Cleansing the intestines with castor oil is a tough cleansing technique for brave people. Application of castor oil

The article discusses castor oil for weight loss. You will learn how castor oil helps in the fight against excess weight, how to take it correctly, and the presence of contraindications.

Can Castor Oil Help You Lose Weight?

The cause of excess weight is often a metabolic disorder in the body.

Improper nutrition contributes to the accumulation in the small intestine of a large amount of undigested food, feces and toxic compounds.

Vitamins and beneficial nutrients are no longer absorbed normally in the intestines, and the body's natural metabolism is disrupted.

If diets do not help to lose weight, then the natural metabolism of the body is disturbed, and it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. Castor oil is used to cleanse the intestinal tract at home.

It is a completely natural product derived from castor seeds. The oil contains healthy fatty acids and vitamin E (tocopherol). You can buy castor bean oil in bottles of 25 to 100 ml or in capsules.

Benefits of castor oil for weight loss:

  • Ricinoleic acid in the composition of the oil irritates the receptors on the walls of the small intestine, stimulates peristalsis and has a good laxative effect.
  • Fatty acids soften the accumulated feces and help to remove them naturally.
  • Castor oil removes toxins from the body, reduces appetite after cleansing.
  • Useful fatty acids and tocopherol improve the functioning of all systems and organs and saturate the body with energy.

Directly castor oil does not help to lose weight. Castor oil does not burn subcutaneous fat and does not reduce body volume. With proper cleansing of the intestinal tract, it helps to restore normal metabolism in the body.

The loss of kilograms after a course of castor oil is achieved by freeing the intestines from hardened feces and removing fluid from the body.

Castor oil cleanses the intestines well, but does not restore its natural microflora. All beneficial bacteria, on the contrary, are washed out of the small intestine along with digestion products, toxins and toxins.

After the procedure for cleansing the intestinal tract, it is necessary to follow a sour-milk diet for several days.

Castor oil is used only as an additional tool in the fight against extra pounds. In order to lose weight, it is not enough just to undergo a course of cleansing with castor oil. Cleansing the body must be combined with diet and regular exercise.

How to take castor oil for weight loss

The recommended dose of castor oil as a laxative is 1 g of oil per 1 kg of body weight. In recipes for weight loss, a smaller amount is used to reduce the burden on the body and the negative effects of castor oil on the intestinal tract.

Below are recipes with castor oil, which are used to cleanse the body and to lose weight. For the period of cleaning, eat light food: fresh fruits and vegetables, cereal cereals, whole grain breads, sour-milk products.

Reception of castor oil in its pure form

When using castor oil inside, an unpleasant taste can be eaten with dried fruits.

Ingredients: castor oil - 2 tsp

How to cook: Lightly heat the oil in a glass bowl over a water bath or microwave.

How to use: Take castor oil in the morning 30 minutes before the first meal. The course of taking castor oil is from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the slagging of the body. Drink a glass of warm water before breakfast.

Taking castor oil capsules

Castor bean oil in capsules is suitable for those who find it difficult to cope with vomiting when using castor oil in its pure form.

Ingredients: castor oil capsules.

How to use: Take in the morning on an empty stomach, depending on body weight, from 15 to 30 capsules of oil.

The course of admission is 1 week.

Recipe with kefir

Fermented milk products help maintain the natural microflora of the intestines while taking castor oil.


  1. Castor oil - 1 tsp
  2. Kefir or bifidok - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix ingredients before use.

How to use: Take a mixture of kefir and oil in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. The course of admission is 7 days.

Recipe with lemon

Organic citrus acids help break down body fat, and vitamin C fills the body with energy.


  1. Castor oil - 50 mg.
  2. Lemon or grapefruit juice - 100 mg.

How to cook: Squeeze juice from citrus fruits. Mix oil with juice.

How to use: Perform the procedure at night, 3-5 hours after the last meal. Drink the mixture in large sips. The course of admission is 1 time per week for a month.

Recipe with chicory

Chicory lowers blood sugar levels and reduces appetite.


  1. Castor oil - 1 tsp
  2. Chicory (crushed rhizome) - 1 tsp

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Consume the mixture daily in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 month. Drink chicory and oil with a glass of warm water.

Linseed oil recipe

Essential fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body and help gently cleanse the intestines from heavy protein foods.


  1. Castor oil - 1 tsp
  2. - 1 tsp

How to cook: Mix oils. Don't heat them up.

How to use: Consume the mixture of oils daily in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 week with a glass of warm water.

Reviews of those who have lost weight

Valentina, 36 years old

Before the course of cleansing with castor oil, I weighed 69 kg. For a weekly bowel cleansing, it took 5 kg, while I followed a sour-milk diet. Of the minuses - castor bean oil has a vile taste, after taking castor oil before breakfast, then I felt sick for another half a day. I still do not advise you to be far from the toilet during cleaning, because the laxative effect can come at the most unexpected moment.

Victoria, 29 years old

I read positive reviews on the Internet and tried to cleanse myself with castor oil for the night. I drank two teaspoons of oil and then did not sleep all night from rumbling and pain in my stomach. But in the morning everything came out of me! I immediately felt light. I did not dare to repeat the experiment because of the unpleasant taste of castor oil and terrible torment for the stomach.

Lyudmila, 48 years old

For weight loss, I used castor oil with flax oil for a week. During this time, she suffered a lot of unpleasant effects of cleaning - pain, diarrhea and dependence on the restroom. But I was very pleased with the result - minus 6 kg. During the cleaning, I drank a lot of water, green tea and homemade fruit drinks. If you do not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the remedy is recommended for use!


Below are photos of women who have lost weight using castor oil.

Minus 10 kg.

Minus 8 kg.


The use of castor oil for weight loss has the following contraindications:

  • castor intolerance;
  • food allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • chronic constipation;
  • ulcerative erosive inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • kidney and liver failure.

Special instructions for taking castor oil

For all its benefits, castor oil does come with side effects. In order to avoid their occurrence, do not forget about the following precautions:

  1. Do not get carried away with constant cleaning with castor oil. Castor oil is addictive, and the body loses the ability to cleanse the intestinal tract on its own.
  2. With frequent cleanings, you can achieve a serious violation of the microflora of the digestive tract and suppress the natural metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Castor oil has an unpleasant taste and smell, and when consumed, nausea and vomiting may occur.
  4. When using a laxative, a lot of fluid is excreted from the body. Drink plenty of fluids during periods of oil intake to avoid dehydration.
  5. The effect of castor oil is achieved after 2-6 hours, while the urge to go to the toilet may occur unexpectedly and abruptly. Clean your house on weekends.
  6. If you have regular healthy stools, do not use a colon cleanse. During normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not needed.
  7. If you feel severe abdominal pain, weakness, nausea and dizziness while taking castor oil, stop the cleansing procedure immediately and consult a doctor.

What to remember

  1. Castor oil has a strong laxative effect.
  2. It does not burn fat, but only cleanses the intestines.
  3. Follow a fermented milk diet when using castor oil to maintain intestinal microflora.
  4. Castor oil can be addictive.
  5. To achieve the effect of losing weight, combine body cleansing with diet and regular exercise.
  6. Do not exceed the recommended dose of castor oil when undertaking weight loss treatments.

Trying to get rid of extra pounds, women are ready to resort to any method that is declared effective. Here, not only diets are used, but also attempts to drink castor oil for weight loss, which, according to experts, has a laxative effect, therefore it is used in bowel cleansing systems. Does it make sense to try this technique and for whom this method is not suitable?

Composition of castor oil

The importance of this product in alternative medicine was discussed even before the advent of Christianity in Russia, but over the past centuries, no one has been able to fully study the composition of castor (ricin) oil. Century is replaced by a century, and experts discover new useful substances, although already known ones make it possible to understand that this product is useful, and in some ways unique. This thick liquid is produced from castor bean, which is a toxic plant, so it undergoes additional processing.

The reason for the high rating of castor oil in most medical fields is the composition, where there are:

  • Ricinoleic acid, whose share here is almost 90%. This is the main substance for which specialists appreciate the product, since it has, in addition to classical properties - antibacterial, antioxidant, etc. - there is an ability to influence the laxative reaction in the small intestine.
  • Linoleic and oleic acids - they are found in oils more often than ricinoleic, but this does not detract from the benefits received from them.
  • Vitamins A and E.

However, ricin oil can be harmful if it was obtained in violation of technology - this is due to the presence of ricin substances in castor bean seeds, which are dangerous mainly because an antidote has not yet been created for them. The damage they cause in the cellular structure is completely irreversible. In its pure form, ricin is fatal.

The effect of castor oil

Most of the positive qualities of this product (including organoleptic properties) are observed when used externally: castor oil is valued in the cosmetic industry, among chemists and even at the household level - it helps to restore the elasticity of any genuine leather products and protect it from moisture. What other uses can be found for this product? The most famous options:

  • Compositions to improve the nutrition of hair follicles and prevent hair loss, eyelashes.
  • Softening of hardened areas of the skin, including the mucous membrane of the lips.
  • Internally, as a laxative drug, ricin oil is best known and traditional medicine used to treat constipation mainly with it.
  • The food industry has hidden castor oil behind the name "E1503" - this is an additive that is a separating agent.
  • Use as an anti-cancer agent has not been scientifically confirmed, but assumptions are made.

How to take castor oil for weight loss

In the matter of weight loss, this remedy does not have crazy popularity, which is understandable - the effect of taking it is short-term, and it does not have fat-burning properties, so weight loss is more due to the release of intestinal contents. For this reason, experts remind: castor oil for weight loss is only an auxiliary element, but not the basis of a weight loss program. If you are clearly aiming to carry out the cleansing procedure, you will need to repeat what our grandmothers did when it was necessary to fix the chair - refer to the recipes for the internal use of castor oil.

There are several important conditions for losing weight on castor oil:

  • Do not combine this product with male fern extract.
  • Castor oil can only be taken internally for 3 days.
  • Allergy sufferers and people with sensitive intestines are not allowed to use this weight loss method.

In capsules

This form of release partially facilitates the task for everyone who is thinking about how to lose weight with castor oil, since the gelatin shell reliably hides the unpleasant aroma and taste of the oily liquid, and the internal intake causes less discomfort. Each capsule contains 1 g of this product. According to the official instructions for cleansing the intestines inside for half an hour, you need to take from 15 to 30 pcs. However, when striving for weight loss, such an amount of the drug does not make sense - you can limit yourself to 10-15 capsules. The laxative effect will come in 5 hours.

With lemon

This method of taking castor oil inside is based on the ability of citrus to dull the nausea that the oily composition can provoke and increase the choleretic effect. It is advisable to drink castor oil with lemon for weight loss after lunch, but no later than 19 hours, because. there is a high load on the gallbladder. The recipe is simple: lemon juice and heated castor oil are combined as 2:1, shaken and drunk between meals. It is desirable that the volume of the mixture does not exceed 30 ml.

With kefir

If you combine 2 products that are useful for weight loss, you can achieve a good result, especially given the coincidence of their properties. Kefir and castor oil have the ability to stimulate intestinal motility, so the cleaning will be active, and the finished drink will not cause such rejection as castor oil in its pure form. In addition to kefir, you can similarly use fermented baked milk or sourdough, but the snow is not worth it - the increased proportion of sugar will not be appreciated by the intestines.

According to the reviews of girls who have tried to lose weight on this mixture, there are 2 most successful recipes:

  • For 200 ml of fresh (the old one will have a fixing effect) kefir, take 1 tsp. castor oil and the same amount of any bran. After mixing, wait half an hour for the bran to swell a little. Drink in the evening instead of dinner.
  • 1 tsp. kefir and castor oil (not quite a drink, but very effective for weight loss) take on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Harm of castor oil

If you turn to the reviews of nutritionists, you can see that they do not welcome attempts to use castor oil for weight loss through oral intake. First of all, because few people are able to withstand the test of this remedy, even with an acute desire for quick weight loss: the taste is bitter, and the substance itself is viscous. After ingestion, a person feels discomfort in the stomach, and after a while it intensifies (after 5-6 hours). The blow falls on the intestines, from which liquid feces begin to come out.

The laxative properties of castor oil are too high to be perceived as a benefit to the body, because:

  • Ricinoleic acid, called an almost unique substance, has an active irritant effect on the intestinal mucosa. Given the fact that it is not completely absorbed, the body tries to get rid of what gives it discomfort, and intestinal motility increases. As a result - a long and painful exit of liquid feces.
  • Prolonged bowel cleansing in large portions, i.e. active diarrhea leads not only to a disruption in the functioning of this organ, which in the following days will have to be especially protected (this applies to nutrition), but also to dehydration, which can provoke a number of severe consequences.

Based on this, doctors compile a long list of contraindications for losing weight on castor oil and other reasons for oral administration of this remedy:

  • children's age (up to 12 years);
  • appendicitis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • internal bleeding (uterus, intestines);
  • jade of various nature;
  • pregnancy;
  • intoxication caused by fat-soluble poisons;
  • epigastric pain without an accurate diagnosis.

Video: how to drink castor oil to cleanse the body

Normal stool is regular soft stool. Ideally morning. But alas, malnutrition, stress, old age and various diseases can cause constipation, that is, difficulty defecation.

The cheapest, most popular and fastest remedy for this problem is castor oil or castor oil.

The oil has long passed from traditional medicine to the official one, it is sold in pharmacies with instructions for use, and is often prescribed by doctors.

What is castor oil

The oil is made from the seeds of the castor bean plant.

This shrub grows almost everywhere.

In the tropics and subtropics, these are tall, powerful plants; in the temperate Russian climate, they are low shrubs.

The oil is obtained by cold pressing.

Castor oil is similar in thickness to olive oil, it does not harden, does not dry out. It does not taste the best, the smell is weak.

How does it work

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid. It irritates the nerve receptors in the intestinal wall.

The intestines begin to contract, there is increased peristalsis, and the body is cleared of feces.

The effect of castor oil usually appears within a few hours after ingestion. That is, the oil does not act abruptly, but gives an impetus to the intestines to active work.

When to Take a Laxative

Castor oil stimulates peristalsis, softening the stool.

Due to the specifics of the action, it, unlike an enema, makes the body work on its own, and not just removes the contents of the intestine.

So, castor oil is indicated, including for problems with the anus.

Indications for taking castor oil as a laxative:

How to take

Castor oil can be drunk as a liquid, and for those who cannot swallow an unpleasant substance, castor oil is available in capsules.

The norm for an adult is 15-30 ml of castor oil, which you need to drink within half an hour. If you drink capsules, then you need 15-30 capsules.

Children under 12 are not given castor oil, they have sensitive intestines, castor oil is too aggressive for it.

For children over 12 years old, the norm is 5-15 ml per half hour (or 5-15 capsules).

Castor oil is drunk on an empty stomach.

On the page: it is written about the treatment of diarrhea in children with folk remedies.

If you drink the oil in liquid form, it can cause a gag reflex, so you can mix it with lemon or orange juice to offset the oiliness and unpleasant taste.

There are usually no problems with capsules, they just need to be washed down with water.

Castor oil should be drunk in such a way that after 4-6 hours you should be able to visit the toilet frequently.

You can drink the oil at night, then by the morning there will be an effect. If there is no other possibility, then you can drink during the day, but then you have to wait longer for the castor oil to work.

To cleanse the intestines, a teaspoon of castor oil is mixed with a tablespoon of kefir, bran can be added. This is a one time procedure.

Castor oil is drunk for no more than three days. That is one dose per day. If you drink for a long time, it can be addictive and cause malfunctions in the independent work of the intestines.


In no case should you drink castor oil during pregnancy. The oil causes bowel contractions, which can trigger uterine contractions, and this leads to uterine tone and even miscarriage.

This is especially dangerous in the early stages.

And in the later stages, stimulation of uterine contractions can cause premature birth.

There is a widespread opinion among the people that if childbirth does not begin for a long time, you need to drink castor oil.

This is possible only with the permission of the doctor, when the child and mother are healthy and ready for childbirth. This is a gentle way to induce labor.

When lactating, you should also not drink castor oil. It is better to replace it with glycerin suppositories or microclysters, that is, topical preparations.

Castor oil should not be used as a laxative in conditions such as:

  1. kidney disease;
  2. suspected appendicitis;
  3. exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  4. severe pain in the abdomen, which in medical terminology is called "acute abdomen";
  5. bleeding (uterine or intestinal).


Castor oil helps to cope with constipation itself, remove stagnant feces. But it doesn't cure the cause. After castor oil relieves you of constipation, you should try to prevent its recurrence.

To do this, moderately soft food is needed, it is advisable to eat oatmeal more often, drink sour milk, from time to time eat laxative vegetables (cauliflower, boiled beets) and fruits (plums, apricots). But as the first and most effective remedy for constipation, there is no equal to castor oil in terms of price-effect-ease of use.

You will see how to take castor oil to cleanse the body while watching the video.

Cleansing the intestines with castor oil has been a well-known method since ancient times. Due to its properties and composition, castor oil perfectly cleanses the intestines without causing damage to the mucosa and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Castor oil can be bought at any pharmacy and this oil is quite cheap, so this cleaning method is ten times cheaper than many medicinal laxatives.

Main ingredient of castor oil- Recinoleic fatty acid. It also contains oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids.

How does castor oil affect the body?

Castor oil, reaching the stomach, quickly passes into the intestines without being digested. In the intestine, the properties of castor oil affect the mucous membrane, causing irritation of the receptors. This leads to an increase in intestinal motility, a faster movement of feces to the exit. The action of castor oil begins immediately from the moment the substance enters the intestines, and the cleaning begins to act 4-6 hours after taking the drug.

Do not worry that when cleansing the intestines with castor oil, the feces will come out liquid, it may be clarified. This is due to the fact that the increased speed simply does not allow the enzymes to completely process the feces, but there is no pathology in this.

Is it possible to clean with castor oil often?

No. Castor oil for bowel cleansing cannot be used very often, since mechanical irritation of the walls can lead to their hypotension or atony, then you will have to constantly use a laxative for emptying.

Often it is not worth cleansing the intestines with this medicine, and for the reason that some kind of poisoning does not occur. Although castor oil is a natural substance, our body is still not accustomed to such “food”, and therefore it may react incorrectly to its intake.

The benefits of cleaning with castor oil will only be if you approach this procedure correctly, use only a high-quality drug and know how to drink the medicine, at what time and with what components in total. Then it will not be difficult to clean the intestines at home, and for the body this procedure will pass quite calmly.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various drugs. To improve bowel function after taking the drugs, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

In what cases is the intestine cleansed?

Bowel cleansing is appropriate only according to indications, if you want to clean yourself, then you should take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of this method. With the help of castor oil, it is impossible to clean the intestines in order to lose weight, since the main kilograms will go away due to the loss of water, which then recovers.

Castor oil will work only if all the rules of the instructions are followed exactly, otherwise you should not be surprised that there is no effect from taking a couple of drops of castor oil at your discretion.

Castor oil cleansing is appropriate if you have:

  • constipation that is not chronic;
  • helminthic invasions (in some cases, there was a positive effect when taking castor oil with cognac);
  • intoxication of the body caused by taking medications;
  • dysbacteriosis, as well as the presence of putrefactive processes in the intestine.

What are the ways to clean the intestines?

Castor oil itself is extremely unpleasant in taste and it is quite problematic to take it in its pure form. If you need to resort only to the help of castor oil without additives, then in order not to vomit after taking it, you can eat a slice of lemon, this will help remove the feeling of nausea.

You can use castor oil for bowel cleansing in a variety of ways.

Castor oil with lemon

Lemon perfectly removes the feeling of nausea, and also enhances the effect of castor oil.

There are two ways to take castor oil:

  1. For 1 kg of a person's weight, 1 g of castor oil is taken (if you weigh 60 kg, then you need 60 g). Lemon juice is taken in an amount exceeding the oil twice. The oil is slightly heated and mixed with lemon juice. It is better to drink such a mixture in the evening, before that, 4-5 hours before that, you must refrain from eating any food. In time, the effect will come in the morning.
  2. The dosage of oil and juice is the same, only you must first drink the oil, and then the lemon juice (drink the aftertaste to eliminate nausea).


Kefir and castor oil

There are also two options here, and both of them are effective in cleansing the intestines:

  1. One tablespoon of bran should be crushed to a dusty state. Mix bran with kefir and add a teaspoon of castor oil. The liquid should be drunk at night, and in the morning the effect will already come.
  2. You can also mix kefir and castor oil in equal parts (spoon to spoon). Reception of such a mixture should also be carried out at night, and before use, do not eat for more than five hours.

Castor oil and cognac

Needed in the morning on an empty stomach drink 50 g of cognac, after a couple of minutes, drink 50 g of castor oil. After seven minutes, sweet tea is drunk. This algorithm should be repeated three times (three days in the morning).

The effect of such a mixture comes quickly, so it is better to choose weekends when you do not need to leave the house and the restroom is always nearby.

Contraindications for oil cleaning

Castor oil can clean the intestines, both adults and children.

But there are a number of situations in which this method is contraindicated:

  • period of menstruation;
  • the period of pregnancy (intestinal motility can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage);
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially if they are in a state of exacerbation;
  • children under the age of twelve;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • if the person's condition is currently unsatisfactory (diseases, allergies, postoperative conditions).

If you still want to cleanse the intestines, but your health condition does not allow you, then it is better to postpone this procedure until better times, or replace it with another one, otherwise there may be more harm than good.

What to do if side effects occur

Sometimes castor oil may not be suitable for a person, causing him a violent reaction in the body, namely the following side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • stomach ache.

Most often, only symptomatic therapy is needed (taking sorbents, painkillers, saline solutions).

Many people suffer from such a common ailment as constipation, but few people know that the natural remedy castor oil is a good remedy for getting rid of this kind of suffering. Its main healing property is a laxative effect. By taking castor oil internally for constipation, you get the effective action of its enzymes on the gastrointestinal tract, this causes increased muscle contraction, which leads to cleansing. In terms of properties, castor oil is superior to other vegetable fats, has a yellowish tint, an unpleasant taste, and a specific aroma of wax.

Instructions for using castor oil

Before starting treatment, it is clear that it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all contraindications, restrictions, rules of use, be sure to consult a doctor. Castor oil is available for sale in pharmacies in the form of capsules, as part of an ointment or liquid oil in small vials. Indications for the use of this remedy, in addition to a laxative, are extensive: against poisoning, to stimulate childbirth, normalize bowel function, treat wounds, cracks, burns, dandruff, etc.

How does the laxative effect occur? When you take castor oil for constipation, lipase is hydrolyzed in the small intestine and ricinoleic acid is formed, irritating receptors along the entire intestine and causing reflex excretion of feces from the body. The end result (a bowel movement) should be between 5 and 6 hours.

How to drink castor oil for constipation

During violations of the intestines, as well as digestion, the drug should be taken strictly according to the instructions. A few recommendations for the correct use of castor oil for constipation:

  • the medicine can be addictive, so you should not abuse its use;
  • for the best absorption of the oil, it is necessary to drink it for a long time before meals or after, the approximate interval between the meal and the drug should be at least an hour;
  • if you take oil, take it with a drink of ginger, milk, or dissolve the required dose in a glass of drink;
  • drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Dosage for adults

For adults, the dosage is prescribed strictly once a day, a maximum of 30 grams of oil or 30 capsules as a single dose, drink for half an hour (if the capsule contains 1 gram). Please note that the drug is taken for a maximum of three days. If the purpose of taking the drug is different, for example, to stimulate labor, then the dosage is already slightly different there, interaction with other drugs is observed.

Norm for children

The dosage for children, starting from the age of 12, is prescribed in the same way: once a day. Depending on the complexity of the problem, observe the following doses of the medicine:

  • the minimum intake of the drug is 5 grams of oil (approximately one teaspoon), or 5 capsules of 1 gram each;
  • the average dosage is 10 grams of oil (dessert spoon) or 10 capsules of 1 gram each;
  • the maximum dosage is 15 grams (a tablespoon of oil) or 15 capsules of 1 gram.

The rule for taking capsules for children is the same as for adults - drink the required amount half an hour before meals.

Harm and contraindications of castor oil

You can do yourself a lot of harm by taking castor oil if you have not followed the rules for taking it. You may experience the following side effects: abdominal pain, nausea, digestive and intestinal motility disorders, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance and body metabolism, rash, allergies.

To avoid these troubles, it is important to familiarize yourself with and take into account all the contraindications that are associated with taking this oil:

  • if you have been chronically constipated for a long time;
  • it is strictly forbidden to take castor oil for appendicitis;
  • you should immediately stop taking the oil, if you suddenly feel a sharp pain in the abdomen, you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause of what is happening;
  • should not be taken by women suffering from uterine bleeding, since this medicine tends to circulate blood to the female organs;
  • the presence of diseases associated with the kidneys;
  • it is strictly forbidden to treat constipation with castor oil for pregnant women - this threatens to disrupt the bearing of a child;
  • you should also not take oil during lactation, so as not to harm the health of the baby;
  • taking castor oil is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age;
  • poisoning with poisons, male fern extract, etc.

Watch a video explaining what constipation is and how to deal with it:

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body: not always what helps one will be an effective panacea for others. As with any other medicine, with castor oil, it is important to always remember this, without self-medicating. Be sure to contact the doctors to remove not only the results of diseases, but also to find out their causes, and then engage in treatment. Watch your diet, your lifestyle, approach your health and the health of your children thoroughly - after all, this is the most expensive thing you have.

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