Dry fasting: the benefits and harms of complete rejection of water. Myths about dry therapeutic fasting

One of the methods of cleansing and losing weight is the complete rejection of food and water for several days. Of course, such a method requires a powerful internal attitude and understanding of the possible consequences. should not be carried out after constant overeating. A smooth transition requires at least a week before starting to eat lighter and healthier foods that contain more protein and are poor in fats and carbohydrates. This will give you some energy that you will need in the next step. Dry fasting can help you lose weight, give the body a kind of impetus that will launch a recovery program. In addition, fasting activates mental abilities, sharpens the perception of the world around us. Not without reason, many living organisms refuse food during illness or severe stress. This allows you to direct all the forces to overcome the disease, disables for a while the need for the work of other less important organs and systems in this situation.

The benefits of dry fasting

The benefits of dry fasting It manifests itself in the fact that at this time the body is able to get rid of toxins, mucus, free fats circulating in the blood. In addition, fats deposited in problem areas begin to be actively burned. Protein is also used, which forms the basis of pathologically altered tissues. Various weakened and diseased cells, tumors, neoplasms are split. During fasting a person begins to think more positively, humbly, it is easier for him to forgive insults, to understand other people. That is why many hermits who tried to find the meaning of life resorted to this method.

The harm of dry fasting

Of course, this method has many contraindications and complaints from doctors. Each person is so individual that each technique can bring him both harm and benefit, and what is good for one, for another can become disastrous. That is why, when starting fasting, it is imperative to consult a specialist and find out the likely percentage of benefits and harms. During dry fasting symptoms of dehydration become very pronounced. Dizziness appears, the skin becomes dry and prone to cracking. Lips may crack and other mucous membranes may become inflamed. Sleep is disturbed, a person becomes less efficient, he always wants to lie down. Thickening of the blood leads to fragility of blood vessels and the death of small capillaries. Stomach pain may begin. The apparent euphoria that a starving person experiences at first is caused by an uncontrolled release of insulin and adrenaline into the blood, which in the future can cause the development of diabetes. Before as start dry fasting, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, so as not to become a regular visitor to medical offices in the future. After all, this method is quite extreme and can give both recovery and permanent health problems.

Nutritionists prescribe various dietary regimens to their patients. It also happens that experts recommend completely starve the patient for several days. This has its own explanation. The benefits of fasting have been proven by doctors for a long time. But before you completely refuse food, you should find out all the features about it.

  • Firstly

you need to decide on the purpose of fasting. More often to refrain from eating is recommended for people who already have serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Losing weight by fasting is not recommended. It won't do any good for the body.

  • Secondly

you need to learn how to spend fasting days. If you refuse food, you should not burden yourself with voluminous work, and it is also better to refrain from playing sports. In general, motor and mental activity should be kept to a minimum. Hungry days should be spent under the strict guidance of a nutritionist. If you experience any discomfort or side effects, you should urgently seek help from a specialist. Self-medication can be dangerous to the body and lead to death.

Purification and rejuvenation

Every day, a huge number of people consume unhealthy food - fried foods, smoked, fatty foods, sweets, etc. As a result, toxins and toxins accumulate in their bodies, which disrupt the metabolism and provoke the development of various diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive systems. Cleansing the body by changing the diet and eating habits makes it possible to improve the general condition of a person, increase his immunity, and take the first steps towards recovery.

It is worth noting that if a person abruptly refuses the usual food, his body is under severe stress. Therefore, when cleansing the body, it is also worth limiting yourself from various unpleasant external factors. Fasting must be prepared in advance. For 2 weeks, you need to eat less and less every day.

The benefits of cleansing the body on water:

  • Toning

For cleaning it is better to use mineral water without gas. It is rich in useful substances that are so necessary for the body. By filling the cells with minerals, the functionality of almost all systems improves. Refusal of food during this period unloads the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which ensures the acceleration of metabolism.

  • Restoration of water balance

With age, the skin loses its elasticity. Therefore, it is very important to constantly drink water, every day 2-3 liters. This makes it possible not only to be healthy, but to maintain an attractive appearance for many years. Spending hungry days on the water also allows all of the body's cells to return to normal function. Due to this, you can get rid of wrinkles, flabby skin in problem areas, as well as cellulite.

  • Feelings of lightness

Water contributes to the removal of harmful substances from the body in a minimum amount of time and without pain. As a result, a person feels a surge of strength, life energy is released. He has a desire to take action. Due to the improvement of the general condition, the mood rises.
Fasting on water is carried out in order to cleanse the body without negative consequences. Before embarking on such a diet, it is imperative to undergo a medical examination and make sure that there are no contraindications for this. Often this regimen is prescribed for people suffering from atherosclerosis, gout, chronic gastritis and other ailments.

Dry fasting

This cleansing method is more effective than the previous one. Dry fasting implies a complete rejection of not only food, but also water. It can be carried out from 1 day to 4 days. It is better to stay at home during the cleaning, as dizziness and weakness in the muscles may occur.

The benefits of dry fasting are as follows:

  • Creating tougher conditions for rapid detoxification

All organs begin to work in an emergency mode. All forces are spent on the release of nutrients necessary to maintain vital energy. Ultimately, everything foreign is destroyed in the body.

  • Removal of inflammatory processes throughout the body
  • Acceleration of metabolism

Dry hunger provokes an increase in body temperature. Tissues and organs try to get rid of everything that prevents them from working normally as soon as possible. In a few hours, all food debris is removed from the gastrointestinal tract in a natural way. Toxins and slags are removed with sweat. To maintain vitality, there is an active breakdown of fat cells.

You should not get carried away with this cleansing regimen so as not to harm your health. This cleaning is recommended every 3 months.

Combined fasting

This method of cleaning involves a partial rejection of water and food. The period of combined fasting can last up to several weeks. Useful properties of the method include:

  • Weight loss

Due to such cleaning, you can get rid of a few extra pounds, while not harming your health and feeling comfortable.

  • Improving the body's resistance to viral diseases
  • Improving the overall appearance

Cleansing allows you to remove puffiness throughout the body. As a result, bags under the eyes disappear, fatigue in the legs, etc.

You can also fast on carbohydrates. This method is called the unloading period. Then you can eat fruit juices or meat broths. But it is also better to pre-coordinate the cleaning method with a nutritionist. During fasting days, as well as during dry and water fasting, there may be a strong decline in strength and apathy, but after all the unpleasant sensations disappear.

For each patient, the method of cleansing the body is selected individually, depending on his state of health. The number of days allowed for a complete refusal of food is also determined.

Consolidation of the result

The benefits of one-day fasting, like any other, are obvious if you follow all the rules of cleaning.

It is very important to get out of this diet correctly. In doing so, you need:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs provoke the development of life-threatening diseases.
  2. Observe the diet. It is worth giving preference only to useful products.
  3. Sleep well. The body must have time to restore the balance of energy.
  4. Do sport. You don't have to exhaust yourself in the gym to do this. To maintain tone, it is enough to carry out 2-3 light physical exercises per week.

In conclusion, hunger only works well if it is approached responsibly. Refusal of food allows sick people to overcome the disease faster and get back on their feet. To lose weight, this method is not effective enough, so it is better not to use it for these purposes.

Many people note that dry fasting is physically more bearable than water fasting.

1. During dry fasting, the body is placed in more severe conditions, it must be reorganized in such a way as to “extract” not only nutrients, but also water

The tissues of the body break down even more quickly, this happens in a short time.

The stages of therapeutic fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as with "wet", but the time is significantly reduced.

So, the stage of "nutritional arousal" lasts less than a day, the stage of "increasing ketoacidosis" - from 1 to 3 days.

Already on the third day of dry fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs. The second most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs on days 9-11.

HThe earlier the acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it passes, the more time remains for renewal, treatment, and cleansing of the body. Autolysis during the passage of dry fasting occurs much earlier than with other types of fasting,therefore, all cystic neoplasms and benign tumors disappear much faster.

2. During wet fasting, exogenous water enters the body, that is, water from outside

And it is she who is the main cleansing factor. According to the law of biological expediency, the cell in this case spends a minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, toxins dissolve and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space.

But water is very necessary, and the cells are deprived of these concessions, especially the sick and changed. Under such conditions, the strongest, most healthy cells survive and, willy-nilly, in order to survive in such difficult, harsh conditions, they have to activate the production of their own - ultra-high quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times better than exogenous water, again, based on the law of biological expediency. After all, the cell spends a lot of energy - therefore, the product that is obtained as a result must correspond in quality to the efforts expended.

It's not the human mind that can make mistakes. This is nature itself, which provided for any scenario and does everything to keep life going.

Exogenous and endogenous water can be compared with a poisoned river, where the local chemical plant dumps waste during the flood period, and a mountain river originating from the bowels of the earth and fed by melt water with healing energy.

3. The old dead water is replaced with high-quality living water synthesized by the body itself, and all negative information entered into our body from the outside is erased

Having spent a not very long fast without water, we force the body to process the water that it contains in itself, and thus we are, as it were, updated informationally, and therefore, at the end of the hunger, we are informationally virgin and represent an information matrix on which there is nothing negative not recorded by the environment.

This phenomenon is one of the main advantages of this type of fasting and can also be said to be one of the main healing mechanisms of dry fasting.

Such mechanisms do not exist in any of the types of curative fasting that exist in nature.

4. Many people note that dry fasting is physically more bearable than fasting on water, primarily due to the lack of hunger and less intoxication of the body.

This, in general, is not surprising. The fact is that water outside the body and water absorbed are two big differences. Molecules of incoming water are processed by the body, cleared of unnecessary information, structured and transformed into "own" ones that have the properties of the given organism. For this, he, as well as for the assimilation of food, needs to spend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute fasting is more complete, as it provides complete rest. If food and dead, heavy water do not enter the body, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances. Therefore, the blood is constantly cleansed by our body, that is, in fact, the same blood composition will be repeatedly purified through the filter elements, the blood will be almost perfectly clean. On dry fasting, there is no absorption of endotoxins, as is the case with other types of fasting, so it is physically easier to tolerate.

5. The anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than that of wet fasting.

The thing is that inflammation cannot exist without water. Any inflammation of the place swells (swells with water). Only in a sufficient water environment can microorganisms multiply: microbes and viruses. Water deficiency is detrimental to inflammation.

Due to dehydration of the body, the strongest competition between body cells and pathogenic microorganisms for water begins. The cells of the body in the position of the host take water from microorganisms, but the body itself can not only synthesize endogenous water, in the required amount, water during this period comes from the air, being absorbed through the skin, due to the fact that the body in the process of SH does not work for excretion, but for absorption. Healthy strong cells receive additional energy and water, while sick, viruses and bacteria cannot.Microbes, viruses, worms die instantly without water.

With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins are achieved in body fluids.

During dry fasting, the temperature rises, which gives positive immunological effects:

  • Increasing the production of interferon
  • Increased antiviral and antitumor activity of interferon
  • Increased T-cell proliferation
  • Increased phagocytic and bactericidal activity of neutrophils, increased cytotoxic effects of lymphocytes
  • Decreased growth and virulence of microorganisms.

What is most important from my practice, temperature is an important indicator of the body's defenses. If a temperature appears during the SG, then the prognosis for a cure is very, very large.

6. During wet fasting, special procedures are used to enhance the detoxification effect: enemas, hydrocolonotherapy, baths, saunas, etc.

On dry fasting, the body for neutralizing poisons and toxins includes completely unique mechanisms that do not occur with any type of fasting. During dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. It turns out a kind of extreme express method of destroying everything superfluous, heavy, painful inside the cell. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. There is an increase in the internal temperature of the body. This temperature may not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during the passage of dry fasting, as an internal heat, fire or chills.

The most important point in this state is that the temperature itself is an important part of the protective reactions.

From our own experience, we know that at a temperature all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells are destroyed, and then completely stop their vital activity. This process speeds up recovery. By reacting with an increase in body temperature, the body causes a slowdown in the growth of microorganisms. It becomes easier for the immune system to hunt down and kill everything alien and changed.

During dry fasting no enemas needed, since the absorption of toxins from the intestines is absent due to the lack of water. Therefore, n With this type of fasting there is no such intoxication, which happens with other types of fasting. Respectively physically dry hunger is much easier to bear.

7. Slimming effect

With SH, neither food nor water enters the human body, i.e. the flow of energy from the outside is completely stopped. The body is forced to produce energy and water endogenously, i.e. inside yourself. Therefore, completely different, unusual chemical reactions begin to occur in the body, i.e. metabolic processes change. Less muscle tissue is lost relative to fat.

During water fasting, the loss of muscle and adipose tissue occurs in almost equal proportions.

During dry fasting, a person is like a camel, and, first of all, the body maintains its vital activity at the expense of fat reserves. Adipose tissue is destroyed very efficiently, and never regains its original volume, it breaks down 3-4 times faster than muscle tissue, because adipose tissue is more than 90% water, and muscle tissue remains relatively intact.

The body does not suffer from water deficiency at all, and water from adipose tissue is used for its needs.

During dry fasting, adipose tissue burns exactly 3 times faster than during fasting on water. At the same time, full recovery of adipose tissue never occurs, and this compares favorably with starvation on water.

An early onset and a more complete breakdown of deposited fats are noted than with water fasting. If after normal fasting there is a fairly rapid complete recovery of adipose tissue (with the previous diet), then with dry fasting this happens to a lesser extent.

Unlike many weight loss products, dry fasting costs nothing and, most importantly, is harmless, therefore effective for the treatment of obesity. It is easier to tolerate than the numerous debilitating starvation diets that do nothing but harm.

Self-catering is perfectly balanced. The body takes from the reserves only what it needs at the moment, and not what is artificially imposed on it from the outside.

8. Anti-aging effect

Why is there a more powerful rejuvenation of the body during dry fasting than during wet fasting? Sick, degenerate, weak cells cannot withstand severe extreme conditions. They die and fall apart.

Which ones remain? Those that have a good organization, workable and wise genetic engineering. Those who were able to go through such harsh conditions survived and retained their capacity.

But the cells remain strong after fasting, they will give an improvement in quality during division. Their offspring will have the properties of mother cells.

Of course, I would also like to tell you about the amazing legend of Count Cagliostro. According to some versions, Count Cagliostro was engaged in dry fasting to prolong his own youth. And, based on some statements, during such fasting, he sprinkled himself with some kind of powder. From which he suffered terribly. As a result of these sprinklings, his skin cracked and peeled off, as from a snake. But after starvation, he looked 25 years old. Count Cagliostro carried out such executions on himself every 50 years and demanded the same from his entourage.

Now it is difficult to separate truth from fiction in these legends. But from the standpoint of logic, everything is flawless here.

  • One side dry forty-day fasting in itself is a factor mobilizing internal reserves in the situation, already mentioned by us, of over-patience.
  • On the other hand powder (composition unknown), with which the great magician sprinkled himself, if it was not some kind of chemical reagent that promotes rejuvenation, then, by itself, adding dryness to the body, this already affected mobilization even more than just with dry fasting, and therefore, such a powder contributed to a better rejuvenation of the body. After all, during the days of famine, the count had to focus all his will on patience and thereby literally sweep old age and decrepitude out of the body, not to mention diseases, infections, harmful bacteria.

This, most likely, is the key to the secret of the eternal youth of Count Cagliostro, who, according to some statements, lived for 5,000 years, according to others, lives forever. By the way, the count recruited people who were kind, balanced and willing to practice periodically, like the count himself, fasting.

The starvation of Cagliostro and his associates was not an end in itself, they were only a means to obtain excellent health, which in turn was necessary for a stormy, active life with feasts and feasts.

Here is the perfect combination of dry fasting and modern cosmetology methods, of course, in this situation such a long dry fasting is not necessary, you can get by with fractional dry fasting in combination with chemical peels.published

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

1. During dry fasting, the body is placed in more severe conditions, it must be reorganized in such a way as to “extract” not only nutrients, but also water

The tissues of the body break down even more quickly, this happens in a short time.

The stages of therapeutic fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as with "wet", but the time is significantly reduced.

So, the stage of "nutritional arousal" lasts less than a day, the stage of "increasing ketoacidosis" - from 1 to 3 days.

Already on the third day of dry fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs. The second most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs on days 9-11.

The earlier the acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it passes, the more time remains for renewal, treatment, and cleansing of the body. Autolysis during the passage of dry fasting occurs much earlier than with other types of fasting, therefore, all cystic neoplasms and benign tumors disappear much faster.

2. During wet fasting, exogenous water enters the body, that is, water from outside

And it is she who is the main cleansing factor. According to the law of biological expediency, the cell in this case spends a minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, toxins dissolve and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space.

But water is very necessary, and the cells are deprived of these concessions, especially the sick and changed. Under such conditions, the strongest, most healthy cells survive and, willy-nilly, in order to survive in such difficult, harsh conditions, they have to activate the production of their own - ultra-high quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times better than exogenous water, again, based on the law of biological expediency. After all, the cell spends a lot of energy - therefore, the product that is obtained as a result must correspond in quality to the efforts expended.

It's not the human mind that can make mistakes. This is nature itself, which provided for any scenario and does everything to keep life going.

Exogenous and endogenous water can be compared with a poisoned river, where the local chemical plant dumps waste during the flood period, and a mountain river originating from the bowels of the earth and fed by melt water with healing energy.

3. The old dead water is replaced with high-quality living water synthesized by the body itself, and all negative information entered into our body from the outside is erased

Having spent a not very long fast without water, we force the body to process the water that it contains in itself, and thus we are, as it were, updated informationally, and therefore, at the end of the hunger, we are informationally virgin and represent an information matrix on which there is nothing negative not recorded by the environment.

This phenomenon is one of the main advantages of this type of fasting and can also be said to be one of the main healing mechanisms of dry fasting.

Such mechanisms do not exist in any of the types of curative fasting that exist in nature.

4. Many people note that dry fasting is physically more bearable than fasting on water, primarily due to the lack of hunger and less intoxication of the body.

This, in general, is not surprising. The fact is that water outside the body and water absorbed are two big differences. Molecules of incoming water are processed by the body, cleared of unnecessary information, structured and transformed into "own" ones that have the properties of the given organism. For this, he, as well as for the assimilation of food, needs to spend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute fasting is more complete, as it provides complete rest. If food and dead, heavy water do not enter the body, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances. Therefore, the blood is constantly cleansed by our body, that is, in fact, the same blood composition will be repeatedly purified through the filter elements, the blood will be almost perfectly clean. On dry fasting, there is no absorption of endotoxins, as is the case with other types of fasting, so it is physically easier to tolerate.

5. The anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than that of wet fasting.

The thing is that inflammation cannot exist without water. Any inflammation of the place swells (swells with water). Only in a sufficient water environment can microorganisms multiply: microbes and viruses. Water deficiency is detrimental to inflammation.

Due to dehydration of the body, the strongest competition between body cells and pathogenic microorganisms for water begins. The cells of the body in the position of the host take water from microorganisms, but the body itself can not only synthesize endogenous water, in the required amount, water during this period comes from the air, being absorbed through the skin, due to the fact that the body in the process of SH does not work for excretion, but for absorption. Healthy strong cells receive additional energy and water, while sick, viruses and bacteria cannot. Microbes, viruses, worms die instantly without water.

With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins are achieved in body fluids.

During dry fasting, the temperature rises, which gives positive immunological effects:

  • Increasing the production of interferon
  • Increased antiviral and antitumor activity of interferon
  • Increased T-cell proliferation
  • Increased phagocytic and bactericidal activity of neutrophils, increased cytotoxic effects of lymphocytes
  • Decreased growth and virulence of microorganisms.

Most importantly from my practice, temperature is an important indicator of the body's defenses. If a temperature appears during the SG, then the prognosis for a cure is very, very large.

6. During wet fasting, special procedures are used to enhance the detoxification effect: enemas, hydrocolonotherapy, baths, saunas, etc.

On dry fasting, the body for neutralizing poisons and toxins includes completely unique mechanisms that do not occur with any type of fasting. During dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. It turns out a kind of extreme express method of destroying everything superfluous, heavy, painful inside the cell. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. There is an increase in the internal temperature of the body. This temperature may not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during the passage of dry fasting, as an internal heat, fire or chills.

The most important point in this state is that the temperature itself is an important part of the protective reactions.

From our own experience, we know that at a temperature all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells are destroyed, and then completely stop their vital activity. This process speeds up recovery. By reacting with an increase in body temperature, the body causes a slowdown in the growth of microorganisms. It becomes easier for the immune system to hunt down and kill everything alien and changed.

During dry fasting no enemas needed, since the absorption of toxins from the intestines is absent due to the lack of water. Therefore, n With this type of fasting there is no such intoxication, which happens with other types of fasting. Respectively physically dry hunger is much easier to bear.

7. Slimming effect

With SH, neither food nor water enters the human body, i.e. the flow of energy from the outside is completely stopped. The body is forced to produce energy and water endogenously, i.e. inside yourself. Therefore, completely different, unusual chemical reactions begin to occur in the body, i.e. metabolic processes change. Less muscle tissue is lost relative to fat.

During water fasting, the loss of muscle and adipose tissue occurs in almost equal proportions.

During dry fasting, a person is like a camel, and, first of all, the body maintains its vital activity at the expense of fat reserves. Adipose tissue is destroyed very efficiently, and never regains its original volume, it breaks down 3-4 times faster than muscle tissue, because adipose tissue is more than 90% water, and muscle tissue remains relatively intact.

The body does not suffer from water deficiency at all, and water from adipose tissue is used for its needs.

During dry fasting, adipose tissue burns exactly 3 times faster than during fasting on water. At the same time, full recovery of adipose tissue never occurs, and this compares favorably with starvation on water.

An early onset and a more complete breakdown of deposited fats are noted than with water fasting. If after normal fasting there is a fairly rapid complete recovery of adipose tissue (with the previous diet), then with dry fasting this happens to a lesser extent.

Unlike many weight loss products, dry fasting costs nothing and, most importantly, is harmless, therefore effective for the treatment of obesity. It is easier to tolerate than the numerous debilitating starvation diets that do nothing but harm.

Self-catering is perfectly balanced. The body takes from the reserves only what it needs at the moment, and not what is artificially imposed on it from the outside.

8. Anti-aging effect

Why is there a more powerful rejuvenation of the body during dry fasting than during wet fasting? Sick, degenerate, weak cells cannot withstand severe extreme conditions. They die and fall apart.

Which ones remain? Those that have a good organization, workable and wise genetic engineering. Those who were able to go through such harsh conditions survived and retained their capacity.

But the cells remain strong after fasting, they will give an improvement in quality during division. Their offspring will have the properties of mother cells.

Of course, I would also like to tell you about the amazing legend of Count Cagliostro. According to some versions, Count Cagliostro was engaged in dry fasting to prolong his own youth. And, based on some statements, during such fasting, he sprinkled himself with some kind of powder. From which he suffered terribly. As a result of these sprinklings, his skin cracked and peeled off, as from a snake. But after starvation, he looked 25 years old. Count Cagliostro carried out such executions on himself every 50 years and demanded the same from his entourage.

Now it is difficult to separate truth from fiction in these legends. But from the standpoint of logic, everything is flawless here.

  • One side dry forty-day fasting in itself is a factor mobilizing internal reserves in the situation, already mentioned by us, of over-patience.
  • On the other hand powder (composition unknown), with which the great magician sprinkled himself, if it was not some kind of chemical reagent that promotes rejuvenation, then, by itself, adding dryness to the body, this already affected mobilization even more than just with dry fasting, and therefore, such a powder contributed to a better rejuvenation of the body. After all, during the days of famine, the count had to focus all his will on patience and thereby literally sweep old age and decrepitude out of the body, not to mention diseases, infections, harmful bacteria.

This, most likely, is the key to the secret of the eternal youth of Count Cagliostro, who, according to some statements, lived for 5,000 years, according to others, lives forever. By the way, the count recruited people who were kind, balanced and willing to practice periodically, like the count himself, fasting.

The starvation of Cagliostro and his associates was not an end in itself, they were only a means to obtain excellent health, which in turn was necessary for a stormy, active life with feasts and feasts.

Here is the perfect combination of dry fasting and modern cosmetology methods, of course, in this situation such a long dry fasting is not necessary, you can get by with fractional dry fasting in combination with chemical peels.

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

Mar 2, 2017 Olga

Dry fasting is a therapeutic technique that involves a complete rejection of food and water for several days or weeks. It is presented as a healing and spiritual practice that is beneficial to health. Therapeutic short-term refusal of food is indicated for many diseases, but can harm the body.

Fasting is used in modern medicine in the treatment of a number of diseases - pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis, a condition before and after surgical interventions, as a fasting day for overweight patients.

During therapy, the organs of the digestive system receive a kind of maximum output, there is no need for the production of enzymes, gastric juice, bile. The load on the pancreas and liver is reduced.

Doctors recommend avoiding food during colds. This allows the body to focus on fighting viruses. A number of sources mention that there was a regression of malignant tumors against the background of a sharp dietary restriction.

Doctors recognize the benefits of hunger, but with therapeutic restriction of food, sufficient fluid intake is indicated. Prolonged refusal to eat is carried out under the supervision of a specialist on the basis of a medical institution. If a one-day refusal of water will not be a disadvantage for the body, then prolonged dehydration is extremely dangerous.

Harm and benefit from the point of view of medicine

Any medical procedure has a comprehensive effect on the body. The technique can cure and aggravate the course of the disease, cause complications.

Benefits of dry fasting:

  • stress factor - the body launches hidden reserves to maintain health;
  • there is an active breakdown of adipose tissue for energy - a kind of diet for those who want to lose weight;
  • against the background of the lack of food, blood is purified;
  • the pancreas, mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are restored;
  • decrease in cholesterol levels, body weight;
  • the condition of the skin improves.

But the proven benefits of not eating from the point of view of modern medicine are received only by the pancreas. If food does not enter the stomach, then the body does not need to produce digestive enzymes.

Harm of dry fasting:

  • proven beriberi, since vitamins and minerals do not enter the body;
  • blood clotting - the risk of blood clots;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • headache;
  • weakness is observed;
  • dehydration with all the ensuing consequences;
  • refusal of food and water is a blow to the basic instinct of self-preservation and the development of neurological disorders.

To starve, you need tremendous willpower, since food is a necessary condition for the functioning of body systems.

Body reaction

In the absence of food and water, the body is forced to use its own fat deposits or glycogen to maintain life.

The chemical reaction that breaks down fats produces carbon dioxide and water. The first person exhales, the second is used to meet the needs of the body.

In the future, acidosis syndrome begins to develop. This is a mechanism for changing the acid-base balance in the direction of acidification of the body. The pH value of biological fluids decreases.

The authors of dry fasting techniques claim that with proper preparation for the body cleansing procedure, only physiological acidosis develops. The pH value is not lower than 7.35, the symptoms of pathological acidosis do not appear - the smell of acetone from the mouth, a change in the parameters of urine and blood.

During prolonged fasting, several acidotic crises pass. According to the authors, this improves the condition of all organs and systems, consciousness moves to a new level.


Refusal of food and water is stressful for the body. It is forbidden to make hasty personal decisions. The choice must be justified, it is difficult to withstand even daily treatment. It is recommended to keep a food diary for the duration of the procedure, after recording the healing effect or its absence.

The dry fasting procedure consists of 3 stages:

  • preparation;
  • stage of refusal of food and water;
  • way out of a hunger strike.

All stages require meticulous execution. Otherwise, cleaning will do more harm than good.

Preliminary preparation

The duration of preparation for dry fasting differs in the methods. The following recommendations are general:

  • refusal of salt and sugar, sweeteners, sweets;
  • meat - any - is prohibited;
  • alcohol, tea, coffee are prohibited.

Allowed foods for this period:

  • fish and bird;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • stevia and its extract;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • any cereals - the best option is germinated grain;
  • porridge.

From drinks, pure water, juices without sugar, teas from medicinal herbs and berries, compotes without sweeteners are allowed. A raw food diet is an option to prepare for entering starvation. Before starting, clean the intestines with an enema.

Dry fasting process

The duration of refusal of water and food varies depending on the author's methodology. At the initial stage, it is recommended to take a one-day course, then after a break of 1 to 5 days, try a three-day course, then a week.

If there is no experience of such treatment, it is better to choose a method that does not cause a strong feeling of hunger. It is useful during the period of dry fasting not to go to work and go to nature. Home therapy will reduce appetite. Under such conditions, the refrigerator will not beckon you to interrupt therapy.

A popular technique is the cascade regime - a few days of food refusal, then a few days of normal eating. But the preparation and exit from dry fasting should be carried out according to the recommendations of specialists.


A gradual exit from dry fasting will help start the enzymatic and digestive systems.

On the first day, it is allowed to carry out any hygiene procedures - shower, bath, brushing your teeth. Drink only boiled water in small sips. You can slightly acidify with lemon juice. It is advisable to take drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora.

On the second day - fermented milk products are introduced. No more than 100 g per meal, including snacks: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

On the third day - broths and decoctions: low-fat meat or chicken broth, decoctions of medicinal herbs, bran.

On the fourth day - vegetables in any form, except fried, without oil and salt.

Friday - cereals, cereal products are introduced.

Dry fasting schemes

Common and mild forms are:

  • sparing cascade - days of hunger alternate with days of food. In each episode, the duration of refusal of water and food increases;
  • a short cascade - resembles a gentle one, but is designed for a short period of time. Reduced periods of normal eating. If in a sparing form, the break between fasting can be up to 3 weeks, then in a short form - no more than 3 days;
  • reduced - 2 periods of food refusal with a break of 10 days.

Any form needs proper preparation and exit from fasting.


Filonov's technique implies a three-month cycle. It alternates days of refusing food and liquids with a period of dietary nutrition, water hunger.

Shchennikov's technique is a preparatory stage for 2 days, a raw food diet is allowed. Then refusal of food for 5-10 days and exit within 5 days. It is allowed to take hygiene procedures, but water should not get into the mouth.

Method Lavrova - consists of periods of hunger and dietary nutrition. On each repetition, the duration of refusal of food increases. Preparation is long and is at least 2 weeks.

Interruption of any of the techniques should include an exit so as not to harm the body.

What diseases are treated with dry fasting

According to the description of the adepts, hunger is a panacea. The list of diseases for which it is used is huge. Let's take a look at the main ones.

  1. Reproductive system - from infertility to increased testosterone levels, treatment of inflammatory processes, benign neoplasms.
  2. Vision - inflammatory processes, chronic increase in intraocular pressure.
  3. Excess weight and cellulite - weight loss, reduction of body fat.
  4. Musculoskeletal system - dystrophic processes in the joints, osteomyelitis, arthritis.
  5. The immune system - from hepatitis to HIV infection.
  6. Any skin disease.
  7. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, oncopathology.
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