Injectable liposuction - injections that dissolve fat deposits. Liposuction without surgery

It is possible and necessary to have tightened skin and clear facial contours not only for young girls, but also for ladies over 50. Unfortunately, the body is arranged in such a way that age-related changes and fluctuations in weight are often reflected on the face, which is eventually reflected in the mirror as a drawn oval with blurry contours. Therefore, do not think that only your waist, and not your cheeks, and chin suffer from fat deposits.

Fortunately, today, to remove excess fat from any part of the body, it is not necessary to resort to surgery. Therefore, to remove excess fat from the face, you can undergo a more gentle procedure of liposuction of the chin and cheeks.

In the process of liposuction of the cheeks and chin, excess fatty tissues are forcibly removed, dissolving them and removing them from under the skin. Using innovative techniques, the procedure is carried out non-invasively, practically without violating the integrity of the skin. Such an operation does not require long-term rehabilitation, and complications are unlikely.

Who can do cheek liposuction and who can't

The main indications for cheek liposuction are:

  1. Abundant deposits of fat in the cheeks.
  2. Pronounced uneven subcutaneous fat layer.
  3. Visibly sagging cheeks, blurry outlines and shape of the face.

In this case, this procedure helps to eliminate only fat cells. If there are other skin problems: deep wrinkles, severe sagging, loss of elasticity, you will need surgery, during which excess tissue is removed.

Despite the fact that liposuction of the cheek zone is less traumatic, it is still a surgical procedure with medical contraindications.

It is contraindicated to do the procedure:

  • diabetics and hypertensive patients of 2 and 3 degrees;
  • cancer and autoimmune patients;
  • people who have impaired blood clotting;
  • who do not tolerate anesthesia or any of the drugs used;
  • in acute viral and infectious diseases;
  • with various inflammatory processes on the face and neck;
  • when the kidneys, liver or heart suffer from any ailment;
  • with chronic skin diseases;
  • with weak muscle-facial tone and high flabbiness of the skin.

Liposuction is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers, people with a fresh tan, with skin inflammation, as well as women during menstruation.

Procedure steps

Before setting the date of the operation, the surgeon carefully examines the patient's skin. The preliminary consultation includes the doctor modeling a new oval of the patient's face on a computer. The doctor will determine in which places you need to make a correction. The choice of liposuction method is influenced by the extent to which adipose tissue will be removed. These data are pre-calculated by a professional.

The patient will also need to pass the necessary tests (blood, urinalysis, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray) before the procedure.

To remove excess fat from the cheek area, the traditional surgical method of liposuction is not suitable. Pumping fat with a vacuum pump can injure the face, leaving swelling and bruising. The most effective types of non-invasive liposuction for use in the cheek area are:

  • chemical liposuction;
  • water jet;
  • laser.

In order for the effect to be literally “on the face”, the surgeon selects an individual technique for each patient, taking into account all the pros and cons of each type of liposuction.

Who Should Try Chemical Liposuction?

The chemical method can be considered painless and simple to carry out. Before starting the procedure, the doctor is armed with a syringe, into which an individually selected cocktail is pumped, which can destroy fat molecules. This mixture is injected into the subcutaneous fat layers.

The injection is easily tolerated, so the operation is done without anesthesia. An undoubted advantage is the fact that chemical liposuction does not leave any traces of medical intervention on the skin.

In addition, contraindications to the procedure are minimal, these are: periods of pregnancy and lactation, any inflammatory process in the active phase, an oncological problem. Also, the operation is not done with individual intolerance to the medications involved.

However, due to the natural removal of destroyed fat cells by the patient's body, the maximum effect of chemical liposuction will be observed only if the skin is young and elastic, and fat deposits are minimal.

When Should You Get a Water Treatment?

With water-jet liposuction, small incisions are made in areas in the cheek area. They are needed to enter under the layer of the epidermis with cannulas. Most often, they are performed behind the auricles in order to mask them as much as possible from prying eyes. Cannulas, in turn, are needed to supply pressured water jets to problem areas. Adipose tissue is broken under pressure, and their remains are removed by suction.

This procedure is somewhat painful and requires local or general anesthesia. But this technique allows you to get rid of fat up to 6 liters. All excess is removed mechanically (chemical preparations are not needed for this procedure), so allergy sufferers can safely resort to water-jet liposuction.

Laser liposuction

The difference between laser liposuction and water jet technique is the destruction of fat cells by a laser that vaporizes fat cells, which is why suction is not used in this procedure.

A huge plus of the laser technique is the activation of tissue regeneration and the acceleration of the rehabilitation process after fat removal. Therefore, the recovery period as a whole takes less time (by a week or a week and a half, in comparison with the water jet technique).

Despite a number of advantages, laser liposuction is associated with some complications, so the procedure must be performed with great precision and skill. So, affecting the facial nerve threatens to distort the face or lose its sensitive properties. In order not to be afraid of complications, first of all, you need to choose the right specialist.

Recovery period and possible complications

Rehabilitation after any type of cheek liposuction implies the following limitations:

1) Active facial expressions are contraindicated until the skin returns to normal.

2) Visiting the sauna, solarium, sunbathing should be temporarily suspended.

3) You should not undergo additional hardware cosmetic procedures and facial massage while it is recovering and resting.

4) Only moderate exercise, in order to avoid stress on the neck muscles and not sudden movements of the head.

5) You need to monitor your weight, in order to avoid sudden jumps.

After water jet and laser procedures, on average, rehabilitation may take from 2 to 3 weeks. Ideally, the first 2 days you need to stay under stationary observation. During this period, skin incisions will be processed to prevent infections and avoid inflammatory processes.

About 10 days after the procedure, it is recommended to wear a special facial bandage, it will support the cheeks and improve the process of fusion of the skin and subcutaneous fat layer . After 1–1.5 weeks, swelling and bruising will no longer bother the patient. On the 14th - 15th day after the procedure, you can usually go to work.

If liposuction in the cheek area is done at the right time and in accordance with all our recommendations, then an additional facelift procedure will not be needed. The final formation of the shape of the face is observed a month or two after the operation.

The effect will be fixed if the patient's weight remains normal. Later it will be possible to take additional courses of hardware cosmetology to improve skin tone and elasticity.

Results "before" and "after"


As a rule, the amount of the cheek liposuction procedure depends on several factors:

  • what equipment will be used for the procedure;
  • the price of the medicines used;
  • the cost of compression underwear;
  • it takes into account how many days the patient will be under inpatient observation;
  • the cost of medical consultations and tests;
  • the cost of additional procedures to improve the condition of the skin

For example, laser liposuction of the cheeks, carried out in the capital, will cost from 15 to 50,000 rubles. The average cost in Moscow beauty clinics is about 37 thousand rubles.

In the struggle for ideal forms, women resort to various methods - strict diets, exhausting workouts in the gym, etc. However, in this way it is not always possible to achieve the desired result, since it is quite difficult to eliminate body fat in some areas, sometimes it is almost impossible. Fortunately, today there are methods that help to effectively and painlessly get rid of such a problem, and one of the most popular is chemical liposuction.

Despite the fact that chemical liposuction appeared later than the traditional procedure for removing fat with the help of surgical intervention, it managed to become quite popular and even outperform its predecessor in popularity. This is due to the fact that this method is more gentle - after it there are no scars or swelling.

What is chemical liposuction?

During the procedure of chemical lipolysis, a special composition containing special lipolytic substances is injected into the adipose tissue. This effect turns fat into an emulsion, which after a while is naturally excreted from the body with the help of the lymphatic system.

The duration of one procedure is an average of 45 minutes, the full course includes the passage of 4 to 16 sessions. It is allowed to carry out 1 session 1 time per week, but if the case is rather neglected, 2 procedures per week may be needed.
Like surgical, chemical liposuction is used to eliminate local fat deposits - on the knees, in the abdomen, to eliminate the second chin and riding breeches. The need for such a procedure is due to the fact that it is very difficult to get rid of fat deposits in such areas, because neither diet nor exercise can help.

Also, with the help of this procedure, it is possible to effectively get rid of the problems that women usually face during menopause - fatty deposits on the back of the neck and upper chest. Since chemical liposuction is one of the most gentle procedures, it is even applied to the skin of the face, mainly to correct excessively plump cheeks.

Advantages of chemical liposuction

The main advantage of this method of removing fat in the first place is its painlessness. However, some discomfort may occur due to the unpleasant sensations from injections, which can be compared with conventional injections.
Unlike operating room liposuction, when after the procedure it takes from a month to a year to recover, this period does not take so long after chemical liposuction.

In addition, natural compounds such as artichoke and green tea extracts, caffeine, amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants often act as active ingredients in injections. Thus, it is possible not only to eliminate fat deposits, but also to enhance metabolic and regenerative processes in the skin, destroy cellulite, and promote rejuvenation.
The appointment of sessions of chemical liposuction is often due to the need to eliminate such consequences of surgical operations to remove fat as flabbiness and bumps on the skin.


The procedure should not be performed during pregnancy, chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys, intolerance to the components of the drugs that are used during the procedure. In addition, fat-dissolving injections are contraindicated in persons under the age of 18.

Before deciding to carry out such a procedure, you should always consult with a specialist.


Modern beauty standards impose an aesthetic of refined forms. We are strenuously struggling with extra pounds, sometimes resorting to completely blasphemous methods. The relentless pursuit of the ideal often causes irreparable harm to health. The focus of our review today is liposuction. Let's look at the pros and cons of this procedure, how liposuction methods differ, and also turn to our inner fears: why are we so afraid of surgical methods?

When Diet Doesn't Help

The crazy rhythm of the city often simply does not allow us to build a balance of nutrition in such a way that meals take place at regular intervals and provide our body with a complete set of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. We often eat in fits and starts, and the stress of work often robs us of our appetite, or contributes to improper digestion of food. “At work, I can only force myself to drink a cup of coffee, but in the evening I literally empty the refrigerator,” Svetlana admits. She fights with excess weight tirelessly, but to no avail.

“I preferred not to deny myself the habit of eating a lot and tasty food, because I liked my figure. But recently I discovered that the body suddenly began to put aside “reserves” at the waist, and I simply can’t change the way I eat!” Anastasia complained to us. And there are a lot of such examples among patients.

Complaints about the so-called "fat traps" are frequent - concentrated accumulations of fat in some specific areas: knees, waist, legs, etc. No matter how much a person loses weight, it is impossible to reduce the volume of these zones.

It turns out that not all people psychologically withstand diets, and sometimes only one “problem” zone requires adjustment, and forcing the whole body to lose weight simply does not make sense.

Fat is our enemy?

In an endless marathon of diets, patients begin to hate the very word "fat", but this is not entirely true. From the course of school biology, we are all familiar with the concept of "adipocyte" - a fat cell. This type of cells has been at the center of a dispute among scientists for many years: some argue that their number in the body is unchanged, others insist on the opposite. Why is it important? The fact is that the number and size of adipocytes in our body determines the external shape.

During a diet, fat cells do not go anywhere - they simply decrease in volume, therefore fat removal is much more effective. But you can’t overdo it, because our fat layer is not only a source of disappointment: it warms us, saves energy for new deeds and achievements.

Weapon choice

As soon as we decide to work with the problem areas of our figure, the question arises: which method is the most effective and safe? Here we have a vast field of possibilities in which it is easy to get lost. Let's look at the different options, and dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Let's make a reservation right away that most of us are busy people, with a torn work schedule, and often frequent business trips. With such a rhythm of life, the course of massages and the miracles of separate nutrition lose all meaning. We need to get rid of excess fat as efficiently, safely and economically as possible. So, we came close to the concept of "liposuction".

First of all, you need to understand that not every procedure is called liposuction. Liposuction is exactly that. surgical surgery to change the nature of fat deposits in certain areas of the body. And this means that non-surgical liposuction simply cannot be, since liposuction is literally “fat removal”, while non-surgical methods offer only means to promote the breakdown of fat, which is then supposed to be removed from the body through the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

Lipolysis is also not liposuction, since it is a “fat-breaking process” and not fat removal. Fat cells destroyed as a result of lipolysis are not removed from the treated area.

After we have agreed on the terms, we will proceed directly to the classification.

What are liposuctions?

Now in more detail:

Invasive method

Mechanism: after preliminary destruction of the integrity of adipocytes, fat is removed through holes in the skin using a special aspiration apparatus.

Historically, several varieties of classical liposuction succeeded each other:

1) Dry is a classic version of liposuction, in which excess fat is mechanically removed using fairly thick cannulas attached to an aspirator, without prior tissue infiltration. The rapid movement of the cannulas through the subcutaneous tunnels through the fat deposits causes the detachment of the fat cells. After that, they are pulled by negative pressure into the cannula through the perforations.

2) Wet liposuction considered a more gentle procedure. An anesthetic solution is first introduced into the aspiration zone to soften fatty deposits. Fluid infiltration contributes to the rupture of cell membranes, which greatly facilitates the removal of fat.

3) tumescent liposuction was proposed in 1985. Infiltration is carried out with a special solution, which includes:


soda solution,


Vasoconstrictor drug.

This combination of components, along with an anesthetic effect, contributes to a significant reduction in blood loss and electrolyte loss.

Minuses: work with large cannulas in classical liposuction inevitably damages tissues due to the applied mechanical force, respectively, the procedure as a whole is characterized by more effort, less precision, increased risk of deformation, bruising, increased recovery time after surgery.

What is the result? After such an operation, we will have to experience pain in the area of ​​intervention for too long, and the unevenness of the skin will still force us to find time for massages and cosmetic procedures.

non-invasive method

This is essentially non-surgical liposuction, however, as we said above, this method can be attributed to liposuction very conditionally, since it only promotes the removal of fat through the venous or lymphatic system. It is rather lipolysis and today there are the following types of it:

1) Radiofrequency "liposuction" or electrolipolysis– with the help of two small-diameter electrodes connected to a high-frequency electric field generator, fat cells are destroyed. Electrodes act on adipose tissue in the following way: the inner one is inserted into the adipose tissue under the skin, and the outer one is applied to the skin surface from above, opposite the inner one. Radiofrequency liposuction provides a uniform destruction of fat cells, and as a result, the risk of uneven skin is eliminated.

Minuses: high risk of tissue burns, blockage of blood vessels, negative effects on internal organs.

What is the result? Time wasted, money wasted. But it is likely that both will have to be sought for a trip to other doctors. You probably don't want to take the risk.

2) Chemical "liposuction"- removal of excess fat by introducing a special preparation into the fat layer. Chemical liposuction allows you to solve the problem of correction of small areas: knees, chin, etc.

Minuses chemical liposuction: implicit effect, the need for repeated injections of a lipolytic drug, the possibility of allergic reactions.

What is the result? The skin looks like it has been attacked by a huge number of blood-sucking insects, and we are still forced to return to this unpleasant procedure. Having heard from our colleagues and patients numerous negative reviews about chemical non-surgical liposuction, we were convinced of its low efficiency, therefore we offer our patients more effective, safe and effective solutions in the fight against excess fat.

3) In recent years, it has been popular in Russia ultrasonic "liposuction": Excess fatty tissue is removed as a result of ultrasonic cavitation. Ultrasonic liposuction “cavitation” is performed using a “tube in tube” device, which allows ultrasonic treatment of adipose tissue. The lipolytic effect is achieved by the destruction of fat cells, their subsequent emulsification and excretion from the body. Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction has long been considered one of the most effective methods of dealing with body fat, until all its disadvantages and side effects were fully studied.

pros ultrasonic liposuction: effective and uniform destruction of fat cells, no unevenness on the skin, injection marks and other unaesthetic defects. Ultrasonic liposuction, the price of which is certainly higher than for other non-invasive methods, solves several problems at once, including the treatment of cellulite, the correction of excess weight and the fight against local fat deposits in hard-to-reach places. In addition, ultrasound liposuction is completely painless and does not require postoperative rehabilitation.

Minuses cavitation liposuction: this type has a large number of side effects:

After the procedure, many patients experience intestinal inflammation, a clear sign of which is loose stools. The ultrasonic liposuction machine creates low-frequency ultrasonic waves that affect the pancreas and internal organs, which can cause Crohn's disease.

tissue dehydration.

Destruction of the skin. Burns during the procedure can be both external and internal, when the blood vessels and nerves of the treated area are affected.

What is the result? Non-surgical liposuction cavitation in inexperienced hands is the actual beating of the internal organs. The slightest inaccuracy in the angle of impact, for example, in the abdomen, can cause inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Minimally invasive method

Laser effect on fat deposits with simultaneous removal of destroyed fat cells through micro-punctures. Laser liposuction solves the problem of 2 directions:

fat removal,

Skin tightening.

The surgeons of the clinic "Beauty Doctor" in practice were convinced of the absolute effectiveness of this procedure:

1) Laser lipectomy (liposuction)- potentially less traumatic than ultrasonic liposuction and other invasive and non-invasive methods.

The advantage of this type of intervention is due to the development of a technically advanced laser device. The diameter of the microcannulas is only half a millimeter. Heating changes the viscosity and structure of the fat sucked through micro-punctures, which minimizes tissue trauma. The supply of dosed laser radiation is a safe procedure with an excellent aesthetic result.

2) Result.

In addition to a significant improvement in body contours after surgery, patients note an increase in skin elasticity and smoothness at the laser treatment sites. The ability to control the wavelength that affects a certain area allows you to adjust the heating of tissues, and as a result, the degree of skin tightening. For us, a very important indicator of a good result was the fact that almost all patients recommended this procedure to their friends and relatives.

3) Accuracy and precision.

Very often, we came across requests from patients for the correction of local areas with fatty deposits: above the knees, in the waist, cheeks, chin, etc. The methods of classical liposuction could not give such an accurate result. In the case of laser liposuction, the patient receives exactly the result he expected, and the healing process is reduced several times.

4) Adverse reactions to the procedure are minor and temporary.

The recovery period is much shorter than after classical liposuction and even popular cavitation liposuction.

Compression garments must be worn after the procedure. The term of continuous wearing depends on the area of ​​laser liposuction: from 5 days to 3 weeks. Then the surgeon will designate an individual wearing regimen for you (for example, only at night).

Obvious advantages of laser liposuction: low invasiveness, reliable control of laser exposure, easy maneuverability of the cannula (as a result, the absence of bumps and irregularities), skin tightening in the treated area.

Relative minus: Compression underwear is required.

Why are we so afraid of surgery?

After we have examined in detail the different types of liposuction, we will try to understand: why do many patients prefer non-surgical methods if they do not at all guarantee the absence of complications and side effects? Maybe it's all about poor information: when we do not fully understand the technique of the operation, it seems to us that this is something terrible and incomprehensible, and, therefore, it is better to avoid it. But a high-quality operation saves not only money, but also the nerves that you have to spend during exhausting diets!

So, maybe you should learn more about modern methods of plastic surgery? Sign up for a consultation with a plastic surgeon just to overcome stereotypes and understand that modern plastic surgery is a safe way to become slimmer, more attractive and change something in yourself that cannot be corrected by other methods.

Modern norms of the human body are based on the sophistication of forms. This encourages people to constantly take action to eliminate extra pounds. One of the means of such confrontation is liposuction. This procedure is endowed with pluses, has negative points, is diverse in practicing methods, and is not always approved by patients.

Invasive or surgical types of liposuction - advantages and disadvantages when applied?

A considerable number of people opt for non-surgical methods of dealing with excess fat. One of the possible reasons is the lack of awareness of the population about what equipment is used during the operation, what algorithm of the procedure itself, what are the positive aspects and disadvantages in the extensive list of subtypes of liposuction.

Surgical liposuction involves making incisions on the patient's body through which fat is removed using suction equipment. The fundamental point of this cure is the fragmentation of fat cells into molecules. The considered type of liposuction is divided into several subspecies, which were created on the basis of the historical component:

  • dry– the traditional option of liposuction. Excess fatty matter is removed mechanically. For these purposes, cannulas with a large diameter are used, which are associated with an aspirator. Impregnation of body materials with saline is not carried out. This subtype of classical liposuction is relevant if you need to work with scanty areas of the body, where the amount of excess fat is not so large; to neutralize the mistakes of the previous liposuction. Negative factors are a large loss of blood by the patient, severe injuries. The fundamental points of the procedure under consideration are accuracy, complexity, which eliminates the inexperience, lack of professionalism of the operator. This subtype of liposuction is not so popular among those who have problems with fat deposits, but on average its price ranges from 300-400 dollars for 1 zone;
  • wet- practiced often, has a low trauma. Before the introduction of the cannula into the area with which they plan to work, a certain amount of a substance is launched, which includes an anesthetic, adrenaline. The first favors the liquefaction of fatty matter - the process of extracting the fat emulsion is greatly facilitated. Through adrenaline, blood vessels decrease in diameter, which means that blood loss will be minimal. The scanty presence of blood in the equipment used helps to extract a larger amount of fatty matter from the body (maximum 5 thousand ml of emulsion). This procedure will be more fruitful if combined with non-surgical liposuction;
  • tumescent- possible with a special solution, which will include an anesthetic, soda, saline, adrenaline. After the introduction of a large volume of this solution into the patient's body, the vessels regress in their diameter, which provides them with protection from ruptures. Fat cells are fixed in the solution - their removal is greatly facilitated. This subtype of surgical liposuction allows you to eliminate up to 10 thousand ml. emulsions.

If a person decides on this type of liposuction, then one must be prepared for prolonged pain in the areas that have been treated. You can forget about the smoothness of the skin in these places, therefore cosmetic manipulations are additionally shown. It is important to perform maneuvers during surgical liposuction in the forearms, on the inner side of the thighs.

It is impossible to answer the question of how much surgical liposuction costs, since it will depend on how many problem areas the patient has, which clinic and in which country was chosen for treatment. The average price for 1 zone (palm size) within the Russian Federation starts from 400-500 dollars.

Non-invasive or non-surgical liposuction methods – pros and cons, how do they work?

By definition, it would be wrong to initiate liposuction as a non-surgical intervention, since the surgical aspect is an immediate component of the procedure in question. It would be more adequate to call this phenomenon lipolysis: the elimination of fat cells is carried out thanks to the circulatory and lymphatic systems. There are several subspecies of this procedure:

  • radiofrequency liposuction. The elimination of the integrity of the minimum fat particle is carried out thanks to 2 electrodes, a generator. The electric current injected in this way collides with the cell and destroys it. At the start of this procedure, one of the electrodes must be connected to fatty tissue, which involves piercing the skin. The second electrode should be fixed outside the skin opposite the first. The destruction is carried out in a balanced way, problems with skin irregularities are excluded, but it is probable. The procedure under consideration is fraught with malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs, impaired blood flow.

The cost of radio wave liposuction varies depending on the problem.
area, clinics. On average, you need to have 1200-1500 dollars to make 1 session on 1 zone. But there is no 100% guarantee of the success of radiofrequency liposuction, so it is advisable to consider alternative options;

  • chemical- elimination of fat deposits with the assistance of a specific chemical preparation. Suitable for small areas: chin, knees, etc. The negative point is the likelihood of allergies, a weak visual effect. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with 1 injection, but even in this case, the procedure will have to be updated regularly. The price for 1 injection will depend on the substance used, on average it will be 50-150 dollars.

Since outwardly the skin does not look attractive, the effect is minimal, and the need for duplication is obvious, chemical liposuction cannot boast of a mass of positive reviews;

  • ultrasonic liposuction. Among all the subspecies of non-surgical liposuction, this one has gained the greatest popularity. To eliminate extra kilos, special equipment “tube in tube” is practiced here, when the problem area is influenced by ultrasonic waves. Fat cells are divided into microparticles, converted into a liquid state, and removed from the body. Such treatment will cost about $ 600 / 1 problem area.

The advantages of the considered liposuction include:

  • balanced division of fat cells;
  • lack of need for rehabilitation after surgery;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • problem solving in terms of excess weight;
  • pain during the procedure is not ascertained;
  • the ability to correct hard-to-reach areas.

There are many negative effects in this procedure:

  • dehydration of matter;
  • the likelihood of inflammation of the gastric mucosa / pancreas. This is explained by the destructive effect of low-frequency ultrasound waves on the pancreas. May be limited to loose stools;
  • it is problematic to maintain the unity of the skin. Often an external / internal burn is fixed.

Only a professional should carry out this procedure. Otherwise, dysfunction of internal organs/systems may occur.

Minimally invasive laser liposuction method - advantages and disadvantages, possible side effects

It is feasible by influencing fat cells, which are divided into microparticles and excreted from the body. Through this procedure, you can get rid of excess fat, make the skin more toned. Those wishing to try this procedure on themselves need to have at least $ 700 in their wallet. This is exactly the average amount for working with 1 problem area.

There are many advantages to this procedure:

  • minimal injury. It is explained by the characteristics of the laser device that is used during the procedure. The radius of the cannulas is 0.25 mm, the disintegration of fatty particles is carried out due to thermal effects;
  • skin tightening is achieved by the ability to control the force of thermal exposure. If there is a need for a strong tightening, the doctor can change the wavelength of the laser, which will provoke a more thorough heating of the tissue;
  • the ability to eliminate errors in hard-to-reach areas. This can include the armpits, the area above the knees, the chin, etc. During surgical liposuction, the patient will be in pain for a long time - the consequences of the laser procedure are fleeting;

There are several negative points:

after the end of the procedure, there is a need to use compression underwear. At first, it must be worn regularly (up to 21 days), after - as prescribed by the doctor;
for inelastic skin, duplication of the procedure is required, since a one-time laser therapy will not be fruitful;
The peak of the effectiveness of the procedure will come only after 3 months. It is then that the processes of skin contraction will be completed.

Real reviews about liposuction

Six months ago I had vacuum liposuction. At that time, I knew only superficially about this procedure, I learned about all the nuances later, including from personal experience. The procedure itself is very complicated, my recovery period lasted a month and a half. During this time, it was such that she lost consciousness. The skin at the suction site looks terrible: uneven, inelastic. You have to watch what you eat, when you eat, exercise. If this is not done, then the most unexpected parts of the body will become overgrown with fat. The paradox of the situation is that only 400 grams of fat was removed. I heard that very obese people can remove up to 5 liters. To avoid incidents, consult with normal doctors, find out all the details, the errors of the procedure.

If you need to solve the problem of a bulging belly + tighten the skin, then I advise you to perform radio wave liposuction using the BodyTite device. Expensive of course: I paid $ 1,200 (person), but I do not regret

For as long as I know myself, I regularly practiced sports dancing. The figurine is beautiful. But the “ears” on the sides spoil the whole picture, especially if I put on trousers with a low waist! I tried to get rid of them by various methods: gymnastics, massages, saunas - I just spent money in vain. I decided to take a more serious step - radio wave liposuction. I liked that local anesthesia was included here, that it didn’t take much time to recover, they did a lift on my “ears”. Did a lot of analysis. The procedure took me an hour. I wore compression underwear for a little over a month, the result was worth it!

Not very long ago I did ultrasonic liposuction of the thighs (outer side) using the OMNIKA device. The doctor prescribed me to undergo 7 procedures, I followed his recommendations. This device is good because it comes with nozzles in the set, thanks to which you can tighten the skin in the problem area. Between each procedure, I paused for 7 days so that the melted cells could be completely removed from my body. There was no pain during liposuction, but the whistle of the working apparatus was present. After the procedure was completed, I did not have to stay in the clinic - in a matter of minutes I left the building. As a result, she decreased in the hips by 6 cm.

I really liked radiofrequency liposuction with the participation of a special device (BodyTite, if I'm not mistaken). Before the treatment, my waist was 74 cm, after - 69 cm. Nothing happens for the first 6-7 days after the procedure, but then the result is amazing.

I did tumescent liposuction a year and a half ago in Moscow, it cost me $ 800. They gave me general anesthesia and I fell asleep. When I came to, the doctors sewed me up. There is no need to be afraid - the sensitivity of the body is at zero due to painkillers, and you will not see this process. Elastic bandages on the wounds, underwear worn over it and that's it. A friend came for me, we went together to a sushi bar, then to a supermarket and home. While I was under the influence of painkillers, I felt better than satisfactory. As soon as the drugs stopped working, the pain overtook me. Saved by ketanov. Three days later she began to work, but every day she came to the clinic to do dressings. I thought that these terrible bruises would stay with me forever, but they disappeared within a few days. I also want to do laser liposuction - I'm looking for a normal clinic.

Two years ago I did laser liposuction in Minsk. I had to correct the waist, drive the sides, reduce the hips. I paid crazy money, and the effect is noticeable only under a microscope. I regret that I didn’t do a regular liposuction, and I would have saved money and enjoyed the result.

I am 54 years old, I decided to get rid of my stomach, correct the figure in the area of ​​​​the hips, knees, waist. Especially my stomach bothered me: after menopause it increased even more. I went around many clinics, talked with many surgeons, until I finally found an adequate specialist. Initially, I was set up for laser liposuction, but the doctor dissuaded me. As he said, the laser procedure will cost twice as much as the usual (tuniscent) liposuction, and it is unlikely that laser lipo will help me with anything. I decided to have a regular liposuction, spent 1 day in the clinic, they eliminated 870 ml of pure fat, and I paid a little more than 1 thousand dollars for all this.

In my configuration, I have always been thin, but with age, a stomach appeared. The hoop, the swing of the press, the hunger strike were not crowned with success, so I decided to do liposuction. Since I am terribly afraid of pain, I stopped at laser correction. Its essence lies in the fact that the stomach is pierced with small cannulas. The trace remained, but within a year everything disappeared. It is imperative to follow your diet and lifestyle after this procedure, otherwise the eliminated fat will return very quickly.

Chemical liposuction, which is now very popular, arose much later than the usual procedure for removing fat through surgery, but in terms of the number of fans it soon caught up and even surpassed its predecessor. No wonder, because the non-surgical method is much safer, faster and more effective. For example, after the usual liposuction, which was practiced, for example, in ancient China, ugly scars and swelling may remain. Meanwhile, after chemical liposuction, there are no such consequences.

What is chemical liposuction?

The meaning of chemical liposuction, or lipolysis, as it is called in another way, is that during the procedure, a special composition is injected into the adipose tissue, which contains special lipolytic substances. Due to their effect, the fat that is contained under the skin becomes an emulsion, after a certain time it is excreted from the body naturally with the help of the lymphatic system. On average, one procedure takes forty-five minutes, and the full course ranges from four to sixteen procedures once a week. Sometimes, in a very severe case, it is possible to conduct a session 2 times a week - however, in this case, no more than 6 in total.

Application area

Like surgical, chemical liposuction is most often used to eliminate local fat deposits - on the knees, in the abdomen, to eliminate the 2nd chin and riding breeches. The problem is that getting rid of fat in these parts of the body is especially difficult, because in this case neither exercise nor diet helps. This is where a good salon comes in. Including visible good results, this procedure brings as a result of getting rid of accumulations of fat on the back of the neck and in the upper chest area, often occurring in women during menopause. Due to the fact that the procedure belongs to the most gentle type, it can also have an effect on the skin of the face, in particular, correct very plump cheeks.

Advantages of chemical liposuction

Compared to surgical liposuction, chemical liposuction has a lot of obvious advantages. First of all, this procedure is painless. A little discomfort may be caused by not very pleasant sensations from injections, however, they can be compared with simple injections. Moreover, if after surgical liposuction the patient must necessarily recover for some time - from a month to a year - then after lipolysis you can play sports and continue to lead your usual lifestyle.

In addition, natural compounds often act as active components of injections, for example, extracts of artichokes, green tea, caffeine, including antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins. In view of this, this procedure not only eliminates fat deposits, but also enhances the regenerative and metabolic processes in the skin, rejuvenates and destroys cellulite. Often, chemical liposuction procedures are prescribed to get rid of the unpleasant results of surgical operations, flabbiness, bumps on the skin, and so on.

Contraindications for lipolysis

Naturally, not a single cosmetic procedure known now is a panacea. Thus, lipolysis also has certain contraindications, as a result, it is not suitable for all girls. Thus, the procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy, minors. Including chemical liposuction is contraindicated for those who have chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys. Plus, sometimes there is an individual intolerance to drugs and an allergy to the components that are used during the procedure. So, before deciding on this procedure, be sure to consult with a qualified specialist.

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