Refusal of drunkenness. How to stop drinking alcohol for a woman on her own: advice from narcologists and cured. Is it possible to quit alcohol abruptly?

Physical and mental dependence on alcoholic beverages is destroyed only at the desire of the addict. Those who have been drinking alcohol for a long time have the hardest time. Craving for alcohol often develops into alcoholism - a serious disease, which is extremely difficult to cope with.

The first step towards solving a problem is acknowledging it. Next, you need to find the cause of alcoholism and try to solve it. First you need to reduce the dose of alcohol and learn to enjoy other things.

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    Finding a reason

    The first thing to do is to recognize the problem of alcoholism and find its cause.

    The most common factors that cause alcohol abuse include:

    • depressive states;
    • constant stress;
    • strong emotional and mental stress, fatigue;
    • failures in personal life;
    • family problems.

    Heredity, drinking "for the company" or to raise the status in the eyes of others (which is most often the case in adolescence) can also be the causes of alcoholism. But, unlike the above factors, in this case, a serious change of orientation in life and self-control will be required.

    Refusal of alcohol

    Regardless of the factor that provoked the craving for alcohol, a person should give himself the following settings:

    • "I do not drink";
    • "I do not need it";
    • "I can enjoy other things";
    • "I'm not going to make life better with alcohol."

    It is important to use an algorithm of actions that will help to cope with addiction:

    1. 1. Voice your intention to stop drinking to someone or write it down on a piece of paper and read it 3 times a day.
    2. 2. Throw out all alcoholic beverages from the house.
    3. 3. Every day, reduce the amount of alcohol you drink by half.
    4. 4. Get rid of the tradition of drinking on weekends.
    5. 5. Change the company if it is customary to drink alcohol frequently.

    Depression, stress

    A radical change of scenery will help to give up alcohol forever. Alcoholism will not be cured if a person continues to be in a state of stress and remain prone to depressive disorders.

    To stop drinking, you need to limit the number of stressors. The house should be as comfortable as possible for a stay. If the job is not fun, then you need to change it. If this is not possible, it is important to go on weekend trips to the country, attend events in order to change the situation and be distracted.

    It is necessary to receive as many positive emotions as possible. However, they can restore the psyche only if there are no serious disorders. Otherwise, you will need the help of a psychotherapist or psychologist.

    Anti-stress drugs can also help relieve stress. To prescribe medications that can reduce the severity of depressive disorders, you should consult a doctor. The following medications are usually prescribed:

    • multivitamin complexes containing vitamins D and B, magnesium and calcium;
    • antidepressants (lithium preparations, imipramine, fluoxetine);
    • tranquilizers (Phenibut, diazepam, Adaptol);
    • neuroleptics (Zyprex, Aminazin, Eglonil);
    • nootropic drugs (glycine, piracetam, Phezam).

    Before using the drugs, you should read the annotation. There are contraindications.

    In mild cases, sedative medications can help prevent stress and subsequent alcoholism. Funds assigned include:

    • passionflower extract;
    • Persen;
    • Nervoflux;
    • Novo-Passit;
    • motherwort tincture.

    Dosages and frequency of administration are indicated in the instructions for each drug and must be agreed with the doctor.

    To eliminate the effects of stress, you can resort to herbal medicine. It helps to take decoctions of the following herbs:

    • yarrow;
    • angelica;
    • cudweed;
    • chamomile;
    • hypericum;
    • comfrey;
    • thyme;
    • hawthorn;
    • valerian.

    The whole truth about the dangers of alcohol - the consequences for men, women, children

    You can reduce the load on the brain only by resting. But you need to relax without alcohol. Emotional stress is relieved by eating delicious food, listening to pleasant music, watching your favorite movies, talking and meeting with friends.

    To relieve fatigue, it is worth going through acupressure sessions.

    At home, you can perform breathing and physical exercises:

    Name of the exercise Execution technique
    1. 1. Throw your hands behind your head.
    2. 2. Enclose them in a castle.
    3. 3. Press on the neck, trying to resist with the whole body
    "Anti-stress breathing technique"
    1. 1. Sit on a chair.
    2. 2. Relax and lower your arms along the body.
    3. 3. Look up.
    4. 4. Sit for 10 seconds, take a deep breath.
    5. 5. As you exhale, bend down to your knees.
    6. 6. Inhale and straighten as you exhale
    "Belly Breath"
    1. 1. Put your hands on your waist.
    2. 2. Inhale through the nose.
    3. 3. After 8 seconds, "inflate the stomach."
    4. 4. After 16 seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth.
    5. 5. When exhaling, pronounce the letter "C"
    "Belly dance"
    1. 1. Pull in the stomach while inhaling.
    2. 2. Relax on the exhale.
    3. 3. At the initial stage, repeat the exercise 3 times, then - 20

    Carrying out water procedures after a working day will allow you to relax tense muscles as much as possible and restore energy.

    It is useful to take baths with the following additives:

    • rosemary extract;
    • sea ​​salt;
    • soda;
    • ginger.

    You can sign up for a spa, go for the weekend to the forest or mountains, to the sea.

    It is worth giving preference to an active pastime. Then there will be no time to remember about alcoholic beverages.

    Failures in personal and family life

    The strongest motivation is necessary for independent decision of a problem. To treat alcoholism you need:

    1. 1. Decide to completely stop drinking alcohol.
    2. 2. Every day, look at a photo depicting the internal organs of a person with alcoholism in order to cause an aversion to alcohol. To study the harm of alcohol to the human body.
    3. 3. Find like-minded people on the forums, together it will be easier not to "break loose".
    4. 4. Identify the goal for which it is worth quitting drinking (buying a car, a new job, returning a family, feeling good).
    5. 5. If necessary, replace alcohol with the above-mentioned drugs and folk remedies.

    The harm that alcohol does to the body

    Female alcoholism is considered incurable because of the reasons a woman drinks. But you can try to get rid of psychological problems on your own. To do this, use the following tips:

    1. 1. Find an activity that involves interacting with animals or people.
    2. 2. Start going to the gym.
    3. 3. Go to yoga to eliminate physical tension and accumulated stress.
    4. 4. Watch movies that show women as strong personalities.
    5. 5. Pamper yourself with gifts, and if you manage not to drink, then thank yourself by buying a new dress, beautiful jewelry.

    It is useful to study the consequences of alcohol abuse by a woman:

    • body weight increases;
    • tooth decay begins;
    • fragility of hair and nails is noted;
    • swelling and bags under the eyes;
    • capillaries burst, causing the whites of the eyes to turn red.

    It is believed that it is almost impossible for women to get rid of a 7-year or longer addiction.

    Men most often drink not for personal reasons, but "for the company." In such a case, the following steps must be taken:

    1. 1. Sign up for a gym, as women like sports men more than drinkers.
    2. 2. Bet with friends that a person can go without drinking for a long time.
    3. 3. To do what a person has long dreamed of (to jump with a parachute).
    4. 4. Prioritize: it is better to lose drinking friends than family, relatives, work.

    If a man does not completely stop drinking alcohol, then the following consequences await him:

    • serious health problems (same as in women);
    • increased risk of death in sleep;
    • loneliness.

    Consequences of failure

    There is an opinion that it is impossible to abruptly stop drinking. But this is a myth: as soon as a person stops taking another dose of ethanol, the body begins the process of cleaning and removing toxins. All the unpleasant symptoms that a person feels are associated with cleansing.

    The consequences of giving up alcohol are expressed in the "withdrawal syndrome", which is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • insomnia;
    • overexcitation;
    • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
    • hallucinations;
    • depressive states;
    • deterioration in well-being;
    • signs of intoxication of the body (nausea, vomiting);
    • melancholy;
    • weakness;
    • hand tremor.

    If you endure this condition, then in a couple of days the functions of the body will improve. During this period, it is important to seek help. Otherwise, you can not stand it and take alcohol again.

    Changing a pathological lifestyle benefits the whole body:

    • brain (improves memory, mental activity);
    • liver (the process of cell division and organ recovery is accelerated);
    • skin (healthy complexion is restored, the condition of the epithelial layer improves).

    If the destructive effect of alcohol was short-lived, then after a month the ethanol particles are completely removed from the body, the person loses weight, and the psycho-emotional state normalizes.

    Some time after the complete rejection of alcohol, negative symptoms disappear, social contacts are established, new hobbies and hobbies appear.

Life without alcohol.
Part one. Facts and myths around alcohol.

Should you give up alcohol in your life? This topic may not be unambiguous for everyone. Yes, and how to refuse really, we often do not know, although for the majority, there is nothing difficult in this, but not everyone gets to the point. For some time I was interested in questions regarding alcohol in our lives, because he personally got me, so I decided to write this article anyway. And it is intended for everyone who wants to exclude alcohol from their lifestyle, for everyone who is not aware that this can and should be done, and it is very simple. For non-drinkers, this article can help you make the decision to lead a sober and fulfilling life.

The article will not talk about hypnosis and other methods of treatment. It is designed to help you understand and make the right decision for yourself. By no means do I consider these methods to be ineffective, no. But I am showing here that it is very easy to give up alcohol, and treatment means that the decision of this issue is left "on the side." And then it turns out that someone “forces” to refuse, and the understanding will remain in the subconscious that this is not voluntary, but forced. I am sure that it is better to approach the issue consciously, but if you suddenly fail to solve the problem in this way, then resort to treatment.

People start their alcoholic journey, of course, in different ways, some secretly from their parents in adolescence, some later, for example, at feasts, because it’s customary ... Then there are habits associated with alcohol, for example, meeting friends over a glass of beer, watch football matches with beer, drink what we like to drink there after a hard day's work and so on. and so on. And of course, what a celebration, at the table, without alcohol ... Then there are also self-excuses, like this: “Not for drunkenness, but for health” (although when they talk about health, they mean, at most, a glass of red wine or something else in small doses, but most ignore it, as a rule).

In general, people who periodically drink alcohol in a general way can be represented as follows: “Between “Uncle Fedya”, who gets up in the morning and takes it “on his chest” first thing, then continues to drink all day, all the way to “stop” and grandmother “God’s Dandelion” drinking (not completely) a glass of "plum" on New Year's Eve - all other people, which, according to some estimates, is about 90% of the world's population. In other words: nine out of ten people around us are addicted to alcohol to some extent.

And, looking at this picture, the following suggests itself, so to speak, that between an “alcoholic” and a “moderate drinker” the difference is only in the amount of alcohol consumed. In fact, both types of drinkers are addicted to alcohol and therefore neither are in control.

My opinion is that everyone who does not like the alcohol theme in life, regardless of drinks, doses, etc., everyone who is tired of it, everyone who still doubts whether it is worth drinking (say, at some events) and those who abuse alcohol, those who do not control the amount of drinking, should definitely give it up. And do not cut and exclude it completely. (I want to write another article on the topic of “cutting down”, already in addition to this one)

Is it easy to give up alcohol?
The answer is unequivocal - YES. The degree of dependence, the frequency of use, the duration of such a lifestyle, the content of the consumed, willpower, state of affairs and other factors have nothing to do with this. It is easy to give up alcohol in life. There are more and more practical examples of the fact that any person who uses alcohol, with any degree of addiction, can easily refuse it. And this fact in no way means that since it is simple, you can start drinking, because at any moment you can “jump out” of this. The trap is very tricky. And in this and subsequent articles it is written how to get out of it, and never again fall into it. I repeat - you should not fall into this trap at all, no matter how sure you are that you are in control of the situation - everything always starts with one glass (glass, shot glass ...). It breaks and lowers to the bottom both the strong and the weak, and academicians, and large and successful businessmen, and others, and others.

I, personally, also considered myself a “beer drinker” for some time. From time to time, this beer theme arose in my life, whether it was meetings with friends, “tasting” beer on trips (well, of course, why not try the local beer there .... Nonsense.), etc. Plus, these holidays are constantly , year after year, the same thing, then the birthday will happen, then the New Year, then the Bastille Day will come ... And here you can’t do without beer - wines, champagne, etc. are used. At some point, I personally got really tired of it and I decided for myself to look into this issue and stop this alcoholic part of my life.

All people who have ever thought about quitting drinking ... let's just say, have approximately the same train of thought, facts on this topic or motives, and these are not new, but well-known facts:
the fact that alcohol destroys life, including those around and loved ones around;
destroys health (for example, it significantly shortens life, destroys brain cells, causes impotence, etc. - the list is very long);
the fact that alcohol interferes with development, setting serious goals and achieving them;
the fact that alcohol can lead to various unpleasant and even "deplorable" situations;
· the fact that drinking alcohol is a loss of huge money.

etc., everyone knows this even without my participation, all this is on the surface and I don’t want to scare anyone, so I won’t delve into this topic.

For starters, you still need to dot the "and"
Here are some facts and myths about alcohol (and alcoholism) that are hidden in the depths of the problem and which can help to understand its essence and find a way out of it:
But first, a couple of clarifications.
What do I mean by the term "Alcohol" - a substance with the formula C 2 H 5 OH or alcohol contained in various alcoholic beverages from beer, wine to vodka, etc., which does not taste good, causes addiction, falling under the definition narcotic.
The stable use of alcohol for one reason or another, and, consequently, dependence on alcohol is a mental state, there is nothing complicated in it. If you remove the confusion and suggestion, it will become much easier to make your own, correct, decision.

1. Influence of the Brainwashing factor. We all tend to think of ourselves as smart, self-controlled people who independently determine their own path in life. In fact, our behavior largely follows a certain pattern, because we are a product of the society that raised us. From day to day we see the following: that alcohol quenches thirst, tastes good, gives joy, strengthens nerves, gives confidence, removes complexes, melancholy and tension, relieves pain, helps to relax and stimulates the imagination. At the same time, it is an integral part of any successful holiday. What's a party without alcohol? This is out of the question. Further, on the Internet there is a fashion for describing various varieties of wines, cognacs. Well, this is important information, you need to be an expert, this is for prestige, it's stylish, it's cool. Plus, a bunch of articles on topics such and such that wine contains such and such antioxidants and is therefore useful for ... And here's another trendy topic - alcohol at home. Of course, this is a whole art, damn it, to prepare a “delicious” poison for the body from rotting vegetation. Everything is so reverent around this, they are discussing, but how many degrees? Ba..a, de there is nothing better than this homemade product! All this looks like nonsense from the outside. And finally, the most effective brainwashing device: Adults - beer, children - lemonade. And with so many “virtues” in alcohol, how many people fall into this trap?

Movie: Like western style. In almost every western, half the action takes place in a saloon. It seems that the tough conquerors of the West have spent their entire lives pumping up cheap whiskey and playing poker. If someone was beaten half to death in a drunken brawl or killed in a shootout, the evening was not in vain in their minds.
Another example is melodrama: what does a young "tycoon" do when he returns home after a day of competitive racing? He heads straight for the bar, tosses two pieces of ice into an expensive crystal glass, and pours himself a generous shot of Scotch.
And other genres of cinema, all in the same spirit.

Life . Since a lot of people drink alcohol around, on various occasions, holidays, meetings, they just go to a bar, etc., one involuntarily gets the impression that this is completely normal. This is pure schizophrenia. People discuss the quality of wine while eating: “It is pleasantly strong and quite noble…” Wherever you look, there are only “connoisseurs”. All this surrounds us so tightly and happens all around, and here is mWe believe that if we completely give up alcohol, we will sacrifice something, lose something. Alcohol can destroy our lives, but all the same, our entire existence depends on it to one degree or another. We are sure that without it we will not be able to be in society, we are not able to cope with stress, etc. and we do not know what can take its place (remember those same holidays). Without alcohol, life seems to be boring, miserable, and that is why it is so difficult for many people to stop drinking.

All this that surrounds us every day, what happens around the topic of alcohol makes it the norm of life. But this is not normal! A person does not need alcohol not for the growth and development of the body, nor for maintaining it (the body) in the norm. Alcohol is unnatural for the body.
There are many more facts that one way or another relate to brainwashing, but I don’t want to inflate the article. These examples clearly show how the mechanism works and that you should not just be led by it all, you should independently understand what is happening.

2. It is believed that many people drink alcohol solely for the sake of pleasure. This is a pure lie. Alcohol is a powerful depressant and everyone knows it. The negatives of alcohol outweigh the positives. The peculiarity of the alcohol trap is to exaggerate the so-called advantages and downplay the disadvantages. There are no benefits to drinking alcohol at all.

3. Alcohol provides support- this is another myth of this trap. An example about support: maybe you paid attention, maybe your neighbors saw something like that until alcohol destroyed a person (physically, morally and financially), he does not show a desire to reduce the dose, not to mention the complete rejection of alcohol? And only having reached the extreme limit, having lost the support of family and friends, a person begins to strive to reduce alcohol consumption. But it is during this period that he is least capable of such an act, since now he urgently needs the one whom he now considers his only and most faithful friend and support. From the outside, we can see what kind of “support” this is. And being in such a situation, it is very difficult to understand what exactly this friend led to this very situation. Alcohol does not provide any support

4. Alcohol gives courage- also another lie. The only thing he does in this case is to dull the feeling of fear (and this is not the same thing as courage). That fear that can help to survive in a given situation. However, the fear itself does not disappear. And what to do in the same situation when alcohol is not at hand? There is no way to get rid of fear with alcohol. In fact, the following often happens: let's say there is a situation that causes a feeling of fear and is suppressed by alcohol. Now everything is no longer scary, but nothing further is done, because there is no determination, and all because alcohol does not give this feeling. Fear is conquered in a clear mind, soberly assessing the situation. The only way.

5. Alcohol is not such a problem compared to, say, heroin. And how many of us know drug addicts in the environment? And I repeat, at the same moment, now Nine out of ten people around us are addicted to alcohol to some degree. So this is a serious problem, and it has a much larger scale.

6. Alcohol makes people happy. Alcohol is a chemical that tastes bad. Therefore, we accept it for the impact it has. If we become happier as a result, it follows that the more we drink, the happier we become. And then, many saw this as a company of laughing, happy drinking suddenly once, and begins to commit violence (for example, a fight begins). Where did the "state of happiness" go? It was not there, this is another bike on the topic of alcohol and what a cool, necessary product it is. Why do people laugh and look happy after a few drinks? This has nothing to do with alcohol itself - we tend to drink on occasions that are pleasant in themselves. Weddings and parties are pleasant events, people have fun and have a good time. It's not alcohol that makes them giggle and have fun. If alcohol had that effect, people wouldn't drink at funerals - the last thing you want to do there is laugh. Another example of the failure of the concept that “Alcohol makes people happy”: Have you ever tried to get drunk to stop suffering, for example, because of a broken relationship, divorce, or because of any other problem? Have you ever felt happy after a few drinks? Alcohol does NOT make people happy, these are fairy tales.

7. Alcohol is good in small doses. More precisely, it is accepted as follows: alcohol is harmful, yes, it is poison, but in small doses it is useful (and further, it is added that they say something about blood circulation, doctors advise well, etc.). This is from the field of "schizophrenia". A poison that in large doses kills and is very painful, in small doses also remains the same poison. The only difference is that in small doses the body manages to cope with it. In fact, when talking about the usefulness of small doses, only the first effect of this substance on the body is taken into account, but subsequent stages and the degree of their impact are ignored. The first actions are probably known to all drinkers (such as expanding blood vessels, etc.). But, further, alcohol decomposes into substances such as, for example, acetaldehyde (acetaldehyde) with a subsequent transition to acetic acid. And these substances are in the blood, in the cells with all the ensuing consequences. So, speaking of small doses, one should be more honest and show the picture objectively, “from and to”.

8. Alcohol quenches thirst. The same nonsense. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the body, including because after drinking a dose you want more. This happens with strong drinks, and with such as beer or wine (which contain up to 80% water). And after some time after drinking alcohol, an even greater effect of thirst occurs (in the common people - dry land). I present this as a fact. Those who are interested in the reasons can make up the chemical reactions of the breakdown of alcohol and find the reason, what oxidizing agents are there and what else. It's on its own. So a mug of cold beer in the heat, this is a topic from the category: "you can't imagine worse."

9. Alcohol trap. Why do I use this term at all, because what happens to a person who consumes alcohol, and it does not depend on doses, frequency and drinks - all activities fit the description of being trapped. A trap with all the characteristic features and attributes: there is a bait, there is also a non-obviousness of danger, gradualness and sequence of tightening - to lose the vigilance of the victim, etc. A little more about this.

Like all traps, alcohol is the same with its subtleties and tricks, for example:

· Slipping to the bottom occurs so gradually that we do not notice anything. The process is similar to aging. Every morning, when we shave or put on makeup, we see the same face in the mirror as yesterday.

· Moderate drinkers may not be fully aware of their situation, but they certainly feel that they are trapped somewhere. They usually think like this: "This does not harm me, and if I need to quit, I will." This is another ingenious quality of the trap - it makes us put off this unpleasant event. Again, the alcohol trap is designed in such a way that makes a person put off solving the problem for as long as possible. In the chronic stage, the victim is sure that the problem is insoluble, so she has no choice but to sweeten her bitter pill.

10. Alcohol warnings. Why doesn't it work. Now it is probably already written everywhere that “Alcohol is harmful to health”, that “Alcohol destroys the liver”, etc. (is the cause of certain diseases). Including by law, manufacturers are required to warn about the dangers to the health of their products. And people who drink alcohol know that it is harmful, and someone does not even hearsay (there may be examples around). Why doesn't this work? Well, firstly because there is an illusion of control over the situation. “Yes, I know that alcohol is bad, but I control my drinking process, I don’t drink much and often, and I can quit whenever I want.” Secondly, the way of life around, all the activities around alcohol, making it the norm of life, dominate over some kind of warnings. Thirdly, the state of health - it is not a contrast, it is not a perceptible value, until you get sick. For example, it is said that alcohol leads to cirrhosis of the liver. Drinking a glass of wine, for example, at some kind of banquet, or even getting drunk "to the blue snot", even at the same banquet, how does it feel, how can you see it specifically for yourself? Not until it happens, but then it will be too late. For the same reason, you can’t set health as your goal, you need to set very specific parameters in order to get a result (for example, such and such a weight, such and such a waist circumference, develop breathing in order to run three km to such and such a standard). And how to catch the health of the liver and, moreover, to link it with another drink? In my opinion, this is a very skillful move by alcohol producers. Part of society demands that something be done in the fight against alcohol, and now they agreed that now everywhere is warned about its harm to humans. Non-drinking "activists" are unaware that the manufacturers know for sure that this will not work in any way. And those who abuse alcohol know firsthand that alcohol is detrimental to their health. This does not stop anyone and will not stop, if you do not remove the other factors. And how do you like the fact that all these prevention campaigns are not even able to keep teenagers from drinking ...

11. About alcoholism. The belief in the incurability of alcoholism is deeply rooted in society. And an obstacle to solving the problem of alcoholism for a person is the belief that even if successful, the quality of life will inevitably deteriorate. But all notions that alcoholism is a disease and its treatment can be long and painful and, ultimately, there are no known cures for it, are based on a MISTAKE.

First clarification : this is obvious, the fact that many people around the world who abuse alcohol and have lost control in its use, regardless of their personal qualities, on their own (or with someone's help) refuse to use this "potion" without any problems - they do the concept of alcoholism as a severely curable disease is untenable.

Second clarification , this must be grasped, there is a person and there is an alien, poisonous substance for the human body - alcohol. The body doesn’t need it at all (well, it’s simple, but children don’t need it and nothing bad happens to them). That is, when a person drinks alcohol, on the one hand, a change in the state of consciousness occurs - this is just the specificity of the action of alcohol, but on the other hand, the body tries to cleanse itself of the poison, turns on various defense mechanisms, and finally, a hangover occurs - one of the stages excretion of poison and reaction to this poison. Have you seen what a hangover a person who was “in a binge” say for three or four days? And it is a mistake to say that a person is sick, and he needs another “dose” to alleviate the pain ... But this is not a disease. A hangover is a painful reaction of the body to the poison that is in it and from which it seeks to get rid of. Naturally, the weaker the body, the more painful the reaction. And look at the same one who drank for a while, a couple of days after he “stopped”. Everything is back to normal. That is, the problem is not alcohol, as a substance, the body does not need it, and after the withdrawal of the poison, there are no physical breakdowns immediately, and there is no dependence of the body on the substance itself. The problem of alcoholism, as alcohol abuse and loss of control over its use, lies in a different plane, such as, for example, habit (the habit of reacting in a certain way to external and internal events), such as self-control, self-discipline, i.e., relates to the topic the human psyche. Moreover, it is obvious that for the majority of people we are not talking about any extreme forms of mental deviation and, therefore, one can learn to understand this without much difficulty and control one's condition.

12. Alcohol and longevity. Well, I want to finish the enumeration here with such an example. Many of us have heard the following, something like this it sounds: “But such and such an uncle drank every day, well, let’s say, real wine and lived to such and such gray-haired years (or lived to what years ...) ". This is also from a series of inconsistencies. The state is not perceptible, not contrasting. How long would this uncle live if he didn't drink at all? Perhaps he would still be alive today. It is completely unknown and it is not worth attributing this achievement to alcohol. This is cynicism on the part of the alcohol system.

It is possible to continue, in fact, to continue to give some facts about alcohol, the topic is large and capacious, but it is already quite obvious that the only truth about alcohol is that it does not give anything, but it DESTROYS!!! You need to stop deceiving yourself.

I am writing this article based not only on my own thoughts and experience on the subject, but also heavily on Allen Carr's method called The Easy Way. The topic of alcohol and how easy it is to give up is described, I think very well in his book "The Easy Way to Quit Drinking". It talks in great detail about alcohol itself, about the myths around it, a look at this issue from different angles. And most importantly, it works, it will help to understand the issue and those who have decided to give up alcohol - do it. So I recommend that you read it.

I will continue the article in the next post, where we will talk about making a decision and practical steps to implement it.

Article continued: "

Respect at work”, “I smell terrible when I drink, especially during a binge”, etc. Repeat these phrases to yourself every day.

Strive to acquire complete information about the impact alcohol on the human body. Read, listen, watch. Absorb everything. For example, many alcoholics are very impressed with the information that even a single drink alcohol in small quantities destroys irretrievably thousands of neurons - brain cells. The structure of the DNA genetic code, which stores information about us and our future children, is changing dramatically. And any dose of alcohol collapses like an avalanche, the body experiences severe stress, as a result of which scars appear on it - in fact, dead areas, and all liver cells begin to steadily collapse. True and complete information about harm alcohol an adequate person helps to refuse libations.

You should have a powerful motivator that encourages you to give up alcohol. For example, keeping a loved one, having healthy children, a career that nothing interferes with except alcohol addiction. And also - to surprise everyone with your sporting achievements, save money on buying what you have long dreamed of - a summer house, a new apartment, a trip, etc.

Firmly refuse to stay in companies in which you “should” drink - out of respect, for the company, for the hero of the day, for world peace ... If you don’t have the courage to directly name the reason for the refusal (“I quit drinking”), come up with various excuses - I’m sick, urgently need to leave, there is no one to leave with, you need to sit with your mother, and so on according to circumstances.

If you refuse to attend an event where you are supposed to use alcohol, it doesn’t work out in any way, imperceptibly for others, pour mineral water, juice, lemonade into a glass. If someone noticed and began to resent, say quietly (yes, you can do it publicly, but without going into details) that you are undergoing antibiotic treatment, and drinking is completely forbidden. You can compose a lot of reasons, you know better - which will be believed faster.

Get rid of inventory alcohol in the house. Even if you are a hospitable host, and you always have booze in your house (perhaps of your own preparation - tinctures, liqueurs, brew, moonshine), say goodbye to it. This also applies to beer in the refrigerator, sometimes a sip of a foamy drink ruins the results of many months of work. There shouldn't be temptations.

If you have a car, try to drive it everywhere. Even visiting and on holidays. The phrase “I am for” in our time does not cause neglect, even the most annoying people who pester with an offer to drink usually listen to her and lag behind.

Do not ignore folk methods. Herbal medicine has not yet been canceled. From time immemorial, drunkenness has been treated with a hoof, a club moss, a centaury. These are powerful herbs and should be used with care. Their use is possible only with the voluntary consent of the drinking person. It is better if a real herbalist does this. The most radical remedy is considered to be a decoction of the herb club moss. Take 40 g of grass, boil in 1 liter of water over low heat for 15 minutes. They offer an alcoholic to drink 2 tbsp. spoons every hour until vomiting occurs. You can give at this moment to sniff alcohol, bringing it to the very nose. Attention! - the grass is poisonous, exceeding the dose is excluded.

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Ethyl alcohol in GOST 1972 has the definition of "a flammable, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, related to potent drugs that first cause excitation and then paralysis of the nervous system." Scary? Undoubtedly! However, after a little over 20 years (in 1993), the GOST definition became much shorter: "Ethyl alcohol is a flammable, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor." Are you sure that the properties of alcohol have been so transformed and modified over two decades that it has become such a harmless, white and fluffy liquid? Hardly. Then, remembering the real wording, refuse to use it, and live in peace until a hundred years old with a strong nervous system, a healthy liver and a beautiful structure of the DNA genetic code.

Alcoholism stands out among all addictions in that it has become widespread. There are two forms of addiction in alcoholism - mental and physical. The first type of dependence consists in the irresistible desire of an alcoholic to drink everything “that burns”, and everywhere “where it is available”. Physical dependence consists in manifestations of alcohol poisoning of the body - headaches, weakness, thirst and dry mouth, nightmares in sleep and in reality, deception of vision and hearing, etc.

You will need

  • - European hoof;
  • - green walnut shells;
  • - wine


To help a sick person with addiction, efforts are needed not only from relatives and friends, but also the strongest desire of the patient himself. Without a conscious decision to make this decision, it is impossible to solve this problem. As a rule, many alcoholics consider themselves capable of giving up their addiction at any time, they are ready for the consequences - to remove the hangover syndrome, to treat diseases associated with the destruction of internal organs, but at the same time they do not consider it necessary to lead a sober lifestyle.

First, narcologists and psychologists should help in this, but the main burden of the fight against the disease will fall on loved ones, who are often not ready to live under the constant pressure of the alcohol syndrome. Hence, a broken family life, maternal grief and many more factors that cannot be attributed to the problems of one - this is a huge problem for society.

With a conscious decision to part with a bad habit, traditional medicine will come to the rescue, which has accumulated significant experience in the treatment of alcohol dependence using such medicinal plants as European hoof, narrow-leaved peony, wormwood, yarrow, centaury, curly sorrel, thyme, club moss, etc. .

To prepare a remedy that averts alcohol, prepare a decoction of hoof. Take 5 grams of dry rhizomes of the hoof, or 1 tablespoon of dry leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on low heat for 10 minutes. After the infusion has cooled, strain. Add a tablespoon of infusion to 200 ml of vodka. Depending on whether you want to hide this fact or not, you can do it either secretly or explicitly. The procedure should be repeated on the second and third day as well. This solution causes vomiting and aversion to alcohol.

It is also very effective in generating a negative reaction to the next remedy. Take 7 teaspoons of clove root powder and 14 tablespoons of chopped green walnut rind, pour 4.5 liters of wine over them and leave in a dark place for 14 days, shaking occasionally. Strain the wine, squeezing the plant residue through a 2-layer gauze, mix with the filtrate, and give the patient 200-300 ml of this wine daily before meals until he is all of it. The most persistent aversion to alcohol is developed.

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Maintenance therapy plays a very important role in the treatment of alcoholism, and this should be known and remembered not only by the patient, but also by his relatives.

Useful advice

When choosing the means of treating a patient with alcohol dependence, it is necessary to be guided by the selection of means of treatment according to individual characteristics - age, stage of the disease, and be sure to take into account concomitant diseases that often accompany alcoholism - hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure.

Addiction to alcohol has a detrimental effect on the human body and psyche, it is addictive. To give up such a bad habit, you have to work hard.


Refuse booze it will not work until you yourself consciously want to completely get rid of addiction to the "green serpent". The need for constant alcohol consumption occurs most often as a result of a difficult life situation or problems in personal life. However, alcohol is not a solution or a panacea for all ills. This is what an alcoholic needs to be clearly aware of, otherwise it is impossible to stop drinking. Alcohol only gives a temporary and deceptive feeling of euphoria, but after the intoxication passes, it's time for reality and a hard hangover. Problems do not disappear anywhere, on the contrary - the sooner you stop drinking, the sooner you solve them. By understanding this, you can defeat a dangerous addiction.

Find yourself an interesting hobby. Fishing, beadwork, and wood carving will help you relax and calm down in the first stage of rehabilitation. In addition, the less free time you have, the less likely you will be to think about alcohol and be tempted to drink a glass of wine. Among other things, this can bring good earnings, which can also become an additional incentive for the emergence of new hobbies.

Relatives and friends will provide the necessary support. Parents, wife and friends should be aware that alcoholism is first and foremost. Therefore, no one can provide you with the necessary psychological help better than them. Feeling the trust and love of people dear to you, you will try to live up to their expectations and return to normal life as soon as possible.

It is very difficult for someone who has been drinking alcohol for a long time to give up this bad habit. It must be recognized that this process will be painful and taken seriously. There are many medical and psychological treatments for alcohol addiction. If you want to get back on the path to sobriety, there are a few things you need to follow strictly.

Conversation with a doctor

If you decide to drink on your own and switch to a sober lifestyle, be sure to consult your doctor. Abrupt refusal can lead to withdrawal syndrome, which is characterized by palpitations, panic attacks and anxiety, etc. Another consequence may be the appearance of the so-called delirium tremens. This can lead to severe, even fatal. Continue to periodically see a doctor for the entire period of getting rid of alcohol dependence.

If you think that you are not able to stop drinking alcohol on your own, contact your doctors for help. In treatment, they usually use special drugs that help to quickly get rid of the complications that accompany a person who stops drinking.

Circle of friends

Try to avoid situations in which you had to drink before. It is in particular that, most likely, you will have to stop communicating with some of your friends and acquaintances. Quite often, this leads to the fact that the social circle is very much reduced, because. it turns out that most of the acquaintances were none other than drinking buddies.

Don't do anything that ends up drinking. For example, if going to specific establishments in the past has caused you to leave them, stop going to them. Protect yourself from drinking, think only of yourself, protect your sobriety.

Take it step by step

Quitting alcohol in one day is impossible, or at least extremely difficult. Try to gradually reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. If it is difficult for you to control this process, try to deceive your consciousness, remember your state during. Remind yourself that drinking can lead to severe headaches and. If these thoughts begin to affect you, you are on the right track.
If you find it very difficult to restrain yourself, try limiting yourself to one drink first, do not mix different alcoholic drinks.

Eat and drink more

Food can help you reduce your alcohol intake. Every time before you have a drink, eat. A well-fed body often refuses to take it itself; drinking alcohol after eating is quite difficult. It is also necessary to drink as much water as possible (2-3 liters per day). It helps the body get rid of toxins.
When visiting restaurants, refuse any alcoholic beverages.

Change your daily routine

If you have a "tradition" of drinking at certain times, such as a bottle of beer after work, try changing your daily routine. Change the environment, walk in the parks, visit your parents more often, this will help you break the vicious circle. To simplify this task, write down on a piece of paper when and with whom you drink alcohol, what circumstances usually lead to this. Study the notes and start correcting.

Learn to live without alcohol

The problem of a person who abuses alcohol is that he cannot imagine any events without alcohol. make a list

Method one: for health reasons

Withdrawal from alcohol due to poor health is a serious reason. For example, you may tell others that you are taking antibiotics or other medications. If you want to avoid unnecessary questions / sympathy, let them know that you are preparing for a routine examination. For example, tomorrow you need to undergo an ultrasound diagnosis or take tests.

A serious reason to give up alcohol is pregnancy. And it can be both real and fictional. If you are afraid of detailed questions, just make a mysterious look, put your hand on your stomach and quietly say: “I can’t.” Do not discuss the situation with anyone.

You can also report that you have a severe allergy to alcohol. At the same time, be sure to describe what happens immediately after its adoption. Please note: no one will take a rash and redness seriously. But swelling of the larynx or loss of consciousness are a good reason to refuse alcohol at a party.

Method two: disguise

If you don’t want to explain anything to others, disguise yourself. Pour pomegranate/cherry juice into glass instead of red wine. White/champagne is a great substitute for a soft drink made from white grapes. Also suitable option with a "cocktail": sprite / sparkling water, ice, lime and mint leaves.

This disguise will allow you to avoid unnecessary questions and harmoniously blend into the environment. The main point: you will need to independently monitor the fullness of the glass. If anyone sees through the ruse, explain that you just took time out and decided to have some juice.

Way three, four, five...

The third way to refuse alcohol at a party is to say that you are driving. The penalties for drunk driving are very high today. And sometimes such an experiment can cost you and your loved ones life.

The fifth way to quit drinking is to simply say a polite “no.” Answer all questions that you don’t want to, there is no desire, you decided not to drink anymore. Please note: the refusal must sound clearly and distinctly so that others do not rush to persuade you. And remember: the absence of alcohol in your glass is not a reason to be bored on the sidelines.

There may be other reasons to stop drinking alcohol. For example, a trip / walk with a child planned for the next day, a difficult flight, unfinished work or a meeting with partners, etc. These events are a serious reason to stay sober. You will not be tormented by a hangover, you will be able to think clearly and be in a great mood.

Probably everyone has information about the dangers of alcohol. But far from all of us, such knowledge is enough to give up alcohol once and for all. As practice shows, almost all people drink from time to time, most of us simply cannot imagine holidays without alcohol. And, unfortunately, many drink much more often. And over time, people who systematically consume alcohol think about how to give up alcohol on their own and forever. We will try to offer you on this page www..

First of all, it should be noted that the appearance of the thought of the need to give up alcohol already indicates that a person is not hopeless. This is already the first step towards solving the problem, and the main thing now is not to go astray.

The first step is to stop communicating with people who often consume alcohol. Sometimes successful recovery from such an addiction even requires moving to some other city and starting to live without alcohol.

Also, it will not be superfluous to meet new people who have experience in effectively dealing with alcohol intake. Try to communicate more often with those who do not feel discomfort from not drinking alcohol. Refusal of alcohol often leads only to a better life. Such therapy will help to cope with addiction on a psychological level.

Free time should be filled with some hobbies. You can go in for breeding aquarium fish, archery, skydiving, gluing models or other hobbies, the main thing is that such activities please. You need to artificially form a new attachment in yourself that will bring you true joy and help eliminate thoughts of alcohol.

Talking to a good addiction specialist can help to cope with alcoholism once and for all. In some cases, even Skype conversations will be beneficial.

If you are going to give up alcohol once and for all, start playing sports. At the same time, do physical activity systematically. Sports can actually be a lot of fun, and over time, you will look forward to a new workout. And after drinking alcohol, such activities will simply be impossible.

Force yourself to switch from alcohol to something else. If your hands are just reaching out to drink, replace alcohol with delicious juice or kefir. At first, you will have to force yourself to walk past the relevant departments in the store, but over time, you will simply form a new habit.

During the initial recovery from alcohol addiction, try to get plenty of sleep. Sleep will help you relieve the irritability that will inevitably arise when you refuse alcohol. Also, be sure to include B vitamins in your diet, they will also add peace of mind to you. In addition, doctors say that people who drink regularly are constantly faced with a lack of such vitamins.

If you feel like sipping on a bottle, fill your hands and mouth with caramels, seeds, or crunchy fruit. Turn on your favorite music often.

The menu should include barley, millet porridge, nuts and wild rice. It is worth eating citrus fruits, apples, dates, natural juices and bananas. You can remove toxins from the body by consuming a significant amount of liquid, oatmeal, flaxseeds, bran, etc.

Folk remedies

There are quite a few traditional medicine recipes that can help in the treatment of alcohol addiction. So a good effect is given by taking a decoction of St. John's wort. Four tablespoons of such raw materials must be brewed with half a liter of boiling water. Heat this mixture in a water bath for half an hour. Take the strained drink twice a day for two weeks. As a result of this intake, the patient should develop an aversion to alcohol.

You can also brew a couple of tablespoons of bearberry leaves with one glass of boiling water. Boil the medicine on a fire of minimum power for a quarter of an hour. Take a strained decoction in a tablespoon six times a day.

Prepare a two-liter saucepan and pour oats into it approximately to the middle of the container. Add water and boil over low heat for half an hour. Combine the filtered product with one hundred grams of calendula (flowers) and leave to infuse for twelve hours. Filter the prepared infusion and take it in a glass three times a day.

Combine twenty grams of chopped yarrow, mint and wormwood. Add ten grams of crushed juniper berries, marsh calamus, and angelica root to them. Brew a tablespoon of the prepared collection with a glass of only boiled water. Steep for ten minutes, then strain and drink.

Combine twenty grams of St. John's wort, yarrow, and bitter wormwood. In addition, use ten grams of creeping cumin and angelica, as well as fifteen grams of mint and five grams of juniper. All components must be crushed. Brew a tablespoon of the prepared collection with a glass of boiling water like tea. Drink several times a day.

It is worth noting that in order to successfully give up alcohol at home once and for all, you must first believe in your willpower. If you have come to the conclusion that you do not need alcohol, then you will be able to cope with alcohol addiction without any special problems.

If you feel that you cannot overcome this habit on your own, be sure to consult a doctor.

I have heard the opinion more than once that the site’s employees are completely cynical journalists scribbling notes around the clock under a cigarette, a glass and a hot dog. In fact, we are not only actively pursuing very busy experts to convey the rules of a healthy life to readers, but we are putting the recommendations into practice - step by step, and the results are not long in coming.

For example, it seems unrealistic to many complete abstinence from alcohol, although it significantly reduces the risk of a variety of cancers, diseases of the cardiovascular system and degenerative processes in the brain and prolongs life.

This list is already enough to throw alcohol out of your life, even if you do not have problems with it yet. That is, really not - according to the list - and not you think so, despite all the symptoms.

First steps

I have never had a problem with alcohol. The bottles remaining from the day of birth were gathering dust peacefully until the next one, I didn’t use it alone, I didn’t flood grief, I could abstain.

The reward was waiting for the hero

However, what was the point of undergoing changes in lifestyle, change of company and ways to have fun? Here is a longer list.

1. Appeared free time. A spree in a cheerful company is six to eight hours and an attempt to get sleep on the weekend. Now I go to morning yoga on Saturdays, I know what time and in what condition I will leave a friendly dinner on weekdays, and without dropping out of life, I overcame In Search of Lost Time - and this is a lot, a lot of text.

2. I am connected with the people around me by a sincere mutual interest and sympathy. Alcohol successfully fills awkward pauses, allows you to almost not talk and create the illusion of shared adventures.

However, empty communication is akin to empty calories - it deprives you of flexibility and real pleasure from the process. So after deducting alcohol, only those with whom you really want to be around remain.

3. Nice look at yourself into the mirror. Alcohol worsens the complexion, provokes the appearance of acne if prone to it, and accelerates the appearance of wrinkles due to dehydration of the skin. Now I look better than five years ago, and the photos do not need retouching. In addition, without alcohol, it is easier to control weight and stay slim.

4. Faster coping with stress and problems. Drinking temporarily relieves the symptoms of stress, but then aggravates it. If you get rid of the habit of running after a dose at the slightest trouble, then it turns out that you can sit down, calm down, plan measures to solve the difficulties that have arisen, and go to bed peacefully. A trip to the climbing wall is bought for the tips not received by the bartender.

5. Last months excellent high spirits accompanies me every day, no matter how tired I am, and even if the day begins with curses about work, weather or any other suitable occasion. Which, of course, is primarily due to sufficient physical activity and a balanced daily routine. But this would be more difficult to arrange by drinking alcohol, which disrupts sleep.

In addition, ethanol stimulates the release of pleasure hormones, depriving them of the presence of everyday life, which is already less joyful. Now they are not only actively developed, but also issued regularly and in sufficient quantities.

6. Life Impressions become noticeably deeper. Alcohol causes strong, but monotonous experiences - a kind of emotional fast food. If you endure longing for quick euphoria, the same thing happens as with fast food: it becomes tasteless and unpleasant, but a rich spectrum of tastes and emotions opens up in normal life. And the atmosphere is always great.

What not to do

Let's assume that you have strengthened your intention to stop drinking too, and are ready to bring the light of truth to the masses. Let's agree that you do it you won't.

A happy, healthy and contented person is the best advertisement for quitting alcohol. And ready to get involved in any network discussion with explanations that others live wrong, only irritates everyone. From this, the complexion deteriorates noticeably more.

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