Fell now hold on we take off. Those who supported me when I fell, now hold on, we take off. Ways of emotional support

Weizsaecker, E., Wijkman, A.

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

The leaders of the "Club of Rome" and its leading experts came to an unambiguous conclusion about the inevitability of a radical change in the paradigm of the development of our civilization. Harsh criticism of capitalism, rejection of financial speculation, rejection of materialism and a simplified understanding of the world, the call to an alternative economy, the “new Enlightenment”, spiritual and moral worldview, a single planetary harmonious civilization – this is the agenda for future development proposed by the Club of Rome.

Last month Club of Rome
presented a new report “Come On! Capitalism, myopia, population and the destruction of the planet”, timed to coincide with its 50th anniversary. Potentially, this is one of the most important documents of our time. The Club of Rome remains the main platform for formulating the agenda of responsible globalism and sustainable development, and a guide for a significant part of the world's elite. Although reports on behalf of the Club are published regularly - more than forty in total since 1968 - almost all of them are positioned as works addressed to the Club and supported by it. Come On! the second report in fifty years expressing the consolidated position of the Club, so its publication is a rather unique event.

The Anniversary Report was written by the Club's two presidents, Ernst Weizsäcker and Anders Wijkmann, with the participation of thirty-four other members. The content of the report may surprise the reader who is not following for intellectual trends in recent years. Former divisions do not reflect reality much - many of the ideas of "Come On!" more likely to understand at the traditionalist than the classical liberal, but many others will cause protest in both. Harsh criticism of capitalism, rejection of financial speculation, rejection of materialism and reductionism, call to an alternative economy, "new Enlightenment", holistic worldview, planetary civilization - this is the agenda proposed by the Club of Rome.

Report specifics

Already the preface makes it clear that this report will be different from the previous and his main question will be "the philosophical roots of the current state of the world." The world is in danger and salvation lies in a change of outlook.

The starting point for the authors is the concept of "full world", proposed by the American ecologist and economist Herman Daly. Human civilization was formed in the conditions of an "empty world" - a world of unexplored territories and an excess of resources. The prevailing religions, political ideologies, social institutions, habits of thought are still rooted in it. In reality, humanity has entered a “full world”, filled to the brim, with very vague prospects for further expansion of borders. If we continue to live according to the rules of the "empty world", the collapse will not be long in coming.

The report consists of three parts: the first is designed to demonstrate the full depth of the current crisis and the trend towards its aggravation; the second is devoted to the criticism of the dominant worldview and the presentation of an alternative philosophy of the "new Enlightenment"; the third part - practical solutions. The expression "Come On" has two meanings - "do not try to deceive me" and "join us".

What's happening?

The authors begin with an analysis of the current situation, which is not encouraging: the planet is degrading, authoritarianism and fundamentalism on the rise, speculative capital triumphs. Today's "crisis is not cyclical, but intensifying. It is not limited by the nature around us, but includes a social, political, cultural, moral crisis, a crisis of democracy, ideologies and capitalist systems."

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

Crisis of capitalism

The Club of Rome believes that in the eighties of the last century there was a degeneration of capitalism, in which financial speculation became the main source of profit. This was one of the causes of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, but the bankers not only held their ground, but emerged victorious: "they made themselves 'too big to lose' - or to go to jail."

Ninety-eight percent of financial transactions are now speculative. Between twenty-one and thirty-two trillion dollars are hidden in offshore zones. “Representatives of corporations that avoid paying taxes constantly say that they are not breaking any laws. Often this is the case - it means that laws need to be changed, ”the authors say. There is an overabundance of capital in fictitious but profitable areas, while the areas on which the future of the planet depends are experiencing a shortage of funds. Economists are unable to see the problem, as they still tend to treat environmental, financial and industrial capital as equivalents: "as long as financial capital increases, everything is fine."


We live in the Anthropocene, a geological epoch when human activity becomes decisive for the planet. As an illustration: 97% of the mass of vertebrates on Earth are people and livestock; everyone else, from bats to elephants, accounts for 3%.

Global warming remains the biggest planetary problem. The club welcomes the signing of the Paris Agreement, but points to a gap between the prescribed goals (to prevent a rise in temperature by more than two degrees) and the obligations assumed by the states, even the full implementation of which will be completely insufficient for their achievements. “Let's be honest: in order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, the world needs to go through a fast and fundamental transformation of production and consumption systems”.

Among other problems, the report highlights the "sixth mass extinction" - the rapid decline of the fauna, the unforeseen consequences of emerging technologies and the threat of nuclear conflict. Even a local conflict (the most likely scenario is between India and Pakistan) using nuclear weapons will have an impact on the entire planet. The authors consider the strategy of mutually assured destruction, which serves as a justification for maintaining nuclear arsenals, to be insane, and call for a new strategy of "assured planetary security and survival."


Measured in terms of CO2 emissions (the excess of which is considered the main cause of global warming), the richest one percent of Americans generates three hundred and eighteen tons of CO2 per year per person, while the average inhabitant of the earth is six tons (a fifty-three-fold difference). Ten percent of the world's richest households are responsible for forty-five percent of total emissions. They should be the first to move towards sustainable life patterns.

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

Population, food, urbanization

Of all the proposals of the Club of Rome, the most criticized is its demographic position. The club continues to insist on need the maximum reduction in the birth rate and "thanks the countries that have achieved a rapid reduction in reproduction." At the same time, the report notes that it is wrong to reduce the increase in the load on the planet only with an increase in the population: since the beginning of the last century, the population has grown fivefold, but economic turnover - forty times, fuel consumption - sixteen times, fish catch - thirty-five.

There is a global disruption in the distribution of food. Eight hundred million people continue to go hungry while two billion are overweight. But the question is not only how to produce enough food for a growing population, but also how not to ruin the planet in the process. The greatest environmental damage is caused by animal husbandry; it is a luxury that cannot be afforded in the "full world."

The future of mankind is connected with cities. Two hundred years ago there was one millionaire city - London, now there are three hundred of them, including twenty-two with a population of more than ten million. Moving to cities, people begin to consume four times more resources. Geographically, the Ecological Footprint of cities far exceeds the area they occupy: for the average American city with a population of six hundred and fifty thousand, it is thirty thousand square kilometers (for an Indian city of a similar size, ten times less).

Digitalization and techno-utopianism

The report draws attention to the dark side of the digital economy. So, services like Uber and their users do not share the same costs. (per used drivers, urban infrastructure, etc.) - and in its current form do not match sustainability criteria.

The Club of Rome is wary of "exponential technology" and the promises of techno-utopians like Kurzweil and Diamandis. There is a real danger of uncontrolled development and unethical use of technology, and it is not yet clear how to avoid this. The authors agree with experts who believe that "Moore's law" will cease to operate in 2020–2025, so a singularity is not expected. In addition, the promises of techno-utopians demotivate people: if technology solves all problems, there is no need to look for complex, complex solutions that require lifestyle changes.

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

GDP is not an indicator

Among the products of the "empty world" thinking, the authors are especially opposed to GDP. This indicator has become a constant factor influencing policy decisions, but it is structured to to unlimited growth. It reflects spending, not well-being or subjective happiness, and does not see goods that exist outside the market. The only thing that measures GDP is the speed at which money moves through the economy.

The authors point out paradoxical cases: an oil spill increases GDP, due to the associated cleanup costs, as well as sickness, disasters and accidents, even if all of them apparently reduce well-being. Growing vegetables on a personal plot is not included in GDP, but buying them in a supermarket is. The saddest thing is that this indicator has gained such influence that it is almost impossible to imagine a successful political force declaring a desire to reduce the country's GDP. The necessary steps call for "a different political and civilizational philosophy."

New philosophy

The second part of the report, “Come On! Do not cling to an outdated philosophy”, is devoted to worldview. It begins with a discussion of Pope Francis' environmental encyclical, which correctly diagnoses the problems of our time. Then the authors analyze the origins and pathologies of the modern worldview, after which they describe an alternative philosophy of the “new Enlightenment”.

"Philosophical Mistakes"

While acknowledging that the worldview responsible for the current crises has many sources, the report singles out three - Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Charles Darwin - all of whose legacies have been misinterpreted by followers.

Smith proceeded from the coincidence of the boundaries of the market, law and morality: law and values ​​should be the background against which market relations unfold; the economy is constrained by more fundamental rules - legal and moral. Smith's thought in no way supports the global capitalism of transnational corporations.

Ricardo developed the theory of relative advantage, which is used by liberal economists, the WTO and the IMF as one of the main arguments for promoting globalization. But Ricardo proceeded out of immobility capital and labor. In conditions of free movement of capital, the country that has an absolute advantage always wins. Here, the authors tend to side with nation-states, which are more likely to care about the common good than transnational corporations.

Discussing Darwin, the authors remind that competition was never the only mechanism of evolution for him. Darwinism, properly understood, implies that limiting competition and protecting weaker species are fundamental pillars of evolution. When projected onto social reality, this means that “protecting, to some extent, local cultures, specializations, politics from the overwhelming power of world-class players can help diversify, innovate and evolve.”

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

Overcoming mistakes and the "new Enlightenment"

At a more fundamental level, the pathological features of the modern worldview are connected with dominance reductionist thinking and the fragmentation of knowledge. “Reductionist philosophy is inadequate not only for understanding living systems, but also for overcoming the tragedy of a destructive social and economic growth." The authors indicate to destructiveness transition "from considering reality as a whole to its division into many small fragments. Naive realism and materialism are philosophically untenable and simply wrong scientifically. Referring to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and Bohr's concept of complementarity, the authors recall that "the interaction of the researcher with his object is the basic component of the act of cognition."

As an alternative, members of the Club of Rome consider the visionary insights of Gregory Bateson, the theory of autopoiesis by Umberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, the “systemic vision of life” by Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi, and the phenomenological “biology of miracle” by Andreas Weber. By agreeing with Capra, they find it possible to reach agreement between religious and scientific pursuits.

And here we come to the key point of the report - the idea of ​​a "new Enlightenment", a fundamental transformation of thinking, the result of which should be a holistic worldview. Humanistic but free from anthropocentrism, open to development, but valuing sustainability and caring about the future.
Along with complementarity Pillars of the "new Enlightenment" Club of Rome sees synergy - the search for wisdom, through the reconciliation of opposites, and balance. While not claiming to be exhaustive, the report highlights several areas where a balance needs to be struck:

In the relationship between man and nature - sustainable development, environmental awareness

Between short and long-term perspective

Between speed and stability - change and progress should not be perceived as a value in itself

Between the individual and the collective - recognizing the importance of personal autonomy - one of the most important achievements of the European Enlightenment - the Club calls for balance and consideration for the common good; in economics, this means that the state (society) should set the rules for markets, and not vice versa

Between women and men - here the authors refer to the work of Riana Eisler, and note that balance does not mean a mechanical equation - moving more women to "male" positions, rather, achieving balance requires "changing the typology of functions"

Between equality and fair remuneration - the state is required to provide mechanisms that guarantee social justice

Between State and Religion - The report welcomes secularity, but emphasizes the positive meaning of religion; states intolerant of religion lose ethical perspective

Historically, the idea of ​​balance is more in tune with Eastern traditions (yin-yang), but the authors also point to Western thinkers - Hegel and Ken Wilber, whose systems express the philosophy of balance.

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

Religion and post-secularity

A notable spot in "Come On!" given to religion. The Club of Rome distances itself from any interpretation of religion that supports oppression and violence, and sees the rise of fundamentalism as a threat. At the same time, the Club pays attention to injustice critics of religion who do not notice its positive contribution to human civilization.

The report approvingly quotes former Vice-President of the International Court of Justice Christopher Weeramantry as saying that the basic principles of the religions of the world should be included in international law. By rejecting religion, this generation has severed its connection to the wisdom that mankind has accumulated since the dawn of our species one hundred and fifty thousand years ago.

Although the authors are more sympathetic to Eastern traditions, they enthusiastically observe trends in the development of Christian and Muslim theology. The Club expresses special support to Pope Francis and his encyclical "Laudato Si", which is dedicated to a separate paragraph. The report also mentions the "spirituality of common sense" famous in some circles, the Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast.

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

New world

The final part is applied. It summarizes experimental approaches to management, economics, education, social development, and provides examples of their successful implementation. Issues discussed include sustainable agriculture, decentralized energy, regenerative urbanization, circular economy, financial sector reform, ethical investment, etc. I will dwell in more detail on the most interesting moments.

Politics of "full peace"

The authors consider the inevitable emergence of global rules binding on all countries. Individual states do not have the right to do whatever they want, especially when it comes to consequences affecting the entire planet.

The current formats of international cooperation and global governance are ineffective, but the ones that will replace them can be much better. The text discusses two promising approaches - the World Future Council by Jakob von Uexkull and the Great Transition by Paul Raskin. The second is more ambitious and has the ultimate goal of forming a "united humanity". At the local level, the potential of direct democracy and institutions like Ireland's "Citizens' Assembly" is highly valued.

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

The report notes that "The Club of Rome sees itself as a defender of democracy, long-term thinking, nature, the younger generation and the unborn generations who are deprived of a voice in capitalism and current political debate." The club calls on governments to forget about borders and join forces for the sake of common prosperity.

End of oil and alternative energy

The end of the fossil fuel era is predetermined. It is very likely that it will end faster than previously predicted. The cost of clean (solar and wind) energy is decreasing every year, and its production is increasing many times. Growth in oil demand will stall by 2020, and if Stanford researcher Tony Seba is right, the transition for renewable springs could happen as early as 2030.

Huge deposits of oil and gas will remain in the ground. Lost profits are estimated in the range of six to twenty trillion dollars. The oil and gas sector is becoming a huge bubble that can completely depreciate in a few years. Some analysts and banking structures are already warning clients about the unacceptable risks of investing in such enterprises.

Amazing changes are taking place in China, the world's largest consumer of resources. The Communist Party proclaimed a course for construction"ecological civilization", which was recorded in the constitution and is already reflected in the plans of the thirteenth (2016-2020) five-year plan. China is becoming a leader in the field of alternative energy before our eyes: in four years, solar energy production has increased twenty-fold, by the middle of the century the country intends to receive eighty percent of energy from renewable sources.

Other economy

According to Kate Raworth, an Oxford economist and member of the Club of Rome, today's students - who will make policy in 2050 - are learning ideas from the books of the 1950s, which are based on the theories of the 1850s. For a better world to become a reality, the economy can and must function differently.

The report examines several alternative economic models developed by Jeremy Rifkin, Christian Felber, John Fullerton and Günter Pauli, among others. For all the differences in detail, the overall picture is that the economy of the future should strive for sustainability rather than growth and increase the common good rather than do not maximize private benefit.

Circular logic will replace linear logic - produced items will be optimized for repair and reuse. Even in real estate, exclusive ownership will be replaced by a service and sharing model.

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

Education for the future

The club sees the task of education in the formation of "literacy in relation to the future" (futures literacy) among young people. An education capable of doing this should:

Build on "connectedness" - relationships have been and will be the essence of learning; the use of information technology is "valuable and effective only when it facilitates communication between people". Education should "inspire interest, release energy, and actively engage each student's ability to learn for himself and help others learn."

Be value-driven, rooted in universal values ​​and respect for cultural differences. “Values ​​are the quintessence of human wisdom, accumulated over the centuries” - at the current stage, they are embodied in an emphasis on the well-being of all living beings and the world as a whole.

Focus on sustainability - much of the knowledge regarding ecology, interconnectedness of systems and sustainable development is recent and has not yet become part of the common cultural baggage; therefore, training new generations in the relevant disciplines and skills is of fundamental importance.

Cultivate integral thinking, and not be limited analytical thinking. The authors note that training in systems thinking is not enough, because "there is a tendency in systems thinking to consider reality in rather mechanistic categories, incapable of grasping its organic integrality." Integral thinking, on the other hand, is able to "perceive, organize, coordinate and reunite separate fragments and achieve a genuine understanding of the underlying reality." It is different from systems thinking, just as integration is different from aggregation.

Proceed from the pluralism of content. The club states that many universities are promoting specific schools of thought, instead of “giving young minds the full range of controversial and complementary perspectives." Today's students need an inclusive education, in which some forms of knowledge would complement others, and not exclude and reject them. Cultural diversity is as essential to social evolution as genetic diversity is to biological evolution.

Club of Rome, anniversary report. Verdict: "The Old World is doomed. The New World is inevitable!”

Come On! - the strongest text I've ever read. This is a profound work that dozens of leading thinkers have worked on. It is not necessary to support the Club of Rome or agree with the assessments contained in the report in order to appreciate the significance of this document. Given the influence of the Club and the depth of expertise of the authors, "Come On!" can be considered an authoritative expression of the views of the most advanced part of the world's intellectual and political elite.

von Weizsaecker, E., Wijkman, A. Come On! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet. - Springer, 2018. - 220 p.

2017-12-24 05:41PM
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Keywords: analytics, globalization
Published on 29.12.2017 at 10:00

Those who supported me when I fell - now HOLD ON - we are taking off!

Modern society dictates a scenario in which a person should rely only on himself. The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves. As psychologist Paul Ekman wrote in his study of modern Western culture: “If I feel good, then why should I care about others, because I do not need them in order to protect myself. I don't need them to deal with the threats."

Despite this, each of us has crises, changes and temporary declines in vitality in our lives. Without receiving understanding and support at the right time, we can withdraw into ourselves, harbor resentment, which over time can transform into anger at ourselves and the whole world. The consequences of this can be the most devastating.

First psychological aid

The ability to provide emotional support can be compared to first aid. In the case of an acute relapse, we usually call 03. If there were no ambulances, the death rate would have increased several times. And if there is no emotional support, how can it be dangerous?

Thank God, there are friends and relatives who come in difficult times and intuitively provide first emotional aid. This is good, and at the same time, friends and relatives do not always have the necessary knowledge to do it efficiently ... The phrase: “Forget it!”, which I often heard in different companies, in response to someone me only an inner smile. Imagine if your tooth hurts, and someone says to you, “Forget it!”, Will this help you a lot?

When is support most needed?

Support can and should be given to a person who is in an adult and proactive position, but does not have enough emotional (energy) resources to cope with the situation on his own. But it is especially important:

  • When making important life decisions
  • During crises and recessions
  • During the period of critical loads at work/study
  • In the period of adaptation to a new position and team
  • During convalescence or rehabilitation
  • During the period of learning and gaining new knowledge
  • When a person made a mistake
  • At a time when a person is condemned or accused of something
  • During the period when a person experienced a loss
  • When a person sets big goals
  • When a person takes on additional responsibility

What is not support?

  • Grandma's Therapy. “Yeah, that's not a problem. Here I had a problem ... ”And further according to my scenario. Talking about their problems, a person hopes that it will help another.
  • A boot on a sore spot. Digging with questions in a problem situation. The aggravation of this situation, the inquiry of any colorful details additionally immerses a person in a problem situation and injures him.
  • Accusation. "You yourself are to blame for this situation. You shouldn't have done that!" In fact, this is the position of a critical parent. It doesn't help at all, it only exacerbates negative feelings. Can cause denial and rejection!
  • It's all bullshit! Do not mind it! Downplaying the problem can backfire. It is unpleasant when an issue that is important to you is devalued by another person. Although, paradoxically, there are situations when such an approach would be useful. For example, if the problem is really insignificant, and the person exaggerates its significance too much.

Ways of emotional support

  1. Emotional inclusion. Being close and remaining emotionally involved in a person's problem has a therapeutic effect in itself.
  2. Emotional stroking - a compliment, praise. The ability to find something to praise a person for is another form of emotional support.
  3. Promotion questions. Questions help a person voice their feelings, thoughts, and decisions. By asking questions, a person discovers additional resources in himself, gains meaning in what is happening, and also suggests the necessary decisions that he can make in this situation.
  4. Relying on someone else's experience. Positive experience of overcoming such situations is useful for three reasons. Firstly, it dispels the illusion about the uniqueness of the complex situation in which a person has fallen. Secondly, it helps to see possible ways out of the situation. And thirdly, it adds confidence that the situation can be overcome.
  5. Magic pendel. Magic pendel works well when you have a relationship history with a person, he trusts you, and you are an authority for him. A magic pendel or confrontation stimulates the strong (resource) side of a person, releasing energy for positive changes. Confrontation invigorates, awakens, motivates, and it can also hurt if applied inappropriately and to a greater extent than necessary.

Ravens are able to take revenge on people

Crows can recognize and remember human faces for up to five years. And besides, they are quite vindictive, so if you offended a crow, stay on your guard. These birds are able to gather a flock and together attack the offender of one of them. They may even do it several times out of revenge. So don't mess with crows, zoologists warn.

Opposition leader Sergei Udaltsov was detained after being interrogated by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the case of preparing mass riots. An entry appeared in his microblog: Sergey sent an SMS: "hold on, drive the wave as much as possible. They are closing me." Earlier it was announced about the detention of another defendant - Konstantin Lebedev.

What should we do when we fall? You have to try to get up. I tried to get up and fell a hundred times. But do you think if I fall and give up, will I be able to get up? I will try again and again and again... I just want you to understand that this is not the end, but how it ends depends on it. Do you want to be happy? Then you will find the strength to rise!

Nick Vujicic

When I die, bury me with my friends...
- For what?
There hasn't been a hole we haven't climbed out of yet.

It seems that when I see him, my brain completely turns off. I feel so stupid and don't know what to say.

if my friends can easily do without me when I feel bad, I can easily do without them when I feel good

President of Ingushetia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov opened the first Ingush cultural center in Almaty, the agency's correspondent reports. “I envy you that you live peacefully, stick to the covenant of our ancestors,” Yevkurov said during a meeting with the Ingush people in Almaty. At the same time, he noted that he would support the cultural center opened today and establish contact between the republics.

ahead of fashion is also bad to go ...

when I got my first handfree to the phone, they shied away from me like from a psycho who talks to himself ...

when I got my first flash drive, everything was taken for everything, from a lighter to lipstick...

when I got my first smartphone, they laughed at me that I had such a big phone. then they measured who had less. now they go putting tablets to their faces, I laugh from them ... but I’m the only one, because now it’s fashion ... now it’s normal ...

Before, when my Internet was down, I blamed the bad weather. When I started working as an installer for my provider, I was taught to tie a twisted-pair cable with electrical tape, pull calm clients out of the ports and stick friends of the company in their place, and terminate cables in complete darkness ...
And then I realized why we have such bad weather...

Dear employees coming to work a little later, stay right
side of the corridor, so as not to collide with employees leaving a little

Tyutchev has a wonderful poem where he lives like this

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

Unfortunately for the great Russian poet, this poem was given to us
In a solemn atmosphere at the evening meal, my wife and I heard:
such (not devoid of a certain sharam) interpretation:

Where the PROUD KOS walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair

Perhaps the "proud braid" still evokes some associations: a seasoned goat
standing on its hind legs, it holds a huge scythe at the ready. And smiles a lot

But as for the "transparent birch" ... here I am in full

Krazyabaka (09:31:07 09/14/2009)
my parrot didn't let me sleep all night
Krazyabaka (09:32:04 14/09/2009)
fell all the time
Krazyabaka (09:32:16 09/14/2009)
he is sure that he is a bat
Krazyabaka (09:32:27 09/14/2009)
sleeps upside down and falls
Krazyabaka (09:32:50 09/14/2009)
fell all night

We go down the serpentine from the Baydar gates to the Yalta-Simferopol highway.
The navigator does not have time to give good advice: "Keep to the right turn,
keep to the left." Finally, when the road changes sharply
direction 180 degrees, the navigator just does not keep up
respond: "Hold on, hold on, hold on..."
And you can't say you're wrong.

Continued about the weather: A couple of years ago I had a pager that
every morning the weather forecast dropped. One fine winter evening I read
forecast for tomorrow: "temperature at night... , during the day... , humidity... ,
wind from some-there-side... m/s. ICE NEEDLE IS POSSIBLE" (!!!)

I sat and thought - can I call work to take a day off for tomorrow? And then
it's scary to go outside.

Yesterday Moscow was covered with snow, which fell on the icy sidewalks and
roadway: (((I return home in the evening. On a narrow sidewalk
a girl wanders towards me, and she goes with her head in the hood and me
does not see. As we approached a short distance, she raised her head
and recoiled slightly. At the same moment, her heels went over the ice and she knocked down
me off my feet. As a result, I find myself on it in the classic position No. 1.
The young lady squeaks slightly, and I longingly think about the eggs in the bag ...
Finally trying hard to make a joke - Girl, I'm sorry to be
unfamiliar, has already found himself in such a position with you ... Why, young lady,
looking meekly at me, he answers - and my name is Ira ...
I grunted and slowly slid off her...

From an explanatory wife by e-mail:
Well, when I left the balcony ... it's not my fault that the slippers were torn ... I caught the slipper on the threshold ... when I was already flying ... at first I honestly tried to grab the door handle - it's not my fault, that the bolts are already old there ... the handle, in general, came off ... but since I fell hard - I tore off the curtain ... along with pride ... it's not my fault that I go wild when they hit me on the head with pride ... so I jumped up ... and kicked the table, ours, written .... for some reason he left at a terrible speed to the other end of the hall, and it seems that he also accidentally .. split the flower pot, it’s not his fault that the pot they didn’t burn it properly at the factory ... the table is now a little crooked, but that’s okay, because the cover can now be freely removed and put on and used for something else ... That’s all, in general ... And the vase fell off the windowsill...

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