Treatments for alcoholism: which ones work best? Video: Alcoholism - new methods of treatment. Other unconventional ways


At present, the problem of alcoholism in Russian Federation and in the world is very acute: there is an increase in patients with the most severe manifestations, the course of alcoholism is often complicated by severe somatic diseases, adolescent alcoholism is progressing, there is no preventive anti-alcohol work with the population, intrusive alcohol advertising is progressing, the existing drug treatment system is being reduced, there are no effective anti-alcohol treatment methods that can form a high-quality remission and prevent early relapses. This leads to an increase in social problems.

The author of the project offers his unique treatment regimen alcohol addiction using the most advanced technologies and relying on modern concepts in medicine. The proposed technique is protected by a patent of the Russian Federation and is modern complex therapeutic methods treatment of alcohol dependence, including infrared photobiostimulation and EHF-therapy, carrying out structural restructuring of cellular metabolism and psychotherapeutic effects, consisting of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and Ericksonian hypnosis. Infrared photobiostimulation stimulates and activates the system of endogenous opioid neuropeptides and adaptive functions of the adrenal glands, which leads to biological disappearance, relief of alcohol dependence; EHF reflexotherapy is able to completely stop neurovegetative disorders, polyneuropathy, vascular disorders, as well as trophic-metabolic disorders within one or two procedures. NLP carries out a personal transformation of the patient and changes the patient's attitude to the disease, Ericksonian hypnosis in the treatment of alcohol dependence allows you to get therapeutic access to the unconscious and at the level of the unconscious create motivation for sobriety, form an unconscious readiness to achieve results and create a dominant part of the personality responsible for sober behavior. Simultaneous application of NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis makes it possible to successfully overcome alcoholic anosognosia, create an attitude towards treatment and sobriety, stop the primary pathological craving for alcohol and form indifference to the sight and smell of alcohol, as well as new behavioral motives associated with the need to abstain from alcohol.

We have noted that infrared photobiostimulation has such abilities as the formation of artificial stable functional connections of the second type, provides a qualitative relief of the primary pathological craving for alcohol, since selective communication channels are formed in the cerebral cortex and in the subcortical formations of the brain between different subcortical structures brain, which are based on long-term memory matrices. This allows in a short time to form structural functional systems indifference to alcohol. At the same time, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis enhance the effect of infrared photobiostimulation, which allows the patient to independently realize and work out his deep subconscious reasons for the development of addiction and form a negative conditioned reflex for alcohol.

The advantages of using this method is that it allows you to change the alcoholic attitudes of the personality, while changing these attitudes is carried out directly by the patient, but under the supervision of the attending physician, which allows the patient himself to realize and overcome the pathological patterns of alcoholic behavior and significantly improves the quality of remission. At the same time, after the first session, the pathological craving for alcohol disappears.

Treatment individually takes into account the characteristics of the patient's personality, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. The proposed method of treatment of alcohol dependence does not use drugs, which reduces the cost of the method of treatment.

During the year, 276 people with a diagnosis of alcohol consumption with harmful effects and dependence syndrome, of which - 211 men and 65 women. The course of treatment consisted of three procedures, the interval between which was three days, maintenance sessions were carried out after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

After the first procedure, an improvement in well-being was noted in 83% of patients: appetite appeared, sleep improved, mood returned to normal. Obsessive primary pathological craving for alcohol disappeared in 64% of patients. After the second procedure, 72% of patients noted a change in attitude to the sight and smell of alcohol in the form of indifference and indifference. After the third procedure, 96% of those who applied noted that, at the sight of alcoholic products and in the presence of drinkers, the appearance of indifference or aversion to the sight and smell of alcohol. All who underwent the course of treatment noted an improvement in physical well-being: improved sleep, appetite, mood, increased efficiency. At the same time, 14% of patients complained of irritability.

After 3 months, 238 people came to the maintenance session, of which 4 people returned to drinking alcohol, 20% noted intermittent craving for alcohol, which occurs mainly on an empty stomach and disappears after eating. 30% reported intermittent irritation, fatigue, decreased performance, poor sleep. The rest noted persistent indifference and indifference to the sight and smell of alcohol.

After 6 months, 231 people applied. Of those who turned to alcohol, 11 people returned, 17% noted a recurring craving for alcohol that occurs on an empty stomach and during quarrels.

After 9 months, 198 people turned - they all maintained a sober lifestyle and noted the presence of indifference to the type and smell of alcohol.

After 1 year, 216 people applied for a consultation. All those who applied maintained a sober lifestyle and noted an improvement physical health and psychological climate in the family.

The proposed method is suitable for all modern requirements and allows you to qualitatively and effectively stop the main manifestations of alcohol dependence, and is also able to form a high-quality remission.

Bibliographic link

Saberov R.R. NEW IN THE TREATMENT OF ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE // Basic Research. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 114-115;
URL: (date of access: 02/19/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Alcohol addiction for many people sounds like a death sentence, because they are not able to get rid of this addiction on their own. addiction, which negatively affects their entire life and dooms a person to existence. For such people, the only joy in life is the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

That is why it is very important for both the person himself and his relatives to pay attention to the appearance of addiction in time and take the appropriate ones that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of the addiction. Such people need high-quality timely treatment, which is quite possible to get by contacting a specialized clinic where doctors use the latest modern techniques and a variety of medications that eliminate addiction in the most as soon as possible. If you need quality and affordable treatment from alcoholism, then you should contact our drug treatment center, which is located in the city of Moscow, and clarify the features of rehabilitation.

We are distinguished by the fact that our services:

  1. quality;
  2. available;
  3. reliable.

We use a wide variety of coding methods, which the narcologist selects purely individually when working with each patient. In addition, each patient additionally receives the required psychological help, which is aimed at fast elimination existing dependency. Rehabilitation can be carried out both at home and in a hospital, it all depends on the wishes and personal preferences of the patient.

The number of courses is also determined purely individually, depending on the severity of the patient's condition and the method of treatment chosen by the doctor. In our Moscow center you can get whole complex required services at the most affordable cost of high quality. We employ only the most the best specialists, so you can not doubt the quality of the services provided.

If you are interested in quality and timely treatment from alcoholism, then you should contact our drug treatment center located in Moscow, because we use the latest medical methods and the most reasonable cost of services rendered.

We use the most various methods, including the latest modern ones, which have a very strong effect and lead to complete failure patient from the consumption of any alcoholic beverages.

All our preparations are different:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. rapid elimination of cravings for alcohol;
  3. long lasting and reliable effect.

Many people use a wide variety of remedies to treat alcohol addiction, including folk remedies, which in most cases turn out to be completely ineffective and often only lead to an even greater aggravation of the existing problem. You can effectively get rid of addiction only by contacting a special drug treatment center in Moscow, which uses the latest tools medicine to help with coding and subsequent rehabilitation.

An experienced doctor will help you get out of binge, but at the same time, a person should have own wish get rid of addiction, otherwise coding may not give the desired effect.

We are holding quality treatment from alcoholism, which is why we have rehabilitation not only regional center, but also the Moscow region, because we guarantee affordable prices and complete anonymity.

Effective alcohol treatment

Alcohol addiction has a very detrimental effect on the life and health of every person, because in most cases it leads to the development of very complex chronic diseases and complications. A person suffering from such an addiction is practically not interested in anything and leads a very closed lifestyle, which negatively affects his mental health. That is why it is very important to pay attention to the existing problem and seek help from a specialized clinic.

Treatment for alcoholism can be very diverse, because on given time developed great amount methods that help not only to get out of hard drinking, but also to get rid of addiction forever. But when choosing one or another method, it is worth remembering that the person himself must want to get rid of the existing problem, because otherwise there will be no effect that is expected.

Modern therapy does its best to get the patient back to normal full life, which is why all the methods used are constantly improved and improved. In our drug addiction center you can get a full consultation about the methods used and choose the most suitable remedy for yourself, which will help eliminate the existing problem.

Initially, we carry out activities that are aimed at the complete abolition of alcohol and the removal of its residues from the body. Then psychologists begin to work with the patient, who prepare him for the treatment and help him re-adapt to normal life.

After that, the doctor selects the most suitable method coding, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's body. Everything is carried out purely on a voluntary basis and is built on the full trust of the doctor and the patient.

Treatment for alcoholism is a rather long process and often for effective disposal not a single month is required from an existing problem, which is why it is worth having great restraint, both for the patient himself and his relatives, and be patient. In our specialized clinic it is quite possible to receive high-quality timely help, it is enough just to have the desire to get rid of addiction and completely trust the specialist. In our work we use only the latest modern methods that guarantee excellent results.

Quick and easy treatment for alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is very severe. chronic illness, the main symptoms of which are a painful addiction to the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the development of a very strong mental and emotional dependence.

In this case, there is a violation of almost all organs and systems. The patient loses absolutely everything: family, health, work and much more. It is believed that it is impossible to completely get rid of this addiction, but this is not so, because modern medicine It has enough opportunities and a variety of tools that help to cope with the existing problem. It is very important to remember that very often a person who is addicted to alcohol does not recognize the existing problem, which is why he needs the help of others.

Treatment for alcoholism can be performed in our specialized drug treatment center, which employs the best specialists who provide the required specialized assistance using the latest modern tools.

Every person who applies for specialized care to our specialists, will be able to quickly feel the required relief of the condition. In addition, he will be able to fully feel the moral and psychological support.

We are holding comprehensive rehabilitation, which includes the work of a narcologist and a psychologist and the implementation of phased work aimed at returning the active normal life of the patient.

Naturally, this is a rather lengthy process, which implies the restoration of complete physical activity and adaptation to a normal sober life.

If you are interested in treatment for alcoholism, then you can get full complex services by contacting our specialized drug treatment center for help, which employs only the most experienced specialists, helping to eliminate all existing problems in the shortest possible time.

We use several different most effective ways carrying out coding, as a result of which a person feels a complete aversion to any alcoholic beverages. The drugs used can be administered into the body in the form of injections, tablets, or by sewing certain capsules under the skin.

We will help absolutely everyone, regardless of the complexity of the disease.

Alcoholism is terrible disease, which is often hidden under the guise of friendly gatherings and festive feasts, therefore, in most cases, the relatives of the patient begin to look for methods of treatment already during the second or third stage of the disease. So, consider the most effective modern methods of eliminating alcohol addiction.

Medical therapy

All drugs used in the fight against alcoholism can be divided into three categories:

  1. Medications that cause persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages- Torpedo, Esperal, Colme, Algominal and others. The mechanism of their action is based on the blocking of enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown ethyl alcohol. As a result, alcohol in the body turns into acetaldehyde, a toxic compound that can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate etc. As a rule, these drugs are administered in the form of implants.
  2. Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol. In the CIS countries, only one drug is registered - Proproten - 100, other drugs do not have a license and are expensive (the average cost of a course of treatment is about $ 100).
  3. Medicines that relieve withdrawal syndrome(hangover) - Aspirin, Medichronal, Alkaseltzer. These drugs are conditionally related to the treatment of alcoholism, because, while facilitating the patient's condition in the morning, they practically provoke immoderate drinking in the evening.

Thus, the main advantage of treating alcoholism with medications lies in the fact that the patient does not require special volitional efforts and tension, which can adversely affect mental balance even healthy person. The disadvantage is the elimination of the consequences of the disease, and not its causes.


This method is based on changing psychological state a person, resolving long-standing conflicts that have become the cause of alcoholism, and instilling an aversion to alcohol. Psychotherapeutic treatment takes several forms:

  • hypnosis - plunging the patient into a trance, the doctor inspires him with the need for treatment;
  • autogenic training - in a state of complete relaxation, the patient himself inspires himself with the need to maintain a sober lifestyle;
  • narcopsychotherapy - immersion in a hypnotic state occurs with the help of drugs.

The psychotherapeutic method is the most difficult, but also the most reliable way elimination of alcohol dependence. At the same time, it should be noted that even the most effective treatment for alcoholism in Moscow will not positive results, if the person himself does not decide to quit drinking.

Hardware treatment

Hardware treatment of alcohol addiction is based on electrical stimulation of the patient's brain with the help of specialized high-precision medical equipment. At the same time, the activity of cents responsible for cravings for alcohol is inhibited, and the desire to drink is eliminated. The most famous technology hardware treatment is TES-therapy, developed by Professor Lebedev V.P. Advantage - high efficiency method, disadvantages - a large list of contraindications.

Alcoholism is a disease that affects not only the somatics of a person, but also his psychological and social sphere. Alcohol dependence in most cases requires integrated approach. The goal of therapy should be to heal not only the biological, but also the psychological structures of the body of the addict, as well as his social adaptation. The AlcoMed clinic offers various modern methods of treating alcoholism. Experienced Doctors at any time of the day or night will provide the necessary assistance.

If you delay the treatment of binge - the situation will worsen significantly!

  • 1 Anxiety, insomnia, unhappiness
  • 2 Palpitations, high or low blood pressure
  • 3 Strong desire to drink alcohol
  • 4 Nausea, vomiting, intense thirst
  • 5 Headache, dizziness
  • 6 Tremor - small hand trembling

We are ready to help you today! 8 495 956 11 01

Medical methods for the treatment of alcoholism

With drug treatment, coding is carried out with the help of special preparations. A drug is introduced into the human body, which not only significantly reduces the craving for alcohol, but also forms a toxic compound in case of alcohol consumption, thereby causing the patient to fear for his state of health in case of a breakdown. Medical treatment can be carried out with the help of injections or suturing the drug.


The method is as follows: muscle tissues implanted (sutured) the right drug, which will constantly enter the bloodstream and block the production of enzymes required for the processing of ethanol. Medicine sewn in after the consent of the patient and abstinence from alcohol for a certain amount of time (3-7 days).


The drug is given by injection. Before the procedure, the patient needs to completely refrain from drinking alcohol for a certain amount of time (3-7 days). Depending on the individual characteristics the duration of action of the drug may vary. Average term, for which the procedure is enough, is 1 year.

Medical methods used in the Alcomed clinic


It is one of the most popular methods of getting rid of alcohol addiction today. Aquilong method low toxicity, the effect of therapy is most pronounced in the first weeks after the procedure. This type of coding suppresses cravings for alcoholic beverages to the maximum extent. It has an effect at any stage of alcoholism. The coding period is one year. If necessary, the doctor may recommend it for three years.

"Sewing in Esperal"

If a person suffering from alcoholism is against intravenous administration any kind of encodings, AlcoMed can offer alternative way treatment - "Sewing in Esperal". After the start of action local anesthesia narcologist sews a low-toxic medicine under the skin. Most often in the area of ​​​​the scapula or buttocks, since it is very difficult to extract the medicine from these areas in case of a breakdown. In the fight against alcoholism, the drug shows excellent results. The drug is slowly absorbed into the blood and maintains the required concentration in it. active substance. This ensures the exclusion of premature excretion of the drug. After the procedure, the patient may experience inflammation in the sutured area. In the future, this can lead to fouling of the administered drug. connective tissue and impaired absorption of the drug into the blood. The recommended coding period is one year, but the use of the drug can be extended up to five years.


Another modern and enough effective method coding for alcoholism is "Veritrol". Doctors recommend it in cases where previous coding experiments have had little or no success. In the course of therapy, drugs are administered in two doses, the interval between them is at least half an hour. According to individual indications, the specialist can leave medicines for the patient's relatives for full course treatment. The therapy helps to reduce the craving for alcohol as much as possible and increase the effectiveness of the encoding. Medications are not addictive and can be combined with others similar means. The coding period is recommended for one year, and by decision of the doctor it can be extended up to 3-5 years.


The modern technique "Nanoxol" is an exclusive method of coding from alcohol addiction. It is developed using the latest biotechnology. The injected drugs act at the cellular level, during which they block the brain receptors responsible for the occurrence of cravings for alcohol. In the event of a breakdown, a person experiences serious poisoning, tachycardia, convulsive syndrome, as well as sharp rise BP ( blood pressure). This method is recommended for patients in whom previous coding attempts have been unsuccessful. The procedure is carried out in two stages: 2 drugs are administered at least half an hour apart. The recommended coding period is one year, according to the doctor's indications - up to five years.

Psychotherapeutic methods used in the AlkoMed clinic

2013-03-18 25 880

Passing by a drunk, we often do not even pay attention to him. No one thinks this person needs help. Why is this happening? The answer to this question is simple. This help is not always so desired and in demand. Often in response to an outstretched hand, we hear: "I am not an alcoholic, I do not need help, I do not need pity." This shows how complex the problem of alcoholism is. Alcoholic drinks are one of the most widely used "medicines" in the world for grief, joy, boredom, etc.

Drinking alcohol in Russia has become a huge problem, because today on the streets you can meet even a schoolboy with a can of beer in his hands. Dependence develops instantly and more and more alcoholics say: "I can quit, but I don't want to."

Currently, treatment is carried out at two levels: closed and open system. It depends on how strong the desire to get rid of this disease. The main difficulty in helping an alcoholic is the lack of motivation. In order to get the result you need:

  • understand the nature of the disease
  • demonstrate the will and desire to get rid of the disease

Treatment Methods

Effective Methods Treatments for alcoholism exist, but the patient's efforts and desire must be applied to them.
  • Coding
There is an emotional and psychological impact on a person. Under hypnosis, he is instilled with an aversion to strong drink. At the same time, the patient has a feeling in his head that when using it, trouble can happen to him (illness, death, etc.). A person fears for his life.
  • Medical treatment
A certain drug is injected under the skin, orally or intravenously. It can be Esperal, Antabuse (disulfiram), Torpedo, etc. When alcohol is consumed, they cause various discomfort: headache, nausea, dizziness, etc.

Drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence are based only on inducing allergic reactions when drinking alcohol, and because they remain in the body for a long time, there is a serious risk that such a reaction affects the body's conditions and can be harmful. Uncontrolled intake of drugs such as Disulfiram, Clomethiazole, Teturam and others can lead to negative consequences Therefore, the drug should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

  • Hardware treatment
With the help of a certain apparatus, the brain is affected, and the centers that are responsible for the attraction to alcohol are “erased”. As a result, a person can fully begin a sober life without consequences and difficulties.
  • Psychotherapy
This is the most effective treatment alcoholism. It is based on the suggestion and awareness of the world of sobriety by a person. This process is the most difficult, but also the most reliable. Recent studies have shown that a full recovery from alcohol addiction takes an average of eight to ten years.

The secret of success is complete abstinence from alcohol. So far, the most common method has been "sensitivity", i.e. medical. Currently, drugs are often used only as additional funds, because the main problem is in the head of the drinker.

Treatment of alcoholism can be effective only if there is a desire, and specialists will help guide you on the right path. As a rule, treatment is carried out according to an individual program. The body is cleansed, and then there are constant conversations, persuasion, communication with their own kind, etc. Each program has its own features and secrets.

conditions for fighting

These methods of dealing with alcoholism can get rid of the disease if the patient performs several difficult, but possible points:
  1. understand the reason
  2. show desire and will
  3. strong motivation
  4. implementation of recommendations
  5. abstinence
On the initial stage it will not be easy, but after a short period of time it will become, even pleasant, that in this struggle the winner is a man.
Close people should support and help the patient. In the absence of desire to get rid of addiction is almost impossible. In addition, self-administration of drugs, adding them to food, etc. may even lead to lethal outcome. Do not self-medicate, it is better to contact a specialist and solve the problem with him. There are effective treatments for alcoholism, but the best medicine- the desire to change your life.
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