Intermittent fasting restarts the immune system and restores the body. Fasting regulates blood sugar levels. What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

Prolonged fasting 10, 20, 40 days are justifiably scary for most people. Usually you sit for half a day without food and already suck in the stomach so that it is just right to climb the wall, but here is it possible to endure for so long? Yes and official medicine constantly warns that it can be life-threatening, which is confirmed by occasional news in the media about deaths such "experimenters".

But curiosity, tempting promises of rejuvenation and cure without drugs for all diseases, the desire to check own strength the will and inspiring examples of those who were able to do this do not give rest. No need to be tormented by doubts - choose the safest way that will allow you to experience all this for yourself, but without harm to health - short-term fasting. There is no risk, the doctors support, it is easily tolerated, and the state of health at the end is excellent.

Timelines and schemes

Short-term fasting is called fasting, which lasts from 12 hours to 3 days.

Why is the reference point 12 hours?

According to research (in particular, a Japanese microbiologist who received Nobel Prize for the discovery in this matter), it is 12 hours after the last meal in the body that the process of autophagy starts. This is the digestion by cells of their own organelles in order to provide themselves with internal nutrition, since the external has ceased. Sick, obsolete pathogenic particles are subject to destruction. This is of great benefit to human health and life.

Why not more than 3 days?

By the end of the 3rd day of fasting, it is recommended to use it carefully. If this is not done, the glycemic crisis will begin, characterized by sharp deterioration well-being that may have undesirable consequences for health, especially in the presence of diseases. It is manifested by severe headache, fever, weakness throughout the body, heart palpitations, hand tremor, muscle spasms. Doctors warn that it is undesirable to bring yourself to such a state. Therefore, any hunger strike lasting more than 3 days is no longer considered short-term.

Exist various schemes short-term fasting.

  • 12/12 is the most convenient and gentle scheme for many: at 19.00 they had dinner and then exactly 12 hours later, at 7.00, they had breakfast.
  • 14/10 - had dinner at 18.00 and breakfast at 8.00.
  • 16/8 - the most popular bodybuilding scheme from Martin Berhan, which allows you to build muscle mass: dinner at 16.00, breakfast at 8.00 (we already talk about it).
  • 20/4 is a more difficult scheme (called the Warrior diet), in 4 hours you can only have time to fully eat twice.

It is desirable to carry out hourly schemes only on water.

Daily allowance:

  • 24-hour - one-day short-term fasting, which for many is the usual unloading day on the water.
  • 36 hours is enough efficient scheme: we had breakfast today at 7.00, and now it will be possible to refresh ourselves only the next day at dinner at 19.00.
  • 48-hour - if you have the strength, you can starve for two days.
  • 60-hour - the longest of all short-term, it is necessary to withstand 2.5 days.

Surely the question will arise why there is no 72-hour scheme. As already explained above, by this time the risk of a glycemic crisis increases, to which it is better not to bring things up. Therefore, experts recommend stopping at a maximum of 60 hours of fasting.

There may be daily hunger strikes, but they require separate preparation - moral and physical. If you are a beginner, they are definitely not for you.

As for the frequency, the hourly schemes can be used on a regular basis, that is, constantly eat like this. If it’s too difficult, then 5 days after 2: fast on weekdays, eat as usual on weekends (or vice versa). Daily methods - once a week, 2 weeks or a month.

Benefit and harm

The fact that water intermittent fasting is beneficial was proved by Yoshinori Ohsumi through scientific experiments. However, in some situations, it can pose a health hazard.


The real point of short-term methods is that the process of autophagy is triggered. As it was written above, as a result, the body is freed from diseased cells and self-healing and self-rejuvenation occurs.

Without receiving food from the outside, the body enters a state of stress and begins to solve the problem of how to survive in new conditions for it. It makes him activate defensive forces, which are designed to destroy any threats. Therefore, experts say that intermittent fasting restarts immune system. She begins to actively fight infections, fungi, viruses. Therefore, people who regularly practice short-term abstinence from food rarely get sick.

Those who plan to use intermittent fasting for weight loss should understand that this will be enough. long process. Indeed, during the very first attempts, slags, toxins, excess water accumulated in tissues. This will provide a weight loss of 2-3 kg, nothing more. Then it may come because the body will be focused on other tasks. But as soon as he gets to the adipocytes, weight loss will begin. To achieve results, you need to play sports and apply one of the abstinence schemes from food on an ongoing basis.

For bodybuilders, intermittent hourly fasting is an opportunity to pump relief mass. However, it is recommended not to sports nutrition and focus on strength training.

In addition, they are useful because:

  • improve intellectual abilities;
  • get rid of depression;
  • cleanse the body of debris;
  • lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • stabilize pressure;
  • eliminate puffiness, foci of inflammation;
  • reduce the risk of developing cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, cerebral palsy;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • increase life expectancy.

The benefits of short-term fasting for the body are scientifically proven and no one doubts.


First, there may be side effects. They happen by different reasons: due to non-compliance with contraindications, failure to follow the recommendations for each individual scheme, dietary errors, individual characteristics organism. It's good they're not as serious as they used to be. prolonged abstinence from food, and they can always be quickly eliminated.

Side effects and ways to eliminate them:

  • constipation - during the eating window, take Fortrans, magnesia, or any other laxative;
  • headaches - slightly increase your salt intake and walk more;
  • heartburn - stop smoking, sleep on a bed with a high headboard (almost half-sitting), do not wear clothes that tighten your stomach, drink mineral water;
  • muscle spasms - review your workouts, evenly distribute the load, increase the amount of healthy protein products (sour-milk, chicken breast, eggs).

Secondly, sometimes after short-term fasting, there is a deterioration in well-being. This usually happens in the presence of diseases that are contraindications for this nutrition system. These include:

  • cachexia, nutritional deficiency, underweight;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • focal tuberculosis, chronic obstructive and interstitial lung disease;
  • childhood;
  • Dressler's syndrome, ischemia, diseases of the arteries, veins and blood vessels coronary circulation(atherosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis);
  • cirrhosis, aflatoxicosis, fascioliasis, clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis;
  • nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, nephroptosis, hydronephrosis, kidney failure, glomerulonephritis.

Diseases such as diabetes and gout require separate permission from doctors. Sometimes they do not become an obstacle to the organization of fasting, but in some cases they are still contraindications for their implementation. In addition, if you regularly take any medical preparations, here, too, you will need to consult a specialized specialist. After all, during food breaks, nothing at all will be possible except water - no pills, no injections.


If the hourly pattern is selected (12/12, 14/10, 16/8, 20/4), then no preparation is needed. It's just that your life is now divided into two parts:

  1. Eating window (12, 10, 8 or 4 hours) when you eat normally.
  2. Food break (12, 14, 16 or 20 hours) when you are fasting.

As for the daily schemes, here, too, special hopes are not placed on the entrance. What can be done the day before:

  • work out more in the gym so that during the fasting period you don’t waste energy on it, because you can’t get away from weakness;
  • in the evening, drink a laxative (magnesia, something from herbs);
  • make an enema in the evening (by any method: with castor oil, with soda, vinegar, herbs);
  • draw up a water intake scheme;
  • warn family and colleagues to tomorrow did not tempt you with food;
  • go to bed early.

And, of course, it will not be superfluous to read more material about the scheme that you have chosen in order to avoid mistakes.

fasting period

For dry short-term fasting, there are separate recommendations. They are more difficult and require firmness of character and excellent health. To properly organize water, try to adhere to the following rules.

Drink plenty and often (especially when hunger begins to torment). During eating windows and between daily fasts, follow the principles proper nutrition. Men need to cash in on.

In order not to think about hunger, be constantly busy with something, mentally distracted. If you can’t cope with it, make one last attempt: instead of water, pour yourself some warm, weakly brewed green tea. If fasting has been going on for more than 2 days, put in it ½ tsp. honey or ¼ lemon slice.

After the first experiments, you may not feel any change in well-being, and even weight may not decrease. Only the most patient will win the battle here: evaluate the results after a month of systematic short-term abstinence from food.

On the days of daily hunger strikes (with hourly schemes in the evenings), be sure to arrange long hiking try to breathe as much as possible fresh air. Try to remain calm and not lose your temper.

It is better not to take medicines, but water procedures required. Laxatives, enemas, tubazh - at your own discretion.

If you feel worse, get tested to reduce the risk of complications.


Exit from the food pause is not required. Just start with the right reception food corresponding .

If it was a daily scheme, the next day the first meal should be as light as possible: liquid porridge on the water, freshly squeezed juice with pulp, vegetable salad etc. The fat content and calorie content of foods should be increased gradually. At the same time, keep drinking regimen: daily rate- at least 1.5 liters.

Short-term fasting has many advantages over long-term fasting. If you are interested in global cleansing of the body and cellular self-rejuvenation, it is not necessary to risk your health and exhaust yourself with abstinence for several weeks. There are simple, easily tolerated regimens that are scientifically proven to be beneficial and do not pose a health risk. It's time to try one of them!

25 September 2017

Basic Beginner's Guide

Fasting (fasting) is a practice that involves complete abstinence from food or specific products for certain period time. It has been practiced for centuries, mainly for religious reasons.

AT last years short-term (cascading) fasting is becoming increasingly popular among people who want to reduce body weight or improve their health.

Exist various options intermittent fasting, some of which are described below. In general, this approach implies a partial or complete restriction of the intake of calories in the body for 1-4 days a week, while on the remaining days the person returns to a normal diet. Adherents of short-term fasting argue that such a diet is more rational than traditional diets.

Fun Facts About Intermittent Fasting

    Researchers have not come to a consensus on best method short-term fasting;

    intermittent fasting may be more effective for weight loss than for gaining weight muscle mass;

    fasting may affect cancer progression as well as response to anticancer therapy;

    studies have shown that people on intermittent fasting can also complete a moderate-intensity exercise program at the same time.

The main methods of intermittent fasting

The regimens can vary in frequency and duration of periods of fasting. Dr. John Berardi, who is an expert in sports physiology and biochemistry nutrients, experimented with different modes of intermittent fasting. He published his results in the book Experiments with Intermittent Fasting. Below is short information about some of the modes he proposed.

Fasting every other day

Dr. Krista Varadi of the University of Illinois has developed an alternate-day diet based on the results of her research. According to its name, this regimen involves the alternation of days of “fasting” and “uncontrolled eating”. On fasting days, a person is limited to eating 500 calories at lunchtime. On other days, he can eat whatever, whenever and as much as he wants.

Another fasting regimen every other day involves complete failure from food every other day.

Fasting two days a week

The diet, developed by Dr. Michael Mosley, consists of fasting for two days a week. On fasting days, women limit their diet to 500 calories and men to 600 calories. The remaining five days, both of them adhere to their usual diet.

Daily cascading fasting

Daily cascading fasting restricts food intake to a certain number of hours throughout the day. The most common is the 16:8 diet. It involves not eating for 16 hours a day, which leaves an 8-hour eating window. Daily cascading fasting is also often referred to as time-limited eating.

Potential positive health impact

Proponents of intermittent fasting argue that this approach can help achieve a number of positive changes:


A number of studies have found a relationship between short-term fasting and a longer, healthier life.

Several long-term animal studies have found an association between calorie restriction, reduced morbidity, and increased lifespan. Scientists are trying to understand the mechanisms that cause these positive effects, and the possibility of transferring the obtained data to a person.

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a hormone associated with a number of diseases that affect life expectancy, such as cancer and diabetes 2 types. Some experts claim that eating food stimulates the production of this hormone. Fasting can be seen as a way to lower IGF-1 levels, potentially reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases and increasing life expectancy.

Research has shown that calorie restriction reduces IGF-1 levels, which helps slow tumor growth. Very small clinical trial with cancer patients demonstrated that fasting reduces the severity of certain side effects chemotherapy, including weakness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Due to potential negative side effects, long-term compliance low calorie diet not recommended for people with malignant tumors. Short-term calorie reduction, such as intermittent fasting, may be an option for this group of people.

Neurological diseases

Intermittent fasting may also affect cognitive function. In a study in mice carrying Alzheimer's disease genes, cascading fasting improved scores on measures of age-related cognitive decline.

Blood sugar

Some studies have shown that short-term fasting improves tissue insulin sensitivity better than traditional diets, while other studies have shown comparable results. The researchers also obtained evidence that intermittent fasting and traditional diets provide comparable levels of hemoglobin A1c reduction.

Whether there is a potential risks for good health?

Intermittent fasting is not for everyone. According to Dr. Mosley, intermittent fasting is not recommended for people with the following conditions:

The disadvantages of fasting, described in the book Experiments with Intermittent Fasting, include:

    mood changes;

    very strong hunger;


    intrusive thoughts about food;

    impulsive gluttony.

However, most people describe these sensations and changes in behavior only during the first weeks of fasting.

Will it help with being overweight?

A study in older men compared the effects of a 5:2 diet (normal eating 5 days a week and fasting 2 days a week) versus a traditional diet for weight loss, as well as changes in laboratory parameters.

Both diets provided equally significant decrease body weight.

A review of studies comparing intermittent fasting with traditional diets found similar results. Both types of diets provided comparable weight loss.

Does it help build muscle mass?

Most weight loss protocols result in some reduction in lean body mass. Physical exercises and eating adequate amounts of protein can help maintain lean body mass in dieters.

Study with male participants in the program strength training, showed that short-term fasting provides a significant reduction in body fat. At the same time, in men on a normal diet, there were no significant changes in the amount of fat in the body. Participants in both groups maintained lean body mass.

Most Frequently Asked Questions for Beginners

Can I continue to play sports?

In an interview with The Atlantic, Dr. Varadi said that after 10 days, the activity levels of people following the "every other day" fasting plan compared to the activity levels of people following traditional diet or not complying special regimes nutrition. Also, the most useful are workouts that end an hour before meals.

Will I overeat on uncontrolled eating days?

According to Dr. Varadi, the number of calories consumed by people on such days does not exceed their energy needs. However, they do not eat enough to make up for the deficit that formed during fasting days. At the same time, other researchers note that people inadvertently reduce their diet in the days between days of fasting.

Will I feel hungry during fasting days?

Dr. Varadi claims that the first 10 days of fasting every other day are the most difficult. Calorie-free drinks, such as sugar-free tea, can help curb hunger.

Is it necessary to continue fasting after reaching the desired weight?

Some fasting regimens, such as the "every other day" diet, have a weight maintenance phase that involves increasing the number of calories consumed on fasting days from 500 to 1,000. Other plans recommend reducing the number of fasting days per week.

What should you pay attention to before trying intermittent fasting?

People interested in short-term fasting should evaluate the compatibility of this approach with their lifestyle. Fasting stresses the body, so it may not be good for people who are already under a lot of stress.

Special occasions and social events usually center around meals. Therefore, short-term fasting may prevent participation in such activities.

People who train for endurance or other intense competition physical activity, should be aware that short-term fasting can affect their performance in cases where the competition or training falls on the day of fasting.

Scientists have been studying different kinds diets and their impact on our health. They do not bypass various types of curative starvation.

Numerous studies confirm the positive impact on our body of short-term intermittent fasting.

Here are the most notable ones:

1. Influence on cell functions, hormones and genes

When you stop eating for a while, several interesting things happen in your body. For example, your body starts the process of repairing cells and changing hormone levels to make stored fats more available for burning. Here are the most important changes:
- The level of insulin in the blood decreases significantly, which initiates accelerated combustion fat.
- Increases the level of growth hormones in the blood (sometimes several times). Increasing the level of this hormone promotes fat burning and growth. muscle tissue.
- The body starts very important process cell recovery. In particular, “waste” and no longer needed substances begin to be removed from them.
- Positive changes are also observed in some genes and molecules associated with longevity and protection against disease.
- Many of the positive effects associated with intermittent fasting are due to these changes in hormones, genes and cell function.

2. Reduce weight and belly fat

Many of those who try intermittent fasting do so to lose weight. There is logic in this, because in general you will eat less. But it may not work if you eat more than usual on non-fasting days. In addition, as noted above, changes in some hormonal functions will only contribute to weight loss. Fat during fasting is burned much faster. Metabolism during short-term fasting accelerates by an average of 10 percent. According to numerous studies, people who practice intermittent fasting lose about 3-8% of their weight in 3-24 weeks. This is a lot. It is also interesting that this significantly reduces the amount of fat in the abdomen, which is the most harmful and dangerous for humans. There is also less loss of muscle tissue with intermittent fasting than with calorie-restricted diets.

3. Reduced insulin resistance

Type 2 diabetes has become a fairly common disease these days. The main symptom is elevated level blood sugar due to reduced insulin resistance. Anything that helps lower levels of insulin resistance, respectively, helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of intermittent fasting for significant reduction blood sugar levels. On average, there was a decrease in insulin resistance by 25-30%, and sugar levels decreased by 3-6%. In mouse studies, scientists also found that intermittent fasting can reduce Negative influence diabetes on the kidneys, which is the most serious complication for this disease. Fasting may help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, those who have already overtaken this disease should not experiment without consulting their doctor.

4. Reduced oxidative stress and infections

Oxidative stress is important factor in aging and many chronic diseases. Unstable molecules, also called free radicals, react with other important molecules (proteins and DNA) and destroy them. Several studies have shown that short-term intermittent fasting can increase the body's resistance to negative effects. oxidative stress. Scientists have also noticed that fasting helps fight infections, another key factor in many diseases.

5. Heart health

Heart disease is by far the most common cause of death. There are several major factors that are associated with an increase or decrease in the risk of acquiring such diseases. Periodic short-term fasting allows you to fight some of them. In particular, the level blood pressure lowers cholesterol and sugar levels. However, these data are obtained mainly through animal studies. Influence at cardiovascular system man is still being studied.

6. Cell repair

During short fasts, the process of removing “junk” substances from cells, which is called autophagy, is activated in the body. During this process, damaged and unnecessary proteins are absorbed, which accumulate in cells over time. Autophagy is an important link in the defense against cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

7. Reducing the risk of cancer

Cancer is terrible and often incurable disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Although human studies are not yet sufficient to draw definitive conclusions, the results scientific works studies with animals suggest the ability of intermittent fasting to reduce the risk of cancer.

8. Benefits for the brain

What is good for the body is usually good for the brain. short-term intermittent fasting improve many metabolic processes who are responsible for maintaining normal functioning our brain. This effect is due to the aforementioned reduction in sugar levels, oxidative stress and the fight against infections. Several animal studies have also shown that fasting helps repair nerve cells, which naturally has a positive effect on brain function. During short fasts, the level of the hormone (BDNF) also rises, the lack of which increases the risk of depression.

9. Reducing the risk of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease. It is not curable, so it is very important to pay maximum attention to its prevention. Some animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of developing the disease and improve its course. In addition, there is reason to believe that short fasts also help fight other similar diseases like Parkinson's. However, there has not yet been enough human research in this area.

10. Longevity

most desired useful effect intermittent fasting can be called longevity. Numerous animal studies have noted that lifespan can be increased by practicing short fasts. In some cases, the manifestation of this effect was very significant. Life expectancy increased up to 83%. However, as in the previous few paragraphs, here, too, unfortunately, it is still necessary to make a reservation that the manifestation of such an effect in humans has not been proven and little studied.

But even if we take into account only proven cases positive impact per person, then this is quite enough to argue that short-term fasting can significantly help you maintain your health in excellent condition.

Photo source: Depositphotos
14 August 2015

Mark Mattson, Head of the Neuroscience Laboratory at the National Institute on Aging (USA) and Professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, has been conducting research for many years to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie many neurodegenerative diseases. Why is it healthy to eat three meals a day, which we also supplement with snacks? According to Professor Mattson, this approach to eating food is not the most beneficial for the human body and is detrimental to brain activity. Based on the professor's TEDx talk, the site will explain why short-term fasting is good for the whole body and for the brain in particular.

Intermittent fasting - scientifically proven benefits

A study published earlier in the journal Cell Stem Cell by researchers from the University of Southern California showed that fasting cycles protect the immune system from damage and promote its regeneration. Scientists have come to the conclusion that fasting switches cells from sleep mode to self-renewal mode. Fasting triggers the regeneration of organs and body systems through the activation of stem cells.

Thanks to a number of changes that occur in the body during periods of short-term fasting, you can:

  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • get rid of excess body fat;
  • improve heart health
  • improve metabolism;
  • increase the level of growth hormone;
  • stimulate the elimination of toxins;
  • reduce the risk of depression;
  • learn to cope with stress;
  • improve memory and learning.

Intermittent fasting promotes fat burning and the production of beneficial ketones, and reduces oxidative stress.

What happens in the brain during intermittent fasting?

The brain benefits of intermittent fasting are due to the beneficial neurochemical changes that occur in the brain when we fast. Also intermittent fasting:

  • improves cognitive functions;
  • increases the level of neurotrophic factors in the brain;
  • increases the ability of the brain to withstand stress;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes.

Fasting is stress on the brain, to which it responds by adapting stress response pathways that help the brain cope with stress and resist disease. However, such changes caused by short-term fasting are comparable to the positive changes that occur as a result of intense physical exercise.

Both of these factors (fasting and exercise) stimulate the production of a protein (neurotrophic factors) in the brain, which stimulates the growth of neurons, synapses (connections between neurons), and also strengthens neuronal connections.

Short-term fasting stimulates the formation of new neurons from stem cells in the hoppocampus. Also, Professor Mattson mentioned the stimulation of the production of ketones, which serve alternative source energy for the brain, as well as an increase in the number of mitochondria in nerve cells - such changes occur in the process of adapting the brain to stress.

As a result of an increase in the number of mitochondria in neurons, the ability nerve cells to form and maintain connections with each other also increases, leading to increased learning and improved memory.

Changing your diet has long been known to affect the brain. Under conditions of calorie restriction or fasting in children, the incidence of epileptic seizures decreased.

Short-term fasting increases the ability of nerve cells to repair DNA.

How to choose the right intermittent fasting plan?

Before embarking on the process of intermittent fasting, choose a pattern by which you will abstain from food. For example, Mark Mattson recommends trying a gentle fasting schedule - the 5:2 diet. Such a plan involves limiting food to 1/4 of the calories (on fasting days) that you consume on normal days - up to about 600 kcal for men and 500 kcal for women, as well as eating a large number water and tea. On the other five days of the week, you can eat as usual.

Another way to do intermittent fasting is to limit your "eating window" to 8 hours or less. For example: You eat only from 11 am to 7 pm, and refuse to eat the rest of the time.

In any case, nutrition is one of the main factors in maintaining health. Intermittent fasting, along with exercise and mental activity, is an excellent stimulus for the brain, which will prevent premature aging and strengthen the whole body.

Fasting is one of the most effective ways cleansing the body, known since ancient times. Fasting is used for healing not only physical body, but also spiritual, however, at the same time, all the functions of the body come to a state of maximum tension, the use of all internal reserves. Therefore, fasting can be used only after consulting a doctor.

There are several types of fasting.
- Absolute starvation with the exclusion of food and water (duration - no more than a day, carried out only under medical supervision).
- Complete fasting with the exception of food (you can drink water). It can last 1-3 days short fast), 7-10 days (fasting duration), 14 days or more (prolonged fasting).
- separate view fasting - short term therapeutic fasting lasting 24 hours: from before breakfast or from dinner to dinner. His doctors recommend those people who can hardly tolerate the refusal of food. With short-term fasting, juices, fruits and vegetables or dairy products are allowed.

Types of short-term therapeutic fasting

Starvation on the water
This is complete starvation. Eating is completely excluded. A starving person can drink only water, and it does not matter if it is hot or cold, boiled or distilled. You can add honey to water (for the whole day no more than 3-4 teaspoons) or lemon juice (1 teaspoon per glass of water). The amount of water should be limited only to people with combined heart defects (with a predominance of stenosis) or congestion in the liver. Starving people with other diseases can drink as much water as they want.

Juice fasting
With this type of fasting per day, you can consume from one to one and a half liters of freshly squeezed (fruit or vegetable). You can use grape, cabbage, carrot juice. A portion of juice before use should be put in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. It is not recommended to use beetroot juice hypotension, because it causes a decrease in blood pressure.

Fruit and vegetable fasting
During the day, the only food is 500-600 g of vegetables or fruits, divided into two meals with an interval of 6-7 hours.

Starvation on lactic acid products
During the day, 400-500 ml of kefir, yogurt or whey are consumed in two doses.

morning fasting
Drink one glass of juice or water on an empty stomach. Food can be taken 4-5 hours after that.

Although short-term therapeutic fasting is physiological, there are still contraindications for it:
- dystrophy (exhaustion of the body);
- any tumors;
- diabetes;
- blood diseases;
- acute tuberculosis.

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