There must be a measure in everything: causes and ways to deal with constant thirst. Can't get drunk, or some hidden reasons for being very thirsty

Outside the window is summer, the temperature is getting closer to the mark of +30. Many of us experience intense thirst and this is quite normal. Also in the redistribution of the norm and the desire to drink more water after an excellent feast with libations, "asked to drink" and salted fish, smoked meats. The desire to restore the water balance in the body also comes after visiting a sauna, or a Russian bath. And what if thirst haunts constantly? Here are seven of the most probable causes this state.

Outside the window is summer, the temperature is getting closer to the mark of +30. Many of us experience intense thirst and this is quite normal. Also in the redistribution of the norm and the desire to drink more water after an excellent feast with libations, "asked to drink" and salted fish, smoked meats. The desire to restore the water balance in the body also comes after visiting a sauna, or a Russian bath. But what if thirst pursues constantly, regardless of the time of year?

Here are seven of the most likely causes of this condition.

#1 Dehydration.

It happens with serious physical exertion, with indigestion, in intense heat, with bleeding. Remember that coffee, cigarettes and alcohol are also serious reason dehydration.
How to cope? Drink plenty of fluids so you can recover in one- salt balance. For a more complete restoration of the water-salt balance, we recommend drinking non-ordinary boiled or tap water and water enriched with minerals. For example, which is given.

№2 Diabetes mellitus

O diabetes you might think if plentiful drink does not help to cope with thirst, in addition, the liquid does not linger in the body - you regularly visit the toilet room. Accompanied by dizziness sudden loss weight or gain.
How to cope? To begin with, donate blood for sugar and go to an appointment with an endocrinologist - he will help you sort out the problem and prescribe treatment.

#3 Dysfunction parathyroid glands

The feeling of thirst can be caused by enhanced function parathyroid glands (hyperparathyroidism). These glands regulate calcium levels through the secretion of parathyroid hormone. Accompanied by pain in the bones, muscle weakness, memory loss, renal colic, fatigue.

How to cope? Start with a visit to the endocrinologist, who will prescribe an ultrasound of the parathyroid glands, urine and blood tests.

No. 4 Medicines

Some antibiotics, antihistamines, hypotensive, diuretic, expectorant drugs provoke fluid retention in the body. Thus, they also cause a feeling of dryness in the mouth.

How to cope? Tell your doctor about the unpleasant side effects, let him prescribe other medicines.

#5 Kidney disease

Sometimes diseased kidneys cannot retain fluid, so there is a constant need for water. At the same time, you visit the toilet very rarely, you are plagued by swelling.
How to cope? It is important not to postpone the visit to the nephrologist in order to exclude the development kidney failure. You will be prescribed an ultrasound of the kidneys and a urine test.

№6 Diseases of the liver

In such cases, thirst is accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin. Pay attention to the nails, they become milky, bent, nosebleeds are possible.
How to deal with it? Visit a therapist, do an ultrasound of the liver, take a blood test.

No. 7 Consequences of injuries

A head injury often provokes intense thirst.
How to deal with it? The neurologist is obliged to prescribe a treatment that prevents cerebral edema.

Stay healthy and drink

People who are thirsty all the time often do not even think that this state of affairs is not the norm. They do not even notice how they drain countless glasses, mugs and bottles of liquid, whether it be tea, coffee, juice, compote, mineral water or just water. Even their relatives get used to such "peculiarities" of behavior and do not pay attention. In fact, finding the root cause is very important for health.

  1. To maintain water-salt balance
  2. To ensure thermoregulation
  3. To improve well-being
  4. To provide normal exchange substances
  5. For blood thinning
  6. To lubricate joints
  7. For energy
  8. To improve digestion

According to studies, the average daily intake of liquid for a person is about two liters. But some drinkers manage to drink much more. Some do not even experience discomfort in the form of frequent visits to the toilet or a full stomach. Why do you always want to drink? Where does the desire to saturate the body with life-giving moisture come from?

Reasons for frequent hunting to get drunk:

False drinks.

It has been proven that any liquid other than water is not able to truly quench your thirst. After all, only H2O is a drink for the body, and everything else is food. Moreover, some drinks, especially sweet or alcoholic ones, cause dehydration. Everyone knows what dry land is in the morning after drinking strong drinks in the evening. Also cause thirst for lemonade and cola due to increased blood sugar.

Not the right process drink.

If you quickly drink a lot (1-3 liters) of water or other liquid in large sips, then the stomach will be filled immediately, and the thirst will not recede. Because the brain will process the signal about receiving moisture only for 10 minutes. It is not surprising that during this time you will want to drink more and more, especially if it was not possible to drink right away.

With kidney and heart failure, diabetes, liver disease, constant thirst is observed. This is due to dysfunction important organs, while the water balance of the body is disturbed, because too much fluid is uncontrollably excreted.

Trauma or pathology of the brain.

The center responsible for the feeling of thirst is located in the brain, if it is damaged due to injury or affected by a tumor, then it sends distorted signals.


If a person is in conditions of dry and warm air, he will be thirsty all the time, because the flow of fluid in the body will increase due to the drying of the mucous membranes and increased sweating.

Wrong nutrition.

It is known that after eating salty, sweet, smoked, spicy and starchy foods, it draws on water. It is quite logical that if you eat such foods all the time, then the thirst will not disappear, because the body will need water to assimilate the “heavy” food and remove the harmful substances contained in it.

Work specifics.

People who, by virtue of their profession, have to talk a lot (teachers, politicians, presenters, etc.) often experience thirst due to the drying of the oral mucosa. Who works in dry warm rooms, especially physically. After all, the amount of fluid excreted by the body increases to maintain normal temperature body.

Smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Heavy smokers and drug addicts often suffer from thirst. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove toxic substances that poison the blood and all organs. If you drink alcohol in the evening large doses, then in the morning the body will suffer from dehydration, which is confirmed by the so-called dry. Also, thirst is one of the main signs of a person who uses drugs.

Taking medicines.

For some drugs side effect- dry mouth, which provokes the appearance of thirst. These include diuretics, antibiotics, expectorants, sedatives.

Frequent stress or anxiety.

It has been proven that when a person is worried or worried, he feels dry mouth, this can be regarded as thirst. The reason lies in the increased heart rate, rapid breathing, often excessive sweating caused by stress.

Why you can't drink too much

Frequent thirst leads to the fact that you have to drink a lot to satisfy the desire of the body. But excessive fluid intake adversely affects a person. Even fatal cases of “intoxication” with water have been recorded in history. What troubles can await water drinkers?

  1. The body's salt balance is disturbed
  2. Overloaded kidneys and heart
  3. The stomach is stretched

How to deal with desire

First, you need to learn how to drink plain clean water. Not even mineral, and, moreover, not carbonated. Scientists say that tea, sweet sodas and other drinks do not quench thirst. On the contrary, they dehydrate the body, because simple water is required for their absorption.

Next, you need to establish the correct drinking process. It consists in drinking water slowly, taking small sips. After all, it has long been proven that the feeling of thirst disappears after about 10 minutes after drinking a liquid.

Recommend daily allowance drink water regularly in equal portions, without waiting for the appearance of thirst. But it should be taken into account that when certain conditions(sports, fever, heavy sweating) the amount of H2O must be increased.

It is also advised to make it a habit to use clean water in the morning immediately after sleep and before each meal, approximately 10-15 minutes before. Morning drink will help the body wake up faster.

A glass of water before a meal will help determine whether the body really needs food or just a feeling of hunger intertwined with thirst. If 10 minutes after drinking water you don’t feel like eating, then there was a signal about the need for water. If the feeling of hunger has not passed, then it's time to eat.

In case of abnormal thirst, it is best to consult a doctor. Establishing the cause of regular thirst will help to understand the problem and avoid deterioration in health. In such a situation, it is better to take tests, the first of which is a blood test for sugar. Perhaps, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver will be recommended.

It is interesting:

The so-called drinks are not really drinks, but food. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of any substance, except water, the body must expend a certain amount of energy. Therefore, expressions such as "eat tea" were used earlier.

Lack of salt in the body is just as dangerous as its excess. If a person restricts the use of salt, drinks a lot of water, then a disease such as hyponatremia may well develop.

There is an opinion that if you drink more than three liters of water in an hour, you can die from swelling of the brain, lungs, or a decrease in the level of potassium in the body.

Thirst occurs when the body is already 2% dehydrated. With the loss of 10% of the fluid in a person, dizziness, impaired speech, coordination of movement begin, and at 20-25% - death.

For long-distance runners, a special drinking regimen has been developed to quench their thirst and not harm the body with an excess of fluid.

Frequent thirst can have many causes. In any case, you should stick to healthy lifestyle life, regular and balanced diet, drink 1-2 liters of water per day. Mineral water is best used only for treatment prescribed by a doctor. Then the body will work like clockwork, and the drinking regimen will return to normal, thirst will stop bothering you.

Excerpts from the book by Boris Tikhonovich Chuvin "A Man in an Extreme Situation"
Man is a warm-blooded animal that inherited from its ancestors the ability to maintain a constant body temperature, regardless (within certain limits) of the ambient temperature.

This gives certain advantages compared to cold-blooded animals, since warm-blooded animals have a much wider range of possibilities with significant fluctuations in environmental parameters. Corridor of comfortable sensations, depending on the temperature of the environment, different people and nationalities, of course, is different. An Eskimo or an Evenk will be very uncomfortable staying in the tropics, just like an African Indian in Alaska. And yet, the mechanisms of adaptation to cold and heat are the same for all people on planet Earth.
Let us first consider the mechanisms of adaptation to increased and high values temperature, and then we will analyze the mechanism of the emergence and quenching of thirst - one of the real factors of extreme situations.
So the temperature internal environment the human body is determined by the level of metabolism, assimilation and dissimilation of matter and energy, work internal systems body, musculoskeletal system, and even mental processes occurring in the brain. This parameter is fairly constant: +36.6 - 37.0 °C outside (integuments of the body) and slightly higher than +37.0 - 37.2 °C inside. Due to what is such a narrow range of constancy of body temperature maintained? Due to the coordinated flow of two processes: heat production and heat transfer. In this case, the heat generated in the body during the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is removed to environment due to the evaporation of a part of the liquid from the surface of the body. In normal comfortable conditions up to 600 ml of water evaporates through the skin per day, more precisely - sweat, which, in addition to the main part - water, contains a lot of other organic and inorganic compounds: creatine phosphates, urea, uric acids, salts, etc. Evaporation, as follows from the laws of physics and thermodynamics, is associated with energy consumption, i.e., in this case heat, which is removed during the evaporation of sweat.
It has been established that an increase in air temperature from 20° to 30°C reduces the level of metabolism in the human body, and therefore reduces heat production, which also leads to cooling of the body. When the temperature rises above 30–35 °C, the sweating process increases significantly, which leads to increased cooling of the skin surface, from which sweat evaporates abundantly. Under such conditions, the skin behaves like a third kidney, while the excretion of fluid in the urine slows down with increased thermal stress. The body includes internal physiological mechanisms for the regulation of homeostasis, economically consuming not only liquid part organism, but also Ca, Na, Cl, K salts, the balance of which is very important for maintaining vital functions.
The highest temperatures recorded on our planet did not exceed 57-60 ° C (in the shade). Naturally, in the sun they can be much higher. California's Death Valley is just the most typical high rates temperature. However, in Central Asia, Karakum, the mercury column also often exceeds + 50 °.
It has been established that a person is able to withstand a temperature of 71 ° C in dry air for 1 hour, 82 ° - 50 minutes, 104 ° - 26–30 minutes. If these parameters are exceeded, reversible changes and reactions of the psyche and thermoregulation may occur at first, and then - severe disorders, up to lethal outcome. Nevertheless, in fairness it should be noted that in the history of tests, cases are reliably described when a person in a heat chamber was at a temperature of 300 ° C for 5 minutes. Interesting data were obtained by specialists who studied human reactions to thermal loads (USA, Institute of Aviation Medicine). When the temperature in the thermal chamber rises at a rate of 55 °C per minute, the subjects, dressed in various special and ordinary clothes, are already at a temperature skin 43–44 °C, pain began to be felt, and with a further increase in temperature, the pain became unbearable, which served as a signal to terminate the experiment.
It has long been known that in a sauna, where the temperature of hot air can significantly exceed 100 ° C, the heat is much easier to tolerate than, for example, in a Russian bath, where high humidity is due to steam and an abundance of water.
The point is that at high humidity ambient air, the process of sweating is noticeably reduced, therefore, heat transfer is also reduced, thereby causing overheating of the body. It is interesting to note that people who prefer meat, fatty foods, are more difficult to tolerate thermal overload than those who prefer vegetables, fruits, dairy products.
Nomads leading a mobile lifestyle in the Sahara desert prefer a vegetarian diet and eat very little and rarely meat, their endurance and adaptation to the heat are simply phenomenal. In the 60s, American researchers who studied their way of life and ways of surviving noted that during daytime (!) transitions, when the air temperature could rise to +50 ° C, the pulse rate of the subjects rarely exceeded 70-80 beats per minute. Arterial pressure remained within 130–120 over 60–70 for the lower scores, respectively. At the same time, people drank very little water, although from time to time they chewed some roots and lightly roasted barley.
human behavior in extreme situations, accompanied by thermal effects, may be inadequate not only due to the fact that the fear factor operates, but also because he is unfamiliar with the simple concepts of thermoregulation and thermal protection of the body from the damaging effects of elevated and high temperatures.
In cosmonautics, aviation, hot shops of open-hearth and steel industries, and finally, in the ocean, where around a mass of water, emergency situations can arise in which thermal effects or thirst can become one of the most life-threatening factors. Alain Bombard, who has already been mentioned above, noted that it was thirst, heat during the day and cold at night, that were his most difficult tests after the test of the loneliness factor.
Fires that occur in everyday life and in industries claim human lives in most cases because people do not know how to use elementary methods to save lives. Therefore, we will begin the analysis of such a situation with the behavior of a person who finds himself in the center of an extreme situation caused by a fire.
Situation one: a fire in the apartment due to a short circuit in the electrical network. This usually occurs when either the wiring itself is faulty, or as a result of a household electrical appliance malfunctioning. A fire can occur in an iron, TV, electric oven or any device powered by a 220 V mains supply. If the automatic fuses that de-energize the wiring did not work, you must first of all find a switch on the electrical distribution panel corresponding to your apartment and de-energize it. And only after that, extinguish the fire. It is best to cover the ignited electrical appliance with a wet towel, blocking the access of oxygen to the flame. If the device is small in size and weight, it is best to transfer it to the bath and finally extinguish the flame there. If, in addition to the electrical appliance, other objects (curtains, furniture upholstery, furniture itself) are engulfed in flames, if you have a telephone, you must urgently call the 01 rescue service and after that take measures to extinguish the flame. At the same time, it is necessary to bring children, the elderly, the sick to the landing, not forgetting to provide them with clothes. It is strictly not recommended to open windows and doors, as this will increase the access of oxygen to the source of ignition.
If the hearth of an open flame blocks access to the exit from the room, it is necessary to use any fabrics, towels, tablecloths, blankets that are at hand and, first of all, wet them abundantly enough, and then throwing them over your head and shoulders, try to go through the burning area. If it is impossible to do this, it is necessary to find a room farthest from the source of combustion and lie on the floor, covered with a wet blanket or wet towels, waiting for help from outside. It is pointless to break windows or try to climb down eaves or downspouts. This usually ends tragically. The sad experience of a fire in the Rossiya Hotel in 1977 confirms this thesis. Many casualties could have been avoided had the panic-stricken people not attempted to climb down the rolled sheets from the windows to the lower landings. The Japanese, cut off by fire from the exits, acted differently: having abundantly moistened towels and pillowcases with water, they covered their faces with them and lay down on the floor, waiting for help. All of them were saved.
Situation two: a fire in a bus, fixed-route taxi or trolleybus. The source of ignition, as a rule, in such cases is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe engine. In this case, it is necessary to leave the burning car as soon as possible, since the gas tank may explode. In buses or trolleybuses, even if the automatic door opening system has failed, there is an emergency exit. Usually these are windows marked with a corresponding pointer and even instructions for execution. If, as a result of any reason, the emergency exit turned out to be blocked (the car rolled over or lies on its side), it is necessary, grabbing the handrails, to try to knock out any nearest window glass with a blow of closed feet, or to do this by wrapping a fist in a scarf, headdress, outerwear. First of all, it is necessary to prevent panic and evacuate children and women, the wounded. As a rule, there is a fire extinguisher next to the driver, which can also be used to extinguish a fire. But first of all, it is necessary to turn off the running engine if this was not possible for the driver for any reason. The ignition key is always located to the right of the steering column.
Situation three: a fire in the train. The first thing to do if you smell burning wiring, smoke or open flames is to inform the train crew over the radio network. There is a remote control in each car at the exit to the vestibule. If for some reason this cannot be done, you should go to another car (along the train). In the very last resort when the exits are blocked by open fire, you should use the stop crane and stop the train, since on the move the flame with the oncoming air flow can quickly cover the entire car. And only after a complete stop should you leave the car through open or broken windows. At the same time, it must be remembered that you can find yourself on the railway tracks along which the oncoming train is moving.
Situation four: a fire in the forest. In such a situation, there may be several options. If a forest fire caught you at night and you woke up when a moving shaft of fire is in close proximity to you, you need to grab the essentials (backpack, sleeping bag, matches, knife, compass) and don’t forget to put on your shoes in a panic, get away from fire, while determining the possible direction to the nearest water (lake, river, swamp) or road, which for some time can delay the movement of fire. Depending on the wind speed, the speed of the fire can be different and sometimes reach 20–30 km/h. The fire spreads especially quickly: in the open steppe with dried grass cover. If the shaft of fire moves fast enough and there is no way to get away from it at least to the nearest body of water, then you can try to do the following: set fire to the grass in a small area and, if time permits, let as much area as possible burn out. Then, having moistened the clothes with the available water, cover yourself with it, remaining in the center of the burnt area. The rolling fire shaft, not finding combustible material, will bypass this area. In this case, success depends on the area of ​​the pre-burnt area, the strength of the wind and the density of the hot air cushion that accompanies the moving fire front. But in any case, this method gives a better chance of a successful outcome than trying to escape from the oncoming fire.
Situation five: fire in the crowd. This situation may arise as a result of an accidental or intentional (terrorist) spill of a combustible substance on the street, in a passageway, subway, etc. and its ignition. The main factor here - the uncontrolled behavior of the masses of people. If the incident occurred on the street (for example, in the event of an accident with a car carrying fuel), the first thing to do is to try to get away from the affected area using any nearby natural fire barriers: a fence, a corner of a building, an arch leading to the courtyard, entrance doors, fencing bars, etc. It is important not only to get away from the fire, but also not to let the spontaneously moving crowd trample on itself, using the slightest natural shelter for this.

Situation six: fire in the premises with large quantity people (offices, schools, institutions, hospitals, kindergartens) engaged in organized activities. As a rule, in such premises, schemes for evacuating people in the event of a fire are clearly defined. Here, much depends on the timeliness of the detection of a fire, the alarm system, fire extinguishing and the time of arrival of the rescue service or fire brigades. But the main thing, of course, is to prevent panic and clearly, in accordance with the instructions, to carry out an organized evacuation of people. This is especially true for children's institutions, since the psychology of a child, even an older one, school age, is not yet fully prepared for such situations, and the consequences of the psychogenic component can then affect for a long time.
We have considered here several fairly typical situations related to the occurrence of a fire and human actions in such an extreme environment. Of course, there are many combinations and variants of such situations, and it makes no sense to analyze them here. various options fire hazard extreme situations associated, for example, with production lines, production processes in various industries, at military facilities, etc. In these cases, there are clearly developed rules, instructions and regulations that specifically define the sequence of actions of personnel and special forces, ensuring the elimination of the fire and its consequences. With regard to special events and emergency response medical care injured in the fire, they have already been mentioned in the previous sections. To conclude this section, I would like to reiterate that destructive force fire finds fertile ground, first of all, where a person forgets about elementary precautions and blindly hopes that this trouble will bypass him. A fire is easier to prevent than to eliminate it and everything that follows it. And you need to remember this all the time!
That human body more than 70% consists of water, everyone knows. But not everyone can answer a simple question: why is the bulb dressed thin layer peel, can remain fresh for a year and not dry out, unless, of course, it is placed in an environment with very low humidity or elevated temperature, and a person without water is unlikely to survive more than two weeks? After all, not all the water contained in the body can completely evaporate in two weeks! Of course it can't. But the water-salt balance of the body is not at all limited to a minimum amount of water. It is determined by the rate of redox reactions of the body, the level of metabolic processes and the fluidity of blood in the vessels, its ability to carry not only nutrients, but also gases - oxygen and carbon dioxide, an increase in the concentration of which in the blood by a fraction of a percent can already cause negative manifestations.
It was found that a person at rest, at an air temperature of +16–23 ° C, can withstand a thirst test for 10–12 days. Further already happening so severe violations homeostatics, that a person is unable to restore lost functions and dies. At a temperature of 29–30 ° C, a person can last 7–8 days, at 35 ° C 3–4 days, at 39–40 ° C - no more than 2 days. It is clear that at physical work varying intensity, these periods are reduced.
It would seem that sea water, which is similar in salt composition and ionic composition to blood plasma and tissue fluid, should best quench thirst and restore the water-salt balance. But it turned out that everything is much more complicated. It was noted that people who were shipwrecked and found themselves in the ocean without fresh water supplies died faster if, unable to withstand the pangs of thirst, they began to drink sea water. Those who were able to overcome this test held out much longer and survived. The fact is that the concentration of salts in sea water exceeds the level of indicators of tissue fluid and cell cytoplasm. Therefore, the body begins to experience even greater thirst and the need to absorb regular portions of water. The thirst center located in medulla oblongata and the hypothalamus, begins to work in a more intense rhythm, creating a background for the motivational dominant. Thirst automatically increases according to the system of positive feedback. But, since there is no water, the body is completely unbalanced and becomes uncontrollable. People begin to unrestrainedly absorb sea water and practically poison themselves. The kidneys fail, a coma develops, followed by death quickly.
At the same time, if it is reasonable to approach this problem, then it turns out that sea water can be consumed, but in small portions and not more than 1 liter per day. Returning to the experience of Alain Bombard, it should be noted that he began to drink sea water already on the third day of his unparalleled swimming, but only a few sips a day in order to accustom the body to future stress. In addition, he further diluted sea water fresh water collected in the form of condensate from the sides of the boat, or the juice of fish caught in the ocean.
History knows many examples when people, deprived of water for a long period, either went crazy, or, on the contrary, mobilizing their will, sought an opportunity, if not to quench their thirst, then at least to reduce the level of motivational actions, often leading a person who is quite physically strong to inadequate deeds. In general, with regard to the mental component of the test of thirst, it is much more acutely perceived by a person than hunger. As a rule, on the 3-4th day of fasting, the feeling of hunger becomes dull, the feeling of thirst, on the contrary, increases.
It is interesting to note this fact: when drinking distilled water, completely devoid of salts and impurities, the feeling of thirst can be quenched less than when drinking ordinary water or the same distilled, but slightly salted. The fact is that during thermal loads, along with sweat, a certain amount of salts and ions K, Na, Cl, Ca is released. Distilled water cannot make up for these losses. In addition, taste buds oral cavity, which also take part in the formation of the phenomenon of thirst, when using distillate, they work in a different mode than when ordinary water which exacerbates the water imbalance of the body.
And one more characteristic detail: in acute shortage water, experiencing pangs of thirst, some people tried to drink their own urine. This not only did not save, but led to an even faster negative outcome as a result of acute poisoning organism. Urine being essentially hypertonic saline solution, also contains small amounts of hormones, urea, creatine phosphates, globulins and is an excellent disinfectant and wound healing agent especially for burns. Therefore, when total absence medicines in the focus of an extreme situation, when it is urgent to treat a wound, this can be done with urine, if, of course, the person is completely healthy. A handkerchief or shirt soaked in urine can save in case of exposure to toxic fumes or gas, if there is no respirator or gas mask at hand, which is quite real, as recent events in Moscow showed during the terrorist attack on the performance of the Nord-Ost show. All this is so ... But even with the strongest thirst, in no case should you use this remedy.
It is interesting to note that melt water running down from glaciers and snowfields also contains a reduced amount of mineral salts, approaching distilled, but unlike the latter, has amazing properties: it quenches thirst faster, gives a unique feeling of freshness, relieves fatigue. It would seem that everything that has just been said is no more than the emotions of a person who has repeatedly drunk melt water highlands…
In fact, everything is much more complicated, and maybe ... simpler. The fact is that water in the state of a solid phase - ice, acquires a crystalline structure, consisting of dodecahedrons (dodecahedrons) at the finest level of organization. If the ice is heated, it begins to melt and water, forming a liquid phase, still retains its internal crystalline structure. Actually, this is the secret of melt water. It turned out that the water contained in the living protoplasm of plant and animal cells also has a crystalline structure. In fact, it is a liquid crystal. But it is precisely this structure of water that is biologically active, moreover, it has been established that this structure is not only a matrix of life, but also an information matrix, i.e. it can store information about the essence of the biological processes of a living cell. The most amazing thing is that crystal structure water in the protoplasm of cells of warm-blooded animals, including humans, is stored at a temperature of +37 °C. If melt water is heated to such a temperature in a vessel, the liquid crystal lattice will disintegrate and the water will turn into ordinary, biologically inert water. Therefore, the use of melt water can serve the cause of maintaining and maintaining health. Isn't this partly the secret of the longevity of the Yakuts and Caucasians, who from childhood are accustomed to drinking melted snow or glacier water?
Anyway personal experience The author says the following: during multi-day winter hikes in the subpolar Urals, in the Khibiny, the mountains of the Caucasus, where physical and cold loads were very high, the rule to drink raw melt water at least 1–1.5 liters per day was invariably observed and there was no case so that one of the participants in the hike or climb gets sick, catches a cold or goes off the route. Of course, the factor of youth, strong-willed attitudes, and a wonderful psychological microclimate in the group contributed to the outcome. But the water factor was also present in the overall success. And the extreme conditions of a hike or climb no longer seemed so difficult, and even more pointless. A person really needs to overcome himself first of all. And in ordinary life and even more so in emergency situations.
Concluding this short section on the phenomenon of thirst and extreme heat loads, I would like to emphasize the following: water, being the main biological matrix of life, really plays a huge role in organizing either human health or ill health, invisibly, every day being included in the most complex cycles of biochemical processes occurring in the cells of our body. But from physical condition a person’s life depends not only in ordinary, but, above all, in extreme situations, sometimes requiring a complete and quick return of everything that has been accumulated during the previous this event life. It is worth thinking about this before taking another sip of water ...

Thirst - This is a phenomenon that indicates the need to replenish water reserves in the body. Thirst is seen in healthy person after heavy physical activity, in intense heat after eating very spicy and salty foods. However, if the feeling that you are thirsty does not leave constantly, then such a symptom can be quite serious and indicate the development of serious diseases.

How does thirst manifest itself?

When thirsty, a person feels an irresistible desire to drink liquid. Thirst is one of the main biological motivations that provides normal functioning organism. The feeling of thirst helps to maintain a balance between the content of salts and water in the body.

The main manifestation of thirst is severe dryness in the mouth and throat, which is explained decreased secretion of saliva due to lack of water in the body. In this case we are talking about true thirst . Sometimes the same symptoms develop after eating very dry food, after a long conversation, smoking. it false thirst , which can be eliminated by simply moisturizing the oral cavity. If we are talking about true thirst, then moisturizing only slightly softens, but does not eliminate the desire to drink.

To prevent the occurrence of thirst, it is necessary to replenish the fluid supply in the body in a timely manner. To do this, you should know how to calculate the need for water. Today it is considered that daily requirement in water for a healthy adult is about 30-40 g per 1 kg of his weight. Applying this rule, you can easily calculate what is the body's need for water per day for a person with a certain weight. But when making such calculations, it should be taken into account that a number of other factors also affect a person's need for water. If a person sweats frequently due to active image life, he will need extra fluid. Another factor influencing the occurrence of thirst is air temperature. On hot days or in a room that is too hot, you need to drink a lot more. Increase fluid loss stressful situations , some diseases , pregnancy and . Doctors say that in the form of pure drinking water Normally, a person should consume about 1.2 liters of fluid daily. Another part of the water enters the body with a variety of foods.

Why does thirst arise?

Why you want to drink is explained very simply. Thirst occurs as the human body regularly loses moisture. Moisture is lost both during physical and mental stress. Thirst can also be overcome by feeling strong arousal. But if we are talking about constant thirst, then a person feels a desire to drink constantly, and how much liquid he drank before does not matter. Pathological thirst is called polydipsia .

In medicine, a number of reasons are determined that determine the occurrence of constant thirst in a person. First of all, you want to drink a lot if the body lacks moisture or salt. This phenomenon may be the result severe vomiting , and etc.

Most often, the human body does not have enough fluid on hot days. If the human body receives too little water, then in order to avoid dehydration, the body begins to work in the moisture conservation mode. The skin dries up, the mucous membranes dry up, the eyes sink. Urination becomes very infrequent as the body tries to conserve moisture. Therefore, when high temperatures with diarrhea, vomiting, profuse sweating you need to drink plenty of fluids. When restored in the body water balance thirst disappears.

Thirst can be triggered by eating too much alcohol, salty foods, caffeinated food. Often women want to drink plenty of water when pregnancy especially during the warm period of the year. Thirst is also caused by a series medications. May be thirsty when taking diuretic drugs , tetracycline series , lithium , phenothiazine .

Sometimes a person himself does not understand why he wants to drink a lot. In this case, we can talk about the development of some serious diseases.

Indomitable thirst can very often indicate development in a person. Parents should be especially attentive to such a symptom in a baby. If a child wants to drink often, and he also has it, then this may indicate the onset of diabetes. In this case, thirst is observed due to the fact that there is a violation hormonal balance in the body, which, in turn, entails a violation of water-salt metabolism.

A constant feeling of thirst may also indicate an increased function parathyroid glands . With such a disease, a person complains of other symptoms - weakness in the muscles is felt, weight loss is observed, severe fatigue. Urine is excreted white color, as it is stained by calcium leached from the bones.

In most cases, thirst accompanies kidney disease - glomerulonephritis , etc. If the kidneys are damaged, they cannot keep in the body required amount water, therefore the need for liquid increases significantly. In this case, thirst may be accompanied by swelling, as the amount of urine released decreases.

It happens that thirst is a consequence neurosurgical operations or brain injury. This may lead to the development diabetes insipidus . Despite the fact that a person drinks a lot of liquid throughout the day, thirst is not quenched.

Arising on nervous ground thirst often develops with stressful situations . In most cases, this phenomenon is typical for women. In addition to thirst, female representatives in this state often experience tearfulness, irritability, whims, a woman constantly wants to drink and sleep.

One more important reason constant thirst in a person can be drug addiction. This point should be taken into account by parents, observing the behavior of their children, if they are often and strongly thirsty.

In addition to the above diseases, constant thirst may indicate hyperglycemia , liver diseases , infections , burns . In cardiac pathologies, thirst is due to the fact that the heart cannot provide the necessary level of blood supply.

How to overcome thirst?

If a person really wants to drink all the time, then, first of all, care should be taken to exclude the presence of serious diseases. It is possible to determine the reasons why you are often thirsty after conducting a qualitative and complete diagnosis. Therefore, if you suspect the development diabetes and other diseases that may be accompanied by intense thirst, it is imperative to visit a doctor and tell him in detail about the symptoms. First of all, it is desirable to have consultation with an endocrinologist. The specialist will prescribe general and biochemical research. Availability advanced level blood sugar indicates the development of diabetes. But if diabetes or other serious illness will be revealed on early stage, then prevent serious consequences can be much easier.

At diabetes the patient is prescribed those medications that will lower the level of sugar in the blood. With strict adherence to the treatment regimen, it is possible to reduce unpleasant symptoms and avoid the manifestation of constant thirst.

But if thirst pesters without visible reasons need to rethink some habits. First of all, do not quench your thirst carbonated sweet drinks, beer, others liquor. Mineral water - also not the best option to quench thirst, as it contains a large number of salts.

The diet should be less canned, smoked, fatty and too salty foods. It is especially important to adhere to this rule on hot days. AT summer period vegetables, fruits, steamed food will help to avoid constant desire drink. It is undesirable to quench your thirst cold water because the body absorbs water much better room temperature. Very good to quench your thirst on hot days chilled unsweetened tea, mint decoction, raspberries and other berries or herbs. You can also add some lemon juice to the water.

If thirst is provoked medicines, you must inform your doctor about this, who can prescribe substitutes for such drugs or change the treatment regimen.

If thirst is a consequence of stress, you should not constantly drink large amounts of water. It is enough to periodically wet your lips, rinse your mouth with water. To overcome the stress that causes the desire to drink, can help herbal preparations — , valerian .

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