Brave new world description. Oh brave new world. What is the meaning of the work

Aldous Huxley "Brave New World"

The English writer Aldous Huxley was one of the first to ask the question of paying for his happy life. What price can a person pay for happiness? Professionals have been pondering over the conclusions that the writer cited and the interpretation of these conclusions for more than 70 years.

Is it possible to build a society without freedom of choice and action? In the world that Huxley depicts, for well-being it is necessary to eliminate all conceivable troubles - social injustice, wars, poverty, envy and jealousy, unhappy love, illness, dramas of parents and children, old age and fear of death, creativity and art. In general, everything that is commonly called life. In return, it will be necessary to give up the “existing trifle” - freedom: freedom to dispose of oneself, freedom of choice, freedom to love, freedom of creative, social and intellectual activity.

The state created by Huxley is ruled by technocracy. And it's not just about the world of modern fifty-story buildings, flying cars and high technology. After a brutal and bloody nine-year war between the new and the old worlds, the Ford Era has come. It is no coincidence that the writer named his world after the famous American engineer, founder of the Ford Motor Company - Henry Ford. He is known to many for the first time he began to use an industrial conveyor for the in-line production of cars. In addition, his success in the economic sphere gave birth to such a difficult political and economic direction as Fordism.

In Huxley's world, the reckoning is from the year the model of the Ford T was produced. There is also a respectful appeal, "his fordeism", and scolding - "Ford is with him", "Ford knows him." Ford is the name of the God of this utopia. It is no coincidence that after the war, the top of the crosses was sawn off in churches, so that the letter "T" was obtained. It is also accepted to be baptized "t-shaped".

From the words of one of the chief rulers of this world, Mustafa Mond, we learn that Ford and Freud are one and the same person for the inhabitants. The German psychologist, the founder of psychoanalysis, according to Huxley, is also "guilty" in the arrangement of the new world. First of all, the development in utopia was his allocation of specific phases of the psychosexual development of the personality and the creation of the theory of the Oedipus complex. The destruction of the institution of the family - these are the merits of Freud's teachings, the production of clones - Ford's "handiwork".

The future is a place where all living things are banned. In the future, everything is created artificially, and people are no longer viviparous. Rather, such a possibility remains, but is strictly prohibited. Artificially fertilized eggs are grown in special hatcheries. This process is called "ectogenesis" Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" Ed. AST, 2006, p. 157. Previously, the technology invented by some Pfitzner and Kawaguchi could not be applied, because the norms of morality and religion interfered, in particular, the book talks about Christian prohibitions. But now there are no restraining circumstances, people are produced according to the plan: how many individuals of one type or another are needed by society at a given moment, so many will be created. First, the embryos are kept under certain conditions, then they are born from glass bottles - this is called Uncorking. However, they cannot be called completely identical: their appearance is slightly different, there are names, not serial numbers of embryos.

In addition, there are five different castes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. In this classification, alphas are people of the first class, mental workers, and epsilons are people of the lower caste, capable of only monotonous physical labor. Each class has its own uniform: alphas wear grey, betas red, gamma greens, deltas khakis, and epsilons black.

Babies are brought up and trained differently, but each one is necessarily instilled with reverence for the higher caste and contempt for the lower castes. They grow up in state training centers like some kind of guinea rodents: “The nannies ran to obey the order and returned two minutes later; each rolled a tall, four mesh storey cart loaded with eight-month-old babies, like two peas alike" Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" Ed. AST, 2006 p.163.

Infants are taught with the help of hypnopedia. While sleeping, they are given notes with the dogmas of the brave new world and the norms of behavior of a particular caste. Therefore, since childhood, everyone has known hypopedic sayings: “Everyone belongs to everyone”, “Some grams - and no dramas”, “Cleanliness is the key to well-being”. Also, little "creatures" are taught sexual promiscuity from childhood. In Huxley's world, it's shameful and wrong to date just one person. It provokes condemnation. Both men and women constantly change partners. Thus, they try to avoid any manifestations of feelings of affection and love.

“Stability, resilience, strength. Civilization is unthinkable without a stable society. And a stable society is inconceivable without a stable member of society, Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Ed. AST, 2006, p.178, says General Manager Mond.

The main thing, according to the builders of utopia, is guaranteed happiness, in this case, the comfort that science can create.

The secret of eternal utopia is simple - a person is prepared for it in an embryonic state. The forge of personnel is a system of incubators where representatives of different strata of society are raised, they are taught social roles. And most importantly - no one will ever express dissatisfaction with their position in society. In addition, any unpleasant situation, any stress is solved by taking a special drug - soma - which, depending on the dosage, allows you to forget any problems.

It must be said that in Huxley's dystopian world, all "happy babies" are far from being equal in their slavery. If the “brave new world” cannot provide everyone with work of equal qualification, then “harmony” between man and society is achieved through the deliberate destruction of all those intellectual and emotional predispositions in man: this is both drying out the brains of future workers and instilling in them a hatred of flowers and books through electric shock. To one degree or another, all the inhabitants of the “brave new world” are not free from “adaptation” - from “alpha” to “epsilon”, and the meaning of this hierarchy lies in the words of the Chief Steward, which he pronounces at the end of the novel: “ A society entirely composed of alphas is bound to be unstable and unhappy. Imagine a factory staffed with alphas, that is, different and varied individuals, possessing good heredity and, in their molding, capable - within certain limits - of free choice and responsible decisions. Alphas can be quite good members of society, but on condition that they do the work of alphas. Only epsilon can be required to make sacrifices related to the work of epsilon - for the simple reason that for him these are not sacrifices, but the line of least resistance, the usual life track ... Of course, each of us spends his life in a bottle. But if we happen to be alphas, then our bottles are of enormous size compared to those of the lower castes ” Aldous Huxley “Brave New World” Ed. AST, 2006, 293-294.

Alphas do not rule this world, they are happy in their unfreedom. True, genetic failures make it possible to think “beyond”. Like, for example, the main character - Bernard Marx. Recall that he does not fully understand what he is striving for, but his desire is already an impulse, this is the desire of a free person. And if it were not for this desire, there would be no hero.

In the brave new world, there are certain people who understand what is happening, the so-called "masters of the world." One of them, Mustafa Mond, is introduced in the novel. Naturally, he knows much more than his subjects. He is able to appreciate a subtle thought, a bold idea or a revolutionary project.

Another layer of people who are free, but do not understand what is happening - these are savages. They live on reservations, and their morals, their gods, their understanding of the world have remained the same. They are free to think, but not physically free. This is the conflict of anti-utopia - the "savage" sees this new, wonderful world and cannot accept its clichés, its monotony, its course. Passions are not alien to him, feelings are not alien to him, but he does not need progress.

During a campaigning conversation with a savage, the steward explains that he can break the rules, because he sets the laws. The economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek once said: “The higher the mental abilities and the level of education of individual individuals, the sharper their tastes and views differ and the less likely they are to unanimously accept any particular hierarchy of values” Freedom Institute Moscow Libertarium, Chapter VII "Who wins?" . Thus, for the society of the future, a program is needed, a plan is needed, but not individuality. This is confirmed by the main ideas presented in the utopia. That's why you need to create stamps, not individualities (we are talking about children).

First of all, it is a view of history as an unnecessary heritage. Everything that was achieved before Ford (the new God) is crossed out. It doesn't exist. In Orwell's 1984, history was also mercilessly destroyed. A person does not need to know the mistakes of the past in order to build a utopia.

The second point is the rejection of the social institution of the family. In this world, the words "mother", "father" have become synonymous with obscenities: "our Lord Freud (Ford) was the first to reveal the disastrous dangers of family life ..." Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" Ed. AST, 2006, p. 175. It is the family, it is the close environment that forms a person as a person. But it is no more, because the goal has been achieved and there are clones.

And the third is the destruction of art and science: “We have to pay this price for stability. I had to choose between happiness and what was once called high art. We have sacrificed high art. We keep science in blinders. Of course, the truth suffers from this. But happiness flourishes. And nothing is given as a gift. Happiness comes at a price.” Aldous Huxley, “Brave New World,” Ed. AST, 2006, p.

This is the path of Huxley's utopia. The society will be forced to be happy, but will not know about it. Their "happiness in a test tube" is unshakable. And the last dumbfounded savages are left to vegetate in their reservations, because even a not very educated, but sane person is simply not able to accept such a world.

dystopian novel by huxley orwell

In its genre, not the best, but quite interesting book, I especially liked the way the author deftly moved from one scene to another, then back, and sometimes balanced on three scenes, I see this for the first time, I liked it.
Someone says that he did not feel sympathy for the characters, but I will say the opposite, over time, the reader's sympathy is won by one character, then a second, then a third. The only negative is that it is really stretched, but catchy. You don't absorb pages in a day, but a book makes you miss it.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars by Niger 21.03.2019 14:20

What has always amused me is the ubiquitous moralphobes with hysterical comm bombings. The same moralfags, just the other way around))

Grade 4 out of 5 stars by Brutal 06.10.2018 18:34

In addition to the scene with a reference to the island, nothing pleases, it's so gray.

Grade 3 out of 5 stars by Sir Shury 24.08.2018 22:49

A magnificent work, if you have already read Orwell and Bradbury - I definitely recommend it!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from ila.punch 30.12.2017 21:19

The book is truly a masterpiece. It will be relevant for a long time, a person in the global sense does not change much.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from mikhail.antipin 12.10.2017 10:26

I read this work after "451 degrees about Fahrenheit" by R. Bradbury. I liked "About a New Brave World" a little less, because in places it was dragged out and I didn't really like the ending - too utopian (therefore a solid 4). And so, in general, I recommend)) very informative))

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from wise.owl 24.04.2017 16:35

why are moralfags so bombed? great book. Have you devalued God? So it is only for the weak and stupid. Childfree don't like it? Well, let's all be like a scoop: the family is the cell of society and blah blah blah. You just need to take care of yourself and make the world a better place around you, and not scribble nonsense on the Internet)

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Edward 09.03.2017 10:43

Lord Ford! We are already living in this!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Nad 05.02.2017 15:03

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from victoria 01/22/2017 01:26

Dosit tsіkavo th easy to read! The plot itself is based on the principle of infidelity, but not of innuendo. Vtіm, singsongly given as a sign that the book was written in 1932, and at the same time 2017 rіk.
As for me, the most famous people saw the rest of the 16th and 17th, in which heroes to conduct discussions about the place of the people in the world, about the supple standards and about those, how civilization can develop. Reshta of the book is less than a preamble to tsikh visnovkіv. K_nets wanted to b, schob buv troshki іnhim.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars dated July 16.01.2017 13:30

For me, the author, as they say, was in the subject, i.e. had access to the plans of the world behind the scenes. For those who have ears let them hear. After all, much of what the author described has already come true - promiscuous sex life is encouraged, drugs are practically free, a consumer society is developing, all kinds of childfree, etc., the LGBT movement, moral principles have fallen into oblivion. Note that this is 1932.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Alexander 06/06/2016 12:47

For some reason, all 3 dystopias (Zamiatin "We", Orwell "1984" and "Wonderful World") reminded Solzhenitsyn's "In the First Circle". And how much "In the First Circle" is richer in language and thoughts, how much deeper!! Dystopias, all these 3, seem to me with numerous advantages (somewhere the aphorism of the language, the ease and fascination of reading is combined with the complexity of the problems that gave rise to the book) are somewhat schematic, as if these are not novels, but scripts for films or even for computer games ... Maybe , I just don’t like science fiction? .. Solzhenitsyn’s language is much richer, the text is whole, full-blooded, I want to read and re-read, because it’s not a single plot ... “In the first circle” is not a dystopia in genre, but a piece of real terrible Soviet totalitarianism, a book about strong and weak people, about bureaucracy and the degeneration of socialism, which, having developed from a wonderful idea, turned into a monster, slowly dying and continuing to devour (also slowly ...) its victims ... If you liked (or liked it ...) dystopias, then "In the First Circle" will also be liked, this novel compares favorably with utopias precisely in its reality, and also in its atmosphere ...

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from Olga 05/14/2016 18:33

First I read Brave New World, then I took up Orwell's 1984, because everyone compares them. Now I can write a comment about my own impressions. "... a wonderful world" did not impress, did not imbue. The beginning promised a whiter fascinating reading than I received. Then I was bored, there were thoughts of quitting reading. There were few events, the world in the book oppressed and shocked me, this made me even less interested in being in it, even if it was just a book. I didn’t feel any sympathy for the heroes (although they are not to blame for this - the world is like that), so no one forced me to worry about myself. Although, of course, he was alone, not immediately, but he was ...
From the book remained in the memory for the most part the beginning and ending.

Grade 3 out of 5 stars from Tanya_led 12.09.2015 20:43

read avidly

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from junesj 03.09.2015 14:54

Basically, I liked the book. There are quite a few thoughts in it that are worth thinking about. The beginning of the book, the preface, stands out in particular. The book itself causes a storm of emotions and protest. But the end was too abrupt for me. I didn’t have time to get involved, but she - Bang! - and ended.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from Happy Milkman 21.08.2015 15:50

Excellent thing. Not for every reader, of course. It is strange here to read some reviews, comparisons with 1984. One can draw some parallel with another dystopia - "We" Zamyatin, because Huxley's novel came out much earlier than "1984". The book is light and witty. The author is brilliant, and whoever didn’t take it, it’s better to refrain from commenting so that ... I advise.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from autooffer 02.08.2015 00:46

An interesting book, makes you think, captivates with a description of a new stamped society that has already appeared in some countries. Sorry people.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from eloxy 28.07.2015 23:32

So, the problems described in the book are notably relevant today, even though the book was written at least a hundred years ago, it is easy to read ... But I haven’t read the book for a long time, it’s a boring story, I accepted it atypically.

Grade 3 out of 5 stars from lera.dubych 29.03.2015 19:42


Grade 5 out of 5 stars from alex501007 25.02.2015 23:43

My opinion is that the book is much stronger and deeper than Orwell's 1984, both in terms of literary skill and the topics covered in it, although at first glance this does not seem to be the case. Orwell is more schematic, well, modern for as much as 17 years, but here it is closer to human experiences. Do not forget that Huxley was educated as a writer, and Orwell is still more of a journalist and publicist than a writer.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from xs15 29.01.2015 02:08

The book is interesting because it anticipated the era of consumption, described the problems of modern society! But it's hard to read, Huxley is an unimportant writer ..

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from smetan4ik

This book made a deep impression on me. She is truly prophetic. Without knowing the historical background, the time when it was written, it is probably difficult to feel the full depth of the plot of this book.

For the younger generation that grew up with computers, mobile phones, the routine of organ transplants, the wide availability of pornography, disrespect for the institution of the family, I will say: It is written to show people where technological progress, devoid of morality, leads them.

The beginning of the twentieth century is a time when social revolutions have just thundered in some countries, the idea came that the state, and not God, can control people's lives. Only that contraceptives appeared, which means that birth control became possible, which was previously unthinkable. In America at this time they are still banned, but there is already a struggle for their legalization. The key figure in this is a certain Margaret Sanger, who opened the first women's clinics, where she began to teach women how to avoid pregnancy, she also led the fight for the legalization of abortion, which was first legalized in Soviet Russia already in 1918. The doctrine of feminism began to spread in society, allegedly fighting for the equality of women. But in fact, destructive ideas began to spread about the liberation of women from the "burden" of the family, from caring for children and husbands. It began to promote the idea that a woman can choose and change sexual partners without getting married.

At the same time, they began to experiment with the human body in order to increase its biological abilities, in order to limit the birth rate of unwanted species of the human race. For example, the same Margaret Sanger led propaganda for the sterilization of the poor black population of the United States.

All this happened against the backdrop of the spread of electrification in developed countries. Electrical household appliances began to be invented, facilitating life, freeing up time for housewives. Cars began to be produced and soon became available to the working population. Closed cars appeared, which greatly contributed to the spread of adultery. Many began to look at legalized marriage relations as an obstacle in the process of liberalizing society. Aldous Huxley tried to extrapolate the development of these processes in the future in order to make the public wonder if this is what they want for themselves, their children and grandchildren.

And it is amazing how accurately he saw the fruits of all those ideas that appeared at the dawn of the twentieth century.

Life has really become much easier thanks to all kinds of technology, people are avoiding starting a family, looking for easy, non-committal relationships, it is becoming popular to breed children in test tubes, to grow them, if not in factories, but in the bodies of surrogate mothers. Uzi is used to decide whether a person wants a child of that gender or not. If a defect is found, people easily abandon the unborn child. Pills, tablets create the desired state, mood, a person has learned to avoid depression with the help of them. Sexual promiscuity, permissiveness is no longer restrained by any moral restrictions. Moreover, children are involved in this world of adults thanks to "sex education" subsidized by the state.

Series: Book 1 - Brave New World

Year of publication of the book: 1932

Aldous Huxley's book "Brave New World" has become a model of dystopia for several generations. This novel has repeatedly been included in various ratings of the 100 best books of the last century, the novel has been filmed more than once and even banned in some countries. In 2010, the American Library Association even included the novel in its "Most Problematic Books" list. Nevertheless, interest in this work by Aldous Huxley is still high, and readers attribute it to those books that change their worldview.

The plot of the book "Brave New World" briefly

In Huxley's Brave New World, you can read about events unfolding around the year 2541. But this is according to our calendar. According to local reckoning, this is 632 of the Ford Era. A single state has been created on our planet, all the citizens of which are happy. The state has a caste system. All people are divided into alphas, betas, gammas, deltas and epsilons. Moreover, each of these groups can also have a plus or minus sign. A member of each group of people has clothes of a certain color, and it is often possible to distinguish people from different groups purely visually. This is achieved due to the fact that all people are grown artificially in special factories. Here they are artificially given the required physical and intellectual characteristics, and then in the process of education they are instilled with the necessary qualities, such as contempt for the lower caste, admiration for the higher caste, rejection of individuality, and much more.

The main characters of Aldous Huxley's book "Brave New World" work at one of these factories. Bernard Max is a hypnopedia doctor, alpha plus and beta nurse Lenina Crown, who works on the human production line. The plot begins to unfold when the two fly from London to New Mexico to a special reserve where people live as before. Here they meet a young man, John, who is different from other Indians. As it turns out, he was born naturally, beta Linda. Linda was also here on a tour, but got lost during the storm. Then she gave birth to a child, who was conceived even before entering the reservation. Now she prefers to drink in the reserve than to appear in modern society. After all, mother is one of the most terrible curses.

Bernerade and Lenina decide to take Savage and Linda with them to London. Linda is admitted to the hospital, where she dies from an overdose of Soma. This drug in modern society is used to relieve stress. They try to acquaint the savage with the blessings of the modern world. But he grew up on, so modern views are alien to him. He likes Lenina, but her free attitude to love scares him. He tries to convey to people such concepts as beauty, freedom, love, and in a fit of anger scatters drug pills during their daily distribution. Bernard and his friend Helmholtz are trying to calm him down. As a result, all three are arrested and sent to the Chief Manager of Western Europe - Mustafa Monda.

A fascinating conversation takes place in the office and Monda. It turns out that this person also has a developed personality. When he was caught, he was offered either the position of a steward or be exiled to the islands. He chose first and now became the mouthpiece of a "happy society." As a result, Bernard and Helmholtz are exiled to the islands, and Mustafa is almost jealous of them, because there are so many interesting people there, and John decides to live as a hermit.

The protagonist of the book "Brave New World" Huxley settles in an abandoned tower, grows his own bread and self-flagellation in order to forget Lenina. One day, his self-flagellation is seen from a helicopter. The next day, hundreds of helicopter gliders want to look at this spectacle. Among them is Lenina. In a fit of feelings, he beats her with a whip. This causes a general orgy in which John also participates. The next day he was found hanged in his own tower.

As for the reviews on the book by Aldous Huxley "Brave New World", they are almost unanimously positive. The world that the writer has built seems very viable and even attractive to some. It is often referred to as the finalized world, but it differs in many ways. The book is quite heavy, but its plot captivates and makes you think. Based on this, the novel "Brave New World" is a must-read for everyone who wants to try on the world of absolute perfection.

Brave New World Novel at Top Books

Aldous Huxley's Brave New World has been popular for generations. And she rightfully occupies a high place among. In addition, thanks to its fantastic content, it got into ours, as well as in the rating. And given the interest in the work, this is far from the limit, and we will see it more than once on the pages of our site.
O brave new world:

Today, you will not surprise anyone with the terrible prophecies of Aldous Huxley. What seemed disgusting, vile, unnatural and yet unlikely in the first half of the 20th century, in the 21st is already the realities of our life, if, of course, you look closely. We are living through a time when predictions of a hundred years ago can be tested and assessed to what extent their author was close to the truth. People re-read Orwell, Zamyatin (the novel "We"), Odoevsky, Huxley, criticizing, pondering, checking: who guessed right? Whose took? More precisely, what scenario of total loss turned out to be the most realistic?

Brave new world is based on the strongest World State. In the courtyard of the 632nd year of the era of stability, the Era of Ford - the deity and inspirer of the era. Ford is the founder of the world's largest automobile company. “Our Lord Ford” substitutes for God both on a religious level (they pray to him and rituals are held in his honor) and on an everyday level (people say something like “Ford knows him” or “save Ford”). The technocracy has swept the whole world, except for special reservations, which are left as reserves, since the climatic conditions in those places were recognized as economically unfavorable for establishing stability.

main feature Huxley's dystopia is that in his world, biological discoveries (Bokanovsky's method) make it possible to carry out genetic programming: artificially fertilized eggs are grown in special incubators using various methods. As a result, a caste society is obtained, where each group is prepared in advance for a certain functional load.

Where does the title "Brave New World" come from? It is pronounced by John in the novel, this is a quote from Shakespeare's "The Tempest" (Miranda's words). The savage repeats it several times, changing intonation from enthusiastic (like Shakespeare) to sarcastic (at the end of the novel).

What genre: utopia or dystopia?

The genre nature of the novel leaves no doubt about its certainty. If utopia is a fairy tale about a happy future that one would like to achieve, then dystopia is a scenario of the future that one would like to avoid. Utopia is an ideal, it is impossible to realize it, so the question of its implementation is from the category of rhetorical ones. But writers want to warn humanity about its opposite extreme, point out the danger and prevent it from going beyond the book pages. Of course, Brave New World is a dystopia in its totality.

But there are also utopian aspects in this novel. Many people note that the natural programming of people, the mentality of consumption and caste are the foundations of stability, which is so lacking in the modern world. In fact, Huxley solved all the burning problems of mankind by completely subordinating the planet to the will and consciousness of the world government. Even biological and physical laws fell on their faces before the mighty thought of alphas. Isn't this the ultimate dream? There is no war, no epidemics, no social inequality (no one realizes it, everyone is satisfied with the place they occupy), everything is sterile, provided, thought out. Even the opposition is not persecuted, but simply expelled from the country and lives with like-minded people. Isn't that what we all strive for? So figure it out, did the author depict a utopia?

But in a beautiful fairy tale, reality clearly emerges: morality, culture, art, the institutions of family and marriage, as well as the very essence of choice, are sacrificed to order, because human life is predetermined and programmed from the very beginning. In ebsilon, for example, the ability to break into alpha is taken away at the genetic level. This means that all our ideas about freedom, justice, love are destroyed for the benefit of comfort. Is it worth it?

Description of castes

The standardization of people is the main condition for harmony in the era of Ford and one of the main themes in the novel. “Community, Identity, Stability” is the slogan in the name of which everything that is in the human soul has been destroyed. Everything around is subject to expediency, material and rough calculation. Everyone "belongs to everyone" and lives for today, rejecting history.

  1. Alphas- people of the first class, engaged in mental work. Alpha-plus-men occupy leadership positions (Mustafa Mond is his fordeystvo), alpha-minus-men are lower ranks (commandant on the reservation). They have the best physical parameters, as well as other opportunities and privileges.
  2. beta- women who are couples for alphas. There are pluses and minuses of beta: smarter and dumber, respectively. They are beautiful, always young and slim, smart enough to perform the duties of the job.
  3. Scales, delta and finally epsilons- working classes. Deltas and gammas are service personnel, agricultural workers, and epsilons are the lower strata of the population, mentally retarded performers of routine mechanical work.
  4. First, the embryos stay in strictly defined conditions, then they "hatch" from glass bottles - "open". Individuals, of course, are brought up differently. Each of them is brought up respect for the higher caste and contempt for the lower castes. Even their clothes are different. The difference is in color: alphas are in gray, epsilons are in black, deltas are in khaki, etc.

    The main characters of the novel

    1. Bernard Marks. His name is a combination of the names of Bernard Shaw (a writer welcoming socialism and communism in the USSR) and Karl Marx (ideologist of socialism). The writer was ironic about the Soviet regime, which he considered the prototype of his fictitious state, therefore he assigned to his hero the names of such significant people for the ideology of the USSR. , like socialism, at first looked pleasant, conquered with its opposition to evil for the glory of good, but by the end of the novel he revealed his ins and outs.
      Alphas of a higher order sometimes get out of order, because they are overdeveloped. So was the psychologist Bernard Marx, the protagonist of Brave New World. He is skeptical about the entire progressive world order. His friend, teacher Helmholtz, is also in opposition. Bernard had a negative perception of reality because he was "splashed with alcohol in a blood substitute." He is 8 cm smaller than the other alphas and uglier than them. He feels his own inferiority and criticizes the world at least for the fact that he cannot enjoy all the benefits that are due to him. Girls ignore him, bad temper and "weirdness" scare his friends away from him. The authorities also have a negative attitude towards the employee, feeling a catch in him, but Bernard works well, so he manages to keep his job and even use his official position in order to somehow attract women. If in the first part the hero plays a rather positive role, then by the end his vile and cowardly essence is exposed: he betrays his friends for the sake of vanity and the dubious benefits of his world, which he so animatedly denied.
    2. John (Savage)- the second main character in the novel "Brave New World!". His personality was formed under the influence of a volume of Shakespeare, which he found on the reservation. Linda taught him to read, and from the Indians he adopted the habits, philosophy of life and craving for work. He was glad to leave, as the “white-skinned” son of a “prostitute bitch” (Linda “shared” with everyone) was not accepted in the tribe. But, as soon as he arrived in the New World, his disappointment knew no bounds. Lenina, whom he fell in love with, could be invited to his place for the night by any man. Bernard went from being a friend to being a miserable greedy man: he used John to make society love and accept him. Linda, in the oblivion of soma (this is a synthetic drug that is given to all members of society as a cure for feelings and sadness), did not even recognize him and, in the end, died. John rebels against the New World by staging a riot: he threw out the catfish, calling for a flock of deltas to freedom, and they beat him in response. He settled alone near London in an abandoned airport. Knocking out vice from the body, the Savage tortured himself with an impromptu whip, prayed all night and worked hard. However, he was relentlessly pursued by reporters and curious Londoners, constantly intruding into his life. Once a whole crowd of onlookers arrived, and among them was Lenina. The hero, in a fit of despair and anger at her lust, beat the girl to the delight of the distraught spectators. The next day the savage hanged himself. Thus, the finale of the novel is a sentence to that suffocating progressive world where everyone belongs to everyone, and stability outweighs the very essence of human existence.
    3. Helmholtz Watson– His initials are tailored from the names of the German physicist Helmholtz and the founder of behaviorism Watson. From these real-life people, the character inherited a consistent and firm desire for new knowledge. For example, he is sincerely interested in Shakespeare, understands the imperfection of the new art and tries to overcome this wretchedness in himself, mastering the experience of his ancestors. Before us is a true friend and a strong personality. He worked as a teacher and was friends with Bernard, sympathizing with his views. Unlike his friend, he really had the courage to resist the regime to the end. The hero sincerely wants to learn sincere feelings and acquire moral values ​​by joining art. He realizes the squalor of life in a wonderful world and goes to the island of dissenters after participating in John's protest action.
    4. Lenina Crown- her name is derived from the pseudonym of Vladimir Lenin. Probably, the author wanted to show the vicious essence of the heroine with this name, as if hinting at Ulyanov's ability to please both ours and yours, because many researchers still consider him a German spy who organized a coup in Russia for a tidy sum. So, the girl is just as immoral, but she was so programmed: among them it was even considered indecent not to change a sexual partner for a long time. The whole essence of the heroine is that she always does what is considered the norm. She does not try to get out of the rut, even a sincere feeling for John cannot dissuade her of the correctness and infallibility of the social system. Lenina betrays him, it costs her nothing. But the worst thing is that she does not realize her betrayal. Frivolity, primitive and vulgar tastes, stupidity and inner emptiness - all this refers to her characterization from the first page to the last. By this, the author emphasizes that she is not a person, the dialectic of the soul is unusual for her.
    5. Mustafa Mond– His name belongs to the founder of Turkey, who recreated the country after World War I (Kemal Mustafa Atatürk). He was a reformer, he changed a lot in the traditional Eastern mentality, in particular, he began the policy of secularism. Thanks to his activities, the country got back on its feet, although the order under him was not soft. The hero's surname belongs to the British financier, founder of Imperial Chemical Industries, Alfred Mond. He was a noble and wealthy man, and his views were marked by radicalism and categorical rejection of the labor movement. Democratic values ​​and ideas of equality were alien to him, he actively opposed making any concessions to the demands of the proletariat. The author emphasized that the hero is contradictory: on the one hand, he is a shrewd, intelligent and constructive leader, and on the other hand, he is an opponent of any freedom, a staunch supporter of the caste social system. However, in the world of Huxley it merges harmoniously.
    6. Morgana Rothschild- her name belongs to the American banking tycoon John Pierpont Morgan, philanthropist and talented entrepreneur. However, he also has a dark spot in his biography: during the civil war, he traded in weapons and made a fortune out of bloodshed. Apparently, this hurt the author, a convinced humanist. The surname of the heroine came from the banking dynasty of the Rothschilds. Their successful enrichment is legendary, and rumors of secret conspiracies and conspiracy theories hover around their family. The genus is large, it has many branches, so it is impossible to say exactly who the writer was thinking about. But, probably, all the rich got it just because they are rich, and their very luxury is unfair, while others barely make ends meet.


    The stability of the New World is described in the Supreme Controller's line:

    Everyone is happy. Everyone gets what they want, and no one ever wants what they can't get. They are provided, they are safe; they never get sick; they are not afraid of death; they are not annoyed by fathers and mothers; they do not have wives, children and lovers who can deliver strong feelings. We adapt them, and after that they cannot behave differently than the way they should.

    The main problem is that artificial equality, which turns out to be biological totalitarianism, and the caste structure of society cannot satisfy thinking people. Therefore, some alphas (Bernard, Helmholtz) are unable to adapt to life, they feel not unity, but loneliness, alienation from others. But without conscious members of society, a brave new world is not possible, it is they who are responsible for the programming and well-being of all the rest, deprived of reason, free will and individuality. Such people either perceive the service as hard labor (like Mustafa Mond), or depart for the islands in a state of painful disagreement with society.

    If everyone can think and feel deeply, stability will collapse. If people are deprived of these rights, they turn into disgusting, dumb-headed clones that can only consume and produce. That is, there will be no society in the usual sense, it will be replaced by functional castes, artificially bred, like new varieties of potatoes. Therefore, solving the problems of social organization by genetic programming and the destruction of all its main institutions is the same as destroying society as such in order to solve its problems. It is as if a person beheaded himself because of a pain in his head ...

    What is the meaning of the work?

    The conflict in the dystopian Brave New World is not only a dispute between the old and the new worldview. This is a confrontation between two answers to the eternal question "does a good end justify any means?". Mustafa Mond (the embodiment of the ideologist of the New World) believes that for the sake of happiness, you can sacrifice freedom, art, individuality and faith. The savage, on the other hand, wants to give up saving stability for the sake of all this, he believes that it is not worth it. Both of them are programmed by education, so the conflict turns into a collision. The savage will not accept the "white lie", on the basis of which the "brave new world" is built, he was brought up by the high moral ideals of Shakespeare's time, and Mustafa consciously chooses stability, he knows the history of mankind and is disappointed in it, therefore he believes that there is nothing to stand on ceremony, and all means are good to achieve this very "good." This is the meaning of the work.

    Huxley should be pleased. Many note that this particular writer was right when he came up with “sense” (a movie without meaning, but fully reproducing the feelings of the characters), “soma” (a drug equivalent to today's weed, LSD, which even a child can buy), “sharing” ( analogue of free love, sex without obligations), etc. Not only the forms coincide (helicopters, electro-magnetic golf, artificial analogues of food), which can still be attributed to the technical progress of civilization, but also the essential characteristics: our reality has absorbed the spirit and letter of the “brave new world”. Firstly, people of all ages are obsessed with sex, not love: they get younger, expose their naked bodies in a net, wear skimpy outfits in order to be not beautiful, no, sexy. Married women, married men, small children, their grandparents, young couples in front of a fat plastic heart on Valentine's Day - all sell themselves, stripping and grimacing for the illusory approval of followers. They dump their ins and outs for everyone to see, publishing candid photos, details from their personal lives, addresses, phone numbers, place of work, etc. Secondly, gay leisure is now a drunken gathering, like an act of togetherness in Huxley: men and women take soma, see hallucinations and, in the euphoria of drugged bliss, feel closeness. Common interests or beliefs are abolished, people simply have nothing to talk about, which means there is no basis for unity, except for soma, alcohol or other stimulants of joy. You can list for a long time, but modern man himself understands what's what.

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