Causes of dizziness when getting up and when going to bed. Why dizzy when getting up, when you lie down and when turning. Pathological process in the inner ear

Unpleasant darkening in the eyes and dizziness when standing up is caused by several factors. The most likely is a pressure surge or ischemic vascular weakness: when a person changes his position, the blood either rushes in strongly or moves away from the brain, in any case causing oxygen shock.

Correctly recognize dizziness

Not always what we think is what it is. True vertigo is a feeling of instability in space, when objects around rotate, and the soil leaves from under your feet. If it just got dark in the eyes, but the head is not spinning, the reasons may lie precisely in the vision: the blood supply to the area is disturbed. optic nerve or in the eyeball itself.

Often, an attack of dizziness is accompanied by nausea, natural weakness in the limbs, and a change in complexion. The patient's skin turns pale, as a rule, but contrasting spots on the face may appear.

Dizziness occurs if it is repeated not only when standing up, but, for example, when turning the head, squatting, sneezing and other sudden movements.

The nature of dizziness

Usually, such behavior of the body, as described above, indicates problems with the cardiovascular system. The causes of the disease can lie both in the vessels of the brain themselves, and in ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrhythmias.

The point is that all of our vascular system has a similar musculo-epithelial structure that helps maintain constant pressure in body. When the main vessels do not receive sufficient load or, conversely, they cannot cope with it, this layer is broken, and the vessel loses the ability to contract normally. As a result, there is a pressure drop in the high side (hypertension) or in the low side (hypotension).

Problems with dizziness in the case when a person lies down or gets out of bed abruptly usually torment hypotensive patients.

What happens in this case: a person in one position of the body redistributes blood through the vessels, while a significant part falls on the lower half of the body, where stagnation occurs. When he gets up too abruptly, the vessels and heart cannot cope with the rapid redistribution of blood, and blood pressure drops for a short time. This kind of orthostatic dizziness happens to everyone when getting out of bed and goes away after a couple of seconds. But if the symptoms are acute and nausea, the malaise does not go away, this is already called pathological deviation.

Our readers write

Topic: Got rid of dizziness!

From: Maria B. ( [email protected])

To: Website Administration /

Hello! My name is
Maria, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to overcome my causeless dizziness. I'm leading active image life, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

When I turned 30 years old, I first felt such unpleasant symptoms as headache, dizziness, periodic "compression" of the heart, sometimes there was simply not enough air. I attributed it all to sedentary image life, irregular schedule, poor nutrition and smoking. I went around all the ENT doctors in the city, everyone was sent to neuropathologists, they did a bunch of tests, MRI, checked blood vessels and only shrugged, and it cost a lot of money ...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article literally pulled me out of the world. For the last 2 years I have started to move more, in spring and summer I go to the country every day, now I also travel around the world. And no dizziness!

Who wants to live a long and energetic life without dizziness, epileptic attacks, strokes, heart attacks and pressure surges, take 5 minutes and read this article.

Causes of pathological dizziness

Among them, doctors name the following:

  • Meniere's syndrome - a disease that accompanies problems hearing aid.
  • Anemia and iron deficiency in the blood.
  • Recent blood loss, surgery, menstruation, childbirth, etc.
  • Heart problems, a condition close to a heart attack or vascular stroke.
  • The above problems with blood pressure.
  • Heart failure, etc.

Thyroid problems are also included in typical causes diseases: it happens that the endocrine system secretes too much a large number of the hormone adrenaline, which stimulates the circulatory system. oxygen starvation due to natural causes- lifting to great height, flying in an airplane, also cause problems.

Finally, problems with the vestibular apparatus and inner ear, responsible for coordination and a stable position of a person in space, also cause dizziness. Stress, neurosis and depression, prolonged insomnia are layered on other symptoms, as a result, the disease is overgrown with a whole complex of provoking factors.

How to treat a diagnosed disease

Only when a neurologist or other specialist who has managed to make a diagnosis examines the indications of all the tests and examinations passed (from MRI and CT to ECG, radiographs to detect cervical osteochondrosis, etc.), you will be prescribed treatment. The procedures are usually carried out in combination and involve taking pills along with non-drug methods:

  1. Manual therapy - simply put, massage, exposure with the help of different kind manipulations on problem areas, causing dizziness. This includes acupuncture massage and acupuncture.
  2. Reflexology.
  3. visit physiotherapy exercises.
  4. Aromatherapy - when essential oils are used to relieve tension in the vessels.

Among the tablets recommended for illness, vestibulolytic agents will prevail, the purpose of which is to restore normal work vestibular apparatus, as well as drugs that normalize blood pressure and eliminate the causes of its jumps. With the identified pathology of the cardiovascular system, you can live, but constantly control it, taking muscle stimulants and nonsteroidal drugs.

To get rid of dizziness, take antihistamines such as Meclozine, sedatives like Diazepam or Lorazepam, which relieve the syndrome causeless anxiety. If you suffer from nausea, the doctor may prescribe Metoclopramide, Betahistine Hydrochloride, Betaserc. Also, Betahistine Hydrochloride tablets successfully cope with the treatment of Meniere's disease, when it slows down the development of symptoms.

All of the above methods require a complex combination and rejection of junk food, alcohol, smoking, coffee. healthy image life - 50% of the key to success on the road to recovery.

What does it mean if you get dizzy when standing up or lying down? Can homework help? folk remedies? When is it time to see a doctor? We will understand the causes of this problem and how to deal with it.

So why do you feel dizzy when you lie down or get up? Feeling dizzy is always unpleasant and disturbing. There are always reasons for such a state, and there are quite a lot of them. Before proceeding with treatment, it is important to identify the specific precipitating factor, and not to treat the symptom itself.

Dizziness when lying down can be a harmless feature of the body or alarm signal, which warns that a disease is developing. Medical attention is required if dizziness is accompanied by fatigue, weakness, nausea.

The essence of dizziness may be that the brain does not immediately respond to a change in body position. A change in posture is perceived faster by the eyes, and only then the information reaches the brain. Despite the fact that this is rather unpleasant, it is worth reconciling with this state of affairs. If this is really not a disease, it’s enough just to rest more, work less, sleep better and establish a balanced diet.

Adults, adolescents and children, men and women can get sick. In women, dizziness can often occur during pregnancy or hypotension. This condition is extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable. It seems that the world is literally spinning around. It is sometimes difficult for a person to even get out of bed.

What is dizziness

This is a phenomenon in which a person has the feeling that he is moving relative to space. Dizziness when getting up and when you lie down is not always a symptom of the disease, nerve impulses simply may not immediately reach the brain, so the person feels an unusual condition. Sometimes it can appear at the moment when a person takes horizontal position. Dizziness when changing body position is a common problem.

What can make you dizzy when you lie down

Vertigo lying down is an unpleasant and common phenomenon. When a person assumes a horizontal position, his the cardiovascular system must reorganize its work, adapt to the new position of the body in space. If you feel dizzy as soon as you lie down on the bed, this condition may also be healthy person. It may also warn of the development certain disease. This is observed if a person lies on his back, on his right, left side, or occurs abrupt change body position from vertical to horizontal.

Also discomfort may appear when the head is thrown back, or when a person tries to change position abruptly. A person may feel nauseous, headaches may appear. He tries to avoid sudden changes in posture.

By the way, dizziness may accompany alcohol intoxication, hangover. A drunk person suffers not only from dizziness, his pressure rises, his pulse quickens, confusion is observed, unstable emotional condition. In this case, you should stop drinking alcohol, and if you can’t do it, you need to contact a narcologist.

Factors that can cause dizziness include:

  1. pathology of the inner ear.
  2. Diseases endocrine system, hormonal disruptions.
  3. Increased pressure inside the eyes.
  4. Pathology of the vessels of the brain.
  5. CNS diseases.
  6. Neuritis of the vestibular apparatus.
  7. Spinal injuries (closed or open).
  8. The collapse is orthostatic.
  9. Meniere's syndrome.
  10. Osteochondrosis. Due to a violation of posture at the time when a person lies down or takes vertical position, the vertebral artery does not work well. It is quite large and supplies blood to all parts of the spine and brain. Blood does not flow well, and the brain begins to malfunction.
  11. Inflammation of the meninges.
  12. Hypertension.
  13. Spinal hernia.
  14. Infection of the nasopharynx, ears.
  15. Trauma, alcoholism. This leads to disruption of the nerve impulses to regions of the brain. With excessive alcohol consumption, as with a head injury, many neurons die, and connections between brain cells are disrupted.

Be sure to describe your condition to your doctor in as much detail as possible. It is necessary to tell when dizziness appears, how long it lasts, if the head hurts, then on the left or on the right, are there other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness, etc. If there was, tell us which side of the head was affected, what sensations did you experience.

Other symptoms

The dizzy condition is often accompanied by a number of other symptoms. This may be a sign of the development of the disease. Exactly additional symptoms often become decisive in the diagnosis. It is important to tell the doctor about everything that worries you, even if such a symptom seems unimportant to you personally.

Depending on what disease caused, a person may experience additional symptoms:

  1. benign. Dizziness in this case worries when a person takes a certain position (lying or standing up). Its reason lies in the fact that salts are deposited in the area of ​​​​the inner ear. If the problem is in the vestibular apparatus, true vertigo is observed. He accompanies strong heartbeat, makes noise in the ears, begins to feel sick, there is a hearing impairment.
  2. In inner ear violated normal blood flow. In this case, a headache occurs, pressure increases, memory is disturbed.
  3. Damaged inner ear. Headache, nausea, vomiting, hearing problems may occur.
  4. Labyrinthitis. This is an inflammatory process that affects the inner ear. This condition is accompanied by severe dizziness, it worries when a person lies on his back or turns to his side. Symptoms torment several days and even weeks. The temperature may rise.
  5. Neuritis. The head will spin unexpectedly when a person assumes a horizontal position. There is also vomiting. Symptoms bother mainly in the morning.
  6. If dizziness appears at those moments when a person lies down, it may be accompanied by a temporary complete hearing loss, it begins to darken in the eyes.

At getting up abruptly from a supine position, dizziness can be considered the norm, but only if it is not accompanied by other symptoms. A similar problem can be encountered not only at night, but also during the day. Sometimes a change in position immediately causes discomfort for a few seconds. Then the state returns to normal.

If, due to dizziness, it is difficult to even stand, you should immediately consult a doctor. This condition can cause serious illness even oncology. In some cases, it is required to carry out.


Many are concerned about the problem of what to do if you feel dizzy when a person assumes a sitting or lying position if motion sickness appears. Treatment is not limited to simply taking a pill. You need to adjust your lifestyle, habits, learn to work properly and get enough rest.

Therapy depends on what caused it. similar condition. If it is temporary, passes quickly, rarely repeats, it is worth observing your further condition. This is only if there are no other accompanying symptoms. If there are other unpleasant sensations, you should not waste time, but you need to go to the doctor. It is especially worth taking your condition seriously if you feel dizzy when walking or standing, appears wobbly gait. A person can stagger, coordination of movements is disturbed. With physical exertion, dizziness may increase. This indicates disturbances in the functioning of the brain, the central nervous system. The reasons can be different - from urticaria to oncology.

Depending on what is bothering you, you will need to get advice from a therapist, neurologist, ENT, etc. The help of an experienced endocrinologist is often required.

Most of the time, this problem is easy to treat. The decisive factor is the cause. Many patients are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, multivitamins that will help strengthen the immune system.

  • Sometimes a simple one helps breathing exercises. It is performed in a sitting position, or you can lie down. Need to do deep breath and then exhale. This process is repeated for seven minutes. The point is to saturate the blood with additional oxygen.
  • You can also do self massage neck, head, face. At the next attack, try to press your finger on the area in the middle of the forehead. Do not immediately remove it, but hold it at the indicated point for a few seconds.
  • Try to focus on some object. It must be static, that is, motionless. Keep your gaze on it for a few seconds.
  • It will not be superfluous to regularly drink good green tea. It soothes and gently tones. But do not make the drink too strong.
  • May also help physiotherapy, reflexology.

When you have already visited the doctor, you have been diagnosed and prescribed treatment, do not forget that it is important not only to be treated correctly, but also to correct image life. You can’t succumb to stress, be nervous for any reason, you should give up bad habits, you can not eat too fatty foods.

If you are worried about dizziness when you lie down, remember the following:

  • Go to bed early. Sleep should take at least 7-8 hours.
  • Don't read in bed. Do not watch TV, do not do other things if you have already gone to bed, because your eyes are straining so much.
  • Try not to turn around abruptly or stand up. Unexpected movements can bring the vestibular apparatus out of a stable state.
  • Treat a cold early or infectious diseases. If you are sick, do not forget about bed rest.
  • Keep a reasonable daily routine. Work in the allotted time for this, try not to do things until late. Remember that it is important to be able not only to work, but also to rest. If the working day is not normalized, this is a direct path to professional "burnout" and a decrease in efficiency. Rest more.


Prevention of dizziness is possible, and it is quite effective and simple.

Very dizzy unpleasant symptom, the appearance of which should not be ignored, it develops as a result of a malfunction in the system responsible for the orientation of our body in space. Very often, patients at the doctor's office complain: "I feel dizzy when I lie on my back."

Causes of dizziness

  1. Diseases of the inner ear (various inflammatory processes, atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders, malfunctions of the vestibular organs).
  2. Changes in the process of transmission of impulses to the brain, as a result of alcohol or nicotine poisoning. Also due to injury.
  3. Incorrect processing of incoming impulses by the central nervous system, provoked by ischemia, intoxication, the consequences of trauma, and a failure in the delivery of nutrients to nerve cells.

The most common situations requiring medical examination

Dizziness is not independent disease but rather its harbinger. You should immediately consult a doctor if you have:

  • Head spinning combined with tinnitus.
  • Severe headaches with partial or total loss hearing.
  • Against the background of dizziness, nausea and vomiting begin.
  • If you experience a fainting state when you turn your head sharply.
  • Dizziness ends with loss of consciousness.
  • Double vision, weakness of the limbs, impaired sensitivity.

Diseases accompanied by dizziness

Causes of dizziness lying position very diverse, but the most common is circulatory failure in the brain. This violation provokes a number of neurological and internal diseases. Among them:

Osteochondrosis in cervical region spine leads to squeezing of the artery, and, accordingly, blood circulation and nutrition of the brain suffer. Dizziness can be almost constant, leading to blackouts, loss of orientation in space, and sometimes to fainting. You can help in such a situation by laying the patient down with his head down. Osteochondrosis is the most common cause of dizziness in the supine position.

It is necessary to address to the neuropathologist and to pass or take place inspection. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, massage, special gymnastics and diet.

Insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain and nutrients as a result of hypotension blood pressure). It is necessary to consult a therapist, he will prescribe drugs that normalize vascular tone and general strengthening therapy (vitamins).

Inflammatory diseases of the vestibular nerve characterized by a sudden onset of severe circling of the head, which disappears after sleep. This problem is dealt with by an otolaryngologist (ENT). The survey must include computed tomography to exclude stem stroke, the manifestations of these diseases are very similar. Treatment is aimed at eliminating dizziness, stopping vomiting and nausea, and anti-inflammatory drugs are also used.

Vegetovascular dystonia with its inadequate reaction of the vessels, they either narrow, raising the pressure, or expand, losing their tone. Suffering due to mishandling cerebral circulation and therefore dizziness may occur. The neurologist will prescribe medications that normalize vascular tone, recommend observing the daily routine, having a good rest, visiting more fresh air and exercise.

Swelling of the canals of the labyrinth of the inner ear caused by inflammation of the nasopharynx. You will need a visit to the ENT doctor and appropriate anti-inflammatory and blood circulation-improving treatment.

Spinal hernia, can proceed completely painlessly and will be detected only during a medical examination. Their treatment may be conservative (medication, special exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc.), as well as operational. The principle of treatment is determined after a thorough medical examination and depends on the severity of the patient's condition, location and number of hernias.

Tumor processes in the brain. Their sign may be dizziness with hearing loss on the affected side. Tumors are also The sooner the patient seeks medical care the greater the chance of successful completion of treatment. You have to visit an oncologist.

Prevention of recurrence of dizziness

  1. Learn to do without sudden movements. Make smooth turns in bed. Do not jump up abruptly in the morning, turn on your side and stand up smoothly.
  2. Get quality deep sleep.
  3. Be outdoors more.
  4. exercise (running, walking, swimming, morning exercises etc.). Physical activity strengthens the tone of blood vessels, improving blood circulation, forms a sufficient muscle corset.
  5. Don't go on restrictive diets. Deficiency in the body useful substances hazardous to health.
  6. Timely cure inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Be sure to pass medical examination to find out the cause of dizziness in the supine position. Take good care of your health.

Single episodes do not pose a danger to human body, but if they are regularly repeated when turning or tilting the head, changing body position (turning in bed, getting up in the morning and going to bed in the evening), you can’t do without going to the doctor, treatment will significantly improve the quality of life.

Self help for dizziness

  1. Try to calm down, panic makes things even worse.
  2. Stay still and focus all your attention on one subject.
  3. Inhale deeply and inflate your stomach, then exhale as much as you can.
  4. Give yourself a head and neck massage.
  5. Sit back and relax if you can.

We have all experienced in life slight dizziness. For example, when riding a carousel or spinning in a dance. And this is considered the norm. But in some situations, dizziness is considered a sign of a disease. Some patients complain: when I lie down and get up. In this case, other symptoms may not be observed.

Diseases are different, but the symptom is one

Vertigo in and of itself is not a diagnosis. This is one of the manifestations of another disease. Dizziness can be found in some diseases: cervical osteochondrosis, lack of blood supply to the vessels of the brain, infectious diseases, brain tumors, drug intoxication, trauma of the skull, neuroses.

Dizziness is often confused with visual disturbances. This is a fog or a veil before the eyes or the flickering of "midges". If there are unpleasant sensations when the vehicle flickers, it is not dizziness, but a disorder of the vestibular apparatus.

How does dizziness manifest?

Real dizziness is a violation of work. It seems to the patient that everything around him revolves, shakiness and instability appear.

vestibular vertigo

Occurs when injured central department or peripheral department This type of dizziness occurs with a sensation of rotation of not only objects, but also own body. Quite often it is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, hearing loss, sweating, false movement of the floor. With this kind of vertigo, patients complain: "I feel dizzy when I lie down and get up."

Nonvestibular vertigo

Patients describe it as a feeling of intoxication, approaching loss of consciousness, unsteadiness when walking and lightness in the head. In people suffering from neurosis, cardiovascular or endocrine diseases so dizzy. Normal pressure is observed in 60% of patients.

Why does dizziness occur

Dizziness symptoms are often associated with many factors. Do not take into account the dizziness that occurs from time to time under certain circumstances. For example, women may experience slight dizziness before menstruation. The same thing happens with smokers. As they puff on another cigarette, they feel dizzy.

However, you should sound the alarm when dizziness is accompanied, for example, by tinnitus. This may be the beginning of the manifestation of the disease. If you feel dizzy when bending over, this may also indicate the onset of a mental or neurological disease.

Dizziness can also be accompanied by headaches. This may indicate the onset of inflammation of the inner ear, which often resolves with purulent secretions and hearing loss.

Dizziness can be one of the symptoms of vestibular neuritis. It starts suddenly, usually after sleep. The person begins to complain: "I feel dizzy when I lie down and get up." This symptom may be accompanied by vomiting.

With constantly recurring dizziness, we can talk about diseases such as osteochondrosis and hypotension. They can be repeated with a sharp rise from bed and be accompanied by cold sweat, pressure surges and quite often very dizzy in the morning with a hangover.

Vegetovascular dystonia is another reason why dizziness is possible. After all, with this disease, well-functioning work is disrupted nervous system and circulatory process.

Persistent dizziness can occur with an incoming circulatory disorder in the brain. Quite often it is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, and impaired sensitivity.

It is also necessary to exclude brain tumors. At the first symptoms of unilateral hearing loss and dizziness, contact your doctor for an examination. These types of dizziness may be accompanied by headaches, which may increase over time. Most patients complain: "Dizziness gets worse when I lie down." One patient is dizzy in the supine position, and the other is on his side.

Cervical osteochondrosis - insidious disease, at which compression occurs vertebral artery, this causes insufficient blood circulation in the brain. Very often, patients with osteochondrosis experience severe dizziness in the morning.

AT rare cases dizziness may be inflammatory processes brain tissues. In these cases, it is quite strong and requires immediate treatment to the hospital.

Mild dizziness should not be regarded as serious illnesses. After all, during pregnancy strict diets or fasting, people often feel a little dizzy (the pressure is normal or slightly lowered). This manifests itself when physical activity or walking.

Motion sickness in transport is another cause of dizziness.

Psychogenic disorders are manifested in people who are too susceptible to emotions. They occur in stressful situation, for example when large cluster people. Such a symptom is accompanied by a cold sweat, a sensation of sore throat or an attack of suffocation.

A frequent companion of migraine is also the condition under consideration. Before the onset of an attack, some people experience such sensations.

What to do if you feel dizzy

  1. If you feel dizzy, don't panic. To avoid falling, sit down or lie down. If this is not possible, find support in the form of a wall, tree, or handrail.
  2. For motion sickness-induced dizziness, close your eyes or focus on a stationary object.
  3. Don't do it sharp turns head, they only make the dizziness worse.
  4. Measure your blood pressure if possible. At high pressure call an ambulance, at low - have a drink strong coffee or tea with sugar.

Treatment for dizziness

“I feel dizzy when I lie down and get up” - do not try to treat yourself with these complaints. To begin with, it is necessary to identify true reason your ailment. Consult a neurologist or otoneurologist. In some cases, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, therapist or otolaryngologist.

With sudden severe dizziness accompanied by other symptoms, call immediately ambulance. Before the team arrives, measure your blood pressure. At increased value do not try to bring it down, on your own, taking drugs without a prescription. Be more attentive to your health!

Often this happens: you don’t seem to be sick with anything, you eat normally and follow the daily routine, but still you sometimes feel dizzy when you get up and when you lie down. These blackouts in the eyes are due to some factors: most likely a disease and weakness of the vessels, or oscillatory pressure surges. Dizziness is reinforced by oxygen shock, which occurs when there is a sharp inflow or outflow of blood from the brain.

Correct diagnosis of vertigo

You get out of bed, and everything around you starts to swim. The head is spinning and the objects in the room become fuzzy and floating, the soil leaves from under the feet, and weakness immediately begins to be felt in the arms and legs. The state is drowsy and usually a person begins to feel wild fatigue.

There are a lot of causes, factors, symptoms and signs of dizziness. the main task each person to recognize the type of disturbance in the sense of self in space and to cope with dizziness so as not to lose consciousness.

Based on the many causes and factors of this kind of ailment when getting up and when you lie down, quite a few accompanying symptoms have been identified.

Main accompanying symptoms, looking at which you can recognize the type and cause of dizziness, are considered:

1. Nausea. This symptom accompanies general malaise in the body, the presence of pregnancy, poisoning, or in violation of the functioning of the nervous system. Nausea combined with dizziness can indicate serious deviations in work gastrointestinal tract. First of all, in this case, you need to adjust your diet, daily routine and monitor the quality of the food you eat. If the reason feeling unwell does not pass long time, it is urgent to consult a doctor for qualified diagnosis and treatment.

2. Darkening in the eyes and sharp short pains in the head. These cases of poor health most often indicate visual impairment, and more specifically, a disorder in the process of supplying blood and oxygen to the optic nerve or eyeball. In this matter, you should not wait until the dizziness goes away on its own. If you notice frequent darkening in the eyes, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe you competent treatment and help protect your eyesight.

3. Often, there are no problems with coordination and dizziness only when you lie down and get up, and also in the process of lying on the bed can be due to problems with blood pressure. This ailment in most cases visits hypotensive patients - people with low blood pressure. sharp drops pressure, which are due to the fact that the vessels in the body are not able to cope with the load placed on them, often give jumps in blood pressure readings on the tonometer. In case of problems with pressure, it is necessary to immediately contact a neurologist and treat all deviations from the normal working state of the body. Such a cause of dizziness can develop into a chronic or even lead to lethal outcome: sudden pressure surges exert pernicious influence on the walls of blood vessels in the human body, as a result of which they may simply not withstand the stress and burst.

4. Lack of hearing. Darkening of the eyes and weakness, which is accompanied by a slight hearing loss, may indicate the presence of problems with the hearing aid in the body. This state is generally medical practice called Meniere's syndrome. Often a person with such a pathology complains: I get up or lie down on the bed, and my ears seem to be pawning and my head suddenly starts to spin. The above indicates a disorder in the functioning of the hearing aid and requires immediate treatment.

Vertigo when getting up and when lying down and when turning the head

With such a violation of normal well-being, a person may feel severe convulsions all over the body, rapid heartbeat, tinnitus and blurring of objects before the eyes.

The above deviations may indicate violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus, problems with the inner ear, which is responsible for coordinating human movements and its orientation in space.

One of the causes of dizziness when turning the head may be a disorder in the work thyroid gland. The thing is that this gland produces a number of hormones that stimulate the circulatory system. hyperfunction, that is increased activity in the work of the gland, provokes the fact that it secretes a large amount of the hormone adrenaline, as a result of which circulatory system begins to work actively, supply a large amount of blood through the vessels, which, in turn, simply cannot cope with such a load. Often this is the main cause of dizziness.

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