not eating at all and feeling great, while losing weight qualitatively - from the words it looks like a fiction, but if you approach the process of fasting wisely and organize it correctly, this fiction can come true.

Fasting for weight loss should not be torture or a threat to life. First of all, you need to tune in, start with short intervals. The first time you should not abstain from food for more than 24 hours. When the body gets used to temporarily do without nutrients, you can increase the fasting period to three days, then take a seven-day course, or fast for a couple of weeks. Every fasting course, no matter how long, must be started with the right login and ended with the right logout to avoid various health problems.

How much can you lose on hunger in a week

Losing weight by fasting contributes to the rapid and effective dumping of weight from the body in the form of extra pounds subcutaneous fat. The amount of such cargo that can be thrown off using this technique cannot be determined in general numbers - it all depends on individual features each person. In any case, the weight will go away - at first rapidly, then more slowly. A one-day course can make you lighter by two and a half kilograms, but this does not mean that if you fast for a week, you can lose weight by 14 kg - fat is not burned as intensively in the following days as in the first.

How to fast to cleanse the body

Fasting as a technique involves the complete cleansing of the body from the collected food debris. The body's systems do not stop functioning even with an absolute refusal of food, gradually processing and removing the remnants of nutrients from the intestines, at the same time ridding it of toxins, toxins, harmful microorganisms. Proper fasting to cleanse the body must be organized regularly. Useful for such cleaning will be the miraculous salad "Metelka".

Therapeutic fasting on the water

AT recent times It is popular to fast on water alone. It is efficient and fast way clean up your body. Fasting for health prohibits eating any food while brushing. Pure water is the only valid product. The daily norm is 100 ml per kilogram of weight. With the help of water, you will have to learn how to tame your appetite in the first stages of abstinence from food - drink every time you feel hungry, deceiving the body a little for its own good. If there are pronounced symptoms of malnutrition, weakness - you can add a drop of honey to the water.

How to start fasting

Common mistake those who want to lose weight on a hunger strike - a sharp refusal to eat or an irrational exit from the system. As a result, an unsatisfactory result and distrust in the effectiveness of this technique. Before starting a fast of any kind, regardless of hourly restrictions, preliminary preparation should be carried out in order to level the stress of the body resulting from the refusal of food. A smooth entry into fasting will help not to break the system from malnutrition.

Preparation for fasting on the water excludes animal proteins, pastries, sweets from the dishes on the eve of the chosen period of food abstinence. On the day before the start of a hunger strike, you need to eat moderately, leaning on plant foods. To enter the system sooner, to get a better and faster result, you can do an enema with salt water at night for maximum bowel cleansing.

Dry fasting is also practiced, when not only food, but also liquid is prohibited. During a dry fast, you can not drink and give the body the opportunity to come into contact with water. It is very complex and rigid technique- the body's water reserves are critically depleted, if the rules are not followed, dehydration begins. Such a cleansing at home can cost a life, so it should be done only in specialized center, where you will be provided with optimal preparation, competent exit, medical support for healing fasting.

How to get out of fasting

In order to consolidate the result obtained without severely injuring the digestive system, the exit from fasting should be as mild as possible. The duration of the exit should be equated to the period of the hunger strike, or at least half. If you plan not to eat for a day, two or three, this is not too critical for the stomach - the digestive system will be able to restore its functions and establish normal operation in a day or two. During this period, vegetable and cereal dishes should become the basis of the menu.

Way out of prolonged fasting

If you're targeting long-term fasting, breaking out of it can be difficult. At the first stage of completing a long hunger strike, it is allowed to drink a liter of vegetable or fruit juice diluted equally with water. And it is better to take fruits with a minimum acid content. In the following days, it is worth limiting yourself to fresh vegetable dishes or vegetable broths, gradually adding other vegetables and cereals to the daily diet. Foods rich in animal proteins include usual menu You can only a couple of weeks after the exit from a long fast.

How many days can you fast

Many are concerned about the question: how long can you starve on the water? The answer will depend on the reason for your decision to fast. If you just need to cleanse the body, one or two days is enough. In order to lose weight, you can starve for 5-7 days or arrange weekly short hunger strikes - for beginners, such an alternation of satiety and hunger is more acceptable. Long-term fasting of several weeks or even months is recommended only under medical supervision.

The benefits and harms of fasting

Many authors of works on fasting present such a method of losing weight and cleansing the body as a panacea for most diseases. The essence of the theory is that the body directs all its energy reserves on the fight against the disease, and not on the assimilation food products, because there is simply nothing to digest. Not long-term abstinence from food can really force the body to overcome the symptoms of the disease, but it is unlikely to be able to completely get rid of its manifestations. So what does fasting do more - benefit or harm?

The benefits of fasting for the body

Is fasting good different organisms and at various diseases- the question is still open. Benefit from intermittent fasting eat - thanks to a reasonable denial of nutrition, the body is completely cleansed, which entails not only weight loss, but also the establishment of vital work important systems body, cleansing the skin, getting rid of depression, chronic fatigue, renewal, even rejuvenation of the body. Such results become a reality in the case of a competent approach to abstinence from food, ideally after receiving personal recommendations from an experienced nutritionist.

The harm of fasting for the body

Major harm fasting for health - unpleasant side effects that always occur in a person after complete failure from nutrition. These are headaches excruciating dizziness, which may be accompanied by nausea, pressure drops, heart failure, a critical decrease in blood sugar, resulting in the appearance ketone bodies causing severe toxicity. Not every organism can overcome such ailments on its own, therefore, the process of fasting must be approached deliberately, and better - under medical supervision.

Video: how to fast for health

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