Fundamentals of proper nutrition for athletes: products for a complete diet. Proper nutrition for male and female athletes - menu

It is quite natural that nutrition during sports activities (fitness, bodybuilding) has significant differences compared to the approach to food in people who lead a non-sporting lifestyle. This is due to the fact that a large amount of energy is required to perform sports exercises and loads. Therefore, for the good functioning of the body in these conditions, attention should be paid to the choice of the athlete's diet.

Consider the basic requirements that athletes need to meet in order to get maximum training results:

  • The body must receive the required amount of calories, vitamins and nutrients with food throughout the day. It is calculated taking into account the tasks performed in training;
  • food should promote a good metabolism;
  • depending on the goal (set or decrease in muscle mass, getting rid of body fat), a daily diet is selected;
  • stabilization and maintenance of the hormonal background, which makes it possible to "open" all the physical abilities of the athlete's body.

Each sport needs a specific approach to nutrition, because. goals and loads are different. Bodybuilders, for example, should give preference to protein foods, which is associated with the need to build muscle mass.

Many athletes believe that the emphasis should only be on training and let nutrition take its course. However, as proven by physiologists in the field of sports, each component in sports training (training, rest and recovery, nutrition) is important, but not separately, but all together.

Nutrition rules for sports training

Sports involve good saturation of the body, and the foods eaten should give strength to the practitioner and not be harmful.
Here is a list of points that you should pay attention to when compiling the menu for the athlete:

  1. Carbohydrate-containing foods should have a low glycemic index, which is calculated from the sugar content of the foods taken. Such food has the ability to slowly break down and absorb glucose into the blood. Thanks to this, you will not gain weight and charge your body with energy.
  2. Do not eat at a time when the feeling of hunger is strong enough. The best option is meals every 2-2.5 hours, portions should not be large.
  3. The body needs to receive the required amount of clean water (2 liters per day). If it is not enough, then during fitness training, a violation of fluid metabolism in the body is possible and, as a result, swelling in the legs will appear. Also, do not forget that playing sports, you sweat, and this leads to an additional need for water.
  4. Many athletes believe that in order to lose weight, you need to eat only low-fat foods. This opinion is erroneous, because. if you refuse fat-containing foods, the body will not receive the necessary acids involved in metabolism. Also, in the production of fat-free products, more sugar and starch are used to enhance their palatability, and this increases the calorie content.

As you can see, if you know how to eat properly when doing fitness or bodybuilding, it becomes possible to become the owner of a beautiful, toned figure, as well as generally improve the body and feel cheerful and energized.

The article was written with the support of the site - this is an online store of balanced nutrition, that is, the same food for athletes with delivery.

Today, three professional athletes will share with us their nutrition programs that have helped them build a truly magnificent body.

When it comes to nutrition, it is important for many of us to have unique role models. While looking for a diet to build (or at least maintain) muscle mass, you've probably come across a ton of conflicting information from countless experts regarding meal timing, fat intake, carbohydrate intake, and more.

Why not find a role model in the form of athletes who have the physique you've always dreamed of? In this article, three men with great bodies - among them a professional bodybuilder, fitness model and MMA fighter - will share with us their nutritional secrets.

Mark Dugdale

Occupation: IFBB Pro Bodybuilder

Mark describes his off-season diet as unconventional. Even while bulking, he prefers to keep his carbohydrate intake under control, unlike many other athletes who lean on carbohydrates without even fearing that most of them will turn into body fat.

"I'm a big fan of keeping my body fat below 9% year-round because I can feel my muscles grow even without excess body fat," says Dugdale.

Another unusual detail of his diet is a large amount of game. He loves bison meat so much that he eats it for breakfast. “I cook meat (brisket) for 8 hours in a slow cooker. 2.5 kilograms of meat provides me with breakfast for the whole week,” he says.

Mark prefers grass-fed wild animals such as bison, wild boar and elk. There are 3 reasons for this:

  1. Low fat content.
  2. Increased amount of fatty acids.
  3. Less toxicity (no hormones and chemicals), which has a positive effect on muscle recovery and growth.

Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale Nutrition Plan:

First meal

  • Bison meat - 170 g
  • Sauerkraut - 1 cup
  • Ezekiel bread with 1/2 tablespoon coconut oil - 1 slice

Second meal

Third meal

  • Almonds - 1/4 cup

Fourth meal

  • Salad: chicken breast, arugula, lettuce, Greek yogurt, chopped walnuts, olive oil, sea salt - 1 serving

Fifth meal

  • Protein shake - 1 serving
  • Almonds - 1/4 cup

Sixth meal

  • Pre Workout Supplement - 1 Dose
  • BCAA - 10 mg

Seventh meal

  • Elk steak - 220 g
  • Cauliflower puree: 1/2 head boiled cauliflower mixed with parmesan cheese, 1 tbsp. organic butter and sea salt.

Greg Plitt

Occupation: fitness model

Does Dugdale's diet seem unconventional to you? You haven't seen Greg Plitt's meal plan yet! He calls it the "caveman diet" because he avoids all processed foods and focuses on natural meats and vegetables. His diet is truly unique. He makes only one, but a large (3500 kcal) intake of natural food per day.

In this regard, the Plitt diet resembles the warrior diet, which involves taking small portions during the day, and one large portion in the evening. “I prefer to have a big meal in the middle of the day, while most people only eat 5-6 small meals. My approach ensures that all food is digested before bed,” says Plitt, one of the most recognizable fitness models in the world.

All other calories Greg consumes with liquid before and after training. His diet may vary
smoke during the day and depends mainly on the work schedule.

“My meal plan directly depends on the work schedule. That is, if I have a shooting scheduled (Plitt moonlights as an actor) or a photo shoot, my diet changes. I usually visit the gym twice a day during the preparation periods for them. I only start eating after I've finished work to replenish my supply of nutrients. I don't have breakfast, lunch or dinner per se, and I don't eat on a strict schedule. I only eat to feed my body, not to satisfy my appetite,” says Plitt.

Fitness Model Greg Plitt's Meal Plan:

Before morning workout

  • A cocktail of Met-RX Amped ECN NOS Powder, glutamine, creatine, hydroxymethyl butyrate (HMB), omega-3s, multivitamins, whey protein, and 1 tbsp. l. raw honey.

After workout

Main meal of the day

  • Meat, fish or poultry, vegetables - only 3500 kcal.

For example:

  • Grilled salmon and asparagus
  • Baked halibut with spinach and green beans
  • Grilled chicken or steamed shrimp with carrots and cucumbers.

Before evening workout or cardio

  • A cocktail of Met-RX Amped ECN NOS Powder, glutamine, creatine, hydroxymethyl butyrate (HMB), omega-3s, multivitamins, whey protein, and 1 tablespoon of raw honey.

After workout

  • A cocktail of whey protein (0.6 g per 1 kg of body weight), dextrose (0.4 g per 1 kg of body weight), creatine, glutamine and HMB.

Brian Stann

Occupation: professional MMA fighter

At the peak of training season, Brian eats 11 meals a day. Is there a need for this? If you train 3 times a day, then definitely yes.

"If you're going to be a real athlete, you have to be purposeful not only in training, but also responsibly about your diet," says Stann, a fighter in the middleweight division.

“Food is the fuel that keeps you going. Your results depend on it." For his diet, Stann thanks his wife Teresa, who has a degree in nutrition. The diet is based on quality protein sources such as chicken breasts, salmon, eggs, as well as fruits, vegetables and almonds rich in healthy fats.

In addition to whole foods, Brian takes supplements early and often throughout the day.

A strict supplementation schedule is critical to maintaining strength during the weight loss period in preparation for fights. They also help him maintain muscle mass despite his busy training schedule. “At 3-4 workouts a week, the last thing I need is muscle loss.”

Brian Stann's nutrition plan

First meal

  • Egg whites - 6 pcs
  • Almonds - 1/2 cup
  • "Gaspari Anavite" - 3 tablets

Before workout

  • Greek yogurt - 1 serving
  • Almond oil - 1 tablespoon
  • "Gaspari Myofusion Probiotic" - 1 scoop
  • "Gaspari BCAA" - 4 tablets

First workout

After workout

Hello! Let's talk about how to lose weight for an athlete or any person who is not indifferent to sports, and let's start with the basics of the basics - nutrition.

To get rid of body fat, you need to improve nutrition - this is the only sure way to get rid of the "lifeline" in the abdomen or "ears" on the hips and other parts of the body.

No intense training will help you lose weight if food debris flies into the "furnace" and especially if calorie intake exceeds their consumption. Athletes are experienced and do not use a diet very much, which each of us can adjust to suit ourselves, and today we will discuss the nutrition of an athlete for weight loss.

Let's start with for people involved in sports 3-4 times a week.

Calculate your daily calorie intake

Formula for women: BMR = 447.6 + (9.2 x weight, kg) + (3.1 x height, cm) - (4.3 x age, years)

For men = BMR = 88.36 + (13.4 x weight, kg) + (4.8 x height, cm) - (5.7 x age, years)

The resulting figure means: how many calories the body spends without taking into account physical activity, now we calculate one more norm, taking into account activity:

  1. With a minimum level of BMR x 1.2
  2. At low - BMR x 1.375
  3. Medium - BMR x 1.55
  4. High - BMR x 1,725
  5. Very high - BMR x 1.9

calories for weight loss

To lose weight, reduce the calorie content of your daily diet by 200-500 units, gradually reducing the numbers and not reaching the limit of 1200 calories for women and 1500 for men.

How many times to eat?

Eat fractionally, that is, often (every 2-3 hours) a little bit (a serving of about 200-300 grams for women and up to 400 units for men).

Building a balance

The classic norm of bju: 45-50% carbohydrates, 30-40% proteins and 20-25% fats. For weight loss, a little different: we reduce carbohydrates to 35-40%, increase protein intake to 40-45% and remove fat a little - we consume no more than 20%.

Bju norms

Now let's calculate the norms of bju: for 1 kg of weight there is an approximate consumption of 1.5-2.5 grams. protein, 0.8-1 gr. fat and 1.2 gr. "coals".

In 1 gr. protein and carbohydrates contain about 4 calories, fats - about 9, so we reduce the consumption of the latter, but do not exclude them at all. Eat mostly vegetable fats: save olive oil, avocado, high-fat cottage cheese and meat for better times.

Adhere to the principles of a balanced diet and calculate your own food consumption rates, for example, for a girl weighing 50 kg, BJU will be 100 grams. protein, 40 gr. fat and 60 gr. carbohydrates, for a man 90 kg - 200 gr. protein, 80 gr. fat, 120 gr. carbohydrates.

Designate 4-5 times a week, set aside time for rest and analyze the result in at least 2 weeks. Are the numbers on the scale treacherously standing still? Measure the parameters of the body, often they speak about changes.

Nothing changes? Track the calorie content of meals (it should be less than calorie consumption). If you are doing everything right, and the weight does not change, this is an occasion to take a blood test for hormones.

A little about the diet + weekly meal plan

We figured out the numbers, now let's talk about what to eat at the first meal, lunch and dinner. In advance, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the calorie content table of products in order to exclude the most “dangerous” ones. Another little tip - write down on paper or mark on your smartphone everything that you eat during a typical day or even a couple of days.

Then count the number of calories that you consume during these very days, do not forget to note the "nibbling" and treats that you ate by chance. Do the actual numbers match the recommendations?

Not? It's time to cut back on unhealthy foods and gradually reduce the nutritional value: reduce the calorie content of the diet by 100-200 calories per week and not exceed 500 units. So here's the menu for the week.


  • 2 boiled/fried eggs without oil
  • Whole wheat bread, cheese slice
  • half a grapefruit
  • Tea\coffee\clean water
  • Banana
  • Green apple
  • A glass of kefir \ low-fat fermented baked milk \ yogurt without additives

  • Half turkey breast, raw vegetables (cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers), seasoned with oil and lemon juice
  • 200 gr. cottage cheese with sweetener
  • Baked cod fillet 200 gr
  • Seaweed salad with olive oil


First meal

  • Buckwheat porridge 200 gr
  • Banana
  • Black coffee or tea

  • Grapefruit\orange\apple
  • 150 gr. cottage cheese
  • Boiled rice or potatoes 100 gr
  • Chinese cabbage, spinach leaves dressed with olive oil
  • Baked turkey or chicken breast 100 gr
  • Protein bar
  • A glass of kefir \ yogurt \ low-fat fermented baked milk
  • Omelet from 2 eggs
  • Vegetable salad
  • Slice of whole grain bread


  • Hercules on water with a little milk (better added to porridge after cooking)
  • semolina pudding
  • Some nuts
  • Sliced ​​fruit seasoned with natural yoghurt 100 gr
  • A piece of whole grain bread and a slice of hard cheese
  • Boiled potatoes 2-3 pieces
  • Beans 50 gr
  • Lean meat 150-200 gr

  • Cottage cheese 200 gr
  • Grapefruit\Green Apple
  • Milk soup
  • White fish fillet
  • Spinach or any greens + vegetables


First meal

  • Omelet from 2 eggs
  • A piece of cheese + a slice of black bread (can be with butter)
  • light dessert

  • Cottage cheese casserole 200 gr
  • 150 gr. red fish
  • Beijing cabbage + cucumbers, tomatoes, olive oil
  • A glass of low-fat kefir
  • Boiled turkey breast 150 gr
  • Vegetable stew


  • Lazy oatmeal seasoned with natural yogurt (pour regular oatmeal and refrigerate overnight)
  • 1 any fruit and a handful of berries
  • Soft cottage cheese in a pack
  • Sweetener
  • Boiled rice 100 gr
  • Baked turkey with spices
  • Vegetable salad
  • Protein bar

  • Vegetable stew


First meal

  • 200 gr. buckwheat
  • Slice of black bread with cheese
  • handful of nuts
  • Spaghetti durum wheat
  • Baked breast
  • Tomato sauce

  • Jar of natural yogurt
  • Baked fish fillet
  • Cabbage and raw vegetables


  • Oatmeal on the water
  • handful of nuts
  • Slice of black bread with cheese and tomato

  • Boiled potatoes
  • 200 gr. white meat
  • cottage cheese pudding
  • Protein bar
  • 200 gr. river fish
  • boiled rice
  • Vegetable Salad

The weekly diet is conditional, consider the desired calorie content, portion size and your own eating habits.

If you don’t like fish, replace it with poultry and cook in different ways: bake, boil, stew, grill or fry without oil. Avoid dairy products - lean on eggs, cereals and nuts, which also contain both proteins and healthy fats.

What to take in the store - take fresh natural products, lean meat, vegetables, seasonal fruits, cereals (with the exception of semolina), eggs. Watch videos and photos with recipes, don't let your stomach get bored!

Lean on protein, tie with simple carbohydrates, have time to eat complex carbohydrates in the morning without training or in the evening before the “fizra”.

Bye bye, see you in the next article!

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And once again I welcome to the site those who are ready to engage in muscle building and make efforts for this not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen. Efforts will be required on two fronts. First of all, you will have to give up many of your favorite foods, and then fall in love or simply take for granted some of the unloved ones.

So: we immediately irrevocably refuse high-calorie muffins (buns, butter cookies, cakes with whipped cream and fatty creams), ketchups and mayonnaises, chips, crackers, spicy dishes will also have to be limited. Sausages and sausages to a minimum, preference for lean meat. Of course, your body will not be able to rebuild instantly, but the main and decisive factor should be a firm decision and your desire.

Products that will be basic for you: milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, low-fat sour-milk products), cereals with milk and water (potatoes and pasta do not need to be completely excluded, but reduce the frequency of consumption), lean meat, be sure to fish at least twice a week. Fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Juices are desirable to use natural, commercially available nectars contain too much sugar. When choosing yogurt, pay attention to the composition: the fat content should be no more than 2.8%, and the sugar content should be minimal, the best are natural yogurt and yogurt with cereals. I do not mention tea and coffee, their use is at your discretion, but not to the detriment of dairy products. And, of course, water - at least 1.5 liters per day.

And now the approximate daily menu options for an athlete who trains at least 5 times a week and at least three times with a power load. After power loads, you can use cocktails for sports nutrition (whey proteins, creatine). I clarify again and again: whey protein is not a harmless thing, its use should be strictly dosed. This is not a case where more is better. Ideally, and I have already written about this, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting training and using protein supplements. And it is better to do it with a professional trainer.

Please note that foods high in carbohydrates are consumed in the morning, in the evening it is better to give preference to protein and fiber (meat, vegetables) Of course, the menu is very approximate, I compiled it based on my preferences, you can choose the dishes that you like best and fit. I just try to avoid repetitions, but I fed my athlete something like this and I will say with pride that my child went to the army simply unearthly beautiful and embossed. One final phrase: training should be systematic and if you do not have a personal trainer, then you can familiarize yourself with the methods

So, seven versions of the daily diet:

1 option

  • Breakfast: milk oatmeal with raisins or dried apricots, 2 soft-boiled eggs, milk
  • Lunch: 2 bananas, orange, yogurt
  • Dinner:, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, salad with pumpkin and tomatoes, juice
  • Afternoon snack: milk, cheese sandwich.
  • Dinner: assorted vegetables, kefir or milk.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes, battered fish, milk
  • Lunch: fat-free cottage cheese with sour cream, apple
  • Dinner: fish soup, vegetable cutting, juice
  • Afternoon snack: tomato salad with sour cream, juice
  • Dinner: fish cakes, milk

3 option

  • Breakfast: multigrain muesli with milk, 2 eggs, fruit juice
  • Lunch: pancakes with cottage cheese, milk
  • Dinner: borscht, crumbly buckwheat porridge, cocoa with milk
  • Afternoon snack: seasonal fruit, yogurt
  • Dinner: boiled chicken, vinaigrette, fruit juice

4 option

  • Breakfast: viscous barley porridge, fruit juice
  • Lunch: chicken pie, milk
  • Dinner: hash, fresh tomato and cabbage salad, kefir or drinking yogurt
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad with yogurt
  • Dinner: , stewed cabbage, juice

5 option

  • Breakfast: in the oven with cheese and tomato, boiled crumbly rice, milk
  • Lunch: cheesecakes, milk
  • Dinner: meatball soup,

People who play sports or lead an active lifestyle need special nutrition. Nutrition for athletes should contain more nutrients, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, fats. Every day, you need to maintain a sufficient number of calories in order for your workouts to be successful and you achieve the desired results. The body often experiences overload during training and needs to be supplied with energy, so your menu should be balanced and varied so that you have a good appetite every day. Proper nutrition for athletes is not difficult, and preparing dishes is quite simple. Below you will find the main tips and menu for the whole week when playing sports.

To achieve good results, men and girls need to follow the right loads during training, recover well and eat well every day. You have to go to training with the mood and be energized.

The correct diet of an athlete performs the following actions in the body:

  1. Activates and normalizes metabolic processes in the athlete's body for muscle growth and the recovery process.
  2. Provides the athlete with all the necessary trace elements, vitamins and calories.
  3. Regulates weight (after all, different sports uniforms are needed at different times of the year)

During the performance of various sports exercises, the body consumes a large amount of energy. Energy is spent on maintaining the work of the heart, respiration, digestion. If you eat poorly before training, then the body is depleted, which has a very bad effect on the health of athletes. That is why it is so important to eat right and balanced for men and women who visit gyms and perform various sports exercises.

Your menu should consist of healthy and fresh products, it is advisable to give up semi-finished products and other unhealthy foods.

Features of the diet for athletes

An individual menu should be drawn up for each athlete, taking into account age, weight, physical activity, training intensity, goals and objectives. But the principles of nutrition are the same for everyone. Each meal should contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The formula for calculating the components for an athlete is as follows:

  • Proteins - 30-35%
  • Fats - 10-20%
  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%

Proteins need 2-2.5 grams per 1 kg of your weight, fats 0.5 g per 1 kg, carbohydrates during the period of gaining muscle mass 4-7 g per 1 kg, and during the period of burning subcutaneous fat 2 g. If you are preparing for a competition or want to reach the peak in your form, then carbohydrates for 1 month are reduced to 0.5-1 grams per 1 kg of your weight.

Let's look at 2 examples, for a man and a girl:

  1. A man weighing 70 kg and his daily norm is as follows: proteins 140 g, fats 35 g, carbohydrates for maintaining weight 210 g, for weight gain 280-490 g, and for burning fat 140 g. Calculate calories yourself, 1 gram of protein and carbohydrate is equal to 4 kcal, and 1 gram of fat is equal to 9 calories. If proteins are 140 g, fats are 35 g, carbohydrates are 280 g, then this is approximately 2000 calories per day for an athlete of 70 kg to remain in the weight category.
  2. The girl is 50 kg and the goal is to stay in the weight category, give muscles elasticity and burn subcutaneous fat. Then the following numbers: proteins 60-80 grams, fats 25 grams, carbohydrates 100-150 grams.

Eat every 3-4 hours in small portions. The last meal is 3-4 hours before bedtime. Drink water 10-20 minutes before a meal, 200 ml each. During the meal and immediately after drinking clean water is not allowed. Divide the entire daily diet into 4-5 meals.

Menu for every day

The diet is suitable for men and girls. Depending on your goals, increase or decrease the calorie content of your diet at the expense of carbohydrates (add or remove dishes from the menu).

Leave proteins at the level of 1.5-2 grams per 1 kilogram of your own weight, and fats at the level of 0.5 grams per 1 kilogram.


  1. Breakfast - milk porridge with dried apricots, 1-3 boiled eggs, milk 0-1%
  2. Second breakfast - 1-3 bananas, apple, yogurt 0-1%
  3. Lunch - chicken with noodles, salad with pumpkin and tomatoes, tea
  4. Snack - a sandwich with low-fat cheese and milk 0-1%
  5. Dinner - sliced ​​​​vegetables, chicken chop, kefir 0-1%


  1. Breakfast - muesli with milk, 1-3 eggs, vegetable juice
  2. Second breakfast - cottage cheese 0-2% with sour cream 5-10%, pear
  3. Lunch - borscht, zrazy with cheese and tomatoes, tea
  4. Snack - chopped tomatoes with herbs and olive oil, juice
  5. Dinner - Greek salad, fish cutlets, cocoa


  1. Breakfast - potatoes with fish, milk 0-1%
  2. Second breakfast - pancakes with butter or cottage cheese 0-2%, low-fat sour cream, milk 0-1%
  3. Lunch - Fish soup, cucumber, tomato, chicken fillet, fruit juice
  4. Snack - orange, natural yoghurt 0-1%
  5. Dinner - vinaigrette, chicken wings, vegetable juice


  1. Breakfast - scrambled eggs with herbs and tomatoes, lean pork, milk 0-1%
  2. Second breakfast - cheesecakes with milk 0-1%
  3. Lunch - cucumber salad, tomato, cabbage, greens with sunflower oil, chicken cutlets, compote
  4. Snack - natural yoghurt 0-1% with banana
  5. Dinner - fish cutlets with buckwheat, Caesar salad, cocoa


  1. Breakfast - dumplings with sour cream 5-10%, low-fat cheese, green tea
  2. Second breakfast - cheesecakes with raisins, cocoa with milk 0-1%
  3. Lunch - pea soup, chicken fillet, tea
  4. Snack - oatmeal cookies with milk
  5. Dinner - vegetable stew, rice and lean pork, compote


  1. Breakfast - dumplings with cottage cheese, cucumber, tomato, cocoa
  2. Second breakfast - yogurt 0-1% with biscuits and banana
  3. Lunch - soup with meatballs, Greek salad
  4. Snack - scrambled eggs with cheese and tomatoes, juice
  5. Dinner - eggplant stuffed with rice, steamed fish, black tea


  1. Breakfast - Borodino bread sandwich, cucumber, tomato, chicken, juice
  2. Second breakfast - cottage cheese 0-2% with low-fat sour cream, milk 0-1%
  3. Lunch - chicken fillet with pearl barley, vegetables, tea
  4. Snack - milk 0-1% a couple of glasses
  5. Dinner - fried zucchini, salad, buckwheat, fish, tea
  • To lose weight, burn more calories than you get from food. For example, you consume 1500 calories per day, go in for sports 3 times a week, and your weight stands still, which means that in order to lose weight, you need to reduce the number of calories by 100-200 per week and look at the result. If the weight is reduced by 500 - 1000 grams per week, then this is good for you and for your health. You can leave 1500 calories per day, but then you will need to burn more of them and the intensity of cardio training should increase. It will be necessary to increase the time of exercising on an exercise bike, treadmill, etc.
  • Many athletes want to look good in the summer or when traveling to warm countries. To lose weight and burn subcutaneous fat, you must follow the following recommendations for 1 month. Proteins 2 grams per 1 kg of your weight, fats 0.5 grams, leave complex carbohydrates in your diet and make 1 gram per 1 kg. In 1 month you will burn all subcutaneous fat and look great.
  • To lose weight, you need to recover well and consume vitamins and nutrients. After all, the body during drying or losing weight is under stress, because there are not enough nutrients in the form of energy (carbohydrates). Therefore, additionally buy vitamin complexes at a pharmacy or sports store and take them according to the instructions.

A sports diet is a complete diet designed for people who are actively involved in various sports. The menu of a sports diet should include a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and trace elements necessary not only to maintain the vital activity of the body, but also to provide it with energy during various physical activities.

When compiling a sports diet, one should take into account the increased consumption of water, proteins and carbohydrates with an increase in physical activity.

The diet of a sports diet should provide the body with:

  • Carbohydrates for extra energy. The norm is 5-10 g / kg of the athlete's weight, depending on gender, age, sport;
  • Proteins (proteins) to maintain muscle mass, restore damaged tissues. There is little energy from proteins, only 12-15%. The norm varies from 0.8-1.0 g / kg at light loads to 1.8-2.0 g / kg for security athletes. An unreasonable increase in the amount of proteins can lead to an increase in body fat, dehydration, osteoporosis;
  • Fats, which are an important component of nutrition, in an amount of a maximum of 30% of total calories, since athletes get the main energy from carbohydrates. Excess fat will slow down digestion and make you feel worse;
  • Sufficient fluid. During training, fluid loss is 1-3 liters per hour, additional fluid is lost in the urine. All these expenses must be compensated for by drinking plenty of water;
  • Vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities to ensure the normal functioning of all systems and organs. With active physical exertion, it is impossible to get them only from the diet, it is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes.

In a sports diet, not only the diet is important, but also the time of admission. In the process of training, food is poorly digested and puts an unnecessary burden on the body. Therefore, you should eat at least 2 hours before training, but the food should be plentiful and complete, with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and proteins. In case of hunger, immediately before exercising on a sports diet, you can eat something from “fast carbohydrates” (chocolate). 2 hours after training, you need to eat again to consolidate the results.

Sports diet for weight loss

A sports diet for weight loss is a specially formulated diet for athletes to lose weight. Proper sports nutrition for weight loss is necessary in certain sports to get into the desired weight category or as a preparatory period before "cutting" in fitness, bodybuilding, etc.

A sports diet for weight loss gives the greatest effect in combination with strength exercises 2-3 times a week. Proper sports nutrition fractional, enriched with fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates and a complex of vitamins and minerals, switches the body into fat burning mode, helps restore muscle tissue, and speeds up metabolism.

  • I breakfast - 1 glass of 2.5% fat kefir, or 2 medium sweet and sour apples, or 1 banana. Such a breakfast is digested quickly and easily. For better absorption of nutrients and vitamins, tea or coffee should be drunk half an hour after a meal;
  • II breakfast to choose from:

Carrot and cabbage salad - 200 g, any lean meat 100 g, 2 egg whites. In a frying pan without oil, an omelette is prepared from meat and proteins. Black bread is allowed - 30 g, a cup of tea with honey and lemon;

Boiled brown rice - 100 g, 2 proteins, chicken meat - 100 g, bake in the oven. Season the seaweed salad with olive oil. A cup of coffee without sugar;

Vegetable salad - 100 g. Chicken breast sandwich - 100 g, 20 g of cheese, 5 g of butter, black bread 30 g. Coffee or tea;

  • Lunch of a sports diet to choose from:

Lean borsch without meat, bell pepper salad with white cabbage, 100 g of boiled veal, 30 g of black bread, freshly squeezed fruit juice 100 ml;

Stewed vegetables stew (200 g) with meat (100 g), 30 g black bread, dried apricots 1-2 pcs. Coffee or tea;

Vegetable hodgepodge - 250 ml, low-fat steamed fish - 150 g, white cabbage salad with lemon juice and olive oil;

  • Snacks between meals to satisfy hunger and supplement the diet with vitamins - an apple, or an orange, or half a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice;
  • Dinner to choose from:

Oatmeal boiled in water (200 g), salad from any vegetables (100 g);

Fish or lean meat (150 g) are steamed with broccoli and herbs.

Once a week in a sports diet, fasting days are required: kefir or mineral water. If it is difficult, then fasting days are allowed on vegetable salads with lemon juice without adding oil or apple days.

With sports nutrition for burning fat, you need to drink 2-3 liters of pure water daily, limit salt intake and take an additional complex of minerals and vitamins.

Such a sports diet belongs to the category of "strict", you need the permission of your doctor to use it.

Secrets of sports nutrition

In the lives of athletes, both professionals and amateurs, proper sports nutrition is very important. Not only sports achievements depend on it, but also the state of health, the normal functioning of the body in the process of training and in everyday life.

The secret of sports nutrition lies in the strict adherence to ten basic rules:

  • 1 - Various sources of protein. For a complete protein synthesis of all the necessary amino acids, the body needs protein, both animal and vegetable;
  • 2 - Natural products. You need to cook food yourself, it is better to buy products in the markets;
  • 3 - Only fresh vegetables and fruits. The fiber found in fresh fruits and vegetables improves digestion;
  • 4 - Proper preparation. Use only fresh products for cooking, eat cooked dishes immediately;
  • 5 - Small meals. Small portions of food, frequent meals contribute to a more complete absorption of nutrients. The process of catabolism - the breakdown of muscle protein - slows down;
  • 6 - Thorough chewing. The main condition for effective digestion is the thorough chewing of food, for example, it increases the degree of protein absorption by 20-25%;
  • 7 - Proper drinking. It is necessary to drink 10-20 minutes before meals, 30-60 minutes after and during the day between meals. Any drinks with gas are strictly prohibited;
  • 8 - Do not eat before bed. The energy release from the food taken will disrupt the depth of sleep, and carbohydrates are transformed into fats;
  • 9 - Observe the diet. It is important not only to eat regularly and on time, but also to coordinate its intake with training;
  • 10 - Supplements of vitamins and trace elements. With active physical exertion, microelements and vitamins supplied with food are not enough for full functioning.

Nutrition plays a very important role in the life of athletes. Therefore, knowing these simple secrets of sports nutrition will help you make the right diet and increase the effectiveness of any training.

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