Paul Bragg Power System. One-day fasting according to Paul Bragg. The basic principles of the nutrition system of Paul Bragg

A lot of works have been written about therapeutic fasting, one of them belongs to one of the founders of the origin of the movement healthy eating Paul Bragg. At first, his work caused misunderstanding. But over the years, Paul Bragg's fasting system has gained a whole army of fans. In addition to fasting, Paul Bragg promoted a special breathing technique that also helps to increase defensive forces organism.

Paul Bragg's The Miracle of Fasting is a best-selling romance of fasting

Paul Bragg (1895-1976) - American propagandist healthy lifestyle life, naturopath - romantic fasting. Paul Bragg's book "The Miracle of Fasting" became a bestseller, because he proved from his own experience and the experience of his wards that fasting unloads the digestive system and gives it the opportunity to rest, serves as a preventive measure various diseases, eliminates the causes of acquired diseases, rejuvenates, improves blood circulation, thinking and the functioning of the senses, increases adaptive abilities and, finally, promotes spiritual purification. The author emphasizes that fasting does not cure any specific diseases, but helps the body to adjust to self-healing, to renew itself.

The personal history of P. Bragg is interesting. Since childhood, he was very sick, at the age of 16 he suffered from a severe form of tuberculosis, doctors recognized him as hopeless. Bragg was saved by the Swiss doctor August Rollier, who treated him for two years in the Alps with the help of sunlight, fresh air and natural nutrition. Critics call this story beautiful legend. Paul Bragg fasted every week for 24 or 36 hours and for 7-10 days four times a year. He acted for so many years, retaining health, youthfulness, strength, endurance, flexibility until old age. The age at which Paul Bragg died, according to various sources, is 81 or 95 years old. Such a significant difference is explained by the accusations of the naturopath by his critics that he allegedly attributed an extra 14 years to his age. Opponents of Bragg's system say he died from heart attack, fans support the story of his death while surfing.

Bragg wrote:

"...99 percent of all diseases come from improper and unnatural nutrition," he blamed poisonous substances from the external environment, the consumption of many drugs.

Bragg opens dire consequences unhealthy diet of most people, first of all, it is autointoxication, which causes many of the diseases known to science and premature aging. Bragg fasting implies exclusively distilled water, since the author of the book is sure that hard water provokes hardening of veins and arteries from soaking their walls. inorganic substances, kidney disease, kidney stones and bladder. After 10 days course therapeutic fasting Bragg spoke about leaving his body about 1/3 cup of mercury accumulated from childhood due to frequent use for the treatment of the drug "calomel" containing mercury.

Compounds that make up drugs are another type of poison that accumulates inside us.

Starvation in Seclusion by Paul Bragg

Fasting according to Paul Bragg is fasting in seclusion, in such conditions that you can lie down and rest, feeling weak and unwell, until you feel better. At the same time, do not watch TV, do not listen to the radio, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts, sleep more. walk on fresh air and accept sunbathing possible if it allows physical state. Bragg writes that during fasting, a person is "on the operating table of nature", which cleanses "... from everything superfluous: from mucus, toxins and other foreign substances ...", therefore, one should not neglect bed rest, it will help to save energy for detoxification.

Optimal therapeutic fasting according to Paul Bragg should last from 3 to 10 days. At this time, laxatives and enemas can be perfectly dispensed with, since "the intestines have their own sanitary and antiseptic properties."

Paul Bragg advised beginners to start with a weekly fast of 24-36 hours on distilled water. He was convinced that regular short fasts you can completely cleanse the body of toxins, but between fasts you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Bragg stated that the bodies of some people are so affected by toxins and slagging that fasting for more than 3 days causes them severe intoxication, with feeling unwell he advises switching to an exit from fasting and trying again in a few weeks, before having been on a diet of natural products. The author says that modern people have become weaker due to wrong image life, so not everyone can endure fasting for more than 10 days.

Bragg fasting for weight loss and diet after fasting

With the 24-hour therapeutic fasting system according to Paul Bragg, it is allowed to use 1 teaspoon per glass of distilled water. lemon juice or 1/3 teaspoon honey as a solvent for mucus and toxins. But still, he considers fasting only on water to be ideal. After fasting for 24-36 hours, Bragg advises to start eating with coleslaw and grated carrots, seasoned with lemon or orange juice. Then you can eat boiled or. The following tricks food may already include animal protein. The author advised to tune yourself optimistically, to believe in a miracle that happens in the body during the fasting period.

Fasting for 7 days Bragg advises to end like this: on the evening of the seventh day, eat 4-5 peeled tomatoes (they must first be cut and placed in boiling water). On the 8th day in the morning, eat a cabbage-carrot salad with dressing from orange juice. Then you can eat stewed greens with two dried toasts and eat vegetables until the evening. Day 9 is also fruit and vegetable. From day 10 - healthy eating.

Paul Bragg was sure that every person has nine "doctors" at his disposal: sunlight, Fresh air, pure water, natural nutrition, fasting, exercise, rest, good posture, mind. These doctors were given to us by nature, they will help improve health and gain longevity.

After fasting for weight loss according to Bragg, it is recommended to make a diet so that 50-60% are fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, including in the form of salads. Vegetables he advised to cook with a small amount water for a short time. Meat (veal, beef, lamb, turkey, chicken) with the removal of fatty parts, fish and seafood up to 3 times a week, eggs - no more than 2-3 pieces per week. Do not take salted herring and smoked fish due to great content they have salt in them. Squirrels to scoop, in addition to legumes, from seeds and nuts. Dry the bread to reduce the starch content. People with sedentary work Bragg advised to consume no more than two slices of bread per day, and for those who want to lose weight, exclude bread from their diet. But people engaged in heavy work in the fresh air can eat bread without any special restrictions. In general, the author believed that bread of any kind should be used in the diet with caution. Bragg valued sprouted wheat grains as a fortified food.

The starvation specialist suggested using vegetable oils without artificial additives and not subjected to thermal effects during manufacture as a storehouse of healthy fatty acids. He wrote that it is not easy for a person to immediately switch to natural nutrition, and proposed to gradually reduce the proportion of "unnatural food", replacing it with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Bragg's The Fasting Miracle is emotional, inspiring fasting. The author proposes a system of short systematic fasting to cleanse the body. Fasting according to the Paul Bragg method has proven itself well among many of his followers around the world. Not everyone agrees with Bragg's opinion that it is better to starve alone, without dedicating relatives if they are negative. Close people should be aware of your undertakings, so that in case of deterioration of health or fainting, they know what is wrong with you and understand how to help. Refusing TV and other benefits of civilization is not a very good idea, on the contrary, a good film, book, favorite music will distract you from hungry thoughts. Bragg is afraid of the consequences of drinking mineral waters, but properly selected, in a dosed course application, they have therapeutic effect. The issue of the need for enemas is also controversial. More recent studies show that enemas help to remove toxins from the body faster and more efficiently.

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Paul Bragg is a well-known promoter of a healthy lifestyle and the practice of fasting. In addition to many techniques of curative fasting, he developed a diet that, according to many experts, is one of the most healthy ways lose weight, return the skin to a blooming appearance, and the body - health and vigor.

Bragg's principles of nutrition

The basis of the diet is environmentally friendly and healthy foods With low content calories, table salt, refined sugars.

Some nutritionists sharply criticize Paul Bragg's views on proper nutrition for the lack of fat and calories in the diet, considering such a reduction in fat intake to be scientifically unfounded.

Proponents of the Bragg method are convinced that own life he fully confirmed the main provisions of his proper nutrition system, demonstrating its effectiveness on himself.

Steps to transition to Bragg nutrition

This is how Paul Bragg describes his diet in The Miracle of Fasting:

“The first step is the rejection of all devitaminized industrial products of civilization - coffee, tea, alcohol, various drinks.

This is the rejection of various types of animal products and the gradual addition to your diet. a large number fruits, vegetables until their amount reaches 50-60% of the entire diet.

If you are on a diet that consists of mostly cooked foods like different kinds meat, protein, bread different varieties, pasta and flour products You should not immediately add a lot of raw fruits and vegetables to your diet.

After each weekly fast, you will find that you will enjoy adding raw fruits and vegetables to your diet more and more. This is because with each fast you become cleaner.

After three months of these weekly fasts, spent believing in them, you can already replace 40% of the entire ordinary food raw fruit and vegetables.

FRUITS ARE THE HEALTHY FOOD FOR HUMANS. I start my list with fresh and dry fruits. I attribute them to the best food person. They can both make up a meal and be added as a dessert to other products.

Apples, apricots, fresh or dried, processed without the aid of sulfur, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, nutmegs, fresh and dried figs, grapefruits, grapes, honeydew melons, lemons, mangoes, sweet peaches, papaya, oranges, fresh and dried pears, persimmon, raspberry, plum, prunes, strawberries, watermelon, pineapples.


Brussels sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, beets, yellow wax beans, all kinds of cabbage, carrots, celery, onions, corn, cucumbers, dandelion greens, eggplant, garlic, green pea, lettuce of all kinds, mustard greens, parsnips, potatoes, green peppers, radishes, spinach, green beans, different pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, sprouted wheat, wheatgrass.


Nuts and seeds are rich in proteins, you can add any two of the listed types. If you eat meat, you should not do this more than 3 times a week, the rest of the week you can eat nuts and seeds as proteins.

Almond, brazil nuts, peanuts (roasted if you do), pecans, walnuts. Legumes - can be introduced into your diet several times a week, because. they are rich vegetable proteins, especially soy. Beans - 9 varieties - lentils, dry peas, soybeans.

OILS - do not take oils containing chemical impurities introduced into them to prevent rancidity.

Corn oil, peanut, orchard seed, soybean, sunflower, walnuts, soflorous.


The substances listed are highly concentrated and must be used with the greatest care.

Pure raw sugar, yellow sugar, date sugar, honey, maple syrup, crude molasses.


Cereals can be consumed no more than 3 times a week if your work is not heavy physical labor outdoors: barley, dark rice, buckwheat, coarse grits, millet whole wheat, unprocessed, rye, flax-seed, millet.

DO NOT USE: any fatty meals, fillet meat, located along the ribs, tongue, duck.

USE: any lean meat such as lean lamb, veal, red beef only.

DO NOT USE: canned beef, sausage

liver, the same sausages, meat dishes for breakfast, corned beef. These meat products contain a lot of salt and poisonous chemical products added to protect against decay.

Bread should be consumed with great care, especially those made with green flour. People who want to lose weight should give up any bread. If they want to eat it, then only very dried. People who work physically outdoors can eat as much as they like. Limit bread consumption to 2 slices per day.

DOMESTIC BIRD. The best is chicken and turkey, because. they contain the least amount of fat.

BEVERAGES. You should always drink between meals and do not dilute the food entering the body with water. I drink fruit juices, distilled water and hot teas.

I don’t have breakfast, I eat fresh fruits and boiled fruits closer to noon - apricots, prunes, seasonings from apples or baked apples. For lunch with' eat fresh salad. I also eat from boiled greens: spinach, cauliflower, green mustard. These are green vegetables, and then I add yellow ones: sweet potato, sweet potato or yellow puree, I add two more types of ground seeds.

DINNER. Salad of various vegetables and add boiled potatoes and carrots, raw nut oil or almond, peanut butter. I have been following this diet for many years, but I do not want anyone to follow it without a preparatory period.

The process of transition to such nutrition is long, but worthwhile.

For people who are used to eating three times, I offer the following menu:

breakfast - dish fresh fruit, a wholemeal bread product sweetened with some kind of honey or syrup, a coffee substitute or herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad, a dish of fish or meat and poultry, baked and boiled, but not fried, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert - a substitute for coffee or herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable or fruit salad, any boiled meat, fish or poultry dish, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert is the same.

2. Breakfast - fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits, egg, in no case fried, better steep, 2 slices of bread, herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad, baked slice of beef, apple puree sweetened with honey, herbal tea.

Paul Bragg is a well-known promoter of a healthy lifestyle and the practice of fasting. But in addition to fasting, he developed a diet that, in his opinion, will help a person stay healthy, be alert and full of energy until old age.

The basis of the diet is environmentally friendly and healthy foods with a reduced content of calories, salt, refined sugars.

Although Paul Bragg's views on proper nutrition may not seem completely scientifically grounded to some, but with his life he fully confirmed the main provisions of his proper nutrition system.

This is how Paul Bragg describes his diet in his book The Miracle of Fasting:

"The first step is the rejection of all devitaminized industrial products of civilization - coffee, tea, alcohol, various drinks. This is the rejection of various types of animal products and the gradual addition of a large amount of fruits and vegetables to your diet until their number reaches 50 -60% of the total diet If you live on a diet that consists of most cooked foods, such as various types of meat, protein, bread of various varieties, pasta and flour products, you should not immediately add a lot of raw fruits and vegetables to your diet.After each weekly fasting, you will find that you will enjoy adding more raw fruits and vegetables to your diet, because with each fast you become cleaner.

After three months of these weekly fasts, spent believing in them, you can already replace 40% of your regular food with raw fruits and vegetables.

FRUITS ARE THE HEALTHY FOOD FOR HUMANS. I start my list with fresh and dry fruits. I consider them to be the best human food. They can both make up a meal and be added as a dessert to other products.

Apples, apricots, fresh or dried, processed without the aid of sulfur, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, nutmegs, fresh and dried figs, grapefruits, grapes, honeydew melons, lemons, mangoes, sweet peaches, papaya, oranges, fresh and dried pears, persimmon, raspberry, plum, prunes, strawberries, watermelon, pineapples.

VEGETABLES - CLEANERS AND PROTECTORS. Brussels sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, beets, yellow wax beans, cabbages of all kinds, carrots, celery, onions, corn, cucumbers, dandelion greens, eggplants, garlic, green peas, lettuce of all kinds, mustard greens, parsnips, potatoes, green peppers, radishes, spinach, green beans, various pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, wheat germ, wheatgrass onions.

LIST OF NUTS AND SEEDS. They are rich in proteins, you can add any two of the listed types. If you eat meat, you should not do this more than 3 times a week, the rest of the week you can eat nuts and seeds as proteins.

Almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts (roasted if you do), pecans, walnuts. Legumes - can be introduced into your diet several times a week, because. they are rich in vegetable proteins, especially soy. Beans - 9 varieties - lentils, dry peas, soybeans.

OILS - do not take oils that contain chemical impurities introduced into them to prevent rancidity.

Corn oil, peanut oil, garden seed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, soflor oil.

NATURAL SWEETENERS. The substances listed are highly concentrated and must be used with the greatest care.

Pure raw sugar, yellow sugar, date sugar, honey, maple syrup, crude molasses.

NATURAL COARSE CEREALS. Cereals can be consumed no more than 3 times a week if your work is not related to heavy physical labor in the fresh air: barley, dark rice, buckwheat, coarse grains, millet whole wheat, unprocessed, rye, flaxseed, millet.

DO NOT EAT: any fatty foods, sirloin meat located along the ribs, tongue, duck.

EAT: Any lean meat such as lean lamb, veal, red beef only.

DO NOT EAT: canned beef, liverwurst, the same sausages, meat dishes for breakfast, corned beef. These meat products contain a lot of salt and poisonous chemicals added to prevent rotting.

Bread should be consumed with great care, especially those made with green flour. People who want to lose weight should give up any bread. If they want to eat it, then only very dried. People who work physically outdoors can eat as much as they like. Limit bread consumption to 2 slices per day.

DOMESTIC BIRD. The best is chicken and turkey, because. they contain the least amount of fat.

BEVERAGES. You should always drink between meals and do not dilute the food entering the body with water. I drink fruit juices, distilled water and hot teas.

ADVICE FOR COMPOSING THE MENU. I don’t have breakfast, I eat fresh fruits and boiled fruits closer to noon - apricots, prunes, seasonings from apples or baked apples. For lunch, I eat a fresh salad. I also eat boiled greens: spinach, cauliflower, green mustard. These are green vegetables, and then I add yellow ones: sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes or yellow mashed potatoes, I add two more crushed seeds.

DINNER. Salad of various vegetables and add boiled potatoes and carrots, raw nut oil or almond, peanut butter. I have been following this diet for many years, but I do not want anyone to follow it without a preparatory period.

The process of transition to such nutrition is long, but worthwhile.

For people who are used to eating three times, I offer the following menu:

Breakfast - a dish of fresh fruit, a wholemeal bread sweetened with some kind of honey or syrup, a coffee substitute or herbal tea.

Lunch - a raw vegetable salad, a dish of fish or meat and poultry, baked and boiled, but not fried, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert - a substitute for coffee or herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable or fruit salad, any boiled meat, fish or poultry dish, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert is the same.

2. Breakfast - fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits, egg, in no case fried, cool is better, 2 slices of bread, herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad, baked slice of beef, apple puree sweetened with honey, herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, beets. Seasoning - lemon, butter under mayonnaise, green pepper stuffed with dark rice, any boiled vegetable. Dessert - dates, coffee substitute, herbal tea.

3. Breakfast - fresh or boiled fruit, bran bun with honey, tea, coffee substitute.

Lunch - fresh vegetable salad, corn on the cob, baked potatoes and baked apple, dessert substitutes.

Dinner - raw vegetables and fruits, fruit salad, any meat dish or from fish, poultry, baked or boiled, baked eggplant, boiled tomatoes. Dessert - fruits, coffee substitute, herbal tea.

AVOID THESE FOODS: Refined sugar, white flour bread, confectionery, ice cream, cheese, cold meats, often stabilizers are added to preserve color and taste. Avoid using birds that have been fed growth hormones, processed milk, processed cheese, processed cheese, and chocolate.

SUMMARY. Majority food products are currently subjected to various processing or refining processes, as a result of which they have lost vitamins, minerals, and some of them contain dangerous impurities. This vitamin-free food is main reason bad health. Huge increase over the past 50 years in arthritis, heart disease, tooth decay, etc. confirms these findings. Many of these misfortunes can be prevented, beginning can be prevented, beginning can be stopped, and in some cases even normalized, by the right natural image life and nutrition.

Nika Sestrinskaya -specially for the

This system nutrition has long been widespread throughout the world and has helped so many women lose weight. Thanks to what separate meals according to Paul Bragg is so effective and popular?

This diet is based on raw and natural products, intermittent fasting salt restrictions, complete failure from refined foods, as well as from table salt. Consider this method of losing weight in more detail.

Paul Bragg promoted healthy eating. The regimen of this diet is that 60% of the total diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits. They can be either raw or subjected to light thermal processing. These products are not only the richest source vitamins and microelements, but also fiber suppliers, which improves the functioning of the digestive system. Salads from fresh vegetables It is recommended to consume every day for breakfast, and fruit salads- for dessert.

At the same time, it is advisable to refuse canned and frozen vegetables and fruits if they were not prepared by you personally. As a rule, such products lose a significant part useful properties and contain many preservatives and other harmful chemicals.

Another 20% of your diet - protein food. Protein is the most important food element for our body, as well as an indispensable building material for the body. According to Paul Bragg, eggs and meat should be consumed no more than 3-4 times a week. In this case, you can eat absolutely any lean meat, however the best source protein still remains fish. Soy and other legumes, brown rice, seeds, nuts, brewer's yeast and sesame are also enriched with proteins.

The remaining 20% ​​is divided into three parts.

First - vegetable oil (different types), from which we get the necessary for the body fatty acid. Fats are one of the sources of energy, which is also able to protect our body from hypothermia, and internal organs from injuries and bruises. Also, fats have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and skin and help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Second part - dried fruits, honey and other natural sweets.

The third part- starch natural origin, which is found in cereals and potatoes. They contain carbohydrates, which provide our body with a supply of energy, and are also able to regulate the functions of the glands of the internal section.

According to Bragg, one-day fasts once a week are very beneficial for the body. At this time, slags are removed, there is general cleansing and fabric updates internal organs. However, it is worth remembering that such methods have a number of indications and a number of contraindications. Therefore, before practicing fasting, you should consult a doctor. BUT prolonged fasting should never be done at home. This can only be done in specialized clinics under the supervision of physicians.

It is rare in life to meet a doctor who, by his own example, proved the effectiveness of his treatment program. Just like that a rare person was Paul Bragg, who showed with his life the importance of a healthy diet and cleansing of the body. After his death (he died at the age of 96, surfing!) at the autopsy, the doctors were amazed that inside his body was like that of an 18-year-old boy.

Philosophy of life Paul Bragg (or grandfather Bragg, as he liked to call himself) devoted his life to the physical and spiritual healing of people. He believed that everyone who dares to fight for himself, guided by reason, can achieve health. Anyone can live long and stay young. Let's take a look at his ideas.

Paul Bragg identifies the following nine factors that determine human health, which he calls "doctors":

Doctor Sunshine

In short, the eulogy to the sun goes something like this: All life on earth depends on the sun. Many diseases arise only because people are too rarely and little in the sun. People also do not eat enough, herbal products directly grown using solar energy.

Doctor Fresh Air

Human health is very dependent on air. It is important that the air that a person breathes is clean and fresh. Therefore, it is advisable to sleep with open windows and do not wrap up at night. It is also important to spend a lot of time outdoors: walking, running, swimming, dancing. As for breathing, he considers slow deep breathing to be the best.

Doctor Pure Water

Bragg reviews different aspects impact of water on human health: water in food, sources food water, water procedures, mineral water, hot springs. He considers the role of water in removing waste from the body, circulating blood, maintaining the body's temperature balance, and lubricating the joints.

Doctor Healthy Natural Nutrition

According to Bragg, a person does not die, but commits a slow suicide with his unnatural habits. Unnatural habits concern not only lifestyle, but also nutrition. All cells human body, even bone ones, are constantly updated. In principle, this is the potential for eternal life. But this potential is not being realized, because, on the one hand, people suffer greatly from overeating and getting into the body completely alien and unnecessary chemicals, and on the other hand, from a lack of vitamins and microelements in their food as a result of the fact that all large quantity he receives products not in kind, but in processed form, such as hot dogs, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, ice cream. Paul Bragg believed that 60% of the human diet should be fresh raw vegetables and fruits. Bragg also categorically advised against the use of any salt in food, whether it be table, stone or sea. Despite the fact that Paul Bragg was not a vegetarian, he argued that people simply would not want to eat such foods as meat, fish or eggs themselves - if, of course, they adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. As for milk and dairy products, he advised to exclude them from the diet of an adult completely, since milk by nature is intended for feeding babies. He also spoke out against the use of tea, coffee, chocolate, alcoholic beverages because they contain stimulants. In short, here's what to avoid in your diet: unnatural, refined, processed, hazardous chemicals, preservatives, stimulants, dyes, flavor enhancers, growth hormones, pesticides, and other unnatural synthetic additives.

Doctor Post (Fasting)

Paul Bragg points out that the word "fasting" has been known for a very long time. It is mentioned 74 times in the Bible. The prophets fasted. Jesus Christ fasted. It is described in the writings of ancient physicians. He points out that fasting does not cure any separate body or part of the human body, but heals it all intact, both physically and spiritually. The healing effect of fasting is explained by the fact that during fasting, when digestive system gets a break, a very ancient mechanism of self-purification and self-healing, inherent in every person, is turned on. At the same time, toxins are removed from the body, that is, substances that the body does not need, and autolysis becomes possible - decomposition into constituent parts and self-digestion of unfavorable parts of the human body by the forces of the body itself. In his opinion, "fasting under reasonable supervision or provided with deep knowledge is the safest way to achieve health."

Paul Bragg himself usually preferred short periodic fasts - 24-36 hours a week, one week per quarter. Special attention he turned to right exit from the post. It's exclusive important aspect procedures that require solid theoretical knowledge and strict observance a certain diet for a certain time, depending on the duration of abstinence from food.

Doctor Physical Activity

Paul Bragg draws attention to the fact that physical activity, activity, movement, regular load on the muscles, exercises are the law of life, the law of conservation wellness. Muscles and organs human body atrophy if they do not receive sufficient and regular exercise. Physical exercise improves blood circulation, which leads to an acceleration of the supply of all cells of the human body. essential substances and accelerates the removal of excess substances. In this case, sweating is often observed, which is also a powerful mechanism for removing unnecessary substances from the body. They help normalize blood pressure and prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. According to Bragg, a person engaged in exercise, may be less temperate in his diet, because in this case, part of his food replenishes the energy expended on exercise. As for the types physical activity, then Bragg praises gardening, outdoor work in general, dancing, various sports, including directly naming: running, cycling, and skiing, and also speaks highly of swimming, winter swimming, but himself better opinion it's about long walks.

Dr. Rest

Paul Bragg states that modern man lives in a crazy competitive world where he has to endure great tension and stress, which leads him to use all sorts of stimulants. However, in his opinion, rest is not compatible with the use of stimulants such as alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, or any pills, as they do not provide real relaxation or complete rest. He focuses on the fact that rest must be earned by physical and mental work. Bragg draws attention to the fact that the clogging of the human body with waste products is a constant factor of irritation. nervous system depriving her of normal rest. So for enjoyment good rest you need to cleanse the body of everything that is a burden for it. The means for this are the previously mentioned factors: the sun, air, water, nutrition, fasting and activity.

Doctor Posture

According to Paul Bragg, if a person eats right and takes care of his body, then good posture is not a problem. Otherwise, it is often formed correct posture. Then you have to resort to corrective measures, such as, for example, special exercises and constant attention to your posture. His advice on posture boils down to ensuring that the spine is always straight, the stomach is tucked up, the shoulders are apart, the head is up. When walking, the step should be measured and springy. AT sitting position it is recommended not to put one foot on the other, as this interferes with blood circulation. When a person stands, walks and sits upright, the correct posture is developed by itself, and everything is vital. important organs return to normal and function normally.

Doctor Human Spirit (Mind)

According to the doctor, the soul is the first principle in a person, which determines his “I”, individuality and personality, and makes each of us unique and unrepeatable. Spirit (mind) is the second beginning, through which the soul, in fact, is expressed. The body (flesh) is the third principle of man; it is its physical, visible part, the means by which the human spirit (mind) is expressed. These three beginnings make up a single whole, called man. One of Paul Bragg's favorite theses, repeated many times in his famous book The Miracle of Fasting, is that the flesh is stupid, and the mind must control it - only by the effort of the mind can a person overcome his bad habits for which the stupid body clings. At the same time, in his opinion, malnutrition can largely determine the enslavement of man by the flesh. The liberation of a person from this humiliating slavery can be facilitated by fasting and a constructive program of life.

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