How to teach yourself to drink enough water. Instructions: how to learn to drink more water

Everyone knows that water is very useful. But what is this benefit? And if we know, then we cannot force ourselves to drink our prescribed 8 glasses a day. Meanwhile, there are several serious reasons Drink plenty of water every day, and this habit is easy to develop with a little focus. Don't know how?

Our body for full image life needs fluid.

In order for the body, namely its organs, to work smoothly, you need to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of pure water without gas per day.

Water balance will help maintain the work of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

In addition, water helps:

Lose weight

Water is one of the best means for weight loss. It replaces high-calorie drinks and suppresses appetite. Often when we think we're hungry, we're actually just thirsty.

Strengthen the heart

If you drink enough water, you can reduce the chance heart attack. According to studies, those who drink more than five glasses of water a day are 41% less likely to die from a heart attack than those who drink less than two glasses.

be cheerful

Dehydration robs you of energy and makes you tired. This can lead to fatigue muscle weakness, dizziness and other symptoms.

Look good

Drinking water can clear your skin and people water drinkers, just glow with health. It won't happen overnight, but just one week of drinking the right amount of water will be good for your skin.

Train effectively

Dehydration can greatly interfere with exercise, slow down your pace, and make it harder to lift weights. Training requires extra water, so replenish your body's fluids before, during, and after exercise.

If even now, knowing about the benefits of drinking water, it’s not so easy for you to force yourself to drink it, then these few tips will help you.

1. Golden Rule health: every morning start with a glass of clean water. Thus, you are doing a service to your stomach and intestines.

2. Replace at least one meal of tea or juice with a glass of water. If you don't feel like drinking plain water, add juice or a slice of fresh lemon to it. In cases where you usually drink soda or alcohol, replace the drink with a glass of water. On the social events try to drink mineral water instead of alcohol.

3. Always have a bottle of water on your desk. A sip of pure water can satisfy a sudden attack of hunger. Set your clock to beep at the top of every hour, or set a regular reminder on your computer. This way you won't forget to drink water.

4. Drinking should not be hurried, enjoy the process in anticipation of the fact that you will become healthier and more beautiful. Quick drink gives extra load to the kidneys and heart.

5. Try to find the benefits of the taste of clean water, imagine that this water is crystal clear and tastes good. good water can't taste bad! Go to water procedures and soon notice changes in the body in a positive way.

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Each of us knows that water is vital for the body and the more you drink it, the better. That's right: water supplies cells nutrients and oxygen; dissolves salts and thus prevents the development urolithiasis; improves metabolism and helps the body get rid of toxic substances; gives strength - often it is dehydration that causes fatigue; prolongs our youth and beauty - all organs and systems work smoothly, the skin shines, energy overflows. Nutritionists recommend that a woman drink 1.5-2 liters, men - up to 3 liters a day. The calculation is simple: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Now just one question: how to accustom yourself to drink more pure non-carbonated water? We will show you proven methods.


Freshly squeezed juices (apple, orange, carrot), various fresh or frozen berries - strawberries, raspberries, cherries, currants, blueberries, watermelon juice will give a pleasant taste and aroma to the water. The proportion is 1:1. Gradually increase the amount of water, and juice - a little less.


Come up with a ritual for yourself: take a couple of sips, for example, when you sit down to work at a computer, leave your home or office, return home. It is very useful to floss water in the morning on an empty stomach. And if you add a few drops of lemon and sweeten with honey - a real detox for the body! But during the night, bacteria accumulate in the mouth, so rinse your mouth first, and only then drink some water.


A full glass of water rarely inspires anyone. But, if you pour water into a beautiful glass, put a colored tube in it, throw in a couple of ice cubes or a slice of lemon, drink slowly and with taste, you can develop good habit to drink a lot of water.


Wherever you go, take water with you. Of course, we are not talking about a romantic date or going to the theater. Walks, trips around the city, a long excursion, a picnic, a road to work, classes in the gym - those cases when water should be with you. If you work all day in the office, put a glass of water next to you. As soon as you want to drink - take a sip. When you empty your glass, go and get another one - so the water will always be at hand.


In the brain, the centers of thirst and hunger are very close. And when we are thirsty, there is a false feeling of hunger. So when you feel a little hungry, drink a glass of water. If through silence you continue to want to eat, then it’s really time to eat. This should be especially remembered when suddenly looking at night you want to eat something like that. Give your appetite a little test - drink some water.


The benefits are unconditional: vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. useful substances, fiber, which not only gives a feeling of satiety, but also gently cleanses the intestinal wall of toxins. In addition, vegetables and fruits are low in calories. And also in them great content water. For example, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, melon, apples, White cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin, plum. The body gradually gets used to light food and it will be easier for you to drink plain water.


Especially for those who care about their health, there are various applications for phones and other modern devices. It is enough just to set up the program once so that it delicately reminds you that it's time to take a life-giving sip of water.

We all know how important it is to drink more water. This allows you to fill the cells with moisture, which means it helps to function normally for all body systems at once. A nice bonus - at least two liters of water a day guarantee that your skin will always look great, and there will be no trace of fine wrinkles and peeling.

At the same time, the question remains open: how to force yourself to drink more water if you don’t feel like doing this at all? We have put together a few life hacks that will help you get into a healthy habit.

Add a lemon

Water on its own can be pretty boring (although this is of course a matter of time), and nutritionists are ready to step in. That is why they do not forbid us to experiment with fresh fruit in the context of flavoring water. The most obvious option is lemon (or lime). Less obvious, but no less tasty duet - strawberry + cucumber. However, you can come up with your own combinations, which, quite possibly, will turn out to be even better.

... or red pepper

Speaking of unexpected combinations: how about a pinch of red pepper? Besides the fact that this technique will give the water an unusual spicy taste, it will also benefit your figure. Research shows that hot peppers- and it's definitely worth taking note of.

Make ice

Scientists have found that most people perceive cool (but not cold) water as tastier than warm water or water. room temperature. What follows from this? That's right, drink ice water. However, here you need to be very careful not to get a sore throat in addition to gyration.

"Eat" water

Of course, not in the literal sense. It's about about vegetables and fruits, which contain a lot of water. Warning: they should not be considered an alternative clean water, however, on initial stage this will help you stay on course. The focus should be, first of all, cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as zucchini, celery, melons, and apples.

Come up with a ritual

Agree, a glass of water is quite a bit. So if you turn drinking water into a habitual ritual, you won’t even notice how you will drink the prescribed two liters. For example, drink a glass of water as soon as you arrive at work and two glasses every two hours during the work day. Or put a glass of water on the bedside table to drink it after waking up (which, by the way, also gives vigor in the morning).

Use Apps

AT modern world gadgets and technologies you can find applications for every taste. And controlling the amount of water you drink per day is no exception. In particular, check out Water Balance (iOS, Android), Plant Nanny for iOS as a game, and Carbodroid for Android with the function emotional response. You'll see, you'll like it.

We cannot live without water. Water is necessary for the functioning of the joints, it protects the brain and other internal tissues regulates body temperature and removes harmful substances from the body. Throughout life, we are in dire need of it.

Dehydration - main feature the fact that the body does not have enough water. Its symptoms are dry mouth, decreased arterial pressure, headaches, dizziness, dry skin, fatigue. An easy way to know if you're drinking enough water is to check the color of your urine. Normal is a light, translucent yellow. Darker colors indicate a lack of fluid.

How much water should be drunk? Dr. Pamila Brar made some recommendations:

“Men should drink about 3 liters (13 glasses) of fluid per day.

Women - about 2.2 liters (9 glasses). Men need more water because they are larger than women and have more muscle mass in need of adequate water supply ( muscle hydrophobic and does not retain water well).

Don't forget about your daily life. When you exercise or do hard work, the need for water increases dramatically. Coffee, tea and alcohol also dehydrate the body, as they have a diuretic effect. In addition, hot weather increases sweating, and accordingly, the need for regular “topping up” of water. But remember, the body is able to process no more than 15 liters per day.

So, how do you force yourself to drink enough water and not forget about it?

Let water be part of your daily life

If you have a wake-up-and-go-to-sleep routine, include water intake on this list as well. The Natural Choice blog advises drinking a glass of water at the same time each day:

“…get into the habit of drinking a glass of water right after your morning shower or before going to bed. It's an easy way to do it at least twice a day."

Take a handy bottle and mark a timeline on it

A great way to remember to drink water is to have a water bottle with you at all times. Buy a high-quality bottle, for example, made of stainless steel - light and strong - one that you yourself would like, and refill regularly.

The next step after purchasing a bottle is to determine the time of your drinking regime and mark the timeline on the bottle. Use some sticky tape or stickers to mark the time.

Such a bottle can be somehow transformed. The more you love your bottle, the more likely you are to remember to use it. Let her be unusual color or design; stick an inspirational sticker or an inspirational picture on it, or write a motivational slogan with a permanent marker.

Let it be a game for you

Convert to game - effective method force yourself to do important things regularly. Stimulate your new “drinking” habit, reward yourself for each milestone passed with something that you usually don’t allow yourself. The rule works both ways: forgot to drink enough water? No video games until you reach your goal.

“Things get a lot more interesting when you add competition to your daily routine… Apply this same idea to your water intake, and suddenly you will want to know how much water you can drink during lunch (I, for example, drink 1.25 liters), or how quickly handle two liters (I have time by 14:36).”

It is important not to drink all the water in the morning, and then during the day not to think about it, but to stretch the process for the whole day.

Set alarms and create your own internal signals

Simple but effective advice: Set alarms on your phone. Nothing gets you out of your routine like a blaring alarm clock.

Another one a good idea to create a new habit - develop your own internal signals. For example, if you feel hungry, drink a glass of water to kill two birds with one stone: replenish fluids and dull your hunger for a while.

Internal signals can be different, the main thing is that you yourself pay attention to them. For example: do not start eating until a liter of water has been drunk.

Try to find interest

Perhaps you would easily follow the regimen if it were a little more varied. For example, some fruits or vegetables, such as cucumber, can add a little flavor to the water. You can also freeze a few lemon slices into ice cubes and then add them to the water. If you still miss the sizzling bubbles of lemonade, then try drinking sparkling water.

Another way to spice up a new habit is to find a cool mug. For example, I drink from a large mug with Spider-Man. She reminds me that superheroes drink water and I have to :)

You can try using straws: with their help, you can drink quite a bit large volume liquids.

Eat water

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of water as well as a healthy alternative to chips and sweets. Here are some fruits and vegetables that fit into this category: cucumber, lettuce, celery, radish, tomato, Bell pepper, cauliflower, watermelon, spinach, strawberry, broccoli, grapefruit, apricot, cherry, grapes, zucchini.

It's important to note that when you cook foods, they lose a lot of water, so it's best to eat them raw.

Drinking the right amount of water in time will help your body remove toxins in time and improve metabolism. Water will bring out extra salt and, oddly enough, excess water: when enough water enters the body, it does not stagnate, circulates more actively, is excreted in time and does not cause swelling. Love water for health, harmony and vigor!

The human body consists mainly of water, so replenishing the balance of fluid plays a very significant role in our health. When there is a lack of fluid in the body, general weakness, dizziness, headache irritability...

The norm for a person of average height and build is two liters of fluid per day (moreover, we are talking about clean water, and not about drinks or liquids consumed with food). But not everyone can force themselves to drink even a few glasses of water a day. Someone is afraid of puffiness on the face, someone considers this habit useless, and someone simply does not like the taste of water, ranging from absolutely neutral to bitter.

We will show you how to accustom yourself to the consumption of the required amount of water and make this habit bring you pleasure.

1. Add juice to water

No, not packaged. Squeeze in mind a slice of lemon or any other citrus fruit. If desired, you can put a teaspoon of honey there. But sugar should not be added to water - it will enrich it. fast carbohydrates, and the body "thinks" that it received not water, but food.

2. Buy a nice water bottle/glass

For example, a small bottle with a capacity of 0.33. Many of them have an unusual shape. You can also get a sports water bottle - it usually does not break and is suitable for reusable. Often, sports bottles have compartments for fruit, so if you want, you can combine two good habits. Drinking from an unusual bottle or glass is always more pleasant than from more familiar dishes. The content somehow surprisingly acquires a different taste. Try it and see for yourself.

3. Motivation.

Many of us strive to lose weight by reducing our food intake. In the meantime, you don’t have to deny yourself your favorite dishes. It is enough to make it a rule to drink a glass of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner. You will see that the feeling of satiety will come faster than usual. Water fills the volume of the stomach, allowing you to eat much less than you would need without it. Thus, you do not get extra calories and provide your body necessary quantity liquids.

4. Eat vegetables

If you can’t force yourself to drink water in any way, replenish water balance in the body with the help of juicy vegetables. It can be cucumbers, celery, young radishes and zucchini. All these types of vegetables contain 70 percent or more of water.

5. Dried fruit drink as an alternative.

You can also replace water with dried fruit compote, which is prepared extremely simply, enriches the body with vitamins and liquid, and has a pleasant taste. In the evening, put a handful of any dried fruits in a thermos or thermo mug and fill it with water. In the morning, a delicious compote will be ready, which you can drink throughout the day. It is advisable to use it without sugar, since there is enough of it in the dried fruits themselves.


There are many mobile applications that will help control the water balance. Some of them with a certain interval of time will signal you about the need to drink another glass of water, others will schematically show the process of filling your body with fluid. With any of them, it will become more interesting for you to keep track of the amount of water you consume daily, and this may push you to implement another one in your life. good habits. By the way, any of these applications will show that alcohol, tea and coffee take moisture from the body, and not only water provides it, but also milk, compotes, fruit drinks and herbal decoctions.

Consuming enough water "starts" many metabolic processes in the body. Fats are burned faster, skin lesions heal more actively and painlessly.

Drink water and be healthy!

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