Therapeutic procedures. Karlovy Vary - health-improving procedures Health-improving procedures

The Great Encyclopedia of Health Paul Bragg A. V. Moskin

Wellness water treatments

Hydrotherapy - the use of fresh water for preventive and therapeutic purposes - has a thousand-year history. Water treatment was used by the Egyptians, ancient Indians, Chinese and Babylonians. In ancient Rome, public baths (terms) were the prototype of modern health centers. Along with the actual washing, they were used for treatment - contrast bathing in hot and cold water, massage, aromatherapy, mud baths.

After the long decline of hydrotherapy in the Middle Ages in Western Europe, interest in the healing properties of water began to grow again in the 17th and 18th centuries, and in the 19th century, scientific justifications for hydrotherapy already appeared. Pastor Sebastian Kneipp's work on hydrotherapy gained great popularity.

Hydrotherapy is based on several unique properties of water, as well as its accessibility to almost everyone and the relative ease of performing wellness treatments.

Hydrotherapy is a healing modality that is suitable for everyone, but it has some limitations.

Since the main healing effect of water procedures is based on the contrast of temperatures, and the body is subjected to mechanical stress, there are strict contraindications for hydrotherapy. Ignoring them can lead to serious consequences.

First of all, this includes any acute forms or exacerbations of chronic diseases, especially inflammatory ones. At this time, your body must be treated with extreme caution, because most of the forces are spent on fighting the infection, and excess stress can undermine the already weakened defenses.

Hydrotherapy is dangerous in the presence of malignant tumors or benign neoplasms with a tendency to grow. Blood diseases in the acute stage, diseases accompanied by bleeding exclude hydrotherapy procedures. The same applies to severe kidney disease, tuberculosis, glaucoma.

We have already said that the cardiovascular system experiences a significant load during hydrotherapy. Doctors strongly recommend to refrain from strong impact procedures (for example, a contrast shower) if the patient suffers from cardiovascular diseases, with circulatory disorders above I degree.

The skin is directly exposed to water and other mechanical factors during procedures, and in the presence of certain skin diseases, contact with water can lead to poor health. This applies, for example, to weeping eczema - pemphigus.

Extreme caution should be applied to the use of water procedures during pregnancy, especially in the second half. It must be remembered that not only the mother's body is at risk, but also the health of the unborn child. When choosing a particular procedure, be sure to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Women are also not recommended to carry out water procedures on critical days.

From the book Hardening and hydrotherapy author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

WATER TREATMENTS The following procedures, which are widespread among people, are water. They do not have a pronounced hardening effect, but are used for other purposes. First, let's get acquainted with the statements about the water of the ancient sages and healers. According to

From the book The Complete Encyclopedia of Wellness author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Water procedures The main mechanisms of the influence of water procedures on the human body - Water procedures complete the development of the body. This is one of the main mechanisms of the influence of water on the human body, which brings us closer to the prenatal stage of development with all its

From the book Human Bioenergetics: Ways to Increase Energy Potential author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Water procedures The main mechanisms of the influence of water on the human body Sebastian Kneipp, based on his 30-year experience in the use of hydrotherapy, spoke about the effect of water on the human body.1. What is a disease, what is the common source of all diseases? All

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Water procedures Today you had to spend the whole day on your feet - they are buzzing and filled with heaviness. Let's do a wet foot wrap. Wear wool socks over a pair of wet socks. Now you need to lie down in bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Make sure the room is not

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Physical activity and wellness Everyone knows how important an active lifestyle is for maintaining health. Regular physical activity, among other things, contributes to the restoration of the functions of the nervous system and blood vessels, which is of great importance.

From the book Get rid of cellulite in 48 hours: The latest technique author Olga Sergeevna Chernogaeva

Water procedures The main stages of body skin care include cleansing (contrast showers, baths, bath procedures), toning, nutrition, moisturizing. Let's take a closer look at each stage. Cleansing Of course, in caring for your body, you must clean daily not

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Water treatments These include showers, baths and visits to the bath or sauna. Of course, each person regularly takes a bath or shower and from time to time visits a bath or sauna. However, even these familiar procedures can be turned into an effective means of combating

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WATER TREATMENTS Russian banya The most Russian way out of a hangover syndrome is a banya, with a broom, with herbal tea. The famous Russian historian N.I. Kostomarov wrote: “The bath was the most

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Water procedures Any water procedures can be called without exaggeration the most pleasant method of body shaping. What happens at this time in the body? First of all, rejuvenation of the skin, which after a bath or shower becomes smooth, elastic and silky. Except

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Water procedures Before proceeding to "water" training, you should consult an ophthalmologist, since such procedures are contraindicated for some eye diseases. There are several options for "bathing" the eyes, which have a beneficial

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Water procedures

From the book Vascular Diseases. The most effective treatments author Yulia Sergeevna Popova

WATER TREATMENTS Hydrotherapy is the most powerful tool for strengthening and healing blood vessels. This is largely due to the effect of water on both the skin and the entire body as a whole. Even the ancient luminaries of medicine were familiar with the following reaction principle

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Water procedures They include showering, bathing (baths), washing, dousing, wiping and wet wrapping. The hardening effect in this case is due to irritation of the nerve endings of the skin by water.

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Chapter 3. Wellness procedures In addition to all kinds of wellness methods aimed at strengthening immunity, maintaining good physical shape, there are many little tricks that can help you maintain health and vigor for a long time.

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5. Water procedures Cool wraps for the treatment of gastric and intestinal ulcersCool body and leg wraps are used for inflammatory diseases of the organs of the entire abdominal cavity, as they improve excretory functions and skin nutrition. With this

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Water procedures The means of external cleansing of yoga include external water procedures, which are of great importance. If the skin is not regularly cleaned, then the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands becomes difficult, conditions are created for the reproduction of microbes and various problems arise.


General magnetotherapy in the "Magnitoturbotron" unit The therapeutic effect is based on a rotating magnetic field, which is involved in the regulation of the immune, nervous, adaptive systems, stimulating the compensatory adaptive mechanisms of the body, improving metabolism, the function of the endocrine, nervous, lymphatic, cardiovascular systems. The therapeutic effect is even from the first 2-3 procedures are felt immediately:
 headaches decrease or stop,
 Pain in the spine and joints,
 blood pressure decreases in hypertensive patients,
 sleep is normalized,
 the mood rises.

Magnetotherapy with the device "Almag"

One of the leading roles in the complex treatment of diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis) is played by magnetotherapy with an apparatus "ALMAG-01". When exposed to rhythmic BPMP on diseased organs and tissues, the electromagnetic parameters of cells are restored, which change in various diseases. It is also important that a person does not become addicted to BIMP, in contrast to the reaction to other treatment, therefore, the effectiveness of Almag treatment does not decrease over time, but at least remains at the same level.
Under the influence of the running pulsed magnetic field "Almag" in the area of ​​the diseased joint, the process of inflammation is removed, the pain decreases. The permeability of the vascular walls increases, which contributes to the acceleration of the resorption of edema. Normalization of metabolism in the periarticular tissues and in the affected joint itself has a regenerative effect on the articular cartilage, which positively affects the function of the joint and allows you to stop the progression of the disease.
"Almag" does not just temporarily anesthetize, but acts on the root cause of the disease - the state of diseased cells and tissues. The use of "Almag" together with drugs enhances the effect of treatment and reduces the number of drugs. In some cases, when there are contraindications to taking medications, ALMAG is the only remedy that helps to improve the quality of life of a sick person in a chronic disease.

"ALMAG-02" is the most effective for the treatment and rehabilitation of:
neurological diseases;
diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
vascular diseases;
complications of diabetes;
cardiological diseases;
injuries and surgical interventions;
gastroenterological diseases;
respiratory diseases.

Indications for use:
Mental and behavioral disorders
Diseases of the nervous system
Ear, nose and throat diseases
Diseases of the circulatory system
Respiratory diseases
Diseases of the digestive system
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
Osteocondritis of the spine
Diseases of the genitourinary system

Biorhythm stimulation

The method of biorhythmostimulation of the body using the apparatus "Rhythm-Flight" is today a unique drug-free way to get rid of stress and chronic fatigue syndrome, increase vitality, performance and professional longevity.
"Rhythm Flight"- a safe way to defeat stress, get rid of many psychosomatic disorders, regulate performance, increase resistance to stressful situations and quality of life.
It is also necessary for healthy people of working age who experience high psychophysical and emotional stress to quickly relieve fatigue and neuro-emotional breakdowns.

Ampliimpulse therapy

Amplipulse therapy It is used to relieve pain syndromes in case of neuralgia, neuritis, injuries of the joints, peripheral nerves, degenerative changes in the joints and spine.
The method is used in violation of peripheral circulation, as well as in angiospasm with the development of tissue trophism, in vascular diseases.
Amplipulse therapy is indicated for muscle atrophy as a result of prolonged immobility after surgery, trauma, poliomyelitis. Using this method, you can remove small stones from the ureters with KSD. Besides, the indications are as follows:
deforming arthrosis;
rheumatoid arthritis;
ankylosing spondylitis;
osteocondritis of the spine;
bone fractures;
bronchial asthma;
stomach ulcer;
biliary dyskinesia;
inflammation of the uterine appendages;
urological diseases;
hypertension I-II stage;
atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities;
eye diseases;
ENT organs;
and others.


Darsonvalization- physiotherapeutic method of exposure to alternating, high-frequency, pulsed current of high voltage and low strength. Local darsonvalization has an analgesic effect due to a decrease in the sensitivity of skin receptors, improves blood circulation, metabolism, reduces inflammation, and promotes healing of wounds and trophic ulcers.


Ultrasound Therapy (UZT)– physiotherapeutic method of ultrasound treatment of various diseases of the peripheral nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.

Among the main actions of ultrasound: analgesic, neurovegetative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, hyposensitizing, fibrinolytic effects on the body.
In addition, ultrasound

Has a pronounced effect on the connective tissue system
prevents the formation of adhesions and scars
softens coarse fiber fabric
accelerates regeneration processes in nervous, epithelial, cartilaginous and other tissues
improves the processes of transmission of nervous excitation in myoneural synapses
reduces the increased excitability of peripheral nerves.

Contraindications for ultrasound therapy are acute infections and intoxications, blood diseases, coronary heart disease, bleeding tendency, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, organic diseases of the central nervous system, pronounced neurotic and endocrine disorders, malignant neoplasms.


electrosleep is a method of physiotherapy treatment, which is based on the impact of pulsed current on the brain. A constant pulsed current with certain parameters (rectangular shape, low frequencies, low current strength) brings the human brain into a state close to physiological sleep. At the same time, the work of the central nervous system is normalized, trophic processes and microcirculation are improved. The apparatus for carrying out the electrosleep procedure has two phases of operation. In the first phase, the phase of inhibition, the device generates impulses that lead to a drowsy state, sometimes even a full sleep. At the same time, blood pressure decreases, the bioelectric activity of the brain decreases. The activation phase occurs after the end of the procedure and is characterized by an increase in the tone of the body, an improvement in mood, and an increase in working capacity.

Swimming pool with cascade shower

Swimming in a therapeutic pool (surface area 50 sq.m, without paths) with a cascade shower, as a therapeutic and rehabilitation measure, it is part of the hydrocolonotherapy used in our health resort.
Physical exercises in water have not only a tonic, but also a powerful therapeutic effect. Movements in water stimulate breathing, blood circulation, improve the activity of the stomach and intestines, improve thermoregulation, the body becomes less susceptible to colds, and the psycho-emotional state normalizes.
Swimming develops and strengthens the musculoskeletal system, as a result, the nutrition of the joints and periarticular tissues of the spine and limbs improves, and this is an effective preventive measure for osteochondrosis and articular pathology.

Cascade shower
This shower can be safely called a "waterfall of good mood." It already follows from the name that during this SPA procedure, water is supplied to the human body in a cascade. One gets the feeling that a person is standing under a soft downpour, which gives vigor and refreshes.
The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. A wide shower gives the effect of a soft waterfall, and if you want to increase the flow pressure, use a narrow cascade shower, it restores the overall tone and restores strength.
When water falls from a certain height, it affects the parietal and occipital zones, which are responsible for the blood supply to the brain. A cascade shower also stimulates the body's immune system, helping it to cope more effectively with loads and stresses. Falling water creates the so-called "white" noise, which has a unique effect on a person - it calms, relaxes, gives restful sleep, relieves anxiety and fatigue, and relaxes. Streams of water "wash away" fatigue, charge with optimism and good mood.

Underwater shower - massage

During the procedure, the patient is immersed in a bath filled with water or a medicinal solution, such as herbal decoctions, solutions of sea salts, essential oils, etc. The main role in the procedure is played by the pressure of the water jet, and the bath enhances the effect by relaxing the patient's body.

Effects of the procedure: improves the flow of metabolic processes, removes toxins from the body, accelerates blood and lymph flow, promotes weight loss and cellulite removal, relieves pain, removes swelling and heaviness in the legs, helps relieve physical and mental stress, softens scars and adhesions, tones muscles, returns skin firmness and elasticity, has a tonic and tonic effect.

Therapeutic baths

Baths are a therapeutic effect on the body, immersed in the aquatic environment. When they are carried out, mechanical, thermal and chemical factors act throughout the entire procedure. The pleasant smell created by aromatic substances causes a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect.

Pearl baths- This is one of the varieties of hydromassage. The main plus and advantage of pearl baths is their ability to completely relax the body, improve well-being and mood. Pearl baths are recommended for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, they soothe and relax. This massage gently affects the nerve endings throughout the body, deeply relaxing and soothing.

Effects of the procedure: stimulate blood circulation, accelerate the resorption of inflammatory processes, the skin is saturated with oxygen, and as a result, its elasticity increases, its appearance improves, relaxes muscles and eliminates spasms, accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body, improves sleep, helps to eliminate stress and depression, reduces pain in joints and back, it is a great way to recuperate the body after long periods of treatment. The effect after a 10 minute hydromassage session is comparable to the effect after a whole hour of manual massage of the whole body

Iodine-bromine baths are a type of external balneotherapy. Under the influence of the thermal component, there are intensification of metabolic processes, microcirculation, and acceleration of biochemical reactions. Baths have a bactericidal effect. Iodine-bromine baths with low mineralization increase the ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate and fix iodine ions, and baths with high mineralization do the opposite.
Effects of the procedure: acting on the nervous system, they restore normal relationships between subcortical and cortical structures, stabilize metabolic processes in the kidneys, inhibit the development of atherosclerosis, improve the rheological properties of blood, iodine and bromine are included in the structure of hormones.

Effectiveness from acceptance "selenium bath" achieved through its original composition. The main components (selenium, zeolites) actively penetrate the skin deep into the tissues, where they have a therapeutic effect.
Effects of the procedure: general relaxation, strengthening sleep, relieves mental and physical stress, improves hemodynamics, enhances metabolic processes in the skin, joints and periarticular tissues, reduces pain in muscles, joints, spine, increases the amount of movement in them, increases the body's resistance to stress, promotes the elimination of heavy and radioactive metals, has an immunomodulatory effect.

Aromatic baths- therapeutic effect on the patient's body of fresh water with aromatic substances dissolved in it.
The intensity of carbohydrate, fat and mineral metabolism increases.

healing souls

Shower - a therapeutic effect on the body with water jets of various shapes, directions, temperatures and pressures.
The main operating factors of showers are mechanical and thermal.
Healing effects: tonic, sedative, vasoactive, antispasmodic, trophic.

Shower "Charcot"
The procedure itself consists in the fact that the body is massaged with jets of water of different power. It is best to use the Charcot shower every day, gradually lowering the temperature of the water and the pressure of the jet. To stabilize the blood flow, this method is considered the best.
Effects of the procedure: improving the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, saturating tissues with oxygen and active absorption of nutrients. metabolism is normalized, tumors and inflammations disappear. The use of Charcot's shower is the best method of fighting cellulite. The procedure allows you to correct the figure, cure obesity and cleanse the body of toxins.

fan shower
This is a therapeutic water procedure, during which water is supplied to the patient's body with a jet in the form of a fan. This shower is a kind of Charcot shower, but its effect is less intense. The general effect of the fan shower on the patient's body is quite mild. The direction of movement of the fan shower jet is from the bottom up, the jet is supplied in such a way as to cause a slight reddening of the patient's skin.
Effects of the procedure: tonic and immunostimulating. The procedure contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, which improves the supply of oxygen to tissues and stimulates metabolism.

Whirlpool baths

Whirlpool baths applied locally - hand and foot. With the help of a special pump in the bath, a vortex movement of the entire mass of water is created, which achieves a massage effect. A pleasant feeling of massage with irritation of the skin endings with water leads to an improvement in blood flow in the vessels of the extremities, facilitating the access of oxygen and nutrients through the dilated vessels of the extremities, as well as improving skin nutrition.
Effects of the procedure: improves blood circulation in the extremities and metabolism, has a wound-healing effect, enhances tissue respiration, promotes the process of cleansing (liberation of the body from toxins), affects the central nervous system, causing a sedative or tonic effect, which improves microcirculation, stimulates metabolic processes and energy metabolic processes and energy processes in cells, has a positive effect on the work of internal organs, increases immunity.


Hydromassage improves blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its general condition and preventing the development of skin diseases and cellulite.
We especially feel the healing effect of the jacuzzi after a muscular load. Hydromassage contributes to their speedy recovery and relaxation. The ability to adjust the intensity is also very important. The air massage function is very useful - it is a stream of air coming from the bottom of the jacuzzi. It has a very beneficial effect on the back, the effect is comparable to a massage that an experienced master can perform.

Dry carbonic baths

Dry carbonic baths have a good healing effect:
- improvement of the work of internal organs and systems, in particular, cardiovascular and nervous;
- stabilization and normalization of weight (you can use dry carbon dioxide baths for weight loss).

Dry carbonic baths can be prescribed for:
 Ischemic disease, myocardial infarction. Such baths can be used for all heart diseases, since in this case there will be no water pressure that is undesirable for the patient.
 Atherosclerosis and hypertension.
 Violation of cerebral circulation. Baths, due to their vasodilating effect, are able to restore the supply of oxygen to the brain;
 Varicose veins;
 To slow down natural aging. Carbonic baths can be taken and even extremely advisable for people of advanced age;
 Diabetes mellitus. Leads to a decrease in sugar levels;
 Chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disturbance, neuroses.
 Obesity and cellulite. Carbon dioxide has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it supple and smooth, improving its color;
 Skin diseases. Baths can accelerate healing processes, help reduce itching, and have an antiseptic effect. Such procedures are indicated for psoriasis.
 Thrombophlebitis. It is known that under the influence of gas, the viscosity of the blood begins to decrease. This effect can be considered the prevention of all kinds of stagnation.


Massotherapy- an effective method of treatment, improvement of the body and prevention of certain diseases.

frequent headaches
pain in the back, neck, lower back
osteochondrosis and radiculitis
fractures, muscle strains, bruises
neuritis and neuralgia
hypertension, angina pectoris
bronchitis, pneumonia
rehabilitation period after surgery
peptic ulcer, intestinal motility disorder

Therapeutic massage normalizes muscle tone, reduces pain, improves metabolism and blood purification, activates blood flow and relieves venous congestion. After several sessions of massage, a person's mood and well-being improve, pain partially or completely disappears, and the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

Detensor - therapy

mat detensor- a system of rib construction, made of a material with a unique ability to adapt to the contours of the body. The position of the inclined edges of the mat changes under the influence of the patient's weight and allows the formation of traction forces that are strictly dependent on the acting mass (that is, proportional to the patient's weight).
All these conditions make it possible to achieve ideal unloading of the kinematic system of the spine. During the procedure, you will feel how the spine begins to straighten, the back muscles relax, their blood supply increases. Detensor-therapy is a method of safe traction and combines the possibility of long-term relaxation of the intervertebral ligaments while maintaining the physiological curves of the spine.

The detensor mat is used for passive traction of the spine. With a specific laying technique on the therapy mat, a traction force of up to 22-23% of its own weight can be achieved. The main indications for the use of the detensor mat are:  vertebrogenic pain (acute and chronic) associated with the occurrence of functional blockades of motor segments (lumbago syndrome, lumbalgia, thoracalgia, cervicalgia, etc.);
 osteochondrosis of the spine;
 hernia and protrusion of the intervertebral discs;
 vegetative-visceral syndromes (biliary dyskinesia, vertebrogenic cardialgia, etc.).
 curvature of the spine or poor posture.
 vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, stress.

Detensor - therapy restores the anatomically correct shape of the spine, posture, relieves pain, tension, fatigue, relaxes the back muscles, stretches the spine by 1-2 cm.
The greatest effect has a course treatment. The optimal course is 10-12 procedures performed daily or every other day.

Mountain air

The procedure consists in inhaling a hypoxic gas mixture, which is identical in composition to high mountain air.
Recommended hypoxic therapy method in diseases of the cardiovascular system, lung diseases, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, decreased performance and depressive states.

diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems,
prevention of colds,
immune stimulation,
chronic fatigue syndrome.

The passage of even one course of hypoxic therapy (10 procedures) leads to a decrease in the biological age of a person, to an increase in immunity - resistance to diseases increases. The procedure has a deep normalizing effect on the whole body: metabolism improves, blood microcirculation is restored, energy processes are activated.


aromatherapy very effective for relieving tension, anxiety, as well as psychosomatic problems, also with the help of aromatherapy, the problems of muscular and rheumatic pains, indigestion, various women's problems are solved quite well.
The effectiveness of aromatherapy has scientific justification. The positive effect of certain odors and aromatic compositions on the nervous system, skin, as well as the antimicrobial properties of phytoncides and a number of essential oils have been proven.
In addition, many essential oils have antihypertensive, vasodilating, antioxidant and immunostimulatory properties.

Indications for the use of various methods of aromatherapy include:
chronic fatigue syndrome;
asthenic syndrome;
chronic stress;
diseases of the cardiovascular system;
respiratory diseases;
diseases of the nervous system;
various joint lesions;
age-related skin changes;
acne disease;
excessive dryness of the skin;

Contraindications for the use of aromatherapy products are:
individual psychological intolerance to essential oils;
pregnancy (especially the first trimester);
general severe physical condition;
acute inflammatory processes;
individual allergic reactions.


Aeroionotherapy- exposure to ionized air for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The active factor is predominantly negative air ions.

Indications: acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, ozena without extensive destruction of the nasal mucosa, vasomotor rhinitis, mild to moderate bronchial asthma, inactive pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, pneumosclerosis, prevention of professional bronchopulmonary diseases, asthenic symptoms of somatic and traumatic genesis, migraine, vegetative dystonia, arterial hypertension of I and II degree, neurasthenia, sleep disorders, migraine, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, neurodermatitis, eczema, acne, burns, wounds, trophic ulcers, aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, some skin diseases, etc.

Contraindications: severe forms of bronchial asthma, severe pulmonary emphysema, active progressive pulmonary tuberculosis, cardiovascular insufficiency II and III stages, epilepsy, depressive states, malignant neoplasms, severe atherosclerosis of the coronary and cerebral arteries, pregnancy, severe general exhaustion of the body, lakes with deep destructive changes, depressive states, hypersensitivity to ionized air.


Method of kinesiotherapy allows you to influence the body in such a way that not only diseases of the musculoskeletal system are cured, but also other diseases, including diseases of the nervous system

This method is especially effective for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine.
But the uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that it suits absolutely everyone and has no contraindications. The kinesiotherapy method allows you to influence the body in such a way that not only diseases of the musculoskeletal system are cured, but also other diseases, including diseases of the nervous system. Competent kinesiotherapy can be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

In the process of kinesitherapy, the patient repeats the movements that the doctor has selected for him individually, in accordance with his disease. Body movements begin to work to restore the body. Gradually, muscle blocks are removed in a natural way, and with them a person gets rid of the disease and the causes that gave rise to these blocks and muscle clamps.
The main therapeutic movements are aimed at improving the mobility of various joints and segments of the spine, increasing the elasticity of ligaments and tendons. Our center employs qualified instructors with extensive experience in this field.
Since kinesiotherapy has a therapeutic effect not only on the musculoskeletal system, but also plays the role of a corrector of dysfunctions of all internal organs, it can be said that, to one degree or another, kinesiotherapy methods are applicable to almost any disease.


Inhalations(inhalation) of oxygen is widely used for various diseases accompanied by hypoxia (lack of oxygen):
with diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, pulmonary edema, etc.),
cardiovascular system (heart failure, coronary insufficiency / inconsistency of blood flow through the heart arteries to the heart's oxygen demand /,
collapse / sharp drop in blood pressure / etc.),
poisoning with carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, asphyxiants (chlorine, phosgene, etc.),
also in other diseases with impaired respiratory function and oxidative processes.

The physiological effect of oxygen is extremely diverse, but the ability to compensate for the deficiency of oxygen in the tissues of the body during hypoxia (insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissue or impaired absorption of oxygen) is of decisive importance in its therapeutic effect. In patients with respiratory failure, under the influence of oxygen, its tension in the alveolar (located in the lungs) air and in the blood increases, the concentration of oxyhemoglobin in the arterial blood increases, and metabolic acidosis (acidification of the blood due to metabolic disorders) decreases.
Oxygen treatment gives the best effect with hypoxemic hypoxia, when the main reason for reducing the oxygen supply to the body is insufficient blood oxygen saturation in the lungs (for example, with blood stagnation in the small - pulmonary - circle of blood circulation). Oxygen inhalation gives a lesser effect during circular hypoxia (hypoxia that occurs when there is a violation of the blood supply to organs in tissues).

mud applications

Therapeutic mud can be used for many diseases. It can be used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, ganglionitis, neuralgia, etc.). Effective use of mud for the treatment of complications resulting from injuries.

Mud applications can be used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
inflammatory diseases of the joints;
consequences of injuries, etc.

It is also possible to treat diseases of the digestive system:
peptic ulcer outside the period of exacerbation;
hepatitis A;
gastritis, etc.

In addition, mud treats respiratory diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, some forms of bronchial asthma. Muds are used to treat certain diseases of the ear, nose and throat; eye diseases, such as chronic inflammation of the lacrimal ducts, eyelids, eye sockets, etc.


Acupuncture- a set of methodological techniques, which are based on the use of various non-drug, physical factors for therapeutic purposes.

When is acupuncture needed?
It helps to cope with neurological disorders and a variety of ailments.
So acupuncture helps to treat various types of neuralgia, including trigeminal, facial nerve and intercostal neuralgia, sciatica.

Acupuncture is effective in chronic forms of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia and coronary heart disease, menopausal syndrome. And one more method of reflexology:
Pharmacopuncture is a unique method that includes a combination of several areas - acupuncture, homeopathy, injection of pharmaceuticals into biologically active points of organs and systems.

This method achieves reduction of manifestations:
pathological muscle tone and spasm,
osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, lumbago, arthritis, bursitis,
Headache and migraine.
Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Metabolic disorders.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Before the procedure, it is important to undergo a diagnostic examination and get a recommendation from a doctor!

Paraffin treatment

This is a thermotherapy method in which heated paraffin is used as a heat carrier. Paraffin is a mixture of high-molecular, chemically inactive hydrocarbons of the methane series, which is obtained during oil refining.
Paraffin treatment has become widespread as one of the types of heat treatment for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, diseases of internal organs, female and male reproductive systems, some skin diseases, scars, burns, frostbite and is one of the most common therapeutic methods.

Therapeutic effect of paraffin consists of its thermal and mechanical action. Paraffin treatment is accompanied by capillary expansion, acceleration of local blood flow, increased local metabolism and activation of regenerative and reparative processes, increased phagocytic function of connective tissue elements, accelerated resorption of toxic metabolic products and their removal from tissues.

Paraffin treatment promotes resorption of adhesions, accelerates the consolidation of bone fragments and the formation of callus, promotes the fastest restoration of the conductivity of damaged peripheral nerves.

Paraffin treatment is contraindicated: in acute inflammatory processes, severe atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, chronic glomerulonephritis, liver cirrhosis, ovarian cysts, thyrotoxicosis, infectious diseases, hereditary degenerative progressive diseases of the nervous system, in the second half of pregnancy and lactation.

nordic walking

nordic walking- this is a new direction in physical culture, which is walking with special sticks. Nordic walking can be used both as a means of rehabilitation, and as a way to keep fit, and as a form of outdoor activity, and as a fitness.

Reasons for the incredible popularity:
1. Availability.
Nordic walking can be practiced in any area at any time of the year: in winter, spring, summer or autumn, in a resort, on the city embankment or in a park, with friends or alone - just take sticks in your hands and take the first step to health.

2. Efficiency
Unlike regular walking, pole walking uses up to 90% of the body's muscles and burns 40% more calories. By distributing the load from legs to arms, endurance increases and the duration of the workout increases.

3. Effect on the human body:
The cardiovascular system:
Strengthens the heart muscle
Reduces blood pressure
Optimizes heart function
Reduces the chance of a heart attack
Improves vascular elasticity
Reduces the possibility of clot formation

Neuro-immune system:
Improves movement coordination
Strengthens sleep
Strengthens the immune system
Improves blood supply to the brain
Improves memory
Muscles, ligaments, joints, bones:
Increases the muscles of the whole body
Strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen
Helps maintain correct posture
Provides better blood supply to the muscles
Makes tendons and ligaments more elastic
Improves bone structure
Reduces the chance of osteoporosis
Training of "problem" muscles, such as neck, back, shoulders, chest, hips  Respiratory system, blood:
Increases lung size up to 30%
Strengthens breathing muscles
Improves lung function in oxygen uptake
Improves the ability to transport oxygen by blood cells
Optimizes breathing during exercise
Increases maximum oxygen uptake
Adipose tissue, adipose tissue metabolism:
Reduces adipose tissue stores
Reduces the effects of accumulated toxins
Reduces triglycerols
Reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol

Turns the negative energy of stress into positive energy of movement;
Reduces the amount of adrenaline

Regulates bowel activity


This is a complex of physical exercises, the purpose of which is to restore impaired functions and improve health. During physiotherapy exercises, not only the affected areas of the body are affected, but also the overall strengthening of the body. Therapeutic exercise has a beneficial effect on both children and adults.

Rehabilitation after an injury
Recovery after surgery, prevention of postoperative complications
Diseases of the nervous system
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Respiratory system diseases, etc.
Physiotherapy provides restoration of body functions, positively affects the state of internal organs and body systems. With regular exercises, as well as with the correct exercise under the supervision of a specialist, a persistent therapeutic effect is observed. Exercise therapy has a tonic effect on the body, improves the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system. Thanks to physical therapy, a person’s mood improves, strength and mobility increase, metabolism normalizes.

During our consultations, based on the results of the diagnosis, you can be assigned a course of wellness procedures: Ayurvedic and Thai massage, stone therapy, and other techniques. These procedures will relieve tension and stress, start the processes of natural self-healing of your health, fill your body with energy, prolong your youth and beauty. The composition, number of procedures and places of their implementation are determined at the consultation.

Abhyanga- full body massage with warm oil, performed by one or two specialists. The word "abhyanga" literally means "loving hands". This is a very pleasant full body massage with plenty of specially selected warm medicated oil enriched with herbs and essential oils.

Although in the West it is often believed that the main purpose of oil during massage is to allow the hands to glide over the body, the qualities of the oil and its healing properties are much more important. Abhyanga nourishes, rejuvenates the skin and deep tissues of the body, and also frees cells from toxins. The oil mixture penetrates deep into the cells, where it dissolves, breaks down and expels the accumulated toxins into the intercellular space, from where they are removed naturally or with the help of additional procedures.
Abhyanga has a deeper and more extensive impact on human health than conventional massage, due to a special technique of deep and natural harmonization of the body, emotions and psyche. Thanks to the healing blends of essential oils and herbs, it helps to heal psychological "wounds" after exposure to aggressive external or self-destructive internal energy; eliminates disorderly and uncontrolled outflow of energy; refines and elevates the feeling of love; brings peace and tranquility to the heart.
Abhyanga fills with energy and freshness. Abhyanga makes the skin supple, fresh, velvety, toned and smooth. Personally selected essential oils and herbs will help heal problematic skin and restore its original appearance.

The procedure takes 40 to 90 minutes. The optimal course is from 3 to 14 procedures.

Healing effect:

  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Dissolution and removal of toxins and slags.
  • Optimization of blood and lymph circulation in tissues and skin.
  • Strengthening and nourishing body tissues.
  • Relief from muscle spasms and pain.
  • Elimination of the phenomena of stress, nervous exhaustion and tension.
  • Elimination of the phenomenon of cellulite.
  • Skin rejuvenation, giving it smoothness and elasticity.
  • Sleep improvement.

Abhyanga is one of the procedures carried out in preparation for the famous Panchakarma - a deep healing of the body.

Nasya or Shirovirechen ( where "shir" - "head", "virechana" - "purification") is a procedure for taking medicines through the nose. Prana, the life energy, enters the body through the nose. It is she who affects memory, consciousness and the ability to concentrate. With the wrong movement of prana, the work of the brain worsens, headaches occur, and problems with vision and hearing may also appear. Nasya balances the doshas and removes toxins from the body. The Shirovirechan procedure cleanses and rejuvenates the tissues and organs of the head and neck. In this case, medicinal substances are administered nasally, since the nose is the closest access point to the organs of the head. Shirovirechana removes toxins from the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, larynx, ears and eyes. According to Ayurveda, the nose is the door leading to the brain. Nasya opens and clears the channels of the head, improving oxygenation (oxygen supply) and the flow of prana, which has a very beneficial effect on brain activity. Nasya is indicated for diseases of the head and neck.

Healing effect:

  • Helps with dryness of the nasal passages, congestion of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Helps with colds, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis (including allergic).
  • It brings relief from chronic vascular headaches, migraine, epilepsy.
  • It has a positive effect on mental retardation and degenerative diseases of the brain.
  • It helps with problems with the eyes and ears, including tear deficiency and tearing, chronic irritation of the sclera, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, hearing loss and ringing in the ears, as well as loss of smell.

Nasya is part of the Panchakarma program.

Tarpana or Netrabasti
- eye cleansing procedure with a special therapeutic oil. A ring of dough is placed around the eye socket, into which oil is poured. Netrabasti deeply cleanses, relieves nervous tension and eye fatigue. Smoothes fine wrinkles around the eyes. Soothes. Gives birth to a new productive view of the world. After the procedure, you will feel calm and satisfied.

Duration from 10 to 30 minutes. The optimal course is from 3 to 14 procedures.

Healing effect:
. Relieves tension, irritation, pain and burning in the eyes.
. Improves eyesight.
. Eliminates dryness and discomfort around the eyes due to allergic reactions.
. It is used in the treatment of sunburn of the eyelids.
. Helps with glaucoma. Delays the development of cataracts.
. Heals chronic conjunctivitis.
. Improves memory.
. Shows softness in appearance.
. Relieves tension throughout the body.
. It relieves psychological trauma, thanks to the gentle recall of repressed visual images.
. Improves the ability to speak foreign languages.

(The section is under construction)

What is SPA?

Sanus per aquam - which means "health of water" in English. This concept has become known to us since the ancient times of Ancient Rome, when the Romans got rid of all ailments and diseases by bathing in thermal springs, taking baths with thermal water. This healing method became known as SPA. A huge range of programs and procedures, hydromassage, and SPA also means a set of certain cosmetic procedures, which allows you to take care of your body and relax. Today SPA is already an international concept. People began to realize the healing effects of water on the body. After all, everyone chooses for himself what kind of water program he needs, whether there will be a pool, a contrast shower, or an ordinary sandy beach on the river bank - absolutely any of these procedures will be useful for maintaining good health and youth.

The most popular spa treatments

Wraps - is one of the most effective methods of combating excess weight and cellulite. Wraps can be both cold and hot. To carry out such procedures, the master can use honey, chocolate, minerals of volcanic origin, seaweed, therapeutic mud, and so on. Massage is one of the oldest healing methods. Today in SPA-salons you can try out many different massage techniques. The procedures related to the oriental massage system, such as shiatsu massage, Ayurvedic massage, Thai, are very popular.

Thalassotherapy is a mysterious word that we hear more and more every day. Everyone has long been aware of the healing power of sea water. This spa process is aimed entirely at restoring the psychophysical state of your body, due to the healing effects of plankton, salt, mud, algae, sea water. This procedure is easily accessible both in seaside resorts and in large industrial cities. Spa treatments at home are a pretty great alternative for all those who do not have much free time and money to visit wellness salons. Spa programs that can be carried out at home are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • Cosmetic
  • Massage
  • Music therapy
  • aromatherapy
  • Wrapping and more.

To get started, simply choose any day when you are up, free, and on your own. In order to create a suitable atmosphere, you need to use aromatic lamps (you need to pour a little water into this lamp and drip only five drops of essential oil). Aromatherapy stimulates the production of endorphins and improves mood. For complete relaxation, the most suitable essential oils are: sandalwood, myrrh, frankincense, geranium, mandarin, orange, lavender. Try turning on special music for relaxation, or other music that will make you feel good. Spa is a program that is easily available for home use, and with which it is recommended to start a spa day, this is taking a spa bath.

Hay bath: two kilograms of dry hay per ten liters of water, boil for about half an hour, then pour the finished broth into the bath, take a bath for about 20-30 minutes, it will have a beneficial effect on the bladder, urinary tract, kidneys, it also stimulates blood blood vessels and skin, warms up the body and increases blood circulation. After taking a bath, you can apply a tonic to the skin. To do this, you need to use the necessary cosmetics in order to moisturize the skin, as well as nourish it with the content of essential oils, and other natural and medicinal components.

Swimming pool and spa services

“Be healthy!” - we are so used to this greeting that we do not think about its meaning. Every day we wish the people around us health. But not everyone knows how to properly take care of their health, preserve it and increase it. "Healthy lifestyle" - this concept is entering our lives more and more. Leading a healthy lifestyle means being a healthy successful person, self-confident.

Currently, many wellness areas have been created, such as fitness, wellness, SPA and many others, allowing a person to maintain excellent physical shape for many years. Just imagine that after a hard working day filled with various stresses, you find yourself in experienced hands of specialists who will professionally solve your health problems, take care of relieving work stress, draw up an individual training program, and give recommendations on proper nutrition. I assure you, with this approach, the result will not be long in coming. Perfect health, mood and appearance are guaranteed to you. You just need to get off the couch and believe that you need a healthy lifestyle, that you are not going to wait for mercy from fate, but become its active builder. So, to business.

First, let's think about how often you go to the doctor? Only when you feel unwell? Or, like most of us, in case of emergency, when the disease has already become chronic? We are actively building our careers, planning the future of our children, but we almost always forget that our health also requires serious attention and a systematic approach. Being attentive to your health does not mean “patching holes” from time to time, removing the symptoms of diseases in the course of their manifestation. Knowing the weaknesses of your body, you need to develop an individual systematic approach to its hardening and recovery. In support of my innocence, I would like to tell an ancient Chinese legend about an emperor who generously paid court doctors as long as his family remained healthy. But as soon as someone fell ill, severe punishment awaited the doctors.

Let's make a brief excursion into the world of various health-improving areas, which are united by our health-improving complex - an urban resort in Elektrostal, created in order to help people find spiritual harmony, beauty and health. The specialists of the complex applied in their work the concept of “medical spa”, which is widely adapted in Europe and not yet very developed in Russia, which comprehensively combines medical developments with advanced trends in the fitness industry.

Let's go through all the medical and fitness areas of our complex. To begin with, we will visit the part of the complex where there is a swimming pool, thermal baths, a hydropathic clinic and various SPA rooms. Each of them allow a person to plunge into the world of pleasure. "Pleasure in everything!" - this is the true motto of people who decide to visit our complex in order to achieve harmony in life. All departments of this zone have a unique author's design that most fully meets their purpose. The combination of the motives of the East, ancient Rome and China, as well as the use of modern technology, gives rise to an amazing fusion, where the experience of centuries turns into comfort so familiar to our time.

The central room of the pool is a single ensemble with a zone of thermal baths and saunas. The depth of the pool is different, which allows adults to relax with children. The pool is filled with warm water (27-29º), which allows you to relieve stress and relax. International-class swimming instructors conduct water aerobics sessions for children and adults here. After a serious workout, comfortable loungers await you in the relaxation area around the pool. And when evening comes, the overhead lighting in the pool goes out, the internal lighting turns on and the aquarelaxation session begins, accompanied by the sound of sea waves, the cry of seagulls, or the singing of birds. Mother nature seems to embrace us with warm arms and immerse us in a world of peace and relaxation. But this is in the evening, but for now, a thermal zone awaits us behind a glass partition.

Saunas with different temperature conditions are located along the central line of the room, and behind them are baths. The combination of different colors gives the “huts” a festive look, and on the top floor, in the thickets of a tropical garden, there is a phyto-bar with various herbal infusions, soft drinks and oxygen cocktails. Sitting on comfortable sunbeds, you can have a great rest in between visits to the baths, gym and fitness room. To immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the steam room, you first need to decide on your preferences. Namely, choose from the existing types of baths the variety that is more pleasant in sensations and attractive from a medical point of view: Russian bath (humidity 65% ​​at a temperature of 90ºС, both temperature and humidity can be adjusted), Turkish hammam (100% humidity at temperature 30-50ºС), Roman baths (temperature 45-60ºС), infrared cabin, which allows you to do without steam at all (infrared radiation guarantees effective heating of the body and profuse sweating even at 45ºС), Russian steam bath (humidity can be adjusted from 0 to 100% , temperature up to 60ºС), Japanese bath. You can increase the temperature by moving from sparing baths to hotter ones, or you can stay in one bath that is most suitable for you.


At first glance, everything is like in an ordinary Russian bath, only the room is lined with ceramic tiles, instead of sunbeds there is a marble table, pleasant warmth. The smell of cedar, from which the ceiling in the bath is made, immerses you in an atmosphere of peace and harmony with nature. Visiting this bath will allow you to enjoy various procedures: massage with a broom, herbal masks, contrast douches. The nature of the heating is interesting - the walls, the floor and the lounger are heated to a temperature of 45-50˚С - an even, soft radiant heat flow comes from them, uniform from all sides. Sweating begins after a few minutes already at a temperature of about 50 degrees. Outwardly, it resembles a Turkish hammam, but the air is dry, light, and one breathes with pleasure. After a good warm-up, you can start the procedure with brooms. Electric heaters allow you to instantly create the desired temperature, as in a good Russian bath. The Russian steam bath includes all the advantages of other types of baths, but is devoid of their disadvantages. The main feature of this bath is a “soft” heating mode with air temperature from 30 to 60 degrees and humidity from 10 to 100%. A very important point is precisely the uniform heating from all sides. Everyone knows that uneven heating of various parts of the body creates an adverse effect of "draft". Deep warming in combination with a massage effect with a broom gives a very high healing effect. In general, only beginners believe that they go to the bath to wash themselves, experienced bathers believe that the bath is, first of all, a ritual. There are no trifles here, everything is important from the thermometer to the gang. In a Russian steam bath, a person does not just sit or lie down. Give steam, lower steam, relax, take a steam bath with a broom, dry - this is an incomplete list of actions that a person performs in a steam room. Everything you need to know and be able to. Therefore, it is appropriate to give the initiative to an experienced bath attendant, who will introduce you to the procedure of soaring, and also help you get the maximum healing effect. Weekly thermal treatments in a Russian steam bath open skin respiration, increase the body's immunity to various infectious diseases, have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, lower blood pressure, improve metabolism and stabilize blood circulation. There is a general rejuvenation of the body - salt deposits are dissolved and removed from the body, the flexibility of the spine and joints increases, the vascular system is trained and cholesterol deposits in them dissolve, the manifestations of diseases such as arthritis, cholecystitis, prostatitis, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, and many others disappear. A few days after visiting the bath, there is an increase in the oxidative processes of skin respiration, as well as an increase in metabolic processes.


Ahead is the eastern zone, in which a hammam, a Turkish bath awaits us. Noble marble and mosaics of various colors make this bath simply irresistible. Such a bath is suitable for those who like soft warmth, calm relaxing comfort and humid air. Among women, it is the hammam that has gained the greatest popularity, since its warm and humid steam has a beneficial effect on any type of skin, without drying or irritating it. In the hammam there is a rapid deep heating and intense fat burning. Probably, those who want to lose weight should pay attention to this. A visit to the hammam is recommended for colds, muscle pain, stress. It is noted that there is a general hardening of the body, breathing improves and general relaxation occurs. High humidity (up to 100%) combined with gentle air temperature up to 55°C creates ideal conditions for skin self-regeneration. Such a unique climate is achieved with the help of special equipment - a steam generator that serves to generate steam. Of course, soaring gives a lot to the soul and body. Warming procedures have always been highly valued among all peoples.


Now we are going to the Roman Baths. Nowhere has the bathing industry gained such momentum as in ancient Rome. The favorite saying of the Roman healers of that time was: "In terms - healing!". People believed in the healing power of the bath so much that they often preferred it to doctors and medicines. For the ancients, the bath was a way to have a good time with friends, a means to improve health and escape from everyday worries. But, back to our complex. In the center of the Roman thermae there is a special stove, herbs are laid out on it: chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, sandalwood, etc. When the light in the sauna is dimmed, water begins to drip from a special bowl located above the center of the stove circle. Water, falling on a red-hot stove, forms steam, which, passing through the herbs, makes them give off all the useful essential oils and fragrant aromas. The oriental style chosen for this bath is combined with Gothic European elements such as a domed vault with accentuated edges. The seats are made of marble slabs. The term maintains a relatively low temperature: about 55-60ºС with a humidity of 15%. Such a bath is good for those who are contraindicated or simply do not like high temperatures. Here, a gentle warming of the body is achieved, which contributes to detoxification.


And now let's go to the Russian bath. A unique phenomenon, called the Russian bath, occupies a special place among other types of baths. Much attention was paid to the quality of the steam. Humidity in a Russian bath is about 60%. The air temperature is 55-70ºС. The thermal conductivity of moist air is much higher than that of dry air, therefore, in a Russian bath, deep heating is achieved under less severe conditions. In the Russian bath, steam is “made”, i.e. they take it out of the heater by throwing water on the stones in the oven. The higher the temperature of the stones, the deeper the water dissociates, the smaller the vapor particles, the drier and hotter the vapor at the same time. The word "dry" here is understood as a pleasant feeling of warm, but not burning, inhaled air - a light vapor. There are dozens of other, very useful and pleasant smells: the fragrance of flowers, herbs and trees is most often due to the presence of essential oils in plants. These substances with a powerful healing effect will help us improve our mental or physical health. Thanks to aromatherapy using these substances, we can find cheerfulness and good mood. If you add aromatherapy to the bath, the effect will increase many times over. The range of effects of essential oils is wide and varied, but, above all, their antiseptic properties and the ability to maintain mental balance and physical fitness stand out. When you take essential oils to the bath, the most important thing is not to drip them on hot stones. Do not add oils to water to form steam. It is best to pour a little boiling water into a cup or saucer, add a few drops of oil there and put it in the corner of the steam room. The slow evaporation of the fragrance creates the most desirable effect. You can spray the fragrance on the walls of the steam room, but then it will be difficult to replace it with another one. We hope that after our recommendations it will be easier for you to decide which bath to choose.


And here we are in the cold shower zone. After hot steam rooms, a whole bucket of cold water is poured onto the head of the bather. Everything looks very attractive. Instead of a shower head, the cabin is equipped with a wooden bucket filled with cold water. The visitor pulls on a pretty rope and ... water pours over his head. The effect is amazing!

Perhaps no remedy will give the same effect as this unique effect of heat and cold. During such procedures, as if in a furnace, all harmful substances are burned. In addition, this is a great gymnastics for the heart, blood vessels, skin, muscles, tendons ...

Behind the bath area there are baths with contrast water, which are the best suited for strengthening the body's immunity.


Now let's move to the second floor, where the infrared cabin is located. Let's add a little imagination: the sea, the evening... You are lying on huge stones heated during the day. Time seems to have stopped, the sun is setting. The heat from the stones pleasantly warms the body. You seem to be immersed in an inexplicable bliss, when you don’t want to move or talk. In our sauna area you experience the same bliss while sitting in an infrared cabin. The sensations are very similar: only peace and only bliss.

Infrared cabins are called the last miracle of the 20th century, which he gave to the century that had begun. What is the secret of their popularity? The whole secret is in infrared emitters of a special design, installed inside the cabin in such a way as to warm up the human body completely. Infrared waves are emitted by any warm object, including the human body, and are absolutely safe for the body. Thermal radiation in cabin installations corresponds to a narrow infrared spectrum, often referred to as life rays. Penetrating under the skin, infrared waves with a length of 3 to 6 microns heat up tissues, organs, muscles, bones and joints, accelerate the flow of blood and other body fluids. In the first 10-20 min. nothing happens to the person outwardly. All visible effects appear in the last 10-15 minutes. session when profuse sweating begins. At the same time, there is no heat: the temperature in the cabin does not exceed 40-60ºС. This procedure is aimed at maximum cleansing of the body, improves immunity and resistance to stress. It's no secret that together with sweat, harmful substances are removed from the human body, the body cleanses itself. During the session, blood circulation is enhanced. The skin pores expand, and dead cells are removed from the outer layer of the skin. The skin becomes smooth and elastic. By increasing blood circulation, an active supply of oxygen to various organs is ensured, which stimulates their activity.

A visit to the infrared cabin is of particular value to expectant mothers. During pregnancy, the mother's excretory organs bear a double burden, for themselves and for the baby. During the session, there is a significant cleansing of the body through the skin through sweating, which allows you to unload the kidneys, give them a rest. Relatively low temperatures in the cabin allow not to overload the circulatory system, but the expectant mother should consult with her doctor before visiting the infrared cabin, especially in the first trimester.

Experts have noted that regular visits to the infrared cabin leads to an increase in immunity (resistance to infections). What matters is not the frequency of sessions, but their regularity. A 30-minute session per day is considered optimal for a healthy person. With intense sports loads, a visit to the infrared cabin allows you to remove lactic acid accumulated in the muscles from the body. After visiting the infrared cabin, there is a decrease in cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stabilizes blood pressure. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened and become more elastic. Infrared radiation helps to treat chronic diseases of the ear, throat and nose, relieves pain in the joints, muscles, back, menstrual and headaches, leads to accelerated healing of wounds, bruises, injuries, fractures, resorption of hematomas. Comfortable warmth calms the nervous system, eliminating insomnia and stress. In one session, approximately the same number of calories are lost as during a 10-kilometer run. Therefore, the combination of a cabin with diets allows you to successfully reduce weight, effectively fight cellulite, breaking down its subcutaneous deposits, consisting of water, fat and toxins. Regular visits to the infrared cabin can cure a number of skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, acne, dandruff, and according to some reports, psoriasis. Thus, the body is provided with a comprehensive prevention of diseases and a general improvement of the body. Despite the deep warming up, after the session, contrasting water procedures should not be taken. It is enough to limit yourself to a warm shower to wash off the sweat. To compensate for the loss of moisture, after the session you need to drink tea (preferably green) or mineral water. The main advantage of this type of bath is that both elderly people and children can visit it.


Now we are in the balneological department. The healing properties of water have been known since ancient times. Recall that showers are hydrotherapy procedures, during which the body is affected by water in the form of a jet or several jets of a certain temperature and pressure. A water jet shower in Russian physiotherapy is usually called by the name of a famous French doctor - Jean Martin Charcot. Sharko shower is a percussive type procedure of a powerful tonic massage. Hydromassage in this case is performed using a directed jet of water under pressure up to 6 atmospheres. This procedure is used to treat cellulite and diseases of internal organs, tighten the skin, strengthen blood vessels and the immune system, to relax and relieve stress. Such a massage is recommended not only for sick people, but also for healthy people as an excellent prophylactic. This is a good remedy for improving blood circulation, treating the respiratory tract and relieving tension from the spine. Charcot shower is used to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It starts from the feet and massages the whole body with a jet of water.

A type of hydromassage is Vichy shower. The therapeutic effect of its use is similar to that of Charcot's shower. The Vichy shower improves blood circulation and the functioning of the lymphatic system. It is a hydromassage table, over which six adjustable nozzles are fixed. Through them, water is supplied at different temperatures and under different pressures to all parts of the body.

A wonderful healing effect is achieved as a result of taking therapeutic hydromassage baths. They differ from household baths in their great technical capabilities and the presence of special treatment programs. The water pressure and temperature change, you can do hydromassage of specific zones. Weak legs and back are massaged, weight is corrected, skin is tightened, etc. Aromatic oils, seaweed extracts, salts and other medicinal preparations can be added to the water. The hot tub was invented in 1936 in Berlin. It has been observed that patients with severe injuries recover much faster if they take water procedures. Puffiness is removed, sleep is normalized. Increases the flow of oxygen to the cells. The skin begins to breathe more actively. Since then, hydromassage has firmly entered the life of a modern person. What is hydromassage for?

  1. This is a quick way to lose weight and shape a figure by reducing body fat and cellulite, restoring water balance in tissues.
  2. Serves to stimulate the breakdown of fats and improve skin and muscle tone.
  3. Hydromassage improves the structure and color of the skin, increases the flow of nutrients into it, saturates the skin cells with oxygen, removes toxins from the body, and activates the body's defenses.
  4. Underwater massage removes dead skin cells, polishing it, making the skin soft, supple and youthful.
  5. In warm water, tissue relaxation occurs, which minimizes muscle tension during a massage session and increases its effectiveness. Underwater massage also reduces reflex excitability, reduces the tendency to spasms, and gives an analgesic effect.
  6. Hydromassage enhances blood supply to the skin and hemodynamics in general, increases diuresis and metabolism, activates trophic functions, promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages and edematous fluid in tissues.
  7. Water massage accelerates the recovery of motor functions, increases the mobility of the joints of the limbs and spine. Scars and adhesions soften and become more mobile, the motility of the gastrointestinal tract improves.
  8. The work of venous and lymphatic circulation is activated. Hydromassage strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their elasticity, stimulates the reabsorption of excess fluid and drains it towards natural filters. Stagnation is effectively removed, metabolism is increased.
  9. Underwater massage improves the general condition of the body, improves mood. There is a feeling of softness, freshness and cheerfulness.

The so-called "beauty capsule" enjoys special attention of women. This medical device is really a capsule in which special conditions are created that have a healing effect on the body through the skin. A woman in a horizontal position is placed in a capsule, while the head is outside. Various programs allow you to vary the temperature from 40 degrees to 70. One of the components of the wellness programs is color therapy. Each program is designed to use a color. For example, green color relaxes and calms, red - activates, blue - cools emotions, yellow tones up. During the session, the patient receives a vibromassage session. Musical accompaniment allows you to achieve complete relaxation. Staying in the "beauty capsule" improves blood circulation, metabolism, relieves stress and fatigue, makes the skin smooth, even and elastic. A woman emerges from the “beauty capsule” as if reborn, feeling rejuvenated by several years. She feels a sense of lightness, self-confidence, she has a great mood.


The favorite place of visitors to the complex is the salt cave. Mysterious twilight, relaxing music, bluish lighting create an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. The original plasticity of the floor and walls resembles natural rocks. The walls of the cave are covered with a layer of salt. A special device fills the space of the cave with air, the inhalation of which helps to treat bronchitis and lung diseases. A visit to the salt cave is recommended for those who suffer from asthma, allergies, depression, and is also a powerful prophylactic against colds. Melodious meditative music contributes to complete relaxation.

Children 0-7 years old can undergo the procedure for free, but strictly accompanied by an adult (for adults, the procedure is paid)

The cost of the procedure for children 7-14 years old is 200 rubles. for 1 session.

The cost for adults is 400 rubles. for 1 session.

You can rent a Salt Cave for 1 session (up to 10 people), the cost of the service is 1400 rubles.

Subscription for adults in the morning (10 sessions) - 1900 rubles.

Subscription for adults at any time (10 sessions) - 2600 rubles.

During school holidays, a subscription for children (10 sessions) - 1000 rubles, an adult + child (10 sessions) - 1800 rubles.

Senior citizens and mothers with many children receive a 20% discount.

In conclusion, let us recall the words of an ancient philosopher: “Our body is a boat in which we travel across the ocean of life. Therefore, the boat must be constantly taken care of.

The time spent in our hydrocomplex is the harmony of body and soul, it is the world of fragrant flowers and morning freshness, it is a new birth and your inner illumination. We invite you to the territory of freedom and creativity, peace and joy, where complex issues find simple solutions. You just need to want!!!

And a few more words about the POOL. The length of the paths of the main pool is 25 meters, the water is not chlorinated, it is purified by ionization with silver and copper ions.

Scientists believe that the disinfecting effect occurs when positively charged silver and copper ions form electrostatic bonds with the negatively charged surface of microorganism cells. Penetrating into cells, silver and copper ions interact with amino acids that are part of proteins and are used in the process of photosynthesis. As a result, the process of converting solar radiation into food and energy of microorganisms is disrupted, which leads to their death. How is the ionization of water in the pool? Purified water passes through a special treatment chamber, which contains silver and copper alloy electrodes. They are supplied with a constant weak voltage with a specific current strength. As a result, silver and copper ions are formed. This means that pool activities are indicated even for the smallest children.

In this regard, we are starting to register for classes for children with parents according to the program "Swim - before walking": swimming, diving and hardening for children from 0 to 12 months. Individual classes are held in an individual bath under the guidance of a pediatrician.

By the way, for children from 0 to 14 years old we have:

Ultrasound diagnostics for children from 0 to 14 years old,


scrotum ultrasound,

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (possibly with a subsequent consultation),

thyroid ultrasound,

Reception of children and consultations with the appointment of treatment,

Registration of certificates for visiting kindergarten and swimming pool.

Also in the center there is a countercurrent pool, contrasting Kneipp paths, a warm jacuzzi and a cold font.

In the health-improving hydro-complex of the Ogonyok Center, adults and children can learn how to swim from scratch, and rehabilitation swimming lessons are held for people who have suffered an injury, have articular diseases, diseases of the spine, and obesity.

Group classes for adults "Inhale-exhale" are carried out through the establishment of proper breathing, weight loss, health improvement, swimming training. Classes are carried out in groups: for pregnant women, people with obesity, suffering from hydrophobia.

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