What is included in the treatment table 9. Impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy. Tale about the main measure of harm and benefit

The use of the Pevzner diet number 9 is mainly aimed at reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Due to its low-carbohydrate composition, this table has proven itself as a trial diet in the early stages of diabetes, when the use of insulin is not yet indicated or indicated in small doses. In addition, table number 9 in various versions can be used to correct carbohydrate metabolism in moderately severe diabetes mellitus aggravated by obesity.

Diet number 9

Indications : is prescribed for mild to moderate diabetes mellitus as a trial diet for patients with normal or slightly overweight who do not receive insulin or receive it in small doses.
general characteristics : a diet with a moderately reduced energy value, mainly due to easily digestible carbohydrates and partly fats, while maintaining a normal amount of protein; with a high content of lipotropic substances and vitamins with limited cholesterol and extractive substances.
: proteins - 100 g (60% animals), fats - 80 g (25-30% vegetable), carbohydrates - 300-350 g, energy value - 2300-2500 kcal.

Recommended foods and dishes : rye bread, wheat 2nd grade, protein-wheat, protein-bran; soups on weak low-fat broths (meat, fish, mushroom), with potatoes, vegetables, meatballs, borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot, okroshka; lean beef, veal, lamb, cut and meat pork, rabbit, boiled or stewed chickens, meat aspic; lean ham, doctor's, diabetic and beef sausages, sausages; lean fish, mostly boiled or baked, and occasionally fried and aspic; boiled or fried eggs (2 pieces per day); milk, kefir, curdled milk, low-fat cottage cheese, unsalted and low-fat cheese, sour cream (in small quantities); butter and vegetable oil; cereals from buckwheat, barley, barley, millet and oatmeal; cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants; limited potatoes, carrots, beets, green peas; sweet and sour fruits and berries in any form; tea, compotes, coffee, cocoa with milk without sugar, rosehip broth, tomato juice, juices of any unsweetened fresh fruits and berries.

Excluded foods and dishes : rich and sweet flour products; milk soups with cereals and noodles, from legumes, fatty broths; fatty meats, goose, duck, fatty ham, smoked sausages, canned food; fatty fish, salted, red and black caviar; milk cream, sweet curd cheeses; meat and cooking fats; semolina, rice, pasta; pickled and salted vegetables; grapes, raisins, dates, figs, bananas, sugar, honey, jam, sweets, ice cream; spicy, salty and fatty sauces; sweet fruit and berry juices (grape and others), sweet kvass, sugary lemonades.

Diet and its features : 1) frequent (5-6 times a day) and regular meals;
2) approximately equal in the amount of carbohydrates and caloric content of the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner);
3) a variety of diets, the use of recommended products in a wide range;
4) replacement of sugar with sorbitol, xylitol or saccharin.

Approximate one-day diet menu number 9

I option
1st breakfast: buckwheat porridge (120/5); meat pate (60 g); tea with xylitol (200 g).
2nd breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g), sandwich with butter (30/5), tea with milk on xylitol (200 g).
Dinner: vegetable soup (400 g), boiled meat with potatoes (100/150 g), apples (200) g.
Dinner: carrot zrazy with cottage cheese (250 g), boiled fish with cabbage (100/150 g), xylitol tea (200 g).
For the night: kefir (200 g).
All day: wheat bread (100 g), rye bread (150 g).

II option

Breakfast: boiled cod (110 g), potato feast (210 g), tea with milk without sugar (200 g).
Dinner: vegetarian vegetable soup (500 g), baked veal (50 g), zucchini stewed in vegetable oil without salt (200 g).
afternoon tea: salad of grated carrots without sugar (130 g), croutons from the daily norm of bread.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with sugar-free sour cream (140 g), cabbage cutlets in vegetable oil (150 g), xylitol tea (200 ml).
For the night: kefir (180 g).
All day: rye bread (150 g).

Diet number 9a

Indications : diabetes mellitus in mild or moderate forms without the use of insulin with II and III degrees of obesity.
general characteristics : the diet is aimed at equalizing the violations of carbohydrate, fat, protein and water-salt and metabolism; differs from diet number 9 in a significant decrease in energy value due to carbohydrates and fats.
Chemical composition and energy value : proteins - 100 g (60% animals), fats - 50 g (25–30% vegetable), carbohydrates - 200 g, energy value - 1650 kcal.
The recommended and excluded foods and meals, as well as the diet, are similar to diet number 9.

Diet number 9b

Indications : diabetes mellitus of moderate and high severity with the use of insulin and extensive physical activity.
general characteristics : a diet full of energy value, content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
Chemical composition and energy value : proteins - 120 g (60% animals), fats - 80-100 g (25-30% vegetable), carbohydrates - 400-450 g, energy value - 2800-3200 kcal.

Recommended and excluded foods and dishes, as well as the diet of patients here are close to the conditions prescribed for diet No. 15, indicated for diseases that do not require special diets, with the only difference that diet No. 9b limits the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, honey , jams, etc.), and the general norm of sugar consumption is up to 30 g per day.

Diabetes mellitus is a very unpleasant disease associated with disruption of the endocrine system. As a result, the pancreas does not produce insulin in the right amount - a special hormone that is involved in the metabolic processes of many body substances, and plays a major role in carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to organize your diet in such a way as to prevent fat disorders and ensure the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. With diabetes, food from the common table is not suitable. You need your own, individual culinary regimen. In this situation, medical nutrition will help, in particular diet No. 9, compliance with which allows you to do without insulin injections, or reduce their dose. It is prescribed for those suffering from this disease in mild to moderate severity.

Diet No. 9 is organized in such a way as to balance the chemical composition of food, and at the same time contain all the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body. With this diet, sugar and sweets are excluded from the diet. In the preparation of sweet dishes, sweeteners are used - saccharin, sorbitol, xylitol and others. Increased content of vitamins, dietary fiber (fiber), lipotropic substances. The content of cholesterol, table salt, extractive substances is moderately limited. The proteins in the diet correspond to the physiological norm, but the content of animal fats and easily digestible carbohydrates is reduced, but not radically, so you can stick to the diet for a long time. The daily diet should be divided into 5-6 doses, distributing carbohydrates evenly throughout the day. There are no restrictions on the temperature regime - the temperature of the dishes served is normal.

Diet number 9 - what foods can you eat

1. Flour products and bread: protein-bran, wheat from second grade flour, rye, protein-wheat. Total bakery products per day - no more than 300g. By reducing the daily norm of bread, it is allowed to include in the diet indigestible flour products.
2. Soups: borscht, beetroot, cabbage soup, vegetable and meat okroshka, any vegetable soups. Broths - mushroom, fish and meat with oatmeal, buckwheat, potatoes, vegetables, meatballs.
3. Meat and poultry: lean veal, beef, meat and trimmed lamb, pork, rabbit, turkey, chicken meat in boiled, as well as fried (after boiling) and stewed, both chopped and whole piece. Boiled tongue, dietary sausage. The use of the liver is allowed (limited).
4. Fish: lean fish in baked, boiled, sometimes fried form. Canned fish in tomato or own juice.
5. Fats: ghee and unsalted butter, vegetable oil - only in dishes.
6. Eggs: soft-boiled, protein omelettes, up to 1.5 per day, limited yolks.
7. Dairy products: sour-milk drinks, low-fat and semi-fat cottage cheese, dishes from it, milk, unsalted, low-fat cheese. With restrictions, sour cream is allowed.
8. Cereals: legumes, cereals from barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet. Cereal products are consumed in a limited way, keeping within the limits of the norm of carbohydrates.
9. Vegetables: It must be remembered that some vegetables are rich in carbohydrates - potatoes, green peas, carrots, beets. Therefore, they must be included in the diet, given the daily rate of carbohydrates. From vegetables, it is preferable to use pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, eggplant and tomatoes, because. they contain a small amount of carbohydrates. Vegetables are eaten raw, stewed, boiled, baked, sometimes fried.
10. Sweets, sweet dishes, fruits: mousses, jelly, compotes on xylitol, saccharin, sorbitol. Honey is allowed with restrictions. Fresh sweet and sour berries and fruits in any form.
11. Snacks: vegetable caviar, squash, vinaigrettes, jellied fish or meat, salads - from fresh vegetables, seafood, unsalted cheese, soaked herring, low-fat jelly (jelly) from beef.
12. Drinks: coffee with milk, tea, vegetable juices, from low-sweet berries and fruits, rosehip broth.
13. Spices, sauces: tomato, vegetable broth, low-fat sauces on weak meat, mushroom and fish broths. Allowed in limited quantities - horseradish, mustard, pepper.

Diet number 9 - what foods should not be eaten

1. Flour products and bread: products and pastries made from puff pastry and butter.
2. Soups: fatty and rich broths, milk soups with noodles, rice, semolina.
3. Meat and poultry: duck, goose, canned meats, fatty meats, smoked meats, most types of sausages and frankfurters.
4. Fish: fatty fish, salted, smoked, caviar, canned fish in oil and with the addition of oil.
5. Fats: cooking and animal fat.
6. Eggs: fried.
7. Dairy products: cream, sweet cheese curds, salty cheeses.
8. Cereals: pasta, semolina, rice - these products are sharply limited or completely excluded.
9. Vegetables: salted and pickled.
10. Sweets, sweet dishes, fruits: figs, raisins, dates, bananas, grapes, sweets, sugar, jam, ice cream.
11. Snacks: smoked, spicy and overly salty snacks.
12. Drinks: carbonated drinks with sugar, grape juice and other sweet juices.
13. Spices, sauces: salty, spicy and fatty sauces, such as mayonnaise, soy, tabasco and the like.

Diet number 9 - menu examples


Breakfast (first): vegetable salad dressed with natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
Breakfast (second): fresh fruit.
Lunch: vegetarian pickle with sour cream (1/2 portion), boiled rabbit, stewed cabbage, xylitol compote.
Snack: cottage cheese and carrot casserole, sour cream (1/2 portion).
Dinner: fish steam cutlets, vegetable stew, xylitol tea.
At night: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast (first): cottage cheese soufflé, grated raw carrots with an apple and honey (1 teaspoon), coffee with milk without sugar.
Breakfast (second): unsweetened buckwheat porridge with butter, a glass of milk.
Lunch: chicken broth soup with pearl barley, fried (after boiling) chicken, carrot puree, tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: fresh berries (according to the season) or apples.
Dinner: boiled fish, vinaigrette, tea with a sweetener.


Breakfast (first): carrot and cottage cheese pudding, protein omelet, tea with a sweetener.
Breakfast (second): oatmeal with milk.
Lunch: borsch with sauerkraut meat with sour cream, jellied fish, mashed potatoes, cabbage salad (fresh), tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: fresh apples.
Dinner: low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese, fresh tomatoes, green tea.
At night: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast (first): cheesecakes, sour cream, grated carrots, coffee with milk.
Breakfast (second): pea porridge, natural fat-free yogurt.
Lunch: vegetable puree soup, stewed (after boiling) beef, buckwheat porridge, tomato (or low-fat white) sauce, xylitol compote.
Snack: a slice of unsalted cheese, a fresh apple.
Dinner: vegetable stew of zucchini and potatoes, dietary sausage, tea with sorbitol.
At night: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast (first): millet porridge with milk and pumpkin on xylitol, a slice of unsalted cheese, tea.
Breakfast (second): low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of milk.
Lunch: pea soup with meat, white cabbage stewed in vegetable oil, boiled chicken, tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: fresh orange.
Dinner: vinaigrette, a piece of soaked herring, rosehip broth.
At night: low-fat yogurt.


Breakfast (first): steam protein omelette, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers (in salad or in kind), a slice of unsalted cheese, bread, tea.
Breakfast (second): fresh apples.
Lunch: potato soup in chicken broth with meatballs, pea porridge, boiled beef, sauce, cranberry juice.
Afternoon snack: berry mousse on xylitol.
Dinner: cabbage schnitzel, fish meatballs baked with white sauce, tea.
At night: fat-free kefir.


Breakfast (first): cottage cheese with milk, soft-boiled egg, tea with xylitol.
Breakfast (second): fruit jelly on xylitol, viscous buckwheat porridge on milk.
Lunch: borsch with meat and sour cream, vegetable stew, baked (after boiling) rabbit in white sauce, zucchini pancakes, xylitol compote.
Snack: fruits (berries) fresh.
Dinner: low-fat beef jelly, vegetable caviar, tea with milk.
At night: low-fat kefir.

Often, people with diabetes experience an increased feeling of hunger, so you should try to include low-calorie foods, but rich in fiber, such as cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and cabbage in your diet. The body spends quite a lot of time on their processing, which is just enough until the next snack. At the same time, fiber helps maintain sugar levels, which reduces sugar cravings.

Since the development of "sugar disease" is based on the so-called metabolic syndrome, in which the natural energy supply of the whole organism is disrupted, then all therapy is based on simple laws: "Proper and balanced nutrition allows you to achieve normalization of glycemia, and this is the key to the patient's further well-being."

In this technique, which we will talk about today, everything is aimed at minimizing the consumption of carbohydrates, excessively fatty, starchy foods, but at the same time not limiting the body to vitamins, microelements, and minerals consumed with food. Moreover, the ninth table for diabetes can hardly be called a starvation diet. Rather, on the contrary, it is a complete and healthy diet not only for diabetics, but also for those who want to improve their health, lose weight and normalize all metabolic processes. It is suitable for both adults, including the elderly, and children.

The founder of this therapy is a therapist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist Pevzner Manuil Isaakovich, who graduated from the medical faculty at Moscow University, and later underwent an internship in Germany.

He developed several types of diets and called them "tables". Each such table has its own number (there are only 15 main ones with several subspecies categories). The development of medical nutrition was carried out strictly according to a certain principle and met a number of requirements. For example, table 9, 9a, 9b is prescribed for diagnosing mild or moderate severity, table 8 and its subspecies for obesity, tables 7, 7a, 7b, 7d for kidney diseases, etc.

His work laid a solid foundation in the basis of clinical nutrition since the times of the USSR, and in 1936 he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the RSFSR.

We will not consider all types of diets according to Pevzner, but we will take only a few of them that can be attributed to our topic, namely diet No. 9 (if our readers want to learn more about the medical nutrition of M.I. Pevzner, then we will tell about other tables).

Although a lot of time has passed since the time of Pevzner and his followers, no one has made any serious innovations in the basis of diabetic dietology. Why reinvent the wheel when it has already been invented and clinically proven?

Therefore, it is not surprising that all the know-how only shakes the air in vain, and “shakes” money out of the pockets of desperate diabetics who are ready to pay for everything that is well advertised. What can we say about those who seek to lose weight by eating high-calorie chocolate and washing it down with chocolate drinks, and in the evening smearing themselves with kilograms of weight loss cream, they shudder from the nerve impulse sent from the portable “butterfly” simulator, which for some reason still buys.

It makes no sense to go into lazy human nature and psychology, since a person will always believe in a miracle, even if it is possible only on the TV screen, in advertising booklets, on “photographed” pictures on the Internet and other zombie sources.

Meanwhile, all the information is quietly gathering dust in the archives of Russian public libraries, and smarter or more cunning so-called nutritionists calmly draw their “inspiration” from them.

But let's get down to business.

The principles of therapeutic nutrition according to Pevsner in diet number 9

So, table 9 for diabetes is focused on a group of people. Therefore, it is worth making a serious allowance for the fact that it does not take into account the individual characteristics of each of the patients. It may well be that some person has an individual intolerance to some food products or their individual components that underlie this technique. This fact alone makes medical nutrition unacceptable for a certain circle of people.

The achievements of an inquisitive therapist who connected his life with dietetics became the basis for updating the latest system of standard diets adopted and approved under the special program of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2006 No. 316. And such tables as: 8, 8a, 8o, 9a and 10c allowed us to develop a low-carbohydrate diet (NCD), which we will definitely talk about, but a little later.

This technique and its derivatives are prescribed to diabetics on an ongoing basis.

This directly indicates that you will have to adhere to it all your life, because without its foundations, normal human life is impossible, as close as possible to the norms of a healthy life.

Based on the basic principles of the ninth table, you can identify several basic rules for this diet, which has a number of limitations. It is recommended to consume daily:

fat/g 80
carbs/g 300
energy value/kJ
edible salt/g 10 - 12

Looking at this table, many will be surprised, because Pevzner recommends consuming 300 grams of carbohydrates per day. It may seem that such an amount is simply taken from the ceiling and most likely there should be a little less of them. Indeed, with, reducing the amount of glucose is the main goal in normalizing glycemia.

There should be 5 to 6 meals per day, and a single serving is less than what is usually recommended for three meals a day.

However, if you have already read our other articles on diabetes, then you know that carbohydrates cannot be completely excluded from the diet. And all because glucose, which in the process of metabolic oxidation, through the action of enzymes, is converted from carbohydrates that come with food, is necessary to provide energy to the cells and tissues of our body. Without it, it is impossible to start the nutritional, regenerating, protective functions of the body and provide energy to the brain.

In addition, it is worthwhile to understand that in Soviet times, things were somewhat different with food. At that time, there was not such an abundance of confectionery, semi-finished products and canned foods with a large amount of dyes, chemical preservatives and E on the shelves of stores. All products underwent more stringent quality control. Then, in general, there was little that could be bought, rather get on a coupon ...

What can we say about places of public catering. What kind of McDonald's is there, God forbid!

Its first discovery created a real sensation, and more prudent residents of Moscow and the Moscow region could observe a huge live snake, consisting of those who wanted to taste a hamburger, french fries and cola, whose crazy and hungry head rested against the still closed doors of McDonald's. It is terrible to imagine what could have happened then if he had not opened ... where would the anger of the disappointed snake be directed? At such moments, no one pays attention to what is going on behind the backs of the zombie population...

Another thing now...

Nowadays, almost all semi-finished products, and all food from the aforementioned eateries are oversaturated with fats and simple carbohydrates due to the fact that the forced "workbolics" need clean and fast energy in order to think less and do more.

Therefore, if you want to stick to table 9, then include only complex carbohydrates in your diet, completely eliminating even a hint of simple ones. More attentive readers already know what the difference is.

Next, as for proteins, fats and salt. The diet is aimed at normalizing not only carbohydrate, lipid, purine metabolism, but also normalizing acid-base balance, so we are faced with the expedient limitation of patients in the amount of salt and fat they consume (should be about 80 g / day, 20 -30% of which are vegetable fats) and a normal intake of protein foods (moreover, 60% of the proteins should be of animal origin).

The less we eat salty - the less fluid is retained in the body.

This is how we prevent edema, blood pressure surges and reduce the load on the natural cleansing filter in our body - the kidneys (with the exception of the lungs). This greatly speeds up all metabolic processes, and the cleansing of the body is also accelerated, therefore, we are recovering, in the future we can feel like a full-fledged and healthy person.

As for protein foods, protein is one of the main structural elements, like fats, which also provide us with nutrition and accelerate the process of cell regeneration.

Now we have smoothly reached the calorie content. You can consume no more than 2300 kcal per day. Again, if we are talking about a child with type 2 diabetes, who at the same time suffers from obesity, then such a number of calories will be clearly superfluous for him. And rowing all the same size is pointless and dangerous to health. Therefore, it is important to know for each individual person.

To be sure, the Pevzner method number 9 is more likely designed for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, with a complication of which insulin therapy is used with daily hormone injections of no more than 20-30 units. With an increased dosage of insulin, in any case, the diet should be adjusted together with the endocrinologist and one of the subspecies of the ninth table should be chosen.

The energy value of the daily ration in the subspecific categories of the diet table 9

  • Table 9a

Purpose: the initial stage of diabetes mellitus (mild form) in the presence of obesity II or III degree.

fat/g 50
carbs/g 200
energy value/kJ
edible salt/g 10 - 12

It is quite obvious that this type of medical nutrition is focused on more stringent restrictions, in which the daily diet becomes less high-calorie due to a decrease in the amount of fatty and carbohydrate-containing foods.

It is focused on accelerating metabolism, normalizing all metabolic processes, while “starting” the process of burning heat reserves, but without the use of physical activity and hormonal injections.

  • Table 9b

Purpose: moderate to severe diabetes mellitus, including type 1 diabetes

fat/g 80 - 100
carbs/g 400 - 450
energy value/kJ
11723 - 13398
2800 - 3200
edible salt/g 15

You have already noticed that this diet is a complete diet, in which it is mandatory, used in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus in an advanced stage, when the pancreas practically does not produce hormones. In addition, if the first two tables say nothing about physical activity, then in this case a group program is being developed using physical activity. The diet is close to the diet of a healthy person who sometimes plays sports.

It requires more detailed analysis both by the doctor and the patient.

Allowed and prohibited foods

The basis of therapeutic nutrition for diabetes is the principle of limiting and excluding a number of products from the daily diet. Particular attention is paid, of course, to carbohydrates. But since we exclude part of the food, there is an urgent need to find additional sources of vitamins, minerals and other trace elements, therefore, it is allowed to take some vitamin complexes (especially ascorbic acid - vitamin C, retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, niacin ).

In addition to restrictions, the consumption of protein, which is actively involved in enzymatic, hormonal synthesis, as well as lipotropic substances, which include lecithin and methionine, the largest amount of which is concentrated in: lamb, some varieties of fish (perch, cod), legumes (beans, peas, soy), buckwheat, etc.

By the way, buckwheat, pea porridge are among the most valuable and nutritious.

Eating them is a must for those who want to recover sooner, go in for sports and monitor their appearance. If we consume more of these products, we will automatically prevent atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

At tables 9, 9a, 9b per day, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water!

With this volume of drinking water, special attention is paid to the amount of sodium chloride (i.e. salt). You can not eat excessively salty, spicy, smoked food, therefore, we exclude: spicy, salty, smoked, in a spicy filling, with seasonings in oil herring, mackerel, capelin and other varieties of fish and meat, smoked sausage, sausages, all types of fat, fish and canned meat, preserves, etc.

Grocery list

It is worth considering the fact that per day it is impossible to exceed the calorie intake and the quantitative content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and salt, depending on: gender, age, the presence of any other chronic diseases, taking insulin or any other drugs (including hypoglycemic) , physical activity, emotional state, health status (infectious, colds), obesity, etc.

what can you eat
what not to eat
Bakery and other flour products
  • rye bread (no more than 250 gr/day),
  • protein-wheat,
  • protein-bran,
  • wheat of the second grade (no more than two 30g pieces per day
  • rich varieties of bread, buns
  • pies with and without filling
  • any sweet flour products
Meat products
  • lean beef
  • veal
  • mutton
  • cut and meat pork
  • rabbit
  • chicken
  • beef jelly
  • aspic chicken
  • lean ham
  • doctor's or dietary sausage (from beef)
  • doctor's sausages (from beef)
  • doctor's sausages (from beef)
  • canned meats and preserves
  • goose
  • duck
  • fatty ham
  • smoked sausages (servelat, Krakow, etc.)
  • fatty sausages, sausages, sausages
All meat can be boiled, stewed, baked. Fry only after boiling and practically without oil, fats for frying with little or no salt added.
Fish and seafood
  • low-fat varieties of fish (pollock, herring, freshwater perch, pike, etc.)
  • canned fish in tomato sauce
  • canned fish in own juice
  • other seafood (squid, shrimp), but not exceeding the daily intake of proteins
  • all salted and smoked fish
  • fish in spicy sauce with butter
  • fish caviar in any form (including all kinds of fatty sauces with it)
  • fatty fish (trout, sturgeon, mackerel, herring, etc.)
The fish is boiled, baked, stewed, gelled (a jellied fish dish with vegetables and herbs is prepared). It is permissible to fry in a small amount of oil without sautéing with flour, spices, breadcrumbs and marinating.
  • 2 pieces
  • do not consume more than 2 pieces per day
Eggs can be consumed raw, boiled or fried.
  • milk
  • curdled milk
  • kefir
  • low-fat or semi-fat cottage cheese
  • unsalted and low-fat cheeses
  • low-fat sour cream
  • cream
  • curds
  • syrniki
  • curd
  • sweet curd-containing products and products based on curd masses
  • fat sour cream
  • goat milk
  • ice cream
Fats and oils
  • butter
  • vegetable oil
  • all meat and cooking fats (margarine, spread)
Cereals and pasta
  • porridge (except semolina and rice)
  • buckwheat
  • pearl barley
  • peas
  • beans
  • cells
  • millet
  • beans
  • oatmeal
  • semolina
  • semolina
  • all types of pasta (including rice, egg noodles, except buckwheat)
Vegetables and greens
  • cabbage (all types and varieties)
  • zucchini
  • salad
  • pumpkin
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • eggplant
  • parsley
  • dill
  • basil
  • all pickled and salted vegetables
Consume with caution: potatoes, beets, carrots, green peas.
  • on low-fat beef, mushroom, fish broths
  • with the addition of pieces of lean, trimmed meat (meatballs are acceptable), potatoes or without it, permitted cereals and vegetables
  • borsch
  • beetroot
  • hodgepodge
  • okroshka
  • milk soup
  • pea soup with noodles
  • all kinds of soups with the addition of pasta
Berries, fruits and sweets
  • sour fruits and berries in any form
  • all sweet dishes and sweets on sorbitol, xylitol, saccharin, fructose (nut cookies, sweets, jelly, mousses)
  • all products with sugar
  • sweet fruits and years (grapes, dates, figs, bananas, raisins)
  • jam, jam
  • candies
  • cookie
  • waffles
  • cakes
  • canned fruits and berries
  • chocolate
Per day: sorbitol 20 - 30g, xylitol 15 - 20g 1 or 2 times a day, fructose 45g.
Sauces and spices
  • sauces on vegetable broth, on lean meat, mushroom, vegetable broths
  • horseradish, pepper and mustard in limited quantities
  • sharp
  • salty
  • fatty sauces
  • mayonnaise and other mayonnaise dressings, as well as with fat sour cream or cream
  • tomato juice (without excessive salt and without sugar)
  • tea without sugar
  • weak coffee without sugar (can be with milk)
  • unsweetened coffee drinks
  • chicory without sugar (can be with milk)
  • rosehip decoction
  • cocoa on milk, on water without sugar
  • juices of unsweetened fresh fruits and berries
  • sweet carbonated drinks
  • lemonades, compotes, fruit and berry juices with sugar
  • kvass
  • kissel

The composition of the diet table 9

Of course, after reading this table, a quite reasonable question arises: “What should be the daily norm of consumed products, taking into account all of the above?”

To do this, it is necessary to divide the products into daily portions that would correspond to one or another diet according to the principle of table 9 for diabetes.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that blindly following the following is not recommended, since the state of health of each person is different. In addition, the gender, age of a person and his professional activity are of no small importance, for example, where he works, whether he plays sports, whether he is addicted to bad habits, whether he is psychologically stable, etc.

Moreover, if you have diabetes, always keep an eye on your glycemia!

Measure your blood sugar in the morning on an empty stomach, after each meal (after 30 minutes or after an hour), before bed, before, during and after exercise. After training, it is worth monitoring glycemia for at least 3 hours, so that the subsequent borderline state if the required amount of glucose does not enter the body on time. Do not forget that heated muscle tissue begins to absorb glucose more intensively in order to recover from physical exertion.

  • table menu 9
Compound Quantity/g
squirrels 116
fats 136
carbohydrates 130
calories/kcal 2208
energy value/kJ

cottage cheese 300
cheese 25
milk, kefir, yogurt

oil (animal and vegetable origin)
up to 1000


Period: calculated for 5 - 7 days.


If glycemia remains within the acceptable range, then after 1 week of staying on such a diet, a gradual increase in the amount of carbohydrate-containing food is allowed over the next week or two weeks.

For example, after a week we add 50g of rye bread, then after another 3 days 15g of any cereal (except rice or semolina), 50g of boiled potatoes or as part of some kind of dish (soup, vegetable casserole).

Of course, you can not eat prohibited foods from the above list (confectionery, sugar, sugary drinks, juices including tea, coffee, cocoa, jelly with sugar).

  • Table menu 9a
Compound Quantity/g
squirrels 113
fats 92
carbohydrates 120
calories/kcal 1760
energy value/kJ
meat, fish products and dishes
medium fat cottage cheese
oil 15
rye bread (divided into 4 portions)
vegetables (except potatoes and legumes) 700
fruits (except bananas and grapes)

Period: designed for 2 - 4 weeks.


The diet is aimed at people whose body weight exceeds 40% of the norm, i.e. when diagnosing obesity II or III degree.

Therefore, if after the first two weeks there is a sharp decrease in body weight, then gradually increase the amount of fats and carbohydrates by adding 50g of bread and 5g of butter. You can add the indicated amount of carbohydrates no more than 1 time per month.

With diabetes, you can also arrange fasting days: cottage cheese, meat and vegetable, vegetarian.

Sample one day menu

Product Quantity/g
boiled fish
boiled potatoes*¹
milk tea without sugar
vegetarian soup
boiled meat
cabbage stewed in vegetable oil
afternoon tea
fresh grated carrots without sugar
croutons based on the daily norm of bread*²
cottage cheese and sour cream pudding without sugar
cabbage schnitzel with vegetable oil
tea without sugar
An hour before bed
kefir 180

*1 Boiled potatoes are on the menu. It is best to replace it with a salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with lemon juice or vegetable oil with minimal or no salt.

*2 As for bread, it is allowed to eat no more than 150g of rye bread per day, and no more than 60g of white bread.

Several recipes for dishes that can be included in the table menu 9

Diet soup "Summer"


  • 300 ml low-fat broth,
  • 20 gr fresh onion,
  • 40 gr fresh carrots,
  • 120 gr chopped cabbage
  • 60 gr soaked, chopped potatoes,
  • 40 gr tomatoes,
  • 30 gr sour cream,
  • greens to taste.


Finely chop the onion, pour vegetable oil (1 tablespoon). Three carrots on a coarse grater, simmer in a pan with onions until half cooked. We put the broth on the fire and bring to a boil, then add the chopped potatoes to it. After the potatoes are cooked, add chopped cabbage and vegetables stewed in a pan. Cook over low heat until fully cooked.

Serve with sour cream, garnish with chopped herbs.

You can add to the soup: mushrooms, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, celery and other vegetables to your taste.

Meatballs for a couple


  • 200 gr beef tenderloin,
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 egg
  • 30 gr rice,
  • 20 gr sour cream and herbs.


We make minced meat from beef, passing through a meat grinder with onions. We send it to the refrigerator for a few minutes. Rice is washed in cold water, put on a slow fire and boil until tender in lightly salted water. Remove from the fire, sue. Add to minced meat and pass through a meat grinder again, add 1 egg, salt a little, pepper and mix thoroughly. We form meat balls and send them to a double boiler. We cook until ready.

Before serving, decorate with sour cream and herbs.

dietary pudding


  • 130 gr fresh zucchini,
  • 70 gr apples,
  • 30 gr fresh milk,
  • 15 gr semolina,
  • 1 st. l. butter,
  • 1 quail egg
  • 1 st. l. sour cream.


We peel the zucchini, chop finely (it is better to chop everything in a blender). Add milk, put on a slow fire and, stirring constantly, simmer for several minutes until the zucchini is ready. Then add finely chopped (or grated on a fine grater) apples and simmer for another 5 minutes. In a saucepan with zucchini, apples and milk, add semolina, butter and turn off the gas. Close the lid tightly, cover with a towel. Let the mixture cool down. After that, add the egg, mix everything well.

We take a baking dish, pre-greased with oil or lined with oiled parchment paper, pour in the resulting mixture. We level. We send the form to the oven preheated to 180 °. Bake until fully cooked. Try not to open the oven during cooking (if the pudding is not baked all the way through, it will fall off).

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There are a number of diseases in which a competent nutrition system is a vital norm. These diseases include many diseases of allergic origin, for example, bronchial asthma. In these cases, a person always has a disturbed carbohydrate metabolism, which leads to jumps in blood sugar and the occurrence of a number of complications against this background. To normalize the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, the so-called dietary table number 9 is used in medicine.

Organization principles

The dietary table is based on the principle of exclusion from the diet of fast carbohydrates, which include:

  • white flour products;
  • confectionery;
  • foods high in starch (potatoes);
  • sweet fruits;
  • pasta from higher grades of wheat;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • sweet drinks;
  • sugar.

The daily calorie content remains normal. Eat large amounts of complex carbohydrates and high-fiber foods.

All food is consumed boiled or steamed, baked or stewed. An important rule of the table is fractional and frequent meals during the day, at least five times.

This diet should not be used by overweight diabetic patients. The use of spices, spices and extracts for cooking is also limited.

Quantity and composition of the main components of food

When eating on the basis of dietary table No. 9, the daily food ration should consist of certain components in their strict amount:

  • 40-45 g of animal and 40-45 g of vegetable protein;
  • 350 g of complex carbohydrates;
  • 30 - 35 g of vegetable fats and 40 - 45 g of animal fats;
  • no more than 8 g of salt;
  • at least 2 liters of water;
  • balanced composition;

The total daily calorie content should not exceed 2400 kcal and be less than 220 kcal. The cooking temperature is also important - no higher than 65 degrees.

Main dishes

Diet food table 9 includes certain dishes. They can be prepared in different ways, adhering to the principles described above.

Bread products should only be for dietary purposes;

First courses - lenten and vegetarian soups for five days of the week and two times you can use soups based on meat or fish in the form of broths;

Second courses - low-fat varieties of any meat, except for chicken and low-fat varieties of fish, as well as seafood cooked in different ways, with the exception of frying;

Side dishes - whole grain cereals and other dishes from buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, vegetable salads and vegetables in general, dishes from dietary pasta;

Snacks - salads from vegetables with meat and seafood with butter, boiled sausage of the highest grade, aspic meat, fish, tongue, not very salty fish, snacks from vegetables in any form;

Desserts - dietary confectionery, fresh and baked unsweetened fruits, fruit jellies with a sweetener;

Drinks - natural coffee, teas without sugar with milk, fruit decoctions, compotes and jelly with a sweetener, natural unsweetened juices, pure drinking and mineral water.

Product Restrictions- per week no more than 1 egg, dairy and sour-milk products of low fat content.

Prohibited Products

Diet table number 9 includes a fairly large list of foods that should not be consumed.

As mentioned above, any simple carbohydrates are prohibited. Bananas and grapes should not be eaten from fruits, because they can quickly raise blood sugar levels and increase appetite. Also excluded from the menu are figs, raisins, dried bananas, canned sweet fruits.

From cereals, you can not eat rice and semolina.

Fatty meats and fish, chicken, rich soups and broths based on meat, mushrooms or fish, and bacon are excluded from the diet. Low-grade boiled sausages, smoked meats.

Dairy products high in fat, sweet or prepared with sweets are also prohibited (cream, yogurt).

Canned foods, spicy foods and seasonings, alcohol, marinades and sauces should not be consumed.


If diet table 9 is assigned, the menu for each day is as follows:

  • breakfast should consist of any porridge with the exception of rice and semolina plus coffee or tea, it is possible with milk;
  • for 1 afternoon you can drink kefir and eat any fruit;
  • at lunch usually any lean soup, vegetable side dish and boiled meat is prepared, plus any fruit drink;
  • for 2 afternoon snack you can eat any berry or cottage cheese dessert;
  • dinner make up a vegetable salad and boiled fish plus tea or fruit broth (rose hips);
  • before bed in 2 hours you can drink a glass of kefir.

This approach to nutrition, with slight adjustments for light carbohydrates, can be applied to healthy people of any age for the purpose of recovery.

Video with diet recipes

In the presence of diabetes, an important issue is still not only the timely taking of medications and the stable performance of physical activity, but also a properly planned and evenly distributed diet. In this case, it is "Table No. 9".

In order to avoid a fatal outcome, it is necessary to pay attention in time to the presence of symptoms that are a signal of diabetes. Recall that they can be fatigue and thirst, unexplained weight loss or excess, vision problems and frequent urination. In this case, not only physical activity is necessary, but also the right diet. By following the established dietary regimen, you can achieve weight stabilization without causing any harm to the body. So, what is such a diet?

What is the menu "Table number 9"

A specially thought-out type of diet that includes a large amount of protein-rich foods. The diet of such a menu also implies a moderate restriction of fats, foods with a high level of carbohydrates.

The indication for the use of such a diet is the presence of mild or moderate diabetes. Also, one of the indicators may be the absence of violations of the acid-base balance in the patient's body.

If diseases of the internal organs are detected, a diabetic patient should not use the "Table No. 9" diet.

All foods that are included in the menu limit the intake of animal fats. Carbohydrates are replaced by special substances that are able to have a lipotropic effect on the sick organism of a person suffering from diabetes. A high content of vegetable food and a decrease in the amount of harmful salt, cholesterol increases the chances of success in the fight against diabetes.

Regarding sweets, it is worth noting that the doctor does not always forbid eating dishes of this kind. Most often, their number is simply strictly regulated, while it is necessary to observe the dose of sweet, which the doctor will personally set. Pure sugar and sweets are usually replaced with natural or artificial derivatives.

The total amount of energy value during the diet should be within 2500 calories. Sometimes you can limit yourself to 2300 calories per day.

The daily menu should contain foods rich in protein - about 100 g, fats - 50%, vegetable fats - 30%, carbohydrates - within 350 g. To prepare dishes from the above products, you can use table salt in an amount not exceeding 12 g.

The technique for preparing all permitted dishes is simple and not burdensome. Often they are served at the table, having previously boiled or stewed. Sometimes it is allowed to eat food prepared by frying or baking. The temperature regime during cooking and serving them to the table has no differences from ordinary food consumed daily by people who do not have diabetes.

The basic principles of diet menu number 9 for diabetes

Daily meal plan for diabetics according to diet "Table number 9" should consist of 6 parts. Food should be consumed, previously properly prepared, in small portions. We start the morning with breakfast, after a little time - the 2nd breakfast, more satisfying and specially planned. Then we have lunch in the middle of the day. A light afternoon snack will help enrich the body with the necessary amount of useful elements and vitamins, allowing it to function smoothly and energetically. A low-calorie dinner consisting of food that is easy to digest will help to avoid uncomfortable feelings of hunger. Thus, we can observe a clear and correctly planned distribution of the total amount of carbohydrates that should be consumed throughout the day in small portions.

Eating right though we should not forget about the important medical treatment. In the interval between insulin injections, which often do not exceed 2.5 hours, be sure to take a small amount of food. Often a meal containing carbohydrates is planned immediately after the injection. Since this type of diet is the most gentle and harmless to the body, the balance of glucose in the blood is quickly restored, which significantly affects the speedy recovery or improvement of the desired indicators. Menu "Table No. 9" can be used not only in the process of direct treatment, but also as one of the preventive measures.

Features of this diet

The main feature of the diet is timely reception of the planned menu. It is impossible to take breaks between meals that are not provided for by the diet. Since complications may arise, and there will be no benefit from the diet. Another important point is the exclusion of sweets from the diet or their maximum limitation according to the doctor's prescriptions. Glucose substitutes are commonly used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.: aspartame, xelita, stevia, etc.

In the case when there really is no way to have lunch on time, you can have a snack with some fruit that is on the list of allowed foods. In such a case, you can prepare a stock of sandwiches or buy a special bar. Even a small piece of bread will play an important role in this case.

Carefully examine the shelves in the supermarket. Even in the smallest and most unremarkable stores, special shelves with provisions are provided, which are designed specifically for diabetics. Among other things, there are even cookies and chocolate! Sugar substitutes can also be found here.

So let's sum it up. In the presence of type 2 diabetes, it is extremely important:

  • Eat 5-6 times a day. Just in case, have a small snack in your bag.
  • For cooking, use only products from the list approved by the doctor. Do not exaggerate or underestimate their number.
  • Do not forget that only dishes that are steamed, boiled or baked can be included in the diet menu.
  • Use a sugar substitute instead of the usual glucose.
  • Drink about 2 liters of liquid per day in its pure form.
  • Alternate meals with insulin injections. Don't forget to take your medications.

Allowed and prohibited foods

If you have type 2 diabetes and are overweight, your the diet should be rich in:

  • Cabbage (fresh and sauerkraut)
  • Spinach
  • cucumbers
  • lettuce
  • Tomatoes
  • Green peas.

The above products capable of satisfying hunger even in small quantities, which is important during the diet.

Useful products will help solve the issue not only regarding diabetes, but also improve the condition of the liver. The most useful dishes include those made from cottage cheese, oatmeal and soy. In accordance with medical prescriptions, it is necessary to limit the amount of fish or meat broths consumed.

Fried foods are best avoided.

Below is a list of foods that are strictly forbidden to eat:

  • Sweets, natural honey and any jam, jam
  • Bakery and confectionery products
  • Fat (pork and lamb)
  • Spices, hot spices and sauces, mustard, pepper
  • Pickles and marinades
  • Smoked meats
  • Grapes and raisins, which are made from it
  • Bananas
  • Alcoholic and low alcohol drinks

Menu for every week with the diet "Table No. 9"

1st breakfast Low-fat cottage cheese with various berries
2nd breakfast Kefir (no more than a glass)
Lunch Vegetable soup and stew or baked vegetables and lamb
Snack Light salad consisting of cucumber and cabbage. Olive oil is ideal as a dressing.
Dinner Low-fat grilled fish, some vegetables that are baked or steamed.

1st breakfast Buckwheat with milk
2nd breakfast 2 green apples
Lunch Uzvar without sugar, boiled beef and lean borscht
Snack Rosehip compote
Dinner Steamed fish with fresh vegetables
1st breakfast Cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole
2nd breakfast Rosehip compote
Lunch A couple of steamed fish cakes, fresh vegetable platter, lean borscht
Snack Hard-boiled egg
Dinner 2 steamed cutlets with a little sautéed cabbage
1st breakfast Omelet with steamed vegetables
2nd breakfast Yoghurt
Lunch 2 stuffed peppers and some creamy broccoli soup
Snack Carrot and cottage cheese casserole
Dinner Grilled chicken meat with vegetables or barbecue
1st breakfast Wheat porridge with apple
2nd breakfast No more than 2 oranges
Lunch A little barley porridge, a plate of fish soup and meat goulash
Snack Bran and kefir (250 ml)
Dinner Buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlets and some roasted asparagus
1st breakfast 2 apples and bran
2nd breakfast Soft-boiled egg
Lunch Vegetable stew and some boiled meat
Afternoon snack Light salad: celery stalks and tomato
Dinner Lamb stewed with vegetables
1st breakfast Some low-fat cottage cheese and 1 yogurt
2nd breakfast Chicken meat (grilled)
Lunch Vegetable soup and meat goulash with light salad: apple and celery stalks
Afternoon snack Fresh berries
Dinner Steamed or boiled shrimp with green beans

While following this diet, any dishes prepared from allowed foods are steamed in a slow cooker, boiled or grilled are ideal. Frequent meals very often include fish dishes.

Pike perch in Tatar.

You will need: a little parsley and a quarter of a lemon, a couple of olives and capers, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream and a small onion. Olive oil (3 tablespoons) is suitable for dressing. The fish itself will need no more than 150 g. Pour oil into the bottom of a small saucepan and lay out the fish. Sprinkling lightly with onion juice. Cover with a lid and place in the oven to bake. After 5-10 minutes, fill the pike perch fillet with sour cream and leave to stew a little more on low heat. At the end, add the remaining ingredients: capers and lemon with olives. If necessary, the hot dish can be stirred. After bringing the fish to readiness, sprinkle with chopped parsley leaves and serve.

Cod with a hint of lemon.

You will need: a small green onion, a couple of parsley feathers, a third of a small lemon and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. Cod will need about 150 g. Please note that before cooking, cod is soaked in water for 24 hours. Then it must be cleaned and boiled. The resulting broth is drained, leaving only the fish. Salt and sprinkle with olive oil, add the onion and parsley. Sprinkle the soaked cod fillet with lemon juice before serving.


Stabilization and normalization of metabolism, in particular carbohydrates, is one of the most important results. Weight loss and prevention of any degree of obesity- Another plus of the "Table No. 9" diet. Since the fat exchange process will proceed normally, the body will eventually develop endurance to all kinds of carbohydrates.

Since any type of diabetes implies the regulation of the amount of glucose in the blood and sufficient production of insulin, the "Table No. 9" menu is designed in such a way that the selected food contains the required amount of sugar, not exceeding the norm.

If you follow the right diet, described below, the problem of diabetes will gradually disappear. Since the pancreas begins to release insulin in the required amount, all the cells of the body will be provided with it. By producing the necessary amount of energy with the help of cells, the hormone will help create the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of the human body as a whole.

Please note that neglecting the diet, you must be prepared for complications, that may occur during the course of the disease. Lack or excess of sugar in the blood can adversely affect the health of the eyes, even causing loss of vision. Also, due to diabetes, the kidneys often suffer, the nervous system is destroyed. It is worth being afraid of heart disease, which in the future can cause a stroke. In the worst cases, limb amputation is also possible. Girls or women who are pregnant should be wary of gestational diabetes.

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