After eating, you always want something sweet. Sweet after eating: how to give up a bad habit. Mental and physical labor

Dessert after a meal is almost a ritual that puts an end to lunch or dinner. The author of figured out what is fraught with hobbies for sweets after eating, and how to get rid of this habit.

The concept of "healthy eating" is associated with many diets. But it, unlike diets, does not imply a restriction in food, but its proper distribution. A person should not give up sweets in order to have a good figure, and the habit of eating sweets after eating for many appears in childhood.

Mothers and grandmothers promise children candy if they eat soup. From these children, adults grow up who consider invalid a meal that does not end with sweets.

In certain doses, sweets are good for the body, so you need to learn not to get rid of sweets, but to correctly distribute its dosage and schedule of use per day. Anastasia Gübner, a nutritionist, nutritionist and coach, helped us figure this out.

“In our society, there are certain scenarios and patterns of behavior that allow us not to think about what is right, but to do it the way it is customary. This also applies to food. For example, a birthday is always an abundance of food, a big cake.

Any holiday or vacation in our society equals overeating. When children are given candy after a meal, it is a form of encouragement. As we grow up, we begin to encourage ourselves. These are all food scripts that you can get rid of if you connect thinking and remove patterns.

It all starts with our desire to eat sweets. This craving can have several causes.

Psychology. We experience stress and nervous tension every day, but the body already knows what mechanisms can be used to compensate for this condition. Sweet foods release the pleasure hormone dopamine. We remember the link "sweet = high" and use it.

Condition of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Glucose, which enters the body in excess after eating sweet foods, is a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora, which is able to send signals to the brain that are similar in their action to neurotransmitters. It feels like we ourselves want sweets, but in fact, the bacteria that live in our intestines want it.

The absence of complex carbohydrates in the diet in the required amount. We tend to neglect enough grains, legumes, and durum wheat or whole grain pasta and try to make up for it with sweets.

Female body - PMS and different phases of the cycle. Physiologically, a woman's food desires depend, among other things, on the cycle. The body these days needs foods rich in magnesium and iron, B vitamins.

So what to do with dessert after a meal?

Energy balance rule.

If, after taking a sweet, we spend the amount of energy that the carbohydrates received from it gave us, then this does not make our body worse. Simply put, if a person ate a chocolate bar and went for a walk or did some housework, then all the carbohydrates will go into energy to do these things.

It is completely different when a person, after eating chocolate, lay down and fell asleep, for example, or simply sat down in front of the TV. The balance is disturbed and the energy turns into body fat.”

You can't refuse sweets.

“Now it is very fashionable to have six-pack abs, even among women. The image of the so-called phytonyashki. And it is these girls that cause resonance today. For example, I do not have abs and do not strive for them, I have a good figure, thanks to proper nutrition, but I am not of interest to girls who want to lose weight. From the outside, I look like everyone else. Just a girl with a good fit figure.

And girls who exhaust themselves with workouts and diets, deny themselves sweets and achieve the coveted cubes are interesting, but until they pass the tests.

Denying ourselves something, we make things worse for the body.

And even if everything looks beautiful and smart from the outside, the tests most often indicate the opposite, even if the girl feels great and does not complain about her health. Therefore, you should not strive to become like the girls from Instagram and deprive yourself of sweets.

It becomes clear that sweet after eating is harmful only for those who do not waste the energy received from it. If you are one of those people, then these tips are for you.

How to stop eating sweets after eating:

Get rid of stressful situations. The sweet = relaxation scheme that has settled in us works against us. Try as little as possible to strain, be stressed and feel a decrease in interest in sweets.

Sweet-tooths are very common and today we will look at the reasons why you want sweets. People who constantly chew sweets are among our relatives and friends, friends and just acquaintances.

It looks a little spicy when adults cannot give up the habit of eating sweets, but everything is not always so simple and naive, sometimes cravings for sweets are directly related to the state of our body or our health problems.

And you need to start looking for patterns by studying your diet. In order to understand why you constantly want sweets, you need to find out how a person eats, what kind of breakfast, lunch and dinner he has, what habits exist, how his morning begins and how he eats before bed.

Sweet and daily routine

Everyone knows the situation when you don’t want anything for breakfast and you hardly manage to drink a cup of tea or coffee with a small sandwich. And if this is a smoker, then coffee is drunk exclusively with a cigarette and without a sandwich.

This is quite understandable, because the body wakes up gradually, a little slower than consciousness, but this does not make it easier for a person, because as a result of the stress from the same cigarette, at lunch you may want to eat more than usual, and the body will insistently demand not ordinary borscht, but what something sweet. This may be due to the fact that he simply needs glucose.

As you know, work in general, and mental work in particular, requires a large amount of carbohydrates. A person who is busy with mental work from time to time, and sometimes all the time, wants sweets. So, for example, it is generally accepted that eating chocolate can charge the body with hormones of happiness, and this is a scientifically substantiated fact.

Just a high level of glucose in the human body keeps him in good spirits. But if the glucose level drops, the mood immediately drops, sometimes even apathy comes. Such a person does not want to do anything, he becomes lethargic, boring and loses his ability to work. However, an eaten chocolate bar, successfully presented by someone, will do a miracle and return activity at work and a pleasant mood to the soul.

The recovery mechanism is explained quite simply: carbohydrates are a source of almost 70% of the energy for the human body.

The absence or deficiency of the latter leads to glucose hunger, and everyone decides for himself how to satisfy and replenish it. If you choose fruits and berries such as raisins, apples, oranges, dates, grapes or drink juice, then you seem to be worried about your figure, because these foods contain simple carbohydrates that are processed quite quickly.

The energy obtained from such fruits is also used by the body quite quickly, and it begins to demand it again. The person needs to eat again. Other energy sources have complex carbohydrates, such as potatoes, various cereals, pasta, bread, beans, and more.

To replenish energy, they are more effective, because in the human body they are broken down into simple carbohydrates and processed for a longer time.

sweets after eating

Why do you crave sweets after eating? This question also has a logical explanation. When you eat any food, the pancreas secretes a certain amount of insulin. When insulin is secreted in a larger volume than is needed for the carbohydrates eaten, the level of glucose in the blood drops. The body is trying to align it and requires sweets.

This usually happens in two cases:

  1. you do not consume enough carbohydrates for your weight or physical activity and the body, thus, compensates for the deficiency of glucose;
  2. desserts are your habit and weakness.

Sweet after meals can also serve as an antidepressant. After all, sweets contribute to the production of serotonin in the brain. And such a chemical process gives us a feeling of good mood and happiness.

Maybe you lack not sweet, but bright positive emotions?

The production of serotonin is also stimulated by physical activity. If you don’t have problems with excess weight and reduced activity, then after eating you can easily afford to eat 2-3 chocolates or a couple of cookies.

Sweet and critical days

Almost all women periodically ask themselves the question: why do you want sweets before menstruation?

It's all about hormones. The body of a woman produces hormones that are responsible for the menstrual cycle. Estrogen, which is released before ovulation, is a “stimulating” hormone, while progesterone is a “calming” hormone. Before menstruation, the level of progesterone in a woman’s body drops sharply and a request is received in her brain about the need for an alternative source of “calming”, that is, sweets.

To prevent such a “calming” effect from being deposited on the sides with extra folds, consume complex carbohydrates during the premenstrual period, but it is better to refrain from coffee and alcohol, as they increase the symptoms.

Given the above, a logical question arises, how, being filled with energy, not to get a couple of extra pounds to your figure? The answer lies in moderation, in the rule of comparing hunger with the amount of glucose replenished.

Entire books are devoted to the issue of caloric content of food, and many people know that both half a cake and a whole plate of pasta have almost the same energy value, but in terms of keeping the figure, it is much safer to eat pasta. Confectionery products such as cakes and pastries store fat deposits much faster, but pasta, not only does it store less fat, it satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Having breakfast in this way, you can not remember about snacks until lunch and keep your shape.

If you want to eat between meals, and this desire is the strongest, snack on fruits and vegetables.

Does everyone know that snacking on sweets after a meal, you can sort out the daily calorie intake by about one and a half times? Further in the article on how to wean yourself to seize delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Many people don't enjoy a hearty lunch or dinner unless the main course is immediately followed by a dessert. Is it really something seditious after eating sweets? After all, the fact that after soup and mashed potatoes with a cutlet should be followed by an appetizer, children from an early age are taught by mothers and grandmothers. This issue needs to be considered in more detail.

Why do you crave sweets even after eating?

No matter how much fat men and fat women convince themselves that their excess weight is the result of endocrine and other diseases, in fact, more than 60% of obese people “eat up” their problem. Excess weight they accumulate due to excessive or malnutrition. And the use of sweets (namely cakes, pastries and chocolates, and not sweet berries and fruits) plays an important role in this case.

The fact is that refined sugar contained in confectionery and bakery products is of little use to the body. And if we use it, then separately from other products. Sweets eaten after a full meal are difficult to winnow on their own and complicate the assimilation of everything else.

1) Habit

The good news is that most people crave sweets after eating out of habit. This means that such a desire can be successfully fought. Caring mothers and grandmothers, wanting the baby to eat the bowl of soup or vegetable stew put to him, promised him a reward in the form of candy or sweet cookies. In an effort to "do the best", they hardly thought about whether it is possible to eat sweets after eating. And the child had a kind of ritual that continued into adulthood.

So how do you correct bad habits? Excessive haste can play a cruel joke and, due to a sharp restriction, breakdowns and feelings of guilt will follow. Read the article on the site - do not harm yourself.

2) The presence of diseases

Some are less fortunate. They have a craving for sweetness, a physiological need that arises from hypoglycemia, other metabolic and digestive disorders.

What not to do when weaning yourself from sweets after eating

One day, a person begins to realize that eating lunch with a bar of chocolate does not bring anything good. He can even grab his head, wondering what harm refined sugar has done to his body, how critically few useful substances from the first and second courses have been absorbed because of it. He may even promise himself that he will never snack on goodies again. But will the promise be kept?

To eradicate this unhealthy habit, it is strictly forbidden to do the following things:

1. Impose an absolute ban on sweets

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abandon goodies, but after the ban they will want even more. In parallel with the desire to eat sweets, there will be a human desire to break the rule. A double temptation will have to be overcome.

On a note! Useful and effective tips and how to replace it, read on the site.

2. Refuse to use sugar in general

This product is a carbohydrate in its pure form, the most important source of energy. In the form of monosaccharides and disaccharides, a person receives it from food. In order for the processes in the body to proceed normally, adult men and women should consume at least 30 g of glucose, fructose, sucrose and other sugars per day.

3. Impose two bans at the same time

For example, stop eating any sugary meal and stop smoking. The fight against the repetition of certain actions that have acquired the character of a habit causes the body to plunge into a state of stress. It is better to work on yourself in stages.

Some tips on how to break the habit of snacking on sweets

1. Replace

The main types of sugars found in food are sucrose and fructose. If we compare the ratio of benefits and harms of both of them, fructose will be much more useful. Its sources are fruits and berries. Therefore, if after lunch or dinner you are irresistibly drawn to sweets, it is better to eat not a piece of cake or a chocolate bar, but a pear, a handful of raspberries or dried fruits. Thus, it will be possible to pamper your taste buds and get the necessary daily intake of carbohydrates.

Interesting! We bring to your attention a simple one that is done in a matter of minutes and does not contain a large number of calories. An alternative to replace sweets at first.

2. We reduce

Do you eat sweets at every meal? Dessert should be phased out gradually. Dinner is the first thing to lighten up. In the morning, the human body must be put on alert - to give it a boost of energy for the day. In the evening, the ability to work decreases, digestion and metabolic processes are inhibited. Therefore, a confection for breakfast is not as harmful as for dinner.

3. Facilitate

If you can’t refuse to eat soups and second courses, you need to choose the lesser of evils - instead of fatty and heavy cakes and pastries with cream, shortcrust and biscuit dough, eat marshmallows, marshmallows, Turkish delight, marmalade or jelly. These goodies are less caloric, they are easier to digest.

4. Share

The use of sweets can be distinguished as a separate meal - allow yourself to conduct some kind of tea ceremony. Instead of interrupting all the pleasure of a hearty meal with an inappropriate dessert, you can brew fragrant tea a couple of hours after dinner and eat a small cake or a couple of pieces of cookies with it. It is desirable to enjoy sweets slowly, biting into small pieces and chewing slowly.

Food should not be the meaning of life, and sweets should not be the final chord of any meal. It takes self-motivation to break the habit of ending breakfast, lunch, and dinner with dessert. According to many, as a result, one can not only gain a slim figure and a healthy gastrointestinal tract, but also increase efficiency, improve brain activity and stabilize the nervous system. And the money saved on unnecessary goodies can be directed to the purchase of a huge number of useful things. Read

After a hearty meal, there is often an irresistible desire to eat something sweet. Such impulses can only harm our health. “Sugar joy” will not be assimilated, but will lie like a dead weight in the body. Therapist and nutritionist Tiana Fialkova said on her official website " School of nutritionist Tiana Fialkova Why do you want sweets after eating, and how to deal with it.


Failure to comply with the daily intake of fluid provokes mild dehydration at the time of eating. Dry, salty food or food with a high concentration of protein, fat also entails a lack of water in the body. In any case, the drunk water is sent to the intestinal cavity and into the digestive secretion to dilute the digestive juices. Dry and high-protein food gets more liquid gastric juice, and in the intestines - pancreatic juice and bile. When water from the body is sent to the intestines, the cells suffer from thirst and give a signal to the brain. A person perceives thirst as a craving for sweets.

What to do? Drink more alkalizing fluid throughout the day and half an hour before meals.

Weak concentration of gastric juice

Occurs against the background of a fairly dense meal. When the evening before was a late dinner or too early. Products do not move along the gastrointestinal tract. There is a desire to eat something sour. The brain “suggests” options from sweet and sour-sweet fruits.

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