Is life possible after cervical cancer? Life after cervical cancer: what recommendations to follow

Ovarian and uterine cancers are among the most common cancers in women and are often the cause of death in middle age. In most cases, a malignant tumor is localized in the tissues of the cervix, thereby worsening the prognosis in general.

Late detection of the disease becomes an unfavorable factor: stage 4 cervical cancer leaves practically no chance for long life and bearing offspring. In the case of a casuistic cure, life after cervical cancer is always frightening with the possibility of a relapse (within five years it happens in 80% of cases).

An ovarian tumor is a neoplasm that grows from the cells of the uterine mucosa in the zone of transition of the cervix into the vagina. In 85% of cases, cancer is , tending to rapid growth and absence of symptoms early stages. The consequences of delay in making a diagnosis are fraught with an unfavorable outcome.

Causes of cervical and ovarian cancer:

  • unhealthy habits (which, however, can be prevented);
  • reception oral contraceptives(the consequences of taking them are fraught not only with cancer, but also with thrombosis);
  • disorderly sex life(can also be attributed to the first item on the list);
  • the presence of an oncogenic risk in the body of HPV (it is not always possible to determine its presence even with a qualitative examination);
  • infection with genital herpes, etc. (which is quite difficult to cure due to constant relapses).

Diagnostics and examination cost

Early diagnosis of cervical and ovarian cancer determines the success of the cure and prognosis. To identify the risk of a disease or assess precancerous conditions, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a year, with the possibility of taking tests. How to determine cervical and ovarian cancer, as well as influence the causes, we will present you in the form of a list necessary examinations and indicative prices:

  1. Examination with the help of mirrors (700-1500 rubles, depending on the level of equipment of the clinic.
  2. A smear from the mucosa of the organ for the presence of HPV of high oncogenic risk (400-1200 rubles, in the process the stage of the conditional pathology present is detected).
  3. Colposcopy (1400-3000 rubles, is it possible without it? No way! The most necessary procedure).
  4. A biopsy in case of suspected malignancy of processes (2500-5000 rubles, allows you to immediately determine the degree and stage of the pathology, if any).
  5. Analysis for cervical cancer: Papanicolaou screening test, or smear for oncocytology (400-1000 rubles). It is carried out by all women who have applied to the doctor. However, you can opt out of this procedure. What to do is not advised, because of the possibility of missing the process of the onset of a neoplasm.

Cancer stages and prognosis for survival

Life expectancy varies widely depending on the stage and grade at which cervical or ovarian cancer is detected, as well as their cause. The prognosis for a 5-year remission is determined by the type of tumor, the degree of its invasiveness, the presence of distant metastases, the woman's age, and the type of treatment performed. Therefore, the prognosis is vague, although it can be approximately determined during an internal examination of the patient.

The consequences of cervical and ovarian cancer can be completely absent only when it adequate therapy at the earliest stages. However, life after cervical cancer is always dangerous with relapses.

According to the clinical and cytological picture, the following stages and degrees of cervical and ovarian cancer are distinguished:

  1. First. The tumor has not spread beyond the cervix or ovaries. Prognostic survival - up to 95%. Analysis for oncocytology (hereinafter simply analysis) is carried out every two days.
  2. Second. Neoplasm cells grow into the submucosal tissue (cervical cancer of the 2nd degree, subgroup A), affect other parts of the uterus, ovaries and vagina (subgroups B, C). Survival for 5 years - in 65-75% of women. The analysis is carried out every two days.
  3. Third. Tumor metastases are observed in the lower third of the vagina, on the walls of the small pelvis and ovaries. Cervical cancer grade 3 subgroup C spreads to the lymph nodes of other internal organs. Life within 5 years save no more than 40% of patients. The analysis is carried out daily. It is also necessary to analyze not only for oncocytology, but also general analyzes organism (blood, urine, etc.). In dynamics.
  4. Fourth. Available distant metastases into the intestines bladder, lymph nodes and ovarian walls. Survival rate - 8-15%. In most cases, recurrence of cervical cancer is observed already in the year of treatment. The analysis is carried out several times a day. Constant monitoring of blood counts in dynamics is necessary.

Ways to treat uterine cancer

In the question of how to treat uterine cancer, the decision is made by a council of doctors. The choice of a method of therapy or their combination is determined by the degree of development of a malignant tumor and the rate of its progression, as well as the results of the tests.

Precancerous conditions are subjected to laser therapy, cryosurgery, the use of loop electroexcision manipulations, and cryoconization. If a woman no longer plans to give birth, an operation is proposed - a hysterectomy, which is prescribed after numerous (however, painless) tests.

Stage 1 cervical cancer involves the excision of a portion of the organ. If the tumor has invaded lymphatic system, a total removal of the uterus and nearby lymph nodes is performed, as well as radiotherapy or brachytherapy. At this stage, the answer to the patient's question "is it possible to cure uterine cancer?" most often positive.

How to treat cervical cancer at stage 2 is beyond doubt: a radical operation is performed, 1-2 courses of chemotherapy and local exposure pelvic organs. If a woman intends to have children, only the lymph nodes are removed, after which the uterus is treated with high doses radiotherapy.

At stages 3 and 4, the question of how to cure cervical cancer is, rather, to save a woman's life for a longer time. After the operation, long courses of radiation and chemotherapy are recommended.

Consequences of cervical cancer - video

Doctors identify several prognostic factors that affect survival rates for cervical cancer:

  • stage of the disease;
  • condition of the lymph nodes;
  • depth and volume of the tumor.

Determining factorstaging of the disease, then - the state of the lymph nodes.

After a radical hysterectomy in stages I and IIA, the five-year survival statistics show the following figures:

  • 88 - 99% for those not affected by the tumor lymph nodes;
  • 50 - 74% in the presence of metastases in the pelvic lymph nodes.

I want to consult a gynecologist

Survival rates are lower if the pathology has affected the paraortal lymph nodes. Also, the prognosis depends on the number of affected lymph nodes.

Five-year survival of patients with one affected lymph node is 62%, with two - 36%, with three or four - about 20%, and with 5 or more it is 0%.

Stage forecast

Properly selected treatment of cervical cancer at times increases the patient's chances of normal life after operation. The five-year survival rate ranges from 5 to 85%, depending on the stage of the disease. Over the past 10 years, the life expectancy of patients with stage I and II cancer has increased significantly, while indicators for stage III and have not changed.

Within 3 years after the first treatment, 70-75% of patients experience a relapse of the disease. Further, the frequency of renewals falls by more later dates is 10 - 15%. Most often, renewals begin in the vagina (40-45%), pelvic lymph nodes (25-30%) and on distant organs (25-30%).

In 25% of cases, radiation therapy of the small pelvis helps to get rid of renewals. If the tumor gives metastatic renewal, then the effect of treatment is small - about 10%.

Life after illness

cervical cancer and its treatment certainly have a negative impact on the quality of life of patients. The effects may be seen within years after treatment procedures.

A study was conducted in which 120 women took part after surgery with and without subsequent (adjuvant) cancer treatment. None of them showed recurrence after the operation for 7 years. Basically, these were patients with initial stages cancer.

Another study included 98 women who underwent surgery 5 to 15 years ago. All observed showed symptoms of intoxication, pelvic pain, sexual, intestinal disorders, urinary incontinence.

reproductive function

Treatment of cervical cancer leads to disruption/failure of ovarian function. However, about 40% of patients are women under 45 years of age. Many of them want to have children in the future, so the question of conservation reproductive function extremely important.

With a radical hysterectomy, the ovaries are generally not removed, but after the operation there is a possibility of their function fading due to impaired blood supply. Radiation therapy definitely leads to disruption of ovulation due to high doses. Problems with ovulation can lead to infertility, early menopause, sexual disorders.

Before starting treatment, it is important to consult a doctor and indicate the desire to keep childbearing function. The doctor determines the possibility of an organ-preserving operation. In the case of radiation therapy, the doctor may move the ovaries to reduce their dose of radiation.

In early menopause after cervical cancer treatment, substitution therapy is indicated. hormone therapy. Drugs help to cope with such unwanted symptoms as dryness in the vagina, pain during intimacy.

Hysterectomy and radiation often lead to a change in the structure of the vagina, its length, tissue elasticity, which affects the quality of sexual life. After a series of studies, doctors have identified the following patterns in sexual disorders:

  • patients who underwent radiation after surgery had worse life outcomes than those who received no follow-up treatment;
  • patients treated for cervical cancer without subsequent adjuvant had the same quality of life indicators as healthy women.
  • the most common complication is a weak vaginal secretion;
  • in reaching orgasm special problems has not been identified;
  • most are observed pain within 3 months after the operation. After radiation therapy, pain may appear for up to two years after the course of treatment.

Problems sexual in nature in this context are treated with vaginal lubricants, moisturizers, estrogens.

When diagnosed with uterine cancer, what is the life expectancy? This is the question that any woman who has undergone this oncology asks. This is one of the most common ailments in female gynecology. The disease does not belong to the category of hereditary, but is provoked by the appearance of the papillomavirus. Most often, the disease catches middle-aged women, but the fact of diagnosis in the younger generation is not excluded.

Cervical cancer is malignant tumor located in the lower cavity of the body. It is impossible to name absolute provoking factors that lead to cancer, but, as already mentioned, it is the human papillomavirus (HPV) that is the main provoking factor.

At the same time, it is worth considering that only 5% of women are prone to this oncology, they have a precancerous condition (dysplasia), and after 15 years it turns into cervical cancer. HPV in the rest passes on its own, without causing significant harm to the woman.

The main factors that increase the risk of oncology:

  1. If in female body there are many types of HPV.
  2. Low immunity, which is provoked malnutrition, diseases chronic nature, HIV diseases, a long course of medications that lower immunity (hormonal, chemotherapeutic).
  3. Harmful and addictions especially smoking.
  4. Early sexual experience (before adulthood).
  5. Early childbirth, up to 16 years.
  6. Frequent abortions.
  7. Chronic avitaminosis.
  8. Active sex life with different partners.

These factors do not always lead to the development of cancer, but the risk is significant.

Risk category

This disease can appear at any age, but is most often diagnosed in women over 35. In those who have been diagnosed with it earlier, it will develop slowly, sometimes over 20 years.

If we talk about how cancer develops, it usually proceeds without symptoms, but sometimes they manifest themselves.

So, to the most frequent signs can be attributed:

  1. Discharge of blood from the vagina. They can occur after sex or on any normal day. Their pathogenesis is still unknown. Usually, they have a dark or Brown color. It usually stands out not much, most often smearing and insignificant.
  2. Aching and sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Most often, this symptom indicates that the cancer has moved to nearby organs.
  3. If the disease has reached the bladder, then the woman goes to the toilet more and more often, blood appears in the urine, while the process of urination itself is painful.
  4. If it has spread to the rectum, then constipation, diarrhea, painful trips to the toilet, blood in the anus are recorded.

When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a gynecologist. He will take a smear and send it to cytology. Even if the discharge is not associated with the development of oncology, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence.

This aspect depends on the stage at which the disease was detected and how affected the uterus is with nearby organs. In general, there are 4 stages, in about 2 years, the disease progresses from zero to the last.

The tumor occurs after a precancerous condition, the stage lasts from 3 to 20 years. And only then does cervical cancer occur.


  1. Zero stage (initial). This stage the easiest and perfectly treated without even requiring surgery. The probability of completely getting rid of the disease is very high. The survival rate at the five-year threshold is about 80%.
  2. The second, rather complicated, stage, which is not always amenable to any intervention. This is the reason for the survival rate, which practically reaches 60%.
  3. The third stage, which is not complete without surgery. Hysterectomy - removal of the uterus, it may even have to deprive the woman of other genital organs, such as the ovaries. Survival, even with the operation, does not reach 35%. Life after cervical cancer is not normalized, absolute recovery will not come.
  4. If the last, fourth stage of cancer is diagnosed, then the prognosis is minimal, only 8-10%. Even surgery is sometimes powerless.

In general, combining all the data, the average indicator indicating life expectancy is 55%.

It is very important to notice the symptoms in time and seek help. It is the conduct of the examination and the appointment of the correct, effective treatment, will save a life.

Even after successful removal of the tumor, the disease will occasionally remind of itself.

Possible complications:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • Fistulas in the bladder or rectum;
  • Purulent inflammation of the uterus.

It is possible that the disease will return. To prevent this, a woman must follow all the doctor's recommendations. It is important to eat right, occasionally exercise, because even the slightest stupidity can provoke oncology. It is important that in the first five years after the operation, undergo constant checks and examinations, this is the most risky period, the possibility of relapse is high.

Usually, relapse appears due to the incompetence of the doctor. Either mistakes were made during the operation, or metastases that spread to other organs were not noticed.

If oncology has affected the uterus of a young girl who has never given birth, only the damaged part is removed. Thus, after three years, she has a chance to become pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

The most important consequence past cancer- violation of psychological peace. Women feel their inferiority, the risk of falling into depression is quite high.

It is very important to carry out cancer prevention, undergo examinations and monitor your health.

Many patients are interested in the question: how long do they live with cervical cancer and is it possible to fully recover. The prognosis depends on many factors and is determined by the attending physician after complete examination. Cervical cancer - serious illness, which requires immediate treatment. The progression of the pathology can cause serious consequences.

CC (cervical cancer), according to many experts, develops against the background of genetic predisposition. Significantly increase the risk of cell transformation into malignant can:

  1. Numerous abortions.
  2. Injury to the mucous and soft tissues of the uterus during childbirth.
  3. Change in the endometrium. This phenomenon may cause long-term use hormonal drugs and contraceptives.
  4. Papillomavirus.
  5. Early sexual contact and promiscuity.
  6. Bad habits.
  7. Genital herpes.
  8. Violation of the metabolic process in the body.
  9. Late menopause.
  10. Adenoma formed on the surface of the adrenal cortex.
  11. Severe liver pathology.

The reasons for the development of cervical cancer are also regular exposure and the absence of childbirth. Non-compliance with intimate hygiene is also a provocateur of the process of converting cells into malignant ones.


The initial stage of cervical cancer does not show symptoms, which complicates the diagnosis of pathology. Over time, the following symptoms appear:

  1. The appearance of spotting or menstrual bleeding in the middle of a cycle.
  2. A slight increase in temperature, which indicates the spread of the inflammatory process.
  3. Discharges with blood impurities after sexual contact. They can be from light pink to brown.
  4. Rapid fatigue, apathy, lethargy, decreased performance.
  5. Violation menstrual cycle. Menstruation can go one or two days, more than 5-6, or be absent for a long time.
  6. Appearance blood clots in feces.
  7. Violation of urination, the presence of blood in the urine.

Symptoms are not a direct indicator of the development of oncology. For determining accurate diagnosis you need to contact a specialist for a thorough examination. Only based on indicators of analyzes and methods instrumental diagnostics The doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Stages and chances of recovery

First of all, the specialist determines the stage of development cancerous tumor. In medicine, only 4 stages are distinguished, each of which is characterized by the presence of certain changes and sizes of the neoplasm.

The zero stage is carcinoma - a formation whose cells have not been transformed into malignant ones. With timely therapy, it is possible to exclude the development of cervical cancer.

1 stage

At the first stage in the pictures ultrasound determined by the small size of the tumor. inflammation time gynecological examination its existence cannot be determined. This is due to the fact that it is not possible to identify accumulations of pathologically altered cells, since they are not noticeable.

The tumor is formed within the organ and does not grow beyond it. There are also no metastases to neighboring organs and tissues. With stage 1 cervical cancer, how long they live is determined by the timeliness of therapy and correct execution patient of all doctor's recommendations.

2 stage

The second stage of cancer is characterized by the spread of the neoplasm to neighboring tissues and organs. The formation extends beyond the cervix, but does not violate the boundaries of the small pelvis. Metastases at this degree of development are also not formed.

In case of correct and timely treatment chances of recovery are high and depend on general condition patients, presence comorbidities and the size of the neoplasm.

3 stage

The third stage is characterized by the germination of the neoplasm in the tissue of the cervix and its spread to the organs and tissues of the small pelvis. The tumor affects the vagina. As a result, there is a malfunction of the ureters, which leads to stagnation of urine.

With stage 3 cervical cancer, doctors find it difficult to answer how long they live. Life expectancy depends on the effectiveness of therapy and the characteristics of the body. Significantly increases the chances of survival with immediate treatment prescribed immediately after diagnosis.

4 stage

In the fourth stage, the tumor spreads beyond the pelvis and begins to invade the intestines and bladder. At this stage, metastases spread that affect neighboring organs and spread to the lungs.

The five-year survival rate for stage 4 is about 15%. The operation is possible only in the absence of metastases. But most often, surgery is not performed. Appointed drug treatment in order to alleviate the condition and prolong life.

Stage 1 responds well to treatment. After removing a tumor that has not yet spread to the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, other organs and tissues, a woman will be able to fully live.

Forecast factors

The survival prognosis depends on many factors. First of all, the doctor determines the stage and the presence of metastases. Also, life expectancy in cervical cancer depends on:

  1. The degree of localization of the neoplasm.
  2. individual characteristics of the body.
  3. The degree of spread of the tumor.
  4. Opportunities for the operation.

Forecasting in oncology is also based on the indicators of the established five-year period. Results vary depending on the stage of the cancer. On average, the values ​​range from 5 to 85%.


Cervical cancer begins as a carcinoma. This stage can last from 3 to 20 years. Under the influence of certain factors, cells begin to degenerate into malignant ones.

Life expectancy depends on the stage at which treatment was started. The initial stage, when a neoplasm is formed, is easily treatable. The operation is most often not required, and therapy is carried out with the help of drugs. The five-year survival rate is over 80%. In cervical cancer, recurrence occurs in rare cases subject to successful treatment.

The second stage is quite difficult. Tumor resection surgery may not be performed in all cases. Survival for 5 years is about 60% of patients.

For tumors in the third stage of development, surgical intervention is always prescribed. During the procedure, the uterus is removed. In some cases, resection of other organs of the reproductive system is also required. This is because cancer cells begin to spread and affect neighboring tissues. The five-year survival rate is less than 35%. There is no absolute recovery.

In cases where stage 4 cervical cancer is diagnosed, surgical intervention may not always lead to positive result. The prognosis is minimal and reaches up to 10%.

In this way, average life is 55%. But in the case of inoperable cancer, the prognosis is much lower. Patients require care, are assigned medications to relieve symptoms.

Cervical cancer - dangerous disease which is not always treatable. In the first stage, complete recovery is possible, but diagnosis is this case difficult. This is because First stage development does not show symptoms. To protect yourself from cancer, you need to visit a gynecologist regularly.

Modern medicine cannot yet offer ideal option for diagnosing the disease, although great strides have been made in this regard. However, treatment for cervical cancer is now possible, and in most cases, avoidable. lethal outcome. What will life be like after cervical cancer? Tips for returning to full life, including intimate, read this article.

Life after cervical cancer: the essence of the problem

It all depends on the stage of development at which cervical cancer was detected. In other cases, cancer treatment is simple surgical intervention bypassing the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Depending on the degree of damage, we can talk about the activity of the female reproductive system. However, life after cervical cancer is not so bleak.

If a woman has kept her uterus, then after the recovery course and the prophylactic period, she will even be able to give birth. At the same time, there is a special threat to such childbirth, after full recovery, No.

In those cases when the uterus is removed, childbirth, of course, becomes impossible. But there are some nuances here. Libido and sex life are highly dependent on hormones. The ovaries play a huge role in this matter. If the ovaries are left, then the removal of the uterus will not affect the libido.

If a woman has her ovaries removed, it can affect her life after cervical cancer, her health and sexual attraction generally. Unfortunately, the hormonal imbalance that the removal of the ovaries will cause can lead to the most various changes in the body.

Nonetheless, hormonal background offer lifelong post-cancer support with medication, and modern techniques are excellent at this task. Of course, this will complicate life a little, but the main thing is that a woman does not lose her desire to live and fight.

Note that after all the operations and recovery, there is still a chance for intimate plastic surgery which works wonders today. Therefore, you should not be afraid that life after cervical cancer will completely lose its colors. Pessimism has never helped anyone cope with problems.

The ability to have full sex remains as long as a woman has a vagina. The vagina is often affected in advanced cervical cancer. However, doctors try to save at least part of it, if possible.

The disease can be terrible and merciless, but this does not mean that you should give up. Even this terrible disease, like cervical cancer, can be eradicated, which means that it will also be possible to restore your usual life after cancer. The main thing is to make an effort and find options for yourself.

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