Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of Professor Blokhin S.N. and Dr. Wolf I.A. Plastic surgeon Blokhin: biography and scientific works Blokhin plastic surgeon personal life

Sergey Nikolaevich Blokhin was born on January 15, 1960 in the city of Petrozavodsk into a family of doctors, Sergey Blokhin's mother was a famous otolaryngologist, and his father was a military doctor. After school S.N. Blokhin enters the medical faculty of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University), who graduated in 1986 and immediately began surgical practice.

First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

Upon completion of residency in the specialty “Oncomammology” S.N. Blokhin starts working at the Cancer Center. Blokhin, where he meets the famous plastic surgeon Liakur Ribeiro. Subsequently, this meeting became fateful for Blokhin *: over the next few years, Sergei Nikolaevich collaborated with Ribeiro, who at that time was one of the best plastic surgeons in the world and headed the Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery.

* The Ribeiro Surgical School was the most advanced and innovative at that time. Philosophy of plastic surgery and methods that S.N. Blokhin took over from Ribeiro, which later became the basis of his practical activities. On the basis of the base received from the Brazilian surgeon, Sergey Blokhin transferred the studied surgical techniques to Russia, refining and developing these techniques already in independent surgical practice for many years.

Liacour Ribeiro

Carier start

The beginning of the surgical activity of S.N. Blokhin fell on the era of the Soviet Union. At that moment, the USSR was an immense country with an almost complete absence of such a direction as plastic surgery. The beginning of work in the future of Professor Sergei Blokhin coincided with the moment of development and formation of plastic surgery in our country in its modern sense. From the memoirs of S.N. Blokhin about the end of the 80s:

Cancer Center
them. N.N. Blokhin, in which
Sergei Nikolaevich began his career

“There were few plastic surgeons and many patients. We operated almost around the clock, and in surgery, it is live practice that is the basis of the foundations. No, even the most profound and well-developed, theoretical lectures will give the surgeon as much knowledge as at least one independently performed operation, what can we say about the thousands of operations that my colleagues and I have done in our time and continue to operate until now.”

Since 1987, S.N. Blokhin becomes the leading plastic surgeon of the Cancer Center. N.N. Blokhin, where he will later work for 20 years, doing plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Plastic surgery

Sergey Blokhin was the first in the USSR to perform breast arthroplasty with implants and mastopexy - a breast lift, subsequently transferring all the author's techniques to his students.

“In 1992 S.N. Blokhin defends his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Breast Reconstruction”.

Becomes the first surgeon to perform breast reconstruction with a recto-abdominal flap, and in 1997, together with oncologist-mammologist S.M. Portnoy receives a patent for the surgical treatment of breast cancer, subsequently performing such operations together (prophylactic mastectomy with simultaneous breast reconstruction - “Joli operation”).

Photos of the first implants

For many years, S.N. Blokhin continues to work closely with oncologists and develops new methods of oncoplastic surgery.

  • Since 1994 he has been consulting and operating on patients in Europe: Cyprus, Germany.
  • In 1997, he registered a patent for the author's method of treating breast cancer, according to which a famous actress was operated on in 2013. Angelina Jolie.
  • “The method of surgical treatment of breast cancer according to S. N. Blokhin and S. M. Portnoy.” RF patent No. 2092112, registered 10/10/1997, priority dated 10/7/93.
  • In 2000, he writes and defends his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Reconstructive plastic surgery in breast surgery”.

First reality show
about plastic surgery

In the early 2000s, Professor S.N. Blokhin becomes a plastic surgeon of the first and only at that time Russian TV project about plastic surgery - “Beauty Formula”. It was the very first reality show on post-Soviet television about plastic surgery. As part of this project, Professor Blokhin performed 6 most complex operations, which won not only the hearts of spectators and ordinary people, but also became known in the professional community.

Colleagues of Sergei Blokhin were amazed at the confidence of the young specialist in his abilities, and many critical surgeons generally doubted the reality of the procedures performed, the participants of the “Beauty Formula” demonstrated such stunning results.

on TV in Russia
and abroad

Subsequently, Professor S.N. Blokhin took part many times as an expert on various television programs, including talk shows with Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov. Professors were also actively invited to various television projects on European television, including popular programs in Italy.

Since the end of the 90s, Professor Blokhin has become a regular participant and speaker at various congresses on plastic surgery. Today, Sergey Nikolayevich annually organizes various training workshops for young professionals, where he shares his many years of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery with future and practicing plastic surgeons. Most often, for his master classes, Sergey Blokhin is looking for patients who are ready to become models for demonstration operations absolutely free of charge (link to the story of patient Irina).

ten years younger
Ten years younger

In 2014, Professor S.N. Blokhin is invited to become a regular participant in the transformation project - “10 Years Younger” on Channel One, which continues to this day.

The show “10 years younger” or “Ten years younger” is the largest international show about radical rejuvenation, which takes place in more than 5 countries, including America, England and Germany. To date, the Russian version of “10 Years Younger” is the MOST POPULAR REALITY SHOW ABOUT PLASTIC SURGERY IN THE WORLD. For 5 years of broadcasting “10 Years Younger” on Channel One, 10 seasons of the project were released, in which Sergei Nikolayevich Blokhin and his team of specialists performed more than 300 plastic surgeries.

Photo from the filming of the program “Ten years younger”

In 2018, one of the participants in the project, Professor Blokhin, performed a unique operation of its kind - reconstructive breast reconstruction with a recto-abdominal flap.

Sergey Blokhin is considered one of the most popular surgeons in the Russian Federation. He repeatedly worked with the stars of domestic show business, knowing full well which of them decided to correct what was given to him by nature.

Sergei Blokhin became recognizable thanks to the Formula of Beauty and Ten Years Younger projects, in which he helped the characters become more beautiful. In fact, it has been known in medicine for a long time. Over 30 years of practice, he performed more than 30 thousand operations. It was Blokhin who made the first breast augmentation in our country. Among his clients are politicians, oligarchs and celebrities - Katya Gordon, Alena Vodonaeva.


Sergey Nikolaevich, you have a great work experience. What did they finish?

Sergey Blokhin
After school, he moved from Petrozavodsk to Moscow and entered the Sechenov First Medical University. In 1986, he began to engage in reconstructive surgery as a residency at the Nikolai Blokhin Cancer Center. I must say right away that we are not relatives, but simply namesakes. It was Nikolai Nikolaevich who sent me to Germany and Brazil to gain experience with the best plastic doctors. He believed that it was necessary to give not only life, but also its quality: for example, a woman had her breasts removed, which means that she needed to be restored. Returning to his homeland, he continued to work. Subsequently, he opened his own chain Frau Klinik.

There are many celebrities among your clients. Who is more comfortable to work with - with them or ordinary people?

Sergey Blokhin
Artists are not easy patients: our opinions do not always agree. I can refuse. It happens that the stars hatch a decision for years and only then turn. Alena Vodonaeva is among them.

I know - she underwent a complex breast reduction operation ...

Sergey Blokhin
Yes, she had a deformity after childbirth and feeding, everything just sagged ... Alena was tormented by constant back pain. Plus there were problems when buying clothes. Vodonaeva admitted that she had long dreamed of making the forms more modest. The operation lasted four hours. The outcome was satisfied. Just like Natalia Sturm. Natasha, who has two divorces behind her, has a man 17 years younger. I wanted to transform. Implants were inserted, facial lipofilling was performed. Now she regularly demonstrates the result on the beach and does not take off her dresses from the neckline.

And what did the actress Natalya Bondarchuk contact you with?

Sergey Blokhin
Celebrated the anniversary and decided to change by this date. They did a deep circular facelift, neck plastic surgery and blepharoplasty.

But are there complications?

Sergey Blokhin
Often. Therefore, we always ask you to pre-take tests, the results of which we carefully check. For example, Ksenia Strizh was not immediately admitted due to health problems. First, they sent her to treat chronic sores, because in the past she did not lead the most healthy lifestyle. As a result, the rehabilitation was difficult: for two months the stitches were not tightened, festered, and the swelling did not subside. When everything was restored, Strizh finally saw the result: she managed to get rid of nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, and a second chin. Next time, I won't take on such a case. It's just that it was on the Ten Years Younger program, and they persuaded me.


Are you operating on loved ones?

Sergey Blokhin
Yes. Wife Irina did a facelift. But rhinoplasty for my daughter was carried out by a colleague Igor Wolf. I'm a pro at everything but this. A very specific area.

You forbade her to increase her breasts. Why?

Sergey Blokhin
She would not get the desired effect due to the anatomy.

And there are requests on the verge?

Sergey Blokhin
Of course! Crazy people are constantly turning. They bring photos and ask for a nose, like Angelina Jolie, or cheekbones, like Djigan's wife. We work with people who are dissatisfied with themselves, with a bunch of complexes. If the requirements go off scale, we say goodbye.

Does it happen that the plastic tightens?

Sergey Blokhin
Yes. First, the lady asks for lips, then cheeks ... Then she complains that her butt sagged. The main thing is not to go too far, as Lyudmila Gurchenko and Vera Alentova did in their time. I love their work, but with plasticity there is a clear overkill.

By the way, about the fifth point. Now inflated buttocks are in trend. Which of the stars addressed?

Sergey Blokhin
Masha Tsigal. She required surgery for health reasons. And during the conversation it turned out that the designer had long been worried about the lack of a rounded priests. And neither the gym nor proper nutrition helped. It's a matter of the constitution. As a result, we decided to combine two operations under one anesthesia. Everything went perfectly.

And the most dangerous operation?

Sergey Blokhin
All are like that. No one is immune from the formation of blood clots in both plastic and conventional surgery. When a doctor opens tissue, even if he tries to save a person's life after an accident, he always automatically causes harm, since by nature we should not be cut, sewn up, and so on. Everyone's body reacts differently.

Is it true that you enlarge your breasts in just 15 minutes?

Sergey Blokhin
Yes. I do a facelift in 90. Other doctors need up to seven hours. You see, the less tissues are open, the faster they subsequently recover.

What is your main principle?

Sergey Blokhin
Do no harm. Better to fail than fail.

Famous plastic surgeon Professor Sergei Blokhin demonstrates one of the most difficult plastic surgeries - subcutaneous mastectomy - the same operation was performed on actress Angelina Jolie in the USA. The technique of bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy in Russia was developed in 1997 by Professor Sergey Nikolayevich Blokhin: patent "Method of surgical treatment of breast cancer according to S.N. Blokhin and S.M. Portnoy" (RF Patent No. 2092112 Registered on 10.10.1997).

Video: Sputnik radio interview with Blokhin S.N. “The limit of perfection. About beauty without cuts "

Plastic surgery helps to change the appearance, but this is not done for vital indications. When a person is dissatisfied with his face or body, a psychological problem is solved by surgical methods. However, there are certain limits dictated by nature itself. If the patient's expectations are obviously unfulfillable or inadequate, then it is impossible to work with such a person, Professor Blokhin believes.

Publications on medical portals and blogs

Articles and interviews of a specialist for various medical information portals and publications.

  • Torsoplasty by Professor Blokhin. Body correction after bariatric surgery (bandage installation)

Reviews and photos of patients

Photo from the personal archive of Yulia Smolnaya:
operation - upper blepharoplasty.

01-02 (right): To be honest, after the operation, I expected to be a toad, pretty tipsy and having a good fight on New Year's Eve. But no. There are almost no bruises, swelling too, only the threads stick out. But tomorrow they will not be there either, they will be replaced with special patches. Sergey Nikolayevich, thank you very much for my new view of the world without "dragging", thank you for the super-speed of your work, which saved me from edema and other unpleasant things. And thank you for your openness. You are very cool and funny jokes.

02-02 (left): Who came to Nerezinovoy for 2 hours and is already rushing home, that's me. Who woke up on January 3 with renewed eyelids - that's me again! Who, 5 days after the operation, cannot even boast of normal bruises and bruises - that's me again. Did I promise a post-op report in a few days? Catch: no edema, no bruising, no pain, no discomfort in the eyes ... There are only gluings on the eyelids (things that are used to seal freshly removed stitches for a week), the ability to open your eyes without raising your eyebrows or wrinkling your forehead, and endless gratitude to Sergey Nikolaevich Blokhin. A professor who does not have Instagram, but has golden hands and his own Kingdom of Beauty called Frau Klinik. Thank you for a new look at the world, eyes wide open!

02-02 (right): After blepharoplasty (an operation on the eyelids, when they make a “chik-chik”, and the eyelid no longer hangs), I planned to post photo reports about rehabilitation in stages. Well, there ... bruises, then bruises, then battle scars, then non-combat scars ... But in the end, a couple of weeks after the operation, there was not a trace of her, except for an open look and the disappeared "tired" upper eyelid. I honestly tried to capture the healed scars - but nothing came of it. You can see them live, and even more so in the photo ... If anyone is interested in what happened before - girls, before, instead of even eyelids, there was an accordion, instead of an open look, a tortured look full of sadness.

Photo from the personal archive of the patient:
installed implants volume: 340 ml. Medium profile.

Patient feedback:
Now I’m looking at the photo, and I don’t even believe that I once had a “before” :) Only 7 months have passed since the operation, but it seems that the chest has been “after” all my life ... It should only be such magical hands, like Sergei Nikolaevich, to make such a beautiful chest. Yes, and through such tiny incisions (which are no longer visible at all, they went into the armpit). After the operation, not only did the breast appear, but the perception of the world completely changed, even the character became different ... Definitely, I became much happier. Professor respect and boundless love!

Installed implants volume: 375 ml.
Operation: breast lift with enlargement through the areola

Patient feedback: I am one of those lucky candidates who happened to be a mammoplasty model with Sergey Nikolayevich Blokhin. I was the last one, I was very nervous, of course, but luck did not leave me! I feel like a goddess. At 40, life is just beginning. Sensitivity in place. Thank you! There were doubts, I will not hide it, a happy marriage, two wonderful daughters, realization in the profession, active, young and full of strength and energy. Was it worth it, to expose yourself to surgery, and then the postoperative period. There is only one answer: it was worth it! My husband supported me, thanks to him. We searched and monitored the topic of who to do in Novosibirsk, and then such luck, a competition. Never won, but decided to participate. And now... the call. I am among the chosen ones. The postoperative period was not easy, but following all the recommendations, everything went well. I will try to convey my emotions to you, I admire myself, I look at myself and admire, I walk down the street, not even, I don’t walk, but I carry myself, with such beautiful forms. I am silent about the joy of the spouse)) Thank you! I know that I'm lucky. I was in safe hands. My quality of life has drastically changed for the better. How important it is to like yourself!

Sergey Blokhin is a well-known plastic surgeon, whose prices for services are considered quite high, and for some even very high. However, the queue to his clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology is not something that does not dry out - it is so huge that the operation will have to wait several months.

But numerous women who seek to improve what is given to them by nature. This does not stop, because the reputation of the plastic surgeon Blokhin is brilliant, and the reviews of patients satisfied with the results confirm this.

How Sergey Nikolayevich managed to achieve such success, what he is outside of the operating room and why he causes such strong curiosity among the fair sex - in detail in our material.

Biography of a plastic surgeon

What is his biography? What is laudable in his professional activity?

Like many hereditary doctors, Sergei Blokhin was destined to connect his life with medicine: the father of the future famous plastic surgeon, Nikolai Zakharovich, was a military doctor, and his mother, Nina Stepanovna, was an otorhinolaryngologist.

On January 15, 1960, they had a son in Petrozavodsk. Sergei Nikolaevich never had any hesitation about who he wants to be in the future.

In 1987, almost immediately after graduating from the medical faculty of the Medical University in the capital, he began to gain experience in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Professional growth and achievements

Then a doctor of medical sciences, thanks to the work "in breast surgery" (2000).

The surgeon gained invaluable experience when he worked in European clinics, as well as distant Brazil, which were considered the best medical institutions.

In the period from 1994 to 1997, Sergey Nikolayevich operated and consulted in Munich, and since 1997 he has been the owner of a patent for the invention "Method of surgical treatment of breast cancer according to N. S. Blokhin and S. M. Portnoy."

In 2010, Professor Blokhin developed and began to successfully put into practice a new effective method of endoscopic breast augmentation through manipulations through a micro-incision in the armpit.

This innovation has reduced the duration of the operation to 40 minutes.

In addition to plastic surgery on the chest, Sergey Nikolayevich successfully practices correction in the face and body.

This is confirmed by the Tecrussia National Prize awarded to him in 2012 as the best facelift plastic surgeon who uses effective and at the same time the least traumatic correction techniques.

The year 2013 was marked by the development of a unique technique, on which, under the guidance of a surgeon, the specialists of his clinic worked.

This technique allows you to effectively tighten the skin around the eyes without resorting to incisions on the outer eyelid.

In 2014, Blokhin was recognized as the best plastic surgeon involved (Medafarm rating).

Sergei Nikolayevich is a unique specialist who managed not only to save many lives and brilliantly perform thousands of operations to correct appearance.

In the impressive "piggy bank" of his achievements, there are more than fifty unique scientific articles and 4 monographs on reconstructive plastic surgery.

Today, plastic surgeons specializing in mammoplasty are actively using the techniques patented by Professor Blokhin, because he was a "pioneer" in the field of breast reconstruction.

The surgeon has always been of the opinion that beautifully shaped toned breasts are the basis of female attractiveness.

But, since, due to nature or life circumstances, not every woman can call her ideal breasts, specialists in the field of plastic surgery must make every effort and skill to give such patients the opportunity to feel attractive and desirable.

Sergey Nikolayevich was the leading consultant of the popular TV show "Formula of Beauty", the participants of which he helped to correct the flaws in appearance.

Having performed about 20 operations, he helped people overcome psychological problems and change their lives for the better.

Activities of Sergei Blokhin

Nevertheless, the surgeon himself considers the operations in the Frau Klinik to be the main activity. A huge number of women come here for help: some want to regain youth, others - to correct shortcomings, and others - to eliminate the consequences of injuries and unsuccessful surgical interventions.

They all know that such an experienced doctor, who is the author of many unique techniques in the field of aesthetic surgery, has the quality of the services provided at the international level and there is no need to worry about the result.

They come to Frau Klinik to correct the shape of the breasts and body contours, get rid of sagging skin and annoying features that do not make a woman feel attractive.

Top popular services include:

  • operations on and reduction of mammary glands;
  • abdominoplasty.

Not only surgeons help patients achieve perfection, but also specialists in related fields: anesthesiologists, cosmetologists, dentists, gynecologists, mammologists and massage therapists.

After performing surgical operations, patients undergo a rehabilitation course and receive professional postoperative care, as well as consultations on any issues of interest.

The clinic has modern equipment that is constantly updated and meets high international standards.

The combination of such factors as professionalism, experience, responsibility for the result and the interest of all employees in it provide the clinic and its management with a brilliant reputation.

Inexhaustible streams of women who are ready to entrust themselves only to Frau Klinik specialists, as well as numerous positive reviews shared by patients satisfied with the updated appearance.

The principles of the surgeon

Blokhin is a connoisseur of beauty and a fighter for it. But he will never go along with patients who, not realizing the risks of the consequences of surgical intervention, are ready to lie not only under a scalpel, but even under a woodcutter's ax - just to satisfy their not always adequate whims to change their appearance.

Sergei Nikolaevich, rather, exaggerates and even focuses on possible complications, so that a woman thinks well whether she really needs a new nose or a completely flat stomach.

The principle of the surgeon is to openly express his opinion. No good doctor will remain silent, seeing that a woman who dreams of having liposuction does not even think about changing her approach to choosing food and the volume of their consumption.

As a result, a refusal to operate, because it is simply inappropriate and will still end up with weight gain.

Moreover, Sergei Nikolayevich sometimes even provokes patients so that they understand how disrespectful they were to their own body. Many are angry and offended, but after the operation they understand that they will not repeat such mistakes in the future.

The doctor is strict but fair, therefore he will never refuse those who really need help and have lost faith in the best, having been consulted by many surgeons.

Moreover, Sergei Nikolaevich will do everything possible and even more - this is the principle of his approach to business, that's why he and Blokhin.

Personal life of Sergei Blokhin

Many patients are interested not only in professional information about the surgeon, but also want to know about his life outside the clinic, see a photo with his wife.

The fact is that Blokhin is not just a doctor - he is an interesting and charismatic man who knows a lot about female beauty and knows how to appreciate it.

Therefore, when they find out that the professor is married and happily married, they are even upset. But there is not much information on the Internet, since Sergey Nikolayevich does not cover his personal life. And even on Wikipedia you can not find out all the details about the family.

It is known that the couple fell in love with each other as a teenager. And this love eventually grew into a real strong feeling that two people carefully keep for many years of living together.

A wise wife supports her famous husband in everything and is calm about the peculiarities of his profession, which involves daily contemplation and palpation of female breasts, buttocks and other parts of the body. Moreover, she herself has already managed to visit his patient.

Prices for services at Frau Klinik

In order not to be too impressed by the order of prices at the Blokhin clinic, you need to understand that he is really one of the best plastic surgeons, especially when it comes to - in this area he has practically no equal.

Naturally, services of this level will have a corresponding cost. But on the other hand, patients will definitely not have to worry about the conditions in which the operation and rehabilitation will take place, nor the level of professionalism of the medical staff, nor the result. A person will receive what he gives his hard-earned money for.

To date, the order of prices for services at Frau Klinik is as follows:

breast augmentationfrom 300,000 to 400,000 rubles
faceliftfrom 260,000 to 320,000 rubles
Blepharoplastyfrom 90,000 to 106,000 rubles
Asian eyelid surgery130 000 rubles
Rhinoplastyfrom 300,000 to 450,000 rubles
Otoplasty50,000 rubles - one auricle
90,000 - both
Liposuction35 000 rubles
Abdominoplasty360,000 rubles
Butt lift300 000 rubles
Vaginoplasty130 000 rubles

Operations at the indicated prices are performed by experienced plastic surgeons Frau Klinik. The cost of plastic surgery from Blokhin and Wulff themselves can be found on request at the clinic or during a consultation, which will cost 3,000 rubles.

Repeated consultation is free. The cost of plastic surgery includes:

  • consultation with an anesthesiologist;
  • implants;
  • conducting general anesthesia;
  • hospital stay (with meals);
  • complex of services for patient care after surgery.

The final amount is determined by the doctor during the consultation.

Separately paid:

  • preoperative comprehensive examination - 7,000 rubles;
  • compression underwear - 10,000 rubles;
  • compression stockings - 2,000 rubles.

Regular customers of Frau Klinik have permanent discounts on a wide range of different services.

Irina Alexandrovna has already appeared on the project, although the rehabilitation period has not yet ended.

When Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova decided to undergo plastic surgery, her entire environment was against it: both her daughters Margarita and Olga, participants in the Dom-2 project, and her husband Yuri Vasilyevich. By the way, Irina Alexandrovna made the decision for a reason - she received an offer from the clinic of plastic surgeon Sergei Blokhin. And now the operation is over, and Irina Alexandrovna appeared before an audience of millions with a swollen face and stitches that had not yet healed.

Irina Alexandrovna appeared in city apartments. Regarding this appearance, the fans had a question: “The purpose of your coming to the project with such a face? Are you tired of these cameras? Here is how Irina Alexandrovna answered this question: “I arrived for 15 minutes with my older sister. We went in without a microphone, and I asked us not to film. It’s just that my sister flew away from afar and flew away a day later, I brought her to see Olya and Ilya. When asked by fans why the eye is so red, Irina Alexandrovna explained that this happens when blood gets under the sclera. In general, the condition is improving every day.

Irina Alexandrovna was joyfully greeted by Yulia and Tigran Salibekovs. Tigran even kissed her on the cheek as a sign of greeting and said that the doctor who operated on Irina Aleksandrovna was from Mozdok. His mother was an ENT doctor and treated their entire family. He asked Irina Aleksandrovna if she had heard about it. Irinsanna replied that she did not hear it, but heard gossip that she was flirting with this doctor, he was also with her, that they were lovers, so he took her to him.

Turning to Yulia, Irina Alexandrovna says: “Did you hear what the psychic predicted? In March, a man with a beard, a non-Russian, will pick me up, come, take me by the waist and say: "Ira, let's get out of here." And I will leave. And everyone writes that this is, for sure, a doctor. Irina Alexandrovna also added to the portrait of her future prince the astrologer's remark that the stranger would look like Ilyukha Gazhienko. Yulia tried to insert an ironic remark about her husband through the fence of phrases: “Of course, they will take you, a married woman, from the project!”, But this went unnoticed.

It's funny, of course, but there are a lot of coincidences, though. Plastic surgeon Sergei Blokhin was born in 1960, that is, just a little older than Irina Alexandrovna, has the appearance of the person whom the astrologer-predictor spoke of: with a beard, somewhat similar to Ilya Gazhienko, half a head taller, “not quite Russian” . As predicted by Anatoly Ledenev, the finalist of the 12th season of the Battle of Psychics, it is precisely such a person who will be able to take Irina Alexandrovna away from her husband. Irinsanna's TV viewers believe that she is worthy of love and happiness, like all people.

It won't be long before we all see if it's true or not. Will Irina Alexandrovna stay on the project and with her family, or will the prince on a white horse take her to his kingdom, where there is a sweet life: Turkish delight and stormy feelings with enchanting sex, because, according to the prediction of the astrologer, if Irina Alexandrovna falls in love, another is nearby to do nothing, she has a very powerful sexual chakra, the energy of a good seductress comes from her.

Guys, be happy! Editors Know Everything and it only remains to say these parting words after our heroes, leaving in the direction of their happiness.
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