How to get rid of excruciating dizziness. Dizziness, causes and treatment of folk remedies. Video: dizziness exercise

Dizziness, or vertigo, is a problem that is familiar to people of all ages. A similar pathology is observed as a result of a mismatch of information entering the brain from the visual, tactile, and vestibular systems. Dizziness attacks can be triggered by various factors. Therefore, treatment is prescribed only after establishing the causes of the ailment.

Almost every one of us at least once had dizziness - a feeling of movement of surrounding objects. Sometimes this phenomenon can be accompanied by bouts of nausea, pallor, a feeling of weakness, loss of balance and sweating. In some cases, dizziness and nausea may be symptoms of an illness that requires treatment. Therefore, you must first determine the cause of vertigo.

Among the factors that cause dizziness, the most common are:

  • Otitis is a disease accompanied, in addition to dizziness, by the appearance of tinnitus, as well as a decrease in the quality of hearing.
  • An attack of vestibular neuritis - severe dizziness is observed due to sharp turns of the head or when trying to stand up abruptly. Usually the disease does not require serious treatment, and the symptoms go away on their own.
  • Stroke is an extremely serious disease characterized by impaired speech functions, nausea, fainting, weakness in the arms and legs, and impaired coordination of movements.
  • The development of cervical osteochondrosis - dizziness becomes stronger when turning the head, there are signs of disorientation in the surrounding space, as well as gait disturbance. There are difficulties when turning the head and pain in the neck.
  • Basilar disease - along with bouts of dizziness, a headache appears, in some cases nausea and vomiting occur.
  • Head and spine injuries. In such a situation, unpleasant dizziness occurs due to a violation of the blood supply to the brain.
  • The use of certain medicines. Vertigo can be a side effect of certain medications, mainly antibiotics. In this case, you need to consult a doctor - you may have to replace the drug or change the dosage.
  • Meniere's syndrome is a disease of the inner ear characterized by dizziness, hearing loss, bouts of nausea, low blood pressure, excessive sweating, and imbalance.
  • The development of a brain tumor is a serious disease in which severe dizziness is often accompanied by an increase in the intensity of headaches, pressure drops, and nausea.

In other cases, dizziness can be caused by factors such as overheating, hypothermia, motion sickness, poisoning of the body due to the use of alcohol or drugs, long-term starvation, and stressful situations.

It is only possible to cope on your own with dizziness and nausea caused by external factors, for example, as a result of motion sickness or overheating. This condition is temporary, not indicating the presence of pathology of organs and tissues. But in the event that severe dizziness is observed for a long time or occurs periodically and is not explained by external influences, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary.

When dizziness appears, first of all, you need to calm down and try to breathe deeply. Panic is unacceptable - it can intensify the attack. In addition, doctors recommend focusing your eyes on a particular subject. You should not close your eyes.

In the event that an attack of dizziness does not go away and, in addition, other symptoms are added - numbness of the arms and legs, pain in the chest or impaired speech functions - you should immediately call a doctor. Prior to his arrival, it is necessary to provide the patient with first aid, namely: loosen tight clothes, and also open a window for fresh air. After that, give the person a position in which his head, neck and shoulders will be slightly raised. This posture will normalize blood flow in the arteries of the spine. To alleviate the patient's condition, it is recommended to attach a towel soaked in cold water with vinegar to his forehead.

To prescribe treatment, if such a need arises, can only be a doctor after finding out the cause of dizziness. If vertigo appears intermittently, but is not a sign of a serious illness, a specialist may prescribe a reception:

  • antihistamines - promethazine, diphenhydramine, meclozine, pipolfen;
  • sedatives - Seduxen, Andaksin;
  • drugs to reduce anxiety - lorazepam, diazepam;
  • drugs to suppress nausea attacks - Cerucal, metoclopramide;
  • in case of prolonged bouts of dizziness, mannitol, Eufillin, diazepam are prescribed intravenously.

The main objective of such therapy is to eliminate the symptoms that accompany dizziness. But in the event that vertigo is a consequence of a certain disease, the main therapy is aimed at combating this disease. Only this method can lead to complete recovery.

If attacks of dizziness become systematic, it makes sense to pay attention to the prevention of the disease. First of all, you should reconsider your daily routine. By following a certain sequence, you can greatly alleviate your condition.

For example, sudden movements can cause dizziness. For this reason, some actions should be performed more slowly - getting up, turning your head, climbing stairs. It is especially important to get out of bed in the morning calmly and without sudden movements.

The next cause of dizziness may be dehydration. To prevent it, you should carry a small bottle of water with you, and also drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

Dizziness and nausea can occur as a result of lack of sleep, overwork, or as a result of a viral disease. For this reason, you should not neglect a good rest, and in case of colds or viral ailments, it is not recommended to carry the disease “on your feet”.

In the fight against vertigo attacks, it is sometimes acceptable to use some alternative medicine recipes, for example:

  • An effective remedy in the fight against nausea and dizziness is ginger, which is consumed in the form of a decoction or tea. In addition, ginger is part of some vitamin complexes.
  • Help in the fight against the problem and celery. You can make soup, puree or squeeze juice from it.
  • Ease dizzy spells apple cider vinegar diluted with honey and hot water.
  • And, of course, we should not forget about vitamins - for people suffering from frequent bouts of dizziness, fruits are recommended, as well as vitamin complexes with iron.

Before using any of the means, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The term "dizziness" is often used to describe various related symptoms such as fainting, weakness, loss of balance, and nausea. If, when you feel dizzy, you get the feeling that everything around you is spinning, then this condition is more correctly called "vertigo". Despite significant discomfort and serious interference with daily life, dizziness is rarely a sign of any serious illness. There are many ways to get rid of dizziness at home, but you need to be aware of the warning signs, which should seek medical attention.

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any methods, consult your doctor.


Part 1

Treating dizziness at home

    Deal with stress and anxiety. High levels of stress can affect your breathing rate and hormone levels and cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea. Dizziness can also be caused by some anxiety neuroses, such as panic attacks or various phobias. Therefore, make every effort to reduce stress in your daily life and resolve conflicts with those around you. This will help ease the dizziness.

    • Sometimes a job change, less workload, a different work schedule, or telecommuting can help reduce stress and anxiety.
    • At home, you can also try natural stress-reducing practices such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, and deep breathing exercises. You can watch tutorial videos online.
  1. Drink more water. Another common cause of dizziness is acute or chronic (long-term) dehydration. If the body does not get enough water (for example, due to vomiting, diarrhea, a high temperature, or not drinking enough on a hot day), the blood becomes a little thicker and the brain receives insufficient oxygen, which can lead to dizziness. What's more, dehydration can also cause overheating (hyperthermia), another common cause of dizziness. So try to drink more water, especially during hot weather and high humidity, and see if your condition improves.

    • Try to drink about 8 glasses (2 liters) of water a day if you are physically active or are outside in hot weather.
    • Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks such as coffee, black tea, sugary sodas and energy drinks. Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics, that is, they have a diuretic effect.
  2. Eat something easily digestible. Another common cause of dizziness, headache, and general lethargy is low blood sugar. Low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) is common in diabetics who take too much insulin, as well as in those who do not eat breakfast and eat irregularly throughout the day. The brain needs sufficient levels of glucose in the blood to function properly. Because of this, consider changing the amount of insulin you inject (with your doctor's approval) if you have diabetes, or try a light snack to see if your dizziness goes away. With hypoglycemia, dizziness is often accompanied by increased sweating and confusion.

    Get up slowly. Probably the most common cause of brief bouts of vertigo, especially in the elderly, is the so-called orthostatic collapse. This condition occurs in people with relatively low blood pressure (especially systolic) when they get to their feet too quickly from a lying or sitting position. With a rapid ascent, the pressure in the arteries is not enough to provide sufficient blood flow to the head, and for about a few seconds the brain receives less oxygen than it needs. The result is dizziness or a feeling of weakness. If you suspect that this is what caused the dizziness, try to rise more slowly and lean on something stable while doing this to better balance.

    • When you need to get up from a lying position, first get up, sit for a while, and only then get back on your feet.
    • Chronic hypotension can result from taking too many blood pressure medications, muscle relaxants, or vasodilators such as Viagra and similar erectile dysfunction drugs.
    • Peripheral nerve disease, dehydration, and other medications can also cause hypotension.
  3. Sleep more. Lack of sleep (insufficient amount of sleep or poor quality) is another cause of dizziness, a feeling of fog in the head and unsteadiness in the legs. Chronic sleep deprivation is associated with high levels of stress, hypertension, depression, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease, all of which can cause dizziness to varying degrees. Sleep disturbance can be caused by persistent anxiety, emotional or psychological trauma, chronic pain, caffeine intake, taking too many medications, restless leg syndrome, and many other causes such as narcolepsy or sleep apnea (heavy snoring). Turn off the TV and computer and go to bed a little earlier, and avoid caffeinated drinks (coffee, black tea, soft drinks) at least 8 hours before bedtime.

    • You can sleep longer on the weekends to rest and deal with dizziness, but don't shorten your weekday naps in the hope that you'll get enough sleep on the weekends.
    • You can drink some chamomile tea, valerian root extract, magnesia (helps to relax muscles) or take melatonin (this hormone regulates the daily rhythms of sleep and wakefulness) before going to bed.
  4. Avoid head injury. Head injuries (such as contusion or concussion) from car accidents or contact sports are a common cause of mild to moderate brain damage. The main symptoms of a concussion include dizziness and a dull headache, nausea, confusion, and ringing in the ears. Head injuries are often cumulative, meaning damage builds up over time and builds up over time, so try to avoid them.

    • The risk of a serious head injury is increased in sports such as boxing, rugby, hockey, and American football.
    • Be sure to wear seat belts when riding in a car (this helps to avoid many injuries, including head injuries) and do not engage in activities that shake and stress the head and neck: ski jumping, bungee jumping, roller coaster rides.

    Part 2

    Health care
    1. Ask your doctor about possible side effects and drug interactions. In fact, almost all medications (both over-the-counter and prescription) can cause dizziness as a side effect, although this is more common with certain types of drugs. In particular, dizziness often leads to the use of drugs to normalize blood pressure, diuretics, sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, strong painkillers and some antibiotics. Ask your doctor if your dizziness may be caused by any medications you are taking or interactions between them.

      • Never stop taking any drug right away without first talking to your doctor, even if you suspect that the drug is causing your dizziness. It is better to gradually stop taking the drug or switch to a similar one.
      • The most complex chemical processes take place in the human body, so it is almost impossible to predict how more than two drugs will interact with each other.
    2. Talk to your doctor about cold and flu symptoms. The most common viral infections in the common cold and flu are spread through the respiratory tract, so most symptoms affect the lungs, throat, sinuses, and inner ear. However, the accumulation of mucus and other fluids can lead to airway and/or inner ear congestion, which can cause dizziness and loss of balance. If the dizziness is due to this, just wait a few days, drink plenty of fluids and clear your sinuses (gently blow your nose into a handkerchief or rinse your nose with warm saline).

      Check your blood pressure. As noted above, dizziness can be caused by both low (hypotension) and high (hypertension) blood pressure, so ask your doctor to take your blood pressure. Usually it should not exceed 120 (systolic) by 80 (diastolic) millimeters of mercury. Of the two diseases, hypertension is the most about more potential danger, sometimes its symptoms resemble heart disease. In fact, the most serious heart conditions such as cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease), congestive heart failure, and arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) cause hypertension and dramatically increase the risk of chronic and recurrent dizziness.

      • As a result of a microinfarction or microstroke, less blood enters the brain, which can cause dizziness and other symptoms. Your doctor may order an electrocardiogram (ECG) to rule out a heart attack.
      • It's ironic that antihypertensive drugs often cause dizziness.
    3. Check your blood sugar. As noted above, dizziness can be caused by both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. In diabetes and hypoglycemia, the doctor can adjust the level of insulin by reducing the daily dose of the drug taken. However, later stages of diabetes may be accompanied by hyperglycemia. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe a blood sugar test, which determines the level of glucose - the main source of energy for the brain and most other cells in the body. On an empty stomach, normal blood glucose levels are 3.5 to 5.5 millimoles per liter (mmol/L).

      • In a pharmacy, you can buy a device for testing blood for sugar - a glucometer (in this case, blood is taken from a finger). If you measure the sugar level is not on an empty stomach, normal values ​​​​should be below 6.9 mmol / l.
      • After eating large amounts of refined sugar, short-term hyperglycemia (a spike in blood sugar levels) can occur, which can also cause mild dizziness.
    4. Get a referral to an otolaryngologist. If you experience severe dizziness (like everything around you seems to be spinning) that interferes with your daily life, you may have vertigo. Dizziness can be caused by benign positional vertigo and occur with head movements, labyrinthitis (a viral infection of the inner ear), or Meniere's disease (fluid in the inner ear). In this case, dizziness occurs as a result of changes in the functioning of the inner ear (vestibular apparatus) or in its interaction with the brain. In short, the vestibular apparatus “thinks” that you are moving while you remain still, which creates the feeling that everything around you is spinning. However, vertigo often resolves on its own as the body usually adjusts to the changed conditions.

    5. See an osteopath or chiropractor. Osteopaths and chiropractors specialize in the spine and help restore the normal function and mobility of the small joints that connect adjacent vertebrae (the so-called "facet joints"). Relatively common cause of dizziness and Vertigo is a pinching, misalignment, or malfunction of the joints in the upper part of the neck that connect it to the skull. Manual manipulation of the joints (their reduction) helps to get rid of pinching and correct a slight displacement. Such manipulations are often accompanied by crackling sounds.

      • Sometimes one treatment is enough to completely get rid of vertigo or dizziness caused by problems in the upper neck, although 3-5 sessions are most often required for noticeable results.
      • Chronic vertigo attacks may be associated with arthritis (especially rheumatoid arthritis) of the upper neck.
    • Older people are more likely to experience diseases that lead to dizziness. They are also more likely to take medications that can cause dizziness.
    • Do not drive a car or operate heavy machinery when you are experiencing dizziness.
    • If you experience dizziness, refrain from caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco, as these can make symptoms worse.
    • If dizziness makes you feel sick, have a bucket or other container near you in case you vomit.
    • Do yoga, and especially practice those postures that lower your head to the floor, as they facilitate blood flow to the brain if you have poor circulation or low blood pressure.
    • If you feel dizzy, try not to look at the electronic monitors, screens, and scoreboards that are on.


    • In case of severe dizziness (in case of tunnel vision, vomiting or fainting), seek medical attention immediately.
    • Talk to your doctor if you experience dizzy spells on a regular basis, as these may be indicative of a serious cardiovascular condition.

Have you experienced a state and a feeling when the earth seems to be slipping away from under your feet, and all the objects around you begin to rotate, as if in a carousel, and your head is literally spinning?

I think that many people have experienced this condition on themselves, and of course this incomprehensible ailment caused fear for their health and many questions. What are the causes of dizziness and how can you help in this case?

Today we will analyze the reasons due to which you may feel dizzy, and you will also learn about the treatment of dizziness with folk methods at home.

Organs responsible for maintaining balance

A person feels how his body is located in space for a reason. There is a special balance body for this. It is located in the auditory cochlea. Scientifically, it is called the vestibular apparatus. It is complicated. The main parts are the vestibule and the three semicircular canals.

Special cells are located in the vestibules. They have a long process in the form of a hair. It is immersed in dense endolymph. It comes into motion from a change in the position of the head and torso. This movement causes the hair of the receptor cells of the vestibular apparatus to vibrate. This vibration is recorded and transmitted along the nerve fibers to various parts of the central nervous system.

Before treating a problem, you must first find out its source. There are many factors that can cause dizziness. The causes and treatment of this problem with folk remedies are very relevant, since it is very common.

The etiology of dizziness can be as follows:

  • stressful conditions;
  • malnutrition;
  • smoking;
  • taking medications;
  • neurological pathology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • arterial hypertension.

Dizziness under stress

We live in a world where constant stress has become the norm. The noise of the metropolis, dissatisfaction with the service of the inhabitants in shops and organizations, a large emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere - these are all just a small fraction of what a city dweller experiences daily.

And along with this, stress can lead to serious malfunctions of the vestibular apparatus. This occurs because the constant release of adrenaline constricts the blood vessels. Thus, the blood supply in all organs and tissues suffers.

Along with poor blood supply, tissue oxygen saturation is always disturbed. If most organs are more or less adapted to this, then brain cells are very sensitive to hypoxia. Due to the lack of oxygen, they quickly die and thus cease to perform their most important function - the regulation of life.

This leads to the fact that signals from the vestibular apparatus begin to enter the brain with a slowdown or are processed incorrectly. As a result, the person will feel dizzy.

Trophics, or, simply, cell nutrition, is a key factor in the existence of any living organism. Useful substances are needed by the body to build new cells, for energy, for the proper regulation of these processes.

These substances include not only well-known proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also minerals with vitamins. The latter are part of many enzymes that perform complex work and cannot be dispensed with in any way.

If a person's nutrition is not balanced and does not contain a sufficient amount of essential macro- and microelements, then sooner or later this will lead to irreversible damage to various cells. If this happens in the vestibular apparatus or in the sensory areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for the work of the organ of balance, then the person will begin to experience dizziness and hearing loss.

Tobacco smoking as a cause of dizziness

It makes no sense to say that smoking is harmful. This is a scientifically proven fact. But the fact that smoking leads to dizziness may seem implausible to some. At the moment of inhaling tobacco smoke, there is a feeling of slight dizziness, but it is not associated with a violation of the vestibular apparatus, but with the fact that the brain simply does not have enough oxygen at that moment.

This happens only to novice smokers, and everyone knows this very well. Later, the body gets used to it, and the person no longer experiences dizziness while smoking.

These judgments are wrong. Brain damage due to temporary hypoxia caused by tobacco smoke during smoking does not disappear. Over time, brain cells begin to die, and, as in the case of stress, the regulation of the vestibular apparatus ceases to be carried out. The longer the experience of smoking, the more cells will be damaged, the more pronounced will be the manifestations of improper functioning of the balance organ.

Dizziness due to medication

Side effects of drugs often include dizziness. Sometimes this is temporary, for example, when the patient is first given a large dose of medication in order to have a satiating effect. When the desired therapeutic effect is achieved, the dose is reduced and the dizziness disappears. But it happens that such a side effect is present throughout the duration of the medication, even in the optimally selected dosage. This will already be intolerance to the drug.

There are many drugs that can cause dizziness. Usually these are medicines of the following groups:

  • vasoconstrictor;
  • nootropics;
  • antihistamines;
  • tranquilizers;
  • sedatives.

It should be noted that not all people are prone to dizziness due to taking such drugs. One patient may tolerate the drug well, while another will develop side effects from the same drug. Everything is very individual, which is why pharmaceutical companies develop new medicines so that the doctor has the opportunity to replace the life-saving drug for the patient with another drug that he will tolerate well.

Migraine as a cause of dizziness

Headaches, or, as they are called, migraines, can also be accompanied by dizziness. Most often, the cause of such conditions is a violation of the blood supply to the brain. There are many diseases that are accompanied by such disorders:

  • residual encephalopathy;
  • epilepsy;
  • vertebrobasilar artery syndrome;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

In general, the mechanism of occurrence of dizziness is the same as with stress. Poor filling of blood vessels in the brain leads to ischemia of nerve cells and, ultimately, to their death. This results in headaches and dizziness.

Infectious diseases as a cause of dizziness

Infectious agents can affect various organs and systems. The nervous system in general and the brain in particular are no exception. Meningococcus can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause a serious illness called meningitis. At its very beginning, it can be manifested by dizziness and headache.

Inflammatory lesions of the middle ear, which are also caused by bacterial agents, may also be accompanied by dizziness. The mechanism of this phenomenon in this case is indirect. As mentioned above, the vestibular apparatus is located in the cochlea.

This organ is located in close proximity to the middle ear. If the pathological process spreads and affects the cochlea, then the balance will be disturbed. This will eventually lead to dizziness.

Degenerative changes in the interarticular discs of the cervical spine can also lead to dizziness. In a patient suffering from cervical osteochondrosis, the blood flow in the vertebral arteries is disturbed.

Despite the fact that the main supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain is carried out by the carotid arteries, the vertebral arteries also play an important role. If their function is insufficient, then the work of the balance organ will also be disturbed.

Often, cervical osteochondrosis leads to infringement of the spinal nerves. This is accompanied by pain. It can also lead to dizziness. In this case, the mechanism of occurrence is reflex.

All nerve plexuses are in close interaction with each other. So the spinal nerves of the cervical region signal the movement of the head, and this is directly related to the organ of balance. Pathological pain impulses can cause disturbances in it.

What to do if you often feel dizzy?

The appearance of any symptom in oneself, against the background of complete well-being, cannot be ignored. And if the head is spinning, then even more so. In addition to the causes of dizziness listed above, there are more formidable conditions that can cause such a clinical picture. These include:

  • ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke;
  • a brain tumor;
  • various types of shock;
  • respiratory failure;
  • heart failure.

If you start to feel dizzy, and besides, for no reason, then you must definitely consult a doctor. In general, a neurologist deals with such problems, but for a start, you can simply turn to a therapist. He will assess how likely these or other causes of dizziness are, and will draw up an examination plan.

Pregnancy and dizziness

Such a special condition of women as pregnancy is also often accompanied by dizziness. This is due to the restructuring of the body, aimed at the need to supply nutrients to the fetus. If this restructuring takes place quickly and intensively or somehow incorrectly, then the body of the expectant mother as a whole, and the brain as well, will experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

This will eventually lead to the fact that a woman in a position will feel dizzy. However, most often these phenomena are only temporary and pass quickly.

Traditional medicine recipes for dizziness

If you feel dizzy not from serious organic lesions of the brain or from damage to the organ of balance, then you can resort to non-traditional methods of treatment. Dizziness with folk remedies is best treated only after prior consultation with your doctor.

Otherwise, you can harm, not alleviate the condition. Most often, herbal preparations are used, but along with medications. This is how the best therapeutic effect is achieved.

Herbal remedies act gently, so they are always taken for a long time. The following herbal preparations can help get rid of dizziness:

  • Eleutherococcus;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Dandelion;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • yarrow;
  • Baikal skullcap;
  • basil;
  • Black cohosh Dahurian.

Usually these funds are used in the form of decoctions and tinctures. The minimum course of treatment is thirty days. Then a break is made for the same period, and the drug is changed. These herbs balance blood pressure, improve metabolism in nerve cells and increase overall tone. All this has a positive effect on the work of the organ of balance.

Some berries have the same effect. They are used both natural and in the form of fruit drinks and juices. These include:

  • Rowan chokeberry;
  • Cranberry;
  • Black currant;
  • Watermelon;
  • Plum;
  • Blackberry;
  • Strawberry;
  • Rose hip.

Folk remedies for dizziness

Treatment of dizziness with folk methods at home is quite accessible to every person who has encountered this problem and does not require complex actions. Let's take a closer look at what exactly can help restore good health.

Therapeutic exercise and hydrotherapy

If you have dizziness of neurotic origin, which is caused by long-acting stress, then in this case, physiotherapy exercises without heavy loads and hydrotherapy are recommended: take a contrast shower or not hot baths.

Massage for dizziness

Onions for dizziness

An ordinary onion can help in this unpleasant situation: you need to cut the onion into two halves and rub the whiskey with a cut.

With frequent dizziness of unknown origin, you should eat a teaspoon of dried seaweed before meals. And without wasting time, he will turn to doctors to establish the cause of the ailment.

Anise drops with chocolate

If you feel dizzy, then take a piece of chocolate or sugar, drop two drops of anise oil (for oral use) on it and eat.

Mustard plasters for dizziness

When you feel dizzy, you just need to take a small piece of mustard plaster and put it on the bridge of your nose, or you can put mustard plasters on the calves of your legs. After that, you need to lie down, relax in silence, close your eyes and completely relax.

Another simple and safe folk method for treating dizziness is with psyllium.


  1. Grind plantain leaves fresh or you can take dry ones. We need to take - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the leaf, crushing it.
  2. Pour the plantain with boiling water - 1 cup.
  3. We insist under the lid for one hour.
  4. Then we filter, add honey to the infusion - 1 teaspoon.

How to apply:

We drink the resulting medicinal infusion at one time at night. The course of treatment is 10 days.

This is a simple folk remedy for dizziness: pour two tablespoons of plantain - its fruits, boiling water - 2 cups and insist for an hour under the lid. Then we filter and drink the resulting infusion during the day, 30 minutes before meals.

herbal treatment for dizziness

In case of weakness and when the head is often dizzy, herbal treatment is recommended.

Herbal remedy for dizziness


  • Motherwort grass - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • rose hips - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • meadowsweet flowers - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • hawthorn flowers - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  1. Grind vegetable raw materials, mix and pour one liter of boiling water.
  2. Let the broth brew for one day, preferably in a thermos.
  3. After that, we filter the medicine and take it.

How to use:

Medicinal infusion drink one glass, three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Please note that meadowsweet flowers significantly improve the blood circulation of the brain and have a positive effect on its work.

Herbal remedy for severe dizziness


  • Linden blossom - 75 grams;
  • mint - 100 grams;
  • white peony root - 50 grams.


  1. Raw materials are crushed and mixed.
  2. We take two tablespoons of vegetable collection and pour two glasses of boiling water in a thermos.
  3. We insist the composition for 12 hours.

How to use:

It is necessary to drink the infusion, after straining, 100 milliliters in four divided doses, half an hour before meals.

You can also drink an infusion of hawthorn flowers and fruits, brewing it like regular tea.

Treatment of dizziness with nettle


  • Dry nettle grass - one tablespoon;
  • apple juice - 150 milliliters;
  • water - 150 milliliters.


To prepare the medicine, you need to take only fresh apple juice, since the juice from the packages is completely unsuitable for this purpose.


  1. Pour boiling water over nettles and set to infuse for four hours under a lid or in a thermos. If you don’t have a thermos, then you can wrap the dishes with infusion with a warm blanket.
  2. After the infusion is ready, we will strain it and add apple juice to it.

How to use:

Drink nettle - apple mixture should be three times a day, 100 milliliters, 30 minutes before meals.

We store the infusion in the refrigerator, and every day we prepare a fresh portion.

The course of treatment is two weeks. This course can be carried out several times a year, for the treatment and prevention of dizziness.

Folk remedies for dizziness help in almost all mild cases. Sometimes they are even used as monotherapy. This is good for those who prefer to use only natural remedies for treatment. But we must not forget that if the cause is serious, then in this case, medicines cannot be dispensed with.


Standing firmly on your feet is important not only in social terms, but above all in terms of health. To do this, nature endowed man with an organ of balance. Many factors can disrupt its operation. They can act both directly and indirectly. The result is dizziness. If such a symptom appears, then you need to see a doctor.

After finding out the cause, it will be possible in mild cases to use the treatment of dizziness with folk methods. They can be used both separately and as part of complex therapy. With proper observance of all recommendations, you can completely get rid of dizziness.

Education: Donetsk National University, Faculty of Biology, Biophysics.

Petrozavodsk State University Faculty of Medicine

Specialty: general practitioner

Recently, doctors note that the number of patients with complaints of dizziness has clearly increased. Moreover, if in the practice of therapists there are from 5 to 10 percent of such patients, then at the appointment with neurologists and otolaryngologists up to 40 percent. Most often, women and the elderly suffer from this misfortune.

For the first time, such a symptom as dizziness was described in 1799 by the Italian physician Giovanni Morgagni. And the experimental study of this state began in 1820 by the Czech physiologist and psychologist Jan Purkinje. His work acquired special significance half a century later, when scientists became interested in human vestibular apparatus.

In particular, the Austrian scientist Ernest Mach was riding a train and suddenly noticed that even with his eyes closed he felt its turns. Then the scientist suggested that in the human body there should be a special sensor that informs the brain about the position of the body in space.

And for almost two centuries, researchers around the world continue to study the possibilities and shortcomings of the human vestibular apparatus. And at the same time they are trying to fight dizziness, which can not only poison a person's life, but also become an obstacle in choosing some professions.

Feeling dizzy

In 1958, Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo was released in theaters. He immediately gained popularity among the audience, but imposed on them a false idea about the nature of dizziness. In fact, the hero of the film does not suffer from him, but acrophobia. That is, the fear of heights, which is a psychological reaction of the body to certain factors. At the same time, dizziness is just one of the symptoms of acrophobia.

Doctors define dizziness as a condition in which a person has the illusion of rotation of the surrounding world. At the same time, he feels that the world around him is “floating”. Of course, in such a state it is difficult to do ordinary things. And even more so to drive a car or operate mechanisms.

What can the doctor say

In order to determine the cause of dizziness, you need to visit a specialist - therapist or neurologist. They will examine the patient, prescribe additional studies or send him for a consultation to another doctor. You will also need to do an electrocardiogram and take a blood test.

It happens that doctors do not find any diseases in a person suffering from dizziness. But this does not mean that you went to the doctors in vain. After all, they ruled out the development of dangerous ailments in you, such as heart disease or cancer. Therefore, with a light heart, you can engage in the prevention of diseases.

Symptoms and types of dizziness

If you get dizzy only occasionally, then you should not worry about this. Another thing is when the attacks are repeated constantly. This not only seriously complicates life, but also indicates some kind of disturbance in the body. And on your own, you are unlikely to be able to figure out what exactly is wrong with your health. Because dizziness can be a symptom of hundreds of diseases.

  1. These are ailments that are accompanied by imbalance. These include endocrine diseases, head and neck injuries, diseases of the peripheral and central nervous systems, diseases of the eyes and inner ear, mental disorders.
  2. Dizziness can cause infectious diseases. Most often, this condition is a consequence of intoxication of the body. In addition, a virus or bacterium can infect part of the vestibular system, as well as peripheral or central nerves.
  3. The head is quite often spinning with violations of cardio-vascular system. Since the brain in such cases is poorly supplied with blood, which means it is deficient in nutrients and oxygen.

But whatever the cause of dizziness, it always appears due to a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses from the center of balance in the brain.

Doctors distinguish several types of dizziness. If it occurs due to damage to the inner ear or vestibular nerve, then it is called peripheral. Central dizziness comes from diseases of the brain.

Systemic- occurs due to a malfunction in the operation of those systems that are responsible for orientation in space. These include visual, vestibular or muscular. And physiological dizziness can be caused by neurogenic causes. That is, stress, depression, overwork, lack of glucose in low-carbohydrate diets or starvation.

Causes of dizziness

» Most often, the cause of dizziness is much simpler than it seems. For example, often the head is spinning with a sharp change in posture while riding a boat or an attraction, in case of a mismatch between visual images and physical sensations. Such attacks of dizziness pass quickly and without any special means.

» Headache can be caused by alcohol, tobacco, drugs, severe food poisoning, or certain medications, especially antibiotics or those that lower blood pressure. In women, dizziness can be caused by menstruation, menopause, or pregnancy.

» You are also likely to experience a sense of unsteadiness in the world around you with head or spinal injuries, viral infections, migraine attacks or epilepsy. Another head is caused by brain tumors, vegetovascular or neurocirculatory dystonia.

» When the body is exposed to adverse environmental factors, the head can also go round. That is, at elevated or low temperatures, high humidity, solar or thermal shock, hypothermia, and so on.

» Do you have a sedentary job? In this case, the cervical spine of your spine is under serious stress. Because of this, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted and when you get up, you will most likely experience a slight dizziness.

» With a stroke, dizziness is accompanied by impaired speech and coordination. And also - nausea, vomiting, weakness in the arms and legs, loss of consciousness.

» If your head starts spinning more when you stand up and turn your neck, then you may be suffering from vestibular neuritis. Especially if the state of health worsens sharply, and after 2-3 days everything goes away by itself.

» Often, cervical osteochondrosis causes dizziness. Moreover, the patient's condition worsens with sharp turns and head lifts. Accompanying symptoms in such cases may be unsteady gait and disorientation in space, pain and limited movement in the neck.

» Another disease in which dizziness quite often begins is perilymphatic fistula. It is accompanied by tinnitus and sudden one-sided deafness. Patients with this disease also suffer from nausea and vomiting.

» And finally, various phobias cause dizziness. For example, agoraphobia. That is the fear of open spaces. A person can feel dizzy just from the thought of leaving the house.

Exercises for dizziness

You can alleviate the condition with frequent dizziness with the help of vestibular gymnastics.

  • Sit on a chair several times and get up from it. In this case, perform the exercise once, looking straight ahead, the second - tightly closing your eyes.
  • Sit down and take a piece of paper with a picture in your hands. Stretch your arms forward. Focus on the picture. Turn your head to the left, then to the right. At the same time, do not move the sheet of paper and do not take your eyes off the drawing.
  • Stand on a soft carpet, lift one leg and try to keep your balance. Do not close your eyes while doing this. Then lower your leg, raise it again and, keeping the balance of the body, close your eyes tightly.
  • Take a step forward while turning your head to the right. Then the same thing, but the head should already turn to the left.

What to do

Doctors have not yet come up with pills for dizziness. But they know how to treat diseases that are accompanied by this symptom. Therefore, you have no choice but to undergo examinations and follow the doctor's prescriptions.

If the doctors have not found serious diseases in you, then you can take some measures on your own in order to get rid of dizziness. Drink plenty of fluids, eat regularly and get enough rest. Also, try to get enough sleep. At the same time, getting up from a bed or chair, do not make sudden movements. The position of the body must be changed smoothly.

Be sure to quit smoking and avoid alcohol . Massage of the collar zone, reflexology and spa treatment are very useful for dizziness.

Do you suddenly feel very dizzy? Do not panic. Sit down and focus your eyes on an object. Just don't close your eyes. Are you constantly dizzy and have numbness in your arms or legs, speech impediment, severe stomach pain, or chest pain? Urgently call the doctor, and lie down before his arrival. At the same time, try not to move or turn your head.

Folk remedies for the head

In folk medicine, there are many remedies for the treatment of dizziness. But before using them, a doctor's consultation is required.

Helps to bring the head back to normal collection of inflorescences of linden, mint and lemon balm. Pour one tablespoon of vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water, and then drink the resulting tea after lunch and dinner.

Pomegranate perfectly raises the level of hemoglobin. So, it improves blood circulation and thus minimizes the manifestations of dizziness. Therefore, use as many pomegranates as possible in any form.

Seaweed saturates the body with microelements that are responsible for the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus: iodine, phosphorus and others. You can use it as a salad or in the form of a powder, which is sold in pharmacies.

Sage tea will help improve the condition. Pour half a liter of boiling water over four tablespoons of the inflorescences of this plant and leave to infuse for half an hour. Drink infusion with honey before meals.

From love or from happiness, it is very good. However, there are situations when dizziness appears as a result of a malfunction of one or another organ in our body. Such a phenomenon may even be a symptom of a certain ailment, which is not so easy to identify. Among them may be diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems of a psychological nature, malfunctions of the vestibular apparatus. Of course, the reason for this phenomenon may not be so terrible. However, in any case, you will be interested in the question: "How to get rid of dizziness?"

What is true dizziness?

True vertigo is a condition when the patient feels the whole world or surrounding objects around him or her, or a false sense of his own movement or circling.

Only those feelings that a person experiences after riding a carousel can be compared with a similar phenomenon. Indeed, after the swing stops, objects surrounding a person continue to rotate.

A true feeling of vertigo is usually a symptom of a disease of the system for controlling the position in space of the human body and balance, which includes joints, bones, sensitive receptors of all muscles, eyes, while dizziness may be accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

Drugs against true vertigo and for the normalization of the vestibular apparatus

So how do you get rid of dizziness? Most often, patients are asked to prescribe them such drugs that would quickly get rid of an unpleasant condition. However, any remedy for dizziness can only be prescribed after a complete examination. If the patient develops true vertigo, then the specialist may prescribe the drug "Betaserk" or "Cavinton", made on the basis of vinpocetine. Such medications not only quickly eliminate simple symptoms, but it is also worth noting that such drugs also stimulate mental processes.

Take these funds should be three times a day. In this case, the daily dosage should not be more than 10 milligrams at a time. Such drugs for dizziness should be started with the advice of specialists. In addition to these funds, the doctor may prescribe drugs that will maintain the normal functioning of the inner ear and the entire vestibular system. These medicines include:

Recipes for simple folk remedies against dizziness

This folk remedy for dizziness is prepared very quickly and consists of only one component. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of clover inflorescences and brew everything with a glass of boiling water. Put the container with the drug on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook for another 5 minutes. The finished broth should be filtered and taken in a tablespoon five times a day.

You can also prepare a preparation from parsley seeds. To do this, take a teaspoon of raw materials and grind into powder. Pour everything with a glass of boiling water and leave for 8 hours. The finished product must be divided into 4 parts and drunk per day.

Perfectly helps to cope with dizziness tea made from lemon balm. You can also use mint, twigs and sprigs to make a drink. Tea should be sweet and strong. You should drink it throughout the day.

Dizziness with osteochondrosis

With cervical osteochondrosis, such an unpleasant symptom as dizziness may occur. Most often this occurs after sleep. This is especially true for people who sleep on high pillows. In addition, sudden movements of the head, accompanied by an unpleasant crunch, can cause dizziness at any time of the day. It is worth noting that such a condition may become permanent or manifest itself after a certain period of time. In this case, the patient feels tinnitus, darkening in the eyes, and there is also a loss of orientation. How to get rid of There are many drugs and techniques that allow you to forget about this phenomenon for a long time.

Traditional Treatments

Even slight dizziness from osteochondrosis requires treatment. Basically, the treatment of this condition is aimed at:

  1. Improving the condition of the discs located between the vertebrae.
  2. Elimination of all symptoms of compression.
  3. Reducing pressure on nerves and blood vessels.
  4. Elimination of compression of the spinal canal and vertebral artery.

To relieve muscle spasm, muscle relaxants and reflexology are usually prescribed. The best remedy for dizziness in this case is Sirdalut. You can also take Baclofen and Botox injections. To reduce compression of the nerves and blood vessels, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and painkillers, for example, injections of B vitamins, drugs such as Analgin, Ibuprofen, Movalis, Voltaren.

Elimination of all degenerative changes

If it is necessary to cure dizziness from then therapy should not be limited only to the elimination of all symptoms. It is necessary to stop the processes that cause the destruction of the intervertebral discs. This stage is long and requires discipline and patience from the patient. Ordinary drugs for dizziness will not help here. The patient must follow strict rules. Disk destruction stops with the following actions:

  1. Spinal unloading.
  2. Restoration of metabolic processes in the spine.
  3. Reception of vitamin complexes.
  4. Massage.
  5. Rejection of bad habits.

Folk remedies for dizziness with osteochondrosis

This folk remedy for dizziness helps to quickly cope with these unpleasant phenomena. To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of juniper oil, 100 grams of castor oil and 30 grams of fir oil. All components should be mixed and applied with dizziness to the lymph nodes and temples. You can buy these oils at any pharmacy.

The following remedy for dizziness is used for oral administration. To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of dried leaves of plantain grass and brew with a glass of boiling water. The container with the product should be tightly closed and infused for half an hour. In the finished product, you can add 10 grams of honey. Take the drug at bedtime for 10 days.

If the patient is often worried about dizziness, then seaweed will help to cope with this unpleasant condition. Every day you need to use a teaspoon of this product. It is advisable to grind seaweed to a powder state.


If you do not know how to get rid of dizziness, then first of all visit a doctor. Only after a complete examination, specialists will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. After all, dizziness can be one of the signs of a serious illness. Also, do not self-medicate, as this can only harm and aggravate the patient's condition.

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